[54] Ibid., p. 97.
[55] Ibid., p. 98. See also "Of the Reconcileableness of Specific Medicines to the Corpuscular Philosophy," Works, V, 85-86.
[56] Lester S. King, "The Road to Scientific Therapy: 'Signatures,' 'Sympathy,' and Controlled Experiment," Journal of the American Medical Association, CXCVII (1966), 250-256.
[57] Boyle, "Usefulness," p. 115.
[58] Ibid., p. 127.
[59] Ibid., p. 130.
[60] Ibid., p. 131.
[61] Van Helmont, "Butler," Ortus Medicinae, pp. 358-365, and Oriatrike, pp. 585-596. See also Boyle, "Usefulness," p. 102.
[62] Van Helmont, Ortus, p. 365; Oriatrike, p. 596.
[63] Boyle, "Usefulness," pp. 135-136.
[64] Ibid., p. 138.
[65] Ibid., p. 144.
[66] Boyle, "Reconcileableness of Specific Medicines," pp. 80-81.
[67] Boyle, "Usefulness," p. 183.
[68] Ibid., p. 190.
[69] Ibid., p. 194.
[70] Ibid., p. 195.
[71] Westfall, op. cit.
[72] Boyle, "Usefulness," pp. 163-164.
Members of the Seminar
L. R. C. Agnew Theodore Alexander M. Peter Amacher Lawrence Badash Stephen Dow Beckham Charles S. Bodemer Hilda Boheme John G. Burke Seymour L. Chapin Jack H. Clark William E. Conway Louise Darling Edna C. Davis Dr. & Mrs. John Field Waldo H. Furgason Martha Gnudi Doris Haglund Karl Hufbauer Samisa Jadon Dieter Jetter Roy Kidman Irving J. King Lester S. King Leslie Koepplin Elizabeth Lomax Patrick McCloskey Nancy McNeil Edgar Mauer David S. Maxwell Robert Moes C. D. O'Malley Ynez O'Neill Marilyn Paul Ladislao Reti Sally Rutherford Edward Shapiro Hans H. Simmer Ingrid Simmer John E. Smith Joan Starkweather Betsey Starr John M. Steadman Annette Terzian Lelde Trapans Richard F. Trucken Frances Valadez Virginia Weiser Fred N. White Maxine White Virginia Wong Jacob Zeitlin
William Andrews Clark Memorial Library Seminar Papers
Editing Donne and Pope. 1952.
Problems in the Editing of Donne's Sermons, by George R. Potter.
Editorial Problems in Eighteenth-Century Poetry, by John Butt.
Music and Literature in England in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. 1953.
Poetry and Music in the Seventeenth Century, by James E. Phillips.
Some Aspects of Music and Literature in the Eighteenth Century, by Bertrand H. Bronson.
Restoration and Augustan Prose. 1956.
Restoration Prose, by James R. Sutherland.
The Ironic Tradition in Augustan Prose from Swift to Johnson, by Ian Watt.
Anglo-American Cultural Relations in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. 1958.
The Puritans in Old and New England, by Leon Howard.
William Byrd: Citizen of the Enlightenment, by Louis B. Wright.
The Beginnings of Autobiography in England, by James M. Osborn. 1959.
Scientific Literature in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century England. 1961.
English Medical Literature in the Sixteenth Century, by C. D. O'Malley.
English Scientific Literature in the Seventeenth Century, by Rupert Hall.
Francis Bacon's Intellectual Milieu. A Paper delivered by Virgil K. Whitaker at a meeting at the Clark Library, 18 November 1961, celebrating the 400th anniversary of Bacon's birth.
Methods of Textual Editing, by Vinton A. Dearing. 1962.
The Dolphin in History. 1963.
The History of the Dolphin, by Ashley Montagu.
Modern Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises, as Challenges to Our Intelligence, by John C. Lilly.
Thomas Willis as a Physician, by Kenneth Dewhurst. 1964.
History of Botany. 1965.
Herbals, Their History and Significance, by George H. M. Lawrence.
A Plant Pathogen Views History, by Kenneth F. Baker.
Neo-Latin Poetry of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. 1965.
Daniel Rogers: A Neo-Latin Link between the Pleiade and Sidney's 'Areopagus,' by James E. Phillips.
Milton as a Latin Poet, by Don Cameron Allen.
Milton and Clarendon: Papers on Seventeenth-Century English Historiography. 1965.
Milton as Historian, by French R. Fogle.
Clarendon and the Practice of History, by H. R. Trevor-Roper.
Some Aspects of Seventeenth Century English Printing with Special Reference to Joseph Moxon, by Carey S. Bliss. 1965.
Homage to Yeats, 1865-1965. 1966.
Yeats and the Abbey Theatre, by Walter Starkie.
Women in Yeats's Poetry, by A. Norman Jeffares.
Alchemy and Chemistry in the Seventeenth Century. 1966.
Renaissance Chemistry and the Work of Robert Fludd, by Allen G. Debus.
Some Nonexistent Chemists of the Seventeenth Century, by Robert P. Multhauf.
The Uses of Irony. 1966.
Daniel Defoe, by Maximillian E. Novak.
Jonathan Swift, by Herbert J. Davis.
Bibliography. 1966.
Bibliography and Restoration Drama, by Fredson Bowers.
In Pursuit of American Fiction, by Lyle Wright.
Words to Music. 1967.
English Song and the Challenge of Italian Monody, by Vincent Duckles.
Sound and Sense in Purcell's 'Single Songs,' by Franklin B. Zimmerman.
John Dryden. 1967.
Challenges to Dryden's Biographer, by Charles E. Ward.
Challenges to Dryden's Editor, by H. T. Swedenberg.
Atoms, Blacksmiths, and Crystals. 1967.
The Texture of Matter as Viewed by Artisan, Philosopher, and Scientist in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, by Cyril Stanley Smith.
Snowflakes and the Constitution of Crystalline Matter, by John G. Burke.
Laplace as a Newtonian Scientist, by Roger Hahn. 1967.
Modern Fine Printing. 1967.
The Private Press: Its Essence and Recrudescence, by H. Richard Archer.
Tradition and Southern California Printers, by Ward Ritchie.
Transcriber's Notes:
Passages in italics are indicated by underscore.
Additional spacing after some of the quotes is intentional to indicate both the end of a quotation and the beginning of a new paragraph as presented in the original text.
The following misprints have been corrected: "acessible" corrected to "accessible" (page 10) "Futhermore" corrected to "Furthermore" (page 10) "histroy" corrected to "history" (page 14) "wordly" corrected to "worldly" (page 32) |