The gun sling can also be used in this manner with advantage in the other positions.
It is evident that the sights should be so adjusted at each range that the rifle will hit where you aim. In order to determine that the sights are so adjusted it is necessary that you shall know each time just where you were aiming on the target at the instant your rifle was discharged. If you know this and your rifle hits this point your rifle is correctly sighted. If your shot does not hit near this point, you should change your sight adjustment in accordance with the table of sight corrections in section 3.
No man can hold absolutely steady. The rifle trembles slightly, and the sights seem to wobble and move over the target. You try to squeeze off the last ounce of the trigger squeeze just as the sights move to the desired alignment under the bull's-eye. At this instant, just before the recoil blots out a view of the sights and target, you should catch with your eye a picture, as it were, of just where on the target your sights were aligned, and call to yourself or to the coach this point. This point is where your shot should strike if your sights are correctly adjusted, and if you have squeezed the trigger without disturbing your aim. Until a man can call his shots he is not a good shot, for he can never tell if his rifle is sighted right or not, or if a certain shot is a good one or only the result of luck.
Good marksmanship consists in learning thoroughly the details of—
Holding the rifle in the various positions. Aiming. Squeezing the trigger. Calling the shot. Adjusting the sights.
And, when these have been mastered in detail, then the coordination of them in the act of firing. This coordination consists in putting absolutely all of one's will power into an effort to hold the rifle steadily, especially in getting it to steady down when the aim is perfected; in getting the trigger squeezed off easily at the instant the rifle is steadiest and the aim perfected; in calling the shot at this instant; and, if the shot does not hit near the point called, then in adjusting the sights the correct amount so that the rifle will be sighted to hit where you aim.
Before going to the range clean the rifle carefully, removing every trace of oil from the bore. This can best be done with a rag saturated with gasoline. Put a light coat of oil on the bolt and cams. Blacken the front and rear sights with smoke from a burning candle or camphor or with liquid sight black.
Look through the bore and see that there is no obstruction in it.
Keep the rifle off the ground; the stock may absorb dampness, the sights may be injured, or the muzzle filled with dirt.
Watch your hold carefully and be sure to know where the line of sight is at discharge. It is only in this way that the habit of calling shots, which is essential to good shooting, can be acquired.
Study the conditions, adjust the sling, and set the sight before going to the firing point.
Look at the sight adjustment before each shot and see that it has not changed.
If sure of your hold and if the hit is not as called, determine and make FULL correction in elevation and windage to put the next shot in the bull's-eye.
Keep a written record of the weather conditions and the corresponding elevation and windage for each day's firing.
Less elevation will generally be required on hot days; on wet days; in a bright sunlight; with a 6 o'clock wind; or with a cold barrel.
More elevation will generally be required on cold days; on very dry days; with a 12 o'clock wind; with a hot barrel; in a dull or cloudy light.
The upper band should not be tight enough to bind the barrel.
Do not put a cartridge into the chamber until ready to fire. Do not place cartridges in the sun. They will get hot and shoot high.
Do not rub the eyes—especially the sighting eye.
In cold weather warm the trigger hand before shooting.
After shooting, clean the rifle carefully and then oil it to prevent rust.
Have a strong, clean cloth that will not tear and jam, properly cut to size, for use in cleaning.
Always clean the rifle from the breech, using a brass cleaning rod when available. An injury to the rifling at the muzzle causes the piece to shoot very irregularly.
Regular physical exercise, taken systematically, will cause a marked improvement in shooting.
Frequent practice of the "Position and aiming drills" is of the greatest help in preparing for shooting on the range.
RAPID FIRING: Success is rapid firing depends upon catching a quick and accurate aim, holding the piece firmly and evenly, and in squeezing the trigger without a jerk.
In order to give as much time as possible for aiming accurately, the soldier must practice taking position, loading with the clip, and working the bolt, so that no time will be lost in these operations. With constant practice all these movements may be made quickly and without false motions.
When the bolt handle is raised, it must be done with enough force to start the shell from the chamber; and when the bolt is pulled back, it must be with sufficient force to throw the empty shell well away from the chamber and far enough to engage the next cartridge.
In loading, use force enough to load each cartridge with one motion.
The aim must be caught quickly, and, once caught, must be held and the trigger squeezed steadily. Rapid firing, as far as holding, aim, and squeezing the trigger are concerned, should be done with all the precision of slow fire. The gain in time should be in getting ready to fire, loading, and working the bolt.
FIRING WITH RESTS: In order that the shooting may be uniform the piece should always be rested at the same point.
The course in small-arms firing consists of—
(a) Nomenclature and care of rifle. (b) Sighting drills. (c) Position and aiming drills. (d) Deflection and elevation correction drills. (e) Gallery practice. (f) Estimating distance drill. (g) Individual known-distance firing, instruction practice. (h) Individual known-distance firing, record practice. (i) Long-distance practice. (j) Practice with telescopic sights. (k) Instruction combat practice. (l) Combat practice. (m) Proficiency test.
The regulations governing these are found in Small Arms Firing Manual, 1913. There should be several copies of this manual in every company.
The accompanying plates show the details and size of the targets:
[Footnote 8: Whenever in these regulations the word "pistol" appears the regulation applies with equal force to the revolver, if applicable to that weapon.]
135.[9] NOMENCLATURE AND CARE OF THE WEAPON; HANDLING AND PRECAUTIONS AGAINST ACCIDENTS.—The soldier will first be taught the nomenclature of those parts of the weapon necessary to an understanding of its action and use and the proper measures for its care and preservation. Ordnance pamphlets Nos. 1866 (description of the Colt's automatic pistol), 1919, and 1927 (description of the Colt's revolver, calibers .38 and .45, respectively) contain full information on this subject, and are furnished to organizations armed with these weapons.
[Footnote 9: The number refer to paragraphs in the Small Arms Firing Manual, 1918.]
Careless handling of the pistol or revolver is the cause of many accidents and results in broken parts of the mechanism. The following rules will, if followed, prevent much trouble of this character:
(a) On taking the PISTOL from the armrack or holster, take out the magazine and see that it is empty before replacing it; then draw back the slide and make sure that the piece is unloaded. Observe the same precaution after practice on the target range, and again before replacing the pistol in the holster or in the armrack. When taking the REVOLVER from the armrack or holster and before returning it to the same, open the cylinder and eject empty shells and cartridges. Before beginning a drill and upon arriving on the range observe the same precaution.
(b) Neither load nor cock the weapon until the moment of firing, nor until a run in the mounted course is started.
(c) Always keep the pistol or revolver in the position of "Raise pistol" (par. 146, Cavalry Drill Regulations, 1916), except when it is pointed at the target. (The position of "Lower pistol" is authorized for mounted firing only.)
(d) Do not place the weapon on the ground where sand or earth can enter the bore or mechanism.
(e) Before loading the PISTOL, draw back the slide and look through the bore to see that it is free from obstruction. Before loading the REVOLVER, open the cylinder and look through the bore to see that it is free from obstruction. When loading[10] the pistol for target practice place five cartridges in the magazine and insert the magazine in the handle; draw back the slide and insert the first cartridge in the chamber and carefully lower[11] the hammer fully down.
[Footnote 10: TO LOAD PISTOL: Being at raise pistol (right hand grasping stock at the height of and 6 inches in front of the point of the right shoulder, forefinger alongside barrel, barrel to the rear and inclined forward about 30 deg.).
Without deranging position of the hand, rotate the pistol so the sights move to the left, the barrel pointing to the right front and up.
With the thumb and forefinger of the left hand (thumb to the right) grasp the slide and pull it toward the body until it stops, and then release it. The pistol is thus loaded, and the hammer at full cock.
If the pistol is to be kept in the hand and not to be fired at once, engage the safety lock with the thumb of the right hand.
If the pistol is to be carried in the holster, remove safety lock, if on, and lower the hammer fully down.]
[Footnote 11: TO LOWER THE HAMMER: Being at the loading position at full cock.
I. Firmly seat thumb of right hand on the hammer: insert forefinger inside trigger guard.
II. With thumb of left hand exert a momentary pressure on the grip-safety to release hammer from sear.
III. At the same instant exert pressure or the trigger and carefully and slowly lower the hammer fully down.
IV. Remove finger from trigger.
V. Insert pistol in holster.
CAUTION.—The pistol must never be placed in the holster until hammer is fully down.]
In loading the REVOLVER place five cartridges in the cylinder and let the hammer down on the EMPTY CHAMBER.
(f) Whenever the pistol is being LOADED or UNLOADED, the muzzle must be kept up.
(g) Do not point the weapon in any direction where an accidental discharge might do harm.
(h) After loading do not cock the pistol or the revolver until ready to fire.
(i) Keep the working parts properly lubricated.
136. POSITION, DISMOUNTED.—Stand firmly on both feet, body perfectly balanced and erect and turned at such an angle as is most comfortable when the arm is extended toward the target; the feet far enough apart to insure firmness and steadiness or position (about 8 to 10 inches); weight of body borne equally upon both feet; right arm fully extended, left arm hanging naturally.
REMARKS.—The right arm may be slightly bent, although the difficulty of holding the pistol uniformly and of keeping it as well as the forearm in the same vertical plane makes this objectionable.
137. THE GRIP.—Grasp the stock as high as possible with the thumb and last three fingers, the forefinger alongside the trigger guard, the thumb extended along the stock. The barrel, hand, and forearm should be as nearly in one line as possible when the weapon is pointed toward the target. The grasp should not be so tight as to cause tremors of the hand or arm to be communicated to the weapon, but should be firm enough to avoid losing the grip when the recoil takes place.
REMARKS.—The force of recoil of the pistol or revolver is exerted in a line above the hand which grasps the stock. The lower the stock is grasped the greater will be the movement or "jump" of the muzzle caused by the recoil. This not only results in a severe strain upon the wrist, but in loss of accuracy.
If the hand be placed so that the grasp is on one side of the stock, the recoil will cause a rotary movement of the weapon toward the opposite side.
The releasing of the sear causes a slight movement of the muzzle, generally to the left. The position of the thumb along the stock overcomes much of this movement. The soldier should be encouraged to practice this method of holding until it becomes natural.
To do uniform shooting the weapon must be held with exactly the same grip for each shot. Not only must the hand grasp the stock at the same point for each shot, but the tension of the grip must be uniform.
138. (a) THE TRIGGER SQUEEZE.—The trigger must be squeezed in the same manner as in rifle dring. (See Chapter VIII, section 6.) The pressure of the forefinger on the trigger should be steadily increased and should be straight back, not sideways. The pressure should continue to that point beyond which the slightest movement will release the sear. Then, when the aim is true, the additional pressure is applied and the pistol fired.
Only by much practice can the soldier become familiar with the trigger squeeze. This is essential to accurate shooting. It is the most important detail to master in pistol or revolver shooting.
(b) SELF-COCKING ACTION.—The force required to squeeze the trigger of the revolver when the self-cocking device is used is considerably greater than with the single action. To accustom a soldier to the use of the self-cocking mechanism, and also to strengthen and develop the muscles of the hand, a few minutes practice daily in holding the unloaded revolver on a mark and snapping it, using the self-cocking mechanism, is recommended. The use of the self-cocking device in firing is not recommended except in emergency. By practice in cocking the revolver the soldier can become sufficiently expert to fire very rapidly, using single action, while his accuracy will be greater than when using double action.
139. AIMING.—Except when delivering rapid or quick fire, the rear and front sights of the pistol are used in the same manner as the rifle sights. The normal sight is habitually used (see Pl. VI), and the line of sight is directed upon a point just under the bull's-eye at "6 o'clock." The front sight must be seen through the middle of the rear-sight notch, the top being on a line with the top of the notch. Care must be taken not to cant the pistol to either side.[12]
[Footnote 12: The instructor should take cognizance of the fact that the proper aiming point is often affected by the personal and fixed peculiarities of the firer, and if unable to correct such abnormalities, permit firer to direct sight at such point as promises effective results.]
If the principles of aiming have not been taught, the soldier's instruction will begin with sighting drills as prescribed for the rifle so far as they may be applicable. The sighting bar with open sight will be used to teach the normal sight and to demonstrate errors likely to be committed.
To construct a sighting rest for the pistol (see Pl. VI) take a piece of wood about 10 inches long, 1-1/4 inches wide, and 9/16 inch thick. Shape one end so that it will fit snugly in the handle of the pistol when the magazine has been removed. Screw or nail this stick to the top of a post or other object at such an angle that the pistol when placed on the stick will be approximately horizontal. A suitable sighting rest for the revolver may be easily improvised.
140. (a) HOW TO COCK THE PISTOL.—The pistol should be cocked by the thumb of the right hand and with the least possible derangement of the grip. The forefinger should be clear of the trigger when cocking the pistol. Some men have difficulty at first in cocking the pistol with the right thumb. This can be overcome by a little practice. Jerking the pistol forward while holding the thumb on the hammer will not be permitted.
(b) HOW TO COCK THE REVOLVER.—The revolver should be cocked by putting the thumb on the hammer at as nearly a right angle to the hammer as possible, and by the action of the thumb muscles alone bringing the hammer back to the position of full cock. Some men with large hands are able to cock the revolver with the thumb while holding it in the position of aim or raise pistol. Where the soldier's hand is small this can not be done, and in this case it assists the operation to give the revolver a slight tilt to the right and upward (to the right). Particular care should be taken that the forefinger is clear of the trigger or the cylinder will not revolve. Jerking the revolver forward while holding the thumb on the hammer will not be permitted.
141. POSITION AND AIMING DRILLS, DISMOUNTED.—For this instruction the squad will be formed with an interval of 1 pace between files. Black pasters to simulate bull's-eyes will be pasted opposite each man on the barrack or other wall, from which the squad is 10 paces distant.
The squad being formed as described above, the instructor gives the command: 1. Raise, 2. Pistol (par. 156, Cavalry Drill Regulations), and cautions, "Position and aiming drill, dismounted." The men take the positions described in paragraph 136, except that the pistol is held at "Raise pistol."
The instructor cautions, "Trigger squeeze exercise." At the command READY, cock the weapon as described in paragraph 140. At the command, 1. Squad, 2. FIRE, slowly extend the arm till it is nearly horizontal, the pistol directed at a point about 6 inches below the bull's-eye. At the same time put the forefinger inside the trigger guard and gradually "feel" the trigger. Inhale enough air to comfortably fill the lungs and gradually raise the piece until the line of sight is directed at the point of aim, i. e., just below the bull's-eye at 6 o'clock. While the sights are directed upon the mark, gradually increase the pressure on the trigger until it reaches that point where the slightest additional pressure will release the sear. Then, when the aim is true, the additional pressure necessary to fire the piece is given so smoothly as not to derange the alignment of the sights. The weapon will be held on the mark for an instant after the hammer falls and the soldier will observe what effect, if any, the squeezing of the trigger has had on his aim.
It is impossible to hold the arm perfectly still, but each time the line of sight is directed on the point of aim a slight additional pressure is applied to the trigger until the piece is finally discharged at one of the moments when the sights are correctly aligned upon the mark.
When the soldier has become proficient in taking the proper position, the trigger squeeze should be executed at will. The instructor prefaces the preparatory command by "At will" and gives the command HALT at the conclusion of the exercise, when the soldier will return to the position of "Raise pistol."
At first this exercise should be executed with deliberation, but gradually the soldier will be taught to catch the aim quickly and to lose no time in beginning the trigger squeeze and bringing it to the point where the slightest additional pressure will release the sear.
REMARKS.—In service few opportunities will be offered for slow aimed fire with the pistol or revolver, although use will be made of the weapon under circumstances when accurate pointing and rapid manipulation are of vital importance.
In delivering a rapid fire, the soldier must keep his eyes fixed upon the mark and, after each shot, begin a steadily increasing pressure on the trigger, trying at the same time to get the sights as nearly on the mark as possible before the hammer again falls. The great difficulty in quick firing with the pistol lies in the fact that when the front sight is brought upon the mark, the rear sight is often found to be outside the line joining the eye with the mark. This tendency to hold the pistol obliquely can be overcome only by a uniform manner of holding and pointing. This uniformity is to be attained only by acquiring a grip which can be taken with certainty each time the weapon is fired. It is this circumstance which makes the position and aiming drills so important. The soldier should constantly practice pointing the pistol until he acquires the ability to direct it on the mark in the briefest interval of time and practically without the aid of sights.
The soldier then repeats the exercises with the pistol in the left hand, the left side being turned toward the target.
142. TO DRAW AND FIRE QUICKLY—SNAP SHOOTING.—With the squad formed as described in paragraph 141 except that the pistol is in the holster and the flap, if any, buttoned, the instructor cautions "Quick-fire exercise." And gives the command, 1. SQUAD; 2. Fire. At this command each soldier, keeping his eye on the target, quickly draws his pistol, cocks it as in paragraph 140, thrusts it toward the target, squeezes the trigger, and at the instant the weapon is brought in line with the eye and the objective increases the pressure, releasing the sear. To enable the soldier to note errors in pointing, the weapon will be momentarily held in position after the fall of the hammer. Efforts at deliberate aiming in this exercise must be discouraged.
Remarks under paragraph 141 are specially applicable also to this type of fire. When the soldier has become proficient in the details of this exercise, it should be repeated at will; the instructor cautions, "At will; quick fire exercise." The exercise should be practiced until the mind, the eye, and trigger finger act in unison.
To simulate this type of fire mounted, the instructor places the squad so that the simulated bull's-eyes are in turn, to the RIGHT, to the LEFT, to the RIGHT FRONT, to the LEFT FRONT, to the RIGHT REAR. With the squad in one of these positions, the instructor cautions, "Position and aiming drill, mounted." At this caution the right foot is carried 20 inches to the right and the left hand to the position of the bridle hand (par. 246, Cavalry Drill Regulations). The exercise is carried out as described for the exercise dismounted, using the commands and means laid down in paragraphs 161 to 168, inclusive, Cavalry Drill Regulations, for firing in the several directions. The exercise is to be executed at will when the squad has been sufficiently well instructed in detail.
When firing to the left the pistol hand will be about opposite the left shoulder and the shoulders turned about 45 deg. to the left; when firing to the right rear the shoulders are turned about 45 deg. to the right.
When the soldier is proficient in these exercises with the pistol in the right hand, they are repeated with the pistol in the left hand.
REVOLVER OR PISTOL RANGE PRACTICE.—The courses in range practice are given in paragraphs 147 to 199, Small Arms Firing Manual, 1913.
[The numbers refer to paragraphs in the Manual.]
1. Guards may be divided into four classes: Exterior guards, interior guards, military police, and provost guards.
2. Exterior guards are used only in time of war. They belong to the domain of tactics and are treated of in the Field Service Regulations and in the drill regulations of the different arms of the service,
The purpose of exterior guards is to prevent surprise, to delay attack, and otherwise to provide for the security of the main body.
On the march they take the form of advance guards, rear guards, and flank guards. At a halt they consist of outposts.
3. Interior guards are used in camp or garrison to preserve order, protect property, and to enforce police regulations. In time of war such sentinels of an interior guard as may be necessary are placed close in or about a camp, and normally there is an exterior guard further out consisting of outposts. In time of peace the interior guard is the only guard in a camp or garrison.
4. Military police differ somewhat from either of these classes. (See Field Service Regulations.) They are used in time of war to guard prisoners, to arrest stragglers and deserters, and to maintain order and enforce police regulations in the rear of armies, along lines of communication, and in the vicinity of large camps.
5. Provost guards are used in the absence of military police, generally in conjunction with the civil authorities at or near large posts or encampments, to preserve order among soldiers beyond the interior guard.
6. The various elements of an interior guard classified according to their particular purpose and the manner in which they perform their duties are as follows:
(a) The main guard.
(b) Special guards: Stable guards, park guards, prisoner guards, herd guards, train guards, boat guards, watchmen, etc.
7. At every military post, and in every regiment or separate command in the field, an interior guard will be detailed and duly mounted.
It will consist of such number of officers and enlisted men as the commanding officer may deem necessary, and will be commanded by the senior officer or noncommissioned officer therewith, under the supervision of the officer of the day or other officer detailed by the commanding officer.
8. The system of sentinels on fixed posts is of value in discipline and training because of the direct individual responsibility which is imposed and required to be discharged in a definite and precise manner. While the desirability of this type of duty is recognized, it should only be put in practice to an extent sufficient to insure thorough instruction in this method of performing guard duty and should not be the routine method of its performance. The usual guard duty will be performed by watchmen, patrols, or such method as, in the opinion of the commanding officer, may best secure results under the particular local conditions.
9. At posts where there are less than three companies the main guard and special guards may all be furnished by one company or by details from each company. It is directed that whenever possible such guards shall be furnished by a single company, for the reason that if guard details are taken from each organization at a post of two companies, troops, or batteries it will result in both being so reduced as to seriously interfere with drill and instruction, whereas if details are taken from only one, the other is available for instruction at full strength.
Where there are three or more companies, the main guard will, if practicable, be furnished by a single company, and, as far as practicable, the same organization will supply all details for that day for special guard, overseer, and fatigue duty. In this case the officer of the day and the officers of the guard, if there are any, will, if practicable, be from the company furnishing the guard.
10. At a post or camp where the headquarters of more than one regiment are stationed, or in the case of a small brigade in the field, if but one guard be necessary for the whole command, the details will be made from the headquarters of the command.
If formal guard mounting is to be held, the adjutant, sergeant major, and band to attend guard mounting will be designated by the commanding officer.
11. When a single organization furnishes the guard, a roster of organizations will be kept by the sergeant major under the supervision of the adjutant. (See Appendix B.)
12. When the guard is detailed from several organizations, rosters will be kept by the adjutant, of officers of the day and officers of the guard by name; by the sergeant major under the supervision of the adjutant, of sergeants, corporals, musicians, and privates of the guard by number per organization; and by first sergeants, of sergeants, corporals, musicians, and privates by name. (See Appendix A.)
13. When organizations furnish their own stable, or stable and park guards, credit will be given each for the number of enlisted men so furnished as though they had been detailed for main guard.
14. Special guards, other than stable or park guards, will be credited the same as for main guard, credited with fatigue duty, carried on special duty, or credited as the commanding officer may direct. (Pars. 6, 221, 247, and 300.)
15. Captains will supervise the keeping of company rosters and see that all duties performed are duly credited. (See pars. 355-364, A. R., for rules governing rosters, and Form 342, A. G. O., for instructions as to how rosters should be kept.)
16. There will be an officer of the day with each guard, unless in the opinion of the commanding officer the guard is so small that his services are not needed. In this case an officer will be detailed to supervise the command and instruction of the guard for such period as the commanding officer may direct.
17. When more than one guard is required for a command, a field officer of the day will be detailed, who will receive his orders from the brigade or division commander, as the latter may direct. When necessary captains may be placed on the roster for field officer of the day.
18. The detail of officers of the guard will be limited to the necessities of the service and efficient instruction; inexperienced officers may be detailed as supernumerary officers of the guard for purposes of instruction.
19. Officers serving on staff departments are, in the discretion of the commanding officer, exempt from guard duty.
20. Guard details will, if practicable, be posted or published the day preceding the beginning of the tour, and officers notified personally by a written order at the same time.
21. The strength of guards and the number of consecutive days for which an organization furnishes the guard will be so regulated as to insure privates of the main guard an interval of not less than five days between tours.
When this is not otherwise practicable, extra and special duty men will be detailed for night guard duty, still performing their daily duties. When so detailed a roster will be kept by the adjutant showing the duty performed by them.
22. The members of main guards and stable and park guards will habitually be relieved every 24 hours. The length of the tour of enlisted men detailed as special guards, other than stable or park guards, will be so regulated as to permit of these men being held accountable for a strict performance of their duty.
23. Should the officer of the day be notified that men are required to fill vacancies in the guard, he will cause them to be supplied from the organization to which the guard belongs. If none are available in that organization, the adjutant will be notified and will cause them to be supplied from the organization that is next for guard. (Par. 68.)
24. The adjutant will have posted on the bulletin board at his office all data needed by company commanders in making details from their companies.
At first sergeant's call, first sergeants will go to headquarters and take from the bulletin board all data necessary for making the details required from their companies; these details will be made from their company rosters.
25. In order to give ample notice, first sergeants will, when practicable, publish at retreat and post on the company bulletin board all details made from the company for duties to be performed.
26. Where rosters are required to be kept by this manual, all details will be made by roster.
41. The commander of the guard is responsible for the instruction and discipline of the guard. He will see that all of its members are correctly instructed in their orders and duties and that they understand and properly perform them. He will visit each relief at least once while it is on post, and at least one of these visits will be made between 12 o'clock midnight and daylight.
42. He receives and obeys the orders of the commanding officer and the officer of the day, and reports to the latter without delay all orders to the guard not received from the officer of the day; he transmits to his successor all material instructions and information relating to his duties.
43. He is responsible under the officer of the day for the general safety of the post or camp as soon as the old guard marches away from the guardhouse. In case of emergency, while both guards are at the guardhouse, the senior commander of the two guards will be responsible that the proper action is taken.
44. Officers of the guard will remain constantly with their guards, except while visiting patrols or necessarily engaged elsewhere in the performance of their duties. The commanding officer will allow a reasonable time for meals.
45. A commander of a guard leaving his post for any purpose will inform the next in command of his destination and probable time of return.
46. Except in emergencies, the commander of the guard may divide the night with the next in command, but retains his responsibility; the one on watch must be constantly on the alert.
47. When any alarm is raised in camp or garrison, the guard will be informed immediately. (Par, 234.) If the case be serious, the proper call will be sounded, and the commander of the guard will cause the commanding officer and the officer of the day to be at once notified.
48. If a sentinel calls: "The guard," the commander of the guard will at once send a patrol to the sentinel's post. If the danger be great, in which case the sentinel will discharge his piece, the patrol will be as strong as possible.
49. When practicable, there should always be an officer or noncommissioned officer and two privates of the guard at the guardhouse in addition to the sentinels there on post.
50. Between reveille and retreat, when the guard had been turned out for any person entitled to the compliment (see pars. 222 and 224), the commander of the guard, if an officer, will receive the report of the sergeant, returning the salute of the latter with the right hand. He will then draw his saber and place himself two paces in front of the center of the guard. When the person for whom the guard has been turned out approaches, he faces his guard and commands: 1. Present, 2. ARMS; faces to the front and salutes. When his salute is acknowledged, he resumes the carry, faces about, and commands: 1. Order, 2. ARMS; and faces to the front.
If it be an officer entitled to inspect the guard, after saluting and before bringing his guard to an order, the officer of the guard reports: "Sir, all present or accounted for"; or "Sir, (so-and-so) is absent"; or if the roll call has been omitted: "Sir, the guard is formed," except that at guard mounting the commanders of the guards present their guards and salute without making any report.
Between retreat and reveille the commander of the guard salutes and reports but does not bring the guard to a present.
51. To those entitled to have the guard turned out but not entitled to inspect it, no report will be made; nor will a report be made to any officer unless he halts in front of the guard.
52. When a guard commanded by a noncommissioned officer is turned out as a compliment or for inspection, the noncommissioned officer, standing at a right shoulder on the right of the right guide, commands: 1. Present, 2. ARMS. He then executes the rifle salute. If a report be also required, he will, after saluting, and before bringing his guard to an order, report as prescribed for the officer of the guard. (Par. 50.)
53. When a guard is in line, not under inspection, and commanded by an officer, the commander of the guard salutes his regimental, battalion, and company commander, by bringing the guard to attention and saluting in person.
For all other officers, excepting those entitled to the compliment from a guard (par. 224), the commander of the guard salutes in person, but does not bring the guard to attention.
When commanded by a noncommissioned officer, the guard is brought to attention in either case, and the noncommissioned officer salutes.
The commander of a guard exchanges salutes with the commanders of all other bodies of troops; the guard is brought to attention during the exchange.
"Present arms" is executed by a guard only when it has turned out for inspection or as a compliment, and at the ceremonies of guard mounting and relieving the old guard.
54. In marching a guard or a detachment of a guard the principles of paragraph 53 apply. "Eyes right" is executed only in the ceremonies of guard mounting and relieving the old guard.
55. If a person entitled to the compliment, or the regimental, battalion, or company commander, passes in rear of a guard, neither the compliment nor the salute is given, but the guard is brought to attention while such person is opposite the post of the commander.
After any person has received or declined the compliment, or received the salute from the commander of the guard, official recognition of his presence thereafter while he remains in the vicinity will be taken by bringing the guard to attention.
56. The commander of the guard will inspect the guard at reveille and retreat, and at such other times as may be necessary, to assure himself that the men are in proper condition to perform their duties and that their arms and equipments are in proper condition. For inspection by other officers, he prepares the guard in each case as directed by the inspecting officer.
57. The guard will not be paraded during ceremonies unless directed by the commanding officer.
58. At all formations members of the guard or reliefs will execute inspection arms as prescribed in the drill regulations of their arm.
59. The commander of the guard will see that all sentinels are habitually relieved every two hours, unless the weather or other cause makes it necessary that it be done at shorter or longer intervals, as directed by the commanding officer.
60. He will question his noncommissioned officers and sentinels relative to the instructions they may have received from the old guard; he will see that patrols and visits of inspection are made as directed by the officer of the day.
61. He will see that the special orders for each post and member of the guard, either written or printed, are posted in the guardhouse and, if practicable, in the sentry box or other sheltered place to which the member of the guard has constant access.
62. He will see that the proper calls are sounded at the hours appointed by the commanding officer.
63. Should a member of the guard be taken sick, or be arrested, or desert, or leave his guard, he will at once notify the officer of the day. ( Par. 23.)
64. He will, when the countersign is used (pars. 210 to 216), communicate it to the noncommissioned officers of the guard and see that it is duly communicated to the sentinels before the hour for challenging; the countersign will not be given to sentinels posted at the guardhouse.
65. He will have the details for hoisting the flag at reveille and lowering it at retreat, and for firing the reveille and retreat gun, made in time for the proper performance of these duties. (See pars. 338, 344, 345, and 346.) He will see that the flags are kept in the best condition possible, and that they are never handled except in the proper performance of duty.
66. He may permit members of the guard while at the guardhouse to remove their head dress, overcoats, and gloves; if they leave the guardhouse for any purpose whatever, he will require that they be properly equipped and armed, according to the character of the service in which engaged, or as directed by the commanding officer.
67. He will enter in the guard report a report of his tour of duty and, on the completion of his tour, will present it to the officer of the day. He will transmit with his report all passes turned in at the post of the guard.
68. Whenever a prisoner is sent to the guardhouse or guard tent for confinement, he will cause him to be searched, and will without unnecessary delay, report the case to the officer of the day.
69. Under war conditions, if anyone is to be passed out of camp at night, he will be sent to the commander of the guard who will have him passed beyond the sentinels.
70. The commander of the guard will detain at the guardhouse all suspicious characters, or parties attempting to pass a sentinel's post without authority, reporting his action to the officer of the day, to whom persons so arrested will be sent, if necessary.
71. He will inspect the guardrooms and cells, and the irons of such prisoners as may be ironed, at least once during his tour, and at such other times as he may deem necessary.
72. He will cause the corporals of the old and new reliefs to verify together, immediately before each relief goes on post, the number of prisoners who should then properly be at the guardhouse.
73. He will see that the sentences of prisoners under his charge are executed strictly in accordance with the action of the reviewing authority.
74. When no special prisoner guard has been detailed (par. 300), he will, as far as practicable, assign as guards over working parties of prisoners sentinels from posts guarded at night only.
75. The commander of the guard will inspect all meals sent to the guardhouse and see that the quantity and quality of food are in accordance with regulations.
76. At guard mounting he will report to the old officer of the day all cases of prisoners whose terms of sentence expire on that day, and also all cases of prisoners concerning whom no statement of charges has been received. (See par. 241.)
77. The commander of the guard is responsible for the security of the prisoners under the charge of his guard; he becomes responsible for them after their number has been verified and they have been turned over to the custody of his guard by the old guard or by the prisoner guard or overseers.
78. The prisoners will be verified and turned over to the new guard without parading them, unless the commanding officer or the officer of the day shall direct otherwise.
79. To receive the prisoners at the guardhouse when they have been paraded and after they have been verified by the officers of the day, the commander of the new guard directs his sergeant to form his guard with an interval, and commands: 1. Prisoners, 2. Right, 3. FACE, 4. Forward, 5. MARCH. The prisoner's having arrived opposite the interval in the new guard, he commands: 1. Prisoners, 2. HALT, 3. Left, 4. FACE, 5. Right(orleft), 6. DRESS. 7. FRONT.
The prisoners dress on the line of the new guard.
80. The senior noncommissioned officer of the guard always acts as sergeant of the guard, and if there be no officer of the guard, will perform the duties prescribed for the commander of the guard.
81. The sergeant of the guard has general supervision over the other noncommissioned officers and the musicians and privates of the guard, and must be thoroughly familiar with all of their orders and duties.
82. He is directly responsible for the property under charge of the guard, and will see that it is properly cared for. He will make lists of articles taken out by working parties and see that all such articles are duly returned. If they are not, he will immediately report the fact to the commander of the guard.
83. Immediately after guard mounting he will prepare duplicate lists of the names of all noncommissioned officers, musicians, and privates of the guard, showing the relief and post or duties of each. One list will be handed as soon as possible to the commander of the guard; the other will be retained by the sergeant.
84. He will see that all reliefs are turned out at the proper time, and that the corporals thoroughly understand, and are prompt and efficient in, the discharge of their duties.
85. During the temporary absence from the guardhouse of the sergeant of the guard, the next in rank of the noncommissioned officers will perform his duties.
86. Should the corporal whose relief is on post be called away from the guardhouse, the sergeant of the guard will designate a noncommissioned officer to take the corporal's place until his return.
87. The sergeant of the guard is responsible at all times for the proper police of the guardhouse or guard tent, including the ground about them and the prison cells.
88. At first sergeant's call he will proceed to the adjutant's office and obtain the guard report book.
89. When the national or regimental colors are taken from the stacks of the color line, the color bearer and guard, or the sergeant of the guard, unarmed, and two armed privates as a guard, will escort the colors to the colonel's quarters, as prescribed for the color guard in the drill regulations of the arm of the service to which the guard belongs.
90. He will report to the commander of the guard any suspicious or unusual occurrence that comes under his notice, will warn him of the approach of any armed body, and will send to him all persons arrested by the guard.
91. When the guard is turned out its formation will be as follows: The senior noncommissioned officer, if commander of the guard, is on the right of the right guide; if not commander of the guard, he is in the line of file closers, in rear of the right four of the guard; the next in rank is right guide; the next left guide: the others in the line of file closers, usually each in rear of his relief; the field music, with its left three paces to the right of the right guide. The reliefs form in the same order as when the guard was first divided, except that if the guard consists of dismounted cavalry and infantry, the cavalry forms on the left.
92. The sergeant forms the guard, calls the roll, and, if not in command of the guard, reports to the commander of the guard as prescribed in drill regulations for a first sergeant forming a troop or company; the guard is not divided into platoons or sections, and, except when the whole guard is formed prior to marching off, fours are not counted.
93. The sergeant reports as follows: "Sir, all present or accounted for," or "Sir, (so-and-so) is absent"; or if the roll call has been omitted, "Sir, the guard is formed." Only men absent without proper authority are reported absent. He then takes his place, without command.
94. At night the roll may be called by reliefs and numbers instead of names; thus, the first relief being on post: Second relief: No. 1; No. 2, etc.; Third relief, Corporal; No. 1, etc.
95. Calling the roll will be dispensed with in forming the guard when it is turned out as a compliment, on the approach of an armed body, or in any sudden emergency; but in such cases the roll may be called before dismissing the guard. If the guard be turned out for an officer entitled to inspect it, the roll will, unless he directs otherwise, always be called before a report is made.
96. The sergeant of the guard has direct charge of the prisoners, except during such time us they may be under the charge of the prisoner guard or overseers, and is responsible to the commander of the guard for their security.
97. He will carry the keys of the guardroom and cells, and will not suffer them to leave his personal possession while he is at the guardhouse, except as hereinafter provided. (Par. 99.) Should he leave the guardhouse for any purpose he will turn the keys over to the noncommissioned officer who takes his place. (Par. 85.)
98. He will count the knives, forks, etc., given to the prisoners with their food, and see that none of these articles remain in their possession. He will see that no forbidden articles of any kind are conveyed to the prisoners.
99. Prisoners when paraded with the guard are placed in line, in its center. The sergeant, immediately before forming the guard, will turn over his keys to the noncommissioned officer at the guardhouse. Having formed the guard, he will divide it into two nearly equal parts. Indicating the point of division with his hand, he commands: 1. _Right_(or_left)_, 2. FACE, 3. _Forward_, 4. MARCH, 5. _Guard_, 6. HALT, 7. _Left_ _(or_right)_, 8. FACE.
If the first command be RIGHT FACE, the right half of the guard only will execute the movements; if LEFT FACE, the left half only will execute them. The command HALT is given when sufficient interval is obtained to admit the prisoners. The doors of the guardroom and cells are then opened by the noncommissioned officer having the keys. The prisoners will file out under the supervision of the sergeant, the noncommissioned officer, and sentinel on duty at the guardhouse, and such other sentinels all may be necessary; they will form in line in the interval between the two parts of the guard.
100. To return the prisoners to the guardroom and cells, the sergeant commands; 1. Prisoners, 2. Right(orleft), 3. FACE, 4. Columnright(orleft), 5. MARCH.
The prisoners, under the same supervision as before, return to their proper rooms or cells.
101. To close the guard. the sergeant commands: 1. _Left_(or_ _right)_, 2. FACE, 3. _Forward_, 4. MARCH, 5. _Guard_, 6. HALT, 7. _Right_(or_left)_, 8. FACE.
The left or right half only of the guard, as indicated, executes the movement.
102. If there be but few prisoners, the sergeant may indicate the point of division as above, and form the necessary interval by the commands: 1. Right(orleft)step, 2. MARCH: 3. Guard, 4. HALT, and close the intervals by the commands: 1. Left(orright)step, 2. MARCH, 3. Guard, 4. HALT.
103. If sentinels are numerous, reliefs may, at the discretion of the commanding officer, be posted in detachments, and sergeants, as well as corporals, required to relieve and post them.
104. A corporal of the guard receives and obeys orders from none but noncommissioned officers of the guard senior to himself, the officers of the guard, the officer of the day, and the commanding officer.
105. It is the duty of the corporal of the guard to post and relieve sentinels and to instruct the members of his relief in their orders and duties.
106. Immediately after the division of the guard into reliefs the corporals will assign the members of their respective reliefs to posts by number, and a soldier so assigned to his post will not be changed to another during the same tour of guard duty, unless by direction of the commander of the guard or higher authority. Usually, experienced soldiers are placed over the arms of the guard, and at remote and responsible posts.
107. Each corporal will then make a list of the members of his relief, including himself. This list will contain the number of the relief, the name, the company, and the regiment of every member thereof, and the post to which each is assigned. The list will be made in duplicate, one copy to be given to the sergeant of the guard as soon as completed, the other to be retained by the corporal.
108. When directed by the commander of the guard, the corporal of the first relief forms his relief, and then commands: CALL OFF.
Commencing on the right, the men call off alternately rear and front rank, "one," "two," "three," "four," and so on; it in single rank, they call off from right to left. The corporal then commands: 1. Right, 2. FACE, 3. Forward, 4. MARCH.
The corporal marches on the left, and near the rear file, in order to observe the march. The corporal of the old guard marches on the right of the leading file, and takes command when the last one of the old sentinels is relieved, changing places with the corporal of the new guard.
109. When the relief arrives at six paces from a sentinel (see par. 168), the corporal halts it and commands, according to the number of the post: No. (——.)
Both sentinels execute port arms or saber; the new sentinel approaches the old, halting about one pace from him. (See par. 172.)
110. The corporals advance and place themselves, facing each other, a little in advance of the new sentinel, the old corporal on his right, the new corporal on his left, both at right shoulder, and observe that the old sentinel transmits correctly his instructions.
The following diagram will illustrate the positions taken:
A R - C D - B
R is the relief; A, the new corporal; B, the old; C, the new sentinel; D, the old.
111. The instructions relative to the post having been communicated, the new corporal commands. Post: both sentinels then resume the right shoulder, face toward the new corporal and step back so as to allow the relief to pass in front of them. The new corporal then commands: "1. Forward, 2. March"; the old sentinel takes his place in rear of the relief as it passes him, his piece in the same position as those of the relief. The new sentinel stands fast at a right shoulder until the relief has passed six paces beyond him, when he walks his post. The corporals take their places as the relief passes them.
112. Mounted sentinels are posted and relieved in accordance with the same principles.
113. On the return of the old relief, the corporal of the new guard falls out when the relief halts; the corporal of the old guard forms his relief on the left of the old guard, salutes, and reports to the commander of his guard: "Sir, the relief is present"; or "Sir, (so and so) is absent," and takes his place in the guard.
114. To post a relief other than that which is posted when the old guard is relieved, its corporal commands:
1. _(Such)_relief_, 2. FALL IN; and if arms are stacked, they are taken at the proper commands.
The relief is formed facing to the front, with arms at an order, the men place themselves according to the numbers of their respective posts, viz, two, four, six, and so on, in the front rank, and one, three, five, and so on, in the rear rank. The corporal, standing about two paces in front of the center of his relief, then commands: CALL OFF.
The men call off as prescribed. The corporal then commands: 1. Inspection, 2. ARMS, 3. Order, 4. ARMS; faces the commander of the guard, executes the rifle salute, reports: "Sir, the relief is present "; or "Sir, (so and so) is absent"; he then takes his place on the right at order arms.
115. When the commander of the guard directs the corporal, POST YOUR RELIEF, the corporal salutes and posts his relief as prescribed (Pars. 108 to 111); the corporal of the relief on post does not go with the new relief, except when necessary to show the way.
116. To dismiss the old relief, it is halted and faced to the front at the guardhouse by the corporal of the new relief, who then falls out; the corporal of the old relief then steps in front of the relief and dismisses it by the proper commands.
117. Should the pieces have been loaded before the relief was posted, the corporal will, before dismissing the relief, see that no cartridges are left in the chambers or magazines. The same rule applies to sentinels over prisoners.
118. Each corporal will thoroughly acquaint himself with all the special orders of every sentinel on his relief, and see that each understands and correctly transmits such order in detail to his successor.
119. There should be at least one noncommissioned officer constantly on the alert at the guardhouse, usually the corporal whose relief is on post. This noncommissioned officer takes post near the entrance of the guardhouse, and does not fall in with the guard when it is formed. He will have his rifle constantly with him.
120. Whenever it becomes necessary for the corporal to leave his post near the entrance of the guardhouse, he will notify the sergeant of the guard, who will at once take his place, or designate another noncommissioned officer to do so.
121. He will see that no person enters the guardhouse or guard tent, or crosses the posts of the sentinels there posted without proper authority.
122. Should any sentinel call for the corporal of the guard, the corporal will, in every case, at once and quickly proceed to such sentinel. He will notify the sergeant of the guard before leaving the guardhouse.
123. He will at once report to the commander of the guard any violation of regulations or any unusual occurrence which is reported to him by a sentinel, or which comes to his notice in any other way.
124. Should a sentinel call "The Guard," the corporal will promptly notify the commander of the guard.
125. Should a sentinel call "Relief," the corporal will at once proceed to the post of such sentinel, taking with him the man next for duty on that post. If the sentinel is relieved for a short time only, the corporal will again post him as soon as the necessity for his relief ceases.
126. When the countersign is used, the corporal at the posting of the relief during whose tour challenging is to begin gives the countersign to the members of the relief, excepting those posted at the guardhouse.
127. He will wake the corporal whose relief is next on post in time for the latter to verify the prisoners, form his relief, and post it at the proper hour.
128. Should the guard be turned out, each corporal will call his own relief, and cause its members to fall in promptly.
129. Tents or bunks in the same vicinity will be designated for the reliefs so that all the members of each relief may, if necessary, be found and turned out by the corporal in the least time and with the least confusion.
130. When challenged by a sentinel while posting his relief, the corporal commands: 1. Relief, 2. HALT; to the sentinel's challenge he answers "Relief," and at the order of the sentinel he advances alone to give the countersign, or to be recognized. When the sentinel says, "Advance relief," the corporal commands: 1. Forward, 2. MARCH.
If to be relieved, the sentinel is then relieved as prescribed.
131. Between retreat and reveille, the corporal of the guard will challenge all suspicious looking persons or parties he may observe, first halting his patrol or relief, if either be with him. He will advance them in the same manner that sentinels on post advance like parties (pars. 191 to 197), but if the route of a patrol is on a continuous chain of sentinels, he should not challenge persons coming near him unless he has reason to believe that they have eluded the vigilance of sentinels.
132. Between retreat and reveille, whenever so ordered by an officer entitled to inspect the guard, the corporal will call: "Turn out the guard," announcing the title of the officer, and then, if not otherwise ordered, he will salute and return to his post.
133. As a general rule he will advance parties approaching the guard at night in the same manner that sentinels on post advance like parties. Thus, the sentinel at the guardhouse challenges and repeats the answer to the corporal, as prescribed hereafter (par. 200); the corporal, advancing at port arms, says: "Advance (so and so) with the countersign," or "to be recognized," if there be no countersign used; the countersign being correctly given, or the party being duly recognized, the corporal says: "Advance (so and so)," repeating the answer to the challenge of the sentinel.
134. When officers of different rank approach the guardhouse from different directions at the same time, the senior will be advanced first, and will not be made to wait for his junior.
135. Out of ranks and under arms, the corporal salutes with the rifle salute. He will salute all officers, whether by day or night.
136. The corporal will examine parties halted and detained by sentinels, and, if he have reason to believe the parties have no authority to cross sentinel's posts, will conduct them to the commander of the guard.
137. The corporal of the guard will arrest all suspicious looking characters prowling about the post or camp, all persons of a disorderly character disturbing the peace, and all persons taken in the act of committing crime against the Government on a military reservation or post. All persons arrested by corporals of the guard or by sentinels will at once be conducted to the commander of the guard by the corporal.
138. The musicians of the guard will sound calls as prescribed by the commanding officer.
139. Should the guard be turned out for national or regimental colors or standards, uncased, the field music of the guard will, when the guard present arms, sound, "To the color" or "To the standard"; or, if for any person entitled thereto, the march, flourishes, or ruffles, prescribed in paragraphs 375, 376, and 377, A. R.
140. When so directed by the commanding officer, the officer who inspects the guard at guard mounting will select from the members of the new guard an orderly for the commanding officer and such number of other orderlies and color sentinels as may be required.
141. For these positions the soldiers will be chosen who are most correct in the performance of duty and in military bearing, neatest in person and clothing, and whose arms and accouterments are in the best condition. Clothing, arms, and equipments must conform to regulations. If there is any doubt as to the relative qualifications of two or more soldiers, the inspecting officer will cause them to fall out at the guardhouse and to form in line in single rank. He will then, by testing them in drill regulations, select the most proficient. The commander of the guard will be notified of the selection.
142. When directed by the commander of the guard to fall out and report an orderly will give his name, company, and regiment to the sergeant of the guard, and, leaving his rifle in the arm rack in his company quarters, will proceed at once to the officer to whom he is assigned, reporting: "Sir, Private ——, Company ——, reports all orderly."
143. If the orderly selected be a cavalryman, he will leave his rifle in the arm rack of his troop quarters, and report with his belt on, but without side arms unless specially otherwise ordered.
144. Orderlies, while on duty as such, are subject only to the orders of the commanding officer and of the officers to whom they are ordered to report.
145. When an orderly is ordered to carry a message, he will be careful to deliver it exactly as it was given to him.
146. His tour of duty ends when he is relieved by the orderly selected from the guard relieving his own.
147. Orderlies are members of the guard, and their name, company, and regiment are entered on the guard report and lists of the guard.
148. If a color line is established, sufficient sentinels are placed on the color line to guard the colors and stacks.
149. Color sentinels are posted only so long as the stacks are formed. The commander of the guard will divide the time equally among them.
150. When stacks are broken, the color sentinels may be permitted to return to their respective companies. They are required to report in person to the commander of the guard at reveille and retreat. They will fall in with the guard, under arms, at guard mounting.
151. Color sentinels are not placed on the regular reliefs, nor are their posts numbered. In calling for the corporal of the guard, they call: "Corporal of the guard. Color line."
152. Officers or enlisted men passing the uncased colors will render the prescribed salute. If the colors are on the stacks, the salute will be made on crossing the color line or on passing the colors.
153. A sentinel placed over the colors will not permit them to be moved except in the presence of an armed escort. Unless otherwise ordered by the commanding officer, he will allow no one to touch them but the color bearer.
He will not permit any soldier to take arms from the stacks or to touch them except by order of an officer or noncommissioned officer of the guard.
If any person passing the colors or crossing the color line falls to salute the colors, the sentinel will caution him to do so, and if the caution be not heeded he will call the corporal of the guard and report the facts.
154. Privates are assigned to reliefs by the commander or the guard, and to posts usually by the corporal of their relief. They will not change from one relief or post to another during the same tour of guard duty unless by proper authority.
155. Orders for sentinels are of two classes: General orders and special orders. General orders apply to all sentinels. Special orders relate to particular posts and duties.
156. Sentinels will be required to memorize the following:
My general orders are:
1. To take charge of this post and all Government property in view.
2. To walk my post in a military manner keeping always on the alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.
3. To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.
4. To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guard house than my own.
5. To quit my post only when properly relieved.
6. To receive, obey, and pass on to the sentinel who relieves me all orders from the commanding officer, officer of the day, and officers and noncommissioned officers of the guard only.
7. To talk to no one except in line of duty.
8. In case of fire or disorder to give the alarm.
9. To allow no one to commit a nuisance on or near my post.
10. In any case not covered by instructions to call the corporal of the guard.
11. To salute all officers, and all colors and standards not cased.
12. To be especially watchful at night and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.
No. 1: To take charge of this post and all Government property in view.
157. All persons, of whatever rank in the service, are required to observe respect toward sentinels and members of the guard when such are in the performance of their duties.
158. A sentinel will at once report to the corporal of the guard every unusual or suspicious occurrence noted.
159. He will arrest suspicious persons prowling about the post or camp at any time, all parties to a disorder occurring on or near his post, and all, except authorized persons, who attempt to enter the camp at night, and will turn over ro the corporal of the guard all persons arrested.
160. The number, limits, and extent of his post will invariably constitute part of the special orders of a sentinel on post. The limits of his post should be so defined as to include every place to which he is required to go in the performance of his duties.
No. 2: To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.
161. A sentinel is not required to halt and change the position of his rifle on arriving at the end of his post, nor to execute TO THE REAR, MARCH, precisely as prescribed in the drill regulations, but faces about while walking in the manner most convenient to him and at any part of his post as may be best suited to the proper performance of his duties. He carries his rifle on either shoulder, and in wet or severe weather, when not in a sentry box, may carry it at a secure.
162. Sentinels when in sentry boxes stand at ease. Sentry boxes will be used in wet weather only, or at other times when specially authorized by the commanding officer.
163. In very hot weather, sentinels may be authorized to stand at ease on their posts, provided they can effectively discharge their duties in this position; but they will take advantage of this privilege only on the express authority of the officer of the day or the commander of the guard.
164. A mounted sentinel may dismount occasionally and lead his horse, but will not relax his vigilance.
No. 3: To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.
165. A sentinel will ordinarily report a violation of orders when he is inspected or relieved, but if the case be urgent, he will call the corporal of the guard, and also, if necessary, will arrest the offender.
No. 4: To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guardhouse than my own.
166. To call the corporal of the guard for any purpose other than relief, fire, or disorder (pars. 167 and 178), a sentinel will call, "Corporal of the guard, No. (——)," adding the number of his post. In no case will any sentinel call, "Never mind the corporal"; nor will the corporal heed such call if given.
No. 5: To quit my post only when properly relieved.
167. If relief becomes necessary, by reason of sickness or other cause, a sentinel will call, "Corporal of the guard, No. (——), Relief," giving the number of his post.
168. Whenever a sentinel is to be relieved, he will halt, and with arms at a right shoulder, will face toward the relief, when it is 30 paces from him. He will come to a port arms with the new sentinel, and in a low tone will transmit to him all the special orders relating to the post and any other information which will assist him to better perform his duties.
No. 6: To receive, obey, and pass on to the sentinel who relieves me, all orders from the commanding officer, officer of the day, and officers and noncommissioned officers of the guard only.
169. During his tour of duty a soldier is subject to the orders of the commanding officer, officer of the day, and officers and noncommissioned officers of the guard only; but any officer is competent to investigate apparent violations of regulations by members of the guard.
170. A sentinel will quit his piece on an explicit order from any person from whom he lawfully receives orders while on post; under no circumstances will he yield it to any other person. Unless necessity therefor exists, no person will require a sentinel to quit his piece, even to allow it to be inspected.
171. A sentinel will not divulge the countersign (pars. 209 to 217) to anyone except the sentinel who relieves him, or to a person from whom he properly receives orders, on such person's verbal order given personally. Privates of the guard will not use the countersign except in the performance of their duties while posted as sentinels.
No. 7: To talk to no one except in line of duty.
172. When calling for any purpose, challenging, or holding communication with any person a dismounted sentinel armed with a rifle or saber will take the position of port arms or saber. At night a dismounted sentinel armed with a pistol takes the position of raised pistol in challenging or holding communication. A mounted sentinel does not ordinarily draw his weapon in the daytime when challenging or holding conversation; but if drawn, he holds it at advance rifle, raise pistol, or port saber, according as he is armed with a rifle, pistol, or saber. At night in challenging and holding conversation his weapon is drawn and held as just prescribed, depending on whether he is armed with a rifle, pistol, or saber.
No. 8: In case of fire or disorder to give the alarm.
173. In case of fire, a sentinel will call, "Fire, No. (——)," adding the number of his post; if possible, he will extinguish the fire himself. In case of disorder he will call, "The Guard, No. (——)," adding the number of his post. If the danger be great, he will in either case discharge his piece before calling.
No. 11: To salute all officers and all colors and standards not cased.
174. When not engaged in the performance of a specific duty, the proper execution of which would prevent it, a member of the guard will salute all officers who pass him. This rule applies at all hours of the day or night, except in the case of mounted sentinels armed with a rifle or pistol, or dismounted sentinels armed with a pistol, after challenging. (See par. 181.)
175. Sentinels will salute as follows: A dismounted sentinel armed with a rifle or saber, salutes by presenting arms; if otherwise armed, he salutes with the right hand.
A mounted sentinel, if armed with a saber and the saber be drawn, salutes by presenting saber; otherwise he salutes in all cases with the right hand.
176. To salute, a dismounted sentinel, with piece at a right shoulder or saber at a carry, halts and faces toward the person to be saluted when the latter arrives within 30 paces.
The limit within which individuals and insignia of rank can be readily recognized is assumed to be about 30 paces, and therefore at this distance cognizance is taken of the person or party to be saluted.
177. The salute is rendered at six paces; if the person to be saluted does not arrive within that distance, then when he is nearest.
178. A sentinel in a sentry box, armed with a rifle, stands at attention in the doorway on the approach of a person or party entitled to salute, and salutes by presenting arms according to the foregoing rules.
If armed with a saber, he stands at a carry and salutes as before.
179. A mounted sentinel on a regular post, halts, faces, and salutes in accordance with the foregoing rules. If doing patrol duty, he salutes, but does not halt unless spoken to.
180. Sentinels salute, in accordance with the foregoing rules, all persons and parties entitled to compliments from the guards (pars. 224, 227, and 228); officers of the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps; military and naval officers of foreign powers; officers of volunteers and militia officers when in uniform.
181. A sentinel salutes as just prescribed when an officer comes on his post; if the officer holds communication with the sentinel, the sentinel again salutes when the officer leaves him.
During the hours when challenging is prescribed, the first salute is given as soon as the officer has been duly recognized and advanced. A mounted sentinel armed with a rifle or pistol, or a dismounted sentinel armed with a pistol, does not salute after challenging.
He stands at advance rifle or raise pistol until the officer passes.
182. In case of the approach of an armed party of the guard, the sentinel will halt when it is about 30 paces from him, facing toward the party with his piece at the right shoulder. If not himself relieved, he will, as the party passes, place himself so that the party will pass in front of him; he resumes walking his post when the party has reached six paces beyond him.
183. An officer is entitled to the compliments prescribed, whether in uniform or not.
184. A sentinel in communication with an officer will not interrupt the conversation to salute. In the case of seniors the officer will salute, whereupon the sentinel will salute.
185. When the flag is being lowered at retreat, a sentinel on post and in view of the flag will face the flag, and, at the first note of the Star Spangled Banner or to the color will come to a present arms. At the sounding of the last note he will resume walking his post.
No. 12: To be especially watchful at night and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post, and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.
186. During challenging hours, it a sentinel sees any person or party on or near his post, he will advance rapidly along his post toward such person or party and when within about 30 yards will challenge sharply, "Halt, Who is there!" He will place himself in the best possible position to receive or, if necessary, to arrest the person or party.
187. In case a mounted party be challenged, the sentinel will call, "Halt, Dismount. Who is there?"
188. The sentinel will permit only one of any party to approach him for the purpose of giving the countersign (pars. 209 to 217), or, if no countersign be used, of being duly recognized. When this is done the whole party is advanced, i. e., allowed to pass.
189. In all cases the sentinel must satisfy himself beyond a reasonable doubt that the parties are what they represent themselves to be and have a right to pass. If he is not satisfied, he must cause them to stand and call the corporal of the guard. So, likewise, if he have no authority to pass persons with the countersign, or when the party has not the countersign, or gives all incorrect one.
190. A sentinel will not permit any person to approach so close as to prevent the proper use of his own weapon before recognizing the person or receiving the countersign.
191. When two or more persons approach in one party, the sentinel, on receiving an answer that indicates that some one in the party has the countersign, will say, "Advance one with the countersign," and, if the countersign is given correctly, will then say, "Advance (so-and-so)," repeating the answer to his challenge. Thus it the answer be "Relief (friend with the countersign, patrol, etc.)," the sentinel will say, "Advance one with the countersign"; then "Advance, relief (friends, patrol, etc.)."
192. If a person having the countersign approach alone, he advanced to give the countersign. Thus if the answer be "Friend with the countersign (or officer of the day, or etc.)." the sentinel will say, "Advance, friend (or officer of the day, or etc.) with the countersign"; then "Advance, friend (or officer of the day, or etc.)."
193. If two or more persons approach a sentinel's post from different directions at the same time, all such persons are challenged in turn and required to halt and to remain halted until advanced.
The senior is first advanced, in accordance with the foregoing rules.
194. If a party is already advanced and in communication with a sentinel, the latter will challenge any other party that may approach; if the party challenged be senior to the one already on his post, the sentinel will advance the new party at once. The senior may allow him to advance any or all of the other parties; otherwise the sentinel will not advance any of them until the senior leaves him. He will then advance the senior only of the remaining parties, and so on.
195. The following order of rank will govern a sentinel in advancing different persons or parties approaching his post: Commanding officers, officer of the day, officer of the guard, officers, patrols, reliefs, noncommissioned officers of the guard in order of rank, friends.
196. A sentinel will never allow himself to be surprised, nor permit two parties to advance upon him at the same time.
197. If no countersign be used, the rules for challenging are the same. The rules for advancing parties are modified only as follows: Instead of saying "Advance (so-and-so) with the countersign," the sentinel will say; "Advance (so-and-so) to be recognized." Upon recognition he will say, "Advance (so-and-so)."
198. Answers to a sentinel's challenge intended to confuse or mislead him are prohibited, but the use of such an answer as "Friends with the countersign," is not to be understood as misleading, but as the usual answer made by officers, patrol, etc., when the purpose of their visit makes it desirable that their official capacity should not be announced.
199. Sentinels posted at the guard will be required to memorize the following:
Between reveille and retreat to turn out the guard for all persons designated by the commanding officer, for all colors or standards not cased, and in time of war for all armed parties approaching my post, except troops at drill and reliefs and detachments of the guard.
At night after challenging any person or party, to advance no one but call the corporal of the guard, repeating the answer to the challenge.
200. After receiving an answer to his challenge, the sentinel calls, "Corporal of the guard (so and so)," repeating the answer to the challenge.
He does not in such cases repeat the number of his post.
201. He remains in the position assumed in challenging until the corporal has recognized or advanced the person or party challenged, when he resumes walking his post, or, if the person or party he entitled thereto, he salutes and, as soon as the salute has been acknowledged, resumes walking his post.
202. The sentinel at the post of the guard will be notified by direction of the commanding officer of the presence in camp or garrison of persons entitled to the compliment. (Par. 224.)
203. The following examples illustrate the manner in which the sentinel at the post of the guard will turn out the guard upon the approach of persons or parties entitled to the compliment (pars. 224, 227, and 228), "Turn out the guard, commanding officer"; "Turn out the guard, governor of a Territory"; "Turn out the guard, national colors"; "Turn out the guard, armed party"; etc.
At the approach of the new guard at guard mounting the sentinel will call, "Turn out the guard, armed party."
204. Should the person named by the sentinel not desire the guard formed, he will salute, whereupon the sentinel will call "Never mind the guard."
205. After having culled "Turn out the guard," the sentinel will never call "Never mind the guard," on the approach of an armed party.
206. Though the guard be already formed he will not fail to call, "Turn out the guard," as required in his special orders, except that the guard will not be turned out for any person while his senior is at or coming to the post of the guard.
207. The sentinels at the post of the guard will warn the commander of the approach of any armed body and of the presence in the vicinity of all suspicious or disorderly persons.
208. In case of fire or disorder in sight or hearing, the sentinel at the guardhouse will call the corporal of the guard and report the facts to him.
209. _Seventy-seventh_article_of_war_.—Any person subject to military law who makes known the parole or countersign to any person not entitled to receive it according to the rules and discipline of war, or gives a parole or countersign different from that which he received, shall, if the offense be committed in time of war, suffer death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct. (See par. 171.)
210. The COUNTERSIGN is a word given daily from the principal headquarters of a command to aid guards and sentinels in identifying persons who may be authorized to pass at night.
It is given to such persons as may be authorized to pass and repass sentinels' posts during the night, and to officers, noncommissioned officers, and sentinels of the guard.
211. The PAROLE is a word used as a check on the countersign in order to obtain more accurate identification of persons. It is imparted only to those who are entitled to inspect guards and to commanders of guards.
The parole or countersign, or both, are sent sealed in the form of an order to those entitled to them.
212. When the commander of the guard demands the parole, he will advance and receive it as the corporal receives the countersign. (See par. 133.)
213. As the communications containing the parole and countersign must at times be distributed by many orderlies, the parole intrusted to many officers, and the countersign and parole to many officers and sentinels, and as both the countersign and parole must, for large commands, be prepared several days in advance, there is always danger of their being lost or becoming known to persons who would make improper use of them; moreover, a sentinel is too apt to take it for granted that any person who gives the right countersign is what he represents himself to be; hence for outpost duty there is greater security in omitting the use of the countersign and parole, or in using them with great caution. The chief reliance should be upon personal recognition or identification of all persons claiming authority to pass.
Persons whose sole means of identification is the countersign, or concerning whose authority to pass there is a reasonable doubt, should not be allowed to pass without the authority of the corporal of the guard after proper investigation; the corporal will take to his next superior any person about whom he is not competent to decide.
214. The COUNTERSIGN is usually the name of a battle; the PAROLE, that of a general or other distinguished person.
215. When they can not be communicated daily, a series of words for some days in advance may be sent to posts or detachments that are to use the same parole or countersign as the main body.
216. If the countersign be lost, or if a member of the guard deserts with it, the commander on the spot will substitute another for it and report the case at once to headquarters.
217. In addition to the countersign, use may be made of pre-concerted signals, such as striking the rifle with the hand or striking the hands together a certain number of times as agreed upon. Such signals may be used only by guards that occupy exposed points.
They are used before the countersign is given and must not be communicated to anyone not entitled to know the countersign. Their use is intended to prevent the surprise of a sentinel. |