Calhagan Calvo, Stefano di Cammel, James, a thief Campden, Gloucester Candy, Joseph Cane, Richard, a footpad Carolina, America Carrick (Carristoun), Orkney Carrick, James, a highwayman Carrol, a thief Cartwright, John Casey, William, a robber Caustin, William, a footpad Cawood Castle Chambers, a felon Chancery Lane Charnock, Thomas Charringworth, Glos. Cheapside Chelsea Chester Chester-in-the-Street Chickley, Captain Civil John, see Turner, John Clare Market Clark, Eleanor Clark, Matthew, a footpad Claxton, John, a thief Clean-Limbed Tom, a footpad Cliffe, James Clink Prison Cluff, James, a murderer Cobham, Lord Coffee, William, a negro Coining Colthouse, William Conyers, Symbol Cope, Colonel Copenhagen House, Islington Cork Cornwall, Joshua, a thief Cotterell, John, a thief Cotton, Timothy, a highwayman Covent Garden Coventry Act Cox, Mr., a surgeon Crouch, Robert, a footpad Crouches, Stephen Crowder, Thomas, a thief Croydon Cullen Pierce Currey, George Curtis, Peter
Da Costa, Mr. Jacob Mendez Dalton, James, a thief Darby, Widdington Darien, colonials at Davis, Captain Howel, a pirate John Lumley, a highwayman Moll, a diver Vincent, a murderer Dawson, Mrs. Deal Dean, Mrs., wife of J. Wild De Casteja, Baron Delasay, Mr., Under-Secretary of State Denton, Justice Deval, Abraham, a forger Dickenson, Emanuel Dimmock, Mr., a sailor Disney Doncaster Dorchester Dormer Dowdale, Stephen, a thief Doyle, John, a highwayman Drummond, James Robert, a highwayman Drury, Anthony Lane Dublin Duce, William, a highwayman Dumbleton, Abraham, a thief Dyer, John Dykes, John, a thief 52-54
Eaton, Mr., a Lifeguardsman Ebrington, Glos. Edgeworth, Bess, see Lion, Elizabeth Elisha, William, a highwayman Elliot, Edward, a deer-stealer Ellis, Colonel Ellison, Ebenezer, an Irish thief Epsom Everett, John, a highwayman Execution Dock Exeter
Falcon Stairs Farnham Holt Fea, Mr., of Eday, Orkneys Featherby, John, a Street-Robber Fenwick, Nicholas Ferneau, Oliver Ferris, a coiner Field, William Finch, Mr., resident at the Hague Finchley, Common Fink, Bernard Fisher, Henry, a murderer Fitzer, William Fitzpatrick, Katherine, a shoplift Flanders Fleet Prison Street Flood, Matthew, footpad Follwell, John Foster, John, a housebreaker Fowles, Amy Fowls Frazier, ring-keeper at Moorfields Frost, William, a highwayman Fulsom, a thief
Gahogan, Henry, a coiner Gale, George, a thief Gambia River Gardiner, Stephen, a highwayman Garnet, William Garraway George galley Gerrard, Samuel, a constable Gilburn, Nicholas, a highwayman Gillingham, John, a highwayman Gloucester Statute of Golden Tinman, the, see Trippuck, John Golding, Thomas Goldington, Sarah Gomeroon, Joseph Gow, John, a pirate Grace, Charles Grahamsey, Orkneys Gravesend Great Ombersley Green, Alice, a cheat Jenny Mary Peter Greenford Greenwich Griffin, Jane, a murderess Griffith, Thomas Grundy, Thomas James, a housebreaker Guy, John, a deer-stealer
Hall, Richard Hammersmith Hamp, John, footpad Hampstead Road Hanson, Mr. Mary, a murderer Hanwell Green Harman, James, a highwayman Harpham, Robert, a coiner Harris, Samuel, a highwayman Harrison, William Hartly, John Harwich Hatfield, Herts. Hawes, Nathaniel, a thief Hawksworth, William, a murderer Hayes, Catherine, a murderess Haymarket Haynes, Robert, a murderer Hereford Hewlett, John, a murderer Hide, Martha Higgs, John Highgate Highwaymen, laws against High Wycombe Hoare, Mr., the banker Hockley-in-the-Hole Holborn Holden, William, a footpad Hollis, William, a thief Holmes, Jane, a shoplifter Honeyman, Mr., of Grahamsey Hornby, John, a thief Horseferry, Westminster Horsely Down, Southwark Houghton, Hugh, a robber Hounslow Heath Houssart, Lewis, a murderer How, James, a highwayman Hue and cry Hughs, John, a footpad Richard, a highwayman Hulse, Dr. Edward Hungerford Huntingdon Hyde Park
Ignoramus, in law Inns and Taverns: Adam and Eve, St. Pancras Baptist Head, Old Bailey Black Boy, Goodman's Fields Boar's Head, Smithfield Brawn's Head, New Bond Street Cardigan's Head, Charing Cross Castle, Fleet Street Coach and Horses, Old Palace Yard Cock, Old Bailey Dog and Dial, Monmouth Street Elephant and Castle, Fleet Street Farthing Pie House Fighting Cocks, St. George's Fields Globe, Hatton Garden Green Lettuce, Holborn Hampshire Hog Horn, Fleet Street King of Hearts, Fore Street King's Arms, Red Lion Street King's Head, Fish Street One Tun, Strand Pinder of Wakefield Red Lion, Cow Cross Red Lion, Lambeth Rummer and Horseshoe, Drury Lane Shoulder of Mutton, Billingsgate Sieve, Little Minories Thistle and Crown, Old Bailey Three Bowls, St. James's Three Pigeons White Bear, Piccadilly Insurance Offices, cheated Islington Israel, Abraham, a Jew
Jackson, Nathaniel, a highwayman Jaen, Captain, a murderer Jamaica James, Richard, a highwayman Jenny, wife of T. Benson Johnson, Jane John, a coiner Robert, a highwayman Roger Jones, Benjamin Elizabeth John, a pickpocket Mr. Richard Rowland Julian, an incendiary Justices of the Peace, remarks upon
Kelley, Peter, a murderer Kelly, Hugh Kemp, Joseph, a housebreaker Kennedy, Walter, a pirate Kennington Common Kensington King, Robert Kingshell, Robert, a deer-stealer King's Road, Chelsea Street, Westminster Kingston Kirkwall Knap, John Kneebone, Mr. Knightsbridge Knowland, Henry, a footpad
Lamb, Anthony Lambert, Justice Langley, Captain Claude Larceny, laws concerning Laws, Sir Nicholas Law terms Leadenhall Street Leather Lane Leeds, the Duke of Leghorn, Italy Leonard, Christopher, and Kate Levee, John, a highwayman Peter, a street-robber Lewis, John, a thief Lincoln, James, a murderer Lincoln's Inn Fields Lion, Elizabeth, or Edgeworth Bess Lipsat, William, a thief Little, James, a footpad John, a housebreaker Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Lock, William Lofthouse, Thomas Longmore, Henry Lotteries Low, Captain Edward Lowther, Mr. Captain, George
MacCauly, a pirate MacGuire, Bryan, a highwayman Maggott, Mrs. Maidstone Man, Betty Manley, Mrs., the author Marjoram, William Marlborough, Wilts. Marple, William, a highwayman Marshall, Henry, a deer-stealer Marshal, William, a thief Marshalsea Prison Martin, Jane, a cheat Peter, a Chelsea pensioner Maryland, plantations in Marylebone Massey, Captain John Maycock, Mrs. Medline, Thomas, a highwayman Meff, John, a housebreaker Malvin, a pirate Middleton, Joseph, a housebreaker Miles, Mrs. Miller, William, a highwayman Milliner, Mary Millington Common Minsham, John, a thief Mint, in Southwark Mitcham Molony, John, a thief Monmouth, man-of-war Moody Moorfields Morphew, John Morris, Edward Hugh, a highwayman Murden, Sir Jeremiah Murrel, John, a horse-stealer Myring, Leonard, a barber
Neal, Edmund, a footpad Neasden Neeves, Thomas, a thief Newbury, Berks. Newcastle-upon-Tyne Newcomb, William, a housebreaker Newfoundland Newgate Newman, Mr. Nathaniel Newmarket New Mint New Prison New York Nichols, John Richard, a thief Robert Night Rambler, a pirate sloop Nisbet, a joiner Northampton Norwich Nottingham Nunney, Luke, a murderer
Oakey, Richard, a footpad Oblivion, Act of (1660) O'Brian, a thief O'Bryan, James, a highwayman Ogden, Samuel, highwayman Old Bailey Old Spa, Clerkenwell Oliver, Robert, a thief Oporto Osborn, Elizabeth Ouranaquoy, an Indian chief Overbery, Sir Thomas Owen, Griffith, a highwayman Oxford Road
Packer, Thomas, a highwayman Palermo Pall Mall Parford, Mr. Paris Parvin, Richard, a deer-stealer Paternoster Row Patrick, Samuel Payne, Mrs. Diana John Sarah, an infamous woman Peine fort et Dure Pennsylvania Penrice, Sir Henry Perkins, Robert, a thief Perrier, Jacques, a French robber Perry galley Perry, Edward John, and his family, murderers Thomas, a footpad Peterson, a pirate Phelps Philadelphia Philip, a justice's clerk Philpot, Mr., a surveyor Piccadilly Picken, Joseph, a highwayman Pincher, William Pink, Edward and John, deer-stealers Pitts, Colonel Plantations of America Poison, Thomas, a footpad Porto Santo, Madeira Portsmouth Road Pots, Philip Poultry Compter Powell, Sir John Prague, description of Pressing, as a punishment Price, John, a housebreaker Pugh, John, highwayman Purney, Ordinary of Newgate Putney Common Pye, Richard
Quakers, robbed
Rag Fair Ransom, John Ratcliff Highway Rawlins, Christopher, a thief Mary (Black Mary) Thomas Raymond, Lord Chief Justice Read, Robert William William, of Campden Reading, James Receiving, practised by Wild Reddey, Eleanor Red Lion Fields Square Reeves, Thomas, a highwayman Revenge, a pirate galley Rewards, for apprehending criminals Reynolds, Edward, a thief Rice Rivers, Thomas, a thief Roberts, Dorcas Robinson, Mary, a shoplift Roche, Philip, a pirate Rogers, William, a thief Captain Woodes Rondeau, Anne Rose Sponging-house Rotterdam Rouden, John, alias Hulks, a thief Russell, William, a footpad
Sadler's Wells St. Albans St. Andrew's, Holborn St. George's Fields St. Giles's Pound Round-house St. James's Park St. Margaret's, Westminster St. Pancras St. Paul's, Covent Garden St. Sepulchre's Bell-man St. Swithin's Alley, Cornhill St. Thomas's Hospital Salisbury Salter, Peter Sanctuaries in London Sanders, Francis, a thief Sandford Santa Cruz Scarborough, Earl of Schmidt, Frederick, alterer of bank-notes Scrimgeour Scurrier, Richard, a shoplift Sefton, William, a thief Sells, Samuel Sharp, Mark, a murderer Shaw, James, a highwayman Sheldon, Mrs. Shelterers, the Shepherd, Jack, highwayman, and prisonbreaker Richard, a housebreaker Thomas, a thief Sherbourne Sherwood, James, a footpad Shoreditch Shrewsberry, alias Smith, Joseph, a robber Shrewsbury Shrimpton, Ferdinand, a highwayman Sikes, James Simpson, William, a horse-stealer Sleaford Smith, Bryan, a blackmailer John, a murderer Mary, a whore Simon Thomas, a highwayman Smithfield Smoky Chimney Doctor, see Drury, A. Smyrna Snow, Foster Southampton Street Spain, expedition to Spencer, Barbara, a coiner Sperry, William, a footpad Springate, Mrs. Spring Gardens Stabbing, Statute of Standford, Mary, a pickpocket Stanley, Captain John, a murderer Stephens, Catherine Stepney Stevens, Mary Stinton, Thomas Stockden, Worcestershire Stocks, Market Stone, John Sunderland Swaffo, Baron Swift, William, a thief
Tartoue, Peter Taverns, see Inns Temple, The Thompson, Sarah Thompson, Sir William, recorder Thomson, John, a highwayman Tilt Yard, Westminster Timms, Thomas, a footpad Tompkins, Mr. Toon, James, a thief Tothill Fields, Bridewell Tottenham Court Road Tower Hill Towers, Mr. Charles, a minter Transportation Trantham, Richard, a housebreaker Trig Stairs Trippuck, John, a highwayman Turner, Mrs. Elizabeth John, alias Civil John, a highwayman Turnham Green Tyburn Tyrrell, John, a horse-stealer
Upton, John, a pirate
Vanloden, Baron and Countess Vaux, Thomas, a street-robber Vigo Vinegar Yard, Drury Lane
Wakeling, Mr. Walden, Matthew Walker, Ann Waller, John Waltham Blacks, the Wandsworth Wapping Ward Joseph, a footpad Waterford Watts, Sarah, a fence Weaver, Charles, a murderer Weedon, George, a footpad Wendover West, Jeddediah John Westbrook, a surgeon West Chester Chester, Pennsylvania Haden, Northants Westwood, James Thomas, a footpad Whalebone, alias Welbone, John, a thief Whinyard, Mr. White, Abraham, a thief James, a thief Whitechapel Whitefriars Whittingham, Richard, a footpad Wight, Isle of Wigley, John, a highwayman Wild, Jonathan, thief-taker Wildgoose, a servant Wileman, Benjamin, a highwayman Wilkinson, Robert, a murderer Willesden Green Will the Sailor Williams, a pirate Willis, a constable Willoughby, Mr. Wilson, Thomas, a footpad Windsor Winship, John, a highwayman Wise, Captain Wood, Thomas Woodbury Hill, Dorset Woodman, Richard, a highwayman Wood Street Compter Worcester Worebington, Roger Wright, James, a highwayman
Yarmouth Yates, alias Gates, alias Vulcan York, Mr. Yorkshire Bob, a housebreaker Young, John, a highwayman Hon. William Younger, Geoffrey, a footpad
Zouch, William