Copper, representation of, 277.
Corner where the round stem meets the square under the head, 150.
Coupling rod, working drawings of a, 169.
Crank, drawing representing the motion which it imparts to a connecting rod, 249. pin and wheel, 294.
Cross-hatching or section lining, 77-82. made to denote material of which the piece is composed, 81, 82. may sometimes cause the lines of the drawing to appear crooked to the eye, 80, 81. representation by, of a section of a number of pieces one within the other, the central bore being filled with short plugs, 78, 79. representation by, of three pieces put together, having slots or keyways through them, 79, 80. the diagonal lines in, should not meet the edges of the piece, 78.
Cross-head, 301.
Cross, use of, to designate a square, 95, 96.
Cube, with a hole passing through it, to draw, 101, 102.
Cupped ring, representation of, 98.
Curved outline, representation of, 86, 87.
Curve for tooth face, how to find, 198. representation of the radius for, 87.
Curves and lines, 48-76. of gear teeth, names of, 193.
Curves for moulding cutter, to find the, 257-263. of thread, template for drawing, 165. of wheels, construction, to find, 204. screw threads, drawing, 159. templates called, 21. use of, in practice, 21.
Cut-off cams, employed instead of eccentrics on steamboats, examples in drawing, 232. manner of finding essential points of drawings of, 241-244. necessary imperfections in the operations of, 247-249. part played by the stroke of the engine in determining the conformation of, 241.
Cut-off mechanism, 301.
Cutting tool for a planing machine, representation of, 264-266.
Cylinder, 299. a solid, representation of, 94, 95. intersecting a cone, 186 of an engine, 299-301. of an engine, drawing of, 289.
Cylindrical body joining another at a right angle, a, 180. body whose top face, if viewed from one point, would appear as a straight line, or if from another as a circle, 188. piece of wood, which is to be squared, and each side of which square must be an inch, to find the diameter, 136. pieces and cubes, representation of, 95. pieces, representation of, by cross-hatching, 77, 78.
Cylindrical pieces, representation of three, one within the other, by cross-hatching, 78. pieces that join each other, representation of, 86. pin line-shaded, representation of, 86.
Decagon, a, 63.
Degrees of a circle, 52-55.
Diameter of a cylindrical piece of wood, which is to be squared, and each side of which square must measure an inch, to find, 136.
Diamond, a, 59, 60.
Different views, arrangement of, 94-111.
Dimension figures in mechanical drawing, 91.
Dimensions, marking, 91-93.
Distances, relative from the eye, representation of, by line-shading, 89.
Dodecagon, a, 63.
Dotted lines, use of, 48.
Double eye, or knuckle-joint, pencil lines for, 146. or knuckle-joint, with an offset, 147.
Double thread, 156.
Drawing board, 17, 18. fastening the drawing to, 278. size of, 18. small, advantage of, to student, 18.
Drawing for engraver on wood, 268. gear wheels, 193-222.
Drawing instruments, 22-26. parts of, 34. selecting and testing, 22.
Drawing paper, 26-29. different qualities, kinds and forms, 26, 27. location of on the drawing board, 28, 29.
Drawing the curves for screw threads, 159. to scale, making a, 177.
Drawings for engraving, necessity of conforming to the particular process of, 266. for engravings by the wax process, 268, 269.
Drawings for photo-engraving, 266. for the blacksmith, 172. shading and coloring, 277-288.
Drilling machine, a boiler, 269, 270.
Eccentric and strap, 301. to find how much motion it will give to its rod, 223.
Edge view of a wheel, to draw, 203.
Elevation, 94.
Ellipse, dimensions of, how taken and designated, 63. form of a true, 66. most correct method of drawing, 72. the, 63-75.
Elliptical figure, whose proportion of width to breadth shall remain the same, whatever the length of the major axis, 69.
Emery paper, use of on the lining pen, 37.
Ennagon, a, 62, 63.
Engine work, examples of, 289-303.
Engine, working drawings of a 100 horse-power, 299.
Engravings by the wax process, drawings for, 268, 269.
Examples for practice, 169-177 in bolts, nuts and polygons, 112-151. of engine work, 289-303. of work with nine sides, 135.
Feed motion of a Niles horizontal tool work boring mill, 209.
Five-sided figure, to draw, 132, 133.
Flanks of teeth to trace hypocycloides, for, 200.
Foci of an ellipse, 64.
Franklin Institute or United States Standard for heads of bolts and of nuts, basis of, 118.
Full stroke cam, method of drawing or marking out a, 237-241.
Gear, part of, showing the teeth in, the remainder illustrated by circles, 209.
Gear teeth, names of the curves and lines of, 193.
Gear wheels, drawing, 193-222. various examples for laying out, 214-222.
Gearing oval, construction of, 210.
General view, 94.
Geometrical terms, simple explanation of, 48.
Geometry, advantage of to the draughtsman, 48.
Governor of an engine, 292, 293.
Guide bolts from one pulley to another, arrangement of idle pulleys to, 264.
Heart cam, to draw, 75, 76.
Hexagon, a, 62, 63. head, representation of a piece with, 96. head, to draw the end view of, 125, 126, 127. headed screw, to draw, 113, 114. radius across corners, 138.
Hexagonal form, representation of, 98. or hexagon heads of bolts, 118, 119.
Hole, representation of by shade or shadow line, 83.
Hollows in connection with round pieces, representations of, 87-89.
Hypocycloides for the flanks of teeth, to trace, 200.
Independent condenser, 288.
India ink, advantages of in drawing, 30. difference between good and inferior, 31. good, characteristics of, 31.
India ink, Higgins', 30. mixing, 25. testing, 31, 32. the two forms of, 30. to be used thick, 32. use of, 30. use of on parchment, 32.
Ink, applying, to the bow pen, 46. for drawing, 30-33.
Instruments, preparation and use of, 34-47.
Iron planing machine, representation of, 282.
Iron, wrought and cast, representation of by cross-hatching, 82.
Journal, 294.
Journals of shafts, 277.
Key, a, drawn in perspective, 92, 93. drawing of a, 91. marking the dimensions of on a drawing, 92. representation of with a shade line, 84.
Knuckle-joint, pencil eye for, 146. with an offset, 147.
Large bow or circle pen, joints of, 23.
Lathe centre, representation of, 86.
Lathe feed motion, drawing of a part of a, 208.
Lead pencils for drawing, 23.
Lead, representation of by cross-hatching, 82.
Left-hand thread, 156.
Lever, a, actuating a plunger in a vertical line, to find how much a given amount of motion of the long arm will actuate the plunger, 226. and shaft, drawing, 103, 104, 105. arm and cam, in one piece on a shaft, a shoe sliding on the line, and held against the cam face by the rod, to find the position of the face of the shoe against the cam, 228. example of the end of a, acting directly on a shoe, 225. to find how much a given amount of motion of a long arm will move the short arm of a lever, 224.
Levers, two, upon their axles or shafts, the arms connected by a link, and one arm connected to a rod, 227.
Light in shading, 280. management of, in mechanical drawing, 82, 83.
Line-shaded engravings, drawing for, 264-276.
Line-shading, 77-90. and drawing for line-shaded engravings, 264-276. in perspective drawing of a pipe-threading stock and die, 85. mechanical drawing made to look better and show more distinctly by, 82. simplest form of, 82.
Lines and curves, 48-76.
Lines in pencilling, where to begin, 24, 25.
Lining pen, 22.
Lining pen, form of, 34-37.
Lining pen, use of with a T square, 45, 47.
Link introduced in the place of a roller, to find the amount of motion of the rod, 226. quick return, plotting out the motion of a shaper, 250-253.
Links, pencilling for, 145, 146.
Locomotive frame, 174. spring, 169.
Machine screw, to draw, 112, 113.
Main journal, 294.
Marking dimensions, 91-93.
Measuring rules, draughtsman's, 33.
Mechanical motions, plotting, 223-263.
Motion an eccentric will give to its rod, to find, 223. a shaper link, quick return, plotting out, 250-253. imparted in a straight line to a rod, attached to an eccentric strap, to find the amount of, 229-231. which a crank imparts to a connecting rod, 249, 250.
Motions, plotting mechanical, 223-263.
Moulding cutter, finding the curves for, 257-263.
Niles' horizontal tool work boring mill, feed motion of a, 209.
Nonagon, a, 62.
Nut, a representation of the shade line on, 84. cap, to pencil in a, 145. to show the thread depth in the top or end view of a, 166.
Nuts' and bolts, dimensions of United States Standard, 117.
Nuts and polygons, examples in, 112-151.
Octagon, a, 62, 63.
Oil cup, representation of, 282, 284.
Outline views, 97, 98.
Oval gearing, construction of, 210.
Paper cutter, the form of the end of, 25. rules or scales, 32.
Parabola, to draw by lines, 74, 75. to draw mechanically, 73, 74.
Parallel lines, 49.
Parallelogram, 59, 60.
Parchment, use of India ink on, 32.
Pen, German, regulated to draw lines of various breadths, 84, 85. lining, form of, 34-37.
Pen point, forming the, 39, 40. form of recently introduced, 39.
Pen points, oil-stoning, 36.
Pen, with sapphire points, 85.
Pens, circle, 37, 38. used in drawing, 22.
Pencil holders for sticks of lead, 24. lines in drawing, 23. sharpening for fine work, 24.
Pencilling for a link, having the hubs on one side only, 145. in a cap nut, 145.
Penknife and rubber scratching out, 25.
Pentagon, a, 62, 63.
Perimeter, the, 50.
Periphery, 50.
Perpendicular line, 49.
Perspective sketches to denote the shape of the piece, 93.
Photo-engraving, drawings for, 266, 267.
Piece of work should, in mechanical drawing, be presented in as few views as possible, 94.
Pillow block box, 294.
Pin, in a socket, in section, representation of, 87, 88.
Pinion teeth, to draw to the pitch of the inner and small end of, 206.
Pins and discs, discrimination of, in mechanical drawing, 96.
Pipe threading stock and die, drawing of, 85.
Pitch circle of the inner and small end of, to draw, 206. to obtain a division of the lines that divide, 167.
Plan, 94.
Planing machine, a cutting tool for, 264-266.
Plotting mechanical motions, 223-263. out the motion of a shaper link quick return, 250-253.
Point, a, 49.
Points of drawing instruments, 34.
Polished surfaces, to show by shading, 282.
Polygon of twelve equal sides, to draw, 129, 130.
Polygons, bolts and nuts, examples of, 112-151. construction of, 61. designation of the angles of, 62. names of regular, 62, 63. scales giving the lengths of the sides of, 135.
Preparation and use of the instruments, 34-47.
Produced line, 50.
Projecting one view from another, 106.
Projections, 178-192.
Protractors, 53.
Pulley, Medart, shading a, 280.
Pulleys, arrangement of idle, to guide bolts from one pulley to another, 264.
Quadrangle, quadrilateral or tetragon, 59.
Quadrant of a circle, 50.
Quick return motion, Whitworth, plotting out, 253-256.
Radius across corners of a hexagon, 138.
Rankine's process for rectifying and subdividing circular arcs, 210.
Reducing scales, 175.
Rectangle, a, 59, 60.
Rectangular piece, a, to draw in two views, 98, 99. requires two or three views, 96, 97. representation of, 96.
Red ink, marking dimensions of mechanical drawings in, 91.
Rhomboid, a, 60.
Rhomb, rhombus or diamond, 54, 60.
Right line, a, 49.
Ring with a hexagon cross section, 98.
Rivet, side and end views of, 49.
Roller, example of a short arm having a, acting upon a larger roller, 225.
Rod, attached to an eccentric strap, to find the amount of motion imparted in a straight line to a, 229-231. end with a round stem, 148.
Round stem, a representation of, 96. top and bottom thread, 156.
Rubber, 25. form of, 26. proper uses of, 25. sponge, 26. the use of, 25. to be used on Bristol board, 26. velvet, 26.
Rule, steel, 32.
Sapphire points, pen with, 85.
Scale for diameter of a regular polygon, 140. of tooth proportions, 195. triangular, 33.
Scales, for measurement and drawing, 32. reducing, 175.
Scratching out, 25.
Screw machine, to draw, 112, 113. thread, United States standard, to draw, 159-160. threads and spirals, 152-168. threads, drawing the curves for, 159. threads for small bolts, with the angles of the threads drawn in, 152-155.
threads of a large diameter, 156.
Section lining or cross-hatching, 77-82.
Sectional view of a section of a wheel, for showing dimensions through arms and hub, 202.
Sector of a circle, 51.
Segment of a circle, 50.
Semicircle, 51.
Shade curve, representation of, 87. line produced for circles, 84.
Shade line, produced in straight lines, 84. or shadow line, 82.
Shading a Medart pulley, 280. and coloring, points to be observed in, 278. brush, 281. by means of lines to distinguish round from flat surfaces, and denote relative distances of surfaces, 85. example in, of a Blake's patent direct acting steam pump, 284, 285. example of, in an independent condenser, 288. light in, 280. simple, 277. to show by, that the surfaces are highly polished, 282.
Shadow line, 82. lines and line shading, 77-90.
Shaft for cam plate, 301.
Shaper link, quick return, plotting out the motion of a, 250-253.
Shoe against a cam, to find the position of the face of, 228.
Side elevation, drawing a, 106.
Sides or flats of work, to find the lengths of, 135, 136.
Slots not radiating from a centre, to draw, 131, 132. radiating from a centre, 131.
Spiral spring, to draw, 166.
Spiral wound round a cylinder, whose end is cut off at an angle, 178.
Spirals and screw threads, 152-168.
Sponge, rubber, 26.
Spring bow pencil, for circles, 22. pen, for circles, 22, 23.
Spring, spiral, to draw, 166.
Spur wheel teeth, how to draw, 194.
Square, a, 59, 60. body, which measures one inch on each side, to find what it measures across the corners, 136.
Square part, a representation of, 96. parts, use of a cross to designate, 95, 96. thread, to draw a, 162-164.
Steam boiler, horizontal, for stationary engine, 296. chest and valves, 301. chest side, and horizontal cross section of cylinder, 301. pump, Blake's patent direct acting, 284, 285.
Steel, representation of, 277. representation of by cross-hatching, 82. square, improved, with pivoted blade, 19.
Steps, to draw a piece containing, 99-101.
Stock and die, pipe-threading, drawing of, 85.
Straight line in geometry termed a right line, 49. or lining pen, use of with a T square, 45, 47.
Stud, to draw a, 142.
Stuffing-box and gland, 169.
Surface of the paper, condensing after rubbing out, 25.
Surfaces, highly polished, to show by shading, 282.
Tacks for drawing paper, 27, 28.
Tangent, 51.
Taper or conical hole, to denote in drawing, 102. sides in a drawing, 102, 103.
Tees, 180.
Teeth of wheels, rules for drawing, 203. pinion, to draw the pitch of the inner and small end of, 206. spur wheel, how to draw, 194. to trace hypocycloides for the flanks of, 200.
Template for drawing the curves of thread, 165.
Templates called curves, 21.
T square, 18, 19.
T squares, different kinds of, 19.
Tetragon, a, 59, 62, 63.
Thread, a double, 156. a round top and bottom, 156. depth in the top or end view of a nut, to show, 166. left hand, 156. square, to draw a, 162-164. Whitworth, 156.
Threads of a large diameter, 156.
Thumb tacks for drawing paper, 27.
Tint, to graduate the depth of, for a cylindrical surface, 279.
Tooth face, how to find the curve for, 198. proportions, Willis' scale of, 195.
Tracing cloth, 29. paper, 29.
Trammel, use of in drawing an ellipse, 72.
Trapezium, 60.
Trapezoid, a, 60.
Triangle, equilateral, 58, 59. isosceles, 58, 59. obtuse, 58. right angle, 58. scalene, 59. use of in dividing circles, 129. use of in drawing polygons, 129, 130. use of to draw slots radiating from a centre, 131.
Triangles, 19-21, 58-60. requirements in use of, 20, 21. to draw, 133. using with the square, 20.
Triangular scale, 33.
Trigon, a, 62, 63.
True ellipse, a near approach to the form of, 69-72.
United States standard bolts and nuts, 114-118. standard thread, to draw, 159, 160.
Valve of an engine, 290-292.
Valves, 301.
Vertex, the, 59.
Views, different arrangement of, 94-111. of a piece of work, designations of, 103, 104. of a piece, two systems of placing, 106-111.
Washer, a, representation of the shadow side of, 83.
Wax process, drawings for engravings by, 268, 269. engraving from a print from a wood engraving, 269.
Wedge-shaped piece, representation of a, 97.
Wheel, edge view of a, to draw, 203. sectional view of a section of a, 202.
Wheels, construction, to find the curves of, 204. to draw the arcs for the teeth of, 205.
Whitworth thread, 156. quick return motion, plotting out, 253-256.
Willis' scale of tooth proportions, 195. application of, 197.
Wood engraving, drawing for, 268.
Wood, representation of by cross-hatching, 82. representation of, regular and irregular shade lines in, 90.
Wrought iron, representation of, 277. representation of by cross-hatching, 82.
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