A maiden sat where the pansies grew, In a golden shower of light; And she heard the words of the sighing rose, Borne near in the wind's swift flight. "Ah, rose!" she cried, "I am like to you; There's never a heart in this world that's true; I yielded a love that's thrown away, And I'm weary of life on this summer's day.
"But listen, my rose, and I'll tell you, sweet, The lesson I learned to-day; There's never a heart in this wide, wide world That was born to be thrown away. The sun may smile as he sails away In the depths of his azure seas for aye; But the rose that blooms in the garden of love, Is as fair as the sun to our God above.
"The smallest flower that slakes her thirst In the dews of the early morn, Is as great as the stars in heaven above, The greatest that ever was born. The love we give on this earth of ours Is treasured in heaven through all the hours, And the crimson heart of the proud queen-rose Is as fair a gem as the earth-land knows."
The queen-rose listened and held her breath As the maiden passed her by, And then, with a grace that was fearless and grand She lifted her face to the sky. And never again, when the day was done, Did she long for the love of the golden sun; For the lesson she learned on that summer's day Lay deep in her heart forever and aye.
Twin Lilies.
Twin lilies in the river floating, Two lilies pure and white; And one is pale and faintly drooping, The other glad and bright.
Twin lilies in the silvery waters, Two lilies white and frail; And one is ever laughing gladly, The other, still and pale.
Upon the peaceful gleaming waters, They linger side by side; And one, her head is drooping sadly; The other glows with pride.
Twin stars are o'er the river beaming, Two stars with silvery light; And now they look with glances loving Upon the lilies white.
Two lilies now are drooping lowly Unto the river tide; While in the wave the stars reflected Are floating side by side.
And now the stars are bending slowly To kiss the lilies white; Who e'en their fragrant heads are lifting In wonder at the sight.
And one twin lily now is longing For light and heaven above; And yields unto her star-king's keeping Her wealth of life and love.
And as the star-god bends in rapture To kiss her pale, white face, Her soul is wafted into heaven Beneath his love and grace.
Twin lilies in the tide were floating, With quickly coming breath, But one is left, with sad tears falling, To mourn her sister's death.
Twin stars upon the waves were gleaming; Two star-gods pure and bright; But one is left—that one is fading And dying with the night.
A treasured link of shining pearls, A by-gone melody, A shower of tears with smiles between— And this is memory. A thing so light a breath of air May waft its life away; A thing so dark that moments of pain Seem like some endless day.
A careless word may wound the heart, And quickly it may die; Yet in the seas of memory Forever it will lie. And sometimes when the tide rolls back Its waves of joy and pain, That careless word, though long forgot, Will wound the heart again.
The restless seas of memory Are vast and deep and wide; And every deed that we can know Sleeps in that tireless tide. Upon the thoughtless lives of men Its waves in mockery roll; And sweep a might of bitter pain Across each human soul.
And few can stand upon the sands Beside this boundless sea, And say with calm unfaltering voice "It has no grief for me." The passing wave may bear away Our deeds and words untrue; Yet surely as the tide comes in The wrecks will follow too.
Oh, what so subtle as the spell The silvery moonlight weaves? Oh, what so sad and what so glad, And what so soon deceives.
A vision of the long ago— Long years of pain between; A mocking dream of happier days— A veil of silver sheen.
A passing gleam of falling stars— An idle summer's dream; The sudden waking of a heart— Things are not as they seem.
Oh, silver moon, indeed you hold The secrets of the heart; And none can know and none can guess The mystery of thy art.
A silver length of rippling waves, A glance from happy eyes; A strain of music low and sweet— The heart in rapture lies.
Yet, ah, how faithless are the vows Made 'neath the summer moon; As changing as the falling rays That fade away as soon.
For love is like the subtle spell The sliver moonlight weaves; And what so sad and what so glad And what so soon deceives?
The Star of Youth.
The sun sinks down in the crimson west, Oh, a beautiful sun is he; With his purple robes and his crown of gold And his feet dipped in the sea.
Along the shore where the sea-weeds lie Like threads of her tangled hair, Naomi stands in the amber glow Of the mystical sunset air.
Her hair is brown, with a yellow tinge That rivals the gold of the west; Her eyes are dark with the velvety glow That darkens the pansy's breast.
A star shines out in the purple east, Oh, a beautiful star is he! With his home in the wonderful azure skies, And his throne in the deep blue sea.
There are bars of gold in the crimson west And jewels on every bar; Yet Naomi's soul is beyond the sea, And her eyes are fixed on the star.
O star that shines in the dusky east, Be thou the star of my youth, And guide my soul through the shadows of earth To the shining gates of truth.
There are years that melt in the seas of life Like drops in the ocean of time; And the joys they bring are as soon forgot As the words of a careless rhyme.
Be thou the light that shall guide me far From the years that vanish as rain, And lead my soul to the feet of God, Even through years of pain.
The Day is Dead.
The day is dead, And evening trails her purple robes In fading fires of red.
The day is dead. And yonder lily welcomes sleep And nods her weary head.
The day is dead, And night droops low her sable plumes To mourn the glory fled.
My Queen.
A fair sweet blossom is born for you, A beautiful rose, my queen! And never was flower so fair as this, Oh, never so fair, I ween! A banner is hung in the western sky Of colors that flash ere they fade and die; And the rippling waves where the waters run Are stained with the gold of the summer sun; The world is so fair for you, my queen, The world is so fair and true; And the rose that blossoms to-day, my own, Is the love that I have for you.
The grasses that spring at your feet, my queen, Could whisper all day in your ear; But I stand dumb at your side, my own, Stilled by my love's own fear. Oh, what would you know of my love's sweet will The heart speaks most when the lips are still; And the love that is filling my soul to-day Is the beautiful blossom you throw away. But I worship you still, my queen, my queen, I worship you still, I ween; For the loveliest blossom on earth I know Is my beautiful love, my queen!
The Song of the Brook.
Oh, what would you have, you splendid sun, With your restless eyes of fire? And why do you lean o'er the lilies pale? What more can your heart desire?
You've crimsoned the rays in the heart of the rose, You've drunk up the dewdrops all; And down in the meadows your golden light Has gilded the daisies tall.
The thirsty flowers that grow on the hill Have given their lives to you; And what do you care, you restless sun, As you sail through your seas of blue?
Your rays are so warm, like the glances of love, The lily is mad with delight; And whispers her secret with silent joy, As she kisses my face in the night.
What more can you want, O eager sun? I've given my all to you; I've counted my treasures and claimed them not, What more can I ever do?
But, eager sun, with your restless rays, Know this, that I love not you; For the sun that knoweth a world of loves To one can never be true.
'Tis eventide; the noisy brook is hushed Or murmurs only as a tired child, Worn out with play; the tangled weeds lie still Within the marshy hollow. Quaint and dark The willows bend above the brooklet's tide, Reflecting shadowy images therein. The dark-browed trees, with faces to the sky, Shut out the light that fades in crimson lines Along the western sky. And yonder shade Of purple marks the cloud, the storm-god rides In moods of angry fire.
The woods are filled With wild-wood blossoms drinking in the dew. Their scented breath is sweeter than the maid's Who stands at eve and drinks in love and hope From every budding flower.
All day the sun With fiery breath has held his hot, long reign; The leaves have quivered 'neath his burning gaze, And all the flowers have drooped; yet now the moon, His pale young bride, awaking from her spell Of sweet day dreams, arises in the dusky East, And sweeping back the clouds that dim her crown Of stars, floods all the world with holy light.
Oh, welcome night! the flowers love their queen! Yea, better than their king, for he is fierce And warm, and drinks the jeweled dew-drops all. Her hand is cool and soothing! 'neath its spell They sink to restful slumber.
Bless'd night! When all he world's asleep, and thought can fly On tireless wings from sky to sky, when, free From earthly chains, the soul immortal feels Its throbbing freedom.
Bless'd night! When God looks down from every shining star, And breathes in every dew-gemmed flower, when faith From her rock-bound temple on the hills His everlasting glory sings! Oh, welcome night! Thy beauty holds the spell that wakes to life All things immortal. Crowned be thou with light Eternal as the sun whose radiance wakes the day.
Sounds from the Convent.
"Come, pensive nun, devout and pure, Sober, steadfast and demure."
— [Milton]
White-robed nun, I pray thee tell me Whatsoe'er my life shall be; Thou of God art purely chosen, Ne'er can I be like to thee.
There is sunlight in the shadow Of the lives we live below; There is starlight in the darkness Of the night of human woe.
Yet I pray thee, sweet-voiced woman, Tell me of thy life and thee; Can the soul to heaven given Yield its secrets unto me?
Nevermore the earth shall claim thee, Only lilies bloom for thee; All the world is full of beauty That thy eyes may never see.
On the hill the daisies springing, Lift their heads to greet the morn; Yet thou mayest not pluck the smallest Of these blossoms lately born.
Violets may bring no memories Unto thee of days gone by; Summer eves and joyous mornings— In the grave these, too, must die.
Long ago, the roses drooping, Crimson blushed and died for thee; Yet to-day no more thou know'st them, They are lost in Life's dead sea.
Oh, the world is full of beauty! Oh, the world is full of love! Yet the chains that bind thee earthward, Link thy soul with Heaven above.
Through the windows creeps the sunlight, Rays of gold and restless red; Covering all the world with glory, Sweetly resting on thy head.
Would my life were crowned with sunlight, Would my soul was pure as thine! Then the world no more would know me, Earth were Heaven, and Heaven were mine.
The Lake.
A limpid lake, a diamond gem, The moonbeams kissed with light; And all the stars that heaven knew Were mirrored in the night.
How fair the world, how fair the night, When lake and river run Like jeweled streams of fairy land Beneath a silver sun.
The lake grew proud and claimed each star That lay upon her breast; "Ah! they are mine," she said; "these gems That in my bosom rest.
"And yonder moon, that sails on high, Doth shine for me alone; Beneath the foam that crests my waves Is built her silver throne."
A star-king knelt and kissed the waves That swept the shadowed shore; "Our moon is queen of heaven," he said, "Is queen forevermore.
A thousand lakes are hers by night, A thousand lakes of light; A thousand rivers kiss her feet, A thousand rivers bright.
"Then be not vain, thou lakelet small, The moon is not for thee; Her home is in the river wide, Her throne is in the sea."
The bright waves swept the silent shore, The star-king crept away; Yet calm and fair, still unconvinced, The lake in silence lay.
The moon, that swept her silvery light Far o'er the waters wide, Belonged to her, and all the stars That floated side by side.
Ah! silver lake, too well we know How like we are to thee; A thousand truths are in the world That we may never see!
A dewy flower, bathed in crimson light, May touch the soul—a pure and beauteous sight; A golden river flashing 'neath the sun, May reach the spot where life's dark waters run; Yet, when the sun is gone, the splendor dies, With drooping head the tender flower lies. And such is life; a golden mist of light, A tangled web that glitters in the sun; When shadows come, the glory takes its flight, The treads are dark and worn, and life is done. Oh! tears, that chill us like the dews of eve, Why come unbid—why should we ever grieve? Why is it, though life hath its leaves of gold, The book each day some sorrow must unfold! What human heart with truth can dare to say No grief is mine—this is a perfect day? Oh! poet, take your harp of gold and sing, And all the earth with heavenly music fill! You may do this, yet song can never bring One sunbeam back, let song be what it will. Oh! painter, you can catch the glowing light That tints the skies before the coming night; With throbbing heart and upward lifted eyes, You paint the splendor of the purple skies; Yet tell me, does your genius hold the key To life's strange secrets and its mystery? Oh! life is sad, yet sunshine, too, is there; We cannot tell what spell the years may weave— Perchance a song that dies upon the air— Perhaps a shadow that the sun doth leave.
A Memory.
Amid my treasures once I found A simple faded flower; A flower with all its beauty fled, The darling of an hour.
With bitterness I gazed awhile, Then flung it from my sight; For with it all came back to me the pain and heedless blight.
But, moved with pity and regret I took it up again; For oh, so long and wearily In darkness it had lain.
Ah, purple pansy, once I kissed Your dewy petals fair; For then, indeed, I had no thought Of earthly pain or care.
Your faded petals now I touch With sacred love and awe; For never will my heart kneel down To earthly will or law.
Your velvet beauty still is dear, Though faded now you seem; You drooped and died, yet still you are The symbol of my dream.
Sweet, modest flower, tinged with gold, A lesson you have said; Your purple glory, like my love, Is faded now, and dead.
The Baby's Tear.
A tiny drop of crystal dew That fell from baby eyes of blue; A shining treasure, there it lay For grandma's love to wipe away.
A tear of sorrow, pure and meek It graced our darling's dimpled cheek; A gem so fair, that angels smiled And claimed the treasure undefiled.
A sunbeam came with winsome grace And chased the shadow from her face; A smile fell from its wings of light And baby eyes laughed at the sight.
The wee bright tear was kissed away, Yet in our hearts its sorrow lay; For like a shadow came the thought, With pain and sorrow life is wrought.
Oh, baby heart, what will you do When life's unrest is given you; And mother-love no more like this Each tear can banish with a kiss?
The love you brought, oh, baby dear, Is like the sunbeam passing near; A ray of light—a touch of gold To keep our hearts from growing old.
Then may thy life grow strong and sweet With mother-love to guide thy feet; And may the sunbeams ever chase Each shadow, darling from thy face.
The years are slowly creeping on Beneath the summer sun; Yet, still in silent love and peace Our lives serenely run. Beyond the mist that veils the coming years I see no gathering clouds, nor falling tears.
Beside life's river we have stood And lingered side by side; Where royal roses bloomed and blushed And gleamed the lily's pride, And happily there we've plucked the sweet wild flowers while heedless passed away the sunny hours.
Irene, thy sunny face is lit With all the hope of youth; God grant thy heart may never know Aught but the purest truth. Keep in thy soul its faith and trusting love Until they e'en must bloom in heaven above.
Beside the river still we stay And swift the hours fly by; While low upon the fragrant banks The flowers silent lie. Yet, far beyond the mist, our longing eyes Still seek the gleaming walls of paradise.
The splendors of a southern sun Caress the glowing sky; O'er crested waves, the colors glance And gleaming, softly die. A gentle calm from heaven falls And weaves a mystic spell; A glowing grace that charms the soul— Whose glory none can tell.
Oh, warm sweet treasures of a sun Of endless fire and love; Those dying embers are the flames From heavenly fires above. Unto the water's edge they creep And bathe the seas in red; Then die like shadows on the deep With glory cold and dead.
A ship—a lone, dark wanderer Upon the southern seas, Speeds like a white-faced messenger Before the dying breeze. Her masts are tipped with amethyst, A splendor all untold; A crimson mantle wraps her round, Her sails are made of gold.
The light wind dies—she slowly drifts, Then stops—an idle thing; While sunset clouds around her prow A dreamy grandeur fling. And eyes upon her deck look forth With looks of longing pain; A hundred sunsets they would give Dear home to see again.
But see! a shadow as of night Spreads o'er the crimson sky; Like doomed and lifeless forms of earth The clouds in heaven lie. A silence falls—the ship stands still, A fated thing of earth; Then like a child of sin and wrong The storm is given birth.
Oh! struggle well ye gallant crew With storm and wind and wave; For there are helpless women here And children, too, to save. Quick—sailors do your duty well— And man the life-boats, too; For soon the rocks will strand the ship, And pierce her through and through.
See! like a woman turned to stone A weeping mother stands; Her heart seems like seems like some frozen thing— She wrings her trembling hands; Within her arms she holds a child With frightened wond'ring eyes; Below—the waters pitiless— Above—the angry skies.
Beside her stands a fair young girl With eyes that flash and quiver; They are the only ones still left, These three that moan and shiver. But soon a voice shouts back the words— Through all the deaf'ning roar:— A strong hand grasps the trembling girl, "There's room for just one more."
"Stay, stay," she cries with whitened face "Why should I fear to die? Oh, take this woman by my side, Nor stay to question why. She has a dear one 'mongst your crew, She is a mother, too; I am alone—I fear not death, If this you'll only do."
The sailor grasped the mother's hand, She turned and kissed the maid; The tears of pity filled her eyes Yet not one word she said. The maiden stood with outstretched hands, All hope indeed was gone; And yet she stood with fearless heart, Undaunted and alone.
"Oh, God, the heart that knows your love Will never need to fear; A priceless gem lies on my face, The mother's grateful tear." The lightnings swept across the ship, The darkness wrapped her round; Above the thunder of the storm, There came no other sound.
The morning broke—the storm had fled, The wreck was washed away; And calmly now as yesterday The sea in splendor lay. The noble heart that throbbed with life Lay fathoms deep below: And what lies buried in that heart The waves alone can know.
Beatrice Cenci.
O beautiful woman, too well we know The terrible weight of thy woman's woe, So great that the world, in its careless way, Remembered thy beauty for more than a day. In the name of the truth from thy brow is torn The crown of redemption thou long hast worn, And into the valley of sin thou art hurled To be trampled anew by the feet of the world.
The beautiful picture is thine no more That hangs in the palace on Italy's shore; The tear-stained eyes where the shadow lies, Like a darksome cloud in the summer skies, Will tell thy story to men no more, For all untrue is the tale of yore; And the far-famed picture that hangs on the wall Is a painter's fancy—that is all.
Italia's shore is a land of light Where the sunlight of day drowns the shadows of night; And the great warm sun with his golden rays Imprisons the light of eternal days; But the tale of thy woes is a shadow there That fills with its horror the perfumed air.
By day and by night in the palace there, Thy picture has hung with its face so fair; Beguiling the travelers come from afar With its sad, sweet grace, like some voiceless star, Till the hears that shuddered before thy sin Recalled not the shadow that lay within, But remembered only with pitying grace The hopeless grief on the child-like face.
The rosy dawn with its misty light, Shone fair on thy brow in the morning bright; And the glittering noon with its rays of gold Imprisoned thy soul in its jeweled hold.
Oh, fair was the picture at early dawn, With the matchless beauty that Guido had drawn; And fair was the face in the noon of gold, Touched with a glory that never grew old.
But lovelier still in the shadowed eyes Lay the burning sunset of Italy's skies; And the beautiful face with its voiceless woe Grew fair as a saint's in the crimson glow. No wonder the poets grew wild at the sight, And sung of thy beauty with mad delight, Till the fame of the picture spread over the land, Revealing the touch of its master-hand.
The fair Madonna with saint-like face, Creation of Raphael's exquisite grace, Is scarcely more famed than the child-like head Of thou to whom sorrow forever is wed. O beautiful woman, the world with its scorn Will mock at the glory thou long hast worn, And rend aside in the name of the truth The veil of mercy that hides thy youth. But the romance that clings to the wondrous face Will fall on our hearts with a softened grace, And the fair young sinner on Italy's shore Will be loved and pitied forevermore.
Under the Stars.
Under the stars, when the shadows fall, Under the stars of night; What is so fair as the jeweled crown Of the azure skies, when the sun is down, Beautiful stars of light!
Under the stars, where the daisies lie Lifeless beneath the snow; Lovely and pure, they have lived a day, Silently passing forever away, Lying so meek and low.
Under the stars in the long-ago— Under the stars to-night; Life is the same, with its great unrest Wearily throbbing within each breast, Searching for truth and light.
Under the stars as they drift along, Far in the azure seas; Beautiful treasures of light and song, Glad'ning the earth as they glide along, What is so fair as these?
Under the stars in the quiet night, Under the stars above; Sweet is the breath of the evening air, Spirits of heaven unseen are there, Weaving a web of love.
Under the stars in the shadowy eve, Glittering stars of truth; Beautiful sprays of eternal light, Laid on the brow of the dusky night, Blossoms of fadeless youth.
Catching the Sunbeams.
Catching the sunbeams, oh, wee dimpled child, Gleefully laughing because they are bright; Knowing, ah! never, my beautiful pet, Ne'er can our fingers imprison the light.
Beautiful sunshine, oh! fair is the light Falling on earth from the heavens above; Beautiful childhood, oh! glad is the sight Filling the world with its measure of love.
Playing with sunbeams, oh, all of us, pet, Toy with the treasures, so shining and bright; Catching the sunshine we never may hold, Trying like you, to imprison the light.
Sunbeams that glitter and sparkle and shine— Life is so full of the beautiful light; Gilding the wings of each fleet-footed day Only to fade in the shadows of night.
Playing with sunbeams, oh! all of us, pet, Long for the treasures so shining and glad; Finding too late that they slip from our hands, Leaving us heart-sick and weary and sad.
Learning the lessons we never will heed— Life is so full of the things that we crave; Catching the sunshine oh, darling, each heart Longs for the sunbeams till it reaches the grave.
The Soldier's Grave.
[To the memory of Lieut. Wm. W. Wardell, of the First Massachusetts Cavalry, killed May 28, 1864.]
Above his head the cypress waves Its dark green drooping leaves; The sunlight through its branches wide Where bright birds linger side by side A golden net-work weaves.
Within the church-yard's silent gloom He lies in quiet rest; And never more to cold, pale brow, Or proud lips mute with silence now Will loving lips be pressed.
Perhaps even now in death's dark dream He sees the deadly strife; Where brothers fought with blinded eyes, Forgetting all the tender ties That bound them life to life.
Ah! nobly there he proudly rode With honest, warm, true heart; And shrank not from the carnage red, But bravely thee, among the dead, He took a soldier's part.
Yet soon his hands fell helplessly, Low at his trembling side; For on his brow the death drops rose, While in his heart the life-blood froze And died his young life's pride.
The dark brown eyes, whose loving glance Gave happiness to all, Have closed their weary lids for aye Beneath the sunset of life's day, Where dark'ning shadows fall.
Oh, weary years that still creep on Adown the sands of Time, Give back the loving tones of yore, That haunt us here forever more As echoing church bell's chime.
And yet it cannot, cannot be That hearts must ever grieve; Above his head the shadows fall, Yet still the sunbeams shine through all And mystic splendors weave.
And thus upon the grieving heart That ever weeps for him, The dark clouds fall, yet God's sweet light Of faith still onward takes its flight, Through shadows vast and grim.
Oh! faint heart, with thy clinging grief, Look upward to the sky; For there, beyond the weary strife, Where angels ever guard thy life, There's One who hears thy cry.
Within the "City of the Dead" He only lies asleep; And soon his hand will clasp once more Thine own as oft he did of your, With love's pure feeling deep.
Beyond the Sunset are the Hills of God.
Gleaming folds of read and gold linger in the western sky; Fleecy clouds of purest tint, mingle with the purple dye.
Faintly to the dreamy mind comes the sound of earthly life; Far beyond the shining banks, cometh rest from worldly strife.
Through the sunset's misty veil, now we look with longing eyes, To behold more beauteous sight than the evening's glor'ous skies.
Slowly now the red banks part, showing what is hidden there; Flushing hills of shadowy light, piercing through the dark'ning air.
Like the rainbow's promise clear, God has placed His emblem there, Giving life and trust to all, love unbounded, rich and rare.
Glimpses of a life beyond come to each faint, weary heart, And we long for that bright shore where the loved ones ne'er shall part.
Strange, that souls should still live on, hopeless with their hidden pain; When, would they but read the skies, heaven and hope would come again.
Though the life be weary spent, evening brings the glory near; And beyond the sunset's glow, grand the hills of God appear.
Two dark-brown eyes looked into mine Two eyes with restless quiver; A gentle hand crept in my own Beside the gleaming river.
"Ah, sweet," I murmured, passing sad, You will forget me ever?" The dear, brown eyes their answer gave; "I will forget you NEVER."
Up in the leaves above our heads The winds were softly dying; Down in the river at our feet The lilies pale were lying. The winds their mournful murmur sent: You will forget me ever? The lilies raised their drooping heads: We will forget you never.
A spell hung o'er the numbered hours That chained each thought and feeling; My heart was filled with idle dreams That sent my sense reeling. Once more I murmured, "Well, I know You will forget me ever;" Yet still the same dear promise came, "I will forget you NEVER."
Ah, vain the words that we must speak, Though we are still believing; And subtle are the webs of fate That love is ever weaving; The dark brown eyes meet mine no more, I am forgotten ever; And mocking memory echoes now, I will forget you NEVER.
Beside the idle stream I stand, Where flowers droop and shiver And cold and dark it seems to me This dreary, restless river; For, sweet, your eyes are lost to me, I am forgotten ever; And only MEMORY echoes now, "I will forget you NEVER."
The Mississippi.
Where is the bard, O river grand and old, That has thy praises sung, thy beauties told, In measures lofty as the mighty pride That lingers in thy deep and flowing tide? And where the echoing measures low and sweet That should thine own faint rippling songs repeat?
The eyes of nature ever turned on thee Watch o'er thy restless wandering to the sea; The rosy morn awakes thee from thy sleep; Along thy dusky waves her glances creep, And o'er the weird dark shadows of the night She spreads her sunny robes of morning light.
The yellow noon comes too, with fiery eyes, And all unwept the dewy morning dies; Thy waters run in waves of rippling gold, And all the rivers sacred deemed of old Are not so grand as thee, nor yet so fair. Amid the mists that fill the evening air The sun droops low his golden head and dies, Yet in thy depths his last glance ling'ring lies and lights it with a royal purple glow; Anon into a splendor falling low Of crimson stains and gleams of molten gold It changes, like great waves of fire rolled Across the sky.
The moon caresses thee With rays of silver light as to the sea Thy dark waves glide; and shadows long and wide Reflect grim images within thy tide. Pale stars that wander through the trackless skies All night, glance in thy depths with glowing eyes, And like a stream of silver flecked with gold Thy waters run.
O river, proud and old, From snow-bound shores thy dark waves loosened run To mingle with the waters of the sun; And lo! from North and South, from East and West, Companions come to aid thee in thy quest.
Along thy shores great cities stately stand, Sprung up beneath thy kindly welcoming hand; Proud commerce lives upon thy sweeping tide And palaces upon thy bosom glide.
O Mississippi, monarch of the West, What daring hand can quell thy proud unrest? What human pen can paint thee as thou art, The loved, the pride of every free-born heart? Thou symbol of a nation strong and free, Whose throne is on the land and on the sea! What power is thine, what might is unto thee! Though men shall die, thy waters still will be.
The Prince Imperial.
Under the cross in the Southern skies, Where the beautiful night like a shadow lies, A fair young life went out in the light To wake no more in the star-crowned night.
Beautiful visions of life were his, Visions of triumph and fame; Longing for glory that he might be Worthy to wear his name.
Brave was his heart as he sailed away Under the Northern sky; Leaving behind him all that he loved— Stilling his heart's wild cry.
Proudly his mother, with royal pride, Stifled her last regret; Steeling her heart—but her dream was in vain For the star of his race was set.
Surely the moon as he slept at night Whispered his doom on high; Surely the waves in their rocky beds Mourned as he passed them by.
For never again in the dusky night Would the prince go sailing by; Weaving his dreams with a boyish pride Under the shadowy sky.
Silent and cold in the morn he lay, Slain by a ruthless hand! Never to wake with his fearless eyes— Never again to command.
Imperial mother—too well we know The speechless depths of her awful woe; For the bright young life into Eternity hurled Was her only like to a sad, dark world.
But mothers kneel in the silent night To whisper a prayer to the Throne of Light, For the beautiful woman whose head lies low, Crushed 'neath the weight of its crown of woe.
From sun to shadow her life has swayed Like some wild rose in a mountain glade; But the storms have won, and the blossom lies Forever broken—no more to rise.
On the Lake.
There's a beautiful lake where the sun lies low, And the skies are warm with their summer glow; And a beautiful picture there I see Where the winds are warm and the waves are free, And the waves lie still in the sun As the flowers at night, when the day is done.
You may sing of your silvery seas by night When the moon looks down with a dreamy light; And the stars shine out in the skies above Like the warm sweet gaze of the eyes of love; But the glow on the lake to-day Is a glory that never will fade away.
The beautiful lake is a sea of gold And the beauty it wears will never grow old; The trees bend down in the sun's warm glow Till their branches meet in the waves below, And the clouds in the far-off skies Are mirrored anew where the sunlight lies.
I love to float where the shadows lie 'Neath the matchless glow of the summer sky; And I love to dream that these waves of light Will never fade in the gloomy night: But I know that the things I love Are as far from my reach as the clouds above.
Oh, the beautiful lake is a sea of gold And the beauty it wears will never grow old; The cloudlets of Heaven are mirrored there In a golden splendor so bright and fair That the soul is dazzled for aye By the beautiful light of this summer's day.
Oh, I love to dream when this life is o'er We shall moor our boats near the golden shore; And our sorrows shall drift from us far away As the leaves that float in their idle play, And the waves shall smile in the sun When the night is over and life is done.
Beyond yon dim old mountain's shadowy height, The restless sun droops low his grand old face; While downward sweeps the trembling veil of night, To hide the earth; the frost king's filmy lace Rests on the mountain's hoary snow-crowned head, And adds to it a softened grace; the light Which dies afar in faint and fading red In purple shadows circles near.
The flight Of birds across the vast and silent plains Awakes the echoes of the sleeping earth; Of all the summer beauty naught remains, There come no tidings of the spring's glad birth.
Beyond the valley and far-off height The birds in wandering do take their way; Ah, whither is their strange and trackless flight Amid the dying embers of the day; Into the clouds that seek to veil the sun They seem to float on strange bright wings of fire; Beyond the shades that tell us day is done They soar on spirit wings that never tire.
Ah, strange, strange mysteries indeed are these; To watch the sunlight fade and die away, To hear the whispering of the dark pine trees, To see the deepening shadows 'round us play, And then to feel that all that 'round us lies Is e'en beyond the knowledge of the soul. We seek to grasp the truth, it quickly flies And leaves us full of doubt.
Around us roll The spheres that light the way to heaven's shore, And soon their lights will brighten all the sky; And yet we dare not read their mystic lore But only stand and wait and wonder why, Beyond, beyond in deep mysterious space They wander through the darkness all the night, Each one within its own allotted place.
The stars' dim course, the birds' lone dreamy flight, Will ever fill our souls with doubt and fear. We walk upon life's unknown shadowy shore With wandering steps, while through the heavens clear The stars their music sing forevermore.
A Sonnet.
Sweet summer queen, with trailing robe of green, What spell has thou to bind the heart to thee? Thy throne is built upon the sun-lit sea, Where break the waves in clouds of silver sheen And oft at dawn like some resplendent queen, Thou sittest on the hills in majesty; And all the flowers wake at thy decree. But now farewell to all thy joys serene; The autumn comes with swift-winged, silent flight, And he will woo thee with his fiery breath; In crimson robes and hues of flashing gold He'll clothe thee, and thy beauty in the night Will take a richer glow. But wintry death Will come and wrap thee in his fold.
Under the Sea.
Under the sea, the great wide sea That sweeps the golden shore; What treasures lie beneath the waves Forevermore!
Ask of the winds, the sobbing winds That toss the waves on high; And fling the burden of their song Unto the sky.
Ask of the stars, the jeweled stars That sleep within the tide; Like golden lilies floating far, And swinging wide.
Ask of the clouds that drift at noon In fadeless seas of blue, And looking down see skies beneath Of deeper hue.
Up in the sky, the golden clouds Will never make reply; Deep in the sea, the jeweled stars In silence lie.
Under the sea, the great wide sea That sweeps the golden shore, Are secrets hidden from us now And evermore.
The Old Year and the New.
Low at my feet there lies to-night A crushed and withered rose; Within its heart of fading red No crimson fire glows; For o'er its leaves the frost of death Steals like an icy breath; And soon 't will vanish from my sight, A thing of gloom and death.
Ah! beauteous flower, once thou wert My pleasure and my pride; And now when thou art old and worn I will not turn aside; But gently o'er thy faded leaves I'll shed one kindly tear; That thou wilt know, though dead and gone, To memory thou art dear.
Before my gaze there lies to-night A rose-bud fresh and fair; And like the breath of dewy morn Its fragrance scents the air. This fragile flower I fain would pluck With hand most kind yet bold; And watch its petals day by day Their shining wealth unfold.
And soon 'twill be my very own To keep forevermore: This flower that bloomed for me alone Upon a heavenly shore. God grant my hands may guard it well And keep it pure and fair; For angel hands have gathered it And placed it in my care.
Then fare thee well, thou dying year, Thou art my withered rose; And on the stem where once thou wert, Another flower grows; Yet fear thee not, when thou are dead, To thee I'll still be true; And 'mid the joys of other years I still will think of you.
Let all the flowers wake to life; Let all the songsters sing; Let everything that lives on earth Become a joyous thing.
Wake up, thou pansy, purple-eyed, And greet the dewy spring; Swell out, ye buds, and o'er the earth Thy sweetest fragrance fling.
Why dost thou sleep, sweet violet? The earth has need of thee; Wake up and catch the melody That sounds from sea to sea.
Ye stars, that dwell in noonday skies, Shine on, though all unseen; The great White Throne lies just beyond, The stars are all between.
Ring out, ye bells, sweet Easter bells, And ring the glory in; Ring out the sorrow, born of earth— Ring out the stains of sin.
O banners wide, that sweep the sky, Unfurl ye to the sun; And gently wave about the graves Of those whose lives are done.
Let peace be in the hearts that mourn— Let "Rest" be in the grave; The Hand that swept these lives away Hath power alone to save.
Ring out, ye bells, sweet Easter bells, And ring the glory in; Ring out the sorrow, born of earth— Ring out the stains of sin.
The world is full of gems to-day, The world is full of love; The earth is strewn with star-gemmed flowers That fall from skies above.
The sunshine is a stream of gold That flows from flower to flower; The shadows are but passing thoughts That mark each shining hour.
The pansy nods her purple head, And sings a silent song; Her life is full of sunny hours— The days are never long.
The rose uplifts her sun-crowned head; She is the queen of love; Her eyes behold the hidden stars That glow in skies above.
There is a fragrance in the air, A glory in the sky; Oh, who would sigh for other days, Or grieve for things gone by?
Summer Rain.
Oh, what is so pure as the glad summer rain, That falls on the grass where the sunlight has lain? And what is so fair as the flowers that lie All bathed in the tears of the soft summer sky?
The blue of the heavens is dimmed by the rain That wears away sorrow and washes out pain; But we know that the flowers we cherish would die Were it not for the tears of the cloud-laden sky.
The rose is the sweeter when kissed by the rain, And hearts are the dearer where sorrow has lain; The sky is the fairer that rain-clouds have swept, And no eyes are so bright as the eyes that have wept.
Oh, they are so happy, these flowers that die, They laugh in the sunshine, oh, why cannot I? They droop in the shadow, they smile in the sun, Yet they die in the winter when summer is done.
The lily is lovely, and fragrant her breath, But the beauty she wears is the emblem of death; The rain is so fair as it falls on the flowers, But the clouds are the shadows of sunnier hours.
Why laugh in the sunshine, why smile in the rain? The world is a shadow and life is a pain; Why live in the summer, why dream in the sun, To die in the winter, when summer is done?
Oh, there is the truth that each life underlies, That baffles the poets and sages so wise; Ah! there is the bitter that lies in the sweet As we gather the roses that bloom at our feet.
Oh, flowers forgive me, I'm willful to-day, Oh, take back the lesson you gave me I pray; For I slept in the sunshine, I woke in the rain And it banished forever my sorrow and pain.
Oh, soon the forests all will boast A crown of red and gold; A purple haze will circle round The mountains dim and old; Afar the hills, now green and fair, Their sombre robes will wear; A mist-like veil will dim the sun And linger on the air.
Already seems the earth half sad The summer-child is dead; And who can tell the dreams gone by, The tales of life unsaid? September is a glowing time; A month of happy hours; Yet in its crimson heart lies hid The frost that kills the flowers.
Life, too, may feel the glory near And wear its crown of gold; Yet are the snows not nearest then? Are hearts not growing old? September is the prime of life, The glory of the year; Yet when the leaves begin to fall The winter must be near.
I would not ask thee back, fair May, With all your bright-eyed flowers; Nor would I welcome April days With all their laughing showers; For each bright season of the year Can claim its own sweet pleasures; And we must take them as they come— These gladly-given treasures.
There's music in the rain that falls In bright October weather; And we must learn to love them both— The sun and rain together. A mist is 'round the mountain-tops Of gold-encircled splendor; A dreamy spell is in the air Of beauty sad and tender.
The winter hath not wooed her yet, This fair October maiden; And she is free to wander still With fruits and flowers laden. She shakes the dew-drops from her hair In one swift, golden shower; And all the woods are filled with light That gilds each autumn flower.
But soon the frost-king's icy breath Will chill her laughing beauty; And she will waken in the dusk Unto a sterner duty. Ah! life is full of days like these, Of days too bright to perish; Yet death, like winter, claims too oft The things we most would cherish.
Falling Leaves.
There was a sound of music low— An undertone of laughter; The song was done, and can't you guess The words that followed after?
Like autumn leaves sometimes they fall— The words that burn and falter; And is it true they too must fade Upon Love's sacred alter?
From memory each one of us Can cull some sweetest treasure; Yet golden days, like golden leaves, Give pain as well as pleasure.
There was a sound of music low— An undertone of laughter: The sun was gone—yet heaven knew The stars that followed after.
Autumn Flowers.
O crimson-tined flowers That live when others die, What thoughtless hand unloving Could ever pass you by?
You are the last bright blossoms, The summer's after-glow, When all her early children Have faded long ago.
Sweet golden-rod and xenia And crimson marigold, What dreams of autumn splendor Your velvet leaves unfold.
Long, long ago the violets Have closed their sweet blue eyes, And lain with pale, dead faces Beneath the summer skies.
And on their graves you blossom With leaves of gold and red, And yet—how soon forever Your beauty will be fled.
The frost will come to kill you The snows will wrap you round; And you will sleep forgotten Upon the frozen ground.
Your tints are like the beauty The sunlight leaves behind, And deep and full of sadness The thoughts you bring to mind.
Dear memories of the summer! Sweet tokens of the past! You are the fairest flowers Because you are the last.
Why should we dream of days gone by? Why should we wait and wonder? Sweet summer days have come and gone, The leaves are falling yonder.
The wee sweet flowers we loved the best, The king of frost has chosen; And now the sun looks sadly down Upon his darlings frozen.
Ah! summer sun and autumn frost, You are at war forever; For all the ties that one would make The other fain would sever.
With autumn days remembrance comes Of golden glories fleeting; Of pleasures gone and sorrows come— Of parting and of meeting.
Oh! summer days, why haunt us still? Remembrance is a sorrow; And all the dreams we dream to-day Will fade upon the morrow.
Each life has some sweet summer-time, Some perfect day of beauty; When flowers of love and leaves of hope Are twined around each duty.
But oh! the autumn-time will come, Which fades each golden glory; And life, when we are old and gray, Seems but a sad, old story.
Winter Flowers.
The summer queen has many flowers To deck her sunny hair, And trailing grasses, pure and sweet, To scent the heavy air; And upward through the misty sky There is a glory too, Of floating clouds and rifts of gold And depths of smiling blue.
Yet winter, too, can boast a wealth Of flowers pure and white; A kingly crown of frosted gems— A wreath of sparkling light; So bright and beautiful, indeed, It were a wondrous sight To see a world of fragile flowers Sprung up within a night.
And sometimes there are cast'es, too, Of glittering ice and snow, Piled high upon our window-panes 'Neath curtains hanging low; And they are like the castles fair Our day-dreams build for aye; A frozen mist that one warm breath May quickly drive away.
And yet, how beautiful they are, These flowers of our breath; That bloom when not a leaf is left To mourn the summer's death. And oh! how wondrous are the things That God has given the earth; The day that brings to one a death Smiles on another's birth.
I wonder what they are, These pretty, wayward things, That o'er the gloomy earth The wind of heaven flings.
Each one a tiny star, And each a perfect gem; What magic in the art That thus has fashioned them.
What beauty in the flake That falls upon my hand; And yet this tiny thing My will cannot command.
No two are just alike, And yet they are the same; I wonder if my thought Could give to each a name.
Unlike the fragile flowers That love the sun's warm rays, These snow-flakes love the cold, And die on sunny days!
So dainty and so pure, How beautiful they are; And yet the slightest touch Their purity may mar.
They must be gazed upon, Not handled or caressed; And thus we hold afar The things we love the best.
Sunset on the Mississippi.
O beautiful hills in the purple light, That shadow the western sky, I dream of you oft in the silent night, As the golden days go by.
The river that flows at my longing feet Is tinged with a deeper glow; But the song that it sings is as sad to-day As it was in the long ago.
The far-off clouds in the far-off sky Are tinted with gold and red; But the lesson they tell to the hearts of men Is a lesson that never is said.
The star-crowned night in her sable plumes Is veiling the eastern sky, And she trails her robes in the dying fires That far in the west do lie.
A single gem from her circlet old Is lost as she wanders by, And the beautiful star with its golden light Shines out in the lonely sky.
O beautiful star in the misty sky, My soul would take wings with tee; But you sail away in your golden seas With never a thought for me.
O sun-crowned hills in the purple light. I could sit at your feet forever; But you fade away in the shadowy night And I'll see you again, ah, never.
Dark river that flows at my longing feet, I list to your music low; But the song that you sing brings me thoughts to-night Of the beautiful long ago;
And my soul grows sad as I think of the day— That radiant day of light— When the sun went down in a glory of gold 'Neath the pitiless shadows of night.
Farewell, ye hills in the purple light; Farewell to your glory forever; You fade away in the silent night, And I'll see you again, ah, never!
Not Dead, but Sleeping.
[To the memory of Edwin B. Foster, a member of the Howards, who nobly sacrificed his own life for others, and in remembrance of those unknown to fame or friends who have silently followed in the steps of our Saviour.]
The shadow of death is around us all, And life is a sorrowful thing; For the winds sweep by with a mournful sigh, And sad are the tidings they bring.
He is dead—and the strong, brave life that he gave Seemed offered to God in vain; Yet he died, Christ-like, in a labor of love, 'Mid sorrow and death and pain.
And why should we sorrow—the crown is his And the glory of life is won; Though he died when his labor was just begun, Yet the work of his life is done.
The beautiful South is a land of death, Where the shadows darken the sun; And the moans of the dying are heard in the night When the deeds of the day are done.
The sunlight falls with a dreary gleam On the cities where ruin is spread, And the rain beats down with a mournful sound On the graves of the silent dead.
Yet high in the heavens a Hand is stretched, That treasures the deeds of love; And the lives gone out in the darkness below Are wrapped in the glory above.
The North bends down in her icy pride And kisses the land of the sun; Love joins them both in a flood of tears, And the glory of peace is won.
The hand that was dyed in a brother's blood Now eases that brother's pain; And the hearts that in life were driven apart, In death are united again.
Then why should we sorrow—our God is love, And lives are not lived in vain; Bright hope still shines like a star of night In the shadow of death and pain.
A Sunbeam.
The sun was hid all day by clouds, The rain fell softly down; A cold gray mist hung o'er the earth, And veiled the silent town.
Behind the clouds a sunbeam crept With restless wings of gold; The skies above were bright and warm, The earth below was cold.
It glanced along the heavy clouds, Then sought to glide between; But ah! they gathered closer still, With fierce and angry mien.
The dancing ray grew strangely still, Just like some weary bird, That droops upon a lonely shore, And sings its song unheard.
For on the earth the drooping flowers Were longing for the light; And children with their watching eyes Could trace no sunbeam's flight.
At last an angel, wand'ring by, With snowy wings outspread, Beheld the sunbeam sad at heart, And passing by she said:
"Why wait you here above the clouds, The earth has need of you; Spread out your wings, speed quickly on And pierce the vapor through."
But still the sunbeam mournfully Gazed on the gloom below; Then looked up in the spirit's face With softened, anxious glow.
The angel smiled, the clouds gave way And drifted far apart; And lo! the glory of that smile Fell on each earthly heart.
Then quickly through the widening rift The sunbeam drifted down; A ray of gold fell through the mist Upon the silent town.
Two weary eyes beheld its light, Then closed forevermore; A soul passed through the rift of blue And reached the farther shore.
One moment o'er the wan, white face A ray of glory fell; Then shadows came, the sunbeam fled; Its future who can tell?
Once more the clouds enwrapped the earth, The rain fell softly down; A cold, gray mist hung o'er the hills And veiled the silent town.
The Phantom of Love.
She stood by my side with a queenly air, Her face it was young and proud and fair; She held my rose in her hands of snow; It crimsoned her face with a deeper glow; The sunlight drooped in her eyes of fire And quickened my heart to a wild desire; I envied the rose in her hands so fair, I envied the flowers that gleamed in her hair.
Ah! many a suitor I knew before Had knelt at her feet in the days of yore; And many a lover as foolish as I, Had proudly boasted to win or die. She had scorned them all with a careless grace And a woman's scorn on her beautiful face. Yet now in the summer I knelt at her feet, And dreamed a dream that was fair and sweet.
The roses drooped in her gold-brown hair, And quivered and glowed in the sun-lit air; The jewels gleamed on her hands of snow And dazzled my eyes with their fitful glow. A river of gold ran low at our feet, And echoed the words I cannot repeat. Oh! life was fair that I loved the sun! And love was so sweet when the day was done!
The sun in her velvety eyes looked down And deepened their glow to a warmer brown. I loved this woman, this woman so fair, With her sun-lit eyes and her gleaming hair; I drank in her beauty as men drink wine,— It filled my soul with a love divine. The touch of her hand was madness to me; Oh, my love was as great as love could be!
I kissed the roses that drooped in her hair, I pressed the dews from her lips so fair; I held her hands in my own once more; Oh, never was woman so loved before! And what did we care that the sun was low, And the hills were bright with the sunset glow? The purple that glowed in the skies above, Was the royal banner of hope and love.
One perfumed breath from her lips so fair, One sacred kiss on her sun-lit hair, And then we parted as lovers meet— I gathered the roses that lay at her feet, And fastened them in, with a lover's prayer, Where she loved them best, in her silken hair; For the things she loved were as dear to me As the shining stars to the watching sea.
On lake and river, the sun lay low Where we parted that night in the summer glow And the hanging clouds were steeped in red, That rivaled the gold of her sun-crowned head. And I loved her best as I saw her last. With the beautiful colors floating past, And the soft warm light in her velvety eyes, Reflecting the glow of the sun-kissed skies. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I stood on the shore when the moon hung low And shone on the clouds like the sun on snow; And a midnight silence filled the air As I gazed on the river, calm and fair. I stood alone where the dark reeds quiver, And the lilies pale in the night-winds shiver. I dreamed of my love that was fair as the day, Oh, the beautiful love that would last for aye!
Oh! what is that—in the river there— Is it the gleam of the lilies tall and fair, Or only the branch of some fallen tree, By the constant wash of the waves set free? Oh, see! how strange it looks and how white. How it glistens and gleams in the shining light! It dazzles my eyes—Oh, what can it be? It is nearing the shore—it is coming to me!
My God! that my eyes could be blind to-night To shut out forever that dreadful sight! Oh, God! am I mad—or can it be That the woman I loved is thus coming to me? That bright thing drifting down with the tide, Is all that is left of my beautiful bride!
Oh, pitiless moon with your pale cold light, Grow dark for one instant and shut out that sight, Till my eyes, grown dim with the tears unshed Shall look no more on the face of my dead.
The pale lilies circle around her head And whisper slowly—my love is dead. The dark weeds lie in her tangled hair, Where I last saw the roses gleaming there. The cold winds shiver and moan in the night As they sweep 'round her brow in the shining light. Oh, God! is it I who am standing alone Where the night-winds shiver and creep and moan, Filling my soul with a grief so mad That I hate the things that are living and glad?
Fear not, my love, you shall welcome be, For even in death you have come to me. The dead and the living shall lie to-night. 'Neath the pitiless waves of that river bright. I grasp her robe as it sweeps me by— We have lived together, together we die; Her face is so white—is it a woman I see, Or only a phantom drifting past me? Her hand is so near—it touches my own— My God! it is gone—I am standing alone.
Oh, why did I love when the sun was high, And the clouds lay piled in the glittering sky! Oh, why did I love when the sun lay low And the heavens were red with the blood-red glow! And why do I live when the purple light Is faded forever from out of my sight.
Oh, beautiful demon, that men call love, As fair as the angels that smile above! 'T were better that men should never be born Than see thy face in the dewy morn. 'T were better that women should stand afar, And worship in vain some cold, proud star; Than drink in thy beauty with passionate breath That brings to them only sorrow and death.