Rapp, George, founder of the Harmonyites, xi, 42.
Rasselas, Johnson, v, 162.
Rational religion, x, 372.
Ray, John, botanist, xii, 275; Francis Willoughby and, xii, 276.
Realist, the, definition of, i, 132.
Recamier, Madame, ii, 167.
Reciprocity, xi, 71.
Reconciliation, the joy of, vi, 221.
Red Badge of Courage, The, Crane, xiv, 80.
Red Jacket, Indian, viii, 45.
Red River Valley, the, xi, 419.
Reed, Thomas Brackett, xii, 124, 199; Seneca compared with, viii, 56; quoted, v, 289; vii, 18.
Reedy, William Marion, x, 344.
Reflections, Madame de Stael, ii, 163.
Reformation, the, ix, 187.
Reformers, v, 311.
Refrigerator-cars, manufacture of, xi, 192.
Relatives, the tyranny of, ix, 137.
Relaxation, vii, 287.
Religion, defined, viii, 113; economics and, ix, 192; John Fiske on, xii, 413; of humanity, x, 317; irrigation and, ix, 278; of Jesus, ii, 196; the Jewish, viii, 220; love and, xiv, 206; of music, v, 124; natural, vi, 165; five phases of, ix, 188; purity of, ii, 195; Renan on, ii, 78; the sex life and, ii, 201; Shakespeare on, x, 350; spirituality and, iv, 236; Dean Swift and, i, 152; Turner's views on, i, 139.
Religious denominations, origin of, ix, 19.
Rembrandt, iv, 123; v, 107; vi, 65; Emile Michel on, iv, 40; parents of, iv, 41; home of, in Leyden, iv, 41; early training of, iv, 44; pupil of Jacob van Swanenburch, iv, 47; his first picture, iv, 50; influence of mother on, iv, 52; pupil of Pieter Lastman, iv, 56; friendship of, with Engelbrechtsz, iv, 58; his pupil, Lucas van Leyden, iv, 58; studio of, iv, 61; his experiments in light and shade, iv, 61; friendship for Jan Lievens, iv, 64; friendship for Gerard Dou, iv, 65; friendship for Joris van Vliet, iv, 65; his work for the Elzevirs, iv, 65; his portraiture of beggars, iv, 66; classic instinct of, iv, 68; marriage of, iv, 71; death of wife of, iv, 73; children of, iv, 74; relations with Hendrickje Stoffels, iv, 76; death of, iv, 78; influence of, iv, 78; the age of, iv, 78; Botticelli compared with, vi, 69; Robert Browning compared with, vi, 67; dual character of, vi, 66; extravagance of, iv, 73; Mozart compared with, xiv, 316; Van Dyck and, iv, 193.
Rembrandtesque, definition of, iv, 51.
Remington's horses, iv, 67.
Remittance-men, i, p xxii.
Remorse, v, 105;
Renaissance, the great American, xi, 370; the Italian, vi, 223.
Renaissance Masters, G. B. Rose, vi, 39.
Renan, v, 150; on Marcus Aurelius, viii, 131; on St. Benedict, x, 322; on Christianity, x, 135; on flowers, xiv, 193; on the Israelitish exodus, x, 38; quoted, iv, 165; on religion, ii, 78; on Seneca, viii, 80; and his sister, ii, 115; on Spinoza, viii, 229.
Renter, the, ix, 82.
Representative government, v, 185.
Repression, v, 235.
Republic of Plato, viii, 33, 105, 221; x, 98, 117.
Reserve, v, 335.
Resiliency, x, 374.
Responsibility, v, 176; vi, 174; xi, 407.
Resurrection, The, Perugino, vi, 27.
Revere, Paul, iii, 104, 116, 222.
Reversion to type, law of, ii, 192.
Revolution of the Heavenly Bodies, The, Copernicus, xii, 117.
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, iv, 114; xii, 179; birthplace of, iv, 287; parents of, iv, 288; early training of, iv, 290; pupil of Hudson, iv, 291; travels of, iv, 295; popularity of, iv, 297; vogue of, iv, 298; his specialty, iv, 303; American sympathies of, iv, 305; president of the Royal Academy, iv, 305; death of, iv, 307; fortune of, iv, 307; appearance of, iv, 293; Edmund Burke and, vii, 160, 174; Gainsborough compared with, iv, 287; on Gainsborough, vi, 128; genius of, iv, 329; Samuel Johnson and, v, 169; vi, 28; Raphael compared with, iv, 303; on Titian, iv, 146; Turner and, i, 140; on Velasquez, vi, 158.
Rhetoric, W. D. Howells on, vi, 187; the study of, x, 143, 273.
Rhode Island Historical Society, vi, 95.
Richard III, Shakespeare, i, 317.
Richardson, Samuel, English novelist, i, 291; father of the English novel, vi, 148; Clarissa Harlowe, iv, 302; Theory of Painting, iv, 289.
Richelieu, Cardinal, Chieppo compared with, iv, 98; Archbishop Laud compared with, ix, 328; Olivarez and, vi, 180.
Riches and roguery, xi, 304.
Richter, Gustav, German painter, iv, 52.
Richter, Jean Paul, xiv, 111.
Rickman, Thomas, friend of Thomas Paine, ix, 174.
Riddle of the Universe, The, Haeckel, xii, 249.
Righteousness, v, 315.
Rights of the individual, v, 205.
Rights of Man, The, Thomas Paine, ix, 157, 159, 174.
Rights of Woman, The, Mary Wollstonecraft, xiii, 85.
Rigoletto, Verdi, xiv, 292.
Riley, James Whitcomb, childhood impressions of, iv, 341; vii, 13; nomination of, for U. S. president, ix, 80.
Rinaldo, Handel, xiv, 257.
Ring and the Book, The, Browning, v, 65.
Ripley, Rev. George, organizer of the Brook Farm Community, viii, 402.
Roberts, John E., ix, 283.
Robespierre, ii, 265; Marat and, vii, 224; Thomas Paine and, ix, 178.
Robinson, Beverly, iii, 19.
Robinson, Crabb, ii, 23.
Robinson Crusoe, Heinrich Campe's translation of, xii, 130.
Rob Roy and Byron compared, v, 221.
Rochambeau, quoted, iii, 27.
Rochester, poet, contemporary of Addison, v, 249.
Rockefeller, John D., xi, 373; Edison compared with, i, 330.
Rodin, Auguste, ix, 198.
Roentgen ray, ii, 169; viii, 359.
Rogers, H. H., xi, 315; appearance of, xi, 360; beneficences of, xi, 390; boyhood of, xi, 362; Helen Keller and, xi, 389; on success, xi, 358; Ida Tarbell and, xi, 359; Mark Twain and, x, 110; xi, 389; Booker T. Washington and, xi, 389.
Rogers, Hon. Sherman S., vii, 315.
Romagna, the kingdom of, vi, 43.
Romano Giulio, pupil of Raphael, vi, 33.
Romanticism, French school of, iv, 230.
Romantic love, xiii, 211.
Romantic Love and Personal Beauty, Finck, xiii, 39.
Rome, decline of, iii, 232.
Rome, Greece and Judea compared with, x, 36; in winter, iv, 296; policy of the Church of, vii, 140; wonders of, iv, 56.
Romeike habit, the, iii, 113.
Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare, i, 317; v, 216.
Romney, the artist, xii, 170; Thomas Paine and, ix, 175; Emma Lyon and, xiii, 410.
Romola, George Eliot, vi, 90.
Roosevelt, Theodore, ix, 393.
Rose, George B., Renaissance Masters, vi, 39.
Roseberry, Lord, quoted, vii, 186, 199.
Ross, Admiral Sir John, Arctic explorer, grave of, i, 231.
Rossetti, Christina, mother of, ii, 117; London home of, ii, 125; literary productions of, ii, 129.
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, ii, 115; iv, 51; influence of, on William Morris, v, 16; Walter Hamilton on, xiii, 272.
Rossetti, William Michael, i, 170; ii, 115; iv, 143; William Sharp on, xiii, 271; on Herbert Spencer, viii, 344; on Walt Whitman, xiii, 18.
Rossini, G., musician, iv, 230; friendship of, for Dore, iv, 340.
Rothschild, Mayer Anselm, Goethe and, xi, 134, 145; the Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel and, xi, 146; parents of, xi, 138.
Rothschild, Nathan, at the battle of Waterloo, xi, 161.
Rothschilds, rise of the, xi, 157.
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, boyhood of, ix, 374; John Burroughs and, ix, 394; on education, xii, 128; Emile, ix, 371; greatness of, ix, 370; influence of, on American patriots, ix, 388; Pestalozzi and, x, 252; Madame de Stael compared with, ii, 183; Madame De Warens and, ix, 375; New Heloise, ix, 393; quoted, ix, 390; referred to, i, pp. xxxii, 306; iii, 261; vi, 273; x, 117; xii, 179; Ernest Thompson Seton and, ix, 394; criticized by Voltaire, ix, 384; Voltaire compared with, vii, 207; ix, 373, 385.
Rousseau, Theodore, artist, iv, 279.
Roustabouts, artistic, vi, 300.
Rowan, Andrew, i, p xxix.
Royal Academy, charter members of, iv, 306.
Royce, Josiah, the Boston street-car conductor and, viii, 166; on Kant, viii, 154.
Roycrofters, The, ii, p ix; origin of name, i, p xix; Ali Baba and, ii, p x.
Roycroft Inn, ii, p xi.
Roycroft, Samuel and Thomas, i, p xviii.
Rubens, Peter Paul, iv, 47, 81; parents of, iv, 81; birthplace of, iv, 88; early home of, iv, 88; appearance of, iv, 89; pupil of Tobias Verhaecht, iv, 91; pupil of Adam van Noort, iv, 92; pupil of Otto van Veen, iv, 92; attache of the Duke of Mantua, iv, 98; travels of, iv, 103; literary style of, iv, 106; influence of, iv, 108; marriage of, iv, 111; Ruskin's criticism of, iv, 113; work of, in England, iv, 114; Whistler's criticism of, iv, 116; Hamerton's criticism of, iv, 116; letter of, to Chieppo, secretary of the Duke of Mantua, iv, 80; jealousy of, iv, 176; Macaulay compared with, v, 176; Millet's admiration for, iv, 268; quoted, iv, 183; Titian and, iv, 153; Van Dyck and, iv, 173; Velasquez and, vi, 181; the blonde women of, vi, 164.
Ruffner, Gen. Lewis, x, 190.
Rugby Grammar School, x, 229.
Rum, Romanism and Rebellion, ix, 63.
Rush, Dr. Benjamin, patriot, xi, 94; friend of Thomas Paine, ix, 157.
Ruskiniana, i, 89.
Ruskin, John, i, p xxvii; iv, 166; home of, i, 90; married life of, i, 96; versatility of, i, 98; eccentricities of, i, 87; viii, 255; influence of, i, 89; Augustine Birrell on, vi, 126; Botticelli and, vi, 71; criticism of Rubens, iv, 113; on Correggio, vi, 222; influence of, on William Morris, v, 13; Modern Painters, vi, 329; Morris compared with, xiii, 253; quoted, i, 137; ii, p viii; iii, 94; iv, 51; vi, 16; Turner and, vi, 58; description of Turner's Old Temeraire, i, 137; on Velasquez, vi, 158; on Venetian art, vi, 255; views on woman suffrage, i, 93; Whistler and, vi, 330.
Russell, Edmund, list of seven immortals in art, vi, 244.
Russia, Czar of, quoted, ii, 83.
Sacrilege, vii, 26; laws against, xii, 368.
"Sailors' Latin," vi, 109.
St. Anne, mother of Mary, vi, 61.
St. Anthony, father of Christian monasticism, x, 303.
St. Augustine, i, p xxxii; Confessions of, vi, 273.
St. Basil, on astronomy, xii, 100.
St. Benedict, vii, 114; book of rules, x, 324; captain of industry, x, 320; physical strength of, x, 312; teachings of, x, 302.
St. Cassiodorus, patron saint of bookmakers, x, 320.
St. Cecilia, mother of sacred music, vi, 62.
St. Chrysostom, vi, 74.
Sainte-Beuve, Charles, French critic, xii, 301.
Sainte-Hilaire, August de, xii, 371.
St. Gaudens, Augustus, Elbert Hubbard and, vi, 117.
St. Genevieve, patron saint of Paris, i, 202.
St. Gregory, on the death of St. Benedict, x, 322.
St. Helena, island of, i, 233.
St. Jerome, x, 303.
St. Lorenzo, church of, Florence, vii, 90.
St. Louis, as an art center, iv, 142.
St. Luke, Brotherhood of, in Antwerp, iv, 173.
St. Mark's monastery, Florence, vii, 88.
St. Martin Dividing His Cloak With Two Beggars, Van Dyck, iv, 184.
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, i, 144, 157.
St. Paul, Conversion of, Michelangelo, iv, 34.
St. Paul in Prison, Rembrandt, iv, 64.
St. Paul, referred to, i, 306; iii, 41; Gallio and, viii, 46; ix, 189; Seneca and, viii, 47; quoted, ii, 189; xi, 307; compared with Walt Whitman, i, 170.
St. Peter, Crucifixion of, Michelangelo, iv, 34.
St. Peter's, church of, in Cologne, iv, 86.
St. Peter's, Rome, iv, 19; dome of, Michelangelo's finest monument, iv, 35.
"Saints and Sinners" corner, the, v, 356.
Saints' Everlasting Rest, The, Richard Baxter, iii, 34.
Saintship, xiv, 176.
Saint-Simon and Auguste Comte, viii, 247, 277.
St. Thomas Aquinas, vii, 82.
Sairy Gamp, the profession of, viii, 12.
Salamanders, vi, 277.
Salesmanship, xi, 27; old school of, xi, 342.
Salome and John the Baptist, vi, 76.
Samson, i, 75.
Sanborn, Kate, iii, 194.
Sand, George, xiv, 76; Frederic Chopin and, xiv, 96; Franz Liszt and, xiv, 194; on the influence of Rousseau, ix, 387.
Sangamon county, referred to, by Lincoln, iii, 275.
Sangamon river, the, iii, 281.
Sanitarium bacillus, the, vi, 226.
Santa Claus, belief in, viii, 269.
Sapphira, i, 75.
Sappho, writings of, x, 283.
Sargent, John S., American painter, vi, 323.
Satan, v, 320; Milton's conception of, iv, 32.
Satolli, Cardinal, referred to, i, 155; on religious zeal, xii, 81.
Saul, Handel, xiv, 269.
Savage, Rev. Minot, ix, 283; preaching of, vii, 309.
Savagery and civilization, iv, 263.
Savannah, experiences of John Wesley in, ix, 31.
Saviors of mankind, ii, 197.
Savonarola, Girolamo, iv, 23; vi, 50; vii, 81; Pope Alexander and, vii, 101; Garibaldi compared with, ix, 124; Lorenzo de Medici and, vii, 97; monastic life of, vii, 85.
Scamping defined, x, 174.
Scandal and rumor, xiii, 197.
Scenes From a Private Life, Balzac, xiii, 290.
Scheffer, Ary, artistic evolution of, iv, 225; influence of women on, iv, 225; mother of, iv, 225; home of, in Paris, iv, 227; appearance of, iv, 231; friendship for Lafayette, iv, 236; acquaintance of Augustin Thierry with, iv, 237; member of the household of Duke of Orleans, iv, 238; his love for Princess Marie, iv, 242; captain in the National Guard, iv, 248; marriage of, iv, 253; death of, iv, 255.
Schiller, ii, 184; Lord Byron compared with, v, 230; on love, vi, 241; Thackeray's estimate of, i, 234.
Schlatter, Francis, divine healer, v, 109.
Schlegel, Friedrich, ii, 184.
Schleiermacher, Friedrich, German philosopher, v, 306.
Schliemann, Heinrich, archeologist, vii, 11.
Scholastica, twin sister of St. Benedict, x, 322.
School for Scandal, Sheridan, iii, 122.
Schoolhouse, the little red, iii, 255.
School mothers, x, 262.
School of Athens, Raphael, vi, 32.
Schoolteaching, x, 219.
Schopenhauer, Arthur, education of, viii, 369; Goethe and, viii, 371; on humanity, viii, 362; on Immanuel Kant, viii, 170; literary style of, viii, 378; on love, xiv, 313; Metaphysics of Love, viii, 382; on morality, viii, 377; on paternity, viii, 363; on pose, v, 123; on republics, xii, 245; on suicide, viii, 385; on will, viii, 380.
Schubert, Franz Peter, xiv, 126.
Schumann, Robert, boyhood of, xiv, 111; death of, xiv, 349; Heinrich Heine and, xiv, 117; as a piano-player, viii, 173; personality of, xiv, 335; Schubert and, xiv, 126; Clara Wieck and, xiv, 121.
Science, of living, x, 51; distinguished from metaphysics and theology, viii, 267; Dr. Nordau as the Barnum of, i, 163; poetry and, x, 114; theology and, xii, 155.
Scientist, the true, iii, 59.
Scissors age, the, iv, 315.
Scotch, the, v, 94; humor of, xiii, 11; manners of, i, 72; penuriousness of, xi, 264; religion of, i, 72; two kinds of, xi, 169.
Scotch-Irish, the, xi, 196.
Scotch whisky, i, 72.
Scotland in literature, xi, 263.
Scott, Clement, quoted, v, 69.
Scott, Thomas A., and Andrew Carnegie, xi, 273.
Scott, Sir Walter, i, 52; Lord Byron compared with, v, 230; his friendship for Turner, i, 132; lameness of, v, 211; Landseer and, iv, 321; on monasticism, x, 320; Thorwaldsen and, vi, 115; the Wordsworths and, i, 215; his life of Dean Swift, i, 143.
Scriptorium, the, x, 321.
Seasons, The, Thomson, v, 31; xiii, 58.
Secondhand Thought and New Thought, x, 284.
Sect, the limitations of, viii, 149.
Sedley, poet, contemporary of Addison, v, 249.
Seine river, the, ii, 56.
Self-complacency, vi, 201.
Self-confidence, vii, 251.
Self-consciousness, ix, 356.
Self-interest, enlightened, vi, 251.
Self-preservation, xi, 13.
Self-reliance, v, 175; vi, 332.
Self-Reliance, Emerson's essay on, i, 278; ii, 286.
Selfridge, Harry G., xi, 326.
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, stoic philosopher, viii, 49; banishment of, viii, 60; mother of, viii, 51; Julius Caesar compared with, viii, 72; Canon Farrar on, viii, 80; St. Paul and, viii, 47; Renan on, viii, 80; Voltaire on, viii, 80.
Sensationalism in religion, ix, 283.
Sense and Sensibility, Jane Austen, ii, 236.
Sensualist, the, v, 235.
Sensuality, vii, 73; asceticism and, vi, 91.
Sentimentality, iv, 246.
Servant-girl problem, the, viii, 259.
Servetus and Calvin, ix, 201; Cardinal Newman compared with, ix, 202.
Service, vii, 319; religion by, ix, 188, 191.
Sesame and Lilies, Ruskin, i, 95; iv, 166.
Seven ages of man, iii, 261.
Seward, William H., father of, iii, 262; birthplace of, in Florida, N. Y., iii, 262; Governor of N. Y., iii, 265; political work of, iii, 266; attitude of, on slavery, iii, 267; presidential candidacy of, iii, 271; as senator, iii, 270; sons of, iii, 273; wife of, iii, 273; secretary of State, iii, 273; attempted assassination of, iii, 275; death of, iii, 276; Henry Clay compared with, iii, 222; referred to, iv, 128; iv, 71.
Sewing-machines, ii, 70.
Sex, immanence of, ii, 202; religion and, ii, 201; in Nature, v, 103.
Shadows, Rembrandt's use of, iv, 62.
Shaftesbury, Earl of, referred to, iii, 37.
Shakers, the, ii, 189.
Shakespeare, William, father of, i, 304; relations with Ann Hathaway, i, 306; birthplace of, i, 309; epitaph of, i, 311; grave of, i, 311; Addison and, v, 246; Bacon and, vi, 47; Byron compared with, v, 204, 230; characters of, i, 270; childhood impressions of, iv, 341; Cromwell and, ix, 307; on democracy, i, 179; Dryden and, i, 124; Victor Hugo on, i, 200; Ingersoll on, xii, 319; Milton and, v, 119; Plato compared with, x, 116; quoted, xi, 284; referred to, i, p xxvii, 49, 134, 223, 248; iii, 28; iv, 81, 159; v, 26, 83, 97, 149; xii, 57; on religion, x, 350; Swedenborg compared with, viii, 177; Thackeray on, vi, 42; the universal man, vi, 178; vogue of, xiii, 209; Voltaire's opinion of, i, 134.
Shareholding, xi, 25.
"Sharps and Flats" Corner, Field's, v, 256.
Sharp, William, on Dante Gabriel Rosetti, xiii, 271.
Shaw, George Bernard, xi, 283; on absentee landlordism, xiii, 177; his description of the disagreeable girl, xiii, 111; on marriage, ix, 44; on Voltaire, viii, 320; on Whistler, vi, 341.
Shawneetown, Ill., life of Ingersoll in, vii, 245.
Sheedy, Colonel Patrick, vi, 72.
Sheldon, Arthur F., and Cobden, ix, 138.
Shelley, Mary W., birth of, ii, 293; mother of, ii, 293; meeting of, with Percy B. Shelley, 300; elopement of, ii, 303; literary work of, ii, 305; children of, ii, 306; death of, ii, 307; quoted, ii, 284; referred to, xiii, 106.
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, influence of women on, ii, 287; compared with Emerson, ii, 287; apostle of the good, the true and the beautiful, ii, 288; meeting of, with Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, ii, 289; marriage of, to Harriet Westbrook, ii, 297; death of, ii, 307; referred to, xii, 57; iv, 160; v, 50, 97; Aubrey Beardsley compared with, vi, 73; Lord Byron and, v, 229; Coleridge and, v, 310; Giorgione compared with, vi, 254; Southey and, v, 283; Spurgeon's estimate of, i, 135; Thorwaldsen and, vi, 116; Wordsworth compared with, i, 222.
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, xii, 179; Gainsborough and, vi, 144; The School for Scandal, iii, 122; Daniel Webster compared with, iii, 204.
Sherman, Gen. William Tecumseh, x, 159; on war, xiv, 313.
Ship-money, ix, 315.
Shirley, Charlotte Bronte, ii, 112.
Shoeing, Landseer, iv, 320.
Sidera Medicea, Galileo, xii, 69.
Sidney, Sir Philip, ii, 49; xi, 200; Giordano Bruno and, xii, 51.
Silverado Squatters, The, Stevenson, xiii, 35.
Simeon Stylites, x, 295.
Simmias, disciple of Socrates, viii, 29.
Simonetta, Botticelli and, vi, 83; Maurice Hewlett on the death of, vi, 87.
Simons, Menno, contemporary of Luther, viii, 211.
Simple life, the, x, 108.
Sincerity, v, 169.
Sinclair, Upton, x, 117; xi, 359; on Packingtown, xi, 179.
Singing, congregational, vii, 338.
Single tax, the, ix, 86.
Sinnekaas, the, viii, 45.
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, Jonathan Edwards, iii, 176.
Sin, perverted power, iii, 40.
Sioux Indians, i, 99; ii, 75.
Sisera, i, 75.
Sistine chapel, the, iv, 28.
Sixtus, Pope, iv, 101.
Skibo Castle, xi, 283.
Slaughter-houses, xi, 180.
Slavery, in New York State, iii, 247, 267; Emerson on, vii, 393; General Gordon on, vii, 393; petition for abolishment of, vii, 239; John Wesley on, ix, 81.
Slaves, freeing of the, x, 188.
Sloane, Hans, collector of curiosities, i, 124.
Slums, city, ix, 83.
Smiles, Dr. Samuel, v, 173.
Smith, Adam, Scotch economist, i, 73; v, 94; on capital, xi, 323; Samuel Johnson and, v, 163; on university education, ix, 21; quoted, ix, 83; xi, 268.
Smith, Donald Alexander, xi, 422.
Smith, F. Hopkinson, i, 242; vi, 65.
Smith, John Raphael, the engraver, i, 126.
Smith, Sydney, iv, 320; grave of, i, 231; on Macaulay, v, 178.
Smollett, Tobias, iv, 302.
Snobs, Thackeray on, vi, 66.
Snuffboxes, iv, 120.
Sobieski, John, xiv, 86.
Social Contract, The, Rousseau, i, 205; vii, 207; ix, 389.
Socialism, xii, 342; William Morris and, v, 22.
Socialists, Christian, v, 22; classes of, xi, 42.
Social ostracism, vi, 172.
Social Statics, Spencer, viii, 336.
Society, fashionable, vi, 170.
Society of Friends, ix, 217.
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, ii, 20; v, 123.
Socrates, birth of, viii, 11; appearance of, viii, 11; parents of, viii, 11; wife of, viii, 22; death of, viii, 37; referred to, ii, 195; Aspasia and, vii, 32; viii, 20; Bronson Alcott compared with, viii, 27; on character, viii, 27; Confucius compared with, x, 50, 60; the first democrat, x, 112; disciples of, viii, 29; Emerson and, viii, 16; influence of, viii, 204; x, 99; Thomas Jefferson compared with, xi, 97; Samuel Johnson compared with, v, 168; Plato and, viii, 11, 29; x, 102; the Sophists and, viii, 18; Tolstoy and, viii, 22; compared with Walt Whitman, i, 170; his opinion of women, viii, 21; Xenophon and, viii, 11, 29.
Solitude, ii, 285; v, 175, 268.
Solomon's ideal wife, ii, 69.
Somers, Bishop Manners, and George III, vii, 200.
Song of the Open Road, quotation from, i, 162.
Song Without Words, Mendelssohn, vi, 117; xiv, 183.
Sonnets From the Portuguese, E. B. Browning, ii, 36.
Sonnets of Michelangelo, iv, 4.
Sophistication, the art of, viii, 202.
Sophists, Socrates and the, viii, 18; the Stoics compared with, viii, 53.
Sophocles, v, 230.
Sordello, Browning, v, 39.
Sorrow, vii, 84.
Sortie of the Civic Guard, Rembrandt, vi, 66.
Soul, Emerson on the, viii, 403; growth of the, vi, 109; Plato on the, viii, 403.
Southey, Robert, ii, 225; Greta Hall, home of, v, 279; parents of, v, 279; monument of, v, 281; Lord Byron, v, 281; Coleridge and, v, 301; his sonnet to Robert Emmett, v, 264; his estimate of Jane Austen, ii, 254; Lovell and, v, 301; on Lord Nelson, xiii, 398; Shelley and, v, 283; Mary Wollstonecraft and, xiii, 102; the Wordsworths and, i, 214; v, 303.
Spain, England and, in the 16th century, iv, 81; senility of, iii, 232; under the rule of Philip II, vi, 171; dominion in the Netherlands, iv, 81.
Spalding, Bishop, on Mill, xiii, 162.
Spanish colonies in America, xii, 145.
Spanish Inquisition, the, vi, 171.
Sparrows, Grant Allen on, viii, 400.
Spear, William G., custodian of the Quincy Historical Society, iii, 134; vi, 315.
Specialist, age of the, iv, 120.
Speech for Unlicensed Printing, Milton, xiii, 85.
Speed, Joshua, Lincoln's law partner, iii, 303.
Spelling-bees, iii, 255.
Spencer, Herbert, parents of, viii, 325; personality of, viii, 352; as a civil engineer, viii, 352; as assistant editor Westminster Review, viii, 334; Principles of Psychology, viii, 342; Manners and Fashion, viii, 342; Poultney Bigelow and, viii, 189; Charles Bradlaugh compared with, viii, 334; the Carlyles and, xii, 340; Comte and, viii, 261; Madame Curie and, viii, 259; Mrs. Eddy and, viii, 189; on education, xi, 171; Mary Ann Evans and, viii, 335; on genius, vii, 316; W. E. Gladstone and, xii, 230; Haeckel compared with, xii, 257; on the herding instinct, viii, 149; Huxley and, viii, 345; George Henry Lewes and, viii, 337; on morality, ix, 191; on Sir Isaac Newton, x, 366; quoted ii, 75; v, 70, 109; referred to, i, 56; ii, 290; v, 174, 289; xii, 207, 371; xiii, 85; Michael Rossetti on, viii, 344; on science, xi, 386; Social Statics, viii, 336; on Swedenborg, viii, 190; on John Tyndall, xii, 34, 356; on the Unknowable, viii, 173; Prof. E. L. Youmans and, viii, 344.
Spencerian system of writing, vi, 134.
Spenser, Edmund, iv, 197; v, 14.
Spinoza, Benedict, xi, 129; excommunication of, viii, 224; Grotius compared with, viii, 228; influence of, viii, 206; on the Mennonites, viii, 211; Novalis on, viii, 233; parents of, viii, 210; philosophy of, viii, 234; Renan on, viii, 229, 233; Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, viii, 232; Van der Spijck and, viii, 228.
Spirit, of the hive, vii, 245; of mutual giving, vi, 237.
Spiritism, Alfred Russel Wallace's views on, xii, 392.
Spirits, disembodied, viii, 176.
Spiritual companionship, v, 227; gravity, v, 241; relationship, vii, 385.
Spiritualism, x, 342.
Spirituality, religion and, iv, 236; sex and, xiii, 346.
Spirit-world, the, i, 298.
Spirit World, Swedenborg, viii, 172.
Spooner, Rev. Peleg, viii, 45.
Spoons, collecting, iv, 120.
Sport, the college type described, v, 152.
Sporza, Francisco, equestrian statue of, vi, 54.
Sposalizio, Raphael, vi, 27.
Spring, beauties of, iii, 298; the coming of, ix, 286.
Spring, Botticelli, iv, 159; vi, 78.
Springfield, Ill., home of Abraham Lincoln, iii, 287.
Spurgeon, on Darwinism, xii, 228; Gustave Dore and, iv, 343; Talmage compared with, ix, 284; his estimate of Shelley, i, 135.
Stagecoach days, v, 275.
Standard Oil Co., formation of the, xi, 379.
Standish, Capt. Miles, iii, 128.
Stanley, Dean, quoted, iii, 5.
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, quoted, xiii, 200.
State and Church, separation of, xiv, 231.
Statesman, definition of, vii, 18.
Statistics, vital, v, 96.
Stead, William T., on America, vi, 340.
Steele, Richard, v, 254; regarding women, viii, 130.
Steinheil, friend of Meissonier, iv, 129.
Stephen, George, xi, 423.
Stephen, Leslie, i, p xx; life of Dean Swift, i, 143.
Stephenson, inventor of the steam-locomotive, xi, 246.
Stepmothers, vi, 47; ministrations of, vi, 23.
Sterne, shallowness of, v, 162.
Stevenson, Robert Louis, iv, 178; Edmund Gosse on, xiii, 42; experience of, on shipboard, xiii, 30; experience of, in New York, xiii, 31; on failure, vi, 169; humor of, xiii, 11; Fanny Osbourne and, xiii, 22; quoted, iv, 314; xi, 73; xiii, 19; on relaxation, xiv, 41; on Velasquez, vi, 154; Walt Whitman and, xiii, 18.
Stewart, Alexander T., business methods of, xi, 344; business palace of, xi, 351; Peter Cooper and, xi, 352; wealth of, xi, 352; the apple-woman and, xi, 220; President Grant and, xi, 334; purchaser of Meissonier's Eighteen Hundred Seven, iv, 142; John Wanamaker and, xi, 353.
Stoddard, Charles Warren, iv, 263.
Stoics and Sophists compared, viii, 53.
Stone Age, the, x, 16.
Stoner, Winifred Sackville, ix, 283.
Stones of Venice, Ruskin, i, 89.
Story, Judge, and Daniel Webster, iii, 197.
Story of a Country Town, E. W. Howe, x, 247.
Story of France, Thomas E. Watson, viii, 241; ix, 380.
Story of German Love, Max Muller, viii, 192.
Story of My Life, The, George Sand, xiv, 76.
Story, W. W., sculptor, xi, 327.
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, v, 207.
Strabismus, v, 100.
Stratford, Browning, v, 55.
"Strap-oil," vii, 243.
Stratford-on-Avon, i, 49.
Strawberry Hill, home of Horace Walpole, iv, 302.
Street preaching, ix, 38.
Stupidity, Irish, xii, 336.
Sublime Porte, the, viii, 82.
Submission, religion by, ix, 188.
Substance and Show, Starr King, vii, 328.
Substitution, religion by, ix, 188.
Subterranean Vegetation, Humboldt, xii, 139.
Success in business, xi, 355.
Suicide, Schopenhauer on, viii, 385.
Sullivan, Sir Arthur, on Handel, xiv, 254.
Sumner, Charles, iii, 271; Wendell Phillips and, vii, 399.
Sunday School books, old-time, iii, 7.
Sunday, Rev. William, x, 331.
Sunshine, definition of, i, 339.
Superior class, the, v, 291; xiv, 320.
Superstition, iv, 124; v, 153; vii, 17; ix, 182; x, 366; Hypatia on, x, 275; Voltaire on, viii, 293.
Supreme Court, first chief justice of, iii, 246.
Surveying, the business of, xii, 389.
Swedenborg, Emanuel, the mystic, iii, 28; viii, 174; parents of, viii, 181; The Animal Kingdom, viii, 194; his experiments in motive power, xii, 21; Conjugal Love, viii, 191; Darwin compared with, viii, 179; The Economy of the Universe, viii, 194; Mary Baker Eddy and, viii, 190; x, 355; Emerson on, viii, 177; inventive genius of, viii, 186; love-affair of, viii, 183; on marriage, viii, 191; Principia, viii, 192; quoted, xiv, 170; Herbert Spencer on, viii, 190; Shakespeare compared with, viii, 177; Spirit World, viii, 172; travels of, viii, 186.
Swedenborgians, the, viii, 196.
Sweden, Florida compared with, viii, 182; literacy of, viii, 181.
Swett, Leonard, friend of Lincoln, iii, 288.
Swift, Jonathan, mother of, i, 143; birthplace of, i, 144; youth of, i, 145; misanthropy of, i, 146; ambition of, i, 148; wit of, i, 149; popularity of, i, 151; personality of, i, 152; religion of, i, 152; love-affair of, i, 158; grave of, i, 160; referred to, iii, 60; v, 258; xiv, 262; on the celibacy of the Catholic clergy, i, 153; epitaph of, i, 158; his characterization of Lord Halifax, v, 250; Stella and, vi, 177; Voltaire and, viii, 295.
Swimming, the art of, viii, 328.
Swinburne, Algernon Charles, ii, 127; his description of Elizabeth Eleanor Siddal, xiii, 265.
Swing, David, reformer, ix, 282; Philip D. Armour and, xi, 186.
Swinton, Prof., and Henry George, ix, 76.
Switzerland, supremacy of, vi, 193.
Sybil, Disraeli, v, 341.
Symonds, John Addington, referred to, i, 170; iv, 27; on Cellini, vi, 274.
Sympathy, v, 169, 239.
Synthetic Philosophy, Spencer, viii, 344.
Taine, M., on Lord Byron, v, 215; on Carlyle, viii, 312; on Dickens, i, 265; English Literature, xiii, 171; on educated Englishmen, vi, 274; viii, 328; on Leonardo, vi, 38; quoted, vii, 180; on Thackeray, i, 240.
Taking of the Smalah of Abd-el-Kader, Vernet, iv, 215.
Talent, xiv, 302; distinguished from genius, vi, 56.
Tale of a Tub, Swift, i, 142.
Tale of the Hollow Land, The, William Morris, v, 15.
Tales From Shakespeare, Mary Lamb, ii, 233.
Talleyrand, quoted, ii, 166, 173, 280; iv, 97.
Talmage, Rev. T. De Witt, ix, 283; compared with Beecher, vii, 359; on Darwinism, xii, 228; as an orator, vii, 22; on regeneration, iii, 41; Spurgeon compared with, ix, 284.
Tamerlane, Tatar conqueror of Asia, xii, 38.
Tancred, Disraeli, v, 341.
Tannhauser, Wagner, iv, 259; xiv, 29.
Tantrum, defined, viii, 70.
Tarbell, Ida, xi, 359.
Tarquin referred to, i, 306.
Tasso and Cellini, vi, 282.
Taylor, Bayard, on Mendelssohn, xiv, 178.
Taylor, Gen. Zachary, iii, 269.
Taylor, Jeremy, xii, 338.
Teacher, the ideal, iv, 53.
Teaching, by antithesis, v, 178; profession of, iii, 99; Thomas Arnold on, x, 237; importance of, vi, 249; object of, vi, 249; John Wesley on, viii, 202.
Telepathy, xiii, 223.
Telescope, invention of the, xii, 64.
Temperament, v, 237.
Temperance fanatics, v, 105; xiii, 89.
Tempest, The, Shakespeare, i, 317; Dore's illustrations of, iv, 338.
Temple, Richard Earl, vii, 197.
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, education of, v, 75; early poems of, v, 77; appearance of, v, 79; literary position of, v, 81; Poet Laureate, v, 82; marriage of, v, 82; Queen Victoria and, v, 84; friendship with Arthur Hallam, v, 85; referred to, i, 91; iv, 165; iv, 253; v, 13, 97, 294; vi, 199; xii, 57; Brookfield and, v, 76; insularism of, v, 83; Kemble and, v, 76; his love of solitude, v, 79; Milnes and, v, 76; Spedding and, v, 76; Wordsworth compared with, i, 222.
Ten o'Clock, Lecture, Whistler, vi, 351.
Tenth Legion, Caesar's, vii, 44.
Ten Years of Exile, Madame de Stael, ii, 181.
Terence, Roman poet, quoted, vi, 46.
Terminus, the god, x, 125.
Terry, Ellen, i, 257; xiv, 177.
Tetzel, John, and Martin Luther, vii, 128.
Teufelsdrockh, i, 81.
Thackeray, William Makepeace, birth of, i, 232; death of, i, 232; mother of, i, 232; humor of, i, 239; acquaintance with Charlotte Bronte, i, 240; stepfather of, i, 242; genius of, i, 242; wife of, i, 234; early hardships of, i, 234; extravagance of, i, 236; friends of, i, 236; visit of, to America, i, 243; Charlotte Bronte and, ii, 109; Goldsmith and, i, 209; on George Henry Lewes, viii, 337; on the people of England, vi, 148; quoted, i, 281; ii, 69; v, 128; on Shakespeare, vi, 42; xiv, 307; on snobs, vi, 66; referred to, i, 249; iii, 227; v, 97; on women, viii, 22.
Thalaber, Southey, i, 214.
Thales, of Miletus, Greek philosopher, xii, 98.
Thames, river, i, 77.
Thanatopsis, W. C. Bryant, ii, 123; iv, 51.
Thanet, isle of, ii, 130.
The Hague, iii, 242.
Theism, ii, 79.
Themistocles, i, 321; Pericles and, vii, 28.
Theological Quibblers' Club, ix, 189.
Theology, distinguished from metaphysics and science, viii, 267; Homer's conception of, i, 113; as a profession, iii, 99; as a science, viii, 162; science and, xii, 155; Dr. Talmage as the Barnum of, i, 163.
Theophrastus and Aristotle, xii, 268.
Theory of Painting, Richardson, iv, 289.
Theosophy, x, 342.
Thermometer, invention of, xii, 64.
Thetis, mother of Achilles, vii, 14.
Thicknesse, Philip, vii, 199; Life of Gainsborough, vi, 129; Brock-Arnold on, vi, 130.
Thierry, Augustin, friend of Ary Scheffer, iv, 237, 247.
Thomas, Hiram W., reformer, ix, 282.
Thompson-Seton, Ernest, and Rousseau, ix, 394.
Thompson, Vance, on Rubens, vi, 164.
Thomson, James, iii, 60; Voltaire and, viii, 296.
Thoreau, Henry David, influence of, viii, 393; parents of, viii, 395; education of, viii, 396; friends of, viii, 406; life of, in Walden Woods, viii, 412; imprisonment of, viii, 417; Agassiz and, viii, 417; Henry Ward Beecher on, viii, 424; Harrison Blake and, viii, 424; John Brown compared with, viii, 426; John Burroughs on, viii, 423; Ellery Channing and, viii, 397; on the character of Jesus, vii, 316; on college training, viii, 397; Emerson and, viii, 397, 408; influence of, viii, 206; quoted, iii, 59, 219; iv, 322; v, 16, 204; vii, 29; xiii, 49; referred to, i, 89, 195; ii, 285; George Francis Train compared with, viii, 425; Walt Whitman and, viii, 422; on work, x, 318.
Thorwaldsen, Bertel, birthplace of, vi, 98; ancestry of, vi, 95; father of, vi, 98; early life of, vi, 98; experience of, with statue of Charles XII, vi, 99; Abildgaard and, vi, 105; his admiration for Napoleon, vi, 118; Hans Christian Andersen and, vi, 100; Byron and, vi, 116; Canova and, vi, 108; Flaxman and, vi, 110; indolence of, vi, 107; the King of Bavaria and, vi, 114; life of, in Rome, vi, 107; Lion of Lucerne, vi, 123; Anna Maria Magnani and, vi, 111; Maria Louise, second wife of Napoleon, and, vi, 118; his love for mythology, vi, 97; Mendelssohn and, vi, 116; Sir Walter Scott and, vi, 115; Shelley and, vi, 116; social qualities of, vi, 115.
Thorwaldsen Museum at Copenhagen, vi, 120.
Through Nature to God, Fiske, xii, 396.
Thucydides, contemporary of Pericles, iii, 93; v, 185; vii, 15, 24.
Thursday lecture, the, in Boston, ix, 294, 358.
Tiberius, Roman emperor, viii, 49.
Tieck, Ludwig, on Correggio, vi, 220.
Tietjens, Madame, grave of, i, 321.
Tilden, Dr., quoted, xi, 53.
Tilghman, death of, Washington on, iii, 4.
Tilton, Theodore, vii, 375; xi, 258.
Timbuctoo, Tennyson, v, 77.
Time, the great avenger, iii, 40.
Tingley, Katharine, ix, 283.
Tintoretto, iv, 99; Paul Veronese compared with, iv, 148.
Titian, Reynolds on, iv, 146; birth of, iv, 153; Rubens at grave of, iv, 153; Cadore, birthplace of, iv, 153; pupil of Gian Bellini, iv, 157; acquaintance of, with Giorgione, iv, 158; paintings of, iv, 166; religion of, iv, 166; pictures by, in England, iv, 189; Raphael and, vi, 35; Van Dyck and, iv, 193; referred to, iv, 60, 99; v, 323;
Toilers, The, Hugo, i, 200.
To Jeannie, Robert Burns, v, 92.
Toleration Act, the, ix, 220.
Tolstoy, Leo, v, 237; Anna Karenina, xiv, 351; daughter of, ii, 192; on religious persecution, ix, 181; Socrates and, viii, 22; story of, ii, p xi; his story of a peasant, xi, 90; Wanamaker and, viii, 205; wife of, v, 133.
Tomb, of Napoleon, i, 315; of Wellington, i, 315.
Tom Peartree, Gainsborough, vi, 133.
To My Wife, Stevenson, xiii, 42.
Tooke, Horne, and Thomas Paine, ix, 175.
Torah, Jewish Book of the Law, x, 33.
Torrigiano, Pietro, and Cellini, vi, 281.
Total depravity as a doctrine, viii, 357.
Touchstone and King Lear, vi, 334.
Tower of Babel, iv, 115.
Townshend and Joshua Reynolds, iv, 304.
Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, Spinoza, viii, 232.
Trafalgar, battle of, xiii, 424.
Tragedy, v, 240.
Train, George Francis, vii, 397; on Emerson, vii, 325; imprisonment of, viii, 178.
Transcendentalism, viii, 403; of Hypatia, x, 280; the new, ii, 53; Thoreau on, viii, 427.
Transmutation of metals, xii, 36.
Transplantation, vi, 234; xiii, 50.
Trappists, the, v, 235; x, 318.
Traubel, Horace L., and Whitman, i, 167.
Travel as a means of education, i, 233; v, 221.
Traveler, The, Goldsmith, i, 296.
Travel on the Amazon and Rio Negro, Wallace, xii, 380.
Travels of Humboldt and Bonpland, in the Interior of America, Humboldt's great work, xii, 149.
Treason and heresy, ix, 24.
Treasure Island, Stevenson, xiii, 37.
Tremont Temple, Boston, i, p xxxvii.
Trevelyan, Lord, v, 192.
Tribune, the Chicago, in war-time, iii, 296.
Triggsology, xii, 243.
Trigonometry, science of, xii, 103.
Trilby, referred to, i, 257; iii, 138.
Trinity Church, New York, xi, 327.
Tristram Shandy, Sterne, v, 162.
Triumph of the Cross, The, Savonarola, vii, 95.
Trolley-car, invention of, i, 329.
Trollope, Anthony, ii, 39; his friendship for Thackeray, i, 236.
Tropics, the, v, 282.
Truth, xiv, 333; Aristotle on, viii, 100; a point of view, viii, 388.
Tsonnundawaonas, Indian tribe, viii, 45.
Tufts college, i, p xxxiv.
Turgot, Anne Robert, viii, 241.
Turner, Joseph Mallord William, youth of, i, 124; apprenticeship of, i, 126; influence of Claude Lorraine on, i, 126; appearance of, i, 131; friendship of, with Sir Walter Scott, i, 132; gentleness of, i, 135; character of, i, 136; religion of, i, 139; grave of, i, 140; iv, 198; Corot compared with, vi, 189; public estimate of, i, 129; Hamerton on, i, 168; iv, 135; quoted, vi, 137; Ruskin and, v, 246; vi, 58; referred to, iii, 28; Ruskin's defense of, v, 13; subtlety of, iv, 325.
Tuskegee Institute, i, p xxiii; x, 202.
Tussaud, Madame, iv, 344.
Twilight, Michelangelo, iv, 32.
Two in a Gondola, Browning, v, 56.
Tyndale, William, martyr, xii, 335.
Tyndall, John, influence of Carlyle on, xii, 349; on education, xii, 346; influence of Emerson on, xii, 349; Michael Faraday and, xii, 352; Alexander Humboldt and, xii, 351; Professor James of Harvard on, xii, 358; as a mountain-climber, xii, 355; Robert Owen and, ix, 225; xi, 48; xii, 344; on the efficacy of prayer, xii, 357; Herbert Spencer on, xii, 340, 359; the University of Toronto and, xii, 356; Alfred Russel Wallace compared with, xii, 342.
Tyranny, v, 186; ix, 57.
Uffizi gallery, the, iv, 101.
Ugly, philosophy of the, vi, 73.
Ulysses, iv, 303.
Umbrian school, the, vi, 29.
Uncle Billy Bushnell, i, p xxv.
Uncle Tom's Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe, x, 28.
Unitarianism, v, 299; ix, 279; Pantheism and, ix, 295; Universalism and, vii, 326.
United States Steel Corporation, the, xi, 297.
Universal coinage, xii, 114.
Universal energy, v, 123.
Universality of great souls, vi, 97.
University, advantages of the, x, 166; origin of, xiii, 123.
University of Hard Knocks, i, p xxxiv; i, 249, 344; iii, 218.
Unknowable, the, viii, 174.
Upsala, university of, viii, 185.
Uranus, discovery of, xii, 186.
Utah, prisons in, ii, 191.
Utopia, v, 238.
Utopia, Sir Thomas More, x, 171.
Vaccination, Wallace on, xii, 393.
Vailima Prayers, Stevenson, xiii, 10.
Valedictorians, vi, 325.
Value sense, the, v, 70.
Vampire, The, Burne-Jones, vi, 75.
Vanderbilt, Commodore, iii, 261; his experience with his son William, viii, 289.
Vanderbilts, the, and Meissonier, iv, 139.
Van Dyck, Anthony, Cowley's elegy on, iv, 172; the name Van Dyck in Holland, iv, 173; parents of, iv, 173; influence of Rubens on, iv, 112, 173; Rubens' jealousy of, iv, 176; love-affairs of, iv, 181, 195; residence at Saventhem, iv, 183; journeys of, in Italy, iv, 187; residence in England, iv, 192; appearance of, iv, 193; his paintings of Charles I, iv, 195; marriage of, iv, 196; death of, iv, 197; monument of, iv, 198; grave of, iv, 198; quoted, iv, 183.
Vane, Sir Henry, and Anne Hutchinson, ix, 358.
Van Horne, Sir William, xi, 425.
Vanity, v, 238.
Vanity Fair, Thackeray, i, 233.
Vasari, Italian painter, iv, 8; vi, 19; quoted, iv, 163; on the Bellinis, vi, 253; Cellini and, vi, 288.
Vase, a, defined, xiii, 76.
Vassar, Matthew, xi, 242.
Vatican, the, iv, 101; dampness of, iv, 296; Michelangelo's home in the, iv, 18.
Vegetarianism, viii, 53.
Velasquez, Diego de Silva, birth of, vi, 158; inspirer of artists, vi, 157, 167; Herrera and, vi, 160; Murillo and, vi, 183; Olivarez and, vi, 167; Pacheco and, vi, 161; Rubens and, vi, 181; the wife of, vi, 164; pictures by, in England, iv, 189; influence of, vi, 184; Raphael Menges on, vi, 158; Reynolds on, vi, 158; Ruskin on, vi, 158; Stevenson on, vi, 154; Sir David Wilkie and, vi, 158; Whistler on, vi, 177; influence of, on Whistler, vi, 346; Fortuny compared with, iv, 208.
Venice, canals of, vi, 23, 257; Antwerp compared with, xiv, 224; wonders of, iv, 56; glass-factories of, iv, 155;
Venus, ii, 43.
Verdi, Giuseppe, Bulwer-Lytton on, xiv, 274; early hardships of, xiv, 282; influence of Hugo on, xiv, 292.
Verestchagin, Russian painter, xii, 89.
Vergil, i, 179.
Verne, Jules, i, 164; vi, 146.
Vernon, Admiral, iii, 16.
Veronese, Paul, iv, 60; pictures by, in England, iv, 189; his fondness for dogs, vi, 240; Tintoretto compared with, iv, 148.
Verrocchio, Andrea del, Italian painter, vi, 51.
Vespasian, Emperor, iv, 102.
Vesuvius, ii, 96.
Vicar of Wakefield, Goldsmith, i, 294.
Victoria, Queen of England, i, 72; iv, 324; vi, 139; Alfred Tennyson and, v, 84.
Villette, Charlotte Bronte, ii, 112.
Vincent, Dr. George, psychologist, quoted, vi, 335.
Vindication of Natural Society, The, Burke, vii, 168.
Vindication of the Rights of Woman, A, Mary Wollstonecraft, ii, 290.
Virginia controversy, the, iii, 267.
Virginians, The, Thackeray, i, 236.
Vital statistics, v, 96.
Vivakenandi, H. Darmapala, viii, 27.
Vivian Gray, Disraeli, v, 324.
Voice, the inner, x, 31; the prophetic, i, 181.
Voltaire, ii, 183; xii, 57; 179; at the English Court, viii, 296; financial ability of, viii, 298; home of, in Switzerland, viii, 314; as a pamphleteer, viii, 317; his contempt for the clergy, viii, 280; imprisonment of, viii, 285; death of, viii, 276; influence of, viii, 275; Life of Charles XII, viii, 297; My Private Life, viii, 312; Henriade, viii, 296; Oedipe, viii, 287; Philosophical Dictionary, xi, 106; Frederick the Great and, viii, 309; Thomson and, viii, 296; the Abbe de Chateauneuf and, viii, 278; the Chevalier de Rohan and, viii, 292; Congreve and, viii, 295; Horace Walpole and, viii, 296; Pope and, viii, 295; Catherine of Russia and, viii, 315; Madame du Chatelet and, viii, 301; Dean Swift and, viii, 295; John Gay and, viii, 295; Madame Dunoyer and, viii, 282; Ninon de Lenclos and, viii, 277; on marriage and divorce, viii, 290; on Newton, x, 366; xii, 409; on Shakespeare, i, 134; on Seneca, viii, 80; on superstition, viii, 293; quoted, xiii, 162; referred to, i, 306; Charles Dickens compared with, viii, 283; Rousseau's criticism of, ix, 384; Disraeli compared with, viii, 295; Rousseau compared with, vii, 207; ix, 373, 385.
Von Humboldt, Alexander, i, 342; education of, x, 257.
Wagner at Bayreuth, Nietzsche, xiv, 36.
Wagner, Parson, ix, 393.
Wagner, Richard, mother of, xiv, 14; marriage of, xiv, 16; composition of his music, xiv, 24; exile of, xiv, 31; character of, xiv, 42; referred to, v, 267; on art, xiv, 22; on Beethoven, xiv, 222; influence of, viii, 205; Franz Liszt and, xiv, 30; Millet compared with, iv, 259; William Morris compared with, xiv, 24; Friedrich Nietzsche and, xiv, 35; Whitman compared with, xiv, 23.
Walden Pond, Thoreau's home at, viii, 413.
Waldorf-Astoria, i, p xxxvii.
Walker, Emery, and William Morris v, 29.
Wallace, Alfred Russel, referred to, v, 289; Darwin and, xii, 223, 372; Humboldt compared with, xii, 380; on the orang-utan, xii, 382; on spiritism, xii, 392; spiritualistic tendencies of, x, 342; travels of, in Brazil, xii, 378; travels of, in the Malay Archipelago, xii, 381; John Tyndall compared with, xii, 342.
Wallace line, the, xii, 387.
Wallflowers, v, 49.
Walpole, Horace, iv, 302; vii, 191; ix, 164; xii, 179; on William Herschel, xii, 183; Anecdotes of Painting, iv, 101; Reynolds and, iv, 299; Voltaire and, viii, 296.
Walpole, Sir Robert, vii, 191.
Wanamaker, John, and A.T. Stewart, xi, 353; Tolstoy and, viii, 205.
War, v, 238; Thomas Paine on, ix, 173; poetry of, ii, 271.
War of 1812, iii, 221.
Warfare of Science and Religion, Andrew D. White, xii, 222.
Warwickshire, i, 49, 304.
Warner, Charles Dudley, quoted, xiv, 225.
Washington, Booker T., parents of, x, 185; Andrew Carnegie and, xi, 290; Napoleon compared with, x, 211; H. H. Rogers and, xi, 389; Gen. Ruffner and, x, 190.
Washington, George, character of, iii, 6; Weems' life of, iii, 7; v, 41; vi, 129; lineage of, iii, 8; home of, at Mount Vernon, iii, 16; Indian name of, iii, 17; appearance of, iii, 17; love-affairs of, iii, 18; marriage of, iii, 20; appointed commander of the army, iii, 23; strategy of, iii, 24; humor of, iii, 25; detractors of, iii, 28; statue of, iii, 5; letter of John Jay to, iii, 230; Lincoln and, iii, 29; on Thomas Paine, xiii, 84; Mary Philipse and, xi, 217; quoted, iii, 245; referred to, iii, 90; xii, 57, 179; Ary Scheffer's admiration for, iv, 235.
Waterloo, battle of, i, 233; iv, 82; xi, 161.
Watson, Thomas, Story of France, viii, 241; ix, 380.
Watson, Sir William, astronomer, xii, 182.
Watterson, Henry, on Lincoln, vii, 393.
Watt, James, xi, 68; xii, 179; Humphrey Gainsborough and, vi, 133.
Wax-works, Madame Tussaud's, iv, 344.
Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith, i, 73; v, 94, 163; ix, 64.
Wealth, the handicap of, vi, 169.
Webb, Philip, architect, v, 20.
Webster, Daniel, birthplace of, iii, 191; education of, iii, 192; association of, with his brother Ezekiel, iii, 195; graduation of, iii, 196; his greatest speech, iii, 196; his favorite theme, iii, 197; debate of, with Hayne, iii, 198; son of, iii, 200; influence of, iii, 201; the Stephen Girard case, iii, 201; the Dartmouth College case, iii, 202; effectiveness of, iii, 203; death of, iii, 204; on liberty, vii, 337; James Oliver compared with, xi, 78; on the practise of law, xi, 274; quoted, iv, 253.
Wedgwood, Josiah, xii, 203; S. T. Coleridge and, v, 305; Gladstone on, xiii, 60; Robert Owen and, ix, 225; John Wesley and, xiii, 53.
Wedgwood, Julia, biographer of John Wesley, ix, 15.
Weems, Rev. Mason L., iii, 7; Life of Washington, v, 41; vii, 199.
Wehrgeld, vii, 125.
Weimar, Germany, i, 58, 233.
Weir, Robert, Professor, vi, 342.
Wellesley, Arthur, Duke of Wellington, i, 280, 313; v, 253; xii, 179, 338; mother of, viii, 57.
Werther, Coleridge's translation of, v, 307.
Wesley, Charles, hymn-writer, ix, 11, 41.
Wesley, John, American experiences of, ix, 29; education of, ix, 21; influence of, ix, 11, 46; marital experience of, ix, 44; the Moravians and, ix, 31; Governor Oglethorpe and, ix, 27; on teaching, viii, 202; Josiah Wedgwood and, xiii, 52.
Wesley, Susanna, ix, 221; children of, ix, 11.
West, Benjamin, American artist, iv, 306; xi, 94; xii, 179; Thomas Gainsborough and, vi, 150.
West Indies, the, iii, 110.
Whale-oil industry, decline of, xi, 369.
Wheat-belt, the, xi, 433.
Whigs, Johnson on, v, 164.
Whim, xiv, 302.
Whistler, James Abbott McNeil, vi, 339; on art, viii, 363; his criticism of Gustave Dove, iv, 329; his dual character, vi, 333; Etching and Dry Points, vi, 351; Judge Gaynor on, vi, 333; The Gentle Art of Making Enemies, vi, 330, 351; life of, in Russia, vi, 341; Nocturne, vi, 345; quoted, iv, 116, 220; v, 16; xii, 155; Ruskin and, vi, 330; the Ten o'Clock lecture, vi, 351; Velasquez and, vi, 177, 346.
White, Andrew D., The Warfare of Science and Religion, xii, 222.
Whitefield, George, colleague of the Wesleys, ix, 27, 41.
White Pigeon, v, 269; description of, vi, 40.
Whitlock, Brand, ix, 283.
Whitman, Walt, Lincoln's opinion of, i, 164; appearance of, i, 165; Dr. Bucke's characterization of, i, 166; Horace L. Traubel on, i, 167; home of, in Camden i, 168; Symonds' opinion of, i, 170; Rossetti's opinion of, i, 170; democracy of, i, 174; the poet of humanity, i, 179; Edward Carpenter and, x, 46; as a clerk, v, 26; Corot compared with, vi, 190; on death, i, 175; on the human voice, vii, 314; influence of, viii, 205; influence of, on R. L. Stevenson, xiii, 18; kingliness of, x, 109; compared with Millet, iv, 259; William Morris' estimate of, v, 32; opinions regarding, vi, 191; quoted, iv, 161; vi, 66; xii, 88; referred to, i, p xxvii, 90, 195; ii, 285; v, 83; xi, 94; Thoreau and, viii, 422; Wagner compared with, xiv, 23.
Whitney, Eli, xi, 69.
Widows, the lot of, xii, 14.
Wife-beating, iv, 240.
Wife, Solomon's ideal, ii, 69.
Wight, isle of, i, 196.
Wilberforce, Samuel, and Charles Darwin, xii, 202.
Wilberforce, William, philanthropist, vii, 196.
Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, xi, 284.
Wilkie, Sir David, and Velasquez, vi, 158.
Willard, Frances E., ii, 52.
William the Conqueror, i, 252; ii, 198; x, 148; xiv, 40.
William the Silent, Prince of Orange, iv, 81.
Williams, Roger, and Anne Hutchinson, ix, 359, 361.
Willis, N. P., on Disraeli, v, 329.
Will, force of, ii, 162; Pentecost on, xiv, 66; power of, iv, 330; Schopenhauer on the, viii, 380.
Wilson, Francis, and Eugene Field, v, 256.
Wilson, James, Judge, iii, 14.
Windermere, lake, i, 87, 218.
Windows, stained-glass, v, 22.
Wine of Cyprus, E. B. Browning, ii, 21.
Winter's Tale, The, Shakespeare, i, 317.
Winter, William, i, 51; on Shakespeare, i, 312.
Winthrop, John, Governor of Massachusetts Colony, ix, 337.
Wisdom, v, 240; ignorance and, Starr King on, vii, 308; knowledge and, vii, 217; learning and, x, 74; mintage of, i, p xii.
Wishart, George, and John Knox, ix, 206.
Witchcraft, iii, 101; x, 352.
Wizard, definition of, xii, 67; Edison on, vi, 42.
Woffington, Peg, friend of Reynolds, iv, 305.
Wollstonecraft, Mary, birth of, ii, 289; literary achievements of, ii, 290; views of, ii, 291; meeting of, with Gilbert Imlay, ii, 292; marriage of, to William Godwin, ii, 293; death of, ii, 294; Charlotte Perkins Gilman compared with, xiii, 92; Coleridge and, xiii, 102; Dr. Samuel Johnson and, xiii, 90; Thomas Paine and, ix, 175; Robert Southey and, xiii, 102; The Rights of Woman, xiii, 85.
Womanhood in Greece, vii, 32.
Woman suffrage, i, 93.
Women, Botticelli's, vi, 81; capacity of, for intellectual endeavor, ix, 346; characterization of, i, 159; degradation and, vi, 74; in relation to divorce, viii, 133; emancipation of, ii, 70; emotional, xiii, 315; in France, ii, 173; helpfulness of, i, 75; influence of, i, 131; iv, 36, 225; the inspirers of music, xiv, 120; of Ireland, i, 275; Dr. Johnson concerning, xiii, 91; Kipling and, vi, 74; Mahomet on the truthfulness of, iv, 86; Michelangelo's figures of, iv, 9; the new woman, ii, 53; in politics, viii, 51; Socrates' opinion of, viii, 21; souls of, iii, 101; Richard Steele regarding, viii, 130; as teachers, x, 259; Washington's regard for, iii, 18.
Wonders of the Invisible World, Mather, i, 238.
Woodhull, Victoria, xi, 258.
Woodward Gardens, San Francisco, ix, 63.
Wooing, the art of, viii, 328.
Wordsworth, Dorothy, i, 212; ii, 228; Coleridge and, vi, 304.
Wordsworth, William, home of, i, 212; life of, at Rydal Mount, i, 216; grave of, i, 222; rank as poet, i, 222; influence of, i, 223; Robert Browning and, v, 55; as a government employee, v, 26; quoted, ii, 233, 285; referred to, i, 88; ii, 28; v, 270; Southey and, v, 303.
Work, v, 24; Martin Luther on, vii, 110;
Works and Days, R. W. Emerson, ii, 286.
World poets, v, 83.
World's Congress of Religions, i, 135.
World-weariness, xiv, 78.
Worms, Luther at the Diet of, vii, 143.
Worry, iii, 260.
Wren, Christopher, architect, iii, 61.
Writing academies, American, vi, 134.
Wu Ting Fang, on Ireland, xi, 335.
Wythe, George, and Patrick Henry, iii, 62.
Xantippe, wife of Socrates, i, 75; viii, 22.
Xenophon and Socrates, viii, 11, 29.
Yale university, art-gallery at, vi, 71.
Yates, Dick, friend of Lincoln, iii, 288.
Yesterdays With Authors, Fields, i, 235.
Yorkshire folks, ii, 104.
Youmans, Edward L., and Herbert Spencer, viii, 344; Darwinism and, xii, 231.
Young, Brigham, x, 117; xi, 72.
Youth, characterized, v, 18.
Zangwill, Israel, i, 163; ii, 193; iv, 243; v, 319; viii, 217; on genius, xiv, 309; on Scotland, xi, 77; on the Ghetto, xi, 128; his stories of the Ghetto, viii, 219.
Zola, Emile, iv, 139.
Zoonomia, Erasmus Darwin, xii, 371.
Zueblin, Charles, on William Morris, xi, 356.