Napier, Colonel His testimony to the benevolence and soundness of Lord Byron's views with regard to Greece Naples, 'the second best sea view Napoleon. See Buonaparte Nathan, his 'Hebrew nasalities' Nature ——, 'PRAYER of.' 'Naufragia,' Clarke's Nelson, Southey's Life of Nepean, Mr. ——, Sir Evan Nerni Newstead, granted by Henry VIII. to Sir John Byron A prophecy of Mother Shipton's respecting Let to Lord Grey de Ruthen Lord Byron's affection for Description of, and of the noble owner Attempted sale of Nicopolis, ruins of Night Nobility of thought and style defined Noel, Lady Norfolk (Charles Howard), twelfth Duke of Nottingham frame breaking bill ——, Lord Byron's residence at 'Nourjahad,' a drama, falsely attributed to Lord Byron Novels
Oak, the Byron 'ODE ON VENICE' O'Donnovan, P.M., his 'Sir Proteus.' 'OH! banish care.' 'OH! Memory, torture me no more.' O'Higgins, Mr., his Irish tragedy Olympus O'Neil, Miss, actress Orators, only two thorough ones 'Things of ages.' Orchomenus Orrery, Earl of, his Life of Swift quoted Osborne, Lord Sidney 'Otello,' Rossini's Otway, his three requisites for an Englishman His 'Beividera.' Ouchy Owenson, Miss See Morgan, Lady Oxford, Gibbon's bitter recollections of Dryden's praise of, at the expense of Cambridge Oxford, Earl of ——, Countess of
'PARISINA,' 1000 guineas offered for it and the 'Siege of Corinth,' by Mr. Murray Fancied resemblance between part of the poem and a similar scene in 'Marmion.' Parker, Sir Peter, stanzas written by Lord Byron on his death ——, Lady ——, Margaret, Lord Byron's boyish love for Parkins, Miss Fanny PARLIAMENT, Lord Byron's Speeches in Parnassus, Lord Byron's visit to, and stanzas upon Parr, Dr. Parry, Captain Parruca, Signor, letter to Parthenon Pasquali, Padre Past, 'the best prophet of the future.' Paterson, Mr. (Lord Byron's tutor at Aberdeen) Patrons Paul, St., translation from the Armenian, of correspondence between the Corinthians and Paul's, St., Cathedral, comparison with St. Sophia's Pausanias, his 'Achaics' quoted Payne, Thomas, bookseller Peel, Right Hon. Sir Robert Lord Byron's form-fellow at Harrow ——, William, Esq., one of Lord Byron's friends Penelope, baths of, Lord Byron's visit to Penn, Granville, esq., his 'Bioscope, or Dial of Life, explained ——, William, the founder of Quakerism Perry, James, esq Petersburgh Petrarch, his literary and personal character interwoven His severity to his daughter In his youth a coxcomb His portrait in the Manfrini palace his popularity See also Phillips, Ambrose, his pastorals ——, S.M., esq ——, Thomas, esq., R.A Philosophers, celibacy of eminent Phoenix, Sheridan's story of the Physic Pictures Pierce Plowman Pigot, Miss Account of her first acquaintance with Lord Byron Lord Byron's letters to Pigot, Dr His account of Lord Byron's visit to Harrowgate Lord Byron's letters to Pigot, Mrs., Lord Byron's letter to Pigot, family Pindemonte, Ippolito, Lord Byron's portrait of Pitt, Rt. Hon. William Plagiarism Players, an impracticable people 'Pleasures of Hope.' 'Pleasures of Memory.' Plethora, abstinence the sole remedy for Poetry, distasteful to Byron when a boy When to be employed as the interpreter of feeling Addiction to, whence resulting New school of 'The feeling of a former world and future' Descriptive Ethical, 'the highest of all See also Poets, self-educated ones Lord Byron's list of celebrated poets of all nations Unfitted for the calm affections and comforts of domestic life Querulous and monotonous lives of Female See also Polidori, Dr. Some account of Anecdotes of His 'Vampire His tragedy Political consistency Politics Pomponius Atticus Pope, Alexander, a self-educated poet Lord Byron's enthusiastic admiration of His youth and Byron's compared An example of filial tenderness His Prologue to Cato His ineffable distance above all modern poets The parent of real English poetry Atrocious cant and nonsense about The Christianity of English poetry Ten times more poetry in his 'Essay on Man' than in the 'Excursion' Keats' depreciation of The most faultless of poets His imagery The greatest name in our poetry His Essay upon Phillips's Pastorals a model of irony The principal inventor of modern gardening His 'Homer' 'LETTER ON BOWLES'S STRICTURES ON THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF,' SECOND LETTER See, also Porson, Professor, his 'Devil's Walk' Lord Byron's recollection of Portrait painter, agonies of a Pouqueville, M. de Powerscourt, Lord, one of Lord Byron's friends Pratt, Samuel Jackson Priestley, Dr., his Christian materialism Prince Regent Lord Byron's introduction to See George IV. Prior's Paulo Purgante 'PRISONER OF CHILLON' Probabilities, Dr. Miller's Essay on Probationary Odes Prologues, 'only two decent ones in our language' 'PROMETHEUS,' of AEschylus 'PROPHECY OF DANTE Prophets Pulci, his 'Morgante Maggiore' 'Sire of the half serious rhyme' Punctuation
Quarrels of Authors, D'Israeli's Quarterly Review 'Quentin Durward'
Rae, John, comedian Rainsford, Lord Byron's schoolfellow at Harrow Rancliffe, Lord Raphael, his hair Rashleigh, Lord Byron's schoolfellow at Harrow Ravenna Raymond, James Grant, comedian Reading, the love of Regnard, his hypochondriacism Reinagle, R.R., his chained eagle 'Rejected Addresses,' 'the best of the kind since the Rolliad,' ——, the Genuine Republics Reviewers Reviews Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 'not good in history' Reynolds, J.H., his 'Safie' 'Ricciardetto,' Lord Glenbervie's translation of Rice, Lord Byron's schoolfellow at Harrow Richardson, 'the vainest and luckiest of authors' Riddel, Lady, her masquerade at Bath, at which Lord Byron appeared Ridge, printer Riga, the Greek patriot Roberts, Mr. (editor of the British Review) Robins, George, auctioneer Robinson Crusoe, the first part said to be written by Lord Oxford Rocca, M. de Rochdale estate Rochefoucault, 'always right' Sayings of Rogers, Samuel, esq., his 'Pleasures of Memory' His 'Jacqueline' 'The Tithonus of poetry' 'The father of present poesy' His Tribute to the memory of Lord Byron Lord Byron's letters to See also ——, Mr., of Nottingham (Lord Byron's Latin tutor) Rokeby, Lord Byron's schoolfellow at Harrow Roman Catholic religion Romanelli, physician Rome, 'the wonderful' Finer than Greece Romeo and Juliet, the story of Rose, William Stewart, esq., his 'Animali' His 'Lines to Lord Byron' Rose glaciers 'Rose-water' Ross, Rev. Mr. (Lord Byron's tutor at Aberdeen) Rossini, his 'Otello' Roscoe, Mr Rossoe, Mr., story of Roufigny, Abbe de Rousseau, Jean Jacques, Lord Byron's resemblance to Comparison between Lord Byron and His marriage His 'Heloise' His 'Confessions' Force and accuracy of his descriptions Rowcroft, Mr Royston, Lord Byron's school-fellow at Harrow Rubens, his style Rushton, Robert (the 'little page' in Childe Harold) Lord Byron's letters to 'Ruminator,' the, by Sir Egerton Brydges Rusponi, Countess Russell, Lord John Rycaut, his 'History of the Turks' first drew Lord Byron's attention to the East See, also
St. Lambert, his imitation of Thomson Sanders, Mr., his portraits of Lord Byron 'Sappho,' of Grillparzer 'SARDANAPALUS,' outline of the Tragedy sketched Four acts completed The play finished A disparagement of it Sarrazin, General Satan, Lord Byron's opinion of his real appearance to the Creator 'Satirist' Scaligers, tomb of the Scamander Schiller, his 'Thirty years War' His 'Robbers' His 'Fiesco' His 'Ghost-seer' Schlegel, Frederick, his writings Anecdotes of 'School for Scandal' School of Homer, Lord Byron's visit to Scotland, the impressions on Lord Byron's mind by the mountain scenery of Lord Byron 'Half a Scot by birth and bred a whole one' 'A canny Scot till ten years' old' Scott, Sir Walter, his dog 'Maida' His 'Rokeby' The 'monarch of Parnassus' His 'Lives of the Novelists' His 'Waverley' His first acquaintance with Byron His 'Antiquary' His review of 'Childe Harold' in the Quarterly His 'Tales of my Landlord' 'The Ariosto of the North' The first British poet titled for his talent His 'Ivanhoe' His 'Monastery' His 'Abbot' His imitators The 'Scotch Fielding' His countenance His novels 'a new literature in themselves' His 'Kenilworth' His 'Life of Swift' Lord Byron's letters to See, also Scott, Mr., of Aberdeen ——, Mr. Alexander ——, Mr. John 'Scotticisms' Scriptures, Lord Byron's knowledge of the See, also, Bible 'Scourge,' proceedings against the, for a libel on Mrs. Byron Sculpture, the most artificial of the arts Its superiority to painting More poetical than nature Secheron Self-educated poets Sensibility Separation, miseries of Seraglio at Constantinople, description of Sestos Settle, Elkanah, his 'Emperor of Morocco' 'Seven before Thebes' Seville Seward, Anne, her 'Life of Darwin' 'Sexagenarian,' Beloe's 'Shah Nameh,' the Persian Iliad Shakspeare, his infelicitous marriage 'The worst of models' 'Will have his decline' Sharp, William (the engraver, and disciple of Joanna Southcote) Sharpe, Richard, esq. (the 'Conversationist') Sheil, Richard, esq. Sheldrake, Mr. Shelley, Percy Bysshe, esq., his 'Queen Mab' His portrait of Lord Byron Particulars concerning His visit to Lord Byron at Ravenna His praise of Don Juan Lord Byron's letters to His letters to Lord Byron See also ——, Mrs. Her 'Frankenstein' Lord Byron's letters to Shepherd, Rev. John, his letter enclosing his wife's prayer on Lord Byron's behalf Lord Byron's answer Sheridan, Right Hon. Richard Brinsley, anecdotes of And Colman compared His eloquence His conversation 'Whatever he did, was the best of its kind' Defence of His phoenix story 'MONODY on the Death of' 'Shipwreck,' Falconer's Shoel, Mr. Shreikhorn Shrewsbury, Earl of, his letter to Sir John Byron's grandson Siddons, Mrs., her performance of the character of Isabella Lord Byron's praise of Effect of her acting at Edinburgh An allusion to 'SIEGE OF CORINTH' Sigeum, Cape Simplon, the Sinclair, George, esq., 'the prodigy' of Harrow School Sirmium 'Sir Proteus,' a satirical ballad 'SKETCH,' a Skull-cup Slave trade Slavery Sligo, Marquis of His letter on the origin of the 'Giaour' Smart, Christopher Smith, Sir Henry ——, Horace, esq., his 'Horace in London' ——, Mrs. Spencer. See 'Florence.' ——, Miss (afterwards Mrs. Oscar Byrne), dancer Smyrna, Lord Byron's stay at Smythe, Professor Socrates Sonnets, 'the most puling, petrifying, stupidly platonic compositions,' Sorelli, his translation of Grillparzer's 'Sappho' Sotheby, William, esq., his tragedies his 'Ivan' accepted for Drury Lane Theatre similarity of a passage in 'Ivan' to one in the 'Corsair' a 'row' about 'Ivan' the AEschylus of the age his 'Orestes' See also Lord Byron's letters to Southcote, Joanna Southey, Robert, esq., LL.D., his person and manners His prose and poetry His 'Roderick' his 'Curse of Kehama' Lord Byron's intention to dedicate 'Don Juan' to him his 'Joan of Arc' would have been better in rhyme See also Southwell, Notts, Lord Byron's residence at Southwood, on the Divine Government SPEECHES IN PARLIAMENT, Lord Byron's Spence's Anecdotes (Singer's edition) Spencer, Dowager Lady ——, William, esq. ——, Countess Spenser, Edmund, his measure Staeel, Madame de, her essay against suicide Her 'De l'Allemagne' Her personal appearance Her death Notes written by Lord Byron in her 'Corinne' See also Stafford, Marquis of (now Duke of Sutherland) Stafford, Marchioness of (now Duchess of Sutherland) Stanhope, Hon. Col. Leicester, (now Earl of Harrington) his arrival in Greece to assist in effecting its liberation His 'Greece in 1823-1824' Lord Byron's letters to ——, Lady Hester, Lord Byron taken to task by Steele, Sir Richard Stella, Swift's Sterne, his affected sensibility Stephenson, Sir John Stockhorn Storm, aspect of one in the Archipelago 'STRAHAN, Tonson, Lintot of the times' Strangford, Lord, his 'Camoens' Strong, Mr., Lord Byron's school-fellow at Harrow Stuart, Sir Charles (now Lord Stuart de Rothsay) Suleyman, of Thebes 'Sunshiny day' Supernatural appearances Suppers lobster nights 'Sweet Florence, could another ever share' Swift, Dr. Jonathan Similarity between the character of Lord Byron and Gave away his copyrights His Stella and Vanessa Swoon, the sensation described Sylla Symplegades Switzerland and the Swiss
Taaffe, Mr. His 'Commentary on Dante' Tahiri, Dervise 'Tales of my Landlord' Tasso, an expert swordsman and dancer an example of filial tenderness his imprisonment his popularity in his lifetime remade the whole of his 'Jerusalem' his sensitiveness to public favour 'LAMENT of' Tattersall, Rev. John Cecil (Lord Byron's school acquaintance) Tavernier, the eastern traveller, his chateau at Aubonne Tavistock, Marquis of Taylor. John, esq., Lord Byron's letter to in respect of an allusion to Lady Byron in the 'Sun' newspaper Teeth Temple, Sir William, his opinion of poetry Tepaleen Terni, Falls of Terry, Daniel, comedian Theatricals, private, at Southwell Thirst 'This day of all our days has done' Thomas of Ercildoune Thompson, Mr. Thomson, James, the poet, his 'Seasons' would have been better in rhyme Thorwaldsen, the sculptor, his bust of Lord Byron 'THOUGH the day of my destiny's o'er' Thoun 'THROUGH life's dull road, so dim and dirty' Thurlow (Thomas Hovell Thurlow) second Lord Thyrza Tiberius Tiraboschi ''Tis done and shivering in the gale.' Lord Byron's stanzas to Mrs. Musters on leaving England Titian, his portrait of Ariosto His pictures at Florence Toderinus, his 'Storia della Letteratura Turchesca' Town life Townshend, Rev. George, his 'Armageddon' Travelling, Lord Byron's opinion of the advantages of Travis, the Venetian Jew Trelawney, Edward, esq. Troad, the Troy Authenticity of the tale of Tuite, Lady, her stanzas to Memory Tally's 'Tripoli' Turkey, women of Turner, W., esq., his 'Tour in the Levant' Twiss, Horace, esq. Tyranny
Ulissipont Unities, the Usurers
Vacca, Dr. Valentia, Lord (now Earl of Mountnorris) Valiere, Madame la 'VAMPIRE, The, a Fragment' Superstition Vanbrugh, his comedies Vanessa, Swift's 'Vanity of Human Wishes,' Johnson's Vascillie 'Vathek' 'VAULT REFLECTIONS' Velasquez Veli Pacha Venetian dialect Venice, the gondolas St. Mark's Theatres Women Carnival Morals and manners in Nobility of Riaito Manfrini palace Bridge of Sighs 'VENICE, Ode on' Venus de Medici, more for admiration than love Verona, how much Catullus, Claudian, and Shakspeare have done for it Amphitheatre of Juliet's tomb at Tombs of the Scaligers Versatility Vestris, Italian comedian Vevay Vicar of Wakefield Voltaire, gave away his copyrights D'Argenson's advice to Voluptuary Vondel, the Dutch Shakspeare Vostizza Vulgarity of style
Waite, Mr. (Lord Byron's dentist) Wales, Princess of (afterwards Queen Caroline) Wallace, the Scottish chief Wallace-nook Walpole, Sir Robert, his conversation at table 'WALTZ, THE; an Apostrophic Hymn' The authorship of it denied by Lord Byron Ward, Hon. John William (afterwards Earl of Dudley), his review of Horne Tooke's Life in the Quarterly His style of speaking Lord Byron's pun on His review of Fox's Correspondence Epigrams on Warren, Sir John Washington, George Waterloo, Lord Byron's verses on the battle of Wathen, Mr. Watier's club 'Waverley,' character of Way, William, esq. Webster, Sir Godfrey Webster, Wedderburn, esq. 'WEEP, daughter of a royal line' Wellesley, Sir Arthur. See Wellington ——, Richard, esq. Wellington, Duke of, 'the Scipio of our Hannibal' Wengen Alps Wentworth, Lord 'WERNER; or, THE INHERITANCE; a Tragedy' 'Werther,' Goethe's effects of Mad. de Staeel's character of West, Mr. (American artist), his conversations with Lord Byron Westall, Richard, esq.. R.A. Westminster Abbey Westmoreland, Lady Wetterhorn 'What matter the pangs' 'When man expelled from Eden's bowers' 'When Time, who steals our years away' Whigs 'Whistlecraft' Whitbread, Samuel, esq. 'The Demosthenes of bad taste' Whitby, Captain White, Henry Kirke, esq. ——, Lydia 'White Lady of Avenel' 'White Lady of Colalto' 'Who killed John Keats?' 'Why, how now, saucy Tom?' Wieland His history of 'Agathon' Resemblance between Byron and Wilberforce, William, esq., his style of speaking Personified by Sheridan Wildman, Thomas, esq. ——, Colonel, present proprietor of Newstead Wilkes, John, esq. Will, Lord Byron's His last Williams, Captain Williams, Mrs., the fortune-teller, her prediction concerning Byron Wilmot, Mrs., her tragedy Wilson, Professor Windham, Right Hon. William 'WINDSOR POETICS' Wingfield, Hon. John His death Women, society of Cannot write tragedy State of, under the ancient Greeks Woodhouselee, Lord, his opinion of Lord Byron's early poems Woolriche, Dr. Wordsworth, William, esq., Lord Byron's review of his early poems The allusion to His 'Excursion' His powers to do 'anything' Influence of his poetry on Lord Byron Never vulgar See also Wrangham, Rev. Francis Wright, Walter Rodwell, esq., his 'Horae Ionicae' Writers, tragic, generally mirthful persons
Yanina York, Duke of Young, Dr. E. Yussuff, Pacha Yverdun
Zitza Zograffo, Demetrius