—— Another edition, with additions. London, 1650, 4to.
Tetrachordon: expositions upon the foure chief places in Scripture which treat of mariage, or nullities in manage, wherein the doctrine and discipline of divorce, as was lately publish'd, is confirm'd. By the former author J. M[ilton]. London, 1645 [1644 O.S.], 4to. The author's name appears in full at the end of the address "To the Parliament."
A Treatise on Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes; shewing that it is not lawfull for any power on earth to compell in matter of religion. The author J[ohn] M[ilton]. London, 1659, 12mo.
—— A Treatise of Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes. First printed anno 1659. London, reprinted 1790, 8vo.
—— A Treatise on Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes, etc. London, 1839, 8vo. Tracts for the People, No. I.
—— On the Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes; and on the likeliest means to remove Hirelings out of the Church. London, 1851, 8vo. Part XI. of "Buried Treasures."
The Beauties of Milton, Thomson, and Young. Dublin, 1783, 12mo.
The Beauties of Milton; consisting of selections from his poetry and prose, by A. Howard. London [1834], 12mo.
The Poetry of Milton's Prose; selected from his various writings; with notes, and an introductory essay [by C.]. London, 1827, 12mo.
Readings from Milton. With an introduction by Bishop H.W. Warren. Boston, 1886, 8vo. Part of the "Chatauqua Library—Garnet Series."
Selected Prose Writings of John Milton, with an introductory essay by E. Myers. London, 1883, 8vo. Fifty copies only printed.
Selections from the Prose Writings of John Milton. Edited, with memoir, notes, and analyses, by S. Manning. London, 1862, 8vo.
Selections from the Prose Works of John Milton. With critical remarks and elucidations. Edited by J.J.G. Graham. London, 1870, 8vo.
Shakespeare and Milton Reader; being scenes and other extracts from the writings of Shakespeare and Milton, etc. London [1883], 8vo.
Acton, Rev. Henry.—Religious opinions and examples of Milton, Locke, and Newton. A lecture, with notes. London, 1833, 8vo.
Addison, Rt. Hon. Joseph.—Notes upon the twelve books of Paradise Lost. Collected from the Spectator. London, 1719, 12mo. Appeared originally in the Spectator, Dec. 31, 1711—May 3, 1712.
Ademollo, A.—La Leonora di Milton e di Clemente IX. Milano [1886], 8vo.
Andrews, Samuel.—Our Great Writers; or, Popular chapters on some leading authors. London, 1884, 8vo. Milton, pp. 84-112.
Arnold, Matthew.—Mixed Essays. London, 1879, 8vo. A French Critic on Milton, pp. 237-273.
—— Essays in Criticism. Second Series. London, 1888, 8vo. Milton, pp. 56-68.
Bagehot, Walter.—Literary Studies. 2 vols. London, 1879, 8vo. John Milton, vol. i., pp. 173-220.
—— Third edition. 2 vols. London, 1884, 8vo.
Balfour, Clara Lucas.—Sketches of English Literature, etc. London, 1852, 8vo. Milton and his Literary Contemporaries, pp. 151-173.
Barron, William.—Lectures on Belles Lettres and Logic. 2 vols. London, 1806, 8vo. Milton, vol. ii., pp. 281-300.
Baumgarten, Dr.—John Milton und das Verlorene Paradies. Coburg [1875], 4to.
Bayne, Peter.—The Chief Actors in the Puritan Revolution. London, 1878, 8vo. Milton, pp. 297-346.
Bentley, Richard.—Dr. Bentley's emendations on the twelve books of Milton's Paradise Lost. London, 1732, 12mo.
Bickersteth, E.H.—Milton's Paradise Lost. (The St. James's Lectures, Second Series.) London, 1876, 8vo.
—— Another edition. London, 1877, 8vo.
Birrell, Augustine.—Obiter Dicta. Second series. London, 1887, 8vo. Milton, pp. 1-50.
Blackburne, Francis.—Remarks on Johnson's Life of Milton. To which are added Milton's Tractate of Education and Areopagitica. London, 1780, 16mo.
Blair, Hugh.—Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, etc. 2 vols. London, 1783, 4to. Paradise Lost, vol. ii., pp. 471-476.
Bodmer, J. Jacob.—J.J. Bodmer's critische Abhandlung, von dem Wunderbaren in der Poesie in einer Vertheidigung des Gedichtes J. Milton's von dem verlohrnen Paradiese, etc. Zuerich, 1740, 8vo.
Bradburn, Eliza W.—The Story of Paradise Lost, for children. Portland, 1830, 16mo.
Brooke, Stopford A.—Milton. [An account of his life and works.] London, 1879, 8vo. Part of the series entitled Classical Writers, ed. J.R. Green.
Bruce, Archibald.—A critical account of the life, character, and discourses of Mr. Alexander Morus, in which the attack made upon him in the writings of Milton is particularly considered. Edinburgh, 1813, 8vo.
Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton.—The Life of John Milton. London [1835], 8vo.
Bulwer Lytton, E.—The Siamese Twins, etc. London, 1831, 8vo. Milton, a poem, pp. 315-362.
Burney, Charles.—Remarks on the Greek Verses of Milton. [London, 1790], 8vo.
Buckland, Anna.—The Story of English Literature. London, 1882, 8vo. Milton, pp. 230-296.
Callander, John.—Letter and Report respecting the Unpublished Commentary on Milton's Paradise Lost, by the late John Callander, of Craigforth, Esq., in the possession of the Society. (Archaeologia Scotica, vol. iii., 1831, pp. 83-91.) Edinburgh, 1831, 4to.
Camerini, Eugenio.—Profili Letterari. Firenze, 1870, 8vo. Milton e l'Italia, pp. 264-274.
Cann, Miss Christian.—A scriptural and allegorical glossary to Milton's Paradise Lost. London [1828], 8vo.
Carpenter, William.—The Life and Times of John Milton. London [1836], 8vo.
Channing, William Ellery.—Remarks on the Character and Writings of John Milton; occasioned by the publication of his lately discovered "Treatise on Christian Doctrine." From the Christian Examiner, vol. iii., No. 1. Boston, 1826, 8vo.
Charles I.—By the King. A Proclamation for calling in and suppressing of two books written by John Milton: the one Intituled Johannis Miltoni Angli pro Populo Anglicano defensio, etc., and the other, The Pourtraicture of his Sacred Majesty, etc. London, 1660, s. sh. fol.
—— The Life and Reigne of King Charls; or, the Pseudo-Martyr discovered, etc. London, 1651, 8vo. In the Bodleian Catalogue this work is erroneously stated to be by John Milton.
Chassang, A., and Marcou, F.L.—Les Chefs-d'Oeuvre Epiques de tous les peuples. Paris, 1879, 8vo. Milton, pp. 279-297.
Clarke, Samuel.—Some reflections on that part of a book called Amyntor, or the defence of Milton's life, which relates to the writings of the primitive fathers, etc. (Letter to Mr. Dodwell, etc., pp. 451-475.) London, 1781, 8vo.
Cleveland, C.D.—A Complete Concordance to the Poetical Works of John Milton. London, 1867, 8vo.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor.—Seven lectures on Shakespeare and Milton, etc. London, 1856, 8vo.
Darby, Samuel.—A letter to T. Warton, on his late edition of Milton's Juvenile Poems [entitled "Poems upon several occasions, English, Italian, and Latin."] London, 1785, 8vo.
Dawson, George.—Biographical Lectures. London, 1886, 8vo. John Milton, pp. 82-88.
De Morgan, J.—John Milton considered as a Politician. (Men of the Commonwealth, No. 1.) [London, 1875], 16mo.
Dennis, John.—Heroes of Literature. English Poets. London, 1883, 8vo. John Milton, pp. 114-147.
De Quincey, T.—Works. 16 vols. London, 1853-60, 8vo. Milton, vol. vi., pp. 311-325; Life of Milton, vol. x., pp. 79-98.
Des Essarts, E.—De Veterum poetarum tum Graeciae tum Romae apud Miltonem imitatione thesim proponebat E. Des Essarts. Parisiis, 1871, 8vo.
Diderot, Denis.—An Essay on Blindness, etc. Interspersed with several anecdotes of Sanderson, Milton, and others. Translated from the French. London [1750], 12mo.
Dobson, W.T.—The Classic Poets, their lives and their times, etc. London, 1879, 8vo. Milton's Paradise Lost, pp. 394-446; Paradise Regained, pp. 446-452.
Donoughue, Edward Jones.—Milton: a lecture. London, 1843, 8vo.
Douglas, John.—Milton vindicated from the charge of plagiarism brought against him by Mr. Lauder, etc. London, 1751, 8vo.
—— Milton no plagiary; or, a detection of the forgeries contained in Lauder's essay, etc. Second edition. London, 1756, 8vo.
Dowden, Edward.—Transcripts and Studies. London, 1888, 8vo. The Idealism of Milton, pp. 454-473.
Dowling, William.—Poets and Statesmen; their homes and haunts in the neighbourhood of Eton and Windsor. London, 1857, 8vo. Milton, pp. 1-39.
Dryden, John.—The State of Innocence, and Fall of Man; an opera, etc. London, 1677, 4to.
Du Moulin, P.—Regii sanguinis clamor ad coelum adversus parricidas Anglicanos. [A reply to Milton's "Defensio pro populo Anglicano."] Hagae Comitum, 1652, 4to.
—— Editio secunda. Hagae Comitum, 1661, 12mo.
Dunster, C.—Considerations on Milton's early reading, and the prima stamina of his Paradise Lost, etc. London, 1800, 8vo.
Edmonds, Cyrus R.—John Milton; a biography. Especially designed to exhibit the ecclesiastical principles of that illustrious man. London, 1851, 8vo.
Edmundson, George.—Milton and Vondel. A curiosity of literature. London, 1885, 8vo.
Ellwood, Thomas.—Reflections of [Thomas Ellwood] with John Milton (Arber's English Garner, vol. iii., pp. 473-486). London, 1880, 8vo.
English Poets.—Cursory remarks on some of the ancient English poets, particularly Milton. [By P. Neve.] London, 1789, 8vo.
Epigoniad.—A critical essay on the Epigoniad, wherein the author's abuse of Milton is examined. Edinburgh, 1757, 8vo.
Eyre, Charles.—The Fall of Adam, from Milton's Paradise Lost. London [1852], 8vo.
Filmer, Sir Robert.—Observations concerning the originall of Government upon Mr. Hobs Leviathan, Mr. Milton against Salmasius, H. Grotius De Jure Belli. London, 1652, 4to.
—— The Free-holders grand inquest, etc. (Reflections concerning the Original of Government upon Mr. Milton against Salmasius.) London, 1679, 8vo.
Flatters, J.J.—The Paradise Lost of Milton, translated into fifty-four designs, by J.J. Flatters, sculptor. London, 1843, folio. Without letterpress.
Fry, Alfred A.—A lecture on the writings, prose and poetic, and the character, public and personal, of John Milton. London, 1838, 8vo.
Geffroy, Mathieu A.—Etude sur les pamphlets politiques et religieux de Milton. Paris, 1848, 8vo.
Gilfillan, George.—A Second Gallery of Literary Portraits. London, 1850, 8vo. John Milton, pp. 1-39.
—— Modern Christian Heroes, etc. London, 1869, 8vo. John Milton, pp. 81-118.
Giraud, Jane E.—Flowers of Milton. London, 1850, 4to.
Godwin, William.—Lives of E. and J. Philips, nephews and pupils of Milton, to which are added: I. Collections for the life of Milton, by J. Aubrey, printed from the manuscript copy in the Ashmolean Museum. II. The Life of Milton, by E. Philips, printed 1694. London, 1815, 4to.
Goodwin, Thomas.—The Student's Practical Grammar of the English Language; together with a commentary on the first book of Milton's Paradise Lost. London, 1855, 12mo.
Greenwood, F.W.P.—The Miscellaneous Writings of F.W.P. Greenwood. Boston, 1846, 8vo. Milton's Prose Works, pp. 208-226.
Grotius, H. de.—The Adamus Exul of Grotius; or, the prototype of Paradise Lost. Translated from the Latin, by Francis Barham. London, 1839, 8vo.
Guerle, Edmond de.—Milton, sa vie et ses oeuvres. Paris, 1868, 8vo.
Guentzer, C.—Dissertationis ad quaedam loca Miltoni pars posterior. Argentorati, 1657, 4to.
Hamilton, W. Douglas.—Original Papers, illustrative of the life and writings of John Milton, including sixteen letters of State written by him, now first published from MSS. in the State Paper Office, etc. London, 1859, 4to. Printed for the Camden Society.
Hamilton, Walter.—Parodies of the Works of English and American Authors, collected and annotated by W. Hamilton. London, 1885, 4to. John Milton, vol. ii., pp. 217-236.
Hare, Julius Charles.—Essays and Tales. 2 vols. London, 1848, 8vo. Milton, vol. i., pp. 73-86.
Harrington, James.—The Censure of the Rota upon Mr. Milton's book, entitled The Ready and Easie Way to Establish a Free Commonwealth. [Signed J. H(arrington); a satire.] London, 1660, 4to. Reprinted in the Harleian Miscellany.
Hayley, William.—The Life of Milton; to which are added conjectures on the origin of Paradise Lost. (The second edition enlarged.) London, 1796, 4to. This life appeared originally in 1794 in vol. i. of Milton's Poetical Works.
Hillebrand, C.—De sacro apud Christianos carmine epico dissertationem seu Dantis, Miltonis, Klopstockii poetarum collationem proponebat C. Hillebrand, Parisiis, 1861, 8vo.
Hodgson, Shadworth H.—Outcast Essays, etc. London, 1881, 8vo. The supernatural in English poetry; Shakespere; Milton; Wordsworth Tennyson, pp. 99-180.
Holloway, Laura C.—The Mothers of Great Men and Women, etc. New York, 1884, 8vo. Milton's Wives, pp. 457-478.
Hood, Edwin Paxton.—John Milton: the Patriot and Poet. London, 1852, 18mo.
Hopkins, J.—Milton's Paradise Lost, imitated in rhyme; in the fourth, sixth, and ninth books, etc. London, 1699, 8vo.
Howitt, William.—Homes and Haunts of the most eminent British Poets. Third edition. London, 1857, 8vo. John Milton, pp. 46-68.
Huet, C.B.—Litterarische Fantasien en Kritieken. Haarlem [1883], 8vo. Milton, 12th Deel, pp. 150-220.
Hunt, Theodore W.—Representative English Prose and Prose Writers. New York, 1887, 8vo. The prose style of John Milton, pp. 246-264.
Hutton, Laurence.—Literary Landmarks of London. London, 1885, 8vo. John Milton, pp. 210-216, etc.
Ivimey, Joseph.—John Milton; his life and times; religious and political opinions; with an appendix, containing animadversions upon Dr. Johnson's Life of Milton, etc. London, 1833, 8vo.
Jackson, W.—Lycidas: a musical entertainment. The words altered from Milton. London, 1767, 8vo.
Jane, Joseph.—The Image Unbroaken a perspective of the Impudence, Falshood, Vanitie, and Prophannes, in a Libell entitled Eikonoklastes. [London], 1651, 4to.
Johnson, Samuel.—Prefaces to Milton and Butler. (Prefaces to the Works of the English Poets, vol. ii.) London, 1779, 8vo.
—— Court and Country: a paraphrase upon Milton. [In a dialogue.] By the author of Hurlothrumbo [i.e., Samuel Johnson]. London [1780], 8vo.
Jortin, John.—Remarks on Spenser's Poems. London, 1734, 8vo. Remarks on Milton, pp. 171-186.
Keightley, Thomas.—An account of the Life, Opinions, and Writings of John Milton. With an introduction to Paradise Lost. London, 1855, 8vo.
Keogh, Rt. Hon. William.—Milton's Prose. (Afternoon Lectures on Literature and Art, delivered in the Theatre of the Museum of Industry, Dublin, 1865, 3rd Series.) London, 1866, 8vo.
Lamartine, M.L.A. de.—Heloise et Abelard [Biographies]. Paris, 1864, 12mo. Includes a biography of Milton, pp. 113-215.
Lauder, William.—An essay on Milton's use and imitation of the moderns in his Paradise Lost. [With a preface by Dr. Johnson.] London, 1750, 8vo.
—— A letter to the reverend Mr. Douglas, occasioned by his vindication of Milton, etc. [Written by Dr. Johnson.] London, 1751, 4to.
—— An apology for Mr. Lauder [written by himself] in a letter most humbly addressed to his grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. London, 1751, 8vo.
—— Delectus auctorum sacrorum, Miltono facem praelucentium. 2 tom. London, 1752, 8vo.
—— King Charles I. vindicated from the charge of plagiarism brought against him by Milton, etc. To the whole is subjoined the Judgment of several learned and impartial authors concerning Milton's political writings. London, 1754, 8vo.
L'Estrange, R.—No Blind Guides, in answer to a seditious pamphlet of Milton's, intituled Brief notes upon a late sermon titl'd The fear of God and the King, preach'd and since publish'd. By M. Griffith, etc. London, 1660, 4to.
Letters.—Letters concerning poetical translations and Virgil's and Milton's Arts of Verse, etc. London, 1739, 8vo.
Liebert, Gustav.—Milton. Studien zur Geschichte des englischen Geistes. Hamburg, 1860, 8vo.
Lotheissen, Ferdinand.—Studien ueber John Milton's poetische Werke. Budingen, 1860, 4to.
Lowell, James Russell.—Among my Books. Second series. London, 1876, 8vo. Milton, pp. 252-302.
M.J.A.—An introduction to the Study of Shakespeare and Milton. [By J.A.M. With selections from their works.] London [1884], 8vo.
Macaulay, Thomas Babington.—Critical and historical essays contributed to the Edinburgh Review. 2 vols. London, 1854, 8vo. Milton, vol. i., pp. 1-28.
—— The Miscellaneous Writings of Lord Macaulay. London, 1860, 8vo. Conversation between Mr. Abraham Cowley and Mr. John Milton touching the great Civil War, vol. i., pp. 101-124.
—— An Essay on the Life and Works of John Milton, together with the imaginary conversation between him and H. Cowley. London, 1868, 8vo.
—— Milton's Essay on Milton. From the Edinburgh Review. With introductory notice and notes. London, 1872, 16mo.
—— John Milton. [A biographical sketch.] Boston, 1877, 16mo.
—— Macaulay's Milton, edited to illustrate the laws of Rhetoric and Composition, by Alexander Mackie. London, 1884, 8vo.
Maceuen, Malcolm.—Celebrities of the Past and Present. Philadelphia, 1874, 8vo. Milton and Poetry, pp. 195-202.
Mackenzie, Sir George.—Jus Regium: or, the just and solid foundations of monarchy in general maintain'd against Buchanan, Dolman, Milton, etc. Edinburgh, 1684, 8vo.
—— Another edition. London, 1684, 8vo.
McNicoll, Thomas.—Essays on English Literature. London, 1861, 8vo. Milton and Pollok, pp. 65-111.
Marquis, G.A.—Select Poetical Pieces, with a logical arrangement, or practical commentary on Milton's Paradise Lost. Second edition enlarged. Paris, 1842, 12mo.
Marsh, John F.—Papers connected with the affairs of Milton and his family. Edited by J.F. Marsh. Manchester, 1851, 4to. In vol. i. of the Chetham Miscellanies, published by the Chetham Society.
—— Notice of the inventory of the effects of Mrs. Milton, widow of the poet. Liverpool, 1855, 8vo. Extracted from the proceedings of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire.
—— On the engraved portrait and pretended portraits of Milton. Extracted from the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire. Liverpool, 1860, 8vo.
Martyn, W. Carlos.—Life and Times of John Milton. [Published by the "American Tract Society." With portrait.] New York [1866], 12mo.
Mason, W.—Musaeus; a monody to the memory of Mr. Pope in imitation of Milton's Lycidas. London, 1747, 4to.
Massey, William.—Remarks upon Milton's Paradise Lost, etc. London, 1761, 12mo.
Masson, David.—Essays biographical and critical: chiefly on English poets. Cambridge, 1856, 8vo. Milton's Youth, pp. 37-52; The Three Devils: Luther's, Milton's, and Goethe's, pp. 53-87.
—— The Three Devils: Luther's, Milton's, and Goethe's. London, 1874, 8vo.
—— The Life of John Milton; narrated in connexion with the political, ecclesiastical, and literary history of his time. 6 vols. Cambridge, 1859-80, 8vo.
—— New and revised edition. London, 1881, etc., 8vo.
—— John Milton. (Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. xvi., pp. 324-340.) London, 1883, 4to.
Meadowcourt, Richard.—A critique on Milton's Paradise Regained. London, 1732, 4to.
—— A Critical Dissertation, with notes, on Milton's Paradise Regain'd. The second edition corrected. London, 1748, 8vo.
Milton, John.—An answer to a book [by John Milton], intituled, The Divorce and Discipline of Divorce, etc. London, 1644, 4to.
—— Carolus I. Britanniarum Rex, a Securi et Calamo Miltonii vindicatus. Dublini, 1652, 12mo.
—— Areopagitica Secunda: or, speech of the shade of John Milton on Mr. Sergeant Talfourd's Copyright Extension Bill. London, 1838, 8vo.
—— Comus, a mask: (now adapted to the stage) as alter'd [by J. Dalton] from Milton's Mask. London, 1738, 8vo.
—— Second edition. London, 1738, 8vo.
—— Third edition. London, 1738, 8vo.
—— Another edition. Dublin, 1738, 8vo.
—— Sixth edition. London, 1741, 8vo.
—— Another edition. London, 1750, 8vo.
—— Another edition. London, 1759, 8vo.
—— Another edition. London, 1760, 8vo.
—— Another edition. London, 1762, 8vo.
—— Another edition. London, 1777, 8vo.
—— Comus, a masque [altered by J. Dalton from John Milton], London, 1791, 8vo. In vol. i. of "Bell's Theatre."
—— Comus [altered from Milton by J. Dalton]. London, 1811, 8vo. In the "Modern British Drama," vol. ii.
—— Comus: a mask, altered from Milton. [By J. Dalton.] London, 1815, 16mo. In vol. x. of Dibdin's "London Theatre."
—— Comus. [Adapted to the stage by J. Dalton.] London, 1826, 8vo. In the "British Drama," vol. ii.
—— Comus: a masque [in two acts]. Altered from Milton [by G. Colman]. As performed at the Theatre-Royal in Covent Garden. The musick composed by Dr. Arne. London, 1772, 8vo.
—— Another edition. London, 1774, 8vo.
—— Comus: a masque. Altered by Mr. Colman. (Bell's British Theatre, vol. ix.) London, 1777, 12mo.
—— Comus: a masque. Altered from Milton [by G. Colman]. Edinburgh, 1786, 12mo. Vol. iv. of the "British Stage."
—— Comus. Altered for the stage by Colman. (Modern British Drama, vol. v.) London, 1811, 8vo.
—— Comus: a masque. Altered from Milton, by G. Colman. (Inchbald's Collection of Farces, vol. vii.) London, 1815, 12mo.
—— Milton's Comus: a masque, in two acts [altered from Milton], as revised at Covent Garden, April 28, 1815. London, 1815, 8vo. There is a copy in the British Museum with the autograph of Sir Henry Bishop.
—— Comus: a masque. Altered from Milton [by G. Colman]. London [1824], 8vo. Vol. ii. of "The London Stage."
—— Comus. Altered from Milton. [By G. Colman, the elder.] London, 1872, 8vo. In the "British Drama," vol. xii.
—— Comus: a masque. Altered from Milton. (Supplement to Bell's British Theatre, vol. iv.) London, 1784, 12mo.
—— Miltonis epistola ad Pollionem. Edidit et notis illustravit F.S. Cantabrigiensis. Londini, 1738, folio.
—— Editio altera. Londini, 1738, folio.
—— Milton's Epistle to Pollio. Translated from the Latin, and illustrated with notes. London, 1740, folio.
—— Milton restor'd and Bentley depos'd, containing, I. Some observations on Dr. Bentley's preface. II. His various readings and notes on Paradise Lost and Milton's text, set in opposite columns, with remarks therein. III. Paradise Lost, attempted in rime. Book I., Numb. I. From Dean Swift. London, 1732, 8vo.
—— Paradise Lost: a poem attempted in Rhime. [Altered from Milton.] London, 1740, 8vo.
—— Paradise Lost. An oratorio [in three acts and in verse] altered and adapted to the stage from Milton [by B. Stillingfleet]. London, 1760, 4to.
—— Paradise Lost. An oratorio in four parts. The words selected from the works of Milton by J.L. Ellerton. London [1862], 12mo.
—— Paradise Lost. Oratorio in three parts, from the poem of Milton. English version by J. Pittman. London [1880], 8vo.
—— The State of Innocence and Fall of Man described in Milton's Paradise Lost. Render'd into prose with notes from the French of Raymond [or rather Nicolas Francois Dupre] de St. Maur. By a gentleman of Oxford [George Smith Green?]. London, 1745, 8vo.
—— Another edition. Aberdeen, 1770, 12mo.
—— A verbal Index to Milton's Paradise Lost; adapted to every edition but the first, etc. London, 1741, 12mo.
—— An essay upon Milton's imitations of the Ancients in his Paradise Lost. With some observations on the Paradise Regain'd. London, 1741, 8vo.
—— A new occasional Oratorio [on the suppression of the Rebellion], the words taken from Milton, Spenser, etc., and set to musick by Mr. Handel. London, 1746, 4to. The words only.
—— The Progress of Envy, a poem occasioned by Lauder's attack on the character of Milton. London, 1751, 4to.
—— A familiar explanation of the poetical works of Milton. To which is prefixed Mr. Addison's criticism on Paradise Lost. With a preface by Rev. Mr. Dodd. London, 1672, 12mo.
—— The Recovery of Man: or, Milton's Paradise Regained. In Prose. After the manner of the Archbishop of Cambray. To which is prefixed the life of the author. [London], 1771, 12mo.
—— Samson. An Oratorio [in three acts]. As it is performed at the Theatres-royal. Altered from the Samson Agonistes of Milton [by N. Hamilton]. Set to musick by Mr. Handel. London [1742], 8vo. The words only.
—— Another edition. London [1742], 4to.
—— Another edition. London [1742], 4to.
—— Another edition. London, 1743, 8vo.
—— Another edition. London, 1751, 8vo.
—— Another edition. London, 1759, 4to.
—— Samson: an oratorio [altered and adapted to the stage from the Samson Agonistes by N. Hamilton]. [Oxford], 1749, 8vo.
—— Another edition. London, 1762, 4to.
—— Samson. Set to musick by Mr. Handel. London, 1762, 4to.
—— Samson. An oratorio [altered from the Samson Agonistes, by N. Hamilton]. Salisbury, 1765, 8vo.
—— Handel's oratorio, Samson. The words chiefly from Milton. [Compiled by T. Morell.] London [1840], 4to.
—— The Life of John Milton. Published under the direction of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. London [1861], 8vo.
—— A Milton Memorial. A sketch of the life of John Milton, compiled with reference to the proposed restoration of the Church of St. Giles, Cripplegate (where he was buried). By Antiquitatis historicae studiosus. London, 1862, 8vo.
Mirabeau, Count de.—Theorie de la Royaute d'apres la Doctrine de Milton. [Translated from the Defence of the People of England. With a preliminary dissertation, "Sur Milton et ses ouvrages"; by H.G. Riquetti, Comte de Mirabeau?] [Paris], 1789, 8vo.
Moers, F. Josephus.—De fontibus Paradisi Amissi Miltoniani. Dissertatio philologica, etc. Bonnae [1865], 8vo.
Morris, Joseph W.—John Milton: a vindication, specially from the charge of Arianism. London [1862], 8vo.
Mortimer, Charles Edward.—An historical memoir of the Political Life of John Milton. London, 1805, 4to.
Morus, Alexander.—A. Mori Fides Publica, contra calumnias Joannis Miltoni. Hagae-Comitum, 1654, 12mo.
Mouron, H.—Jean Milton. Conference. Deuxieme edition. Strasbourg, 1875, 8vo.
Munkacsy, M.—Opinions of the Continental Press on M. Munkacsy and his latest picture, "Milton dictating Paradise Lost to his daughters." Paris, 1879, 8vo.
Neve, Philip.—A narrative of the disinterment of Milton's coffin in the Parish Church of St. Giles, Cripplegate, 4th August 1790; and of the treatment of the corpse during that and the following day. London, 1790, 8vo.
Nicoll, Henry J.—Landmarks of English Literature. London, 1883, 8vo. John Milton, pp. 112-125.
Paterson, James.—A complete commentary on Milton's Paradise Lost, etc. London, 1744, 8vo.
Pattison, Mark.—Milton. [An account of his life and works.] London, 1879, 8vo. One of the "English Men of Letters" series.
Pauli, Reinhold.—Aufsaetze zur Englischen Geschichte. Leipzig, 1869, 8vo. John Milton, pp. 348-391.
Pearce, Z., Bishop of Rochester.—A review of the text of Milton's Paradise Lost; in which the chief of Dr. Bentley's Emendations are consider'd; and several other emendations and observations are offer'd to the public. London, 1732, 8vo.
—— Another edition. London, 1733, 8vo.
Peck, Francis.—New Memoirs of the Life and Poetical Works of Mr. John Milton, etc. London, 1740, 4to.
—— Memoirs of the life and actions of Oliver Cromwell: as delivered in three panegyrics of him. The first, as said, by Don Juan Rodriguez de Saa Meneses; the second, as affirmed by a certain Jesuit; yet both, it is thought, composed by Mr. John Milton, as was the third, etc. London, 1740, 4to.
Penn, John.—Critical, poetical, and dramatic works. 2 vols. London, 1798, 8vo. Samson Agonistes, vol. ii., pp. 213-263.
Philips, John.—Poems attempted in the style of Milton, etc. London, 1762, 12mo.
Philo-Milton, pseud.—Milton's Sublimity asserted: in a poem occasion'd by a late piece entituled Cyder, a poem [by J. Philips]. In blank verse. London, 1709, 4to.
—— A vindication of the Paradise Lost from the charge of exculpating Lord Byron's "Cain, a Mystery." London, 1822, 8vo.
Plaint.—The Plaint of Freedom. (To the Memory of Milton. In verse.) Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1852, 4to.
Prendergast, G.L.—A complete concordance to the poetical works of Milton. Madras, 1856-57, 4to.
Prodromus.—Verax Prodromus in Delirum. [An invective against John Milton.] [Amsterdam? 1656?] 4to.
R * *—Lettres critiques a Mr. le comte * * * sur le Paradis perdu, et reconquis, de Milton, par R * * [outh]. Paris, 1731, 8vo.
Reed, Henry.—Lectures on the British Poets. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1858, 8vo. Milton, pp. 199-232.
Rice, Allen Thorndike.—Essays from the North American Review. New York, 1879, 8vo. John Milton, by Ralph Waldo Emerson, pp. 99-122.
Richardson, Jonathan.—Explanatory notes and remarks on Milton's Paradise Lost. By J. Richardson, father and son. London, 1734, 8vo.
Richardson, Jonathan.—Zoilomastix; or, a vindication of Milton from all the invidious charges of W. Lauder. With several new remarks on Paradise Lost. London, 1747, 8vo.
Ring, Max.—John Milton und seine Zeit. Historischer Roman. Frankfurt a. Main, 1857, 8vo.
—— John Milton and his times, a historical novel. Translated by J. Jefferson. Manchester, 1889, 8vo.
Rolli, P.—Sabrina; an opera [in three acts and in verse. Founded on the "Comus" of Milton]. Ital. and Eng. London, 1737, 8vo.
Rossetti, William Michael.—Lives of Famous Poets. London, 1878, 8vo. John Milton, pp. 65-79.
Rowland, J.—Pro Rege et Populo Anglicano apologia, contra Joannis Polypragmatici (alias Miltoni Angli) defensionem destructivam Regis et Populi Anglicani. Antwerpiae, 1651, 12mo.
—— Another edition. Antwerpiae, 1652, 12mo.
S.G.—The dignity of Kingship asserted: in answer to Mr. Milton's Ready and Easie way to establish a free Commonwealth. By G.S. (George Searle?), a lover of loyalty. London, 1660, 8vo.
Saintsbury, George.—A History of Elizabethan Literature. London, 1887, 8vo. Milton, pp. 315-329.
Salmasius, Claudius de.—Claudii Salmasii ad Johannem Miltonum Responsio. Opus posthumum. Londini, 1660, 12mo.
Say, Samuel.—Poems on several occasions: and two critical Essays—viz., the first on the harmony, variety, and power of numbers, whether in prose or verse; the second, on the numbers of Paradise Lost. [With a portrait of Milton, etched by J. Richardson.] London, 1745, 4to.
Scherer, Edmond.—Etudes sur la Litterature Contemporaine. Paris, 1882, 8vo. Milton et le Paradis Perdu, tom. vi., pp. 161-194.
Scolari, Filippo.—Saggio di Critica sul Paradiso Perduto, Poema di Giovanni Milton, e sulle annotazioni a quello di Giuseppe Addison. Aggiuntovi l'Adamo sacra rappresentazione di G.B. Andreini, etc. Venezia, 1818, 8vo.
Scott, John.—Critical Essays on some of the poems of several English poets, etc. London, 1785, 8vo. On Milton's Lycidas, pp. 37-64.
Seeley, J.R.—Lectures and Essays. London, 1870, 8vo. Milton's Political Opinions, pp. 89-119; Milton's Poetry, pp. 120-154.
Shenston, J.B.—The Authority of Jehovah asserted, ... with some remarks on the article on Milton's Essay on the Sabbath and the Lord's Day, which appeared in the Evangelical Review, 1826. London, 1826, 8vo.
Smectymnuus, pseud. [i.e., Stephen Marshall, Edmund Calamy etc.]—A modest confutation of a slanderous and scurrilous libell, entituled, Animadversions [by John Milton] upon the remonstrants' defense against Smectymnuus. [London] 1642, 4to.
Sotheby, Samuel Leigh.—Ramblings in the elucidation of the Autograph of Milton. [With plates.] London, 1861, 4to.
Steel, David.—Elements of Punctuation, and critical observations on some passages in Milton. London, 1786, 8vo.
Stern, Alfred.—Milton und seine Zeit. 2 Thle. Leipzig, 1877-79, 8vo.
—— Milton und Cromwell. Berlin, 1875, 8vo. Serie x., Hft. 236 of Virchow and Holtzendorff's "Sammlung gemeinverstaendlicher wissenschaftlicher Vortraege, etc."
Symmons, Charles.—The Life of John Milton, etc. London, 1806, 8vo.
—— Second edition. London, 1810, 8vo.
—— Third edition. London, 1882, 8vo.
Taine, H.A.—Histoire de la Litterature Anglaise. 4 tom. Paris, 1863-4, 8vo. Milton, tom, ii., pp. 327-435.
—— History of English Literature. Translated by H. Van Laun. 4 vols. Edinburgh, 1873-4, 8vo. Milton, vol. ii., pp. 239-318.
Tasso, Torquato.—Il Tasso, a dialogue. The speakers, John Milton, Torquato Tasso. London, 1762, 8vo.
Todd, Henry John.—Some account of the life and writings of John Milton. Second edition, with additions, and with a verbal index to the whole of Milton's poetry. London, 1809, 8vo. This forms vol. i. of the 1809 edition of Todd's Milton; a certain number of copies being printed off with a distinct title-page.
—— Some account of the life and writings of John Milton, derived principally from documents in His Majesty's State-paper Office, now first published. London, 1826, 8vo.
Toland, John.—The Life of John Milton, containing, besides the history of his works, several extraordinary characters of men and books, sects, parties, and opinions. [Signed J.T., i.e. J. Toland.] London, 1699, 8vo.
—— Amyntor; or, a Defence of Milton's Life, etc. London, 1699, 8vo.
—— The Life of John Milton; with Amyntor; or a Defence of Milton's Life, etc. London, 1761, 8vo.
Tomlinson, John.—Three Household Poets—viz., Milton, Cowper, Burns, etc. London, 1869, 8vo.
Tulloch, John.—English Puritanism and its leaders, Cromwell, Milton, Baxter, Bunyan. Edinburgh, 1861, 8vo.
Vericour, Raymond de.—Milton et la poesie epique, etc. Paris, 1838, 8vo.
Ward, Thomas H.—The English Poets; selections, with critical introductions, etc. 4 vols. London, 1880, 8vo. John Milton, by Mark Pattison, vol. ii., pp. 293-379.
Warton, Thomas.—A Letter to T. Warton on his editon of Milton's juvenile poems. [By S. Darby?] London, 1785, 8vo.
White, Thomas Holt.—A Review of Johnson's criticism on the style of Milton's English Prose, etc. London, 1818, 8vo.
Wilson, J.—Vindiciae Carolinae; or a defence of Eikon Basilike, etc. London, 1692, 8vo.
Yonge, Charles Duke.—Three Centuries of English Literature. London, 1872, 8vo. Milton, pp. 185-210.
Zicari da Paola, F.—Sulla scoverta dell' originale Italiano da cui Milton trasse il suo poema del Paradiso Perduto. Napoli, 1844, 12mo.
Ziegler, C.—C. Ziegleri circa regicidium Anglorum exercitationes. Accedit Jacobi Schalleri Dissertatio ad loca quaedam Miltoni. Lugd. Batavorum, 1653, 12mo.
Milton, John.—Edinburgh Review, by T.B. Macaulay, vol. 42, 1825, pp. 304-346. —Christian Examiner, by W.E. Channing, vol. 3, 1826, pp. 29-77; same article, Pamphleteer, vol. 29, pp. 507-547. —United States Literary Gazette, vol. 4, 1826, pp. 278-293. —Quarterly Review, by J.J. Blunt, vol. 36, 1827, pp. 29-61. —American Quarterly Review, vol. 5, 1829, pp. 301-310. —American Quarterly Observer, vol. 1, 1833, pp. 115-125. —Congregational Magazine, vol. 9, 1833, pp. 193-211. —North American Review, by R.W. Emerson, vol. 47, 1838, pp. 56-73. —Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 46, 1839, pp. 775-780. —Penny Magazine, vol. 10, 1841, pp. 97-101. —National Review, vol. 9, 1859, pp. 150-186. —Chambers's Journal, vol. 11, 1859, pp. 117-119. —Radical, by B.W. Wall, vol. 3, 1868, pp. 718-723. —Contemporary Review, by P. Bayne, vol. 22, 1873, pp. 427-460; same article, Eclectic Magazine, vol. 18 N.S., pp. 565-585; Littell's Living Age, vol. 3, 5th ser., pp. 643-662. —New Monthly Magazine, vol. 4 N.S., 1873, pp. 27-35. —Congregationalist, by T.H. Gill, vol. 3, 1874, pp. 705-714. —Macmillan's Magazine, by Mark Pattison, vol. 31, 1875, pp. 380-387; same article, Littell's Living Age, vol. 10, 5th ser., pp. 323-329. —Western, by H.H. Morgan, vol. 5, 1879, pp. 107-138. —Modern Review, by H. New, vol. 2, 1881, pp. 103-128; same article, Littell's Living Age, vol. 148, pp. 515-525.
—— and the Commonwealth. British Quarterly Review, vol. 10, 1849, pp. 224-254; same article, Eclectic Magazine, vol. 18, pp. 346-362.
—— and Dante. St. James's Magazine, vol. 15, 1866, pp. 243-250.
—— and Galileo. Fraser's Magazine, by Sir Richard Owen, vol. 79, 1869, pp. 678-684.
—— and his daughters. People's Journal, by Mrs. Leman Gillies, vol. 5, 1848, pp. 227, 228.
—— and Homer contrasted. Analectic Magazine, vol. 14, 1819, pp. 224-229.
—— and Macaulay. De Bow's Review, by G. Fitzhugh, vol. 28, 1860, pp. 667-679.
—— and Masenius. Month, vol. 8, 1868, pp. 542-550.
—— and the Daughters of Eve. St. Paul's, vol. 13, 1873, pp. 405-418.
—— and Vondel. Academy, by Edmund Gosse and G. Edmundson, vol. 28, 1885, pp. 265, 266, 293, 294, 342; and by J.R. Mac Ilraith, pp. 308, 309. —Athenaeum, Nov. 7, 1885, pp. 599, 600. —Nation, vol. 42, 1886, pp. 264, 265.
—— and Wordsworth. Temple Bar, vol. 60, 1880, pp. 106-115.
—— Angels of. New Englander, by John A. Himes, vol. 43, 1884, pp. 527-543.
—— Areopagitica. Retrospective Review, vol. 9, 1824, pp. 1-19.
—— as a Reformer. Methodist Quarterly Review, by F.H. Newhall, vol. 39, 1857, pp. 542-559.
—— At Cambridge. American Journal of Education, vol. 28, 1878, pp. 383-400.
—— Bibliographical account of his works. Retrospective Review, vol. 14, 1826, pp. 282-305.
—— Blank Verse of. Fortnightly Review, by J.A. Symonds, vol. 16 N.S., 1874, pp. 767-781.
—— Blindness of. Chambers's Journal, vol. 3 N.S., 1845, pp. 392-394.
—— Byron and Southey. De Bow's Review, by G. Fitzhugh, vol. 29, 1860, pp. 430-440.
—— Channing on. Edinburgh Review, by H. Brougham, vol. 69, 1839, pp. 214-230. —Monthly Review, vol. 7 N.S., 1828, pp. 471-478. —Fraser's Magazine, vol. 17, 1838, pp. 627-635.
—— Christian Doctrine. Quarterly Review, vol. 32, 1835, pp. 442-457. —North American Review, by S. Willard, vol. 22, 1826, pp. 364-373. —United States Literary Gazette, vol. 3, 1826, pp. 321-327. —Monthly Review, vol. 107, 1825, pp. 273-294. —Congregational Magazine, vol. 8, 1825, pp. 588-592. —Eclectic Review, vol. 25 N.S., 1826, pp. 1-18, 114-141.
—— Comus. New Monthly Magazine, vol. 7, 1823, pp. 222-229.
—— Comus, and Fletcher's Faithful Shepherdess. Manchester Quarterly, by W.E.A. Axon, vol. 1, 1882, pp. 285-295.
—— Dante and AEschylus. Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 20 N.S., 1853, pp. 513-525, 577-587, 641-650.
—— De Vericour's Lectures on. Monthly Review, vol. 2 N.S., 1838, pp. 342-351.
—— Doctrinal Error of his later life. Bibliotheca Sacra, by T. Hunt, vol. 42, 1885, pp. 251-269.
—— Doctrine of Divorce. Monthly Review, vol. 93, 1820, pp. 144-158.
—— Early Life. Methodist Quarterly Review, by P. Church, vol. 48, 1866, pp. 580-595.
—— Effigies of. Historical Magazine, vol. 2, 1858, pp. 230-233.
—— Familiar Letters. Southern Review, vol. 6, 1830, pp. 198-206. —American Quarterly Review, vol. 5, 1829, pp. 301-310.
—— French Critic on. Quarterly Review, vol. 143, 1877, pp. 186-204; same article, Littell's Living Age, vol. 132, pp. 579-589.
—— Genius of. Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, by G. Gilfillan, vol. 15 N.S., 1848, pp. 511-522; same article, Eclectic Magazine, vol. 15, pp. 196-212.
—— History of England. Retrospective Review, vol. 6, 1822, pp. 87-100.
—— Hollis' Bust of. Scribner's Monthly, by C. Cook, vol. 11, 1876, pp. 472-476.
—— Home, School, and College Training of. American Journal of Education, vol. 14, 1864, pp. 159-190.
—— Idealism of. Contemporary Review, by E. Dowden, vol. 19, 1872, pp. 198-209; same article, Littell's Living Age, vol. 112, 1872, pp. 408-414.
—— in our Day. Christian Examiner, by S. Good, vol. 57, 1854, pp. 323-340.
—— Italian Element in. Penn Monthly Magazine, by O.H. Kendall, vol. 1, 1870, pp. 388-400.
—— Keble's Estimate of. Macmillan's Magazine, by J.C. Shairp, vol. 31, 1875, pp. 554-560.
—— Keightley's Life of. North American Review, by H.A. Whitney, vol. 82, 1856, pp. 388-404. Littell's Living Age (from the Saturday Review), vol. 63, 1859, pp. 226-229.
—— Lamartine on. Littell's Living Age (from the Literary Gazette), vol. 44, 1855, pp. 497-499.
—— Latin Poems of, Cowper's Translations. Eclectic Review, Sept. 1808, pp. 780-791.
—— Life of. North British Review, by D. Masson, vol. 16, 1852, pp. 295-335; same article, Eclectic Magazine, vol. 25, 1852, pp. 433-447. —New Quarterly Review, vol. 8, 1859, pp. 40-54.
—— Life and Poetry of. Hogg's Instructor, vol. 1 N.S., 1853, pp. 234-242; same article, Eclectic Magazine, vol. 30, pp. 364-372.
—— Lycidas. American Monthly Magazine, vol. 5 N.S., 1838, pp. 341-353. —Quarterly Review, vol. 158, 1884, pp. 162-183.
—— —— Language of Lycidas. Sharpe's London Magazine, vol. 25 N.S., 1864, pp. 293-296.
—— —— Notes on Lycidas. Journal of Speculative Philosophy, by A.C. Brackett, vol. 1, 1867, pp. 87-90.
—— Masson's Life of. British Quarterly Review, vol. 29, 1859, pp. 185-214; vol. 59, 1874, pp. 81-100. —North British Review, vol. 30, 1859, pp. 281-308; same article, Littell's Living Age, vol. 61, pp. 731-747. —Dublin University Magazine, vol. 53, 1859, pp. 609-623. —New Monthly Magazine, vol. 115, 1859, pp. 163-172. —Eclectic Review, vol. 1 N.S., 1859, pp. 1-21. —Christian Examiner, by G.E. Ellis, vol. 66, 1859, pp. 401-431. —Old and New, vol. 4, 1871, pp. 704-708. —Nation, by W.F. Allen, vol. 13, 1871, pp. 91, 92; vol. 17, 1873, pp. 165, 166; vol. 31, 1880, pp. 15, 16. —International Review, by H.C. Lodge, vol. 9, 1880, pp. 125-135. —Quarterly Review, vol. 132, 1872, pp. 393-423. —Presbyterian Quarterly, by E.H. Gillett, vol. 1, 1872, pp. 382-394. —North American Review, by J.R. Lowell, vol. 114, 1872, pp. 204-218. —Macmillan's Magazine, by G.B. Smith, vol. 28, 1873, pp. 536-547. —Christian Observer, vol. 73, 1873, pp. 815-834. —International Review, vol. 1, 1874, pp. 131-135. —North American Review, vol. 126, 1878, pp. 537-542. —Nation, by J.L. Dyman, vol. 26, 1878, pp. 342-344. —Westminster Review, vol. 57 N.S., 1880, pp. 365-385.
—— Minor Poems. Dublin University Magazine, vol. 63, 1864, pp. 619-625.
—— Mitford's Life of. New Monthly Magazine, vol. 34, 1832, pp. 581, 582.
—— Nephews of. Edinburgh Review, by Sir J. Mackintosh, vol. 25, 1815, pp. 485-501.
—— Newly-discovered Prose Writings of. Hours at Home, by E.H. Gillett, vol. 9, 1869, pp. 532-536.
—— Ode to. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, by A.A. Lipscomb, vol. 20, 1860, pp. 771-778.
—— On the Divinity of Christ. Christian Examiner, vol. 2, 1825, pp. 423-429.
—— Paradise Lost. Journal of Sacred Literature, by F.A. Cox, vol. 1, 1848, pp. 236-257.
—— —— Chateaubriand's Translation of Paradise Lost. Foreign Quarterly Review, vol. 19, 1837, pp. 35-50.
—— —— Cosmology of Paradise Lost. Lutheran Quarterly, by J.A. Himes, vol. 6, p. 187, etc.
—— —— De Lille's Translation of Paradise Lost. Edinburgh Review, vol. 8, 1806, pp. 167-190.
—— —— First Edition of Paradise Lost. Book-Lore, vol. 3, 1886, pp. 72-75. Leisure Hour, April 28, 1877, pp. 269, 270.
—— —— Moral Estimate of the Paradise Lost. Christian Observer, vol. 22, 1822, pp. 211-218, 278-284.
—— —— Mull's edition of Paradise Lost. Spectator, December 6, 1884, pp. 1635, 1636. —Saturday Review, vol. 58, pp. 570, 571.
—— —— Origin of the Paradise Lost. North American Review, by L.E. Dubois, vol. 91, 1860, pp. 539-555.
—— —— Plan of Paradise Lost. New Englander, by Professor Himes, vol. 42, 1883, pp. 196-211.
—— —— Prendeville's edition of Paradise Lost. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 47, 1840, pp. 691-716.
—— —— Sorelli's Italian Translation of Paradise Lost. Foreign Quarterly Review, vol. 10, 1832, pp. 508-513.
—— —— Theism of the Paradise Lost. Unitarian Review, by H. Carpenter, vol. 5, pp. 302, etc.
—— Poetry of. Edinburgh Review, vol. 42, 1825, pp. 304-324. —Selections from the Edinburgh Review, vol. 2, 1835, pp. 34-64. —Macmillan's Magazine, by J.R. Seeley, vol. 17, 1868, pp. 299-311; vol. 19, pp. 407-421. —Temple Bar, vol. 39, 1873, pp. 458-473.
—— Political Writings. Nation, by Goldwin Smith, vol. 30, 1880, pp. 30-32.
—— Prose Writings of. New Monthly Magazine, vol. 40, 1834, pp. 39-50. —Congregational Magazine, vol. 10 N.S., 1834, pp. 217-224. —American Monthly Magazine, vol. 1 N.S., 1836, pp. 142-146. —Eclectic Review, vol. 25 N.S., 1849, pp. 507-521. —Spectator, Oct. 3, 1885, pp. 1317, 1318. —Athenaeum, Sept. 20, 1884, pp. 359, 360.
—— Public Conduct of. Edinburgh Review, vol. 42, 1825, pp. 324-346. —Selections from the Edinburgh Review, vol. 2, 1835, pp. 48-64.
—— Relics of, at Cambridge. Chambers's Journal, vol. 8, 1857, pp. 319, 320.
—— Religious Life and Opinions of. Bibliotheca Sacra, by A.D. Barber, vol. 16, 1859, pp. 557-603; vol. 17, pp. 1-42.
—— Rural Scenes of. Fraser's Magazine, vol. 23, 1841, pp. 519-528.
—— Satan of. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 1, 1817, pp. 140-142.
—— —— and Lucifer of Byron Compared. Knickerbocker, vol. 30, 1847, pp. 150-155.
—— —— Satan of Paradise Lost. Dublin University Magazine, vol. 88, 1876, pp. 707-714.
—— Select Prose Works. Boston Quarterly Review, vol. 5, 1842, pp. 322-342.
—— Shadow of the Puritan War in. Catholic Presbyterian, by A. Macleod, vol. 9, 1883, pp. 169-176, 321-330.
—— Sonnets of, Pattison's edition. Academy, by J.A. Noble, vol. 24, 1883, pp. 57, 58. —Saturday Review, vol. 56, 1883, pp. 252, 253. —Spectator, Aug. 18, 1883, pp. 1062, 1063. —Athenaeum, Sept. 1, 1883, pp. 263-265.
—— Spenser, and Shakspere. Victoria Magazine, vol. 25, 1875, pp. 856-868, 1059-1065; vol. 26, pp. 24-31, 108-117.
—— State Papers relating to. London Magazine, vol. 6 N.S., 1826, pp. 377-396.
—— Theology of. Boston Monthly Magazine, vol. 1, 1825, pp. 489-491.
—— Todd's Life of. Quarterly Review, vol. 36, 1827, pp. 29-61. —Monthly Review, vol. 3 N.S., 1826, pp. 258-273. —Museum of Foreign Literature, vol. 10, p. 67, etc.; vol. 11, pp. 114, etc., 385, etc. —Congregational Magazine, vol. 3, 1827, pp. 33-40.
—— Treatise on Christian Doctrine. Evangelical Magazine, vol. 4 N.S., 1826, pp. 371-375.
—— versus Robert Montgomery. Knickerbocker, vol. 3, 1834, pp. 120-134.
—— Works of. American Church Review, by J.H. Hanson, vol. 2, pp. 153, etc.
—— Youth of. Edinburgh Review, vol. 111, 1860, pp. 312-347; same article, Littell's Living Age, vol. 65, pp. 579-597. —Argosy, vol. 6, 1868, pp. 267-273.
* * * * *
A Maske [Comus] 1637
Lycidas 1638 (In Justa Edouardo King Naufrago)
Of Reformation touching Church-Discipline in England 1641
Of Prelatical Episcopacy 1641
Animadversions upon the Remonstrant's defence against Smectymnuus 1641
The Reason of Church-Government urg'd against Prelaty 1641
Apology against a Pamphlet called A Modest Confutation of the Animadversions, etc. 1641
Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce 1643
Of Education. To Master S. Hartlib 1644
The Judgment of Martin Bucer, now Englisht 1644
Areopagitica 1644
Tetrachordon 1644
Colasterion 1645
Poems 1645
Tenure of Kings and Magistrates 1649
Observations upon the Articles of Peace with the Irish Rebels (Articles of Peace, etc.) 1649
Eikonoklastes 1649
Pro populo Anglicano defensio contra Salmasium 1651
A Letter touching the Dissolution of the late Parliament 1653
Pro populo Anglicano defensio secunda 1654
Scriptum Dom-Protectoris contra Hispanos 1655
Pro se defensio contra A. Morum 1655
Treatise on Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes 1659
Considerations touching the likeliest means to remove Hirelings out of the Church 1659
Ready and easy way to establish a free Commonwealth 1660
Paradise Lost 1667
Accedence commenc't Grammar 1669
History of Britain 1670
Paradise Regained 1671
Samson Agonistes 1671 (With preceding work)
Artis Logicae plenior Institutio 1672
Of true Religion, Heresie, Schism, Toleration, and what best means may be used against the growth of Popery 1673
Epistolarum familiarium liber 1674
Declaration or Letters Patents of the Election of this present King of Poland, John the Third 1674
* * * * *
Literae Pseudo-Senatus Anglicani, Cromwellii, etc. 1676
Character of the Long Parliament and Assembly of Divines in 1641 1681
Brief History of Moscovia 1682
Works [in prose] 1697
Historical, political, and miscellaneous works 1698
Original Letters and Papers of State addressed to Oliver Cromwell 1743
De Doctrina Christiana 1825
Common Place Book 1876
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LIFE OF SCOTT. By Professor Yonge. "For readers and lovers of the poems and novels of Sir Walter Scott, this is a most enjoyable boot."—Aberdeen Free Press.
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LIFE OF HEINE. By William Sharp. "This is an admirable monograph ... more fully written up to the level of recent knowledge and criticism of its theme than any other English work."—Scotsman.
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Complete Bibliography to each volume, by J.P. ANDERSON, British Museum.
* * * * *
Volumes are in preparation by Goldwin Smith, Frederick Wedmore, Oscar Browning, Arthur Symons, W.E. Henley, Hermann Merivale, H.E. Watts, T.W. Rolleston, Cosmo Monkhouse, Dr. Garnett, Frank T. Marzials, W.H. Pollock, John Addington Symonds, Stepniak, etc., etc.
* * * * *
LIBRARY EDITION OF "GREAT WRITERS."—Printed on large paper of extra quality, in handsome binding, Demy 8vo, price 2s. 6d.
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London: WALTER SCOTT, 24 Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row.
Monthly Shilling Volumes. Cloth, cut or uncut edges.
ROMANCE OF KING ARTHUR. Edited by E. Rhys. THOREAU'S WALDEN. Edited by W.H. Dircks. ENGLISH OPIUM-EATER. Edited by William Sharp. LANDOR'S CONVERSATIONS. Edited by H. Ellis. PLUTARCH'S LIVES. Edited by B.J. Snell, M.A. RELIGIO MEDICI, &c. Edited by J.A. Symonds. SHELLEY'S LETTERS. Edited by Ernest Rhys. PROSE WRITINGS OF SWIFT. Edited by W. Lewin. MY STUDY WINDOWS. Edited by R. Garnett, LL.D. GREAT ENGLISH PAINTERS. Edited by W. Sharp. LORD BYRON'S LETTERS. Edited by M. Blind. ESSAYS BY LEIGH HUNT. Edited by A. Symons. LONGFELLOW'S PROSE. Edited by W. Tirebuck. GREAT MUSICAL COMPOSERS. Edited by E. Sharp. MARCUS AURELIUS. Edited by Alice Zimmern. SPECIMEN DAYS IN AMERICA. By Walt Whitman. WHITE'S SELBORNE. Edited by Richard Jefferies. DEFOE'S SINGLETON. Edited by H. Halliday Sparling. MAZZINI'S ESSAYS. Edited by William Clarke. PROSE WRITINGS OF HEINE. Edited by H. Ellis. REYNOLDS' DISCOURSES. Edited by Helen Zimmern. PAPERS OF STEELE & ADDISON. Edited by W. Lewin. BURNS'S LETTERS. Edited by J. Logie Robertson, M.A. VOLSUNGA SAGA. Edited by H.H. Sparling. SARTOR RESARTUS. Edited by Ernest Rhys. WRITINGS OF EMERSON. Edited by Percival Chubb. SENECA'S MORALS. Edited by Walter Clode. DEMOCRATIC VISTAS. By Walt Whitman. LIFE OF LORD HERBERT. Edited by Will H. Dircks. ENGLISH PROSE. Edited by Arthur Gallon. IBSEN'S PILLARS OF SOCIETY. Edited by H. Ellis. FAIRY AND FOLK TALES. Edited by W.B. Yeats. EPICTETUS. Edited by T.W. Rolleston. THE ENGLISH POETS. By James Russell Lowell. ESSAYS OF DR. JOHNSON. Edited by Stuart T. Reid. ESSAYS OF WILLIAM HAZLITT. Edited by F. Carr. LANDOR'S PENTAMERON, &c. Edited by H. Ellis. POE'S TALES AND ESSAYS. Edited by Ernest Rhys. VICAR OF WAKEFIELD. By Oliver Goldsmith. POLITICAL ORATIONS. Edited by William Clarke. CHESTERFIELD'S LETTERS. Selected by C. Sayle. THOREAU'S WEEK. Edited by Will H. Dircks. STORIES from CARLETON. Edited by W.B. Yeats. Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table. By O.W. Holmes. JANE EYRE. By Charlotte Bronte.
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London: WALTER SCOTT, 24 Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row.
The Canterbury Poets.
In SHILLING Monthly Volumes, Square 8vo. Well printed on fine toned paper, with Red-line Border, and strongly bound in Cloth.
Cloth, Red Edges 1s. Cloth, Uncut Edges 1s. Red Roan, Gilt Edges 2s. 6d. Pad. Morocco, Gilt Edges 5s.
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London: WALTER SCOTT, 24 Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row.
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Arrangements have been made to publish, in Monthly Volumes, a series of translations of works by the eminent Russian Novelist, Count Lyof. N. Tolstoi. The English reading public will be introduced to an entirely new series of works by one who is probably the greatest living master of fiction in Europe. To those unfamiliar with the charm of Russian fiction, and especially with the works of Count Tolstoi, these volumes will come as a new revelation of power.
The following Volumes are already issued—
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Ready November 25th.
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London: WALTER SCOTT, 24 Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row.
Small Crown 8vo. Printed on Antique Laid Paper. Cloth Elegant, Gilt Edges, Price 3/6.
This is a collection of charming fanciful stories translated from the German. In Germany they have enjoyed remarkable popularity, a large number of editions having been sold. Rudolph Baumbach deals with a wonderland which is all his own, though he suggests Hans Andersen in his simplicity of treatment, and Heine in his delicacy, grace, and humour. These are stories which will appeal vividly to the childish imagination, while the older reader will discern the satirical or humorous application that underlies them.
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London: WALTER SCOTT, 24 Warwick Lane.
Windsor Series of Poetical Anthologies.
Printed on Antique Paper. Crown 8vo. Bound in Blue Cloth, each with suitable Emblematic Design on Cover, Price 3s. 6d. Also in various Calf and Morocco Bindings.
Women's Voices. An Anthology of the most Characteristic Poems by English, Scotch, and Irish Women. Edited by Mrs. William Sharp.
Sonnets of this Century. With an Exhaustive Essay on the Sonnet. Edited by Wm. Sharp.
The Children of the Poets. An Anthology from English and American Writers of Three Centuries. Edited by Professor Eric S. Robertson.
Sacred Song. A Volume of Religious Verse. Selected and arranged by Samuel Waddington.
A Century of Australian Song. Selected and Edited by Douglas B.W. Sladen, B.A., Oxon.
Jacobite Songs and Ballads. Selected and Edited, with Notes, by G.S. Macquoid.
Irish Minstrelsy. Edited, with Notes and Introduction, by H. Halliday Sparling.
The Sonnets of Europe. A Volume of Translations. Selected and arranged by Samuel Waddington.
Early English and Scottish Poetry. Selected and Edited by H. Macaulay Fitzgibbon.
Ballads of the North Countrie. Edited, with Introduction, by Graham R. Tomson.
Songs and Poems of the Sea. An Anthology of Poems Descriptive of the Sea. Edited by Mrs. William Sharp.
Songs and Poems of Fairyland. An Anthology of English Fairy Poetry, selected and arranged, with an Introduction, by Arthur Edward Waite.
Songs and Poems of the Great Dominion. Edited by W.D. Lighthall, of Montreal.
* * * * *
London: WALTER SCOTT, 24 Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row.
Edition de Luxe. Crown 4to, on Antique Paper, Price 12s. 6d. SONNETS OF THIS CENTURY. BY WILLIAM SHARP.
Crown 8vo, Cloth, Bevelled Boards, Price 3s. 6d. each. IN FANCY DRESS. "IT IS THYSELF." BY MARK ANDRE RAFFALOVICH.
Fourth Edition, Crown 8vo, Cloth Gilt, Price 3s. 6d. TALES AND BALLADS OF WEARSIDE. BY JOHN GREEN.
* * * * *
London: WALTER SCOTT, 24 Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row.
Crown 8vo, in White Embossed Boards, Gilt Lettering, One Shilling each.
Published originally in Russia, as tracts for the people, these little stories, which Mr. Walter Scott will issue separately early in February, in "booklet" form, possess all the grace, naivete, and power which characterise the work of Count Tolstoi, and while inculcating in the most penetrating way the Christian ideas of love, humility, and charity, are perfect in their art form as stories pure and simple.
* * * * *
London: WALTER SCOTT, 24 Warwick Lane.