For easier searching, letters have been numbered. Only the page numbers that appear in the table of contents have been retained in the text of letters. Footnotes have been regrouped as endnotes following the letter to which they relate.
The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford:
Including Numerous letters Now First Published From The Original Manuscripts.
In Four Volumes. Vol. IV.
Philadelphia: Lea And Blanchard.
C. Sherman & Co. Printers 19 St. James Street.
Contents Of Vol. IV.
[Those Letters now first collected are marked N.]
1. To Sir David Dalrymple, January 1.-Thanks for his "History of Scottish Councils." The spirit of controversy the curse of modern times. Attack on the House of Commons. Outcry against grievances. Despotism and unbounded licentiousness—(N.) 25
2. To the same, Jan. 23.-Mr. Charles Yorke's rapid history. Lord Chatham's attempt to enlarge the representation. Sir George Savile and Mr. Burke's attack on the House of Commons. Modern Catilines. Corruption of senators. Wilkes, Parson Horne, and JUnius—Ṇ 26
3. To George Montagu, Esq. March 31.-Print of Alderman Backwell—28
4. To the same, May 6.-Backwardness of the season. Marriages. Masquerades. New establishment at Almack's. Intercourse between age and youth—28
5. To the same, June 11.-Description of Lord Dysart's house at Ham—29
6. To the same, June 29.-Promising a visit on his way to Stowe. Death of Alderman Beckford—31
7. To the same, July 1.-On not finding him at home—32
8. To the same, July 7.-Account of his visit to Stowe, Lines addressed to Princess Amelia—33
9. To the Earl of Strafford, July 9.-Visit to Stowe, Alderman Beckford's death—35
10. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, July 12.-Visit to Stowe—36
11. To George Montagu, Esq. July 14.-Reversion of Walpole's place—37
12. To the same, July 15-Correcting a mistake in his last—38
13. To the same Oct. 3.-Fit of the gout. The gate of age—38
14. To the same, Oct. 16—39
15. To the Earl of Strafford, Oct. 16.-Convalescence. Dispute with Spain—39
16. To the Earl of Charlemont, Oct. 17.-In answer to an application on behalf of an artist, and a wish to be permitted to read his tragedy—Ṇ 40
17. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Nov. 15.-Soliciting his interest in Cambridgeshire for Mr. Brand—41
18. To the same, Nov. 26.-Mr. Bentham's "History of Ely Cathedral"—41
19. To the same, Dec. 20.-Mr. Essex's projected "History of Gothic Architecture." Antiquarian Society. Dean Milles. Gentlemen engravers at Cambridge—42
20. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Dec. 25.-Planting of poplar-pines. Dryden's "King Arthur" altered by Garrick—43
21. To the same, Dec. 29.-Change in the French ministry. Overthrow of the Duc de Choiseul. Banishment of the Duc de Praslin. New law arrangements at home—44
22. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Jan. 10.-Suggestions for getting the projected History of Gothic Architecture patronized by the King—45
23. To the same, May -29.-Letters of Edward the Sixth—46
24. To the same, June 11.-On the various attacks upon his writings. Archaeologia, or Old Women's Logic. Mr. Masters—47
25. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, June 17.-Visit to Ampthill. Houghton Park. Mausoleum of the Bruces—Ṇ 48
26. To the Earl of Strafford, June 20 . -Intended visit to Paris. Madame du Deffand. New French ministry. The Duc d'Aiguillon. Life of Cellini. Charles Fox—49
27. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, June 22.-On the cross to be erected at Ampthill to the memory of Catherine of Arragon—50
28. To the same, June 24.-Thanks for some prints and letters— 51
29. To John Chute, Esq. July 9.-Account of his journey to Paris—51
30. To the Hon. H. S, Conway, July 30.-French politics. Distress at court. Vaudevilles against Madame du Barry. Amusements at Paris. Gaillard's "Rivalit'e de la France et de l'Angleterre"—52
31. To John Chute, Esq. Aug. 5.-Progress of English gardening in France. New arr'ets. General distress. State of Le Soeor's paintings at the Chartreuse. The charm of viewing churches and convents dispelled. Shock at learning the death of Gray—55
32. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Aug. 11.-Reflection on the death of Gray. Lady Beauchamp. Opium a false friend—57
33. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Aug. 12.-Reflections on the death of Gray—58
34. To the Earl of Strafford, Aug. 25.-Climate of Paris. French economy and retrenchment. Mademoiselle Guimard. Mademoiselle Heinel. Suppression of the French Parliaments. Ruinous condition of the palaces and pictures—59
35. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Sept. 7.-Return to England. Deplorable condition of the French finances—61
36. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Sept. 10.-Thanks for some particulars of Gray's death. Dr. James Browne. Gray's portrait—62
37. To the same, Oct. 12.-Mr. Essex's design for the cross at Ampthill. Calvin and Luther—63
'38. To the same, Oct. 23.-Armour of Francis the First. Ancient window from Bexhill. Tomb of Capoccio—63
39. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, January 7.-Effects of an explosion of powder-mills at Hounslow—64
40. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Jan. 28.-Dean Milles. Relics of Gray. Letters on the English nation. Garrick and his writings. Wilkes's squint—65
41. To the same, June 9—66
42. To the same, June 17.-Thanks for some literary researches. Letters of Sir Thomas Wyat. Lives of Leland, Hearne, and Wood. Browne Willis. Peter Gore and Thomas Callaghan—66
43. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, June 22.-Panic occasioned by Fordyce's bankruptcy. Cherubims. Exercise. Letters of Guy Patin. Charles Fox's annuities. Lives of Leland, Hearne, and Wood. Entry in Wood's Diary. Freemasonry. Peter Gore—68
44. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, July 7.-King Edward's letters. Portrait of Gray. Death of Mr. West the antiquary. His collections. Foote's comedy of "The Nabob"—70
45. To the same, July 28.-Archaeologia, or, Old Women's Logic. Antiquarian Society. Life of Sir Thomas Wyat. William Thomas's "Peleryne"—70
46. To the same, Aug. 25.-Thanks to Dr. Browne for a goar-stone and seal belonging to Gray. Lincoln and York cathedrals. Roche Abbey. Screen of York Minster—71
47. To the same, Aug. 28.-Indolence of age. inquiries after some prints—72
48. To the same, Nov. 7.-Fit of the gout. Regret at not being able to see Mr. Essex—73
49. To the same.-On the rapacity of a gentleman who had thinned Mr. Cole's collection of prints—74
50. To the Countess of Ailesbury, Dec. 20.-Account of Reynal's "Histoire Philosophique et Politique du Commerce des Deux Indes"—74
51. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Jan. 8.-Mr. Masters's answer to "Historic Doubts." Antiquarians. Freemasonry. Governor Pownall. Edition of "M'emoires du Comte de Grammont." Dedication to Madame du Deffand. Gray's "Odes"—75
52. To the same, Feb. 18.-Miscellaneous antiquities. Governor Pownall's System of Freemasonry. Mrs. Marshall's "Sir Harry Gaylove, or Comedy in Embryo"—77
53. To the Rev. William Mason, March 2.-Thanks for submitting his collections for the "Life of Gray" to his correction. Origin of the differences between them. Takes to himself the chief blame in the quarrel—(N.) 78
(54. To the same, March 27.-Mason the author of "The Heroic Epistle to Sir William Chambers." Account of Gray's going abroad with him—79
55. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, April 7.-ArchaEologia, or Old Women's Logic. Masters's answer to "Historic Doubts." Sale of Mr. West's collections—80
56. To the same, April 27.@Character of authors. Shenstone's and Hughes' "Correspondence." Declines acquaintance with Mr. Gough. Scotch metaphysicians. Anstey's "New Bath Guide." "Heroic Epistle." Oliver Goldsmith. Johnson's pension—81
57. To the same, May 4.-On being mentioned by the public orator at Cambridge—82
58. To the same, May 29.—83
59. To Dr. Berkenhout, July 5.-Declining to supply materials for a biographical notice of himself—84
60. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Aug. 30.-Visit to Houghton. Deplorable state of his nephew's private affairs. Mortification of family pride—84
61. To the Earl of Strafford, Sept. 24.-Journey to Houghton. State of his nephew's affairs. Lady Mary Coke's ardour of peregrination. Beatific print of Lady Huntingdon. Whitfield and the Methodists. Death of the Duke of Kingston—85
62. To the same, Nov. 15.-Best way of contending with the folly and vice of the world. Proposed tax on Irish absentees. Lady Mary Coke's mortifications. Count Gage and Lady Mary Herbert— 86
63. To Lady Mary Coke.-On her ardour of peregrination—87
64. To the Hon. Mrs. Grey, Dec. 9.-Advice from Dr. Walpole to Lady Blandford suffering from a fit of the gout—89
65. To Sir David Dalrymple, Dec. 14.-Thanks for his "Remarks on the History of Scotland"—Ṇ 90
66. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, May 4.-Reasons for his long silence. Temptations to visit Strawberry. Fate of Mr. Bateman's collection of curiosities. Conjectured fate of Strawberry—90
67. To the same, May 28.-Pennant's "Tour to Scotland and the Hebrides." Ossian. Fingal's Cave. Brave way of being an antiquary. Mr. Gough described. Fenn's "Original Letters." Society of Antiquaries. Old friends—91
68. To the same, June 21.-Efficacy of James's powder. Old friends in old age our best amusement. Flattery. Queen Catherine's Cross at Ampthill—93
69. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, June 23.-On the General's tour of military observation. Politics. Quebec-bill—94
70. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Aug. 15.-Account of his antiquarian pursuits. Journey into Worcestershire. Matson. Gloucester Cathedral. Monument of Edward the Second. Bishop Hooper's house. Prinknash. Berkeley Castle. Murder of Edward the Second. Thornbury Castle. The vicar of Thornbury—95
71. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Aug. 18.-On the General's introduction to the King of Prussia. Account of his own journey into Worcestershire—98
72. To the same, Sept. 7.-On the General's visit to the mines of Cremnitz. Visit to Berkeley Castle. Lord Malton presented at court in coal-black hair—99
73. To the same, Sept. 27.-Rejoices at the General's flattering reception at foreign courts. Character of the Germans. Italian women. Reasons for not taking a trip to Paris. French dirt. New elections. Mode of passing his time—101
74. To the same, Sept. 28.-Cautions for his conduct at Paris. Entreaty to take much notice of Madame du Deffand. Her character. Wishes to have back his letters to her. Mademoiselle de l'Espinasse. The Duchesse de Choiseul. Monsieur Buffon. Comte de Broglie—103
75. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Oct. 11.-Elections. His nephew's mental alienation—105
76. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Oct. 16.-New elections. Wilkes's popularity. Charles Fox. Character of M. de Maurepas. Reasons for not meeting him at Paris—106
77. To the same, Oct. 29.-On the General's being deprived of a seat in the new Parliament. Objects to be seen at Paris. Church of the Celestines. Richelieu's tomb at the Sorbonne. H'otel de Carnavalet. Versailles. The Luxembourg. Pictures at the Palais Royal. Church of the Invalids. St. Roch. The Carmelites. The Val de Grace. The Sainte Chapelle. Tomb of Cond'e; and of Cardinal Fleury—108
78. To the Countess of Ailesbury, Nov. 7.-Domestic news. Marriages. Wilkes's popularity. Mr. Burke's success at Bristol. "Wit-and-a-gamut." Comforts of old age—110
79. To the Earl of Strafford, Nov. 11.-Concert at Isleworth. Leoni. The Opera. The Duchess of Kingston—112
80. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Nov. 12. Thanks for his attentions to Madame du Deffand. American disturbances. General Burgoyne's "Maid of the Oaks," The Duc de la Vali'ere. Chevalier de Boufflers. Madame de Caraman. Madame de Mirepoix. Abb'e Raynal. Mademoiselle de Rancoux. Le Kain. Mo]'e. Preville. M. Boutin's English garden—112
81. To the same, Nov. 27.-Deaths. Disturbed state of America. The Duchess of Kingston. French despotism. Madame du Deffand. Opera. The Bastardella. Death of lord Holland—115
82. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Dec. 15.-Remonstrances from America. Lord Chatham—118
83. To the same, Dec. 26.-The Prince de Conti. Proceedings of the French Parliament. Petitions from America. Burke's speeches. Duchesse de Lauzun. St. Lambert—119
84. To the same, Dec. 31.-Biblioth'eque du Roi. Abb'e Barthelemi. Duc de Choiseul. "History of Furness Abbey"—121
85. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Jan. 9.-Nell Gwynn's letter. Strutt's "Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants of England." Duke Humphrey's skull at St. Albans—124
86. To the Hon. H . S. Conway, Jan. 15.-Party-men. Lord George Germain. Mr. Burke. Lord Chatham. Marquis of Rockingham. Operations of the Bostonians. General Gage. New Parnassus at Batheaston. Bouts-rim'es. Lines on a buttered muffin, by the Duchess of Northumberland. Lord Palmerston's poem on Beauty. Rulhi'ere's Russian Anecdotes—124
87. To the same, Jan. 22.-Debate in the House of lords on Lord Chatham's motion for withdrawing the troops from Boston. Plan for cutting off all traffic with America. Illness of the Duke of Gloucester. Committee of oblivion. Death of Dowdeswell and Tom Hervey—Ṇ 128
88. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, April 11.-Warm approbation of mason's Life of gray. Verses by Lord Rochford, Anne Boleyn's brother— 129
89. To the same, April 25.-Mason's Life of Gray. "Peep in the Gardens at Twickenham." Whitaker's History of Manchester. Bryant's Ancient Mythology—132
90. To the same, June 5,-Genealogical inquiries. Blomefield's Norfolk—134
91. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, July 9.-Projected trip to Paris. American news. Story of Captain Mawhood, the teaman's son—136
92. To the same, August 9.-Preparations for a journey to Paris. War between the Lord Chamberlain and Foote for refusing to license his play—Ṇ 137
93. To the Countess of Ailesbury, Aug. 17.-Journey to Paris—138
94. To the same, Aug. 20.-Arrival at Paris. Madame du Deffand. Madame Clotilde's wedding. M. Turgot's economy—139
95. To Mrs. Abington, Sept.-Regret at not knowing she was at Paris. Compliment to her great merits as an actress—[N.) 140
96. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Sept. 8.-On Lady Ailesbury being overturned in her carriage. Madame du Deffand. Lady Barrymore. Madame de Marchais Madame de Viri. French opinion of our dispute with America—140
97. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Oct. 6.-Illness of Madame du Deffand. Economy and reformation of the bon-ton at Paris. Horse-race on the Plain de Sablon. French politics, and probable changes—142
98. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Dec. 10.-English version of Gray's Latin Odes—144
99. To the Countess of Ailesbury, Dec. 11.-Trial of the Duchess of Kingston. Le Texier's French readings—145
100. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Dec. 14.-Society of Antiquarians. Opening of Edward the First's tomb. Prints from pictures at Houghton—146
101. To Thomas Astle, Esq. Dec. 19.-On the attainder of George Duke of Clarence, found in the Tower—147
102. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Jan. 26.-Subject of the Painting at the Rose Tavern in Fleet-street. Attainder of George Duke of Clarence—148
103. To Edward Gibbon, Esq. February.-Thanks for the first volume of the "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"—Ṇ 149
104. To the same, Feb. 14.-Panegyric on the first volume of the "Decline and Fall"—[N.) 150
105. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, March 1.-On the old painting at the Rose Tavern in Fleet-street. Antiquarian accuracy—151
106. To Dr. Gem, April 4.-French politics. Resistance of the Parliament to the reformations of Messieurs de Malesherbes and Turgot. Extraordinary speeches of the Avocat-G'en'eral. Our dispute with America—151
107. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, April 16.-Death of the Rev. Mr. Granger. Trial of Duchess of Kingston—153
108. To the same, June 1.-Mr. Granger's prints and papers purchased by Lord Mountstuart—154
(109) To the same, June 11.-Vexations and disappointments of the gout—155
110. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, June 30.-Gallery and beauty-room at Strawberry. Lady Diana Beauclerk. His own talents and pursuits. Picture of his mind—156
111. To the' Rev. Mr. Cole, July 23.-Thanks for the present of a vase. Condolence on the ill state of his health—157
112. To the same, July 24.-Effects of General Conway's illness on his own mind. Outliving one's friends. Mr. Penticross—158
113. To the same, Aug. 19.-Inquiries after Dr. Kenrick Prescot. Death of Mr. Damer—159
114. To the same, Sept. 9.-Alterations at Strawberry. Lord Carmarthen—160
115. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Oct. 31.-Folly and madness of the dispute with America. Opening of Parliament. Prospect of a war with France. Reasons for his retirement—(N.] 161
116. To the Earl of Strafford, Nov-. 2.-retirement. Effects of our climate. Unhappy dispute with America. Prospect of war with France—162
117. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Dec. 9.-Sir John Hawkins's "History of Music"—163
118. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Feb. 20.-Purchase of the shutters of the altar at St. Edmondsbury—163
119. To the same, February 27.-Requesting the loan of some of his manuscripts. Dr. Dodd—165
120. To the same, May 22.-Continuance of his nephew's mental illness. Love of Cambridge. Inclination to a sequestered life. Charles the Fifth—166
121. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, June 19.-Macpherson's success with Ossian the ruin of Chatterton. Rowley's pretended poems. Chatterton's death—167
122. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, July 10.-M. d'Agincourt's "Histoire de l'Art par les Monumens." The "Hayssians." Madame de Blot. M. Schomberg. Madame Necker's character of Walpole— 168
123. To Robert Jephson, Esq. July 13.-Advice respecting the representation of his tragedy. Success of Sheridan's School for Scandal—Ṇ 169
124. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Aug. 31.-True wisdom. Illness of the Duke of Gloucester. Monasteries. Recluse life. "In six weeks my clock will strike sixty!"—171
125. To the same, Sept. 16.-Thanks for the loan of manuscripts. Nonsense. Sincerity the foundation of long friendship. Sir Joshua Reynolds's portrait of Soame Jenyns. Duke of Gloucester's recovery—172
126. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Sept. 16.-Description of a machine called the Delineator. His "unlearnability"—173
127. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Sept. 22.-Suggesting a life of Thomas Baker, author of "Reflections on Learning." Burnet's History. Christiana, Queen of Sweden. Calvin—173
128. To Robert Jephson, Esq. Oct. 1.-"The Law of Lombardy"— Ṇ 175
129. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Oct. 5.-Apologies for not meeting him at Goodwood. Disinclination to move from home. "Threescore to-day State of his health and spirits. His idea of old age—176
130. To Robert Jephson. Esq. Oct. 17.-Criticism on ,The Law of Lombardy"—Ṇ 177
131. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Oct. 19.-Burnet's History. Duke Lauderdale. Sir John Dalrymple and Macpherson's Histories. Friendship. Efficacy of the bootikins—179
132. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, March 31.-Politics. Life of Mr. Baker—181
133. To the same, April 23.-Life of Baker. Pennant's "Welsh Tour." Warton's "History of English Poetry." Lord Hardwicke's State Papers." Aspect of the times—181
134. To the same, May 21.-Restoration of Popery. Lord Chatham's interment. Intercourse with Chatterton. Detection of his forgeries—182
135. To the Rev. William Mason.-Visit from Dr. Robertson. The Doctor's contemplated "History of King William." Macpherson's and Sir John Dalrymple's scandals—184
136. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, June 3.-Patriots and politics. Dr. Franklin. Lord Chatham's interment. His merits and demerits. Mr. Tyrwhit. Chatterton's forgeries—186
137. To the same, June 10.-His political creed, and opinion of parties and political men. Life of Mr. Baker. Rowley and Chatterton. Mat. Prior. Mr. Hollis. Mrs. Macauley—187
138. To the Countess of Ailesbury, June 25.—Mr. Conway's governorship. Cuckoos and Nightingales. Robbery of Mrs. Clive— 189
139. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, July 8.-Suggesting the propriety of pacification with America. Conduct of the Opposition. French neutrality. Partition of Poland—189
140. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, July 12.-Projected Life of Mr. Baker. Dr. Kippis's "Biographia Britannica." Addison's character of Lord Somers. Whitgift and Abbot. Archbishop Markham. Calvin and Wesley. Popery and Presbyterianism. Churches and convents—191
141. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, July 18.-Sailing of the Brest fleet. Political prospects—192
142. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, July 24.-Answer to the attack upon him prefixed to Chatterton's works. Gray's tomb, and Mason's epitaph—193
143. To the same, Aug. 15.-Rowley's pretended poems. Walpole's defence. Bishop Walpole'-s tomb. Baker's Life—194
144. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Aug, 21.-Recollections of Sussex. Arundel Castle,. Tombs of the Fitzalans. Knowle and Penshurst. Summer Hill. Leeds Castle. Goldsmiths' Company. Aquatic adventure—195
145. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Aug. 22.-Chatterton. Attacks on Walpole in the Critical Review. Lord Hardwicke and the Carleton Papers. Literary squabbles. The "Old English Baron." Lady Craven's "Sleep Walker." A literary adventure—196
146. To the same, Sept. 1.-Attack on him in the Critical Review. Cabal in the Antiquarian Society. Their Saxon and Danish discoveries, and Roman remains. Value of Mr. Cole's collections,. Visit from Dr. Kippis—198
147. To the same, Sept. 18.-"Biographia Britannica." Life of the first Lord Barrington. Anecdote of the present peer—200
148. To the same, Oct. 14.-Defence of Sir Robert Walpole against a charge of instigating George the Second to destroy the will of his father. Lord Chesterfield—202
149. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Oct. 23.-Account of his pursuits—201
150. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Oct. 26.-Completion of his Life of Mr. Baker—204
151. To the same, Nov. 4.-Attack of the gout. Character of Mr. Baker—205
152. To Lady Browne. Nov. 5.-Reflections on the state of' his health. Lady Blandford's obstinacy—Ṇ 206
153. To the same, Dec. 18.-Admiral Keppel's trial. Lord Bute. Lord George Germaine. Lady Holderness, Lord and Lady Carmarthen—Ṇ 207
154. To the Earl of Buchan, Dec. 24.-Reply to inquiries after certain portraits—[N.) 209
155. To Edward Gibbon, Esq.-On the attacks upon his History of the Decline and Fall—Ṇ 210
156. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Jan. 3.-Life of Mr. Baker. Damage done by the great tempest on New-year's morning. Death of Bishop Kidder. Tamworth Castle. Lord Ferrers's passion for ancestry—211
157. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Jan. 9.-Mrs. Miller's follies at Batbeaston. Ennui. His recent illness. Prospects of old age. Admiral Keppel's trial. Grecian Republics. Anecdote of Sir Robert Walpole. Character of Sir William Meredith—212
158. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Jan. 15.-Life of Mr. Baker. Pamphlet respecting Chatterton—213
159. To the same, Jan. 28.-Reasons for not printing his pamphlet concerning Chatterton. His Hieroglyphic Tales—214
160. To the same, Feb. 4.-Answer to Mr. Cole's objections to his Life of Baker—215
161. To the same, Feb. 18.-His opinion of Hasted's history of Kent. Lord Ferrers and Tamworth Castle—215
162. To Sir David Dalrymple, March 12.-Thanks for his "Annals." Portrait of Duns Scotus—Ṇ 216
163. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, March 28.-Swinburne's Travels in Spain. The Alhambra. Character of Moses. Cumberland's Masque of "Calypso." Design of a chimney-piece, by Holbein—216
164. To Edward Gibbon, Esq.-Congratulations on his ,Vindication" of his "History"—Ṇ 218
165. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, April 12.-St. Peter's portrait. Richard the Third. Truth and Falsehood. Murder of Miss Ray by Mr. Hackman. Shades of madness. Solace in books and past ages— 218
166. To the same, April 20.-Plates after designs by Rubens—219
167. To the same, April 23.-Sale of the pictures at Houghton— 220
168. To Mrs. Abington.-Regrets at not being able to accept an invitation—(N.) 220
169. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, May 21.-History of the Abbey of Bec. Keate's "Sketches from Nature." Church of Reculver. Person of Richard the Third—221
170. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, May 22.-Attack on Jersey. War in America. Masquerades. Festino at Almack's. Lord Bristol's wonderful calf—221
171. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, June 2.-State of his health. Strictures on a volume of the ArchEeologia. Pictures at Houghton—222
172. To the Rev. Dr. Lort, June 4.-Painted shutters from the altar of St. Edmund's Bury—224
173. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, June 5.-Disturbances in Ireland. Spanish declaration of war. Treatment of America. Tickell's "Cassette Verte." Dr. Franklin. "Opposition Mornings." Story of Mrs. Ellis and her great O—225
174. To the same, June 16.-Sailing of the Brest fleet. Probability of a war with Spain. Dispute with America. State of Ireland. F'ete at the Pantheon—227
175. To the Hon. George Hardinge, July 4.-Thanks for drawings of Grignan. Letters of Madame de S'evign'e, and of her daughter. Character of Coulanges—229
176. To the Countess of Ailesbury, July 10.-Conjectures on the political state of the country. Washington and Clinton. Difficulty of conquering America—230
177. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, July 12.-Value of the pictures at Houghton—231
178. To the same, Aug. 12.-Thanks for offer of painted glass. "History of Alien Priories"—232
179. To the Countess of Ailesbury, Aug. 13.-Situation of General Conway in Jersey. Constancy of Fortune. Folly of pursuing the war with America—233
180. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Sept. 12.-Alarms for the General's situation at Jersey. Battle between Byron and D'Estaing. Mrs. Damer. Eruption of Vesuvius—234
181. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Nov. 16.-Mr. Tyson's Journal. Old Gate at Whitehall. Nichols's "Alien Priories." Rudder's "History of Gloucestershire." Removal of old friends—235
182. To the same, Dec. 27.-Earl-bishops. Lord Bristol. Rudder's "History of Gloucestershire"—236
183. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Jan. 5.-Congratulations on his providential escape. Count-bishops. Old painting found in Westminster-abbey. Tomb of Ann of Cleve. Reburial of the crown, robes, and sceptre of Edward the First. Sale of the Houghton pictures—237
184. To Robert Jephson, Esq., Jan. 25.-His opinion of Mr. Jephson's "Count of Narbonne;" and advice on casting the parts- -Ṇ 238
185. To the same, Jan. 27.-Tragedy of the "Count of Narbonne." Warburton's panegyric on the "Castle of Otranto." Miss Aikin's "Fragment." "Old English Baron"—Ṇ 240
186. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Feb. 5.-New volume of the "Biographia Britannica." Characters of Dr. Birch, Dr. Blackwell, and Dr. John Brown. Dr. Kippis's threat. Cardinal Beaton. Dr. Bentley. Mr. Hollis. Barry the painter—242
187. To the same, Feb. 27.-Rodney's victory. Home prospects. Party divisions. History of Leicester. Cit'e des dames. Christiana of Pisa—242
188. To the same, March 6.-Thanks for his portrait in glass. History of Leicester. Dean Mills and Mr. Masters. Pine-apples. Charles the Second's gardener—245
189. To the same, March 13.-Atkyns's Gloucestershire. Hutchinson's Northumberland. Romantic Correspondence of Hackman and Miss Ray. Sir Herbert Croft's,,Love and Madness." Chatterton. "The Young Villain." Lord Chatham. Lady Craven's "Miniature Picture"—246
190. To the same, March 30.-Projected reform of the House of Commons. Annual parliaments—248
191. To the same, May 11.-Death of Mr. Tyson, and of his old friend George Montagu. His character—248
192. To the same, May 19.-Character of Joseph Spence—249
193. To the same, May 30.-Altar-doors from St. Edmundsbury. Annibal Caracci and Shakspeare—250
194. To Mrs. Abington, June 11.-Invitation to Strawberry Hill— Ṇ 251
195. To the Earl of Strafford, June 12.-Lord George Gordon and the Riots of London. Persecutions under the cloak of religion. Highway robberies. Ambition the most detestable of passions— 251
196. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, June 15.-London riots. Black Wednesday. Lord George Gordon in the Tower. Electioneering rioting in Cambridgeshire. Mr. Banks and the Otaheitans—253
197. To the same, July 4.-Wishes his having written the Life of Baker to be kept a secret—254
198. To the Earl of Strafford, Sept. 9.-Folly of election contests. Dissatisfaction in the fleet—255
199. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Sept. 27.-Electioneering agitations. Death of Madame du Deffand—256
200. To the same, Oct. 3.-"Life of Mr. Baker." Dr. James Brown- -256
201. To the same, Nov. 11.-Mr. Gough's "Topography." Introduction of ananas. Rose, the gardener of Charles the Second. Folly of antiquaries—257
202. To the same, Nov. 24.-Mr. Gough's "Topography." Character of Mr. Pennant. Dean Milles. Judge Barrington. Dulness and folly of Grose's Dissertations. Rejoices in having done with the professions of author and printer, and determines to be comfortably lazy—259
203. To the same, Nov. 30.-In answer to a request for a copy of his Anecdotes for the University Library at Cambridge. Character of Mr. Gough—260
204. To Sir David Dalrymple, Dec. 11.-Thanks for communications for his Anecdotes of Painters. Hogarth. Colonel Charteris. Archbishop Blackbourne and Mrs. Conwys. Poetry of Richardson and Hogarth. Lord Chesterfield's story of Jervas. Origin of Oil Painting—261
205. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Dec. 19.-Friendship between Gray and Mason. Views of Strawberry Hill—263
206. To Sir David Dalrymple, Jan. 1.-Thanks for his favourable opinion of his father. His reasons for not writing his Life. Dr. Kippis and his "Biographia Britannica." Lord Barrington and the Hamburgh lottery. Character of King William. Folly of reburying the crown and robes of' Edward the First. "Dr. Johnson's notions of sacrilege—[N.) 264
207. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Jan. 3.-On the General's speech for quieting the troubles in America. Melancholy state of the country—266
208. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Feb. 7.-Death of Lady Orford at Pisa—268
209. To the same, Feb. 9.-Wolsey's negotiations. Value of Mr. Cole's manuscripts. Character of Mr. Pennant—269
210. To the Earl of Buchan, Feb. 10.-Thanks for being elected member of the Scotch Society of Antiquaries—Ṇ 269
211. To Sir David Dalrymple, Feb. 10.-Sir William Windham and Sir Robert Walpole, Archibald Duke of Argyll. Scotch Society of Antiquaries. Portrait of Lady Mary Douglas—Ṇ 270
212. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, March 2.-Reasons for becoming a member of the Scotch Antiquarian Society—272
213. To the same, March 5.-Inquiries after Lord Hardwicke's "Walpoliana"—273
214. To the same, March 29.-Contradicting a report of Mr. Pennant's indisposition of mind—273
215. To the same, April 3.-Lord Hardwicke's "Walpolianae"—274
216. To the same, May 4.-Character of Dr. Farmer. On his own rank as an author. Pennant's "Welsh Tour." Madame du Deffand's dog Tonton—274
217. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, May 6.-Relief of Gibraltar. Lord Cholmondeley at Brookes's. Winnings of Charles Fox and Fitzpatrick. India affairs. Arrival of Tonton—275
218. To the same, May 28.-Scotch thistles. French politics. Resignation of Necker. Proposals for a pacification with America. Charles Fox and the Marriage-bill. Folly of retiring from the world—277
219. To the same, June 3. 'Projected French attack on Jersey. Siege of Gibraltar. "The Young William Pitt's" first display. Mr. Bankes. Theatricals. Consequences of lord Cornwallis's victories—279
220. To the Earl of Strafford, June 13.-Visit from Mr. Storer— 281
221. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, June 16.-Sir Richard Worsley's History of the Isle of wight. Nichols's Life of Hogarth. "AEdes Strawberrianae." Miseries of having a house worth being seen— 282
222. To the Earl of Charlemont, July 1.-On Mr. Preston's poems- -Ṇ 284
223. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, July 7.-Orthodoxy and heterodoxy— 284
224. To the same, July 26—286
225. To the Earl of Strafford, Aug. 31.-Difficulty of sending an entertaining letter. Mason's English Garden. Marriage of Lord Althorp—286
226. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Sept. 16.-Their long and uninterrupted friend- ship. Madame du Deffand's papers. Henley bridge—287
227. To John Nichols, Esq. Oct. 31.-Criticisms on his Life of Hogarth—288
228. To Robert Jephson, Esq. Nov. 7.-On his tragedy of "The Count of Narbonne"—Ṇ 290
229. To the same, Nov. 10.—Ṇ 292
230. To the same, Nov. 13.—Ṇ 293
231. To the same, Nov. 18.—Ṇ 293
232. To the Hon. H. S. Conway,- Nov. 18.-On Mr. Jephson's tragedy of "The Count of Narbonne"—294
233. To Robert Jephson, Esq. Nov. 18.-Favourable reception of "The Count of Narbonne"—Ṇ 295
234. To the Earl of Strafford, Nov. 27.-Surrender of the British forces at York Town. Gloomy forebodings of the consequences. General spirit of dissipation—296
235. To the Earl of Buchan, Dec. 1.-British disgraces in America. Ancient portraits—[N.) 297
236. To Robert Jephson, Esq. Dec. 3.-On his expression of dissatisfaction at some alterations in the scenes of his play— Ṇ 299
237. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Dec. 30.-The gout described. Etching of Browne Willis. Character of Mr. Gough. Mr. George Steevens. Rowley and Chatterton controversy—299
238. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Jan. 27.-Interview with, and characters of Mr. Gough and Mr. Steevens—302
239. To the same,. Feb. 14.-Thanks for the loan of some manuscripts. Society of Antiquaries. Description of his regimen. His great nostrum—303
240. To the same, Feb. 15.-Specimen of Mr. Gough's "Sepulchral Monuments." Antiquarian solemnities ridiculed. Count-bishop Hervey. Martin Sherlock the English traveller—304
241. To the Rev. William Mason.-New French translation of the Elder Pliny. Common jargon of Poetry—307
242. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Feb. 22.-Rowley and Chatterton controversy—308
243. To the Hon. George Hardinge, March 8.-On the success of General Conway's motion for putting an end to the American war- -309
244. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, March 9.-Character of Dr. Farmer. Declaration of war by the Emperor against the Crescent. Ambition and interest under the mask of religion—310
245. To the same, April 11.-His preference of English to Latin inscriptions. Mason's Archaeological Epistle to Dean Milles. Melancholy death of Mr. Chamberlayne. Dr. Glynn—310
246. To the same, May 24.-On his own illness. The Chatterton controversy—312
247. To the same, June 1.-Bishop Newton's Life. Pratt's "Fair Circassian." Cumberland's "Anecdotes of Painters in Spain"—313
248. To John Nichols, Esq., June 19.-Dr. Henry Bland the translator of Cato's speech into Latin—315
249. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, June 21.-Old age and solitude. Marivaux and Cr'ebillon. Multiplicity of writers. Errors in Nichols's "Select Poems"—315
250. To the same, July 23.-Merits of Nichols's "Life of Bowyer." Dr. Mead. Carteret Webb. Great men. Dr. Birch's Catalogue of Manuscripts in the British Museum—316
251. To the Earl of Strafford, Aug. 16.-Inclemency of the season. Robberies. Comte de Grasse. Mrs. Clive's declining health. Philosophy of deceiving one's self—317
252. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Aug. 20.—Ṇ 318
253. To the Earl of Buchan, Sept. 15.-Dr. Birch's Catalogue. Mr. Tyrwhitt's book on the Rowleian controversy—Ṇ 319
254. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Sept. 17.-On the General's being appointed Commander-in-chief. His new coke ovens—319
255. To the Earl of Strafford, Oct. 3.-General Elliot's success at Gibraltar. Necessity of peace. Increase of highway robberies. Mr. Mason—320
256. To the Rev. Mr. Cole, Nov. 5.—On Mr. Cole's illness. His death—321
257. To George Colman, Esq. May 10.-Thanks for his translation of Horace's Art of Poetry—322
258. To the Earl of Buchan, May 12.-Congratulations on the success of the Scotch Antiquarian Society. Roman remains. Biography of illustrious men. Account of John Law. Papers in the Scotch college at Paris, and paintings in the Castle of Aubigny—N.) 324
259. To the Hon. George Hardinge, May 17.-Sir Thomas Rumbold's Bill of pains and penalties—325
260. To the Earl of Strafford, June 24.-Visits of the French to England. Their Anglomanie. George Ellis. Beau Dillon. "Antoinette." Mr. Mason. Fashionable life—326
261. To the same, Aug. 1.-Complains of his own inactivity and indifference. Speculations on the peace. Lord Northesk. Shock of an earthquake—328
262. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Aug. 15.-Addresses of the Irish Volunteers. Political speculations. Mr. Fox—330
263. To the same, Aug. 27.—[N.) 331
264. To the Earl of Strafford, Sept. 12.-Visit to Astley's theatre. Sir William Hamilton. Mr. Mason's new discoveries in painting. Pursuit of health—332
265. To the same, Oct. 11.-Disturbed state of Ireland. Parliamentary reform. Yorkshire Associations Leaders of friction. Lord Carlisle's tragedy. Lord and lady Fitzwilliam— 334
266. To Lady Browne, Oct. 19.-State of his health—[N.)336
267. To Governor Pownall, Oct. 27.-Observations on a defence of Sir Robert Walpole by the Governor. Character of Home. Sylla. Liberality of George the First and Second to his father—336
268. To the same, Nov. 7.-The same subject—339
269. To the Earl of Strafford, Nov. 10.-Situation of Ireland. Flowers of Billingsgate. Flood and Grattan. Meeting of the delegates. Difference between correcting abuses and removing landmarks. Character of Mr. Fox—339
270. To the same, Dec. 11.-Excellence of letter-writing. India-bill. Air-balloons. Mrs. Siddons. Lord Thurlow. Flood and Courtenay—341
1784 .
271. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, May 5.-Congratulations on the General's retirement from place and Parliament. Mr. Fox's election—342
272. To Miss Hannah More, May 6.-Thanks for her poem, the "Bas Bleu"—Ṇ 344
273. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, May 21.-Epitaph-writing. Lord Melcombe's Diary. Cox's Travels—345
274. To the Countess of Ailesbury, June 8.-Voltaire's Memoirs. Lord Melcombe's Diary. Severity of the weather—346
275. To the Hon. H. S. Conway', June 25.-Benefits of retirement from public life. Local grievances. Highway robberies. The good things of life—347
276. To the same, June 30.-Inclemency of the season. Death of Lady Harrington. Lunardi's balloon—348
277. To the Earl of Strafford, Aug. 6.-Earthquakes. The Deluge. Uncertainty of human reasoning—349
278. To Mr. Dodsley, Aug. 8.-Declining Mr. Pinkerton's offer of a dedication to him of his Essay on Medals—Ṇ 350
279. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Aug. 14.-Frequency of robberies in his neighbourhood. Disturbed state of Ireland—350
280. To John Pinkerton, Esq. Aug. 24.-Thanks for the perusal of his poems, and invitation to Strawberry Hill—Ṇ 351
281. To the Earl of Strafford, Sept. 7.-Congratulations on the return of fine weather. Air-balloons and highwaymen. Sir William Hamilton. Mrs. Walsingham. Mrs. Damer's "sleeping dogs"—351
282. To John Pinkerton, Esq. Sept. 27.-Criticisms on his comedy—N.] 353
283. To the same, Oct. 6.-Further criticisms on his comedy. Remarks on English poetry, on poetry in general, and on the drama—N.] 354
284. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Oct. 15.-Speculations on the perfection of air-balloons—356
285. To John Pinkerton, Esq. Oct. 28.-His own publications and literary career. Remarks on Mr. Pinkerton's projected History of the Reign of George the Second—Ṇ 358
286. To Miss Hannah More, Nov. 13.-On the poems and conduct of Ann Yearsley, the Bristol tnilkwoman. Danger of encouraging her poetical propensity. Fate of Stephen Duck—360
287. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Nov. 28.-Continental politics. Poetical epistle to Lady Lyttelton—362
288. To Miss Hannah More, April 5.-In answer to an anonymous letter from Miss More, ridiculing the prevailing adoption of French idioms into the English language—363
289. To John Pinkerton, Esq. June 22.-Strictures on "Heron's Letters of Literature." Mr. Pinkerton's proposed amendment of the English language. Lady Mary Wortley Montague. Mr. Hume and Mr. Gray—Ṇ 365
290. To the same, June 26,-Further criticisms on Heron's "Letters." Definition and exemplification of grace. Remarks on Waller, Milton, Cowley, Boileau, Pope, and Madame de S'evign'e- -Ṇ 367
291. To the same, July 27.-Declining to print Greek authors at the Strawberry Hill press—Ṇ 371
292. To the same, Aug. 18.-Declines to print an edition of the Life of St. Ninian—Ṇ 372
293. To the same, Sept. 17.-Advising him not to reply to the critiques of anonymous adversaries—Ṇ 372
294. To George Colman, Esq. Sept. 19.-On sending him a copy of the Duc de Nivernois' translation of his "Essay on Modern Gardening"—Ṇ 374
295. To the Earl of Buchan, Sept. 23.-Literary stores in the Vatican, and in the Scottish College at Paris. Mr. Herschell's discoveries—Ṇ 374
296. To John Pinkerton, Esq. Sept. 30.-Advice on his intended publication of Lives of the Scottish Saints. His opinion of Bishop Headley. Reflections on his own life—Ṇ 376
297. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Oct. 6.-Jarvis's window at New College. Blenheim. Beau Desert. Stowe. "The Charming Man." Boswell's "Tour to the Hebrides"—377
298. To the Earl of Charlemont, Nov. 23.-Order of St. Patrick— (N.] 379
299. To Lady Browne, Dec. 14.-Last illness and death of Kitty Clive. Lord John Russell's marriage—Ṇ 379
300. To Miss Hannah More, Feb. 9.-On her poem of "Floria," dedicated to him—380
301. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, June 18.-Account of his visit to the Princess Amelia at Gunnersbury. Stanzas addressed to the Princess. Her answer. Purchase of the Jupiter Serapis and Julio Clovio—381
302. To Richard Gough, Esq. June 21.-Thanks for the present of his "Sepulchral Monuments." The Duc de Nivernois' translation of his "Essay on Gardening"—383
303. To the Earl of Strafford, Aug. 29.-The new bridge at Henley. Mrs. Damer's colossal masks. Visit from Count Oginski. Out-pensioners of Bedlam. Lord George Gordon. Archbishop Chicheley and Henry the Fifth—384
304. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Oct. 29.-Two Charades by Colonel Fitzpatrick. Precocity of Robert Stewart, afterwards Marquis of Londonderry—386
305. To the Right Hon. Lady Craven, Nov. 27.-Apologies for not having written, and thanks for a drawing of the Castle of Otranto—387
306. To Miss Hannah More, Jan. 1.-With a present of "Christine de Pise." Her "Cit'e des Dames." Mrs. Yearsley—388
307. To the Right Hon. Lady Craven, Jan. 2.-On her ladyship's travels. Sir John Mandeville. Lady Mary Wortley. Peter the Hermit—389
308. To Miss Hannah More, Feb. 23.-Christina's 11 Life of Charles the Fifth"—390
309. To the Rev. Henry Zouch, March 13.-Proposing to return the letters he had received from him—[N.) 391
310. To Miss Hannah More, June 15.-The Irish character. Miss Burney—(N.] 391
311. To the Hon, H. S. Conway, June 17.-Expected visit from the Princess Lubomirski. "The Way to keep Him"—393
312. To the Earl of Strafford, July 28.-St. Swithin. The Duke of Queensberry's dinner to the Princess de Lamballe. Mrs. French's marble pavement. Lord Dudley's obelisk. Miss Boyle's carvings—394
313. To Miss Hannah More, Oct. 14.-Ingratitude of Anne Yearsley to her. Mrs. Vesey. Dr. Johnson's Letters. Bruce's Travels. Gibbon's History. Figaro—395
314. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Nov. 11.-On the small Druidical temple presented by the States of Jersey to the General. Stonehenge—397
315. To Thomas Barrett, Esq. June 5.-Gibbon's "Decline and Fall." Sheridan's speech against Mr. Hastings—398
316. To the Earl of Strafford, June 17.-General Conway's comedy of "False Appearances." Sheridan's speech against Mr. Hastings- -399
317. To Miss Hannah More, July 4. Newspaper reading. General Conway's play—401
318. To the same, July 12.-On his own writings. Authorship after seventy. Voltaire at eighty-four. Fate of his last tragedy. Mrs. Piozzi. Pipings of Miss Seward and Mr. Hayley— 402
319. To the Earl of Strafford, Aug. 2.-On a reported discovery of new letters of Madame de S'evign'e. Letters of the Duchess of Orleans. Druidical temple from Jersey—404
320. To John Pinkerton, Esq. Aug. 14.-Criticism on his Ode for the Scottish Revolution Club—[N.) 405
321. To Miss Hannah More, Aug. 17.-Rumoured discovery of new letters of Madame de S'evign'e. Library of Greek and Latin authors at Naples—Ṇ 406
322. To the Earl of Strafford, Sept. 12.-Account of the Druidical temple at Park- place. The Duchess of Kingston's will—407
323. To Miss Hannah More, Sept. 22.-Ingratitude of Mrs. Yearsley. Education of the Great. Walpolia'na. Virtuous intentions. Enthusiasts and quack- doctors—408
324. To the Right Hon. Lady Craven, Dec. 11.-Wisdom of retiring from the world in time. Voltaire. Lord Chatham. Mr. Anstey. King of Prussia's Memoirs. Poverty of the French language, as far as regards verse and pieces of eloquence—Ṇ 411
(325. To the Miss Berrys. Feb. 2.-Acceptance of an invitation. Expressions of delight on being in their society—Ṇ 413
326. To the same, March 20.-Madame de la Motte's M'emoire Justificatif. General illumination for the King's recovery. Hairs of Edward the Fourth's head—Ṇ 413
327. To Miss Hannah More, April 22.-Darwin's Botanic Garden. Loves of the Plants. Success of General Conway's comedy—Ṇ 414
328. To the Miss Berrys, April 28.-Darwin's Botanic Garden. His poetry characterized—Ṇ415
329. To the same, June 23.-Destruction of the Opera-house by fire. The nation tired of Operas. "The room after." Mr. Batt and the Abb'e Nicholls—Ṇ 416
330. To Miss Hannah More, June 23.-On her poem of Bishop Bonner's Ghost. Offers to print it at Strawberry Hill. Bruce's Travels—Ṇ 418
331. To Miss Berry, June 30.-Arabian Nights. Bishop Atterbury. Sinbad the Sailor versus AEneas. Mrs. Piozzi's Travels. King's College Chapel. Effects of criticism and comparison. Pageantry of popery—Ṇ 419
332. To Miss Hannah More, July 2.-Thanks for permission to print "Bishop Bonner's Ghost." Account of his fall. Gratitude to Providence for his lot—421
333. To Miss Berry, July 9.-Recovery from his fall. Present state of France. Tumults at Versailles on the reported resignation of Necker. Marshal Broglio appointed commander-in-chief Camp round Paris. Mutinous disposition of the army. Voltaire's correspondence. His letters to La Chalotais—422
334. To Miss Hannah More, July 10.-"Bishop Bonner's Ghost"—425
335. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, July 15.-Dismissal of Necker. Paris in an uproar. Storming and destruction of the Bastille. Speculation on the probable results. The Duke of Orleans and Mirabeau—425
336. To Miss Hannah More, July 20.-Result of her "double treachery." A visit from Bishop Porteiis. The visit returned— 427
337. To Miss Berry, July 29.-Anarchy in Paris. Account of La Chalotais. Treachery of Calonne. Character of the Duc de Vrilli'ere. St. Swithin's day. Predicts the fall of Necker— (N.] 428
338. To John Pinkerton, Esq. July 31.-Remarks on his Inquiry into the early History of Scotland"—(N.] 431
339. To Miss Hannah More, Aug. 8.-On sending her copies of "Bonner's Ghost." Complains of letters—Ṇ 432
340. To John Pinkerton, Esq., Aug. 14.-Confesses his want of taste for the ancient histories of nations. Remarks on the different modes of treating antiquities—Ṇ 433
341. To the same, Aug. 19.-Compliments him on his strong and manly understanding. Account of his own studies—Ṇ 434
342. To Richard Gough, Esq. Aug. 24.-Strictures on the injuries done to Salisbury cathedral by the recent alterations—435
343. To the Miss Berrys, Aug. 27.-Illness of the Countess of Dysart. Richmond and Hampton Court gossip—(N.) 436
344. To the same. Sept. 4.-On their declining a visit to Wentworth House. The Duke of Clarence at Richmond. Miss Farren's Beatrice. Account of Lady Luxborough. Wentworth Castle described. Violences in France. Destruction of chateaus in Burgundy. Assemblage of deserters round Paris. Patience of Lady Dysart under her suffering. Mademoiselle d'Eon in petticoats— Ṇ 437
345. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Sept. 5.-Thanks to him for a poem. Death of Lady Dysart. Terrible situation of Paris. Predicts that the kingdom will become a theatre of civil wars— 440
346. To Miss Hannah More, Sept. 7.-Congratulation on the demolition of the functions of the Bastille. The 'Etats a mob of kings. Time the composer of a good constitution. Negro slavery. Suggests the possibility of relieving slaves by machine work. Utility of starting new game to invention. Barrett's History of Bristol. The Biographia Britannica and Chatterton—441
347. To the same, Nov. 4.-Death of Lady Dysart and Lord Waldegrave. Mrs. Yearsley's Earl Goodwin. Death of Mr. Barrett. Succedaneum for negro labour. Suggests the propriety of Mr. Wilberforce's starting the abolition of slavery to the 'Etats. Character of the 'Etats—444
348. To Miss Hannah More, Feb. 20.-With his contribution to a charitable subscription—446
349. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, June 25.-Charles Fox and the Westminster gridiron. Puerile pedantry of the French 'Etats. Destruction of the statues of Louis Quatorze. Bruce's Travels— [N.) 447
350. To the Earl of Strafford, June 26.-Reflections on the state of France. Consciences of tyrants. Luther and Calvin. Fate of projectors—448
351. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, July 1.-Bruce's Travels. French barbarity and folly. Grand Federation in the Champ de Mars. Rationality of the Americans. Franklin and Washington. A great man wanted in France. Return of Necker. His insignificance— Ṇ 448
352. To Miss Berry, July 3,-His alarm at their design of visiting Italy. Atrocities of the French 'Etats. Good-humoured speech of Marie Antoinette. Winchester Cathedral. Netley Abbey. Visit from the Duchess of Marlborough—Ṇ 450
353. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Aug. 9.-Peace of Spain. Miss Gunning's reported match with Lord Blandford—452
354. To the Earl of Strafford, Aug. 12.-Lord Barrymore's exhibitions at the Richmond theatre. Reflections on the progress of the French Revolution—452
355. To Sir David Dalrymple, Sept. 21.-Pictures at Burleigh. Shakspeare Gallery. Macklin's Gallery—454
356. To the Miss Berrys, Oct. 10.-On their departure for Italy. Regrets at the loss of their society—Ṇ 455
357. To the same, Oct. 31.-Burke's "Reflections." Calonne's "Etat de la France"—Ṇ 457
358. To the same, Nov. 8.-Pacification with Spain and Brabant. Earl Stanhope and the Revolution Club. Mr. Burke's "Reflections on the French Revolution" characterized. Visit from the Prince of Furstemberg—Ṇ 458
359. To Miss Berry, Nov. 11.-Mr,,;. Damer's departure for Lisbon. Effects of Burke's pamphlet on Dr. Price. Mr. Merry's "Laurel of Liberty." The Della Crusca school of poetry described—Ṇ 460
360. To the Miss Berrys, Nov. 18.-Character of the Bishop of Arras. Dr. Price's talons drawn by Mr. Burke. Revolution Club exploded—[N.) 461
361. To the same, Nov. 27.-Anxiety for a letter from Florence— Ṇ 463
362. To Miss Agnes Berry, Nov. 29.-Thanks for her letter. Correggio. Guercino, a German edition of Guido. Lord Stanhope's speech against Calonne's book. Dr. Price's answer to Burke. Reasons for creating Mr. Grenville a peer. Richmond arrivals. Duke of Clarence. Mrs. Fitzherbert. Duke of Queensbury. Madame Griffoni. Works of Massaccio. Fra Bartolomeo. Benvenuto Cellini's Perseus—464
363. To the Miss Berrys, Dec. 20.-Character of Mr. Burke's "Reflections." Mrs. Macaulay's reply to it—Ṇ 465
364. To Miss Berry, Jan. 22.-Recovery from a severe illness. Death of Mrs. French. Illness of George Selwyn—Ṇ 466
365. To the Miss Berrys, Jan. 29.-Effects of his late illness. Picture of himself. Death and character of George Selwyn. Mademoiselle Pagniani. Story of Miss Vernon and Martindale. The Gunninghiad. Visit from Mr. Batt. Overthrow of the French monarchy. The Duchess of Gordon and Mr. Dundas—Ṇ 468
366. To Miss Berry, Feb. 4.-Regrets at their absence, and anxiety for their return. Destructive tempest. The rival Opera-houses. Taylor's pamphlet against the Lord Chamberlain— (N.) 470
367. To the same, Feb. 12. -Hi@ anxiety for their return, but resolution not to derange their plans of economy. Comte de Coigny. Instability of the present government of France. Horne Tooke's libel in the House of Commons. Christening of Miss Boycot—(N.] 472
368. To Miss Agnes Berry, Feb. 13.-Narrative of the history of a marriage supposed to have been likely to take place between Miss Gunning and the Marquis of Blandford—Ṇ 474
369. To the Earl of Charlemont, Feb. 17.-On a surreptitious edition of The Mysterious Mother, published at Dublin—Ṇ 476
370. To Miss Agnes Berry, Feb. 18.-Codicil to Gunning's story. Opening of the Pantheon. Dieu et mon Droit versus Ich Dien— (N.] 477
371. To the Miss Berrys, Feb. 26.-More of the Gunnings: Arrival of Madame du Barry to recover her jewels. The King of France's aunt stopped from leaving France. Majesty of the mob. The Monster. Gibbon's account Of Necker in retirement; and opinions of Burke's Reflections. Madame du Barry and the Lord Mayor. Recovery of her jewels. Jerningham's poetry—(N.) 479
372. To the same, March 5.-London unknown to Londoners. "Who is Sir Robert Walpole?" Destruction of the Albion Mills. Automaton snuff-box Ṇ 481
373. To Miss Berry, March 19.-Mrs. Gunning's letter to the Duke of Argyle—Ṇ 484
374. To the Miss Berrys, March 28.-King's message on the situation of Europe. Blusterings of the Autocratrix. Bounces and huffs of Prussia. Royal reconciliation. Taylor and the Lord Chamberlain. Prosecution of the Gunnings. Gunnilda's letter to Lord Blandford—(N.) 486
375. To Miss Berry, April 3.-On her fall down a bank at Pisa. Kemble and Mrs. Siddons. Mrs. Damer's reception at Elvas. Death of Dr. Price. Outrageous violence of the National Assembly. Paine's answer to Burke—Ṇ 488
376. To the same, April 15.-Lady Diana Beauclerc's designs for Dryden's Fables. War with Russia. Madame du Barry dining with the Prince of Wales. Increased population of London. Story of the young woman at St. Helena. A party at Mrs. Buller's described—[N.) 490
377. To Miss Berry, April 23.-Resignation of the Duke of Leeds. Progress of the repairs at Clivedon. The abolition of the slave-trade rejected. Captain Bowen's pamphlet against Gunnilda. Hannah More and the Gretna Green runaway. Lord Cholmondeley's marriage. Indian victory—(N.] 492
378. To the same, May 12,-Congratulations on her recovery. Earnest wish to put them in possession of Clivedon during his life. Unhappy quarrel between Mr. Burke and Mr. Fox. Mrs. Damer's arrival from Spain—Ṇ 495
379. To the same, May 19.-Thanks for her punctuality in writing. Advantages of resources in one's self. Internal armour more necessary to females than weapons to men. Duchesse de Brissac. Duc de Nivernois. Hastings's impeachment. The Countess of Albany in London. Her presentation at court. Her visit to the Pantheon—Ṇ 497
380. To the same, May 26.-The Duchess of Gordon's journal of a day. Arrival of Sir William Hamilton with the Nymph of the Attitudes. Strictures on Boswell's Life of Dr. Johnson. Johnson's abuse of Gray. Burke's "Letter to a member of the National Assembly." His character of Rousseau. Lodge's "Illustrations of British History" panegyricised. Lord Mount- Edgcumbe's bon-mot on M. d'Eon—Ṇ 500
381. To the Miss Berrys, June 2—"This is the note that nobody wrote." Interview with, and description of, Madame d'Albany— Ṇ 504
382. To the same, June 8.-Frequency of highway robberies. The birthday. Madame d'Albany. Mrs. Fitzherbert. Mrs. Cosway. Lally de Tollendal's tragedy. French politics. Rage for building in London. Visit to Dulwich College—Ṇ 505
383. To the same, June 14. Mrs. Hobart's rural breakfast. Dr Beattie. Malone's Shakspeare—Ṇ 508
384. To Miss Berry-, June 23.-Madame du Barry at Mrs. Hobart's breakfast. Dr. Robertson's "Disquisition." French anarchy. Madame d'Albany at the House of Lords—Ṇ 510
385. To the same, July 12.-Calonne in London. Attack of the rheumatism—[N 512
386. To the Miss Berrys, July 26.-Tom Paine in England, Crown and Anchor celebration of the French Revolution. Birmingham riots. Flight of the King of France to, and return from, Varennes. Marriage of the Duke of York. Catherine of Russia. Bust of Mr. Fox—Ṇ 512
387. To Miss Berry, Aug. 17.-Spirit of democracy in Switzerland. Peace with Russia. M. de Bouill'e's bravado. Sir William Hamilton's pantomime wife. Antique statues—[N.) 514
388. To the Miss Berrys, Aug. 23.-Miss Harte and her attitudes. Conversation with Madame du Barry. Account of a boat-race. The soi-disante Margravine in England—Ṇ 516
389. To the same, Sept. 11.-Lord Blandford's marriage. Sir W. Hamilton married to his Gallery of Statues. Successes in India- -Ṇ 517
390. To the same, Sept. 18.-Mrs. Jordan. Miss Brunton's marriage. Lord Buchan's jubilee for Thomson. Character of the "Seasons." Danger of returning to England through France—Ṇ 519
391. To the same, Sept. 25.-Valombroso. Ionian antiquities. Egyptian pyramids. Mr. Gilpin and Richmond Hill—[N.) 520
392. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Sept: 21.-The French emigrants at Richmond. Progress of the French Revolution. The Legislative Assembly. The King's forced acceptance of the new constitution. Predicts the flight of La Fayette and the Lameths. Condorcet turned placeman. Character of Mirabeau—(N.] 522
393. To Miss Hannah More, Sept. 29.-State of his health. The Bishop of London's charity sermon. Miss Berrys. Anxiety for their safe return from Italy. Miss Burney. Mrs. Barbauld's Verses on the Abolition of the Slave-trade—[N.) 523
394. To Miss Berry, Oct. 9.-Anxiety for their safe return. Account of a visit to Windsor Castle. St. George's chapel. The new screen. Jarvis's window. West's paintings. Story of Peg Nicholson. Thanks for their disinterested generosity in returning to England. The Bolognese school. General Gunning and the tailor's wife—Ṇ 526
395. To John Pinkerton, Esq. Dec. 26.-His feelings and situation on his accession to the title of Earl of Orford—Ṇ —528
396. To Miss Hannah More, Jan. 1.-Increase of trouble and business occasioned by his accession to the title—529
397. To Thomas Barrett, Esq., May 14.-Darwin's Triumph of Flora"—530
398. To Miss Hannah More, Aug. 21.-The Massacre of Paris. Butcheries at the Tuilleries. Tortures of the King and Queen. Heroic conduct of Madame Elizabeth. Thankfulness for the tranquillity of England. Mrs. Wolstoncroft's "Rights of Women." Gratitude for past comforts, and submission to his future lot— Ṇ 531
399. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Aug. 31.-Detail of French Atrocities. Anecdotes of the Duchess of York. State of his health—533
400. To Miss Hannah More, Feb. 9.-French horrors. Beheading Of Louis the Sixteenth. Assignats. Diabolical conduct of the Duke Of Orleans. heroism of Madame Elizabeth. Sublime sentence of Father Edgeworth. Speculations on the future—535
401. To the same, March 23.-On her -' Village Politics." French atheism. Massacre of Manuel. Condorcet's new constitution—538
402. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, June 13.-On parties and party-men. Injury done to the cause of liberty by the French republicans—540
403. To the same, July 17.-Sultriness of the season. English felicity, French atrocities. Separation of Maria Antoinette from her son—541
404. To the Miss Berrys, Sept. 17.-Reminds them of his first introduction to them—Ṇ 542
405. To the same, Sept. 25.-Visit of the Duchess of York to Strawberry Hill—Ṇ 543
406. To the same, Oct. 6.-Inertness of the grand alliance against France—Ṇ 544
407. To Miss Hannah More, Oct.-On the answer to her pamphlet against M. Dupont. Atrocities of the French atheists—Ṇ 546
408. To the Miss Berrys, Oct. 15.-Arrest of the Duchesse de Biron, and of the Duchesse de Fleury. Execution of Marie Antoinette. The Duchesse de la Vali'ere—Ṇ 547
409. To the same, Nov. 7.-Murder of Maria Antoinette. Loss of Lord Montagu and Mr. Burdett in the falls of Schaflhausen. Suicide of Mr. Tickell. "Death an endless sleep." Mr. Lysons' Roman Remains. Account of his Own readings—Ṇ 549
410. To Miss Berry, Dec. 4.-Visit to Haymarket Theatre. Young Bannister in "The Children of the Wood." The Comte de Coigni. Fate of the Duc de Fleury—Ṇ 552
411. To the same, Dec. 13.-Reported successs of Lord Howe, and the Duke of Brunswick. Quarrel between Robespierre and Barr'ere. Fate of Barrave, Orleans, and Brissot. Mr. Jerningham's play. Character of Mrs. Howe—(N.] 553
412. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, Jan. 16.-On the gloomy prospect of affairs. Jasper Wilson's Letter to Mr. Pitt—555
413. To Miss Berry, April 16.-Successes in Martinico. Mrs. Piozzi's "British Synomymes." Mr. Courtenay's verses on him— Ṇ 556
414. To Miss Hannah More, April 27.-An invitation to meet Lady Waldegrave—556
415. To the Miss Berrys, Sept. 27.-Visit to Mrs. Damer's new house. Her bust of Mrs. Siddons. Canterbury. A Ghost story. Lord Holland's buildings at Kingsgate. Recommends them to visit Mr. Barrett at Lee—(N.) 558
416. To Miss Berry, Oct. 7.-On the advisability of her accepting a situation at court—(N.] 561
417. To the Miss Berrys, Oct. 17.-On their visit to Mr. Barrett at Lee—(N.] 563
418. To the Rev. Mr. Beloe, Dec. 2.-On his intending to dedicate his translation of aulus Gellius to Lord Orford— 564
419. To Miss Hannah More, Jan. 24.-With his subscription to the fund for promoting the dispersion of the Cheap Repository Tracts. Death of Condorcet, Orleans, etC. Justice of Providence—565
420. To the same, Feb. 13.-On receiving some ballads written by her for the Cheap Repository. Bisliol) Wilson's edition of the Bible presented to her by Lord Orford—566
421. To William Roscoe, Esq. April 4.-On his sending him a copy of his Life of Lorenzo de Medici—567
422. To the Hon. H. S. Conway, July 2.-The Queen's expected visit to Strawberry Hill—569
423. To the same, July 7.-Account of the Queen's visit to Strawberry Hill—569
424. To Miss Berry, Aug. 18.-Mr. and Mrs. Conway. Madame Arblay's "Camilla." Arundel Castle. Monuments of the Fitzalans. Account of a visit from Mr. Penticross—Ṇ 570
425. To the same, Auff. 24.-Arundel Castle. Chapel of the Fitzalans—[N.) 572
426. To Miss Hannah More, Aug. 29.-Giving an account of his health; and expressing gratitude to God for the blessings he enjoys—573
427. To Richard Gough, Eq. Dec. 3.-Thanking him for the second volume of his "Sepulchral Monuments"—574
(428. To Miss Berry, Dec. 15.-Account Of the debates in the House of Commons on the Loan to the Emperor. Death of Lord Orford—Ṇ 575
429. To the Countess of Ossory, Jan. 13—576
End of Volume IV.
Letter 1 To Sir David Dalrymple.(1) Arlington Street, Jan. 1, 1770. (page 25)
Sir, I have read with great pleasure and information, your History of Scottish Councils. It gave me much more satisfaction than I could have expected from so dry a subject. It will be perused, do not doubt it, by men of taste and judgment; and it is happy that it will be read Without occasioning a controversy. The curse of modern times is, that almost every thing does create controversy, and that men who are willing to instruct or amuse the world have to dread malevolence and interested censure, instead of receiving thanks. If your part of our country is at all free from that odious spirit, you are to be envied. In our region we are given up to every venomous mischievous passion, and as we behold all the public vices that raged in and destroyed the remains of the Roman Commonwealth, so I wish we do not experience some of the horrors that brought on the same revolution. When we see men who call themselves patriots and friends of liberty attacking the House of Commons, to what, Sir, can you and I, who are really friends of liberty, impute such pursuits, but to interest and disappointed ambition! When we see, on one hand, the prerogative of the Crown excited against Parliament, and on the other, the King and Royal Family traduced and insulted in the most shameless manner, can we believe such a faction is animated by honesty or love of the constitution? When, as you very sensibly observe, the authors of grievances are the loudest to complain of them, and when those authors and their capital enemies shake hands, embrace, and join in a common cause, which set can we believe most or least sincere? And when every set of men have acted every part, to whom shall the well-meaning look up? What can the latter do, but sit with folded arms and pray for miracles? Yes, Sir, they may weep over a prospect of ruin too probably approaching, and regret a glorious country nodding to its fall, when victory, wealth, and daily universal improvements, might make it the admiration and envy of the world? Is the Crown to be forced to be absolute? Is Caesar to enslave us, because he conquered Gaul? Is some Cromwell to trample on us, because Mrs. Macaulay approves the army that turned out the House of Commons, the necessary consequence of such mad notions? Is eloquence to talk or write us out of ourselves? or is Catiline to save us, butt so as by fire? Sir, I talk thus freely, because it is a satisfaction, in ill-looking moments, to vent one's apprehensions in an honest bosom. YOU Will not, I am sure, suffer my letter to go out of your own hands. I have no views to satisfy or resentments to gratify. I have done with the world, except in the hopes of a quiet enjoyment of it for the few years I may have to come; but I love my country, though I desire and expect nothing from it, and I would wish to leave it to posterity, as secure and deserving to be valued, as I found it. Despotism, or unbounded licentiousness, can endear no nation to any honest man. The French can adore the monarch that starves them, and banditti are often attached to their chief; but no good Briton can love any constitution that does not secure the tranquillity and peace of mind of all.
(1) Now first collected.
Letter 2 To Sir David Dalrymple.(2) Arlington Street, Jan. 23, 1770. (page 26)
Sir, I have not had time to return you the enclosed sooner, but I give you my honour that it has neither been out of my hands, nor been copied. It is a most curious piece, but though affecting art has very little; so ill is the satire disguised. I agree with you in thinking it ought not to be published yet, as nothing is more cruel than divulging private letters which may wound the living. I have even the same tenderness for the children of persons concerned; but I laugh at delicacy for grandchildren, who can be affected by nothing but their pride- -and let that be hurt if it will. It always finds means of consoling itself.
The rapid history of Mr. Yorke is very touching.(3) For himself, he has escaped a torrent of obloquy, which this unfeeling and prejudiced moment was ready to pour on him. Many of his survivors may, perhaps, live to envy him! Madness and wickedness gain ground—and you may be sure borrow the chariot of virtue. Lord Chatham, not content with endeavouring to confound and overturn the legislature, has thrown out, that one member more ought to be added to each county;(4) so little do ambition -,And indulgence scruple to strike at fundamentals! Sir George Savile and Edmund Burke, as if envying the infamous intoxication of Wilkes, have attacked the House of Commons itself, in the most gross and vilifying language.(5) In short, the plot thickens fast, and Catilines start up in every street. I cannot say Ciceros and Catos arise to face them. The phlegmatic and pedants in history quote King William's and Sacheverel's times to show the present is not more serious; but if I have any reading, I must remember that the repetition of bad scenes brings about a catastrophe at last! It is small consolation to living sufferers to reflect that history will rejudge great criminals; nor is that sure. How seldom is history fairly stated! When do all men concur in the Same sentence? Do the guilty dead regard its judicature, or they who prefer the convict to the judge? Besides, an ape of Sylla will call himself Brutus, and the foolish people assist a proscription before they suspect that their hero is an incendiary. Indeed, Sir, we are, as Milton says—
"On evil days fallen and evil tongues!"
I shall be happy to find I have had too gloomy apprehensions. A man, neither connected with ministers nor opponents, may speculate too subtly. If all this is but a scramble for power, let it fall to whose lot it will! It is the attack on the constitution that strikes me. I have nothing to say for the corruption of senators; but if the senate itself is declared vile by authority, that is by a dissolution, will a re-election restore its honour? Will Wilkes, and Parson Horne, and Junius (for they will name the members) give us more virtuous representations than ministers have done? Reformation must be a blessed work in the hands of such reformers! Moderation, and attachment to the constitution, are my principles. Is the latter to be risked rather than endure any single evil? I would oppose, that is restrain, by opposition check, each branch of the legislature that predominates in its turn;—but if I detest Laud, it does not make me love Hugh Peters.
Adieu, Sir! I must not tire you with my reflections; but as I am flattered with thinking I have the sanction of the same sentiments in you, it is natural to indulge even unpleasing meditations when one meets with sympathy, and it is as natural for those who love their country to lament its danger. I am, Sir, etc.
(2) Now first collected.
(3) On the 17th, Mr. Charles Yorke was appointed lord chancellor, and a patent was ordered to be made out, creating him a peer, by the title of Lord Morden; but, three days after, before the patent could be completed, he suddenly closed his valuable life, at the early age of forty-eight.-E.
(4) Lord Chatham, on the preceding day, had made his celebrated speech on the state of the nation, which had the good fortune to be ably reported by Sir Philip Francis, and attracted the particular attention of Junius. The following is the passage which gave Walpole so much offence:—"Since we cannot cure the disorder, let us endeavour to infuse such a portion of new health into the constitution, as may enable it to support its most inveterate diseases. The representation of the counties is, I think, still preserved pure and uncorrupted. That of the greatest cities is upon a footing equally respectable; and there are many of the larger trading towns which stilt preserve their independence. The infusion of health which I now allude to would be to permit every county to elect one member more in addition to their present representation." Sir Philip Francis's report of this speech was first printed by Almon in 1792. Junius, in a letter to Wilkes, of the 7th of September 1771, says—"I approve highly of Lord Chatham's idea of infusing a portion of new health into the constitution, to enable it to bear its infirmities; a brilliant expression, and full of intrinsic wisdom." There can be little doubt that Junius and Sir Philip Francis were present in the House of Lords, when this speech was delivered. See Chatham Correspondence, vol. iii. p. 406.-E.
(5) The speeches of Sir George Savile and Mr. Burke, above alluded to, will be found in Sir Henry Cavendish's Debates.-E.
Letter 3. To George Montagu, Esq. Arlington Street, March 31, 1770. (page 28)
I shall be extremely obliged to you for Alderman Backwell. A scarce print is a real present to me, who have a table of weights and measures in my head very different from that of the rich and covetous. I am glad your journey was prosperous. The weather here has continued very sharp, but it has been making preparations for April to-day, and watered the streets with some soft showers. They will send me to Strawberry to-morrow, where I hope to find the lilacs beginning to put forth their little noses. Mr. Chute mends very slowly, but you know he has as much patience as gout.
I depend upon seeing you whenever you return this wayward. You will find the round chamber far advanced, though not finished; for my undertakings do not stride with the impetuosity of my youth. This single room has been half as long in completing as all the rest of the castle. My compliments to Mr. John, whom I hope to see at the same time.
Letter 4 To George Montagu, Esq. Strawberry Hill May 6, 1770. (page 28)
If you are like me, you are fretting at the weather. We have not a leaf, yet, large enough to make an apron for a Miss Eve at two years old. Flowers and fruits, if they come at all this year, must meet together as they do in a Dutch picture; our lords and ladies, however, couple as if it were the real Giovent'u dell' anno. Lord Albemarle,(6) you know has disappointed all his brothers and my niece; and Lord Fitzwilliam is declared sposo to Lady Charlotte Ponsonby.(7) It is a pretty match, and makes Lord Besborough as happy as possible.
Masquerades proceed in spite of church and King. The Bishop of London persuaded that good soul the Archbishop to remonstrate against them; but happily the age prefers silly follies to serious ones, and dominos, comme de raison, carry It against lawn sleeves.(8)
There is a new Institution that begins to and if it proceeds, will make a considerable noise. It is a club of both sexes to be erected at Almack's, on the model of that of the men at White's. Mrs. Fitzroy, Lady Pembroke, Mrs. Meynel, Lady Molyneux, MISS Pelham, and Miss Loyd, are the foundresses. I am ashamed to say I am of so young and fashionable a society; but as they are people I live with, I choose to be idle rather than morose. I can go to a young supper, without forgetting how much sand is run out of the hourglass. Yet I shall never pass a triste old age in turning the psalms into Latin or English verse. My plan is to pass away calmly; cheerfully if I can; sometimes to amuse myself with the rising generation, but to take care not to fatigue them, nor weary them with old stories, which will not interest them, as their adventures do not interest me. Age would indulge prejudices if it did not sometimes polish itself against younger acquaintance; but it must be the work of folly if one hopes to contract friendship with them, or desires it, or thinks one can become the same follies, or expects that they should do more than bear one for one's good humour. In short, they are a pleasant medicine, that one should take care not to grow fond of. Medicines hurt when habit has annihilated their force; but you see I am in no danger. I intend by degrees to decrease my opium, instead of augmenting the dose. Good-night! You see I never let our long-lived friendship drop, though you give it so few opportunities of breathing.
(6) George, third Earl of Albemarle. His lordship had married, on the 20th of April, Anne, youngest daughter of Sir John Miller, Bart. of Chichester. He died in October 1772.-E.
(7) Lady Charlotte Ponsonby, second daughter of William, second Earl of Besborough. The marriage took place on the 1st of July.-E.
(8) Dr. Johnson, having read in the newspapers an account of a masquerade given at Edinburgh, by the Countess Dowager of Fife, at which Boswell had appeared in the character of a dumb conjuror, thus wrote to him:—"I have heard of your masquerade. What says your synod to such innovations? I am not studiously scrupulous, nor do I think a Masquerade either evil in itself or very likely to be the occasion of evil, yet, as the world thinks it a very licentious relaxation of manners, I would not have been one of the first masquers in a country where no masquerades had ever been before."-E.
Letter 5 To George Montagu, Esq. Strawberry Hill, June 11, 1770. (page 29)
My company and I have wished for you very much to-day. The Duchess of Portland, Mrs. Delany, Mr. Bateman, and your cousin, Fred. Montagu, dined here. Lord Guildford was very obliging, and would have come if he dared have ventured. Mrs. Montagu was at Bill-hill with Lady Gower. The day was tolerable, with sun enough for the house, though not for the garden. You, I suppose, will never come again, as I have not a team of horses large enough to draw you out of the clay of Oxfordshire.
I went yesterday to see my niece(9) in her new principality of Ham. It delighted me and made me peevish. Close to the Thames, in the centre of all rich and verdant beauty, it is so blocked up and barricaded with walls, vast trees, and gates, that you think yourself an hundred miles off and an hundred years back. The old furniture is so magnificently ancient, dreary and decayed, that at every step one's spirits sink, and all my passion for antiquity could not keep them up. Every minute I expected to see ghosts sweeping by; ghosts I would not give sixpence to See, Lauderdales, Tollcmaches, and Maitlands. There is one old brown gallery full of Vandycks and Lelys, charming miniatures, delightful Wouvermans, and Polenburghs, china, japan, bronzes, ivory cabinets, and silver dogs, pokers, bellows, etc. without end. One pair of bellows is of filigree. In this state of pomp and tatters my nephew intends it shall remain, and is so religious an observer of the venerable rites of his house, that because the gates never were opened by his father but once for the late Lord Granville, you are locked out and locked in, and after journeying all round the house, as you do round an old French fortified town, you are at last admitted through the stable-yard to creep along a dark passage by the housekeeper's room, and so by a back-door into the great hall. He seems as much afraid of water as a cat; for though you might enjoy the Thames from every window of three sides of the house, you may tumble into it before you guess it is there. In short, our ancestors had so little idea of taste and beauty, that I should not have been surprised if they had hung their pictures with the painted sides to the wall. Think of such a palace commanding all the reach of Richmond and Twickenham, with a domain from the foot of Richmond-hill to Kingston-bridge, and then imagine its being as dismal and prospectless as if it stood "on Stanmore's wintry wild!" I don't see why a man should not be divorced from his prospect as well as from his wife, for not being able to enjoy it. Lady Dysart frets, but it is not the etiquette of the family to yield, and @ she must content herself with her chateau of Tondertentronk as well as she can. She has another such ample prison in Suffolk, and may be glad to reside where she is. Strawberry, with all its painted glass and gloom, looked as gay when I came home as Mrs. Cornelis's ball-room.
I am very busy about the last volume of my Painters, but have lost my index, and am forced again to turn over all my Vertues, forty volumes of miniature MSS.; so that this will be the third time I shall have made an index to them. Don't say that I am not persevering, and yet I thought I was grown idle. What pains one takes to be forgotten! Good-night!
(9) Charlotte, daughter of Sir Edward Walpole, married to Lord Huntingtower, who had just succeeded to the title of the Earl of Dysart, on the death of his father.-E.
Letter 6 To George Montagu, Esq. Strawberry Hill, June 29, 1770. (page 30)
Since the sharp mountain will not come to the little hill, the little hill must go to the mountain. In short, what do you think of seeing me walk into your parlour a few hours after this epistle! I had not time to notify myself sooner. The case is, Princess Amelia has insisted on my going with her to, that is, meeting her at Stowe on Monday, for a week. She mentioned it to me some time ago, and I thought I had parried it; but having been with her at Park-place these two or three days, she has commanded it so positively that I could not refuse. Now, as it would be extremely inconvenient to my indolence to be dressed up in weepers and hatbands by six o'clock in the morning, and lest I should be taken for chief mourner going to Beckford's funeral,(10) I trust you will be charitable enough to give me a bed at Adderbury for one night, whence I can arrive at Stowe in a decent time, and caparisoned as I ought to be, when I have lost a brother-in-law(11) and am to meet a Princess. Don't take me for a Lauson, and think all this favour portends a second marriage between our family and the blood-royal; nor that my visit to Stowe implies my espousing Miss Wilkes. I think I shall die as I am, neither higher nor lower; and above all things, no more politics. Yet I shall have many a private smile to myself, as I wander among all those consecrated and desecrated buildings, and think what company I am in, and of all that is past; but I must shorten my letter, or you will not have finished it when I arrive. Adieu! Yours, a-coming! a-coming!
(10) William Beckford, Esq. Lord Mayor of London, who died on the 21st of June, during his second mayoralty, in the sixty-fifth year of his age. On the 5th of the following month, at a meeting of the Common Council, "a motion being made and question put, that the statue of the Right Hon. William Beckford, late Lord Mayor, deceased, be erected in the Guildhall of this city, with the inscription of his late address to his Majesty, the was resolved in the affirmative." The speech here alluded to is the one which the Alderman addressed to his Majesty on the 23d of May, with reference to the King's reply—"That he should have been wanting to the public, as well as to himself, if he had not expressed his dissatisfaction at the late address." At the end of the Alderman's speech, in his copy of the City Addresses, Mr. Isaac Reed has inserted the following note:—"It is a curious fact, but a true one, that Beckford did not utter one syllable of this speech. It was penned by Horne Tooke, and by his art put on the records of the city and on Beckford's statue; as he told me, Mr. Braithwaite, Mr. Sayers, etc. at the Athenian club. Isaac Reed." There can be little doubt that the worthy commentator and his friends were imposed upon. In the Chatham Correspondence, vol. iii. p. 460, a letter from Sheriff Townsend to the Earl expressly states, that with the exception of the words "and necessary" being left out before the word "revolution," the Lord Mayor's speech in the Public Advertiser of the preceding day is verbatim the one delivered to the King.—E.
(11) George third Earl of Cholmondeley. He married, in 1723, Mary the youngest daughter of @Sir Robert Walpole.-E.
Letter 7 To George Montagu, Esq. Adderbury, Sunday night, July 1, 1770. (page 32
You will be enough surprised to receive a letter from me dated from your own house, and may judge of my mortification at not finding you here; exactly as it happened two years ago. In short, here I am, and will tell you how I came here; in truth, not a little against my will. I have been at Park-place with Princess Amelia, and she insisted on my meeting her at Stowe to-morrow. She had mentioned it before, and as I have no delight in a royal progress, and as little in the Seigneur Temple, I waived the honour and pleasure, and thought I should hear no more of it. However, the proposal was turned into a command, and every body told me I could not refuse. Well, I could not come so near, and not call upon you; besides, it is extremely convenient to my Lord Castlecomer, for it would have been horrid to set out at seven o'clock in the morning, full- dressed, in my weepers, and to step out of my chaise into a drawing-room. I wrote to you on Friday, the soonest I could after this was settle(], to notify myself to you, but find I am arrived before my letter. Mrs. White is all goodness; and being the first of July, and consequently the middle of winter, has given me a good fire and some excellent coffee and bread and butter, and I am as comfortable as possible, except in having missed you. She insists on acquainting you, which makes me write this to prevent your coming; for as I must depart at twelve o'clock to-morrow, it would be dragging you home before your time for only half an hour, and I have too much regard for Lord Guildford to deprive him of your company. Don't therefore think of making this unnecessary compliment. I have treated your house like an inn, and it will not be friendly, if you do not make as free with me. I had much rather that you would take it for a visit that you ought to repay. Make my best compliments to your brother and Lord Guildford, and pity me for the six dreadful days that I am going to pass. Rosette is fast asleep in your chair, or I am sure she would write a postscript. I cannot say she is either commanded or invited to be of this royal party; but have me, have my dog. |