"I embarked in consequence, with my Major General and Adjutants, on board the Diana frigate, and ordered several frigates along the line, that they should observe the order given, and repair the damages with all haste in order to return again to action. The squadron remained the whole night on the larboard tack, with the wind at W. to W.N.W. till six o'clock A.M. of the 15th, when I formed on the other tack, close hauled to the wind.
"My next attention was to inquire by signal the situation of the ships for action,—and it proved that the Concepcion, Mexicano, and Soberano were not in a state to renew the action; and that the Regla, Oriente, San Pablo, Pelayo, and San Antonio could enter into action, without my being able to gain any information regarding the others. Nevertheless I continued my course towards the enemy, that to the number of twenty ships had been seen since eight o'clock at S.S.W. My opinion as to the state of the ships of the squadron remaining still indecisive, in the afternoon I desired to know if it was advisable to attack the enemy; the ships Concepcion, Mexicano, San Pablo, Soberano, San Domingo, San Ildefonso, Nepomuceno, Atlante, and Firmin replied in the negative; the Gloriose, Pablo, Regla, and Firmin, that it was advisable to delay the attack; and only the Principe, Conquistador, and Pelayo, positively asserted that the attach was advisable. From the diversity of opinion, and considering the reply of each commander as an indication of the true state of his respective ship, I did not think it proper to force a press of sail towards the enemy, having likewise been informed that the Mexicano, San Domingo, and Soberano were considerably damaged, and the Atlante in want of men, which was general in every ship.
"At three o'clock in the afternoon the enemy was still to the E.S.E. I directed our course S.E. and varied it at five, to S.E. 74 S. to double Cape St. Vincent; and that every exertion should be made by day and night to repair the ships that were not very considerably damaged, I ordered the line at half-past eleven to close on the starboard tack. On the 16th some of the enemy's cruisers were seen to the S.E. 74 S. which route I followed at seven o'clock in the evening, with light winds at S.W. with hopes to see them again the next day, supposing their destination for Gibraltar. But at ten o'clock in the morning the Concepcion made a signal that the enemy were at anchor on the left side of the coast, and informed me she had seen four large ships in Lagos Bay. Believing that all the enemy's squadron might be likewise there, I ordered the line to form close on the starboard tack, and then despatched the Brigida frigate to reconnoitre; she returned, acquainting me that she had counted the whole force of the enemy at anchor in the bay.
"The squadron remained, close in-shore the whole afternoon, and part of the night, when the wind changing to S.E. I left it under an easy sail.
"No regular account has been received of the killed and wounded, not having obtained the respective returns from the commanders at the time of writing: but it was known that in the Conde-de-Regla a cannon ball at the commencement of the action killed the Xefe de Esquadra, Conde d'Amblemont, and the splinters wounded the commander, Brigadier D. Geronime Bravo, and H.D. Cadlos Sellery.
Soberano Killed, Captain de Fragata D. Francisco Luis, Lieutenant Bernardino Antillon, and another officer, name unknown.
Mexicano Mortally wounded, and died on the 4th day, her Commander, Brigadier D. Fernando Herravay Crurat.
Trinidad Killed, second Lieutenant D. Herculas Guchi, and a Midshipman; wounded, Captain of Fragata, D. Franco Alvarez, two Lieutenants de Fragata, the Master, and an inferior officer."
"By advices from Brigadier D. Pebra Poneda, late Commander of the San Josef, the following account is likewise received relating to the captured ships:—
San Josef Killed, second Lieutenant D. Miguel de Doblas.—Mortally wounded, Xefe de Esquadra, D. Francisco Wenthysen, who lost both legs ten minutes after the action commenced, and died the same night; the Master D. Santiago Campomar. Slightly wounded, two second Lieutenants, and 152 seamen killed and wounded.
Salvador Killed, the Commander, Brigadier Antonio de Tepes, two Lieutenants, and two other officers. Wounded, Captain de Fragata D. Manoel Rinz, and an inferior officer; 200 seamen killed and wounded.
San Nicholas (boarded by one of the enemy's ships that engaged her.) Killed, the Commander, Brigadier D. Tomas Geraldino, two second Lieutenants, one Midshipman. Wounded, three Lieutenants of Infantry; 120 seamen killed and wounded.
San Yisidro Killed, one Lieutenant and an inferior officer. Wounded, the Commander D. Teadoro Argunato; his second, D. Telepe Tournelle, two Lieutenants, and two second Lieutenants; mortally, one first Lieutenant; 104 seamen killed and wounded.
"Vanguard, off the Mouth of the Nile, 3rd August 1798.
"Almighty God has blessed his Majesty's arms in the late battle by a great victory over the fleet of the enemy, whom I attacked at sunset on the 1st of August, off the mouth of the Nile. The enemy were moored in a strong line of battle for defending the entrance of the bay of shoals, flanked by numerous gun-boats, four frigates, and a battery of guns and mortars on an island in their van; but nothing could withstand the squadron your lordship did me the honour to place under my command. Their high state of discipline is well known to you; and with the judgment of the captains, together with their valour, and that of the officers and men of every description, it was absolutely irresistible. Could anything from my pen add to the characters of the captains, I would write it with pleasure, but that is impossible.
"I have to regret the loss of Captain Westcott of the Majestic, who was killed early in the action, but the ship continued to be so well fought by her first lieutenant, Mr. Cuthbert, that I have given him an order to command her till your Lordship's pleasure is known.
"The ships of the enemy, all but their two rear ships, are nearly dismasted, and those two, with two frigates, I am sorry to say, made their escape; nor was it, I assure you, in my power to prevent them. Captain Hood most handsomely endeavoured to do it, but I had no ship in a condition to support the Zealous, and I was obliged to call her in.
"The support and assistance I received from Captain Berry cannot be sufficiently expressed. I was wounded in the head, and obliged to be carried off deck, but the service suffered no loss by that event. Captain Berry was fully equal to the service then going on, and to him I must beg to refer you for every information relative to this victory.
"He will present you with the flag of the second in command. That of the commander-in-chief being in the L'Orient.
"Herewith I transmit you lists of the killed and wounded, and the lines of battle of ourselves and the French.
"I have the honour to be, &c. "HORATIO NELSON."
"To Admiral the Earl of St. Vincent, Commander-in-chief, &c. &c. &c. off Cadiz."
The Rear-admiral was created Baron Nelson of the Nile, and of Burnham Thorpe, in the county of Norfolk. The thanks of both Houses of Parliament were voted to him, the officers and crews, in the usual manner. Gold medals were presented to each of the Captains. A pension of 2000l. a year for life was settled on Nelson. The Irish Parliament voted him 1000l.; the East India Company 10,000l.; the city of London a sword, value two hundred guineas, and a sword to each of the Captains; that to Sir E. Berry was accompanied by the freedom of the city in a gold box. But Sir James Saumarez received no distinguished honour, as has been usual, for being second in command, although no one ever more highly deserved such a mark of approbation.
British Commanded by Sir Horatio Nelson, K.B. Rear-admiral of the Blue.
Abbrevations used in the table below: n/a = not in the action sb.sq = starboard squadron w.m.e = where most efficient. a. C. = assisting the Culloden. O = Officers S = Seamen M = Marines Tot = Total
No Ships' Captains First Remarks Guns Men Killed Wounded Tot Names Lieuts. O S M O S M 1 Culloden T. Troubridge Chas. Bullen n/a 74 584 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Theseus R.W. Miller R. Hawkins 74 584 0 5 0 1 24 5 35 3 Alexander A.J. Ball John Yule 74 584 1 13 0 5 48 5 72 4 Vanguard {R.A. Sir H.} Edw. Galwey sb.sq 74 589 3 20 7 7 60 8 105 {Nelson. } {E. Berry } 5 Minotaur Thos. Louis C.M. Schomberg 74 643 2 18 3 4 54 6 87 6 Swiftsure B. Hallowell J.L. Waters 74 584 0 7 0 1 19 2 29 7 Audacious Davidge Gould Thos. White 74 584 0 1 0 2 31 2 36 8 Leander T.B. Thompson W. Richardson w.m.e 50 338 0 0 0 0 14 0 14 9 Defence John Peyton Richard Jones 74 584 0 3 1 0 9 2 15 10 Zealous Samuel Hood W.H. Webley 74 584 0 1 0 0 7 0 8 11 Orion Sir J. Saumarez J. Barker 74 584 1 11 1 5 18 6 42 12 Goliath Thomas Foley G. Jardine 74 584 2 12 7 4 28 9 62 13 Majestic G.B. Wescott R. Cuthbert 74 584 3 38 14 3 124 16 193 14 Belle- H.D.E. Darby R. Cathcart 74 584 4 32 13 5 126 17 197 rophon Mutine T.M. Hardy a. C. 14 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 brig
Total 1066 8064 16 161 46 37 562 78 895 Emerald. T.M. Waller. } Terpsichore. W.H. Gage } not in the action. Alcmene. W. Brown }
French, commanded by Admiral Gantheaume.
Abbrevations used in the table below: A = Admiral R.A. = Rear Admiral
No. Ships' Names. Captains. Guns. Men. Remarks.
1 Le Guerrier. J.F.T. Trullet (sen.) 74 700 Taken and burnt by the British. 2 Le Conquerant. E. Dalbarde. 74 700 Taken.
3 Le Spartiate. M.J. Emerine. 74 700 Ditto.
4 L'Aquilon. H. Alex. Thevenard. 74 700 Taken and called the Aboukir; Captain killed.
5 Le Peuple P.P. Racoora. 74 700 Taken and called Souverain. Le Guerrier.
6 Le Franklin. Blanquet (R.A.). 90 800 Taken and called the Canopus.
7 {L'Orient Brueys } 120 1010 Blown up: the {(formerly) (A.) Gantheaume } Admiral and the {Le (R.A.) Casa Bianca,} whole crew, {Sans Culottes. Captain. } excepting seventy men, perished.
8 Le Tonnant. Du Petit Thouars. 80 800 Taken; her Captain killed.
9 L'Heureux. J.P. Etienne. 74 700 Taken and burnt by the British.
10 Le Timoleon. Trullet (jun.) 74 700 Driven on shore, and burnt by her own people.
11 Le Mercure. Cambon (acting). 74 700 Taken and burnt by the British.
12 Le Guillaume {Villeneuve, (R.A.) } 80 800 Escaped; taken in Tell. {Captain Sinclair. } 1800 by Foudroyant, Lion, and Penelope.
13 Genereux. Le Joille. 74 700 Escaped; taken in 1800 by the squadron under Lord Nelson, off Malta.
La Serieuse. Clavele Jean Martin. 36 250 Sunk by a broadside from the Orion; crew saved.
L'Artemise. Pierre Jean Standelet. 36 250 Struck her colours, and burnt by her crew, who escaped in their boats.
La Diane. R.A. Decres, 48 300 Escaped, but taken in Capt. Soleil 1801 off Malta.
La Justice. — Villeneuve. 44 300 Escaped, but taken in 1801 at Alexandria.
Besides bombs, brigs, gun-boats, and batteries. —— ——-
Total. { French 1200 10810 { British 1066 8064 —— ——- 134 2746
Thus it appears that the French were superior by more than a fourth to the British, and certainly still more in weight of metal; and when the size of the shot is taken comparatively into consideration, and that a French eighty is equal to a British ninety-eight, the superiority in the broadsides would be even greater.
Letter sent by Captain —— Gage.
"Orion, off Pantalaria, 27th Sept. 1798.
"Captain Gage has this instant joined and communicated to me his orders to proceed off Malta for intelligence; my letter, of yesterday's date, with which I have charged him, so fully answers the purport of his mission with respect to that island and the Colossus, with the store ships and victuallers, that I have directed him to return to join you at Naples with all possible despatch. I shall send the Minotaur and Audacious the moment we are clear of the west end of Sicily.
"The proposals to the French Garrison were first written by me, but it being thought advisable to send them in the French language, they underwent some alteration in the translation; but upon the whole, I hope they will be approved of. I laid a great stress with the Marquis, before I left him, of the practicability of the William Tell escaping, and wished much I could have left two of our ships off the island to watch her and the two frigates more closely. There exists no doubt of the Genereux being lost. I am all anxiety to hear from you to know that you approve of my different movements; at all risk, you will do me the favour to let me hear from you either at the Flat, or in England.
"To Sir Horatio Nelson, &c. Bay of Naples."
The Portuguese squadron consisted of the Principe Real, Rainha de Portugal, San Sebastian, and Alphonso Albuquerque, of 74 guns, under the Marquis of Niza, a Rear-admiral, Captain Puysigur; Captains Stone, Michell, and Campbell (English officers), commanded the other three; to which were added, the Lion, 64, Captain Manley Dixon; the Incendiary, fire-ship, George Barker (English); and the Portuguese brig Falcao, Captain Duncan. Sir James having fallen in with them off Malta, it fell calm, when a deputation from the principal inhabitants of the island waited on them to request a supply of arms and ammunition, and having informed the Commodore that the French garrison at Valetta were subjected to great distress, and that there was reason to believe that the appearance of the combined squadron would induce the French to surrender, if summoned, accordingly, on the 25th of September 1798, with the concurrence of the Marquis of Niza, a flag of truce was sent in, with the following formal summons.
"Une division de l'armee de sa Majeste Britannique dans la Mediterranee, commandee par le Contre-Amiral Sir Horatio Nelson, etant arrivee devant Malte sous les ordres de Sir James Saumarez, et reunie a l'escadre de sa Majeste Tres-fidelle, commandee par le Contre-Amiral le Marquis de Niza; dans le dessein de retablir les habitans de l'isle de Malte et dependances dans la libre jouissance de leurs isles, sommons conjointement la garnison Francoise de la ville et ports de Malte de nous remettre la ville et les ports et dependances, ainsi que les vaisseaux, fregates, et batimens de quelques especes qu'ils soyent et qui peuvent s'y trouver, a fin que les habitans de l'isle de Malte puissent se mettre en possession de leurs villes et ports, et rentrer dans leurs droits de proprietes. En consequence, le Contre-Amiral Marquis de Niza, au nom de sa Majeste Tres-fidelle la Reine de Portugal, et Sir James Saumarez, au nom de sa Majeste Brittanique le Roy d'Angleterre, s'engagent et promettent de laisser a la garnison Francoise la liberte de retourner en France sur les batimens qui leur seront procures a cet effet, de les convoyer et escorter; sous la condition que cette meme garnison ne servira pas dans cette guerre contre les deux puissances denommees et leurs allies, jusqu'au moment ou elle seroit regulierement changee contre les sujets des deux puissances denommees ou de leurs allies. La garnison Francoise maintenant enfermee dans les murs de la ville de la Cite Valete doit murement reflechir aux consequences funestes qu'entraineroit pour elle un refus a cette sommation, puisqu'il la laisseroit a la merci des traitemens que peut inspirer au peuple de l'isle de Malte la haine et l'animosite que leur a fait naitre les mauvais traitemens qu'ils ont eprouves des Francois; et la garnison, apres avoir eprouvee les horreurs de la famine, seroit forcee de s'en remettre a la discretion d'un peuple qui ne montrera que les sentimens de sa vengeance. La garnison Francoise doit savoir que les escadres ne cesseront de bloquer l'isle de Malte; qu'une autre est devant Alexandrie, employee a aider les forces navales et de terre du Grand Seigneur a reduire les troupes Francoises que la disette et les maladies ont pu epargner en Egypte; et qu'enfin une autre escadre est devant Toulon, dont il ne peut venir aucun secours.
"A bord du vaisseau le Prince Royal, le 25 de Septembre 1798.
"Signe, Le Chef de Division, SIR JAMES SAUMAREZ." "Le Contre-Amiral, M. DE NIZA."
"Copie de la Reponse a la Sommation du 25 Septembre.
"Vous avez oublie sans doute que ce sont des Francois qui sont dans Malte; le sort de ses habitans ne doit pas vous regarder. Quant a votre sommation, les Francois n'entendent pas ce style.
"Le General Commandant en chef des Iles de Malte and de Goza, le 4 Vendemiaire, An 7 de la Republique une et indivisible."
Sir James having the prizes under his protection, with orders to convey them to Gibraltar, had no alternative but to proceed, leaving the Marquis de Niza and his squadron to blockade the port; but before leaving he supplied the inhabitants with 1500 muskets and a suitable quantity of ammunition, to which seasonable supply the success which attended the Maltese in their subsequent efforts to recover their liberty was mainly attributable.
"In your letter of yesterday, you were pleased to inform me of the orders which you have received from his Excellency Sir John Jervis, to deliver the officers and prisoners who came from the frigates Ninfa and Helena to the person appointed by me. I name for this purpose Don Juan Deslobbes, lieutenant in the Royal Navy, who will appear before you, sir, with this credential, in order to treat and settle respecting the disembarkation of the said prisoners: he will make the proper report and give a receipt for them on board. I assure you, sir, that the said officers, or men, shall not serve in war until they shall be legally allowed. Of this, the officers may pledge their word of honour on board, or I will receive it when they appear before me.
"You will imagine, sir, much better than I can express, the sense of gratitude which I feel in hearing of the kind assistance and attention which you show to the brave men who were wounded, and of the good accommodation which the officers and men in general have met with. Together with my gratitude on this account, do me the honour, sir, to receive the real estimation and respect with which I offer myself to your services. God guard you, sir, many years!
"Your respectful obedient servant, "JOS. DE MAZARREDO. "Ship Concepcion, at Cadiz, "29th April 1797."
James, (now the Right Honourable and Reverend Baron de Saumarez,) eldest son of Lord de Saumarez, was born at Guernsey on the 9th October 1789. Being brought up, almost from infancy, under the impression that he was intended for the church, and being naturally of a mild disposition, no idea of any other profession ever entered his mind—a circumstance which has excited general regret and considerable surprise in the naval service; as there can be no doubt that, instead of being at this day rector of a small living, he would have been at the very top of the profession of which his heroic father had been so bright an ornament. Although of the profession which was chosen for him, and in which his family had little interest, he has proved himself an excellent and useful member; still it must be confessed that there is a general feeling of disappointment among the officers of the navy, that the eldest son of their "acknowledged chief" had not embraced that honourable service.
In consequence of his father's frequent absence, and change of station with his ship, it became necessary to send him to a place of instruction at an earlier age than usual, to avoid the danger of his being carried about from port to port,—a circumstance which could not but be felt severely by his mother. He was accordingly placed at Newport, in the Isle of Wight, with the Rev. George Richards, where he remained till the commencement of 1799. It was, however, before he was sent to school, in the year 1793, that the following occurrence took place, which will give the reader some idea of the feelings of such a family, under such circumstances, in time of war. The happiness that the gallant captain felt in visiting his family when obliged to put into port, can only be justly appreciated by the affectionate husband and father who knows the value of such happy moments, snatched as it were from the fatigue of service, and how great and substantial is the relief they afford to the anxiety of a naval life! Lady Saumarez was at this time living at Stonehouse, that she might be at hand to receive her husband when he put into Plymouth; their eldest son was his mother's companion. One evening, tidings were brought to her that the Crescent had arrived and anchored in Cawsand Bay; the boy was playing in the passage with his nurse, awaiting the appearance of his father, when at length the short hasty rap was heard! All ran to the door, and in the hurry of opening it the light was extinguished, and total darkness obscured the objects of his affection; but the eager, parental tone with which the words "Where art thou, my darling boy?" were uttered, left such an impression on the mind and feelings of the son as never to have been forgotten.
Early in 1799, young Saumarez was removed to the Rev. Mr. Morgan's grammar school at Bath. Mr. Morgan had the reputation of being an excellent master to boys of any promise; it may be inferred that he was of this denomination, as his pupil not only left the school with an excellent character, but on his going to Harrow, in the autumn of 1801, he was immediately placed on the fourth form, which had the privilege of being exempt from fagging. We have heard him express the highest gratification at having been there with Lord Byron and Sir Robert Peel, who were in the form above him.
At Harrow he employed his time so well, that he reached the head of the school; having throughout conducted himself to the satisfaction of Dr. Drury, and afterwards of Dr. Butler, who succeeded as head-master, for both of whom he entertained a sincere regard.
In the year 1807 he went to Christ Church, Oxford, where, after three years, he passed his examination for academical honours in a manner which not only gained him great credit, but, we were told, would have ensured him the honours of the first class if he had aimed at obtaining them. In December 1812 he was admitted into deacon's orders by Dr. Bathurst, bishop of Norwich; and in the year following the Bishop of Oxford ordained him priest.
In the interval he did duty as curate of Bicester, and afterwards in the same capacity at Benson; at both which places he so endeared himself to the parishioners, that the late Dr. Barrington, the revered and excellent bishop of Durham, told his father that "he had not left a dry eye in the place." Nor was he less respected and beloved at Ewelme, where he lived after his marriage, than he was at Staverton, in Northamptonshire, to which place he removed, and where he resided several years surrounded by a flock for whom he had the sincerest regard, preferring to labour in his sacred profession as a curate than to remain an idle servant in his Master's vineyard. His health becoming impaired, he was on the point of quitting Staverton, when he was appointed by Lord Eldon to the living of Huggate in Yorkshire.
His gallant father once paid him a visit at Oxford, when he was an under-graduate of Christ Church, on which occasion he called on the celebrated Doctor Jackson, then dean, who manifested great pleasure at seeing Sir James; and on parting, took him by the hand, and, shaking his full-bottomed wig, said, "Mind, Sir James, that you act up to your instructions, and burn, sink, and destroy every Frenchman you meet with."
On the 5th October 1814, the present Lord de Saumarez married Mary, the amiable daughter of the late Vice-admiral Lechmere.
Thomas Le Marchant Saumarez, the second son, was born at Teignmouth, on the 2nd September 1799, and died 2nd November following.
The Honourable Thomas Le Marchant Saumarez, third son, was born at Guernsey, 30th October 1803; he was educated for the army, and was a lieutenant in the seventy-first regiment. He was married, on the 1st October 1829, to Catherine Spencer Beresford, youngest daughter of Colonel Spencer Thomas Vassall, and died 4th July 1834, without issue.
The Honourable John St. Vincent Saumarez, the fourth son, was born at Guernsey on the 30th May 1806; he was named after the illustrious and distinguished Admiral Earl St. Vincent, at a time when his lordship's friend, the heroic father, was named to command the Channel fleet.
He chose the army for his profession, in which he has served in America, and other places, and is now a Captain in the Rifle Brigade. Married on the 2nd July 1838, to Caroline, eldest daughter of William Rhodes, Esq. of Bromhope Hall, and Kirskill in the county of York.
Mary Dobree Saumarez, the eldest daughter, was born at Bath on the 7th December 1792. This beautiful and accomplished young lady was cut off in the twentieth year of her age, in September 1812, to the inexpressible grief not only of her affectionate and disconsolate parents, but of all who had the happiness to be acquainted with her amiable and excellent qualities.
The Honourable Martha Harriett, second daughter, was born at Bath, and is residing with her now only parent.
Carteret, the third daughter, was born at Bath the 26th November 1796, and died young.
The Honourable Amelia, the fourth daughter, was born at Dartmouth, and was married on the 3rd September 1822, to William Young Herries, Esq. of Spotts, in Kirkcudbrightshire; they have one son (Alexander), who is now ten years of age, and is the only grandchild of the illustrious lord.
Abercrombie, Sir Ralph, notice of his death, ii. 35.
Aboukir Bay, French fleet discovered in, i. 215.
Addenda, ii. 332.
Admiralty, communications of the Lords of, to Sir J. Saumarez respecting the destruction of the French squadron, i. 327; determination of, respecting the command of Cadiz and the Mediterranean, ii. 24; opinion of, respecting the address of Sir J. Saumarez to the Emperor of Russia, 128.
AEtna, Mount, description of, i. 205.
Alexander, Emperor of Russia, letter of Sir J. Saumarez to, ii. 118; sends the Russian fleet to England, 287.
Alexandria, remarks on the surrender of, ii. 36.
Algeziras, description of the town of, i. 340; battle of, 342, 348; controversy between different authors respecting, 353, 368; Spanish official account of, 375; French account of, 379; sufferings of the unfortunate men wounded in the battle off, 386; list of the squadrons which sailed from, on the 12th July, 1801, 419.
Allen, Captain William, his instructions to Captain Saumarez, i. 53.
American colonies, breaking out of the war with the, i. 24.
—— Congress, order of, respecting the Captains taken prisoners with the army under Earl Cornwallis, ii. 341.
Amherst, Lord, congratulates Capt. Saumarez, upon his success in capturing the French frigate La Reunion, i. 114.
Anholt, capture of the island of, ii. 146; remarks of Sir J. Saumarez concerning, ib.; attack on, 223; gallant defence of the garrison of, ib.; letters concerning, 225; threatened attack of, by the Danes, prevented, 273.
Anson, Com. proceeds on his intended voyage round the world, ii. 351; remarks respecting, ib.; notice of his voyage, 356, 357; arrives at Macoa, 360; return of his squadron to England, 361.
Appendix, ii. 369.
Asgill, Capt. Sir C. account of, ii. 342.
Atkins, Captain, his death, ii. 263; remarks concerning, 264.
Audacious, copy of the journal of the, i. 370; observations upon, 373.
Augusta, description of the town of, i. 261.
Baird, Mr. death of, i. 221.
Ball, Captain Sir Alexander, directs the negotiation for landing prisoners on parole, i. 225; his conversation with Sir J. Saumarez, respecting the battle of the Nile, 228 n.; his letter to him, 275; account of his flattering reception at Naples, 276; his letter to Sir J. Saumarez, 294.
Baltic fleet, under Sir J. Saumarez, arrives at Gothenburg, ii. 101.
—— Port, see Port Baltic.
Bathurst, Capt. report of, relative to the position of the Russian fleet, ii. 122; account of his extreme sufferings, 130.
Bayne, Captain, death of, i. 69.
Bedford, Captain, anecdote of his men, ii. 93.
Bernadotte, General, Prince of Ponte Corvo, elected Crown Prince of Sweden, ii. 208; remarks of Admiral Krusenstjerna respecting, 213; his arrival in Sweden, 217; his implicit confidence in Sir J. Saumarez, 249.
Bertie, Rear-admiral A., commands under Sir J. Saumarez in the Baltic fleet, ii. 99.
Berry, Captain, sails for England, with Admiral Nelson's despatches, i. 234.
Black rocks, command off the, assumed by Sir J. Saumarez, i. 300; description of, ib. 302.
Blanquet, Admiral, notice of his account of the battle of the Nile, i. 275.
Brenton, Admiral, father of Sir Jahleel Brenton, notice of his death, ii. 60.
—— Capt. afterwards Sir Jahleel, appointed to the Caesar, i. 321; remarks of Sir J. Saumarez respecting, 325; his account of the battle of Algeziras, 341; extract from his Naval History, 382 n.; orders of Sir J. Saumarez to, 383; professional abilities of, 395; his description of the flag of Sir J. Saumarez being rehoisted in the Caesar, 403; his account of the battle of the 12th July 1801, ib.; notice of his account of the wrecks of the St. George and Defence, ii. 266; his sketch of the professional character of Lord de Saumarez, 326.
Brest fleet, escape of, i. 290; proceeds to the Mediterranean, 291; observations respecting, 304.
Bridport, Lord, account of his action, i. 151; his opinion of the British squadron, 152; of Capt. Domett, ib.; joins the Channel fleet, 289; takes command of the fleet, 296; list of the fleet under his command, June 23rd, 1795, ii. 398.
Brimstone Hill, surrender of, i. 65.
Brisbane, Capt. John, orders issued by, to the squadron at Rhode Island, i. 38; division of sailors under, 41; returns to England in the Leviathan, 42; narrowly escapes shipwreck, ib.
British heroism, anecdote of, i. 382.
—— fleet, perilous situation of the, i. 65; loss of men in, 81; loss sustained by, in the battle of Algeziras, 363; list of the, under Sir John Jervis, 166; account of the battle with the Spanish Fleet, off Cape St. Vincent, 168; ii. 402; mutiny in, i. 182; proceedings of the, ii. 128, 184; rejoicings in Sweden, upon their triumph over the Russian flotilla, 162; disposition of the, 244; list of the, commanded by Admiral Sir George Rodney, in the actions of the 9th and 12th April 1782, 386; officers killed and wounded in, 389; list of the, under Admiral Nelson, at the battle of the Nile, 411.
British seamen, perseverance of, i. 367.
—— squadron commanded by Sir J. Saumarez, victory of the, over the French and Spanish squadrons, on the 12th July 1801, i. 419.
Buonaparte, Napoleon, remarks upon his career, i. 277; his extraordinary exertions to invade England, ii. 84; observations of Lord Nelson respecting, 87; remarks on his success in Austria and Prussia, 98; notice of his marriage with the Arch-duchess Maria Louisa, 188; his designs upon Holland, ib.; orders of, respecting the Swedish commerce, 190; declaration of, relating to the navy of England, 223; his position at the commencement of 1812, 272; retreat from Russia, 292.
—— Joseph, declared King of Spain, ii. 188.
Brueys, Vice-admiral de, gallant conduct and death of, i. 225.
Brunswick, William Duke of, his letter to Sir J. Saumarez, ii. 227; Sir James's letter in answer, ib.
Brydone, Mr. notice of his travels through Sicily and Malta, i. 205.
Burrows, Captain, death of, ii. 89.
Byron, Captain, communicates with Admiral Rodney, respecting the enemy's approach, i. 67.
Cadiz, squadron off, i. 178; bombardment of the city of, 189; armament preparing for sea in, 331, 333; squadron off, reinforced, ii. 14; blockade of, resumed by Sir J. Saumarez, 20.
Caesar, log of, respecting the battle of Algeziras, extract from, i. 360.
Cairo, General O'Hara's notice of the capitulation of, ii. 35.
Canning, Mr. remarks relating to, ii. 117 n.
Carl August, Crown Prince of Sweden, ii. 188; lamentable event at Stockholm in consequence of his death, 189. Carlscrona, arrival of Sir J. Saumarez at, ii. 107, 125; mortality among the seamen at, 129; orders respecting the fleet of line-of-battle ships fitting out there, 273.
Carlsham, orders of Admiral Puke respecting the defence of, ii. 229.
Casa-Bianca, Commodore, death of, i. 225.
Catania, remarks upon, i. 261.
Cathcart, Earl, nominated Ambassador to the Court of St. Petersburg, ii. 282; sails from England, ib.; letter from Sir J. Saumarez to, 289; his despatches to Sir James, 289.
Caulfield, Captain Thomas Gordon, anecdote of, ii. 73,
Charles XIII. Duke of Sudermania, succeeds Gustavus Adolphus as King of Sweden, ii. 132; elected King by the States, 157; confers on Sir J. Saumarez the grand cross of the order of the sword, 162, 286; his message to the Diet, upon the death of the Crown Prince, 207; his letter to Sir James, 286; presents him with a portrait of himself, 318; description of, 319.
Charlestown, notice of its surrender in 1780, ii. 334.
Chatham, Lord, his letter of congratulation to Captain Saumarez, i. 113.
Cherbourg, port of, object of the French government respecting, i. 85.
Clarence, Duke of, visits Guernsey, i. 86; dines with Sir J. Saumarez, 87; his eulogiums on the conduct of Sir James in his actions with the united fleets of France and Spain, ii. 46; ascends the throne of England, 310; raises Sir J. Saumarez to the Peerage, ib.
Clephane, Major-General William Douglas Maclean, his communication with Sir J. Saumarez, on the subject of the evacuation of Minorca, ii. 64; takes his passage to England, on board the Pomone, 67.
Clinton, Lieut.-Gen. sails for South Carolina, to besiege the city of Charlestown, ii. 334.
Cockburn, Capt. chased by two Spanish line-of-battle ships, i. 167.
Collins, Michael, bravery of, i. 382 n.
Connolly, Colonel, statements of, respecting the loss of the Hannibal, at Algeziras, i. 356.
Continental Sovereigns, notice of their visit to London, ii. 304.
Corbett, Thomas, his letter to Capt. P. Saumarez, ii. 362.
Cordova, Don Josef de, commands the Spanish fleet, in the battle off Cape St. Vincent, i. 167; list of his fleet, ib.; his account of the battle, ii. 402.
Cornwallis, Earl, order of the American Congress relative to the Captains taken prisoners with his army, ii. 341.
Crescent, action between the, and La Reunion, i. 101; force of the two frigates, 110.
Croker, J.W. Secretary to the Admiralty, letters of Sir J. Saumarez to, ii. 233, 278, 288, 295; his letter to Sir James, 294.
Crown, Adm. list of his fleet, ii. 290.
Curtis, Sir R. his arrival off Cadiz, i. 199.
Dalrymple, Capt. narrow escape of, from shipwreck in the Leviathan, i. 42.
Danes, audacity of the, ii. 245.
Danish frigate, account of the capture of the, ii. 275.
—— troops, number of, in the Island of Zealand, ii. 103; account of their attack on Anholt, 223.
Dantzig Bay, diversion made by Adm. Martin in, ii. 283.
Darley, Mr. killed at the attack upon Fort Sullivan, i. 28.
Dashwood, Capt. protects the island of Anholt from the Danes, ii. 273.
Defence (Capt. Atkins), wreck of the, ii. 263.
Dixon, Rear-admiral M. placed under the command of Sir J. Saumarez, in the Baltic fleet, ii. 99.
Dobree, Lieutenant (nephew of Sir J. Saumarez), despatched to England with news of peace with Russia, ii. 282; promoted to the rank of commander, ib.
Dogger Bank, battle off, i. 47; Dutch account of, ii. 374.
Domett, Capt. Lord Bridport's approbation of his conduct, i. 152.
Douglas, Sir Charles, his calculations respecting the French and British fleets, i. 81.
Douvarnenez Bay, description of, i. 305, 307.
Drake, Rear-admiral, commences the engagement of the 12th of April, 1792, i. 71.
Duckworth, Sir John, account of the expedition under, i. 278; application of Lord Gardner respecting, ii. 98.
Dumaresq, Mr. Philip, remarks of Sir J. Saumarez concerning, i. 350; despatched to England with accounts of the victory of the 12th July 1801, 414; his reception at the Admiralty by Earl St. Vincent, ii. 2; promoted to the rank of commander, ib.
Dundas, Hon. Geo. H.L. appointed captain of the St. Antoine, ii. 9.
Du Petit Thouars, Capt. dying commands of, i. 226.
Durham, Capt., his remarks respecting the French fleet, i. 291.
Dutch, declare war against England, i. 46; account of their squadron, 47; commencement of the action, 49; account of 50.
—— fleet, list of the, under Admiral Zoutman in the battle off Dogger Bank, ii. 373.
East Indies, command in the, offered to Sir J. Saumarez, ii. 96.
Eamer, Sir John, his letter to Sir J. Saumarez, ii. 50.
Engerstrom, Baron, remarks respecting, ii. 174, 178.
England, enthusiasm in, upon receiving news of the splendid victory of the 12th July 1801, ii. 1.
English fleet, list of the, under Admiral Sir Hyde Parker, in the battle off Dogger Bank, ii. 372; under Admiral Lord Bridport, 23rd June 1795, 398; number of killed and wounded in, ib.
—— squadron, commanded by Sir J. Saumarez off Port Baltic, ii. 396.
Essen, Baron, his interview with Sir J. Saumarez, ii. 293.
Europa, British squadron assembled off, i. 405.
Europe, state of, in 1812, ii. 271.
Exmouth, Lord, see Pellew.
Ferris, Capt. remarks of Sir J. Saumarez upon the bravery of, i. 351; his letter to Sir James, 352; narrative of, at his court-martial, 354; returns to England in the Plymouth lugger, 387.
Fersen, Count, assassination of, at Stockholm, ii. 189.
Finland, exertions of the Swedish army in, ii. 123.
Fleets, junction of the, i. 66.
Foote, Capt. E. perseverance of, i. 168.
Fort Sullivan, attack upon, i. 26.
Foster, Mr. Augustus, appointed British minister, and charge d'affaires at Sweden, ii. 136; correspondence between, and Sir J. Saumarez, 137, 140; his account of the Russian forces, 144; of the situation of Norway, 151; remarks on the character of the Duke of Sudermania, 152; his correspondence with Sir J. Saumarez, 169 to 185, 192 to 202; his observations respecting the Swedish government, 199.
France, commencement of hostilities with, ii. 72.
French fleet, at anchor off Sandy Hook, i. 40; failure of their plans for the reduction of Rhode Island, 42; equipment of, under Comte de Grasse, 67; loss of men in, 81; take possession of Alexandria and Cairo, 211; position of, in the bay of Aboukir, ib.; situation of, in the battle of the Nile, 218; escape of, at Brest, 290; proceeds to the Mediterranean, 291; remarks respecting, 301; amount of, at Bayonne, 330; discovered at anchor in Algeziras Bay, 342; loss of men in, at the battle of Algeziras, 365; list of the, commanded by Comte de Grasse on the 9th and 12th April 1782, ii. 381; opposed to the English, 23rd June 1795, 397; list of the, under Admiral Gantheaume in the action off the mouth of the Nile, 412.
—— garrison, summoned by Sir J. Saumarez at Malta, i. 262; ii. 414.
—— government, endeavours of the, to form a naval port in the British Channel, i. 85.
Frenchmen, singular custom of, in battle, i. 356 n. French privateers, account of the capture and destruction of, ii. 284.
—— ships, comparison between, and the British, i. 81.
—— squadron, attacked in the bay of Brehat, i. 120; gallant action of Sir J. Saumarez with, off Guernsey, 131; force of, 132; list of the, which sailed from Algeziras on the 12th July 1801, 419.
Frere, J.H. English ambassador at Lisbon, letter of Sir J. Saumarez to, i. 339.
Gantheaume, Admiral, list of the French fleet under, in the action off the mouth of the Nile, ii. 412.
Gardner, Sir Alan, remarks concerning, i. 293; appointed to command the Channel fleet, ii. 95; applies for Sir John Duckworth to be his second in command, 96.
George III, King of England, visits the squadron under Admiral Parker, on its arrival at the Nore, i. 51; inquiries of, respecting Lieutenant Saumarez, 52; expresses his satisfaction to Sir J. Saumarez with the manoeuvres of the squadron under his command, 144; creates Sir James a Baronet of the United Kingdom, 336; commissions General O'Hara, governor at Gibraltar, to invest him with the Order of the Bath, ii. 36; illness of, 223.
—— Prince of Wales, afterwards George IV. appointed Regent, ii. 223.
Gibraltar, arrival of Admiral Nelson's squadron at, i. 271; ball given at, ib.; occurrences at, 401; animating scene upon the arrival of the British squadron at, 411; conduct of the governor and garrison at, ii. 9; joy of the inhabitants of, upon Sir J. Saumarez being created a Knight of the Bath, 36.
Goodall, Samuel Cranston, kindness of, to Mr. de Saumarez, i. 21; visits the Mediterranean, ib.; ordered to return to England, ib.
Gothenburg, arrival of the Baltic fleet at, ii. 101; of Sir John Moore, ib.; of Sir J. Saumarez, 274.
Graeme, Capt. returns to England in the Leviathan, i. 42; providential escape of, from shipwreck, ib.; commands the Preston, 46; loses his arm in action with the Dutch, 51.
Graham, Col. (Lord Lynedoch) his successful endeavours to effect the release of Sir John Moore, from his confinement at Stockholm, ii. 103.
Granville, attack and bombardment of, ii. 78; remarks of Sir J. Saumarez respecting the inhabitants of, 82.
Grasse, Comte de, abandons his plan of attacking Barbadoes, and arrives at St. Kitts, i. 58; takes possession of part of that island, ib.; reinforcement of his fleet, 65; equips his fleet to carry into execution the reduction of Jamaica, 67; ability displayed by, 69; his conversation with Captain Saumarez, 81; removed to the flag ship, ib.; sails for England, 82; list of the French fleet commanded by, on the 9th and 12th April 1782, ii. 381.
Grave, William, death of, i. 363.
Great Britain, peace declared between, and Russia, ii. 281.
Grey, Lord, visits Plymouth, ii. 308; his speech upon Sir J. Saumarez proposing his health, 309.
Griffith, Com. Walter, secret order of, to Lieut. Saumarez, i. 34.
Guernsey, important changes in the island of, i. 86; visited by Prince William Henry, (afterwards William IV. King of England,) ib.; inhabitants of, present Sir J. Saumarez with a silver vase in testimony of their sense of his gallant conduct, ii. 55; benevolence of Sir J. Saumarez in, 303; his residence there, ib.; his reception, and rejoicings there, 313.
—— traders, observation respecting, i. 301.
Guichen, Count de, ordered to prepare the French fleet for sea, i. 55; engaged in action, 56; power of the force under, 57; fleet under in 1781, ii. 385.
Guion, Capt. remarks of Rear-admiral Reynolds concerning, ii. 254; his death, 263.
Gustavus IV. (Adolphus) King of Sweden, his alarm at the preparations for invasion making at St. Petersburg, ii. 99; solicits a force from England for its protection, ib.; orders the arrest and detention of Sir John Moore at Stockholm, 102; his letters to Sir J. Saumarez, 106; his dethronement, 132; removed to Drottningholm, ib.; succeeded by his uncle the Duke of Sudermania, as Charles XIII, ib.; proclamation issued respecting, 133; his escape and arrival at Gothenburg, 216; conveyed to Yarmouth, ib.; remarks on his arrival in England, 217.
Hamilton, Sir William, magnificent fete given by, at Naples, in honour of admiral Nelson, i. 276.
Harvey, Rear-admiral Henry, commands the expedition to Isle Dieu, i. 159; order of, to Sir J. Saumarez, 162; parts from the convoy off Brest, ib.
Havre, Duc d', account of, i. 271, 282.
Henikoff, Admiral, commander of the Russian fleet, observations respecting, ii. 129.
Henryson, Lieut, appointed to command the Caesar, i. 321.
Holland, remarks on Buonaparte's designs upon, ii. 188.
Holloway, Rear-admiral, president at the court martial of Capt. Ferris, i. 354.
Hood, Sir Samuel, bold manoeuvre of, i. 58; receives despatches from Capt. Saumarez, 60; decision of, 61; appoints Capt. Saumarez to command the Russell, 63; arrives at Antigua, 66; proceeds to St. Lucia, 67; endeavours to intercept a French convoy, ib.; commands the van division in the action of the 9th April 1792, 68; his division brought into the rear, 70; engagement of the 12th, 71; chases a French ship, 78; rejoins the fleet off Tiberoon, 79; discretional orders of Sir J. Saumarez to, 410; his message in answer, 411; remarks of Earl St. Vincent, in the House of Lords respecting, ii. 45; appointed to command under Sir J. Saumarez in the Baltic fleet, 99; returns to England, 147.
Hope, Sir George, relieves Sir J. Saumarez at Gothenburg, ii. 293.
Hostile fleets, situation of the, in the West Indies, i. 65; position of the, on the 23rd June 1795, ii. 397; list of the, in the action off the mouth of the Nile, 411.
House of Commons, question in, relative to the wrecks of the St. George and Defence, ii. 267; remark of Mr. Whitbread respecting, ib.
Houses of Parliament, thanks of the, voted to Sir J. Saumarez, i. 176; ii. 48, 49; express their approbation at his wise conduct in the Baltic, 270.
Howe, Earl, confirms the commission of Capt. Saumarez as post captain, i. 83; his instructions to him, 145.
—— Lady, remarks respecting, i. 291.
Hunt, J., his letter to Captain Saumarez, i. 114.
Institutions, patronized by Sir J. Saumarez, ii. 298.
Ireland, distressing state of, i. 241.
Isle Dieu, expedition to, commanded by Rear-admiral Henry Harvey, i. 159.
Jamaica, reception of Sir George Rodney at, i. 79.
Jersey, resolution of the States of, acknowledging the bravery of Sir J. Saumarez, ii. 53; visited by him, 76.
Jervis, Sir John, reinforced off Cape St. Vincent, by Capt. Saumarez, i. 165; squadron under, 166; account of his victory over the Spanish fleet, 168; letter of, to Sir J. Saumarez, 174; grants a pardon to James Mahoney, ib.; created Earl St. Vincent, 178; extracts from his letters to Sir J. Saumarez, 179; his motives for bombarding the city of Cadiz, 189; letters of Capt. Saumarez to, 180, 270, 282, 306, 309; proceeds to Bantry Bay, 295; order of, to Captain Saumarez, 298; to Sir John Borlase Warren, 299; his letters to Capt. Saumarez, 303, 310, 316; his admiration of the conduct of Sir James in Douvarnenez Bay, 323; his letters to him, 326; ii. 6; to Earl Spencer, i. 335; his speech in the House of Lords respecting the gallant conduct of Sir J. Saumarez, in his actions with the united fleets of France, and Spain, ii. 43; moves the thanks of the House to Sir James, 44; also to Captains Hood and Keats, 45; is appointed to command the Channel fleet, 91; his letter to Sir J. Saumarez, 308.
Jones, Lieut. Thomas, his gallant conduct admired by Rear-admiral Martin, ii. 279.
Juan Fernandez, description of the island of, ii. 356.
Karobka, Rear-admiral, list of ships under, ii. 291.
Keats, Capt. R.G. remarks of Sir J. Saumarez, upon his gallant conduct on the 12th July 1801, i. 417; his statement respecting the capture of the San Antonio, ib.; remarks of Earl St. Vincent in the House of Lords upon, ii. 45; placed under the command of Sir J. Saumarez in the Baltic fleet, 99; ordered to communicate with Marquis Romana respecting the rescuing of his army, 110; address and tact displayed on the occasion, ib.; remarks of Lord Mulgrave upon, 114; appointed to the command at Gothenburg, 128,
Keith, Lord, letter of Sir J. Saumarez to, i. 338; his letters to Sir James, ii. 15, 17, 18; his orders, respecting the evacuation of Minorca, 61; the regulation of the service in the bay of Gibraltar, 68; sails for England, 71.
Kempenfelt, Admiral, sails for the West Indies, i. 56; professional skill of, ib.; orders of, to Capt. Saumarez, ii. 378; squadron sent under, to intercept the French West India Convoy, 385.
Kent, Edward, Duke of, appointed to succeed General O'Hara as Governor of Gibraltar, ii. 63; his reception there, 64.
Kidd, Capt. selected to accompany Commodore Anson, in his projected voyage round the world, ii. 351; notice of his death, 353.
Knight, Capt. G.W.H. (son of the late Admiral Sir John Knight,) extract from his letter respecting Lord Rodney's victory, 1782, ii. 395.
Knights of the Bath, remarks on that Order, ii. 37.
Krusenstjerna, Admiral, his observations respecting Bernadotte, ii. 213; extract from his letter to Sir J. Saumarez, 220, 245; his expressions of sincerity on taking leave of Sir James, 294; notice of his death, ib.
Larcom, Capt. Thomas, notice of his death, ii. 85.
La Reunion, surrender of, i. 103; number of men killed in, 111.
"Le Club de Cherbourg," capture of, i. 94.
Legge, Capt. accompanies Commodore Anson in his projected voyage round the world, ii. 351.
Libau, joy in, upon the arrival of Capt. Ross, with news of peace, ii. 280.
Lines—on the occasion of presenting a sword to Admiral Linois, i. 381; on his improvement in naval tactics, 382.
Lindsay, Mr. D. death of, i. 364.
Linois, Admiral, able manoeuvre of, i. 366; sword presented to, 381; lines on the occasion, ib.; epigram, upon his improvement in naval tactics, 382; correspondence between him and Sir J. Saumarez respecting the exchange of prisoners, 385; letter of Sir James to, 396; list of the squadron which sailed under, from Algeziras, on the 12th July 1801, i. 419.
Lisbon, return of the British fleet to, after their victory off St. Vincent, i. 176.
Liverpool, Lord, letter of Sir J. Saumarez to, ii. 301.
London, freedom of the city of, presented to Sir J. Saumarez, ii. 51.
—— Gazette Extraordinary, containing Admiral Nelson's account of the victory off the Nile, ii. 409.
Louis XVI. visits the port of Cherbourg, i. 86; Capt. Saumarez introduced to, ib.
Luce, Lieut, ordered to take possession of the Salvator del Mundo, i. 171; his description of the appalling state of, after her capture, 165; promoted to the rank of master and commander, 176.
McBride, Admiral John, appoints Sir J. Saumarez to command a squadron, i. 119; letters of Sir James to, 120, 129, 131; his letter to Sir James, 138.
Macoa, arrival of Commodore Anson at, ii. 360.
Madrid Gazette extraordinary, statements in, relative to the battle of Algeziras, i. 365, 378.
Mahoney, James, pardon granted to, i. 174.
Malta, island of, account of its surrender to the French, i. 206; description of, 207; the French garrison summoned at, 262.
Manilla, account of the action with the Spanish Galleon off, ii. 352.
Maria Louisa, Arch-duchess, notice of her marriage with Napoleon Buonaparte, ii. 188.
Marine Artillery, plan of Sir J. Saumarez for the establishment of, ii. 399.
Maritime Peace, declaration of Buonaparte respecting, ii. 223.
Martin, Rear-admiral Sir Byam, appointed to serve under Sir J. Saumarez in command in the Baltic, ii. 272; letter from Captain Ross to, 278; detached in the Aboukir, to assist in the defence of Riga, 281; diversion made by, in Dantzig Bay, 283; joins Rear-admiral Morris at Hanoe, ib.
Maurice, Capt., letter of Sir J. Saumarez to, ii. 226.
Maxwell, Capt., observations of Sir J. Saumarez respecting, i. 297, 350.
Mazarredo, Admiral Don Joseph de, correspondence of Sir J. Saumarez with, i. 178; ii. 10; translation of his letter to Sir J. Saumarez, 416.
Memorandum, issued to the British squadrons by Sir J. Saumarez, i. 137.
Messina, Straits of, Sir J. Saumarez' remarks upon, i. 205.
Messina Faro, description of, i. 206.
Mesurier, Governor le, letter of Captain Saumarez to, i. 92.
Miells, M., account of his heroic death, i. 226.
Miller, Capt., remarks of Sir J. Saumarez respecting, i. 248; proposition of Sir J. Saumarez towards the erection of a monument to his memory, ii. 305.
Ministry, change in the, ii. 95.
Minorca, island of, given up to Spain, ii. 65.
Mitchell, Captain, afterwards Admiral William, observations respecting, ii. 72; appointed to Commodore Anson's squadron, for his projected voyage round the world, 351.
Moniteur, bulletin from the, i. 379.
Moore, Sir John, arrival of, at Gothenburg, ii. 101; his expedition, ib.; is arrested at Stockholm, 102; escapes in disguise, 103; remarks of Sir J. Saumarez upon the subject, 104; takes his passage on board the Audacious to Yarmouth, 109.
Moreno, Vice-admiral Don Juan Joaquin, list of the Spanish squadron commanded by, on the 12th of July 1801, i. 419; orders of, to his fleet, 437.
Morris, Captain, noble constancy of, at the attack upon Fort Sullivan, i. 27; death of, 29.
—— Rear-admiral J.N. ordered to serve under Sir J. Saumarez in command in the Baltic, ii. 272; despatched with the advanced squadron, 273; arrives at Wingo Sound, ib.; joined by Admiral Martin at Hanoe, 283.
Mulgrave, Lord, his letter to Sir J. Saumarez, offering him the command in the East Indies, ii. 97; the command of the Baltic fleet, 99; letters of Sir James to, 97, 100, 146.
Murray, Capt. E. selected to accompany Commodore Anson, in his intended voyage round the world, ii. 351.
Naples, description of the Bay of, i. 204.
—— King of, dinner given by, to Admiral Sir H. Nelson and his Captains, i. 276.
Nauckhoff, Admiral, his letters to Sir J. Saumarez, ii. 127, 145; list of the Swedish fleet under, 1st September 1808, 396.
Naval Biography, remarks in the, upon the abilities of Sir J. Saumarez, ii. 309.
Nelson, Adm. Lord, engaged off Cape St. Vincent, i. 166; cruise of, 177; receives the grand cross of the Bath, 178; his letter to Captain Saumarez, 180; resumes the command of the advanced squadron, 189; sails for Teneriffe, 190; proceeds off Toulon, 192; Vanguard dismasted in a storm, 193; orders given by, on the junction of the squadron, 212; proceedings of his squadron, 213; discovers the French fleet in the Bay of Aboukir, 215; makes signal to prepare for battle, ib.; for close action, 216; is wounded, 222; receives the congratulations of the captains of the fleet upon his great victory off the Nile, 224; his general memoranda to the squadron, ib.; conversation with Sir J. Saumarez on board the Vanguard, 227; remarks respecting his despatches, 230; his friendship for Sir T. Troubridge, ib.; presented with a sword by the captains of his squadron, 231; his letter to them upon receiving it, ib.; orders to Sir J. Saumarez respecting ships and prizes under his command, 235; his letters to him, 238, 251; to Evan Nepean, 239; letters of Sir J. Saumarez to, 223, 252 to 260; remarks upon the favours conferred upon him, 272; his letters of approbation to Sir J. Saumarez, 274; his speech in the House of Lords respecting the character and conduct of Sir James, ii. 44; his letter to Sir James dated two days before his death, 86; remarks on the career of the Rochfort squadron, 87; on Buonaparte, ib.; his letter to Sir J. Saumarez respecting the erection of a monument to the memory of Captain Miller, 305; remarks upon, 306; Gazette Extraordinary upon his victory at the Nile, 409; account of his being created Baron Nelson; pension granted to, ib.; list of his fleet at the battle of the Nile, 411; letter to, from Sir J. Saumarez, 413.
Nepean, Evan, secretary to the Admiralty, Lord Bridport's letter to, i. 152; his official letters to Sir J. Saumarez, 162; ii. 25, 26, 28; letters of Sir J. Saumarez to, i. 334, 339, 349, 352; announcing the death of General O'Hara, ii. 59; the evacuation of Minorca, 66; letters of Admiral Nelson to, i. 239.
Nicholls, Rev. R.B. his letters of congratulation to Captain Saumarez, i. 114.
Nicolls, Capt. appointed governor of Anholt, ii. 147.
Nile, battle of the, i. 216; notice of Admiral Blanquet's account of, 275.
Niza, Rear-admiral Marquis de, his meeting with Sir J. Saumarez, i. 258; concurs in sending a flag of truce with proposals to the French garrison 262; ii. 414.
Norris, Capt. sails in Commodore Anson's squadron, upon his intended voyage round the world, ii. 351.
North Seas, squadron in the, i. 45; particulars of, 46; remarks on crossing the, ii. 269.
O'Hara, General, Governor of Gibraltar, intelligence received from respecting the armament fitting out at Cadiz, i. 333; his letter to Sir J. Saumarez announcing the capitulation of Cairo, and death of Sir Ralph Abercrombie, ii. 35; commissioned by King George III. to invest Sir James with the most honourable order of the Bath, 37; ceremony of the investiture, ib.; his death, 59; funeral, 60.
Orange, William Prince of, visits Sir J. Saumarez on board the Victory off Ystad, ii. 149; his letter to Sir James, 158.
Oxford, visit of Sir J. Saumarez to, ii. 304.
Parker, Commodore Sir Peter, appointed to command a squadron, i. 24; commission of, to Lieutenant Saumarez, 29; sails in the Sandwich for England, 82; letter of, to Captain Saumarez, 115.
—— Admiral Sir Hyde, appointed to command the squadron in the North seas, i. 45; observations respecting his action with the Dutch, 50; arrives at the Nore, 51; visited by George III. ib.; observation of, to his Majesty, 52; anecdotes of, 53; informs Captain Saumarez of the declaration of war against France, 90; fleet under in the battle off Dogger Bank, ii. 372.
Parker, (son of the admiral,) captain of the Latona, i. 46; his affectionate enquiries respecting his father, 50 n.
—— Lieutenant, afterwards Admiral Sir George, takes possession of La Reunion frigate, i. 103; appointed to the rank of master and commander, 115.
Pater, Captain, his narrative of the circumstances relating to the St. George, ii. 258; his conduct debated at a court-martial, 264; his honourable acquittal, ib.
Patton, Captain of the Belle Poule, i. 46; hauls down the pendant of the Dutch ship Hollandia, 51.
Pellew, Sir Edward, agreement between, and Sir J. Saumarez respecting prize money, i. 130; his wish to be relieved from the command in the East Indies, ii. 97; created Baron Exmouth, 299; his remarks concerning Sir. J. Saumarez, ib.; visits him at Plymouth, 309.
Pelley, M. Dumanoir le, his account of the action of the 12th July 1801, i. 428.
Pierre, French corvette, capture of, i. 192.
Pitt, Mr. remarks of, in the House of Commons respecting the battle of the Nile, i. 230, 272; his motion in the House of Commons respecting the merits of Sir J. Saumarez, ii. 46.
Platen, Baron, his letter to Sir J. Saumarez, ii. 166, 293; letter of Sir James to, 167.
Pole, Vice-admiral Sir Charles Maurice, supersedes Sir James Saumarez in command, ii. 25; proceeds to England, 42.
Ponte Corvo, Prince of, see Bernadotte.
Port Baltic, combined English and Swedish fleet off, ii. 115; command of, resumed by Sir James Saumarez, 272; list of the squadron commanded by Sir James off, 396.
Puke, Admiral (governor of Carlscrona), his attention to Sir J. Saumarez, ii. 126; his letters to him, 155, 165; Swedish expedition sails under, ib.; account of, 171; his orders respecting the defence of Carlsham, 229.
Purcell, Mr. appointed lieutenant for his bravery in attacking the Danes, ii. 246.
Quibo, description of the island of, ii. 358.
Ralfe, remarks in his "Naval Biography" upon the abilities of Sir J. Saumarez, ii. 309.
Reynolds, Rear-admiral, letter of Sir J. Saumarez to, ii. 230; sails in the St. George from Hano, 251; disasters in his fleet, 252; arrives at Wingo, 256; sailing of his fleet, 257; wreck of the St. George, 262; his death, 263.
Rhode Island, description of, i. 36.
Riga, siege of, ii. 282.
Robb, Mr. narrow escape of, in the Tisiphone, i. 59.
Rodney, Admiral Sir George, arrives at Barbadoes, i. 66; joins Sir S. Hood off Antigua, ib.; general signal made by, 68; proceeds to Jamaica, 79; his reception there, ib.; intentions of, respecting the Russell, (Capt. Saumarez,) 82; his letter relative to the actions of the 9th and 12th April 1782, ii. 380; list of the British fleet under, in the action, 386; account of his victory, 392.
Romana, Marquis, rescue of his army, ii. 110.
Rosen, Count, his assurances to Sir J. Saumarez respecting the intention of the Swedish government, ii. 219; request of, to Sir James, 231; his sincerity towards Sir James upon taking final leave of him, 294; cause of his death, ib.
Ross, Lieut, notice of his being created a Knight of the order of the Sword, ii. 167; observations respecting, 168; his letter to Rear-admiral Martin, 278; appointed to carry the news of peace to Libau, 280; his joyful reception there, ib.
Roxborough, P. death of, i. 364.
Royston, Mr. his death, ii. 263.
Russell (Captain J. Saumarez,) extract from the log of the, relative to Lord Rodney's victory, 1782, ii. 390.
Russia, commencement of war with, ii. 96; armistice and peace with, 171; determines not to accede to the terms proposed by France, 248; critical situation of, at the commencement of 1812, 272; peace declared between, and Great Britain, 281.
—— Emperor of, see Alexander.
Russian fleet, reconnoitred in the harbour by Sir J. Saumarez, ii. 116; his meditated attack upon, prevented by change of winds, 117; return of, to Cronstadt, 129; successful blockade of the, 164; list of the, 397.
St. Clair, Lieut. remarks on his bravery in attacking the Danes, ii. 246; promoted to the rank of commander, ib.
St. George, narrative of the circumstances relating to, by Capt. Pater, ii. 258; wreck of the, 263; testimony of the survivors concerning, 264.
St. Julien's, description of, ii. 353.
St. Malo, anecdote of an occurrence at, i. 381.
St. Petersburg, preparations for invasion in, ii. 98; Earl Cathcart appointed ambassador to the court of, 282.
St. Pietro, description of the town of, i. 196.
St. Vincent, account of the battle with the Spanish fleet off the Cape, i. 168; ii. 402.
—— Earl, see Jervis.
Salamandre, Le, capture and destruction of, ii. 89.
Salvador del Mundo, account of her capture, i. 174; appalling state of, 175.
San Antonio, capture of the, i. 411; report respecting, ii. 31 n.
Santissima Trinidada, account of her striking her colours to the Orion, i. 174.
Savage, Sir John, disappointment of, i. 186; extreme humanity of Sir J. Saumarez towards, 187.
Saumarez, Capt. Thomas de, character of, i. 10; captures the French ship Belliqueux, 11.
—— Captain Philip de, death of, i. 10; biographical memoir of, ii. 348.
—— Matthew (father of Lord de Saumarez) his marriage, i. 12; receives the Duke of Gloucester upon his visiting the island of Guernsey, 16; notice of his death, ii. 370; of his family, ib.
SAUMAREZ, JAMES LORD DE, birth of, i. 1; singular record of his ancestors, 2; his predilection for the navy, 17; enters his name on the books of the Solebay, 18; his talents, 19; his regard for Captain Goodall, 21; joins the Levant, 22; hospitality of the English families in Smyrna towards, ib.; passes examination for lieutenant, 24; his interview with Sir Peter Parker, ib.; proposes to leave the navy, 25; his narrow escape at the attack on Fort Sullivan, 28; copy of his acting commission as lieutenant, 29; his activity in the boats of the Bristol, 30; removed to the Chatham, 32; appointed to command the Spitfire, ib.; makes sail for Rhode Island, 33; secret orders of Commodore Griffith to, 34; arduous nature of his undertakings, 36; different engagements of, 37; orders of Commodore John Brisbane to, respecting the war with France, 38; destruction of his vessel, 40; becomes aide-de-camp to Commodore Brisbane, 41; returns to England in the Leviathan, 42; his providential escape from shipwreck, 43; appointed first lieutenant of the Edgar, ib.; joins the Victory, 44; visits London, 45; joins the Fortitude, ib.; conducts the Preston into port, 51; presented to George III. 52; promoted to the rank of master and commander, ib.; arrives at Torbay, 54; joins the fleet under Lord Howe, ib.; sails for the West Indies with Admiral Kempenfelt, 56; captures a French ship in the action with the Count de Guichen, ib.; selected to apprise Sir Samuel Hood of the approach of the enemy, 57; arrives at Barbadoes, ib.; proceeds to Antigua, 59; escapes from two French men of war, ib.; passes through the intricate channel between Neves and St. Kitts, 60; proposal of, to Sir Samuel Hood, respecting the conveyance of intelligence to Jamaica, 61; his ship ordered home, ib.; his fortunate exchange with Captain Stanhope, 62; takes command of the Russell, 63; restores discipline among his crew, 64; engaged in the action of 9th April 1792, 68; position of his ship, 73; anecdote of, 74; extreme sensibility of, 76; his conversation with Comte de Grasse respecting the loss of the Ville de Paris, 81; returns to Jamaica, 82; arrives in England with convoy, 83; is paid off at Chatham, and appointed post-captain, ib.; visits London, 84; proceeds to Guernsey, ib.; his exemplary conduct, 85; visits Cherbourg, ib.; presented to Louis XVI. 86; returns to Guernsey, ib.; visited by Prince William Henry, (afterwards William IV. King of England,) 87; elegant person and manners of, ib.; appointed to command the Ambuscade frigate, 88; pays her off, and returns to Guernsey, ib.; letter of, upon his marriage, ib.; removes to Exeter, 89; commissions and pays off the Raisonable, ib.; appointed to command the Crescent in the war of 1793, 90; receives intelligence from Sir H. Parker of war being declared against France, ib.; ordered to reinforce the garrisons of the channel Islands, 91; account of his first cruise, ib.; of his second, 94; captures a cutter, ib.; sails for Plymouth with specie, 95; returns to Spithead, ib.; orders of the Admiralty to, ib.; sails for the third cruise, 97; visits his family while his ship is refitted, 98; sails for the channel islands, 100; action between the Crescent and French frigate La Reunion, 101; conveys his prize to Portsmouth, 105; his ship refitted, 110; letters of congratulation to, 113; obtains leave of absence, ib.; is knighted for his gallant conduct, 115; placed under the orders of Admiral McBride, 119; conveys transports with troops to Guernsey and jersey, ib.; his enthusiastic reception there, ib.; attacks a French squadron, 120; narrowly escapes shipwreck, 121; chases some brigs off Havre, 123; his gallant conduct mentioned in the House of Commons, 124; ordered to cruise off the Lizard, 129; agreement between, and Sir Edward Pellew, 130; returns to Plymouth, ib.; sails from Plymouth, 131; account of his action with a French squadron off Guernsey, ib.; courageous scheme of, 134; letter of Admiral McBride to, 138; commands a squadron of frigates in the channel, 143; his interview with King George III. at Weymouth, 144; returns to Plymouth, 145; attached to the grand fleet under Earl Howe, ib.; his situation in the fleet, 147; application to Earl Spencer, 148; appointed to the Orion, 150; attached to the Channel fleet, ib.; engaged in Lord Bridport's action, 151; his account of, 153; appearance of an epidemic fever on board the Orion, 155; returns to Portsmouth, 158; his expedition to Isle Dieu, 159; arrives at Spithead, 162; proceeds to reinforce Sir J. Jervis off Cape St. Vincent, 165; account of his victory over the Spanish fleet, 170; letter of Sir J. Jervis to, 173; account of his engagement with and possession of the Salvador del Mundo and the Santissima Trinidada, 174; receives the thanks of both houses of parliament, 176; letters of congratulation to, from Earl Spencer and Lord Hugh Seymour, ib.; sails on a cruise with Admiral Nelson, 177; returns to Lisbon, 178; receives a gold medal for his gallant conduct, ib.; commands the advanced squadron off Cadiz, ib.; corresponds with the Spanish Admiral Mazarredo, ib.; letter from Sir J. Jervis to, 179; Admiral Nelson's high opinion of, 180; his remarks upon the Spaniards, 181; upon the disturbance in the channel fleet, 182; his seasonable admonition to one of the mutineers, 183; high degree of discipline in his crew, 184; humane character of, 185; perilous enterprise of, 187; resumes the command of the advanced squadron at the bombardment of Cadiz, 190; escorts a convoy to Gibraltar, 191; is relieved by Sir W. Parker, ib.; attached to Nelson's squadron, and proceeds off Toulon, 192; captures the Pierre, French corvette, ib.; his exertions in refitting the Vanguard at St. Pierre, 194; journal of, ib.; the Vanguard dismasted, 195; his negotiation with the governor of St. Pietro, 197; captures a Spanish brig, ib.; obtains information of the arrival of a reinforcement under Sir R. Curtis off Cadiz, 199; captures a Spanish vessel from Genoa, ib.; joins Admiral Nelson with the reinforcement, 201; his remarks upon the "Scylla and Charybdis" celebrated by the ancients, 203; upon different volcanoes, ib.; upon the Bay of Naples, 204; his account of Mount Strombolo, ib.; of a pilot and his crew, 205; of "Brydone's Travels through Sicily and Malta," ib.; of the city of Messina, 206; obtains intelligence of the surrender of the island of Malta to the French, ib.; his remarks upon it, 207; his anxiety respecting the French fleet, 209; proceeds to Alexandria, 210; discovers the French fleet in Aboukir Bay, 215; position of, in the battle of the Nile, 216; is wounded by a splinter, 221; congratulates Admiral Nelson upon his glorious victory, 223; visits the Admiral on board the Vanguard, 227; observations of, respecting his being second in command, 228 n.; his proposition on board the Orion, 231; ordered by Admiral Nelson to take a detachment of ships and prizes under his command, 235; journal of his tedious voyage, 236; sails for Gibraltar, 235; letters of Admiral Nelson, to, 238, 252, 274; his observations upon the state of Ireland, 241; arrives off Candia, 249; decides to pass through a perilous passage, ib.; account of, 250 n.; falls in with the Marquis de Niza's squadron, 262; summons the French garrison at Malta, ib.; leaves Sicily, 264; his tedious passage, 266; letter of Earl St. Vincent to, 268; arrives at Gibraltar, 271; his remarks upon the Duc d'Havre, ib.; letter of Captain Ball, 275; continues his journal, 277; arrives at Lisbon, 281; sails from thence and arrives at Spithead, 283; at Plymouth, 286; returns to his family in Bath, ib.; one of the colonelcies of Marines conferred upon him, 289; appointed to the Caesar, and joins the channel fleet, ib.; his journal continued, 290; remarks upon Lady Howe, 291; upon the escape of the French fleet, 292; proceeds to the Mediterranean, 293; to Bantry Bay, 295; to Lisbon, ib.; returns to Spithead, 297; rejoins the Channel fleet, 298; appointed by Earl St. Vincent to command the advanced squadron, 298; assumes the command off the Black Rocks, 300; his remarks upon the French fleet, 301; the Guernsey traders, ib.; the Black Rocks, 302; letters from Earl St. Vincent to, 303, 310, 316; anchors at Douvarnenez Bay, 304; his description of the Bay, 305, 307; letters from Earl Spencer, ib., 319; his remarks upon the distressing state of the French in Brest, 311; promoted to the rank of rear-admiral, 321; relieves Admiral Thornborough off the Black Rocks, 322; receives a letter of approbation from Earl St. Vincent, 323; his anxiety for the safety of the Channel Islands, 324; remarks upon Captain Brenton, 325; relieved by Admiral Thornbrough, ib.; receives a letter from Earl St. Vincent, 326; secret orders of the Admiralty to, 327; prepares to sail, 334; created a baronet of the United Kingdom, 336; sails from England, 337; arrives off Cadiz, ib.; attacks a French squadron at Algeziras, 340; proceeds to Gibraltar, 347; sends a flag of truce to Algeziras, 348; his official account of the battle, 349; remarks upon the intrepid conduct of Captain Brenton during the engagement, 350; orders issued by, 351; letter of Captain Ferris to, 352; his squadron in the Mole at Gibraltar, 383; correspondence with Admiral Linois respecting the crew of the Hannibal, 385; despatches to Lord Keith, 387; private letters, 388; removes his flag to the Audacious, 394; renews his application to Admiral Linois in behalf of the unfortunate men on board the Hannibal, 396; determines to attack the combined squadron, 402; his flag rehoisted on board the Caesar, 403; Sir J. Brenton's description of that interesting scene, ib.; his squadron assemble off Europa, 405; action of the 12th July 1801, ib.; destruction of two Spanish three-deckers, 407; his discretional orders to Captain Hood, 410; animating scene at Gibraltar, upon the arrival of his victorious squadron there, 412; remarks upon the termination of the contest, 413; his general memoranda given out to the squadron, ib.; list of his squadron, 420; account of his proceedings after his arrival at Gibraltar, 426; enthusiasm in England upon hearing of his victory of the 12th July 1801, ii. 1; letter from Mrs. Saumarez to, 3; Earl St. Vincent, 6; Mr. Tucker, 7; his correspondence with the Spanish governor at Cadiz, 10, 12; letters from Lord Keith, 15, 17, 18; Sir John Warren, 20; resumes the blockade of Cadiz, ib.; remarks on the result of his two actions, 21; receives despatches from England, 24; superseded by Sir Charles Maurice Pole, 25; official letters from Mr. Evan Nepean, 25, 26, 28; remarks upon the arduous engagement at Algeziras, 29; upon the injustice of his treatment, 33; arrives at Gibraltar, 34; hears of the capitulation of Cairo, and the death of Sir Ralph Abercrombie, ib.; is created a Knight of the Bath, 36; imposing ceremony of its investiture, 37; stanzas written on the occasion, 41; speeches of Earl St. Vincent and Lord Nelson in the House of Lords respecting, 44, 45; of the Duke of Clarence, 46; motion of Mr. Pitt in the House of Commons, ib.; receives the thanks of both Houses of Parliament, 48; the freedom of the city of London and a sword, 51; an address from Guernsey and Jersey, 53; presented with a silver vase by the inhabitants of Guernsey, 55; his disappointment in not returning home, 56; detaches a squadron to follow the French ships to the West Indies, 58; sends intelligence to England of the death of Governor O'Hara, 59; receives orders to superintend the evacuation of Minorca, 60; observations on the arduous nature of his duty, 62; arrives at Minorca, 64; articles agreed upon between, and General Clephane, 65; arrives at Gibraltar, 71; proceeds to England, ib.; hoists his flag at Sheerness, 72; proceeds to the command at Guernsey, 73; his flag in the Grampus, ib.; visits the island of Jersey, 76; examines the defence of the island, ib.; his account of the attack and bombardment of Granville, 78; narrow escape from a shot, 80; remarks upon the inhabitants of Granville, 82 n.; continues the blockade of the French coast, ib.; receives a letter from Lord Nelson two days before his death, 86; his benevolent conduct at Guernsey, 90; joins the channel fleet under Earl St. Vincent, 91; shifts his flag from the San Josef into the Prince of Wales, 92; his decisive conduct, 95; returns to Guernsey, 96; declines the command in the East Indies, 97; letters to, from Lord Mulgrave, ib., 99, 114; appointed to command the Baltic fleet, 99; arrives at Gothenberg, 101; his remarks on the detention and escape of Sir John Moore from Stockholm, 104, 108; on the Swedish character, 105; letter from Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, to, 106; arrives at Carlscrona, 107; his account of the rescue of Marquis Romana's army, 112; proceeds to the gulf of Finland, 114; reconnoitres the Russian fleet, and determines to attack them, 116; prevented by change of winds, 117; letter to, from the Russian Admiral Tchitchagoff, 119; his anxiety respecting public opinion, 123; returns to Carlscrona, 125; letters from Admiral Nauckhoff to, 127, 145; leaves Carlscrona, 128; arrives in the Downs, ib.; reappointed to the command in the Baltic, 134; receives Prince William of Orange on board, off Ystad, 149; his opinion of the integrity of the Swedes, 151; letters from Admiral Puke, 155, 165; from the Prince of Orange, 158; proceeds to the gulf of Finland to blockade the Russian fleet, at Cronstadt, 159; the grand cross of the order of the Sword conferred upon him by Charles XIII. King of Sweden, 162; his remarks upon, 163; success in the blockade of the Russian fleet, 164; letters from Baron Platen to, 166; his fleet returns to England, 186; receives the approbation of the Lords of the Admiralty, ib.; continues the command of the Baltic fleet, 191; proceeds to Gothenburg and Havre, ib.; promoted to the rank of Vice-admiral of the red, 211; letter of Admiral Krusenstjerna to, 212; his judicious conduct in the disputes relative to the Swedish commerce, 213; interview with Gustavus IV. the deposed King of Sweden, 216; orders his conveyance to Yarmouth, ib.; receives the approbation of Government, 220; letter from Admiral Krusenstjerna to, ib.; his arrival in England, 221; obtains leave of absence, 223; observations respecting, 224; continues the command in the Baltic at the request of ministers, ib.; receives the statement of the Danish attack on Anholt, 225; letter from the Duke of Brunswick, 227; arrives in Sweden, 228; his conference with Baron Tawast, 232; considers the written document of the baron to be unsatisfactory, 236; remonstrates with the Swedish Government, 241; his correspondence respecting, 242; sends a detail of his proceedings to the Admiralty, 244; implicit confidence placed in him by the Crown Prince of Sweden, 249; letter from Rear-admiral Reynolds to, relating the disaster of the St. George and Convoy, 252; observations upon, 255, 265; proceedings of the Victory, 268; arrives at Spithead, 270; receives the approbation of ministers, and of the Prince Regent, 270; resumes the command in the Baltic, 272; appoints Rear-admirals Byam Martin, and J.N. Morris to serve under him, ib.; arrives at Gothenburg, 274; letter from Captain Stewart, 275; from Mr. Thornton, 281; named Knight Grand Cross of the Sword of Sweden, 286; letter from the King of Sweden, ib.; receives news from England of the death of his eldest daughter, 288; his conduct on the occasion, ib.; letter from Lord Cathcart, 289; resigns his command to Rear-admiral Sir George Hope, 293; presented with a sword by the King of Sweden, ib.; letter from Baron Platen, ib.; returns to England, 294; letter from Mr. Croker, ib.; retires from service, 298; his various occupations, ib.; claims for a Peerage disregarded, 299; observations respecting, 300; resumes his works of charity, and benevolence in Guernsey, 303; his residence there, ib.; visits Oxford, 304; letter from Lord Nelson, 305; his political opinions, 306; letter from Earl St. Vincent, 308; is appointed to the command at Plymouth, ib.; sentiments of Earl Grey respecting, 309; receives a visit from Lord Exmouth, ib.; strikes his flag, 310; created a Baron upon the accession of his Majesty William IV. ib.; his reception at the island of Guernsey and rejoicings there, 313; political opinions and conduct, 315; grief on the death of his second son, 316; anecdotes of his carriage being robbed, 317; the king of Sweden presents him with his portrait, 318; letter from Count Wetterstedt respecting, 319; his last illness, 320; Christian fortitude, 323; and death, 325; remarks on his professional career, 326; his moral and religious character, 329; list of the English squadron under, off Port Baltic, 1808, 396; his plan for forming a corps of Artillery for his Majesty's naval service, 399; letter from Earl Spencer, 401.
Saumarez, Mr. John, letter to, from Lord de Saumarez, i. 423.
—— Lieut.-General Sir Thomas, letter to, from Lord de Saumarez, i. 325; biographical memoir of, ii. 332.
—— Mr. Richard, letters to, from Lord de Saumarez, i. 91, 94, 106, 116, 121, 123, 124, 126, 127, 140, 141, 144, 147, 153, 155, 158, 159, 160, 170, 177, 181, 388, 397, 423; ii. 29, 56, 81, 103, 112, 121, 291.
—— Lady de, her marriage, i. 88; letters to, from Lord de Saumarez, 232, 283, 297, 301, 307, 308, 311, 314, 316, 390, 426; her letter to her son, 311.
—— (present Lord), his tour to Abo, and St. Petersburg, ii. 287; biographical memoir of, 417.
—— Thomas le Marchant, third son, notice of his death, ii. 316; account of, 419.
—— Mary Dobree, eldest daughter, notice of her death, ii. 288.
Schill, Major, account of, ii. 156.
Scylla and Charybdis, remarks of Sir J. Saumarez upon, i. 203.
Seymour, Lord Hugh, his letter of congratulation to Sir J. Saumarez, i. 176.
Skripeetzen Mr. anecdote concerning, ii. 116.
Small, Lieut. governor of Guernsey, flattering testimonials published by, respecting Sir J. Saumarez, i. 135; his letter to the Secretary of the Admiralty, 136.
Smith, Capt. providential escape of, from shipwreck upon his return to England, i. 42.
—— J. letters from Sir J. Saumarez to, ii. 237, 243.
Spain, joins Napoleon in his object of invading England, ii. 88; Joseph Buonaparte declared King of, 188.
Spanish army, amount of, i. 330; loss in, at the battle of Algeziras, 365.
—— fleet, commanded by Don Josef de Cordova, engaged with the British fleet off Cape St. Vincent, i. 167; list of the, ib.; opinion of Sir J. Saumarez respecting, 181.
—— galleon, account of the action with the, off Manilla, ii. 352.
—— Priests, miserable situation of, in a captured vessel, i. 200.
—— squadron, list of the, which sailed from Algeziras on the 12th July, 1801, i. 419.
Spencer, copy of the journal of the, i. 368; remarks upon, 373.
—— Earl, letters of, to Sir J. Saumarez, i. 149, 176, 288, 305, 319; ii. 401; letter of Sir James to, i. 304, 318; ii. 399.
—— Mr. death of, i. 364.
Stanhope, Capt. John, orders of, to Sir J. Saumarez, i. 57; returns to England on board the Tisiphone, 63.
Stanzas, written on the occasion of Sir J. Saumarez being created a Knight of the Bath, at Gibraltar, ii. 41.
Stevens, P. Secretary of the Admiralty, letters of Sir J. Saumarez to, i. 104, 109, 113, 139.
Stewart, Capt. his letter to Sir J. Saumarez, ii. 275; detached to the Belt, to cut off communication with Zealand, 284.
Steward, Mr. death of, i. 364.
Stockholm, arrest and escape of Sir John Moore at, ii. 102; accounts received from, of the surrender of Sweaborg, 104.
Strombolo Mount, description of, i. 204.
Sudermania, Duke of, see Charles XIII.
Sweaborg, surrender of, ii. 104; remarks concerning, ib.
Sweden, state of affairs in, ii. 98; revolution in, 131; dethronement of Gustavus IV. King of, 132; laws in, ib. n.; rejoicings in, upon the triumph of the British squadron over the Russian flotilla, 162; change of politics in, 188; death of the Crown Prince in, ib.; peremptory orders of Buonaparte, relating to the commerce of, 190; election of Bernadotte, Prince of Ponte Corvo, as Crown Prince, 208; his arrival in, 217; critical situation of, in 1812, 272; regard of the inhabitants of, towards Sir J. Saumarez, 317; letter of a tourist in, 318.
—— King of, see Gustavus Adolphus.
Swedish character, opinion of Sir J. Saumarez upon the, ii. 105.
—— expedition sails under Admiral Puke and General Wachtmeister, ii. 165; failure of the, 171. Swedish fleet, number of ships in the, ii. 110; anchors off Rogerwick, 115; malignant epidemic in the, 122; list of the, commanded by Rear-admiral Nauckhoff, 1808, ii. 396.
—— government, declaration of the, ii. 218; remonstrance of Sir J. Saumarez with, 241.
—— officers, joy of, upon meeting Sir J. Saumarez, i. 75; list of, on board the French fleet under Comte de Grasse, 1782, ii. 384.
Symons, Capt. narrow escape of, from shipwreck, upon his return to England, i. 42.
Tait, Admiral, list of the fleet under, ii. 290.
Tancock, Capt. John, remarks of Sir J. Saumarez upon his meritorious conduct, i. 250 n.
Tawast, Baron, conference of Sir J. Saumarez with, ii. 232; his written document proves unsatisfactory, 236; letter from Sir James to, 241, 243.
Tchitchagoff, Admiral, his letter to Sir J. Saumarez, ii. 119.
Thompson, Capt. ordered to protect the trade in the Mediterranean, i. 22; sails for Gibraltar, 23; for England, ib.
Thornbrough, Admiral, relieves Sir J. Saumarez in his cruise off the Black Rocks, i. 325.
Thornton, Mr. (afterwards Sir Edward,) account of his being smuggled into the city of Gothenburg, ii. 250; his letter to Sir J. Saumarez, announcing peace between Great Britain and Russia, 281.
Toulon fleet, sailing of the, i. 193; narrow escape of, ib.
Trafalgar, battle of, its effect upon the speculations of Buonaparte, ii. 88.
"Travels through Sicily and Malta," by Brydone, Sir J. Saumarez's opinion of, i. 205.
Trolle, Capt. his report relative to the position of the Russian fleet, ii. 122.
Troubridge, Capt. Sir Thomas, remarks concerning, i. 272; his letter to Sir J. Saumarez, 324; letter from Sir James to, ii. 33.
Troude, Capt. report of, to Rear-admiral Linois, i. 430.
Tucker, Mr. his letter of congratulation to Sir J. Saumarez, upon his victory of the 12th July 1801, ii. 7.
Tyrason, Don Miguel, made prisoner by Admiral Sir H. Nelson, i. 190.
Vaudreuil, M. de, commands the squadron and fleet destined to the West Indies, i. 56.
Venerable, copy of the journal of the, i. 371; remarks upon, 373.
Vesuvius Mount, observations respecting, i. 203.
"Ville de Paris," capture of, i. 74; description of, 80.
Wachtmeister, General Count, observations upon his conduct in the Swedish expedition, ii. 171.
Wales Prince of, see George.
War, declaration of, at the National Convention, against Great Britain and Holland, i. 90.
Warren, Com. Sir John Borlase, joined by the Orion, Sir J. Saumarez, i. 159; leaves Quiberon Bay for Noirmoutier, 160; order of Earl St. Vincent to, 299; his letter to Sir J. Saumarez, ii. 20.
Westcott, Capt. notice of his death, i. 232.
Wetterstedt, Count, his letter to Lord de Saumarez, accompanying the portrait of the King of Sweden, ii. 319.
White, Capt. Thomas, letter of Sir J. Saumarez to, i. 77.
Whitbread, Mr. remark of, in the House of Commons, relating to the wrecks of the St. George, and Defence, ii. 267.
William Henry, Prince, afterwards Duke of Clarence and King William IV. see Clarence.
Williams, Lieut. J. death of, i. 364.
Wingo Sound, arrival of the St. George, under Rear-adm. Reynolds, with her convoy in, ii. 256; of the advanced squadron under Rear-admiral Morris, 273.
Wooldridge, Lieut. captures the Spanish privateer Rosario, ii. 42; promoted to the rank of commander, 43.
Yorke, Right Hon. Charles, letters to, from Sir J. Saumarez, ii. 203, 205, 209, 228, 229, 240, 247.
York Town, capitulation of the garrison of, ii. 341.
Zealand, number of Danish troops in the island of, ii. 103.
Zoutman, Admiral, commands a convoy to the Baltic, i. 46; hoists Dutch colours, 48; blame attached to, 51; fleet under, in the battle off Dogger-bank, ii. 373; his account of the action, 374.
Transcriber's note: On page 373, the following printer's errors were changed in the table of the Dutch fleet to the well-documented correct historical names: "Erst Prince" to "Erfprins" "Batavia" to "Batavier" "Mendenblink" to "Medenblik" "Brank" to "van Braak" "Bentick" to "Bentinck" "Rijnevald" to "Rynveld" The following ship's and Officer's names were stardardized in the tables of the French fleet: Page 373: "Pegasse" or "Pegase" to "Pegase" "Bien Aime" to "Bien-Aime" "L'Argenault" or "Argenaut" to "L'Argonaute" Page 381: (Commandeur) "La Clocheuerie" to "La Clochetterie" Page 382: "Le Zele" or "Zele" to "Zele" "Bourgoyne" to "Bourgogne" "Conquerant" to "Conquerant" "Diademe" to "Diademe" "Caesar" to "Cesar" "L'Eville" to "L'Eveille" Page 383: "Resolue" to "Resolue" "Medee" to "Medee" Page 384: "Ceres" to "Ceres" "Conquerant" to "Conquerant" Page 385: "Mons. de Vaudrieul" to "Mons. de Vaudreuil" "Le Leon" to "Le Lion" Page 386: "L'Hardie" to "Le Hardi" Page 397: "Mutius" to "Mucius" "Cocade" to "Cocade" Page 412: "Trulet (jun.) to "Trullet" (jun.) "Pieree" to "Pierre" "Capt. Sol.ice" to "Capt. Soleil" "R.A. Deeres" to "R.A. Decres"