Three things American slavery gave the Negro—the habit of work, the English language, and the Christian religion; but one priceless thing it debauched, destroyed, and took from him, and that was the organized home. For the sake of intelligence and thrift, for the sake of work and morality, this home-life must be restored and regenerated with newer ideals. How? The normal method would be by actual contact with a higher home-life among his neighbors, but this method the social separation of white and black precludes. A proposed method is by schools of domestic arts, but, valuable as these are, they are but subsidiary aids to the establishment of homes; for real homes are primarily centers of ideals and teaching and only incidentally centers of cooking. The restoration and raising of home ideals must, then, come from social life among Negroes themselves; and does that social life need no leadership? It needs the best possible leadership of pure hearts and trained heads, the highest leadership of carefully trained men.
Such are the arguments for the Negro college, and such is the work that Atlanta University and a few similar institutions seek to do. We believe that a rationally arranged college course of study for men and women able to pursue it is the best and only method of putting into the world Negroes with ability to use the social forces of their race so as to stamp out crime, strengthen the home, eliminate degenerates, and inspire and encourage the higher tendencies of the race not only in thought and aspiration but in every-day toil. And we believe this, not simply because we have argued that such training ought to have these effects, or merely because we hope for such results in some dim future, but because already for years we have seen in the work of our graduates precisely such results as I have mentioned: successful teachers of teachers, intelligent and upright ministers, skilled physicians, principals of industrial schools, business men, and above all, makers of model homes and leaders of social groups, out from which radiate subtle but tangible forces of uplift and inspiration. The proof of this lies scattered in every State of the South, and, above all, in the half-unwilling testimony of men disposed to decry our work.
Between the Negro college and industrial school there are the strongest grounds for co-operation and unity. It is not a matter of mere emphasis, for we would be glad to see ten industrial schools to every college. It is not a fact that there are to-day too few Negro colleges, but rather that there are too many institutions attempting to do college work. But the danger lies in the fact that the best of the Negro colleges are poorly equipped and are to-day losing support and countenance, and that, unless the nation awakens to its duty, ten years will see the annihilation of higher Negro training in the South. We need a few strong, well-equipped Negro colleges, and we need them now, not to-morrow; unless we can have them and have them decently supported, Negro education in the South, both common-school and industrial, is doomed to failure, and the forces of social regeneration will be fatally weakened, for the college to-day among Negroes is, just as truly as it was yesterday among whites, the beginning and not the end of human training, the foundation and not the cap-stone of popular education.
Strange is it not, my brothers, how often in America those great watchwords of human energy—"Be strong!" "Know thyself!" "Hitch your wagon to a star!"—how often these die away into dim whispers when we face these seething millions of black men? And yet do they not belong to them? Are they not their heritage as well as yours? Can they bear burdens without strength, know without learning, and aspire without ideals? Are you afraid to let them try? Fear rather, in this our common fatherland, lest we live to lose those great watchwords of Liberty and Opportunity which yonder in the eternal hills their fathers fought with your fathers to preserve.
Abel, 377
Abolition, Abolitionists, 13, 17, 18, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 144, 145, 328, 412, 420
Abraham, 306, 373
Academy, French, 95, 294 Negro, 159
Achilles, 455
Adams, John Quincy, 116, 412, 413
Advocate, Southwestern Christian, 455
AEneid, 455
AEneas, 455
Africa, 14, 18, 26, 102, 169, 202, 220, 227, 243, 244, 245, 246, 249, 257, 258, 263, 265, 375, 376, 390, 422, 429, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 438, 439, 463, 478, 479, 480
Africa, Central, 169, 426 East, 426 East Coast of, 426 South, 426 West, 170
African, 13, 14, 15, 26, 38, 68, 157, 158, 263, 264, 373, 422, 439, 445, 465, 468
Afro-American, 329, 464, 472
Alabama, 217, 236, 376
Alexander the Great, 330, 464
Alfred the Great, 267, 269
Allah, 381
Alvord, J. W., 384
Amazon River, 182
Amendment, 13th, 70 14th, 70, 76, 79, 468 15th, 70, 155, 310, 469
Ames, Alexander, 130
Ames, Capt., 190
A. M. E. Church, 475
America, 38, 43, 48, 102, 212, 239, 257, 268, 270, 304, 307, 313, 320, 330, 375, 378, 395, 422, 453, 494
America, South, 48
American, 36, 43, 45, 47, 97, 99, 103, 128, 129, 130, 134, 138, 144, 166, 216, 263, 266, 316, 320, 334, 365, 368, 396, 400, 401, 418, 422, 423, 446, 447, 449, 461, 462, 464, 468, 471, 484, 490
American University, 382
Anderson, Charles W., 211
Andover, 130
Andrews, Gov. John A., 196, 415
Anglo-Saxon, 85, 258, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 291, 292, 295, 335, 368, 376, 411, 443, 464, 473
Antietam, 198
Appeal, Memphis, 193
Appolodorus, 465
Appomatox, 192, 291, 330, 484
Arab, 442
Arcadia, 178, 198
Archimedes, 213
Arctic, 422
Areopagus, 383
Arkansas, 357
Arlington Heights, 133, 381
Army, American, 192, 193, 339 5th Corps, 288 United States, 277, 281
Aristotle, 365
Arnett, Bishop, 471
Arnold, Benedict, 68
Aryan, 228
Asia, 227
Athaneum Club, 263
Athens, 385, 398
Atlanta, 181, 187
Atlanta University, 494, 503
Atlantic, 348 Ocean, 466
Attucks, Crispus, 125, 127, 129, 130, 131, 132, 415, 469
Augusta, 193
Augustine, 116
Austrian, 279
Avalanche, Memphis, 193
Baal, 353
Babylon, 42
Bacon, Lord, 241, 464
Badeau, General, 192
Balaam, 354
Balak, 118
Balaklava, 291
Baltimore, 101, 391, 483
Bancroft, 421
Bangweolo, Lake, 430
Bank, Freedmen's, 251
Banks, Gen., 198
Banneker Literary Club, 125
Bannockburn, Battle of, 27
Banquo, 294
Baptist, 475, 481
Barnato, Barney, 260, 261
Bass, Harry W., 472
Baylor's Field, 192
Bayou, M., 10, 20
Beard, Gen. O. T., 197
Beatitudes, Mount of, 109
Bechauna, 245
Beck, Mr., 68
Belgium, 470
Berea College, 334
Berkshires, 414
Bethlehem, 204
Bible, 44, 364, 365, 400, 402, 435
Black Battalion, 338, 341, 342, 346
Bliss, Judge, 61
Blue Bells, 304
Blumenbach, 294
Blyden, Edward Wilmot, 263
Boker, 119
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 23, 25, 26, 29, 330, 423
Bordentown, Manual Training and Industrial School, 397
Boston, 127, 130, 131, 177, 191, 296, 305, 412, 415, 469
Boston Common, 191
Boston Council, 125
Boston Gazette, 131
Boston Suffrage League, 305
Boston Massacre, 125
British, 20, 22, 125, 127, 129, 131, 463
Brougham, Lord, 359
Boughton, Prof. J., 227
Bowen, J. W. E., 471
Boyer, 16
Brown, John, 307, 346
Browning, Robert, 399
Brownsville, Pa., 461
Brownsville, Texas, 338, 345
Bruce, Robert, 27
Bruce, B. K., 471
Brutus, 436
Bryant, 118
Buchanan, James, 147
Bull Run, 198
Bunker Hill, 128, 130, 189, 291, 297, 298, 412, 415
Burke, Edmund, 118, 344
Burlingame, Anson, 128
Burmah, 202
Burns, Robert, 338
Burton, 168
Butler, Gen. B. F., 187, 193
Byron, 438
Caesar, 141, 178, 306, 330, 402, 473
Cailloux, Capt., 199
Cain, 377
Calais, 171
Caldwell, James, 127
Calhoun, John C., 97, 293
California, 45
Calvary, 321
Cambridge University, 149, 388
Camden, 68
Campbell, Thomas, 118
Canaan, 374, 402
Capital, 381
Carey, Henry C., 255
Carlyle, 429, 443
Carnegie Peace Building, 381
Carney, Sergeant, 200, 214, 210
Carolinas, 488
Carolina, North, 131, 233, 234, 235
Carolina, South, 67, 68, 78
Carolina, South Regulars, 197
Carter, W. Justin, 265
Catholic, 381
Catholic University, 382
Cavalier, 270, 463
Cavalry, United States, 9th, 296 10th, 288 25th, 470
Census Federal, 468
Centurion, 398
Cephalus, 65
Chambezi River, 430
Chancellorsville, 383
Channing, Dr., 117, 167
Chapin Farm, 187
Charleston, 190, 326
Chatham, 118
Chattanooga, 92
Chicago, 277, 391
Chinese, 202, 452
Chinese Government, 63
Christian, 121, 373, 440
Christianity, 441, 476, 477, 478
Christian Church, 118
Christophe, 28
Chobungo, 434
Church Extension Society, 475
Cicero, 65, 118, 398
Cincinnati, 98
Civil Liberty, 70
Civil Rights, 70, 71, 77, 89
Civil Rights Bill, 67, 89
Civil War, 193, 281, 348, 349, 383, 468, 469, 470, 496
Clark, William, 388
Clarkson, 118, 331
Clay, Henry, 324
Clover Hill, Va., 184, 198, 202
Coburn, Tites, 130
Coleridge, 168
Coleridge, Samuel T., 432
Colored Orphan Asylum, 19, 31
Colored Soldiers, 140, 141, 209
Colored Troops, U. S., 4th, 192 8th, 200 13th, 191 32d, 200 35th, 200 102d, 200
Columbus, 59
Committee of Safety (Tenn.), 193
Concord, 412
Confederacy, 153, 191, 231, 350
Confederate Army, 281
Confederate Congress, 194, 197
Confederate States, 142
Congregational, 476, 81
Congress, 67, 69, 70, 73, 75, 80, 83, 84, 85, 98, 155, 190, 197, 233, 234, 241, 327, 461 38th, 117, 120 56th, 233
Congo, 102
Connecticut, 187, 195
Constantine, 116
Constantinople, 381
Constitution, 44, 51, 56, 70, 75, 76, 77, 78, 85, 86, 98, 122, 123, 138, 215, 222, 235, 236, 237, 280, 308, 324, 326, 329, 335, 343, 389, 392, 413, 417, 468, 486
Convention, Sunday School, 291
Cook, George William, 379
Cooper Institute, 389
Coppin, Fanny Jackson, 251
Coppin, Levi J., 243
Corbin, Gen., 283
Cornhill, 125, 126, 131
Cornwallis, 469
Cortez, 433
Cotton States and International Exposition, 181, 187
Court of St. James, 263
Court, Dist. of U. S., 49
Court, Supreme, 71, 73, 75, 77, 78, 85, 308
Covington, 98
Cowper, 118
Crisis, The, 491
Croesus, 366
Cromwell, 306
Cross, Samuel Creed, 389
Croton River, 189
Crummell, Alexander, 159
Cuba, 288, 395
Curran, 118
Cummings, Harry, 472
Curtis, James L., 321
Cuyahoga County, 49
Cyrus, 115
Dancy, John C., 475
Dane, 213
Darien, 433
Darwin, 104
Davidson, Arthur E., 95
Davis, 97
Davis, Jefferson, 297
Davis, John, 192
Davis, D. Webster, 291
Dawes, 78
Dauphin, Fort, 27
Da Vinci, 402
Dayton, O., 219
Declaration of Independence, 41, 52, 97, 98, 151, 220, 308, 315, 320, 349, 383, 411, 419
Delaware, 195
Democratic, 90, 93, 94, 101
Demosthenes, 224, 365
Desdemona, 294
Dessalines, 28, 30
Disfranchisement, 389
District of Columbia, 41, 135, 142, 327, 382, 384, 413
Donaldson Fort, 330
Dock Square, 125
Donop, Count, 130, 190
Double Dragon, 63
Douglass, Frederick, 41, 133, 318, 471
Douglass Hospital, 227
Douglass, Stephen A., 418
Dover, Del., State College, 403
Draconian, 339, 340
Drummond, 236, 237
DuBois, W. E. B., 471, 491
Dumas, Alexander, fils, 95
Dunbar, Alice M., 425
Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 421, 471
Dundore, Earl, 188
Durham, N. C., 357
Dutch, 366
East Bridgewater, 130
Edward the Confessor, 269
Edwards, Jonathan, 117
Edinburgh, 361
Egypt, 209, 227, 330, 377, 452
Egyptians, 103, 123, 372, 381, 465
El Caney, 222
Elijah, 307, 353
Elliott, Robert Brown, 67, 471
Elizabeth, Queen, 423
Emancipation, 18, 40, 97, 120, 140, 142, 148, 153, 334, 369, 410, 413, 414, 416, 419, 420, 421, 424, 461, 465, 471, 475, 484
Emancipation Day, 164
Emancipation Proclamation, 140, 142, 153, 285, 319, 335, 409, 410, 411, 412, 434, 461, 465, 466, 471, 484
Emancipator, The Great, 322, 331, 424, 433
Emerson, 278
England, 55, 271, 281, 359, 413, 426, 439
English, 23, 362, 413, 434
Englishman, 204, 238
Ephraim, 482
Episcopal, Protestant, 400
Episcopalian, 476, 481
Epworth League, 403, 406
Eratosthenes, 465
Erie, Lake, 222
Essex, 414
Ethiopian, 261
Estabrook, Prince, 129
Eureka, Literary Society, 265
Europe, 23, 26, 38, 98, 102, 128, 149, 212, 227, 433, 452
Everett, Edward, 403
Faneuil Hall, 98, 305, 318
Federal Government, 466
Federal Union, 463
Ferguson, Robert, 361
Feudal System, 163
Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church, 347
Fitzgerald, 473
Fleetwood, C. A., 187
Florence, 306
Florida, 30, 197, 389
Fontainebleau, 423
France, 13, 21, 27 171, 228, 263, 293
Francois, Jean, 20, 21
Franklin, Benjamin, 116, 188, 464
Freedman, Aid Society, 149 Bank, 498 Monument, 133 Schools for, 384
Freeman, Jordan, 68, 189
Fremont, Gen., 140
French, 15, 19, 20, 29, 30, 263
Frenchman, 204, 228
Foraker, Joseph Benson, 337, 338, 342, 343
Force Bill, 178
Frye, Col., 190
Fugitive Slave Law, 49, 58, 59, 60, 327
Gaines, W. J., 257
Ganges River, 275
Garrison, William Lloyd, 97, 98, 198, 208, 228, 307, 308, 310, 311, 314, 318, 319, 346, 349, 412, 413, 415, 416
Garden of Eden, 432
Gates, Gen., 188
General Assembly, 24
George III, 132, 469
Georgetown College, 382
Georgia, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 81, 82, 83, 173, 175, 176, 193, 197, 257, 389
Gerry, 412
German, 204
Germany, 220
Gettysburg, 198, 330, 383
Giddings, 116
Gideon, 279
Gilead, Forest of, 307
Gilmore, Toby, 130
Gliddon, 168
Gold Coast, 244
Golden Rule, 335, 349
Gonaves, 28
Grady, Henry A., 174
Grant, U. S., 149
Gray, Samuel, 127
Gray's Ferry, 192
Great Britain, 18, 102, 187, 268, 469
Great Cornerstone Speech, 350
Greece, 228, 271, 365, 372, 455
Greek, 291, 293, 372, 380, 426
Greek Grammar, 219, 293
Greek Slave, 417
Greeley, Horace, 328
Greene, Col., 189
Greene, Gen., 68
Greener, Richard T., 63
Gregoire, Abbe, 293
Gregory, James Francis, 397
Grimke, Archibald, 337
Grimke, Francis J., 347
Griswold, Fort, 189
Guards, Louisiana Native, 198
Guards, National, 281
Guinea, 102
Guasimas, Las, 222
Hague, The, 381
Hahn, Gov., 333
Hall, Philadelphia, 58
Halpine, Col., 195
Haman, 115
Hamilton, Alexander, 68, 70, 71
Hamilton's History of the American People, 70
Hamites, 227
Hampden, 464
Hampton Institute, 367
Hancock, John, 412, 464
Hardin County, 323
Harlan, Justice, 334
Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins, 101
Harper's Ferry, 307
Harris, 82
Harrison, Benjamin, 188
Harrison, Fort, 192
Harrisburg, Pa., 265
Harold, 251
Hart, William H. H., 488
Harvard, 63, 125
Hawkins, W. Ashbie, 483
Hayti, 13, 14, 15, 25, 29, 31, 32, 141, 170
Haytians, 16, 17, 19, 29, 30, 41
Hebrew, 381, 397
Henry, 16
Henry VII, Chapel of, 423
Henry, Patrick, 117
Herodotus, 432
Hesperides, 26
Hessians, 130, 189
Hilton, Sergeant, 193
Hodges, 144
Holland, 293, 470
Holy Grail, 471
Honey Hill, S. C., 200
Hood, Solomon P., 471
House of Representatives, 81, 133, 233
Howard's American Magazine, 227
Howard University, 63, 379, 380, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 483, 488
Howe, Cato, 130
Hudson, Port, 198, 222, 327, 469
Hunt, 168
Hunter, Gen. David, 194, 195
Huxley, 154
Ignatius, 116
Iliad, 455
Illinois, 307, 326, 334, 473
Independence Hall, 97
Independent, New York, 334
India, 452
Indian, 275, 375, 395
Indianapolis, 151
Infantry, 25th, 289, 337 48th New York, 197
Institute for Colored Youth, 251
Institutional Church, 389
Irish, 204
Israel, 118, 279, 374, 417
Italia, Fair, 204
Italian, 204, 228
Italy, 293
Jacksonville, 389
Jackson, Gen., 68, 69, 192, 193, 473
Jacob, 365
James, William, 280
Jamestown, 129, 463, 465
Japan, 452, 462
Japanese, 462
Japhetic, 263
Jason, William C., 403
Jay, 116
Jefferson, Thomas, 116, 139, 220
Jeffreys, 193
Jennings, Anderson, 49
Jeremiah, 118
Jerusalem, 43
Jews, 260, 263, 291, 301, 372, 383
Jewish, 263, 335
Jim Crow, 239, 351, 462, 488
John the Baptist, 307
John, King, 411
Johnson, Harvey, 471
Johnson, John, 192
Jones, Robert E., 455
Jordan, 68
Joseph, 280
Judah, 482
Kaffir, 245
Kamolondo, 430, 434
Keats, 433
Kentucky, 49, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 83, 92, 307, 325, 334, 335, 448
Killarney, 204
Kipling, 402
Kitchin, 233, 234, 235
Kubla Khan, 432
Ku Klux Klan, 350
Lacaedemonians, 299
Lacroix, Gen., 23
La Caste, 192
Lafayette, 58, 117
Lanarkshire, 425
Lancaster, 130
Langston, Charles H., 49, 61
Langston, John Mercer, 97, 471
Langton, 27
Launfal, Sir, 202
Latin, 335, 426
Laveaux, 21
Leavenworth, Fort, 283
Leclerc, Gen., 27, 28, 29
Lee, Gen. Robt. E., 191, 194, 484
Leipsic, 388
Leo, X, Pope, 117
Leonidas, 27
Lepelole, 428
Leroy, Iola, 101
Lethe, 221
Lewis, Job, 130
Lewis, William H., 409
Lexington, 129, 412
Liberator, The, 308
Liberia, 33, 38, 39, 63, 263
Liberian College, 159
Library of Congress, 381
Lieber, 70
Lincoln, Abraham, 99, 117, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 153, 154, 221, 278, 295, 303, 305, 307, 308, 318, 321, 323, 324, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 346, 347, 401, 409, 410, 411, 413, 418, 421, 424, 434, 464, 469, 471, 484
Lincoln, Lake, 434
Lincoln, Park, 133
Lincoln University, 425
Livingstone, David, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 431, 433, 435, 437, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 479
Livingstone, Mrs., 436
Locke, 63
Lomami, 434
London, Jack, 439
London Missionary Society, 426
Longfellow, 118, 413, 438
Lookout Mountain, 330, 383
Lord, Miss, 385
Louisiana, 103, 151, 155, 192, 217, 331
Louisville, 92
L'Ouverture, Toussaint, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 330, 464
Louvre, 402
Lovejoy, 116, 318
Low, Barzilai, 130
Lowe, 54
Lowell, James Russell, 230, 411, 413
Lualaba River, 430, 434
Luapula River, 430
Lumpkin's Jail, 295
Luther, 306
Lynch, John R., 89
Lynch, Thomas, 188
Lyon, Ernest, 461
Mabie, Hamilton Wright, 425
Magna Charta, 269, 271, 411
Mead, Edwin D., 334, 335
Maine, 157
Maitland, Gen., 22
Marathon, 98
Marinit, 24
Marsellaise, 204
Mary, Queen of Scots, 423
Maryland, 195, 334, 488
Mason, 97, 471
Mason and Dixon's Line, 97, 391, 393
Massachusetts, 78, 79, 125, 132, 195, 205, 206, 208, 409, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 424
Massachusetts Committee of Safety, 188, 189
Massachusetts, 54th Regiment of, 190, 196, 197, 198, 206, 207, 208 55th Regiment of, 200
Massachusetts House of Representatives, 409
Massey Hall, 291
Matrick, Quack, 130
Maximus, 116
McClellan, 469
Mecca, 275, 362
Medal of Honor, 187
Memphis, 194
Mercury, Charleston, 193
Mesurado, 36
Methodism, 382
Methodist, 475, 481
Metropolitan A. M. E. Church, 337
Methusalah, 63
Mexican War, 281
Michelet, 168, 169
Miller, Kelly, 445
Millikin's Bend, 198, 199, 212, 296, 469
Milton, 118, 444, 449
Mississippi, 91, 376 River, 147
Missouri, 195 Department of, 288
Mobile, 191, 192
Moero, 430, 439
Mohammed, 381
Mohammedan, 263
Moliere, Abbe, 24
Monographic Magazine, 445
Monroe, Fort, 283
Monrovia, 33, 63
Montauk Point, 288
Montgomery, 471
Montgomery, Major, 189
Moore, Gov., 194
Moravians, 244
Morris, 118
Moses, 117, 118, 306, 331, 380, 465
Mossell, N. F., 227
Moton, R. R., 367
Nashville, 190, 193, 211
National Association of Negro Women, 173
National Religious Training School, 357
Navy, American, 191
Nemesis, 273, 276
New England, 15, 420
New England Anti-Slavery Society, 412
New Hampshire, 187
New Jerusalem, 473
New Market Heights, 192
New Orleans, 68, 97, 177, 194, 326, 455 Battle of, 296
New York, 19, 187, 192, 195, 391, 393, 488
Newburyport, 307
Newport, 189
Ngami, Lake, 426
Niagara, 213
Nile, 227, 275, 426, 432
Norman, 213, 258, 272, 417
North Pole, 443
Northern, Gov., 173
Nyassa, 426
Oberlin, 51, 52, 241
Ocean Grove, N. J., 159
Odd Fellows, G. U. O., 177
Odysseus, 455
Odyssey, 455
Ohio, 49, 53, 54, 195, 473
Olustee, 198, 200, 327
Omar, Mosque of, 381
O'Reilly, John Boyle, 354
O'Reilly, Miles, 195
Orpheus, 301
Osceola, 30
Othello, 64, 294
Oxford, 159, 388
Pacific Ocean, 45, 348, 433
Paine, 412
Paleolithic, 227
Pan-American Building, 381
Pariah, 153
Paris, 402
Park, Mungo, 169
Parker, Theodore, 413
Parliament, 270, 344
Parnassus, 179
Pascal, M., 24
Pauline, 383
Payne, 471
Peary, 443
Penbrooke, Pa., 265
Pennsylvania, 192, 195, 425
Penticostal, 476
Perry, 191, 222
Persians, 372
Peter, 301, 302
Petersburg, Va., 192, 222, 330
Pharaoh, 39, 279, 464
Pharos, 34
Philadelphia, 13, 391
Philip, 224
Philippines, 395
Phillips, Wendell, 97, 98, 208, 318, 330, 346, 413, 414, 463
Phoenicia, 464
Phoenix, 241
Picayune, New Orleans, 194
Pickens, Prof., 328
Pilgrim Fathers, 220
Pilgrims, 463
Pillow, Fort, 198, 200, 469
Pinchback, P. B. S., 151
Pitcaim, Major, 130, 189
Pittsburg, Landing, 469
Plancianos, 198
Plato, 115
Pleiades, 403
Plymouth, 130
Plymouth Rock, 129, 220, 385, 463
Polycarp, 116
Poor, Salem, 190
Port-au-Paix, 21
Port-au-Prince, 170
Portugal, 293, 433
Potomac, 382
Potomac, Army of the, 140, 191
Potomac, Valley of the, 383
Potter's Field, 423
Praetorian Guard, 178
Presbyterian, 476, 481
Prescott, Maj. Gen., 189
Preston, Capt., 126, 237
Price, 471
Price, John, 49
Proverbs, 362
Providence, New, 131
Ptolemy, 432
Puritan, 129, 270, 412
Pyramids, 465
Quaker, 381
Quebec, 291
Quixotic, 435
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 241
Ransom, R. C., 205
Raynal, 21
Raynham, 130
Rebellion, War of the, 212, 463, 469
Reconstruction, 87
Recorder, Christian, 251
Red Bank, 130
Red Shirt Brigade, 350
Reformation, 270
Renan, M., 263
Representatives, House of, 344
Republic, 151, 287, 290, 314, 352, 388, 401, 418, 419, 469
Revells, 471
Review, A. M. E. Church, 205
Revolution, 58, 131, 222, 280, 468
Revolution, American, 58, 128, 129, 412, 463
Revolution, French, 307
Revolutionary Veteran, 130
Revolutionary War, 187, 191
Rhode Island, 130, 189, Battalion, 187
Richmond, 187, 291, 295, 350, 469
Rigaud, Gen., 22
Riley, Fort, 283, 288
Robespierre, 30
Rochambeau, Gen., 27, 29, 30
Rochester, 41
Roderick Dhu, 65
Roman, 330, 417, 438
Roman Catholic Church, 290, 400
Roman Empire, 213
Romans, 291, 293, 371, 372, 380
Rome, 39, 141, 228, 263, 271, 371, 372, 381, 417
Roosevelt, 343, 470
Rough Riders, 222, 296, 470
Royal Geographical Society, 263, 432
Ruffin, J. St. P., 173
Ruffin, George L., 125
Runnymede, 411
Rush, Benjamin, 99
Ruskin, 278
Russian-Japanese War, 63
Ruth, 87
Sackett's Harbor, 192
Salem Gazette, 129
Salem, Peter, 130, 189, 415
Samana, 27
San Juan, 223, 470
San Juan Hill, 296, 297
Santo Domingo, 16, 19, 22, 25, 27, 28, 30, 41
Saul of Tarsus, 365
Saunders, Prince, 13
Savary, 192
Savonarola, 306
Saxon, 213
Scarborough, W. S., 219, 293
Scotch, 442
Scotchman, 234
Scotland, 425
Scott, Sir Walter, 364, 443
Scottish, 361
Scriptures, 87
Senate, 136, 340, 343, 344
Sermon on the Mount, 291, 349
Servii, 417
Shakespeare, 464
Shaler, Capt., 191
Sharpe, 118
Shaw, Robert Gould, 190, 205, 209
Shepard, J. E., 357
Sheridan, 103
Sherman, 149
Shiloh, 198
Shirwa, Lake, 426
Shupanga, 439
Sierra Leone, 170
Sinbad, 294
Sirens, 300
Sistine Chapel, 381
Slaughter-House Cases, 71, 73, 77, 83
Slave Trade, 13, 15, 20, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 56, 58, 59, 72, 82, 86, 101, 102, 103, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 119, 122, 131, 138, 142, 144, 149, 151, 153, 161, 191, 194, 212, 228, 230, 237, 240, 253, 258, 308, 310, 312, 321, 327, 328, 410, 412, 433, 442, 445, 446, 466, 502
Smith, James McCune, 19
Smith, Harry, 472
Smith, Gen. W. F., 192
Socrates, 66, 115
Soldier's Home, 382
Solomon, 362
Solon, 366
Somerset, 413
Spain, 21, 228, 293, 366
Spaniard, 20, 21, 228
Spanish, 24, 470
Spanish-American War, 470
Spartan, 437
Spartanburg, N. C., 456
Spaulding, Martha, 388
Sphinx, 275
Springfield, 334
St. Helena Island, 197
St. Louis, 59, 391
St. Luke, 149
St. Paul, 278, 306, 385, 401
St. Paul's Cathedral, 381
St. Peter's Cathedral, 381
St. Sophia, 381
St. Thomas, 263
Stafford, 198
Slaughter-House Cases, 71, 73, 77, 83
Star Spangled Banner, 94
States Rights, 72
Stearns, George L., 196
Stephens, 69, 80, 350
Stevenson, R. L., 429
Steward, T. G., 277
Stoughton Corner, 130
Stuyvesant Institute, 19
Sullivan, 362
Sultan, 263
Sumner, Charles, 208, 220, 318, 346
Sumter, Fort, 83, 193
Supreme Court, 136
Taj-Mahal, 381
Talladega College, 328
Talmage, Dr., 304
Tanner, H.O., 421
Teague, Hilary, 33
Tennessee, 92, 195, 217, 448
Tennessee Centennial Exposition, 193, 211
Tennyson, 218, 438
Terence, 110
Teutons, 291
Texas, 75
Texas, Annexation of, 117
Thermopylae, 27, 291
Thomas, Gen. Lorenzo, 195
Thompson, 118
Toronto, Canada, 291
Totten, Fort, 283
Trafalgar, 291
Trollope, 168
Turkey, 293, 452
Turner, Bishop, 471
Turner, Prof. J. W., 488
Tuskegee, 367, 455, 458
Ulysses, 300
Underwood, 236, 237
Union Army, 191
United States, 14, 15, 48, 56, 57, 73, 76, 77, 85, 137, 462, 470, 496
Valhalla, 423
Vance, J. M., 177
Varner, 187
Versailles, 423
Vicksburg, 103
Victoria Falls, 426, 432
Villate, 21
Virginia, 44, 82, 294, 367, 381
Virginia, West, 389
Vladivostok, 63
Von Moltke, 279
Wacht am Rhein, 204
Wagner, Fort, 198, 199, 209, 469
Waldron, J. M., 389
War College, 283
War Department, 195
War of 1812, 191
Warren, 415
Washington, Booker T., 181, 195, 421, 471
Washington, D. C., 98, 133, 135, 141, 283, 337, 347, 381, 389, 391, 466, 483
Washington, George, 68, 70, 116, 118, 189, 464
Washingtonian, 382
Water Lily, The, 378
Waterloo, 99, 291
Watts, 419
Wearin' o' the Green, 204
Webster, 127, 365
Wellington, 53, 57, 58, 60
West Indies, 158, 417
Westminster Abbey, 423, 426, 439
Westminster Assembly, 397
West Point, 281, 282, 283
White Caps, 350
White League, 103
White, George H., 233
Whittier, 118, 413
Wilberforce University, 118, 219
William III, 267, 269
Williams, E. F., 384
Williams, H. Price, 253
Willson, Hiram, 49, 61
Wilmington, Del., 403
Wilson's Landing, 296
Winchell, Dr., 227
Wittenberg, 306
Wolsey, Cardinal, 363
Wordsworth, 171, 438, 444
Yale University, 388, 399
Yorktown, 98, 189, 291
Yulee, 97
Y. M. C. A., 361, 478, 479
Zambezi River, 426
Zangwill, Israel, 263
Zanzibar, 438
Zion, 42, 43, 204
Zulu, 245