OBJECT. 'Nay, Sir, if you are born to object I have done with you,' v. 151.
OBJECTIONS. 'So many objections might be made to everything, that nothing could overcome them but the necessity of doing something,' ii. 128; 'There is no end of objections,' iii. 26.
OBLIVION. 'That was a morbid oblivion,' v. 68.
ODD. 'Nothing odd will do long,' ii. 449.
ON'T. 'I'll have no more on't,' iv. 300.
OPPRESSION. 'Unnecessarily to obtrude unpleasing ideas is a species of oppression,' v. 82, n. 2.
ORCHARD. 'If I come to an orchard,' &c., ii. 96.
OUT. 'A man does not love to go to a place from whence he comes out exactly as he went in,' iv. 90.
OUTLAW. 'Sir, he leads the life of an outlaw,' ii. 375.
OUT-VOTE. 'Though we cannot out-vote them we will out-argue them,' iii. 234.
OVERFLOWED. 'The conversation overflowed and drowned him,' ii. 122.
OWL. 'Placing a timid boy at a public school is forcing an owl upon day,' iv. 312.
PACKHORSE. 'A carrier who has driven a packhorse,' &c., v. 395.
PACKTHREAD. 'When I take up the end of a web, and find it packthread, I do not expect, by looking further, to find embroidery,' ii. 88.
PACTOLUS. 'Sir, had you been dipt in Pactolus, I should not have noticed you,' iv. 320.
PAIN. 'He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man,' ii. 435, n. 7.
PAINTED. 'Hailes's Annals of Scotland have not that painted form which is the taste of this age,' iii. 58.
PAINTING. 'Painting, Sir, can illustrate, but cannot inform,' iv. 321.
PALACES. 'We are not to blow up half a dozen palaces because one cottage is burning,' ii. 90.
PAMPER. 'No, no, Sir; we must not pamper them,' iv. 133.
PANT. 'Prosaical rogues! next time I write, I'll make both time and space pant,' iv. 25.
PARADOX. 'No, Sir, you are not to talk such paradox,' ii. 73.
PARCEL. 'We are not here to sell a parcel of boilers and vats, but the potentiality of growing rich beyond the dreams of avarice' (Lord Lucan's anecdote of Johnson), iv. 87.
PARENTS. 'Parents not in any other respect to be numbered with robbers and assassins,' &c., iii. 377, n. 3.
PARSIMONY. 'He has the crime of prodigality and the wretchedness of parsimony,' iii. 317.
PARSONS. 'This merriment of parsons is mighty offensive,' iv. 76.
PATRIOTISM. 'Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel,' ii. 348.
PATRIOTS. 'Patriots spring up like mushrooms' (Sir R. Walpole), iv. 87, n. 2; 'Don't let them be patriots,' iv. 87.
PATRON. 'The Patron and the jail,' i. 264.
PECCANT. 'Be sure that the steam be directed to thy head, for that is the peccant part,' ii. 100.
PEGGY. 'I cannot be worse, and so I'll e'en take Peggy,' ii. 101.
PELTING. 'No, Sir, if they had wit they should have kept pelting me with pamphlets,' ii. 308.
PEN. 'No man was more foolish when he had not a pen in his hand, or more wise when he had,' iv. 29.
PEOPLE. 'The lairds, instead of improving their country, diminished their people,' v. 300.
Per. 'Per mantes notos et flumina nota,' i. 49, n. 4; v. 456, n. 1.
PERFECT. 'Endeavour to be as perfect as you can in every respect,' iv. 338.
PERISH. 'Let the authority of the English government perish rather than be maintained by iniquity,' ii. 121.
PETTY. 'These are the petty criticisms of petty wits,' i. 498.
PHILOSOPHER. 'I have tried in my time to be a philosopher; but I don't know how, cheerfulness was always breaking in' (O. Edwards), iii. 305.
PHILOSOPHICAL. 'We may suppose a philosophical day-labourer,.... but we find no such philosophical day-labourer,' v. 328.
Philosophus. 'Magis philosophus quam Christianus,' ii. 127.
PHILOSOPHY. 'It seems to be part of the despicable philosophy of the time to despise monuments of sacred magnificence,' v. 114, n. 1.
PICTURE. 'Sir, among the anfractuosities of the human mind I know not if it may not be one, that there is a superstitious reluctance to sit for a picture,' iv. 4.
PIETY. 'A wicked fellow is the most pious when he takes to it. He'll beat you all at piety,' iv. 289.
PIG. 'Pig has, it seems, not been wanting to man, but man to pig,' iv. 373; 'It is said the only way to make a pig go forward is to pull him back by the tail,' v. 355.
PILLOW. 'That will do—all that a pillow can do,' iv. 411.
PISTOL. 'When his pistol misses fire, he knocks you down with the butt end of it' (Colley Cibber) ii. 100.
PITY. 'We should knock him down first, and pity him afterwards,' iii. 11.
PLAYER. 'A player—a showman—a fellow who exhibits himself for a shilling,' ii. 234.
PLEASANT. 'Live pleasant' (Burke), i. 344.
PLEASE. 'It is very difficult to please a man against his will,' iii. 69.
PLEASED. 'To make a man pleased with himself, let me tell you, is doing a very great thing,' iii. 328.
PLEASING. 'We all live upon the hope of pleasing somebody,' ii. 22.
PLEASURE. 'Every pleasure is of itself a good,' iii. 327; 'Pleasure is too weak for them and they seek for pain,' iii. 176; 'When one doubts as to pleasure, we know what will be the conclusion,' iii. 250; 'When pleasure can be had it is fit to catch it,' iii. 131.
Plenum. 'There are objections against a plenum and objections against a vacuum; yet one of them must certainly be true,' i. 444.
PLUME. 'This, Sir, is a new plume to him,' ii. 210.
POCKET. 'I should as soon have thought of picking a pocket,' v. 145.
POETRY. 'I could as easily apply to law as to tragic poetry,' v. 35; 'There is here a great deal of what is called poetry,' iii. 374.
POINT. 'Whenever I write anything the public make a point to know nothing about it' (Goldsmith), iii. 252.
POLES. 'If all this had happened to me, I should have had a couple of fellows with long poles walking before me, to knock down everybody that stood in the way,' iii. 264.
POLITENESS. 'Politeness is fictitious benevolence,' v. 82.
POOR. 'A decent provision for the poor is the true test of civilization,' ii. 130; 'Resolve never to be poor,' iv. 163.
PORT. 'It is rowing without a port,' iii. 255. See CLARET.
POST. 'Sir, I found I must have gilded a rotten post,' i. 266, n. 1.
POSTS. 'If you have the best posts we will have you tied to them and whipped,' v. 292.
POUND. 'Pound St. Paul's Church into atoms and consider any single atom; it is to be sure good for nothing; but put all these atoms together, and you have St. Paul's Church,' i. 440.
POVERTY. 'When I was running about this town a very poor fellow, I was a great arguer for the advantages of poverty,' i. 441.
POWER. 'I sell here, Sir, what all the world desires to have—Power' (Boulton), ii. 459.
PRACTICE. 'He does not wear out his principles in practice' (Beauclerk), iii. 282.
PRAISE. 'All censure of a man's self is oblique praise,' iii. 323; 'I know nobody who blasts by praise as you do,' iv. 8l; 'Praise and money, the two powerful corrupters of mankind,' iv. 242; 'There is no sport in mere praise, when people are all of a mind,' v. 273.
PRAISES. 'He who praises everybody praises nobody,' iii. 225, n. 3.
PRANCE. 'Sir, if a man has a mind to prance he must study at Christ Church and All Souls,' ii. 67, n. 2.
PRE-EMINENCE. 'Painful pre-eminence' (Addison), iii. 82, n. 2.
PREJUDICE. 'He set out with a prejudice against prejudices,' ii. 51.
PRESENCE. 'Never speak of a man in his own presence. It is always indelicate, and may be offensive,' ii. 472; 'Sir, I honour Derrick for his presence of mind,' i. 457.
PRIG. 'Harris is a prig, and a bad prig,' iii. 245; 'What! a prig, Sir?' 'Worse, Madam, a Whig. But he is both,' iii. 294.
PRINCIPLES. 'Sir, you are so grossly ignorant of human nature as not to know, that a man may be very sincere in good principles without having good practice,' v. 359.
PROBABILITIES. 'Balancing probabilities,' iv. 12.
PROFESSION. 'No man would be of any profession as simply opposed to not being of it,' ii. 128.
PROPAGATE. 'I would advise no man to marry, Sir, who is not likely to propagate understanding,' ii. 109, n. 2.
PROPORTION. 'It is difficult to settle the proportion of iniquity between them,' ii. 12.
PROSPECTS. 'Norway, too, has noble wild prospects,' i. 425.
PROSPERITY. 'Sir, you see in him vulgar prosperity,' iii. 410.
PROVE. 'How will you prove that, Sir?' i. 410, n. 2.
PROVERB. 'A man should take care not to be made a proverb,' iii. 57.
PRY. 'He may still see, though he may not pry,' iii. 61.
PUBLIC. 'Sir, he is one of the many who have made themselves public without making themselves known,' i. 498.
PUDDING. 'Yet if he should be hanged, none of them will eat a slice of plum-pudding the less,' ii. 94.
Puerilites. 'Il y a beaucoup de puerilites dans la guerre,' iii. 355.
PURPOSES. 'The mind is enlarged and elevated by mere purposes,' iv. 396, n. 4.
PUTRESCENCE. 'You would not have me for fear of pain perish in putrescence,' iv. 240, n. 1.
Quare. 'A writ of quare adhaesit pavimento' (wags of the Northern Circuit), iii. 261, n. 2.
QUARREL. 'Perhaps the less we quarrel, the more we hate,' iii. 417, n. 5.
QUARRELS. 'Men will be sometimes surprised into quarrels,' iii. 277, n. 2.
QUESTIONING. 'Questioning is not the mode of conversation among gentlemen,' ii. 472.
QUIET. 'Your primary consideration is your own quiet,' iii. 11.
QUIVER. 'The limbs will quiver and move when the soul is gone,' iii. 38, n. 6.
RAGE. 'He has a rage for saying something where there is nothing to be said,' i. 329.
RAGS. 'Rags, Sir, will always make their appearance where they have a right to do it,' iv. 312.
RAINED. 'If it rained knowledge I'd hold out my hand,' iii. 344.
RASCAL. 'I'd throw such a rascal into the river,' i. 469; 'With a little more spoiling you will, I think, make me a complete rascal,' iii. 1; 'Don't be afraid, Sir, you will soon make a very pretty rascal,' iv. 200; 'Every man of any education would rather be called a rascal than accused of deficiency in the graces,' iii. 54.
RASCALS. 'Sir, there are rascals in all countries,' iii. 326.
RATIONALITY. 'An obstinate rationality prevents me,' iv. 289.
RATTLE. 'The lad does not care for the child's rattle,' ii. 14.
READ. 'We must read what the world reads at the moment,' iii. 332.
REAR. 'Sir, I can make him rear,' iv. 28.
REASON. 'You may have a reason why two and two should make five, but they will still make but four,' iii. 375.
REBELLION. 'All rebellion is natural to man,' v. 394.
RECIPROCATE. 'Madam, let us reciprocate,' iii. 408.
RECONCILED. 'Beware of a reconciled enemy' (Italian proverb), iii. 108.
REDDENING. 'It is better she should be reddening her own cheeks than blackening other people's characters,' iii. 46.
REFORM. 'It is difficult to reform a household gradually,' iii. 362.
RELIGION. 'I am no friend to making religion appear too hard,' v. 316; 'Religion scorns a foe like thee' (Epigram), iv. 288.
RENT. 'Amendments are seldom made without some token of a rent,' iv. 38.
REPAID. 'Boswell, lend me sixpence—not to be repaid,' iv. 191.
REPAIRS. 'There is a time of life, Sir, when a man requires the repairs of a table,' i. 470, n. 2.
REPEATING. 'I know nothing more offensive than repeating what one knows to be foolish things, by way of continuing a dispute, to see what a man will answer,' iii. 350.
REPUTATION. 'Jonas acquired some reputation by travelling abroad, but lost it all by travelling at home,' ii. 122.
RESENTMENT. 'Resentment gratifies him who intended an injury,' iv. 367.
RESPECTED. 'Sir, I never before knew how much I was respected by these gentlemen; they told me none of these things,' iii. 8.
REVIEWERS. 'Set Reviewers at defiance,' v. 274; 'The Reviewers will make him hang himself,' iii. 313.
RICH. 'It is better to live rich than to die rich,' iii. 304.
RIDICULE. 'Ridicule has gone down before him,' i. 394; 'Ridicule is not your talent,' iv. 335.
RIGHT. 'Because a man cannot be right in all things, is he to be right in nothing?' iii. 410; 'It seems strange that a man should see so far to the right who sees so short a way to the left,' iv. 19.
RISING. 'I am glad to find that the man is rising in the world,' ii. 155, n. 2.
ROCK. 'It is like throwing peas against a rock,' v. 30; 'Madam, were they in Asia I would not leave the rock,' v. 223.
ROCKS. 'If anything rocks at all, they say it rocks like a cradle,' iii. 136.
ROPE-DANCING. 'Let him take a course of chemistry, or a course of rope-dancing,' ii. 440.
ROTTEN. 'Depend upon it, Sir, he who does what he is afraid should be known has something rotten about him,' ii. 210; 'Then your rotten sheep are mine,' v. 50.
ROUND. 'Round numbers are always false,' iii. 226, n. 4.
RUFFIAN. 'I hope I shall never be deterred from detecting what I think a cheat by the menaces of a ruffian,' ii. 298.
RUFFLE. 'If a mere wish could attain it, a man would rather wish to be able to hem a ruffle,' ii. 357.
RUFFLES. 'Ancient ruffles and modern principles do not agree,' iv. 81.
RUINING. 'He is ruining himself without pleasure,' iii. 348.
RUNTS. 'Mr. Johnson would learn to talk of runts' (Mrs. Salusbury), iii. 337.
SAILOR. 'No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a gaol,' v. 137.
SAT. 'Yes, Sir, if he sat next you,' ii. 193.
SAVAGE. 'You talk the language of a savage,' ii. 130.
SAVAGES. 'One set of savages is like another,' iv. 308.
SAY. 'The man is always willing to say what he has to say,' iii. 307.
SCARLET BREECHES. 'It has been a fashion to wear scarlet breeches; these men would tell you that, according to causes and effects, no other wear could at that time have been chosen,' iv. 189.
SCHEME. 'Nothing is more hopeless than a scheme of merriment,' i. 331, n. 5.
SCHEMES. 'It sometimes happens that men entangle themselves in their own schemes,' iii. 386; 'Most schemes of political improvement are very laughable things,' ii. 102.
SCHOOLBOY. 'A schoolboy's exercise may be a pretty thing for a schoolboy, but it is no treat for a man,' ii. 127.
SCHOOLMASTER. 'You may as well praise a schoolmaster for whipping a boy who has construed ill,' ii. 88.
SCOTCH. 'I'd rather have you whistle a Scotch tune,' iv. 111; 'Scotch conspiracy in national falsehood,' ii. 297; 'Sir, it is not so much to be lamented that Old England is lost as that the Scotch have found it,' iii. 78; 'Why, Sir, all barrenness is comparative. The Scotch would not know it to be barren,' iii. 76.
SCOTCHMAN. 'Come, gentlemen, let us candidly admit that there is one Scotchman who is cheerful,' iii. 387; 'Come, let me know what it is that makes a Scotchman happy,' v. 346; 'He left half a crown to a beggarly Scotchman to draw the trigger after his death,' i. 268; 'Much may be made of a Scotchman, if he be caught young,' ii. 194; 'One Scotchman is as good as another,' iv. 101; 'The noblest prospect which a Scotchman ever sees is the high road that leads him to England,' i. 425; v. 387; 'Though the dog is a Scotchman and a Presbyterian, and everything he should not be,' &c., iv. 98; 'Why, Sir, I should not have said of Buchanan, had he been an Englishman, what I will now say of him as a Scotchman, —that he was the only man of genius his country ever produced,' iv. 185; 'You would not have been so valuable as you are had you not been a Scotchman,' iii. 347.
SCOTCHMEN. 'Droves of Scotchmen would come up and attest anything for the honour of Scotland,' ii. 311; 'I shall suppose Scotchmen made necessarily, and Englishmen by choice,' v. 48; 'It was remarked of Mallet that he was the only Scot whom Scotchmen did not commend,' ii. 159, n. 3; 'We have an inundation of Scotchmen' (Wilkes), iv. 101.
SCOTLAND. 'A Scotchman must be a very sturdy moralist who does not love Scotland better than truth,' ii. 311, n. 4; v. 389, n. 1; 'Describe the inn, Sir? Why, it was so bad that Boswell wished to be in Scotland,' iii. 51; 'If one man in Scotland gets possession of two thousand pounds, what remains for all the rest of the nation?' iv. 101; 'Oats. A grain which in England is generally given to horses, but in Scotland supports the people,' i. 294, n. 8; 'Seeing Scotland, Madam, is only seeing a worse England,' iii. 248; 'Sir, you have desert enough in Scotland,' ii. 75; 'Things which grow wild here must be cultivated with great care in Scotland. Pray, now, are you ever able to bring the sloe to perfection?' ii. 77; 'Why so is Scotland your native place,' ii. 52.
SCOUNDREL. 'Fludyer turned out a scoundrel, a Whig,' ii. 444; 'I told her she was a scoundrel' (a carpenter), ii. 456, n. 3; 'Ready to become a scoundrel, Madam,' iii. 1; 'Sir, he was a scoundrel and coward,' i. 268.
SCREEN. 'He stood as a screen between me and death' (Swift), iii. 441, n. 3.
SCRIBBLING. 'The worst way of being intimate is by scribbling,' v. 93.
SCRUPLES. 'Whoever loads life with unnecessary scruples,' &c., ii. 72, n. 1.
SEE. 'Let us endeavour to see things as they are,' i. 339.
Semel Baro semper Baro (Boswell), i. 492, n. 1.
SEND. 'Nay, Sir; we'll send you to him,' iii. 315.
SENSATION. 'Sensation is sensation,' v. 95.
SENSE. 'He grasps more sense than he can hold,' iv. 98: 'Nay, Sir, it was not the wine that made your head ache, but the sense that I put into it,' iii. 381.
SERENITY. 'The serenity that is not felt it can be no virtue to feign,' iv. 395.
SEVERITY. 'Severity is not the way to govern either boys or men' (Lord Mansfield), ii. 186.
SHADOWY. 'Why, Sir, something of a shadowy being,' ii. 178.
SHALLOWS. 'All shallows are clear,' v. 44, n. 3.
SHERRY. 'Why, Sir, Sherry is dull, naturally dull; but it must have taken him a great deal of pains to become what we now see him. Such an excess of stupidity, Sir, is not in Nature,' i. 453.
SHIFT. 'As long as you have the use of your tongue and your pen, never, Sir, be reduced to that shift,' iv. 190, n. 2.
SHINE. 'You shine, indeed, but it is by being ground,' iii. 386.
SHIP. Being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned,' i. 348; v. 137; 'It is getting on horseback in a ship' (Hierocles), v. 308.
SHIRT. 'It is like a shirt made for a man when he was a child and enlarged always as he grows older,' v. 217.
SHIVER. 'Why do you shiver?' i. 462.
SHOE. 'Had the girl in The Mourning Bride said she could not cast her shoe to the top of one of the pillars in the temple, it would not have aided the idea, but weakened it,' ii. 87.
SHOEMAKER. 'As I take my shoes from the shoemaker and my coat from the tailor, so I take my religion from the priest' (Goldsmith), ii. 214.
SHOES. 'Mankind could do better without your books than without my shoes,' i. 448.
SHOOT. 'You do not see one man shoot a great deal higher than another,' ii. 450; 'You have set him that I might shoot him, but I have not shot him,' iv. 83.
SHOOTERS. 'Where there are many shooters, some will hit,' iii. 254.
SHORT-HAND. 'A long head is as good as short-hand' (Mrs. Thrale), iv. 166.
SHOT. 'He is afraid of being shot getting into a house, or hanged when he has got out of it,' iv. 127.
SICK. 'Sir, you have but two topics, yourself and me, I am sick of both,' iii. 57; 'To a sick man what is the public?' iv. 260, n. 2.
SIEVE. 'Sir, that is the blundering economy of a narrow understanding. It is stopping one hole in a sieve,' iii. 300.
SINNING. 'The gust of eating pork with the pleasure of sinning' (Dr. Barrowby), iv. 292.
SLAUGHTER-HOUSE. 'Let's go into the slaughter-house again, Lanky. But I am afraid there is more blood than brains,' iv. 20.
SLIGHT. 'If it is a slight man and a slight thing you may [laugh at a man to his face], for you take nothing valuable from him,' iii. 338.
SLUT. 'She was generally slut and drunkard, occasionally whore and thief,' iv. 103.
SMALL. 'Small certainties are the bane of men of talents' (Strahan), ii. 323.
SMILE. 'Let me smile with the wise, and feed with the rich,' ii. 79.
SOBER. 'I would not keep company with a fellow who lies as long as he is sober, and whom you must make drunk before you can get a word of truth out of him,' ii. 188.
SOCIETY. 'He puts something into our society and takes nothing out of it,' v. 178.
SOCKET. 'The blaze of reputation cannot be blown out, but it often dies in the socket,' iii. 423.
SOFT. 'Sir, it is such a recommendation as if I should throw you out of a two pair of stairs window, and recommend to you to fall soft,' iv. 323.
SOLDIERS. 'Soldiers die scattering bullets,' v. 240.
SOLEMNITY. 'There must be a kind of solemnity in the manner of a professional man,' iv. 310.
SOLITARY. 'Be not solitary, be not idle' (Burton), iii. 415.
SOLITUDE. 'This full-peopled world is a dismal solitude,' iv. 147, n. 2.
SORROW. 'There is no wisdom in useless and hopeless sorrow,' iii. 137, n. 1.
SORRY. 'Sir, he said all that a man should say; he said he was sorry for it,' ii. 436.
SPARROWS. 'You may take a field piece to shoot sparrows, but all the sparrows you can bring home will not be worth the charge,' v. 261.
Spartam. 'Spartam quam nactus es orna,' iv. 379.
SPEAK. 'A man cannot with propriety speak of himself, except he relates simple facts,' iii. 323.
SPEND. 'He has neither spirit to spend nor resolution to spare,' iii. 317.
SPENDS. 'A man who both spends and saves money is the happiest man,' iii. 322.
SPIRITUAL COURT. 'Sir, I can put her into the Spiritual Court,' i. 101.
SPLENDOUR. 'Let us breakfast in splendour,' iii. 400.
SPOILED. 'Like sour small beer, she could never have been a good thing, and even that bad thing is spoiled,' v. 449, n. 1.
SPOONS. 'If he does really think that there is no distinction between virtue and vice, why, Sir, when he leaves our houses let us count our spoons,' i. 432.
STAMP. 'I was resolved not to give you the advantage even of a stamp in the argument' (Parr), iv. 15, n. 5.
STAND. 'They resolved they would stand by their country,' i. 164.
STATELY. 'That will not be the case [i.e. you will not be imposed on] if you go to a stately shop, as I always do,' iv. 319.
STOCKS. 'A man who preaches in the stocks will always have hearers enough,' ii. 251; 'Stocks for the men, a ducking-stool for women, and a pound for beasts,' iii. 287.
STONE. 'Chinese is only more difficult from its rudeness; as there is more labour in hewing down a tree with a stone than with an axe,' iii. 339.
STONES. 'I don't care how often or how high he tosses me when only friends are present, for then I fall upon soft ground; but I do not like falling on stones, which is the case when enemies are present' (Boswell), iii. 338; 'The boys would throw stones at him,' ii. 193.
STORY. 'If you were to read Richardson for the story your impatience would be so much fretted that you would hang yourself,' ii. 175.
STORY-TELLER. 'I told the circumstance first for my own amusement, but I will not be dragged in as story-teller to a company,' iv. 192, n. 2.
STRAIGHT. 'He has a great deal of learning; but it never lies straight,' iv. 225.
STRANGE. 'I'm never strange in a strange place' (Journey to London), iv. 284.
STRATAGEM. 'This comes of stratagem,' iii. 275.
STRAW. 'The first man who balanced a straw upon his nose... deserved the applause of mankind,' iii. 231.
STRETCH. 'Babies like to be told of giants and castles, and of somewhat which can stretch and stimulate their little minds,' iv. 8, n. 3.
STRIKE. 'A man cannot strike till he has his weapons,' iii. 316.
STUFF. 'It is sad stuff; it is brutish,' ii. 228; 'This now is such stuff as I used to talk to my mother, when I first began to think myself a clever fellow, and she ought to have whipped me for it,' ii. 14.
STUNNED. 'We are not to be stunned and astonished by him,' iv. 83.
STYE. 'Sir, he brings himself to the state of a hog in a stye,' iii. 152.
STYLE. 'Nothing is more easy than to write enough in that style if once you begin,' v. 388.
SUCCEED. 'He is only fit to succeed himself,' ii. 132.
SUCCESSFUL. 'Man commonly cannot be successful in different ways,' iv. 83.
SUICIDE. 'Sir, It would be a civil suicide,' iv. 223.
SULLEN. 'Harris is a sound sullen scholar,' iii. 245.
SUNSHINE. 'Dr. Mead lived more in the broad sunshine of life than almost any man,' iii. 355.
SUPERIORITY. 'You shall retain your superiority by my not knowing it,' ii. 220.
SURLY. 'Surly virtue,' i. 130.
SUSPICION. 'Suspicion is very often an useless pain,' iii. 135.
SWEET. 'It has not wit enough to keep it sweet,' iv. 320.
SWORD. 'It is like a man who has a sword that will not draw,' ii. 161.
SYBIL. 'It has all the contortions of the Sybil, without the inspiration,' iv. 59.
SYSTEM. 'No, Sir, let fanciful men do as they will, depend upon it, it is difficult to disturb the system of life,' ii. 102.
SYSTEMATICALLY. 'Kurd, Sir, is one of a set of men who account for everything systematically,' iv. 189.
TABLE. 'Sir, if Lord Mansfield were in a company of General Officers and Admirals who have been in service, he would shrink; he'd wish to creep under the table,' iii. 265; 'As to the style, it is fit for the second table,' iii. 31.
TAIL. 'If any man has a tail, it is Col,' v. 330; 'I will not be baited with what and why; what is this? what is that? why is a cow's tail long? why is a fox's tail bushy?' iii. 268.
TAILS. 'If they have tails they hide them,' v. 111.
TALK. 'Solid talk,' v. 365:' There is neither meat, drink, nor talk,' iii. 186, n. 3; 'Well, we had good talk,' ii. 66; 'You may talk as other people do,' iv. 221.
TALKED. 'While they talked, you said nothing,' v. 39.
TALKING. 'People may come to do anything almost, by talking of it,' v. 286.
TALKS. 'A man who talks for fame never can be pleasing. The man who talks to unburthen his mind is the man to delight you,' iii. 247.
TASKS. 'Never impose tasks upon mortals,' iii. 420.
TAVERN. 'A tavern chair is the throne of human felicity,' ii. 452, n. 1.
TEACH. 'It is no matter what you teach them first, any more than what leg you shall put into your breeches first,' i. 452.
TEA-KETTLE. 'We must not compare the noise made by your tea-kettle here with the roaring of the ocean,' ii. 86, n. i.
TELL. 'It is not so; do not tell this again,' iii. 229; 'Why, Sir, so am I. But I do not tell it,' iv. 191.
TENDERNESS. 'Want of tenderness is want of parts,' ii. 122.
TERROR. 'Looking back with sorrow and forward with terror,' iv. 253, n. 4.
TESTIMONY. 'Testimony is like an arrow shot from a long bow' (Boyle), iv. 281.
Tete-a-tete. 'You must not indulge your delicacy too much; or you will be a tete-a-tete man all your life,' iii. 376.
THE. 'The tender infant, meek and mild,' ii. 212, n. 4.
THEOLOGIAN. 'I say, Lloyd, I'm the best theologian, but you are the best Christian,' vi. liv.
THINK. You may talk in this manner,....but don't think foolishly,' iv. 221; 'To attempt to think them down is madness,' ii. 440.
THOUGHT. 'Thought is better than no thought,' iv. 309.
THOUSAND. 'A man accustomed to throw for a thousand pounds, if set down to throw for sixpence, would not be at the pains to count his dice,' iv. 167.
Tig. 'There was too much Tig and Tirry in it,' ii. 127, n. 3.
TIMBER. 'Consider, Sir, the value of such a piece of timber here,' v. 319.
TIME. 'He that runs against time has an antagonist not subject to casualties,' i. 319, n. 3.
TIMIDITY. 'I have no great timidity in my own disposition, and am no encourager of it in others,' iv. 200, n. 4.
TIPTOE. 'He is tall by walking on tiptoe,' iv. 13, n. 2.
TONGUE. 'What have you to do with Liberty and Necessity? Or what more than to hold your tongue about it?' iv. 71.
TORMENTOR. 'That creature was its own tormentor, and, I believe, its name was Boswell,' i. 470.
TORPEDO. 'A pen is to Tom a torpedo; the touch of it benumbs his hand and his brain,' i. 159, n. 4.
TOSSED. 'You tossed and gored several persons' (Boswell), ii. 66; iii. 338
TOWERING. 'Towering in the confidence of twenty-one,' i. 324.
TOWN. 'The town is my element,' iv. 358.
TOWSER. 'As for an estate newly acquired by trade, you may give it, if you will, to the dog Towser, and let him keep his own name,' ii. 261.
TRADE. 'A merchant may, perhaps, be a man of an enlarged mind; but there is nothing in trade connected with an enlarged mind, v. 328; 'This rage of trade will destroy itself,' v. 231.
TRADESMEN. 'They have lost the civility of tradesmen without acquiring the manners of gentlemen,' ii. 120.
TRAGEDY. 'I never did the man an injury; but he would persist in reading his tragedy to me,' iv. 244, n. 2.
TRANSLATION. 'Sir, I do not say that it may not be made a very good translation,' iii. 373.
TRANSMITTER. 'No tenth transmitter of a foolish face' (Savage), i. 166, n. 3.
TRAPS. 'I play no tricks; I lay no traps,' iii. 316.
TRAVELLERS. 'Ancient travellers guessed, modern measure,' iii. 356; 'There has been, of late, a strange turn in travellers to be displeased,' iii. 236.
TRAVELLING. 'When you set travelling against mere negation, against doing nothing, it is better to be sure,' iii. 352.
TRICKS. 'All tricks are either knavish or childish,' iii. 396.
TRIM. 'A mile may be as trim as a square yard,' iii. 272.
TRIUMPH. 'It was the triumph of hope over experience,' ii. 128.
TRUTH. 'I considered myself as entrusted with a certain portion of truth,' iv. 65; 'Every man has a right to utter what he thinks truth, and every other man has a right to knock him down for it,' iv. 12; 'Nobody has a right to put another under such a difficulty that he must either hurt the person by telling the truth, or hurt himself by telling what is not truth,' iii. 320; 'Poisoning the sources of eternal truth,' v. 42.
TUMBLING. 'Sir, a man will no more carry the artifice of the Bar into the common intercourse of society, than a man who is paid for tumbling upon his hands will continue to tumble upon his hands when he should walk on his feet,' ii. 48.
TURN. 'He had no turn to economy' (Langton), iii, 363, n. 2.
TURNPIKE. 'For my own part now, I consider supper as a turnpike through which one must pass in order to get to bed' (Boswell or Edwards), iii. 306.
TURNSPIT. 'The fellow is as awkward as a turnspit when first put into the wheel, and as sleepy as a dormouse,' iv. 411.
TYRANNY. 'There is a remedy in human nature against tyranny,' ii. 170.
UNCERTAINTY. 'After the uncertainty of all human things at Hector's this invitation came very well,' ii. 456.
UNCHARITABLY. 'Who is the worse for being talked of uncharitably? iv. 97.
UNCIVIL. 'I did mean to be uncivil, thinking you had been uncivil,' iii. 273; 'Sir, a man has no more right to say an uncivil thing than to act one,' iv. 28.
UNDERMINED. 'A stout healthy old man is like a tower undermined' (Bacon), iv. 277.
UNDERSTANDING. 'Sir, I have found you an argument, but I am not obliged to find you an understanding,' iv. 313; 'When it comes to dry understanding, man has the better [of woman],' iii. 52.
UNEASY. 'I am angry with him who makes me uneasy,' iii. II.
UNPLIABLE. 'She had come late into life, and had a mighty unpliable understanding,' v. 296.
UNSETTLE. 'They tended to unsettle everything, and yet settled nothing,' ii. 124.
USE. 'Never mind the use; do it,' ii. 92.
VACUITY. 'I find little but dismal vacuity, neither business nor pleasure,' iii. 380, n. 3; 'Madam, I do not like to come down to vacuity,' ii. 410.
VERSE. 'Verse sweetens toil' (Gifford), v. 117.
VERSES. 'They are the forcible verses of a man of a strong mind, but not accustomed to write verse,' iv. 24.
VEX. 'He delighted to vex them, no doubt; but he had more delight in seeing how well he could vex them,' ii. 334; 'Sir, he hoped it would vex somebody,' iv. 9; 'Public affairs vex no man,' iv. 220.
VICE. 'Thy body is all vice, and thy mind all virtue,' i. 250; 'Madam, you are here not for the love of virtue but the fear of vice,' ii. 435.
VIRTUE. 'I think there is some reason for questioning whether virtue cannot stand its ground as long as life,' iv. 374, n. 5.
Vitam. 'Vitam continet una dies,' i, 84.
VIVACITY. 'There is a courtly vivacity about the fellow,' ii. 465; 'Depend upon it, Sir, vivacity is much an art, and depends greatly on habit,' ii. 462.
Vivite. 'Vivite laeti,' i. 344, n. 4.
VOW. 'The man who cannot go to heaven without a vow may go—,' iii. 357.
WAG. 'Every man has some time in his life an ambition to be a wag,' iv. I, n. 2.
WAIT. 'Sir, I can wait,' iv. 21.
WALK. 'Let us take a walk from Charing Cross to Whitechapel, through, I suppose, the greatest series of shops in the world,' ii. 218.
WANT. 'You have not mentioned the greatest of all their wants—the want of law,' ii. 126; 'Have you no better manners? There is your want,' ii. 475.
WANTS. 'We are more uneasy from thinking of our wants than happy in thinking of our acquisitions' (Windham), iii. 354.
WAR. 'War and peace divide the business of the world,' iii. 361, n. 1.
WATCH. 'He was like a man who resolves to regulate his time by a certain watch, but will not enquire whether the watch is right or not,' ii. 213.
WATER. 'A man who is drowned has more water than either of us,' v. 34; 'Come, Sir, drink water, and put in for a hundred,' iii. 306; 'Water is the same everywhere,' v. 54.
WAY. 'Sir, you don't see your way through that question,' ii. 122.
WEAK-NERVED. 'I know no such weak-nerved people,' iv. 280.
WEALTH. 'The sooner that a man begins to enjoy his wealth the better,' ii. 226.
WEAR. 'No man's face has had more wear and tear,' ii. 410.
WEIGHT. 'He runs about with little weight upon his mind,' ii. 375.
WELL. 'They are well when they are not ill' (Temple), iv. 379.
WENCH. 'Madam, she is an odious wench,' iii. 298.
WHALES. 'If you were to make little fishes talk, they would talk like whales' (Goldsmith), ii. 231.
WHELP. 'It is wonderful how the whelp has written such things,' iii. 51.
WHIG. 'A Whig may be a fool, a Tory must be so' (Horace Walpole), iv. 117, n. 5; 'He hated a fool, and he hated a rogue, and he hated a Whig; he was a very good hater,' i. 190, n. 2; 'He was a Whig who pretended to be honest,' v. 339; 'I do not like much to see a Whig in any dress, but I hate to see a Whig in a parson's gown,' v. 255; 'Sir, he is a cursed Whig, a bottomless Whig, as they all are now,' iv. 223; 'Sir, I perceive you are a vile Whig,' ii. 170; 'The first Whig was the Devil,' iii. 326; 'Though a Whig, he had humanity' (A. Campbell), v. 357.
WHIGGISM. 'They have met in a place where there is no room for Whiggism,' v. 385; 'Whiggism was latterly no better than the politics of stock-jobbers, and the religion of infidels,' ii. 117; 'Whiggism is a negation of all principle,' i. 431.
WHINE. 'A man knows it must be so and submits. It will do him no good to whine,' ii. 107.
WHORE. 'They teach the morals of a whore and the manners of a dancing-master,' i. 266; 'The woman's a whore, and there's an end on't,' ii. 247. See SLUT.
WHY, SIR. 'Why, Sir, as to the good or evil of card-playing—,' iii. 23.
WIG. 'In England any man who wears a sword and a powdered wig is ashamed to be illiterate,' iii. 254.
WIND. 'The noise of the wind was all its own' (Boswell), v. 407.
WINE. 'I now no more think of drinking wine than a horse does,' iii. 250; 'It is wine only to the eye,' iii. 381; 'This is one of the disadvantages of wine. It makes a man mistake words for thoughts,' iii. 329: See SENSE.
WISDOM. 'Every man is to take care of his own wisdom, and his own virtue, without minding too much what others think,' iii. 405.
WIT. 'His trade is wit,' iii. 389; 'His trade was wisdom' (Baretti), iii. 137, n. 1; 'Sir, Mrs. Montagu does not make a trade of her wit,' iv. 275; 'This man, I thought, had been a Lord among wits; but I find he is only a wit among Lords,' i. 266; 'Wit is generally false reasoning' (Wycherley), iii. 23, n. 3.
WITHOUT. 'Without ands or ifs,' &c. (anonymous poet), v. 127.
WOMAN. 'No woman is the worse for sense and knowledge,' v. 226.
WOMAN'S. 'Sir, a woman's preaching is like a dog's walking on his hinder legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all,' i. 463.
WOMEN. 'Women have a perpetual envy of our vices,' iv. 291.
WONDER. 'The natural desire of man to propagate a wonder,' iii. 229, n. 3; 'Sir, you may wonder, ii. 15.
WONDERS. 'Catching greedily at wonders,' i. 498, n. 4.
WOOL. 'Robertson is like a man who has packed gold in wool; the wool takes up more room than the gold,' ii. 237.
WORK. 'How much do you think you and I could get in a week if we were to work as hard as we could?' i. 246.
WORLD. 'All the complaints which are made of the world are unjust,' iv. 172; 'Poets who go round the world,' v. 311; 'One may be so much a man of the world as to be nothing in the world,' iii. 375; 'The world has always a right to be regarded, ii. 74, n. 3; 'This world where much is to be done, and little to be known,' iv. 370, n. 3; 'That man sat down to write a book to tell the world what the world had all his life been telling him,' ii. 126.
WORST. 'It may be said of the worst man that he does more good than evil,' iii. 236.
WORTH. 'Worth seeing? Yes; but not worth going to see,' iii. 410.
WRITE. 'A man should begin to write soon,' iv. 12.
WRITING. 'I allow you may have pleasure from writing after it is over, if you have written well; but you don't go willingly to it again,' iv. 219.
WRITTEN. 'I never desire to converse with a man who has written more than he has read,' ii. 48, n. 2; 'No man was ever written down but by himself (Bentley), v. 274.
WRONG. 'It is not probable that two people can be wrong the same way,' iv. 5.
YELPS. 'How is it that we hear the loudest yelps for liberty among the drivers of negroes?' iii. 201.
YES. 'Do you know how to say yes or no properly?' (Swift), iv. 295, n. 5.
ZEALOUS. 'I do not love a man who is zealous for nothing' (Goldsmith), iii. 376.