Editors, managing, characterized, vi, 315.
Educated man, the, xii, 127.
Educated men, the five greatest, i, 341.
Education, v, 11; vii, 314; viii, 203; of children, ix, 224; definition of, i, 341; formula of, x, 202; getting an, vii, 285; Hegel on, vii, 322; Victor Hugo on, xi, 203; Charles Lamb on, ii, 214; object of, x, 200; science of, viii, 100; Herbert Spencer on, viii, 324; xi, 171; John Tyndall on, xii, 346.
Edwards, Rev. Jonathan, iii, 176; influence of, vii, 237; theology of, viii, 179.
Egotism, v, 242; vi, 25.
Egotism in literature, vi, 273.
Egotist, the, vi, 49.
Egyptian civilization, x, 17.
Egypt, the cradle of mystery and miracle, x, 75; in the time of the Pharaohs, x, 17.
Eighteen Hundred Seven, Meissonier, iv, 142.
Elba, Napoleon's exile in, ii, 181.
Elective Affinities, Goethe, xiii, 228.
Electricity, Edison regarding future of, i, 320; Spencer's discoveries in, viii, 359.
Electric pen, invention of, i, 329.
Elegy on Sir Anthony Van Dyck, Cowley, iv, 172.
Elegy, The, Gray, v, 126.
Elemental conditions, v, 88.
Elementary Physiology, Huxley, xii, 327.
Elgin marbles, iv, 318; vi, 13; vii, 13.
Eliot, George, ii, 239; v, 49; early life of, i, 50; birthplace of, i, 52; acquaintance of, with Herbert Spencer, i, 56; marriage, i, 57; appearance of, i, 63; home of, i, 63; grave of, i, 64; estimate of Jane Austen, ii, 254; on Botticelli, vi, 69; favorite book of, ix, 376; on the art life of Florence, vi, 90.
Elizabeth, Queen of England, iv, 81; visit at Kenilworth, i, 304.
Elks, Order of, x, 77.
Ellis, Charles M., and Theodore Parker, ix, 297.
Ellis, F. S., and William Morris, v, 29.
Ellsworth, Oliver, chief justice, iii, 248.
Elocution, H. W. Beecher on, vi, 187; viii, 54.
Elzevirs, the, publishers, iv, 55, 65.
Emancipated men, xiv, 246.
Emancipation of women, ii, 70.
Embankment, the London, i, 77.
Emerald Isle, the, ii, 95.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, and the Brook Farm, viii, 402; and Concord, viii, 405; Bronson Alcott and, xi, 392; Carlyle and, ii, 286; vi, 155; Carlyle's letter to, iii, 184; Darwin compared with, xii, 203; Essay on Compensation, xii, 261; Confucius compared with, x, 51; favorite book of, ix, 376; Hypatia compared with, x, 280; influence of, on John Tyndall, xii, 349; as a lecturer, v, 26; Mazzini compared with, ix, 94; William Morris' estimate of, v, 32; on astronomy, xii, 116; on beauty, xiii, 211; on commerce, ix, 130; on eloquence, ix, 104; on knowledge, vii, 322; on Nature, x, 306; on originality, xii, 407; on Theodore Parker, ix, 301; on Wendell Phillips, vii, 413; on place and power, vi, 168; on plain living, xiii, 251; on Plato, viii, 31; on slavery, vii, 393; on the soul, viii, 403; on Swedenborg, viii, 177; on Thoreau, viii, 408; on truth, xiv, 333; Robert Owen and, xii, 349; Theodore Parker compared with, ix, 279, 292; Theodore Parker's lecture on, ix, 274; Wendell Phillips on, xiii, 171; quoted, i, 242, 267, 341; ii, 76, 285; iii, 108; iv, 7, 128, 259; v, 12, 79, 98, 158, 248; vi, 65, 95; vii, 309; viii, 305; ix, 61; x, 339; xi, 14; xiii, 89; referred to, i, p vi; i, 55, 90, 223; iv, 253; v, 294; Seneca compared with, viii, 56; Shelley compared with, ii, 287; Socrates and, viii, 16; Thoreau and, viii, 397; George Francis Train on, vii, 325.
Emile, Rousseau, vii, 207; ix, 371; xiii, 85.
Emilian Highway, the, vi, 226.
Emmett, Robert, Southey to, v, 264.
Empire State Express, i, p xxx.
Endless punishment as a doctrine, viii, 357.
Endymion, Disraeli, v, 342.
Enemies, the uses of, xii, 18.
Energy, example of, i, 339.
Energy, universal, v, 123.
England, colonies of, x, 131; freedom in, vi, 146; freedom of speech in, ix, 175; Greece compared with, vii, 35; the heart of, i, 308; a nation of shop-keepers, ii, 207; the people of, x, 130; rural, ii, 240; settlement of, by the Engles and Saxons, x, 132; of Shakespeare, i, 301; Spain and, in the 16th century, iv, 81.
English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, Byron, v, 218; vi, 329.
English Idylls, Tennyson, v, 81.
English Literature, Taine, xiii, 171.
English Note-Book, Voltaire, viii, 297.
English Settlements in North America, Burke, vii, 172.
English Traits, Emerson, viii, 297.
Enlightenment, age of, viii, 271.
Enquiry Into the Present State of Polite Learning in Europe, Goldsmith's first book, i, 293.
Entail, law of, v, 70.
Enthusiasm, vii, 319; x, 242.
Environment, ii, 189; iii, 56; xiii, 215; force of, iv, 332; influence of, xi, 335.
Epictetus, viii, 119; compared with Walt Whitman, i, 170.
Epigram, definition of, x, 52.
Epitaphs, i, 158; iv, 86; v, 159.
Epochs in life, three great, ix, 66.
Epworth League, referred to, ii, 137.
Epworth parsonage, birthplace of John Wesley, ix, 16.
Equanimity, x, 58; xiii, 84.
Erasmus, i, 248; x, 117; xiv, 40; an authority on books and printing, x, 175; the Bishop of Cambray and, x, 161; Froben, the publisher, and, x, 173; Melanchthon and, x, 172; Sir Thomas More and, x, 170; Lord Mountjoy and, x, 169; Luther compared with, x, 152; Diderot on, x, 152; Albrecht Durer on, x, 157; In Praise of Folly, x, 177; intellectual pivot of the Renaissance, x, 150; on preaching, x, 150; quoted, vi, 46; reference to, i, 124; v, 123; travels of, x, 161.
Erfurt, university of, vii, 119.
Esoteric and exoteric, vii, 133.
Esoterics, v, 96.
Essay on Education, Herbert Spencer, viii, 324.
Essay on Human Understanding, Locke, xiii, 85.
Essay on Mind, E. B. Browning, ii, 29.
Essay on the Sublime, Burke, vii, 318.
Essays of Elia, Charles Lamb, ii, 214; v, 297.
Etching, iv, 55, 315.
Etching and Dry Points, Whistler, vi, 351.
Etiquette, books on, v, 239.
Etruria, home of Wedgwood pottery, xiii, 75.
Euclid of Megara, disciple of Socrates, viii, 29.
Eugenics of Plato, x, 118.
Eugenie, Empress, and Rosa Bonheur, ii, 159.
Euripides, referred to, v, 185.
Eusebius on Aristotle, viii, 109.
Eve, guilt of, iv, 83.
Everett, Edward, xi, 258.
Evolution, doctrine of, i, 135; v, 290; vi, 196; viii, 341; xii, 215.
Excursion, The, Wordsworth, i, 219.
Executive, an, defined, xi, 361.
Exile, advantages of, viii, 60; xiv, 21.
Exodus, the Israelitish, x, 38.
Expense-account, working the, vi, 314.
Expression, v, 235; vi, 58; need of, v, 215.
Fable for Critics, Lowell, i, 179.
Faddism, xii, 131.
Fagging in English schools, x, 230.
Fairy-tales, uses of, viii, 269.
Faith, v, 238; Wordsworth on, i, 210.
Fall of Wagner, The, Nietzsche, xiv, 38.
Falmouth, Lord, quoted, vi, 13.
Falstaff compared with Johnson, v, 168.
Falstaff, Verdi, xiv, 295.
Fanaticism, ix, 182.
Faneuil Hall, and Cooper Union compared, xi, 258; Wendell Phillips' speech in, vii, 414.
Faraday, Michael, and Sir Humphry Davy, xii, 352; John Tyndall and, xii, 352; John Tyndall on, xii, 334.
Farrar, Canon, on Claudius and James I, viii, 58; on Darwin, xii, 234.
Fashionable society, vi, 170.
Fate, ii, 89, 163; masters of, ii, 17.
Father of lies, the, i, 291.
Faulkner, Charles Joseph, designer, v, 20.
Faust, Goethe, v, 249.
Faustus and Disraeli compared, v, 320.
Favoritism, iii, 256.
Fay, Amy, biographer of Liszt, xiv, 207.
Fear, v, 173; xii, 89.
Federal Constitution, adoption of, iii, 245.
Fellowship, William Morris on, vi, 332.
Fenelon, ii, 49; Madame Guyon and, xiii, 350; Thomas Jefferson compared with, xiii, 353; on justice, xiv, 77.
Ferguson, Charles, on the simple life, x, 108.
Ferney, home of Voltaire, viii, 315.
Feudalism, x, 320.
F. F. V., iii, 212.
Field, Cyrus W., xi, 235.
Field, Eugene, xi, 80; Francis Wilson and, v, 256.
Fielding's Amelia, iv, 302.
Field, Kate, ii, 39.
Field, Marshall, xi, 294.
Fields, James T., i, 251; ii, 39.
Fifteenth century, household decorations of the, v, 18.
Fighting-man, the eternal, vi, 164.
Fillmore, Vice-President, iii, 270.
Finck, Henry, on passionate love, xiv, 313.
Fiske, John, Louis Agassiz and, xii, 407; discoveries of, xii, 401; Henry Drummond compared with, xii, 408; early career of, xii, 397; Huxley and, xii, 323; Huxley compared with, xii, 408; Huxley on, xii, 414; John Morley compared with, xii, 412; on astuteness, viii, 250; on Darwinism, xii, 405; on Huxley, xii, 313; on truth, xii, 412; on the uses of religion, xii, 413; scientific work of, xii, 407; Through Nature to God, xii, 396; Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy, xii, 406.
Fiske, Minnie Maddern, i, p xxvii.
Fisk Jubilee Singers, i, 113.
Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, and Thomas Paine, ix, 175.
Fitzgerald's Omar Khayyam, v, 149.
Flanders, battle-ground of Europe, iv, 82.
Flanders, dog of, ii, 59, 66.
Flagellant, The, Southey's contributions to, v, 279.
Flattery, v, 216.
Flaubert, Gustave, on marriage, xiv, 92.
Flaxman and Thorwaldsen, vi, 110; Landseer and, iv, 319.
Fleischer, Rabbi, ix, 283.
Flint, Austin, i, 247.
Flirtation, coquetry and coyness, differentiated, xiii, 235.
Floorwalker, rise of the, xi, 345.
Florence, wonders of, iv, 56.
Florida and Sweden contrasted, viii, 182.
Florida cracker, the, ii, 112.
Flowers, transplanted weeds, vi, 234; John Wesley's love of, ix, 49.
Flying Dutchman, The, Wagner, xiv, 22.
Fontainebleau, ii, 57; iv, 278.
Fools of Shakespeare, i, 239.
Forestry, x, 248.
Forgiveness, the joy of, vi, 221.
Forrest, Edwin, actor, xi, 94.
Fors Clavigera, Ruskin, i, 96.
Forster, John, on Oliver Cromwell, ix, 321; life of Dean Swift by, i, 143.
Fortuny, Mariano, early life of, iv, 202; education of, iv, 208; life of, in Rome, iv, 213; experience of, in Algeria, iv, 213; compared with Meissonier, iv, 218; leader of modern Spanish school of painting, iv, 222; pictures by, in America, iv, 218.
Forum, The, Corot, vi, 188.
Forum, the Roman, v, 201.
Fourier, Francois, French socialist, xii, 344.
Fourierism, ix, 225; viii, 412.
Four-o'clock, the, i, p xxiii.
Fowler, Professor O. S., x, 274.
Fox, Charles, ix, 164; on the Hessians, xi, 149; referred to, v, 188.
Fox, George, as a leader, ix, 217.
Fox, Richard, and Edmund Burke, vii, 179.
Francesca, Piero Della, Italian painter, vi, 31.
France, the king of, and Elizabeth Fry, ii, 188; married women in, ii, 173; senility of, iii, 232; villages in, ii, 58.
Frankenstein, Mary W. Shelley, ii, 305.
Frank, Henry, ix, 184, 283.
Franklin, Benjamin, birthplace of, iii, 33; early literary efforts of, iii, 36; in New York, iii, 38; in Philadelphia, iii, 38; meeting of, with Deborah Read, iii, 39; marriage of, iii, 43; public services of, iii, 48; foremost American, iii, 50; writings of, iii, 50; autobiography of, xiii, 313; Comte and, viii, 246; Peter Cooper compared with, xi, 234; Peter Cooper's ideal, xi, 257; founder of the first public library in America, ix, 226; John Jay compared with, iii, 250; on Catholicism, x, 368; on Harvard university, xi, 96; on love, viii, 290; Thomas Paine and, ix, 157, 164, 167; peace commissioner, iii, 252; prayer of, iii, 42; prophecy of, regarding Dart, the almanac-maker, i, 150; Ary Scheffer's admiration for, iv, 235; Poor Richard's Almanac, i, 150; referred to, i, 342; vi, 47; xi, 94; xii, 57, 179.
Franklin stove, the, iii, 47.
Frankness, v, 174.
Frederick, Elector of Saxony, vii, 143.
Frederick the Great, i, 81; Voltaire and, viii, 309; on Voltaire, ix, 387.
Freedom, ix, 85; xiii, 85; happiness compared with, ix, 56; Mary Wollstonecraft on, xiii, 104; of speech and action in England, vi, 146.
Freeman, Edward, on King Alfred, x, 124.
Freethought, Byron and, v, 205; Christianity and, xii, 151.
Free Trade, i, 114; Disraeli's attitude toward, v, 340.
Fremont, John C., vii, 354.
French Revolution, The, Carlyle, i, 80.
French Revolution, cause of, ix, 372.
"Friday Afternoon, A," iii, 185.
Friendship, v, 175, 272; ix, 18; xiv, 312; the desire for, v, 85; Emerson on, ii, 286; ideal, v, 88; Michelangelo and Vittoria Colonna, iv, 36; a religion of, ix, 217; striking instances of, i, 132; wine of, ii, 21.
Friends, Society of, ix, 217.
Frobisher, English sea-fighter, iv, 81.
Froebel, Friedrich, debt of, to Rousseau, ix, 371; Herr Gruner and, x, 254; the Von Holzhausen family and, x, 257; influence of, viii, 204; parents of, x, 247; Pestalozzi and, x, 252; philosophy of, ix, 136; referred to, v, 211.
Froude, James Anthony, on biography, vii, 347; on Benjamin Disraeli, v, 326.
Fry, Elizabeth, ancestry of, ii, 198; religious nature of, ii, 200; marriage of, ii, 202; children of, ii, 202; prison experience of, ii, 206; continental experiences of, ii, 210; friend of humanity, ii, 212; message of, ix, 221; quoted, vii, 28.
Fugitive Slave Law, ix, 297.
Fuller, Chief Justice, on damage cases, x, 144.
Fuller, Margaret, and Brook Farm, viii, 402; quoted, ix, 94.
Fulton, Robert, xi, 21, 196, 248.
Fulvia, wife of Mark Antony, vii, 67.
Fundamenta Botanica, Linnaeus, xii, 300.
Furniture, William Morris, v, 21; of the 15th century, v, 18.
Furnivall, Dr., v, 40.
Gage, General, quoted, iii, 94.
Gainsborough hat, the, vi, 144.
Gainsborough, Thomas, xii, 179; Margaret Burr and, vi, 138; early life of, vi, 132; Garrick and, vi, 142; independence of, vi, 147; landscapes of, vi, 137; his love of country life, vi, 136; on memory, vi, 140; Reynolds compared with, iv, 287; Sir Joshua Reynolds and, vi, 150; Philip Thicknesse's life of, vi, 129; Benjamin West and, vi, 150; Wiltshire and, vi, 142.
Galileo, iv, 85; Castelli on, xii, 83; Giordano Bruno and, xii, 56; inventions of, xii, 64; Leonardo compared with, xii, 56; John Milton and, xii, 82; "the modern Archimedes," xii, 59; Sir Isaac Newton compared with, xii, 37;
Pope Urban VIII and, xii, 78.
Gallio, proconsul of Achaia, viii, 46; St. Paul and, ix, 189.
Galton, Sir Francis, quoted, xii, 305.
G. A. R., iii, 258.
Garden of Eden, ii, 111.
Garibaldi, Joseph, ix, 93; Julius Caesar compared with, ix, 104; Mazzini and, ix, 94, 101; Savonarola compared with, ix, 124; in South America, ix, 102.
Garibaldi the Patriot, Alexandre Dumas, ix, 115.
Garnett and Juliet, iii, p xi.
Garrick, David, v, 155; xii, 179: xiv, 260; on Boswell, viii, 26; his criticism of Joshua Reynolds, iv, 301; Gainsborough and, vi, 142; Johnson's epitaph on, v, 159.
Garrison, William Lloyd, iii, 259; vi, 148; vii, 221, 409; Lyman Beecher and, vii, 395; Henry George and, ix, 59; Theodore Parker and, ix, 299.
Gates, General of U. S. Army, iii, 168.
Gautier, Theophile, i, 192; Dore's illustrations of the works of, iv, 338; quoted, xiii, 307.
Gaynor, Judge, on Whistler, vi, 333.
Genealogy, Icelandic, vi, 97.
Geneva in the 18th century, ix, 385.
Genius, i, 97; ii, p ix; compared with courtesy, ii, 49; creative, vii, 19; definition of, iv, 329; distinguishing work of, xii, 103; essentially feminine, vi, 250; formula for a, v, 12; of the genus, viii, 250; inspiration and, i, 134; interesting example of, ii, 115; madness and, vi, 286; men of, i, 75; Herbert Spencer on, vii, 316; the stepping-stones of, xii, 191; talent versus, vi, 56.
Gentle Art of Making Enemies, The, Whistler, vi, 330, 351.
Gentleman, Addison the best type of, v, 239; Thomas Arnold's ideal of, x, 239; the true, xii, 184.
Geognosy, xii, 139.
Geographical Distribution of Animals, The, Wallace, xii, 389.
George, Henry, xi, 228; xiii, 93; early life of, ix, 59; life of, in California, ix, 62; lecture of, before the University of California, ix, 71; John Stuart Mill and, ix, 74; philosophy of, ix, 57; popularity of, in England, ix, 79; Progress and Poverty, ix, 73; quoted, xiii, 186; Ricardo compared with, ix, 80; Professor Swinton and, ix, 76; E. L. Youmans and, ix, 78; John Russell Young and, ix, 78.
George Junior Republic, the, x, 241.
George III and William Pitt, vii, 200.
Germanicus, Roman general, viii, 49.
Germans, virtues of the, xi, 205.
Germany, America's debt to, xii, 241.
Germ, The, chipmunk magazine, ii, 123.
Gertha's Lovers, William Morris, v, 15.
Gettysburg, iii, 296; speech of Lincoln at, iii, 278.
Gettysburg Cyclorama, iv, 344.
Ghetto, the, xi, 128; Wolfgang Goethe on, xi, 134; Moses Mendelssohn on, viii, 223.
Ghirlandajo, the painter, iv, 28; vi, 21.
Giannini's Indians, iv, 67.
Gibbon, Edward, ix, 164; xii, 179; love-affair of, ii, 165; on the diplomacy of women, viii, 68; on Judaism, xi, 131; on Roman law, viii, 139; on Roman religion, viii, 79; on university education, ix, 21.
Gibson girl, the, iv, 67; xiii, 112.
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, and Mary Wollstonecraft compared, xiii, 92.
Giorgione, iv, 158; Bellini and, vi, 258; Shelley and Chopin compared with, vi, 254; referred to, v, 323.
Gipsy life, v, 51.
Giralda of Seville, i, 317.
Girard college, Philadelphia, iii, 202; xi, 122.
Girardin, pupil of Rousseau, ii, 183.
Girard, Stephen, x, 365; xi, 94; boyhood of, xi, 101; marriage of, xi, 113; will of, iii, 201; bank of, xi, 120; Benjamin Franklin compared with, xi, 96; at the island of Martinique, xi, 110; Thomas Jefferson and, xi, 96; and Maryland, xi, 321; Thomas Paine and, xi, 97; Walt Whitman compared with, xi, 99.
Gladstone, William E., education of, i, 108; appearance of, i, 109; marriage of, i, 110; influence of, i, 110; home of, i, 119; Charles Bradlaugh and, ix, 268; Huxley and, xii, 199; Huxley on, xii, 318; Macaulay compared with, v, 197; on John Bright, ix, 238; on Benjamin Disraeli, v, 336; on evolution, xii, 230; on Handel, xiv, 253; on Irish Home Rule, xiii, 204; on Dr. Jowett, viii, 351; on opportunity, x, 225; on Josiah Wedgwood, xiii, 60; Parnell and, xiii, 184, 198; his reply to Ingersoll, x, 363; referred to, iii, 136; Herbert Spencer and, xii, 230.
Glassmaking, art of, iv, 155; vi, 252.
Gleaners, Millet, iv, 281.
Glory, Dore's statue of, iv, 345.
Glucose industry, the, xii, 238.
Glynne, Sir Stephen, i, 110.
God Is Everywhere, Madame Guyon, ii, 42.
Godiva, Lady, i, 51.
Gods in the chrysalis, v, 175.
God, the masterpiece of, vi, 58.
Godwin, William, ii, 291; Robert Ingersoll compared with, xiii, 87; Political Justice, xiii, 85; Robert Southey and, xiii, 103.
Goethe, Wolfgang, i, 63; ii, 184; Lord Byron compared with, v, 230; Cellini and, vi, 274; and electricity, iii, 47; on the Ghetto, xi, 134; the Von Humboldts and, xii, 125; influence of, on Thackeray, i, 233; on marriage, ix, 383; Mendelssohn and, xiv, 153; Mephisto of, v, 320; Napoleon and, xi, 151; meeting with Napoleon, i, 165; on Platonic love, xiii, 229; referred to, v, 249; Mayer Rothschild and, xi, 134, 145; Schopenhauer and, viii, 371; Christine Vulpius and, vi, 111.
Goldsmith, art of the, vi, 274.
Goldsmith, Oliver, father of, i, 281; early life of, i, 281; home of, i, 283; London life of, i, 291; acquaintance of, with Samuel Richardson, i, 291; death of, i, 297; simplicity of, i, 298; Botticelli compared with, vi, 70; Burke compared with, vii, 161; Deserted Village, iii, 256; on Boswell, viii, 26; on Dr. Johnson, vii, 167; on Richard Brinsley Sheridan, xii, 171; quoted, v, 147; referred to, i, 259, 306; ii, 232; iii, 12; v, 294; xii, 179; Reynolds and, iv, 305, 306.
Golgotha, ii, 53, 84.
Gomez, carrying the message to, v, 195.
Gondoliers, superstitions of, iv, 148; Venetian, vi, 257.
Good-cheer, v, 174.
Good-Natured Man, The, Goldsmith, i, 272, 295.
Gosse, Edmund, on biography, vii, 346; on Stevenson, xiii, 42.
Government loans, xi, 163.
Graham, Stevens, Corot's letter to, vi, 205.
Grammar, function of, viii, 328.
Grasmere, i, 88, 211.
Grattan, John, Quaker preacher, ix, 226.
Gravitation, the law of, xii, 31.
Gravity, spiritual, v, 241.
Gray, Dr. Asa, xii, 231; Louis Agassiz and, xii, 408; Charles Darwin to, xii, 198, 232.
Gray, Thomas, xiv, 51; Elegy, iv, 302; v, 126.
Great Awakening, the, ix, 41.
Greatness, defined, ix, 369; the germ of, vi, 175.
Greece, the decline of, vii, 37; education of women in, xii, 173; England compared with, vii, 35; gods of ancient, iv, 18; vii, 17; golden age of, x, 71; Rome and Judea compared with, x, 36; in the time of Pericles, vii, 27.
Greed, xii, 89.
Greek art, rise of, vii, 12.
Greek culture, influence of, vi, 14.
Greek Heroes, Kingsley, i, 248.
Greek-letter societies, x, 77.
Greeley, Horace, vii, 409; xiii, 183; on farming, xi, 387; at Girard College, xi, 123; influence of, vi, 155; in prison, vi, 170; on Sam Staples, viii, 403; quoted, i, 200.
Green Mountain Boys, the, xi, 308.
Greenough, Horatio, sculptor, iii, 5.
Gretna Green, i, 67; ii, 38.
Grief, expression of, xiii, 268.
Grimm, Baron, on Rousseau, ix, 386.
Grind, the college, v, 151; viii, 183.
Gross, Samuel Eberly, vi, 275.
Grub Street, referred to, i, 292; the wrangles of, viii, 249.
Guam, isle of, i, p xxv.
Guernsey, island of, i, 195.
Guiccioli, Countess, and Lord Byron, v, 211, 230.
Guilds, i, p xviii.
Gulliver's Travels, referred to, i, 160; vi, 329.
Guyon, Madame, appearance of, ii, 43; autobiography of, xiii, 312, 315, 329, 351; marriage of, ii, 45; meeting of Fenelon with, ii, 50; philosophy of, ii, 51; home of, ii, 58; portrait of, ii, 64.
Gynecocracy, Spartan, vii, 32.
Gypsy Queen, Rembrandt, iv, 73.
Haeckel, Ernst, characteristics of, xii, 246; Charles Darwin and, xii, 252; Goethe and, xii, 255; Huxley compared with, xii, 248; on monogamy, x, 305; The Natural History of Creation, xii, 249; Major Pond and, xii, 242; The Riddle of the Universe, xii, 249; Herbert Spencer compared with, xii, 257; at the World's Freethought Convention, ix, 123.
Hagiology, x, 362.
Hale, Edward Everett, on O. W. Holmes, vii, 327; on Mill's Autobiography, xiii, 162; preaching of, vii, 309.
Hale, Sir Matthew, Chief Justice of England, x, 366.
Hallam, Arthur, v, 77.
Hall, Stanley, x, 249; on incentive, xii, 59.
Hallucination, ix, 182.
Hals, Frans, Dutch painter, iv, 68; vi, 70.
Haman, story of, ii, 210.
Hamerton, Philip Gilbert, vi, 50; criticism of The Last Judgment, iv, 33; quoted, i, 131, 168; iv, 116, 135.
Hamilton, Alexander, birthplace of, iii, 156; early life of, iii, 157; literary skill of, iii, 157; education of, iii, 158; as an orator, iii, 161; lieutenant-colonel, iii, 167; assistant to Washington, iii, 167; his most important mission, iii, 168; marriage of, iii, 169; quarrel of, with Washington, iii, 169; secretary of the treasury, iii, 171; Aaron Burr and, iii, 175; death of, iii, 180; John Jay compared with, iii, 250; likened to Napoleon, iii, 173; quoted, iii, 252; referred to, iii, 235, 242; iv, 193; vii, 191; xiv, 40.
Hamilton, Walter, on Rossetti, xiii, 272.
Hamilton, Sir William, on Aristotle, viii, 109; on Chinese astronomy, xii, 97.
Hamilton, William Gerard, and Edmund Burke, vii, 174.
Hamlet and Dante compared, xiii, 125.
Hamlet, Shakespeare, i, 317; quotation from, iv, 85.
Hamlin Stock Farm, i, p xvii.
Hammersmith, works of William Morris at, v, 27.
Hampden, John, ix, 307.
Hampton Institute, x, 193.
Hancock, John, ancestry of, iii, 102; early life of, iii, 108; tour of Europe, iii, 108; part of, in Boston Massacre, iii, 114; suit against, iii, 115; as an orator, iii, 115; delegate to second congress, iii, 117; signature of, iii, 120; as governor of Massachusetts, iii, 121; as treasurer of Harvard college, iii, 123; widow of, iii, 123; monument of, iii, 124; grave of, iii, 124; social position of, iii, 81.
Handel, George Frederick, xiv, 253; Linnaeus and, xii, 300; Walter Damrosch on, xiv, 253; Dean Swift on, xiv, 271; Rev. H. R. Haweis on, xiv, 250.
Hanks, Nancy, Lincoln's love for, vii, 349.
Happiness, xi, 137; Aristotle on, viii, 82.
Hare-soup, viii, 329.
Harley, Lord, friend of Richard Steele, v, 257.
Harmony, vi, 21; as a life principle, x, 372.
Harmonyites, the, xi, 42.
Harrison, Benjamin, vii, 13, 191.
Harrison, Frederic, xiii, 92; Comte and, viii, 266.
Harum, David, xii, 239.
Hastings, Warren, ii, 244; xii, 180; Edmund Burke and, vii, 161.
Hate, v, 173; Herbert Spencer on, viii, 358.
Hat, the Gainsborough, vi, 144.
Hawarden, i, 105.
Hawkins, Sir John, v, 254; Life of Johnson, v, 148.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, Blithedale Romance, viii, 402; and the Brook Farm, viii, 402; as custom-house inspector, v, 26; on Shakespeare, i, 312; on Thompson, the artist, viii, 190.
Hayden, Dr. Seymour, vi, 338.
Haydn, Joseph, Franz Liszt and, xiv, 188.
Hay-harvest, the, v, 95.
Hay, John, quoted, v, 149.
Hayne, Robert, logic of, iii, 83; speech of, iii, 198.
Hazlitt, William, ii, 232.
Healing Christ, Rembrandt, iv, 66.
Health, v, 173; potential power, vi, 169.
Hearn, Lafcadio, on Japanese art, vi, 347.
Heaven, early notions of, xii, 92; a going home, ii, 22; Jefferson on, iii, 54; a locality, iii, 281; Milton on, i, 179; Montesquieu on, viii, 130.
Hegel, George, German philosopher, on Aristotle, viii, 109; on education, vii, 322.
Heine, Heinrich, i, 147; xii, 352; on the kingly office, x, 109;
Mendelssohn and, xiv, 174; on musicians, xiv, 165; on Paganini, xiv, 54.
Helen of Troy, vi, 61.
Hell, Dante on, i, 179; early notions of, xii, 92; Johnson's fear of, v, 167; a place, iii, 281; a separation, ii, 22.
Hendricks, Thomas A., vii, 13.
Henriade, Voltaire, viii, 296.
Henry, Patrick, parents of, vii, 279; boyhood of, vii, 280; as a merchant, vii, 282; admitted to the bar, vii, 284; his first great speech, vii, 287; Governor of Virginia, vii, 204; his remark regarding the Alleghany Mountains, xi, 223; Samuel Adams and, iii, 91; John Jay and, iii, 251; Thomas Jefferson and, iii, 61; vii, 283.
Henry VIII, king of England, iv, 188.
Herbert, Victor, on Paganini, viii, 173.
Hercules, iv, 102, 334.
Herder, Johann, on Kant, viii, 169.
Heredity, ii, 115; xiv, 140; law of, vii, 185; viii, 57.
Heresy and treason, ix, 24.
Heretics, theological, x, 358.
Hermann the magician, i, 163.
Hernani, Victor Hugo, i, 189.
Herod, i, 238.
Herodias, i, 75.
Herschel, Caroline, xii, 173.
Herschel, Sir John, xii, 193.
Herschel, William, xii, 167; Sir William Watson and, xii, 182.
Herschels, the, ii, 115.
Herve Riel, Browning, v, 65.
Hervey, James, colleague of the Wesleys, ix, 27.
Hessians, the, in America, xi, 146.
Hewlett, Maurice, on the death of Simonetta, vi, 87.
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, and Theodore Parker, ix, 299.
Higher criticism, v, 314.
Hill, James J., xi, 196, 315; boyhood of, xi, 401; appearance of, xi, 405; Barbizon collection of, xi, 428; his interest in agriculture, xi, 425; Norman Kittson and, xi, 415; railroad experience of, xi, 413; Donald Smith and, xi, 422.
Hipparchus, Greek astronomer, xii, 99.
Hirschberg, Rabbi, on Darwinism, xii, 228.
Hirsch, Rabbi, vii, 310.
Historian, Macaulay on the office of, v, 172.
History, five leading men of, i, 341; literature and, xiii, 83.
History of Civilization, Buckle, ix, 64.
History of England, Macaulay, v, 196.
History of Virginia, John Burke, iii, 58.
Hogarth, bookplates of, iv, 123; Governor Oglethorpe and, ix, 28; the school of, vi, 79.
Holbein, Hans, iv, 189; bookplates of, iv, 123.
Holland, canals of, iv, 43; the home of freedom, viii, 209; in the 17th century, iv, 69; place of, in art, xiv, 223; the name of Van Dyck in, iv, 173; windmills of, iv, 42.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, ix, 285; Emerson and, viii, 408; Dr. Hale on, vii, 327; on satiety, x, 309; quoted, iv, 254.
Holy Family, The, Van Dyck, iv, 184.
Homer, i, 113, 317; ii, 21, 76; v, 185; Gladstone on, i, 102.
Home rule, Gladstone on, xiii, 204.
Honesty as a business asset, ix, 132.
Hoodlumism, i, p xvi.
Hood, Thomas, Dore's illustrations of the works of, iv, 338; quoted, ii, 231.
Hook-and-Eye Baptists, v, 236.
Hooker, Sir Joseph, xii, 372.
Hope, Anthony, iv, 178.
Horace and Maecenas, i, 179.
Horne, Richard H., ii, 30.
Horse Fair, The, Rosa Bonheur, ii, 158.
Horseless carriage, the, xii, 21.
Horse-sense, iii, 261.
Horseshoes and junk, xi, 288.
Horses, John Wesley's love of, ix, 40, 43.
Hortense, Queen of Holland, ii, 281.
Hours of Idleness, Byron, v, 218.
Household decorations of the 15th century, v, 18.
House of Life, The, Rossetti, xiii, 267.
House of Lords, Carlyle's imaginary, ii, 57.
Houssaye, Arsene, vi, 46.
Howard, John, philanthropist, ii, 210.
Howe, E. W., Story of a Country Town, x, 247.
Howe, Gen., experience of Washington with, iii, 26.
Howells, William Dean, on rhetoric, vi, 187.
Hubbard, Alice, ii, p xi.
Hubbard, Bert, Little Journeys Camp, iii, p vii.
HUBBARD, ELBERT, his dream of game of "I-spy" in Kenilworth Castle, i, 52; his experience with the butler at No. 4, Cheyne Walk, home of Mrs. Cross, i, 61; he witnesses a Gretna Green wedding, i, 67; calls on Thomas Carlyle's brother in Shiawassee County, Mich., i, 70; in the haunted house, i, 81; interview with Ruskin, i, 92; meets Gladstone and his wife, i, 105; visits at Hawarden, i, 118; visits the room in Chelsea where Turner spent his last days, i, 138; his visit to Saint Patrick's Cathedral and the grave of Swift, i, 157; his first and only interview with Whitman in Camden, i, 170; his voyage from Southampton to Saint Peter Port, i, 195; attends funeral of President Carnot, i, 202; acquaintanceship with "Bouncers," i, 218; visits the Lake Country, i, 218; his interview with the gravedigger of Kensal Green Cemetery, i, 230; his tour of Dickens' London, i, 251; his life in an Irish cottage, i, 278; visits the site of the Globe Theater, i, 314; his interview with Thomas Edison, i, 331; as a teacher, ii, p ix; his memorial, ii, p xi; his call at the home of the Barretts, ii, 27; his bicycle journey from Paris to Montargis, ii, 56; visits Cardigan Hall, ii, 100; his experience with Yorkshire humor, ii, 105; visits the home of the Brontes, ii, 107; meets William Michael Rossetti, ii, 124; his acquaintance with White Pigeon, ii, 140; visits the home of Rosa Bonheur, ii, 147; his description of his visit to the Chateau de Necker, ii, 103; his argument regarding Dr. Joseph Parker, ii, 237; courtesy of Mrs. Humphries of Overton, ii, 241; visits the grave of Jane Austen, ii, 255; visits the home of John Hancock, iii, 104; eats dinner in the Adams cottage, iii, 148; his description of a "Friday afternoon," iii, 185; story of the English and Irish immigrants, iii, 209; visit to Ashland, home of Henry Clay, iii, 215; the spelling-class in the little red school-house, iii, 255; childhood of, iii, 278; boyhood days in Illinois, iii, 280; his description of his participation in a pioneer funeral, iii, 283; birth of, in Bloomington, Ill., iii, 287; he sits in the lap of Judge Davis, nominator of Lincoln, iii, 288; recital of events attending the death of Lincoln, iii, 300; Copperhead experiences of, iii, 292, 301; he visits the grave of Rubens, iv, 92; his dislike of olives, iv, 108; his experience in Cadiz, Spain, iv, 108; his adventure with the little girl collector, iv, 123; his experience in Saint Mark's Square, Venice, iv, 147; his adventures with Enrico, the Venetian gondolier, iv, 149; criticism of John Ruskin's literary work, iv, 166; admiration of, for Titian's Assumption, iv, 168; story regarding portrait artist in Albany, iv, 183; his description of a Queenstown embarkation, iv, 274; his visit to the village of Auburn, Ireland, iv, 286; his conversation with the little girl drawing pussy cats, iv, 314; visit to the Kelmscott Press, v, 28; William Morris and, v, 32; W. H. Seward and, v, 71; experiences of, in an Ayrshire hay-field, v, 96; his adventures with cranks, v, 111; he visits the home of Macaulay, v, 177; traveling experiences in Scotland, v, 265; his adventures with White Pigeon at Grasmere, v, 269; he visits the birthplace of Raphael, vi, 19; he meets White Pigeon at East Aurora, vi, 39; his sojourn in the art-gallery of Luxembourg, vi, 75; his love for boys, vi, 102; Augustus St. Gaudens and, vi, 117; the Harvard "right tackle" and, vi, 174; the grocery-store genius and, vi, 197; his adventure with the market woman of Parma, vi, 237; Robert Ingersoll and, vii, 255; his experience with Boston preachers, vii, 309; George William Curtis and, vii, 315; his encounter with mob law, vii, 389; Wendell Phillips and, vii, 410; his recital of the taming of a sculptor, vii, 24; Rev. Theodore Parker and, ix, 389; Andrew Carnegie and, xi, 284; his horseshoe adventure, xi, 288; at the birthplace of H. H. Rogers, xi, 365; H. H. Rogers and, xi, 392; Mark Twain and, xi, 392; J. J. Hill and, xi, 425; his adventure with the Irish lumbermen, xii, 336; lumbermen, xii, 336; he meets the son of Alfred Russel Wallace, xii, 375; John Burroughs and, xii, 376; he loses the Mozart manuscript on a railroad-train, xiv, 299.
Hubbard's Law, xi, 390.
Hudson, Hendrik, viii, 45.
Hughes, Arthur, painter, v, 20.
Hughes, Thomas, Tom Brown at Rugby, x, 229.
Hugo, Victor, parents of, i, 185; marriage of, i, 188; character of, i, 193; his love of light, i, 200; tomb of, i, 205; wife of, v, 133; childhood impressions of, iv, 341; on the death of Balzac, xiii, 308; Dore's illustrations of the works of, iv, 338; on education, xi, 203; on falsehood, vii, 371; influence of, on Giuseppe Verdi, xiv, 292; opinion of, regarding Rosa Bonheur, ii, 134; on police officials, vi, 100; quoted, ii, 80; referred to, i, 306; ii, 183; iv, 230; v, 83; on Shakespeare, i, 316; as a stylist, ix, 388; on the Unknown, xii, 89; on Voltaire, viii, 320; on Rousseau, viii, 241.
Huguenots, described, ii, 49; in America, ii, 77; banishment of, from France, iii, 231; Puritans compared with, iii, 232; in England, ii, 77; virtues of, iii, 231.
Human Comedy, The, Balzac, xiii, 301.
Humanity, Schopenhauer on, viii, 362.
Human mind, duality of, i, 113.
Humboldt, Alexander von, i, 341; on agriculture, xii, 140; Bonpland and, xii, 146; Auguste Comte and, viii, 254; Ingersoll on, xii, 160; Thomas Jefferson and, xii, 147; lectures of, xii, 158; religious views of, xii, 151; Subterranean Vegetation, xii, 139; John Tyndall and, xii, 351.
Hume, David, ii, 296; iii, 37; ix, 164; xii, 179.
Humility, v, 243.
Humor, i, 237; ii, 229; v, 70; commonsense and, xii, 329; Jefferson's sense of, iii, 73; melancholy and, v, 156.
Hunchback of Notre Dame, Hugo, i, 193.
Hunt, Holman, ii, 123; v, 18; quoted, xiii, 253.
Hunt, Leigh, i, 250; Robert Browning and, v, 55; cited, ii, 220; grave of, i, 231; the Shelleys and, ii, 307.
Hutchinson, Anne, ix, 294; death of, ix, 362; Mary Dyer and, ix, 359; her arrival in Boston, ix, 343; mother of New England Transcendentalism, ix, 356; Sir Henry Vane and, ix, 358.
Hutton, Literary Landmarks, ii, 118.
Huxley, Thomas H., i, 56; early life of, xii, 307; the wife of, xii, 311; Charles Darwin and, xii, 198; Darwin compared with, xii, 313; George Eliot and, xii, 329; John Fiske and, xii, 313, 323; on John Fiske, xii, 414; Gladstone and, xii, 199; on Gladstone, xii, 318; Haeckel compared with, xii, 248; Sir Joseph Hooker and, xii, 321; Ingersoll compared with, xii, 319; John Stuart Mill compared with, xii, 311; Rev. Dr. Parker and, xii, 322; Spencer and, viii, 345; Toole the comedian and, xii, 322; experience of, with the University of Toronto, xii, 326; as a writer, xii, 327; Canon Wilberforce and, xii, 226.
Hyacinths, white, vi, 235.
Hyde Park, London, i, 62.
Hymettus, honey of, v, 97.
Hypatia, Mrs. Eddy compared with, x, 280; Emerson compared with, x, 280; her estimate of Plotinus, x, 282; on Neo-Platonism, x, 270; on superstition, x, 275.
Hypatia, Charles Kingsley, x, 283.
Hypnotism, x, 274, 352.
Hypocrisy, vii, 268.
Ibsen, Henrik, xiii, 112; quoted, xii, 182.
Iceland, i, p xxv.
Ideal life, Morris on the, vi, 16.
Ideal man, the, v, 198.
Idylls of the King, Tennyson, v, 13.
Ignorance and wisdom, Starr King on, vii, 308.
Illegitimacy, xiv, 39; Marcus Aurelius on, viii, 133.
Illinois, farmers' wives in, ii, 222; pioneer days in, iii, 280.
Illumination of books, i, p xxv.
Illustrations of Political Economy, Harriet Martineau, ii, 83.
Illustrator and artist, difference between, iv, 329.
Il Penseroso, Milton, v, 126, 137.
Il Pensiero, Michelangelo, iv, 32.
Il Trovatore, Verdi, xiv, 292.
Imagination, iv, 332; v, 105, 240.
Immortality, i, 247; x, 11; power and, vi, 57.
Incandescent lamp, invention of, i, 329.
Incompatibility, iv, 254; v, 129; vii, 68.
Inconsistency, examples of, x, 366.
Independence, vi, 332.
Independence, Declaration of, iii, 75.
Indians, Canada's treatment of, xi, 404; North American, in London, ix, 28; Washington's mission among, iii, 17.
Indian, the American, xii, 141; as an orator, iii, 189.
Indifference, vi, 325.
Individuality, xiv, 43.
Indulgences, vii, 123.
Infant phenomenon, the, v, 122.
Inferno, Dante, iv, 340.
Infidelity, vi, 13; x, 342.
Influence of women, i, 75.
Ingalls, John J., quoted, vii, 177.
Ingersoll, Ebon, brother of Robert Ingersoll, vii, 249; death of, vii, 235.
Ingersoll, Robert G., xii, 251; birthplace of, vii, 242; parents of, vii, 237; wife of, vii, 259; his great achievement, vii, 268; mental evolution of, vii, 257; H. W. Beecher and, vii, 357; Peter Cooper and, xi, 259; the dictum of, viii, 173; Gladstone's reply to, x, 363; William Godwin compared with, xiii, 87; the Governor of Delaware and, ix, 261; Elbert Hubbard and, vii, 255; on Alexander von Humboldt, xii, 160; Huxley compared with, xii, 319; on love, vii, 232; lecture on the mistakes of Moses, x, 15; opinions regarding, vii, 253; compared with Paine and Bradlaugh, ix, 243; quoted, iii, 288; on Shakespeare, xii, 319.
Initiative, xii, 242.
In Memoriam, Tennyson, v, 82, 88.
Innocent III, Pope, referred to, i, 151.
In Patience, Christina Rossetti, ii, 114.
In Praise of Folly, Erasmus, x, 177.
Inquisition, the Spanish, vi, 171.
Insanity, defined, i, 163; viii, 255; originality and, viii, 197.
Inspiration, vi, 155.
Instrumental music, v, 236.
Insurance, a species of gambling, viii, 300.
Intellect and beauty, x, 277.
Intellectual Life, The, Hamerton, vi, 50.
Intellectual tyranny, x, 348.
Introspection, vii, 118.
Invocation, Tennyson, v, 89.
Iowa, farmers' wives in, ii, 222.
Ireland, American travelers in, i, 155; beauty of, i, 274; Edmund Burke on, vii, 178; Parnell on, xiii, 174; Lord Dufferin on, xiii, 175; Gladstone on, xiii, 176; Henry George on, xiii, 190; Home Rule in, xiii, 199; the Irish and, xi, 335; lawlessness in, i, 277; women of, i, 275.
Irish Church, the, i, 114.
Irish immigration, xiii, 179.
Iron, the consumption of, xi, 296.
Ironsides, Cromwell's regiment, ix, 320.
Irreparableness, E. B. Browning, ii, 16.
Irrigation and religion, ix, 278.
Irving, Henry, ii, 237; at Harvard University, xiv, 177; Seneca compared with, viii, 56; on success, viii, 345.
Irving, Washington, iv, 218; vi, 316; John J. Astor and, xi, 221; on the Jews, viii, 207; quoted, i, 293.
"Isaac Bickerstaff," pseudonym of Dean Swift, i, 149.
Isaiah, the Prophet, i, 317.
Israelites, or Children of Israel, ii, 140; x, 21.
Italian Renaissance, the, xiii, 210.
Italy, senility of, iii, 232.
Itineracy, Wesley on the, ix, 48.
Jacks and Jennies, xi, 20.
Jackson, Andrew, iii, 190, 210, 221.
Jacqueminot roses, ii, 241.
James I, iv, 189; Claudius compared with, viii, 58.
James, Henry, on Edwin Abbey, vi, 311; on Verdi, xiv, 291; on Tyndall, xii, 358.
Jameson, Mrs., quoted, iv, 159.
Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte, i, 240; ii, 94, 108.
Jansen, Cornelius, painter, v, 122.
Japanese art, vi, 349.
Jay, John, home of, at Rye, N. Y., iii, 233; legal training of, iii, 236; Samuel Adams regarding, iii, 240; governor of N. Y., iii, 247; his religious nature, iii, 249; genius of, iii, 250; referred to, ii, 77; iii, 89; typical Huguenot, iii, 232.
Jealousy, artistic, vi, 176, 275; Gainsborough's freedom from, vi, 150.
Jefferson, Thomas, education of, iii, 55; appearance of, iii, 55; friends of, iii, 58; Patrick Henry and, iii, 61; as a lawyer, iii, 63; member of Virginia legislature, iii, 65; marriage of, iii, 68; governor of Virginia, iii, 70; member of Colonial Congress, iii, 70; daughter of, iii, 71; home of, at Monticello, iii, 70; death of wife of, iii, 71; opposition of, to Hamilton, iii, 72; mission to France, iii, 72; humor of, iii, 73; President of U. S., iii, 75; achievements of, iii, 75, 177; Thomas Arnold compared with, x, 241; John J. Astor and, xi, 221; Fenelon compared with, xiii, 353; Stephen Girard and, xi, 96; Patrick Henry and, vii, 283; on Patrick Henry, vii, 293; Alexander von Humboldt and, xii, 147; John Jay compared with, iii, 250; James Madison and, iii, 54; Thomas Paine and, ix, 160, 170; quoted, xi, 380; Socrates compared with, xi, 97.
Jeffrey, Francis, Lord, v, 181.
Jeffrey, the tribe of, v, 78.
Jersey, island of, i, 195.
Jerusalem, referred to, ii, 140.
Jesuits, referred to, iv, 89.
Jesus of Nazareth, influence of, viii, 204; Thoreau on the character of, vii, 316.
Jewish Bride, Rembrandt, iv, 73.
Jews, the, xi, 127; Alexander the Great on the, viii, 95; in England, ii, 77; expulsion of, from Spain, viii, 207; Washington Irving on, viii, 207; legal disabilities of, v, 187; orthodox, viii, 221; Thomas Paine on the, ix, 165; rational, viii, 221.
Jiu jitsu, v, 319.
Joan of Arc, iii, 28; iv, 241.
Job, i, 247; the Book of, x, 30; humor of, i, 238.
Johnsonese, v, 146.
Johnson, Samuel, i, 259; iv, 178; vi, 148; xiv, 260; letter of, to Chesterfield, v, 144; physical characteristics of, v, 145; his literary style, v, 147; biography of, by Boswell, v, 148; superstitions of, v, 153; marriage of, v, 154; his meeting with David Garrick, v, 155; his gruffness, v, 162; charity of, v, 165; influence of, v, 170; biography of Dean Swift, i, 143; dictionary of, v, 43; on Burke, vii, 165; life of, by Hawkins, v, 148; William Pitt and, vii, 192; quoted, i, 282; iii, 12; v, 239; xiii, 291; Reynolds and, iv, 306; his opinion of Shakespeare, i, 134; on Richard Brinsley Sheridan, xii, 171; visit of, to Goldsmith, i, 294; Mary Wollstonecraft and, xiii, 90.
John the Baptist, xiii, 84; Salome and, vi, 76.
Joint stock company, xi, 24.
Jones, Paul, and Oliver Cromwell compared, ix, 331; quoted, viii, 399.
Jones, Samuel M., of Toledo, i, 321.
Josephine, Empress of the French, birthplace of, ii, 259; marriage of, to Vicomte Alexander Beauharnais, ii, 261; children of, ii, 262; imprisonment of, ii, 265; meeting of, with Napoleon, ii, 267; marriage of, ii, 275; created empress, ii, 279; divorced, ii, 280; death of, ii, 281; tomb of, ii, 281.
Josh Billings Almanac, reference to, i, 130.
Joshua, Handel, xiv, 269.
Journal to Stella, Dean Swift, i, 148.
Journey Through Italy, A, Taine, vi, 38.
Jowett, Rev. Dr., of Baliol, quoted, ii, 296; xi, 85; Herbert Spencer and, viii, 350.
Joy, vii, 84.
Judaism, v, 319; ix, 279; Christianity and, Gibbon on, xi, 131.
Judas Iscariot, ii, 181.
Judea, Rome and Greece compared, x, 36.
Juliet and Garnett, iii, p x.
Julius Caesar, Mary Baker Eddy compared with, x, 360; Edison compared with, i, 330; Garibaldi compared with, ix, 104; Lincoln compared with, viii, 72; Seneca compared with, viii, 72.
Julius Caesar, Shakespeare, i, 317.
Julius, Michelangelo's statue of, iv, 28.
Julius II, Pope, iv, 25; vi, 17.
Juno, ii, 43.
Junto Club, the, iii, 45.
Justinian code, the, x, 324.
Juvenal, i, 317.
Juvenilia, Byron, v, 215.
Kabojolism, viii, 278.
Kant, Immanuel, xii, 371; parents of, viii, 156; Aristotle compared with, viii, 154; Critique of Pure Reason, viii, 169; the greatness of, xii, 242; Herder on, viii, 169; Plato compared with, viii, 154; philosophy of, viii, 152; referred to, v, 306; Professor Royce on, viii, 154; Schopenhauer on, viii, 170; stubbornness of, viii, 166; father of modern Transcendentalists, viii, 403.
Katabolism, viii, 358.
Kauffman, Angelica, artist, iv, 305.
Keats, John, iv, 159; v, 50, 97; Aubrey Beardsley compared with, vi, 73; Coleridge and, v, 310.
Keeley Institute, i, 278.
Keeners, Irish, i, 229.
Keller, Helen, ii, 76; H. H. Rogers and, xi, 389.
Kelmscott House, v, 21.
Kelmscott Press, the, v, 28.
Kemble's "Coons," iv, 67.
Kenilworth Castle, i, 51, 303.
Kensington Gardens, i, 62.
Kenyon, John, ii, 23; Robert Browning and, v, 58.
Keppel, Commander, friend of Joshua Reynolds, iv, 295.
Keswick pencils, viii, 400.
Kilkenny, cats of, i, 223.
Kindergarten, the, vi, 194; xii, 128; purpose of the, x, 246; the first, x, 259.
King Alfred, Freeman on, x, 124; Napoleon compared with, x, 137; reforms of, x, 140.
King Lear, Shakespeare, i, 317; ii, 251.
Kings, divine right of, ii, 83.
King's evil, the, v, 153.
Kingsley, Charles, i, 248; on friendship, ix, 17; Hypatia, x, 283; quoted, v, 85.
King, Starr, Dr. Bartol on, vii, 313; Joshua Bates on, vii, 317; in California, vii, 336; Rev. E. H. Chapin on, vii, 316; death of, vii, 341; Dr. Leonard on, vii, 313; Lincoln and, vii, 341; memorials to, vii, 311, 313; parents of, vii, 317; Theodore Parker on, vii, 320; personality of, vii, 315; Substance and Show, vii, 328.
Kinship, xiv, 240.
Kipling, Rudyard, ii, 125, 253; his estimate of woman, vi, 74; quoted, ix, 292; x, 174; xii, 182; on R. L. Stevenson, xiii, 40.
Kittson, Norman, xi, 415.
Knitting-machines, ii, 70.
Knock-knees, vi, 308.
Knott, Proctor, quoted, i, 248.
Knowledge, v, 239; vii, 314; learning, wisdom and, x, 74; wisdom and, vii, 217.
Knowles, Sheridan, i, 250.
Knox, John, ix, 187; Carlyle's estimate of, ix, 213; Queen Elizabeth and, ix, 211;
Martin Luther compared with, ix, 205; Mary, Queen of Scots, and, ix, 210; referred to, v, 266.
Konigsberg, home of Immanuel Kant, viii, 160.
Krupp, Herr, iv, 28.
Laban, iii, 35, 62.
Labor, dignity of, vi, 117; division of, iii, 99.
Labor exchange, the, xi, 47.
Labouchere, Henry, and Charles Bradlaugh, ix, 266; quoted, xii, 57.
Labourge Nivernais, Rosa Bonheur, ii, 158.
La Bruyere, Jean, de, v, 258.
Lachesis Laponica, Linnaeus, xii, 292.
Lady of Shalott, The, Tennyson, v, 78.
La Farge, John, lecture on art, vi, 244.
Lafayette, Marquis de, ii, 183; iii, 15; Thomas Paine and, ix, 176; quoted, iv, 235.
La Gioconda, Leonardo, vi, 59.
Lagrange, Margaret, ix, 283.
Lake District of England, v, 282.
Lake Poets, the, ii, 227; v, 285.
Lalla Rookh, Moore, i, 156.
L'Allegro, Milton, v, 126, 137.
Lamb, Charles, ii, 215; as a bookkeeper, v, 26; his estimate of Jane Austen, ii, 254; S. T. Coleridge and, v, 295; his love of books, iv, 140; quoted, iv, 197; referred to, v, 56, 279.
Lamb, Mary, education of, ii, 219; meeting of, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, ii, 221; tragedy of, ii, 222; literary work of, ii, 230; friends of, ii, 229; death of, ii, 234; referred to, v, 56.
Lamennais, the Abbe, on Liszt, xiv, 205.
Lamp-chimneys, the making of, xi, 372.
Land-laws, English and American, compared, vii, 188.
Landlordism, ix, 88.
Landor, Walter Savage, ii, 28; viii, 20; xii, 305; Robert Browning and, v, 55.
Landscape, as an art term, iv, 91.
Landscape painting, the art of, vi, 136.
Landscapist's day, Corot's description of a, vi, 206.
Landseer, parents of, iv, 311; brothers of, iv, 312; birthplace of, iv, 313; education of, iv, 314; genius of, iv, 315; popularity of, iv, 320; friends of, iv, 321; friendship of Queen Victoria for, iv, 324; influence of, iv, 326; genius of, iv, 329.
Lang, Andrew, ii, 17; ix, 395.
Langenthal, Henry, and Froebel, x, 258.
Language, a form of expression, iv, 159.
Lao-tsze and Confucius, x, 63.
Lassalle, Ferdinand, xiii, 367.
Last Judgment, The, Michelangelo, iv, 33.
Last Supper, The, Leonardo, v, 229; vi, 54.
Latin, knowledge of, iv, 288.
La Traviata, Verdi, xiv, 292.
Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, ix, 315, 328, 337.
Laurence, the artist, Turner's treatment of, i, 135.
Laurens, Henry, ii, 77.
Lautner, Max, vi, 65.
Law, of altruistic injury, the, xi, 390; of antithesis, the, i, 164; of attraction or gravitation, xii, 272; Col. Bumble's opinion of, ix, 88; as a business, vii, 404; of compensation, ii, 238; iv, 226; vii, 349; xi, 149; xiv, 41; of the correlation of forces, xii, 272; of diminishing returns, x, 308; of entail, v, 70; of heredity, vii, 185; of natural selection, v, 95; of pivotal points, x, 308; profession of, iii, 99; of reversion to type, ii, 192.
Law of Civilization and Decay, The, Brooks Adams, xii, 89.
Lawsuits, county, vii, 245.
Law-wolf, ix, 311.
Lawyers, class B, vi, 174; Kant on, viii, 163; Philadelphia, vi, 306.
Lear compared with Milton, v, 140.
Learning, knowledge and wisdom, x, 74.
Lease, Mrs., of Kansas, v, 145.
Leaves of Grass, Whitman, i, 172, 179, 181; iv, 259; xiii, 18.
Lecky, the historian, quoted, xi, 204; on Methodism, ix, 49.
Lectures on English Humorists, Thackeray, i, 239.
Lecture on Homer, Gladstone, i, 102.
Lectures to Young Men, Beecher, vii, 357.
Lee, Ann, founder American Society of Shakers, x, 318.
Lee, Richard Henry, iii, 67, 89.
Le Gallienne, Richard, i, p xxvii; v, 246; quoted, xiii, 220; referred to, v, 218.
Legion of Honor, Cross of, ii, 159.
Legitimate perquisites, v, 44.
Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Baron von, xii, 21; referred to, v, 306.
Leicester, Earl of, iv, 25.
Leighton, Frederick, friend of the Brownings, v, 64.
Leipzig, university of, vii, 134.
Leonard, Dr. Charles H., on Starr King, vii, 313.
Leonardo da Vinci, i, 122; i, 341; iv, 6, 59, 90, 99; v, 230; xiv, 40; appearance of, vi, 50; birth of, vi, 46; mother of, vi, 46; Aristotle compared with, viii, 91; Bandello and, vi, 50; Cesare Borgia and, vi, 43; Correggio and, vi, 233; Sir William Davenant compared with, vi, 48; Edison compared with, vi, 41; Hamerton on, vi, 50; Last Supper of, vi, 54; Michelangelo and, vi, 28.
Leo X, Pope, iv, 31; vi, 31; quoted, vi, 13.
Les Huguenots, Meyerbeer, characterized, xiv, 126.
Leslie, Charles R., American artist, iv, 321.
Les Miserables, Hugo, i, 187.
Letters of a Self-Made Merchant to His Son, Lorimer, xi, 183.
Letters of indulgence, vii, 126.
Lettre de cachet, the, xiii, 349; ix, 378.
Levi, origin of name, x, 30.
Lewes, George Henry, i, 57; v, 148; Augustine Birrell on, viii, 339; Comte and, viii, 261; Herbert Spencer and, viii, 337; Thackeray on, viii, 337.
Lewis, Alfred Henry, i, p xxvii; ix, 311; x, 344.
Lewis and Clark Expedition, the, xi, 220.
Lewis, Fielding, iii, 15.
Lewis, Lawrence, iii, 15.
Leyden, Lucas van, vi, 78.
L'Historie de Romanticisme, Gautier, i, 192.
Liberal denominations, the, ix, 184.
Liberal thought, obligations of, xiii, 87.
Liberator, The, William Lloyd Garrison and, vii, 394.
Liberty, Patrick Henry on, vii, 276.
Licentiousness, vii, 73.
Life, canned, vi, 170; forms of, vi, 228; the game of, v, 158; Robert Ingersoll on, vii, 235; the larger, viii, 204; a privilege, vii, 118; the privileges of, vi, 151.
Life-insurance, value of, viii, 300.
Life of Charles XII, Voltaire, viii, 297.
Life of Frederick, Carlyle, viii, 312.
Life of Jesus, Strauss, i, 55.
Life of Johnson, Hawkins, v, 148.
Life of Washington, Weems, iii, 7; v, 41; vii, 199.
Life's Uses, Harriet Martineau, ii, 68.
Ligereaux, Saint Andre de, xi, 390.
Light and shade, Rembrandt's experiments in, iv, 61.
Lily Dale, i, 321.
Lincoln, Abraham, boyhood of, vi, 102; face of, iv, 52; speech of, at Gettysburg, iii, 278; home of, at Springfield, Ill., iii, 287; acquaintances of, iii, 288; stories of, iii, 288; Ingersoll's speech on, iii, 291; assassination of, iii, 300; the country of, iii, 303; early home of, iii, 303; as clerk in country store, iii, 303; law office of, iii, 303; debates with Douglas, iii, 304; nomination of, iii, 271, 304; election of, iii, 273, 304; home ties of, iii, 305; example of, iii, 305; Beecher compared with, vii, 348; Beecher on the death of, vii, 379; contrasted with John Brown and Marat, vii, 214; Julius Caesar compared with, viii, 72; attitude of California toward, vii, 339; his call for volunteers, xiii, 84; Simon Cameron, secretary of war, and, xi, 276; Andrew Carnegie compared with, xi, 295; Winston Churchill on, vii, 21; his Cooper Union speech, xi, 258; George W. Curtis and, i, 165; Douglas and, xiii, 187; Emancipation Proclamation of, ix, 56; General Grant and, xii, 313; humor of, i, 239; Ingersoll on, ix, 331; on the American juror, x, 366; Starr King and, vii, 341; and the law of diminishing returns, x, 309; love of, for memory of his mother, vii, 349; love of, for Seward, iii, 274; to the portrait-painter, xiii, 118; quoted, iv, 128; xi, 276; vii, 286; referred to, i, 248; ii, 238; iii, 174; v, 201; vi, 320; xi, 370; xiii, 85; xiv, 40; on responsibility, xi, 287; reference to the Sangamon steamboat, xii, 318; visit of, to W. H. Seward, iii, 272; Southern feeling and, x, 111; on stepmother-love, xii, 398; Washington and, iii, 29; Henry Watterson on, vii, 393; Walt Whitman and, i, 164.
Lincolnshire, the woods of, v, 75.
Lindsey, Judge Ben, i, p xxvii; ix, 283; Thomas Arnold compared with, x, 241; and the Juvenile Court, ix, 349; quoted, ix, 87.
Linnaeus, boyhood of, xii, 278; George Frederick Handel and, xii, 300; at the University of Upsala, xii, 285.
Lion-hunters, iv, 253.
Lion of Lucerne, The, Thorwaldsen, vi, 123.
Lippi, Fra Lippo, vi, 51.
Liszt, Franz, and the Countess d'Agoult, xiv, 194; Amy Fay's biography of, xiv, 207; Joseph Haydn and, xiv, 188; inspirer of musicians, xiv, 187; Plato compared with, viii, 87; George Sand and, xiv, 194; remark concerning George Sand, xiv, 95; Richard Wagner and, xiv, 30.
Literary conscience, the, x, 363.
Literary eczema, i, 292.
Literary Landmarks, Hutton, ii, 118.
Literary stinkpots, v, 218.
Literature, a confession, xiii, 313; a byproduct, v, 26; history and, xiii, 83.
Litigation, a luxury, vii, 293.
Little Journeys Camp, iii, p ix.
Little red schoolhouse, the, iii, 255.
Littre, pupil of Auguste Comte, viii, 265.
Lives of the Poets, Johnson, v, 147.
Livingston, David, vi, 347.
Lloyd, Charles, and the Wordsworths, i, 215.
Local option, iii, 129.
Lodge, Cabot, iii, 23.
Logic, J. S. Mill, xiii, 160.
Lohengrin, Wagner, xiv, 32.
Lombroso, Prof., referred to, i, 164.
London, Baedeker, ii, 118.
London, compared with New York, ii, 118; monuments of, i, 313.
Longfellow on Dante, xiii, 110; Emerson and, viii, 408.
Long, John D., vi, 333; vii, 191.
Long Parliament, the, ix, 318.
Lord Palmerston and Richard Cobden, ix, 152.
Lorenzo, the Magnificent, iv, 13; Savonarola and, vii, 97; Pericles compared with, iv, 13.
Lorimer, George Horace, xi, 183.
Lorraine, Claude, iv, 162; influence of, on Corot, vi, 201; influence of, on Turner, i, 126.
Lost Arts, The, Wendell Phillips, vii, 328.
Lothair, Disraeli, v, 342.
Lot referred to, i, 306.
Lot, Rembrandt, iv, 63.
Lotus-Eaters, The, Tennyson, v, 78.
Louis XIV, "The Grand," iv, 95.
Louis XV, i, 203.
Louis XVIII and Victor Hugo, i, 188.
Louisiana Purchase, the, iii, 76.
Love, iv, 178; v, 238, 346; xiv, 312; Marcus Aurelius on, viii, 138; of brother and sister, ii, 215; Robert Burns and, v, 93; the great enlightener, ii, 78; eternal, v, 90; Benjamin Franklin on, viii, 290; idealization of, v, 86; Robert Ingersoll on, vii, 232; laws of, xi, 137; memory of, vi, 21; one-sided, xiii, 117; a pain, ii, 32; religion and, xiv, 206; romantic, ii, 189; xiii, 211; the great teacher, vi, 311; value of, ii, 87; woman's, exemplified, ii, 170; Emerson's essay on, ii, 287.
Lovejoy, Rev. E. O., death of, vii, 405.
Lovelace on prison-life, vi, 170.
Love-letters, great, vii, 81.
Lovell, Robert, and Southey, v, 301.
Love's Lovers, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, xiii, 246.
Lowell, James Russell, Emerson and, viii, 408; The Fable for Critics, i, 179; on Plato, viii, 87; quoted, i, 276; iii, 102; xiv, 80; v, 254; referred to, i, 231; v, 39, 294; on truth, x, 112.
Loyalty, xiv, 228.
Loyola, referred to, vi, 50.
Lubke, Wilhelm, on Raphael, vi, 10.
Luck, exemplified, xi, 288.
Lumpkin, Tony, vi, 315.
Lunacy, defined, iii, 266.
Lusitania, Cunard Liner, ii, p x.
Luther, Martin, Giordano Bruno and, xii, 54; character of, vii, 117; "Catherine the Nun" and, vii, 156; at the Diet of Worms, vii, 143; Albrecht Durer and, vii, 139; John Eck and, vii, 134; at Eisenach, vi, 212; Erasmus compared with, x, 152; excommunication of, vii, 137; Henry VIII of England and, vii, 155; humor of, i, 238; insanity of, viii, 255; John Knox compared with, ix, 205; as an orator, vii, 120; quarrel of, with the Church, vii, 116; referred to, iii, 35; v, 183; vi, 50; ix, 187, 194, 210; spiritual experiences of, viii, 181; John Tetzel and, vii, 123; and the 95 Theses, vii, 122, 129; in the Castle of Wartburg, vii, 153; at the University of Wittenberg, vii, 117.
Lyceum, the, iii, 188; the New England, vii, 325.
Lycidas, Milton, v, 137.
Lyell, Sir Charles, xii, 372; Darwin and, xii, 223.
Lyman, Theodore, mayor of Boston, vii, 390.
Lyon, Emma, Lady Hamilton, xiii, 408.
Macaulay, Thomas B., iv, 193; appearance of, v, 176; father of, v, 177; mother of, v, 178; boyishness of, v, 178; his love of frolic, v, 179; college life of, v, 181; literary style of, v, 182; his law practise, v, 184; political life of, v, 186; as an orator, v, 187; fame of, v, 189; commissioner of Board of Control, v, 189; legal adviser of the Supreme Council of India, v, 192; Secretary of War, v, 195; Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow, v, 196; elevation to the peerage, v, 197; estimate of Jane Austen, ii, 254; on Edmund Burke, vii, 173; quoted, v, 238; vii, 180; vii, 199; Rubens compared with, v, 176.
Macbeth, Lady, i, 75.
McCarthy, Justin, on J. S. Mill, xiii, 160; on Parnell, xiii, 199.
McCormick, Cyrus H., ix, 285; xi, 196.
McCormick reaper, the, xi, 328.
McGuffy's Third Reader, ix, 317.
Machiavelli's use of women, vi, 81.
Mackaye, Steele, quoted, viii, 168.
Mackay, Mrs. J. W., experience of, with Meissonier, iv, 136.
McKinley, William, President, vi, 336; death of, viii, 291.
MacLaren, Ian, xiii, 24; on Scotch penuriousness, xi, 264.
MacMonnies, Frederick William, xiv, 29.
Macready and Robert Browning, v, 55; quoted, i, 250.
McSorley, Rev. Hugh, and Bradlaugh, ix, 262.
Madame Tussaud's Wax-works, iv, 344.
Madison and Jefferson, iii, 54.
Madrid, court life at, iv, 104; Royal Gallery at, iv, 109.
Maecenas, Horace and, i, 179; referred to, iv, 291; Saint-Simon compared with, viii, 247.
Maeterlinck, quoted, vii, 245.
Mahomet, quoted, iv, 86.
Maid of Athens, Byron, v, 222.
Mail, proposing marriage by, v, 226.
Maintenon, Madame de, ii, 54.
Maker of Lenses, The, Zangwill, viii, 217.
Makers of Venice, The, Mrs. Oliphant, vi, 248.
Malay Archipelago, The, Wallace, xii, 366, 382.
Mallory, referred to, v, 14.
Malthus and Edmund Burke, ix, 11.
Managing editors, characterized, vi, 315.
Mandeville, Sir John, xii, 144.
Manfred, Byron, v, 230.
Mangasarian, M. M., 283.
Man, the ideal, iv, 6; an invocation to, v, 201; a land animal, ix, 82; Nature and, viii, 394.
Mankind, saviors of, ii, 197.
Manners and Fashion, Herbert Spencer, viii, 342.
Manners, Casa, v, 259.
Manning, Cardinal, i, 108; on evolution, xii, 227.
Mansfield, Richard, xii, 169.
Man's Place in Nature, Huxley, xii, 327.
Manual labor, xii, 341.
Manual training, vi, 194.
Man Who Laughs, The, Hugo, i, 200.
Man With the Hoe, The, Millet, iv, 262.
Marat, Jean Paul, appearance of, vii, 210; assassination of, by Charlotte Corday, vii, 227; character of, vii, 220; Danton and, vii, 224; education of, vii, 210; Benjamin Franklin and, vii, 214, 219; life of, in Paris, vii, 222; medical diploma of, vii, 215; Mirabeau and, vii, 223; Thomas Paine and, vii, 220; ix, 178; Robespierre and, vii, 224; wife of, vii, 226.
Marat, Simonne Evrard, to the convention, vii, 207.
Marconi, Guglielmo, xii, 21.
Marco Polo, xii, 144.
Marcus Aurelius, ii, 195; boyhood of, viii, 113; Canon Farrar on, viii, 124; on love, viii, 138; Meditations of, viii, 140; Ouida regarding, viii, 130; Renan on, viii, 131.
Marguerite, Ary Scheffer's painting, iv, 246.
Mariana, Tennyson, v, 78.
Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, ii, 176, 264; quoted, xiii, 92.
Marie Louise, wife of Napoleon, ii, 281.
Marion Delorme, Victor Hugo, i, 190.
Market-places, French, iv, 124.
Marlborough, Duchess of, and William Pitt, vii, 193.
Marriage, iv, 135; Goethe on, ix, 383; a mousetrap, ii, 190; philosophy and, viii, 251; Roman laws regarding, viii, 133; Bernard Shaw on, ix, 44; Swedenborg on, viii, 191; divorce and, viii, 134; Voltaire on, viii, 290.
Marsden, Mark, and Charles Bradlaugh, ix, 246.
Marshall, John, Chief Justice, on the Book of Nature, ix, 387.
Marshall, Peter Paul, landscape-gardener, v, 20.
Marston Moor, battle of, ix, 322.
Martignac, M. de, and Victor Hugo, i, 190.
Martineau, Elizabeth, ii, 72.
Martineau, Harriet, ii, 109, 163, 190; xiv, 89; childhood of, ii, 71; love-affair of, ii, 78; religion of, ii, 79; influence of, ii, 83; as a writer, ii, 85; home of, i, 218; Auguste Comte and, viii, 257.
Martineau, Doctor James, theologian, ii, 71; viii, 258.
Martyn, Carlos, on Beecher, vii, 395.
Martyr and persecutor, ii, 195.
Martyrdom, compensations of, vi, 171.
Marx, Karl, xii, 256; xiii, 362.
Mary, Queen of Scots, i, 261; John Knox and, ix, 210.
Masaccio, frescos of, vi, 28.
Mason and Dixon's Line, iv, 124.
Massachusetts, delegates of, to Philadelphia Convention, iii, 90.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, x, 204.
"Massachusetts Jemmy," i, 251.
Massachusetts Metaphysical College, x, 334.
Massillon on preachers and preaching, viii, 168.
Masterpiece of God, the, vi, 58.
Mathematics, limits of, viii, 173.
Mather, Cotton, i, 112, 237; iii, 101; viii, 23.
Mather, Increase, ix, 338.
Mathews, Charles, the actor, i, 231.
Mayas, the, vi, 15.
Mayflower, sailing of the, iv, 189.
May Queen, The, Tennyson, v, 78.
Mazzini, i, 56; Emerson compared with, ix, 94; Garibaldi and, ix, 94, 101; friend of the Rossettis, ii, 122.
Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, ix, 287.
Medici, Catherine de, iv, 31.
Medici family, expulsion of, from Florence, iv, 32.
Medici, Giuliano, Michelangelo's statue of, iv, 32.
Medici, Lorenzo de, Michelangelo's statue of, iv, 31.
Medici, Marie de, iv, 97; Rubens' pictures of, iv, 176.
Medicine, profession of, iii, 99; the science of, xii, 265.
Meditations, Descartes, viii, 226.
Meditations, Marcus Aurelius, i, 248; viii, 140.
Mediums, spiritual, viii, 174.
Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest, French painter, iv, 124; mother of, iv, 125; his passion for collecting, iv, 126; love for his mother, iv, 127; vii, 350; early efforts in painting, iv, 129; marriage of, iv, 131; his artistic conscience, iv, 133; domestic affairs of, iv, 135; his experience with Mrs. J. W. Mackay, iv, 136; his "vindication," iv, 139; his extravagance, iv, 139; Conversations of, iv, 140; his masterpiece, iv, 142; death of, iv, 141; Fortuny compared with, iv, 218; friend of Millet, iv, 282; genius of, iv, 329; other self of, v, 106; pictures by, owned in America, iv, 142; quoted, iv, 218, 330.
Melancholy, v, 268; humor and, v, 156.
Melania, the Nun of Tagaste, vi, 62.
Melchizedek, the order of, ix, 70.
Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini, vi, 273.
Memories, Max Muller, vi, 40.
Mendelssohn, Felix, ix, 285; boyhood of, xiv, 164; Mozart compared with, ix, 163; Queen Victoria and, xiv, 181; Thorwaldsen and, vi, 116.
Mendelssohn, Moses, on the Ghetto, viii, 223.
Men, grown-up children, vii, 350.
Mengs, Raphael, on Velasquez, vi, 158.
Mennonite, the, ii, 189.
Mennonites, the, Napoleon and, viii, 212; Spinoza and, viii, 211.
Men of genius, i, 75.
Mentation, art of, viii, 355.
Mephisto, iii, 233; Disraeli compared with, v, 320.
Mephistopheles, referred to, v, 132.
Merchandising, old-time methods of, ix, 131.
Merchant, age of the, xi, 306.
Merchant of Venice, The, Shakespeare, i, 317.
Meredith, George, ii, 127.
Merlin, Tennyson, v, 68.
Message to Garcia, how written, i, p xxix.
Messalina, Valeria, wife of Claudius, viii, 62.
Messiah, Handel, xiv, 269.
Messianic instinct, the, v, 109.
Metaphysics, x, 344; Kant on, viii, 148.
Metaphysics of Love, Schopenhauer, viii, 382.
Metaphysics, science and theology distinguished from, viii, 267.
Methodism, ix, 279; Lecky on, ix, 49; Moravianism and, ix, 32.
Methodists, ii, 227; origin of name, ix, 25.
Michallon, Achille, companion of Corot, vi, 198.
Michelangelo, i, 131; iv, 90; xii, 84; age of, iv, 6; ix, 94; birth of, iv, 7; influence of, upon Leonardo, iv, 7; appearance of, iv, 7; manner of living, iv, 7; compared with Leonardo, iv, 8; his figures of women, iv, 9; beginning of his artistic work, iv, 9; his parents, iv, 10; his apprenticeship, iv, 13; his patron, Lorenzo, iv, 13; life of, in Florence, iv, 15; arrival in Bologna, iv, 16; life of, in Rome, iv, 18; his work in Florence, iv, 22; the Sistine Chapel, iv, 28; the Church of San Lorenzo, iv, 31; chief architect of Saint Peter's, iv, 34; death of, iv, 35; sonnets of, iv, 36; America's tribute to, iv, 35; Sebastian Bach compared with, xiv, 137; Cellini and, vi, 281; Landseer compared with, iv, 326; Leonardo and, vi, 28; other self of, v, 106; rivalry between Raphael and, iv, 31; on Raphael, vi, 36; compared with Titian, iv, 146; compared with Walt Whitman, i, 170.
Michel, Emile, on Rembrandt, iv, 40.
Microscopic portrayal, vi, 203.
Middendorf, William, and Froebel, x, 258.
Middle Ages, the, x, 127; art and life in the, v, 18; monks of the, ii, 189.
Middle class, the, x, 225.
Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare, i, 304.
Mignon, Ary Scheffer's painting, iv, 246.
Milan Academy of Art, founding of, vi, 55.
Milburn, the blind preacher, iii, 40; v, 85.
Millais' friendship for Thackeray, i, 236.
Miller, Hugh, geologist, xii, 265.
Miller, Joaquin, referred to, i, 195; xiii, 22.
Millet, Francois, his influence on art, iv, 269; nature of, iv, 261; ancestry of, iv, 263; Parisian experience of, iv, 267; poverty of, iv, 272; marriage of, iv, 273; student in the atelier of Delaroche, iv, 274; second marriage of, iv, 275; devotion of, to wife and children, iv, 276; home of, in Barbizon, iv, 278; friends of, iv, 279; recognition of, iv, 280; vogue of, iv, 282; The Angelus, vi, 215; Corot and, vi, 213; Dore compared with, iv, 346; influence of, viii, 205; style of, vi, 214; Wagner compared with, iv, 259; Whitman compared with, iv, 259.
Millionaires, v, 311; xi, 389; limitations of, xi, 226; machine-made, v, 81.
Mill, John Stuart, i, 95; xiii, 85; Autobiography, xiii, 153; Bradlaugh and, xiii, 171; Robert Browning compared with, xiii, 170; Thomas Carlyle on, xiii, 151; on Coleridge, v, 289; as a member of the House of Commons, xiii, 171; Auguste Comte and, viii, 257; Henry George and, ix, 74; Huxley compared with, xii, 311; Logic, xiii, 160; Justin McCarthy on, xiii, 160; Macaulay on, v, 185; John Morley on, xiii, 160; On Liberty, xiii, 142; quoted, vii, 217; Bishop Spalding on, xiii, 162.
Mill on the Floss, The, Eliot, i, 53; v, 148.
Mills, B. Fay, ix, 184, 283.
Mills hotels, the, xi, 327.
Milnes, Monckton, and Robert Browning, v, 55; Alfred Tennyson and, v, 76.
Milton, Sir Christopher, quoted, v, 120.
Milton, John, ii, 76; home of, in Bread Street, London, v, 119; father of, v, 119; youth of, v, 121; education of, v, 122; life of, at Cambridge, v, 123; his ascetic nature, v, 124; life of, at Horton, v, 126; influence of mother on, v, 126; his marital experiences, v, 128; his tractate on divorce, v, 130; travels of, v, 136; his political pamphlets, v, 137; his surpassing genius, v, 139; Lord Byron compared with, v, 230; influence of Dante on, xiii, 137; Dore's illustrations of the works of, iv, 338; Galileo and, xii, 82; Heaven and, i, 179; Macaulay on, v, 181; referred to, v, 83; Satan of, v, 320; as a secretary, v, 26; and ship-money, ix, 316.
Mind, the supremacy of, viii, 161.
Mineptah, the great Pharaoh, x, 17.
Minerva, ii, 43.
Ministers, sons of, iii, 102.
Mintage of wisdom, i, p xii.
Mirabeau, Marat and, vii, 223; Thomas Paine and, ix, 178; quoted, ix, 387; Madame de Stael compared with, ii, 183.
Mission furniture, i, p xxv.
Missions of California, x, 163.
Missouri River, referred to, i, 123.
Mitford, Mary Russell, ii, 26; v, 59; life of Dean Swift by, i, 143.
Mobocrats, vii, 407.
Modern Painters, Ruskin, i, 89; v, 246; vi, 329.
Modesty, definition of, x, 16.
Mohammedans, expulsion of, from Spain, viii, 207.
Mohammed, the religion of, ix, 375.
Mommsen, Theodor, historian, xi, 291.
Monahan, Michael, iii, p xii.
Mona Lisa, The, vi, 41; Walter Pater on, vi, 58.
Monasteries, age of the, xi, 306; as mendicant institutions, vii, 113.
Monastic impulse, the, vii, 87, 111; x, 166, 119, 304.
Monasticism, x, 302; forms of, vii, 111.
Monastic life, vii, 86.
Money-changers, Rembrandt, iv, 64.
Mongoose, story of the imaginary, ix, 300.
Monism, xii, 256.
Monogamy, Ernst Haeckel on, x, 305.
Monroe, James, and Thomas Paine, ix, 160.
Monstrous Regiment of Women, The, John Knox, ix, 210.
Montague, Charles, Lord Halifax, quoted, v, 244.
Montaigne, quoted, v, 151; referred to, iii, 35.
Montebello, home of Empress Josephine in, ii, 275.
Monte Cassino, Benedictine monastery, x, 315.
Montesquieu on heaven, viii, 130.
Monticello, home of Jefferson, iii, 69.
Moonlight Sonata, Beethoven, xiv, 277.
Moore, George, and Corot, vi, 205.
Moore, Thomas, i, 155, 280; birthplace of, i, 156; Lord Byron and, v, 224; Disraeli and, v, 333; Dore's illustrations of the works of, iv, 338.
Moqui Indians, the, viii, 46.
Morality, v, 226; defined, x, 318; Schopenhauer on, viii, 377; Herbert Spencer on, ix, 191.
Moravians, John Wesley and the, ix, 31.
More, Hannah, Edmund Burke and, vii, 161; Macaulay and, v, 181; friend of Reynolds, iv, 305.
More, Sir Thomas, i, 124; x, 117.
Morgan, J. Pierpont, vi, 72; vii, 193; Patrick Sheedy and, vi, 145.
Morley, John, xii, 412; Charles Bradlaugh and, ix, 271; on Lord Byron, v, 215; on Richard Cobden, ix, 140, 153; on J. S. Mill, xiii, 160; quoted, vi, 275; on Servetus, ix, 202.
Mormon, the, ii, 189.
Morning, Michelangelo, iv, 32.
Morning, Thorwaldsen, vi, 123.
Morris chair, the, v, 21.
Morris, Gouverneur, iii, 239.
Morris, Nelson, and Philip D. Armour, xi, 189.
Morris, Robert, iii, 171; xi, 94.
Morris, Roger, Colonel, iii, 19; estate of, xi, 217.
Morris, William, parents of, v, 11; education of, v, 12; early experience of, in architecture, v, 15; marriage of, v, 16: the Preraphaelite Brotherhood, v, 18; socialism of, v, 23; shops of, at Hammersmith, v, 27; appearance of, v, 27; meeting of Elbert Hubbard with, v, 29, 32; associates of, v, 29; influence of, v, 25, 33; viii, 205; American art and literature and, v, 32; criticisms of, v, 23; F. S. Ellis and, v, 29; on Emerson, v, 32; executive ability of, v, 20; on fellowship, vi, 332; on the Icelandic sagas, vi, 97; on the ideal life, vi, 16; influence of Burne-Jones on, v, 15; Moses compared with, x, 37; James Oliver compared with, xi, 74; Robert Owen compared with, xii, 343; philosophy of, xiii, 252; on Preraphaelitism, vi, 11; quoted, v, 23; referred to, i, pp xvii, xxi; ii, 123, 125; v, 97; x, 117; Ruskin compared with, xiii, 253; versatility of, v, 34; Wagner compared with, xiv, 24; Emery Walker and, v, 29; on Walt Whitman, v, 32; Professor Zueblin on, xi, 356.
Morse, Samuel, inventor, xi, 68.
Morte d' Arthur, Mallory, v, 14.
Mosaic, art of, iv, 153.
Mosaicist, art of the, iv 155.
Moses, i, 306; parentage of, x, 22; life of, in the Egyptian court, x, 25; Aristotle compared with, x, 13; death of, x, 40; Albrecht Durer compared with, x, 37; the laws of, x, 11, 32; William Morris compared with, x, 37; wit and humor of, i, 238; the world's first great teacher, x, 11.
Moses, Michelangelo's statue of, iv, 27; Rembrandt's, iv, 63.
Mother and Child, Giotto, vi, 17.
Motherhood, holiness of, vi, 249; teaching and, vi, 249; Whistler's tribute to, vi, 337.
Mother-love, v, 127; Darwin on, iv, 46.
Mothers-in-law, xiv, 11.
Motive power, vi, 250.
Mountain-climbing, xii, 355.
Mount Vernon, home of Washington, iii, 11.
Moxon, Edward, publisher, ii, 233; Robert Browning and, v, 46.
Mozart, Wolfgang, Dudley Buck on, xiv, 295; Marie Antoinette and, xiv, 305; marriage of, xiv, 326; Mendelssohn compared with, xiv, 163; Rembrandt compared with, xiv, 316; the Empress Maria Theresa and, xiv, 305.
Muldoon, William, x, 249; Pythagoras compared with, x, 72.
Mullah Bah, Turkish wrestler, vii, 217.
Muller, Johannes, zoologist, xii, 253.
Muller, Max, A Story of German Love, viii, 192; Memories, vi, 40.
Mulready, artist, iv, 318; grave of, i, 231; Sydney Smith and, iv, 321.
Munchausen, referred to, v, 221.
Munich, galleries of, iv, 57.
Munro, Doctor, patron of Turner, i, 127.
Murano, glassworkers of, vi, 252.
Murillo, Fortuny compared with, iv, 208; pictures by, in England, iv, 189; Velasquez and, vi, 183.
Murray, Adirondack, ix, 358.
Murray, Lindley, grammarian, iii, 238.
Muscular Christianity, ii, 196.
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, iii, 103.
Music, v, 236; xiv, 353; Confucius on, x, 62; Heine on, xiv, 332; modern, xiv, 223; power of, xiv, 119; a secondary sex manifestation, xiv, 193.
Musicians, a third sex, xiv, 165.
Music Study in Germany, Amy Fay, xiv, 207.
Musset, Alfred de, xiv, 94.
Mutual Admiration Society, vi, 331; viii, 240; xii, 305.
My Private Life, Voltaire, viii, 312.
Mythology, gods of, iii, 5; Thorwaldsen's love for, vi, 97.
Nabucodonosor, Verdi, xiv, 290.
Napoleon Bonaparte, iv, 82, 128, 185, 193; v, 201; Abbott's life of, vi, 129; King Alfred compared with, x, 137; Balzac and, xiii, 279; visits Rosa Bonheur, ii, 159; boyhood of, vi, 102; Lord Byron and, v, 220; Disraeli compared with, v, 321; Edison compared with, i, 330; Wolfgang Goethe and, i, 165; xi, 151; at the grave of Rousseau, viii, 242; Alexander Hamilton and, iii, 173; the Jews and, xi, 152; Pope Julius compared with, iv, 26; Meissonier's admiration for, iv, 142; the Mennonites and, viii, 212; Marshal Ney and, viii, 242; quoted, ii, 183; iv, 95; vii, 17; on Rousseau, ix, 387; Madame de Stael and, ii, 180.
Napoleon II, son of Napoleon I, ii, 281.
Napoleon III, emperor of France, ii, 279.
Natural History of Creation, The, Haeckel, xii, 249.
Natural religion, vi, 165.
Natural selection, v, 47; law of, v, 95.
Nature of Gothic, The, Ruskin, v, 13.
Nature, and man, ix, 394; Michelangelo's fidelity to, iv, 24; a symbol of spirit, xiv, 79; Emerson on, x, 306.
Nearer My God to Thee, Adams, v, 48.
Negro, education of the, x, 200.
Negroes, souls of, iii, 101.
Nelson, Horatio, boyhood of, xiii, 401; character of, xiii, 405; death of, ii, 69; xiii, 426; Carlyle on, xiii, 429; story of, ii, 123.
Neo-Platonism, Hypatia on, x, 270; New Thought compared with, x, 283.
Nepotism, vii, 102.
Nero, Roman Emperor, viii, 49; xii, 39; Alcibiades compared with, viii, 71.
Nervous prostration, viii, 254.
Network, Johnson's definition of, v, 146.
Neville, Richard, kingmaker, i, 302.
Nevis, island of, iii, 153.
New England Lyceum, the, vii, 325.
New Harmony, Indiana, ix, 226; xii, 347; community life at, xi, 43.
New Heloise, Rousseau, ix, 393.
New Jersey, mosquitoes of, iii, 23.
New Lanark, social betterment in, xi, 32.
Newman, John Henry, Cardinal, x, 362; Servetus compared with, ix, 202.
New Orleans, battle of, iii, 221.
New Paths, Schumann, xiv, 344.
New Rochelle, Huguenot settlement, iii, 234.
News From Nowhere, William Morris, v, 23.
New Thought, viii, 17; Neo-Platonism compared with, x, 283; origin of, x, 280; secondhand thought and, x, 284.
Newton, Sir Isaac, the mathematician, i, 341; v, 134; xii, 84, 195, 409; and the Bible, xii, 38; boyhood of, xii, 12; discovery of the law of gravitation, xii, 31; fame of, xii, 40; Galileo compared with, xii, 37; insanity of, viii, 255; inventor of the spectrum, xii, 34; Laplace on, xii, 44; Leonardo compared with, vi, 43; Milton compared with, xii, 28; Samuel Pepys and, xii, 42; John Ray and, xii, 277; Herbert Spencer on, x, 366; xii, 13; Mary Story and, xii, 23; on the transmutation of metals, xii, 36; Turner and, i, 131; Voltaire on, x, 366; Voltaire's sketch of, xii, 30.
New woman, the, ii, 53.
New York compared with London, ii, 118.
New Zealand, i, p xxv.
Niagara Falls, i, p xxv; Stratford compared with, i, 309; referred to by Goldsmith, i, 296.
Nicholas V, Pope, quoted, vi, 31.
Nicolay and Hay, life of Lincoln, ii, 303.
Nietzsche, Friedrich, and Wagner, xiv, 35.
Niggerheads, i, p xxii.
Nightingale, Florence, ii, 83.
Night, Michelangelo, iv, 32.
Night, Thorwaldsen, vi, 122.
Nightwatch, Rembrandt, iv, 74.
Nocturne, Whistler, vi, 345.
Non-conformist, The, Spencer's contributions to, viii, 332.
Non-resistance, ii, 191.
Nordau, Max, i, 163; vi, 286.
Norsemen, home of, x, 127.
North, Christopher, v, 266; xi, 264.
Northcote, artist, iv, 318.
North Pole, ii, 65.
North Temperate Zone, the, v, 282.
Northumberland, Earl of, i, 297.
Northwest Territory, cession of, iii, 75.
Nostalgia, v, 86; vi, 301; xiv, 79.
Notes and Comments, Spencer, viii, 336.
Not so Bad as We Seem, Bulwer-Lytton, i, 250.
Novalis on Spinoza, viii, 233.
Novelist, art of the, i, 266; iii, 189.
Noy, Attorney-General, domdaniel of attorneys, ix, 315.
Noyes, John Humphrey, x, 117; xi, 167.
Nunneries, vii, 112.
Nurse, the trained, viii, 12.
O'Connell and Disraeli, v, 336.
O'Connor, T. P., xiii, 177.
Octavia, wife of Mark Antony, vii, 70.
Octavius Caesar, vii, 61.
Oedipe, Voltaire, viii, 287.
Officialism in America, vi, 146.
Oglethorpe, James, and the Wesleys, ix, 27.
Oil-painting, introduction of, vi, 259.
Old maids, Charles Lamb on, ii, 214.
Old Oaken Bucket, The, i, 223.
Old Temeraire, The, Turner's painting of, i, 137.
Olivarez and Richelieu, vi, 167, 180.
Oliver chilled plow, the, xi, 65.
Oliver, James, boyhood of, xi, 53; Rev. Robert Collyer and, xi, 79; George H. Daniels and, xi, 82; William Morris compared with, xi, 74; religion of, xi, 66, 84; Daniel Webster compared with, xi, 78; wife of, xi, 61, 88.
Olympian games, i, 279.
Olympus, iv, 18.
Omar Khayyam, v, 149; quoted, xiii, 97.
Oneida Community, the, ii, 189; x, 118; xi, 42, 167.
One-price system, the, ix, 131.
On Liberty, John Stuart Mill, i, 95; xiii, 142.
On the Sublime, Burke, i, 229; vii, 172.
On the Wings of Song, Mendelssohn, xiv, 183.
Open Boat, The, Crane, xiv, 80.
Opium Eater, The, De Quincey, i, 217.
Optics, the law of, viii, 167.
Orange, Prince of, iv, 82.
Orang-utan, the, xii, 382.
Orator, qualifications of the, vii, 21.
Oratory, iii, 190, 204; v, 188; Addison on, v, 253; the child of democracy, vii, 92; indiscretion set to music, vii, 345; laws of, viii, 98; politics and, vii, 209.
Organ-music, xiv, 137.
Orient, influence of, on Venetian art, iv, 167.
Originality, xii, 242, 407; insanity and, viii, 197.
Orme, Gen., friend of Lincoln, iii, 288.
Orr, Mrs. Sutherland, v, 40.
Orthodoxy, decline of, x, 370.
Osborne, Thomas, ix, 283.
Osbourne, Lloyd, on R. L. Stevenson, xiii, 27.
Oshkosh, Wis., i, 88.
Ossian, iii, 69, 234; Johnson on, v, 163.
Ossoli, Margaret Fuller, ix, 115.
Ostracism, social, vi, 172; xiv, 21.
Oswego, mentioned by Goldsmith, i, 296.
Otello, Verdi, xiv, 295.
Othello, ii, 96.
Othello, Shakespeare, i, 317.
Other self, the, iv, 133; v, 107.
Otis, Harrison Gray, iii, 122.
Ouida, i, 75; regarding Marcus Aurelius, viii, 130; quoted, viii, 250.
Our Village, Mitford, ii, 28.
Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy, Fiske, xii, 406.
Overland Monthly, Henry George's contributions to, ix, 69.
Ovid, referred to, iv, 288.
Owen, Robert, in America, xi, 41; Jeremy Bentham and, xi, 34; John Bright and, ix, 226; democratic optimist, xi, 12; Emerson and, xii, 349; as a mill superintendent, xi, 16; William Morris compared with, xii, 343; George Peabody and, xi, 320; Sir Robert Peel and, xi, 35; times of, xi, 13; John Tyndall and, ix, 225; xii, 344; Josiah Wedgwood and, ix, 225; work of, xii, 343.
Oxford University, in the 18th century, ix, 21, 33; founding of, x, 14.
Packer, Rev. J. G., and Charles Bradlaugh, ix, 248.
Packing-house industry, the, xi, 178.
Paderewski and the Czar of Russia, xii, 101.
Paganini, Niccolo, as a violinist, xiv, 52; described by Heinrich Heine, xiv, 54; musical scores of, viii, 173.
Paganism, vi, 13; Christianity and, vi, 224; vii, 49; ix, 276.
Pain, v, 238; Tennyson's conquest of, v, 89.
Paine, Thomas, Hosea Ballou compared with, ix, 184; Benjamin Franklin and, ix, 157; the genius of, ix, 163; imprisonment of, ix, 179; influence of, on Henry George, ix, 66; Ingersoll and Bradlaugh compared with, ix, 243; literary style of, ix, 169; military service of, ix, 168; Doctor Priestly and, ix, 174; quoted, vii, 238; ix, 390; referred to, xi, 94; xii, 179; xiii, 83; spiritual children of, ix, 184; George Washington on, xiii, 84. Painting, Byron's knowledge of, i, 134; a form of expression, iv, 159; Scott's ignorance of, i, 132; Scriptural, iv, 58.
Pairing, the practise of, v, 95.
Palissy, Bernard, French potter, v, 134.
Palmerston and Macaulay compared, v, 197.
Panoramic pictures, iv, 215.
Pantheism, x, 342; Unitarianism and, ix, 295.
Pantheon, the, i, 202; history of, i, 206.
Pantisocracy, v, 280.
Paolina Chapel, Michelangelo's decoration of, iv, 34.
Paracelsus, Browning, v, 44, 55.
Paradise Lost, Milton, v, 137; copyright of, v, 246.
Parasitism, ix, 88.
Parents, children and, xii, 56; the woes of, vi, 197.
Paris, ii, 56; society in, during Revolution, ii, 177; prisons of, Elizabeth Fry on, ii, 188.
Parker, Dr. Joseph, ii, 194, 237; ix, 281; Dore and, iv, 344; Huxley and, xii, 322; as an orator, vii, 22.
Parker, Theodore, vii, 251; and the Brook Farm Community, ix, 293; John Brown and, ix, 300; Emerson compared with, ix, 279, 292; William Lloyd Garrison and, ix, 299; Colonel Higginson and, ix, 299; Elbert Hubbard and, ix, 389; lecture on Emerson, ix, 274; on Thomas Paine, ix, 158; Thomas Paine compared with, ix, 184; as a preacher, ix, 281; quoted, xi, 53; on Starr King, vii, 320; wife of, ix, 290.
Parkhurst, Rev. Dr., v, 281.
Parma, Italy, the market at, vi, 237.
Parnell, Charles Stewart, James Bryce on, xiii, 204; speech of, in Buffalo, xiii, 186; Gladstone and, xiii, 184, 198; Justin McCarthy on, xiii, 199; mother of, xiii, 179.
Parsifal, Wagner, xiv, 19.
Parsons, Alfred, vi, 314.
Partridge, the almanac-maker, i, 148.
Passion, ii, 170; the divine, ii, 36.
Passiveness, v, 99.
Pasteur, Louis, French chemist, i, 247.
Paternity, Schopenhauer on, viii, 363.
Pater, Walter, iv, 22; on Botticelli, vi, 65; on the Mona Lisa, vi, 58.
Patience, v, 238.
Patrick, St, ii, 95.
Patriotism, ix, 313; art and, vi, 321; Samuel Johnson on, vii, 196.
Patronymics, iv, 41.
Patti, Adelina, quoted, iii, 197.
Pauline, Browning, v, 50.
Paul the Hermit, vii, 112.
Paul III, Pope, iv, 33.
Peabody, George, Joshua Bates and, xi, 328; beneficences of, xi, 326; boyhood of, xi, 308; James Buchanan and, xi, 329; in England, xi, 320; W. E. Gladstone and, xi, 331; the Maryland bond issue and, xi, 321; military experience of, xi, 316; Robert Owen and, xi, 320; the world's first philanthropist, xi, 303; Elisha Riggs and, xi, 316; Queen Victoria and, xi, 330; in Washington, xi, 312.
Peary, Admiral, ii, 65.
Pedagogics, science of, viii, 100.
Peel, Sir Robert, ii, 83; xi, 35; on John Bright, ix, 238; Richard Cobden and, ix, 150; Elizabeth Fry and, ii, 210; Macaulay compared with, v, 197.
Peg Woffington, ix, 359; friend of Reynolds, iv, 305.
Pennel, Joseph, vi, 314.
Penni, Gianfrancesco, pupil of Raphael, vi, 33.
Penn, William, ii, 197; founder of Philadelphia, xi, 93; the Quaker colonies and, ix, 219.
Pentecost, Hugh, on the power of will, xiv, 56.
Pepys, Samuel, iii, 7; iv, 8; diary of, vi, 273; Sir Isaac Newton and, xii, 42; quoted, iv, 198; xiv, 260; style of, v, 150; Vasari compared with, vi, 19.
Percherons, the, breed of horses, ii, 57.
Peregrine Pickle, Smollett, iv, 302.
Pericles, i, 306; age of, i, 345; vii, 13, 15; builder of Athens, i, 341; Roscoe Conkling compared with, vii, 23; contemporaries of, vii, 15, 18; letter of, to Aspasia, vii, 10; Lorenzo compared with, iv, 13; Plutarch on, vii, 16; power of, iii, 93; quoted, vii, 38.
Periodicity, v, 183.
Peripatetic School, the, viii, 105.
Perquisites, legitimate, v, 44.
Persecution, ii, 194; religious, Tolstoy on, ix, 181; uses of, ix, 132.
Personal charm, ix, 103.
Personality, iv, 193; v, 183; vi, 61; vii, 314; of the true artist, vi, 178.
Perugino, iv, 28; vi, 21; Raphael and, vi, 24.
Pessimism, philosophy of, viii, 363.
Pestalozzi, and Froebel, x, 252; Jean Jacques Rousseau and, x, 252.
Peter Pan, James Barrie, xiii, 11.
Petrarch, Boccaccio and, xiii, 232; James Colonna and, xiii, 220; the founder of humanism, xiii, 241; place in literature, xiii, 209.
Petroleum, composition of, xi, 385.
Phaedo, Plato, ii, 195.
Phalanstery, the, iii, p xi; viii, 412.
Pharaoh, ii, 56.
Pharisee ism, ii, 196.
Pharsalia, battle of, vii, 57.
Phidias, sculptor, reference to, i, 122; vii, 26.
Philadelphia lawyers, vi, 306.
Philanthropic spirit, the, xi, 327.
Philip II, King of Spain, policy of, iv, 81, 93; Spain under the rule of, vi, 171.
Philip III of Spain, court of, vi, 172.
Philip IV, paintings of, by Velasquez, vi, 173.
Philippe, King of France, ii, 83.
Philippics of Cicero, the, vii, 56.
Philistine, The, founding of, i, p xx.
Philistinism, ii, 227, 237.
Phillips, Wendell, abolitionist, character of, vii, 386; Ben Butler and, vii, 388; William Lloyd Garrison and, vii, 394; Ann Terry Greene, vii, 398; his Faneuil Hall speech, vii, 406; advice to oratorical aspirants, ix, 257; Emerson on, vii, 413; on Emerson, xiii, 171; Elbert Hubbard and, vii, 410; The Lost Arts, vii, 328; quoted, vi, 273; referred to, iii, 271; vi, 41, 148; vii, 252, 287; xi, 258; Charles Sumner and, vii, 399.
Philosophical Dictionary, The, Voltaire, i, 205; viii, 274; xi, 106.
Philosophy, definition of, viii, 201; of the future, viii, 104; marriage and, viii, 251; of pessimism, viii, 363.
Photography, ii, 130.
Phrenology, i, 160.
Physicians, liberality of, iii, 81.
Piacenza, Donna Giovanni, abbess of San Paola Convent, Parma, vi, 230.
Piccadilly, i, 57; bus-drivers of, vi, 257.
Pieta, Michelangelo, iv, 19.
Pigot, John, and Byron, v, 214.
"Pig Poetry," i, 71.
Pilgrims' Chorus, Wagner, iv, 262; v, 267.
Pilsen, the Prince of, xiii, 315.
Pinkerton Guards, iii, 114.
Pinturicchio, companion of Raphael, vi, 26.
"Pious Wax-works," i, 135.
Pippa Passes, Browning, v, 56; quotation from, iii, 264.
Pitti Gallery, the, iv, 101; vi, 27.
Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, vii, 185; ix, 164; Burke on, vii, 186; Disraeli and, v, 331; extravagance of, vii, 204; George III and, vii, 200; Madame de Stael and, vii, 202; Daniel Webster compared with, iii, 204; Wilberforce and, vii, 204.
Pity for the dead, v, 87.
Pius IV, Pope, iv, 35.
Pius V, Pope, iv, 35.
Pius IX, Pope, ix, 93; on Darwinism, xii, 228.
Pivotal Points, law of, x, 308.
Plagues of Egypt, x, 36.
Plain living and high thinking, ii, 285.
Plantins, of Antwerp, iv, 55.
Plato, i, 343; ii, 195; v, 131; xii, 99; appearance of, x, 103; Aristotle and, viii, 88; x, 114; Dionysius, Tyrant of Syracuse, and, x, 108; Emerson on, viii, 31; eugenics of, x, 118; influence of, x, 120; garden school of, viii, 87; Kant compared with, viii, 154; Franz Liszt compared with, viii, 87; Lowell on, viii, 87; philosophy of, x, 105; pupils of, xii, 267; Pythagoras and, x, 119; quoted, viii, 33; The Republic, x, 98, 117; viii, 221; Shakespeare compared with, x, 116; Socrates and, viii, 11, 29; x, 102; on the soul, viii, 403; Turner and, i, 131; writings of, x, 116.
Platonic love, v, 100.
Pleasure, v, 238.
Pliny, the naturalist, xii, 269; quoted, xiii, 97.
Plotinus, founder of Neo-Platonism, x, 281.
Plutarch, i, p v; 114, 267; Vasari compared with, vi, 19.
Plutarch's Lives, referred to, iii, 34.
Plymouth Rock, xi, 56.
Poe, Edgar Allan, v, 97; ix, 285; xi, 94; xiv, 51; Annabel Lee, xiii, 256.
Poems, Chiefly Lyrical, Tennyson, v, 78.
Poems on the Life and Death of Laura, Petrarch, xiii, 243.
Poetry, the bill and coo of sex, v, 93; science versus, x, 114; Wordsworth's conception of, i, 223.
Poets' Corner, Westminster Abbey, x, 43.
Poets, potential, v, 93.
Poise, v, 239.
Poland, history of, xii, 101; xiv, 85.
Political Justice, William Godwin, ii, 295; xiii, 85.
Politics and oratory, vii, 209.
Poliziano, poet and scholar, iv, 16.
Pompeiian mosaic work, iv, 155.
Pompey and Crassus, vii, 50.
Pond, Major, i, p xxxvii; John Brown and, vii, 360; Henry Ward Beecher and, vii, 360; personality of, vii, 360; as manager for Elbert Hubbard, vii, 360; on Matthew Arnold, x, 220.
Poor Richard's Almanac, Franklin, i, 150; iii, 47.
Pope, Alexander, iii, 60; xiv, 261; on mankind, xi, 314; characterization of Lord Halifax, v, 250; Joshua Reynolds and, iv, 292; Voltaire and, viii, 295.
Pope Innocent III, referred to, i, 151.
Popular Science Monthly, Youmans, viii, 347; xii, 231.
Portland, Duke of, and Thomas Paine, ix, 175.
Portrait-painting in England, iv, 188.
Portsea, island of, i, 196.
Pose, vi, 190, 335.
Positive Philosophy, the, viii, 253; essence of the, viii, 266.
Positivism, ii, 86; a religion, viii, 270.
Postage-stamps, collecting, iv, 121.
Potiphar's Wife, Rembrandt, iv, 69; Van Leyden, vi, 78.
"Poverty party," ii, 177.
Powderly, Terence V., on labor, x, 27.
Power, ix, 39; immortality and, vi, 57; source of, iv, 122.
Powers, Levi M., ix, 283.
Prayer, v, 174; xii, 95; an emotional exercise, ii, 80.
Preaching, Erasmus on, x, 150.
Precedent, vi, 191.
Precocity, v, 121.
Prelude, The, Wordsworth, i, 214.
Preraphaelite Brotherhood, the, v, 18; vi, 11; xiii, 251.
Preraphaelites, the, ii, 125; Whistler on the, v, 17.
Pretense, v, 238.
Pretyman, tutor of William Pitt, vii, 198.
Priestly class, the, v, 203; xii, 221.
Priestly, Dr., and Thomas Paine, ix, 174.
Priest, position of, in society, iii, 99.
Primitive Christianity, ii, 196; ix, 19; xi, 132.
Primogeniture, law of, xiii, 88.
Primrose Sphinx, The, Zangwill, v, 319.
Princeton, Washington at, iii, 24.
Principia, Newton, xii, 42; Swedenborg, viii, 192.
Principles of Psychology, Herbert Spencer, viii, 342.
Printing, the art of, xiv, 225; invention of, vi, 260.
Printing-press, invention of the toggle-joint, iii, 47.
Prisons and prisoners, vi, 170.
Prizefighting, ix, 97.
Probationary marriage, v, 131.
Professions, the learned, iii, 99.
Progress and Poverty, Henry George, ix, 73; quotation from, xiii, 186.
Progress of Man, Lincoln's lecture on, iii, 288.
Prohibition, vii, 127.
Prometheus Bound, E. B. Browning, ii, 28.
Prometheus, Edison on, i, 338.
Property, divine right of, ix, 87.
Prophetic voice, the, i, 181.
Proscription, advantages of, vii, 405.
Protestantism, vii, 116; ix, 279.
Providence, planning and luck, xii, 238.
Psychic mixability, xi, 317.
Ptolemaic theory, the, xii, 49.
Ptolemy, the astronomer, xii, 99.
Public-school system, American, vi, 251.
Punishment, v, 235.
Puritanism, v, 238; ix, 313.
Puritans, compared with Huguenots, iii, 232; in America, the, ix, 339; of America, ii, 77; persecution of, v, 139.
Putnam, George H., i, p xx.
"Putti" of Correggio, vi, 240.
Pye, poet laureate, v, 276.
Pygmalion, love of, iv, 182.
Pyle, Howard, vi, 314.
Pythagoras, Copernicus compared with, x, 92; epigrams of, x, 90; initiation of, x, 81; the mother of, x, 79; Muldoon compared with, x, 72; Plato and, x, 119; a teacher of teachers, x, 73; teachings of, x, 87; Thales and, xii, 98.
Quaker, the, ii, 189, 227.
Quakerism, ii, 197.
Quakers, in America, ii, 77; origin of the word, ix, 219.
Queen Anne touch, the, v, 153.
Queen Mab, Shelley, ii, 303.
Queenstown, Ireland, i, 274.
Queensware, xii, 204.
Queenswood, co-operative village, xi, 48.
Quest of the Golden Girl, Le Gallienne, iii, 138; v, 218.
"Quietism," philosophy of Madame Guyon, ii, 51; xiii, 349.
Quincy Historical Society, iii, 134.
Quinquennium Neronis, the, viii, 70.
Quintilian on Roman marriages, viii, 136.
Quintus Fabius, ix, 106.
Quo Vadis, Sienkiewicz, iv, 108.
Rab and His Friends, John Brown, v, 266.
Rabbi Ben Ezra, Browning, v, 38.
Rabbit's foot, as an object of veneration, iv, 124.
Rabelais, Dore's illustrations of, iv, 338.
Rabelais, quoted, vi, 137.
Radium, distinguishing feature of, viii, 359.
Railroad management, xi, 421.
Raleigh, Sir Walter, i, 261; iv, 81, 108, 190; on English table-manners, xiii, 73; James I and, viii, 58; execution of, ix, 309.
Ramee, Louise de la, on woman, vi, 74.
Rameses II, iv, 26; x, 31.
Raphael, iv, 90; Ansidei of, vi, 29; Bartolomeo and, vi, 23; birthplace of, vi, 19; Connestabile Madonna, vi, 27; favorite of Leo X, iv, 31; genius of, vi, 12; Henry VIII's offer to, iv, 188; Leo X on, vi, 13; love-tragedy of, vi, 34; Michelangelo and, rivalry between, iv, 31; Perugino and, vi, 24; Pinturicchio and, vi, 26; Reynolds compared with, iv, 303; Sposalizio, vi, 27; Titian compared with, iv, 146. |