"What tidings, friend Wolf?" said Rollo; "what have you come to tell us?"
"There are strangers in the land," answered the Wolf, "and I come to warn you."
The Multiphobus sprang up with a growl, and Lilla almost shrieked, while the box rattled and rattled till it nearly jumped out of her hand.
"It will go, it will go!" said she.
"Hold it fast!" whispered the Magpie; "hold it fast!
"'On it will depend What may be the end. Come with me to the tree, And then we shall see.'"
"To the tree where Rollo and the Multiphobus are standing?" asked Lilla.
"Where else?" asked the Magpie.
Lilla became nervous, and spoke in disjointed sentences.
"Oh no, no, no! I cannot go. I quake, I shake; I will not take a single step. The box will break. Oh, how I quake!"
But the Magpie perched on her shoulder again, saying, "Do not be foolish. Rollo will not let them hurt us;" and he gave Lilla a gentle peck, which made her start forward, and when once she had made a move she found that she could not stop herself: her feet carried her along until she paused in front of Rollo.
And as she paused the lid of the box flew open, and the words jumped out, and arranged themselves on the ground in the following order.
"Earth, air, and sea All know of me, And so will you If you go through."
"Why, it's quite easy to read!" exclaimed Lilla in surprise. "I wonder I never thought of it all this time."
"And it's just as I told you: four four's sixteen, four in each line and four lines. However you count it, you will find it all fours," said the Magpie.
"And it's about me," said Rollo, "for earth, air, and sea all know of me; and brought me here and gave me the Multiphobus. And it's about you also, for you have come through the board to come and see me. The Multiphobus was talking about it when we were flying through the air."
"Was he?" said Lilla; "and he wasn't angry?"
"Angry! No, he is very glad for me to have a playfellow, for I am rather lonely sometimes. And now we can play in the woods all day, and gather strawberries and cherries and plums; and there's a little stove in one of the caves, and I dare say you can make cakes?"
"Of course I can," answered Lilla, "and tea and coffee."
"Ah! that will be nice. And I will be king and you shall be queen, and we will have a merry time, and the Multiphobus will carry us wherever we want to go."
"I am afraid of him," returned Lilla.
"Oh, you need not be. I am quite sure you'll give a paw to Lilla; won't you, Multiphobus?"
"I will give two," said the Multiphobus, standing on his hind legs and stretching out his fore paws to Lilla.
She shook them, and felt at ease with him at once.
The Magpie fluttered about.
"I am not going home by myself," said he. "I shall stay here if Lilla does."
"That you shall," replied Rollo; "we will all live in this beautiful land together."
Ah! what a beautiful land it was! The two children wandered through it hand in hand, and revelled in all its glories—now underneath the stately forest trees, or breaking through the tangled brushwood all radiant with green and gold, and crimson leaves and lovely flowers, or now sitting on the river-bank listening to the stories the river told them of the lands through which it had passed; whilst the Wind sang so many wonderful songs that Lilla begged to hear them over again.
And after the Wind had lulled them to sleep among the soft clover and wild thyme, the moon and stars peeped out and sent them beautiful dreams, whilst two nightingales sat among the roses and sang "Lullaby, lullaby" as sweetly as the southern wind.
So that whether waking or sleeping the children were happy.
Sometimes Lilla would say—
"Ah! if it had not been for the words on the board, I should still have been living with the cross old woman in the town with the long street and the cathedral. And she would have gone on scolding me for ever and ever; and whatever should I have done, I wonder."
"You may thank me," said the Magpie, "for having brought you away; that's very certain."
"You may thank me also," said the Multiphobus, "and I am sure you ought to do so, for it was I who nailed up the board with the magic words upon the garden wall."
And of course, as I need not tell you, Lilla did thank them.
Once upon a time, many hundred years ago, when Rome was mistress of the world, and the Romans were braver and stronger than any one else, there lived a boy of thirteen whose name is still remembered. Lucius Valerius was fond of his lessons, but most of all did he love poetry; so, although he was only thirteen years old, he made up his mind that he would try to win the gold medal and ivory lyre which were given every five years to the boy who should write the best poem.
Lucius not only tried, but he succeeded, and one day, before all the school and a number of visitors, the prizes were presented to him. Now besides the medal and lyre which every one who gained them valued very much, there was something else which they thought far grander. A statue of the prize-winner was placed in the school and crowned with laurel.
You may imagine how the boy's heart beat with joy as he saw the judge step forward to crown his statue, but just at that moment Lucius caught sight of a young man who had also tried for the prize, and who looked most downcast and miserable.
Lucius sprang forward, seized the laurel crown, and put it on the head of the poor fellow who had been unsuccessful.
"You are more deserving of it than I am," he said; "I obtained it more on account of my youth than my merit, and rather as an encouragement than as a reward."
Then the people set up a great shout of joy, for they knew that a noble heart was worth more than all the poems in the world, and they gave a new name to Lucius Valerius in memory of that day.
So Lucius was always called Pudens, which means Modest, and you may be sure he valued his new title as much as he deserved it, for "Kind hearts are more than coronets."
E. M. W.
The Flower Garden will now be fast losing its beauty, and the cold winds and frosty nights will be everywhere heralding the coming of winter, when, more through force of circumstances than choice, our Gardening proclivities become considerably abated. Throughout the present month, however, the remaining floral vestiges of summer are often numerous, but especially so when the weather of early autumnal months happens to be of a mild and congenial nature. By this season the greater number of plants will have performed those functions, and have passed through the various stages, which each and every year exacts. In the case of plants known as annuals, an entire life is projected and perfected within the short space of a few months. Various trees and shrubs will now be assuming the rich autumnal tints, and the leaves rapidly drop at the approach of winter, and vital energy is being stored up until the following spring, when new leaves are produced.
* * * * *
The month of October is, notwithstanding its lack of floral ornaments, one in which the amount of work to be done is by no means inconsiderable, and the pretty little girl, with her hoe and water-can, drawn on p. 241, evidently thinks as much. We must plant now in order to secure a spring display of flowers, and for this purpose nothing can be more satisfactory than bulbous subjects, such as hyacinths, tulips, crocuses, and narcissuses. The hyacinth thrives best in a compost of light loam, leaf-mould, and sand; plenty of the latter may be included in order to secure perfect drainage, which is a very important item in the culture of bulbous plants generally. Perhaps no other spring flowering bulb looks so well when grown in neat patches as the hyacinth; the bulbs should not be less than six inches apart, and at least two and a half inches beneath the surface. They should be purchased in the autumn, selecting firm heavy roots; and "first come, first served" must be borne in mind, as by buying early in the season the best may be secured, and finer spikes of bloom will follow as a natural consequence.
* * * * *
Tulips have been for many years great favourites with gardeners, both amateur and professional. About two hundred years ago the mania for these plants amounted almost to a national calamity in Holland, and scores of acres are now entirely devoted to their culture. For our own part, we scarcely consider the tulip as in any way justifying the praise which is lavished upon it even in the present day, because its beauty is, to say the least, ephemeral, whilst its showiness is far from being either chaste or delicate. It will be, however desirable to have six or even a dozen bulbs, which only cost about a penny apiece. They can be planted any time during the present month, from two to three inches below the surface, in a compost of loam, leaf-mould, sand, and well-rotted manure. When purchasing, see that every bulb is perfectly solid, and select as many different sorts as possible, thereby securing a variety, which is very desirable in a garden of limited extent. In cold northern situations tulip-beds should always be covered over with a little straw or litter during very frosty weather.
* * * * *
Few Spring flowers are more welcome or appear so very early in the year as crocuses. No matter how cold, foggy, or dirty the weather may chance to be in this most erratic climate, the regiments of yellow, golden, blue, flaked, white, and versi-coloured crocus flowers will never fail to put in an appearance. The common sorts thrive almost anywhere, and in almost any ordinary garden soil. They should be planted during the present month, about two inches under the surface. As the roots only cost about threepence per dozen hardly any spot ought to be bare of flowers from the middle of January to early in March. A universally-grown plant, even earlier than the crocus, is the well-known snowdrop. This also, like the crocus, can be grown almost anywhere, and may remain in one spot undisturbed for years; both are most effective when grown in clumps. The French name of Perceneige, or Pierce-snow, is singularly applicable to the snowdrop. Place the tiny roots from one to two inches deep, and grow the single-flowered form only.
* * * * *
The narcissus or daffodil is another of the many spring-flowering plants which are invariably greeted with enthusiasm. The varieties are endless, but the greater number are almost unexcelled for growing in such situations as the tops and sides of hedges, banks, &c. They can scarcely be grown too extensively. Of the various sorts, and exclusive of the ordinary double form, few are more beautiful or more desirable than that known as the Poet's Narcissus (N. poeticus). The pure white of the segments and the delicate bright scarlet centre are best when the plant is grown sheltered from strong winds. Another favourite narcissus of ours, and which we can confidently recommend to our readers, is that known as "Orange Phoenix;" it is a singularly beautiful plant, and produces large double and well-formed flowers; it thrives best in a light sandy soil. Several colours may be secured by purchasing a dozen roots of mixed sorts, costing from two to three shillings per dozen. They may be planted any time throughout October and up to the middle of November.
* * * * *
The Kitchen Garden of our young folk will need but very little looking after during the present and next two months; but in stating this we must not be understood to imply that it should be wholly neglected. On the contrary, it must be kept quite free from weeds of all sorts; and everything should be in perfect order. To this end paths should be swept and weeded every week, when the state of the weather will admit of this being done. The Kitchen Garden is much too frequently seen in a disreputable state, even in pretentious places, and where flower-gardening is done very well. But well-executed work in one department by no means justifies slovenliness in another. Vacant spaces of ground will need digging, but this operation should, if possible, be left to a labourer, who, for the sake of a small remuneration, would probably be very glad to do it after his ordinary working hours. Even an enthusiast cannot but consider digging as the most laborious of all gardening work, and will take especial care to shirk it whenever possible. In fact, real garden drudgery of all kinds is better done by a labourer, no matter how simple and easy such work may superficially appear to our young folk. Good work, as we all know, can only be done by an accustomed hand.
A boat came back from a journey. It had been to a far-off land. All the sailors jumped ashore, only too glad to run about again, but they tied up the boat to a long arm of rock, and left it there while they were gone.
The tide was very low and the sky was dull; there was just enough water to lap against the sides of the boat, and make it rock up and down. The boat fretted like a petulant child, and pulled at the rope as a dog pulls against its chain, but it could not get away, for all that.
"How dull it is here!" cried the little white boat; "they have all gone on shore and are merry. They don't consider my feelings, left here for the day all alone. And oh, what an ugly place this is!" and it looked right and left.
The sky was grey, the tide was very low; the boat was lashed to a long piece of rock that ran out like an arm into the sea. At each side of the rock a mass of seaweed clung—limp and brown.
"Of all the ugly things I ever saw," exclaimed the boat, "that seaweed is the worst. Think of the places I have been anchored in before—of the lovely tropical flowers that grew at the water's edge."
"You do not know who we are," cried the seaweeds; "we are young fairy sisters, who dance every night. This beach is the floor of our ball-room, and we dance, and are decked with jewels. We dance and are gay in the evening; in the daytime we lie still and rest."
"I do not believe you," said the boat; "you are ugly, and brown, and old. And this place is the dullest I have seen all my life."
So the boat sulked, and was unhappy all day. But when the evening arrived the sailors came down to the shore, and undid the boat, and rowed away.
And the boat looked back, and it was sunset, and a change had passed over the place. The sky was pink and golden, the waves were bathed in light; the sea was as transparent as a sapphire, and you looked through the sapphire roof and saw a golden floor.
Sure enough that was the floor of the dancing-room, and the tide had crept up the sides of the rock, and all the little seaweeds looked yellow and golden, and danced up and down in the arms of the waves.
The boat looked over its shoulder, and saw them: it would willingly have gone back to the scene and danced up and down with the rest, but it never saw them again, for it was bound to a far-off land, never to return.
Harry Pearson was rather a good sort of boy, but he had one very bad habit. He was the greatest stone-thrower in all Tolhurst Village.
It was Harry who had broken the draper's window and the glass of Squire Stopford's greenhouse. He had not been found out; but he knew well enough who had done the mischief, so when one afternoon, as he was running home from school, he saw a man putting up a great placard announcing that stone-throwers would be prosecuted, he felt very much frightened.
He was just slinking home when out came his father, the Squire's gardener.
Harry thought that his father had found out about the stone-throwing, and hung down his head.
But, instead of scolding him as, he had expected, his father said, as if he were pleased—
"Harry, Master Edgar is better to-day, and he wants you to come in now and wheel his chair for him."
Harry's face brightened at once; for there were few things he liked better than to be allowed to go into the Squire's beautiful garden when Master Edgar, the Squire's only son, was well enough to come out in his wheeled-chair.
Edgar Stopford was about the same age as Harry; but he had never been strong, and for more than a year he had been lame.
"All right, father!" exclaimed Harry gleefully. "Is he in the garden?"
And without waiting for an answer he ran in and found Edgar Stopford waiting for him.
"Harry," said Edgar, "I want you to take me in the chair round to the stable, for I want to see the young rabbits. How old are they now, Harry? I've been so ill that I can't quite remember."
"Seven weeks old to-day," said Harry. "I want to see them again very much, Master Edgar. They're such beauties; I can't help thinking of them every day."
"You haven't any rabbits, have you?" asked Edgar.
"No," said Harry. "Don't I wish I had!"
"Mine are prize rabbits, you know," said Edgar, "The old tortoise-shell one took the prize both this year and last year at the County show. Oh! And what do you think? A boy I know has been over here ever so many times trying to get that young lop-eared tortoise-shell doe! You remember which one, don't you?"
"Oh yes! oh yes! That was the one I liked best of all! It had such good broad ears!" cried Harry with enthusiasm. "You didn't let him have it though, did you, Master Edgar?"
"Oh no? He offered me a pair of his best Antwerp pigeons for her. And I wanted the pigeons; but I wouldn't let him have that young doe!" exclaimed Edgar, with a smile on his white face.
"You wouldn't? Oh, I'm so glad!" exclaimed Harry.
"I thought you would be," returned Edgar with another bright smile. "I told him I wanted her for somebody else. Push on, Harry. Let's get round to the stable."
Harry pushed with all his might, while his face flushed up to the roots of his hair; for he could not help thinking—
"I wonder if Master Edgar is going to give that doe to me! But no, that's all nonsense! I won't think of such a thing; of course he is saving it for one of his friends! Shouldn't I like her, though!"
It seemed to Harry quite a long way to the stable, so anxious was he to get there. At last he wheeled the chair into the yard.
"Fetch out the young ones, and let me have a good look at them," said Edgar. "Bring them out one by one; but bring the young doe last."
"All right!" said Harry. And leaving the chair, away he rushed, opened the door of the stable, where, to his delight, he saw the great prize buck in a hutch, and the doe and four young ones all hopping about among a quantity of fragrant hay.
Harry shouted with joy—
"Oh, Master Edgar! Oh, how they've grown! You won't know them! They're lovely!"
He caught up his favourite first of all, and examined her thoroughly with breathless delight.
She had grown into the most beautifully-marked rabbit that he could imagine.
Even to handle such a rabbit seemed to Harry a very great happiness. What could it be like really to be the owner of that young prize rabbit?
With something like a sigh Harry put her down, and caught one of the others.
"I've seen the young doe, and I've measured her ears!" he exclaimed, as he took the other rabbit to Edgar Stopford.
"Well! He has grown!" cried Edgar. "Try if you can push the chair to the stable-door! I should so much like to see them all running about!"
Harry managed to do as Edgar wished, although it gave him a good deal of trouble; but he did not mind that a bit.
"Oh, Master Edgar! Did you ever see such a beauty as that young doe? Do look at her!" said Harry, eagerly, opening the stable-door, and making a dive after the lop-eared tortoise-shell.
The two boys played with the rabbits for a good half-hour. How much they found to say about them, any boy who is fond of animals can imagine. Poor Edgar had not been out for some weeks, and all that time Harry Pearson had not seen those rabbits. Harry was very happy, but still he could not help saying to himself now and then, as he looked at his favourite—
"I wonder who is going to have her?"
"You seem very fond of that tortoise-shell young one, Harry!" said Edgar presently with a smile.
"Ee—yes!" said Harry, his eyes brightening as he looked down tenderly at her.
"But how could you keep her?" asked Edgar.
"Oh, I'd keep her fast enough!" cried Harry, turning quite scarlet, while his heart gave half a dozen tremendous thumps. "I'd keep her! Why I'd make the neatest little hutch that ever was. And I'd give her the best of oats and pollard. Ah, as much as ever she'd eat!"
"Well, then, I shall give her to you," said Edgar. "I made up my mind when I was ill I'd give her to you, for I was sure you would take care of her. That's why I wouldn't let that other boy have her. He is rich, and can buy prize rabbits if he wants them. I'd rather give her to you."
Harry Pearson could not speak a word for a minute or two. He could only look down on the beautiful gift. To think that such a rabbit was his own was too much for him at first.
"Oh!" he gasped, presently. "Oh! Master Edgar. Oh! Thank you! Thank you!"
"Put her in that basket, and take her home," said Edgar.
Harry lost no time in obeying this delightful command. After which he wheeled Edgar, who was getting tired, back to the house, and then ran home with his rabbit, the proudest and happiest boy in Tolhurst.
All that evening there was an eager crowd of youngsters in front of the cottage where Harry lived.
It was a long while since there had been such an excitement in the village.
Nor did the boys' interest in that rabbit die out; boys were always dropping in to see how she was getting on; and Mr. Blades, the butcher, who was a great fancier, offered Harry three-and-sixpence for her.
Very often Harry went to wheel Edgar Stopford's chair, when the two boys would have long talks about the rabbit; and Edgar's pale face would quite glow with pleasure as he listened to Harry's praises of the wonderful animal.
So things went on for some time until Edgar Stopford was taken away to the sea-side.
Harry missed him very much, but he still had his rabbit to amuse himself with; and so, although it was then the holidays, the days did not hang on his hands until very nearly the date of the re-opening of school.
One afternoon, however, the time did seem very long indeed. Most of the boys Harry liked had gone to a treat to which he had not been asked. He was cross and dull. He had spent the whole morning in cleaning out the rabbit-hutch; he wanted something else to do, when, happening to be loitering about in a meadow by the side of the Squire's house, he saw a squirrel in a tree.
In an instant Harry was cruelly stoning away as fast as he could pelt.
He had not done much stone-throwing since he had had the rabbit; now he forgot for the moment everything except the pleasure of aiming the stones.
Up went the stones one after another; a minute later, and—Crash! Crash! Smash went a lot of glass—then there was a yell of pain and rage—a side-door flying open—and Harry tearing, as if for his life, across the field, while after him rushed his own father and his father's master—the Squire!
They followed him—they drove him into a corner of the field; they secured him.
"Walk him off to the police-station this minute!" exclaimed the Squire in a voice of fury.
"Oh, sir! oh, please! please, sir! Oh! oh! Don't, sir! don't! I'll never do it no more!" sobbed the trembling boy.
"Take him to the station-house! Indict him for manslaughter. He might have killed me?" cried the enraged Squire.
"Beg pardon, sir," said Harry's father, touching his hat; "I've cautioned that boy times without number; but leave him to me this once more, sir."
Harry was marched home. His mother was told. She cried bitterly.
"How much money have you?" asked the father.
"Not a—a far—thing," sobbed Harry.
"Then how is the four shillings to be raised to pay for that broken glass?" continued Mr. Pearson.
"I don't—boo-hoo! kn—now!"
"But I do!" exclaimed Harry's father, in a tone of dreadful meaning. "That rabbit must be sold!"
"No! no!" shrieked Harry; "I'd rather be sold myself!"
"Take that rabbit to Mr. Blades, and bring back three-and-six," said Harry's father, in a stern voice.
He felt as if to part with that rabbit would kill him; but he knew it had to be done. I don't know how he managed to do it. What he suffered was terrible, yet he was sure there was no escape; so he put his pet rabbit into a basket and took it to Mr. Blades the butcher. There, in the picture, you can see him.
"You won't kill her, will you, Mr. Blades?" he faltered, for the sight of the knives in the shop was too much for him.
Harry has learned a hard lesson. Don't you hope Edgar will buy that rabbit for him again? I do.
L. A.
Our Music Page
"Dignity and Impudence."
Words from "LITTLE FOLKS." Music by BURNHAM W. HORNER.
In moderate time.
1. Said a wee little bird, with a pert little look, To an adjutant stork by the river—"I suppose that you think you're as wise as a book, And in fact that you're wondrously clever! You're a picture of dignity, that I'll admit, But alas! that is all I'll allow, ... For indeed you're not quarter as wise as a tit, That hops to and fro on the bough."
Said the adjutant-stork to the wee little bird, With a dignified kind of a stare— "Little creatures like you should be seen and not heard, And your impudence well we can spare! You had better by far go back to your nest, And be pert where they'll heed what you do; For you see that in height I'm six feet and the rest, While you are just no feet two!"
So it is with us all as we pass through the day: For we each of us think we're most clever— Whether impudent bird that chatters away, Or "Dignity" stork by the river. On our size or our form or our talents we pose, And we hold ourselves up every hour: If the Queen of the Garden be known as the Rose, Then we are that wonderful flower!
How a Dog saved its Blind Master.
Some time since, a blind gentleman, well known in the north of England, went for a walk of several miles, accompanied by his dog. He knew the road so well, that he did not strap up the dog, but let it run loose. He had gone nearly five miles on his way, and was crossing some fields by a footpath, when his dog gave a peculiar whine in front of him. He was about to climb a stile, when another whine was heard. This startled him, so he crossed the stile as carefully as he could, feeling every step. Just as he got over the stile, the dog gave a louder whine of alarm, placed its fore feet upon his breast, and held him fast against the stile. He tried to push the dog aside, but it would not let him proceed. The strap was therefore put around its neck, and the wise creature at once led its master by a roundabout way quite out of the ordinary path. It appeared that part of the footpath which led past a stream had been entirely washed away by a flood, so that, had the gentleman continued upon the old path, he must have met with a most serious accident. What made the sagacity of the dog more conspicuous on this occasion was the fact that it had not been with its master for eighteen months—he having been laid up for the whole of that period, and the dog living with a friend during the illness.
Abraham Men.
This was the name bestowed upon a class of vagabonds who wandered over the country dressed in grotesque fashion, pretending to be mad and working upon the fears or the charity of people for alms. They were common in the time of Shakespeare, and were found even as late as the Restoration. The slang phrase "to sham Abraham," is a survival of the practice. There was a ward in Bethlehem (or Bedlam) Hospital, called the Abraham Ward, and hence probably arose the name of these beggars. Harmless lunatics who had been discharged were often to be seen roaming about the country and were allowed a great deal of licence in consequence of their weak-mindedness. Accordingly, the impostors above mentioned, who used generally to eke out the gifts of the charitable by stealing, when detected in their theft, would plead, as a rule, lunacy as an excuse of their crime.
Famous Abdicators.
When a sovereign abdicates the throne, he does so either of his own free will, or from compulsion. These acts have been sufficiently numerous as to form quite an interesting history. Take a few of them by way of example. Amadeus of Savoy abdicated in 1439, in order to become a priest. The collapse of his great schemes induced the Emperor Charles V. to give up his office in 1556. Wishing to retire into private life Christina of Sweden laid down the crown in 1654, though she still desired to exercise the rights of queen. Philip V. of Spain withdrew from the throne in 1724 in a fit of melancholy, but ascended it again on the death of his son. Victor Amadeus of Sardinia abdicated in 1730, and afterwards wanted to recall the act, but was not permitted to do so. Richard II. of England was compelled to abdicate in 1399, and in 1688, James II. was forced to yield to the wishes of his subjects. Other instances might be cited, but enough have been, quoted to stimulate the research of industrious readers.
Memory in Cats.
An anecdote is told by a gentleman of a cat which will illustrate pussy's affection for those who treat her kindly. He had her from her birth, and brought her up as a friend and companion. After he had kept her for five years circumstances required him to leave home for twelve months, the cat of course having to remain behind. He returned one Christmas morning about four o'clock, admitting himself by a key that had been sent to him by post. He went upstairs to his old bed-room, and in the morning found puss asleep in her wonted place at the foot of the bed. She made a great fuss with him, and he ascertained that she had never been upstairs from the time he left, a year before. She must, he therefore concluded, have recollected his footstep, and at once have fallen into her old ways.
Fugitives from Siberia.
Prince Krapotkine—a Russian noble who has experienced many of the hardships of which he writes—in describing the life of exiles in Siberia, says that its cruelty is so horrible that every spring, when the snow has disappeared from the forests, and men may sleep in the woods of a night without being frozen to death, thousands of the convicts try to escape from the gold and salt mines. These poor folk prefer to run the risk of capture and the brutal punishment it involves, rather than remain longer in endless misery. Feeding on mushrooms and berries they plod their weary way back, amid perils of every kind, to their native homes, hundreds—it may be thousands—of miles distant. They avoid towns and highways, of course, but they freely enter the villages. The Siberian peasants, in silent pathetic fashion, show their sympathy and good wishes for these unhappy people by leaving on the windows of their houses bread and milk "for the poor runaways." Surely we too may hope that the efforts of every unjustly-exiled person to flee from the wretchedness and torture of the Siberian mines may be crowned with success.
Tame Humming-Birds.
A young lady in California who had, through illness, to spend several hours a day reclining on rugs spread on the garden-lawn, succeeded in taming two humming-birds. At first the birds watched her with some curiosity from a distance. To entice them to come nearer she fastened a fuchsia, filled with sweetened water, to a branch of a tree above her head. The tiny fellows soon thrust their bills into the flower. Thinking they might like honey better, a fresh flower was filled with it every day. This food was quite to their taste, and so eager were they to get it that they would hardly wait for their mistress to leave the flower before they began to rifle its sweets. They grew so familiar at length that when she held a flower in one hand and filled it with drops from a spoon, the birds caught the drops as they fell. Only two male birds monopolised the honey flower, and they would not permit any bee or wasp to come near it. Between themselves even squabbles continually arose about possession. Change of weather compelling the young lady to keep indoors, she tried to coax them to the parlour windows. For a time the birds could not understand the altered position of affairs, but at last one of them repeatedly went up to her and took honey from her hand.
Intelligent Dogs.
Some time ago I had occasion to speak of a wise cat of Colonel Stuart Wortley's. Now I may mention the doings of two intelligent dogs of his. One of them was able to tell whether or not it might go out with the housekeeper, according as she wore a hat or bonnet. If she wore her hat it knew that it might accompany her, and barked with joy as soon as she appeared, but if she wore her bonnet it knew she was going to church or on a visit, and that it could not go with her. It became so familiar with these articles that if drawings of hat and bonnet were placed before it, it could indicate which was which. The other dog was a Skye terrier. When the Colonel went out it was enough to say "Yes" or "No" in an ordinary tone for the dog to know whether it might accompany him or not. The terrier was next taught to distinguish the words when printed on cards—Yes and No—and in a few weeks it never mistook them.
Skating-Race in Lapland.
With a view to test the powers of the Lapps in the matter of long-distance skating, Baron Nordenskjold, the celebrated Arctic explorer, offered prizes for a contest during his stay in that country. The highest prize was 14 pounds, and the distance was about 142 miles, starting from Quickjock and returning to the same spot. The distance was accomplished by the winner in 21 hours and 22 minutes, inclusive of rest on the way. But so keen was the struggle that the second was only half a minute later, while the third arrived 11 minutes later.
The Riddle of the Sphinx.
The sphinx was a strange creature that figured in different old-world mythologies. Its form varied, but the monster which propounded the famous riddle was supposed to have the body of a lion, the head of a woman, bird's wings, and a serpent's tail. Well, this sphinx appeared once upon a time, near Thebes, in ancient Greece, and asked a riddle of every passer-by, whom it promptly slew if the correct answer were not forthcoming. This scourge at length drove the poor Thebans to despair, and they offered their kingdom and the hand of their Queen to whomsoever would relieve them of the dreaded monster's presence. One Oedipus essayed this task. The sphinx asked him, "What being has four feet, two feet, and three feet; only one voice; but whose feet vary, and when it has most, is weakest" Oedipus answered, "Man," and there and then the sphinx threw itself into the sea. Man, you will notice, has four feet (hands and feet) and, when compelled to use a staff, three feet.
The Wolf and the Bees.
Not long since a wolf, in a milk factory in Cheshire, was stung to death by the bees of a hive that stood near its kennel. As the honey was being taken from one of the hives the wolf happened to come out of his den, and the bees swarmed upon him in large numbers. The poor brute at once retired into his house, but it was evident he was in much agony, for he rolled over and over, pulling the hair out of his coat in great quantities. Steps were accordingly taken to draw off the bees, the kennel being closed and smoked. These efforts, however, proved useless, and within three hours the unfortunate wolf was dead. A horse and two dogs were also seriously stung on the same occasion.
About Pages.
Nowadays, when we talk of pages, allusion is made as a rule to the "boy in buttons," but long ago they were rather important folk. It was the practice, hundreds of years since, to employ youths of noble birth to wait upon the sovereign, and the custom flourished in the Middle Ages. The young gentleman "served his time" at courts and castles as a page, previous to taking the further degrees of esquire and knight. The habit of educating the higher nobility as court pages declined after the fifteenth century, and they are now a mere survival, on a very small scale, of a once general practice. Four pages of honour still form part of the state of the British court.
The Union Jack.
Everybody has seen the banner of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. It is formed of a combination of the crosses of St. George (England), St. Andrew (Scotland), and St. Patrick (Ireland). The first Union Jack was introduced in 1606, three years after the union of Scotland and England, and showed, of course, only the first two crosses. A century later (July 28, 1707), this standard was made, by royal proclamation, the national flag of Great Britain. On the union with Ireland a new union banner was needed, and the present ensign was accordingly devised.
Glendower's Oak.
Owen Glendower was a noble Welshman, who led his countrymen in the long and stout resistance which they offered to King Henry IV. Henry Percy, surnamed Hotspur, son of the Earl of Northumberland, made common cause with Glendower, and each at the head of a large force prepared to do battle against the king, who was intent on crushing the rebellion in Wales. Henry IV. reached Shrewsbury just before Percy, and it was of the utmost importance to him that he should engage the latter before his troops should be reinforced by Glendower's. The battle accordingly took place on the 21st of July, 1403, and after a protracted struggle, in which Hotspur lost his life, victory declared itself on the side of the king. Though Glendower did not take part in the contest, tradition points to an oak near Shrewsbury as the tree from whose boughs he watched the fight.
The "Little Folks" Humane Society.
Officers' Names are printed in Small Capital Letters, and the Names of their Members are printed beneath. Where a short line, thus "——," is printed, the end of an Officer's List is indicated.
AGE 45774 Florence Bird 14 45775 Bessie G. Smith 12 45776 Ernest Johnson 9 45777 Ethel Rawson 13 45778 C. I. Rawson 15 45779 Ethel Wilson 13 45780 G. T. W. Osborne 8 45781 Godwin H. Powell 10 45782 Frank Simpson 10 45783 Ada Simpson 15 45784 Leila J. Simpson 16 45785 A. E. M. Haes 12 45786 F. A. M. Johnson 11 45787 E. M. Curling 9 45788 JESSIE L. FOSTER, Nunhead 12 45789 Alice A. Davis 12 45790 Hilda L. Davis 10 45791 Alice Sawyer 13 45792 L. Sawyer 6 45793 Ada Neville 6 45794 Richard Farrow 14 45795 I. M. Restler 8 45796 Kate Odell 13 45797 Harry Edgell 12 45798 Amy Henry 8 45799 Mary Cattermole 11 45800 Louisa Hull 19 45801 Aubrey H. Carter 10 45802 Elzbth. F. Sharp 15 45803 Louisa Baker 20 45804 Lizzie Utton 12 45805 George Ayres 10 45806 Alice Cass 11 45807 Alice Cottrell 9 45808 Vincent Farrow 19 45809 Eliza A. Sharp 11 45810 Henry Neville 19 45811 Hester Neville 11 45812 Ella Foster 6 45813 Ernest Hawkins 10 45814 Elizabeth George 11 45815 Martha Chinnery 18 45816 Annie Morris 17 45817 Mary Watson 15 45818 Eleanor Frost 14 45819 Rosie Henry 6 45820 Mabel Carter 12 45821 E. Chamberlain 13 45822 A. Chamberlain 17 45823 Mary Oldfield 13 45824 Nellie Langley 10 45825 Daniel Riley 21 45826 Lizzie Grubb 10 45827 Elizabeth Hall 13 45828 Ada Foster 18 45829 Charles Farrow 17 45830 Maude Pasley 10 45831 Alfred Frost 18 45832 Alice Allen 8 45833 Lizzie Shorey 11 45834 Jenny Clifford 9 45835 Frank Foster 8 45836 Charles Stracy 15 45837 Frank Foster 13 45838 SARAH HAGUE, Hollingwood 14 45839 Sarah Holme 20 45840 F. W. Ashford 12 45841 A. W. Holme 13 45842 Nancey Holme 18 45843 P. H. Hague 13 45844 F. S. Hague 20 45845 S. J. Hague 16 45846 B Holme 8 45847 M. Colvine 14 45848 M. A. Hulse 13 45849 Lizzie Lissett 13 45850 E. A. Faulkner 14 45851 Edith E. Taylor 15 45852 Sarah Halliwell 16 45353 Lucy Ashly 14 45854 Ruth Hulse 11 45855 M. Broadbent 15 45856 L. Stevenson 16 45857 Elizabeth Titter 12 45858 Hannah Booth 13 45859 Mary Marland 12 45860 Eliza Marland 12 45861 Agnes Spencer 14 45862 Eliza Ogden 11 45863 Emily Ashbury 10 45864 W. Hague 10 45865 G. Stott 12 45866 W. Lees 12 45867 A. Lees 17 45868 Polly Lees 9 45869 Dora Lees 19 45870 Maria Holt 10 45871 E. A. Ogden 10 45872 W. A. Hunt 16 45873 M. A. Jones 12 45874 E. Goodard 14 45875 M. Goodard 13 45876 E. A. Butterworth 13 45877 J. W. Ayre 12 45878 J. S. Taylor 15 45879 S. Broadbent 14 45880 Ada Booth 10 45881 W. C. Broome 11 45882 A. E. Broome 13 45883 Bessie Colvine 12 45884 Alice Colvine 16 45885 J. Colvine 14 45886 T. Holme 16 45887 Mary E. Kelly 17 45888 Harry Kelly 8 45889 Emma Kelly 12 45890 Jessie Hague 7 ——— 45891 John H. Faull 10 45892 Marian B. Mills 10 45893 Lucy V. Barron 9 45894 Nellie M. Barron 11 45895 Leonard Barron 15 45896 M. S. H. Osborne 10 45897 Anna N. Pagan 8 45898 Amy Osborne 7 45899 M. Hollingworth 19 45900 Susie Winchester 13 45901 Blanch Mitchell 18 45902 Bertha Hollis 12 45903 A. E. Hollis 9 45904 T. J. MacDermott 16 45905 A. T. Chamier 12 45906 C. E. K. Godfrey 10 45907 Edith R. Carr 13 45908 Gertrude Paulet 12 45909 Nina M. Allen 13 45910 H. G. Abel 8 45911 Guy L. Joy 11 45912 William Carroll 11 45913 Emily Higgs 17 45914 Fanny M. Hall 15 45915 K. W. Pickford 14 45916 Evelyn Bloom 7 45917 K. E. Jameson 16 45918 Isabella Jameson 15 45919 Ernest M. Ellis 12 45920 George Slade 12 45921 Charles Northam 10 45922 Momtitue Cooper 13 45923 Fred Steinle 13 45924 Simmey Price 7 45925 Arthur Lambert 12 45926 Fredk. London 10 45927 F. Montgomery 12 45928 W. Kingston 13 45929 Will Elliston 14 45930 Bert Kingston 4 45931 Fredk. Wollven 8 45932 John Kingston 12 45933 Richd. Plumsted 13 45934 Will Scotcher 14 45935 James Barratt 11 45936 Frederick Lister 12 45937 Sidney H. Lewin 14 45938 George Durmford 13 45939 Jsph. Johnanson 14 45940 John Fraser 12 45941 Frederick Neal 9 45942 John Finbow 12 45943 George Downes 11 45944 Alice Goddard 9 45945 Sidney Hinton 13 45946 Harry Garnham 11 45947 Will Oxer 14 45948 Annie Giddins 11 45949 Edward Downes 12 45950 George Mayes 8 45951 Fredk. Woolley 14 45952 Charles Saxby 10 45953 Joseph Smith 12 45954 John Bligh 12 45955 Fredk. Lloyd 12 45956 Arthur Miller 13 45957 William Price 11 45958 Walter Smithson 8 45959 Arthur Stockings 11 45960 W. Hastings 14 45961 Louisa Thompson 9 45962 Richard Saxby 13 45963 Sidney Kingston 6 45964 Annie Mayes 10 45965 Louie Scotto 16 45966 Walter Withers 12 45967 Louise Giddins 8 45068 Harry Gainham 12 45969 HERBERT H. MATRAVERS, Lee 11 45970 E. T. Spackman 18 45971 R. E. Wetherell 11 45972 Bertie Gilling 10 45973 C. F. G. Low 12 45974 W. H. Sturton 11 45975 Robt. G. Reeves 11 45976 L. H. Matravers 7 45977 A. C. G. Dournel 10 45978 B. R. Bostock 11 45979 Charles H. Hoare 14 45980 Bruce Angier 11 45981 F. J. C. Helder 9 45982 Wm. J. Helder 12 45983 Mary J. Orr 17 45984 E. L. K. Pratt 11 45985 Isabella Cowie 7 45986 Lina Cowie 5 45987 Mabel Cowie 4 45988 Frederick Wilkes 11 45989 Jenny A. Wilkes 14 45990 Peter Wilkes 13 45991 Lucy C. Wilkes 8 45992 Elsie Wilkes 6 45993 Andrew Wilkes 3 45994 A. Whittington 16 45995 E. Whittington 9 45996 Flrnce. Smithers 12 45997 A. T. Smithers 11 45998 M. C. E. Wright 12 45999 L. Durling 15 46000 Caroline Ford 15 46001 E. H. Keeling 17 46002 A. M. H. Keeling 11 46003 Edward Loat 11 46004 Eva Wheatley 19 46005 Alice Coveney 16 46006 Ada Coveney 14 46007 Alfred Horton 9 46008 Bertie Horton 8 46009 Queenie Horton 7 46010 Martham Thorne 11 46011 James Thatcher 16 46012 George Brackley 17 49013 Jessie Farminer 18 46014 Charles Lindsey 11 46015 Margt. McLean 14 46016 Jessie McLean 12 46017 Emily Cole 11 46018 Gertrude Cole 10 46019 Albert Cave 10 46020 Ethel Cave 8 ——— 46021 Edith A Brook 12 46022 Ulda Piza 12 46023 Ruth Piza 13 46024 Sissy Tuteur 9 46025 May Vinning 12 46026 LILLY M. WEEB, Hythe 14 46027 Clarence J. Weeb 12 46028 Henry G. Weeb 15 46029 Effie M. Clarke 15 46030 G. E. Matthews 12 46031 M. Matthews 15 46032 Emily A. Rigden 13 46033 M. W. Lovegrove 9 46034 Ethel C. Lorden 7 46035 D. B. Machin 18 46036 E. V. Machin 9 46037 Annie E. Jones 15 46038 Mary V. Wethey 15 46039 Elsie Wethey 17 46040 E. E. Wethey 10 46041 Annie Wills 17 46042 Lily Spencer 17 46043 Alice M. Escott 15 46044 Jessie Rawlinson 19 46045 N. E. Lawson 12 46046 Helen Macnair 11 46047 J. A. Saunders 18 46048 Ada Bull 6 46049 Victoria Salter 6 46050 Bertha Leal 7 46051 A. Chiverton 10 46052 Williams Small 9 46053 Ellen Hiscock 9 46054 Elizabeth Rolf 13 46055 A. M. Lambert 11 46056 Kate Matthews 13 46057 Arthur Plumley 8 46058 Agnes Guttridge 13 46059 Augusta Cooper 13 46060 S. K. Lambert 17 46061 Walter Matthews 10 46062 Amy Wells 8 46063 Lydia Crump 15 46064 Maud M. Crump 11 46065 Chas. T. Crump 13 46066 Thomas Rolf 12 46067 George Duffey 10 46068 Benjamin Daish 12 46069 James Downer 12 46070 Edward Drake 11 46071 Alfred Hollis 11 46072 Louisa Holliday 12 46073 Francis E. Court 11 46074 Lily Blackwell 8 46075 Florce. Marshall 12 46076 Kate Wickens 10 46077 ELEANOR CHERITON, Stroud 14 46078 Kate Cheriton 20 46079 Mary Cheriton 17 46080 Ella M. Trotman 16 46081 Caroline Trotman 13 46082 Nellie Trotman 12 46083 Katie Trotman 19 46084 B. M. Trotman 15 46085 A. Middleditch 14 46086 Frank Dix 11 46087 Herbert Williams 15 46088 Flory Barker 13 46089 Alice Bignold 10 46090 Charlotte Ellery 17 46091 Ada Hogg 6 46092 G. P. Steward 8 46093 Zoe Hawkins 7 46094 Florce. Stephens 12 46095 Emily Pockett 13 46096 H. M. Dauncey 20 46097 Charlie Pearce 8 46098 Rosa Pearce 10 46099 R. N. Milner 13 46100 Alice Milner 9 46101 Bessie Milner 6 46102 Tom Milner 11 46103 Frederick Seal 8 46104 Louie Seal 7 46105 Thirza Liddell 16 46106 Mary Cresswell 14 46107 Maude Bailey 15 46108 Adelaide Bailey 14 46109 Alfred Hill 14 46110 Florence Hill 10 46111 Harriett Hill 12 46112 Mildred Hill 7 46113 Emily Hill 16 46114 Caroline Hill 13 46115 J. W. Barge 15 46116 Frances Barge 20 46117 Edith Barge 19 46118 Lily Ricketts 12 46119 Edgar Ricketts 10 46120 E. E. Ricketts 14 46121 Fredk. Ricketts 21 46122 Minnie Ricketts 17 46123 Mary Early 15 46124 Walter Harrison 17 46125 George Harrison 12 46126 Eva Page 11 46127 Emma Field 12 46128 Alice Hawker 14 ——— 46129 Blanche Moore 16 46130 Benjmn. Danzey 17 46131 H. Lansdown 15 46132 Albert Smith 14 46133 Agnes Clout 18 46134 Fanny Osborne 18 46135 Janet Rham 17 46136 M. Humphrey 18 46137 Bertha Geer 20 46138 Nellie Cheesman 18 46139 Marian Tompsett 16 46140 Edith Atkins 17 46141 F. Hutchinson 14 46142 Lilian Hawkes 16 46143 Minnie Gulliver 15 46144 James Page 16 46145 Amelia Baker 16 46146 Louisa Holmes 20 46147 Anney Evans 13 46148 Richard Reeve 9 46149 Sarah R. Reeve 13 46150 L. Underwood 20 46151 Walter Hawkes 14 46152 William South 20 46153 Kate Watson 17 46154 Alice Hawkes 9 46155 George Hawkes 18 46156 Emily Rose 19 46157 Emma Percivall 18 46158 Sarah Davis 17 46159 Charles Lightford 18 46160 Thomas Ebstob 18 46161 Ada Gadd 15 46162 M. Millward 17 46163 Elzbth. Paige 16 46164 Rosy Burke 20 46165 Isabella Glithero 18 46166 Elizabeth Carter 15 46167 Ada Nicholls 19 46168 Nellie Jawles 14 46169 Bessie Pervin 15 46170 Emily Roberts 16 46171 Fanny Gadd 18 46172 Laura Clarke 17 46173 Lizzie Wilkinson 12 46174 E. Weatherstone 16 46175 Florce. Wilkinson 9 46176 Mary Reeve 16 46177 Lizzie Garnham 14 46178 John A. Speers 14 46179 W. W. KIDSTON, Glasgow 14 46180 Edith Prain 16 46181 Thomas Pearcey 11 46182 Peter Weir 14 46183 Gilbert Ritchie 12 46184 Ethel Prain 8 46185 Frank Prain 11 46186 R. Thomson 14 46187 R. A. Thomson 14 46188 James Campbell 12 46189 D. H. Duncan 12 46190 John B. Kidston 16 46191 Helen E. Kidston 17 46192 I. D. Kidston 18 46193 James Kerr 12 46194 D. Macdonald 12 46195 Alexandra Orr 13 46196 William Napier 13 46197 Adam Reid 12 46198 H. M. Lean 13 46199 Walter Guthrie 11 46200 John Turnbull 11 46201 G. Hannah 13 46202 James Maltman 11 46203 A. McLennan 10 46204 Willie Gilchrist 11 46205 John Chalmers 11 46206 Edwd. Campbell 11 46207 Willie Dewar 11 46208 John McGowan 11 46209 Hugh Tennant 11 46210 Geo. Lauchlan 11 46211 John A. Hunter 12 46212 James Thompson 13 46213 James Frame 13 46214 Geo. Anderson 11 46215 John Holliday 14 46216 William Smith 13 46217 James Nicol 13 46218 James H. Davie 11 46219 Wm. Torrance 10 46220 M. H. Fleming 13 46221 Charles Chalmers 13 46222 James Wilson 14 46223 David Gray 13 46224 John Dickie 14 46225 Wm. G. Christian 13 46226 O. Pattenhausen 13 46227 Wm. Jamieson 13 46228 J. D. Gellaitry 10 46229 Millie Prain 12 46230 CHARLES W. COUCH, Devonport 18 46231 Bessie Hamley 11 46232 Chas. Mugridge 11 46233 Chas. Bowning 15 46234 Emily Poor 12 46235 Jessie Poor 8 46236 Kate Whitfield 13 46237 Jessie Whitfield 10 46238 B. J. Locke 16 46239 George Yandell 9 46240 Alfred Callaway 17 46241 Emily Morgan 13 46242 Charles E. Craig 17 46243 Blanch Couch 16 46244 Annie Hellyer 15 46245 Mary Dyer 12 46246 Emily Hellyer 17 46247 Wm. D. L. Roue 12 46248 Richard Harris 16 46249 H. Marshall 16 46250 William G. Hall 16 46251 Rose Couch 12 46252 Alfred Mugridge 7 46253 James Couch 20 46254 Eda Moxey 12 46255 Alfred Chapman 14 46256 Lucy Routcliffe 13 46257 Hy. J. Richards 15 46258 Polly Dolphin 10 46259 Lily Couch 10 46260 Wm R. Rees 9 46261 Ernest Yandell 10 46262 Edward J. Welsh 12 46263 Charles Evans 14 46264 Henry Chapman 17 46265 Walter Rees 11 46266 Willy Bickford 12 46267 Richard Warn 9 46268 Wm. C. Simmons 20 46269 William Andrews 16 46270 Stephn. H. Tozer 15 46271 Alfred Jenkins 15 46272 Alfred Winn 17 46273 R. Roseman 8 46274 Ada Rickford 10 46275 Geo. J. Budge 11 46276 Charles Mallett 12 46277 Frederick Giles 10 46278 W. Blofield 15 46279 Henry Freethy 18 46280 Jane Hellyer 11 46281 ELLEN C. BUTTERS, New Cross 13 46282 Minnie Burney 7 46283 Rosa East 11 46284 Kate Townsend 12 46285 Nellie Grimston 9 46286 Maud A. King 12 46287 Ruth Cleathers 13 46288 Eleanor Clark 12 46289 H. Cannadine 12 46290 M. M. Armitage 12 46291 Emily Stanton 10 46292 Emma Rodnell 11 46293 Selina Osborn 12 46294 Catherine Mills 10 46295 Ethel O'Donnell 11 46296 Eliza Palgrave 11 46297 Lydia Millington 11 46298 A. M. B. Hubbard 12 46299 Ellen Langley 11 46300 Emma Harber 10 46301 Susan Stanton 12 46302 Isabel Murrell 12 46303 Phoebe E. Jones 13 46304 Florence Sims 12 46305 F. Cannadine 11 46306 Alice M. Pulling 10 46307 Ada F. Boness 10 46308 Alice E. Palmer 12 46309 Alice Raymond 11 46310 Laura Dodd 10 46311 Eva Vale 12 46312 Minnie Wallace 11 46313 M. A. Aldridge 11 46314 Louisa Greenner 7 46315 Amy Crowther 11 46316 Emma Osborn 10 46317 Theresa Porter 11 46318 A. M. Wakeling 11 46319 Isabel S. Sharp 11 46320 Margaret Bassam 12 46321 Mary Cannadine 10 46322 Ada Sewell 10 46323 Alice Binsted 11 46324 Hetty Kimber 13 46325 Bessie Tullett 12 46326 Ida C. Vale 10 46327 Lizzie Rowland 10 46328 Ada Young 14 46329 E. J. Millgate 11 46330 Lillian Taylor 12 46331 Emily Harner 11 46332 ALFRED CROWHURST, Islington 12 46333 John Offer 14 46334 James Toynton 14 46335 Willie Morris 13 46336 C. W. Elborne 10 46337 Francis Frayer 11 46338 Walter Mansfield 13 46339 Jeanie Brown 15 46340 Nellie Brown 13 46341 Jamie Brown 8 46342 Maggie Brown 17 46343 F. Crossingham 8 46344 Edward Blower 11 46345 Harry Morton 12 46346 Robert Finlay 14 46347 Will Roberts 13 46348 Alfred Johnson 7 46349 Fredk. G. Gooch 12 46350 C. M. Stephens 11 46351 Edith Lance 13 46352 F. A. S. Harris 11 46353 Fanny Watt 16 46354 F. Crowhurst 18 46355 Arthur Chapman 11 46356 H. A. Kitchener 16 46357 Emily Boult 8 46358 Clara Kubler 13 46359 E. J. Baker 12 46360 Arthur Blake 12 46361 Frank Watt 9 46362 Sydney Sullens 11 46363 L. Crowhurst 19 46364 Robert J. Johnson 6 46365 Charles H. Pull 8 46366 Frank Warrell 9 46367 Fredk. J. Modell 13 46368 Frank Cross 13 46369 Edith Bulson 8 46370 Lillian Lance 7 46371 Lily Hunt 12 46372 Charlotte Bulson 11 46373 Charles Copeland 17 46374 Charles Walters 13 46375 Geo. Browhurst 10 46376 E. Irwin 12 46377 Victor Farley 12 46378 Charles Watt 11 46379 John Porter 12 46380 Sidney Jordan 11 46381 I. Cuthbertson 8 46382 Harry Westcott 14 46383 Mary Bryant 11 46384 M. McMillan 14 46385 H. L. OSBORNE, Ashborne 11 46386 Clara Hood 11 46387 H. E. Hood 15 46388 Eva Eyre 11 46389 Ethel Slater 6 46390 C. T. Reeve 8 46391 Alice M. Smith 10 46392 Mary M. Kerry 11 46393 Margrt. Osborne 6 46394 Mary E. Osborne 8 46395 Ada Barnes 9 46396 Tom Barnes 8 46397 F. J. Howell 10 46398 L. A. Richardson 15 46399 J. G. Swinscoe 8 46400 Mary Buxton 14 46401 Emma Buxton 10 46402 Thos. E. Buxton 15 46403 Agnes Buxton 9 46404 Minnie Sowter 13 46405 F. E. Osborne 7 46406 F. J Osborne 10 46407 Antill Osborne 5 46408 Lillian Turner 11 46409 S. J. Middleton 20 46410 Sarah A. Burton 11 46411 John W. Twigge 14 46412 E. V. Higgins 14 46413 Jane Morley 18 46414 Adelaide Doxey 10 46415 John Doxey 9 46416 E. A. Davies 12 46417 J. T. Parker 7 46418 G. Twigge 10 46419 C. E. Smith 7 46420 Frank Smith 16 46421 Joseph Holmes 14 46422 Alice M. Clifford 12 46423 H. F. Clifford 10 46424 Thos. H. Clifford 7 46425 Marian Clifford 6 46426 Esther Barron 6 46427 Louise Wall 11 46428 Fredk. T. Lewis 7 46429 Mary Lewis 5 46430 F. M. Homer 14 46431 Gertrude Homer 19 46432 Florce. E. Homer 16 46433 Nellie Bannister 16 46434 F. E. Bannister 5 46435 E. H. Bannister 14 46436 Wm. Bannister 13 46437 Harry Bannister 11 46438 C. O. Bannister 7 46439 S. E. Bannister 18 ——— 46440 Frank Grigg 10 46441 William Gall 7 46442 Maggie Martin 11 46443 John Martin 9 46444 L. H. Langlands 9 46445 Gretta Rahilly 11 46446 Ethel Hollis 17 46447 Alice M. Allen 15 46448 C. M. Allen 12 46449 Reginald Foster 7 46450 Mabel Foster 8 46451 ALICE WEBB, Bow 14 46452 Minnie Cross 11 46453 Amy Pounds 14 46454 Ellen A. Kelly 10 46455 B. E. Learmond 9 46456 Mina L. Cole 12 46457 A. Whitehead 12 46458 Alfred E. Hicks 13 46459 Rose May 13 46460 Florce. E. Halls 13 46461 Edith Harmer 13 46462 Florce. M. Creed 13 46463 Alice M. Priddle 14 46464 Julia R. Kaines 14 46465 Jessie Steele 14 46466 M. A. Halcrow 19 46467 Florence Howard 14 46468 E. L. Halcrow 15 46469 Harry Wickett 15 46470 Eliza A. Tovey 16 46471 Archibald Webb 18 46472 Elzbth. J. Bazelt 9 46473 Alice L. Gibbs 12 46474 Matha Walter 13 46475 Alice Hallett 10 46476 A. G. Armstrong 16 46477 Annie C. Howard 7 46478 Catherine Webb 8 46479 Bertram Harmer 8 46480 E. A. Kingston 12 46481 George Lindsay 10 46482 E. A. Collyer 10 46483 D. G. Phillips 10 46484 Julia Suxworth 10 46485 D. E. F. Webb 16 46486 Alfred Tovey 7 46487 E. F. Kingston 9 46488 Florence M. Gill 10 46489 Wm. G. Harmer 11 46490 Edith H Webb 14 46491 E. B. Aldridge 9 46492 Albert Tovey 9 46493 J. Danzelmann 10 46494 Minnie J. Steele 12 46495 Emma L. West 11 46496 G. E. Wynne 12 46497 Mary Hammond 11 46498 A. C. L. Weller 11 46499 Louisa Scott 11 46500 Edith S. Potter 11 46501 Arthur Lester 11 ——— 46502 Edith Harwood 14 46503 Lydia M. Britten 13 46504 Florence Hepper 9 46505 Ellen Buckley 18 46506 Isabella Ouless 12 46507 Heloise Pritchard 8 46508 Beatrice Preston 10 46509 Harry C. Nott 11 46510 Elsie Nott 6 46511 Maud Nott 8 46512 Marion Nott 10 46513 Nellie Peploe 11 46514 Wm. Jennings 12 46515 Rosy Jennings 7 46516 Isabella Jennings 10 46517 Elizabeth Adams 11 46518 Emily Adams 8 46519 Gertrude Beckett 12 46520 M. A. Carroll 15 46521 FLORENCE M. BAYLIS, Victoria Pk., Lndn. 11 46522 Jeanie McFee 10 46523 Alfred McFee 12 46524 Eliza Wilkinson 15 46525 Helen S. Pickford 13 46526 John Letch 17 46527 Ada Louger 15 46528 Walter Payne 13 46529 Maud Blane 14 46530 Stanley Baylis 4 46531 L. M. Godfrey 11 46532 Nellie Kniep 12 46533 Edith F. Clayton 11 46534 E. L. Willmott 11 46535 Mary E. Young 10 46536 E. C. A. Wegner 13 46537 Maud A. Heath 13 46538 Amy Tyler 13 46539 C. Wegner 16 46540 Wm. T. Rogers 19 46541 Florrie Rogers 12 46542 Edward Rogers 15 46543 Amy Rogers 17 46544 Eva Davis 14 46545 Agnes Davis 15 46546 Hilda M. Dott 11 46547 Elizabeth Dott 9 46548 B. Freeman 9 46549 Harold Freeman 13 46550 Florence Dabbs 16 46551 Alice Dabbs 14 46552 E. C. Boughen 12 46553 Alfred Davis 8 46554 Freddy Davis 10 46555 Ada Davis 6 46556 Florence Davis 13 46557 Emily Davis 12 46558 Edith Dyer 13 46559 Fredk. J. Dyer 18 46560 Lucy Blenman 17 46561 J. L. Blenman 12 46562 Ernest Blenman 8 46563 Harriet Cockrill 19 46564 Kate Cass 14 46565 Emily Collins 11 46566 Lina Cass 12 46567 Teresa Collins 13 46568 Daisy E. Willmott 9 46569 Margt. R. Hanna 16 46570 Alice Sanders 16 46571 J. Bartholomew 14 ——— 46572 Helen M. Sharpe 8 46573 Mamie de Messing 10 46574 H. L. Thomas 8 46575 C. F. Mulliken 10 46576 T. S. Thomas 9 46577 C. E. Jobling 11 46578 Charles A. Wills 9 46579 John Wills 11 46580 EDITH SEWARD, Poplar 13 46581 Katharine Jones 10 46582 M. G. Bundock 10 46583 Ellen E. LeGall 12 46584 Ada C. Finnis 12 46585 Julia Sutton 13 46586 Ellen Silvester 11 46587 Lily Bundock 6 46588 Aurelie Vaillant 11 46589 Lucy Styles 12 46590 Theresa Wells 10 46591 F. E. M. Dobson 10 46592 A. G. Elston 11 46593 E. A. Smith 11 46594 Violet A. Wheeler 12 46595 Jenny Gibb 11 46596 E. A. Wallworth 12 46597 Eleanor Nowell 8 46598 Mary J. Nowell 10 46599 Amy Terry 13 46600 Isabella Nowell 12 46601 Eliza Macland 12 46602 Mary Townsend 19 46603 Jane Catlin 19 46604 H. E. Jacobs 19 46605 Ellen Buckley 18 46606 Margt. Moore 17 46607 Clare E. Coombs 18 46608 Margaret Martin 18 46609 Ellen Christmas 18 46610 Nellie Toomey 19 46611 Ellen Chouchman 18 46612 John Craddock 12 46613 A. Steward 16 46614 A. P. McLean 4 46615 Wm. J. Smith 14 46616 Henry E. New 15 46617 W. le Gall 9 46618 Alfred Smith 9 46619 W. E. McLean 7 46620 Joseph Styles 8 46621 William Durling 9 46622 Sidney Rowe 7 46623 Herbert Rowe 12 46624 Wm. H. Seward 18 46625 Arthur Ellis 11 46626 Wm. Macland 10 46627 Sidney Macland 8 46628 William Norwell 17 46629 Louisa Macland 14 46630 P. A. Seward 8 46631 Hannah Warwick 13 ——— 46632 Maggie Wiper 13 46633 H. Benington 10 46634 A. E. Hollis 9 46635 Bertha Hollis 12 46636 Ibrahim Naame 14 46637 E. M. Studdy 14 46638 A. G. E. Studdy 12 46639 A. T. Bonham 8 46640 E. A. Bonham 17 46641 CLARA H POOLE, Cheltenham 13 46642 Annie M. Potter 11 46643 Lucy Tippetts 9 46644 E. C. Osborne 13 46645 Mary J. Slader 19 46646 Rosa E. Mason 10 46647 John Guy 8 46648 M. H. Letheren 7 46649 Sophie Baugham 11 46650 Maria Tippetts 11 46651 Thos. C. Guy 9 46652 Amy S. Slader 15 46653 Mary A. Shill 9 46654 L. K. Holliday 12 46655 E. H. Letheren 16 46656 Anne Tippetts 8 46657 M. M. Morland 6 46658 H. E. Giles 10 46659 Annie Whitfield 16 46660 Florce. Robinson 14 46661 Rose G. Tinker 13 46662 Charles W. Tyler 9 46663 Isabella E. Giles 10 46664 Freddy A. Pratt 9 46665 Laura E. Hunt 9 46666 Ellen Swinscoe 15 46667 Edwd. Swinscoe 11 46668 L. M. E. Mitchell 11 46669 A. L. Holliday 10 46670 A. E. Robins 11 46671 Amy Harboure 10 46672 Charles E. Slader 7 46673 Maggie Dix 9 46674 F. B. Slatter 10 46675 John R. Tyler 10 46676 Lizzie Weaver 12 46677 Ellen E. Tyler 12 46678 F. M. Freeman 11 46679 Stanley A. Hunt 10 46680 Harriett E. Hunt 8 46681 Sarah J. Guise 16 46682 Agnes E. Slader 10 46683 Dannie Kelliher 9 46684 Annie Smith 12 46685 John S. Letheren 10 46686 Caleb H. Slader 17 46687 George H. Hunt 12 46688 Annie L. Deane 14 46689 T. H. Giles 16 46690 E. G. F. Poole 7 46691 Fanny Minett 16 46692 Alice Reed 16 46693 R. H. Langstone 13 46694 Nellie Slade 12 46695 Kate E. Deane 12 46696 H. A. Pritchard 10 46697 ADA WOOLLEY, Westminster 14 46698 Sarah Fielder 16 46699 Emily Smith 8 46700 Edith Guillim 14 46701 Beatrice Warren 13 46702 Florence Turner 12 46703 Lily Weeks 9 46704 L. E. Demone 9 46705 Mariam John 13 46706 Mary Lukins 11 46707 Mary Bowen 11 46708 Alice Smith 13 46709 Edmund Leech 6 46710 Rebecca Bolton 12 46711 B. L. Jones 13 46712 Honor Bolton 11 46713 Julia Douglas 19 46714 Charles Hill 10 46715 Miriam Cade 13 46716 Hannah Weeks 12 46717 Edith Russell 9 46718 Clara Russell 14 46719 Julia Weeks 14 46720 A. M. Banks 12 46721 John Weeks 16 46722 Sarah Topham 8 46723 Annie Button 8 46724 Ada Biffen 12 46725 Alice Wiffen 17 46726 Lizzie McCullock 10 46727 Lilly Wiffen 19 46728 Rosa Collins 14 46729 Louisa Austin 14 46730 Clara Banks 8 46731 Lula M. Wilson 8 46732 Alice Davis 7 46733 A. Norridge 12 46734 C. Carwood 16 46735 William Hill 8 46736 Ethel Russell 7 46737 A. Blofield 14 46738 James H. Wilson 9 46739 F. H. Woolley 14 46740 Frank Bedford 19 46741 Alice Lucas 12 46742 Edith Davis 12 46743 Alice Lohmann 15 46744 F. E. Picking 13 46745 Sarah Carwood 14 46746 A. Hockney 14 46747 Elzbth. Fielder 17 46748 F. L. Russell 12 46749 Clara Lillifant 13 ——— 46750 Edith Baker 15 46751 Ada M. Leach 15 46752 M. J. Creagh 14 46753 Laura Gillatt 9 46754 Edwin P. Page 13 46755 Sarah Boughen 19 46756 Alice E. Boyton 14 46757 Louisa Hyde 12 46758 Hilda V. Bayly 11 46759 Charles J Brans 12 46760 Rosa Mitchell 16 46761 William Pruden 11 46762 Henry T. Mullord 11 46763 William Jennings 12 46764 Rosa Jennings 7 46765 F. STEINLE, Gt. Chapel St., Ldn. 13 46766 Phillip Limback 16 46767 Henry Filgate 12 46768 Mary Maddick 10 46769 Ettie How 9 46770 Nellie Pierson 12 46771 Helen Scotcher 12 46772 Julia Robinson 11 46773 F. Nightingale 10 46774 Fredk. Limback 9 46775 Charles Green 11 46776 George Clements 11 46777 Phillip Raphael 12 46778 Fredk. Finbow 8 46779 Christian Steinle 16 46780 Frank Randall 13 46781 Albert Steinle 8 46782 Herbert Puttock 12 46783 William Steinle 5 46784 George Steinle 14 46785 James Roe 13 46786 Walter Bull 11 46787 John Akers 8 46788 Ethel Budd 10 46789 Edith Williams 9 46790 Robert Harrison 13 46791 Frederick Fuller 12 46792 Kate Roe 9 46793 Charles Cameron 12 46794 Wm. Cameron 10 46795 Lillian Brown 9 46796 William Walker 11 46797 Abraham Harris 12 46798 Joseph Roe 13 46799 Rose Billett 9 46800 A. Steinle 6 46801 Lindsay Ash 12 46802 Louise Roe 11 46803 Mary Steinle 18 46804 Arthur G. Bull 12 46805 Willie Finbow 7 46806 Edward Moore 11 46807 Fray Blewer 8 46808 George Limback 12 46809 Emily Willomatt 10 46810 Chas. Kilminster 12 46811 Frank Collins 12 46812 Roley Harris 10 46813 William Dones 14 46814 Henry Green 12 46815 Rose Steinle 11 46816 Willie Randall 10 46817 CARRIE G. REES, Oswestry 14 46818 Arthur Thomas 15 46819 Walter M. Shaw 5 46820 C. A. Humphreys 4 46821 M. H. Humphreys 7 46822 Isabel Turner 14 46823 Alice A. Evans 12 46824 Amy Scotcher 13 46825 M. E. Garner 13 46826 Lilian Turner 11 46827 Jessie F. Hughes 10 46828 Norrie Thomas 10 46829 John Thomas 13 46830 Mary A. Thomas 8 46831 M. J. Thomas 9 46832 C. Thomas 7 46833 E. H. Pryce 11 46834 Margrt. E. Pryce 9 46835 Thos. H. Pryce 15 46836 R. Williams 7 46837 Edith Williams 8 46838 Kate I. Pryce 6 46839 Samuel H. Pryce 10 46840 Mary E. Pryce 7 46841 Jessie M. Jones 10 46842 Nora Jones 7 46843 Annie Jenkins 15 46844 George Jenkins 12 46845 Kate Jenkins 7 46846 Jessie Jenkins 10 46847 Pollie Jones 11 46848 Emily Jones 8 46849 Annie Jones 12 46850 Annie E. Price 14 46851 Wm. H. Turner 7 46852 Dora Turner 16 46853 Hannah Evans 14 46854 Kate Thomas 18 46855 M. L. Tilsley 12 46856 Emma E. Tilsley 15 46857 May Davies 9 46858 Emily S. Davies 15 46859 Alfred P. Chivers 7 46860 A. O. Chivers 13 46861 Ethel A. Chivers 12 46862 Ernest C. Chivers 9 46863 H. B. Chivers 6 46864 Hilda Chivers 5 46865 Maud Griffiths 11 46866 Melville McKie 18 46867 Fanny McKie 14 46868 Mary E. Byron 15 46869 Sarah J. Byron 17 46870 J. R. Pomarede 15 46871 INA McNEILL, Belfast 14 46872 Haidee Robb 13 46873 E. McDowell 16 46874 Annie Vance 14 46875 Lizzie Tipping 18 46876 Sara Corbitt 16 46877 H. D. Ruddell 17 46878 F. Thornton 17 46879 E. A. Corbitt 18 46880 J. A. Haslett 14 46881 Ethel Maxwell 17 46882 Annie Elliott 15 46883 Mary A. Ruddell 17 46884 Agnes Reid 18 46885 K. D. Blakely 18 46886 Lizzie Harput 11 46887 Mary Harrison 18 46888 A. L. D. Russell 15 46889 Sophie Robb 15 46890 Maude Black 16 46891 Annie R. Taylor 13 46892 Annie Shelton 15 46893 Maggie Hanna 15 46894 Maud Niven 15 46895 David Taylor 9 46896 Mary Stewart 15 46897 J. E. McAskie 14 46898 Lizzie Kelly 14 46899 R. McCracken. 13 46900 Sarah Harpur 15 46901 Edith Clarke 16 46902 G. Gimshaw 16 46903 Lizzie Burden 13 46904 Anna Morton 14 46905 E. L. Buchanan 14 46906 Mary M. Cromie 14 46907 Freda Martin 15 46908 M. B. Burden 15 46909 Maggie Fisher 15 46910 Kathleen Stewart 16 46911 Etta Thompson 16 46912 Georgina Purdon 15 46913 Lizzie Purdon 16 46914 Susan Byers 15 46915 Olga Loewenthal 13 46916 Fairie Morgan 16 46917 Carrie G. Ward 18 46918 Mary Heron 14 46919 Florence Gordon 14 46920 Frances Naylor 17 46921 Chattie Taylor 16 46922 A. CROSSMAN, Bow 13 46923 M. A. Williams 13 46924 Eliza E. West 15 46925 Florce. Davidson 12 46926 Fredk. Drayson 9 46927 C. Chatterton 13 46928 Charles Drayson 7 46929 Alice A. Smith 11 46930 Emily Reid 13 46931 Lamisa J. Jones 15 46932 Ada R. Nevill 13 46933 George Nevill 9 46934 C. Newton 11 46935 C. Newman 17 46936 William Jones 13 46937 Emily J. Jones 11 46938 Mary Barnard 12 46939 Florce. Constable 8 46940 Edith Sortwell 8 46941 Mary A. Gillen 8 46942 A. W. Sydenham 9 46943 Kate Adams 12 46944 K. H. Wimshurst 12 46945 Charlotte Robbie 11 46946 M. L. Manchee 13 46947 Rose Cooper 14 46948 E. Danzelman 8 46949 Sarah Skuse 21 46950 Olive Philbrick 14 46951 Elizabeth Fay 14 46952 Annie Howlett 9 46953 Alice Hodges 14 46954 Caroline Green 14 46955 Alice Rushbrook 12 46956 Kate Finch 16 46957 Eleanor Harris 12 46958 Florence Harris 16 46959 Julia R. Kaines 12 46960 Alice Winhall 8 46961 Albert Lane 11 46962 Martha Watson 13 46963 Jane Smith 9 46964 F. Rudderham 13 46965 Anne Cearns 13 46966 F. McKindley 13 46967 James W. Cearns 7 46968 Louisa A. Cearns 9 46969 Emma Taylor 15 46970 Edith Cearns 15 46971 Matilda Ford 11 46972 Edith Green 15 ——— 46973 C. F. Truman 19 46974 Ellen Ward 12 46975 C. E. Partington 15 46976 E. A. Partington 11 46977 Lucy Taylor 12 46978 Geo F. Taylor 9 46979 J. A. Truman 14 46980 Edith M. Truman 8 46981 Lizzie Truman 12 46982 E. M. Truman 14 46983 Jessie G. Truman 10 46984 Fredk. Guy 14 46985 Grace I. Truman 11 46986 Josph. W. Baxter 16 46987 E. M. Asquith 9 46988 Florrie Spencer 14 46989 Alice Spencer 12 46990 Edith Spencer 10 46991 E. W. Shakespear 12 46992 E. M. Shakespear 14 46993 E. W. Warman 12 46994 Harry Hawkins 10 46995 Herbert Hawkins 8 46996 ELIZABETH PERKINS, Bow 13 46997 Albert Mackrow 12 46998 Rosa Felgate 8 46999 George Stannard 16 47000 John Rushbrook 9 47001 Annie Palmer 16 47002 Lillian Shelton 11 47003 Helen Roberts 14 47004 Henry Fullick 11 47005 Rebecca Fullick 10 47006 Sarah Stapleton 12 47007 F. C. Stedman 10 47008 John Morgan 14 47009 William Palmer 14 47010 Lillian Macland 9 47011 Harry Roberts 9 47012 Clara A. Gibbs 12 47013 William Roberts 11 47014 Helen Hyam 9 47015 David Dickerson 9 47016 Hannah Maskell 12 47017 Wm. Stapleton 10 47018 Minnie Valantine 6 47019 Francis Maskell 17 47020 Louisa Dennis 14 47021 Margaret Irven 13 47022 Elizabeth Silva 14 47023 Jane Sayers 11 47024 Emily Sexton 15 47025 Clara Dickerson 13 47026 Florence Sayers 13 47027 F. Dickerson 11 47028 Emily Stapleton 14 47029 Clara A. Brooks 8 47030 Mary A. Ellis 14 47031 Mary A. Jones 14 47032 Mary A. Forrow 12 47033 Maria E. Ray 11 47034 Alice L. Howard 12 47035 Ellen R. Adams 11 47036 Charlotte Brooks 12 47037 Elizabeth Hulme 10 47038 Minnie Mackland 12 47039 Mary Rushbrook 12 47040 Alice Stannard 14 47041 Lillie Palmer 12 47042 Ellen Barrett 14 47043 Annie Silva 15 47044 Annie Palmer 16 47045 George Roberts 15 ——— 47046 E. H. Davey 14 47047 Gertrde. Waldron 17 47048 Eliz. A. Clements 17 47049 D. A. Harrison 15 47050 Ethel K. Swan 15 47051 Margt. A. Yates 15 47052 Amy F. Swan 16 47053 Mary J. Bold 11 47054 Elizabeth Crowe 9 47055 Matilda Crowe 12 47056 Grace G. Parry 14 47057 EDITH H. WEBB, Bow 13 47058 Agnes L. Allum 19 47059 Louisa G. Winter 18 47060 Alice M. Davis 15 47061 E. S. Ashdown 15 47062 Annie Hearsey 14 47063 Sarah Broom 14 47064 Ada V. Jones 14 47065 Ada Ferguson 14 47066 Eliza Finnis 13 47067 W. H. Armstrong 14 47068 Mary M. Davis 12 47069 M. F. Ferguson 12 47070 E. S. Coomber 12 47071 Lydia A. Smith 12 47072 F. C. Ballard 12 47073 M. F. Creighton 12 47074 Isabella Tomling 12 47075 Ada Keable 12 47076 F. M. Davidson 12 47077 A. E. Browning 11 47078 M. L. Keable 11 47079 Ada Rohwetter 11 47080 H. E. Ashdown 11 47081 Jenny Anthony 11 47082 Elizbth. Cluney 10 47083 Mabel Miller 10 47084 Janet Munn 10 47085 Lilian E. Wood 10 47086 Elizbth. L. Woolf 10 47087 A. S. K. Dobson 10 47088 Harriett Odonko 10 47089 Ada Mayne 10 47090 Alice M. Lovett 10 47091 Alice Mackelcken 10 47092 A. L. Nigthingale 10 47093 R. M. Winter 10 47094 F. M. Hammond 10 47095 A. E. Denham 9 47096 F. L. Parnell 9 47097 E. M. Davis 10 47098 Minnie Ashdown 9 47099 R. M. Winter 9 47100 A. M. Wakeham 9 47101 Arthur Cross 9 47102 Arthur Blaker 9 47103 L. B. Wakeham 8 47104 M. Hammond 8 47105 Alice E. R. Burn 8 47106 L. M. Ferguson 7 47107 E. A. Kaines 7 47108 M. A. Kaines 6 ——— 47109 Emily C. Allen 10 47110 Ada L. Freir 14 47111 Herbert J. Jeffery 9 47112 F. J. C. Jeffery 7 47113 Fredk. J. Symes 12 47114 JANE REID, Rothesay 19 47115 McNeill Duncan 16 47116 Annie B. Cook 20 47117 Jeannie Gow 16 47118 James R. Gow 14 47119 Maggie Lowson 14 47120 Beatrice Lowson 7 47121 Lizzie Lowson 9 47122 Wm. McCullock 10 47123 A. Colville 11 47124 James Colville 4 47125 Jane Ludlow 8 47126 Elizbth. Ludlow 7 47127 Hy. H. Thomson 10 47128 Gordon Thomson 9 47129 A. C. Thomson 11 47130 Grace C. Thom 20 47131 Isabella Black 16 47132 Bella Macloy 11 47133 W. MacClilland 16 47134 E. R. Macdonald 19 47135 H. McDonald 20 47136 John G. Palmer 10 47137 Sarah B. Stewart 12 47138 Thomas Stewart 10 47139 Arthur Brash 5 47140 Harris Brash 7 47141 M. Brash 10 47142 Frank Brash 12 47143 Gregor T. Brash 14 47144 Sarah Lindsay 14 47145 M. B. Furguson 15 47146 Hannah Duncan 15 47147 Mary Worling 16 47148 Helen Murray 12 47149 A. M. Murray 10 47150 J. A. L. Murray 6 47151 A. Murray 6 47152 Andrew Murray 9 47153 E. C. Rankin 17 47154 C. M. Rankin 20 47155 Pryce Rankin 19 47156 Maud Porter 12 47157 A. M. Barrowman 7 47158 W. R. Barrowman 8 47159 T. Barrowman 12 47160 M. Barrowman 16 47161 M. Barrowman 10 47162 J. M. Barrowman 18 47163 Mary B. Blair 13 47164 Elizabeth Phillp 13 ——— 47165 E. B. Watmouth 13 47166 W. Watmouth 11 47167 H. E. Warwick 13 47168 Alfred E. Curtis 7 47169 Kate M. Curtis 14 47170 Jessie Curtis 10 47171 Edgar H. Curtis 12 47172 G. H. ORLEBAR, Clapton 12 47173 S. C. Akehurst 13 47174 Anne M. Bailey 19 47175 Thos. A. Baynes 13 47176 Elizabeth Bush 11 47177 Arthur E. Coates 12 47178 Fanny Cox 11 47179 Fredk. C. Dove 12 47180 James N. Dove: 10 47181 T. S. Edridge 11 47182 Chas. Emerson 16 47183 C. G. Fishlock 12 47184 A. J. Freshwater 11 47185 Henry Frost 12 47186 M. R. Griffith 11 47187 Alice Hall 10 47188 Fanny A. Hall 12 47189 E. H. Hillworth 16 47190 M. E. Hillworth 11 47191 Susan Hughes 13 47192 Emma Hull 17 47193 Fanny Hull 13 47194 Alfred J. Hunt 12 47195 A. T. Ireland 11 47196 A. J. Jamieson 14 47197 H. G. Jamieson 11 47198 Charles J. King 12 47199 John A. Law 13 47200 R. J. Messenger 15 47201 Ada E. Moore 13 47202 Chas. M. Morris 11 47203 Chas. M. Mynott 12 47204 E. P. Newberry 12 47205 Emily J. Orlebar 16 47206 Wm. G. H. Paull 12 47207 Arthur T. Pike 13 47208 Arthur G. Pipe 11 47209 Wm. C. Potter 12 47210 William Radley 13 47211 C. J. Rainbow 9 47212 Jessie Rainbow 7 47213 William J. Rous 12 47214 Wm. H. Sanders 10 47215 Richard T. Scott 12 47216 Arthur H. Sibley 14 47217 Joseph Sleap 12 47218 A. L. Stevenson 11 47219 Fredk. W. Upson 12 47220 George Wall 13 47221 Sarah Welsh 10 47222 Joseph Wright 11 ——— 47223 Joseph Wilson 13 47224 Joseph Griffin 15 47225 Charles Griffin 12 47226 George Gregg 12 47227 Edgar Marshall 13 47228 Edward Harris 13 47229 G. F. Brewill 10 47230 B. SANDERS, Shepherd's Bsh. 18 47231 Emma Janko 15 47232 Ellen Dowling 9 47233 Janet Cooke 11 47234 Francis Ward 9 47235 Katie Ward 14 47236 Marcia Cooke 14 47237 Fanny Stoyle 17 47238 Mary Pearce 18 47239 H. V. Pearson 12 47240 Daniel Holmans 10 47241 Emma Dowling 12 47242 Annie Angell 8 47243 William Kennedy 11 47244 A. B. Rugg 13 47245 Maggie Jones 9 47246 Levi Jenkins 10 47247 Fredk. Price 9 47248 Emily Williams 11 47249 Agnes Hughes 14 47250 Emily Jones 14 47251 Bessie Beigh 13 47252 Mary Welch 10 47253 Minnie Barnard 13 47254 Julia Cowlin 13 47255 Mabel Cock 11 47256 Rose Patmer 12 47257 Emma Welch 9 47258 Thomas Wilton 8 47259 William Smith 9 47260 Clara Cock 9 47261 Sarah Watson 12 47262 Oswald N. Roper 8 47263 Arthur Stacey 8 47264 Lizzie Kendrew 9 47265 Nellie Kenneth 11 47266 Elsie M. Kenneth 9 47267 Alice A. Kenneth 15 47268 E. M. Kenneth 17 47269 Clara Phillips 13 47270 Edward Phillips 18 47271 Edith Fetcher 14 47272 Florry Fetcher 12 47273 Clara Fetcher 7 47274 H. O. Kenneth 12 47275 George Maxwell 13
[Officers and Members are referred to a Special Notice on page 55.]
DEAR MR. EDITOR,—My father knows a gentleman who is teaching his dog to read. He prepared some thick pieces of cardboard and printed on each card, in large letters, such words as Bone, Food, Out, &c. He first gave the dog food in a saucer on the card food, and then he placed an empty saucer on a blank card. Van is his name, and he is a black poodle. The next thing he did was to teach Van to bring the cards to him. He brings the card with out on if he wishes to go out. One day he brought the card with food upon it nine times, the card being placed in a different position each time among the other cards. The gentleman hopes to teach him more, for Van quite understands what he has learnt.
H. E. FOWLER. (Aged 13.) Woodthorne, Wolverhampton.
DEAR MR. EDITOR,—We were once in the country. There was a gentleman living near us, and he had two horses and a carriage. One night he was driving home from dinner, when suddenly the horses stopped. The coachman whipped them, but still they would not move a step farther, so the footman got down and lit a lantern to see what was the matter. What was his surprise to see a tree lying right across the road. Wasn't it clever of the horses to know the tree was there when it was so dark? The gentleman was very pleased with his horses, because if they had gone on the carriage would have been upset.
ANTONY S. BYNG. (Aged 7-1/4.) St. Peter's Parsonage, Cranley Gardens, London, S.W.
DEAR MR. EDITOR,—Not long ago I was given a little tabby Persian kitten, about four months old, which I called "Ruffle." We soon became great friends, and when I went out she would follow me like a dog. At the bottom of our park there is a river, in which we have a bathing-place. One morning when I was going to bathe I thought I would take Ruffle with me, as it would be a nice run for her, and I could leave her with my maid in the punt whilst I was in the water. She did not seem in the least afraid until I was in the water, and then she began to mew. She would not stay in the maid's lap, but ran to the side of the punt mewing piteously. I came to the side of the punt and stroked her and she began to purr at once. I thought she would be quite happy now, and so I left her, but I had hardly turned my back before I heard a little splash and turning round saw my maid vainly trying to rescue Ruffle, who had jumped into the water! Instead of trying to reach the bank she swam to me. Of course I picked her up, little drowned mite that she was, and took her into the bathing-house and dried her as well as I could. I need not say that this proof of her affection made us firmer friends than ever.
MARIAN C. BRODRICK. (Aged 14.) Peper Harow, Godalming, Surrey.
DEAR MR. EDITOR,—I thought you would like to hear of a trick played by a Newfoundland dog of whom its owner was very fond. One day my grandpapa, whilst out walking with another gentleman, was boasting rather of the cleverness of Victor, his dog, in finding things which he had not seen. His friend asked if he would hide something now, and not show the dog. My grandfather agreed, and while Victor was not looking placed his stick in the gutter. The two gentlemen then walked on for about a mile and a half; the dog was then called, and told to fetch the stick. By-and-by he returned, but without the cane. Grandpapa was very angry, especially as his friend remarked that he never really believed it possible for any animal to find a thing at such a distance. The dog was sent back again, but returned with the same result. The gentlemen then determined to follow him, and see where he went. And what do you think the sly fellow did?—why just went round the corner and lay down till he thought it was time to go back! But when he found our that he was discovered he went and brought the stick to grandpapa, who could not help laughing at the trick he had been played.
EDITH PARNELL. (Aged 13.) 13, Windsor Terrace, Newcastle-on-Tyne.
NOTE.—Each Story, Anecdote, &c., when sent to the Editor, must be certified by a Parent, Teacher, or other responsible person, as being both True and Original.
The picture on page 128 of LITTLE FOLKS represents the ruins of the vast Flavian Amphitheatre, or, as it is also called, Coliseum. After a period of civil war and confusion, Vespasian began the Flavian dynasty, and entered upon his reign by filling up the spaces made by the demolitions of Nero, and by the fire, with large buildings, the most conspicuous and massive of them being the Coliseum. It is not known whether this name was given to it from its tremendous size or from the Colossus of Nero which stood near.
Vespasian, however, did not complete it, but his son Titus, who succeeded him, did so. The splendour of the interior, as gathered from Roman poets, was said to be unequalled. Marble statues filled the arcades, gilt and brazen network supported on ivory posts and wheels protected the spectators from the wild beasts, fountains of fragrant waters were scattered throughout the building, and marble tripods for burning the incense upon. Speaking of the size of it, it covers five acres of ground, and is capable of holding a hundred thousand persons. An idea of the solidity of the building may be taken from the fact that after two thousand years, during which time it has been used for a quarry for materials for palaces and churches, nearly three-quarters still remain. Now that a description of the building has been given, I will say something about the uses of it.
The Coliseum was first of all built for gladiatorial shows, which were the favourite amusement of the Romans. All of both sexes, from the Emperor down to the meanest slave, used to flock to see them. Primitive Christianity is associated in a great degree with this building; "The Christians to the Lions" often being the cry throughout the city, and hundreds of innocent persons were "butchered to make a Roman holiday." The first Christian Emperor tried to put a stop to this butchery (statistics say that the combats of this amphitheatre cost from twenty to thirty thousand lives per month), but the custom was too deeply rooted to be stopped all at once. In the reign of Honorius, however, it was altogether abolished. It is very marvellous how this piece of masonry should have stood through all these years with comparatively so little decay.
H. D. HOPE. (Aged 15). 11, Greenfield Crescent, Edgbaston, Birmingham.
Certified by HENRY HOPE (Father).
First Prize (One-Guinea Book), with Officer's Medal of the "Little Folks" Legion of Honour;—H. D. HOPE (15), 11, Greenfield Crescent, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Second Prize (Seven-Shilling-and-Sixpenny Book), with Officer's Medal:—MARGARET T. S. BEATTIE (13), St. Michael's, Torquay. Honourable Mention, with Members Medal:—M. AGNES HOWARD (10-1/2), 15, Clarence Square, Gosport; G. G. CALLCOTT (15-1/2), Hageldon, 27, Shepherd's Bush Road; KATE E. GREENHOW (12-1/2), Highfield, Chelmsford, Essex; EDITH WINGATE (15), 2, Finlayson Place, Relvinside, Glasgow; ADRIANA POLI (11), 24, Via Ricasoli, Livorno, Italy; SYBIL COVENTRY (13-1/2), Severn Stoke Rectory, Worcester; CLIFFORD CRAWFORD (11-3/4), 21, Windsor Street, Edinburgh; EDITH B. JOWETT (15-3/4), Thackley Road, Idle, near Bradford; PERCY G. TRENDELL (12), 10, Coburg Place, Bayswater Road, London, S.W.
The "LITTLE FOLKS" ANNUAL for 1885 (price Sixpence) will be published on the 25th of October, 1884, under the title of
In this ANNUAL will be related, in a number of bright and entertaining Stories, the amusing adventures and incidents which befell several Children during a wonderful "voyage" undertaken by them; and, in addition to telling of all the doings of these Children, and of what they saw and heard, the ANNUAL will contain a large number of laughable Puzzles, Riddles, &c., a Song with Music, and a new Indoor or Outdoor Entertainment by Geo. Manville Fenn, which has been specially written with the view to its being easily performed at home by Boys and Girls. All the Stories in "A SHIPFUL OF CHILDREN" are from the pens of Authors with whose writings readers of "LITTLE FOLKS" are familiar, including the Author of "Prince Pimpernel," Henry Frith, Julia Goddard (who contributes a Fairy Story), Robert Richardson, the Author of "Claimed at Last," and others; while the Illustrations—humorous and otherwise, and about Forty in number—have been specially drawn by Harry Furniss, Hal Ludlow, Lizzie Lawson, Gordon Browne, C. Gregory, W. Rainey, A. S. Fenn, E. J. Walker, and others. The Editor would remind intending purchasers that the "LITTLE FOLKS" ANNUAL last year was out of print a few days after publication, and many were in consequence unable to obtain copies; it is desirable, therefore, so as to avoid disappointment, that orders for "A SHIPFUL OF CHILDREN" should be given to booksellers as early as possible.
My 2, 3, 4, 7, 6 = pungent. My 1, 9, 16 = to taste. My 12, 11, 14, 10 = mists. My 8, 5, 15 = an Egyptian notable. My 6, 7, 13, 17 = food.
My whole is a bird.
The initials form the name of an island at the entrance of the Baltic Sea.
1. A lake in Switzerland. 2. A river in Spain. 3. A river in Italy. 4. The capital of a country in Europe. 5. Some mountains in Europe. 6. A river in Africa. 7. A river in Turkey.
M. A. WARD. (Aged 10-1/2.) 54, Southfield Square, Bradford, Yorks.
The following is a verse from one of Tom Hood's poems:—
'x w x s x n x h x p x i x e x f x u x m x r x i x e, n x v x n x n x c x l x a x d x o x l, n x f x u x a x d x w x n x y x a x p x b x y x C x m x b x u x d x n x o x t x f x c x o x l: x h x r x w x r x s x m x t x a x r x n x n x s x m x t x a x l x a x t, x i x e x r x u x l x t x i x a x o x l.
WINIFRED H. SHACKLOCK. (Aged 11-3/4.) Meadow House, Mansfield, Nottingham.
2. An eatable.
3. Related.
4. A fissure.
1. A vehicle.
2. A tree.
3. Part of the verb to ride.
4. A river in England.
1. A partner.
2. A salt.
3. A melody.
4. A large bird.
BERTRAM G. THEOBALD. (Aged 12-3/4.) 2, Ashley Road, Hornsey Rise, London, N.
The building is erected near the town hall. 2. The king told us we served him well. 3. If they find us, we must run away. 4. Mary and Emma are going for a walk. 5. Feel how hot I am, Stella.
C. LILIAN DICKINS. (Aged 11-1/2.) 1, Priory Gardens, Folkestone.
My first is in table, but not in chair. My second is in orange, but not in pear. My third is in come, but not in go. My fourth is in fast, but not in slow. My fifth is in tin, but not in lead. My sixth is in cover, but not in bed. My whole is a vegetable much liked by some, And now my riddle-me-ree is done.
PERCY ELLISON. (Aged 12.) 17, Esplanade, Waterloo, near Liverpool.
A word of the proverb is contained in each line.
1. There were a great many people at the ball. 2. Who gave you that flower? 3. They live close by us. 4. She went in the train because it was raining. 5. The glass is not put in the frame yet. 6. All these houses belong to him. 7. You must not stay out so late again, Edith. 8. Are you not going for a walk? 9. You throw the ball too high, Louise. 10. We will flood the lawn when the stones have been swept away.
AMY FAGG. (Aged 15.) Clarence Lodge, Canning Road, Croydon.
"With fingers weary and worn, with eyelids heavy and red, A woman sat, in unwomanly rags, plying her needle and thread: Stitch! stitch! stitch! in poverty, hunger, and dirt; And still with a voice of dolorous pitch, she sang the 'Song of the Shirt.'"
1. H OP e.
2. O BO e.
3. H ER d.
4. Ta RT an.
5. Qu OI ts.
6. Fi NA le.
1. C hesterfield.
2. E rne.
3. L iffey.
4. E lba.
5. B lenheim.
6. E uphrates.
7. S hrewsbury.
1. "Strike while the iron is hot."
2. "Where there's a will, there's a way."
3. "Too many cooks spoil the broth."
1. Wheel, heel, eel.
2. Slate, late, ate.
3. Stale, tale, ale.
I celand contains the volcano of Hecl A.
T unbridge Wells is remarkable for its spring S.
A thens, the capital of Morea, is famous on account of its Acropoli S.
L eghorn is situated 14 miles south of Pis A.
Y armouth is the chief seat of the herring fisheries in the kingdo M.
As announced last month, the Editor proposes to give those of his Readers residing abroad an opportunity of competing for Prizes on favourable terms with Subscribers in Great Britain. A list of the Prizes is given below, and the Puzzles, together with additional particulars, will be found in the September issue.
Twenty prizes will be awarded for the best Solutions to the Puzzles given in the last number (p. 190); Ten to Competitors in the Senior (for girls and boys between the ages of 14 and 16 inclusive), and Ten to Competitors in the Junior Division (for those under 14 years of age).
The following will be the value of the Prizes, in books, given in each Division:—
1. A First Prize of One Guinea. 2. A Second Prize of Half a Guinea. 3. A Third Prize of Seven Shillings and Sixpence. 4. Two Prizes of Five Shillings. 5. Five Prizes of Half a Crown.
There will also be awards of Bronze Medals of the LITTLE FOLKS Legion of Honour to the three next highest of the Competitors following the Prize-winners in each Division.
N.B.—The Solutions, together with the names and addresses of the Prize and Medal winners, will be published in the January Number of LITTLE FOLKS.
Solutions to the Puzzles published in the last number (p. 190) must reach the Editor not later than October 25th (November 1st for Competitors residing abroad), addressed as under:—
The Editor of "Little Folks," La Belle Sauvage Yard. Ludgate Hill, London, E.C. Answers to Puzzles. Junior [or Senior] Division.
Solutions to Puzzles must be accompanied by certificates from a Parent, Teacher, or other responsible person, stating that they are the sole and unaided work of the competitor. No assistance must be given by any other person.
Competitors can be credited only under their own name.
The decision of the Editor of LITTLE FOLKS on all matters must be considered final.
1. Anne. 2. Bonaparte. 3. Coxwell. 4. Dugdale. 5. Erasmus. 6. Fox. 7. Godoonoff. 8. Hyde. 9. Isaeus (or Isocrates). 10. Junius. 11. Klingenstierna. 12. Leveridge.
CLASS II.—Consisting of those who have gained eleven marks or less:—G. Blenkin, R. Brook, Hon. M. Brodrick, H. Blunt, M. Bradbury, A. Bradbury, N. Besley, H. Coombes, L. E. Curme, J. Cooper, M. Cooper, B. Coventry, F. G. Callcott, C. Debenham, G. Dundas, H. Dyson, Rosita Eustace, L. Fraser, M. Gollidge, E. Gollidge, E. D. Griffiths, B. Hudson, G. Horner, A. Hartfield, E. Chapell-Hodge, L. Haydon, M. Jones-Henry, M. Heddle, A. Jackson, E. Jowett, W. Johnson, M. Jakeman, A. Lynch, E. Lithgon, A. Leah, E. Leake, E. Maynard, K. Mills, E. Morgan, K. F. Nix, J. Nix, M. Nix, G. Pettman, A. Pellier, G. Russell, F. Roberts, C. Rees, C. Stanier, A. Sifton, M. Addison-Scott, A. J. Sifton, Una Tracy, C. Tindinger, B. Tomlinson, K. Williams, E. Wedgwood, B. Walton, M. Wilson, H. Watson, A. Wilson, F. Burnet, A. Elliot, G. Burne, M. More, E. Hanlon, M. Lloyd, B. Law, N. Ross, W. C. Wilson, N. Pybus. |