Lesson 203.
Words sometimes incorrectly pronounced alike, but which should be carefully discriminated.
line loin creek crick sex sects loam loom pint point yon yawn lose loose sat sot least lest morn mourn phase face scrawl scroll rout route laud lord tents tense stalk stock east yeast with withe can ken dawn don close clothes blanch blench dose doze coarse corse want wont wen when white wight wax whacks alms arms moor more
Lesson 204.
Words nearly alike in Sound, to be carefully distinguished.
as say' es say' ep'ic ep'och de cease' dis ease' bea'con beck'on de scent' dis sent' coffin cough'ing de vice' de vise' grist'ly gris'ly huz za' hus sar' di'vers di'verse in tense' in tents' cho'ral cor'al a loud' al lowed' gant'let gaunt'let im merse' a merce' mu'sic mu'cic af fect' ef fect' rad'ish red'dish e lude' al lude' sculp'tor sculpt'ure Cas'tile cast'-steel hum'ble um'bel
Lesson 205.
as cent', steepness. bur'y (ber'ry), to cover with earth. as sent', agreement. an'chor, for a ship. ber'ry, a small fruit. ank'er, a liquid measure. can'non, a great gun. al'ter, to change. can'on, a rule or law. al'tar, a place for sacrifice. ceil'ing, top of a room. au'ger, an instrument. seal'ing, as with wax. au'gur, to foretell. cel'lar, a lower room. bur'row, hole for shelter. sel'ler, one who sells. bor'ough, a corporate town. ces'sion, a giving up. ses'sion, a sitting. bold'er, more bold. cous'in, a relation. bowl'der, a large pebble. coz'en, to cheat.
Lesson 206.
cen'su al, of the census. phil'ter, a love-charm. sen'su al, carnal. great'er, larger. coun'cil, an assembly. gra'ter, that which grates. coun'sel, advice. ho'ly, sacred; pure. can'vas, a kind of coarse cloth. whol'ly, entirely. can'vass, to discuss. mar'tin, a bird. crew'el, worsted yarn. mar'ten, a kind of weasel. cru'el, inhuman; savage. man'ner, form; method. cyg'net, a young swan. man'or, district. sig'net, a seal. man'tel, shelf over a fireplace. chol'er, anger; wrath. man'tle, a cloak. col'lar, for the neck. mar'tial, warlike. fil'ter, to strain. mar'shal, an officer.
Lesson 207.
Words nearly alike in Sound, to be carefully distinguished.
con'so nance con'so nants cen'sus sen'ses e lys'i an e lis'ion Lat'in lat'ten e mer'sion im mer'sion con'cert con'sort for'mer ly form'ally cor'nice Corn'ish pass'a ble pas'si ble hal'low halo pe ti'tion par ti'tion rel'ic rel'ict com'i ty com mit'tee or'der ord'ure dep ra va'tion dep ri va'tion fa'ther far'ther ve rac'i ty vo rac'i ty plaint'iff plaint'ive sta'tion a ry sta'tion er y pa'tience pa'tients
Lesson 208.
Words nearly alike in Sound, to be carefully distinguished.
bile boil ad her'ence ad her'ents wig whig con fi dant' con'fi dent God gaud at tend'ance at tend'ants dance daunts ac'ci dence ac'ci dents dome doom e lic'it il lic'it wheel weal em'i nence im'mi nence lease lees e rup'tion ir rup'tion sense since sal'a ry cel'er y dross draws bar'ren ness bar'on ess whit wit proph'e cy proph'e sy
Lesson 209.
med'al, a stamped coin. pen'cil, used for writing. med'dle, to interfere. pen'sile, hanging. mi'nor, one under age. pet'ty, small; little. mi'ner, a worker in mines. pet'it', a term in law. mit'y, full of mites. pom'ace, ground apples. might'y, powerful. pum'ice, a spongy stone. na'val, of ships. rig'or, severity; stiffness. na'vel, the central part. rig'ger, one who rigs. cen'sor, one who censures. suck'er, a kind of fish. cens'er, a pan for incense. suc'cor, help; assistance. pan'nel, a kind of saddle. sur'plus, excess. pan'el, a jury roll. sur'pluce, a clerical dress.
Lesson 210.
pal'let, a small bed. com'pli ment, regard. pal'ate, part of the mouth. com'ple ment, fullness. pal'ette, an oval board. coun'sel or, an adviser. em'i grate, to move out. coun'cil or, member of a council. im'mi grate, to move in. cas'tor, the beaver. straight'en, to make straight. cast'er, one who casts. strait'en, to narrow. cur'rent, running. cal'en dar, an almanac. cur'rant, a small fruit. cal'en der, a hot press. cap'i tol, a public edifice. sut'ler, an army trader. cap'i tal, principal. sub'tler, more subtle.
Lesson 211.
Words which require Care in Spelling.
jilt dol'lar rip'ple nat'u ral gyre schol'ar trip'le gut'tur al jow1 grap'ple pop'py lit'er al troll chap'el cop'y diz'zi ly goal ren'net sun'ny bus'i ly knoll sen'ate mon'ey ver'ti cal dole freck'le glim'mer ar'ti cle turf shek'el prim'er du'te ous verb wit'ty tread'le beau'te ous pirn cit'y ped'dle fin'i cal perk hop'per cod'dle pin'na cle surd prop'er mod'el cyn'ic al
Lesson 212.
Words which require Care in Spelling.
scream com'et peb'ble in ter cede' screen vom'it reb'el su per sede' sheave plum'met sib'yl col'o nize sheet sum'mit spin'et ad ver tise' shield ver'y lin'net par'a lyze twirl mer'ry cam'el se'cre cy churl bod'y tram'mel ec'sta sy clerk shod'dy mam'mal vac'il late quirk mud'dy sev'en fas'ci nate fraud stud'y heav'en co er'cion broad guin'ea par'rot de ter'sion awe'd nin'ny clar'et ex er'tion
Lesson 213.
Words which require Care in Spelling.
grief do'ing a byss' hid'e ous sheaf stew'ing a miss' pre'vi ous guile, yeo'man as sess' im'pi ous chyle chlo'ral ab'scess a'que ous rend know'ing sick'le par'ti cle wrench go'ing nick'el crit'ic al dearth con dole' tal'ents dil'i gent worth con trol' bal'ance el'e gant mirth en roll' si'lence fal'li ble earth dis pel' com peer' prel'a cy spurt fore tell' ad here' jeal'ous y
Lesson 214.
Words which require Care in Spelling.
which stom'ach re prieve' in i'tial ditich sau'sage con ceive' of fi'cial feud word'y de grade' es sen'tial sued tur'gid a fraid' sol sti'tial prude ver'ger pre pare' a bun'dant wooed vir'tue for bear' de pend'ent balk leop'ard bar'ter in veigh'er shawl lep'er tar'tar be tray'er guise fam'ine mar'tyr di'a logue sighs gam'mon suc ceed' dy nam'ics flies salm'on ac cede' me chan ics
Lesson 215.
Words which require Care in Spelling.
wield scan'dal se rene' an'no tate weird han'dle un clean' an'o dyne swale clam'or be tween' col on nade' swain gram'mar ma rine' ser e nade' storm ham'mer com plete' dom i neer' swarm palm'er de feat' bel ve dere' scythe sa'tyr de ceit' pen'ni less writhe trai'tor co erce' mon'ey less sieve wait'er dis burse' joc'u lar give cra'ter dis perse' jock'ey ing
Lesson 216.
Words which require Care in Spelling.
skein val'id kir'tle pol'i cy slain sal'ad tur'tle leg'a cy crane mal'let fer'tile cur'ti lage sword val'et myr'tle syn'a gogue boast breez'y wid'geon cod'i cil ghost greasy pig'eon dom'i cile queer gar'den mal'ice ver'sa tile brief par'don pal'ace hyp'o crite spoke e'vil tor'toise hip'po drome croak ea'gle mor'tise scen'er y self pole'ax sel'vage ple'na ry sylph poult'ry por'ridge dean'er y
Lesson 217.
Words which require Care in Spelling.
zinc col'lege con fer' u ten'sil brink knowl'edge a stir' pre hen'sile fought leath'er oc cur' fa tigu'ing caught teth'er ef face' be lea'guer wrought cau'cus e rase' si li'ceous fuse mawk'ish chas tise' vex a'tious news au'thor bap tize' fa ce'tious views awn'ing a chieve' sus pi'cion choose ar'id per ceive' po si'tion wooes heir'ship be reave' in cis'ion ooze air'y re nown' de ris'ion whose car'ry re nounce' e di'tion
Lesson 218.
Words which require Care in Spelling.
earl ran'cor in vade' di ur'nal knurl can'ker up braid' hi ber'nal shirk flux'ion ur bane' at tor'ney jerk suc'tion or dain' de ter'gent pith hos'pice a dieu' con ta'gion myth au'spice im brue' her ba'ceous growth bot'tom pre cede' frol'ic some loath au'tumn pro ceed' frol'ick ing loathe trunn'ion re deem' de pres'sion clothe bun'ion ex treme' dis cre'tion
Lesson 219.
Words which require Care in Spelling.
risk coup'le wry'ness ve'hi cle wrist cup'board ri'ot typ'ic al shred cho'rus ly'rist ob'sta cle dread po'rous li'vre pro'to col scheme hill'y ten'on mys'tic al chief lil'y pen'non mis'ti ness siege san'dal ros'trum rec're ant seat can'dle phan'tom reck'on er seethe nu'tant fan'ion wretch'ed ly keyed neu'ter ver'sion of'fi cer tweed nui'sance ter'tian oph'i cleide
Lesson 220.
Words containing silent Letters.
thought hand'some re doubt' hec'a tomb wreathe vict'uals re scind' sci'o list wreath scis'sors gneis'sose co a lesce' rhomb schot'tish be nign' ap'a thegm gnat g'no'mon cam paign' di'a phragm rogue' for'eign ar raign' psy'chic al gnaw dough'ty op pugn' sac'cha rine gnash haugh'ty re sign' rheu mat'ic gnarl chron'ic de light' rhap'so dy gnome daugh'ter ex pugn' rhet'o ric phlegm ghast'ly af fright' ca tarrh'al
Lesson 221.
Silent Letters.
taught hon'est ca tarrh' pneu mat'ics source gher'kin con demn' psal'ter y brought chalk'y de mesne' pneu mo'ni a realm isl'and de pot' rhi noc'e ros vault naph'tha burgh'er ren'dez vous knob gris'tle calk'er jeop'ard y qualm thros'tle, rhom'boid hem'or rhage wroth chris'ten tme'sis rhiz'o pod fraugt jeop'ard ptis'an ptar'mi gan knock wrig'gle, psy'chic pseu'do nym knife bris'tle rhym'er psalm'ist ry
Lesson 222.
Words liable to be misspelled.
tres'tle glu'ey ness collect'i ble' pa paw' crys'tal line e ras'a ble gey'ser chrys'a lis ac cor'di on gaug'ing lach'ry mose sac er do'tal co log'ne ker'o sene' ef fer ves'cence qua drille' glyc'er ine tran quil'li ty sky'ey ar'go naut com mit'ti ble sor'ghum fore'bod'ing cor us ca'tion sur vey' ex cheq'uer mac a ro'ni starve'ling sib'yl line pic'ca lil li pro'gramme sib'i lant fil'i bus ter
Lesson 223.
Words liable to be misspelled.
fleam ey'ing gen e al'o gy glyph wee'vil bac ca lau're ate liege lac'quer ab o rig'i nes cuish du et' ar chae ol'o gy taunt quar tet' as a fet'i da drap phe'nix er y sip'e las fleche rogu'ish ho mo ge'ne ous frere whey'ey hy per crit'i cism jardes ledg'er ich thy ol'o gy crypt sach'el ig'nis-fat u us sou lar'ynx lack a dai'si cal
Lesson 224.
Words frequently mispronounced.
for'tress dan'druff prod'uce con cise' car'bine fran'chise com'bat dis own' chlo'ride hom'age thith'er dis dain' cof'fee rhu'barb o'nyx di vulge' com'rade cov'ert dis arm' ex tol' sau'cer ma'tron jo cose' for bade' dec'ade mon'ad bour geois' suf fuse' quin'sy pa'tron Cay enne' pos sess' gal'lows lith'arge con tour' fare well' mis'le par'tridge di verge' be neath' fau'cet wa'ter di vert' re source'
Lesson 225 . Words frequently mispronounced.
di'a mond par'a dise cin cho'nit chan de lier' a'li as in vei'gle gran'a ry par'a chute stra te'gic cou'ri er pot-pour ri' ex cur'sion eg'lan tine hy'gi ene a cous'tics sor'cer y con'fis cate an cho'vy ex'tir pate psal'mo dy pa la'ver cor'di al guard'i an Cau ca'sian cor'ri dor com'mu nism ap par'el gas'e ous sub al'tern so pra'no doc'i ble cou ra'geous im mor telle'
Lesson 226.
Words liable to be misspelled.
som'er sault how'itz er bar'y tone stim'u lus syc'a more bil'lings gate sil'hou ette a bridg'ment bry'o ny pa vil'ion ad'di ble cen'ti ped quin till'ion aes thet'ic cim'e ter ci vil'ian al'che my col'an der cen'ti gram ar'que buse cop'i er ma nil'la ai'lan'tus nas tur'tium eu'pho ny as bes'tus chic'o ry pros'e lyte as cend'ant hei'nous ness pu'tre fy syz'y gy deb o nair' pro bos'cis bar'be cue por'phy ry
Lesson 227.
Words liable to be misspelled.
bal'dric mal fea'sance cal lig'ra phy ban'yan sur'cin gle dys'en ter y bau'ble pleu'ri sy rem i nis'cence la pel' por'ce lain hy poc'ri sy ker'chief os'cil late hy pot'e nuse gnos'tic del'e ble syn ec'do che but'-end lau'da num si de're al cam'phene crys'tal lize ad sci ti'tious catch'up pol'y glot am au ro'sis cess'-pool guer ril'la lill i pu'tian ci gar' quin tes'sence lil i a'ceos
Lesson 228.
Words liable to be misspelled.
clew coif'fure con fec'tion er y clinch fledge'ling klep to ma'ni a sleuth af'ghan cor nu co'pi a blonde che nille' cot y led'o nous glebe che mise' di u tur'ni ty gyves chas'seur terp sich o re'an guy chev'ron me temp sy cho'sis crutch cor'ymb me te or'o lite touch e leve' per ip neu'mo ny kraal hogs'head phar ma co poe'ia chintz meer'scham phar ma ceu'tic al ceirge buhr'-stone sac cha rif'er ous
Lesson 229.
Words liable to be misspelled or mispronounced.
el e phan ti'a sis ir re cog'ni za ble par a di si'ac al gu ber na to'ri al par a pher na'li a el ee mos'y na ry ver i si mil'i tude pol y cot y le'don tin tin nab u la'tion het er o ge'ne ous su per e rog'a tive hi e ro glyph'ic al pu sil la nim'i ty hyp o chon dri'ac al phan tas ma go'ri a his to ri og'ra pher ob'li ga to ri ly in dis'so lu ble'ness id i o syn'cra sy in dis'pu ta ble'ness ir re me'di a ble' er y si pel'a tous ip e cac u an'ha ir ref'ra ga ble ness
Lesson 230.
Words of irregular Pronunciation.
of (ov) tough (tuf) trough (trawf) sice (siz) hough (hok) bus'y (biz'y) tige (tej) fiord (fyord) ma'ny (men'y) says (sez) bouy (bwoy) pret'ty (prit'ty) said (sed) cough (kawf) wom'en (wim'en) loir (lwar) mont (mong) cann on' (kan yun') a'ny (en'y) rouge (roozh) sa lon' (sa long') newt (nut) mauve (mov) chap'eau (shap'o) beaux (boz) ruche (roosh) cha teau' (sha to') once (wuns) Czech (tchek) cro quet (kro ka') i'ron (i'urn) caf'e (kaf 'a) men age' (-azh')
Lesson 231.
Words of irregular Pronunciation.
pa tois' (pat wa') bou quet' (boo ka') bi jou (be zhoo') breech'es (brich'ez) phthis'ic (tiz'ik) por'poise (por'pus) bu'reau (bu'ro) a gain' (a gen') En'glish (ing'glish) dis cern' (diz zern') flam'beau (flam'bo) e nough' (e nuf') haut'boy (ho'boy) en nui' (ong nwe') hic'cough (hik'kup) ron deau' (ron do') right'eous (ri'chus) vign ette' (vin yet') cham'ois (sham'my) squir'rel (or skwur'rel) bou'doir (boo'dwor) suf fice' (suf fiz') ser'geant (sar'jent) cor'tege (kor'tazh)
Lesson 232.
Words of irregular Pronunciation.
sough (suf) men ag'e rie (men azh'e ry) myrrh (mer) ci ce ro'ne (che che- or sis'e-) suave (swav) chev'aux-de-frise (shev'o de frez) shew (sho) pap'ier-ma che (pap'ya ma sha) strew (stru) de col le te' (da kol le ta') bouffe (boof) tic-dou lou reux' (tik doo lo roo') nom (nong) ver mi cel'li (-chel'li or -sel'li) clough (kluf) su per fi'cies (su per fish'ez) nee (na) ra tion a'le (rash un a'le) ghat (gawt) ha bit u e (a bit n a') creux (kru) hal le lu jah (hal le lu'ya)
Lesson 233.
Words of irregular Pronunciation.
bus'i ness (biz'nes) roq'ue laure (rok'e lor) colo nel (kur'nel) sac'ri fice (sak'ri fiz) hau teur' (ho tur') chef-d'oeuvre' (sha doovr') bdell'ium (del'yum) es cri toire' (es kri twor') cui rass' (kwe ras') belles-let'tres (bel let'ter) gauch rie' (gosh re') res tau rant' (res to rang') trous seau' (troo so') mign on ette' (min yon et') gun'wale (gun'nel) fuch'si a (fook'si a) dah'lia (dal'ya) re veil'le (re val'ya) soi ree' (swa ra') pap e terie' (pap a tre') sap'phire' (saf'ir) sur veil'lance' (-val'yans) cog'nac (kon'yak) Ple'ia des (ple'ya dez)
Lesson 234.
Words of irregular Pronunciation.
nes'cience (nesh'ens) re cher che' (ruh sher sha') ba rege' (ba razh') so bri quet' (so bre ka') diph'thong (dif-) aid'-de-camp (ad'de kong) sol'dier (sol'jer) mag gio're (mad jo'ra) fort'une' (fort'yun) made moi selle' (-mwa zel') neph'ew (nef'yu) fleur-de-lis' (flur de le') let'tuce (let'tis) deb au chee' (deb o she') en tree' (ong tra') res er voir' (rez er vwor') re gime' (ra zhem') eis tedd'fod (is teth'fod) scru toire' (skru twor') pro te ge' (pro ta zha') phy sique' (fe zek') de noue'ment (-noo'mong)
Lesson 235.
Words of irregular Pronunciation.
cri tique' (kri tek') en core' (ong kor') pen chant' (pong shong') se ance' (sa ongs') chig'non (shen'yong) mor ceau' (mor so') cha let' (sha la') dan seuse' (dong zurz') e lan' (a lang') sang-froid' (song frwa') mem'oir (mem'wor) qui vive (ke vev) mon sieur' (mo ser') faux pas' (fo pa') blanc-mange' (blo-monj') bon ton (bong tong) a mende' (a mongd') bon'mot (bong'mo) cen time' (son tem') mil lier' (mi lya') biv'ouac (biv'wak) sa vant' (sa vong')
Lesson 236.
Names of Men.
Charles Ad'am Har'old A'sa Frank Al'bert Hen'ry Bas'il George An'drew Ho'mer Ca'leb Hugh Ar'thur I'saac Ce'phas James Clar'ence Ja'cob Cy'rus Job Da'vid Jo'seph Eu'gene John Ed'ward Lew'is Fe'lix Luke Ed'win No'ah Ja'bez Mark Ez'ra Pat'rick Leon'ard Saul Fran'cis Pe'ter Mo'ses Ralph Gil'bert Will'iam Rob'ert
Lesson 237.
Names of Men.
Her'bert Ab'sa lom Al ex an'der Hi'ram An'tho ny An dro ni'cus Hor'ace Ben'ja min Bar thol'o mew Ja'son E li'jah Eb en e'zer Jes'se Fer'di nand Em man'u el Law'rence Fred'er ick E ze'ki el Le'vi I sa'iah (-ya) Jer e mi'ah Lu'ther Le an'der Le on'i das Os'car Ol'i ver Na po'le on Phil'ip Sam'u el The oph'i lus Rich'ard Tim'o thy Zech a ri'ah
Lesson 238.
Names of Women.
Anne A'da Es'ther Lo'is Blanche Ag'nes Eu'nice Lu'cy Eve Al'ice E'va Ma'bel Grace An'na Fan'ny Mar'tha Jane Ber'tha Flo'ra Ma'ry Jean Clar'a Fran'ces My'ra Kate Co'ra Ger'trude Nan'cy Maud E'dith Hel'en Ra'chel May Ed'na Han'nah Rho'da Pearl El'la I'da Sa'rah Ruth Em'ma Lau'ra Su'san
Lesson 239.
Names of Women.
A'my Ad'e line A me'li a Bet'sey A man'da Ar a bel'la Bridg'et Bar'ba ra Dor o the'a Char'lotte Be'a trice E liz'a beth Chlo'e Deb'o rah E van'ge line Dor'cas E li'za Fe lic'i a Di'nah Em'i ly Fred er i'ca El'len Mar'ga ret Ge'or gi an'a Flor'ence Pris cil'la Is a bel'la Ja net' Re bec'ca La vin'i a Ro'sa Su san'na Vic to'ri a
Lesson 240.
Abbreviations used in Writing and Printing.
A. or Am., Answer. Bro., Brother. A. B., Bachelor of Arts. C. H., Court-House. A. C., or B. C., Before Christ. Co., Company; County. C. O. D., Collect on delivery. A. D., In the year of our Lord. A. M., Master of Arts; Before Cr., Credit. noon; In the year of the world. D. D., Doctor of Divinity. Do., or ditto, The same. Bart., Baronet. Dr., Doctor; Debtor. Bbl., Barrel; barrels. e. g. (exempli gratia), For example. B. L., Bachelor of Laws.
Lesson 241.
Abbreviations used in Writing and Printing.
Ed., Editor; Edition. H. B. M., Her Britannic Majesty. Eng., England; English. Esq., Esquire. Hhd., Hogshead. Etc. (et cetera), And so forth. H.R., House of Representatives. Fri., Friday. Fahr., Fahrenheit. Ibid., In the same place. F.R.S., Fellow of the Royal Society. Id.(idem), The same. i. e. (id est), That is. Gen., General; Genesis. Jas., James. Gov., Governor. Jun. or Jr., Junior. G.P.O., General Post-Office. Lat., Latitude. Lb., Pound; pounds.
Lesson 242.
Abbreviations used in Writing and Printing.
LL. D., Doctor of Laws. Mrs., Mistress. Long., Longitude. N., North. L. S., Place of the Seal. N. A., North America. M., Monsieur. MS., Manuscript. M. C., Member of Congress. No., Number. Mon., Monday. N. B. (nota bene), Take notice. M. D., Doctor of Medicine. pp., Pages. Messrs., Gentlemen. Per., By the. M. P., Member of Parliament. P. M., Postmaster; Afternoon. P.O., Post-Office. Mr., Mister; Master. Prof, Professor.
Lesson 243.
Abbreviations used in Writing and Printing.
P. S., Postscript. St., Saint; Street. Pub. Doc., Public Document. Sun., Sunday. Supt., Superintendent. Pxt., He painted it. Thurs., Thursday. Sc., He engraved it. Tues., Tuesday. Q. M., Quartermaster. V., vid., or vide, See. Rec'd., Received. Viz.(videlicet), Namely. Rev., Reverend. Vol., Volume. S., Shilling; South. Vs. (versus), Against. S. A., South America. Wed., Wednesday. Sat., Saturday. W.I., West Indies. Sen., Senior; Senator. Wt., Weight.
Lesson 244.
Abbreviations of the States, with their Pronunciation.
Ala., Al a ba'ma. Ia., I'o wa. Ark., Ar'kan sas. Kan., Kan'sas. Cal., Cal i for'ni a. Ky., Ken tuck'y. Col. or Colo., Col o ra'do. Lou. or La., Lou i si a'na. Conn. or Ct., Con nect'i cut Mass., Mas sa chu'setts. Md., Ma'ry land. Del., Del'a ware. Me., Maine. Flor. or Fla., Flor'i da. Mich., Mich'i gan. Geo. or Ga., Geor'gi a. Minn., Min ne so'ta. Ill., Il li nois'. Miss., Mis sis sip'pi. Ind., In di an'a. Mo., Mis sou'ri.
Lesson 245.
Abbreviations of the States, with their Pronunciation.
Neb., Ne bras'ka. R. I., Rhode Is1'and. N. C., North Car o li'na. S. C., South Car o li'na. N. H., New Hamp'shire Tenn., Ten nes see'. Tex., Tex'as. N. J., New Jer'sey. Uh., U'tah (yoo'ta). Nev., Ne va'da. U.S.A., U nit'ed States of A mer'i ca. N. Y., New York. Or., Or'e gon. Va., Vir gin'i a. O., O hi'o. Vt., Ver mont'. Pa. or Penn., Penn syl va'ni a. Wis., Wis con'sin. W Va., West Vir gin'i a.
Lesson 246.
American and Foreign Geographical Names.
Al'ba ny Ba'den Al le ghe'ny Ayr (ar) Bal'ti more A'si a (a'shi a) Aulne (on) Bor deaux' (-do') Cin cin na'ti Bos'ton Chi ca'go Eu phra'tes Chey enne' Cai'ro Ha wai'i Main Cey'lon' Pal'es tine Mo bile' I'ser (e'zer) Phil a del'phi a Pau (po) Mad rid' Pyr'e nees Saone Mil wau'kee Szeg ed in' Seine Mon ta'na Vi en'na Thames (temz) New Or'leans Wash'ing ton
Lesson 247.
Other Geographical Names of frequent Mispronunciation.
Guanaxuato (gwa na hwa'to) Aube (ob) Poughkeepsie (po kip'si) Caen (kon) Worcester (woos'ter) Dieppe (dyep) Youghiogheny (yoh'ho ga'ni) Foix (fwa) Newfoundland (nu'fund land) Joux (zhoo) Chuquisaca (choo ke sa'ka) Lisle (lel) Guatemala (ga te ma'la) Moux (moo) Winnipiseogee (-pis sok'ki) Oude (owd) Venezuela (ven e zwe'la) Sioux (soo) Altamaha (al ta ma ha') Thau (to) Chautauqua (sha ta'kwa) Y (i)
Lesson 248.
A Comma [, ] denotes the slightest degree of separation between the elements of a sentence.
A Semicolon [; ] denotes a degree of separation somewhat greater than that indicated by a comma.
A Colon [:] marks a still greater degree of separation than a semicolon.
A Period [.] usually indicates the close of a sentence.
The Interrogation Point [?] is used at the end of a question.
The Exclamation Point [!] denotes astonishment or other emotion.
A Hyphen [ - ] is used to join words or syllables.
A Dash [-] marks a sudden break or stop in a sentence.
A Parenthesis [( )] includes words which might be left out without injuring the sense.
Brackets [ ] inclose words, etc., intended to explain or rectify what precedes or follows.
An Apostrophe ['] indicates the omission of one or more letters; or denotes the possessive case.
Quotation Marks [" "] show that the passage included, is taken from some other author.
A Capital should begin: (1) the first word of every sentence, and of every line of poetry; (2) proper names of persons, places, months, and days; (3) all appellations of the Deity; (4) titles of honor; (5) names of things personified; (6) names denoting the race or nation of individuals; (7) adjectives derived from proper names; (8) the first word of a direct quotation or speech; (9) the principal words in the titles of books; (10) words denoting important events, the chief subject of a composition, etc. (11) The pronoun I and the interjection O are always capitals.