Matisse Picasso and Gertrude Stein With Two Shorter Stories
Gertrude Stein
[Transcriber's Note: All apparent spelling errors, possible typos, and one (missing?) period have been checked against the images used for transcription, and left as found. This transcription was made from a modern edition, and it is not clear if these oddities were intended or introduced. Please consult an authoritative edition before quoting from this transcription.]
Matisse Picasso and Gertrude Stein
Also known as: G.M.P.
With Two Shorter Stories
A LONG GAY BOOK 1909-1912 MANY MANY WOMEN 1910 G.M.P. 1911-1912
When they are very little just only a baby you can never tell which one is to be a lady.
There are some when they feel it inside them that it has been with them that there was once so very little of them, that they were a baby, helpless and no conscious feeling in them, that they knew nothing then when they were kissed and dandled and fixed by others who knew them when they could know nothing inside them or around them, some get from all this that once surely happened to them to that which was then every bit that was then them, there are some when they feel it later inside them that they were such once and that was all that there was then of them, there are some who have from such a knowing an uncertain curious kind of feeling in them that their having been so little once and knowing nothing makes it all a broken world for them that they have inside them, kills for them the everlasting feeling; and they spend their life in many ways, and always they are trying to make for themselves a new everlasting feeling.
One way perhaps of winning is to make a little one to come through them, little like the baby that once was all them and lost them their everlasting feeling. Some can win from just the feeling, the little one need not come, to give it to them.
And so always there is beginning and to some then a losing of the everlasting feeling. Then they make a baby to make for themselves a new beginning and so win for themselves a new everlasting feeling.
It is never very much to be a baby, to be such a very little thing and knowing nothing. It certainly is a very little thing and almost nothing to be a baby and without a conscious feeling. It is nothing, to be, without anything to know inside them or around them, just a baby and that was all there was once of them and so it is a broken world around them when they think of this beginning and then they lose their everlasting feeling.
Then they make a baby or they have the feeling and so they win what once a baby lost them.
It is not very much to be a baby. It certainly is nothing just to be one, to be without a conscious feeling. It is something to have a baby come into the world by way of them but it certainly is not very much to have been the little thing that was once all them.
It is something to have a baby come into the world through them. It is nothing just to be one.
First then they make a baby. No it is never very much just to be a baby. Later in life when one is proud as a man or as a lady it is not right that they ever could have dandled and kissed and fixed them, helpless, just a baby. Such ones never can want to feel themselves ever to have been a baby.
No it is not very much to be a baby. It is not right to one to begin them until a little they can resist to them who would hold them helpless, kiss and dandle and fix them as they were then, such a very little thing, just nothing inside to them. I say it is not right to many of them then to begin them, but it is not all of them who would resist them. There are some who do not feel it to be bad inside them to have been a baby without any conscious feeling of themselves inside them, to have been a little thing and that was all there was then of them, they are some who have not any proud kind of feeling in them.
They are some who like it in their later living that they were then such a very little thing and that was then all there was of them and then others kissed and dandled and fixed them. They are those who are within them weak or tender as the strongest thing inside them and to them it is very much to have been a baby and to have had others to feel gently toward them, who kissed and dandled and fixed the helpless bundle they were then. With them being proud is not strong inside them.
Some, and we can know them, have a curious uncertain kind of feeling when they think of themselves as they were then and some so lose the feeling of continuous life inside them.
It is a very different feeling each kind of man and woman has inside in them about the baby the very little thing that was once all them, and the little thing that comes into the world by them, and the very little things that all about fill the world every moment with beginning.
There are many kinds of men and many kinds of women and each kind of them have a different feeling in them about the baby that was once all them. There are many kinds of men and many kinds of women and there are many millions made of each kind of them. Each one of the many millions of each kind of them have it in them a little to be different from all the other millions of their kind of them, but all of each kind of them have it in them to have the same kind of feeling about the little thing that was once all them, about the little things that come to a beginning through them, about the little things beginning all around them. There are many kinds of men and many kinds of women and this will be a history of all the kinds of them and of pairs of them.
As I was saying every man and every woman was a little baby once and knowing nothing. I am saying there are many ways of feeling it inside them in the many kinds of men and women that they were little things once then and that was then all there was of them and they were dandled and fixed and kissed then, little things then and knowing nothing.
I am saying that there are many kinds of men and women and many millions made of each kind of them. Each one of the many millions of them has it in him to be different from all the millions of his kind of them. I am saying that all the millions of one kind of men or one kind of women have it in them to have the same kind of feeling inside them about the little thing that was all them, the baby that once was all there was of them then. One kind then of men and women have it in them when they know this was once all of them a little baby then and knowing nothing, one kind of men and one kind of women have it in them then to lose inside them their everlasting feeling, the world is then a broken world inside them, more broken for them then than death breaks it for them, ending is less of a breaking to such kind of them than beginning, they have then when they think it inside them that they were a baby then and knowing nothing they have then inside a loss of the everlasting feeling, to such a one such a beginning, being a baby and knowing nothing, breaks the everlasting feeling breaks it as dying as ending never can break it for them.
There are many ways for men and women to have it in them that they were little babies once and knowing nothing, that they were little babies once and full of life and kicking, that they were little babies once and others kissed them and dandled them and fixed them, that they were little babies once and they had loving all around and in them, that they had earthy love inside them.
Some people in their later living have pride in them, some never have anything of such a thing in them. There are many kinds of men and women and many millions of each kind of them and there is this history of all the kinds of them.
Every one has in them a fundamental nature to them with a kind of way of thinking that goes with this nature in them in all the many millions made of that kind of them. Every one then has it in them to be one of the many kinds of men or many kinds of women. There are many kinds of men and many kinds of women and of each kind of them there are always many millions in the world and any one can know by watching the many kinds there are of them and this is to be a history of all the kinds of them.
Every one of the kinds of them has a fundamental nature common to each one of the many millions of that kind of them a fundamental nature that has with it a certain way of thinking, a way of loving, a way of having or not having pride inside them, a way of suffering, a way of eating, a way of drinking, a way of learning, a way of working, a way of beginning, a way of ending. There are many kinds of them but everywhere in all living any one who keeps on looking can find all the kinds of them.
There are many kinds of them then many kinds of fundamental nature in men and in women. Sometimes it takes long to know it in them which kind of fundamental nature is inside them. Sometimes it takes long to know it in them, always there is mixed up with them other kinds of nature with the kind of fundamental nature of them, giving a flavor to them, sometimes giving many flavors to them, sometimes giving many contradictions to them, sometimes keeping a confusion in them and some of them never make it come right inside them. Mostly all of them in their later living come to the repeating that old age gives almost always to every one and then the fundamental nature of them comes out more and more in them and more and more we get to know it in them the fundamental nature in each one of them.
Always all the men and women all around have in them some one of the many kinds of men and women that have each one of them many millions made like them, always all the men and women all around have it in them to have one fundamental nature in them and other kinds of nature are mixed up in them with this kind of nature in them so it takes all the knowing one can learn with all the living to ever know it about any one around them the fundamental nature of them and how everything is mixed up in them.
As I was saying the mixture in them of other kinds of nature to them gives a flavor to some kinds of them to some kinds of men and some kinds of women, makes a group of them that have to them flavor as more important in them than the fundamental nature in them and the kind of thinking and feeling that goes with the fundamental nature in them. The flavor in them is real inside them more real to them than the fundamental nature in them, the flavor the other kinds of nature mixed up in them give to them. To many of such a kind of them the flavor is to them the reallest thing in them, the reallest thing about them, and this is a history of many of such of them.
In this book there will be discussion of pairs of people and their relation, short sketches of innumerable ones, Ollie, Paul; Paul, Fernande; Larr and me, Jane and me, Hattie and Ollie, Margaret and Phillip, Claudel and Mrs. Claudel, Claudel and Martin, Maurice and Jane, Helen and John, everybody I know, Murdock and Elise, Larr and Elise, Larr and Marie, Jenny Fox and me, Sadie and Julia, everybody I can think of ever, narrative after narrative of pairs of people, Martin and Mrs. Herford, Bremer and Hattie, Jane and Nellie, Henrietta and Jane and some one and another one, everybody Michael and us and Victor Herbert, Farmert and us, Bessie Hessel and me.
Some one if they dreamed that their mother was dead when they woke up would not put on mourning. Some if they believed in dreams as much as the one who dreamed that their mother was dead and did not put on mourning would if they had dreamed that their mother was dead would put on mourning. Hattie if she dreamed that her mother was dead would not put on mourning. Mrs. Claudel if she believed in dreams as much as Hattie and had dreamed that her mother was dead would put on mourning.
Some would be surprised that some could dream that their mother was dead and then not put on mourning. Some would be surprised that any one having dreamed that their mother was dead could think about then putting on mourning.
Some people know other ones. This is being a history of kinds of men and women, when they were babies and then children and then grown men and women and then old ones and the one and the ones they were in relation with at any time, at some time.
This is a general leading up to a description of Olive who is an exception in being one being living. Then there can be a description of the Pauline group and of the Pauline quality in Ollie and then there can be a complete description of the Pauline group and there can be a description of ones who could be ones who are not at all married ones a whole group of them of hundreds of them, and they grade from Eugenia to Mabel Arbor who is not like them in being one who could have been one not being a married one. Then once more one can begin with the Pauline group and Sophie among them, and then one can go through whole groups of women to Jane Sands and her relation to men and so to a group of men and ending up with Paul. Then one can take a fresh start and begin with Fanny and Helen and run through servants and adolescents to Lucy and so again to women and to men and how they love, how women love and how they do not love, how men do not love, how men do love, how women and men do and do not love and so on to men and women in detail and so on to Simon as a type of man.
Then going completely in to the flavor question how persons have the flavor they do there can be given short sketches of Farmert, Alden, of Henderson and any other man one can get having very much flavor and describing the complications in them one can branch off into women, Myrtle, Constance, Nina Beckworth and others to Ollie and then say of them that it is hard to combine their flavor with other feelings in them but it has been done and is being done and then describe Pauline and from Pauline go on to all kinds of women that come out of her, and then go on to Jane, and her group and then come back to describe Mabel Arbor and her group, then Eugenia's group always coming back to flavor idea and Pauline type, then go on to adolescents, mixing and mingling and contrasting. Then start afresh with Grace's group, practical, pseudo masculine. Then start afresh with Fanny and Helen and business women, earthy type, and kind of intellect. Enlarge on this and then go back to flavor, to pseudo flavor, Mildred's group, and then to the concentrated groups.
From then on complicate and complete giving all kinds of pictures and start in again with the men. Here begin with Victor Herbert group and ramify from that. Simon is bottom of Alden and Bremer and the rest. Go on then to how one would love and be loved as a man or as a woman by each kind that could or would love any one.
Any one being started in doing something is going on completely doing that thing, a little doing that thing, doing something that is that thing. Any one not knowing anything of any one being one starting that one in doing that thing is one doing that thing completing doing that thing and being then one living in some such thing.
Some are ones being certain that any one doing a thing and having been started in doing that thing are ones not having been taught to do that thing, are ones who have come to do that thing. Some are certain that not any one has been taught to do a thing if that one is doing a thing and not any one is remembering that that thing is something that has just been done.
Doing something is interesting to some, if not any one is remembering that that thing has just been done. Doing something is interesting to some if not any one is remembering that any one was one beginning doing some such thing. Doing something is interesting to some when those are remembering that every one has been doing that thing in having been shown that thing. Doing something is interesting to some when they are certain that all having been doing that thing have been completely dead and have not been forgotten. Doing something is interesting to some when they are certain that very many being dead were ones completely doing that thing. Doing things are interesting to some when some one is beginning to be finishing having done that thing. Doing something is interesting to some when they are remembering that every one could be doing that thing. Doing something is interesting to some when they are certain that every one should do that thing.
When some are very little ones they very completely do some thing. Some are certain that every one when they are very little ones are ones who could very completely do some thing. Some when they are very little ones very completely then do something. Some then find in this thing that beginning and ending is not at all something being existing. Some find in this thing that beginning and ending is not at all interesting. Some are finding in this thing that nothing is satisfying. Some are finding in this thing that some other thing is interesting. Some are finding in this thing that any one is being one being living. Some are finding in this thing that every one is one being existing. Some are finding in this thing that very many are being existing and are not completing then anything.
Some are certain that when any one is a very little one they are not then beginning anything. Some are finding in this thing that beginning and ending is being existing. Some are finding in this thing that beginning and ending are not being existing. Some are not finding anything in this thing. Some are finding in this thing that any one is being existing. Some are finding in this thing that some are being existing. Some are finding in this thing that not any one is being existing.
Any one being one being a little one is being then one having some, having some one knowing something of that thing. Some being a little one are asking then how some other one could have been one being a little one. Some being a little one are then not needing anything of asking anything. Some being a little one are forgetting then having been asking anything. Some being a very little one are not then needing being one being existing.
Some are not needing that any one being a little one is then being existing. Some are not needing any one being a little one. Some are not needing any one having been a little one. Some are not needing that any one has been one being existing. Some are needing that every one is being one being existing.
Being a little one is what any one being existing is being one knowing is existing. Being a little one is then existing enough for every one to be knowing something of some such thing.
Any one loving any one is being one in some way loving some one. There can be complete lists of ones loving. There can be complete lists of ones loving again and again.
If there is a thin thing and some one is seeing through that thing if there is a thin thing, very many are telling about seeing through that thing. If there is a thin thing some are saying that it is like some other thing. If there is a thin thing some are denying that it is a thin thing. If there is a thin thing some are not hearing what some one has been saying who has been saying that the thin thing is a thin thing.
There are thin things and some of them are hanging in front of something. There are thin things and they are nicely thin things, things nicely being thin enough and letting then all the light in. If there are thin things they are thin enough to hang and let light in. If there are thin things it is certain that they are like some other things. There are thin things and any one not having seen them is not completely certain that they are thin things. They are thin things the things that are thin things and some have seen them and have said then that those things are thin things.
A man in his living has many things inside him. He has in him his being certain that he is being one seeing what he is looking at just then, he has in him the kind of certain feeling of seeing what he is looking at just then that makes a kind of them of which a list will be made in making out a list of every one. This feeling of being certain of seeing what he is looking at just then comes from the being in him that is being then in him, comes from the mixing in him of being then one being living and being one then being certain of that thing.
In all of the men being living some are more certain than other ones who are very much like them are more certain of seeing the thing at which they are looking.
In all men in their daily living, in every moment they are living, in all of them, in all the time they are being living, in the times they are doing, in the times they are not doing something, in all of them there is always something in them of being certain of seeing the thing at which they are looking. In all of them in all the millions of men being living there is some feeling of being certain of seeing the thing at which they are looking. Some of the many millions of men being living have stronger the feeling of being certain of seeing the thing at which they are looking than others of them.
There are many millions of men being living and many millions are very certain that they are seeing the thing at which they are looking. In many men there is a mixture in them of being strongly certain of seeing the thing at which they are looking and just being certain that they are seeing the thing at which they are looking. In some men there is a mixture in them of being certain of being strongly certain, of not being strongly certain, of being quite certain, of being uncertain that they are seeing the thing at which they are all looking. In all the men who are being living there is something of being certain of seeing the thing at which they are looking. In all the men who are being living there is a kind of feeling about being certain of seeing that at which they are looking.
Loving is loving and being a baby is something. Loving is loving. Being a baby is something. Having been a baby is something. Not having been a baby is something that comes not to be anything and that is a thing that is beginning. Having been a baby is something having been going on being existing. Not having been a baby is something not being existing. Loving is loving. Not having been a baby could be everything. Having been a baby is something. Being a baby is something. Loving is something. Loving is loving. Not being a baby is something.
Any one has been a baby and has then been something. Any one is not a baby and is then something. Not coming to be a baby is not anything. Not coming to be loving is something. Coming to be loving is something. Loving is something. Babies have been existing. Babies are existing. Babies are something being existing. Not being babies is something being existing.
Loving is something. Anything is something. Babies are something. Being a baby is something. Not being a baby is something.
Coming to be anything is something. Not coming to be anything is something. Loving is something. Not loving is something. Loving is loving. Something is something. Anything is something.
Anything is something. Not coming to anything is something. Loving is something. Needing coming to something is something. Not needing to coming to something is something. Loving is something. Anything is something.
How can any one be one any one is loving when every one is a fat one or a thin one or in between. How can any one be one loving any one when every one is one not loving some. Every one loving any one is a thin one or a fat one or in between. Any one loving any one is one loving in being a fat one or a thin one or in between. Being a fat one and loving is something. Being a thin one and loving is something. Being in between being a thin one and being a fat one and loving is something. Being a fat one or being a thin one or being in between is being one being that one. Loving is something. Being a fat one is something. Being a thin one is something. Being in between being a fat one and a thin one is something. Being loving is something. Being not loving is something. Being believing in loving is something. Being not believing in loving is something. Being certain that not being a baby is something is something. Being certain that being a baby is something is something. Why is any one being something? Any one is being something because any one is being one being a fat one or a thin one or in between.
Loving is being existing. Loving has been being existing. Loving being existing and some being ones being loving and some having been ones being loving loving is being existing. Loving is being existing and some are ones being loving. Loving is being existing and some are ones some are loving. Loving is being existing and some are believing that loving is being existing. Loving is being existing and some are believing that babies are being existing. Babies are being existing and some are believing that loving is being existing. Babies are being existing. Loving is being existing. Some are believing that loving and babies are being existing. Any one can come to believe that babies have been existing. Some can come to believe that loving has been existing. Some babies are being living. Any one can come to believe that some babies are being living. Believing something is what some are doing. Not believing something is what some are doing. Loving is what some are doing. Not loving are what some are doing. Being one being that one is something. Any one being that one is being that one. Loving is existing. Believing is existing. Any one is existing. Babies are existing. Anything any one has been beginning is something. Any one begun is something. Not any one is certain of being begun when they are babies. Not any one is then certain of that thing that anything is something. Some loving is existing. Some babies are existing. Loving being existing is something. Some being existing is something. Any one being existing is something. Not every one being existing is something. Everything is something. Any one can be certain that not anything is anything. Any one can be certain that loving is not existing. Any one can be certain that babies are existing. Any one can be certain of something. Some can be certain that loving is existing. Some can be certain of anything. Some can be certain that loving is existing. Some can be certain of anything. Some can be certain that babies are existing. Some can be certain of that thing.
Some can be certain of something. Some can be certain that babies are existing. Some can be certain of anything. Some can be certain that babies are existing. Some can not be certain of something. Some can not be certain that babies are existing. Some can not be certain of anything, they cannot be certain that babies are existing. Some cannot be certain of everything, some of such of them can be certain that babies are existing, some of such of them can not be certain of babies being existing.
Every one being some one, every one is like some other one. Every one is like some is like some other one. Each one is a kind of a one. Each one is of a kind of a one and of that kind of them some one is a very bright one, some one is a stupid one, some one is a pretty one, some one is an ugly one, some one is a certain one, some one is an uncertain one, some one is in between being a bright one and a stupid one, some one is in between being a pretty one and an ugly one, some one is in between being a certain one and an uncertain one.
There are kinds of them that is to say there are some who look like others quite look like others. All of them are of that kind of them, all who are ones who look like some, all of them are together that kind of them. There can be lists and lists of kinds of them. There can be very many lists of kinds of them. There can be diagrams of kinds of them, there can be diagrams showing kinds of them and other kinds of them looking a little like another kind of them. There can be lists and diagrams, some diagrams and many lists. There can be lists and diagrams. There can be lists.
It is a simple thing to be quite certain that there are kinds in men and women. It is a simple thing and then not any one has any worrying to be doing about any one being any one. It is a simple thing to be quite certain that each one is one being a kind of them and in being that kind of a one is one being, doing, thinking, feeling, remembering and forgetting, loving, disliking, being angry, laughing, eating, drinking, talking, sleeping, waking like all of them of that kind of them. There are enough kinds in men and women so that any one can be interested in that thing that there are kinds in men and women.
It is a very simple thing to be knowing that there are kinds in men and women. It is a simple thing to be knowing that being born in a religion, in a country, in a position is a thing that is not disturbing anything. It is a different thing to the one being that one, quite a different thing. It is quite a different thing and each one is of a kind of them is completely quite of a kind of them and it is an interesting thing to some to make groups of them, to diagram kinds of them, to have lists of them, of kinds in men and women. Some are not worrying are not at all worrying about men and women. Some of such of them are knowing that there are kinds of them. Some of such of them have some lists of them. Some of such of them have diagrams of the kinds there are of them.
Any one being one being of a kind of one is doing something. Every one is doing something. That is an interesting thing to some. Some are having lists of ones doing anything. Some are having diagrams of that thing.
Any one is one doing something. Any one is one being of a kind of one and is one doing something in the way the ones looking like that one are doing something.
Being a dead one is something. Being a dead one is something that is happening. Being a dead one being something that is happening, some are completely knowing that thing knowing that being a dead one is something that is happening. Being loving is something that is happening. Being loving is happening. Being a dead one is happening.
Being loving is happening. Being a dead one is happening. Completely loving is something that is happening. Being a dead one is something that is happening. Some are knowing all that thing, are quite knowing all that thing.
Being completely loving is something that is happening. Being completely loving is something that is completely happening. Being a dead one is something that is happening. Being completely loving is something that is happening. Being completely loving is something that is happening and some then are completely knowing that thing, are knowing that completely loving is happening. Being a dead one is certainly happening. Some are knowing all of that thing, of being a dead one being happening. Some are knowing all of completely loving being happening and are completely using that thing completely using loving being completely happening. Being a dead one is completely happening. There is then not any way of using any such thing of being a dead one being happening. Any one can know something of being a dead one being happening. Some can know completely such a thing. Some of such of them are not needing to be using such a thing. Some of such of them are completely using loving being completely happening.
Loving can be completely happening. Some can then be using that thing and needing then that everything is beginning. Loving can be completely happening. Some can then be completely using that thing and can be then not be beginning, not be ending anything. Loving can be completely happening. Some can use something then in knowing that thing. Being a dead one is completely happening. Some can completely use that thing.
Any one knowing anything is repeating that thing and being one repeating that thing makes of that one one coming to be one knowing something of some being ones beginning some other thing, beginning that thing. Any one having been doing anything and repeating the thing and not repeating the thing can come to be one knowing something of some being ones not saying anything in any way about that thing. Any one buying something and then not going on buying that thing can be one knowing something of some not saying anything to that one, saying very little to that one.
Being a young one and an older one and a middle aged one and an older one and an almost old one and an old one is something that any one can know by remembering reading. Remembering reading is something any one is needing to be one knowing that one is being a young one, an older one, a middle aged one, an almost old one, an old one.
When they are very little just a baby they cannot know that thing. When they are a little bigger they can know that other ones are older and younger. When they are a little bigger they can remember that they were littler. When they are a little older they can know that they are then not what any one is describing, they are knowing then that they are older than the description, than every description of the age they are then. When they are older they are beginning to remember their reading, they are beginning to believe a description of them. When they are a little older they are knowing then that they just have been younger. When they are a little older they are beginning to know they will be older. When they are a little older they know they are old enough to know that age is a different thing than it has been. When they are a little older they are knowing they are beginning then to be young to some who are much older and they are beginning to be old to some who are much younger. When they are a little older they know they are beginning to be afraid of changing thinking about ageing, they are beginning then to know something of being uncertain about what is being young and what is being old, they are beginning then to be afraid of everything. When they are a little older they are coming to be certain that they have been younger. When they are a little older they are beginning to be certain that age has no meaning. When they are coming to be a little older they are coming to be saying that they are beginning to be wondering if age has not some meaning. When they are a little older they are certainly beginning to be believing what they remembered reading about being young and older and middle aged and older and almost old and old. When they are a little older they are commencing to be certain that ageing has meaning. When they are a little older they are certain that they can be older and that being older will sometime be coming. When they are a little older they are commencing mentioning ageing to prepare any one for some such thing being something that will be showing in them. When they are a little older they are commencing mentioning that they are expecting anything. When they are a little older they are commencing mentioning any such thing quite often. When they are a little older they are not mentioning being an older one, they are then mentioning that many are existing who are being young ones. When they are a little older they are mentioning anything and mentioning it quite often. When they are a little older any one is mentioning that thing and not mentioning everything and they are mentioning being a little older and they are mentioning everything. When they are a little older it depends then on how much longer they will be being living just how long they will be mentioning anything again and again. They are then completely old ones and not any one is knowing everything of that thing.
Knowing everything is something. Knowing everything and telling all of that thing is something. Knowing everything and not meaning anything in knowing everything is something.
Meaning something is something. Meaning something and telling that thing is something.
Knowing something is something. Knowing something and not meaning anything is something. Knowing something and not meaning anything and telling that thing is something.
Any one having finished needing being that one is one who might finish then in some way being that one. Any one having finished needing being that one is one going on being that one. Any one being finished with needing being that one is one who might then come to almost finish being that one. Any one coming to be finished with needing being that one might come then to finish being one.
Any one meeting any one who might come to finish being that one is believing is not believing that one will come then to finish being one. Some do then finish being one. Some do then not finish being any one. Any one can believe of any one who is finished being that one that that one will finish being one.
Any one can be finished with some one. Any one can be finished with some. Some can be finished with some. Some can be finished with some one.
Any one can be finished with some. Any one can be finished with some one. Some one is one some one can be finished with and that one is then one who is not finished with another one.
Finishing with one finishing with another one is something any one doing that thing is doing. Finishing with any one is what any one doing that thing is doing. Finishing with one, finishing with some, finishing with some other one is something any one doing any such thing is doing. Finishing with one is one thing. Finishing with some is one thing. Finishing with another one is another thing. Finishing with some other ones is another thing. Finishing with the same ones is another thing.
Finishing with some one is what any one is doing who is one finishing with some one. Finishing with some is what any one is doing who is one finishing with some.
Finishing with some and remembering that thing is what some are doing who are remembering everything. Finishing with some one and remembering that thing is what some are doing when they are finishing with some one. Finishing with some and not remembering that thing is what some are doing who are remembering anything. Finishing with some one and not remembering that thing is what some are doing who have finished with some one.
Some one is finished with some one and that one is one who was one not any one needed to be finished with as that one was one being one not coming to any finishing. Finishing with such a one is what some one is doing and that one then is knowing that thing and not any one then is finishing any such thing. Being finished with some one is what has happened to some one and that one is then one being one not having finished anything as that thing is something that not any one can be beginning to be finishing. Finishing with some one is something and that finishing then is done. Finishing with some one is something some one is beginning and that thing then is begun.
Liking something and being then one offering something is what some are doing. Liking something and paying something then and not forgetting anything then is what some are doing.
Some one is wanting to have some one come again. That one is not coming again. Some are then remembering everything. Some are then wanting to be certain that the one will perhaps come again.
Being one feeling that some one has come is what some are doing. Being one feeling that that has been happening that some one has come and has been looking is what some are doing.
Being finished with one and with another one and with another one is what some are doing. Being finished with one is something. Being finished with one and with another one and with another one and with another one is something. Being finished with one, that is, being finished with having been liking being needing one is something. Being finished with one, that is, being finished with having been liking one is something. Being finished with knowing one is something. Being finished with one is something. Being finished with one and with another one and with another one is something.
Being listening when some one is telling something one is liking is something. Being finished with being listening when some one is telling something one is liking is something. Being listening is something. Having been listening is something. Having not been listening when some one has not come to be talking is something. Having been listening when some one has not come to be talking is something.
Some one, Sloan, listened and was hearing something. He went on then beginning anything. Sloan had heard something. He did not hear that thing again. He asked then, he asked if he would hear something like that thing. He asked it again. He listened then. He did not hear that thing. He began anything. He had expected to hear something. He did hear something. He began anything.
Some one, Gibbons, did hear something. He almost always heard something. He did say everything. He did know that he almost always heard something. He did know that he said everything. He did know that it almost sounded like something when he said everything. He did know that thing. He did know he almost always heard something. He did know that was something.
Johnson did not tell any one that he told everything. He told some that he told something. He did tell something and he told any one that he had told something, that he would tell something, that he was telling something. He did tell some one that he could tell something. He did tell some that he was telling something. He did listen, he did not tell everything to any one of having been doing such a thing of having been listening.
Hobart did not expect anything in being one listening. He was then doing that thing and then he was regretting completely politely regretting not having been able just then to quite complete that thing to quite complete listening. He had been listening, he had not been hearing everything, he had been hearing something, he was completely pleased with that thing, with having then quite heard something. He was completely polite then, completely pleasant then, completely then satisfying any feeling of understanding being the one having heard something then.
Carmine had quite listened then and remembered then something that was not then something that was completely needing such remembering. He had listened some, he had heard everything, he had remembered something and that was not a thing to completely satisfy any desire for remembering he could have been having. He remembered something. He quite remembered that thing.
Watts looked in listening, he completely looked then. He listened and he was looking, he was completing looking, he had completely looked then. He could go on then completely looking.
Arthurs always listened and if he could then have remembered anything he would then have been one being quite charming. He was pleasant, he had charm, he was listening, he was expecting to be coming to be one listening and hearing and remembering.
To be finished with any one is something. Some one is finished with some one. Some one is finished with one.
Vrais is some one with whom some one is almost finished and that is not surprising and that is not exciting although the one finished with him is one who has said of him said of Vrais that he was a faithful one. Vrais was a faithful one that is to say he was not always coming when he might have been pleasantly coming to be being that one being a faithful one but he was one who had come and had been then a faithful one and had come again sometime and had been then a faithful one. The one who was finishing then with him was one who had said that Vrais was a faithful man.
That one was finished with Vrais that is to say Vrais was not needing then to be one coming sometime to be then a faithful one. Vrais was not needing then to be a faithful one for that one who had been one who had said that Vrais was a faithful one. There were some then who were coming and any one then coming was a faithful one and the one who had said that Vrais was a faithful one was one then not finishing but finished with him with his having been one sometimes coming and having been then a faithful one. He had been one sometimes coming and had been a faithful one and not one was finished with that thing. There were enough then coming, all of them were enough then to be any one coming sometimes and being a faithful one. Vrais was then one with whom some one was finished then and not needing anything, not needing any one being a faithful one in being coming sometimes, in being completely a faithful one in having been coming sometimes.
Some one was finished with Jane Sands. Several were finished with Jane Sands. Any one could come to be certain that she had not ever been a dangerous person. Any one could come to be certain that she had not gone on doing something. Any one could come to be certain that she had not been meaning what she was living in meaning. Any one could come to be certain that she had not been understanding anything. Any one could be certain that she had not begun anything. Any one could come to be certain that she was not feeling what she was one completely resonating. Any one could be certain that she had been completely born and been a stupid one. Any one could come to be enough finished with her to be quite finished then quite finished then with her. Any one could come not to be paying any attention to having been finished with, when they had been for a little time finished with her. Any one then could be one being finished with her. Any one could be such a one. Any one was some time some such a one. Any one was one who was finished with her when they were certain of anything of her everything.
Larr was one, almost any one could be certain not any one would be one being completely finished with him. Not any one was completely finished with him that is to say he was one who could be one with whom not any one had been completely finished. One could be completely finished with him and one was completely finished and he was one with whom not any one was completely finished that is to say he was one who might be one with whom not any one was finished. He was one with whom some were more finished than they might have been if he had been one being more completely one with whom not any one was completely finished. Some were quite nearly enough finished with him so that for them they were finished enough with him.
Mrs. Gaston was one who if she had been one not beginning being one not going on being the one she had been would have been one whom not any one would have been one feeling anything about finishing with her being existing. She was beginning being one and that one was one repeating what was not succeeding and some were certain that very many had come to be remembering that finishing with her was existing. Any one could come to remember something of finishing with her being something being existing.
George Clifton said himself that any one wanting to know that he was one some had come to be finished with should come to him, he could tell them something of some such thing. He could tell them that not every one could be finished with him, that he was finished with himself and that was a thing that could have been something that was not happening and certainly then he had been a healthy one and not needing everything and having everything was something he had been having and he could be having everything and he was not having everything and he was finished enough with having everything and he was finished enough for any one who was not wanting to be having him to be finished with him.
Loving is certain if one is going on loving. Loving then in a way is certain. Loving is certain when one is going on loving.
Loving is certain. Going on loving is something when loving is certain. Loving is certain and going on loving is something.
Some one being loving is going on loving. Some one being certain that loving is something is going on loving. Some one going on loving is certain that loving is something.
Some one loving is certain that that one is going on loving. Any loving is certain and any one being certain is going on loving. Some one loving is certain that going on loving is something.
Some are certain of going on loving as being existing. Some are completely certain of going on loving being existing. Some are certain about loving being about loving not being existing. Some are not certain about loving being, about loving not being existing. Some are certain about loving going on about loving not going on. Some are not certain about loving going on, about loving, not going on.
Any one looking is loving, that is sometimes quite certain. Sometimes any one looking and looking again is loving. Sometimes any one looking is loving. That is something.
Any one looking is loving. Any one remembering that thing is remembering anything. Any one looking is loving. Any one not remembering that thing is not remembering that thing.
Any one remembering about looking and loving is mentioning anything and resenting something. Any one looking is loving and any one is mentioning anything, and any one is resenting something.
Any one resenting something is remembering that any one looking and loving is looking and loving. Any one resenting something is mentioning something. Any one mentioning anything is looking and loving.
Looking and loving is something. Remembering anything is something. Mentioning anything is something. Resenting something is something.
Remembering that looking is loving is something. Remembering that any one looking has been loving is something. Remembering that looking is loving and not then mentioning that thing is something. Remembering that looking is loving and being then mentioning that thing is something.
Having been one being one who had been looking is anything. Having been one who had been looking and any one had then been mentioning that looking is loving is anything. Having been one who had been looking and having been then one being one not mentioning that looking is loving is anything.
Having been one looking and being one then having mentioned that thing and some one then having mentioned that looking is loving is anything. Having been one looking and having been then one having been mentioning looking and any one then mentioning that looking is loving is then anything.
Having been looking and not loving, having been not looking and not loving is everything. Having been not looking and not loving and having been looking and not loving and having been looking and loving is everything. Having been not looking and not loving is everything.
Having been looking and loving, and not looking and loving, and loving and looking, and loving and remembering having been looking is something. Having been not looking and loving is something. Having been loving and not looking is something. Having been loving and looking is something.
Each one is one. Each one looking is that one the one then looking. Each one looking and loving is then that one the one looking then and loving. Looking and loving is anything.
Some one, that one was one who was married to some one and he was one whose name was Claudel and he was married to one and she and he knew that thing knew that he was looking and loving. They were married the two of them. They had been married and they had three children. They were married and he had come to be looking and in a way then he was loving. Mrs. Claudel knew then that he had been looking and in a way then was loving. He was looking at one whom he had naturally been looking at. He went on looking at her and some had been doing that thing had been looking at her. She had been looking at any one and touching every one and certainly then she was one not loving, not looking, she was one touching any one and not looking and not loving. She was one touching any one and telling every one that she was not looking and not loving, that she was touching any one, that she was not looking at any one, that she was not loving any one, and it was this thing that she was doing, she was not looking, she was not loving, she might be touching any one. He looked then and in some way then he was looking and loving some then. She was not looking then, she was all loving then, she was then being one who had not been looking, who was loving then, who was quite touching any one then. She was then one going on loving and leaving then. Mrs. Claudel then was continuing in being one married to Mr. Claudel then. They were married then. They had been quite married, they were quite married then.
Paymen knew all of them. He knew others too then. He knew that any one looking and loving might be one refusing to be marrying.
Looking and loving and refusing to be marrying is something. Mayman was being one knowing that looking and loving and refusing to be marrying is something. He was looking and loving and refusing to be marrying.
He was looking and not loving. He was looking and seeing one, he was looking and seeing Miss Hendry and he was not loving. He was looking and he went on then looking and he was looking then. He was not loving, he was not then refusing to be marrying. He was then looking and looking then. He was not then looking and loving and refusing to be marrying. He was looking then, he was looking at Miss Hendry then.
He was looking and loving he was looking and loving and he was loving and he was looking and he was not then beginning to be refusing to be marrying. He was looking then at Miss Damien. He was looking and loving. He was looking. He was loving and looking. He was not being then being one looking and loving and refusing to be marrying. He was loving then and looking. He was loving then and not looking. He was looking then. He was looking and loving then. He was not looking then. He was not looking and loving then. He was not looking then at Miss Damien.
He was looking at Miss Lane then. He was not looking and loving then. He was looking then. He was not looking at Miss Lane and loving her then. He was not loving Miss Lane. He had been looking at Miss Lane.
He had been refusing to be marrying Miss Walting. He had been hoping to be refusing to be marrying Miss Walting. He had not been needing to be quite deciding to do that thing to be refusing to marry Miss Walting.
He had been looking at and not refusing to marry Minnie Claudel. He had been looking at Minnie Claudel. He had not been refusing to marry Minnie. He married Miss Walting.
He knew that Mr. Claudel had been looking and loving. He knew that Mr. Claudel had come to doing that thing. He knew that looking and loving is not anything. He quite knew that thing. He knew that Mrs. Claudel knew that thing that looking and loving is not anything. Mr. Claudel had been looking and loving. Any one could be one suffering.
Any one being one suffering can be one having been mentioning something of some such thing. Any one being one suffering is one being one going on then having been one mentioning something of some such thing. One, Marie, had been mentioning that suffering was existing. She had been one who had been mentioning that suffering is being existing.
In mentioning that suffering is being existing Marie was beginning the completing of being one mentioning something. She was mentioning that suffering is being existing. She was mentioning this thing. She had not mentioned any such thing to Haick, she was not mentioning any such thing to him. She had mentioned that suffering is being existing. He was not one asking any one to remember being one mentioning that suffering is being existing. He was not one mentioning to any one to mention to any one that suffering is being existing. He was not mentioning to any one to not mention to any one that suffering is being existing. He was not mentioning to any one that suffering is being existing. He was not mentioning to any one that any one was mentioning that suffering is being existing. He was asking some one to tell him to whom Marie was coming soon to marrying. That one was then not mentioning any one. He and Marie then mentioned that he and she were going to marry each other very soon and very soon then they did marry and they did have two children, and Marie was married to him and he was married to Marie and each of them were ones who were succeeding in being the ones they were being in living, they were ones being married ones who were a family then, a family succeeding quite succeeding in living.
Any one repeating that any one can come again is one repeating something. Any one repeating that every one does come again is one repeating anything.
One repeating that some one coming again is one who always will be welcome is one repeating everything. One repeating that when some one comes that one will be welcome is one repeating everything. One repeating that any one coming is one being welcome is one repeating that thing. One repeating that any one coming and saying that he has come then is one who can be welcome, is one repeating being one who has been saying that thing. One repeating that some one has said something and was then one who was not welcome is one who is repeating everything.
One who has been coming and is one then not going on being one who is welcome is one who is then not remembering that he would have been coming if he had not been welcome if he had not then come to not coming. This one was one who was not then welcome. This one was then one who had not been coming.
One who had been telling something was then repeating that thing, the thing he had been telling and when he was doing that thing repeating the thing he had been telling he was being one who would be one remembering that some one had been very sorry for him and that he had been completely sorry then for that one and had completely been giving himself to that one.
One who had been telling one who was married to him that she was something was one who was telling some one who was married to another one that he should be one going on being that one being one who was needing something of being married to be one being living. The one telling that thing was telling the wife of the other man that she was one who was not needing anything to be one having been married to the one to whom she was married. They were then not welcome the one and his wife to the wife of the other one.
One who was married to some one was one who would be one married to some other one. This was one who was one who came to be married to the other one. Any one would be one then married to some other one.
When one is born and not remembering any one can be one having been one who would have been one bathing that one if the one who was born then and not remembering had not come to be one knowing that some one who had been a very little one then was the one who had been bathing that one. Knowing something and telling it again and again is a happy thing if the two of them are then completely knowing that thing that knowing a thing and telling it again and again is a very happy thing.
In beginning going on living any one is beginning, any one is not beginning. In beginning going on living any one is going on living.
Any one is going on living. Any one in going on living is going on living. Any one in going on living is certainly going on living. In going on living any one is doing something, is doing going on living. In going on living any one is going on beginning going on living. In beginning going on living any one is going on doing that thing.
Going on living is what any one is doing. In going on living any one is doing that thing is going on living.
One in going on living is doing that thing and in doing that thing is one remembering that any one is going on living and is doing that thing.
In going on living, in doing that thing one is one doing something that is happening so that going on living is continuing. In going on living each one is doing enough to be one going on and be one going on living.
Each day is every day, that is to say, any day is that day. Any day is that day that is to say if any day has been a day there will be another day and that day will be that day.
Each day is a day. Any day is a day. Each day is a day. Each day and each day is every day. Every day is a day.
Every day is a day and some day some will know that that day is the day that is that day. Every day is a day and some are thinking what each one is doing if a day is a day, if any day is a day, if every day is a day. Some one is thinking about any one doing something, about every one doing something, and about any day being a day. Some one is thinking something of some doing something and any day being a day and every day being a day.
If every day is a day and every one does something every day, every one can be certain that each day is a day and some can be thinking about what some are doing every day.
In each day being a day and in every day being a day and any day being a day, in every day being a day any one being one going on being living in each day being a day any one being one is being one doing that thing being one having been one going on being living. In each day being a day and any day is a day, any day being a day, in each day any one coming to be one continuing being living is one having been one being living, having been one going on being living.
Any day being a day, each one every day is being that one the one being that one. In each day any one is being one. In each day any one being one is being that one.
Any day being a day one being that one is one being that one then. Any day being a day any one being then one and going on being that one is one going on being that one.
Any day one being that one is one being that one. Any day is a day. Any one being one is being that one. Any one going on being one is being that one. Any day is a day. Every day is a day. Each day is a day. Each one is one. Any one is one. Any one is the one that one is.
Each day being a day Nettie was telling that thing, was telling that any day is a day, that every day is a day. Nettie telling that any day is a day is telling that any day is a day. Nettie telling that again and again is telling often that any day is a day.
Nettie telling that any day is a day is telling that any day being a day, any day is a day. Nettie telling again and again that any day being a day any day is a day is telling that again and telling it, telling it that any day is a day.
George Clifton telling that a day is a day is telling it every day. George telling that a day is a day is telling it every day, is telling every day that a day is a day. George telling that any day is a day is telling that every day has been a day. George telling every day that a day is a day is telling every day that each day was a day. George telling that each day was a day is telling it any day. George telling that each day was a day is telling it every day, is telling it any day. George is telling every day that each day was a day. George is telling any day that any day is a day.
Any day is a day and a day, a day that is any day is a day. A day that is a day is a day. Any day is a day and Elise was one being one and every day was a day. Every day was a day, every day being a day every day was a day Elise was being one. Elise being one every day, being that one every day, Elise being that one any day was one, every day, doing everything of being that one. Every day she was doing everything of being that one.
In doing everything every day of being that one she was one every day doing everything of being that one.
In doing everything every day, in doing everything of being that one she was one running, that is she was one running when she was just coming to be doing something of doing everything of being that one. She was every day doing everything of being that one. She was one running any day, she was one running every day. She was one running when she was just coming to be doing something of everything and she was doing everything of being that one every day, she was doing everything of being that one any day.
Any day is a day. Every day is a day and any one not needing that day just then is one not needing that any day is a day. Some one not needing that every day is a day is one not needing that every day is a day. Some one not coming to be wanting some day to be a day and having every day being a day is some one coming sometime to be one remembering that every day is a day, is one remembering any day that any day is a day. Madeleine is one remembering any day that any day is a day. She is one having been remembering any day that any day is a day.
In remembering that any day is a day, in remembering that thing some are remembering that they are not going on being living. In remembering that every day is a day some are remembering that they have been going on living.
In remembering that a day is a day some are being one kind of a one. In not remembering that a day is a day they are being that kind of a one.
Some are not remembering, some are remembering something about any day being a day. Some are remembering that they have been remembering that any day is a day.
In a day being a day, that is in each day being a day, that is in there being one day and then being another day any one is one being one and any one being one is one being that one. Any one being that one is one who has been one going on being one all that day if that one had not come sometime in that day to be a dead one.
Any one being one and any one is one, any one going on being one every day is one being that one and any one being one is one being that one.
One being one and being living every day is one who would be one deciding that going on being living another day would be a different thing from being living that day if it were not the same thing. She was one being one and every day in being that one she was not expecting to be a different one. She was one and being that one she would be one being one not liking the day as well as she had been liking some other day if she had not been one who had not been one needing liking that day. She was liking any day, that is to say she was not needing to be not liking any day. She was liking any day, that is to say any day was a day, every day would be a day, any day was a day, a day was a day, any day was that day.
Some being certain that a day is a day and any one not being certain of some thing about a day not being a day are certain that a day is a day, any one being certain that a day is a day are certain that they will be ones going on doing that thing, being certain that a day is a day.
One day, one man is saying to another man that they will go where they have come from. Any day they can say, they do go where they were going. Any day is a day. Any day they have been all day where they were all day. Every day is a day. They can be certain that any day is a day. They can be certain that a day is a day.
Mr. Peter was knowing that being one being of a kind who are ones knowing that in a day, in any day they are winning some and losing a little and sitting in doing this thing and inventing a little different ways of going on sitting and telling some of being ones not needing anything just then, Mr. Peter knowing a little of being one being such a one is one knowing that in being that kind of a one he is one who could be refusing what he might be buying if he was completely inventing buying everything. Mr. Peter is one understanding that he is not inventing each day buying everything. Mr. Peter is one understanding that he is one inventing each day buying something. He is knowing he is of a kind of a one not knowing he is that kind of a one. He is knowing that he is that kind of a one. He is knowing that if any one wants any one being that kind of a one, being that kind of a one is quite a good thing.
Every day he is being that one and knowing that thing he is saying that anything is a good thing and in a way being that kind of a one is a good thing. He is saying this thing any day. He is believing some little thing any day. He is inventing some little thing any day. He is sitting and playing something every day.
Mrs. Peter is one remembering that being one being living where any one who is polite is not mentioning everything they are seeing, Mrs. Peter being one laughing and being one remembering having been laughing where any one being a polite enough one is not remembering anything they were seeing, Mrs. Peter being one having been one living where she had been living was remembering that every day then she was laughing and was remembering that any day then was a day she would not be living there if she could come to be living elsewhere. She came to be living elsewhere. Every day there she was one laughing and remembering. Every day there she was one meeting some and remembering that she could come to remembering everything she was seeing. Every day she was laughing and any day some one was mentioning that she had not come to be remembering everything she was seeing. Every day she was being that one.
Any day Flint could be one saying that he had said what he had been saying. Any day Flint could be such a one. In diagramming anything Flint could come to be certain that he had been a slow one. He was one and being that one he was one seeing something. He was one and being that one every day he was not seeing something. He was one and being that one every day he was describing what he hoped he would not come to be seeing. He was one and he was seeing something. He was one and he was demanding that he could be mentioning what he was seeing. Every day he was mentioning something he was seeing which was the thing he was deciding not to be seeing. Every day he was mentioning that seeing everything was something. Every day he was telling that be had been seeing something and in being one seeing that thing he was one needing to be one seeing some other thing. Every day he was seeing something. Every day he was mentioning seeing something. Every day he was seeing something and seeing that thing he was seeing that that thing was a heavy thing, a dreary thing, a sad thing. Every day he was seeing something. Every day he was seeing something and every day he was mentioning that he was seeing something and it was a delicate, a graceful, an impressive, a tender thing, the thing he was seeing. Every day he was seeing something. Any day he was telling that he might come to be seeing something and to be going on being one seeing that thing and any day he was one being uncertain being uncertain of his being one going to be seeing that thing.
Martin if he had not been one not coming very often would have been one always asking if he might be one saying anything. He was one asking if he might be one saying that he was going to be saying something. Supposing every day was a day and every day he was asking very often if he might be saying anything, supposing he was such a one and supposing that he went on being that one, would he then be one not coming to be one any one would want to be one saying something. If he was one asking any day and very often if he might do something he would be the one who had come to being one who might have known that he could do something if he did not come to be one who was going on being one not coming to be where he could do anything.
He was one and being one who every day was using all day in having that day be that day, he was one and having come to be one he was one having come to use every day to be a day and in doing that thing in making a day be a day he was using up all of a day and he was then that one. He was one then knowing all of that thing, knowing all of a day being a day. He was then knowing something. He was then doing something. He was then being that one.
George was one and being one and not polishing that thing because it being a quite full thing and a fairly dull thing and a quite delicate thing, polishing would be brightening, George being that one he was one and any part of any day was a day to him and a day to him was a day and in being that thing it was something and something was done and again and again it would be finished and something could then be begun that would be finished any day which was a part of a day for any part of a day was a day when that part of a day was being there and being then a day.
Maddalena had every day for being one being living and being one having been using something for such a thing she was using any part of a day that was needing using and she went on being one who had been one keeping going being living. Every day then in a way was a day. Every day was a day and many days were many days and all the days she had been living were all the days she had been living. She was living every day and being living every day that day was a day coming after the other day. Any day was a day and she was doing that thing she was doing every day to be a day and every day coming to be a day she had been living that day. She lived every day, that is the day was a day and she was living the next day and that day was a day. Any day was a day and anything hurting any one that day was something hurting that day. Any day was a day and any being sick that day was the being sick that day. Any day was a day. Every day was a day. There were enough days as every day was enough of a day.
Eugenia knowing that she was one needing to be one enjoying that she was not exhausting having been living was one needing not to be completely working, not completely not working every day. She was one arranging having been that one. She was one being that one. She was one working, she was one not working every day. She was one working, she was one not working any day. Every day was a day.
She was one completing that each day she was quite showing that she was one working and not working. She was completing every day quite neatly every day that she was working, that she was not working every day.
She was arranging any day that every day was all of that day. She was completing arranging every day that every day is a day. Every day is a day. Any day is a day.
Being one remembering what being that one is meaning is something. Being one intending to be completing being that one is something. Being one conceiving that that one is that one is something. Completing remembering that one has been conceiving that that one is that one is something.
Any one being any one is being one that that one could be conceiving to be that one. Any one being one is being one remembering that that one could have been conceiving that that one could be that one.
If in having been one one was one then that one the one that one was was one having come to be that one. In having been one one who was one was one and in having been that one that one was one having come to be that one. In having come to be that one one having come to be that one was one coming to be that one.
One being one, being that one, is one and being one, having come to be one, having come to be that one, is one and being that one is one and in being that one is one keeping that thing keeping being that one. Any one being one and keeping being that one is that one. Any one keeping to be one is one and being that one is that one.
Minnie Harn was one, she had come to be that one. Miss Furr was one, she had come to be that one, she was keeping being that one. Anne Helbing had come to be one, to be keeping being that one. Minna had been coming to be one. She was one. She had been keeping being that one.
Each one being one and coming to completing that thing is in being that one remembering something of beginning completing that thing. Any one is one completing being that one.
Paul was one and in being that one he was one being one remembering having been coming to be that one and being one not needing doing that thing not needing remembering coming to be that one because being that one very many were expecting to be remembering his coming to be that one. He was remembering coming to be that one and in remembering coming to be that one he was choosing quite choosing to have been remembering everything and having everything being having been what he was remembering in remembering everything. He was one remembering everything in having everything being having been what he was remembering as having been in his coming to be being that one. Any one could remember that thing could remember that he was one who had come to be that one. He was the one remembering everything in having everything having been and he being the one having come to be that one.
Having come to be that one he was one come to be one and some came to be ones knowing that thing that he was one having come to be one not having come to be that one.
He was one. In being that one he had been one. In having been one he was one who had been one. In being one he was not one coming to be one. He had not come to be one. He was not coming to be one. He had been one. He was that one. He was one and he had been one. He had been one. In being one he was one. He had been one. In having been one he had been one.
In being one he was one and in being one he was one and in being one he was one. In being one he was one.
In having been one he had been one. He had been one. He was one. He had been one. In being one he was one.
In being one he was one and in being one he was one. He had been one. In having been one he had been one. In having been one he had been one.
In being one he was one. In being one he was one and in being one, in being one he was one. He was one. He had been one. He had been one.
He was one. In being one he was one. He was one. He was one.
Arranging being one and any one not arranging being one is one not arranging being one, in arranging being one any one arranging being one is feeling something coming. In arranging being one any one is feeling something doing. In arranging being one any one is having a piece of them spreading. In arranging being one any one is beginning completing something. In arranging being one any one is existing. In arranging being one one is almost completing that thing.
In arranging being one one was completing that thing. In completing being that one that one was one coming to be one having to remember that he had arranged that thing. He came to be one not needing anything to be that one but complete remembering that he had arranged that thing.
Mr. Hurr, it is natural that being one he is arranging that thing. It is natural that arranging that thing and going on being that one and being one who could be selling anything it is natural that he being that one that Mrs. Hurr speaking to, speaking of him should speak of him as Mr. Hurr and say then that that is a natural thing.
It was a natural thing that he being that one and satisfying that thing it was a natural thing that in helping any one he was helping very many and in helping very many he was helping some who had already been succeeding and he was helping some who might not have been succeeding if he had not been helping them and who were then ones a little succeeding then. It was a natural thing the he being one he was not helping some who were coming to be ones quite succeeding. He being one and being one who could be selling anything, it was a natural thing that he was one arranging to be one coming to be one working to have been one working and feeling. He being one it was a natural thing that he was one and being married then it was a natural thing that he and she were then ones spending and economizing. They being ones being married then it was a natural thing that he was understanding that some living that was a living was a living having meaning. He being one feeling understanding that some living being living having meaning it was a natural thing that he was a man expressing dignity in suffering, he was a man expressing women dreaming, he was a man expressing dim awakening, he was a man expressing dim disappearing.
Any one arranging telling something was arranging something for that thing, was arranging anything for that thing. Any one arranging anything is arranging something.
In arranging anything, in arranging hoping to be one coming to expect arranging to be existing, in arranging anything some one arranging something is arranging that an arrangement is not completely existing.
Some one arranging something is arranging that having arranged that thing it is necessary to arrange that that thing is something that being arranged is not completing anything.
Some one arranging everything is arranging that something that will not then come to be arranged is something that will be arranged when that thing which is arranged is something that has been completely arranged and completely begun being arranged.
Arranging something so that in disarranging that thing something will be arranged is something. Arranging something so that some one arranging something is arranging that thing is something.
Arranging anything and then arranging something in that arrangement and then completing the arranging of some other thing is something. Arranging something and then arranging that in arranging another thing any arrangement is an arrangement is something.
Arranging something and then having something and then losing anything and then arranging everything is something. Any one arranging is arranging. Every one arranging is arranging. Any one believing that arranging is something is believing that arranging is something.
Clay was arranging that he would be worrying if arranging everything would be what he was needing. He was arranging that he would not be worrying if in going on being living he would be losing being one needing to be arranging everything.
He could be arranging that he would not arrange everything and he almost did arrange this thing. He arranged almost everything. He went on almost arranging everything.
Henns in arranging that he would go on arranging what he wanted to go on arranging was arranging that he would begin to arrange something. He began arranging that thing and then some one and he had asked him to arrange with him came to arranging the thing with him. They arranged the thing the the two of them. They arranged it and then Henns was completely having it that he was one who had come to be one who would arrange what any one telling many to arrange things was telling him to arrange. He came to arrange things then. He went on arranging some such things.
Arranging being one having a feeling of being one is something. Arranging being one having a feeling of not being an important one is something. Arranging being one having a feeling of being one admiring being one succeeding is something. Arranging being one completely being that one is something. Arranging being one continuing is something. Arranging being one needing being one dreaming is something.
Dear Anne Helbing, she was that one, she remembered that thing, she remembered having been that one. She remembered something, she remembered that she had remembered being that one, she remembered that thing, she remembered something.
Dear Anne Helbing, she was being that one, she was remembering everything, she was remembering that thing. She had been that one and that thing was something she was not wanting to be using, it was something she was not needing, it was something she was not remembering, it was something, she had been that one she was one, she was Anne Helbing.
She was Anne Helbing, she was that one, she was working, she was remembering that thing, she was learning anything, she was forgetting everything, she was remembering nothing, she was Anne Helbing.
She was Anne Helbing and she was arranging that thing, she was arranging being working, she was arranging hoping everything, she was arranging doing something, she did something, she did something and her mother was doing everything and her mother did anything and Anne Helbing was working and she was remembering everything.
Minna was one and she married sometime and she had arranged to be one not needing doing that thing, she had arranged to be one and she was that one she had arranged to be one being a quiet one.
She had arranged to be one taking very much time to be a quiet one. She had arranged that she should be one having everything and she arranged to be one being a quiet one. In being a quiet one she was arranging to be one coming to be a married one. In being a quiet one she was arranging being one having everything in having time to be one being a quiet one.
She was arranging something she was arranging that a very long time she would be arranging to be a married one. She was arranging something she was arranging that all the time she would be a quiet one. She was arranging something she was arranging that being a quiet one she would be one having what she was needing to be that one.
Any one having been coming and having been coming once and some one having been remembering that thing, any one being one coming and being one listening and being one coming to be quite old enough to be one having been coming and having been is one being one coming again and coming again is one telling that coming again is a pleasant thing, a profitable thing and a thing that that one will be doing again. That one will then be doing that thing again if that one has not come before then to be a quite older one.
Thomas Whitehead is one and being one is one who sometime will be a quite old one and having come then to be a quite old one will be one who has been one coming and telling that coming again would be a pleasant thing and then have come again and have been telling that it was a pleasant, a profitable thing to have come and that he will be one coming again and he would be one coming again if he came again before he became a quite quite old one.
Any one listening and hearing anything is one having been saying something. Any one listening and telling that thing is one needing something. Any one listening and hearing everything is one having been one not needing telling anything. Any one listening and telling everything is one being one who has been hearing something. Any one being one having been hearing something is one being one not having been needing all of that thing. Any one being one going on hearing something is one who has come to be one telling something of that thing. Any one hearing what he has been hearing is one telling what he has been telling. |