=. Venice: S. Maria Formosa_)
But without a doubt, although the works of this master were many, and all much esteemed, that one is better than all the others and truly extraordinary in which he made his own portrait from life by looking at himself in a mirror, with some camel-skins about him, and certain tufts of hair, and all so lifelike that nothing better could be imagined. For so much did the genius of Palma effect in this particular work, that he made it quite miraculous and beautiful beyond belief, as all men declare, the picture being seen almost every year at the Festival of the Ascension. And, in truth, it well deserves to be celebrated, in point of draughtsmanship, colouring, and mastery of art—in a word, on account of its absolute perfection—beyond any other work whatsoever that had been executed by any Venetian painter up to that time, since, besides other things, there may be seen in the eyes a roundness so perfect, that Leonardo da Vinci and Michelagnolo Buonarroti would not have done it in any other way. But it is better to say nothing of the grace, the dignity, and the other qualities that are to be seen in this portrait, because it is not possible to say as much of its perfection as would exhaust its merits. If Fate had decreed that Palma should die after this work, he would have carried off with him the glory of having surpassed all those whom we celebrate as our rarest and most divine intellects; but the duration of his life, keeping him at work, brought it about that, not maintaining the high beginning that he had made, he came to deteriorate as much as most men had thought him destined to improve. Finally, content that one or two supreme works should have cleared him of some of the censure that the others had brought upon him, he died in Venice at the age of forty-eight.
A friend and companion of Palma was Lorenzo Lotto, a painter of Venice, who, after imitating for some time the manner of the Bellini, attached himself to that of Giorgione, as is shown by many pictures and portraits which are in the houses of gentlemen in Venice. In the house of Andrea Odoni there is a portrait of him, which is very beautiful, by the hand of Lorenzo. And in the house of Tommaso da Empoli, a Florentine, there is a picture of the Nativity of Christ, painted as an effect of night, which is one of great beauty, particularly because the splendour of Christ is seen to illuminate the picture in a marvellous manner; and there is the Madonna kneeling, with a portrait of Messer Marco Loredano in a full-length figure that is adoring Christ. For the Carmelite Friars the same master painted an altar-piece showing S. Nicholas in his episcopal robes, poised in the air, with three Angels; below him are S. Lucia and S. John, on high some clouds, and beneath these a most beautiful landscape, with many little figures and animals in various places. On one side is S. George on horseback, slaying the Dragon, and at a little distance the Maiden, with a city not far away, and an arm of the sea. For the Chapel of S. Antonino, Archbishop of Florence, in SS. Giovanni e Paolo, Lorenzo executed an altar-piece containing the first-named Saint seated with two priests in attendance, and many people below.
While this painter was still young, imitating partly the manner of the Bellini and partly that of Giorgione, he painted an altar-piece, divided into six pictures, for the high-altar of S. Domenico at Recanati. In the central picture is the Madonna with the Child in her arms, giving the habit, by the hands of an Angel, to S. Dominic, who is kneeling before the Virgin; and in this picture are also two little boys, one playing on a lute and the other on a rebeck. In the second picture are the Popes S. Gregory and S. Urban; and in the third is S. Thomas Aquinas, with another saint, who was Bishop of Recanati. Above these are the three other pictures; and in the centre, above the Madonna, is a Dead Christ, supported by an Angel, with His Mother kissing His arm, and S. Magdalene. Over the picture of S. Gregory are S. Mary Magdalene and S. Vincent; and in the third—namely, above the S. Thomas Aquinas—are S. Gismondo and S. Catharine of Siena. In the predella, which is a rare work painted with little figures, there is in the centre the scene of S. Maria di Loreto being carried by the Angels from the regions of Sclavonia to the place where it now stands. Of the two scenes that are on either side of this, one shows S. Dominic preaching, the little figures being the most graceful in the world, and the other Pope Honorius confirming the Rule of S. Dominic. In the middle of this church is a figure of S. Vincent, the Friar, executed in fresco by the hand of the same master. And in the Church of S. Maria di Castelnuovo there is an altar-piece in oils of the Transfiguration of Christ, with three scenes painted with little figures in the predella—Christ leading the Apostles to Mount Tabor, His Prayer in the Garden, and His Ascension into Heaven.
After these works Lorenzo went to Ancona, at the very time when Mariano da Perugia had finished a panel-picture, with a large ornamental frame, for the high-altar of S. Agostino. This did not give much satisfaction; and Lorenzo was commissioned to paint a picture, which is placed in the middle of the same church, of Our Lady with the Child in her lap, and two figures of Angels in the air, in foreshortening, crowning the Virgin.
Finally, being now old, and having almost lost his voice, Lorenzo made his way, after executing some other works of no great importance at Ancona, to the Madonna of Loreto, where he had already painted an altar-piece in oils, which is in a chapel at the right hand of the entrance into the church. There, having resolved to finish his life in the service of the Madonna, and to make that holy house his habitation, he set his hand to executing scenes with figures one braccio or less in height round the choir, over the seats of the priests. In one scene he painted the Birth of Jesus Christ, and in another the Magi adoring Him. Next came the Presentation to Simeon, and after that the Baptism of Christ by John in the Jordan. There was also the Woman taken in Adultery being led before Christ, and all these were executed with much grace. Two other scenes, likewise, did he paint there, with an abundance of figures; one of David causing a sacrifice to be offered, and in the other was the Archangel Michael in combat with Lucifer, after having driven him out of Heaven.
These works finished, no long time had passed when, even as he had lived like a good citizen and a true Christian, so he died, rendering up his soul to God his Master. These last years of his life he found full of happiness and serenity of mind, and, what is more, we cannot but believe that they gave him the earnest of the blessings of eternal life; which might not have happened to him if at the end of his life he had been wrapped up too closely in the things of this world, which, pressing too heavily on those who put their whole trust in them, prevent them from ever raising their minds to the true riches and the supreme blessedness and felicity of the other life.
There also flourished in Romagna at this time the excellent painter Rondinello, of whom we made some slight mention in the Life of Giovanni Bellini, whose disciple he was, assisting him much in his works. This Rondinello, after leaving Giovanni Bellini, laboured at his art to such purpose, that, being very diligent, he executed many works worthy of praise; of which we have witness in the panel-picture of the high-altar in the Duomo at Forli, showing Christ giving the Communion to the Apostles, which he painted there with his own hand, executing it very well. In the lunette above this picture he painted a Dead Christ, and in the predella some scenes with little figures, finished with great diligence, representing the actions of S. Helena, the mother of the Emperor Constantine, in the finding of the Cross. He also painted a single figure of S. Sebastian, which is very beautiful, in a picture in the same church. For the altar of S. Maria Maddalena, in the Duomo of Ravenna, he painted a panel-picture in oils containing the single figure of that Saint; and below this, in a predella, he executed three scenes with very graceful little figures. In one is Christ appearing to Mary Magdalene in the form of a gardener, in another S. Peter leaving the ship and walking over the water towards Christ, and between them the Baptism of Jesus Christ; and all are very beautiful. For S. Giovanni Evangelista, in the same city, he painted two panel-pictures, one with that Saint consecrating the church, and in the other three martyrs, S. Cantius, S. Cantianus, and S. Cantianilla, figures of great beauty. In S. Apollinare, also in that city, are two pictures, highly extolled, each with a single figure, S. John the Baptist and S. Sebastian. And in the Church of the Spirito Santo there is a panel, likewise by his hand, containing the Madonna placed between the Virgin Martyr S. Catharine and S. Jerome. For S. Francesco, likewise, he painted two panel-pictures, one of S. Catharine and S. Francis, and in the other Our Lady with S. James the Apostle, S. Francis, and many figures. For S. Domenico, in like manner, he executed two other panels, one of which, containing the Madonna and many figures, is on the left hand of the high-altar, and the other, a work of no little beauty, is on a wall of the church. And for the Church of S. Niccolo, a convent of Friars of S. Augustine, he painted another panel with S. Laurence and S. Francis. So much was he commended for all these works, that during his lifetime he was held in great account, not only in Ravenna but throughout all Romagna. Rondinello lived to the age of sixty, and was buried in S. Francesco at Ravenna.
=. Ravenna: Accademia_)
This master left behind him Francesco da Cotignola, a painter likewise held in estimation in that city, who painted many works; in particular, for the high-altar of the Church of the Abbey of Classi in Ravenna, a panel-picture of some size representing the Raising of Lazarus, with many figures. There, opposite to that work, in the year 1548, Giorgio Vasari executed for Don Romualdo da Verona, Abbot of that place, another panel-picture containing the Deposition of Christ from the Cross, with a large number of figures. Francesco also painted a panel-picture of the Nativity of Christ, which is of great size, for S. Niccolo, and likewise two panels, with various figures, for S. Sebastiano. For the Hospital of S. Catarina he painted a panel-picture with Our Lady, S. Catharine, and many other figures; and for S. Agata he painted a panel with Christ Crucified, the Madonna at the foot of the Cross, and a good number of other figures, for which he won praise. And for S. Apollinare, in the same city, he executed three panel-pictures; one for the high-altar, containing the Madonna, S. John the Baptist, and S. Apollinare, with S. Jerome and other saints; another likewise of the Madonna, with S. Peter and S. Catharine; and in the third and last Jesus Christ bearing His Cross, but this he was not able to finish, being overtaken by death.
Francesco was a very pleasing colourist, but not so good a draughtsman as Rondinello; yet he was held in no small estimation by the people of Ravenna. He chose to be buried after his death in S. Apollinare, for which he had painted the said figures, being content that his remains, when he was dead, should lie at rest in the place for which he had laboured when alive.
Agnolo, Andrea d' (Andrea del Sarto), Life, 85-120. 164, 194, 217-221, 231
Agnolo, Baccio d' (Baccio Baglioni), 91, 98, 102
Agnolo Bronzino, 127, 163
Agnolo di Cristofano, 223
Agnolo di Donnino, 38
Agostino Busto (Il Bambaja), 42, 43
Agostino Viniziano, 97
Aimo, Domenico (Bologna), 28
Albertinelli, Mariotto, 86, 212, 217
Albertino, Francesco d' (Francesco Ubertini, or Il Bacchiacca), 222
Alberto, Antonio, 13
Albrecht Duerer, 96
Alessandro Allori, 127
Alessandro Vittoria, 247
Alesso Baldovinetti, 88, 92
Alfonso Lombardi, Life, 131-136. 210
Allori, Alessandro, 127
Amalteo, Pomponio, 154, 155
Amico Aspertini, Life, 209-211. 125, 207-211
Andrea Contucci (Andrea Sansovino, or Andrea dal Monte Sansovino), Life, 21-31. 43, 88
Andrea d' Agnolo (Andrea del Sarto), Life, 85-120. 164, 194, 217-221, 231
Andrea da Fiesole (Andrea Ferrucci), Life, 3-8. 11
Andrea dal Castagno (Andrea degli Impiccati), 116
Andrea dal Monte Sansovino (Andrea Sansovino, or Andrea Contucci), Life, 21-31. 43, 88
Andrea degli Impiccati (Andrea dal Castagno), 116
Andrea del Sarto (Andrea d' Agnolo), Life, 85-120. 164, 194, 217-221, 231
Andrea della Robbia, 90
Andrea di Cosimo Feltrini, Life, 229-233. 221, 228
Andrea Ferrucci (Andrea da Fiesole), Life, 3-8. 11
Andrea Sansovino (Andrea Contucci, or Andrea dal Monte Sansovino), Life, 21-31. 43, 88
Andrea Sguazzella, 100, 118
Andrea Verrocchio, 49, 50, 55
Anguisciuola, Sofonisba, 127, 128
Antonio Alberto, 13
Antonio da Carrara, 8
Antonio da San Gallo (the elder), 97
Antonio da San Gallo (the younger), 29, 43, 58, 72
Antonio da Trento (Antonio Fantuzzi), 249, 250
Antonio del Rozzo (Antonio del Tozzo), 73
Antonio di Donnino Mazzieri, 223
Antonio di Giorgio Marchissi, 4
Antonio di Giovanni (Solosmeo), 118
Antonio Fantuzzi (Antonio da Trento), 249, 250
Antonio Floriani, 148, 149
Antonio Mini, 165
Antonio Pollaiuolo, 21
Apelles, 14
Aretusi, Pellegrino degli (Pellegrino da Modena, or Pellegrino de' Munari), Life, 80-81. 176
Aristotele (Sebastiano) da San Gallo, 97
Aspertini, Amico, Life, 209-211. 125, 207-211
Bacchiacca, Il (Francesco Ubertini, or Francesco d' Albertino), 222
Baccio Baglioni (Baccio d' Agnolo), 91, 98, 102
Baccio Bandinelli, 5, 27, 36, 57, 96-98, 135
Baccio d' Agnolo (Baccio Baglioni), 91, 98, 102
Baccio da Montelupo, Life, 41-45. 97
Baccio della Porta (Fra Bartolommeo di San Marco), 159, 160, 194
Baglioni, Baccio (Baccio d' Agnolo), 91, 98, 102
Bagnacavallo, Bartolommeo da (Bartolommeo Ramenghi), Life, 207-209
Bagnacavallo, Giovan Battista da, 201
Baldassarre Peruzzi, Life, 63-74. 57, 63-74, 136, 170, 176, 208
Baldovinetti, Alesso, 88, 92
Bambaja, Il (Agostino Busto), 42, 43
Bandinelli, Baccio, 5, 27, 36, 57, 96-98, 135
Barbieri, Domenico del, 201
Barile, Gian (of Florence), 86
Bartolommeo da Bagnacavallo (Bartolommeo Ramenghi), Life, 207-209
Bartolommeo di San Marco, Fra (Baccio della Porta), 159, 160, 194
Bartolommeo Miniati, 201
Bartolommeo Neroni (Riccio), 73
Bartolommeo Ramenghi (Bartolommeo da Bagnacavallo), Life, 207-209
Bastianello Florigorio (Sebastiano Florigerio), 148
Battista, Martino di (Pellegrino da San Daniele, or Martino da Udine), 145-150
Battista Dossi, Life, 139-141
Battistino, 193, 194
Baviera, 194
Bazzi, Giovanni Antonio (Sodoma), 73
Beccafumi, Domenico (Domenico di Pace), 74, 153, 163
Belli, Valerio de' (Valerio Vicentino), 247
Bellini family, 262
Bellini, Giovanni, 145, 146, 260, 264
Bembo, Giovan Francesco (Giovan Francesco Vetraio), 180
Benedetto, 165
Benedetto da Ferrara (Benedetto Coda), 211, 212
Benedetto da Maiano, 5
Benedetto da Rovezzano, Life, 35-38
Benedetto Spadari, 195, 196
Benvenuto Cellini, 135
Bernardino del Lupino (Bernardino Luini), 60
Bernardino Pinturicchio, 227
Bernardo da Vercelli, 151
Bernardo del Buda (Bernardo Rosselli), 116
Bernazzano, Cesare, 141
Biagio, Raffaello di, 231, 232
Biagio Bolognese (Biagio Pupini), 208, 211
Bicci, Lorenzo di, 5
Boccaccino, Boccaccio, Life, 58-60
Boccaccino, Camillo, 59, 60
Boccalino, Giovanni (Giovanni Ribaldi), 29
Bologna (Domenico Aimo), 28
Bolognese, Biagio (Biagio Pupini), 208, 211
Borgo, Raffaello dal (Raffaello dal Colle), 140, 195, 196
Borgo, Santi Titi dal, 160
Boscoli, Maso, 6
Bramante da Urbino, 26, 28, 29, 65, 68, 69
Bronzino, Agnolo, 127, 163
Buda, Bernardo del (Bernardo Rosselli), 116
Buonaccorsi, Perino (Perino del Vaga), 7, 77-79, 153, 162
Buonarroti, Michelagnolo, 5, 6, 23, 43-45, 58, 86, 111, 117, 128, 135, 165, 190, 194, 228, 245, 247, 261
Busto, Agostino (Il Bambaja), 42, 43
Caccianimici, Francesco, 201
Caccianimici, Vincenzio, 255, 256
Cadore, Tiziano da (Tiziano Vecelli), 66, 133, 134, 152, 153
Calavrese, Marco (Marco Cardisco), Life, 237-239
Caldara, Polidoro (Polidoro da Caravaggio), Life, 175-185
Calzolaio, Sandrino del, 161, 165
Camillo Boccaccino, 59, 60
Capanna (of Siena), 74
Caraglio, Giovanni Jacopo, 194
Caravaggio, Polidoro da (Polidoro Caldara), Life, 175-185
Cardisco, Marco (Marco Calavrese), Life, 237-239
Carpi, Girolamo da (Girolamo da Ferrara), 154
Carrara, Antonio da, 8
Carrara, Danese da (Danese Cattaneo), 135
Carrucci, Jacopo (Jacopo da Pontormo), 93, 98, 104, 118, 135, 190, 221, 222, 231, 232
Castagno, Andrea dal (Andrea degli Impiccati), 116
Castelfranco, Giorgione da, 149, 228, 262
Castellani, Leonardo, 238
Castrocaro, Gian Jacopo da, 50
Cattaneo, Danese (Danese da Carrara), 135
Cellini, Benvenuto, 135
Cesare Bernazzano, 141
Cesare da Sesto (Cesare da Milano), 65, 141
Cicilia, Il, 8
Cimabue, Giovanni, 177
Cioli, Simone, 30
Claudio of Paris, 201
Coda, Benedetto (Benedetto da Ferrara), 211, 212
Cola dalla Matrice (Niccola Filotesio), 238, 239
Colle, Raffaello dal (Raffaello dal Borgo), 140, 195, 196
Conte, Jacopo del, 119
Conti, Domenico, 115, 119
Contucci, Andrea (Andrea Sansovino, or Andrea dal Monte Sansovino), Life, 21-31. 43, 88
Cosimo, Piero di, 86
Cosimo Rosselli, 88, 229
Cosimo, Silvio, 6-8
Cotignola, Francesco da (Francesco de' Zaganelli), Life, 265-266
Cotignola, Girolamo da (Girolamo Marchesi), Life, 211-212. 207
Credi, Lorenzo di, Life, 49-52. 159
Credi, Maestro, 49
Crescione, Giovan Filippo, 238
Cristofano, Agnolo di, 223
Cronaca, Il (Simone del Pollaiuolo), 22
Cuticello (Giovanni Antonio Licinio, or Pordenone), Life, 145-155
Danese da Carrara (Danese Cattaneo), 135
Della Robbia family, 22
Domenico Aimo (Bologna), 28
Domenico Beccafumi (Domenico di Pace), 74, 153, 163
Domenico Conti, 115, 119
Domenico dal Monte Sansovino, 30
Domenico del Barbieri, 201
Domenico di Pace (Domenico Beccafumi), 74, 153, 163
Domenico di Paris, 195
Domenico di Polo, 135
Domenico Puligo, 109
Donato (Donatello), 23
Donnino, Agnolo di, 38
Dossi, Battista, Life, 139-141
Dossi, Dosso, Life, 139-141
Duerer, Albrecht, 96
Fagiuoli, Girolamo, 250
Fantuzzi, Antonio (Antonio da Trento), 249, 250
Fattore, Il (Giovan Francesco Penni), Life, 77-80. 201
Feltrini, Andrea di Cosimo, Life, 229-233. 221, 228
Feltro, Morto da, Life, 227-229. 230
Ferrara, Benedetto da (Benedetto Coda), 211, 212
Ferrara, Girolamo da (Girolamo da Carpi), 154
Ferrari, Gaudenzio, 81
Ferrucci, Andrea (Andrea da Fiesole), Life, 3-8. 11
Ferrucci, Francesco di Simone, 3
Fiesole, Andrea da (Andrea Ferrucci), Life, 3-8. 11
Filippo Lippi (Filippino), 87
Filotesio, Niccola (Cola dalla Matrice), 238, 239
Floriani, Antonio, 148, 149
Floriani, Francesco, 148, 149
Florigorio, Bastianello (Sebastiano Florigerio), 148
Fontana, Prospero, 213
Fra Bartolommeo di San Marco (Baccio della Porta), 159, 160, 194
Fra Sebastiano Viniziano del Piombo, 66
Francesco, Mariotto di, 231-233
Francesco Caccianimici, 201
Francesco d' Albertino (Francesco Ubertini, or Il Bacchiacca), 222
Francesco da Cotignola (Francesco de' Zaganelli), Life, 265-266
Francesco da San Gallo, 27
Francesco da Siena, 71, 73
Francesco de' Rossi (Francesco Salviati), 119
Francesco de' Zaganelli (Francesco da Cotignola), Life, 265-266
Francesco di Girolamo dal Prato, 135
Francesco di Mirozzo (Melozzo), 140
Francesco di Simone Ferrucci, 3
Francesco Floriani, 148, 149
Francesco Granacci (Il Granaccio), 97, 98, 231
Francesco Mazzuoli (Parmigiano), Life, 243-256
Francesco of Orleans, 201
Francesco Primaticcio, 200, 201, 203
Francesco Salviati (Francesco de' Rossi), 119
Francesco Ubertini (Francesco d' Albertino, or Il Bacchiacca), 222
Franciabigio (Francia), Life, 217-223. 86-89, 91, 93, 101, 103, 104, 217-223, 231, 232
Francucci, Innocenzio (Innocenzio da Imola), Life, 212-213. 207, 209
Gaudenzio Ferrari, 81
Genga, Girolamo, 15, 16, 140
Gensio Liberale, 149
Ghirlandajo, Michele di Ridolfo, 165
Ghirlandajo, Ridolfo, 220, 231
Gian Barile (of Florence), 86
Gian Jacopo da Castrocaro, 50
Giannuzzi, Giulio Pippi de' (Giulio Romano), 55, 77-79, 108, 109, 195
Giorgio Vasari. See Vasari (Giorgio)
Giorgione da Castelfranco, 149, 228, 262
Giotto, 21
Giovan Battista da Bagnacavallo, 201
Giovan Battista de' Rossi (Il Rosso), Life, 189-203. 97
Giovan Battista Grassi, 148
Giovan Battista Peloro, 73
Giovan Filippo Crescione, 238
Giovan Francesco Bembo (Giovan Francesco Vetraio), 180
Giovan Francesco Penni (Il Fattore), Life, 77-80. 201
Giovan Francesco Vetraio (Giovan Francesco Bembo), 180
Giovanni, Antonio di (Solosmeo), 118
Giovanni Antonio Bazzi (Sodoma), 73
Giovanni Antonio Lappoli, 196-198
Giovanni Antonio Licinio (Cuticello, or Pordenone), Life, 145-155
Giovanni Antonio Sogliani, Life, 159-166. 51
Giovanni Bellini, 145, 146, 260, 264
Giovanni Boccalino (Giovanni Ribaldi), 29
Giovanni Cimabue, 177
Giovanni da Nola, 137-139
Giovanni da Udine (Giovanni Martini), 145-147
Giovanni da Udine (Giovanni Nanni, or Giovanni Ricamatori), 77, 155, 175, 229, 238, 246
Giovanni Jacopo Caraglio, 194
Giovanni Mangone, 5
Giovanni Mansueti, 260
Giovanni Martini (Giovanni da Udine), 145-147
Giovanni Nanni (Giovanni da Udine, or Giovanni Ricamatori), 77, 155, 175, 229, 238, 246
Giovanni Ribaldi (Giovanni Boccalino), 29
Giovanni Ricamatori (Giovanni da Udine, or Giovanni Nanni), 77, 155, 175, 229, 238, 246
Girolamo, 60
Girolamo da Carpi (Girolamo da Ferrara), 154
Girolamo da Cotignola (Girolamo Marchesi), Life, 211-212. 207
Girolamo da Ferrara (Girolamo da Carpi), 154
Girolamo da Treviso (Girolamo Trevigi), Life, 169-171. 68
Girolamo della Robbia, 90
Girolamo Fagiuoli, 250
Girolamo Genga, 15, 16, 140
Girolamo Lombardo, 24, 28-30
Girolamo Marchesi (Girolamo da Cotignola), Life, 211-212. 207
Girolamo Mazzuoli, 244, 245, 254, 255
Girolamo Santa Croce, Life, 137-138
Girolamo Trevigi (Girolamo da Treviso), Life, 169-171. 68
Giuliano da San Gallo, 97
Giuliano del Tasso, 97
Giuliano (di Niccolo Morelli), Maestro, 73
Giulio Romano (Giulio Pippi de' Giannuzzi), 55, 77-79, 108, 109, 195
Granacci, Francesco (Il Granaccio), 97, 98, 231
Grassi, Giovan Battista, 148
Guazzetto, Il (Lorenzo Naldino), 201
Il Bacchiacca (Francesco Ubertini, or Francesco d' Albertino), 222
Il Bambaja (Agostino Busto), 42, 43
Il Cicilia, 8
Il Cronaca (Simone del Pollaiuolo), 22
Il Fattore (Giovan Francesco Penni), Life, 77-80. 201
Il Granaccio (Francesco Granacci), 97, 98, 231
Il Guazzetto (Lorenzo Naldino), 201
Il Pistoia (Leonardo), 79, 80
Il Rosso (Giovan Battista de' Rossi), Life, 189-203. 97
Imola, Innocenzio da (Innocenzio Francucci), Life, 212-213. 207, 209
Impiccati, Andrea degli (Andrea dal Castagno), 116
Innocenzio da Imola (Innocenzio Francucci), Life, 212-213. 207, 209
Jacomo Melighino, 72, 73
Jacone (Jacopo), 119
Jacopo da Pontormo (Jacopo Carrucci), 93, 98, 104, 118, 135, 190, 221, 222, 231, 232
Jacopo del Conte, 119
Jacopo di Sandro, 97
Jacopo Palma (Palma Vecchio), Life, 259-261
Jacopo Sansovino, 5, 31, 35, 36, 80, 88, 92, 93, 97, 98, 180, 218, 231, 247
Lappoli, Giovanni Antonio, 196-198
Lattanzio Pagani, 212
Leonardo (Il Pistoia), 79, 80
Leonardo Castellani, 238
Leonardo da Vinci, 49, 50, 86, 228, 261
Leonardo del Tasso, 31
Leonardo the Fleming, 201
Liberale, Gensio, 149
Licinio, Giovanni Antonio (Cuticello, or Pordenone), Life, 145-155
Lippi, Filippo (Filippino), 87
Lombardi, Alfonso, Life, 131-136. 210
Lombardo, Girolamo, 24, 28-30
Lorenzetto (Lorenzo) Lotti, Life, 55-58
Lorenzo di Bicci, 5
Lorenzo di Credi, Life, 49-52. 159
Lorenzo Lotto, Life, 261-264
Lorenzo Naldino (Il Guazzetto), 201
Lorenzo of Picardy, 201
Lotti, Lorenzetto (Lorenzo), Life, 55-58
Lotto, Lorenzo, Life, 261-264
Luca della Robbia (the younger), 90
Luca Monverde, 147
Luca Penni, 79, 201
Lucrezia, Madonna, 127
Luini, Bernardino (Bernardino del Lupino), 60
Lunetti, Stefano (Stefano of Florence), 51
Lunetti, Tommaso di Stefano, 51, 52, 164, 231
Lupino, Bernardino del (Bernardino Luini), 60
Madonna Lucrezia, 127
Madonna Properzia de' Rossi, Life, 123-128
Maestro Credi, 49
Maestro Giuliano (di Niccolo Morelli), 73
Maiano, Benedetto da, 5
Maini (Marini), Michele, 3, 4
Mangone, Giovanni, 5
Mansueti, Giovanni, 260
Marchesi, Girolamo (Girolamo da Cotignola), Life, 211-212. 207
Marchissi, Antonio di Giorgio, 4
Marco Calavrese (Marco Cardisco), Life, 237-239
Mariano da Perugia, 263
Marini (Maini), Michele, 3, 4
Mariotto Albertinelli, 86, 212, 217
Mariotto di Francesco, 231-233
Martini, Giovanni (Giovanni da Udine), 145-147
Martino da Udine (Pellegrino da San Daniele, or Martino di Battista), 145-150
Maso Boscoli, 6
Matrice, Cola dalla (Niccola Filotesio), 238, 239
Maturino, Life, 175-185
Mazzieri, Antonio di Donnino, 223
Mazzuoli, Francesco (Parmigiano), Life, 243-256
Mazzuoli, Girolamo, 244, 245, 254, 255
Melighino, Jacomo, 72, 73
Michelagnolo Buonarroti, 5, 6, 23, 43-45, 58, 86, 111, 117, 128, 135, 165, 190, 194, 228, 245, 247, 261
Michelagnolo da Siena, Life, 136-137. 69
Michele di Ridolfo Ghirlandajo, 165
Michele Maini (Marini), 3, 4
Milano, Cesare da (Cesare da Sesto), 65, 141
Mini, Antonio, 165
Miniati, Bartolommeo, 201
Mirozzo (Melozzo), Francesco di, 140
Modena, Pellegrino da (Pellegrino degli Aretusi, or Pellegrino de' Munari), Life, 80-81. 176
Monte Sansovino, Andrea dal (Andrea Contucci, or Andrea Sansovino), Life, 21-31. 43, 88
Monte Sansovino, Domenico dal, 30
Montelupo, Baccio da, Life, 41-45. 97
Montelupo, Raffaello da, Life, 41-45. 27, 119
Monverde, Luca, 147
Morelli, Maestro Giuliano di Niccolo, 73
Morto da Feltro, Life, 227-229. 230
Mosca, Simone, 44
Munari, Pellegrino de' (Pellegrino da Modena, or Pellegrino degli Aretusi), Life, 80-81. 176
Naldino, Lorenzo (Il Guazzetto), 201
Nanni, Giovanni (Giovanni da Udine, or Giovanni Ricamatori), 77, 155, 175, 229, 238, 246
Nannoccio, 119
Neroni, Bartolommeo (Riccio), 73
Niccola Filotesio (Cola dalla Matrice), 238, 239
Niccolo (called Tribolo), 6, 28, 136, 233
Niccolo Rondinello (Rondinello da Ravenna), Life, 264-265. 266
Niccolo Soggi, 109, 110, 196
Nola, Giovanni da, 137-139
Pace, Domenico di (Domenico Beccafumi), 74, 153, 163
Pagani, Lattanzio, 212
Palma, Jacopo (Palma Vecchio), Life, 259-261
Paolo Romano, 57
Paris, Domenico di, 195
Parmigiano (Francesco Mazzuoli), Life, 243-256
Pellegrino da Modena (Pellegrino degli Aretusi, or Pellegrino de' Munari), Life, 80-81. 176
Pellegrino da San Daniele (Martino da Udine, or Martino di Battista), 145-150
Peloro, Giovan Battista, 73
Penni, Giovan Francesco (Il Fattore), Life, 77-80. 201
Penni, Luca, 79, 201
Perino del Vaga (Perino Buonaccorsi), 7, 77-79, 153, 162
Perugia, Mariano da, 263
Perugino, Pietro (Pietro Vannucci), 49, 50, 87, 230
Peruzzi, Baldassarre, Life, 63-74. 57, 63-74, 136, 170, 176, 208
Pier Francesco di Jacopo di Sandro, 118, 119
Piero da Volterra, 64
Piero di Cosimo, 86
Pietrasanta, Stagio da, 162
Pietro Perugino (Pietro Vannucci), 49, 50, 87, 230
Pinturicchio, Bernardino, 227
Piombo, Fra Sebastiano Viniziano del, 66
Pistoia, Il (Leonardo), 79, 80
Plautilla, 126
Poggini, Zanobi, 106
Poggino, Zanobi di, 165
Polidoro da Caravaggio (Polidoro Caldara), Life, 175-185
Pollaiuolo, Antonio, 21
Pollaiuolo, Simone del (Il Cronaca), 22
Polo, Domenico di, 135
Pomponio Amalteo, 154, 155
Pontormo, Jacopo da (Jacopo Carrucci), 93, 98, 104, 118, 135, 190, 221, 222, 231, 232
Pordenone (Giovanni Antonio Licinio, or Cuticello), Life, 145-155
Porta, Baccio della (Fra Bartolommeo di San Marco), 159, 160, 194
Prato, Francesco di Girolamo dal, 135
Primaticcio, Francesco, 200, 201, 203
Properzia de' Rossi, Madonna, Life, 123-128
Prospero Fontana, 213
Puligo, Domenico, 109
Pupini, Biagio (Biagio Bolognese), 208, 211
Raffaello da Montelupo, Life, 41-45. 27, 119
Raffaello da Urbino (Raffaello Sanzio), 11-15, 55, 56, 66, 72, 77-81, 107-109, 117, 126, 169, 175, 191, 194, 201, 207, 208, 213, 222, 245, 247
Raffaello dal Colle (Raffaello dal Borgo), 140, 195, 196
Raffaello di Biagio, 231, 232
Raffaello Sanzio (Raffaello da Urbino), 11-15, 55, 56, 66, 72, 77-81, 107-109, 117, 126, 169, 175, 191, 194, 201, 207, 208, 213, 222, 245, 247
Ramenghi, Bartolommeo (Bartolommeo da Bagnacavallo), Life, 207-209
Ravenna, Rondinello da (Niccolo Rondinello), Life, 264-265. 266
Ribaldi, Giovanni (Giovanni Boccalino), 29
Ricamatori, Giovanni (Giovanni Nanni, or Giovanni da Udine), 77, 155, 175, 229, 238, 246
Riccio (Bartolommeo Neroni), 73
Ridolfo Ghirlandajo, 220, 231
Robbia, Andrea della, 90
Robbia, Girolamo della, 90
Robbia, Luca della (the younger), 90
Romano, Giulio (Giulio Pippi de' Giannuzzi), 55, 77-79, 108, 109, 195
Romano, Paolo, 57
Romano, Virgilio, 73
Rondinello, Niccolo (Rondinello da Ravenna), Life, 264-265. 266
Rosselli, Bernardo (Bernardo del Buda), 116
Rosselli, Cosimo, 88, 229
Rossi, Francesco de' (Francesco Salviati), 119
Rossi, Giovan Battista de' (Il Rosso), Life, 189-203. 97
Rossi, Madonna Properzia de', Life, 123-128
Rosso, Il (Giovan Battista de' Rossi), Life, 189-203. 97
Rovezzano, Benedetto da, Life, 35-38
Rozzo, Antonio del (Antonio del Tozzo), 73
Salviati, Francesco (Francesco de' Rossi), 119
San Daniele, Pellegrino da (Martino da Udine, or Martino di Battista), 145-150
San Gallo, Antonio da (the elder), 97
San Gallo, Antonio da (the younger), 29, 43, 58, 72
San Gallo, Francesco da, 27
San Gallo, Giuliano da, 97
San Gallo, Sebastiano (Aristotele) da, 97
San Gimignano, Vincenzio da (Vincenzio Tamagni), Life, 11-17
San Marco, Fra Bartolommeo di (Baccio della Porta), 159, 160, 194
Sandrino del Calzolaio, 161, 165
Sandro, Jacopo di, 97
Sandro, Pier Francesco di Jacopo di, 118, 119
Sansovino, Andrea (Andrea dal Monte Sansovino, or Andrea Contucci), Life, 21-31. 43, 88
Sansovino, Jacopo, 5, 31, 35, 36, 80, 88, 92, 93, 97, 98, 180, 218, 231, 247
Santa Croce, Girolamo, Life, 137-138
Santi Titi dal Borgo, 160
Sanzio, Raffaello (Raffaello da Urbino), 11-15, 55, 56, 66, 72, 77-81, 107-109, 117, 126, 169, 175, 191, 194, 201, 207, 208, 213, 222, 245, 247
Sarto, Andrea del (Andrea d' Agnolo), Life, 85-120. 164, 194, 217-221, 231
Schizzone, 12
Sebastiano (Aristotele) da San Gallo, 97
Sebastiano Florigerio (Bastianello Florigorio), 148
Sebastiano Serlio, 72
Sebastiano Viniziano del Piombo, Fra, 66
Serlio, Sebastiano, 72
Sesto, Cesare da (Cesare da Milano), 65, 141
Sguazzella, Andrea, 100, 118
Siena, Francesco da, 71, 73
Siena, Michelagnolo da, Life, 136-137. 69
Silvio Cosini, 6-8
Simone Cioli, 30
Simone del Pollaiuolo (Il Cronaca), 22
Simone Mosca, 44
Simone of Paris, 201
Sodoma (Giovanni Antonio Bazzi), 73
Sofonisba Anguisciuola, 127, 128
Soggi, Niccolo, 109, 110, 196
Sogliani, Giovanni Antonio, Life, 159-166. 51
Solosmeo (Antonio di Giovanni), 118
Spadari, Benedetto, 195, 196
Stagio da Pietrasanta, 162
Stefano Lunetti (Stefano of Florence), 51
Tamagni, Vincenzio (Vincenzio da San Gimignano), Life, 11-17
Tasso, Giuliano del, 97
Tasso, Leonardo del, 31
Timoteo da Urbino (Timoteo della Vite), Life, 11-17
Titi dal Borgo, Santi, 160
Tiziano da Cadore (Tiziano Vecelli), 66, 133, 134, 152, 153
Tommaso di Stefano Lunetti, 51, 52, 164, 231
Tozzo, Antonio del (Antonio del Rozzo), 73
Trento, Antonio da (Antonio Fantuzzi), 249, 250
Treviso, Girolamo da (Girolamo Trevigi), Life, 169-171. 68
Tribolo (Niccolo), 6, 28, 136, 233
Ubertini, Francesco (Francesco d' Albertino, or Il Bacchiacca), 222
Udine, Giovanni da (Giovanni Martini), 145-147
Udine, Giovanni da (Giovanni Nanni, or Giovanni Ricamatori), 77, 155, 175, 229, 238, 246
Udine, Martino da (Pellegrino da San Daniele, or Martino di Battista), 145-150
Urbino, Bramante da, 26, 28, 29, 65, 68, 69
Urbino, Raffaello da (Raffaello Sanzio), 11-15, 55, 56, 66, 72, 77-81, 107-109, 117, 126, 169, 175, 191, 194, 201, 207, 208, 213, 222, 245, 247
Urbino, Timoteo da (Timoteo della Vite), Life, 11-17
Vaga, Perino del (Perino Buonaccorsi), 7, 77-79, 153, 162
Valerio Vicentino (Valerio de' Belli), 247
Vannucci, Pietro (Pietro Perugino), 49, 50, 87, 230
Vasari, Giorgio— as art-collector, 17, 22, 24, 38, 45, 49, 74, 77, 79, 104, 118, 126, 128, 165, 196, 197, 201, 209, 213, 219, 250-252, 256 as author, 3-5, 7, 11, 12, 17, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 35, 45, 63, 66, 69, 73, 91, 96, 98, 108, 112, 114, 120, 126, 128, 132, 134, 135, 139, 145, 146, 148, 155, 177, 182, 185, 192, 194, 199, 201, 210-213, 223, 230, 232, 238, 247, 250, 251, 253-255, 259, 260, 264 as painter, 36, 80, 119, 135, 163, 232, 233, 265 as architect, 233, 250, 251
Vecchio, Palma (Jacopo Palma), Life, 259-261
Vecelli, Tiziano (Tiziano da Cadore), 66, 133, 134, 152, 153
Vercelli, Bernardo da, 151
Verrocchio, Andrea, 49, 50, 55
Vetraio, Giovan Francesco (Giovan Francesco Bembo), 180
Vicentino, Valerio (Valerio de' Belli), 247
Vincenzio Caccianimici, 255, 256
Vincenzio da San Gimignano (Vincenzio Tamagni), Life, 11-17
Vincenzio Tamagni (Vincenzio da San Gimignano), Life, 11-17
Vinci, Leonardo da, 49, 50, 86, 228, 261
Viniziano, Agostino, 97
Virgilio Romano, 73
Visino, 223
Vite, Timoteo della (Timoteo da Urbino), Life, 11-17
Vitruvius, 68, 71
Vittoria, Alessandro, 247
Volterra, Piero da, 64
Volterra, Zaccaria da, 45, 132
Zaccaria da Volterra, 45, 132
Zaganelli, Francesco de' (Francesco da Cotignola), Life, 265-266
Zanobi di Poggino, 165
Zanobi Poggini, 106