[Footnote 3: No such person appears in the Catalogue of Graduates.]
Dr. Lettsom.
(Vol. in, p. 68.)
Boswell in an Ode to Mr. Charles Dilly, published in the Gent. Mag. for 1791, p. 367, says that Dr. Lettsom 'Refutes pert Priestley's nonsense.'
William Vachell.
(Vol. iii, p. 83, n. 3.)
Mr. George Parker of the Bodleian Library informs me that William Vachell had been tutor to Prince Esterhazy, and that for many years he held the appointment of 'Pumper,' or Lessee of the baths at Bath. In 1776 and 1777 he paid as rental for them to the Corporation L525. He died on November 26, 1789. According to Mr. Ivor Vachell (Notes and Queries, 6th S. vii. 327), it was his eldest son who signed the Round Robin.
Johnson and Baretti.
(Vol. iii, p. 96, n. 1.)
Baretti in his Tolondron, p. 145, gives an account of a difference between himself and Johnson. Johnson sent to ask him to call on him, but Baretti was leaving town. When he returned the time for a reconciliation had passed, for Johnson was dead.
English pulpit eloquence.
(Vol. iii, p. 248.)
'Upon the whole, which is preferable, the philosophic method of the English, or the rhetoric of the French preachers? The first (though less glorious) is certainly safer for the preacher. It is difficult for a man to make himself ridiculous, who proposes only to deliver plain sense on a subject he has thoroughly studied. But the instant he discovers the least pretensions towards the sublime or the pathetic, there is no medium; we must either admire or laugh; and there are so many various talents requisite to form the character of an orator that it is more than probable we shall laugh.' —Memoirs of Edward Gibbon, ed. 1827, i. 118.
Bishop Percy's communications to Boswell relative to Johnson.
(Vol. iii, p. 278, n. 1.)
"9 April, 1790.
"As to suppressing your Lordship's name when relating the very few anecdotes of Johnson with which you have favoured me, I will do anything to oblige your Lordship but that very thing. I owe to the authenticity of my work, to its respectability, and to the credit of my illustrious friends [? friend] to introduce as many names of eminent persons as I can... Believe me, my Lord, you are not the only bishop in the number of great men with which my pages are graced. I am quite resolute as to this matter." '—Nichols's Literary History, vii. 313.
Sir Thomas Brown's remark 'Do the devils lie? No; for then Hell could not subsist.'
(Vol. iii, p. 293.)
This remark, whether it is Brown's or not, may have been suggested by Milton's lines in Paradise Lost, ii. 496-9, or might have suggested them:—
'O shame to men! devil with devil damn'd Firm concord holds, men only disagree Of creatures rational.'
Johnson on the advantages of having a profession or business.
(Vol. iii, p. 309, n. 1.)
'Dr. Johnson was of opinion that the happiest as well as the most virtuous persons were to be found amongst those who united with a business or profession a love of literature.' —Seward's Biographiana, p. 599.
Johnson's trips to the country.
(Vol. iii, p. 453.)
I have omitted to mention Johnson's visit to 'Squire Dilly's mansion at Southill in June, 1781 (ante, iv. 118-132).
Citations of living authors in Johnson's Dictionary.
(Vol. iv, p. 4, n. 3.)
Johnson cites Irene under impostures, and Lord Lyttelton under twist.
Dr. Parrs evening with Dr. Johnson. (Vol. iv, p. 15.)
The Rev. John Rigaud, B.D., Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, has kindly sent me the following anecdote of the meeting of Johnson and Parr:—
'I remember Dr. Routh, the old President of Magdalen, telling me of an interview and conversation between Dr. Johnson and Dr. Parr, in the course of which the former made use of some expression respecting the latter, which considerably wounded and offended him. "Sir," he said to Dr. Johnson, "you know that what you have just said will be known in four-and-twenty hours over this vast metropolis." Upon which Dr. Johnson's manner altered, his eye became calm, and he put out his hand, and said, "Forgive me, Parr, I didn't quite mean it." "But," said the President, with an amused and amusing look, "I never could get him to tell me what it was Dr. Johnson had said!" He spoke of seeing Dr. Johnson going up the steps into University College, dressed, I think, in a snuff-coloured coat.'
Dr. Martin Joseph Routh, who was President of Magdalen College for sixty-four years, was born in 1755 and died on December 22, 1854.
'Solamen miseris socios habuisse doloris.'
(Vol. iv, p. 181, n. 3.)
Malone's note on The Rape of Lucrece must have been, not as I conjectured on line 1111, but on lines 1581-2:—
'It easeth some, though none it ever cured, To think their dolour others have endured.'
With these lines may be compared Satan's speech in Paradise Regained, Book i, lines 399-402:—
'Long since with woe Nearer acquainted, now I feel by proof, That fellowship in pain divides not smart, Nor lightens aught each man's peculiar load.'
Richard Baxter's rule of preaching.
(Vol. iv, p. 185.)
The Rev. J. Hamilton Davies [See ante, p. xlix.] has furnished me with the following extract from Reliquiae Baxterianae, ed. 1696, p. 93, in illustration of Johnson's statement:—
'And yet I did usually put in something in my Sermon which was above their own discovery, and which they had not known before; and this I did, that they might be kept humble, and still perceive their ignorance, and be willing to keep in a learning state. (For when Preachers tell their People of no more than they know, and do not shew that they excel them in knowledge, and easily overtop them in Abilities, the People will be tempted to turn Preachers themselves, and think that they have learnt all that the Ministers can teach them, and are as wise as they———). And this I did also to increase their knowledge; and also to make Religion pleasant to them, by a daily addition to their former Sight, and to draw them on with desire and Delight.'
Opposition to Sir Joshua Reynolds in the Royal Academy.
(Vol. iv, p. 219, n. 4.)
'Sir Joshua has been shamefully used by a junto of the Academicians. I live a great deal with him, and he is much better than you would suppose.' —Nichols's Literary History, vii. 313.
Richard Baxter on the possible salvation of a Suicide. (Vol. iv, p. 225.)
The Rev. J. Hamilton Davies writes to me that 'Dr. Johnson's quotation about suicide must surely be wrong. I have no recollection in any of Baxter's Works of such a statement, and it is in direct contradiction to all that is known of his sentiments. 'Mr. Davies sends me the following passage, which possibly Johnson might have very imperfectly remembered:—
'The commonest cause [of suicide] is melancholy, &c. Though there be much more hope of the salvation of such as want the use of their understandings, because so far it may be called involuntary, yet it is a very dreadful case, especially so far as reason remaineth in any power.' —Baxter's _Christian Directory, edited by Orme, part iv, p. 138.
Haslitt's report of Baxter's Sermon.
(Vol. iv, p. 226, n. 2.)
The Rev. J. Hamilton Davies tells me that he 'entirely disbelieves that Baxter said, "Hell was paved with infants' skulls." The same thing, or something very like it, has been said of Calvin, but I could never,' Mr. Davies continues, 'find it in his Works.' He kindly sends me the following extract from Reliquiae Baxterianae, ed. 1696, p. 24:—
'Once all the ignorant Rout were raging mad against me for preaching the Doctrine of Original Sin to them, and telling them that Infants before Regeneration had so much Guilt and Corruption, as made them loathsome in the Eyes of God: whereupon they vented it abroad in the Country, That I preached that God hated, or loathed Infants; so that they railed at me as I passed through the streets. The next Lord's Day, I cleared and confirmed it, and shewed them that if this were not true, their Infants had no need of Christ, of Baptism, or of Renewing by the Holy Ghost. And I asked them whether they durst say that their Children were saved without a Saviour, and were no Christians, and why they baptized them, with much more to that purpose, and afterwards they were ashamed and as mute as fishes.'
Johnson on an actor's transformation.
(Vol. iv, p. 244.)
Boswell in his Remarks on the Profession of a Player (Essay ii), first printed in the London Magazine for 1770, says:—
'I remember to have heard the most illustrious authour of this age say: "If, Sir, Garrick believes himself to be every character that he represents he is a madman, and ought to be confined. Nay, Sir, he is a villain, and ought to be hanged. If, for instance, he believes himself to be Macbeth he has committed murder, he is a vile assassin who, in violation of the laws of hospitality as well as of other principles, has imbrued his hands in the blood of his King while he was sleeping under his roof. If, Sir, he has really been that person in his own mind, he has in his own mind been as guilty as Macbeth." '—Nichols's Literary History, ed. 1848, vii. 373.
Sir John Flayer 'On the Asthma.'
(Vol. iv, p. 353.)
Johnson, writing from Ashbourne to Dr. Brocklesby on July 20, 1784, says: 'I am now looking into Floyer who lived with his asthma to almost his ninetieth year.' Mr. Samuel Timmins, the author of Dr. Johnson in Birmingham, informs me that he and two friends of his lately found in Lichfield a Lending Book of the Cathedral Library. Among the entries for 1784 was: 'Sir John Floyer on the Asthma, lent to Dr. Johnson.' Johnson, no doubt, had taken the book with him to Ashbourne.
Mr. Timmins says that the entries in this Lending Book unfortunately do not begin till about 1760 (or later). 'If,' he adds, 'the earlier Lending Book could be found, it would form a valuable clue to books which Johnson may have borrowed in his youth and early manhood.'
Boswell's expectations from Burke.
(Vol. iv, p. 223, n. 2; and p. 258, n. 2.)
Boswell, in May 1783, mentioned to Johnson his 'expectations from the interest of an eminent person then in power.' The two following extracts from letters written by him show what some of these expectations had been.
'JAMES BOSWELL, ESQ. TO JAMES ABERCROMBIE, ESQ., of Philadelphia. 'July 28,1793.
'I have a great wish to see America; and I once flattered myself that I should be sent thither in a station of some importance.' Nichols's Literary History, vii. 317.
Boswell had written to Burke on March 3, 1778: 'Most heartily do I rejoice that our present ministers have at last yielded to conciliation (ante, iii. 221). For amidst all the sanguinary zeal of my countrymen, I have professed myself a friend to our fellow-subjects in America, so far as they claim an exemption from being taxed by the representatives of the King's British subjects. I do not perfectly agree with you; for I deny the declaratory act, and I am a warm Tory in its true constitutional sense. I wish I were a commissioner, or one of the secretaries of the commission for the grand treaty. I am to be in London this spring, and if his Majesty should ask me what I would choose, my answer will be to assist at the compact between Britain and America.' —Burke's Correspondence, ii. 209.
Boswelf's intention to attend on Johnson in his illness, and to publish 'Praises' of him.
(Vol. iv, p. 265.)
'Edinburgh, 8 March, 1784.
"...I intend to be in London about the end of this month, chiefly to attend upon Dr. Johnson with respectful affection. He has for some time been very ill...I wish to publish as a regale [ante, iii. 308, n. 2; v. 347, n. 1] to him a neat little volume, The Praises of Dr. Johnson, by contemporary Writers. ...Will your Lordship take the trouble to send me a note of the writers you recollect having praised our much respected friend?...An edition of my pamphlet [ante, iv. 258] has been published in London."' —Nichols's Literary History, vii. 302.
The reported Russian version of the 'Rambler'.
(Vol. iv, p. 277, n. 1.)
I am informed by my friend, Mr. W. R. Morfill, M.A., of Oriel College, Oxford, who has, I suppose, no rival in this country in his knowledge of the Slavonic tongues, that no Russian translation of the Rambler has been published. He has given me the following title of the Russian version of Rasselas, which he has obtained for me through the kindness of Professor Grote, of the University of Warsaw:—
'Rasselas, printz Abissinskii, Vostochnaya Poviest Sochinenie Doktora Dzhonsona Perevod s'angliiskago. 3 chasti, Moskva. 1795.
'Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia, An Eastern Tale, by Doctor Johnson. Translated from the English. 2 parts, Moscow, 1795.'
'It has not wit enough to keep it sweet.'
(Vol. iv, p. 320.)
'Heylyn, in the Epistle to his Letter-Combate, addressing Baxter, and speaking of such "unsavoury pieces of wit and mischief" as "the Church-historian" asks, "Would you not have me rub them with a little salt to keep them sweet?" This passage was surely present in the mind of Dr. Johnson when he said concerning The Rehearsal that "it had not wit enough to keep it sweet."' —J. E. Bailey's Life of Thomas Fuller, p. 640.
Pictures of Johnson.
(Vol. iv, p. 421, n. 2.)
In the Common Room of Trinity College, Oxford, there is an interesting portrait of Johnson, said to be by Romney. I cannot, however, find any mention of it in the Life of that artist. It was presented to the College by Canon Duckworth.
The Gregory Family.
(Vol. v, p. 48, n. 3.)
Mr. P. J. Anderson (in Notes and Queries, 7th S. iii. 147) casts some doubt on Chalmers' statement. He gives a genealogical table of the Gregory family, which includes thirteen professors; but two of these cannot, from their dates, be reckoned among Chalmers' sixteen.
The University of St. Andrews in 1778.
(Vol. v, p. 63, n. 2.)
In the preface to Poems by George Monck Berkeley, it is recorded (p. cccxlviii) that when 'Mr. Berkeley entered at the University of St. Andrews [about 1778], one of the college officers called upon him to deposit a crown to pay for the windows he might break. Mr. Berkeley said, that as he should reside in his father's house, it was little likely he should break any windows, having never, that he remembered, broke one in his life. He was assured that he would do it at St. Andrews. On the rising of the session several of the students said, "Now for the windows. Come, it is time to set off, let us sally forth!" Mr. Berkeley, being called upon, enquired what was to be done? They replied, "Why, to break every window in college." "For what reason?" "Oh! no reason; but that it has always been done from time immemorial."' The Editor goes on to say that Mr. Berkeley prevailed on them to give up the practice. How poor some of the students were is shown by the following anecdote, told by the College Porter, who had to collect the crowns. 'I am just come,' he said, 'from a poor student indeed. I went for the window croon; he cried, begged, and prayed not to pay it, saying, "he brought but a croon to keep him all the session, and he had spent sixpence of it; so I have got only four and sixpence."' His father, a labourer, who owned three cows, 'had sold one to dress his son for the University, and put the lamented croon in his pocket to purchase coals. All the lower students study by fire-light. He had brought with him a large tub of oatmeal and a pot of salted butter, on which he was to subsist from Oct. 20 until May 20.' Berkeley raised 'a very noble subscription' for the poor fellow.
In another passage (p. cxcviii) it is recorded that Berkeley 'boasted to his father, "Well, Sir, idle as you may think me, I never have once bowed at any Professor's Lecture." An explanation being requested of the word bowing, it was thus given: "Why, if any poor fellow has been a little idle, and is not prepared to speak when called upon by the Professor, he gets up and makes a respectful-bow, and sits down again."' Berkeley was a grandson of Bishop Berkeley.
Johnson's unpublished sermons.
(Vol. v, p. 67, n. i.)
'June 11, 1792.
"I have not yet been able to discover any more of Johnson's sermons besides those left for publication by Dr. Taylor. I am informed by the Lord Bishop of Salisbury, that he gave an excellent one to a clergyman, who preached and published it in his own name on some public occasion. But the Bishop has not as yet told me the name, and seems unwilling to do it. Yet I flatter myself I shall get at it."' —Nichols's Literary History, vii. 315.
Tillotson's argument against the doctrine of transubstantiation.
(Vol. v, p. 71.)
Gibbon, writing of his reconversion from Roman Catholicism to Protestantism in the year 1754, after allowing something to the conversation of his Swiss tutor, says:—
'I must observe that it was principally effected by my private reflections; and I still remember my solitary transport at the discovery of a philosophical argument against the doctrine of transubstantiation— that the text of scripture which seems to inculcate the real presence is attested only by a single sense— our sight; while the real presence itself is disproved by three of our senses—the sight, the touch, and the taste.' —Memoirs of Edward Gibbon, ed. 1827, i. 67.
Jean Pierre de Crousaz.
(Vol. v, p. 80.)
Gibbon, describing his education at Lausanne, says:—'The principles of philosophy were associated with the examples of taste; and by a singular chance the book as well as the man which contributed the most effectually to my education has a stronger claim on my gratitude than on my admiration. M. de Crousaz, the adversary of Bayle and Pope, is not distinguished by lively fancy or profound reflection; and even in his own country, at the end of a few years, his name and writings are almost obliterated. But his philosophy had been formed in the school of Locke, his divinity in that of Limborch and Le Clerc; in a long and laborious life several generations of pupils were taught to think and even to write; his lessons rescued the Academy of Lausanne from Calvinistic prejudice; and he had the rare merit of diffusing a more liberal spirit among the clergy and people of the Pays de Vaud.' —Memoirs of Edward Gibbon, ed. 1827, i. 66.
The new pavement in London.
(Vol. v, p. 84, n. 3.)
'By an Act passed in 1766, For the better cleansing, paving, and enlightning the City of London and Liberties thereof, &c., powers are granted in pursuance of which the great streets have been paved with whyn-quarry stone, or rock-stone, or stone of a flat surface.' —A Tour through the whole Island of Great Britain, ed. 1769, vol. ii, p. 121.
Boswell's Projected Works.
(Vol. v, p. 91, n. 2.)
To this list should be added an account of a Tour to the Isle of Man (ante, iii. 80).
A cancel in the first edition of Boswell's 'Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides.'
(Vol. v, p. 151.)
In my note on the suppression of offensive passages in the second edition of Boswell's Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides (ante, v. 148), I mention that Rowlandson in one of his Caricatures paints Boswell begging Sir Alexander Macdonald for mercy, while on the ground lie pages 165, 167, torn out. I have discovered, though too late to mention in the proper place, that in the first edition the leaf containing pages 167, 168, was really cancelled. In my own copy I noticed between pages 168 and 169 a narrow projecting slip of paper. I found the same in the copy in the British Museum. Mr. Horace Hart, the printer to the University, who has kindly examined my copy, informs me that the leaf was cancelled after the sheets had been stitched together. It was cut out, but an edge was left to which the new one was attached by paste. The leaf thus treated begins with the words 'talked with very high respect' (ante, v. 149) and ends 'This day was little better than a blank' (ante, v. 151). This conclusion was perhaps meant to be significant to the observant reader.
Boswell's conversation with the King about the title proper to be given to the Young Pretender.
(Vol. v, p. 185, n. 4.)
Dr. Lort wrote to Bishop Percy on Aug. 15, 1785:—
'Boswell's book [The Tour to the Hebrides], I suppose, will be out in the winter. The King at his levee talked to him, as was natural, on this subject. Boswell told his majesty that he had another work on the anvil—a History of the Rebellion in 1745 (ante, iii. 162); but that he was at a loss how to style the principal person who figured in it. "How would you style him, Mr. Boswell?" "I was thinking, Sire, of calling him the grandson of the unfortunate James the Second." "That I have no objection to; my title to the Crown stands on firmer ground —on an Act of Parliament." This is said to be the substance of a conversation which passed at the levee. I wish I was certain of the exact words.' —Nichols's Literary History, vii. 472.
Shakespeare's popularity.
(Vol. v, p. 244, n. 2.)
Gibbon, after describing how he used to attend Voltaire's private theatre at Monrepos in 1757 and 1758, continues:—
'The habits of pleasure fortified my taste for the French theatre, and that taste has perhaps abated my idolatry for the gigantic genius of Shakespeare, which is inculcated from our infancy as the first duty of an Englishman.' —Memoirs of Edward Gibbon, ed. 1837, i. 90.
Archibald Campbell.
(Vol. v, p. 357.)
Mr. C. E. Doble informs me that in the Bodleian Library 'there is a characteristic letter of Archibald Campbell in a Life of Francis Lee in Rawlinson, J., 4to. 2. 197; and also a skeleton life of him in Rawlinson, J., 4to. 5. 301.'
Cocoa Tree Club.
(Vol. v, p. 386, n. 1.)
Gibbon records in his Journal on November 24, 1762, a visit to the Cocoa Tree Club:—
'That respectable body, of which I have the honour of being a member, affords every evening a sight truly English. Twenty or thirty, perhaps, of the first men in the kingdom in point of fashion and fortune, supping at little tables covered with a napkin, in the middle of a coffee-room, upon a bit of cold meat or a sandwich, and drinking a glass of punch. At present we are full of king's counsellors and lords of the bed-chamber, who, having jumped into the ministry, make a very singular medley of their old principles and language with their modern ones.' —Memoirs of Edward Gibbon, ed. 1827, i. 131.
Johnson's use of the word 'big'.
(Vol. v, p. 425.)
On volume i, page 471, Johnson says: 'Don't, Sir, accustom yourself to use big words for little matters.'
Atlas, the Duke of Devonshire's race-horse.
(Vol. v, p. 429.)
Johnson, in his Diary of a Journey into North Wales, records on July 12, 1774:—
'At Chatsworth..., Atlas, fifteen hands inch and half.'
Mr. Duppa in a note on this, says: 'A race-horse, which attracted so much of Dr. Johnson's attention, that he said, "of all the Duke's possessions I like Atlas best."'
Thomas Holcroft, who in childhood wandered far and wide with his father, a pedlar, was at Nottingham during the race-week of the year 1756 or 1757, and saw in its youth the horse which Johnson so much admired in its old age. He says: 'The great and glorious part which Nottingham held in the annals of racing this year, arose from the prize of the King's plate, which was to be contended for by the two horses which everybody I heard speak considered as undoubtedly the best in England, and perhaps equal to any that had ever been known, Childers alone excepted. Their names were Careless and Atlas.....There was a story in circulation that Atlas, on account of his size and clumsiness, had been banished to the cart-breed; till by some accident, either of playfulness or fright, several of them started together; and his vast advantage in speed happening to be noticed, he was restored to his blood companions.....Alas for the men of Nottingham, Careless was conquered. I forget whether it was at two or three heats, but there was many an empty purse on that night, and many a sorrowful heart.' —Memoirs of Thomas Holcroft, i. 70.
Sir Richard Clough.
(Vol. v, p. 436.)
There is an interesting note on Sir Richard Clough, the founder of Bach y Graig, in Professor Rhys's edition of Pennant's Tours in Wales (vol. ii, p. 137). The Professor writes to me:—
'Sir Richard Clough's wealth was so great that it became a saying of the people in North Wales that a man who grew very wealthy was or had become a Clough. This has long been forgotten; but it is still said in Welsh, in North Wales, that a very rich man is a regular clwch, which is pronounced with the guttural spirant, which was then (in the 16th century) sounded in English, just as the English word draught (of drink) is in Welsh dracht pronounced nearly as if it were German.'
Evan Evans.
(Vol. v, p. 443.)
Evan Evans, who is described as being 'incorrigibly addicted to strong drink,' was Curate of Llanvair Talyhaern, in Denbighshire, and author of Some Specimens of the Poetry of Antient Welsh Bards translated into English. London, R. & J. Dodsley, 1764. My friend Mr. Morfill informs me that he remembers to have seen it stated in a manuscript note in a book in the Bodleian, that 'Evan Evans would have written much more if he had not been so much given up to the bottle.'
Gray thus mentions Evan Evans in a letter to Dr. Wharton, written in July, 1760:—
'The Welsh Poets are also coming to light. I have seen a discourse in MS. about them (by one Mr. Evans, a clergyman) with specimens of their writings. This is in Latin; and though it don't approach the other [Macpherson], there are fine scraps among it.' —The Works of Thomas Gray, ed. by the Rev. John Mitford. London, 1858, vol. iii, p. 250.
ABERCROMBIE, James, lxii, lxvi. ADDENBROKE, Dean, xxxiv. ATLAS, the race-horse, lxix, lxx.
BARCLAY'S Answer to Kenrick's Review of Johnson's Shakespeare, xlviii. BARETTI, Joseph, lvii. BASKETT, Mr., xxxii. BATHURST, Dr., Proposal for a Geographical Dictionary, xxi. BAXTER, Richard, on toleration, xlix; his doubt, liv; rule of preaching, lx; on the possible salvation of a suicide, lx; on the portion of babies who die unbaptized, lxi. BERKELEY, Dr., xlix. BERKELEY, George Monck, lxv. Big, lxix. BOSWELL, James, Bishop Percy's Communications, lvii; Johnson in his last illness, and to publish 'praises' of him, lxiii; Lurgan Clanbrassil, li; projected works, lxvii; Remarks on the profession of a player, lxi; visit to Rousseau and Voltaire, xlvi. BROWNE, Sir Thomas, lviii. BROWNING, Mr. Robert, lii. BURKE, Edmund, lxii.
CAMDEN, Lord, xlix. CAMPBELL, Archibald, lxix. 'CAUTION' money, xxxii. CLARENDON, Edward, Earl of, l. CLARENDON PRESS, xxxii. CLOUGH, Sir Richard, lxx. COCOA TREE CLUB, lxix. CROUSAZ, Jean Pierre de, lxvi.
DAVENPORT, William, xxxv. DAVIES, Rev. J. Hamilton, xlix, liv, lx, lxi. DODSLEY, Robert, xxvi. Don Belianis, xli.
ENGLAND barren in good historians, xlix. ENGLISH pulpit eloquence, lvii. EVANS, Evan, lxxi. EYRE, Mr., xxxii.
Farm and its Inhabitants, xlii, liii. Felixmarte of Hircania, xli. FLOYER, Sir John, lxii. FOUNDLING HOSPITAL, l. FRANKING LETTERS, xxxvii. FREDERICK II. OF PRUSSIA, xlvi.
FRENCH WRITERS, their superficiality, xlvii. FULLER, Thomas, Life, lxiv.
GARRICK, David, xli, xlv, lxi. GIBBON, Edward, xlvii, lvii, lxvi, lxviii, lxix. GOUGH, Richard, xxxiv. GRAY, Thomas, lxxi. GREGORY FAMILY, lxiv.
HARINGTON'S Nugae Antiqua, xxxv. HAZLITT, William, lxi. History of the Marchioness de Pompadour, xxix. HOLCROFT, Thomas, lxx. HUME, David, xlv.
'IT has not wit enough to keep it sweet,' lxiv.
JOHNSON, Michael, xl. JOHNSON, Mr., a bookseller, xxix. JOHNSON, Mrs., xliii. JOHNSON, Samuel, advantages of having a profession or business, lviii; advice about studying, xxxii; anonymous publications, xxix; application for the mastership of Solihull School, xliv; citation of living authors in the Dictionary, lviii; critics of three classes, xlv; difference with Baretti, lvii; discussion on baptism with Mr. Lloyd, liii; knowledge of Italian, xliv; Letters to William Strahan: Apology about some work that was passing through the press, xxv; apprenticing a lad to Mr. Strahan, and a presentation to the Blue Coat School, xxxv; Bathurst's projected Geographical Dictionary, xxi; cancel in the Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, xxxiii; 'copy' and a book by Professor Watson, xxxvii; George Strahan's election to a scholarship, xxx; Miss Williams, taxes due, and a journey, xxvii; printing the Dictionary, xxv-xxviii; Rasselas, xxviii; Suppressions in Taxation no Tyranny, xxxvi; letter to Dr. Taylor, xxxviii; portraits, lxiv; public interest in him, xlviii; romantic virtue, xlviii; transformation of an actor, lxi; trips to the country, lviii; unpublished sermons, lxvi; use of the word big, lxix. JONES, Sir William, xxxi.
KENRICK, Dr. William xlviii.
LANGLEY, Rev. W., xxxv. LETTSOM Dr., lvi LICHFIELD, Cathedral, xxxiv; City, and County, xl; described by C. P. Moritz, liv. LLOYD, Olivia, xlii. LLOYD, Sampson, xlii, liii. LOCKE, John, 1. LONDON PAVEMENT, lxvii. LORT, Dr., lxviii.
MASON, Rev. William, xxxix. MAUD, Rev. Mr., lv. MILLAR, Andrew, xxv, xxviii. MITCHELL, Andrew, xlvi. MORITZ, C. P., Travels in England in 1782, liv, lv. MORRISON'S, Mr. Alfred, Collection of Autographs, xxxviii, li.
NEWTON, Bishop Thomas, xxxiv.
OXFORD The proposed Riding School, l; in 1782, lv; University College, xxx.
Palmerin of England, xli. PARR, Dr., lix. PERCY, Bishop, xlviii, lvii. PIOZZI'S, Mrs., 'Collection of Johnson's Letters,' xlviii. PLANTA, Joseph, 1. PORTEOUS, Captain, xxvii. PORTER, Henry, xliii. PRETENDER, Young, lxviii. PRIESTLEY, Dr. Joseph, lvi.
Rambler, reported Russian version, lxiii. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua, lx. ROBERTSON, Dr. William, xxxvii. ROUSSEAU, J. J., xlvi. ROUTH, Dr., lix. RUDD, Mrs., lii.
SCOTCH Nationality, xlix. SHAKESPEARE'S Popularity, lxviii. SHAW, Rev. Mr., xxxvii. SHEPHERD, Mr. R. H., xlv. SIMPSON, Rev. W. Sparrow, xxxiv. SMART, Christopher, lii. Solamen miseris socios habuisse doloris, lix. ST. ANDREWS UNIVERSITY, lxv. STEWART, Francis, xxvi. STRAHAN, George, xxx. STRAHAN, William, xxi, xxvi, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxvi, xxxviii. SYNOD OF COOKS, xlvii.
TAYLOR, Dr. John, xxxviii. TAYLOR, John, of Birmingham, xlii. THRALE, Henry, xxxviii. TILLOTSON, Archbishop, lxvi.
VACHELL, William, lvi. VOLTAIRE, xlvi, lxviii.
Walfords Antiquarian, xlv.
WATSON, Rev. Professor, xxxvii. WHITEHEAD, William, xxxix. WILKES, John, xlv. WILLIAMS, Miss, xxvii.
ABBREVIATING NAMES, Johnson's habit of, ii. 258, n. 1. ABEL DRUGGER, iii. 35. ABERCROMBIE, James, ii. 206, 241, n. 3. ABERDEEN, second Earl of, v. 130. ABERNETHY, Dr., iv. 272, n. 4. ABERNETHY, Rev. John, v. 68. ABINGDON, fourth Earl of, iii. 435, n. 4. ABINGTON, Mrs., her jelly, ii. 349; Johnson at her benefit, ii. 321, 324, 330; She Stoops to Conquer, ii. 208, n. 5. ABJURATION, oath of, ii. 321, n. 4. ABNEY, Sir Thomas, i. 493, n. 3. ABREU, Marquis of, i. 353. ABRIDGMENTS, defended by Johnson, i. 140, n. 5; iv. 381, n. 1; like a cow's calf, v. 72. ABROAD, advice to people going, iv. 332. ABRUPTNESS, i. 403. ABSOLUTE PRINCES, ii. 370. ABSTEMIOUS, Johnson, not temperate, i. 468. ABSURDITIES, delineating, iv. 17. ABUD,——, v. 253, n. 3. ABUSE, coarse and refined, iv. 297. Abyssinia, A Voyage to, i. 86. Academia delta Crusca, i. 298, 443. Academy, Mr. Doble's notes on the authorship of The Whole Duty of Man, ii. 239, n. 4. Accommodate, v. 310, n. 3. Account of an Attempt to ascertain the Longitude, i. 274, n. 2, 301, 303, n. 1; ii. 125, n. 4. Account of the late Revolution in Sweden, iii. 284. Account of Scotland in 1702, iii. 242. ACCOUNT-KEEPING, iv. 177. ACCURACY, requires immediate record, ii. 217, n. 4; and vigilance, iv. 361; needful in delineating absurdities, iv. 17; Johnson's sayings not accurately reported, ii. 333. See BOSWELL, authenticity. ACHAM, v. 454, n. 2. ACHILLES, shield of, iv. 33. Acid, ii. 362. Acis and Galatea, iii. 242, n. 2. ACQUAINTANCE, should be varied, iv. 176; making new, iv. 374. ACTING, iv. 243-4; v. 38. ACTION IN SPEAKING, ridiculed, i. 334; useful only in addressing brutes, ii. 211. ACTORS. See PLAYERS. Ad Lauram parituram Epigramma, i. 157. Ad Ricardum Savage, i. 162, n. 3. Ad Urbanum, i. 113. ADAM, Robert, Works in Architecture, iii. 161. ADAMITES, ii. 251. ADAMS, George, Treatise on the Globes, ii. 44. ADAMS, John, the American envoy, ii. 40, n. 4. ADAMS, Rev. William, D.D., Boswell, letter to, i. 8; everlasting punishment, on, iv. 299; Hume, answers, i. 8, n. 2; ii. 441; iv. 377, n. a; dines with him, ii. 441; Johnson awed by him, i. 74; and Boswell visit him in 1776, ii. 441; in June, 1784, iv. 285; well-treated, iv. 311; and Chesterfield, i. 265-6; and Dr. Clarke, iv. 416, n. 2; Dictionary, i. 186; hypochondria, i. 483; last visit, iv. 376; nominal tutor, i. 79; Prayers and Meditations, iv. 376, n. 4; projected book of family prayers, 293; and Dr. Price, iv. 434; projected Bibliotheque, i. 284; projected Life of Alfred, i. 177; undergraduate days, i. 26, n. l, 57, 59, 73; ii. 441; will, not mentioned, in, iv. 402, n. 2; Master of Pembroke College, v. 455, n. 2; rector of St. Chad's, Shrewsbury, v. 455; mentioned, i. 133, 134; v. 122, n. 2. ADAMS, Mrs., iv. 285, 300. ADAMS, Miss, defends women against Johnson, iv. 291; describes him in letters, iv. 151, n. 2, 305, n. 1; his death, iv. 376, n. 2; his gallantry, iv. 292; mentioned, iv. 285. ADAMS, William, founder of Newport School, i. 132, n, 1. ADAMS, the brothers, the architects, ii. 325. ADBASTON, i. 132, n. 1. ADDISON, Bonn's edition, iv. 190, n. 1; borrows out of modesty, v. 92, n. 4; Boswell's projected work, i. 225, n. 2; Budgell's papers in the Spectator, iii. 46; Epilogue to The Distressed Mother, ib.; Cato, Dennis criticises it, iii. 40, n. 2; Johnson, i. 199, n. 2; Parson Adams praises it, i. 491, n. 3; Prologue, i. 30, n. 2; eight quotations added to the language, i. 199, n. 2; quotations from it, 'Honour's a sacred tie,' v. 82; 'Indifferent in his choice,' iii. 68, n. 1; The Numidian's luxury, iii. 282; 'obscurely good,' iv. 138, n. 1; 'Painful pre-eminence,' iii. 82, n. 2; 'the Romans call it Stoicism,' i. 333; 'Smothered in the dusty whirlwind,' v. 291; 'This must end 'em,' ii. 54, n. 2; Christian religion, defence of the, v. 89, '2. 7; conversation, ii. 256; iii. 339; death of a piece with a man's life, v. 397, n. 1; death-bed described by H. Walpole, v. 269, n. 2; dedication of Rosamond, v. 376, n. 3; encouraged a man in his absurdity, v. 243; English historians, ii. 236, n. 2; familiar day, his, iv. 91, n. 1; Freeholder, i. 344, n. 4; ii. 61, n. 4, 319, n. 1; Freeport, Sir Andrew, ii. 212; v. 328; French learning, v. 310; general knowledge in his time rare, iv. 217, n. 4; ghosts, iv. 95; Italian learning, ii. 346; v. 310; Johnson praises him, i. 425; judgment of the public, i. 200, n. 2; Latin verses, i. 61, n. 1; Leandro Alberti, ii. 346; Life by Johnson, iv. 52-4; 'mixed wit,' i. 179, n. 3; Newton on space, v. 287, n. 1; 'nine-pence in ready money,' ii. 256; notanda, i. 204; party-lying, ii. 188, n. 2; Pope's lines on him, ii. 85; procerity, i. 308; prose, iv. 5, n. 2; Remarks on Italy, ii. 346; v. 310; Socrates, projected tragedy on, v. 89, n. 7; Spectator, his half of the, iii. 33; dexterity rewarded by a king, iii. 231; knotting, iii. 242, n. 3; pamphleteer, iii. 319, n. 1; portrait of a clergyman, iv. 76; preacher in a country town, iv. 185, n. 1; Sir Roger de Coverley's incipient madness, i. 63, n. 2; ii. 371; death, ii. 370; story of the widow, ii. 371; Thames ribaldry, iv. 26; The Old Man's Wish sung to him, iv. 19, n. 1; Stavo bene &c., ii. 346; Steele, loan to, iv. 52, 91; style, i. 224, 225, n. 1; Swift, compared with, v. 44; wine, love of, i. 359; iii. 155; iv. 53, 398: v. 269, n. 2; warm with wine when he wrote Spectators, iv. 91. Address of the Painters to George III, i. 352. Address to the Throne, i. 321. ADDRESSES TO THE CROWN IN 1784, i. 311; iv. 265. ADELPHI, built by the Adams, ii. 325, n, 3; Beauclerk's 'box,' ii. 378, n. 1; iv. 99; Boswell and Johnson at the rails, iv. 99; Garrick's house, iv. 96. ADEY, Miss, i. 38, 466; iii. 412; iv. 142. ADEY, Mrs., ii. 388; iii. 393. ADMIRATION, ii. 360. ADOPTION, ancient mode of, i. 254. Adriani morientis ad animam suam, iii. 420, n. 2. ADULTERY, comparative guilt of a husband and wife, ii. 56; iii. 406; confusion of property caused by it, ii. 55. ADVENT-SUNDAY, ii. 288. Adventurer, started by Hawkesworth, i. 234; contributors, i. 252, n. 2, 253-4; v. 238; Johnson's contributions, i. 252-5; his love of London, i. 320; papers marked T., i. 207. Adventures of a Guinea, v. 275. Adversaria, Johnson's, i. 205. ADVERSARIES. See ANTAGONISTS. Advice to the Grub-Street Verse-Writers, i. 143, n. 1. ADVISERS, the common deficiency of, iii. 363. agri Ephemeris, iv. 381. AESCHYLUS, Darius's shade, iv. 16, n. 2; Potter's translation, iii. 256. asop at Play, iii. 191. AFFAIRS, managing one's, iv. 87. AFFECTATION, distress, of, iv. 71; dying, in, v. 397; familiarity with the great, of, iv. 62; rant of a parent, iii. 149; silence and talkativeness, iii. 261; studied behaviour, i. 470; bursts of admiration, iv. 27. See SINGULARITY. AFFECTION, descends, iii. 390; natural, ii. 101; iv. 210; AGAMEMNON, v. 79, 82, n. 4. AGAR, Welbore Ellis, iii. 118, n. 3. AGE, old. See OLD AGE. AGE, present, better than previous ones, ii. 341, n. 3; except in reverence for government, iii. 3; and authority, iii. 262; not worse, iv. 288; querulous declamations against, iii. 226. Agis, Home's, v. 204, n. 6. Agriculture, Memoirs of, by R. Dossie, iv. 11. AGUTTER, Rev. William, iv. 286, n. 3, 298, n. 2, 422. AIKIN, Miss. See BARBAULD, Mrs. AIR, new kinds of, iv. 237. AIR-BATH, iii. 168. AJACCIO, i. 119, n. 1. AKENSIDE, Mark, M.D., Gray and Mason, superior to, iii. 32; Life, by Johnson, iv. 56; medicine, defence of, iii. 22, n, 4; Odes, ii. 164; Pleasures of the Imagination, i. 359; ii. 164; Rolt's impudent claim, i. 359; Townshend, friendship with, iii. 3. AKERMAN,—, Keeper of Newgate, Boswell's esteemed friend, iii. 431; courage at the Gordon riots, and at an earlier fire, ib.; praised by Burke and Johnson, iii. 433; profits of his office, iii. 431, n 1. mentioned, iii. 145. ALBEMARLE, Lord, Memoirs of Rockingham, iii. 460; v. 113, n. 1. ALBERTI, LEANDRO, ii. 346; v. 310 Albin and the Daughter of Mey, v. 171. ALCHYMY, ii. 376. Alciat's Emblems, ii. 290. n. 4. ALCIBIADES, his dog, iii. 231; alluded to by William Scott, iii. 267. ALDRICH, Dean, ii. 187, n. 3. ALDRICH, Rev. S., i. 407, n. 3. ALEPPO, iii. 369; iv. 22. ALEXANDER THE GREAT, i. 250; ii. 194; iv. 274. Alexandreis, iv. 181, n. 3. ALFRED, Life, i. 177; will, iv. 133, n. 2. Alias, iv. 217. ALKERINGTON, iv. 335, n. 1. All for Love, iv. 114, n. 1. ALLEN, Edmund, the printer, dinner at his house, i. 470; Dodd, kindness to, iii. 141, 145; Johnson's birth-day dinners, at, iii. 157, n. 3; iv. 135, n. 1, 239, n. 2; imitated, iii. 269-270; iv. 92; landlord and friend, iii. 141, 269; letter from, iv. 228; loan to, i. 5l2, n. 1; pretended brother, exposes, v. 295; grieves at his death, iv. 354, 360, 366, 369, 379. Marshall's Minutes of Agriculture, iii. 313; Smart's contract with Gardner, ii. 345; mentioned, iii. 380. ALLEN, Ralph, account of him, v. 80, n. 5; Warburton married his niece, ii. 37, n. 1. ALLEN, H., of Magdalen Hall, i. 336. ALLEN, ——, i. 36, n. 2. ALLESTREE, Richard, ii. 239, n. 4. ALMACK'S, iii. 23, n. 1. ALMANAC, history no better than an, ii. 366. ALMON'S Memoirs of John Wilkes, i. 349, n. 1. Almost nothing, ii. 446, n. 3; iii. 154, n. 1. ALMS-GIVING, Fielding, condemned by, ii. 119, n. 4, 212, n. 2; Johnson's practice, ii. 119; ib. n. 4; money generally wasted, iv. 3; better laid out in luxury, iii. 56; Whigs, condemned by true, ii, 212. ALNWICK CASTLE, Johnson, visited by, iii. 272, n. 3; Pennant, described by, iii. 272-3; mentioned, iv. 117, n. 1. ALONSO THE WISE, ii. 238, n. 1. ALTHORP, Lord (second Earl Spencer), iii. 424. ALTHORP, Lord (third Earl Spencer), iii. 424, n. 4. AMBASSADOR, a foreign, iii. 410; Wotton's, Sir H., definition, ii. 170, n. 3. AMBITION, iii. 39. Amelia. See FIELDING. AMENDMENTS OF A SENTENCE, iv. 38. AMERICA; Beresford, Mrs., an American lady, iv. 283; Boston Port Bill, ii. 294, n. 1; Burgoyne's surrender, iii. 355, n. 3; Carolina library, i. 309, n. 2; Chesapeak, iv. 140, n. 2. City address to the King in 1781, iv. 139, n. 4; Clinton, Sir Henry, iv. 140, n. 2; Concord, iii. 314, n. 6; Congress, ii. 312, 409, 479; Constitutional Society, subscription raised by the, iii. 314, n. 6; Convict settlements, ii. 312, n. 3; Cornwallis's capitulation, iii. 355, n. 3; iv. 140, n. 2; discovery of, i. 455, n. 3; ii. 479; dominion lost, iv. 260, n. 2; emigration to it an immersion in barbarism, v. 78: See Emigration, and Scotland, emigration; English opposition to the American war, iv. 81; France, assistance from, iv. 21; Franklin's letter to W. Strahan, iii. 364, n. 1: See Dr. Franklin; Georgia, i. 90, n. 3, 127, n. 4; v. 299; Hume's opinion of the war, iii. 46, n. 5; iv. 194, n. 1; independence, chimerical, i. 309, n. 2; influence on mankind, i. 309, n. 2; Irish Protestants well-wishers to the rebellion, iii. 408, n. 4; Johnson 'avoids the rebellious land,' iii. 435, n. 4; feelings towards the Americans, ii. 478-480; iii. 200-1; iv. 283; calls them a 'race of convicts,' ii. 312; 'wild rant,' ii. 315, n. 1; iii. 290; abuse, 315; parody of Burke on American taxation, iv. 318; Patriot, ii. 286; relicks of, in America, ii. 207; Taxation no Tyranny, ii. 312; Lee, Arthur, agent in England, iii. 68, n. 3; Lexington, iii. 314, n. 6; libels in 1784, i. 116, n. 1; life in the wilds, ii. 228; literature gaining ground, i. 309, n. 2; Loudoun, Lord, General in America, v. 372, n. 3; Mansfield, Lord, approves of burning their houses, iii. 429, n. 1; Markham's, Archbishop, sermon, v. 36, n. 3; money sent to the English army, iv. 104; New England, iv. 358, n. 2; v. 317; North's, Lord, conciliatory propositions, iii. 221; objects for observation, i. 367; peace, negotiations of, iv. 158, n. 4; preliminary treaty of, iv. 282, n. 1; Pennsylvania, ii. 207, n. 2; Philadelphia, i. 309, n. 2; iii. 364, n. 1; iv. 212, n. 1; planters, ii. 27; population, growth of, ii. 314; Rasselas, reprint of, ii. 207; Saratoga, iii. 355, n. 3; slavery, England guilty of, ii. 479; Susquehannah, v. 317; taxation by England, ii. 312; iii. 205-7, 221; iv. 259, n. 1; Virginia, ii. 27, n. 1; 479; war with America popular in Scotland, iv. 259, n. 1; war with the French in 1756-7, i. 308, n. 2; ii. 479; iii. 9, n. 1; Walpole, Horace, on the slaveholders, iii. 200, n. 4; Wesley's Calm Address, v. 35, n. 3; York Town, iv. 140, n. 2. AMHERST, Lord, iii. 374, n. 3. AMIENS, ii. 402, n. 2. AMORY, Dr. Thomas, iii. 174, n. 3. AMUSEMENTS, key to character, iv. 316; public, keep people from vice, ii. 169. AMWELL, ii. 338. AMYAT, Dr., i. 377, n. 2. Ana, v. 311, n. 2, 414. ANACREON, Baxter's edition, iv. 163, 241, 265; v. 376; mentioned, ii. 202. ANAITIS, the Goddess, v. 218, 220, 224. Anatomy of Melancholy, ii. 121. ANCESTRY, ii. 153, 261. ANCIENT TIMES worse than Modern, iv. 217. ANCIENTS, not serious in religion, iii. 10. ANDERDON, J. L., iii. 195, n. 1. ANDERSON, John, Nachrichten von Island, iii. 279, n. 1. ANDERSON, Professor, of Glasgow, iii. 119; v. 369, 370. ANDREWS, Francis, i. 489. Anecdote, ii. 11, n. 1. ANECDOTES, Johnson's love of, ii. 11; v. 39. Anecdotes of distinguished persons, iii. 123, n. 1. Anfractuosity, iv. 4. ANGEL, Captain, i. 349. ANGELL, John, Stenography, ii. 224; iii. 270. ANGER, unreasonable, but natural, ii. 377. ANIMAL, noblest, v. 400. ANIMAL SUBSTANCES, v. 216. ANIMALS. See BRUTES. Animus Aequus, not inheritable, v. 381. Animus irritandi, iv. 130. Aningait and Ajut, iv. 421, n. 2. Annals of Scotland. See LORD HAILES. ANNE, Queen, 'touches' Johnson, i. 42; grant to the Synod of Argyle, iii. 133; writers of her age, i. 425. ANNIHILATION, Hume's principle, iii. 153; worse than existence in pain, 295-6; v. 180. ANNUAL REGISTER, Barnard's verses on Johnson, iv. 431-3. ANONYMOUS WRITINGS, iii. 376. ANSON, Lord, i. 117, n. 2; iii. 374. ANSTEY, Christopher, New Bath Guide, i. 388, n. 3. ANSTRUTHER, J., ii. 191, n. 2. Ant, The, ii. 25. ANTAGONISTS, how they should be treated, ii. 442; v. 29. Anthologia, Johnson's translations, iv. 384. Anti-Artemonius, i. 148, n. 1. Antigallican, i. 320. ANTIMOSAICAL REMARK, ii. 468. Antiquae Linguae: Britannicae Thesaurus, i. 186, n. 3. ANTIQUARIAN RESEARCHES, iii. 333, 414. ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY, iv. 436. ANTIQUARIANS, iii. 278. Apartment, ii. 398, n. 1. APELLES'S VENUS, iv. 104. APICIUS, ii. 447. Apocrypha, ii. 189, n. 3. Apollonii pugna Belricia, ii. 263. APOLLONIUS RHODIUS, i. 289. Apophthegms of Johnson, i. 190, n. 4; iv. 324. APOSTOLICAL ORDINATION, ii. 103. Apotheosis of Milton, i. 140. APPARITIONS. See SPIRITS. Appeal to the publick, etc. i. 140. APPETITE, riding for an, i. 467, n. 2. APPIUS, in the Cato Major, iv. 374. APPLAUSE, iv. 32. APPLE DUMPLINGS, ii. 132. APPLEBY SCHOOL, in Leicestershire, i. 82, n. 2; 132, n. 1. APPLICATION, to one thing more than another, v. 34-5. APPREHENSIONS. See FANCIES. ARABIC, iv. 28. ARABS, v. 125. ARBUTHNOT, Dr. John, Dunciad, annotations on the, iv. 306, n. 3; History of John Bull, i. 452, n. 2; v. 44, n. 4; illustrious physician, an, ii. 372; Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus, i. 452, n. 2; v. 44, n. 4; universal genius, i. 425; v. 29, n. 2; superior to Swift in coarse humour, v. 44. ARBUTHNOT, Robert, v. 29, 32. Archaeological Dictionary, iv. 162. ARCHBISHOP, Johnson's bow to an, iv. 198. ARCHES, semicircular, and elliptical, i. 35l. ARCHITECTURE, ornamental, ii. 439. ARESKINE, Sir John, v. 293. ARGENSON,—, ii. 391. ARGONAUTS, i. 458. ARGUING, good-humour in, iii. 11. ARGUMENT, compared with testimony, iv. 281-2; getting the better of people in one, ii. 474; opponent, introducing one's, ii. 475. ARGYLE, first Marquis of, v. 357, n. 3. ARGYLE, ninth Earl of, v. 357, n. 3. ARGYLE, tenth Earl (first Duke) of, v. 227, n. 4. ARGYLE, John, second Duke of, Beggar's Opera, sees the, ii. 369, n. 1; Elwall, challenged by, ii. 164, n. 5; Walpole as sole minister, attacks, ii. 355, n. 2. ARGYLE, Archibald, third Duke of, librarian, neglects his, i. 187; a narrow man, v. 345; Wilkes visits him, iii. 73. ARGYLE, John, fifth Duke of, at Ashbourne, iii. 207, n. 1; Boswell calls on him, v. 353-4; estates in Col. v. 293; Tyr-yi, v. 312; Iona, v. 335; Gordon riots, rumour about him at the, iii. 430, n. 6; Johnson dines with him, v. 355-9; is provided by him with a horse, v. 359, 362; corresponds with him, v. 363-4; lawsuit with Sir A. Maclean, ii. 380, n. 4; iii. 101, 102. ARGYLE, Duchess of (in 1752), i. 246. ARGYLE, Elizabeth Gunning, Duchess of, account of her, v. 353, n. 1; at Ashbourne, iii. 207, n. 1; dislikes Boswell, v. 353; slights him, v. 354, 358-9; he drinks to her, v. 356; Johnson undertakes to get her a book, v. 356, 363; is 'all attention' to her, v. 359, 363; calls her 'a Duchess with three tails', v. 359. ARIAN HERESY, iv. 32. ARIOSTO, i. 278; v. 368, n. 1. ARISTOTLE, Barrow, quoted by, iv. 105, n. 4; difference between the learned and unlearned, iv. 13; friendship, on, iii. 386, n. 3; Lydiat, attacked by, i. 194, n. 2; lying, on, ii. 221, n. 2; purging of the passions, iii. 39. ARITHMETIC, Johnson's fondness for it, i. 72; iv. 171, n. 3, 271; principles soon comprehended, v. 138, n. 2. ARKWRIGHT, Richard, ii. 459, n. 1. ARMORIAL BEARINGS, ii. 179. ARMS, piling, iii. 355. ARMSTRONG, Dr., iii. 117. ARMY. See SOLDIERS. ARNAULD, Antoine, iii. 347. ARNE, Dr., v. 126, n. 5. ARNOLD, Thomas, M.D., Observations on Insanity, iii. 175, n. 3. ARRAN, Earl of, i. 281. ARRIGHI, A., Histoire de Pascal Paoli, ii. 3, n. I; v. 51, n. 3. Art of Living in London, i. 105, n. 1. 'ART'S CORRECTIVE,' v. 299. ARTEMISIA, ii. 76. ARTHRITICK TYRANNY, i. 179. ARTICLES. See THIRTY-NINE ARTICLES. ARTIFICIALLY, iii. 50, n. 4. ARTISTS, Society of. See SOCIETY OF ARTISTS. Ascertain, iii. 402, n. 2. ASCHAM, Roger, bachelor's degree, takes his, i. 58, n. 3; Life by Johnson, i. 464; quoted, i. 307, n. 2. ASH, Dr., iv. 394, n. 4. ASHBOURNE, church, iii. 180; earthquake, iii. 136; Green Man Inn, iii. 208; Johnson's visits, iii. 451-3; and the Thrales visit it in 1774, v. 430; and Boswell in 1776, ii. 473-6; in 1777, iii. 135-208; school, ii. 324, n. 1; iii. 138; two convicts of the town hang themselves, iv. 359; water-fall, iii. 190. ASHBY, i. 36, n. 3, 79, n. 2. ASHMOLE, Elias, iii. 172; iv. 97, n. 3. ASIATIC SOCIETY, ii. 125, n. 4. ASSENT, a debt or a favour, iv. 320. ASSYRIANS, ii. 176; iii. 36. ASTLE, Rev. Mr., iv. 311. ASTLE, Thomas, letter from Johnson, iv. 133; mentioned, i. 155; iv. 311. ASTLEY, the equestrian, iii. 409. ASTOCKE, i. 79, n. 1. ASTON, Catherine (Hon. Mrs. Henry Hervey), i. 83, n. 4. ASTON, Margaret (Mrs. Walmsley), i. 83, n. 4; ii. 466. ASTON, Miss (Mrs.), ii. 466, 469; iii. 132, 211, 412, 414; iv. 145, n. 2. ASTON, 'Molly' (Mrs. Brodie), account of her, i. 83; ii. 466; interest of money, on the, iii. 340-1; Johnson's epigram on her, i. 83, n. 3; 140, n. 4; iii. 341, n. 1; her letters to, iii. 341, n. 1; quoted by, iii. 341, n. 1; Lyttelton, Lord, preference for, iv. 57. ASTON, Sir Thomas, i. 83, 106, n. 1. ASTON HALL, ii. 456, n. 2. ATHEISM, v. 47. Athelstan, ii. 131, n. 2. Athenoeum, The, Boswell's letters of acceptance as Secretary of the Royal Academy, iii. 370, n. 1; mistake in Forster's Goldsmith, ii. 208, n. 5. Athenian Letters, i. 45, n. 2. ATHENIANS, barbarians, ii. 171; brutes, 211. ATHOL, Earl of, ii. 7; family of, v. 234. Athol porridge, iv. 78. ATLANTIC, Johnson on the, v. 163. ATONEMENT, The, v. 88. ATTACKS ON AUTHORS; attack is the reaction, ii. 335 better to be attacked than unnoticed, iii. 375 v. 273 part of a man's consequence, iv. 422 'fame is a shuttlecock,' v. 400 very rarely hurt an author, iii. 423 useful, in subjects of taste, v. 275 felt by authors, ib. n. 1 Addison, Hume, Swift, Young on them, ii. 61, n. 4 Bentley, ii. 61, n. 4; v. 274, n. 4; Boerhaave, ii. 61, n. 4 Fielding, v. 275, n. 1 Rambler, Vicar of Wakefield, Hume, and Boileau, iii. 375, n. 1 Johnson's solitary reply to one, i. 314; ii. 61, ib. n. 4. ATTERBURY, Bishop, elegance of his English, ii. 95, n. 2 Funeral Sermon on Lady Cutts, ii. 228 Sermons, iii. 247 mentioned, i. 157. ATTORNEY-GENERAL, Diabolus Regis, iii. 78. ATTORNEYS converted into Solicitors, iv. 128, n. 3 Johnson's hits at them, ii. 126, ib. n. 4; iv. 313. AUCHINLECK, Lord, account of him, v. 375-6, 382, n. 2 Baxter's Anacreon, collated, iv. 241 attentive to remotest relations, v. 131 Boswell's ignorance of law, ii. 21, n. 4; v. 108, n. 2 Boswell, his disposition towards: See BOSWELL, father contentment, iii. 241; v. 381 death, iv. 154 'in a place where there is no room for Whiggism,' v. 385 described in a Hypochondriack, i. 426, n. 3 Douglas Cause, ii. 50, n. 4 entails his estate in perpetuity, ii. 413-4 Gillespie, Dr., honorarium to, iv. 262 heirs general, preference for, ii. 414-5 calls Johnson a dominie, i. 96, n. 1; v. 382, n. 2 a Jacobite fellow, v. 376 Ursa Major, v. 384 a brute, ii. 381, n. 1; v. 384, n. 1 proposes to send him the Lives, iii. 372 visits him, v. 375-385 three topics in which they differ, v. 376 contest, v. 382-4 polite parting, v. 385 Knight the negro's case, iii. 216 Laird of Lochbury, trial of the, v. 343 loves labour, ii. 99; planter of trees, iii. 103; v. 380 respected, v. 91, 131, 135 second wife, ii. 140, n. 1; v. 375, n. 4; Boswell on ill terms with her, ii. 377, n. 1; iii. 80, n. 2 tenderness, want of, iii. 182 windows broken by a mob, v. 353, n. 1 mentioned, ii. 4, 206, 290, 291; iii. 129. AUCHINLECK PLACE. See SCOTLAND, Auchinleck. AUCTIONEERS, long pole at their door, ii. 349. AUGUSTAN AGE, flattery, ii. 234. AUGUSTUS, ii. 234, 470. AULUS GELLIUS, v. 232. AUSONIUS, i. 184; ii. 35, n. 5; iii. 263, n. 3. AUSTEN, Miss, Pride and Prejudice, iii. 299, n. 2. AUSTERITIES, religious. See MONASTERY. AUSTRIA, House of, epigram on it, v. 233. AUTEROCHE, Chappe d', iii. 340. AUTHOR, an, of considerable eminence, iv. 323 one of restless vanity, iv. 319 who married a printer's devil, iv. 99 who was a voluminous rascal, ii. 109. AUTHORITY, from personal respect, ii. 443 lessened, iii. 262. AUTHORS, attacks on them; See ATTACKS; best part of them in their books, i. 450, n. 1; chief glory of a people from them, i. 297, n. 3; ii. 125; complaints of, iv. 172; contrast between their life and writings, ii. 257, n. 1; consolation in their hours of gloom, ii. 69, n. 3; dread of them, i. 450, n. 1; eminent men need not turn authors, iii. 182; fit subjects for biography, iv. 98, n. 4; flatter the age, v. 59; hunted with a cannister at their tail, iii. 320; Johnson consulted by them 'a man who wrote verses,' ii. 51; Colley Cibber, ii. 92; 'a lank and reverend bard,' iii. 373' Crabbe, iv. 121, n. 4; a tragedy-writer, iv. 244, n. 2; young Mr. Tytler, v. 402; advises to print boldly, ii. 195; advice very difficult to give, iii. 320; willing to assist them, iii. 373, n. 1; iv. 121; v. 402; put to the torture, ib. Project for the employment of Authors, i. 306, n. 3; wonders at their number, v. 59; judgment of their own works, i. 192, n. 1; iv. 251, n. 2; language characteristical, iv. 315; lie, whether ever allowed to, iv. 305-6; modern, the moons of literature, iii. 333; obscure ones, i. 307, n. 2; patrons, iv. 172; patronage done with, v. 59; payments received: Adventurer, two guineas a paper, i. 253; Baretti, translation of some of Reynolds's Discourses into Italian, twenty-five guineas, iii. 96; Blair, Sermons, vol. i, L200, vol. ii. L300, vol. iii. L600, iii. 98; Boswell, Corsica, 100 guineas, ii. 46, n. 1; Critical Review, two guineas a sheet, iv. 214, n. 2; Monthly, sometimes four guineas, ib.; Fielding, Tom Jones, L700, i. 287, n. 3; Goldsmith, Vicar of Wakefield, L60, i. 415; Traveller, L21, ib., n. 2; Hawkesworth, L6000 for editing Cook's Voyages, i. 341, n. 4; Hill, Sir John, fifteen guineas a week, ii. 38, n. 2; Hooke, L5000 for the Duchess of Marlborough's Apology, v. 175, n. 3; Johnson: See JOHNSON, payments for his writings; payment by line, i. 193, n. 1; Piozzi, Mrs., for Johnson's Letters, L500, ii. 43, n. 1; Robertson offered L500 for one edition of his History of Scotland, iii. 334, n. 2; L6000 made by the publishers; offered 3000 guineas for Charles V, ii. 63, n. 2; Sacheverell, L100 for a sermon, i. 39, n. 1; Shebbeare six guineas for a sheet for reviews, iv. 214; Savage, Wanderer, ten guineas, i. 124, n. 4; Whitehead, Paul, ten guineas for a poem, i. 124; pleasure in writing for the journals, v. 59, n. 2; privateers, like, iv. 191, n. 1; private life, in, i. 393; public, the, their judges, i. 200; putting into a book as much as a book will hold, ii. 237; regard for their first magazine, i. 112; reluctance to write their own lives, i. 25, n. 1; respect due to them, iii. 310; iv. 114; sale of their works to the booksellers, iii. 333-4; styles, distinguished by their, iii. 280; treatment by managers of theatres, i. 196, n. 2; writing for profit, iii. 162; on subjects in which they have not practised, ii. 430. Authors by Profession, i. 116. AVARICE, despised not hated, iii. 71 not inherent, iii. 322. AVENUES, v. 439. AVERROES, i. 188, n. 4. AVIGNON, iii. 446. AYLESBURY, Lady, iii. 429, n. 3.
B—D, Mr., Johnson's letter to, ii, 207. BABY, Johnson as nurse to one newborn, ii. 100. BABYLON, i. 250. BACH, ii. 364, n. 3. BACON, Francis, Advancement of Learning, i. 34, n. 1; argument and testimony, on, iv. 281; conversation, precept for, iv. 236; death, the stroke of, ii. 107, n. 1; delight in superiority natural, iv. 164, n. 1; Essays estimated by Burke and Johnson, iii. 194, n. 1; Essay of Truth quoted, iv. 221, n. 3; Essay on Vicissitude, v. 117, n. 4; healthy old man like a tower undermined, iv. 277; History of Henry VII., v. 220; introduction of new doctrines, on the, iii. 11, n. 1; Johnson intends to edit his works, iii. 194; 'Kings desire the end, but not the means,' v. 232, n. 4; Life by Mallet, iii. 194; 'roughness breedeth hate,' iv. 168, n. 2; Sanquhar's trial, v. 103, n. 2; style, i. 219; Turks, their want of Stirpes, ii. 421; 'who then to frail mortality,' &c., v. 89; mentioned, i. 431, n. 2; ii. 53, n. 2, 158. BACON, John, R.A., Johnson's monument, iv. 424, 444. BADCOCK, Rev. Samuel, anecdotes of Johnson, iv. 407, n. 4; White's Bampton Lectures, iv. 443, n. 5. BADENOCH, Lord of, v. 114. BAGSHAW, Rev. Thomas, Johnson's letters to him, ii. 258, n. 3; iv. 351. BAILEY, Nathan, v. 419. BAILY, Hetty, iv. 143. BAKER, Sir George, iv. 165, n. 3, 355. BAKER, ——, an engraver, iv. 421, n. 2. BAKER, Mrs., ii. 31. Bakers Biographia Dramatica, iv. 37, n. 1. Baker's Chronicle, v. 12. BALDWIN, Henry, the printer, i. 10, 15; ii. 34, n. 1; iv. 321; v. 1, n. 5. BALFOUR, John, v. 39, n. 2. BALIOL, John, v. 204. BALLADS, modern imitations ridiculed, ii. 212. BALLANTYNE, Messrs., v. 253, n. 3. BALLINACRAZY, a young man of, iii. 252. BALLOONS, account of them, iv. 356, n. 1; failure of one, iv. 355-6; first ascent, iv. 357, n. 3; mere amusement, iv. 358; one burnt, ib.; paying for seats, iv. 359; wings, ib.; 'do not write about the balloon,' iv. 368; at Oxford, iv. 378. BALLOW, Henry, a lawyer, iii. 22. BALMERINO, Lord, i. 180; v. 406, n. 3. BALMUTO, Lord, v. 70, n. 1. BALTIC, Johnson's projected tour, ii. 288, n. 3; iii. 134, 454. BALTIMORE, Lord, iii. 9, n. 4. BAMBALOES, v. 55, n. 1. BANCROFT, Bishop, i. 59. BANKS, Sir Joseph, admires Johnson's description of Iona, iii. 173, n, 3; v. 334 n. 1; letter to him, and motto for his goat, ii. 144; funeral, at, iv. 419; Literary Club, i. 479; iii. 365, 368; proposed expedition, ii. 147, 148; iii. 454; accompanies Captain Cook, v. 328, n. 2, 392, n. 6; account of Otaheite, v. 246. BANKS, ——, of Dorsetshire, i. 145. BAPTISM, by immersion, i. 91, n. 1; sprinkling, iv. 289; Barclay's Apology on it, ii. 458. BAR. See LAW and LAWYERS. BARBADOES, iv. 332. Barbarossa, ii. 131, n. 2. BARBAROUS SOCIETY, i. 393. BARBAULD, Mrs., Boswell, lines on, ii. 4, n. 1; Eighteen hundred and Eleven, ii. 408, n. 3; genius and learning, on the want of respect to, iv. 117, n. 1; Johnson's style, imitation of, iii. 172; Lessons for Children, ii. 408, n. 3; iv. 8, n. 3; marriage and school, ii. 408; pupils, ib., n. 3; Priestley, lines, on, iv. 434; Richardson not sought by 'the great,' iv. 117, n. 1. BARBER, Francis, account of him, i. 239, n. 1; Johnson's bequest to him, ii. 136, n. 2; iv. 284, 401, 402, n. 2, 440; death-bed, iv. 415, n. 1, 418; devotion to, iv. 370, n. 5; Diary, has fragments of, i. 27; iv. 405, n. 2; v. 427, n. 1; letters from: see JOHNSON, letters; prays with him, iv. 139; instructs him in religion, ii. 359; iv. 417; recommends him to Windham, iv. 401, n. 4; sends him to school, ii. 62, 115, 146; state after his wife's death, describes, i. 241; Langton, visits, i. 476, n. 1; Lichfield, retires to, iv. 402, n. 2; sea, at, i. 348; returns to service, i. 350; mentioned, i. 235, 237; ii. 5, 214, 282, 376, 386; iii. 22, 44, 68, 92, 207, 222, 371, 400; iv. 142, 283; v. 53. BARBER, Mrs. Francis, i. 237; v. 427, n. 1. BARBEYRAC, i. 285. BARCLAY, Alexander, i. 277. BARCLAY, James, an Oxford student, i. 498; v. 273. BARCLAY, Robert, of Ury, ancestor of Barclay the brewer, iv. 118, n. 1; Apology for the Quakers, in Paoli's library, ii. 61, n. 3; on infant baptism, ii. 458. BARCLAY, Robert, the brewer, account of him, iv. 118, n. i; anecdote of Boswell's tablets, i. 6, n. 2; buys Thrale's brewery, iv. 86, n. 2; holds money of Johnson's, iv. 402, n. 2. BARD, a reverend, iii. 374. BARETTI, Joseph, account of him, i. 302; iii. 96, n. 1; Barber's devotion to Johnson, describes, iv. 370, n. 5; Boswell, dislikes, ii. 97, n. 1; v. 121; calls not quite right-headed, iii. 135, n. 2; Carmen Sectilare, adapts the, iii. 373; character by Mrs. Piozzi, ii. 57, n. 3; at his trial, ii. 97, n. 1; by Miss Burney and Malone, iii. 96, n. 1; conversation, ii. 57; copy-money in Italy, on, iii. 162; Davies, quarrel with, ii. 205; Dialogues, ii. 449; ducking-stool, describes a, iii. 287, n. 1; Easy Lessons in Italian and English, ii. 290; English love of melted butter and roast veal, i. 470, n. 2; fees in England, on, v. 90, n. 2; Foote's conversations, describes, iii. 185, n. 1; 'French not a cheerful race,' ii. 402, n. 1; French prisoners, i. 353, n. 2; foreigners in London, i. 353, n. 2; Frusta Letteraria, iii. 173; hatred of mankind, ii. 8; infidelity, ii. 8; Italian and English Dictionary, i, 353; Italy, revisits, i. 361; ii. 8, n. 3; Italy, account of the Manners and Customs of, ii. 57; Johnson, calls him a bear, ii. 66; charity, i. 302, n. 1; and Mr. Cholmondeley, iv. 345, n. 6; delight in old acquaintance, iv. 374, n. 4; in France, ii. 401, n. 3; habit of musing, v. 73, n. 1; ignorance of character, v. 17, n. 2; letters from, i. 361, 369, 380; memory, iii. 3l8, n. 1; v. 368, n. 1; payment for Rasselas, i. 341, n. 3; prejudice against foreigners, iv. 15, n. 3; and 'Presto's supper,' iv. 347; and Mrs. Salusbury, ii. 263, n. 6; trade was wisdom, iii. 137, n. 1; verse-making, ii. 15, n. 4; want of toleration, ii. 252, n. 1; want of observation, iii. 423, n. 1; Journey from London to Genoa, i. 361, n. 3, 365, n. 2; languages, knowledge of, i. 361-2; ii. 386; London, love of, i. 371, n. 5; Madrid in 1760, v. 23, n. 1; Misella's story, i. 223, n. 2; Newgate, in, ii. 97, n. 1; Pater Noster, ignorance about the, v. 121, n. 4; Piozzi, Mrs., attacked by, iii. 49, n. 1, 96, n. 1; his brutal attack on her, iii. 49, n. 1, 96, n. 1; portrait at Streatham, iv. 158, n. 1; Rasselas, translates, ii. 208, n. 2; Reynolds's Discourses, translates, iii. 96; robbers, never met any, iii. 239, n. 1; Royal Academy, Secretary for Foreign Correspondence to the, ii. 97, n. 1; Spectator, effect of reading a, iv. 32; Thrales, projected tour to Italy with the, iii. 19, 27, n. 3,97, n. 1; accompanies them to Bath, iii. 6; hopes for an annuity from them, iii. 96, n. 1; money payments from them, ib., 97; quarrels with them, iii. 96; apparent reconciliation, ib., n. 1; Thrale's, Mr., grief for his son's death, describes, iii. 18; his appetite, iii. 423, n. 1; Thrale, Mrs., flatters, iii. 49, n. 1; mentions her echo of Johnson's 'beastly kind of wit,' ii. 349, n. 5; Tolondron, iv. 370, n. 5; Travels through Spain, i. 382, n. 2; tried for murder, ii. 94, 96-8; consultation for the defence, iv. 324; Williams, Mrs., describes, ii. 99, n. 2; mentioned, i. 260, 274, 278, 336. BARKER'S Bible, v. 444. BARNARD, Rev. Dr., Dean of Derry, afterwards Bishop of Killaloe, arbitrary power, in favour of, iii. 84, n. 1; Johnson's charade on him, iv. 195; double-edged wit, ii. 307; draws up a Round-Robin to, iii. 84; and Garrick coming up to London, i. 101, n. 1; regard for him, iv. 115; writes verses on, iv. 115, n. 4, 431-3; kept his countenance, iv. 99; Literary Club, member of the, i. 479; presents it with a hogshead of claret, iii. 238; Twalmley and Virgil, iv. 193; Wilkes, sarcasm on, iv. 107, n. 2. BARNARD, Dr. (Provost of Eton), account of him, iii. 426, n. 1; Johnson at Mr. Vesey's, meets, iii. 425-6, ib., n. 4; breeding, does justice to, iii. 54, n. 1; mentioned, i. 449, n. 2. BARNARD, Francis, King's librarian, ii. 33, 40; Johnson's letter to him, 33. n. 4. BARNARD, Sir John, i. 503. BARNES, Joshua, attacked by Baxter, W., v. 376; dedication to the Duke of Marlborough, v. 376, n. 3; Greek, knowledge of, iv. 19; Homer and Solomon identified, iv. 19, n. 2; Maccaronic verses, iii. 284. BARNET, iii. 4; v. 428. BARNEWALL, Nicholas, iii. 227, n. 3. BARNSTON, Miss Letitia, iii. 413, n. 3. BARON, 'the Baron and the Barrister united,' iii. 16, n. 1. BARONET, story of a, v. 353. BARONETS, regular, v. 322, n. 1. BARRET, William, the Bristol surgeon, iii. 50. BARRETIER, Philip, education, his, ii. 407, n. 5; Johnson, resemblance to, i. 71, n. 1; Life, by Johnson, i. 148, 149, n. 3; Additions to the Life, i. 153; republished, i. 161. BARRINGTON, Hon. Daines, Essay on the Migration of Birds, ii. 248; Essex Head Club, member of the, iv. 254, 436; Johnson seeks his acquaintance, iii. 314; Observations on the Statutes, iii. 314; mentioned, iv. 112. BARRINGTON, Lord, v. 77, n. 2. BARRISTERS. See LAWYERS. BARROW, Dr., iv. 105, n. 4. BARROWBY, Dr., iv. 292. BARRY, Sir Edward, M.D., System of Physic, iii. 34. BARRY, James, the painter,—Burke, William, letter from, ii. 16, n. 1; Essex Head Club, member of the, iv. 254, 436; French with the Irish, contrasts the, ii. 402, n. 1; Johnson, compliments, iv. 224, n. 1; letter from, iv. 202; praises his pictures, iv. 224; Reynolds, quarrels with, iv. 436; women, on the employment of, ii. 362, n. 1. BARRY, Spranger, the actor, i. 196, n. 3, 197; ii. 349, n. 6. BARTER,—, a miller, ii. 164. BARTOLOZZI, Francis, iii. 111; iv. 421, n. 2. BARTON in Yorkshire, i. 239, n. 1. BARTON, Mr. A. T., Fellow of Pembroke College, v. 117, n. 4. Bas Bleu, iii. 293, n. 5; iv. 108. BASKERVILLE, John, Barclay's Apology, edition of, ii. 458; Virgil, ii. 67. Bastard, The, i. 166. BASTIA, i. 119, n. 1; ii. 4, n. 1. BAT, formation of the, iii. 342. BATE, Rev. Henry (Sir H. Dudley), account of him, iv. 296. BATE, James, i. 79, n. 2. BATEMAN, Edmund, tutor of Christ Church, i. 76. BATH, account of it, iii. 45, n. 1. Boswell and Johnson visit it in 1776, iii. 6; epigram on a religious dispute held there, iv. 289, n. 1; Goldsmith visits it, ii. 136; Gordon Riots, suffers from the, iii. 428, n. 4, 435, n. 1; Harington, Dr., iv. 180; 'King of Bath,' i. 394, n. 2, 455; lectures, i. 394, n. 2; ii. 7, n. 4; Miller, Lady, ii. 336; musical lessons, price of, iii. 422; Paoli visits it, v. 1, n. 3; smoking in the rooms, v. 60, n. 2; Thrale family visits it in 1776, iii. 6; in 1780, iii. 421; Mrs. Piozzi in 1816, v. 427, n. 1; mentioned, iii. 441; iv. 140. BATH, William Pulteney, Earl of, his oratory, i. 152; a paltry fellow, v. 339; 'Pulnub' and 'Hon. Marcus Cato,' i. 502; Williams's, Sir C. H., lines on him, v. 268, n. 3; mentioned, iii. 239. BATHEASTON VILLA, ii. 336. BATHIANI, ii. 390. BATHS, cold, i. 91, n. 1; medicated, ii. 99. BATHURST, Colonel, i. 239, n. 1. BATHURST, Dr., account of him, i. 190, 242, n. 1; Adventurer, wrote for the, i. 234, 252, 254; Barber, F., his father's slave, i. 239, n. 1; company of a new person, on the, iv. 33; death, i. 242, n. 1, 382; 'hater, a very good,' i. 190, n. 2; Johnson, letters to, i. 242, n. 1; 'recommended' by, i. 240, n. 5; medical practice, i. 242, n. 1; on slavery, iv. 28; mentioned, i. 183. BATHURST, first Earl, Pope's friend, iii. 347; iv. 50; account of Pope's Essay on Man, iii. 402-3; speeches, i. 151, 509. BATHURST, second Earl, Lord Chancellor; Dodd, Dr., attempts to bribe him, iii. 139, n. 3; writes to him, iii. 142. BATHURST, Lady, iii. 139, n. 3. BATHURST, Ralph, verses to Hobbes, iv. 402, n. 2. Batrachomyomachia, v. 459. BATRACHUS, iv. 445. BATTIE, Dr., iv. 161, n. 4. BATTISTA ANGELONI (Dr. Shebbeare), iv. 113. BATTLES, fighting, for a man, ii. 474. BATTOLOGIA, v. 444. Baudius on Erasmus, v. 444. Baviad and Maeviad, iii. 16, n. 1. BAXTER, Andrew, v. 81, n. 1. BAXTER, Rev. Richard, Call to the Unconverted, iv. 257; Johnson praises all his books, iv. 226; Kidderminster, sermon at, iv. 226, n. 2; Reasons of the Christian Religion, iv. 237; rule of preaching, iv. 185; scruple, troubled by a, ii. 477; suicide, on the salvation of a, iv. 225; toleration, on, ii. 253; mentioned, i. 205; v. 89. BAXTER, William, Anacreon. See ANACREON. Barnes, the antagonist of, v. 376; Horace, edition of, iii. 74, n. 1. 'BAYES,' character of, ii. 168; iii. 373. BAYLE, confutation of him by Leibnitz, v. 287; his Dictionary, i. 425; Life, by Des Maizeaux, i. 29, n. 1; Menage, his account of, iv. 428, n. 2; mentioned, i. 285. BEACH, Thomas, ii. 240, n. 4. BEACONSFIELD, Johnson visits it in 1774, ii. 285, n. 3; v. 460; Mackintosh visits it in 1793, iv. 316, n. 1. BEAR., See JOHNSON, bear. BEAR-GARDEN 'Bruisers,' i. 111, n. 2. BEARCROFT,—, a barrister, iii. 389, n. 4. BEATON, Cardinal, v. 63. BEATON, Rev. Mr., v. 227. BEATTIE, Dr. James, complains of Boswell, v. 96, n. 2; correspondence with him, ii. 148, n. 2; v. 15-16; Burns, praised by, v. 273, n. 4; 'caressed by the great,' ii. 264; conversation, iii. 339, n. 1; iv. 323, n. 2; English, describes a Scotchman's study of, i. 439, n. 2; English and Scotch universities compared, v. 85, n. 2; Essay on Truth, editions and translations, ii. 201, n. 3; a thing of the past, v. 273, n. 4; Goldsmith's opinion of it, ii. 201, n. 3; v. 273, n. 4; Johnson's opinion of it, ii. 201, 203; v. 29; Forbes, Life by, v. 25, n. 1; Gray, visited by, v. 16; hackney coaches, No. 1 and No. 1000, sees, iv. 330; Hermit, iv. 186; Hume, controversy with: See above, Essay on Truth; Johnson's Dictionary, cited in, iv. 4, n. 3; gentler manner, speaks of, iv. 101, n. 1; letter from, iii. 434; praise of Hannah More, iii. 293, n. 5; regard for him, ii. 148, 149; his love of—, iii. 435, n. 1; use of wine, i. 103, n. 3; visits, ii. 141, n. 3, 142, 145, 203; v. 16; Monboddo's hatred of Johnson, iv. 273, n. 1; Ode on Lord Hay, v. 105; original principles, his, i. 471; Oxford degree of D.C.L., ii. 267, n. 1; v. 90, n. 1, 273, n. 4; pension, ii. 264, n. 2; v. 90, n. 1, 360; Professor at Aberdeen, ii. 141, 145; v. 15; Reynolds's allegorical picture of him, v. 90, n. 1, 273, n. 4; Robertson, compared with, ii. 195, n. 1; Thrale's bequest to Johnson, on, iv. 86, n. 1; Warburton and Strahan, anecdote of, v. 92, n. 3; Wilkes, meets, iv. 101; wine, indulges in, iv. 330, n. 4; mentioned, ii. 53, n. 1, 205, 259, 265-6; iii. 82, 123; iv. 332. BEATTIE, Mrs., ii. 145, 148. BEAUCLERK, Hon. Topham, account of him by Boswell and Johnson, i. 248 250; Burke, ii. 246, n. 1; Johnson, iii. 420, 424; Langton, ib.; absent-minded, i. 249, n. 1; Adelphi, 'box' at the, ii. 378, n. 1; Addison's Remarks on Italy, ii. 346; adultery, his, with Lady Bolingbroke whom he afterwards married, ii. 246; iii. 349; v. 303; Baretti and Johnson's projected Italian tour, iii. 19; Baretti's trial, ii. 97, n. 1, 98; 'Beau,' name of, ii. 258; 'bear, like a word in a catch,' ii. 347; Boswell an unnatural Scotchman, calls, iii. 388; zealous for his election to the Literary Club, ii. 235; v. 76; Charles II, descended from, i. 248; iii. 390, n. 1; chemistry, love of, i. 250; children, his, iii. 420; conversation, i. 248; iii. 390, 425; iv. 433; v. 76; little affected by his travels, iii. 352, 449, 458; Cumberland's Odes, iii. 43, n. 3; Davies, Tom, clapping a man on the back, ii. 344; death, iii. 420, 424; dinners and suppers at his house, ii. 235. 325, 378, n. 1; iii. 354, 387; facility, wonderful, iii. 425; 'frisk,' his, i. 250; gambling at Venice, i. 381, n. 1; gaming-club, account of a, iii. 23; Garrick's portrait, inscription on, iv. 96; Goldsmith and Malagrida, iv. 175, n. 1; health, his, ii. 292, 311; iii. 104, 417; Italy, tour to, i. 369, 381; Johnson, first acquaintance with, i. 248; accompanies to Cambridge, i. 487; affection for him, iv. 10, 99, 180; altercations with, iii. 281, 384; reconciliation, iii. 385; and Mme. de Boufflers, ii. 405; 'coalition' with, i. 249; dress as a dramatic author, i. 200, n. 4: and Thomas Hervey, ii. 32; and a Mr. Hervey, iii. 194-6, 209-211; Jacobitism, i. 430; levee, attends, ii. 118; marriage, i. 96; pension, saying about, i. 250; portrait, inscription on, iv. 180; and the two dogs, ii. 299; v. 329; use of orange peel, ii. 330; visits him at Windsor, i. 250; Johnson's Court, veneration for, ii. 229; laboratory, his, ii. 378, n. 1; library, his, ii. 378, n. 1; sold, iii. 420, n. 4; iv. 105; sermons in it, ib.; Lilliburlero, effect of, ii. 347; Literary Club, original member of the, i. 477, 478, n. 2; describes it, ii. 192, n. 2, 274, n. 3; manner, his, acid, ii. 362, n. 2; lively, ii. 405; iii. 390; Montagu's, Mrs., Essay, could not read, v. 245; mother, his, iii. 420; v. 295; Muswell Hill, house at, ii. 378, n. 1; Pope's lines on Foster, mentioned, iv. 9; predominance over his company, iii. 390; professor in the imaginary college, v. 108; same one day as another, iii. 192; satire, love of, i. 249; 'see him again,' iv. 197; Smith's, Adam, talk, iv. 24, n. 2; Spence's Anecdotes of Pope, iv. 9; story, mode of telling a, iii. 390; Thrale, Mrs., hated by, i. 249, n. 1; truthfulness, his, v. 329, n. 1; wife, treatment of his, ii. 246, n. 1; mentioned, i. 357; ii. 318, 379; iii. 209, n. 3; iv. 27, 33, n. 3, 76, 113; v. 103, 215. BEAUCLERK, Lady Diana, wife of Topham Beauclerk, account of her, ii. 246, n. 1; Boswell's 'apology' for her, ii. 246; bet with her, ii. 330; charming conversation, ii. 240; Langton's height, joke about, i. 336, n. 5; gives him Johnson's portrait, iv. 96; nurses her husband with assiduity; ii. 292; left guardian of his children, iii. 420. BEAUCLERK, Lord Sidney, Topham Beauclerk's father, i. 248, n. 2. BEAUCLERK, Lady Sydney, v. 295. BEAUFORT, Duchess of (in 1780), iii. 425. BEAUMONT, Francis, i. 75, n. 3. BEAUMONT and FLETCHER, co-operation, their literary, ii. 334; Garrick's adaptation of The Chances, ii. 233, n. 4; Seward's edition of their plays, ii. 467. Beauties of Johnson, iv. 148-151, 421, n. 2. Beauties of the Rambler, i. 214. BEAUTY, independent of utility, ii. 166; iv. 167. BEAUX STRATAGEM, Archer quoted, v. 133, n. 1; acted by Garrick, iii. 52; Boniface praises his ale, ii. 461; is done good to by Latin, iii. 89, n. 2; Scrub, iii. 70. BECKENHAM, iv. 313. BECKET, T., the bookseller, ii. 294. BECKFORD, Alderman, account of him, iii. 76, n. 2; Chatterton's gain by his death, iii. 201, n. 3; his English, iii. 76, 201; Lord Mayor, iii. 459; monument in Guildhall, iii. 201. BEDFORD, iv. 132. BEDFORD, fourth Duke of, attack on the ministry in 1766, iv. 316; vails, tries to abolish, ii. 78, n. 1; vice-roy in Ireland, ii. 130, n. 3. BEDFORD, fifth Duke of, iii. 284; iv. 126. BEDFORD, Hilkiah, iv. 286, n. 3. BEDFORDSHIRE, militia, i. 307, n. 4; iii. 399. BEDLAM, Boswell and Johnson visit it, ii. 374; curiosities of London, one of the, ii. 374, n. 1; houses built near it, iv. 208. BEER, allowance of, to servants and soldiers, iii. 9, n. 4. Beggar's Opera. See GAY, John. BEGGARS, beg more readily from men than women, iv. 32; English compared with Scotch, v. 75, n. 1; many in want of work, iii. 401; their trade overstocked, iii. 401; mentioned, iii. 26. See ALMSGIVING. BEHMEN, Jacob, ii. 122. BELCHIER, John, the surgeon, iii. 57. BELGRADE, Siege of, ii. 181. BELIEF, attacks on it, iii. it; v. 288, n. 3. BELL, Dr., iv. 1, n. 1. BELL, Rev. Dr., ii. 204, n. 1. BELL, Rev. Mr., of Strathaven, iii. 360. BELL, Mrs., Johnson's epitaph on her, ii. 204, n. 1. BELL, John, Travels, ii. 55. BELL, John, the bookseller, Lives of the Poets, ii. 453, n. 2; iii. 110. BELLAMY, Mrs., acts in Dodsley's Cleone, i. 325, n. 3, 326; Johnson, letter to, iv. 244, n. 2. BELLEISLE, iii. 343, n. 2. BELLEISLE, The, a man-of-war, i. 378, n. 1. Bellerophon, i. 277, n. 4. BELSHAM, William, Essay on Dramatic Poetry, i. 389, n. 2. BEMBRIDGE,—, iv. 223, n. 3. BENEDICTINES. See PARIS, BENEDICTINES. Benefit, free, v. 243. BENEVOLENCE, motive to action, iii. 48: mingled with vanity, ib. BENEVOLISTS, The, iii. 149, n. 2. BENGAL, iii. 134, n. 1, 233, 455. BENNET, James, editor of Ascham's Works, i. 464. BENSLEY, Robert, the actor, ii. 45. BENSON, William, his monument to Milton, i. 227, n. 4; v. 95, n. 2. BENTHAM, Dr. E., ii. 445. BENTHAM, Jeremy, on convict-labour, iii. 268, n. 4; Shelburne's, Lord, wretched education, iii. 36, n. 1; fearlessness as a minister, iv. 174, n. 4. BENTLEY, Dr., attacks, never answered, ii. 61, n. 4; v. 174; Barnes's Greek, iv. 19, n. 2; Boyle, attacked by, v. 238, n. 1; Cunninghame, criticised by, v. 373; Epistles of Phalaris, iv. 443; Horace, Comments on, ii. 444; iii. 74, n. 1; Johnson, celebrated by, i. 153, n. 7; v. 174; 'no man written down but by himself,' i. 381, n. 3; v. 274; Pope and Homer, iii. 256, n. 4; Preface to his edition of Paradise Lost, iv. 24, n. 1; scholarship perhaps unequalled, iv. 217; Scotchman, not a, ii. 363, n. 4; studied hard, i. 71; iv. 21; v. 316; verses, his, iv. 23; Wasse's Greek Trochaics, v. 445. BENTLEY, Richard, Junior, iv. 289, n. 1. BERESFORD, Mrs. and Miss, iv. 283-4. BERESFORD, Rev. Mr., iii. 284. BERKELEY, Bishop, Burke's projected answer to his theory, i. 471; non-existence of matter, on the, i. 471; iv. 27; profound scholar, ii. 132; 'reverie,' his, iii. 165; Warburton's ignorant criticism on him, v. 81, n. 1. BERRENGER, Richard, iv. 88, 90. BERWICK, ii. 266. BERWICK, Duke of, Memoirs, iii. 286. BESBOROUGH, Earl of, v. 263. BEST, H. D., Gibbon and the Duke of Gloucester, ii. 2, n. 2; George Langton, and his pedigree, i. 248, n. 1; Johnson's visit to Langton, i. 477, n. 1. BETHUNE, Rev. Mr., v. 208. BETTERTON, Thomas, iii. 185. BETTESWORTH, Rev. E., i. 464, n. 2. BETTESWORTH, Sergeant, iii. 377, n. 1. Betty Broom, iv. 246. BEWLEY, William, the Philosopher of Massingham, iv. 134. BEZA, ii. 289. BIAS the philosopher, iii. 312, n. 5. BIBLE, The, calculation for reading it in a year, i. 72, n. 2; Johnson reads it through, ii. 189, n. 3; should be read with a commentary, iii. 58; subscribing it instead of the Articles, ii. 151. Bibliopole, ii. 345. Bibliotheca Harleiana, i. 153. Bibliotheca Literaria, v. 445. Bibliotheque, Johnson's scheme of a, i. 283-285. Bibl. des Fees, ii. 391. Bibliotheque des Savans, i. 323. BICKERSTAFF, Isaac, account of him, ii. 82, n. 3; mentioned, ii. 84. BICKNELL, J. L., i. 315. Big, Johnson's use of the word, iii. 348; v. 425. Big man, ii. 14. BIGAMY, v. 217. Bills, i. 376. BINDLEY, James, i. 15. BINNING, Lord, ii. 186; iii. 331. Biographia Britannica, first edition, iv. 272, n. 4; Dr. John Campbell a contributor, ii. 447; Johnson asked to edit a new edition, iii. 174; edited by Kippis, ib.; account of it, ib. n. 3. BIOGRAPHICAL CATECHISM, iv. 376. BIOGRAPHY, authentic material difficult to get, iii. 71; best when autobiography, i. 25; can be written only by a man's intimates, ii. 166, 446; iii. 155, n. 3; Goldsmith's praise of it, v. 79, n. 3; Johnson's excellence in it, i. 256; iv. 34, n. 5; fondness for it, i. 425; iii. 206, n. 1; iv. 34; v. 79; literary, ii. 40; v. 240; method of writing it, i. 32; men should be drawn as they are, i. 31; iv. 53, 395; v. 238; 'common cant' against it, iii. 275, n. 2; minute particulars to be given, i. 33; and peculiarities, iii. 154; rarely well executed, ii. 446; vices, how far to be mentioned, iii. 155; writing trifles with dignity, iv. 34, n. 5. BIRCH, Rev. Thomas, D.D., account of him by H. Walpole, i. 29, n. 2; by I. D'Israeli, i. 159, n. 4; anecdotes, full of, v. 255; conversation and writings, i. 159; correspondence with Mrs. Carter, i. 138; Cave, i. 139, 150-3; Johnson, i. 160, 226, 285; Earl of Orrery, i. 185; History of the Royal Society, i. 309; ii. 40, n. 2; Johnson's epigram to him, i. 140; Raleigh's smaller pieces, edits, i. 226; Rambler, anecdote of the, i. 203, n. 6; Society for the Encouragement of Learning, member of the, i. 153, n. 2. BIRDS, migration of, ii. 248; nidification, 249. BIRKENHEAD, Sir John, v. 57, n. 2. BIRMINGHAM,—Birmingham Journal, i. 85, n. 3; Birmingham Daily Post, i. 85, n. 3; 'boobies of Birmingham,' ii. 464; book-shops, i. 36, 85, n. 3; buttons, v. 458; Castle Inn, i. 92, n. 1; cost of living in 1750, i. 103, n. 2; Directory for 1770, v. 458, n. 1; Edinburgh, likeness to, v. 23, n. 2; Hector's house, ii. 456, n. 2; in 1741, i. 86, n. 2; Johnson's head on copper coins, iv. 421, n. 2; reads The History of Birmingham, iv. 218, n. 1; resides there, i. 85-7, 90-6; visits it in 1761-2, i. 370, n. 5; in 1774, v. 458; in 1776 with Boswell, ii. 456; in 1781, iv. 135; in 1784, iv. 375; jealousy of the manufacturers, ii. 459, n. 1; Old Square, ii. 456, n. 2; rapid growth of population, iii. 450; riots of 1791, i. 86, n. 3; iv. 238, n. 1; Soho, ii. 459; St. Martin's Church, i. 90, n. 3; Stork Hotel, ii. 456, n. 2; Swan Tavern, i. 85, n. 3. BIRNAM-WOOD, iii. 73. BIRTH, respect for. See under BOSWELL and JOHNSON. Bis dat qui cito dat, ii. 290, n. 4. BISCAY, language of, i. 322. BISHOP, contradicting one, iv. 274; House of Lords, in the, ii. 171; how made, ii. 352; v. 80; Johnson dines with two Bishops in Passion Week, iv. 88-9; learning, their, iv. 13; dulness, ib. n. 3; liberties taken in their presence, iv. 295; losses and gain by preferment, iv. 286, n. 1; 'necessity of holding preferments in commendam,' iv. 118, n. 2; 'Seven Bishops,' iv. 287; tippling-house, at a, iv. 75; a rout, ib. See HIERARCHY. Bishop, a bowl of, i. 251. BISHOP STORTFORD, ii. 62. BISHOPRIC, resignation of a, iii. 113, n. 2. BISMARCK, Prince, iv. 27, n. 1. BLACK, why part of mankind is, i. 401. Black dog, the, iii. 414. BLACK-GUARDS, and red-guards, ii. 164, 251. BLACK-LETTER BOOKS, ii. 120. BLACKET, Sir Thomas, v. 148, n. 1. BLACKIE'S Etymological Geography, v. 237, n. 3. BLACKLOCK, Dr., blindness and poetry, i. 466; Hume, extolled by, iv. 186, n. 2; tutor to his nephew, v. 47, n. 3; Johnson, meets, v. 47; talks of scepticism, ib.; letter in explanation, v. 417; Poems, quotation from his, i. 334; mentioned, v. 394. BLACKMORE, Sir Richard, attorney, son of an, ii. 126, n. 4; teaches a school, i. 97, n. 2; Creation, his, ii. 108; honoured too much by attacks, ii. 107; Johnson adds him to the Lives, iii. 370; iv. 35, n. 3, 54-6; describes himself in the Life, iv. 55; saves him from the critics, ib., n. 1; Literary Club of Lay Monks, i. 388, n. 3; v. 384, n. 2; supposed lines on Prince Voltiger, ii. 108; Swift, ridiculed by, iv. 80, n. 1. BLACKSTONE, Sir William, Borough English, v. 320; Commentaries written when he had little practice, ii. 430; composed with the help of port wine, iv. 91; crown revenues, ii. 353; n. 4; Hackman's trial, iii. 384; Hawkins's Siege of Aleppo, approves of, iii. 259; House of Hanover, right of the, v. 202; legal succession, ii. 414, n. 2; Pembroke College, member of, i. 75; portrait in the Bodleian, iv. 91, n. 2; stultifying oneself, v. 342, n. 1. BLACKWALL, Anthony, i. 84; iv. 311, 407, n. 4. BLACKWELL, Thomas, Memoirs of the Court of Augustus, i. 309, 311. BLACKWELL, Dr., a physician, i. 467, n. 1. BLAGDEN, Dr., iv. 30. BLAINVILLE, H., ii. 346. BLAIR, Rev. Dr. Hugh, Boswell, letter to, iii. 402; Boswell's lowing like a cow, v. 396; composed slowly, v. 67; conversation, his, iii. 339, n. 1; v. 397, n. 3; Dissertation on Ossian, i. 396; ii. 296, 302, n. 2; iii. 50; Johnson, in awe of, ii. 63; 'den,' i. 395; misunderstanding with, ii. 275, 278; record of a talk with, v. 398; Johnsonian style, remarks on the, iii. 172; Lectures on Rhetoric, iii. 172; Pope, anecdotes of, iii. 402-3; preached in a shamefully dirty church, v. 41; 'Scotchman, though the dog is a,' &c., iv. 98; Sermons, publication, iii. 97; price paid, iii. 98; popularity, iii. 167, n. 2, 211; Johnson praises them, iii. 97, 104, 109, 167, 211; iv. 98; but criticises the Sermon on Devotion, iii. 338; whist, learns, v. 404, n. 1; mentioned, ii. 53, n. 1; v. 387, 394. BLAIR, Rev. Dr. John, iii. 402. BLAIR, Rev. Robert, iii. 47, n. 3. BLAIR, Robert, Solicitor-General of Scotland, iii. 47, n. 3. Blake, Life of, i. 147, n. 5. BLAKESLEY, Dean, iv. 125, n. 4. BLAKEWAY, Rev. J., i. 15. BLANCHARD, ——, iv. 358, n. 1. BLANCHETTI, Marquis, ii. 390. BLAND, J., i. 123, n. 3. BLANEY, Mrs. Elizabeth, i. 37; iv. 372. BLANK VERSE, Goldsmith and Gray's estimate of it, i. 427, n. 2; Johnson's estimate of it, i. 427; ii. 124; iv. 20, 42-3, 60; 'verse only to the eye,' iv. 43; described by a shepherd, ib., n. 1. BLASPHEMY, property in, v. 50. BLEEDING, habit of, iii. 152, n. 3. BLENHEIM PARK, Johnson had not seen it by 1773, v. 303; and Boswell visit it, ii. 451; and the Thrales, v. 458. BLIND, distinguishing colour by the touch, ii. 190. BLOCKHEAD, Churchill, applied to, i. 419; Fielding, ii. 173; Sterne, ib., n. 2; woman, a, ii. 456. BLOIS, i. 389, n. 1. 'BLOOD,' Johnson had no pretensions to it, ii. 261; Boswell's pride in it, v. 51. BLOUNT, Martha, i. 232, n. 1. BLOXAM, Rev. Matthew, iii. 304. BLUEBEARD, ii. 181. BLUE-STOCKING MEETINGS, iii. 425, n. 3; iv. 108; v. 32, n. 3. BOARS, statues of, iii. 231. BOCCAGE, ——, ii. 390. BOCCAGE, Mme. du, makes tea a l'Angloise, ii. 403; her Columbiade, iv. 331; mentioned by Walpole and Grimm, ib., n. 1. BODENS, George, iii. 428, n. 4. BODLEIAN LIBRARY. See OXFORD. BOERHAAVE, Herman, attacks, never answered, ii. 61, n. 4; executions, on, iv. 188, n. 3; Johnson, Life by, i. 140, 268, n. 2; ii. 372; resemblance to, iv. 430, n. 1; sleepless nights, iv. 384, n. 1. BOETHIUS (Hector Bocce), favourite writer of the middle ages, ii. 127; Johnson translates some verses by him, i. 139; tries to get his portrait, iv. 265. BOHEMIA, iii. 458. BOHEMIAN LANGUAGE, ii. 156. BOHEMIAN SERVANT, Boswell's. See RITTER, Joseph. BOILEAU, corrected by Arnauld, iii. 347; 'cultivez vos amis,' iv. 352; despised modern Latin poets, i. 90, n. 1; Imitation of Juvenal, i. 118; imitated by Murphy, i. 356, n. 1; 'Le vainqueur des vanqueurs,' &c., i. 261, n. 2; Life by Desmaiseaux, i. 29; on the neglect of a book, iii. 375, w.i. BOLINGBROKE, Henry St. John, first Viscount, Burnet's History of his Own Time, ii. 213, n. 3; Booth's Cato, v. 126, n. 2; crown revenues, ii. 353, n. 4; dictionary-makers, i. 296, n. 3; English historians, ii. 236, n. 2; Garrick's Ode, i. 269; history to be read with suspicion, ii. 213, n. 3; authorised romance, ii. 366, n. 1; House of Commons, describes the, iii. 234, n. 2; Johnson's attack on his fame, i. 268, 330; Leslie and Bedford, iv. 286, n. 3; Mallet's edition of his Works, i. 268, 329, n. 3; Oxford, Lord, character of, iii. 236, n. 3; Patriot King, i. 329, n. 3; Pope, enmity against, i. 329; Essay on Man, share in, iii. 402-3; executor, iv. 51; friendship with, iv. 50, n. 4; Rome, references to, iii. 206, n. 1; schools, v. 85, n. 3; Shelburne's (Lord) character of him, i. 268, n. 3; Tories and Jacobites, i. 429, n. 4; transpire, iii. 343. BOLINGBROKE, Lady, iii. 324. BOLINGBROKE, second Viscount, ii. 246, n. 1; iii. 349, n. 3. BOLINGBROKE, Lady, divorced from the second Viscount. See BEAUCLERK, Lady Diana. BOLOGNA, ii. 195; v. 115. BOMBAY, v. 55, n. 1. Bon Chretien, v. 414, n. 2. Bon-mots, instances of, iii. 322; 'carrying' one, ii. 350. Bon Ton, ii. 325. BONAVENTURA, i. 500. BOND, Mrs. iv. 402, n. 2. BONES, uses of old, iv. 204; Johnson's horror at the sight of them, v. 169, 327. BONIFACE in The Beaux Stratagem, ii. 461; iii. 89, n. 2. BONNER, Bishop, i. 75, n. 3. BONNETTA of Londonderry, v. 319-20. BONSTETTEN, ——, v. 384, n. 1. Book of Discipline, ii. 172. BOOK-BINDING, i. 56, n. 2. BOOK-TRADE, ii. 425. BOOKS, abundance of modern, iii. 332; death, leaving one's books at, iii. 312; early printed ones, ii. 399; v. 459; every house supplied with them, iv. 217, n. 4; getting boys to have entertainment from them, iii. 385; high price, complaints of their, i. 438, n. 2; Johnson's letter on the book-trade, ii. 425; knowledge of the world through books, i. 105; talking from them, v. 378; looking over their backs in a library, ii. 364; poorest book, if the first, a prodigious effort, i. 454; prices at which they were sold: Boswell's edition of Johnson's Letter to Chesterfield, 105. 6d., i. 261, n. 1; Churchill's Rosciad, 1s., i. 419, n. 5; Dodsley's Cleone, 1s. 6d., i. 325, n. 3; Goldsmith's Traveller, 1s. 6d., i. 415; Johnson's London, 1s., i. 127, n. 3; Marmor Norfolciense, 1s., i. 143, n. 3; Observations on Macbeth, 1s., i. 175, n. 3; Vanity of Human Wishes, 1s., i. 193, n. 1; Irene, 1s. 6d., i. 198, n. 2; Rambler, 2d. a number, i. 209, n. 1; Rambler, 4 vols. in 12mo., 12s., i. 212, n. 3; Dictionary, 2 vols., 4l 10s., i. 290, n. 1; Idler, 2 vols., 5s., i. 335, n. 1; Rasselas, 2 vols. 12mo., 5s., i. 340, n. 3; Journey to the Western Islands, 5s., ii. 310, n. 2; Macpherson's Iliad, two guineas, ii. 298, n. 1; Percy's Hermit of Warkworth, 2s. 6d., ii. 136, n. 4; Pope's '1738,' 1s., i. 127, n. 3; Robertson's Scotland, two guineas, iii. 334, n. 2; 'quarterly-book,' the, ii. 426; seldom read when given away, ii. 229; uncertainty of profits, iv. 121; variety of them to be kept about a man, iii. 193; Voltaire on the rapid sale of books in London, ii. 402, n. 1; willingly, not read, iv. 218. See READING. BOOKSELLER, a drunken, iii. 389. Bookseller of the Last Century, sale of The Rambler and Rasselas, ii. 208, n. 3; Newbery, v. 30, n. 3. BOOKSELLERS, Boswell's vindication of them, ii. 426, n. 1; 'Bridge, on the,' iv. 257; copyright case, ii. 272, n. 2; copyright, their honorary, iii. 370; improvement in their manners, i. 305, n. 1; Johnson's letter on the book-trade, ii. 425; uniform regard for them, i. 438; calls them liberal-minded men, i. 304; iv. 35, n. 3; literary property, their, iii. 110; London booksellers, denominated the Trade, iii. 285, n. 2; publish Johnson's Lives, iii. 110; oppressors of genius, i. 305, n. 1; ii. 345, n. 2; patrons of literature, i. 287, n. 3, 305. BOOTH, Barton, the actor, account of him, v. 126, n. 2; manager of Drurylane, v. 244, n. 2. BOOTH, Captain, in Amelia, i. 249, n. 2. BOOTHBY, Sir Brook, i. 83. BOOTHBY, Miss Hill, Johnson's friendship for her, i. 83; prescription of orange-peel, ii. 331. n. 1; supposed jealousy of Lord Lyttelton, iv. 57, n. 2; letters to her. See JOHNSON, Letters. BORLASE, William, History of the Isles of Scilly, i. 309. BORNEO, v. 392, n. 6. BOROUGH, corruption in a, ii. 373. Borough English, v. 320. BOSCAWEN, Hon. Mrs., iii. 331, 425; iv. 96. BOSCOVICH, Pere, ii. 125, 406. BOSSUET, ii. 448, n. 2; v. 311. BOSVILLE, Squire Godfrey, invites Johnson to meet Boswell at his house, iii. 439; belonged to the same club as Johnson, ib.; mentioned, ii. 169, n. 2; iii. 130, n. 1, 359. BOSVILLE, Mrs., ii. 169. BOSVILLE, Miss, ii. 169, n. 2; afterwards Lady Macdonald, v. 147. BOSWELL, various spellings of it, v. 123-4. BOSWELL FAMILY, Johnson's projected history of it, iv. 198. BOSWELLS of Fife, ii. 413. BOSWELL, Sir Alexander, Baronet, Boswell's eldest son, birth, ii. 386; iii. 86; at Eton College, iii. 12; described by Scott, v. 385, n. 1; killed in a duel, ii. 179. n. 3, 386, n. 2. BOSWELL, David, a remote ancestor, ii. 413. BOSWELL, David (Boswell's younger brother), devotion to Auchinleck, iii. 433; return to it, iii. 438; ill-used by Dundas, iii. 213, n. 1; Johnson, calls on, iii. 433-4; liked by him, 442; residence in Spain, ii. 195, n. 3; iii. 182; leaves in consequence of war, 433-4. BOSWELL, David (Boswell's third son), iii. 94; death, iii. 106, 109. BOSWELL, Dr., account of him, v. 394; Johnson, meets, v. 48; description of, iii. 7; mentioned, i. 437; iii. 116. BOSWELL, Euphemia (Boswell's second daughter), ii. 422. BOSWELL, JAMES. CHIEF EVENTS OF HIS LIFE. 1740 Birth, October 29th, i. 147, n. 3. 1759 Keeps an exact journal, i. 433, n. 3. Enters at Glasgow University, i. 465. 1760 First visit to London, i. 385. 1761 Publishes an Elegy on the Death of an Amiable Young Lady, and An Ode to Tragedy, i. 383, n. 3. 1762 Contributes to a Collection of Original Poems, ib. The Club at Newmarket, ib. Second visit to London, i. 385. 1763 Critical Strictures, i. 383, n. 3. Correspondence with the Hon. Andrew Erskine, ib. Gets to know Johnson, i. 391. Goes to study at Utrecht, i. 473. 1764 & 1765 Travels in Germany, Switzerland, and Italy, iii. 122, n. 2; 463, n. 2. 1765 Visits Corsica, ii. 2. 1766 Visits Paris, ii. 3. Returns from abroad, ii. 4. Visits London, ii. 4-15. Admitted as an Advocate, ii. 20. 1767 Is acquainted with men of eminence, ii. 13, n. 3. Corresponds with the Earl of Chatham, ii. 59, n. 1. Dorando, a Spanish Tale, ii. 50, n. 4. Essence of the Douglas Cause, ii. 230. 1768 Visits London and Oxford, ii. 46-66. Account of Corsica, ii. 46. Raises a subscription to send ordnance to Corsica, ii. 59, n. 1. 1769 Visits Ireland, ii. 156, n. 3. Visits London, ii. 68-111. First visit to Streatham, ii. 77. Attends the Stratford Jubilee, ii. 68. Married, ii. 140, n. 1. British Essays in favour of the Brave Corsicans, ii. 59, n. 1. 1770-1 Gap in his correspondence with Johnson of nearly a year and a half, ii. 140. 1772 Visits London, ii. 146-200. 1773 Visits London, ii. 209-263. Elected a member of the Literary Club, ii. 240. Gets to know Burke, ib. Tour to the Hebrides with Johnson, ii. 266. 1775 Visits London, ii. 311-377. Johnson assigns him a room in his house, ii. 375. Visits Wilton and Mamhead in Devonshire, ii. 371. Enters at the Inner Temple, ii. 375, n. 4. Birth of his eldest son, Alexander, ii. 386. 1776 Disagrees with his father about the settlement of his estate, ii. 412. Visits London, ii. 427-438; iii. 4-80. Becomes Paoli's constant guest when in London, iii. 34. Visits Oxford, Birmingham, Lichfield, and Ashbourne with Johnson, ii. 438-475; iii. 1-4. Visits Bath, iii. 45-51. Introduces Wilkes to Johnson, iii. 64. 1777 Meets Johnson at Ashbourne, iii. 136-208. Begins The Hypochondriack in the London Magazine, iv. 179, n. 5. 1778 Visits London, iii. 222-359. Attacked violently by Johnson, iii. 337. The Hypochondriack, iv. 179, n. 5. 1779 Visits London (in the spring), iii. 373-394. Tries Johnson's friendship by a fit of silence, iii. 394. Visits London (in the autumn), iii. 399-411. Visits Lichfield and Chester, iii. 411-415. The Hypockondriack, iv. 179, n. 5. 1780 The Hypochondriack, iv. 179, n. 5. 1781 Visits London, iv. 71-118. Visits Southill with Johnson, iv. 118-132. The Hypochondriack, iv. 179, n. 5. 1782 Death of his father, iv. 154. The Hypochondriack, iv. 179, n. 5. 1783 Visits London, iv. 164-226. Hopes for an appointment through Burke, iv. 223. Ends The Hypochondriack, iv. 179, n. 5. Letter to the People of Scotland on the Present State of the Nation, iv. 258. 1784 Stops at York on his way to London, iv. 265. Hurries back to Ayrshire with the intention of becoming a candidate for Parliament, ib. Visits London, iv. 271-339. Visits Oxford with Johnson, iv, 283-311. Johnson's death, iv. 417. 1785 Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, v. 2. Letter to the People of Scotland against the attempt to diminish the number of the Lords of Session, iv. 173, n. 1. 1786 Called to the English Bar, i. 2, n. 2; iv. 309, n. 5. First joins the Home Circuit, then goes the Northern, lastly returns to the Home Circuit, Letters of Boswell, p. 341, and iii. 261, n. 2. Third edition of the Journal of a Tour, v. 4. Canvasses Ayrshire, iv. 220, n 4. Courts Lord Lonsdale, ib. Elected Recorder of Carlisle, Gent. Mag. for 1788, p. 470. Takes a house in Queen Anne Street West, Cavendish Square, Letters of Boswell, p. 267. Takes chambers in the Inner Temple, iii. 179, n. 1. Death of his wife, i. 236, n. 1. Joins in raising a subscription for a monument to Johnson, Letters of Boswell, p. 317. 1790 The Letter from Samuel Johnson to the Earl of Chesterfield, i. 261, n. 1. A Conversation between George III and Samuel Johnson, ii. 34, n. 1. Suffers from |