PLATOON GUIDES: Close order drill 210 Duties in fire fight 289
PLATOON LEADER: Allotment of target to 282 Control the fire in deployment 270 Duties on fire fight 288; 289 Equipped with whistles 83 Of flank platoons when company acts alone 268 Positions in verifying alignments 218 Repeating commands 214
Platoon, the fire unit of 287
PLATOONS: Advance into an engagement 249 Assignment 206 Designation 205 Division of company into 204
Point of aim 1357
Point of rest, definition 46
Point on which base squad marches in deployment 238
Points of compass 1084
Poison, first aid 1508
PORT ARMS FROM: Inspection 146 Left shoulder 136 Order 125 Present 126 Right shoulder 132 Position and aiming drills 1365
POSITION FIRE: Advance by rushes 293 When used 438
POSITION OF: Captain in dressing company 302 Load, when taken 183 Piece at order 123 Piece "diagonally across the body" 122 (Second) The soldier 99 Position sketching 1889
POST OF: Band 71; 299 Commander in fight 383 Color 637; 638; 650; 664; 665 File closers in column of squads 221 Major during attack 352 Major in route order 325 Mounted enlisted men 73; 76; 78 Noncommissioned officer in command of troops 79 Noncommissioned staff officers 77; 78 Officers, noncommissioned officers and special units (band and machine gun company) shown in plates 71; 72 Reviewing officer 617 Special units 71; 72; 299 Staff officers 73
Powder fouling, removing from bore 1327
Practical instruction, purpose 369
Precision taught by drill at attention 55 (a)
Preliminary drills 1355
PREPARATORY COMMAND: Arrangements of elements 57 To revoke 64 What it indicates 87
PRESENT ARMS FROM: Left shoulder 136 Order 124 Port 127 Right shoulder 133
Present saber 673
Principles of combat, extent to which treated in Part I 54
Prisoners do not salute 1567
Privates of the Guard 1715
Privileges, awarding 881
Privileges, withholding 884
Program of training 919
Progression in training and instruction 917
Property, responsibility, company 886; 896
PROTECTION: By reconnaissance 410; 412 When battalion is acting alone 330 When company is acting alone 268
Protection against surprise when company is acting alone 268
PUNISHMENT: Awarding 915 Company 882; 883
PURSUIT: Additional force for 483 General principles 490; 494 Pursuing fire 486 Troops used for 487
Quartermaster sergeant (now supply sergeant) assignment at drill 207
Quibbling, avoiding, in interpreting drill regulations 53
QUICK TIME: Cadence 108 From double time 111 Movements habitually executed in 109
RANGE: Classification 275-277 Command announcing 188 Determining of 276; 277; 426 Finders 277 Importance of correct sight setting 425 In attack 344; 426 In defense 426 Signal for announcing 92
Range, how determined 1429
Range practice 1386
Ranging volleys 278
Rank, definition 47
Rapid fire exercises 1372
RATE OF: Fire 191; 292; 415; 1419 Quick and double time 108
Ration return 909
Ready 189
Reality in training 922
Rear guard, use of machines guns as part of 554
Rear marching, skirmishers, not assembled 173
Rear rank not loading nor firing kneeling or lying down 179
Rear sight, description 1343
Rear, to the, how to execute 118
RECONNAISSANCE: Battalion acting alone 330 Combat 403-413 Company acting alone 268 Company advancing into an engagement 249 Each commander to guard against surprise 442 Meeting engagement 534; 538 Minor warfare 608 Night operations 587 Personal before deployment 441 To precede formation of plan 394
Record of rifles 902
Record of size of clothing 906
Records, company 887-909
Recruits, instruction 97-98; 120; 152-156
Rectifying column, (battalion) 312
Red bugs 1488
Reduction and resignation of noncommissioned officers 876
Reenforcement of firing line by major 359
Reenforcements, size 353
Reenforcing firing line 263-366; 354
REGIMENT: Interval in deployment 454 Lines of communication established by 400 Muster 655-657
REGIMENTAL COLOR: Salutes by 660 Saluting reviewing officer 622
REGIMENTAL COMMANDER: Action in deployment of division 440 Decide equipment carried into action 382
Rejoining command after completion of task 390
REPETITION OF: Command for guides, by captains at battalion drill 301 Commands by captains at battalion drill 300 Orders, commands and signals 83; 88
Report, first sergeant's when company is formed 215
Reports, saluting when making or receiving 75
Represented enemy, definition 56
Requisites of good scout 1031
RESERVE: Captured position strengthened by reserves 492 Commander of troops in action habitually with reserve 383 Covering withdrawal of attacking troops 489 Deployment to enable withdrawal of faulty firing line 444 Enveloping attack 461; 462 Fire of position in decisive action 438 Furnished by units larger than battalion 455 Gives impetus to charge 481 How used 455 In attack charged with flank protection 466 In withdrawal from action 547 Machine guns as part of 557 Occupying trenches vacated by firing line to improve same 476 Of firing line, strength 449; 450 Part played by, in pursuit 491 Post and strength in holding attack 500 Post of, in attack 466 Post of, in defense 513 Post of, in delaying action 532 Reduction of reserve in case of protected flanks 452 Regimental: Ammunition sent from 574 Use of, in case of victory 383
Respect, factor in training 929
Respect for sentinels 1577
Respect to noncommissioned officers 1525
Responsibility, devolution of 869
Responsibility for proper training 921
Rest, executed as without arms 121 (Fifth)
Rests, the 100; 101; 121
"1. Resume 2. March" 63
Retained copies of rolls, etc., company 899
Retiring under fire 475
Return saber 679
Reveille and retreat gun 1837
Reverse slopes 1427
Revetments 1124; 1125; 1166
REVIEWS: Band 623; 624 Battalion 631-633 Battalions, after passing reviewing officer 628 Brigades, or larger commands 628; 629 Cadence at which troops pass in review 627 Commander faces command 614 Flank to pass 12 paces from reviewing officer 617 Flourishes 624 Formation of companies, battalions and regiments 616 General rules 617-630 March, played as honor 624 National air, playing as honor 624 Order in which troops are arranged 614 Passing around line 618; 631 Points where column changes direction 617 Post of reviewing officer on left of column 626 Post of reviewing officer and others 617 Reviewing officer returns only salute of commanding officer 618 Reviewing officer, post 617 Reviewing officer junior to commanding officer 630 Riding around troops 618 Ruffles 524 Salute by regimental color 622 Salute returned by reviewing officer 618 Salute by lieutenant colonel 615 Saluting by staff 615; 619 Saluting the color 618 Standing "at ease" etc., in case of brigade or larger command 629 Subordinates face to front 614 To the color 624 Turning out of column by commanding officer of troops 620; 621
Revoking preparatory command 64
Rewards and privileges, company 881
Ricochet shots 1425
RIFLE, care and description: Army regulations 1341 Bore 1322-1324; 1328 Description 1342 Importance 1321 Kinds of fouling 1325 Oil, how to apply 1339 Oiling barrel 1330 Rear-sight leaf 1343 Removing metal fouling 1327 Removing powder fouling. See "Piece" 1326
Rifle exercises 847
RIFLE SALUTE AT: Order or trail 141 Right shoulder 140
RIFLE TRAINING AND INSTRUCTION: Adjustment of fire 1428 Aiming exercise 1368 Aiming point 1357 Aiming and sighting 1350 Appearance of objects 1396 Auxiliary aiming points 1431 Ballistic qualities of rifle 1410 Battle sight 1352 (c) Beaten zone 1413 Center of impact 1412 Clock system of target designation 1446; 1447 Clock system of wind designation 1391 Cold, effect on shooting 1397 Collective instruction 1404 Combat exercises 1408 Combat practice 1404 Combined sights 1430 Communication in fire control and direction 1447 (b) Cone of fire or dispersion 1411 Defilade 1420 Deflection 1384 Deflection and elevation correction drills 1383 Designation of targets 1445-1447 (a) Designation of winds 1391 Distribution of fire 1441-1444 Effect of fire 1410 Effect of heat, light, etc. 1397; 1403 Effectiveness of fire 1416 Estimating distance 1393-1395 Exercises in fire control and direction 1450 Finger system of target designation 1447 (a) Fine sight 1353 (b) Fire direction and control 1434-1440 Fire discipline, definition 1406 Fire distribution 1441-1444 Firing at stationary targets 1428 Full sight 1353 (c) Gallery practice 1385 Gentle reverse slopes 1427 Grazing fire 1423 Heat, effect on shooting 1397 Hits, percentage 1417 Horizontal clock face system of target designation 1446 Individual instruction 1349 Influence of ground 1420 Light, effect on shooting 1399 Location of trenches 1426 Long range fire 1414 Mirage 1400 Moisture, effect on shooting 1398 Moving targets, firing at 1432 Night firing 1433 Normal sight 1353 (a) Object of system 1344 Occupation of ground 1426 Open sight 1352 (a) Peep sight 1352 (b) Percentage of hits 1417 Point of aim 1357 Position and aiming drills 1365 Preliminary drills 1355 Program of instruction 1348 Range, how determined 1429 Range practice 1386 Rapid fire exercise 1372 Rate of fire 1419 Reverse slopes 1427 Ricochet shots 1425 Sighting and aiming 1350 Shot group 1412 Sighting drills 1356; 1383 Sights, kinds of 1352 Sling, use 1387 Slopes gentle reverse 1427 Stationary targets firing at 1428 Target designation 1445-1447 (a) Targets, number hit 1418 Technical principles of firing 1409 Trajectory 1349 Trial shots, determination of range 1395 Triangle of sighting 1359 Trigger squeeze exercise 1370 Vertical clock face system of target designation 1447 Volleys, determination of range 1395 Windage 1384 Zero of rifle 1392 Zone of effective fire 1415
Right (left) about, squad 167
RIGHT (LEFT) BY: File 235 Squads 226 Two's 234; 235
Right, definition 48
Right (left, center) dress 154; 310; 311
Right face 104
RIGHT (LEFT) FRONT INTO LINE FROM: Close column 322 Column of platoons or squads (company) 231 Column of squads or companies 314 Column of two's 235
Right half face 104
RIGHT (LEFT) HALF TURN: Command 67 Squad 164
Right (left) oblique 163
RIGHT SHOULDER FROM: Inspection 146 Left shoulder 136 Order 129 Port 131 Present 134 Right shoulder, pieces brought to, from order at command "March" 121 (Sixth)
Right (left) step, how executed 114
RIGHT (LEFT) TURN: Company 222 Squad 164
Rise, how executed 176
Road sketching 1891
Route march, post of major and file closers 325
Route step 233
RUFFLES AT: Funeral 641 Review 624
RULES FOR: Carrying piece 121 (First) Ceremonies 614-616 Close order (battalion) 300-306 Close order, company 210-214 Deployment 236-242 Drills and formations 57-79 Execution of manual 122 Parades 634; 635 Reviews 617-630 Salutes 75 Steps and marchings 107-119
RUSHES: Advances made under covering fire 349 Begun by flank company 348 Command for 259 Company as whole led by captain 260 Prearranged methods prohibited 351 Size of rushing units 346; 347 Subsequent advancing 350 Use of position fire 293 When impossible for company to advance as a whole 258
Rust, how removed 1286
Saber, manual of 671-680
Safety lock 121; 185
SALUTES: Hand 106 Returned by reviewing officer 618 Rifle 141 Saber 75; 673 With color 660 See "Honors and salutes" also "Military Courtesy"
SALUTING: By lieutenant colonel in ceremonies 615 By staffs in ceremonies 619 Mounted junior to dismount before saluting dismounted senior 75 On marches 1227 Regimental color 622 The color in reviews 618 When making or receiving reports 75
Saluting volleys fired in close order 269
Sapping, advancing to charging point 498
Scalds, first aid 1509
Scale of map distances 1867 (a)
Scales 1861-1869
Scales of maps 1885-1888
Scaling distances from map 1865
SCHOOL OF THE: Battalion 295-363 Company 202-294 Soldier 97-147 Squad 148-201
SCOUTING AND PATROLLING: Eyesight and hearing 1083 Cat and mouse contest 1089 Concealment and dodging 1087 Finding way in strange country 1084 Flag stealing contest 1090 Footmarks, following 1088 Landmarks, observing 1086 Lost, what to do 1085 Mouse and cat contest 1089 Points of compass 1084 Requisites of good scouts 1031 "Tracking" 1088
Scouts; See, "Mounted Scouts"
Scratches, first aid 1510
Search lights, trench warfare 1193
Seeing at night 1094
Semaphore signaling 863
Semi-blindness 1512
Sentinel's orders 1716
Sentinels, respect for 1517
Sentries firing at night 1104
Separated officers and others placing themselves under order of nearest higher commander 390; 391
Sergeant of the guard 1642
Service calls 695
SERVICE OF INFORMATION: Bridges, facts to be obtained about 1000 Bridges, reconnoitering of 992 Buildings, reconnoitering of 996 Camp noises 985 Camps, abandoned 986 Canals, facts to be obtained about 1003 Cross roads, how reconnoitered 989 Defiles, facts to be obtained about 1006 Defiles, reconnoitering of 991 Demolitions 1011 Enclosures, reconnoitering of 994 Facts to be obtained about various objects 998 Fords, reconnoitering of 992 Heights, facts to be obtained about 1010 Heights, reconnoitering of 990 Houses, reconnoitering of 996 Indications to be noticed by patrols 983 Marches, facts to be obtained about 1007 Patrolling: Facts to be obtained about various objects by patrols 998 Civilians 970 Flames and smoke 987 Messages 979; 980 Model reports 1016 Night work 975 Patrol fighting 977 Principles of patrolling 967 Patrols: Acting upon meeting hostile patrols 971 By whom furnished 962 Cooerdination before departure 966 Definition 959 Formation 968 Guarding against being cut off 974 Halts 970 Inspection before departure 961 Leaders 961 Orders and instructions 963 Preparation for starting 965 Prisoners to be captured 984 Problems 1017-1019 Rate of march 969 Report on return 1015 Returning by different route 973 Scattered patrols 972 Signals 978 Size 960 Ponds, facts to be obtained about 1007 Positions, reconnoitering of 995 Railroads: Demolitions 1013 Facts to be obtained about 999 Reconnaissance of positions 989 Rivers, facts to be obtained about 1001 Roads, facts to be obtained about 998 Signs to be noticed by patrols 983 Springs, facts to be obtained about 1008 Suggestions for gaining information about the enemy 983 Suggestions for reconnaissance of positions 989 Telegraph line, demolition 1012 Telegraphs, facts to be obtained about 1004 Valleys, facts to be obtained about 1009 Villages, facts to be obtained about 1005 Villages, reconnoitering of 997 Vision limits of 988 Wagon roads, demolition 1014 Woods, facts to be obtained about 1002 Woods, reconnoitering of 993
SERVICE OF SECURITY: Advance guard, general principles 1021-1024 Advance guard order 1025-1026 Advance guard problems 1033-1046 General principles 1020 Outposts: Advance cavalry 1056 Cavalry outpost 1071 Changes for the night 1075 Communication between subdivision 1074 Composition 1053 Concealment 1068 Cossack post 1061 Definition and duties 1051-1052 Detached posts 1069 Distances between subdivisions 1055 Entrenchments 1067 Establishing the outpost 1073 Examining posts 1070 Flags of truce 1066 Formation 1054 Intercommunication 1074 Obstacles 1067 Outguards 1058 Outpost order 1073 Patrols 1064-1065 Pickets 1059 Problems 1077; 1078; 1079 Relieving outpost 1076 Reserves 1063 Sentinels 1062 Sentry squad 1060 Subdivisions 1054 Supports 1057 Problems, advance guards 1033-1046 Rear guard, general principles 1047-1050
Setting-up exercises 826; 837
SHELTER TENT: Care of 1303 Pitching: New model 682 Old model 707-710 Striking 687
Shock, first aid 1511
SHOES: Care 1292 On marches 1229 Polishing 1295; 1299; 1300 Repair 1294 Selection 1293
"Short point" 824 (d)
Shot group 1412
Shots grazing enemy have approximate value of hits 291
Sick report 889
Side step 114
Siege operations 496
Siege works 1172
Sight rear, description 1343
SIGHT SETTING: Command 188 Importance 425
Sighting and aiming 1350
Sighting drills 1356; 1383
Sights, kinds of 1352
Signal Corps, establishment of lines of communication 399
SIGNAL FLAGS: Carried by musician (now bugler) 94; 401 Carried by orderlies 400 Description 94 Use 95
SIGNALING: "Chop chop" signal 863 General service code 861 Heliograph, flash lantern, searchlight 864 Morse code 866 Semaphore code 863 Sound signals 865 Wigwag 862
SIGNALS: Arm 92 Attention fixed at first motion 82 Bugle used on and off the battlefield 90 Captain of supporting company to look out for major's signals 263 Cease firing 90 Change elevation 92 Commence firing 90 Communication between firing line and reserve 96 Flag 94; 96 For "Platoon" and "Squad," use of 93 Instruction in use of 81 Limitation of 84 Long blast of whistle: Signifies suspension of firing 193 To be avoided as signal for cease firing in rushes 234 Movement commences when signal is understood 82 Range, to announce 92 Repetition of 83 Special prearranged 84 Training in use of, to control firing line 55 (d) Use during firing 271 Use on firing line 431 Use of saber, rifle, or headdress in making 81 When used 80 Whistle 91
Simple maneuvers best 375
Simple movements essential to correct battle training 52
Simulate load, how executed 186
Simultaneous movements by companies or platoons in battalion drill 305
Single loader, use of rifle as 186
Single rank 98 (a); 616
Sitting position used instead of kneeling one 178
Size of clothing, record 906
SKIRMISHERS: Deployment: Company 243 General rules 236-244 Squad 170 To rear 246 Face to front and take advantage of cover on halting 240 Interval between 170; 172; 247; 255; 447 Not assembled, marching to rear 173 To form from platoon or squad column 253
Skulking of troops carrying back wounded 381
Sky lines to be avoided 421
Sleeping bag 685; 686
SLING, GUN: Adjustment and use 1387 Included in grip of piece at balance 122 (First) Use when deployed 184
Sling packs, old equipment 706
Slopes, gentle reverse 1427
Slopes on maps 1868
Slower, fire 191
Small arms firing. See "Rifle training and instruction"
Smartness taught by drills at attention, etc. 55 (a)
Snake's bites 1480
Sniperscope 1208
Snow blindness 1512
Sore throat 1513
Sortie steps 1150
Sound signals 865
Special units; posts of 71; 72
Spider bites 1514
Spirit of order to be complied with by officers 377
Spirit to govern in interpreting drill regulations 53
Splicing 1133-1135
Splints 1484
Spoon, care 1306
Sprains, first aid 1516
SQUAD: Base 236; 239 Composition 149 Dressing 154 Front when deployed 171 Integrity in battle 151 Movements executed as prescribed in school of the soldier 152 Right 165 Right (left) about 167 To dismiss 147 To form 153
SQUAD COLUMN: Deployment 253 How executed 251 To assemble from 254 Use in advancing 249; 252
Squad drill, object 149
SQUAD LEADER: Action at preparatory command for forming skirmish line 237 Corporal is 150 Duties in fire fight 289 Post 150
SQUADS: Deployment when company is deployed 239 Designation 205 Division of company into 203 Grouping soldiers into 148 Preservation of integrity in battle 151 Right (left) about 228 Right (left) column right (left) 226 Right (left) front into line 235
Stable guards 1806
Stack arms 160; 161
STAFF: Does not change position when commander faces about to give command 74 Draws and returns saber with chief 73 Habitually mounted 73 Post of 73 Saluting by, in review 619 Turning out of column in review 620; 621
Stains, how removed 1284
Standards and colors 1575
Standing trench 1146
"Star Spangled Banner" 1572
"STAR SPANGLED BANNER" PLAYED AT: Funeral 641 Review 624
Statement of clothing charged to enlisted men 904
Stationary targets, firing at 1428
Step, change, how executed 119
Stepping off with left foot 107
Steps and marchings 107-119
Stings, first aid 1517
Straggling in marches 1224
Strange country, finding way in 1084
Striking tents 687; 690
SUBORDINATES: Cooeperation 387 Latitude allowed and initiative 384; 385; 386
SUCCESS IN BATTLE: Depends upon leadership, etc. 365 Factors entering into 373; 376 Object of military training 50 Principles for increasing probability of, provided for in drill regulations 53
SUCCESSION OF THIN LINES: Command for advancing 255 Use in advancing 249 Use and purpose 256
Successive formations, guide toward point of rest 65
Successive movements in double time, base unit marches in quick time 61
Suffocation, first aid 1478
Summary court records 903
Summary of combat principles 550
Sunburn, first aid 1485; 1518
Sunstroke 1519
Superiority of fire 414-438
SUPPORT: Artillery 601-605 Battalion: Battalion acting alone in defense 357 Distance from firing line 338 Division of battalion into support and firing line 335 Furnished by battalion 455 None at beginning 339 Position 337 Size 336 Company: Captain to look out for major's signals 363 Control by major 263 Duties of officers and sergeants upon joining firing line 266 Formations for 262 Original platoon divisions to be maintained 266 Promptness in reenforcing firing line 265 Reenforcements joining firing line 264 Occupying trenches vacated by firing line, to improve same 476 Of firing line, strength 449; 450 Post and strength, in holding attack 500 To cover withdrawal 362
Supporting artillery 434-437
Supreme will, but one in battle 387
SURPRISE: Each commander to guard his command against 442 Human element 92 Protection against, when company is acting alone 26
Suspend firing 193; 194
Syphilis 146
Tactical exercises, methods of conducting 37
Tactical orders 32
Tactical principles, application of 5
Take arms 16
TAKE INTERVAL: Actions of guides and file closers 213 How executed 156
TAKING DISTANCE: Actions of guides and file closers 66 How executed 158
"Tanks" 1204
TARGET: Action in defense when it disappears 294 Aiming points, use 284 Announced before or after range 181 Allotment to platoon leaders 282 Apportioned by major 340 Assignment by major 281 Change to be avoided 281 Choice of, etc. 422 Designation 201; 1445; 1447 (a) Determination of distance to 276 Distribution of fire 282; 283; 427 Hostile firing line usual target 281; 345 Observation of 424; 429 Once designated, not changed unless ordered 182
Target practice. See "Rifle training and instruction"
Target records, company 907
Targets, number hit 1418
TEAMWORK: Developed by thorough and uniform training 51 General principles 385-391
Technical principles of firing 1409
Telegraph code 866
Telephones in trenches 1171
Tent folding 691
TENT PITCHING: All types except shelter and conical wall 688 Conical wall 689 Shelter 681; 682
Tent striking 687; 690
Terrain exercises 945; 949
THE COLOR: Cased, defined 659 Meaning of "Color" 658 National, renders no salute 660 Receiving of 669 Salute by regimental 660 Where kept 659
Theoretical instruction, purpose 369
"The Star Spangled Banner," see "Star Spangled Banner"
THIN LINES SUCCESSION OF: Commands for advancing 255 Use and purpose 256 Use in advancing 249
Thoroughness in training 922
"To the Color" sounded at review 624
To the rear, how executed 118
Tourniquet 1481
"Tracking" 1088
Trail, at, (command) 121 (sixth)
Trail from order 139
TRAINING AND INSTRUCTION: Art of instruction on varied ground 933 Captain's responsibility for 202 Cheerfulness 930 Clearness 922 Commanding officers accountable for 51 Comradeship 932 Contentment 931 Courage 927 Cover, training in use of 939 Delivery of messages 958 Determination and individual intelligence 924 Fear 926 For battle, simple movements and elastic formations 52 Human element 925 Individual initiative 923 Interest 922 In use of signals to control fire line 55 (d) Map problems 954 Method and progression 918 Object 50; 917 Of battalions, major responsible for 295 Operating against other troops 941 Practice in commanding mixed squads 940 Principles provided for in Drill Regulations 53 Program 919 Reality 922 Respect 929 Responsibility 921 See, "General Common Sense Principles of Applied Minor Tactics" Simultaneous instruction and training 920 Surprise 928 Thoroughness 51; 922 Vanity 922
Trajectory 1349
Traveling in strange country 1084
Traverses 1149
Treatment of soldiers 872
TRENCH AND MINE WARFARE: Aerial mines 1200 Aids to firing 1209 Asphyxiating gases 1194 Bombs from air-craft 1202 Countermining 1211 Grenades and bombs 1197; 1198; 1199 Helmets 1205 Liquid fire 1196 Masks 1206 Mining 1210 Periscopes 1207 Protection against gases 1195 Protection against hand grenades 1203 Sniperscope 1208 "Tanks" 1204 Winged torpedoes 1201
TRENCHES: Located by major 351 Occupied by supports and reserves, to be improved 462 See "Field fortifications"
Trial shots, determination of range 1395
Trials by court-martial 882
Triangle of sighting 1359
Trigger-squeeze exercise 1370
Troops stable guards 1808
Trous de loup 1184
True meridian 1873
Turning about, mounted officer 74
Turning movements when allowable 458
TURNING ON FIXED PIVOT: How executed 164 When used 66
Two's right (left) front into line 235
Umpire 55; 371
UNFIX BAYONET: Krag rifle 694 Springfield rifle 143
Uniform, dignity of 1523
UNIT: Attack 342 Fire 287
Units not to be broken up 378
Unload 180; 187
Unload, Krag rifle 703
Unnecessary hardship to be avoided 380
Unsling equipment 648
Unsling packs, old equipment 706
Urinal tubs 1244
Use of cover 195-199
Use of ground 420; 421
Valleys determination of range 1395
Variety in instruction 922
Vegetables, distribution of disease 1458
Venereal disease 1466
Verbal orders 393
Vertical clock face system of target designation 1447
Visibility problem 1875
Vision at night 1094
VOLLEY FIRING: How executed 189 Use 278
Wall tents 688
War game 946; 949
Warning calls 692
Watchmen 1781
WATER: Distribution of disease 1457 In camp 1253 In trenches 1168
Whistle, long blast 193
Whistle signals 91
Whistles, by whom carried, different tones, etc. 83
Wigwag 862
Will supreme, but one in battle 387
Windage 1384
Winged torpedoes 1201
Wire entanglements 1181; 1182; 1188
Wire fence, trenches 1183
WITHDRAWAL FROM ACTION: Action by commander 549 Covered by support 362 Generally effected at heavy cost 545 Part of line to be withdrawn first 548 Rear guard and distance to be placed between enemy and defeated troops 545 Reserve used to check pursuit 547 Retreating troops to be gotten under control as soon as possible 548 Selection of rendezvous point 549 Under fire 475 Use of artillery, machine guns and cavalry 546 Use of machine guns 557
With dummy (blank or ball) cartridges, load 185
"Without the numbers" 122 (Fifth)
Witness, appearance as 1531
Wood, camping 1252
Work, devolution of 869
Wounded not to be carried back by fighting troops 381
Wounds, first aid 1520
Yellow fever 1469
Zero of rifle 1392
Zone of effective fire 1415
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Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.
Subscription, $3.00 per annum.
Edited by MAJOR A. L. CONGER, U. S. A., and PROFESSOR R. M. JOHNSTON, Harvard University. Advisory Board: General J. F. Morrison, U. S. A., Colonel J. W. McAndrew, U. S. A., Professors C. J. Bullock, A. Bushnell Hart, O. M. W. Sprague, and Justin H. Smith, Esq.
Original articles and notes on military history, the Conduct of War, Strategy, Tactics. Military economics by the best American and foreign authorities.
Edited by R. M. JOHNSTON
Synopsis of the views of Clausewitz with selected quotations from the best military theorists, systematically modernized.
The volume measures only 1-3/4 x 2-1/2 inches.
Field service binding. Price, postpaid $1.00.
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE. =================== Irregularities within the original book have been preserved, notably: Part I has appendicies A, B and D. There is no Appendix C. Part I Chapter I contains plates II, III and VI. Plates I, IV and V are not present nor referenced. References to other paragraphs within the text mostly use the book paragraph number. However, there are some cases where the paragraph number relates to the source document paragraph number (in brackets at the end of the paragraph) these have been left as shown in the book. The link in the html version does, however, point to the intended paragraph. Spelling variants (e. g. reinforce vs reenforce) have been preserved. The 'pointing finger' picture has been transcribed as > in the text version. Brackets have been added as necessary to equations to aid clarity. For consistency, subheadings which originally appeared next to a paragraph number have been extracted out to the line above (i. e. they do not appear on the same line as the paragraph number in this transcription.) Affected paragraphs are: 817, 818, 826, 828-34, 836-47, 860, 862, 864-6, 1016-9, 1034-45, 1078, 1277, 1320, 1340-1, 1352-3, 1356, 1358-65, 1367-70, 1372, 1376, 1379-80, 1383.