"Finally, my brethren, as this Lodge has been formed and perfected in so much unanimity and concord, so may it long continue. May you long enjoy every satisfaction and delight which disinterested friendship can afford. May kindness and brotherly affection distinguish your conduct as men and as Masons. Within your peaceful walls may your children's children celebrate, with joy and gratitude, the annual recurrence of this auspicious solemnity; and may the tenets of our profession be transmitted through this Lodge, pure and unimpaired, from generation to generation."
The Marshal then makes proclamation from the South, West and East in the following manner:
"I am directed to proclaim, and I do hereby proclaim, that the Worshipful Master, Wardens, and other officers, elected and appointed, of —— Lodge, have been regularly installed into their respective stations."
Ceremony for Instituting a Lodge Under Dispensation.
The members of the new Lodge, whether they are to be instituted by the Grand Master, or by a brother deputized by him, will, in either case, be notified by the Master to assemble in their Lodge room at the time determined upon. After the brethren are assembled, the Grand Master, or Instituting Officer, will assume the East and announce the object of the meeting. He then causes the Letter of Dispensation to be read, after which the names of the officers appointed by the Grand Master and by the Master of the new Lodge will be announced. As these names are called, the officers will form in line near and facing the East, when each officer will be invested with his jewel. The new Master will then be seated in the East, on the right of the Instituting Officer. The Wardens and other officers will take their respective stations. The Instituting Officer will then open the Lodge on the third degree of Masonry, and deliver to the officers and brethren the following
Charges to the Officers and Brethren.
Inst. Off.: Worshipful Master: (Who rises.) The Grand Master having committed to your care the superintendence and government of the brethren who are to compose this new lodge, you cannot be insensible of the obligations which devolve on you, as their head, nor of your responsibility for the faithful discharge of the important duties attached to your office.
The honor, reputation, and usefulness of your Lodge will materially depend on the skill and assiduity with which you manage its concerns; while the happiness of its members will be generally promoted in proportion to the zeal and ability with which you propagate the genuine principles of our institution.
For a pattern of imitation, consider the sun, which, rising in the east, regularly diffuses light and luster to all within its circle. In like manner, it is in your province to spread and communicate light and instruction to the brethren of your Lodge. Forcibly impress upon them the dignity and high importance of Masonry; and seriously admonish them never to disgrace it. Charge them to practice out of the Lodge, those duties which they have been taught in it; and by amiable, discreet, and virtuous conduct, to convince mankind of the goodness of the Institution; so that, when any one is said to be a member of it, the world may know that he is one to whom the burdened heart may pour out its sorrows, to whom distress may prefer its suit, whose hand is guided by justice, and whose heart is expanded by benevolence. In short, by a diligent observance of the by-laws of your Lodge, the Constitution of Masonry, and above all, the Holy Scriptures, which are given as a rule and guide to your faith, you will be enabled to acquit yourself with honor and reputation.
Charge to the Wardens.
Brothers Senior and Junior Wardens: (Who are called up by one knock.) You are too well acquainted with the principles of Masonry to warrant any distrust that you will be found wanting in the discharge of your respective duties. What you have seen praiseworthy in others you should carefully imitate, and what in them may have appeared defective, you should in yourselves amend. You should be examples of good order and regularity, for it is only by a due regard to the laws, in your own conduct, that you can expect obedience to them from others. You are assiduously to assist the Master in the discharge of his trust, diffusing light and imparting knowledge to all whom he shall place under your care. In the absence of the Master you will succeed to higher duties; your acquirements must therefore be such that the Craft may never suffer for want of proper instruction. From the spirit which you have hitherto evinced, I entertain no doubt that your future conduct will be such as to merit the applause of your brethren, and the testimony of a good conscience.
Charge to the Brethren of the Lodge.
* * *
Brethren of ...... Lodge, such is the nature of our Constitution, that as some must of necessity rule and teach, so others must, of course, learn to submit and obey. Humility in both is an essential duty. The officers who are appointed to govern the Lodge are sufficiently conversant with the rules of propriety and the laws of the Institution to avoid exceeding the powers with which they are intrusted, and you are of too generous dispositions to envy their preferment. I therefore trust that you will have but one aim, to please each other and to unite in the grand design of being happy and communicating happiness.
Finally, my brethren, as this association has been formed and perfected in so much unity and concord, in which we greatly rejoice, so may it long continue. May you enjoy every satisfaction and delight, which disinterested friendship can afford. May kindness and brotherly affection distinguish your conduct as men and Masons. Within your peaceful walls, may your children, and your children's children celebrate, with joy and gratitude, the annual recurrence of this auspicious solemnity. And may the tenets of our profession be transmitted through your Lodge, pure and unimpaired, from generation to generation.
Instituting Officer: (Calls up Lodge.) In the name and by the authority of the Most Worshipful* Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Arkansas, I now declare this Lodge duly instituted and properly prepared for the transaction of such business as may lawfully come before it.
* If Grand Master Institutes the Lodge, in person, he will omit what precedes the * and insert "as."
Instituting Officer: (Addressing Master.) I now deliver to you the Dispensation empowering you and your brethren to work as a Regular Lodge. You are its custodian and must see to it that it is present at all Communications of the Lodge. You must also, as required by law, safely transmit it to the Grand Secretary just prior to the next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, and when this is done, Masonic work in this Lodge must cease until the Dispensation is continued by the Grand Lodge, or until the Lodge is constituted. I now deliver to you the gavel of authority; wield it, my brother, with prudence and discretion. You will now assume your station.
Constituting a Newly Chartered Lodge.
After the grant of a charter the new Lodge thus created should be constituted, and its officers installed, by the Grand Master or his Deputy or some past or present Master. The Lodge is opened on the Third Degree. The Marshal forms the officers of the new Lodge in front of the Installing Officer, whereupon the Deputy G. M. addresses the G. M. as follows:
Most Worshipful, a number of brethren, duly instructed in the mysteries of Masonry, having assembled together for some time past by virtue of a dispensation granted them for that purpose, do now desire to be regularly constituted as a lodge agreeably to the ancient usages and customs of the fraternity.
The charter is presented by the D. G. M. to the Grand Master, who examines it and, if correct, proclaims:
G. M.—The charter appears to be correct and is approved. Upon due deliberation the Grand Lodge has granted the brethren of this new Lodge a charter establishing and confirming them in the rights and privileges of a regularly constituted Lodge. We shall now proceed according to the ancient usage to constitute these brethren into a regular Lodge.
The officers of the new Lodge deliver up their jewels and badges to their Master, who presents them, with his own, to the D. G. M. and he to the G. M.
The D. G. M. then presents the Master-elect to the G. M., saying:
D. G. M.—Most Worshipful, I present to you Brother ——, whom the members of the Lodge now to be constituted have chosen for their Master.
The G. M. asks the brethren if they remain satisfied with their choice. (They bow in token of assent.)
The Master-elect then presents, severally, his Wardens and other officers, naming them and their respective offices. The G. M. asks the brethren if they remain satisfied with each and all of them. (They bow as before.)
The officers and members of the new Lodge form in front of the G. M. and the business of consecration commences.
The G. M. and grand officers form around the Lodge, all kneeling.
A piece of solemn music is performed while the Lodge is being uncovered, after which the first clause of the consecration prayer is rehearsed by the Grand Chaplain, as follows:
Great Architect of the Universe; Maker and Ruler of all worlds. Deign from Thy Celestial Temple, from the realms of light and glory, to bless us in all the purposes of our present assembly. We humbly invoke Thee to give us at this, and at all times, Wisdom in all our doings, Strength of mind in all our difficulties, and the Beauty of harmony in all our communications. Permit us, O Thou author of life and light, great source of love and happiness, solemnly to consecrate this Lodge to Thy honor and glory. Amen.
Response by the Officers of the Grand Lodge:
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
The Grand Officers will then rise.
The Deputy Grand Master will step forward and present the Vessel of Corn (wheat) to the Grand Master, who sprinkles a portion of it upon the symbol of the Lodge, saying:
May the Giver of every good and perfect gift strengthen this Lodge in all its philanthropic undertakings.
The following may then be sung:
When once of old, in Israel, Our brethren wrought with toil, Jehovah's blessings on them fell, In showers of Corn and Wine and Oil.
In like manner, the Senior Grand Warden presents the Vessel of Wine, which is sprinkled on the Lodge by the Grand Master, saying:
May this Lodge be continually refreshed at the pure fountain of Masonic virtue.
The following may then be sung:
When then a shrine to him above They built, with worship sin to foil, On threshold and on corner-stone They poured out Corn and Wine and Oil.
The Junior Grand Warden then presents the Vessel of Oil, which is used in the same manner, the Grand Master saying:
May the Supreme Ruler of the Universe preserve this Lodge in peace, and vouchsafe to it every blessing.
The following may then be sung:
And we have come, fraternal bands, With joy and pride and prosperous spoil, To honor him by votive hands, With streams of Corn and Wine and Oil.
Each vessel after use is placed upon the table.
The Grand Master then orders the Officers of the Grand Lodge to kneel as before, when the Grand Chaplain will rehearse the remaining portion of the consecration prayer:
Grant, O Lord, our God, that those who are now about to be invested with the government of this Lodge may be endowed with wisdom to instruct their brethren in their duties. May brotherly love, relief and truth always prevail among the members of this Lodge. May this bond of union continue to strengthen the Lodges throughout the world. Bless all our brethren, wherever dispersed, and grant speedy relief to all who are either oppressed or distressed. We affectionately commend to Thee all the members of this whole family; may they increase in grace, in the knowledge of Thee, and in love to each other. Finally, may we finish all our work here below, with Thy approbation; and then may our transition from this earthly abode be to Thy heavenly Temple above, there to enjoy light and glory, and bliss ineffable and eternal. Amen.
Response: (By the Officers of the Grand Lodge.) As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
A short piece of solemn music is then performed, during which the Grand Officers will rise.
The Grand Master steps forward, and extending his hands over the emblem of the Lodge, exclaims:
To the memory of the Holy Saints John, we dedicate this Lodge. May every brother revere their character and imitate their virtues.
Response: (By the brethren.) As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
The Officers of the Grand Lodge will then about face, and stand, while the brethren of the new Lodge, under direction of the Grand Marshal, make a circuit in procession, single file, and salute the Grand Officers with their hands crossed upon their breasts, left over right, and heads slightly bowed while passing. Upon the completion of this ceremony, the brethren will resume position, facing inward. The Officers of the Grand Lodge will also resume original position. The Grand Master will call up, with his gavel, all present, and then proceed to
Constitute the Lodge.
Grand Master: In the name of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the State of Arkansas, I now constitute and form you, my beloved brethren, into a Regular Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. From henceforth we empower you to meet as a Regular Lodge, constituted in conformity to the rites of our institution, and the charges of our ancient and honorable Fraternity; and may the Supreme Architect of the Universe prosper, direct and counsel you in all your doings.
Response by the brethren: So mote it be.
The Officers of the Grand Lodge will, under the direction of the Grand Marshal, give the Full Grand Honors. The Grand Marshal will then slowly replace the covering on the Lodge, during which a choir should chant—
"Glory be to God on High."
The Grand Marshal will then conduct the Grand Master to his chair, and instruct the officers of the Grand Lodge to resume their respective stations; and the members of the new Lodge to resume their seats. During these movements instrumental music should be performed.
Grand Master: (Calls up the assembly.) Worshipful Grand Marshal, you will make proclamation that ...... Lodge, No. ......, has been regularly constituted.
Grand Marshal: I am directed by the Most Worshipful Grand Master to proclaim, and I do hereby proclaim, that ...... Lodge, No. ......, has been regularly constituted, and duly registered as such in the Grand Lodge of Arkansas. This proclamation is made from the East, (one knock by G. M.); from the West, (one knock by the S. G. W.); from the South, (one knock by the J. G. W.); once, twice, thrice; the Craft will take due notice and govern itself accordingly. The Grand Honors are given.
Grand Master seats the brethren.
These ceremonies are conducted only by the Grand Master in person, or by some brother acting for him, under special dispensation, assisted by the officers of the Grand Lodge, and such of the Craft as may be invited, or who may choose to attend, either as Lodges, or as individual brethren.
No corner-stone should be laid with Masonic ceremonies, except those of acknowledged public structures, or buildings which are to be used for Masonic purposes; and then only by special request of the proper authorities.
The Lodge or Lodges in the place where the building is to be erected, may invite such neighboring Lodges, and other Masonic bodies, as they may deem proper. The Chief Magistrate, and other Officers of the place, should also be invited to attend on the occasion.
At the time appointed for the ceremony, a sufficient number of brethren to act as Grand Officers are convened in a suitable place, where a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge will be opened on the Third Degree, and proper instructions given by the Grand Master; after which, the Officers of the Grand Lodge, under the direction of the Grand Marshal, will form in the following order:
Grand Tyler. (with drawn sword.)
Master Masons.
Grand Steward. A Brother. Grand Steward. (carrying rod.) (carrying Bible, (carrying rod.) Square and Compass, on a cushion.)
Grand Chaplain.
Grand Secretary, Grand Treasurer, (carrying scroll, containing (in charge of the box[A] list of articles to be to be deposited under placed under the the corner-stone.) corner-stone.)
Gr'd Steward, Past Gr'd Officers,[B] Gr'd Steward, (carrying rod.) (in the order of their (carrying rod.) G rank, two abreast.) R A Principal Architect,[C] N (carrying Square, Level and Plumb.) D
M Jr. Grand Warden, Sr. Grand Warden, A (carrying vessel of oil.) (carrying vessel of wine.) R S Deputy Grand Master. H (carrying vessel of corn.) A L Master of Oldest Lodge, . (carrying book of constitutions.)
Jr. Grand Deacon, Grand Master. Sr. Grand Deacon, (carrying rod.) (carrying rod.)
The procession thus formed will proceed to join the general procession, if any, and march to the place where the ceremony is to be performed.
[A] This box may be carried by the Treasurer, or be sent in advance to the site of the corner-stone, as circumstances may dictate.
[B] In the absence of Past Grand Officers, these Stewards will support the Deputy Grand Master and Grand Warden.
[C] If the architect of the building is not a member of the Masonic Fraternity, the Square, Level and Plumb will be carried by a brother appointed for the purpose, who will deliver them to the architect on arriving at the corner-stone.
When a procession is composed of other than the officers of the Grand Lodge and Master Masons, it should be formed in the following order:
G Music. R A M Military. N A D R Civic Societies and Organizations. S H Chief Magistrate, Mayor or other Official Guests. A L Knights Templar Escort. . Grand Lodge.
Should any Masonic body other than those above named appear, they will be assigned an appropriate place in the procession.
A triumphal arch is usually erected near the place where the ceremony is to be performed; and the corner-stone should have engraved on its face the words, "Laid by the Masonic Fraternity," with the date, the year of Masonry, the name of the Grand Master, and such other particulars as may be deemed proper.
When the head of the procession reaches the Arch, it will open to the right and left, facing inward. The Grand Master, uncovering, preceded by the Grand Marshal and Grand Tyler, and followed by the other Grand Officers and the Chief Magistrate and civil officers of the place, will pass through the lines and ascend to the platform. As the Grand Master and others advance, the remainder of the procession will counter-march and surround the platform.
The stone should be suspended about six feet from its bed, by a machine having suitable arrangements for slowly lowering it to its place. All being in readiness—
The Grand Master will command silence and address the assembly, announcing the purposes of the occasion, etc., concluding as follows:
The teachings of Freemasonry inculcate, that in all our works, great or small, begun and finished, we should seek the aid of Almighty God. It is our first duty, then, to invoke the blessing of the great Architect of the Universe upon the work in which we are about to engage. I therefore command the utmost silence, and call upon all to unite with our Grand Chaplain in an address to the Throne of Grace.
The brethren uncover, while the Grand Chaplain delivers the following, or some other appropriate
Almighty God! who hath given us grace at this time, with one accord, to make our common supplication unto Thee, and dost promise, that where two or three are gathered together in Thy name, Thou wilt grant their request; fulfill now, O Lord! the desires and petitions of Thy servants, as may be most expedient for them; granting us in this world, knowledge of Thy truth; and in the world to come, life everlasting. Amen.
Response: So mote it be.
The choir may then sing an Ode, or a piece of instrumental music may be performed.
Deposit of Memorials.
Grand Master: R. W. Brother Grand Treasurer, it has ever been the custom, on occasions like the present, to deposit within a cavity in the stone, placed in the north-east corner of the edifice, certain memorials of the period at which it was erected; so that in the lapse of ages, if the fury of the elements, or the slow but certain ravages of time, should lay bare its foundation, an enduring record may be found by succeeding generations, to bear testimony to the energy, industry and culture of our time. Has such a deposit been prepared?
Grand Treasurer: It has, Most Worshipful Grand Master, and the various articles of which it is composed are safely enclosed within the casket now before you.
Grand Master: R. W. Grand Secretary, you will read for the information of the brethren and others here assembled, a record of the contents of the casket.
Grand Secretary reads a list of the articles contained in the casket.
Grand Master: R. W. Grand Treasurer, you will now deposit the casket in the cavity beneath the corner-stone, and may the Great Architect of the Universe, in His wisdom, grant that ages on ages shall pass away ere it again be seen of men.
Grand Treasurer, assisted by the Grand Secretary, will place the casket in the cavity prepared, and report:
Most Worshipful Grand Master, your orders have been duly executed.
Presentation of Working Tools.
Principal Architect delivers the working tools to the Grand Master, who retains the Trowel, and presents the Square, Level and Plumb to the Deputy Grand Master, Senior and Junior Grand Warden, respectively, saying:
Right Worshipful Brethren, you will receive the implements of your office. With your assistance and that of the Craft, I will now proceed to lay the corner-stone of this edifice, according to the custom of our Fraternity. Brother Grand Marshal, you will direct the Craftsmen to furnish the cement, and prepare to lower the stone.
Laying Stone.
The Grand Master will then spread a portion of the cement. The stone is then lowered slowly, during which there should be appropriate music. The Grand Master then says:
Trial of Stone.
R. W. Deputy Grand Master, what is the proper implement of your office?
D. G. Master: The Square.
G. M.: What are its moral and Masonic uses?
D. G. M.: To square our actions by the rule of virtue, and prove our work.
G. M.: Apply the implement of your office to that portion of the stone that needs to be proved, and make report.
The Square is applied to the four corners.
D. G. M.: Most Worshipful Grand Master, I find the stone to be square. The Craftsmen have done their duty.
G. M.: R. W. Senior Grand Warden, what is the proper implement of your office?
S. G. W.: The Level.
G. M.: What are its Masonic uses?
S. G. W.: Morally, it teaches Equality; and by it we prove our work.
G. M.: Apply the implement of your office to that portion of the corner-stone that needs to be proved, and make report.
Level is applied to the top surface.
S. G. W.: Most Worshipful Grand Master, I find the stone to be level. The Craftsmen have done their duty.
G. M.: R. W. Junior Warden, what is the proper implement of your office?
J. G. W.: The Plumb.
G. M.: What are its moral and Masonic uses?
J. G. W.: Morally, it teaches rectitude of conduct; and by it we prove our work.
G. M.: Apply the implement of your office to that portion of the corner-stone that needs to be proved, and make report.
The Plumb is applied to the sides of the stone.
J. G. W.: Most Worshipful Grand Master, I find the stone to be plumb. The Craftsmen have done their duty.
Grand Master (striking the stone three times with his gavel), says:
This corner-stone has been tested by the proper implements of Masonry. I find that the Craftsmen have skillfully and faithfully done their duty; and I do declare the stone to be well formed and trusty, truly laid, and correctly proved according to the rules of our Ancient Craft. May the building be conducted and completed amid the blessings of Plenty, Health and Peace.
Response by the Craft: So mote it be.
Grand Master: Brother Grand Marshal, you will present the elements of consecration to the proper officers.
Grand Marshal presents vessel of corn to the D. G. M.; the wine to the S. G. W.; and the oil to the J. G. W.
Deputy Grand Master advances with the corn, scattering it on the stone, and says:
I scatter this corn as an emblem of Plenty; may the blessings of bounteous Heaven be showered upon us, and upon all like patriotic and important undertakings, and inspire the hearts of the people with virtue, wisdom and gratitude.
Response by the Craft: So mote it be.
Senior Grand Warden advances with the vessel of wine, pouring it on the stone, and says:
I pour this wine as an emblem of Joy and Gladness. May the great Ruler of the Universe bless and prosper our National, State and City Governments; preserve the union of the States in harmony and brotherly love, which shall endure through all time.
Response by the Craft: So mote it be.
Junior Warden advances with the vessel of oil, pouring it on the stone, saying:
I pour this oil as an emblem of Peace; may its blessings abide with us continually; and may the Grand Master of Heaven and Earth shelter and protect the widow and orphan, and vouchsafe to them, and to the bereaved, the afflicted and sorrowing, everywhere, the enjoyment of every good and perfect gift.
Response by the Craft: So mote it be.
Grand Master, extending his hands, pronounces the following invocation:
May corn, wine and oil, and all the necessaries of life, abound among men throughout the world. May the blessing of Almighty God be upon this undertaking. May He protect the workmen from every accident. May the structure here to be erected, be planned with Wisdom, supported by Strength, and adorned in Beauty, and may it be preserved to the latest ages, a monument to the energy and liberality of its founders.
Response by the Craft: So mote it be.
Grand Master: (Addressing Architect.) Worthy sir (or brother), having thus, as Grand Master of Masons, laid the corner-stone of the structure, I now return to you these implements of Operative Masonry (presents Square, Level and Plumb), having full confidence in your skill and capacity to perform the important duties confided to you, to the satisfaction of those who have entrusted you with their fulfillment.
The G. M. strikes the stone three times with the gavel, and the public grand honors are given.
The Grand Master will then make report of his doings, as follows:
I have the honor to report, that in compliance with the request of the proper authorities, the corner-stone of the ...... building to be erected on this site, has been laid successfully, with the ancient ceremonies of the Craft. The Brother Grand Marshal will therefore make the proclamation.
Grand Marshal: In the name of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Arkansas, I now proclaim that the corner-stone of the structure to be erected, has this day been found true and trusty, and laid according to the old customs, by the Grand Master of Masons.
Closing Ode.
Glory be to God on High, and on earth peace, good will toward men! O Lord, we most heartily beseech Thee with Thy favor to behold and bless this assemblage; pour down Thy mercies, like the dew that falls upon the mountains, upon Thy servants engaged in the solemn ceremonies of this day. Bless, we pray Thee, all the workmen who shall be engaged in the erection of this edifice; keep them from all forms of accidents and harm; grant them in health and prosperity to live; and finally, we hope, after this life, through Thy mercy and forgiveness to attain everlasting joy and felicity in Thy bright mansion, in Thy holy temple, not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Amen.
Response: So mote it be.
After which, the Grand Lodge, with escort, returns to the place whence it started, and is closed.
The Lodges, and other Masonic bodies, return to their respective halls.
* * *
At the time appointed for the celebration of the ceremony of dedication, the Grand Master and his officers, accompanied by the members of the Grand Lodge, meet in a convenient room, near to the place where the ceremony is to be performed, and the Grand Lodge is opened in ample form.
The procession is then formed, under direction of the Grand Marshal, when the Grand Lodge moves to the hall to be dedicated, in the following order:
Tiler, with drawn sword;
Stewards, with white rods;
Master Masons;
Grand Secretaries;
Grand Treasurers;
A Past Master, bearing the Holy Writings, Square and Compass, supported by two Stewards, with rods;
Two Burning Tapers, borne by two Past Masters;
Chaplain and Orator;
Past Grand Wardens;
Past Deputy Grand Masters;
Past Grand Masters;
The Globes;
Junior Grand Warden, carrying a silver vessel with corn;
Senior Grand Warden, carrying a silver vessel with wine;
Deputy Grand Master, carrying a golden vessel with oil;
The Lodge, Covered with white linen, carried by four Brethren;
Master of the oldest Lodge, carrying Book of Constitutions;
Grand Master, Supported by two Deacons, with rods.
When the Grand Officers arrive at the center of the Lodge room, the Grand honors are given.
The Grand Officers then repair to their respective stations.
The Lodge is placed in front of the altar, toward the East, and the gold and silver vessels and lights are placed around it.
These arrangements being completed, the following or some other appropriate Ode is sung:
Master Supreme! accept our praise; Still bless this consecrated band; Parent of light! illume our ways, And guide us by thy sovereign hand.
May Faith, Hope, Charity, divine, Here hold their undivided reign; Friendship and Harmony combine To soothe our cares—to banish pain.
May pity dwell within each breast, Relief attend the suffering poor; Thousands by this, our Lodge, be blest, Till worth, distress'd, shall want no more.
The Master of the Lodge to which the hall to be dedicated belongs, then rises, and addresses the Grand Master as follows:
Most Worshipful: The brethren of ...... Lodge, being animated with a desire to promote the honor and interest of the Craft, have erected a Masonic Hall, for their convenience and accommodation. They are desirous that the same should be examined by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge; and if it should meet their approbation, that it be solemnly dedicated to Masonic purposes, agreeably to ancient form and usage.
The Architect or Brother who has had the management of the structure then addresses the Grand Master as follows:
Most Worshipful: Having been entrusted with the superintendence and management of the workmen employed in the construction of this edifice; and having, according to the best of my ability, accomplished the task assigned me, I now return my thanks for the honor of this appointment, and beg leave to surrender up the implements which were committed to my care, when the foundation of this fabric was laid, (presenting to the Grand Master the Square, Level and Plumb), humbly hoping that the exertions which have been made on this occasion will be crowned with your approbation, and that of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge.
To which the Grand Master replies:
Brother Architect: The skill and fidelity displayed in the execution of the trust reposed in you at the commencement of this undertaking, have secured the entire approbation of the Grand Lodge; and they sincerely pray that this edifice may continue a lasting monument of the taste, spirit, and liberality of its founders.
The Deputy Grand Master then rises, and says:
Most Worshipful: The hall in which we are now assembled, and the plan upon which it has been constructed, having met with your approbation, it is the desire of the Fraternity that it should be now dedicated, according to ancient form and usage.
The Lodge is then uncovered, and a procession is made around it in the following form, during which solemn music is played.
Grand Tiler, with drawn sword;
A Past Master, with light;
A Past Master, with Bible, Square and Compass, on a velvet cushion;
Two Past Masters, each with a light;
Grand Secretary and Treasurer, with emblems;
Grand Junior Warden, with vessel of corn;
Grand Senior Warden, with vessel of wine;
Deputy Grand Master, with vessel of oil;
Grand Master;
Two Stewards, with rods.
When the procession arrives at the East, it halts; the music ceases, and the Grand Chaplain makes the following
Consecration Prayer.
Almighty and ever-glorious and gracious Lord God, Creator of all things, and Governor of everything Thou hast made, mercifully look upon Thy servants, now assembled in Thy name and in Thy presence, and bless and prosper all our works begun, continued, and ended in thee. Graciously bestow upon us Wisdom, in all our doings; Strength of mind in all our difficulties, and the Beauty of harmony and holiness in all our communications and work. Let Faith be the foundation of our Hope, and Charity the fruit of our obedience to Thy revealed will.
May all the proper work of our institution that may be done in this house be such as Thy wisdom may approve and Thy goodness prosper. And, finally, graciously be pleased, O Thou Sovereign Architect of the Universe, to bless the Craft, wheresoever dispersed, and make them true and faithful to Thee, to their neighbor, and to themselves. And when the time of our labor is drawing near to an end, and the pillar of our strength is declining to the ground, graciously enable us to pass through the "valley of the shadow of death," supported by Thy rod and Thy staff, to those mansions beyond the skies where love, and peace, and joy forever reign before Thy throne. Amen.
Response: So mote it be!
All the other brethren keep their places, and assist in singing the Ode, which continues during the procession, excepting only at the intervals of dedication.
Tune—Old Hundred.
Genius of Masonry, descend, And with thee bring thy spotless train, Constant our sacred rites attend, While we adore thy peaceful reign.
The first procession being made around the Lodge, the Grand Master having reached the East, the Grand Junior Warden presents the vessel of Corn to the G. Master, saying:
Most Worshipful: In the dedications of Masonic Halls, it has been of immemorial custom to pour corn upon the Lodge, as an emblem of nourishment. I, therefore, present you this vessel of corn, to be employed by you according to ancient usage.
The Grand Master then, striking thrice with his mallet pours the corn upon the Lodge, saying:
In the name of the great Jehovah, to whom be all honor and glory, I do solemnly dedicate this hall to Freemasonry.
The grand honors are given.
Bring with thee Virtue, brightest maid! Bring Love, bring Truth, bring Friendship here; While social Mirth shall lend her aid To soothe the wrinkled brow of Care.
The second procession is then made around the Lodge, and the Grand Senior Warden presents the vessel of wine to the Grand Master, saying:
Most Worshipful: Wine, the emblem of refreshment, having been used by our ancient brethren in the dedication and consecration of their Lodges, I present you this vessel of wine, to be used on the present occasion according to ancient Masonic form.
The Grand Master then sprinkles the wine upon the Lodge, saying:
In the name of the holy Saints John, I do solemnly dedicate this hall to Virtue.
The grand honors are twice repeated.
Bring Charity! with goodness crowned, Encircled in thy heavenly robe! Diffuse thy blessings all around, To every corner of the Globe!
The third procession is then made round the Lodge, and the Deputy Grand Master presents the vessel of oil to the Grand Master, saying:
Most Worshipful: I present you, to be used according to ancient custom, this vessel of oil, an emblem of that joy which should animate every bosom on the completion of every important undertaking.
The Grand Master then sprinkles the oil upon the Lodge, saying:
In the name of the whole Fraternity, I do solemnly dedicate this hall to Universal Benevolence.
The grand honors are thrice repeated.
To Heaven's high Architect all praise, All praise, all gratitude be given, Who deigned the human soul to raise, By mystic secrets, sprung from Heaven.
The Grand Chaplain, standing before the Lodge, then makes the following
And may the Lord, the giver of every good and perfect gift, bless the brethren here assembled, in all their lawful undertakings, and grant to each one of them, in needful supply, the corn of nourishment, the wine of refreshment, and the oil of joy. Amen.
Response: So mote it be.
The Lodge is then covered, and the Grand Master retires to his chair.
The following or an appropriate original oration may then be delivered, and the ceremonies conclude with music:
Brethren: The ceremonies we have performed are not unmeaning rites, nor the amusing pageants of an idle hour, but have a solemn and instructive import. Suffer me to point it out to you, and to impress upon your minds the ennobling sentiments they are so well adapted to convey.
This Hall, designed and built by Wisdom, supported by Strength, and adorned in Beauty, we are first to consecrate in the name of the great Jehovah; which teaches us, in all our works, begun and finished, to acknowledge, adore, and magnify Him. It reminds us, also, in His fear to enter the door of the Lodge, to put our trust in him while passing its trials, and to hope in Him for the reward of its labors.
Let, then, its altar be devoted to His service, and its lofty arch resound with His praise! May the eye which seeth in secret witness here the sincere and unaffected piety which withdraws from the engagements of the world to silence and privacy, that it may be exercised with less interruption and less ostentation.
Our march round the Lodge reminds us of the travels of human life, in which Masonry is an enlightened, a safe, and a pleasant path. Its tesselated pavement of Mosaic-work intimates to us the chequered diversity and uncertainty of human affairs. Our step is time; our progression, eternity.
Following our ancient Constitutions, with mystic rites we dedicate this Hall to the honor of Freemasonry.
Our best attachments are due to the Craft. In its prosperity, we find our joy; and, in paying it honor, we honor ourselves. But its worth transcends our encomiums, and its glory will outsound our praise.
Brethren: It is our pride that we have our names on the records of Freemasonry. May it be our high ambition that they should shed a luster on the immortal page!
The hall is also dedicated to Virtue.
This worthy appropriation will always be duly regarded while the moral duties which our sublime lectures inculcate, with affecting and impressive pertinency, are cherished in our hearts and illustrated in our lives.
As Freemasonry aims to enliven the spirit of Philanthropy, and promote the cause of Charity, so we dedicate this Hall to Universal Benevolence; in the assurance that every brother will dedicate his affections and his abilities to the same generous purpose; that while he displays a warm and cordial affection to those who are of the Fraternity, he will extend his benevolent regards and good wishes to the whole family of mankind.
Such, my brethren, is the significant meaning of the solemn rites we have just performed, because such are the peculiar duties of every Lodge. I need not enlarge upon them now, nor show how they diverge, as rays from a center, to enlighten, to improve, and to cheer the whole circle of life. Their import and their application is familiar to you all. In their knowledge and their exercise may you fulfill the high purposes of the Masonic Institution.
How many pleasing considerations, my brethren, attend the present interview! While in almost every other association of men, political animosities, contentions, and wars interrupt the progress of Humanity and the cause of Benevolence, it is our distinguished privilege to dwell together in peace, and engage in plans to perfect individual and social happiness. While in many other nations our Order is viewed by politicians with suspicion, and by the ignorant with apprehension, in this country its members are too much respected, and its principles too well known, to make it the object of jealousy or mistrust. Our private assemblies are unmolested; and our public celebrations attract a more general approbation of the Fraternity. Indeed, its importance, its credit, and, we trust, its usefulness, are advancing to a height unknown in any former age. The present occasion gives fresh evidence of the increasing affection of its friends; and this noble apartment, fitted up in a style of such elegance and convenience, does honor to Freemasonry, as well as reflects the highest credit on the respectable Lodge for whose accommodation and at whose expense it is erected.
We offer our best congratulations to the Worshipful Master, Wardens, Officers, and Members of ...... Lodge. We commend their zeal, and hope it will meet with the most ample recompense. May their Hall be the happy resort of Piety, Virtue, and Benevolence! May it be protected from accident, and long remain a monument of their attachment to Freemasonry! May their Lodge continue to flourish; their union to strengthen; and their happiness to abound!—And when they, and we all, shall be removed from the labors of the earthly Lodge, may we be admitted to the brotherhood of the perfect, in the building of God, the Hall not made with hands, eternal in the heavens!
The Grand Lodge is again formed in procession, as at first, returns to the room where it was opened, and is closed in ample form.
General Directions.
1. No Freemason can be buried with the formalities of the Fraternity unless it be at his own request or that of some of his family, communicated to the Master of the Lodge of which he was a member at the time of his death, foreigners or sojourners excepted; nor unless he has received the Master Mason degree; and to this rule there can be no exception.
2. Fellow Crafts or Entered Apprentices are not entitled to these obsequies, nor can they be allowed in the procession, as Masons, at a Masonic funeral.
3. The Master of the Lodge, having received notice of the death of a brother (the deceased having attained the degree of Master Mason), and of his request to be buried with the ceremonies of the Craft, fixes the day and hour for the funeral (unless previously arranged by the friends or relatives of the deceased), and issues his order to the Secretary to summon the Lodge. Members of other Lodges may be invited, but they should join with the Lodge performing the ceremonies.
4. Upon the death of a sojourner who had expressed a wish to be buried with Masonic ceremonies, the duties prescribed in Article 3 will devolve upon the Master of the Lodge within whose jurisdiction the death may have occurred, unless there be more than one Lodge in the place; and if so the funeral service will be performed by the oldest Lodge, unless otherwise mutually arranged.
5. Whenever other societies or the military unite with Masons in the burial of a Mason, the body of the deceased must be in charge of the Lodge having jurisdiction, and the services should, in all respects, be conducted as if none but Masons were present.
6. If the deceased was a Grand or Past Grand Officer the Officers of the Grand Lodge should be invited; when the Master of the Lodge having jurisdiction will invite the Grand Officer present who has attained the highest rank to conduct the burial service.
7. The pallbearers should be Masons, and should be selected by the Master, with the approval of the family of the deceased. If the deceased was a member of a Chapter or other Masonic body, a portion of the pallbearers should be taken from these bodies severally.
8. The proper clothing to be worn at a Masonic funeral is black or dark clothes, a black necktie, white gloves, and a white apron, and a sprig of evergreen on the left breast. The Master's gavel, the Wardens' columns, the Deacons' and Stewards' rods, the Tiler's sword and the Marshal's baton, should be trimmed with black crape. The officers of the Lodge and Grand Officers should wear their official jewels.
9. As soon as the remains are placed in the coffin there should be placed upon it a plain white lambskin apron.
10. If a Past or Present Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, or Grand Warden, should join the procession of a Lodge, proper attention must be paid to them. They take place after the Master of the Lodge. Two Deacons, with white rods, should be appointed by the Master to attend them.
11. When the head of the procession shall have arrived at the place of interment, or where the services are to be performed, the lines should be opened, and the highest officer in rank, preceded by the Marshal and Tiler, pass through, and the others follow in order.
12. Upon arriving at the entrance to the cemetery, the brethren should march in open order to the tomb or grave. If the body is to be placed in the former, the Tiler should take his place in front of the open door, and the lines be spread so as to form a circle. The coffin should be deposited within the circle, and the Stewards and Deacons should cross their rods over it. The bearers should take their places on either side—the mourners at the foot of the coffin, and the Master and other officers at the head. After the coffin has been placed in the tomb, the Stewards should cross their rods over the door and the Deacons over the Master. If the body is to be deposited in the earth, an oblong square should be formed around the grave, the body being placed on rests over it; the Stewards should cross their rods over the foot, and the Deacons the head, and retain their places throughout the services.
13. After the clergymen shall have performed the religious services of the church, the Masonic services should begin.
14. When a number of Lodges join in a funeral procession, the position of the youngest Lodge is at the head, or right, of the procession, and the oldest at the end, or left, excepting that the Lodge of which deceased was a member walks nearest the corpse.
15. A Lodge in procession is to be strictly under the discipline of the Lodge room; therefore no brother can enter the procession or leave it without express permission from the Master, conveyed through the Marshal. The Lodge is open and not at refreshment.
Service in Lodge Room.
The brethren having assembled at the lodge room, the Lodge will be opened briefly on the Third Degree; the purpose of the communication must be stated, and remarks upon the character of the deceased may be made by the Master and brethren, when the service will commence, all the brethren standing:
Master: What man is he that liveth and shall not see death? Shall he deliver his soul from the land of the grave?
S. W.: His days are as grass; as a flower of the field so he flourisheth.
J. W.: For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more.
M.: Where is now our departed brother?
S. W.: He dwelleth in night; he sojourneth in darkness.
J. W.: Man walketh in a vain shadow; he heapeth up riches, and cannot tell who shall gather them.
M.: When he dieth, he shall carry nothing away; his glory shall not descend after him.
S. W.: For he brought nothing into the world, and it is certain he can carry nothing out.
J. W.: The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.
M.: The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.
S. W.: God is our salvation; our glory and the rock of our strength; and our refuge is in God.
J. W.: He hath not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.
M.: Can we offer any precious gift acceptable in the sight of the Lord to redeem our brother?
S. W.: We are poor and needy. We are without gift or ransom.
J. W.: Be merciful unto us, O Lord, be merciful unto us; for we trust in Thee. Our hope and salvation are in Thy patience. Where else can we look for mercy?
M.: Let us endeavor to live the life of the righteous, that our last end may be like his.
S. W.: The Lord is gracious and righteous; yea, our God is merciful.
J. W.: God is our God forever and ever; He will be our guide, even unto death.
M.: Shall our brother's name and virtues be lost upon the earth forever?
Response: We will remember and cherish them in our hearts.
M.: I heard a voice from heaven, saying unto me: "Write from henceforth, Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord! Even so, saith the Spirit; for they rest from their labors."
Here the Master will take the Sacred Roll (a sheet of parchment or paper prepared for the purpose), on which have been inscribed the name, age, date of initiation or affiliation, date of death, and any matters that may be interesting to the brethren, and shall read the same aloud, and shall then say:
Almighty Father! in Thy hands we leave, with humble submission, the soul of our departed brother.
Response; Amen! So mote it be.
The Masonic funeral honors should then be given once; the brethren to respond:
The will of God is accomplished. Amen. So mote it be!
The Master should then deposit the Roll in the archives of the Lodge.
The following or some appropriate Hymn may be sung:
Ode—Air, Balerma. C. M.
Few are thy days, and full of woe, O man, of woman born! Thy doom is written, "Dust thou art, And shalt to dust return."
Behold the emblem of thy state In flowers that bloom and die; Or in the shadow's fleeting form, That mocks the gazer's eye.
Determined are the days that fly Successive o'er thy head; The number'd hour is on the wing, That lays thee with the dead.
Great God! afflict not, in Thy wrath, The short alloted span That bounds the few and weary days Of pilgrimage to man.
The Master or Chaplain will repeat the following or some other appropriate Prayer:
Almighty and Heavenly Father! infinite in wisdom, mercy and goodness, extend to us the blessings of Thy everlasting grace. Thou alone art a refuge and help in trouble and affliction. In this bereavement we look to Thee for support and consolation. Strengthen our belief that Death hath no power over a faithful and righteous soul! Though the dust returneth to the dust as it was, the spirit returneth unto Thee. As we mourn the departure of a brother beloved from the circle of our Fraternity, may we trust that he hath entered into a higher brotherhood, to engage in nobler duties and in heavenly work, to find rest from earthly labor and refreshment from earthly care. May Thy peace abide within us, to keep us from all evil! Make us grateful for present benefits, and crown us with immortal life and honor. And to Thy name shall be all the glory forever. Amen.
Response: So mote it be.
A procession should then be formed, which will proceed to the church or the house of the deceased, in the following order:
Tiler, with drawn sword. Masters of Ceremony, with white rods. M Master Masons. A Secretary and Treasurer. R Senior and Junior Wardens. S Past Masters. H The Chaplain. A The Three Great Lights L on a cushion, covered with black cloth, carried . by a member of the Lodge. The Master, supported by two Deacons, with white rods.
When the head of the procession arrives at the entrance to the building, it should halt and open to the right and left, forming two parallel lines, when the Marshal, with the Tiler, will pass through the lines and escort the Master or Grand Officer into the house, the brethren closing in and following, thus reversing the order of procession; the brethren with heads uncovered.
Service at Church or House of Deceased.
After the religious services have been performed, the Master will take his station at the head of the coffin, the Senior Warden at his right, the Junior Warden at his left; the Deacons and Stewards, with white rods crossed, the former at the head, and the latter at the foot of the coffin, the brethren forming a circle around all, when the Masonic service will commence by the Chaplain or Master repeating the following or some other appropriate prayer, in which all the brethren will join:
(Scripture can be used here.)
Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
Response: So mote it be.
Master: Brethren, we are called upon by the imperious mandate of the dread messenger Death, against whose free entrance within the circle of our Fraternity the barred doors and Tiler's weapon offer no impediment, to mourn the loss of one of our companions. The dead body of our beloved Brother lies in its narrow house before us, overtaken by that fate which must sooner or later overtake us all; and which no power or station, no virtue or bravery, no wealth or honor, no tears of friends or agonies of relatives can avert; teaching an impressive lesson, continually repeated, yet soon forgotten, that every one of us must ere long pass through the shadow of death, and dwell in the house of darkness.
S. Warden: In the midst of life we are in death; of whom may we seek succor but of Thee, O Lord, who for our sins art justly displeased. Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts; shut not Thy merciful ears to our prayer.
J. Warden: Lord, let me know my end, and the number of my days; that I may be certified how long I have to live.
Master: Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble. He cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down; he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not. Seeing his days are determined, the number of his months is with Thee; Thou hast appointed his bounds that he cannot pass; turn from him that he may rest, till he shall accomplish his day. For there is a hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease. But man dieth and wasteth away; yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he? As the waters fail from the sea, and the flood decayeth and drieth up, so man lieth down, and riseth not till the heavens be no more.
S. Warden: Our life is but a span long, and the days of our pilgrimage are few and full of evil.
J. Warden: So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
Master: Man goeth forth to his work and to his labor until the evening of his day. The labor and work of our brother are finished. As it hath pleased Almighty God to take the soul of our departed brother, may he find mercy in the great day when all men shall be judged according to the deeds done in the body. We must walk in the light while we have light; for the darkness of death may come upon us at a time when we may not be prepared. Take heed, therefore, watch and pray; for ye know not when the time is; ye know not when the Master cometh—at even, at midnight, or in the morning. We should so regulate our lives by the line of rectitude and truth that in the evening of our days we may be found worthy to be called from labor to refreshment, and duly prepared for a translation from the terrestrial to the celestial Lodge, to join the Fraternity of the spirits of just men made perfect.
S. Warden: Behold, O Lord, we are in distress! Our hearts are turned within us; there is none to comfort us; our sky is darkened with clouds, and mourning and lamentations are heard among us.
J. Warden: Our life is a vapor that appeareth for a little while, and then vanisheth away. All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away.
Master—It is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting; for that is the end of all men; and the living will lay it to his heart.
Response: So mote it be.
Ode—Air, Naomi.
Here Death his sacred seal hath set, On bright and by-gone hours; The dead we mourn are with us yet, And—more than ever—ours!
Ours, by the pledge of love and faith; By hopes of heaven on high; By trust, triumphant over death, In immortality.
The dead are like the stars by day, Withdrawn from mortal eye; Yet holding unperceived their way Through the unclouded sky.
By them, through holy hope and love, We feel, in hours serene, Connected with the Lodge above, Immortal and unseen.
The service may be concluded with the following, or some other suitable prayer:
Most Glorious God, Author of all good and Giver of all mercy, pour down Thy blessings upon us, and strengthen our solemn engagements with the ties of sincere affection. May the present instance of mortality remind us of our own approaching fate, and, by drawing our attention toward Thee, the only refuge in time of need, may we be induced to so regulate our conduct here that when the awful moment shall arrive at which we must quit this transitory scene, the enlivening prospect of Thy mercy may dispel the gloom of death, and that after our departure hence in peace and Thy favor, we may be received into Thine everlasting kingdom, and there join in union with our friends, and enjoy that uninterrupted and unceasing felicity which is allotted to the souls of just men made perfect. Amen.
Response: So mote it be.
If the remains of the deceased are to be removed to a distance, where the brethren cannot follow to perform the ceremonies at the grave, the procession will return to the Lodge room or disperse, as most convenient.
Service at Grave.
When the solemn rites of the dead are to be performed at the grave, the procession should be formed, and proceed to the place of interment in the following order:
Tiler, with drawn sword.
Masters of Ceremony, with white rods.
Musicians, if they are Masons; otherwise they follow the Tiler.
Master Masons.
Secretary and Treasurer.
M Senior and Junior Wardens. A R Past Masters. S H Chaplain. A L The Three Great Lights on a cushion, covered with black cloth, carried by a member of the Lodge.
The Master, Supported by two Deacons with white rods.
Officiating Clergy.
Pall Bearers. Pall Bearers. Mourners.
If the deceased was a member of a Royal Arch Chapter and a Commandery of Knights Templar, and members of those bodies should unite in the procession, clothed as such, the former will follow the Past Masters, and the latter will act as an escort or guard of honor to the corpse, outside the pallbearers, marching in the form of a triangle, the officers of the Commandery forming the base of the triangle, with the Eminent Commander in the center.
When the procession has arrived at the place of interment the members of the Lodge should form a square around the grave; when the Master, Chaplain and other officers of the acting Lodge, take their position at the head of the grave, and the mourners at the foot.
After the clergyman has performed the religious service of the Church, the Masonic service should begin.
The Chaplain rehearses the following, or some other suitable prayer:
Almighty and most merciful Father, we adore Thee as the God of time and eternity. As it hath pleased Thee to take from the light of our abode one dear to our hearts, we beseech Thee to bless and sanctify unto us this dispensation of Thy providence. Inspire our hearts with wisdom from on high, that we may glorify Thee in all our ways. May we realize that Thine All-Seeing Eye is upon us, and be influenced by the spirit of truth and love to perfect obedience—that we may enjoy Thy divine approbation here below. And when our toils on earth shall have ended, may we be raised to the enjoyment of fadeless light and immortal life in that kingdom where faith and hope shall end, and love and joy prevail through eternal ages. And Thine, O righteous Father, shall be the glory forever. Amen.
Response: So mote it be.
The following exhortation is then given by the Master:
The solemn notes that betoken the dissolution of this earthly tabernacle have again alarmed our outer door, and another spirit has been summoned to the land where our fathers have gone before us.
Again we are called to assemble among the habitations of the dead, to behold the "narrow house appointed for all living." Here, around us, in that peace which the world cannot give or take away, sleep the unnumbered dead. The gentle breeze fans their verdant covering, they heed it not; the sunshine and the storm pass over them, and they are not disturbed; stones and lettered monuments symbolize the affection of surviving friends, yet no sound proceeds from them, save that silent but thrilling admonition, "Seek ye the narrow path and the straight gate that lead unto eternal life."
We are again called upon to consider the uncertainty of human life, the immutable certainty of death, and the vanity of all human pursuits. Decrepitude and decay are written upon every living thing. The cradle and the coffin stand in juxtaposition to each other; and it is a melancholy truth that so soon as we begin to live, that moment we also begin to die. It is passing strange that, notwithstanding the daily mementos of mortality that cross our path—notwithstanding the funeral bells so often toll in our ears and the "mournful processions" go about our streets—we will not more seriously consider our approaching fate. We go on from design to design, add hope to hope, and lay out plans for the employment of many years, until we are suddenly alarmed at the approach of the Messenger of Death, at a moment when we least expect him, and which we probably conclude to be the meridian of our existence.
What, then, are all the externals of human dignity—the power of wealth, the dreams of ambition, the pride of intellect, or the charms of beauty—when Nature has paid her just debt? Fix your eyes on the last sad scene, and view life stripped of its ornaments, and exposed in its natural weakness, and you must be persuaded of the utter emptiness of these delusions. In the grave, all fallacies are detected, all ranks are leveled, all distinctions are done away. Here the scepter of the prince and the staff of the beggar are laid side by side.
Our present meeting and proceedings will have been vain and useless, if they fail to excite our serious reflections, and strengthen our resolutions of amendment.
Be then persuaded, my brethren, by this example of the uncertainty of human life, of the unsubstantial nature of all its pursuits, and no longer postpone the all-important concern of preparing for eternity. Let us each embrace the present moment, and while time and opportunity permit, prepare for that great change when the pleasures of the world be as a poison to our lips, and the happy reflections consequent upon a well-spent life afford the only consolation.
Thus shall our hopes be not frustrated, nor we be hurried unprepared into the presence of that all-wise and powerful Judge, to whom the secrets of all hearts are known. Let us resolve to maintain with sincerity the dignified character of our profession. May our Faith be evinced in a correct moral walk and deportment; may our Hope be bright as the glorious mysteries that will be revealed hereafter; and our Charity boundless as the wants of our fellow-creatures. And, having faithfully discharged the great duties which we owe to God, to our neighbor, and to ourselves, when at last it shall please the Grand Master of the Universe to summon us into His eternal presence, may the Trestle-board of our whole lives pass such inspection that it may be given unto each of us to "eat of the hidden manna," and to receive the "white stone with a new name" that will insure perpetual and unspeakable happiness at His right hand.
The Lambskin being removed from the coffin, the Master holds it up and says:
W. M.: The Lambskin, or white leathern Apron, is an emblem of innocence and the badge of a Mason; more ancient than the Golden Fleece or Roman Eagle; more honorable than Star and Garter, when worthily worn. This emblem I now deposit in the grave of our deceased brother. [Deposits it.] By it we are reminded of that purity of life and conduct so essentially necessary to gaining admission to the Celestial Lodge above, where the Supreme Architect of the Universe presides.
The mattock, the coffin, and the melancholy grave admonish us of our mortality, and that, sooner or later, these frail bodies must moulder in their parent dust.
The Master, holding the evergreen, continues:
This evergreen, which once marked the temporary resting-place of the illustrious dead, is an emblem of our faith in the immortality of the soul. By it we are reminded that we have an immortal part within us, that shall survive the grave, and which shall never, never, never die. By it we are admonished that, though, like our brother whose remains lie before us, we shall soon be clothed in the habiliments of death, and deposited in the silent tomb, yet, through our belief in the mercy of God, we may confidently hope that our souls will bloom in eternal spring. This, too, I deposit in the grave.
The brethren then move in procession round the place of interment, and severally drop the sprig of evergreen into the grave, during which the following may be sung:
Funeral Dirge.
Hark! from the tombs a doleful sound! Mine ears attend the cry: "Ye living men, come view the ground Where you must shortly lie.
"Princes! this clay must be your bed, In spite of all your towers; The tall, the wise, the reverend head, Must lie as low as ours."
Great God! Is this our certain doom? And are we still secure? Still walking downward to the tomb, And yet prepared no more?
Grant us the power of quick'ning grace, To fit our souls to fly; Then, when we drop this dying flesh, We'll rise above the sky.
Or the following:
Pleyel's Hymn.
Solemn strikes the fun'ral chime, Notes of our departing time; As we journey here below Through a pilgrimage of woe.
Mortals, now indulge a tear, For mortality is here! See how wide her trophies wave O'er the slumbers of the grave!
Here another guest we bring! Seraphs of celestial wing, To our funeral altar come, Waft our friend and brother home.
Lord of all! below—above— Fill our hearts with truth and love; When dissolves our earthly tie Take us to Thy Lodge on high.
After which the Masonic funeral honors are given.
The Grand Honors, practiced among Masons at funerals, whether in public or private, are given in the following manner: Both arms are crossed on the breast, the left uppermost, and the open palms of the hands sharply striking the shoulders; they are then raised above the head, the palms striking each other, and then made to fall smartly upon the thighs. This is repeated three times, and while they are being given the third time, the brethren audibly pronounce the following words—when the arms are crossed on the breast: "We cherish his memory here;" when the hands are extended above the head: "We commend his spirit to God who gave it;" and when the hands are extended toward the ground: "And consign his body to the grave."
The Master then continues the ceremony:
The Great Creator, having been pleased to remove our brother from the cares and troubles of this transitory existence to a state of endless duration, thus severing another link from the fraternal chain that binds us together, may we who survive him be more strongly cemented in the ties of union and friendship; and, during the short space allotted us here, we may wisely and usefully employ our time, and, in the reciprocal intercourse of kind and friendly acts, mutually promote the welfare and happiness of each other.
Unto the grave we now consign his body—earth to earth; ashes to ashes; dust to dust—there to remain until the trump shall sound on the Resurrection morn. We can trustfully leave him in the hands of Him who doeth all things well, who is "glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders."
To those of his immediate relatives and friends who are most heart-stricken at the loss we have all sustained, we have but little of this world's consolation to offer; we can only sincerely, deeply and most affectionately sympathize with them in their afflictive bereavement; but we can say, that He who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb looks down with infinite compassion upon the widow and fatherless in the hour of their desolation; and that the Great Architect will fold the arms of His love and protection around those who put their trust in Him.
Then let us improve this solemn warning, so that, when the sheeted dead are stirring, when the great white throne is set, we shall receive from the Omniscient Judge the thrilling invitation, "Come, ye blessed, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world."
The services will close with the following or some other suitable prayer:
Most Glorious God, Author of all good and Giver of all mercy, pour down Thy blessings upon us, and strengthen our solemn engagements with the ties of sincere affection. May the present instance of mortality remind us of our own approaching fate, and, by drawing our attention toward Thee, the only refuge in time of need, may we be induced to so regulate our conduct here that when the awful moment shall arrive at which we must quit this transitory scene, the enlivening prospect of Thy mercy may dispel the gloom of death, and that after our departure hence in peace and Thy favor, we may be received into Thine everlasting kingdom, and there enjoy that uninterrupted and unceasing felicity which is allotted to the souls of just men made perfect. "Bless those who are bereaved by this sad providence, and make this brotherhood faithful to their solemn vows, to comfort, aid, and protect those thus left to their sacred charge."
And now, O Lord, we pray for Thy hand to lead us in all the paths our feet must tread; and when the journey of life is ended, may light from our immortal home illuminate the dark valley and shadow of death, and voices of the loved ones welcome us to that "house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." Amen.
Response: So mote it be.
The Master then approaches the head of the grave (or the entrance to the tomb), and gently says:
Soft and safe to thee, my brother, be this earthly bed. Bright and glorious be thy rising from it. Fragrant be the acacia sprig that here shall flourish. May the earliest buds of spring unfold their beauties on this, thy resting place; and here may the sweetness of the summer's rose linger latest. Though the cold blast of autumn may lay them in the dust, and for a time destroy the loveliness of their existence, yet the destruction is not final, and in the springtime they shall surely bloom again. So, in the bright morning of the world's resurrection, thy mortal frame, now laid in the dust by the chilling blast of death, shall spring again into newness of life, and expand, in immortal beauty, in realms beyond the skies. Until then, dear brother, until then, farewell.
The Benediction will then be pronounced by the Master, or Chaplain, as follows:
The Lord bless us and keep us. The Lord make His face to shine upon us and be gracious unto us. The Lord lift up the light of His countenance, and give us peace. Amen.
Response: So mote it be.
End of Service at Grave.
In very inclement weather service at the grave can be shortened by omitting any part of the ceremony except the apron, acacia and honors.
At the grave the Lodge forms a circle or semicircle. The Master and other officers of the Lodge take their position at the head of the grave; the Tyler behind the Master, and the mourners at the foot. The religious burial service of the church (if there be any) should be first performed, after which the Masonic service begins:
The following passage of Scripture, from Ecclesiastes, chapter xii, verses 1-7, is read:
Chaplain: Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them; while the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars be not darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain; in the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the strong men shall bow themselves, and the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look out of the windows be darkened; and the doors shall be shut in the streets, when the sound of the grinding is low; and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of music shall be brought low; also when they shall be afraid of that which is high, and fears shall be in the way, and the almond tree shall flourish, and the grasshopper shall be a burden, and desire shall fail; because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets; or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
Master: One by one they pass away—the brothers of our adoption, the companions of our choice. A brother whose hand we have clasped in the bonds of fraternal fellowship now lies before us in the rigid embrace of death. All that remains of one near and dear to us is passing from our sight, and we know that we shall meet him on earth no more.
We, who knew him so well in our brotherhood, feel that in his departure from among the living, something has gone out of our own lives that can never be again. Thus, as human ties are broken, the world becomes less and less, and the hope to be reunited with friends who are gone, grows more and more. Here is immediate compensation, which, while it cannot assuage our grief, may teach resignation to the inevitable doom of all things mortal.
While we stand around the open grave, in the presence of a body once, and so lately, warm with life and animate with thought, now lingering for a brief moment at the dark portal of the tomb—like a beam of holy light the belief must come, this cannot be all there is of day. Stricken human nature cries out: There must be a dawn beyond this darkness and a never setting sun, while this short life is but a morning star.
The cycles of Time roll with the procession of seasons. Spring is bloom; summer is growth; autumn is fruition; winter is the shroud, and beneath its cold, yet kindly fold, live the germs of a new life. Spring comes again; growth matures, and fruit is eternal. This is the religion and lesson of Nature, and the universal example cannot fail in relation to man. Let us draw comfort and consolation from things visible in this sad scene, and lift our eyes to the invisible Father of all with renewed faith that we are in His Holy Hands. Besides His infinitude of worlds, we have also His word, "That He is All, and All-upholding."
We can do nothing for the dead. We can only offer respect to our brother's inanimate clay, and cherish his memory in the abiding faith that our temporary loss is his eternal gain. In this belief let us commit him with due reverence to the keeping of the All-Father, who is supreme in wisdom, infinite in love, and ordereth all things well.
(Family service to be omitted in case no relatives of the deceased are present.)
While we pay this tribute of respect and love to the memory of our late brother, let us not forget to extend our fraternal sympathy to his deeply afflicted and sorrowing family (wife, children, father, mother, brothers, sisters, as the relatives may be present): In your irreparable bereavement, and as he, for whom we are all mourners, was true to us, and faithful to the ties of our brotherhood, so shall we be true to you in the practice of the principles of Freemasonry and in tender memory of our loved and lost. He gave much of his time to us in devotion to our cause. We owe a grateful acknowledgement to you for his social companionship and service, and mingle our sorrows at parting with yours, his near and dear relations.
Master: "May we be true and faithful; and may we live and die in love!"
Response: "So mote it be."
Master: "May we profess what is good, and always act agreeably to our profession!"
Response: "So mote it be."
Master: "May the Lord bless us and prosper us, and may all our good intentions be crowned with success."
Response: "So mote it be."
The apron is taken from the coffin and handed to the Master; and while the coffin is being lowered into the grave, either of the following funeral dirges may be sung—the one used, to be selected and announced before leaving the lodge-room:
Funeral Dirge.
Air—Pleyel's Hymn.
Solemn strikes the funeral chime, Notes of our departing time, As we journey here below Through a pilgrimage of woe.
Mortals, now indulge a tear, For Mortality is here; See how wide her trophies wave, O'er the slumber of the grave!
Here another guest we bring; Seraphs of celestial wing, To our funeral altar come, Waft our friend and brother home.
Lord of all! below—above— Fill our hearts with truth and love; When dissolves our earthly tie, Take us to Thy lodge on high.
Hark, From the Tombs.
Hark, from the tombs, a doleful sound, Mine ears attend the cry: "Ye living men; come view the ground Where you must shortly lie.
"Princes, this clay must be your bed, In spite of all your towers; The tall, the wise, the reverend head Must lie as low as ours."
Great God! Is this our certain doom? And are we still secure? Still walking downward to the tomb, And yet prepared no more?
Grant us the power of quick'ning grace, To fit our souls to fly; Then, when we drop this dying flesh, We'll rise above the sky.
At the conclusion of the singing, the Master, displaying the apron, continues:
The Lambskin, or white leathern apron, is an emblem of innocence, and the badge of a Mason; more honorable than the crown of royalty, or the emblazoned insignia of princely orders, when worthily worn.
The Master drops the apron into the grave.
Our brother was worthy of its distinction, and it shall bear witness to his virtues, and our confidence in the sincerity of his profession.
W. M.: (Taking off his white glove and holding it up.) This Glove is a symbol of fidelity and is emblematic of that Masonic friendship which bound us to him whose tenement of clay now lies before us. It reminds us that while these mortal eyes shall see him not again, yet, by the practice of the tenets of our noble order and a firm faith and steadfast trust in the Supreme Architect, we hope to clasp once more his vanished hand in friendship and in love. (Deposits glove.) Those whom virtue unites, death can never separate.
The Master, displaying an evergreen sprig, continues:
The Evergreen is emblematic of our Faith in Immortality.
This green sprig is the symbol of that vital spark of our being which continues to glow more divinely when the breath leaves the body, and can never, never, never die.
The Master drops the evergreen in the grave, and the Brothers each make a similar deposit, with as little confusion as possible.
If the place is convenient, they march around the grave in a line. When all are again settled in their places, the public Grand Honors are given by three times three.
The will of God is accomplished; so mote it be. Amen.
The Master then continues:
Change is the universal law of mortality, and the theme of every page of its history. Here we view the most striking illustration of change that can be presented to mortal eyes, minds and hearts. Ties of fraternity, friendship, love, all broken, and earthly pursuits, hopes and affections laid waste by death. Let us profit by this example of the uncertainty of the world, and resolve to live honest, pure and worshipful lives in daily preparation for the summons that will, sooner or later, surely come. It came to our brother, whose remains we have here laid away to rest eternal, and reminds us that we, too, are mortal—subject to the universal law. Our brother is dead, and cannot speak for himself. Let us defend his good name. Frailties he may have had, as what mortal man has not? To err is human, charity is Divine, and judgment is with the Almighty and All-Merciful. In this resting place of the body, virtues only are remembered, and sweet memories bloom.
All must pass through the Shadow of Death, and each one must make the dark journey without the companionship of earthly friend. Let us all hasten to secure the passport of an upright life, to the glories of a better land. Unto the grave we have resigned the body of our brother.
The Master scatters a handful of earth in the grave.
Earth to earth; dust to dust (the S. W. scatters dirt in the grave); ashes to ashes (the J. W. scatters dirt in the grave); there to remain until the dawn of that resplendent day, when again, the morning stars shall sing together, and all the sons of God shall shout for joy.
Prayer by the Chaplain.
Chaplain: Almighty and eternal God, in whom we live and move, and have our being—and before whom all men must appear, in the judgment day to give an account of their deeds in life, we, who are daily exposed to the flying shafts of death, and now surround the grave of our fallen brother, most earnestly beseech Thee to impress deeply on our minds the solemnities of this day, as well as the lamentable occurrence that has occasioned them. Here may we be forcibly reminded that in the midst of life we are in death, and that whatever elevation of character we may have obtained, however upright and square the course we have pursued, yet shortly we must all submit as victims of its destroying power, and endure the humbling level of the tomb, until the last loud trump shall sound the summons of our resurrection from mortality and corruption. |