Marigold Garden
By Kate Greenaway
Marigold Garden
Pictures and Rhymes
& New York
You little girl, You little boy, With wondering eyes, That kindly look, In honour of Two noble names I send the offering Of this book.
Printed in U.S.A.
Oh, Susan Blue, How do you do? Please may I go for a walk with you? Where shall we go? Oh, I know— Down in the meadow where the cowslips grow!
Little Blue Shoes Mustn't go Very far alone, you know Else she'll fall down, Or, lose her way; Fancy—what Would mamma say? Better put her little hand Under sister's wise command. When she's a little older grown Blue Shoes may go quite alone.
Puff, puff, puff. How the trumpets blow All you little boys and girls come and see the show. One—two—three, the Cat runs up the tree; But the little Bird he flies away— "She hasn't got me!"
They saw it rise in the morning, They saw it set at night, And they longed to go and see it, Ah! if they only might.
The little soft white clouds heard them, And stepped from out of the blue; And each laid a little child softly Upon its bosom of dew.
And they carried them higher and higher, And they nothing knew any more Until they were standing waiting In front of the round gold door.
And they knocked, and called, and entreated, Whoever should be within; But all to no purpose, for no one Would hearken to let them in.
You very fine Miss Molly, What will the daisies say, If you carry home so many Of their little friends to-day?
Perhaps you take a sister, Perhaps you take a brother, Or two little daisies who Were fond of one another.
Pray let me introduce you to This little dancing family; For morning, afternoon, and night They danced away so happily.
They twirled round about, They turned their toes out; The people wondered what the noise Could all be about.
They danced from early morning, Till very late at night; Both in-doors and out-of-doors, With very great delight.
And every sort of dance they knew, From every country far away; And so it was no wonder that They should keep dancing all the day.
So dancing—dancing—dancing, In sunshine or in rain; And when they all left off, Why then—they all began again.
Little Molly and Damon Are walking so far, For they're going to see Their kind Grandmamma.
And they very well know, When they get there she'll take From out of her cupboard Some very nice cake.
And into her garden They know they may run, And pick some red currants, And have lots of fun.
So Damon to doggie Says, "How do you do?" And asks his mamma If he may not go too.
Oh, if you were a little boy, And I was a little girl— Why you would have some whiskers grow And then my hair would curl.
Ah! if I could have whiskers grow, I'd let you have my curls; But what's the use of wishing it— Boys never can be girls.
It is a Party, do you know, And there they sit, all in a row, Waiting till the others come, To begin to have some fun.
Hark! the bell rings sharp and clear, Other little friends appear; And no longer all alone They begin to feel at home.
To them a little hard is Fate, Yet better early than too late; Fancy getting there forlorn, With the tea and cake all gone.
Wonder what they'll have for tea; Hope the jam is strawberry. Wonder what the dance and game; Feel so very glad they came.
Very Happy may you be, May you much enjoy your tea.
When we went out with Grandmamma— Mamma said for a treat— Oh, dear, how stiff we had to walk As we went down the street.
One on each side we had to go, And never laugh or loll; I carried Prim, her Spaniard dog, And Tom—her parasol.
If I looked right—if Tom looked left— "Tom—Susan—I'm ashamed; And little Prim, I'm sure, is shocked, To hear such naughties named."
She said we had no manners, If we ever talked or sung; "You should have seen," said Grandmamma, "Me walk, when I was young."
She told us—oh, so often— How little girls and boys, In the good days when she was young, Never made any noise.
She said they never wished then To play—oh, indeed! They learnt to sew and needlework, Or else to write and read.
She said her mother never let Her speak a word at meals; "But now," said Grandmamma, "you'd think That children's tongues had wheels
"So fast they go—clack, clack, clack, clack; Now listen well, I pray, And let me see you both improve From what I've said to-day."
Oh, dear, how will it end? Peggy and Susie how naughty you are. You little know where you are, Going so far, and so high, Nearly up to the sky. Perhaps it's a Giant who lives there, And perhaps it's a lovely Princess. But you very well know You've no business to go; You'll get yourselves into a mess.
Oh, dear, I'm sure it is true; Whatever on earth can it matter to you? For you know it—oh, fie— That it's naughty to pry Into other's affairs— Into other folks houses to go, Where you know You're not asked. So you'd better come back While there's time, it is plain. Go home—and be never So naughty again.
Oh who'll give us Posies, And Garlands of Roses, To twine round our heads so gay? For here we come bringing You many good wishes to-day. From market—from market—from market— We all come up from market.
I am a very little girl, I think that I've turned two; And if you'd like to know my name I'd like to tell it you.
They always call me Baby, But Phillis is my name. No—no one ever gave it me, I think it only came.
I've got a pretty tulip In my little flower-bed; If you would like I'll give it you— It's yellow, striped with red.
I've got a little kitten, but I can't give that away, She likes to play with me so much; She's gone to sleep to-day.
And I've got a nice new dolly, Shall I fetch her out to you? She's got such pretty shoes on, And her bonnet's trimmed with blue.
You'd like to take her home with you? Oh, no, she mustn't go; Good-bye—I want to run now, You walk along so slow.
Four Princesses lived in a Green Tower— A Bright Green Tower in the middle of the sea; And no one could think—oh, no one could think— Who the Four Princesses could be.
One looked to the North, and one to the South, And one to the East, and one to the West; They were all so pretty, so very pretty, You could not tell which was the prettiest.
Their curls were golden—their eyes were blue, And their voices were sweet as a silvery bell; And four white birds around them flew, But where they came from—who could tell?
Oh, who could tell? for no one knew, And not a word could you hear them say. But the sound of their singing, like church bells ringing, Would sweetly float as they passed away.
For under the sun, and under the stars, They often sailed on the distant sea; Then in their Green Tower and Roses bower They lived again—a mystery.
When you and I Grow up—Polly— I mean that you and me, Shall go sailing in a big ship Right over all the sea. We'll wait till we are older, For if we went to-day, You know that we might lose ourselves, And never find the way.
In September, when the apples were red, To Belinda I said, "Would you like to go away To Heaven, or stay Here in this orchard full of trees All your life?" And she said, "If you please I'll stay here—where I know, And the flowers grow."
The Wedding Bells were ringing, And Monday was the day, And all the little ladies Were there so fresh and gay.
And up—up—up the steps they went, The wedding fine to see; And the Roses were all for the Bride, So pretty—so pretty was she.
In my little Green House, quite content am I, When the hot sun pours down from the sky; For oh, I love the country—the beautiful country. Who'd live in a London street when there's the country?
I live in a London street, then I long and long To be the whole day the sweet Flowers among Instead of tall chimney-pots up in the sky, The joy of seeing Birds and Dragon Flies go by.
At home I lie in bed, and cannot go to sleep, For the sound of cart-wheels upon the hard street. But here my eyes close up to no sound of anything Except it is to hear the nightingales sing.
And then I see the Chickens and the Geese go walking, I hear the Pigs and the Ducks all talking. And the Red and the Spotted Cows they stare at me, As if they wondered whoever I could be.
I see the little Lambs out with their mothers— Such pretty little white young sisters and brothers. Oh, I'll stay in the country, and make a daisy chain, And never go back to London again.
Oh, what shall my blue eyes go see? Shall it be pretty Quack-Quack to-day? Or the Peacock upon the Yew Tree? Or the dear little white Lambs at play? Say Baby. For Baby is such a young Petsy, And Baby is such a sweet Dear. And Baby is growing quite old now— She's just getting on for a year.
Willy said to his sister, "Please may I go with you?" She said, "You must behave Very nicely if you do."
"Please will you take me then To look at the mill?" "Yes," she said, "because you are So very good—I will."
"The miller he is So very white and kind; And sprinkled all over With the flour they grind.
"And the big heaps of corn That lie upon the floor; He will let me play with those I am quite sure.
"I like to hear the wheel Make such a rushing sound, And see the pretty water Go round, and round, and round.
"So take me to the mill, For then you shall see What a very, very good boy I really mean to be."
Five little Girls, sitting on a form, Five little Girls, with lessons to learn, Five little Girls, who, I'm afraid, Won't know them a bit when they have to be said.
For little eyes are given to look Anywhere else than on their book; And little thoughts are given to stray Anywhere—ever so far away.
"Are you going next week to see Phillis and Phoebe? Phillis on Monday will be just fourteen. She says we shall all have our tea in the garden, And afterwards have some nice games on the green.
"I wanted a new frock, but mother said, 'No,' So I must be content with my old one you see. But then white is so pretty, and kind Aunt Matilda Has sent down a beautiful necklace for me."
"Oh, yes, I am going, and Peggy is going, And mother is making us new frocks to wear; I shall have my red sash and my hat with pink ribbons— I know all the girls will be smart who are there.
"And then, too, we're going to each take a nosegay— The larger the better—for Phillis to say That all her friends love her, and wish her so happy, And bring her sweet flowers upon her birthday.
"And won't it be lovely, in beautiful sunshine, The table spread under the great apple tree, To see little Phillis—that dear little Phillis— Look smiling all round as she pours out the tea!"
With Roses—red Roses, We'll pelt her with Roses, And Lilies—white Lilies we'll drop at her feet; The little Queen's coming, The people are running— The people are running to greet and to meet.
Then clash out a welcome, Let all the bells sound, come, To give her a welcoming proud and sweet. How her blue eyes will beam, And her golden curls gleam, When the sound of our singing rings down the street.
Dancing and prancing to town we go, On the top of the wall of the town we go. Shall we talk to the stars, or talk to the moon, Or run along home to our dinner so soon?
So high—so high on the wall we run, The nearer the sky—why, the nearer the sun, If you give me one penny, I'll give you two, For that's the way good neighbours do.
Tip-a-Toe, See them go; One, two, three— Chloe, Prue, and me; Up and down, To the town. A Lord was there, And the Lady fair. And what did they sing? Oh, "Ring-a-ding-ding;" And the Black Crow flew off With the Lady's Ring.
"My Polly is so very good, Belinda never cries; My Baby often goes to sleep, See how she shuts her eyes.
"Dear Mrs. Lemon tell me when Belinda goes to school; And what time does she go to bed?" "Well, eight o'clock's the rule.
"But now and then, just for a treat, I let her wait awhile; You shake your head—why, wouldn't you? Do look at Baby's smile!"
"Dear Mrs. Primrose will you come One day next week to tea? Of course bring Rosalinda, and That darling—Rosalie."
"Dear Mrs. Cowslip, you are kind; My little folks, I know, Will be so very pleased to come; Dears—tell Mrs. Cowslip so.
"Oh, do you know—perhaps you've not heard— She had a dreadful fright; My Daisy with the measles Kept me up every night.
"And then I've been so worried— Clarissa had a fit; And the doctor said he couldn't In the least account for it."
Little girlie tell to me What your wistful blue eyes see? Why you like to stand so high, Looking at the far off sky.
Does a tiny Fairy flit In the pretty blue of it? Or is it that you hope so soon To see the rising yellow Moon?
Or is it—as I think I've heard— You're looking for a little Bird To come and sit upon a spray, And sing the summer night away?
What did she see—oh, what did she see, As she stood leaning against the tree? Why all the Cats had come to tea.
What a fine turn out—from round about, All the houses had let them out, And here they were with scamper and shout.
"Mew—mew—mew!" was all they could say, And, "We hope we find you well to-day."
Oh, what should she do—oh, what should she do? What a lot of milk they would get through; For here they were with "Mew—mew—mew!"
She didn't know—oh, she didn't know, If bread and butter they'd like or no; They might want little mice, oh! oh! oh!
Dear me—oh, dear me, All the cats had come to tea.
In the pleasant green Garden We sat down to tea; "Do you take sugar?" and "Do you take milk?" She'd got a new gown on— A smart one of silk. We all were so happy As happy could be, On that bright Summer's day When she asked us to tea.
Under Rose Arches to Rose Town— Rose Town on the top of the hill; For the Summer wind blows and music goes, And the violins sound shrill.
Twist and twine Roses and Lilies, And little leaves green, Fit for a queen; Twist and twine Roses and Lilies.
Oh, Roses shall be for her carpet, And her curtains of Roses so fair; And a Rosy crown, while far adown Floats her long golden hair.
Twist and twine Roses and Lilies, And all the bells ring, And all the people sing; Twist and twine Roses and Lilies.
Some children are so naughty, And some are very good; But the Genteel Family Did always what it should.
They put on gloves when they went out, And ran not in the street; And on wet days not one of them Had ever muddy feet.
Then they were always so polite, And always thanked you so; And never threw their toys about, As naughty children do.
They always learnt their lessons When it was time they should; And liked to eat up all their crusts— They were so very good.
And then their frocks were never torn, Their tuckers always clean; And their hair so very tidy— Always quite fit to be seen.
Then they made calls with their mamma And were so very neat; And learnt to bow becomingly When they met you in the street.
And really they were everything That children ought to be; And well may be examples now For little you—and me.
Baby mine, over the trees; Baby mine, over the flowers; Baby mine, over the sunshine; Baby mine, over the showers.
Baby mine, over the land; Baby mine, over the water. Oh, when had a mother before Such a sweet—such a sweet, little daughter!
In the May-time flowers grow; Little girls in meadows go; Little lambs frisk with delight, And in the green grass sleep at night. Little birds sing all the day, Oh, in such a happy way! All the day the sun is bright, Little stars shine all the night. The Cowslip says to the Primrose, "How soft the little Spring wind blows!" The Daisy and the Buttercup Sing every time that they look up. For beneath the sweet blue sky They see a pretty Butterfly; The Butterfly, when he looks down, Says, "What a pretty Flower Town!"
Out of Wonder World I think you come; For in your eyes the wonder comes with you. The stars are the windows of Heaven, And sometimes I think you peep through. Oh, little girl, tell us do the Flowers Tell you secrets when they find you all alone? Or the Birds and Butterflies whisper Of things to us unknown?
Or do angel voices speak to you so softly, When we only hear a little wind sigh; And the peaceful dew of Heaven fall upon you When we only see a white cloud passing by?
The King and the Queen were riding Upon a Summer's day, And a Blackbird flew above them, To hear what they did say.
The King said he liked apples, The Queen said she liked pears. And what shall we do to the Blackbird Who listens unawares.
Oh, sweet Miss Molly, You're so fond Of Fishes in a little Pond. And perhaps they're glad To see you stare With such bright eyes Upon them there. And when your fingers and your thumbs Drop slowly in the small white crumbs I hope they're happy. Only this— When you've looked long enough, sweet miss. Then, most beneficent young giver, Restore them to their native river.
Jump—jump—jump— Jump away From this town into The next, to-day.
Jump—jump—jump— Jump over the moon; Jump all the morning, And all the noon.
Jump—jump—jump— Jump all night; Won't our mothers Be in a fright?
Jump—jump—jump— Over the sea; What wonderful wonders We shall see.
Jump—jump—jump— And leave behind Everything evil That we may find.
Jump—jump—jump— Jump far away; And all come home Some other day.
Ring-a-ring of little boys. Ring-a-ring of girls; All around—all around, Twists and twirls.
You are merry children; "Yes, we are." Where do you come from? "Not very far.
"We live in the mountain, We live in the tree; And I live in the river-bed, And you won't catch me!"
If I could see a little fish— That is what I just now wish! I want to see his great round eyes Always open in surprise.
I wish a water rat would glide Slowly to the other side; Or a dancing spider sit On the yellow flags a bit.
I think I'll get some stones to throw, And watch the pretty circles show. Or shall we sail a flower-boat, And watch it slowly—slowly float?
That's nice—because you never know How far away it means to go; And when to-morrow comes, you see, It may be in the great wide sea.
One—two, is one to you: One—two—three, is one to me. Throw it fast or not at all, And mind you do not let it fall.
Fairy Blue Eyes And Fairy Brown, And dear little Golden Curls, Look down. I say "Good-bye"— "Good-bye" with no pain— Till some happy day We meet again!
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