Nunneries, Chap. IV passim, and 129, 184; of Minoresses, 129; at Stainfield, 82; of Syon, 83; of Wilton, 176; bishops' visits to, 76-8; Chaucer's sources for study of, 74; dissolution of, 78, 93; fashions in, 88, 89; management of, 85-7; mentioned in wills, 157; paying guests in, 87, 91; pets in, 90, 91; schoolgirls in, 80, 92; silence hours in, 80; sources for study of, 184 Nuns (see Eglentyne, Nunneries, Prioress, Chap. IV passim), 200; clothes of, 88, 89; complaints of, to bishop, 76-8, 85, 92; dowries of, 78-9; intercourse of, with the world, 92-4; meals of, 79; offices of, 79; periods of silence of, 80; pets of, 90, 91; recreations of, 88; work of, 80
Orewelle (Orwell), 142 Orleans, Bishop of, 35 Orosius, 9 Ovington, 169, 170 Ovis Poli, 54 Oxbridge, Goddard, 140 Oxus, River, 51, 54
Paris, 23, 36, 73, 100, 107, 108, 114 Parliament, 190 Pask (Pasche) Mart, 147, 193 Paston, John, 126; Letters, 125, 190 Pattiswick, 168 Paulinus, St, of Nela, 5 Paycocke: Emma, 166; John, 157, 165; John, jun., 166; Margaret, 165, 166; Robert, 166; Robert, jun., 166; Thomas, jun., 157; Thomas, Chap. VII passim, see also Cloth; bequests of, 168, see Will of; brasses of family of, 157, 195; burial ceremonies of, 171-2; character of, 167; child of, 166, 171; consrater of Crutched Friars, 168; death of, 166, 171; friends of, 168; house of, 156, 158, 165, 170, 195, 200; merchant mark of, 158, 159; repairs roads, 169; second wife of, 166, 169, 171; wedding of, 165; will of, 157, 158, 159, 166, 167, 168, 169, 195, 196 Pegolotti, Francis Balducci, 71 Peking (see also Cambaluc, China, Polo), 49, 57, 60, 71; ambassadors sent to, 60; Archbishop of, 70; description of, by Oderic of Pordenone, 70; papal legate, to, 70; Tartar rule in, 49 Pembroke, William, Earl of, 99 Perpendicular architecture, 152, 155, 159 Perpoint, Thomas, 161 Persia, 40, 42, 49, 51, 54, 61, 67 Peter the Tartar, 66 Petrarch, 100, 179, 180 Piacenza, Tebaldo di, 53 Pian da Carpine (see Piano Carpini) Pierre an Lait, 114 Piers Plowman, 84, 169 Pilgrims' Way, 140 Piano Carpini, John of, 50, 181 Pleasant History of Jack of Newbury, 162, 195 Plumpton Letters, 190 Polo: Bellela, Donata, Fantina, Moreta, 65 Maffeo, 50-7 Marco, see Chap. Ill passim, 177, Kublai Khan; attendant on Khan, 55; book of, 54 ff, 63, 67, 185, 198; death of, 66; departure from China of, 60; father of (see Maffeo), 50-75; governor of Yangchow, 57, 182; interest in Tartars, 48-50; journeys of, 54-62, 181; mention of, in Venetian records, 65; nicknamed Il Milione, 63; prisoner of Genoese, 64-5; released by Genoese, 65; return to Venice of, 62; sent on mission by Khan, 57; stories of, about Khan, 64-6; uncle of, 50-7, 181; wife and family, 65 Nicolo, 50-71 Polyptychum, 174 Pope, 40, 41, 50, 52, 53, 70, 93 Pordenone, Ordoric of, 58, 70, 180 Porte-de-Paris, 114 Prester John, 49, 181 Prioress, see Eglentyne, Nunneries, Nuns, Chap. IV passim, 183; in bishop's registers, 74-8; clothes of, 88, 89, 90; complaints by nuns of, 76-8, 85, 92; entertainment of visitors by, 86, 87; intercourse of, with world, 92, 93-4; pets of, 90, 91; treatment of nuns by, 84; work of, 85, 86, 87, 92 Prime, 79 Prologue: of Canterbury Tales, 73-4, 89, 94, 95, 113, 130, 142, 186; of Menagier de Paris, 97
Quentin, la'Quentine, Jehanne, 105, 187 Quincey, de, 26, 175
Rade, Daniel and Peter van de, 145 Ragenold, 24 Rainham, 140, 141 Ramsbotham, Elizabeth, 127 Ramusio, 62, 182 Raynold, John, 149 Reading, Thomas of, 152, 195 Reformation, 30, 170 Remy, Saint, 147 Renault de Louens, 99 Revolution, Industrial, 120, 154, 120 Reyner, 169 Rialto, 43, 64 Ricimer, 8 Riche: Anne, 130; Elizabeth, 125, see Stoner, Elizabeth, Jane, 131 135; Katherine, 126-33, 140, 150, 151 Rigmarden, John, 127 Roman: civilization, 2; Emperor 1-17; villa, 3, 6, 155
Roman de la Rose, 99 Rome, Chap. I passim, 46, 87, 155 Roman Empire, 1-17, 27, 42, 155 decline of, 1-17; reasons for disintegration of, 14-17; trade of, 1 ff? Romsey Abbey, 91 Rotherhithe, 140 Rouen, 37 Round Table, 32, 65 Rubruck, William of, 50, 54, 181 Rumania, 42 Rumney wine, 131 Russell, Richard, 137 Russia, 42, 49 Rusticiano, 64, 65, 182
Salvian of Marseilles, 8 St Gothard Pass, 40 St Sophia, 42 Saleby, Grace de, 127 Samarcand, 50 Sanly, Peter, 149 Sandwich, 143 Sext, 79 Shalford, 154 Shandu, Xanadu, 57 Shansi, 56, 59 Shensi, 47, 56 Ships, 136, 140, 142, 143, 192; masters of, 141, 142; names of, 136, 141-3 Siam, 67 Siberia, 49, 70 Sicily, 42 Sidonius Apollinaris, 5, 8 ff; and his villa, 9; and siege of Clermont, 10 ff Socrates, 96 Sohrab and Rustum, 51 Soldaia, 50 Somerset House, 150, 155 Sordyvale, William, 134 Spain, Spaniards, Spanish, 37, 122 spices, 47, 48 Spice Islands, 70 Spooner, Thomas, 170 Stainfield, 82 Stamford, 144 Staple, Chap. VI passim, see Betson, merchant; banking facilities of, 148; benefits of, 121, 122; brasses of merchants of, 123, 156; business of merchants of, 120-51; competition of, with Merchant Adventurers, 122; history of company of, 189; location of, 121; Merchants of the, Chap. VI passim; organization of, 121; regulations of, 121, 139, 140, 144, 145; wills of merchants of, 123; see also Betson, Wills Starkey, Humphrey, 134 Stein, Sir Aurel, 67 Stepney, 135 Steward: Charlemagne's instructions to, 19, 22, 24, 36; Master John the, 100, 108-9, 115-16; of Villaris, 20, 21, 22-4 Stoke Nayland, 168 Stonor: Dame Elizabeth, 129, 130 131, 132, 133, 135; Humphrey, 160; Letters, 125, 136, 145, 189; Sir William, 125, 129-30, 134, 136, 145 Strabant, Gynott, 149 Stratford-Atte-Bowe, 73, 78 Strossy, Marcy, 149 Suchow, Sugui, 48, 51, 64 Sudbury, 154 Suffolk, 153 Sugui, see Suchow Sumatra, 61, 63, 67 Sung dynasty, 46, 59, 61 Superstition (see Charms), 27-9, 175 Symmachus, 5, 6 Synxon (Synchon) Mart, 147, 193 Syon Abbey, 83 Syria, 37, 40-2 Szechuen, 56
Tabriz, 62 Tacitus, 4 Tana, 71 Tangut, 55, 57, 59, 63 Tartar(s), 49-52, 57, 62, 66-71, 178, see also Marco Polo; attitude of West to, 49; embassy of, 52; fall of dynasty of, 71; modern books on, 178; Peter the, 66; power of, 49; princess, 61, 70; slaves, 66 Tartary, 49, 50, 63 Tate, John, 134, 137 Taylor, Robert, 160 Templars, 53 Temyngton, 144. Testamenta Eboracensia, 157, 154, 191, 196 Thames, 156 Theodulf, Bishop of Orleans, 35 Tibet, 43, 47, 49, 57, 66, 67 Tiepolo, Doge Lorenzo, 44, 45, 50 Tierce, 79 Timochain, 61, 180 Tittivillus, 83-4 Torneys, Robert, 144 Trade, see Merchant Trebizond, 40, 42, 62 Tripoli, 42 Turbot, Robert of Lamberton, 137 Turcomania, 54 Turkestan, 49 Tuscan, 42 Tyre, 40, 42
Udine, 70 Underbay, 137 f Uppcher, Margaret and Robert, 166
Vandals, 15 Venice: Venetian, 39-44, 44-8, 51, 53, 62-5, 70, 71, 145, 177-8; Cassiodorus on, 39; Chronicler of, see Canale, Martino da; Doge of, 4, 44-6, 63; excommunication of, 41; history of, 39-46, 50, 178; merchants of, at Hangchow, 70, 71; modern works on, 177; Polos' return to, 53, 63; procession of gilds in, 45, 48, 50; records of, 65; rivalry of, with Genoa, 42, 63-4; trade of, 37, 40, 41, 42-3, 47, 70, 145, 178; wedding of, with sea, 40, 41; wool dealers of, 145 Vespers, 79 Villaris, 23, 24, 25 Villicus, see Steward Villein, Villeinage, 19, 21, 158 Visigoths, 10
Walberswick, 140 Walpole, 156 Wang Wei, 182 Way of Poverty and Wealth, 100 Wedding feasts, 115-16, 164-5 Welbech, William, 151 West: Riding, 167; Street, Coggeshall, 170, 171, 172 Whyte of Broadway, 137 Wido (see also Bodo), 23, 27, 29, 33 Wilkins (Wylkyns) Henry, 140 William I, 20 Wills: of John Barton of Holme, 191; of Thomas Betson, 134, 151, 194; of bishops, 158; of Paycockes, 157, 166-9, 195, 196; of villeins, 158; general sources for, 157, 191, 196 Wilton, 176 Winchester, St Mary's, Abbess of, 86 Winchcomb, John (see Jack of Newbury) Wood, Lieutenant John, 54 Wool (see Betson, Cely, Merchan Staple); export of, 122, 123 Gower on, 123, 144; inspection of, 144; lives of merchants of, 151 (see Betson); packing and shipping of, 139-44; ports from whence sent, 140; private bargains in, 138; private letters or export of, 125; purchase of, 136-7, regulations concerning, 139-44; revenues from, 121; sale of, 138, 145-9; tombs of merchants of, 123; where grown, 123, 136 Woolsack, 120 Wykeham, William of, 92
Xanadu (see Shandu), 57 Xenophon, 96
Yangchow, 57, 182 Yangtze river, 46 Yarkand, 54 Yellow River, 49 Yezd, 43 York, 94, 137 Yorkshire, 136, 137, 153 Ypres, 122 Yuan dynasty, 58 Yule, Sir Henry, 67, 177 Yunnen, 57
Zaiton, 54, 60, 71 Zanzibar, 70 Zara, 41 Zealand (Seland), 142, 146 Zeno, Renier, 44