Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. xiv., 1844, pp. 241-251.
An Account of the Fine Dust which often falls on vessels in the Atlantic Ocean.
Geol. Soc. Jour., vol. ii., 1846, pp. 26-30.
On the Geology of the Falkland Islands.
Geol. Soc. Jour., vol. ii., 1846, pp. 267-274.
On the Transportal of Erratic Boulders from a lower to a higher level.
Geol. Soc. Jour., vol. iv., 1848, pp. 315-323.
A Manual of Scientific Inquiry; prepared for the use of Her Majesty's Navy, and travellers in general. Edited by Sir John F. W. Herschel. London, 1849, 8vo.
This work, which has run through several editions, consists of a series of papers by various writers. Charles Darwin wrote "Geology," pp. 156-195.
On British Fossil Lepadidae.
Geol. Soc. Jour., vol. vi., 1850, pp. 439, 440.
Analogy of the structure of some Volcanic Rocks with that of Glaciers.
Edinb. Royal Soc. Proc. vol. ii., 1851, pp. 17, 18.
On the power of icebergs to make rectilinear uniformly-directed grooves across a submarine undulatory surface.
Phil. Mag., vol. x., 1855, pp. 96-98.
On the action of Sea-water on the germination of Seeds (1856).
Linn. Soc. Jour., vol. i., 1857 (Bot.), pp. 130-140.
On the agency of Bees in the Fertilisation of Papilionaceous Flowers, and on the crossing of Kidney Beans.
Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. ii., 1858, pp. 459-465; Gardeners' Chronicle, 1857, pp. 725, and 1858, pp. 824, 844.
On the Tendency of Species to form Varieties; and on the Perpetuation of Varieties and Species by Natural Means of Selection. By C. D. and Alfred Wallace.
Jour. Proc. Linn. Soc., vol iii., 1859, pp. 45-62.
On the variation of organic beings in a state of nature; on the natural means of selection; on the comparison of domestic races and true species.
Linn. Soc. Jour., vol iii., 1859, (Zool.) pp. 46-53; Halle, Zeitschr. Gesell. Nat. Bd. xvi., 1860, pp. 425-459.
Fertilisation of Vincas.
Gardeners' Chronicle, 1861, pp. 552, 831, 832.
On the Two Forms, or Dimorphic Condition, in the species of Primula, and, on their remarkable Sexual Relations.
Linn. Soc. Jour., vol. vi., 1862 (Bot.), pp. 77-96.
On the three remarkable sexual forms of Catasetum tridentatum, an Orchid in the possession of the Linnean Society.
Linn. Soc. Jour., vol. vi., 1862 (Bot.), pp. 151-157.
Observations sur l'heteromorphisme des fleurs et ses consequences pour fecondation.
Annal. Sci. Nat. Tom. xix., 1863, (Bot.) pp. 204-255.
On the thickness of the Pampean formation, near Buenos Ayres.
Geol. Soc. Jour., vol. xix., 1863, pp. 68-71.
On the existence of two forms, and on their reciprocal sexual relation, in several species of the genus Linum.
Linn. Soc. Jour., vol. vii. (Bot.), 1863, pp. 69-83.
On the so-called "Auditory sac" of Cirripedes.
Nat. Hist. Review, 1863, pp. 115, 116.
On the sexual relations of the three forms of Lythrum Salicaria (1864).
Linn. Soc. Jour., vol. viii., 1865, (Bot.) pp. 169-196; Archives Sci. Phys. Nat. Tom. xxiii., 1865, pp. 69-72.
On the movements and habits of Climbing Plants (1865).
Linn. Soc. Jour., vol. ix., 1867, (Bot.) pp. 1-118; Flora, vol. xlix., 1866, pp. 241-252, 273-282, 321-325, 337-345, 375-378, 385-398.
Queries about Expression for Anthropological Inquiry.
Report of Smithsonian Institution for 1867, p. 324.
Note on the Common Broom (Cytisus Scoparius).
Linn. Soc. Jour., vol ix., 1867 (Bot.), p. 358.
On the character and hybrid-like nature of the offspring from the illegitimate unions of dimorphic and trimorphic plants.
Linn. Soc. Jour., vol. x., 1869 (Bot.), pp. 393-437.
On the specific difference between Primula veris, Brit. Fl. (var. officinalis, Linn.), P. vulgaris, Brit. Fl. (var. acaulis, Linn.) and P. elatior, Jacq. and on the hybrid nature of the common Oxlip. With supplementary remarks on naturally-produced hybrids in the genus Verbascum.
Linn. Soc. Jour., vol. x., 1869 (Bot.), pp. 437-454.
De la variation des animaux et des plantes sous l'action de la domestication. (Transl.)
Archives Sci. Phys. Nat. Tom. xxxiv., 1869, pp. 41-66.
The Fertilisation of Winter-flowering Plants.
Nature, vol. i., 1869, p. 85.
Notes on the Fertilisation of Orchids.
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. iv., 1869, pp. 141-159.
Note on the habits of the Pampas Woodpecker: Colaptes campestris.
Zool. Soc. Proc., 1870, pp. 705, 706.
Nature, vol. iii., 1871, pp. 502, 503.
Fertilisation of Leschenaultia.
Gardeners' Chronicle, 1871, p. 1166.
Origin of certain Instincts.
Nature, vol. vii., 1873, pp. 417, 418.
On the males and complemental males of certain Cirripedes, and on rudimentary structures.
Nature, vol. viii., 1873, pp. 431-433.
Perception in the lower animals.
Zoologist, vol. viii., 1873, pp. 3488-3489; Nature, vol. vii., 1878, p. 360.
Fertilisation of the Fumariaceae.
Nature, vol. ix., 1874, p. 460.
Flowers of the Primrose destroyed by birds.
Nature, vol. ix., 1874, p. 482; vol. x., p. 24.
Sexual Selection in relation to Monkeys.
Nature, vol. xv., 1876, pp. 18, 19.
Testimonial to Mr. Darwin. Evolution in the Netherlands. Letter of Mr. Darwin.
Nature, vol. xv., 1877, pp. 410-412.
A Biographical Sketch of an Infant.
Mind, vol. ii. (No. 7, July 1877), pp. 285-294. Les Debuts de l'intelligence; Esquisse biographique d'un petit enfant, Revue Scientifique, tom. 13, 1877, pp. 25-29.
The Contractile Filaments of the Teasel.
Nature, vol. xvi., 1877, p. 339.
Fritz Mueller on Flowers and Insects.
Nature, vol. xvii., 1877, p. 78.
Note on Fertilisation of Plants.
Gardeners' Chronicle, 1877, p. 246.
Transplantation of Shells.
Nature, vol. xviii., 1878, p. 120.
Flowers and their unbidden guests, from the German of Dr. A. Kerner. With a prefatory letter by C. D. London, 1878, 8vo.
Erasmus Darwin. By Ernst Krause. Translated from the German by W. S. Dallas. With a preliminary notice by Charles Darwin. London, 1879, 8vo.
Originally appeared in "Kosmos." Charles Darwin wrote the life, pp. 1-127 for the English edition, which on the publication of the work in book form in Germany (1880) was translated and appears in that edition, pp. 1-72. A copy of this work in the Library of the British Museum contains MS. Notes by Samuel Butler.
Fritz Mueller on a Frog having Eggs on its back: on the Abortion of the Hairs on the Legs of certain Caddis Flies, etc.
Nature, vol. xix., 1879, pp. 462-464.
Rats and Water Casks.
Nature, vol. xix., 1879, p. 481.
Fertility of Hybrids from the Common and Chinese Goose.
Nature, vol. xxi., 1880, p. 207.
The Sexual Colours of certain Butterflies.
Nature, vol. xxi., 1880, p. 237.
The Omari Shell Mounds.
Nature, vol. xxi., 1880, pp. 561, 562.
Sir Wyville Thomson on Natural Selection.
Nature, vol. xxiii., 1880, p. 32.
Black Sheep.
Nature, vol. xxiii., 1880, p. 103.
Movements of Plants.
Nature, vol. xxiii., 1881, p. 409.
Mr. Darwin on Vivisection.
Nature, vol. xxiii., 1881, p. 583.
The Movements of Leaves.
Nature, vol. xxiii., 1881, pp. 603, 604.
Nature, vol. xxiv., 1881, p. 257.
Leaves injured at night by free radiation.
Nature, vol. xxiv., 1881, p. 459.
On the Bodily and Mental Development of Infants.
Nature, vol. xxiv., 1881, p. 565.
Studies in the Theory of Descent, by August Weismann. Translated and edited by K. Meldola, with a prefatory notice by Charles Darwin. 3 pts., London, 1882, 8vo.
The parasitic habits of Molothrus.
Nature, vol. xxv., 1882, pp. 51, 52.
The action of Carbonate of Ammonia on the roots of certain plants.
Linn. Soc. Jour. (Bot.), vol. xix., 1882, pp. 239-261; abstract by Mr. Francis Darwin in Nature, vol. xxv., 1882, pp. 489-490.
The action of Carbonate of Ammonia on Chlorophyll Bodies.
Linn. Soc. Jour. (Bot.), vol. xix., 1882, pp. 262-284; abstract by Mr. Francis Darwin in Nature, vol. xxv., 1882, pp. 489, 490.
On the dispersal of freshwater bivalves.
Nature, vol. xxv., 1882, pp. 529, 530.
On the Modification of a Race of Syrian Street Dogs by means of Sexual Selection. By Dr. Van Dyck. With a preliminary notice by Charles Darwin.
Proc. of the Zool. Soc. of London, 1882, pp. 367-370.
Mental Evolution in Animals. By George John Romanes. With a posthumous essay on Instinct, by Charles Darwin. London, 1883, 8vo.
Memoire inedit sur l'instinct.
Revue Scientifique, tom. vi., 1883, pp. 749, 750.
The Fertilisation of Flowers. By Prof. Hermann Mueller. Translated and edited by D'Arcy W. Thompson. With a preface by Charles Darwin. London, 1883, 8vo.
Notes on Parasites collected by C. D., by T. Spencer Cobbold.
Jour. Linn. Soc. (Zoology), vol. xix., 1885, pp. 174-178.
The European Literature upon Charles Darwin and his Works is so extensive that it is only possible to give a selection.
Adams, W. H. Davenport.—Master Minds in Art, Science, and Letters. London, 1886, 8vo.
Charles Darwin, with portrait, pp. 251-276.
Allen, Grant.—The Evolutionist at Large. [Reprinted from the St. James's Gazette.] London, 1881, 8vo.
—— English Worthies. Edited by Andrew Lang. Charles Darwin, by G. A. London, 1885, 8vo.
Argyll, Duke of.—The Reign of Law. London, 1867, 8vo.
References to Charles Darwin.
—— The Unity of Nature. London, 1884, 8vo.
Numerous references to Charles Darwin.
Armstrong, R. A.—Modern Sermons. No. 3. Charles Darwin, by the Rev. R. A. Armstrong. Manchester [1885], 8vo.
Aveling, Edward B.—The Student's Darwin. (International Library of Science and Freethought, vol. ii.) London, 1881, 8vo.
—— Darwinism and Small Families. London, 1882, 8vo.
—— The Religious Views of Charles Darwin. London, 1883, 8vo.
Baildon, Henry B.—The Spirit of Nature, being a series of interpretative essays on the history of matter from the atom to the flower. London, 1880, 8vo.
Balfour, Francis M.—A Treatise on Comparative Embryology, 2 vols. London, 1880-1, 8vo.
Bateman, Frederic.—Darwinism tested by language; with a preface by Edward Meyrick Goulburn, Dean of Norwich. London, 1877, 8vo.
Bennett, A. W.—The Theory of Natural Selection from a mathematical point of view. (Read before section D of the British Association, at Liverpool, Sept. 20, 1870.)
Bennett, D. M.—The World's Sages, Infidels, and Thinkers. New York, 1876, 8vo.
Darwin, pp. 846-848.
Benson, Lawrence S.—Philosophic Reviews. Darwin answered; or, Evolution a myth, etc. New York, 1875, 8vo.
Bentham, George.—"Addresses of George Bentham, President, read at the meetings of the Linnean Society, 1862-1873."
Berkeley, Hon. G. C. Grantley F.—Fact against Fiction. With some remarks on Darwin. 2 vols. London, 1874, 8vo.
Bernardo, D. di.—Il Darwinismo e le specie animali. Siena, 1881, 8vo.
Bianconi, J. Joseph.—La Theorie Darwinienne et la Creation dite Independante. Bologne, 1874, 8vo.
Biological Society of Washington.—Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. With the addresses read on the occasion of the Darwin Memorial Meeting, May 12, 1882. Washington, 1882, 8vo.
With vol. xxv. of the Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. The addresses delivered on the occasion were— Introductory by Theodore Gill; Biographical Sketch by William H. Dall; The Philosophic Bearings of Darwinism, by John W. Powell; Darwin's Investigations on the relation of Plants and Insects, by C. V. Riley; Darwin as a Botanist, by L. F. Ward; Darwin on Emotional Expression, by F. Baker; a Darwinian Bibliography, by F. W. True.
Blind, Mathilde.—Shelley's View of Nature contrasted with Darwin's. London, 1886, 8vo.
Only 25 copies of this lecture were printed for private distribution.
Boase, Henry S.—A few words on Evolution and Creation, etc. London, 1832, 8vo.
Braubach, W.—Religion, Moral, und Philosophie der Darwin'schen Artlehre. Neuwied, 1869, 8vo.
Bree, C. R.—Species not Transmutable, nor the result of secondary causes. Being a critical examination of Mr. Darwin's work entitled "Origin and Variation of Species." London [1860], 8vo.
—— An Exposition of Fallacies in the Hypothesis of Mr. Darwin. London, 1872, 8vo.
Buechner, Ludwig.—Sechs Vorlesungen ueber die Darwin'sche Theorie, etc. Leipzig, 1868, 8vo.
—— Conferences sur la Theorie Darwinienne de la Transmutation des Especes, etc. Leipzig, 1869, 8vo.
Butler, Samuel.—Evolution, old and new; or, the theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin, and Lamarck, as compared with that of Mr. Charles Darwin. London, 1879, 8vo.
—— Second edition. London, 1882, 8vo.
—— Unconscious Memory, etc. London, 1880, 8vo.
—— Luck or Cunning, as the main means of organic modification? An attempt to throw additional light upon the late Mr. Charles Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection. London, 1887, 8vo.
Candolle, Alphonse de.—Histoire des Sciences et des Savants depuis deux Siecles, suivie d'autres etudes sur des sujets scientifiques, en particulier sur la Selection dans l'Espece Humaine. Geneve, 1873, 8vo.
—— Darwin considere au point de vue des causes de son succes et de l'importance de ses travaux. Deuxieme edition. Geneve, 1882, 8vo.
Canestrini, Giovanni.—La Teoria dell' Evoluzione esposta ne' suoi fondamenti come introduzione alla lettura delle opere del Darwin e de' suoi seguaci. Torino, 1877, 8vo.
Carlyle, Rev. Gavin.—The Battle of Unbelief. London, 1878, 8vo.
Darwinianism and Man, pp. 149-173.
Carneri, B.—Sittlichkeit und Darwinismus. Wien, 1871, 8vo.
Cartoon Portraits.—Cartoon Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Men of the Day. London, 1873, 4to.
C. R. Darwin, F.R.S., pp. 6 and 7.
Cattell, Charles C.—Is Darwinism Atheistic? (The Atheistic Platform, No. viii.) London, 1884, 8vo.
Celakovsky, Ladislav.—Uvahy Prirodovedecke o Darwinove Theorii, etc. V Praze, 1877, 8vo.
Cleland, John.—Evolution, Expression, and Sensation, etc. Glasgow, 1881, 8vo.
Cobbe, Frances Power.—Darwinism in Morals, and other Essays. London, 1872, 8vo.
Collins, Mortimer.—Pen Sketches by a Vanished Hand; from the papers of the late Mortimer Collins. 2 vols. London, 1879, 8vo.
Darwinism, vol. ii., pp. 51-61.
Conn, H. W.—Evolution of To-day, etc. New York, 1886, 8vo.
Cook, Joseph.—Boston Monday Lectures. Heredity, etc. London, 1881, 8vo.
Darwin's Theory of Pangenesis, pp. 59-79; Darwin on the Origin of Conscience, pp. 80-99.
Cooper, Thomas.—Evolution, the Stone Book, and the Mosaic Record of Creation. London, 1878, 8vo.
—— Thoughts at fourscore, and earlier. A Medley. London, 1885, 8vo.
Charles Darwin and the Fallacies of evolution, pp. 132-162; The Origin of Species, pp. 322-334.
Cope, E. D.—Origin of the Fittest. London, 1887, 8vo.
Cunningham, J. T.—The Round Table Series. (No. 5.) Charles Darwin, Naturalist. Edinburgh, 1886, 8vo.
Curtis, George T.—Creation or Evolution? A Philosophical Inquiry. London, 1887, 8vo.
Darwin, Charles R.—The Darwinian Theory of the Transmutation of Species examined by a Graduate of the University of Cambridge. Second edition. London, 1868, 8vo.
—— The Fall of Man: or, the Loves of the Gorillas. A popular scientific lecture upon the Darwinian Theory of Development by Sexual Selection. By a Learned Gorilla. Edited by the author of "The New Gospel of Peace." [Illustrated.] New York, 1871, 8vo.
—— Our Blood Relations; or, the Darwinian Theory. London, 1872, 8vo.
—— Stammen wir von den Affen ab? [Being a reply to Darwin's Origin of Species.] Dresden, 1872, 8vo.
—— The Fall of Man; an answer to Mr. Darwin's "Descent of Man," being a complete refutation, by common sense arguments, of the Theory of the Development of the human race by means of natural selection. London, 1873, 8vo.
—— The Darwinian Theory examined. London, 1878, 8vo.
—— Bondige uiteenzetting van het Darwinisme voor leeken in de natuurwetenschappen. Deventer, 1878, 8vo.
—— What Mr. Darwin saw in his voyage round the world in the ship "Beagle." [Illustrated.] New York [1879], 8vo.
—— Die Grundlehren der wahren Naturreligion nach Darwin und Haeckel. Berlin, 1881, 8vo.
—— Darwinism stated by Darwin himself. Characteristic passages from the writings of C. D., selected and arranged by N. Sheppard. New York, 1884, 8vo.
Daubeny, Charles.—Remarks on the final causes of the Sexuality of Plants, with particular reference to Mr. Darwin's work on the Origin of Species. Oxford, 1860, 8vo.
—— Miscellanies: being a collection of Memoirs and Essays, etc. 2 vols. Oxford, 1867, 8vo.
Remarks on the Final Causes of the Sexuality of Plants, etc., vol. ii., pp. 85-107.
Davey, Samuel.—Darwin, Carlyle, and Dickens, with other essays. London [1876], 8vo.
Davies, Charles M.—Mystic London; or, phases of occult life in the Metropolis. London, 1875, 8vo.
"Darwinism on the Devil," pp. 179-197.
Diman, Jeremiah Lewis.—The Theistic Argument as effected by recent theories. A course of lectures delivered at the Lowell Institute in Boston. [Edited, with a preface, by G. P. Fisher.] Boston, 1881, 8vo.
Dixon, Charles.—Evolution without Natural Selection; or, the Segregation of Species without the aid of the Darwinian Hypothesis. London, 1885, 8vo.
Dodel, afterwards Dodel-Port, Arnold. Die neuere Schoepfungsgeschichte nach dem gegenwaertigen Stande der Naturwissenschaften, etc. Leipzig, 1875, 8vo.
Draper, Professor.—"On the Intellectual Development of Europe, considered with reference to the views of Mr. Darwin and others, that the Progression of Organisms is determined by Law." Paper read at the Oxford Meeting of the British Association, 1860, with discussion. (Gardeners' Chronicle, Aug. 6, 1860, pp. 713, 714.)
Dreher, Eugen.—Der Darwinismus und seine Consequenzen in wissenschaftlicher und socialer Beziehung. Halle, 1882, 8vo.
Drury, John B.—Veddes Lectures, 1883. Truths and Untruths of Evolution. New York [1884], 8vo.
Dubois-Reymond, Emil.—Darwin versus Galiani. Berlin, 1876, 8vo.
—— Friedrich II. in Englischen Urtheilen. Darwin und Kopernicus, etc. Leipzig, 1884, 8vo.
Ducasse, Felix.—Etude historique et critique sur le Transformisme, etc. Paris, 1876, 8vo.
Dumont, Leon A.—Haeckel et la theorie de l'evolution en Allemagne. Paris, 1873, 8vo.
Duval, Mathias.—Le Darwinisme. Paris, 1886, 8vo.
Dykes, Rev. J. Oswald.—Problems of Faith, a contribution to present controversies, being a third series of Lectures to Young Men, etc. With a preface by the Rev. J. O. D. London, 1875, 8vo.
—— Disputed Questions of Belief; being Lectures to Young Men, etc. London, 1874, 8vo.
Evolution: An Exposition and Critique by the Rev. H. S. Paterson, pp. 183-252.
Elam, Charles.—Winds of Doctrine: being an examination of the modern theories of automatism and evolution. London, 1876, 8vo.
Encyclopaedia Americana.—The Encyclopaedia Americana, etc. New York, 1885, 4to.
Articles Darwin and Darwinism, vol. ii., pp. 542-555.
Encyclopaedia Britannica.—The Encyclopaedia Britannica. Ninth edition. Vol 8. Edinburgh, 1877, 4to.
The article Evolution by Professor Huxley and James Sully.
Ercolani, Luigi.—Darwinismo. Reggio, Calabria, 1882, 8vo.
Essays.—English Essays. Hamburg, 1869, 12mo.
Mr. Darwin's Theories, vol. ii., pp. 108-138. Reprinted from the Westminster Review, January 1869.
Fawcett, Henry.—On the Method of Mr. Darwin in his Treatise on the Origin of Species. (Report of the 31st Meeting of the British Association, 1861, p. 141.) London, 1862, 8vo.
Fee, A.—Le Darwinisme, ou Examen de la Theorie relative a l'origine des especes. Paris, 1864, 8vo.
Appeared originally in the Gazette Hebdomadaire de Medecine et de Chirurgie, 1864.
Ferriere, Emile.—Le Darwinisme. Paris, 1872, 8vo.
Ferris, Benjamin G.—A new theory of the Origin of Species. New York, 1883, 8vo.
Fiske, John.—Darwinism, and other Essays. London, 1879, 8vo.
—— Another edition. Boston [U.S.], 1885, 8vo.
—— Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy, based on the Doctrine of Evolution, etc. 2 vols. London, 1874, 8vo.
Numerous references to Charles Darwin.
—— Excursions of an Evolutionist. London, 1884, 8vo.
In memoriam: Charles Darwin, pp. 337-369.
—— The Destiny of Man viewed in the light of his Origin. Boston [U.S.], 1884, 8vo.
—— The Idea of God as affected by modern knowledge. London, 1885, 8vo.
Flourens, M. J. P.—Examen du livre de M. Darwin sur l'origine des especes. Paris, 1864, 12mo.
Flower, Professor W. H. On Palaeontological Evidence of Gradual Modification of Animal Forms, read at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, April 25, 1873 (Journal of the Royal Institution).
Force, M. F.—Pre-historic Man. Darwinism and Deity. The Mound Builders. Cincinnati, 1873, 8vo.
Galton, Francis.—Hereditary Genius: an inquiry into its laws and consequences. London, 1869, 8vo.
References to C. D.
—— English Men of Science: their nature and nurture. London, 1874, 8vo.
References to C. D.
—— Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development. London, 1883, 8vo.
References to C. D.
Geology.—Geology and its Teaching, especially as it relates to the Development Theory as propounded in "Vestiges of Creation" and Darwin's "Origin of Species." Reprinted from the "Leeds Express." London, 1861, 12mo.
Gibson, Rev. Charles B.—Philosophy, Science, and Revelation. Second edition. London, 1874, 8vo.
Goblet d'Alviella, Count Eugene.—The Contemporary Evolution of Religious Thought in England, America, and India. Translated by J. Moden. London, 1885, 8vo.
Graham, William.—The Creed of Science, religious, moral, and social. London, 1881, 8vo.
Gray, Asa.—Natural Selection not inconsistent with Natural Theology. A free examination of Darwin's Treatise on the Origin of Species and of its American Reviewers. London, 1861, 8vo.
Appeared originally in the Atlantic Monthly for July, August, and October, 1860.
—— Darwiniana: Essays and Reviews pertaining to Darwinism. New York, 1876, 8vo.
Greaves, C. A.—The Science of Life; and Darwin's Hypothesis. Two lectures. London [1873], 8vo.
Haeckel, Ernst H. P. A.—Generelle Morphologie der Organismen. Allgemeine Grundzuege der organischen Formen-Wissenschaft, mechanisch begruendet durch die von Charles Darwin, etc. 2 Bde. Berlin, 1866, 8vo.
—— Natuerliche Schoepfungsgeschichte, etc. Berlin, 1868, 8vo.
—— Die heutige Entwickelungslehre im Verhaeltnisse zur Gesammtwissenschaft. Stuttgart, 1877, 8vo.
—— Gesammelte populaere Vortraege aus dem Gebiete der Entwickelungslehre. Bonn, 1878-79, 8vo.
—— Anthropogenie, oder Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen, etc. Leipzig, 1874, 8vo.
—— The Evolution of Man, etc. From the German of E. H. [With plates.] 2 vols. London, 1879, 8vo.
—— Ziele und Wege der heutigen Entwickelungsgeschichte. Jena, 1875, 8vo.
—— Die Naturanschauung von Darwin, Goethe, und Lamarck. Jena, 1882, 8vo.
—— The Pedigree of Man: and other Essays, by E. Haeckel. Translated from the German by Edward B. Aveling. (International Library of Science and Freethought, vol. 6.) London, 1883, 8vo.
Hall, A. Wilford.—The Problem of Human Life,... with a review of Darwin, Huxley, etc. Revised edition. New York, 1880, 8vo.
Hallier, Ernst.—Darwin's Lehre und die Specification. Hamburg, 1865, 8vo.
Hartmann, C. R. E. von.—Wahrheit und Irrthum im Darwinismus. Berlin, 1875, 8vo.
—— Darwinismus und Thierproduction. Muenchen, 1876, 8vo.
—— Le Darwinisme, traduit de l'Allemand par Georges Gueroult. Paris, 1877, 8vo.
Hartsen, F. A.—Darwin en de Godsdienst. Eene populaire uiteenzetting van het Darwinisme, etc. Leyden, 1869, 8vo.
Heller, Karl B.—Darwin und der Darwinismus. Wien, 1869, 8vo.
Henslow, George.—The Theory of Evolution of living things, and the application of the principles of evolution to religion considered as illustrative of the "Wisdom and Beneficence of the Almighty." London, 1873, 8vo.
—— The Fertilisation of Plants: a lecture [on D.'s Cross-and-Self-Fertilisation of Plants] delivered 8th March, 1877. (Transactions of the Watford Nat. Hist. Soc. Vol. i., 1878, pp. 201-210.)
Hertwig, R.—Gedaechtnissrede auf Charles Darwin. Koenigsberg, 1883, 4to.
Hertzka, Theodor.—Die Urgeschichte der Erde und des Menschen, I. Vorlesung ueber die Darwin'sche Theorie, etc. Pest, 1871, 8vo.
Hicks, L. E.—A Critique of Design-Arguments, etc. New York, 1883, 8vo.
Darwinism and Design, pp. 308-330.
Hodge, Charles.—What is Darwinism? London, 1874, 8vo.
Hoffmann, Hermann.—Untersuchungen zur Bestimmung des Werthes von Species und Varietaet, etc. Giessen, 1869, 8vo.
Huber, Johannes.—Die Lehre Darwin's kritisch betrachtet von Dr. J. H. Muenchen, 1871, 8vo.
Humiecki, M.—Darwinizm. Lwow, 1878, 8vo.
Huxley, Thomas Henry.—Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature. London, 1863, 8vo.
—— Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews. London, 1870, 8vo.
The Origin of Species, pp. 280-327. Reprinted from the Westminster Review, April 1860; Criticisms on "The Origin of Species," pp. 328-350. Reprinted from the Natural History Review, 1864.
—— Critiques and Addresses. London, 1873, 8vo.
Mr. Darwin's Critics, pp. 251-302. Reprinted from the Contemporary Review, 1871.
—— Science and Culture, and other Essays. London, 1881, 8vo.
The Coming of Age of the "Origin of Species," pp. 310-324.
Jacoby, Paul.—Etudes sur la Selection dans ses rapports avec l'heredite chez l'homme, etc. Paris, 1881, 8vo.
Jaeger, Gustav.—Die Darwin'sche Theorie und ihre Stellung zu Moral und Religion. Stuttgart [1869], 8vo.
—— In Sachen Darwin's insbesondere contra Wigand. Stuttgart, 1874, 8vo.
James, Constantin.—Du Darwinisme, ou l'homme-singe. Paris, 1877, 8vo.
Johns, Rev. B. G.—Moses, not Darwin: a sermon. London, 1871, 8vo.
Kalischer, S.—Teleologie und Darwinismus. Berlin, 1878, 8vo.
Kirby, W. F.—Evolution and Natural Theology. London, 1883, 8vo.
Darwin and his Critics, pp. 50-68.
Kirk, Rev. John.—The Doctrine of Creation according to Darwin, Agassiz and Moses. London, 1869, 8vo.
Kleinenberg, Nicolaus.—Carlo Darwin e l'opera sua. Discorso commemorativo letto nell' aula della R. Universita di Messina il 21 Maggio 1882. Messina, 1882, 8vo.
Kloenne, B. H.—Onze Voorouders volgens de Theorie van Darwin en het Darwinisme van Winkler. Met gravuren. 'S Hertogenbosch, 1869, 8vo.
Koelliker, Albrecht.—Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen und der hoeheren Thiere, etc. Leipzig, 1861, 8vo.
—— Zweite Auflage. Leipzig, 1879, 8vo.
Kramer, Paul.—Theorie und Erfahrung. Beitraege zur Beurtheilung des Darwinismus. Halle a/S., 1877. 8vo.
Krause, Ernest.—Erasmus Darwin und seine Stellung in der Geschichte der Descendenz-Theorie. Mit seinem Lebens- und Charakterbilde von C. Darwin. Leipzig, 1880, 8vo.
References to C. D.'s family. Originally appeared in Kosmos. The life by C. D. is a translation from the English edition (1879).
—— Erasmus Darwin.—Translated from the German by W. S. Dallas. With a preliminary notice by C. Darwin. Portrait and woodcuts. London, 1879, 8vo.
The Life by C. D. pp. 1-127. There is a copy of this work in the Library of the British Museum which contains MS. Notes by Samuel Butler.
—— Charles Darwin und sein Verhaeltnis zu Deutschland. (Gesammelte Kleinere Schriften, Bd., 1.) Leipzig, 1885, 8vo.
Laing, F. H.—Essays on Religion and Literature. By various writers. Edited by Henry Edward, Archbishop of Westminster. Third Series. London, 1874, 8vo.
Darwinism brought to Book, by the Rev. F. H. Laing, pp. 257-283.
Laing, Sidney Herbert.—Darwinism Refuted. An Essay on Mr. Darwin's Theory of "The Descent of Man." London, 1871, 8vo.
Lanessan, J. L. de.—Etude sur la Doctrine de Darwin. La lutte pour l'existence et l'association pour la lutte. Paris, 1881, 8vo.
Lankester, Edwin Ray.—Degeneration: a chapter in Darwinism. (Nature Series.) London, 1880, 8vo.
Lecomte, A.—La Darwinisme et l'origine de l'homme. Paris, 1873, 12mo.
Le Conte, Joseph.—Religion and Science: a series of Sunday Lectures on the relation of natural and revealed religion, etc. London, 1874, 8vo.
Le Hon, H.—L'Homme Fossile en Europe, etc. (Appendice-Abrege de la Theorie de Darwin ou Transformisme, traduit de l'Italien du Prof. Omboni). Deuxieme edition. Bruxelles, 1868, 8vo.
Lessona, Michele.—Carlo Darwin. Roma, 1883, 8vo.
—— Commemorazione di Carlo Darwin (Atti della R. Accad. delle Scienze di Torino, vol. xviii., 1882, pp. 709-718). Torino, 1882, 8vo.
Lewes, George Henry.—Problems of Life and Mind. Three Series. London, 1874-79, 8vo.
Lichthorn, C.—Die Erforschung der physiologischen Naturgesetze der menschlichen Geistestaetigkeit auf der Grundlage der neuesten grossen Entdeckungen Dubois-Reymond's, Darwin's und Haeckel's ueber die organische Natur, etc. Breslau, 1875, 8vo.
Liddon, H. P.—The Recovery of St. Thomas: a sermon preached in St. Paul's Cathedral, April 23, 1882, with a prefatory note on the late Mr. Darwin. London, 1882, 8vo.
Lindsay, William Lander.—Mind in the Lower Animals in health and disease. 2 vols. London, 1879, 8vo.
Loewenthal, Eduard.—Herr Schleiden und der Darwin'sche Arten-Entstehungs-Humbug. Berlin, 1864, 8vo.
Lyell, Sir Charles.—Life, Letters, and Journals of Sir Charles Lyell, Bart. Edited by his sister-in-law, Mrs. Lyell. 2 vols. London, 1881, 8vo.
Contains a number of Letters to C. D.
Lyon, W. P.—Homo versus Darwin: a judicial examination of statements recently published by Mr. Darwin regarding "The Descent of Man." Second edition. London [1872], 8vo.
—— Third edition. London [1873], 8vo.
M'Cann, Rev. James.—Anti-Darwinism: with Professor Huxley's reply. Glasgow, 1869, 8vo.
McCarthy, Justin.—A History of Our Own Times. A new edition. 4 vols. London, 1882, 8vo.
Charles Darwin, vol. iv., pp. 286-288.
Maclaren, James.—A Critical Examination of some of the principal arguments for and against Darwinism. London, 1876, 8vo.
—— Natural Theology in the Nineteenth Century. London, 1878, 8vo.
Maeklin, F. W.—Allmaenna betraktelser oefver den Darwinska descendenslaerens foerhallande till ochmed de organiska formernas och isynnerhet djurens geografisk utbredning. Helsingfors, 1882, 8vo.
Mantegazza, Paolo.—Commemorazione di Carlo Darwin. Discorso del Professor P. M. Firenze, 1882, 8vo.
Martins, C.—La theorie de l'evolution en histoire naturelle. Paris, 1876, 8vo.
Maschi, Luigi.—Confutazione delle Dottrine Transformistiche di Huxley, Darwin, etc. Parma, 1874, 8vo.
Menza, Antonino.—Il Concetto Scientifico di Darwin sviluppato dalla Filosofia Positiva. Saggio critico di A. M. Catania, 1882, 8vo.
Meteyard, Eliza.—A group of Englishmen (1795 to 1815), being records of the younger Wedgwoods and their friends. London, 1871, 8vo.
Numerous references to the Darwin family.
Meyer, A. B.—Charles Darwin und Alfred Russel Wallace. Ihre ersten Publicationen ueber die "Entstehung der Arten" nebst einer Skizze ihres Lebens und einem Verzeichniss ihrer Schriften. Erlangen, 1870, 8vo.
Miall, L. C.—The Life and Works of Charles Darwin; a lecture delivered to the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, on February 6, 1883. Leeds, 1883, 8vo.
Michelis, Fr.—Die Naturwissenschaftliche Unhaltbarkeit der Darwinschen Hypothese. Heidelberg, 1885, 8vo.
Mivart, Saint George.—On the Genesis of Species. London, 1871, 8vo.
—— Men and Apes, an exposition of structural resemblances bearing upon questions of affinity and origin. London, 1873, 8vo.
—— Contemporary Evolution. An essay on some recent social changes. London, 1876, 8vo.
—— Nature and Thought; an introduction to a Natural Philosophy. London, 1882, 8vo.
—— Second edition. London, 1885, 8vo.
Moleschott, Jacob.—Carlo Roberto Darwin. Commemorazione pronunziata a nome degli studenti dell' Universita di Roma, 25 di Giugno, 1882. Torino, 1882, 8vo.
—— Karl Robert Darwin.—Denkrede gehalten im Collegio Romano im Namen der Studirenden der Hochschule zu Rom von Jacob Moleschott. Giessen, 1883, 8vo.
Morris, Rev. F. O.—Difficulties of Darwinism. Read before the British Association at Norwich and Exeter, in 1868 and 1869, etc. London, 1869, 8vo.
—— All the Articles of the Darwin Faith. London [1882], 8vo.
Moss, Arthur B.—Darwin against Moses. London [1885], 8vo.
Mueller, Aug.—Ueber die erste Entstehung organischer Wesen und deren Spaltung in Arten. Berlin, 1866, 8vo.
Mueller, F. Max.—Lectures on the Science of Language, etc. Two Series. London, 1861-64, 8vo.
Several editions.
—— Chips from a German Workshop. 4 vols. London, 1867-75, 8vo.
My reply to Mr. Darwin, vol. iv., pp. 433-472; reprinted from the Contemporary Review, Jan. 1875.
—— The Science of Thought. London, 1887, 8vo.
Mueller, Fritz.—Fuer Darwin. Leipzig, 1864, 8vo.
—— Facts and Arguments for Darwin. Translated from the German by W. S. Dallas. London, 1869, 8vo.
Mueller, Hermann.—Anwendung der Darwinschen Lehre auf Bienen. Berlin, 1872, 8vo.
—— Die Befruchtung der Blumen durch Insekten und die gegenseitigen Anpassungen beider, etc. Leipzig, 1873, 8vo.
—— The Fertilisation of Flowers. Translated and edited by D'Arcy W. Thompson, with a preface by C. Darwin. With illustrations. London, 1883, 8vo.
—— Alpenblumen, ihre Befruchtung, durch Insekten und ihre Anpassungen an dieselben. Mit Abbildungen, etc. Leipzig, 1881, 8vo.
Nature Series.—Charles Darwin. Memorial notices reprinted from "Nature." [With a portrait on steel by C. H. Jeens.] London, 1882, 8vo.
Contents— Introductory Notice, by T. H. Huxley; Life and Character, by G. J. Romanes; Work in Geology, by Archibald Geikie; Work in Botany, by W. T. T. Dyer; Work in Zoology, by G. J. Romanes; Work in Psychology, by G. J. Romanes.
Neaves, Lord.—The Descent of Man. A continuation of an old Song. Air, "Greensleeves" (Darwin loquitur). (Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 109, 1871, pp. 517-519.)
—— Songs and Verses, social and scientific. Edinburgh, 1868, 8vo.
The Origin of Species, pp. 1-4; The Darwinian Era of Farming, pp. 8, 9.
Nicholson, H. Alleyne.—On the hearing of certain palaeontological facts upon the Darwinian Theory of the Origin of Species, and on the general doctrine of Evolution. (Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute, vol. ix., 1876, pp. 207-231; Discussion on preceding, pp. 231-236.)
O'Neill, T. Warren.—The Refutation of Darwinism; and the Converse Theory of Development. Philadelphia, 1880, 8vo.
Ormathwaite, Lord.—Astronomy and Geology compared. London, 1872, 8vo.
Remarks on the Theories of Mr. Darwin and Mr. Buckle, pp. 67-111.
Page, David.—Strictures upon the lectures—on the subject, "Man—whence? where? whither?" and an exposure of the Darwinian Development Theory, etc. Edinburgh, 1867, 8vo.
Parker, W. Kitchen.—On Mammalian Descent: the Hunterian Lectures for 1884. London, 1885, 8vo.
Pascoe, Francis P.—Notes on Natural Selection and the Origin of Species. London, 1884, 8vo.
Patane, Agostino.—Il Darwinismo (a proposito dell 'opera—Di Bernardo). Acireale, 1882, 8vo.
Patterson, Robert.—The Errors of Evolution. An examination of the nebular theory, geological evolution, the origin of life, and Darwinism. London, 1885, 8vo.
Pawlicki, Stefan.—Czlowiek i Malpa. Ostatnie Slowo Darwina. Lwow, 1872, 8vo.
Peebles, J. M.—The Conflict between Darwinism and Spiritualism. Boston, 1876, 12mo.
Pelzeln, August von.—Bemerkungen gegen Darwin's Theorie vom Ursprung der Spezies. Wien, 1861, 8vo.
Perrier, Edmond.—La Philosophie Zoologique avant Darwin. Paris, 1884, 8vo.
Pfaff, Friedrich.—Die Theorie Darwin's und die Thatsachen der Geologie. Frankfort, a.M., 1876, 8vo.
Polo y Peyrolon, Manuel.—Parentesco entre el hombre y el Mono. Observaciones contra el Transformismo Darvinista en general y especialmente contra el origen simio, etc. Madrid, 1878, 8vo.
Portanova, Gennaro.—Errori e delirii del Darwinismo. Napoli, 1872, 8vo.
Porter, J. L.—Science and Revelation: their destructive provinces. With a review of the theories of Tyndall, Huxley, Darwin, and Herbert Spencer. Belfast, 1874, 8vo.
Powell, B. H. Baden.—Creation and its Records, etc. London, 1886, 8vo.
Pratt, John H.—The Descent of Man, in connection with the Hypothesis of Development. A lecture, etc. London, 1871, 8vo.
Prel, Karl F. du.—Der Kampf um's Dasein am Himmel. Die Darwin'sche Formel nachgewiesen in der Mechanik der Sternenwelt. Berlin, 1874, 8vo.
Properzi, Geremia.—Un poco di buon senso, ovvero saggio di un esame critico popolare delle teorie pedagogiche di P. Siciliani e delle materialistiche dei Buechner, Darwin, etc. Genova, 1882, 8vo.
Psychosis.—Our Modern Philosophers, Darwin, Bain, and Spencer, or the Descent of Man, Mind and Body. A rhyme [on C. R. Darwin's "Descent of Man," etc.], with reasons, essays, notes and quotations. By Psychosis. London, 1884, 8vo.
Punch.—Punch. London, 1871, 1877, 1882, 4to.
Our Family Tree (6 verses), vol. 60, 1871, p. 105; Darwin and Pickwick (3 verses), p. 145; The Development of Dress (6 verses), p. 197; A Darwinian Ballad (4 verses), p. 234; The Origin of Darwinism, vol. 61, p. 69; A Darwinian Development (6 verses), p. 110; Darwinian Spiritualism, p. 196; Punch to Dr. Darwin (8 verses), vol. 73, 1877, p. 241; Memorial Poem (6 lines), vol. 82, 1882, p. 203.
Pusey, S. E. B. Bouverie.—Permanence and Evolution; an inquiry unto the supposed mutability of animal types. London, 1882, 8vo.
Quadri, Achille.—Note alla Teoria Darwiniana. Bologna, 1869, 8vo.
Quatrefages de Breau, A. de.—Charles Darwin et ses precurseurs Francais; etude sur le Transformisme. Paris, 1870, 8vo.
R., G.—The Three Barriers: notes on Mr. Darwin's "Origin of Species." Edinburgh, 1861, 8vo.
Rade, E.—Charles Darwin und seine Deutschen Anhaenger im Jahre 1876. Strassburg, 1877, 8vo.
Ragusa, C. F.—Saggio critico sul Darwinismo, etc. Napoli, 1878, 8vo.
Renooz, C. M.—L'origine des animaux. Theorie refutant celle de M. Darwin. Paris, 1883, 12mo.
Reus y Bahamonde, Emilio.—Estudios sobre Filosofia de la Creacion, etc. Madrid, 1876, 8vo.
Richardson, George.—On the spirit in which scientific studies should be pursued, with remarks on the Darwinian theory of Evolution. A lecture, etc. London, 1872, 8vo.
Rolle, Friedrich.—Charles Darwin's Lehre von der Entstehung der Arten im Pflanzen- und Thierreich, etc. Frankfurt am Main, 1863, 8vo.
—— Der Mensch, seine Abstammung und Gesittung im Lichte der Darwin'schen Lehre, etc. Frankfurt am Main, 1866, 8vo.
Romanes, George John.—Animal Intelligence. (International Scientific Series, vol. xli.) London, 1882, 8vo.
—— The Scientific Evidences of Organic Evolution. (Nature Series.) London, 1882, 8vo.
—— Mental Evolution in Animals. With a posthumous essay on Instinct by Charles Darwin. London, 1883, 8vo.
Numerous references to C. D.
—— Physiological Selection; an additional suggestion on the Origin of Species. (Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 19, 1885, pp. 337-411.)
Ross, James.—The Graft Theory of Disease, being an application of Mr. Darwin's Hypothesis of Pangenesis to the explanation of the phenomena of the Zymotic Diseases. London, 1872, 8vo.
Rossi, D. C.—Le Darwinisme et les generations spontanees, ou reponse aux refutations de MM. P. Flourens, de Quatrefages, etc. Paris, 1870, 12mo.
Roux, Wilhelm.—Ueber die Leistungsfaehigkeit der Principien der Descendenzlehre zur Erklaerung der Zweckmaessigkeiten des thierischen Organismus. Breslau, 1880, 8vo.
—— Der Kampf der Theile im Organismus, etc. Leipzig, 1881, 8vo.
Royer, Clemence.—Darwinisme. (Dictionnaire Encyclopedique des Sciences Medicales, vol. xxv., pp. 698-767.) Paris, 1880, 8vo.
Ruetimeyer, L.—Die Grenzen der Thierwelt. Eine Betrachtung zu Darwin's Lehre. Basel, 1868, 8vo.
St. Clair, George.—Darwinism and Design; or, Creation by Evolution. London, 1873, 8vo.
Schleicher, August.—Die Darwinsche Theorie und die Sprachwissenschaft. Weimar, 1863, 8vo.
—— Darwinism tested by the Science of Language. Translated from the German, with preface and additional notes, by Dr. Alex. V. W. Bikkers. London, 1869, 8vo.
Schmid, Rudolf.—Die Darwin'schen Theorien und ihre Stellung zur Philosophie, Religion und Moral. Stuttgart, 1876, 8vo.
—— The Theories of Darwin, and their relation to philosophy, religion, and morality. Translated from the German, by G. A. Zimmermann. With an introduction by the Duke of Argyll. Chicago, 1883, 8vo.
Schmidt, Eduard Oscar.—Das Alter der Menschheit und das Paradies. Zwei Vortraege von O. S. und Franz Unger. Wien, 1866, 8vo.
—— Descendenzlehre und Darwinismus. Leipzig, 1873, 8vo.
—— The Doctrine of Descent and Darwinism (International Scientific Series). London, 1875, 8vo.
—— Descendance et Darwinisme. Paris, 1875, 8vo.
—— Darwinismus und Socialdemocratie. Bonn, 1878, 8vo.
Schneider, G. H.—Der thierische Wille, etc. Leipzig [1880], 8vo.
Schultze, Fritz.—Kant und Darwin. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Entwicklungslehre. Jena, 1875, 8vo.
Schumann, Richard.—Darwinismus und Kirche. Potsdam, 1874, 8vo.
Seidlitz, Georg.—Die Darwin'sche Theorie. Dorpat, 1871, 8vo.
—— Beitraege zur Descendenz-Theorie. Leipzig, 1876, 8vo.
Semper, Carl.—The natural conditions of existence as they affect animal life. With maps and woodcuts. (International Scientific Series, vol. xxxi.) London, 1881, 8vo.
Simon, Leon.—De l'Origine des Especes, en particulier du systeme Darwin: conferences, etc. Paris, 1865, 8vo.
Simonin, Amedee H.—Psychologie Humaine. Histoire de la Psychologie, etc. Paris, 1879, 8vo.
Darwin et le Darwinisme, pp. 418-443.
Spencer, Herbert.—First Principles. London, 1862, 8vo.
—— The Principles of Biology. 2 vols. London, 1864, 8vo.
Spengel, J. W.—Die Darwinsche Theorie. Berlin, 1872, 8vo.
—— Die Fortschritte des Darwinismus. Coeln, 1874, 8vo.
Stebbing, Thomas R. R.—Darwinism. A lecture delivered before the Torquay Natural History Society, February 1, 1869. London, 1869, 8vo.
—— Darwinism.—The Noachian Flood. A lecture delivered before the Torquay Natural History Society, January 31, 1870. London, 1870, 8vo.
—— Essays on Darwinism. London, 1871, 8vo.
Stephen, Leslie.—Essays on Freethinking and Plain speaking. London, 1873, 8vo.
Darwinism and Divinity, pp. 72-109.
—— Life of Henry Fawcett. London, 1885, 8vo.
Charles Darwin, pp. 98-102 and 239.
Struempell, Ludwig.—Die Geisteskraefte der Menschen verglichen mit denen der Thiere. Ein Bedenken gegen Darwin's Ansicht ueber denselben Gegenstand. Leipzig, 1878, 8vo.
Suckling, H.—Anti-Darwin: or some reasons for not accepting his hypothesis. By the author of "Ceylon, ancient and modern" [H. Suckling]. Twickenham, 1884, 16mo.
Swift, Edmund.—Evolution and Natural Selection in the Light of the New Church, etc. London, 1879, 8vo.
Tefft, Benjamin F.—Evolution and Christianity; or, an answer to the Development Infidelity of modern times. Boston [U.S.], 1885, 8vo.
Thomson, George.—Evolution and Involution. London, 1880, 8vo.
Traill, H. D.—The new Lucian, being a series of Dialogues of the Dead. London, 1884, 8vo.
Lucretius, Paley, and Darwin, pp. 287-312.
True, Frederick W.—A Darwinian Bibliography. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, vol. xxv., 1883, pp. 92-101.)
Twemlow, Maj.-Gen. George.—Facts and fossils adduced to prove the Deluge of Noah and mollify the transmutation system of Darwin, etc. London [1868], 8vo.
Tyndall, John.—Fragments of Science. 2 vols. London, 1879, 8vo.
Vadala-Papale, G.—Darwinismo Naturale e Darwinismo Sociale. Torino, 1882, 8vo.
Vianna De Lima, Arthur.—Expose sommaire des Theories Transformistes de Lamarck, Darwin et Haeckel. Paris, 1885, 12mo.
Virchow, Rudolph.—Die Freiheit der Wissenschaft im modernen Staat, etc. Berlin, 1877, 8vo.
—— The Freedom in Science in the Modern State. Translated from the German. London, 1878, 8vo.
Wagner, A.—Zur Feststellung des Artbegriffes. Muenchen, 1861, 8vo.
Wagner, Carl.—Stammt der Mensch vom Affen ab? Stuttgart, 1879, 8vo.
Wagner, Moritz.—Die Darwin'sche Theorie und das Migrationsgesetz der Organismen. Leipzig, 1868, 8vo.
—— The Darwinian Theory and the Law of the Migration of Organisms. Translated from the German of M. W. by James L. Laird. London, 1873, 8vo.
Wainwright, Samuel.—Scientific Sophisms. A review of current theories concerning Atoms, Apes, and Men. London, 1881, 8vo.
Walford, Edward.—Portraits of Men of Eminence in Literature, Science, and Art, etc. London, 1866, 8vo.
Charles Robert Darwin, with portrait, vol. v., pp. 49-52.
Wallace, Alfred Russel.—Natural Selection—Mr. Wallace's reply to Mr. Bennett. (Nature, vol. iii, 1870, pp. 49, 50.)
—— Contributions to the theory of Natural Selection. A series of essays. London, 1871, 8vo.
Ward, Lester F.—Dynamic Sociology, or applied Social Science, etc. 2 vols. New York, 1883, 8vo.
Weidenhammer, R.—Die landwirthschaftliche Thierzucht, als Argument der Darwin'schen Theorie. Stuttgart, 1864, 8vo.
Weismann, August.—Ueber die Berechtigung der Darwin'schen Theorie. Leipzig, 1868, 8vo.
—— Studien zur Descendenz-Theorie. Leipzig, 1875, etc., 8vo.
—— Studies in the Theory of Descent. Translated and edited by R. Meldola, with a prefatory notice, by Charles Darwin. 3 pts. London, 1880-82, 8vo.
Werner, Hermann.—Ueber Darwin's Theorie von der Entstehung der Arten und der Abstammung des Menschen. Elberfeld, 1876, 8vo.
Weygoldt, G. P.—Darwinismus, Religion, Sittlichkeit, etc. Leiden, 1878, 8vo.
Wieser, Johann.—Mensch und Thier ... mit Ruecksicht auf die Darwin'sche Descendenzlehre. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1875, 8vo.
Wiesner, Julius.—Das Bewegungsvermoegen der Pflanzen. Eine kritische Studie ueber das gleichnamige Werk von Charles Darwin. ["On the movements and habits of Climbing Plants."] Wien, 1881, 8vo.
Wigand, Albert.—Der Darwinismus und die Naturforschung Newtons und Cuviers. 3 Bde. Braunschweig, 1874, 8vo.
Wilberforce, Samuel.—Essays contributed to the Quarterly Review. 2 vols. London, 1874, 8vo.
Darwin's Origin of Species (July 1860), vol. i., pp. 52-103.
Wilson, Andrew.—Leisure-Time Studies, chiefly Biological. London, 1879, 8vo.
References to Charles Darwin.
—— Chapters on Evolution. London, 1883, 8vo.
Numerous references to Charles Darwin.
—— Studies in Life and Sense. With thirty-six illustrations. London, 1887, 8vo.
Winn, J. M.—Darwin. Reprinted from The Journal of Psychological Medicine, vol. viii., part 2. London [1883], 8vo.
—— Modern Pseudo-Philosophy. London [1878], 8vo.
Woodall, Edward.—Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society. Vol. viii., 1885. Shrewsbury [1885], 8vo.
Contains a paper on Charles Darwin, contributed by Edward Woodall, pp. 1-64, with a portrait and illustrations.
—— Charles Darwin. A paper contributed to the Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological Society. London [1884], 8vo.
Worsley-Benison, H. W. S.—Charles Darwin. [Reprinted from the Journal of Microscopy and Natural Science.] Bath, 1886, 8vo.
Wright, Chauncey.—Darwinism: being an examination of Mr. St. George Mivart's Genesis of Species. [Reprinted from the 'North American Review,' July 1871, with additions.] London, 1871, 8vo.
Yates, E. H.—Celebrities at Home. Reprinted from "The World." London, 1877, 8vo.
Mr. Darwin at Down. Second series, pp. 223-230.
Yorke, J. F.—Notes on Evolution and Christianity. London, 1882, 8vo.
Young, J. R.—Modern Scepticism, viewed in relation to Modern Science; more especially in reference to the doctrines of Colenso, Huxley, Lyell, and Darwin, etc. London, 1865, 8vo.
Zacharias, Otto.—Zur Entwicklungstheorie. Jena, 1876, 8vo.
—— Charles R. Darwin und die culturhistorische Bedeutung seiner Theorie vom Ursprung der Arten. Berlin, 1882, 8vo.
Darwin, Charles Robert.
—Unsere Zeit, by J. Schoenemann, Bd. 7, 1863, pp. 699-718. —Ergaenzungsblaetter zur Kenntniss der Gegenwart, by J. B. Carus, Bd. 3, 1868, pp. 46-48. —Every Saturday, with portrait, vol. 10, p. 347. —Eclectic Magazine, with portrait, vol. 13, N.S., 1871, pp. 757, 758. —Appleton's Journal of Literature, with portrait, vol. 3, 1870, pp. 439-441. —Penn Monthly Magazine, vol. 2, 1871, pp. 469-472. —Once a Week, with portrait, vol. 9, third series, 1872, pp. 520-523. —Popular Science Monthly, with portrait, vol. 2, 1873, pp. 497, 498. —Nature, with portrait, by Asa Gray, vol. 10, 1874, pp. 79-81; same article, Popular Science Monthly, vol. 5, 1874, pp. 475-480; American Naturalist, vol. 8, 1874, pp. 473-479. —Dublin University Magazine, with portrait, vol. 2, N.S., 1878, pp. 154-163. —Men of Mark, with portrait, third series, 1878. —Times, April 21, 1882. —American Journal of Science, by Asa Gray, vol. 24, 1882, pp. 453-463. —Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, by W. Spiers, vol. 105, 1882, pp. 488-494. —Saturday Review, April 22, 1882, pp. 481, 482. —Athenaeum, April 29, 1882, pp. 541, 542, and May 13, pp. 604, 605. —Academy, by Grant Allen, April 29, 1882, pp. 306, 307. —Journal of Botany, by A. W. Bennett, vol. 11, N.S., 1882, pp. 165-168. —Atlantic Monthly, by John Fiske, vol. 49, 1882, pp. 835-845. —American Naturalist, vol. 16, 1882, pp. 487-490. —Dial, by David S. Jordan, vol. 3, 1882, pp. 2-4. —Zoologist, vol. 6, third series, 1882, pp. 193-196. —Unsere Zeit, by J. Victor Carus, Bd. 2, 1882, pp. 200-226. —Spectator, 1882, pp. 525, 526, 557, 558. —Inquirer, by W. Binns, May 6, 1882, pp. 297, 298. —Nature, vol. 26, 1882, pp. 49-51, 73-75, 97-100, 145-147, 169-171, reprinted in Nature Series, 1882. —Geological Magazine, vol. 9, N.S., 1882, pp. 239, 240. —Journal of Microscopy, by H. W. S. Worsley-Benison, vol. 5, 1886, pp. 69-92; reprinted same year.
—— and Chemistry. Christian Scientific Magazine, by Andrew Taylor, April 1887.
—— and Copernicus. Nature, by Du Bois Reymond, vol. 27, 1883, pp. 557, 558.
—— and Evolution. Church Quarterly Review, vol. 14, 1882, pp. 347-367.
—— and Galiani. Popular Science Monthly, by Prof. Emil du Bois-Reymond, vol. 14, 1879, pp. 409-425.
—— and Haeckel. Popular Science Monthly, by Professor Huxley, vol. 6, 1875, pp. 592-598.
—— and his Teachings. Quarterly Journal of Science, illustrated, vol. 3, 1866, pp. 151-176.
—— and Pangenesis. Scientific Opinion, vol. 2, 1869, pp. 365-367, 391-393, 407, 408.
—Quarterly Journal of Science, vol. 5, 1868, pp. 295-313.
—— Pangenesis as applied to the faculty of memory. Journal of Anthropology, by Alfred Sanders, Oct. 1870, pp. 144-149.
—— and Philosophy. Contemporary Review, by Sir A. Grant, vol. 17, 1871, pp. 275-281; same article, Littell's Living Age, vol. 109, 1871, pp. 626-631.
—— e la Filosofia del Secolo XIX. Rivista Europea, by C. Bizzozero, vol. 29, 1882, pp. 5-34.
—— and Spencer, Huxley, and Tyndall. Dickinson's Theological Annual, by George B. Cheever, 1875, pp. 418-441.
—— Animals and Plants under Domestication. Boston Review, by C. R. Bliss, vol. 9, 1869, pp. 453-462.
—Student and Intellectual Observer, vol. 1, 1868, pp. 179-188. —Westminster Review, vol. 35, N.S., 1869, pp. 207-227. —Harper's New Monthly Magazine, vol. 36, 1867, pp. 58-63. —Nuova Antologia, by P. Mantegazza, tom. 8, 1868, pp. 70-98. —Das Ausland, No. 10, 1868, pp. 217-224; No. 11, pp. 246-251, and 281-286.
—— Answered. Penn Monthly Magazine, vol. 6, 1875, pp. 368-372.
—— as a Botanist. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, by Lester F. Ward, vol. 25, 1883, pp. 81-86.
—— as a Horticulturist. Gardeners' Chronicle, with portrait, March 6th, 1875, pp. 308, 309.
—— before the French Academy. Nature, vol. 2, 1870, pp. 261, 298, and 309.
—Das Ausland, 1870, pp. 855-857.
—— Biography of. Biograph, vol. 6, 1881, pp. 525-529.
—Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, by William H. Dall, vol. 25, 1883, pp. 56-59.
—— Contributions to Philosophy. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, by John W. Powell, vol. 25, 1883, pp. 60-70.
—— Critics on. Contemporary Review, by T. H. Huxley, vol. 18, 1871, pp. 443-476; reprinted in Critiques and Addresses, by Huxley, 1873.
—— et ses Critiques. Revue des Deux Mondes, by Auguste Laugel, tome 74, seconde periode, 1868, pp. 130-156.
—— und seine Gegner. Aus Ausland, 1871, pp. 88-91.
—— Cross and Self-Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom. American Journal of Science, by Asa Gray, vol. 13, 3rd Series, 1877, pp. 125-141.
—Nature, by W. T. Thiselton Dyer, vol. 15, 1877, pp. 329-332.
—— Debt of Science to. Illustrated. Century, by Alfred R. Wallace, vol. 25, 1883, pp. 420-432.
—— Descent of Man. Academy, by Alfred R. Wallace, vol. 2, 1871, pp. 177-183.
—Athenaeum, March 4, 1871, pp. 275-277. —Saturday Review, vol. 31, 1871, pp. 276, 277, and 315, 316. —All the Year Round, vol. 5, N.S., 1871, pp. 445-450. —Nature, by P. H. Pye-Smith, vol. 3, 1871, pp. 442-444, and 463-465. —Revue des Deux Mondes, by R. Radau, vol. 95, 1871, pp. 675-690. —Monthly Religious Magazine, vol. 45, p. 501. —Southern Review, vol. 9, 1871, pp. 733-738. —Lutheran Quarterly, by C. Thomas, vol. 2, pp. 213, etc., and 346, etc. —Nation, by B. G. Wilder, vol. 12, 1871, pp. 258-260. —Month, by A. Weld, vol. 15, 1871, pp. 71-101. —Old and New, vol. 3, 1871, pp. 594-600. —Quarterly Journal of Psychological Society, vol. 5, 1871, pp. 550-566. —British and Foreign Evangelical Review, by J. R. Leebody, vol. 21, 1872, pp. 1-35. —Edinburgh Review, vol. 134, 1871, pp. 195-235. —Quarterly Review, vol. 131, 1871, pp. 47-90; same article, Eclectic Magazine, vol. 14, N.S., pp. 385-404, 605-611; Littell's Living Age, vol. 23, 4th series, pp. 67-90. —Canadian Monthly, by H. Alleyne Nicholson, vol. 1, 1872, pp. 35-45. —Westminster Review, vol. 42, N.S., 1872, pp. 378-400. —Baptist Quarterly, by E. Nisbet, vol. 7, 1873, pp. 204-227. —Brownson's Quarterly Review, July, 1873, pp. 340-352. —Journal of Speculative Philosophy, by J. H. Pepper, vol. 10, 1876, pp. 134-141. —Charing Cross, by J. C. Hodgson, vol. 6 N.S., 1878, pp. 254-266.
—— Doctrine of. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, by Theodore Gill, vol. 25, 1883, pp. 47-55.
—— Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. St. Paul's Magazine, by Henry Holbeach, vol. 12, 1873, pp. 190-211.
—Edinburgh Review, vol. 137, 1873, pp. 492-528; same article, Littell's Living Age, vol. 118, 1873, pp. 3-23. —Academy, by Anton Dohrn, vol. 4, 1873, pp. 209-212. —Athenaeum, Nov. 9 and 16, 1872, pp. 591 and 631, 632. —Saturday Review, vol. 34, 1872, pp. 633-635. —Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, by Frank Baker, vol. 25, 1883, pp. 87-92. —Revue Scientifique, by A. Bain, vol. 7, 1874, pp. 433-441.
—— Facts and Fancies of. Good Words, by David Brewster, 1862, pp. 3-9.
—— His Biographers and his Traducer. Journal of Science, vol. 5, 3rd series, 1883, pp. 203-210.
—— His Mistake. Catholic World, vol. 39, 1884, pp. 289-300.
—— His Work in Entomology. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, vol. 25, 1883, pp. 70-81.
—— Hypotheses of. Fortnightly Review, by G. H. Lewes, vol. 9, 1868, pp. 353-373, 611-628, and vol. 10, pp. 61-80, 492-509.
—— Hypothesis and Design in Nature. Dickinson's Theological Annual, by George F. White, 1877, pp. 404-419.
—— Insectivorous Plants. Nature, by Alfred W. Bennett, vol. 12, 1875, pp. 207-209, and 228-231.
—— Life and Work. Modern Review, by W. B. Carpenter, vol. 3, 1882, pp. 500-524.
—Canadian Monthly, vol. 8, N.S., 1882, pp. 540-542.
—— On a Future State. Spectator, 1882, p. 1249.
—— On Coral Reefs. Nature, by James D. Dana, vol. 10, 1874, pp. 408-410.
—Nature, by John Murray, vol. 22, 1880, pp. 351-354. —Proc. of the Royal Society, Edinb., by John Murray, vol. 10, pp. 505-518 [abstract].
—— On Earth Worms. Fraser's Magazine, by F. A. Paley, vol. 25, N.S., 1882, pp. 46-53.
—Nature, by George J. Romanes, vol. 24, 1881, pp. 563-556. —Academy, by H. N. Moseley, vol. 20, 1881, pp. 313, 314. —Athenaeum, Oct. 15, 1881, pp. 499, 500. —Saturday Review, vol. 52, 1881, pp. 578, 579.
—— On His Travels. Penn Monthly, by R. E. Thompson, vol. 2, 1871, pp. 562-572.
—— On Orchids.
—Weldon's Register, by W. B. Tegetmeier, 1862, pp. 38, 39. —Popular Science Review, vol. 1, N.S., 1877, pp. 174-180. —Edinburgh New Philosophical Magazine, vol. 16, N.S., 1862, pp. 277-285. —Das Ausland, No. 29, 1862, pp. 681-685. —Das Ausland, No. 13, 1865, pp. 294-297, and No. 14, pp. 319-322.
—— Origin of Species.
—Saturday Review, vol. 8, 1859, pp. 775, 776. —Athenaeum, Nov. 19, 1859, pp. 659, 660. —Quarterly Review, by S. Wilberforce, vol. 108, 1860, pp. 225-264. —Edinburgh Review, vol. 111, 1860, pp. 487-532. —Atlantic Monthly, by A. Gray, vol. 6, 1860, pp. 109-116, and 229-239. —Westminster Review, by T. H. Huxley, vol. 17, N.S., 1860, pp. 541-570. —American Journal of Science, reprinted in Lay Sermons, etc. 1860, by A. Gray, vol. 79, 1860, pp. 153-184. —National Review, vol. 10, 1860, pp. 188-214. —North British Review, vol. 32, 1860, pp. 455-486; vol. 46, 1867, pp. 277-318. —Christian Examiner, by J. A. Lowell, vol. 68, 1860, pp. 449-464. —British Quarterly Review, vol. 31, 1860, pp. 398-421; same article, Eclectic Magazine, vol. 50, pp. 331-345. —Eclectic Review, vol. 3, N.S., 1860, pp. 217-242. —Chambers's Journal, vol. 12, 1860, pp. 388-391. —London Review, vol. 14, pp. 281-308. —American Presbyterian Review, vol. 20, pp. 349, etc. —Macmillan's Magazine, by Henry Fawcett, vol. 3, 1860, pp. 81-92. —Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, vol. 2, N.S., 1860, pp. 280-289. —Revue des Deux Mondes, by A. Laugel, tom. 26, 1860, pp. 644-671. —Christian Observer, vol. 60, 1860, pp. 561-574. —Canadian Journal, vol. 5, N.S., pp. 367, etc. —Canadian Journal, by W. Hincks, vol. 8, N.S., pp. 390, etc. —American Journal of Science, vol. 80, by F. Bowen, 1860, pp. 226-239. —North American Review, vol. 90, 1860, pp. 474-506. —Register of Literature, Aug. 1860, pp. 1-7. —Das Ausland, No. 5, 1860, pp. 97-101, 135-140; No. 4, 1867, pp. 73-80; No. 3, 1870, pp. 59-62. —Revue Germanique, by E. Claperede, tom. 16, 1861, pp. 523-559, and tom. 17, pp. 232-263. —Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool, by H. H. Higgins, No. 15, 1861, pp. 42-49, and pp. 135-140. —Methodist Quarterly Review, by W. C. Wilson, vol. 43, 1861, pp. 605-627. —American Quarterly Church Review, vol. 17, 1865, pp. 169-198. —Revue des Deux Mondes, by George Pouchet, tom. 85, 1870, pp. 691-703. —Revue des Deux Mondes, by A. de Quatrefages; vol. 78, 1868, pp. 832-860, Les Precurseurs Francais de Darwin; vol. 79, pp. 208-240, La Theorie de Darwin; vol. 80, pp. 64-95 and 397-452, Discussion des Theories Transformistes; vol. 80, pp. 638-672, Theories de la Transformation progressive et de la Transformation brusque; Origine Simienne de l'homme. —Fortnightly Review, by G. H. Lewes, vol. 9, 1868, pp. 353-373, and 611-628. —Nation, by B. G. Wilder, vol. 12, 1871, pp. 199-201. —Month, by A. Weld, vol. 4, N.S., 1871, pp. 71-101. —Monthly Religious Magazine, vol. 50, pp. 496, etc. —Nature, by A. W. Bennett, vol. 5, 1872, pp. 318, 319.
—— —— Agassiz' Views of the Origin of Species. Proceedings of Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool, by C. Collingwood, No. 15, 1861, pp. 81-99.
—— —— A Characterisation of the Origin of Species. Journal of Science, by Oswald Dawson, vol. 7, 3rd Ser., 1885, pp. 441-458.
—— —— Criticisms on the Origin of Species. Natural History Review, by T. H. Huxley, vol. 4, 1864, pp. 566-580; reprinted in Lay Sermons, 1870.
—— —— Coming of Age of the Origin of Species. Nature, by T. H. Huxley, vol. 22, 1880, pp. 1-4; same article, Popular Science Monthly, vol. 17, 1880, pp. 337-344.
—— Philosophy of Language. Fraser's Magazine, by Professor Max Mueller, vol. 7, N.S., 1873, pp. 525-541 and 659-678, and vol. 8, N.S., pp. 1-24; same article, Eclectic Magazine, vol. 18, N.S., pp. 75-88, 148-163, and 257-275.
—— —— Max Mueller on. Proceedings of Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool, No. 27, 1873, pp. xli-liii.
—— Phrenological Delineation of. Phrenological Magazine, with portrait, vol. 1, 1880, pp. 89-92.
—— Power of Movement in Plants. Saturday Review, vol. 51, 1881, pp. 57, 58.
—Edinburgh Review, vol. 153, 1881, pp. 497-514. —Academy, by George Henslow, vol. 19, 1881, pp. 120-122. —Athenaeum, Dec. 18, 1880, pp. 817, 818. —Journal of Botany, vol. 10, 1881, pp. 375-381. —Nation, by Asa Gray, Jan. 6 and 13, 1876; reprinted in Darwiniana, by Asa Gray, 1876. —Dial, by David S. Jordan, vol. 1, 1881, pp. 255-257.
—— Reminiscence of. Harper's New Monthly Magazine (portrait), by James D. Hague, vol. 69, 1884, pp. 759-763.
—— Studies in. American Church Review, by J. F. Garrison, vol. 27, 1875, pp. 197-218.
—— Testimonial to, in the Netherlands. American Naturalist, vol. 11, 1877, pp. 295-300.
—— Theories of. Dial, by A. L. Chapin, vol. 3, 1882, pp. 168, 169.
—— Theory of Instinct. Nineteenth Century, by G. F. Romanes, vol. 16, 1884, pp. 434-450.
—— Works of. Westminster Review, N.S., vol. 62, 1882, pp. 85-121.
Darwinian Eden.—Overland Monthly, by M. G. Upton, vol. 7, 1871, pp. 159-166.
Darwinian Idea.—Every Saturday, vol. 10, pp. 414, etc.
—Christian Examiner, by J. A. Lowell, vol. 68, 1860, pp. 449-464. —Dublin Review, vol. 48, 1860, pp. 50-81. —Unitarian Review, by W. H. Furness, vol. 5, p. 291, etc. —Unitarian Review, by L. J. Livermore, vol. 3, p. 237, etc. —Morgenblatt, 1862, pp. 1-6, 31-36. —Unsere Zeit, by M. J. Schleiden, Jahr. 5, pp. 50-71, and 258-277. —Eclectic Review, vol. 4, N.S. 1863, pp. 337-345. —Gazette Hebdomadaire de Medecine et de Chirurgie, by Dr. Fee 1864, pp. 289-292, 321-323, 337-342, 353-357, 409-413, 427-432, 481-484. —Ergaenzungsblaetter zur Kenntniss der Gegenwart, Bd. 1. 1866, by G. Jaeger, pp. 291-294; Bd. 4, 1869, by J. Huber, pp. 607-615, 670-678, 728-739. —Atlantic Monthly, by C. J. Sprague, vol. 18, 1866, pp. 415-425. —New Englander, by W. N. Rice, vol. 26, 1867, pp. 603-635. —Student and Intellectual Observer, vol. 1, 1868, pp. 179-188. —Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists' Society, by Charles Jecks, vol. 3, N.S., pp, 107-113. —American Quarterly Church Review, vol. 21, 1870, pp. 524-536. —Das Ausland, by M. Wagner, 1871, pp. 289-293, 322-327, 343-347, 535-540, 559-564, 865-870, 891-894, 913-918, 946-948, 1057-1061, 1081-1085. —Bibliotheca Sacra, by F. Gardiner, vol. 29, 1872, pp. 240-289. —Transatlantic, vol. 1, 1872, pp. 139-146. —Catholic World, by F. Smith, vol. 17, 1873, pp. 641-655. —Southern Review, vol. 12, 1873, pp. 406-423. —Old and New, by George M. Kellogg, vol. 8, 1873, pp. 283-292. —Baptist Quarterly, by E. Nisbet, vol. 7, 1873, pp. 69-87, and 204-227. —Congregational Review, by S. Adams, vol. 11, pp. 233, etc., 338, etc. —New Englander, by L. T. Adams, vol. 33, 1874, pp. 741-769. —Old and New, by G. Axford, vol. 6, pp. 655-663. —Scribner's Monthly, by J. B. Drury, vol. 10, 1875, pp. 348-360. —Tinsleys' Magazine, by W. H. Penning, vol. 19, 1876, pp. 515-523. —Bibliotheca Sacra, by G. F. Wright, vol. 33, 1876, pp. 656-694. —Catholic World, by J. Bayne, vol. 26, 1878, pp. 496-511. —Atlantic Monthly, by William James, vol. 46, 1880, pp. 441-459. —Nature, by George J. Romanes, Feb, 1887, pp. 362-364.
—— Analogies with Calvinism Bibliotheca Sacra, by Geo. F. Wright, vol. 37, 1880, pp. 48-76.
—— and Agassiz. Popular Science Monthly, by John Fiske, vol. 3, 1873, pp. 692-705.
—— and Chemistry. Christian Science Magazine, by A. Taylor, April 1887.
—— and Christianity. Lakeside Monthly, by E. O. Haven, vol. 7, 1872, pp. 302-318.
—Baptist Magazine, vol. 74, 1882, pp. 245-253.
—— Man in, and in Christianity. American Church Review, vol. 24, 1872, pp. 288-299.
—— and Design, St. Clair on. Dublin Review, vol. 23, N.S., 1874, pp. 232-240.
—— and Divinity. Fraser's Magazine, by Leslie Stephen, vol. 5, N.S., 1872, pp. 409-421; same article, Popular Science Monthly, vol. 1, 1872, pp. 188-202.
—— and its Effects upon Religious Thought. Jour. of the Trans. of the Victoria Institute, by C. R. Bree, vol. 7, 1874, pp. 253-570.
—— —— Discussion on preceding, pp. 270-285.
—— and Language. North American Review, by W. D. Whitney, vol. 119, 1874, pp. 61-88.
—Das Ausland, No. 17, 1864, pp. 397-399.
—— and Language, Schleicher on. Nature, by Max Mueller, vol. 1, 1870, pp. 256-259.
—— and Morality. Canadian Monthly, by John Watson, vol. 10, 1876, pp. 319-326.
—Spectator, 1867, pp. 1255, 1256.
—— and National Life. Nature, vol. 1, 1869, pp. 183, 184.
—— and Religion. Macmillan's Magazine, vol. 24, 1871, pp. 45-51; same article, Eclectic Magazine, vol. 14, N.S., 1871, pp. 25-31, and Littell's Living Age, vol. 109, 1871, pp. 621-626.
—— and Schopenhauer. Journal of Anthropology, by Dr. D. Asher, Jan. 1871, pp. 312-332.
—— An Exegesis of, by Oswald Dawson. Journal of Science, vol. 6, 3rd series, 1884, pp. 725-738.
—— Application of, to Flowers and the Insects which visit them. American Naturalist, by E. Muller, vol. 5, 1871, pp. 271-297.
—— Attitude of Working Naturalists towards. Nation, by Asa Gray, vol. 17, 1873, pp. 258-261; reprinted in Darwiniana, by Asa Gray, 1876.
—— Bateman on. Dublin Review, vol. 31, N.S., 1878, pp. 139-152.
—Nation, by J. Fiske, vol. 27, 1878, pp. 367, 368.
—— Credibility of. Jour. of the Trans. of the Victoria Institute, by Geo. Warington, vol. 2, 1867, pp. 39-62.
—— —— Reply to preceding Paper, by James Reddie, vol. 2, 1867, pp. 63-85.
—— —— Discussion on same, pp. 85-125.
—— Dangers of. Popular Science Monthly, vol. 15, 1879, pp. 68-71.
—— Deduction from. Nature, by W. Stanley Jevons, vol. 1, 1870, pp. 231, 232.
—— Development Theory in. Das Ausland, No. 14, 1863, pp. 325-331.
—— Difficulties of. Quarterly Journal of Science, vol. 12, 1875, pp. 322-336.
—— Ethical Aspect of. Canadian Monthly, by J. Watson, vol. 11, 1878, pp. 638-644.
—— Fallacies of, Dr. Bree on. Dublin Review, vol. 23, N.S., 1874, pp. 240-246.
—Nature, by Alfred R. Wallace, vol. 5, 1872, pp. 237-239.
—— Fiske on. Nature, vol. 20, 1879, pp. 575, 576.
—— Frolic in Space. Lakeside, by J. M. Binckley, vol. 8, pp. 446, etc.
—— Gray's Darwiniana. Nation, by H. W. Holland, vol. 23, 1876, pp. 358, 359.
—— Great Difficulty of. Nature, by L. S. Beale, vol. 5, 1872, pp. 63, 64.
—— Haeckel's Reply to Virchow. Nation, by H. T. Finck, vol. 28, 1879, pp. 320-322.
—— Historic Development of. Baptist Quarterly, by G. W. Samson, vol. 11, 1877, pp. 29-38.
—— Infallibility in. Dublin University Magazine, vol. 6, N.S., 1880, pp. 641-669.
—— in Germany. North American Review, by C. L. Brace, vol. 110, 1870, pp. 284-299.
—Nation, by C. Wright, vol. 21, 1875, pp. 168-170. —Anthropological Review, vol. 6, 1868, pp. 21-26.
—— in Morals. Canadian Monthly, by J. A. Allen, vol. 11, 1878, pp. 490-501.
—Theological Review, by F. P. Cobbe, vol. 8, 1871, pp. 167-192.
—— Its Value as a Cosmological Theory. Cape Monthly Magazine, by the Rev. J. Turnbull, vol. 11, N.S. 1875, pp. 184-188 and 212-225.
—— Last Attack on. Nature, by A. R. Wallace, vol. 6, 1872, pp. 237-239.
—— Latest Development of. London Quarterly Review, vol. 57, 1882, pp. 371-391.
—— Missing Links in. Gentleman's Magazine, by Andrew Wilson, 1879, pp. 298-320.
—— Mivart on. Dublin Review, vol. 16, N.S., 1871, pp. 482-486.
—— My Cousin the Gorilla. Tinsley's Magazine, vol. 8, 1871, pp. 395-399, and vol. 9, pp. 135-140.
—— New York "Nation" on, in Germany. Popular Science Monthly, vol. 8, 1876, pp. 235-240.
—— Relation of, to other branches of Science. Longman's Magazine, by Robert S. Bell, vol. 3, 1884, pp. 76-92.
—— Ridiculous. Lutheran Quarterly, by W. Streissguth, vol. 5, pp. 404, etc.
—— Science against. University Quarterly, by J. Moore, vol. 35, pp. 186, etc.
—— Some Popular Misconceptions of. Proc. of the Literary and Phil. Soc. of Liverpool, by S. Fletcher-Williams, No. 36, 1882, pp. 133-156.
—— Strictures on. Anthropological Journal, by H. H. Howorth, vol. 2, 1873, pp. 21-40; vol. 3, pp. 208-229; vol. 4, pp. 101-121.
—— Studies in. American Church Review, by J. F. Garrison, vol. 27, 1875, pp. 197-218.
—— tested by recent researches in language. Jour. of the Trans. of the Victoria Institute, by Fred. Bateman, vol. 7, 1874, pp. 73-95.
—— Theological Import of. Christian Observer, vol. 73, p. 623, etc.
—— Triumph of. North American Review, by J. Fiske, vol. 124, 1877, pp. 90-106.
—— True and False in. Journal of Speculative Philosophy, by E. von Hartmann, vol. 11, 1877, pp. 244-251, and 392-399; vol. 12, pp. 138-145; vol. 13, pp. 139-150.
—— versus Philosophy. Southern Review, vol. 13, 1873, pp. 253-273.
—— What is? Nation, by A. Gray, vol. 18, 1874, pp. 348-351; reprinted in Darwiniana, by Asa Gray, 1876.
Journal of Researches 1839
Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs 1842
Geological Observations on the Volcanic Islands visited during the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle 1844
Geological Observations on South America 1846
Monograph on the Fossil Lepadidae 1851
Monograph of the Cirripedia 1851-54
Monograph of the Fossil Balanidae 1854
On the Origin of Species 1859
On the Various Contrivances by which Orchids are fertilised 1862
Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants 1865
The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication 1868
The Descent of Man 1871
The Expression of the Emotions 1872
Insectivorous Plants 1875
The Effects of Cross and Self-Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom 1876
The Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the same Species 1877
The Power of Movement in Plants 1880
The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms 1881
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Transcriber's note:
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