Jade, 254. Jasper, 247, 250. Jewellery, 249, 321-33. Jews, 303. Jomard, 55.
Kaapir (see TOMB). Kadesh (Qodshu), 31, 101, 185, 187. Kahun, Twelfth Dynasty Town, 1, 6 (note), 7, 282. Kalaat Addah (see TEMPLES). Kalabsheh (see TEMPLES). Kames, 323, 330. Ka, or Double, 111, 112, 118, 130, 141-2, 156-7, 162, 163, 165-7, 212-14, 257. Ka-name of Pepi I, 270. Karnak (see TEMPLES). Kashta, 235 (note). Kasr es Said (see CHENOBOSCION). Kebhsennef, 258 (note). Keneh, 265, 332. Khabiusokari (see TOMB). Khafra (Chephren), 89, 133, 137, 134, 214, 217-18, 224, 253. Khamha (see TOMB). Kheper, or Khepra (see SCARABAEI). Kheta, 101, 185, 187-8. Kheti (see TOMB). Khmunu, 148. Khnumhotep (see TOMB). Khonsu (see GODS). Khonu, 96, 324. Khu, the, 111, 112. Khuenaten (Amenhotep IV.), 15, 155, 230. Khufu (Cheops), 133, 134-7, 206, 312, 314. Khufu Poskhu, 20, 22. Khuit (see GODDESSES). Klaft, 227, 306. Knives, 304, 306. Koft, I (see COPTOS). Kohl (antimony, collyrium), 254, 266, 273. Kom ed Damas, 242. Kom el Ahmar, 2, 25, 26. Kom es Sultan, 21, 23, 27. Kom Ombo (see OMBOS and TEMPLES). Kosheish, 38. Kummeh, 28. Kurnet Murraee, 263, 294.
Labyrinth, the, 59. Lake Moeris, 38-40. Lakes, sacred, 77. Lamp, 19, 307 (?). Lapis-lazuli, 203, 247, 250, 304, 324, 325, 328, 329. Lasso, 95. Lattice, 11. Lead, 304. Leather, 292, 298-301. Lefebure, M, 161. Leopard, 176. Lewis, Prof. Hayter, 272 (note). Leyden Museum, 266 (note), 292 (note). Libations (see OFFERINGS). Libyan cliffs and plateau, 39, 113, 207, 209 (note). Libyans, 21, 207, 209 (note). Limestone, 42, 47, 65, 76, 107, 113, 127, 132, 135, 138, 139, 140, 147, 148, 166, 169, 192, 195, 200, 224, 232, 236, 252, 253, 254, 265, 312. Linant, M, 39. Lindos, 302. Linen, 130, 286, 302, 314. Lintels, 9, 26, 46, 47, 150, 151. Lion, 171, 176, 199, 293, 295, 322. Lisht, 89, 134, 252. Loftie, the Rev. W.J., 201 (note). 249 (note). Looms, 297, 298. Lotus, 34 (note), 57, 58, 60-61, 62, 64, 116, 180, 247, 254, 266, 268, 269, 271, 273, 277, 278, 279, 281, 299, 316. Louvre Museum, 208, 214, 215, 224, 226, 227, 239, 240, 266 (note), 271, 275, 278, 295, 308, 313, 316, 322, 331. Luxor (see TEMPLES).
Ma (see GODDESSES). Magdilu, (see MIGDOLS). Magnaura, 320. Maillet, M., 64. Malachite, 247, 304. Mallet, 45, 197, 202. Manfalut, 144. Manna (see TOMB). Mariette, 64 (note), 129, 210, 227, 271. Masahirti, 299. Masonry, 48, 49. Massarah, 43. Mastabas, 113-31, Notes 12-14. (see TOMB and TOMBS). Masts, 72, 103. Maut (see GODDESSES). Mechanical appliances,— crane, 49. pivots, 283. rollers, 45. wedges, 45. Medamot (see TEMPLES). Medinet el Fayum, 39. Medinet Habu (see TEMPLES). Medum, 38 (note), 131, 143, 144, 202 (note). Memnon, 103, 230, 245. (see AMENHOTEP III.). Memphis, 1, 6, 32, 38, 43, 47, 52, 58, 88, 113, 132, 147, 156, 157, 162, 165, 209, 226, 228, 235, 241, 252. Mena, 38, 64, 206. Mendes, 311. Menkara (Mycerinus), 128 (note), 134, 137, 286 (Notes 7, 17, 31). Menkauhor, 224. Menkheperra, 299. Menshiyeh, 107. Mentu (see GODS). Mentuemhat, 314. Merenptah, 235. Merenra, 133, 140. Meresankhu, 144. Mermashiu, 227. Meroe, 144, 244. Merom, 31. Merruka, stela of, 120. Mesheikh, 69, 229. Metals, ancient Egyptian classification of, 304. Migdols, 31-3 (see MAGDILU). Milk, offerings of, 95. Min (Khem) (see GODS). Minieh, 148. Mining, 35, 41. Mirrors, 277, 306, 323, 324. Moats of Canaanite cities, 31. Moeris, 38-9 (see AMENEMHAT III.). Moeris, Lake, 38-40. Mohammeriyeh, 144. Mokattam, 136. Mortar, 48, 114. Mosu, 310. Mounds, 1, 5-6. Mummies,— animals and eggs, 259. beds and canopies for, 292-5. boats for transport of, 301. burial of, 112, 127-8, 153, 154, 167-8, 173. "eternal house" of, 112. furniture for, 284, 292 et seq. (see FURNITURE). jewellery for, 321. (see JEWELLERY). models of, 166. panoply of, 167 (see AMULETS). sledges for, 292. Mummy,— Aahhotep, 157, 323. Amenhotep I., 157. Menkara, 137. Pinotem III., 332. Sekenenra, 157. Thothmes III., 157. Mummy-cases, 259, 261-2, 284-92. Murrhine, false, 263 (note) Musical instruments, 166. lute, 180, 267, 279. sistrum, 95. tambourine, 95. trumpet, 182. Mycerinus, 286 (see MENKARA).
Naga, group from, 244. Nai, 276. Naos, 61, 108, 312, 326. (see SHRINE). Napata, 144. Naville, M., 36 and note, 52 (note). Necho, 267 and note. Necklace, 249, 276, 322, 325. (see USEKH). Nectenebo, 62. Neferhotep (see TOMB). Nefert, 219-20. Nefertari, 84. Nefertum (see GODS). Negadeh (see TOMBS). Negroes, 41, 91. Neith (see GODDESSES). Nekheb (see GODDESSES). Nemhotep, dwarf, 225. Nenka (see TOMB). Nephthys (see GODDESSES). Nesikhonsu, 264. Net, 95. Netemt, 261. New York Museum, 172. Niche of tombs, origin of, 152 (see DOOR, SERDAB, and STELA). Nile, 34, 38, 39, 45, 48, 252, 254, 273. Niles, the (deities), 91, 92, 228. Nitocris, daughter of Psammetichus I., 237. Nomes, represented, 91-2. Nubia, 28, 47, 66, 82, 259. Nurri (see PYRAMIDS).
Oasis, the, 20. Obelisk, 45, 67, 103-6, 313. Axum, 106. Begig, 105. Fourth Dynasty, 104. Hatshepsut, 104, 106, 313 and note. Heliopolis, 104. Luxor, 104. Tanis, 104. Obsidian, 247, 250. Ocean, celestial, 93. Ochre, 203. OEnochoe, glass, 263. Offerings,— corn, 97. milk, 95. oil, 95. wine, 95, 97. (See FEAST, LIBATIONS, TABLES OF OFFERINGS.) Oil, 95. Ombos, 26, 36, 58, 88, 92, 245, (see KOM OMBO and TEMPLES). On, genius of, 96. Osiris (see GODS). Ostraka, 36. Ostrakon, caricature, 172. Oxen, 123, 128, 153, 175, 182.
Pahurnefer, 214. Painting, 192-3, 202-6, 292-3. (see DRAWING, PERSPECTIVE, WALL-SCENES). Pakhet (see GODDESSES). Palestrina, mosaic, 189-92. Palette,— painter's, 202. scribe's, 128, 166, 170. Palm capital, 58. Palms, for roofing, 2, 11 (see DATE and DOM PALMS). Papyri, 64 (note), 160, 167, 170, 171, 172-5, 205. (see BOOK). Papyrus, 57, 190, 327. Pavilion,— of private house, 17. of Medinet Habu, 32. of Nectenebo, Philae, 62. Pearl, mother-of-, 247. Pearls, 247. Pectoral, 322, 323, 326, 327. Pedishashi, 239, 240. Pegs, 283. Pen, 175, 215. Pepi I., 140, 253, 270. Pepi II., 133, 140, 142. Perfumes, 67, 128, 157, 180. Period,— Hyksos, 227-8, 307. Persian, 174, 303. Ptolemaic, 56, 58, 61, 66, 69-70, 72, 79, 90, 93, 98, 175, 208, 241-3, 249, 290, 303, 315, 332. Roman, 58, 66, 90, 98, 173, 208, 243-5. Theban, second, 19 and note.
Peristyle, 67, 74, 83, 84, 106 (see PROCESSIONAL HALL). Perspective, 177-92. Pestle and mortar, 170. Petamenoph (see TOMB). Petrie, W.M.F., 7, 10, 12, 45, 64-5, 104, 113, 131, 197, 200, 202, 249, 267, 282, 291, 334 et seq. Pharaoh, 66, 67, 95-7, 98, 101-3. Philae (see TEMPLES). Phoenicians, 248, 263, 303, 320. Piankhi I., 34. Piankhi II., 235 (note). Pibesa, 237. Pigments, 202-3. Pillars, 52, 53-5, 65, 68, 116, 149, 151. Pincushion, 277. Pinotem II., 299. Pinotem III., 299, 332. Pisebkhanu, 228. Pithom, i, 36 and note. Plate, 315-20 (see GOLD and SILVER). Pliny, 303. Pohunika (see TOMB). Poignards, 327, 328. Point, 47 (note), 6, 195, 197, 201, 247, 250. Polymita, 303. Ponds, 8, 15, 186. Porch, 13 (see PORTICO). Porphyry, 42, 247. Portcullis, in pyramids, 136, Notes 26, 27, 137, 139. Portico, 13, 16, 51, 54, 57, 60, 67, 116, 149, 150, 152, 206. Portrait, panel-painting, 291-2. (see BAS-RELIEF, MUMMY-CASES, and STATUES). Posno collection, 308. Pottery, 166,254-9. (see GLAZED WARE and VASES). Priests (see PHARAOH and others). Prisse, M., 193. Processional Hall (promenoir), 53, 58 and note, 60, 77 (see PERISTYLE). Pronaos, 70, 74-5. Psammetichus I., 236. Psammetichus, scribe, 237 and note. Psar, 322, 331. Ptah (see GODS). Ptahhotep (see TOMB). Ptahmes, 208. Punt, Land of, 109 and note. Pylons, 13, 16, 49, 50, 67, 77, 78, 79, 80, 85, 87, 100-1, 186-8, 189, 232.
Pyramid of,— Amenemhat III. (Hawara), 143. Ati, 142. Khafra (Second Pyramid of Gizeh), 133, 134, 137. Khufu (Great Pyramid of Gizeh), 133, 134-7. Menkara (Third Pyramid of Gizeh), 134, 137. Merenra, 133, 140. Pepi I., 140. Pepi II., 133, 140, 142. Sakkarah, Step, or Great, 138-9, Note 32. Sneferu (Medum), 132,143-4. Teti, 140. Unas, 133, 138, 139-40. Usertesen I., 143. Usertesen II. (Illahun), 143.
Pyramidion, 105, 147. Pyramid-mastaba tombs, 145-8, Pyramids, 131-45, and Notes, pp, 334-7. Abusir, 131, 134, 138, 140. Abydos (Hekalli), 144. Dahshur, 131, 134, 142. Esneh (Mohammeriyeh), 144. Ethiopia (Meroe, Napata, Nurri), 144. Fayum (Hawara and Illahun), 134, 143. Gizeh, 131, 133-7, 140. Lisht, 134, 142. Manfalut, 144. Sakkarah, 133, 134, 137, 138-42. Qodshu, 31. (see KADESU). Quarries, 35, 41-5, 132.
Ra (see GODS). Ra Harmakhis (see GODS). Raemka, 220 (see SHEIKH EL BELED). Rahotep, 214, 219. Ram, 88, 89, 199. Rameses I., 78, 158. Rameses II. (Sesostris), 47, 52, 78, 80, 84, 86, 101, 103, 158, 188, 202, 226, 231, 232, 234, 235, 287-8, 321, 331. Rameses III., 4, 32-3, 87, 101, 184, 194, 195, 270, 272, 301, 306, 321. Rameses IV., 160. Rameses IX., 331. Ramesseum, the, 36, 37, 47, 57, 60, 62, 72, 92, 100, 103, 159, 187, 234, 265. Ramessides, the, 1, 23, 109, 153, 168, 235, 266, 290, 320. Ramparts, 24, 30, 33, 87. Ranefer, 214, 218. Rats, 171, 259. Red Sea, emerald mines, 41. Redesiyeh, 229. Reed brush, 171. Reeds, 180, 266. Rekhmara (see TOMB). Renaissance, 175, 235-40, 290. Repousse work (see GOLD, JEWELLERY, SILVER). Reservoir, 38-41, 252 (see DAMS, DIKES, IRRIGATION). Rhind, A.H., 293 and note. Rings, 267, 305, 321-2, 331. Roads, 30, 34, 35, 41. Rock-cut temples and tombs (see SPEOS and TOMBS). Roofs, 2, 9, 10, 11, 32, 51, 90. Rouge, M. le Vicomte de, 109 (note).
Sa, amulet, 237 (note). Sabuah, Wady (see TEMPLES). Sacrifices, 95, 97. (see FEAST and OFFERINGS). Sails of leather-work, 301. Sais, 26, 266. Sakkarah, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 126, 129, 130 (note), 133, 134, 137, 138, 140, 144, 158, 189, 197, 204, 217, 221, 226, 252, 259, 269, 270, 310, 313. (see PYRAMIDS and TOMBS). San, 1, 26. (see TANIS). Sanctuaries (see SPEOS and TEMPLES). Sanctuary, the essential part of a temple, 66-7. Sandals, 168, 286, 298. Sandstone, 6, 43, 47, 67, 76, 87, 103, 169, 199, 202, 230, 252. Sapping, 23, 25. Sarcophagi, 42, 127, 129, 132, 137, 140, 157, 160. (see MUMMY-CASES). Sarcophagus of,— Aahhotep II., 288-9. Ahmes I., 287. Ahmesnefertari, 288-9. Amenhotep I., 287. Khufu, 136. Khufu Poskhu, 20, 22. Menkara, 128 (note), 137. Rameses II., 287, 288. Seti I., 161, 165 (note). Thothmes II., 287. (See MUMMY-CASES.) Sardanapalus, 314. Sardinia, 248. Saucepan of Rameses III., 306. Saw, 247, 250. Scaling, as a mode of attack, 23, 25. Scarabaei, 248-50. funerary, 168, 265, 325-6. Scarabaeoids, 248. Schist, 265. Schliemann, Dr., 328. Schweinfurth, Dr., 40. Scissors, of bronze, 306. Scorpion, 322, 329. Scribe,— cross-legged, 214-17. kneeling, 214, 222-3, 239. Sculpture,— absence of, in chapel of Pyramid of Medum, 144. absence of, in Temple of Sphinx, 66. Greek influence on, 240-3. Hyksos, school of, 227-8. mastabas, 119 et seq., 130. Memphite school of, 209-25. methods of, 200-2. New Empire school of, 228, 235. provincial schools of, 228. pylons, 186-8. pyramids, 137. Renaissance school of, 235-40. Theban (first) school of, 226. XIII. and XIV. dynasties, 226-7. (See BAS-RELIEF and STATUES.) Seals, 321-2. Seb (see GODS). Sebakh diggers, 237 and note. Sebekemsaf, 202, 227. Sebekhotep III., 227. Sekenenra, 157. Sekhet (see GODDESSES). Selle (see ZARU). Semneh, 20, 28-9, 50. Sennetmu, mummy-case of wife of, 286. (see TOMB). Sepa, 208. Serdab, 126-7, 129, 139, 152, 166, 167. Serpentine, 169, 195, 236, 247, 252. Serpents, 141, 159, 164, 259, 329. (see APAPI). Sesebeh (see TEMPLES). Sesostris, 5. (see RAMESES II.). Set (see GODS). Seti I., King, 34 (note), 42, 47, 48, 49, 51, 78, 85, 101, 107, 158, 161, 162, 163, 195, 231, 232, 235, 270. Shabaka, 235 (note). Sharonah (see TEMPLES). Sheikh Abd el Gurneh,— bronzes from, 307. enamels from, 263. Sheikh el Beled, statue of, 214 and note, 220-1, 224, 226 (see RAEMKA). Sheikh Said, 148. Sheshonk, 33, 235, 270. Shrines, 66, 108 (see NAOS). Shu (see GODS). Silsilis, 38, 43-5, 232. Silver,— bark of, 329-30. chain of, 322. eyes of, 310. hatchets of, 327. nuggets of, 11. poignard hilt of, 328. repousse work of, 316-17. rings of, 321. sources of, 312. statues of, 314-15. vases and vessels of, 316 et seq. wire of, 248. Sinai, 41, 66, 101. Sistrum, 53, 61, 95, 260. Situ, 252. Situlae, bronze, 307. Siut, 114, 148, 226, 242. Skemka, 214. Sky, Egyptian idea of, 90. Sledges,— for transport of stone, 45. funerary, 292, 294. Sneferu, 132, 144, 209. Soane collection, 165 (note). Soil of Egypt, 2, 4, 48. Soleb (see TEMPLES). Sop, genius, 324. Sothis, feast of, 118. Soudan, gold from, 313. Soul, the (see BA). Speos, the, 42, 81-5. Abu Simbel, 53, 82-4. Kalaat Addah, 81, 82. Silsilis, 82, 232. (See HEMI-SPEOS.) Speos Artemidos (see TEMPLES). Sphinx, the, 64 (note), 65, 206-8. Sphinxes, 325. andro-, 89, 230. avenues of, 67, 88-9, 230. crio-, 88, 89. Hyksos, 227-8. New Empire, 229. Spinners, 124. Spoons, 273, 278-81, 306. Stabling, 13, 35, 87. Staircase,— fortress, 24. house, 11, 16. temple, 70, 71, 85. temple pylons, 50. Statue of,— Alexandrian Isis, 241. portrait of Amenhotep I., 229. baker, 224. cross-legged scribe of Gizeh, 217. cross-legged scribe of the Louvre, 214-15. Hor, 242. Horemheb, 232-3. Khafra, 214, 217-18, 253. kneeling scribe, 214, 223. Mermashiu, 227. Nefert, 219-20. Nemhotep (dwarf), 225-6. Pahurnefer, 214. Prince of Siut, 241-2. a queen, 232. Rahotep, 219. Sebekemsaf, 202, 227. Sebekhotep III., 227. Sheikh el Beled (Raemka), 214, 220-1, 224. Sheikh el Beled's wife, 221-2. Skemka, 214. Thothmes I., 229. Thothmes II., 229. Statues,— in houses, 13. in temples, 106, 108-10. Ka, 126-7, 152, 163, 166, 211-14. Statuette of,— Amen, gold, 315. a girl, 274-5. Hori Ra, wood, 275. Horus, bronze, 309-10. Horus, enamelled, 267. kneeling genius, bronze, 309. Mosu, bronze, 310. Nai, wood, 276. officer, wood, 275-6. priest, wood, 275, 276. Ptah, gold, 315. Ptahmes, enamelled, 268. Takushet, bronze, 308-9. Statuettes,— alabaster, 253. bronze, 307-10. clay, 257. Deir el Bahari, 266. gilt, 314. gold, 314-15. ivory, 273-4. limestone, 253. period XVIII. and XIX. dynasties, 307. XXII dynasty, 307. XXVI dynasty, 307. wood, Ptolemaic, 307. (See USHABTIU.) Stela, of Bakhtan, 109 and note. of Merruka, 120. Stelae, 24, 104. of mastabas, 115, 120-1, 125. pyramid-mastabas, 146. rock-cut tombs, 152, 157. Step Pyramid (see PYRAMIDS). Stone, 46. dikes, 38. grating, 71. (See ALABASTER, etc.) Storage, 16, 35, 36, 87, 132. Stroganoff, Count, 308. Stuart, Villiers, 300 (note). Stucco, 50, 170, 261, 284, 314. Suit, mother of Horemheb, 179. Swine,— alleged impurity of, 195-6. transmigration into, 164. Sycamores, 8, 15. wood of, 205, 274, 284, 290. Syene, 45, 77, 196, 209 (note), 243. (see ASUAN). Syenite, 139. Syria, 31, 34 (note), 87, 187, 248, 303, 312. Ta, amulet, 247, 286. Tabernacle, 66. Tables of offerings, 106-7, 115, 119, 130, 157, 166, 237, 251-2. Taharka, 52, 79. Tahpanhes, 36 (note). (see TELL DEFENNEH and DAPHNAE). Tahuti, general, 316. Takushet, 308-9. Tambourine, 95. Tanis, 1, 47, 103, 104 (note), 197, 200 (note), 227, 228, 234, 235, 307, 311. (see SAN and TEMPLES). Tanks, of houses, 16. Tapestry, 296-8, 303 and note. Tat, amulet, 286 and note. Tau-cross (see ANKH). Taud, 250. Taurt (see APET and THUERIS). Taxation, system of, 35. Tefnut (see GODDESSES). Tehneh, 45. Tell Basta, I (see BUBASTIS). Tell Defenneh, 36 (note), (see TAPHANHES and DAPHNAE). Tell el Amarna, 13, 155, 197 (note), 231-3, 263. Tell el Maskutah, I (see PITHOM and THUKU). Tell el Yahudeh, tiles of, 270-2. Tell es Seba, 311. Tell Eshmuneyn, 265. Tell Gemayemi, 200, 262 (note). Temenos, 87-9. Temples, 46-110. Abu Simbel, 53, 82-4, 319. Abydos, 20, 47, 49, 51, 60, 64, 85-6, 90, 194, 232. Beit el Wally, 84, 205 (note), 235. Bubastis, 52 and note, 58, 88. Coptos, 245. Deir el Bahari, 51, 53, 61, 83, 85 and note, 229. Deir el Medineh, 69-70. Derr, 84. Denderah, 53, 57, 61, 72, 73, 88, 91, 92, 94, 100, 245. Edfu, 56, 57, 58, 64, 72, 74, 75, 88, 92, 100. El Kab, 56, 69, 88. Elephantine, 67-9. Esneh, 92, 245. Gebel Barkal, 53. Gebel Silsileh, 81, 82, 232. Gerf Husein, 85. Gizeh, 64-6, 85. Gurneh, 60, 159. Kalaat Addah, 81, 82. Kalabsheh, 54, 56. Karnak, 1, 34, 35, 46, 47, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63-4, 70-2, 76-9, 87, 88, 89, 92, 100, 101, 103, 104, 106, 107, 194, 229, 230, 232, 235, 313, 314, 315. Luxor, 47, 52, 57, 60, 62, 72, 79, 80, 89, 100, 104, 106, 187, 202, 230, 234. Medamot, 56, 59, 60, 64. Medinet Habu, 32-3, 50, 53, 60, 63, 72, 87, 101, 159, 184, 194, 199, 288, 315. Mesheikh, 69. Nubia, 47, 82. Ombos, 26, 58, 88, 92-3, 245. Philae, 58-9, 62, 80-1, 92, 100, 245. Semneh, 50. Sesebeh, 58. Sharonah, 69. Soleb, 58. Tanis, 47, 104 (note). Wady Sabuah, 85, 88. * * * * * Amenhotep II, 53. Amenhotep III, 53, 67-8. Antoninus Pius, 100. Caesars, 66. Dynasty IV, 64. Dynasty XII, 66. Hatshepsut (see DEIR EL BAHARI and SPEOS ARTEMIDOS). Horemheb (see GEBEL SILSILEH). Khonsu, at Karnak, 60, 70-2, 74, 235. Ptolemies, 66. Rameses III. (see MEDINET HABU). Seti I, 42. (See CHAPEL, HEMI-SPEOS, SANCTUARY, SPEOS.) Terraces, 16, 36, 74. Terra-cotta, vases of, 114, 166. Teti, King, pyramid of, 140. Textiles, 67, 296-8, 302-4. Alexandrian, 303. brocaded, 303. Ekhmim, 303-4 and note. Roman, 303. Thebaid, the, 243, 273. Thebes, 1, 2, 6, 26, 32, 33, 36, 66, 79, 85, 88, 89, 103, 131, 147, 148, 153, 154, 155, 157-65, 168, 174, 177, 186, 193, 197, 205, 209, 226, 229, 235, 237, 244, 250, 277, 290, 293, 313. (See KARNAK, LUXOR.) Thmuis, silver vases of, 316-17. Thoth (see GODS). Thothmes I, 76-7, 229. Thothmes II, 77, 287. Thothmes III, 26, 42, 53, 58-9, 60, 77, 92, 157, 229, 263, 302, 326, 320. Thothmes IV, 205. Thueris (see GODDESSES, APET, and TAURT). Thuku, 36 and note. (see PITHOM and TELL EL MASKHUTAH). Ti (see TOMB). Tiberius, at Denderah and Ombos, 245. Tibur, Egyptian rooms in Hadrian's villa at, 243. Tii, Oueen, vase of, 267. Tiles,— for mural decoration, 269-72. in pyramid of Sakkarah, 270. of Tell el Yahudeh, 270-2. Tipcat, 282. Tin, 304. Toilet, articles of, 166, 259, 266-7, 273, 277, 281, 306. Tomb of,—- Affi, 117. Ai, 16, 17, 155, 158. Aimadua, 20. Amenhotep III, 158. Ameni, 149, 151. Anna, 12, 229. Bakenrenf, 165. an Entef, 265-6. Hapizefa, 150. Hesi, 210. Horemheb, 179-80, 183. Horhotep, 156-7. Hui, 229, Kaaepir, 115, Khabiusokari, 117, 208. Khamha, 229. Kheti, 155. Khnumhotep, 149, 150, 151, 152, 155, 177, 297. Manna, 154. Merruka, 120. Neferhotep, 115, 116, 155. Nenka, 130 and note. Petamenoph, 165. Pohunika, 116. Ptahhotep, 118, 119, 122, 124, 188. Rahotep, 126. Rameses I., 158. Rameses II., 158. Rameses III., 161-3, 301. Rameses IV., 160. Red Scribe, 118. Rekhmara, 3, 186, 187, 229. Seti I., 158, 161-3, 232. Sennetmu, 258, 294. Shepsesptah, 117. Thenti, 118, 126. Ti, 116, 117, 127, 155. Una, 155. Urkhuu, 124. (See PYRAMID.) Tombs, 111-68. Egyptian idea of, 111-12. mastaba-pyramids, 145-8. mastabas, 113-31. pyramids, 131-45. rock-cut tombs, 146-68. * * * * * Abydos, 22, 145-7. Ahnas el Medineh, 259. Asuan, 53, 148, 149, 150, 259. Beni Hasan, 24, 53, 148 and note, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 155, 177, 256-7. Bersheh, 148 and note. Coptic period, 303-4. Deir el Gebrawi, 204. El Amarna, 13, 15, 16, 17. Fayum, 259, 291-2, 303-4. Gizeh, 148. Greek period, 175. Kasr es Said, 148. Kurnet Murraee, 294. Negadeh, 148. Sheikh Said, 148. Siut, 148, 150. Tools, etc.,— adze, 283, 304. anvil, 313. axe, 201, 304. burin, 305, 325. chains, measuring, 155. chisel, 45, 214, 304. drill, 195, 214, 247, 250, 282. gouge, 195. grindstone, 247. hammer, 195, 313. knives, 304, 306. mallet, 45, 197, 202. pegs, 283. point, 47, 195 (note), 197, 201, 202, 247, 250. saw, 247, 250, 304. wedges, 45. wheel, 250 (see WHEEL, POTTER'S). Tops, 284. Torus, 50. Towns, 1-2, Note 1, 7-8, 87-8. Coptic, 8. Pharaonic, 1, 7, 8. Ptolemaic, 1. Roman, 8. Saitic, 1. Twelfth Dynasty, 1, 7. walled, 20, 26. Toys, 182, 282. Trees, 274. Trellis, 182, 189. Tuai, 273. Tuatmutf, genius, 258 (note). Tum (see GODS). Turin Museum, 160, 171, 229, 231, 232, 235, 262, 274, 275. Turquoise, 247, 325, 329. Typhon (Set) (see GODS).
Uaga, feast of, 118. Uahabra, 269 (note). (see APRIES and HOPHRA). Uati (see GODDESSES). Una (see TOMB). Unas, 133, 138, 139, 163. Uraeus (basilisk), 61, 201, 294. Usekh, 326-7. Usertesen I, 76, 143. Usertesen II., 7, 143, 322. Usertesen III., 28, 226, 322, 323. Ushabtiu, 167, 253, 257, 266. Uta, amulet, 247-8.
Varnish, 203-4, 305. Vases,—- Ancient Empire, 255, 256. bronze, 305. canopic, 167, 252-3, 258, 292. decoration of, 256, 257, 258, 259. libation, 292, 310. silver and gold, 316-20. situlae, 307. terra-cotta, 114, 166. toilet, 253-4. (See BRONZE, GLASS, GLAZED WARE, GOLD, POTTERY, SILVER.) Vaulting, 6 and note, 36, 51, 145, 146, 150, 151. Vauquelin, M., 304. Venus, 243. Vermilion, 203. Vienna Museum, 272. Vulture, 92, 299, 301, 315, 325. Vyse, Col. Howard., 137
Wady Gerraweh, 40. Genneh, 41. Sabuah (see HEMI-SPEOS). Wages, 35. Wall-scenes, 3, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 24, 30, 31, 35, 36, 91, 92, 97, 99, 120, 122, 124, 130, 152-6, 162-5, 177, 178, 179- 92, 193, 194, 195, 260, 284, 295, 296, 297, 298, 300, 301, 313, 318, 319, 320. (see BAS-RELIEF and PAINTING). Washhouse, 12. Weavers, 124, 297-8. Wheel, potter's, 255. Wig, 236, 275, 276, 286, 308, 310, 332. Wilkinson, Sir Gardner, 295, 303, 305. Wilson, Sir E., 128 (note). Windows, 9, 11, 50, 65, 70, 144. Wine, 35, 36, 97, 180. Wood, 25, 50, 66, 169, 205, 210-11, 214 and note, 224, 235, 274-7. (see CABINET-MAKING, MUMMY-CASES, STATUETTES, STATUES).
Zagazig, 332. Zaru (Selle), 34 and note. Zodiacal circle of Denderah, 93, 94. Zowyet el Aryan, 134.