convidado, m., guest.
convito, M., feast, banquet.
convulsion, f., convulsion.
convulsivamente, convulsively.
convulsivo, -a, convulsive, rigid, convulsed, trembling, shaking.
coordinar, to collect, arrange.
copa, f., cup, goblet, drinking cup; summit, crest, crown.
copia, f., copy.
copiar, to copy, reproduce.
copla, f., couplet; pl., verses.
copudo, -a, copped, crested.
coral, m., coral.
corazon, m., heart; hacerse de tripas—, to pluck up courage.
corcel, m., steed, charger.
cordero, m., lamb.
cornisa, f., cornice.
coro, m., choir, chorus.
corona, f., crown.
coronar, to crown, adorn, deck.
corporacion, f., body; en—, in a body.
corpulento, -a, large, bulky.
corregidor,m., corregidor, a Spanish magistrate; a mayor of a town.
correo, m., messenger, courier;—de gabinete, state messenger, king's messenger.
correr, to run, move, be current, flow; a todo (el)—, at full speed.
correria, f., incursion, raid.
corresponder, to correspond.
corriente, usual, current; subst. m., current, course; al — de, conversant (or acquainted) with; muy al —, well informed; subst. f., current (of streams).
corrillo, m., circle, gathering, knot, group.
corro, m., circle, group.
cortado, -a, adj. pp. of cortar, cut, interrupted, abashed, confounded; —a pico, perpendicular, precipitous.
cortadura, f., gorge, ravine.
cortar, to cut, cut off, intercept, interrupt; terreno, to make a short cut; to shorten the way (or distance).
corte, f., court; de—, trenchant, sharp-edged.
cortejar, to court, win the affection of.
cortejo, m., procession, cortege.
cortes, courteous, polite.
cortesano, -a, courtly.
cortina, f,, curtain.
corto, -a, short.
corza, f., roe, doe.
cosa, f., thing, matter, matter of importance, fact; — de, about; desde habia — de, for a matter of; for about; gran —, much, a great deal; — hecha, settled, decided; — imposible, impossible; la — no era para menos, nothing less could be expected; publica, well-known, notorious; que —, what; ser — de, to be sufficient cause to; to be enough to; no ser —: not to be small (or few in number), to be large (or numerous).
cosecha, f., production; de mi —, of my own invention.
coser, to sew, sew up.
cosquilla, f., ticklish point, weak point.
costa, f., cost, price; a —, at the cost.
costado, m., side.
costar, to cost.
costear, to skirt.
costumbre, f., custom, habit; de — , customary, usual(ly); tener de —, to be accustomed; to be one's custom.
cota, f., coat of mail.
coyuntura, f., occasion, opportunity.
craneo, m., cranium.
creacion, f., creation.
crecer, to grow, increase.
creciendo, increasing, growing, swelling.
creciente, increasing, growing.
credito, m., credit, belief; dar — a, to believe.
credulidad, f., credulity.
creencia, f., belief.
creer, to believe, fancy, think.
crepusculo, m., twilight.
cresta, f., crest, cresting, peak.
criado, m., servant.
Criador, m., Creator.
criatura, f., creature, being, woman; babe, baby, infant.
crimen, m., crime.
criminal, criminal.
crin, f., mane; pl., mane.
crispado, -a, adj. pp. of crispar, agitated, convulsed, clinched, trembling, nervous, convulsive.
crispar, to shrivel; to cause to creep.
cristal, m., crystal, glass, window; de —, crystalline, clear, pure.
cristiano, m., Christian.
Cristo, m., Christ.
critica, f., criticism.
cronica, f., chronicle.
cronista, m., chronicler, narrator.
crucera, m., crossing, the place of crossing of nave and transept, in some churches the choir.
crudo, -a, rude, coarse, pitiless, ruthless.
cruel, cruel.
crueldad, f., cruelty.
crujir, to crackle, clash, rustle, crack, clang.
cruz, f., cross.
cruzado, -a, adj. pp. of cruzar, interposed, intervening.
cruzar, to cross, pass by, pass, clasp, join.
cuadra, f., hall; stable; pl., quarters.
cuadro, m., picture, painting.
cuajar, to coat over; (here) to begem.
cual, which; such, as, such as; el —, la—, lo—, who, which; por lo—, wherefore; cada —, each (or every) one; — si, as if; tal —, such as; todas a — mas bellas, vying with one another in loveliness; each one more lovely than the other.
cual, what, which, which one; — .,. —, one...one.
?cual? what? which?
cualidad, f., quality; pl., disposition.
cualquier. See cualquiera.
cualquiera, anybody, whatever, whoever, any.. whatever, one, some; — otro, any one else; — otra cosa, anything else; — que, whoever.
cuando, when; aun —, although; hasta —, how long; de yez en —, from time to time; every now and then; at intervals; de — en —, from time to time.
?cuando? when?
cuanto, how much, as much, as much as, whatever, as many as, that which, what.
cuanto, adv., as much as; en —, as soon as, when; en — a, as to, as for, as regards; — quedarepetido, as has been said.
?cuanto? how much? what? pl., how many?
cuarenta, forty.
cuarta, f., fourth, quarter, fourth part (of a vara), hand-breadth; hundir una — de hierro, to bury the spurs; to spur deeply.
cuartel, m., quarters.
cuartilla, f., sheet.
cuarto, m., quarter.
cuatro, four.
cubierto, -a, adj. pp. of cubrir, covered, overcast, cloaked; shrub-covered; s&t. m., cover; a —, under shelter.
cubilete, m., dice-box.
cubrir, to cover, cloak.
cuchillo, m., knife; — de monte, hunting-knife, hunter's cutlass.
cuello, m., neck.
cuenca, f., valley, deep valley surrounded by mountains.
cuenta, f., account, reckoning, calculation, explanation; tener en —, to take into account; to consider, darse — de, to realize.
cuento, m., story, fiction, tale, fable; de nunca acabar, never-ending story.
cuerda, f., cord, string, rope.
cuerpo, m., body, corpse; story, floor, section (of a building up to the cornice).
cuesta, f., hill, slope.
cuestion, f., question, matter.
cuidado, m., care, wory; pl., care, attentions; i — ! mind! notice! — con (or que), mind, stop, beware, look out, notice; no haya —, don't worry; never mind; apprehension (or care).
cuidar, to take care, look after, care for, care, pay attention, notice.
cuja, f., socket, lance-bucket.
culebra, f., snake.
culpa, f., fault, crime, blame, sin, guilt.
culto, m., worship.
cumbre, f., summit, mountain ridge.
cumplido, -a, adj. pp. of cumplir, polished, accomplished, faultless.
cumplir, to perform, fulfill, discharge accomplish.
cuna, f., cradle; iguales en —, equals in point of birth.
cundir, to spread.
cupula, f., cupola, dome.
cura, m., curate, priest, rector.
curiosidad, f., curiosity.
curioso, -a, curious, inquisitive.
curso, m., course.
curva, f., curve, winding.
cuspide, f., point, summit, peak.
cuyo, -a, whose.
?cuyo? whose?
Champagne, m., champagne.
chanzoneta, f., jest, joke, nonsense.
chapar (en), to plate (with); to cover (with).
chapin, m., clog, patten, chopine.
charla, f., gossip, chat.
charlar, to gossip, chat.
chasquido, f., crackling, lashing, dashing, cracking, creaking, rustling.
chico, -a, small; subst. m. or f., little one; child.
chirrido, m., grating, rubbing, friction rattle, sound, squeak, swish, rasping.
chispa, f., spark.
chispeante, sparkling, dazzling.
chispear, to sparkle.
chisporrotear, to crackle.
chisporroteo, m., hissing, crackling.
chiste, m., joke, jest.
chocar, to clang, rattle, clatter, strike, knock.
chopera, f., forest (or grove) of black poplars.
chopo, m., black poplar.
choque, m., shock, clang.
choza, f., hut, hovel.
dado, -a, adj. pp. of dar, given, granted; considering, in view of.
dado, m., die, cube; pl., dice.
daga, f., dagger.
idale! the deuce! come! again! el — que le das, the persistent efforts.
dama, f., lady.
danzar, to dance.
dano, m., harm, injury.
dar, to give; — credito a, to believe; — de firme, to beat firmly (or lustily); — en, to rush (or fall) headlong into; — en la flor, to take into one's head; to fall into the habit; — fin, to die, perish; —le a los fuelles, to pump the bellows; — lugar, to give rise; — gusto, to gratify; — de palos, to beat, give a beating; to cudgel; — un paso, to take a step; — por, to consider, regard (as); — principio, to begin; — que hacer, to give trouble; — que reir (con), to ridicule, make sport (of), make a laughing stock (of); — razon de, to give an account of; to inform regarding; — a alguno en el rostro con, to cast in one's face; — por seguro, to assert, assure; — susto, to frighten; tanto os da de, you think as highly of; — tumbos, to tumble; to whirl head over heels; — vista a, to come into view of; — una gran voz, to call out loudly; — una vuelta, to take a turn, take a walk; — vueltas, to turn, whirl, revolve; el dale que le das, the persistent efforts; como Dios me daba a emender, to the best of my ability; — se cuenta de, to realize; — se de ojo, to conspire, have a secret understanding.
de, of, to, from, at, with, by, in, on, as, than; el bruto Esteban, that clownish fellow Stephen; — improviso, unexpectedly, suddenly; — modo que, so that; — nuevo, again; anew; — por si, by himself; — prisa, rapidly; — pronto, suddenly, abruptly; — repente, suddenly; —seguro, assuredly; — no ser, if not; — sobra, over and above; — tarde en tarde, seldom; — un todo, once for all; del todo, wholly, quite.
debajo, underneath, below; por — de, beneath, below, under.
deber, to owe, be (destined) to, must, ought.
debil, weak, feeble, faint.
debilisimo, -a, abs. super, of debil, very weak (feeble or faint).
debilitarse, to be (or become) weak (faint, dim, or soft).
debilmente, faintly, softly.
decidir, to decide, determine; refl., to decide, determine.
decir, to say, tell, speak; se dice, it is said; dicen, they say, people say; al — de, according to; es —, that is; por —lo asi, so to speak; por mejor —, in other words, rather; ?no os le dije? didn't I tell you so? no se ha de —, it cannot be said; o mejor dicho, or rather; querer —, to mean.
decision, f., decision.
dedicar, to dedicate, consecrate.
dedo, m., finger; dos —s de luz, a thin streak of light.
defender, to defend, guard, protect, shield.
defensa, f., defense, guard.
deforme, deformed, formless, shapeless, misshapen, hideous.
dejar, to leave, let, allow, cease, leave off, abandon, fail; Como dejo dicho, as I have said; segun dejamos dicho, as we have said; — entrever, to show slightly; — escapar, to utter; — lugar, to give place; — paso, to let pass, make way; no — titers con cabeza, to destroy everything, put everything in disorder; — se ver, to appear, show oneself; — la vida, to die; dejase de decir, fails to be said, is not said, is left unsaid; — se sentir, to make itself felt.
del = de + el.
delante, before; — de, before, in front of, in (the) presence of.
delgado, -a, thin, slender, delicate, flexible, gaunt.
deliberar, to deliberate.
delicado, -a, delicate, light.
delicioso, -a, delicious, exquisite, delightful.
delincuente, m., delinquent.
delirio, m., delirium, madness.
delito, m., crime.
demacracion,f., emaciation.
demandadera, f., convent servant, woman who attends at the door of a convent to run errands.
demas, further, besides; los —, the others, the rest; por lo —, for the rest, moreover, besides.
demente, mad; adv., madly.
demonio, m., demon, devil.
demostrar, to show, manifest, demonstrate, evince.
dentellado, -a, dentated, dentate.
dentro, within; — de, within, inside of, in.
deparar, to offer, provide.
departir, to speak, converse, chat, talk, dependiente, m., dependent, servant.
depositar, to deposit.
derecho, -a, right; a la derecha, at (or to) the right; a derechas, straight, straight ahead; subst. m., right, claim, privilege; feudal right (or privilege); adv., straight.
derramado, -a, adj. pp. of derramar, scattered, ranging.
derramar, to shed, cast, pour, plash, scatter, emit, pour out; refl., to fall, be scattered (cast or shed).
derredor, m., circumference, circuit; en —, around; en — suyo, around him, about him.
derretir, to melt, dissolve.
derribir, to demolish, destroy, fell, throw, cast.
derruido, -a, adj. pp. of derruir, demolished, ruined, in ruins.
derrumbadero, m., precipice.
derrumbar, to fall with a crash.
desacato, m., disrespect, insolence.
desafiar, to defy, challenge.
desafio, m., challenge, duel.
desaforado, -a, disorderly, discordant, loud.
desagradable, disagreeable.
desalmado, -a, soulless, inhuman.
desaparecer, to disappear.
desarmar, to disarm, unload, discharge.
desarreglo, m., disorder, confusion, derangement.
desarrollarse, to unfold, be disclosed (or developed).
desasido, -a, adj. pp. of desasir, detached, divested (of the body).
desasirse, to free (or extricate) oneself.
desastroso, -a, disastrous.
desatar, to untie, unleash; rfl., to break loose.
desbandarse, to disband, scatter.
desbocado, -a, wild, unbridled, unrestrained.
descalzo, -a, barefoot.
descansar, to rest, repose, recover.
descargar, to unload, discharge, cast, direct.
descarnado, -a, fleshless, emaciated.
descender, to descend.
descifrar, to decipher, unravel.
descomponerse, to break up, fall apart.
descompuesto, -a, adj. pp. of descomponer, altered, changed, harsh; apart, in disorder.
desconfianza, f., distrust, suspicion, diffidence, fear.
desconocido, -a, adj. pp. of desconocer, unknown, foreign, strange, unfamiliar.
descorrer, to draw (as a curtain).
descortes, uncivil, discourteous, rude.
describir, to describe.
descubrimiento, m., discovery.
descubrir, to lay bare, disclose, uncover, discover; refl., to uncover oneself, take off one's hat (or helmet); to appear, be visible, be revealed.
descuidado, -a, careless.
descuido, m., carelessness; por —, from carelessness; inadvertently; con —, carelessly.
desde, from, since, after, to, even to; — donde, from where; — que, since; — lejos, from a distance; — luego, at once, straightway, thereupon, immediately.
desden, m., disdain, scorn.
desdenoso, -a, disdainful.
desear, to desire, long for, wish.
desechar, to expel, drive away, exclude, dispel.
desembarazarse de, to free oneself of; to throw off.
desembocar, to terminate, open (en, into).
desembozarse, to uncover one's face, throw open one's cloak.
desempenar, to drag (or thrust) over; to perform, fulfill, fill.
desencadenado, -a, adj. pp. of desencadenar, unchained, wild.
desencajado, -a, adj. pp. of desencajar, disfigured, with distorted features: (with eyes) unnaturally wide open, projecting, bulging, staring.
desenganarse, to be undeceived, to undeceive oneself, not to deceive oneself.
desenlace, m., catastrophe, denouement.
desenredarse, to extricate oneself.
desenvolverse, to unfold.
deseo, m., desire.
desesperacion, f., desperation, despair.
desesperado, -a, adj. pp. of desesperar, driven to despair, desperate, in despair; subst. m., desperate man, one in despair.
desesperante, maddening.
desesperar, to drive to despair.
desfiladero, m., defile, pass.
desfilar, to defile, pass by, file past.
desgajar, to break (or lop) off.
desgarrado, -a, adj. pp. of desgarrar, rent, torn.
desgarrador, piercing, heartrending.
desgarrar, to rend, tear; refl., to tear, be torn.
desgracia, f., misfortune; por —, unfortunately.
deshacer, to destroy; to mutilate; refl., to dissolve, vanish, be dissolved.
desheredar, to disinherit.
desierto, -a, deserted; subst m., desert, waste.
designio, m., design, plan.
desigual, unequal, uneven, abrupt.
desistir, to desist, cease, abandon.
desligarse, to free oneself, get loose.
deslizarse, to glide, move slowly, slip through, pierce, go cautiously (or furtively), slide, flow, fall.
deslumbrador, dazzling, brilliant.
desmantelado, -a, adj. pp. of desmantelar, dismantled, dilapidated.
desmayado, -a, adj. pp. of desmayar, depressed, dispirited, drooping, pale, wan.
desmayar, to lose heart, be discouraged; refl., to faint, swoon.
desmentir, to contradict; to deny.
desnudar, to strip; to unsheathe; refl., to take off, strip oneself.
desnudo, -a, bare, naked, stripped.
desorden, m., disorder.
despacio, at leisure, leisurely, slowly, deliberately.
despacharse, to set out, make haste.
despacho, m., haste, dispatch.
desparecer, to disappear.
desparramarse, to scatter.
despavorido, -a, adj. pp. of despavorir, terrified, in terror.
despecho, m., despair.
despedida, f., farewell.
despedir, to discharge, dispatch, emit; to take leave (a, of); refl., to take leave, depart.
despegar, to open.
despenadero, m., precipice.
despenar, to hurl, fling, hurl over a precipice.
despertar, to arouse, awaken, awake, wake up; to break (of day); refl., to awake, wake up.
despierto, -a, adj. pp. (irr.) of despertar, aroused, awake.
desplegar, to unfold, uncoil, open, display; refl., to display, unfold.
desplomar, to fall; caer desplomado, to fall in a heap, fall flat; refl., to fall, fall flat (or in a heap).
despojar, to despoil, strip; refl., to strip oneself; to take off.
despojo, m., spoil; pl., spoils, remains, mortal remains.
despreciar, to scorn, despise.
desprecio, m., scorn, mockery.
desprenderse, to issue forth, be launched, be shed; to fall; to free oneself, escape, depart.
desprendido, -a, adj. pp. of desprender, unfastened; (of leaves) loosened from the stem (or frond); broken, separated.
despreocupacion, f., unconventionality, recklessness.
despreocupado, -a, adj. pp. of despreocupar, unprejudiced, liberal, unconventional; reckless.
despues, afterwards, later; since, then; —de, after; —que, after.
despuntar, to break; al —la manana, at break of day; at dawn.
destacar, to detach, be detached, stand out (sobre, against); refl., to stand out (sobre, against).
destapar, to uncover, uncork, open.
destartalado, -a, huddled (together), incompact, promiscuous, without order.
destemplado, -a, adj. pp. of destemplar, untuned, harsh, discordant.
destiuado, -a, adj. pp. of destiuar, destined, designed, intended.
destinar, to destine, design.
destino, m., fate, destiny.
destrozar, to destroy.
destructor, -a, destructive.
desunir, to separate, sunder, disunite.
desvanecer, to cause to vanish; to clear up, unravel, dissipate; — su cabeza, to make one giddy, affect with dizziness, make one's head swim; refl., to vanish, evaporate, disappear; to faint, fall fainting.
desvanecido, -a, adj. pp. of desvanecer, vanished; unconscious.
desvencijado, -a, adj. pp. of desvencijar, broken, dilapidated.
detalle, m., detail.
detener, to hinder, restrain, stop, keep, detain; refl., to stop, halt.
determinacion, f., determination.
determinado, -a, adj. pp. of determinar, determined, resolved, determinate, definite.
determinarse, to determine, resolve, decide, make up one's mind.
detestar, to detest.
detras, after, behind; — de, after; per —, behind; por — de, behind.
deudo, m., parent, relative.
devauar, to rack; — se los sesos, to rack one's brains.
devocion, f., devotion, ardent love.
devolver, to return, restore.
devorar, to devour, absorb, consume.
devoto, -a, devout, pious; subst. m., devout (or pious) person.
dia, m., day; al otro —, the next day; aun en el —, to this day; de noche y —, night and day; en otros —s, in other (or former) days; formerly; un — y otro, day after day; constantly.
diablo, m., devil, rascal, fellow.
diabolico, -a, diabolic.
diafano, -a, diaphanous, transparent, pellucid.
dialogo, m., dialogue.
diamaute, m., diamond.
diantre, m., deuce; ique —! the deuce! i(en) que — (or —s)! what the deuce!
dibujar, to draw, sketch; refl., to be drawn (or sketched); to appear.
diccionario, m., dictionary.
dicha, f., happiness, felicity, pleasure.
dichoso, -a, happy, fortunate.
diecinueve (more commonly diez y nueve), nineteen.
diente, m., tooth; como que echo los —s en, he was, as it were, born to (or into); eutre —s, between (my) teeth; cantar entre —s, to hum (a song).
diestro, m., halter, bridle; elevar del —, to lead by the halter (or bridle).
diez, ten; — y nueve, nineteen.
diferencia, f., difference; pl., differences; quarrel, disagreement.
dificil, difficult; que no sera —, which it easily may.
dificultad, f., difficulty.
difunto, -a, defunct, deceased.
dignidad, f., dignity, self-respect.
digno, -a, worthy.
digresien, f., digression.
dilatacien, f., dilation, expansion.
dilatar, to dilate, expand, enlarge, spread (abroad); refl., to dilate, spread out, expand, extend, swell.
diminuto, -a, diminutive, very small.
dinero, m., money.
dintel, m., lintel; threshold (incorrect use).
Dionis, m., Dionysius, Dennis.
dios, m., god.
Dios, m., God; i—! Lord! Goodness! en — y en mi anima, in very truth; God knows (that it is true); estar de —, to be God's will, to be inevitable.
direccion, f., direction; con — a, in the direction of.
dirigir, to direct, guide, cast; — la palabra, to address, speak; refl., to turn, face, be directed, direct one's steps, make one's way, take one's course; to address (oneself).
dirimir, to adjust, settle.
discordante, discordant.
discorde, discordant.
discrete, -a, discreet.
disculpa, f., excuse, exculpation.
discurrir, to pass; to talk, discourse; to ramble, run about.
discurso, m., discourse, speech.
diseminar, to scatter; refl., to scatter, be scattered.
disensien, f., strife, dissension.
disforme, deformed, misshapen, monstrous.
disfrutar (de), to enjoy.
disgusto, m., disgust, ill humor, displeasure.
disimular, to dissemble, conceal, veil.
disipacion, f., dissipation.
disipar, to dissipate, dispel, displace, cause to vanish; refl., to vanish, scatter, be scattered (or dispelled).
disolverse, to dissolve, separate, breakup.
disparar, to fire, shoot, discharge; al —la, upon firing (or shooting) at it.
disparatado, -a, inconsistent, absurd.
dispersarse, to disperse, vanish, scatter.
disponer, to dispose, order, direct, arrange, prepare, get ready; refl., to prepare, get ready, proceed, be about to; to be arranged (or projected).
disposicion, f., disposition, arrangement, position, natural fitness.
disputa, f., dispute.
disputar, to dispute, argue, quarrel; refl., to vie with one another.
distancia, f., distance; como a — de, something like a distance of; at about the distance of; distant about.
distante, distant, remote.
distar, to be distant.
distincion, f., distinction, favor.
distinguir, to distinguish; refl., to be distinguished, be visible.
distintamente, distinctly.
distintivo, m., distinction, badge, order.
distinto, -a, distinct, different, various.
distraction, f., diversion, amusement.
distraer, to divert; refl., to divert (or amuse) oneself.
distraido, -a, adj. pp. of distraer, distraught, diverted, absentminded, lost in thought, vacant.
diversiOn, f., diversion, entertainment, sport, amusement.
diverso, -a, different, diverse, various.
divertido, -a, adj. pp. of divertir, diverted, amused, pleasant.
divino, -a, divine.
divisar, to perceive, see, recognize, descry; to divide, separate; refl., to be visible (at a distance).
divisorio, -a, dividing; linea divisoria, boundary.
divulgarse, to be divulged; to spread.
do (poet. for donde), where; a —, whither.
doblar, to double, pass round; to bow.
doble, double; mas —, most double.
doce, twelve; al punto y hora de las —, exactly at midnight.
docena, f., dozen.
doctor, m., doctor, physician.
doler, to grieve; refl., to grieve.
doliente, sorrowful, plaintive.
dolor, m., grief, pain, sorrow, anguish.
domar, to break, tame, subdue, master, dominate, overcome.
dominar, to master, dominate, overcome, overlook, obtain a clear view of.
domingo, m., Sunday.
dominio, m., possession, domain.
don, m., Don (a title used beforeChristian names of men).
donacion, f., donation, gift.
donaire, m., grace, courtesy.
doncel, m., youth, young nobleman.
doncella, f., girl, young lady, maid, maiden.
donde, where, in which; en —, in (or on) which; hasta —, how far; por —, where, through which; ?Donde va Vicente? Donde va la gente (lit., "Where is Vincent going? Where the crowd goes"), it comes easy to follow the crowd.
?donde? where? ?a —? whither? ?de —? whence? dona, f., Lady, mistress (a title used before Christian names of women).
dorado, -a, gilded, golden; brilliant.
dormido, -a, adj. pp. of dormir, slept, sleeping, asleep.
dormir, to sleep, lie dormant; — a pierna suielta, to sleep soundly (or deeply).
dos, two; los —, both.
doscientos, -as, two hundred.
dosel, m., canopy, dais.
dosis, f., dose.
dotar, to endow.
dragon, m., dragoon.
ducado, m., ducat (a gold coin of variable value).
duda, f., doubt, suspicion; sin —, doubtless.
dudar, to doubt, hesitate.
dudoso, -a, doubtful, uncertain, hazardous.
duelo, m., duel.
duelo, m., grief, mourning; funeral procession.
duena, f., duenna, mistress, lady in waiting.
dueno, m., master, owner.
dulce, sweet, pleasant, soft, gentle, mild.
dulcisimo, -a, abs. super. of dulce, very (or most) sweet (soft or gentle).
dulzura, f., sweetness, gentleness.
duque, m., duke.
durante, during, for.
durar, to last, continue.
duro, -a, hard; a duras penas, with great difficulty; subst. m., dollar.
e, and (before i- and hi-).
ebano, m., ebony.
ebrio, -a, drunken, intoxicated, drunk.
eco, m., echo.
echado, -a, adj. pp. of echar, thrown, cast; lying.
echar, to throw, cast, put, place, utter, dismiss, put out; — la bendicion, to give the benediction; — a broma, to take (or consider) as a joke (or jest); — en busca, to go (or set off) in search; -se algo al coleto, to swallow at a gulp; — los dientes, to cut one's teeth; como que echo los dientes en, he was, as it were, born to (or into); — el guante, to arrest; hasta — los higados, with all (your) might; — mano de, to lay hands upon, take possession of; — pestes de, to storm at; — pie a tierra, to get down, dismount; — en saco roto, to be heedless of; not to take advantage of; to forget; — un trago, to have a drink, take a dram.
edad, f., age.
edificio, m., edifice, building.
efectivamente, indeed, in fact, in reality, effectually.
efecto, m., result, effect; en —, in fact, indeed.
efluvio, m., effluvium, exhalation, emanation.
efusion, f., effusion, tenderness.
egoismo, m., selfishness, egoism.
ieh! eh! say!
eje, m., axis, axle.
ejemplar, exemplary; subst. m., example; sin —, unprecedented.
ejemplo, m., example.
ejercicio, m., exercise, practice.
ejercitar, to exercise, drill, train.
ejercito, m., army, array.
el, la, lo, the.
el, ella, ello, he, him, she, her, it.
el, la, lo, that.
elaborar, to elaborate, develop, unfold.
elargar, to stretch out, raise.
elegante, elegant, fine, graceful.
elegir, to elect, choose.
elemento, m., element.
elevado, -a, adj. pp. of elevar, elevated, lofty.
elevar, to elevate, raise, lift up; refl., to arise, rise up.
Elvira, f., Elvira.
ella, she, her, it.
ello, it; — es que, the fact is.
embargar, to hold in subjection, restrain, control.
embargo, m., hindrance; sin —, nevertheless, however, notwithstanding.
embebecido, -a, adj. pp. of embebecer, enraptured.
embellecer, to embellish, adorn.
emblema, m., emblem.
embocadura, f., mouth, entrance.
emboscada, f., ambuscade.
emboscarse, to lie in ambush.
embozado, -a, adj. pp. of embozar, wrapped (or muffled) up; disguised, covert.
embozar, to muffle the greater part of one's face.
embriagar, to intoxicate, delight, transport; reft., to become intoxicated, get drunk.
embriaguez, f., intoxication, stupor, torpor.
embrollo, m., intrigue, liaison.
embrujar, to charm, bewitch.
emisario, m., emissary.
emocion, f., emotion.
empellon, m., push, shove, shoving, blow.
empenarse, to endeavor, persist in.
empeno, m., aim, purpose, desire, eagerness; tener —, to desire earnestly.
empequenecerse, to be (or become) small.
emperador, m., emperor.
empero, however.
empezar, to begin.
empinado, -a, adj. pp. of empinar, raised, elevated, lofty, steep.
empinarse, to raise oneself; to rise.
emplear, to employ, make use of.
emponzonar, to poison.
emprender, to undertake, take, take up, set out on.
empresa, f., enterprise, activity, undertaking.
empujar, to drive, impel, force along, push, stir.
empujon, m., push, violent shove.
empunadura, f., hilt.
en, in, on, to, upon, at, into; as (a); — contra mia, against myself; against my interests; — cuanto, as soon as, when; — cuanto o, as to, as for, as regards; — pos de, after, behind, in pursuit of; — lo posible, as much as possible; — tanto que, while; — torno, round about; — torno de, about, around.
enamorado, -a, adj. pp. of enamorar, enamored, in love, loving, tender, lovesick; subst. m., lover.
encadenar, to chain, bind.
encajarse, to join, be united, come together.
encaje, m., lace.
encaminarse, to proceed, take the road, betake oneself.
encanijar, to weaken, cause to pine away.
encantar, to delight, enchant, charm.
encanto, m., enchantment, charm, spell.
encapotar, to cloak, muffle.
encaramarse, to climb.
encarar, to aim; — se con, to face, confront.
encarcelar, to imprison.
encargar, to charge, recommend.
encenagar, to mire; to trouble, disturb.
encender, to kindle, light; refl., to be kindled.
encendido, -a, adj. pp. of encender, lighted, inflamed, burning, glowing, aflame, aglow, blazing, passionate.
encerrar, to confine, imprison, enclose, embody; refl., to shut oneself up, seclude onself, retire.
encima, upon; — de, upon, on top of; por — de, over, above.
encina, f., evergreen oak.
enclavar, to nail.
encoger, to shrug; refl., to draw back, shrink.
encogido, -a, adj. pp. of encoger, contracted, shrinking.
encogimiento, m., timidity.
encomendar, to recommend, commit.
encomienda, f., badge, the embroidered cross worn by knights of military orders.
encontrar, to meet, find, encounter, see, reach; refl., to meet each other (or one another); to be found, be met with; to be; to meet, join.
encorvado, -a, adj. pp. of encorvar, bent, crooked.
encubierto, -a, adj. pp. of encubrir, covered, concealed, veiled, hidden.
encubrir, to cover, veil, conceal.
encuentro, m., meeting, encounter; a su —, to meet him (her, you, or them).
enderezarse, to enter, plunge into.
endiablado, -a, adj. pp. of endiablar, corrupted, devilish, vile, diabolical.
endriago, m., monster, dragon.
enebro, m., juniper, common juniper.
enemigo, -a, hostile, inimical; subst. m., enemy.
energico, -a, energetic.
enfermo, -a, sick, ill.
enganarse, to be mistaken.
enganoso, -a, deceitful, deceptive.
engarzar, to enchase, encircle, set.
engendrar, to produce, engender.
engendro, m., offspring.
engolfar, to engross, engage, occupy.
engreido, -a, adj. pp. of engreir, elated, lofty, haughty.
enigma, m., enigma.
enigmatico, -a, enigmatical.
enjaezado, -a, adj. pp. of enjaezar, caparisoned.
enjambre, m., swarm.
enjugar, to dry, wipe away.
enlutado, -a, adj. pp. of enlutar, in mourning.
enmaranado, -a, adj. pp. of enmaranar, entangled, perplexing, confusing, intricate.
enmudecer, to be (or become) silent.
ennegrecido, -a, adj. pp. of ennegrecer, blackened, black, burnt.
enojoso, -a, vexing, disturbing.
enorme, enormous, mighty.
enredar, to become entangled; to catch, entangle, entwine, coil refl., to entwine (around); to entangle oneself, become entangled (or ensnared); to coil.
enrojecer, to redden, heat red-hot; refl., to become red-hot.
enroscarse, to twist, curl, coil, writhe.
ensancharse, to widen, broaden.
ensangrentar, to stain with blood, be blood-stained.
ensayar, to practice.
ensenar, to teach.
ensordecer, to deafen.
ensueno, m., sleep, dream.
entender, to understand; como Dios me daba a —, to the best of my ability.
enteramente, entirely, quite, just, right.
enterarse, to inform oneself.
entero, -a, entire, whole.
enterrar, to inter, bury.
entonar, to sing, begin singing.
entonces, then; — que ..., then, while ...; then, when ...
entornar, to turn; to close.
entrada, f., entrance.
entranas, f. pl., entrails, heart.
entrar, to enter, come, arrive; a to begin; refl., (of the night) to come on; to fall; como se les enttase a mas andar el dia, as the day went on; as the day passed (for them).
entre, between, among, in; por —, between, among, in, through; mirarse — se, to look at each other (or one another); si, to himself, etc.
entreabierto, -a, adj. pp. of entreabrir, half opened, ajar, gaping.
entreabrir, to open slightly.
entrecortado, -a, adj. pp. of entrecortar, interrupted, broken, broken.
entregado, -a, adj. pp. of entregar, given over, devoted.
entregarse, to yield, give way, give oneself over (up. up), abandon oneself.
entrelazar, to interlace, intertwine.
entremezclar, to intermingle.
entretener, to keep (in order); to entertain, divert; refl., to delay, tarry, amuse oneself.
entrever, to get a glimpse of; dejar —, to show slightly.
entrevista, f., interview, meeting.
enturbiar, to disturb, trouble.
entusiasmo, m., enthusiasm.
envejecer, to grow old.
enviar, to send.
envidioso, -a, envious, invidious.
envilecer, to debase, debauch.
envio, m., remittance.
envolver, to envelop.
enzarzarse, to be (or become) entangled (as among brambles or briars).
epidermis, f., epidermis.
epigrama, m., epigram.
epoca, f, period, epoch, time.
equivaler, to be equal to, be worth, be equivalent to.
equivocadamente, inadvertently, by mistake.
eremita, m., hermit.
erguirse, to straighten up; to rise.
erizado, -a, adj. pp. of erizar, bristling (de, with).
erizar, to cause to stand on end; to bristle; refl., to stand on end; to bristle.
ermita, f., hermitage.
ermitano, m., hermit.
errante, wandering, rambling, roving.
esbelto, -a, tall, slender.
escabel, m., seat, stool; pedestal; resting-place.
escala, f., ladder.
escalador, m., scaler, one who scales walls.
escalar, to scale, climb.
escalera, f., stairs, staircase.
escalinata, f., steps.
escalon, m., step, jut, projection.
escandaloso, -a, scandalous, disgraceful, opprobrious.
escano, m., bench, chair.
escapar, to escape, fall; refl., to escape, fall.
escape, m., flight, speed; a (or al) —, at full speed; a todo —, at full speed.
escapulario, m., scapular.
escarabajo, m., scarab.
escarcha, f., hoar-frost, frost.
escasear, to give sparingly (or grudgingly).
escaso, -a, slight, scanty.
escena, f., scene.
esclarecimiento, m., dawn.
escoger, to choose, select.
escogido, -a, adj. pp. of escoger, chosen, select, choice, fine.
escombros, m. pl., debris, rubbish.
esconder, to hide, cover up; refl., to hide, be concealed; (of the sun) to set; to disappear.
escondido, -a, adj. pp. of esconder, concealed, hidden, secret.
escondite, m., concealment, retreat, hiding-place.
escondrijo, m., concealment, hiding-place, retreat.
escribir, to write.
escrito, -a, adj. pp. of escribir, written; subst. m., writing, work.
escuadra, f., squadron.
escuailido, -a, weak, miserable.
escuchar, to listen, listen to, hear; refl., to be heard, be audible.
escudero, m., squire.
escudo, m., shield, buckler; escutcheon.
escudrinar, to search, examine, scrutinize.
escueto, -a, free, open.
esculpir, to sculpture, carve.
escultor, m., sculptor.
escultura, f., sculpture, statue.
ese, esa, that.
ese, esa, eso, that one, that; esa, your city (the city where you are staying).
esforzar, to reenforce, support, help on, applaud; refl., to make an effort; to exert oneself.
esfuerzo, m., effort, exertion.
esmeralda, f., emerald.
eso, that; por —, for that reason; hence, therefore; ?que es —? what is it? what is the matter?
espacio, m., space; pl., space.
espacioso, -a, spacious.
espada, f., sword.
espadaiia, f., spire, tower; campanario de —, single-walled belltower; belfry of a single wall with openings for the bells.
espalda, f., back; pl., shoulders, back; a mis —s, behind me; vuelto de —s, with (his) back turned.
espaldar, m., backplate (of a cuirass).
espantado, -a, adj. pp. of espantar, frightened, terrified, astonished, wondering, in terror (or astonishment).
espantoso, -a, frightful, dreadful, horrible.
espanol, -a, Spanish.
especial, special, peculiar, particular, uncommon.
especialmente, especially, particularly.
especie, f., kind.
espectaculo, m., spectacle.
espectador, m., spectator.
espejo, m., mirror.
esperanza, f., hope, expectation.
esperar, to hope, expect, wait for, await, wait; refl., to expect.
espesisimo, -a, abs. super. of espeso, very (or most) dense.
espeso, -a, dense.
espesura, f., thicket, wilderness.
espiral, f., spiral.
espiritu, m., spirit, mind, heart, soul.
espiritual, spiritual; spiritualized; unworldly; ethereal.
esplendor, m., splendor.
espontaneamente, spontaneously.
espontaneo, -a, spontaneous.
esposa, f., wife
espuela, f., spur.
espuma, f., foam, froth.
espumoso, -a, sparkling, effervescent.
esqueleto, m., skeleton, corpse.
esquililla, f., small bell, sheep bell.
esquilon, f., bell, church bell.
esquina, f., corner, angle.
esquivar, to avoid, evade.
esta. See este.
estacionarse, to station oneself, take up a position.
estado, m., state, condition, rank.
estancarse, to stop, fall.
estar, to be; — de Dios, to be God's will, to be inevitable; para, to be about to; — a punto, to be ready; to be on the point of, be about to; — viendolo, to see it; to be present; estuve oyendo, I kept hearing.
estatua, f., statue.
este, esta, this.
este, esta, esto, this one, this, the latter; a este quiero a este no quiero, without asking permission; without choice; willy-nilly.
Esteban, m., Stephen.
estela, f., wake, track, streak.
esteril, sterile, barren.
esto, this;—es, that is; namely; de la solfa, the art of music.
estomago, m., stomach.
estoque, m., sword, rapier.
estrado, m., platform (on which the royal throne is placed).
estrambotico, -a, strange, odd, queer, eccentric.
estrategico, -a, strategic.
estrechar, to press, clasp, constrain.
estrecho, -a, narrow, close.
estrella, f., star.
estremecer, to shake, make shudder, cause to tremble; refl., to tremble, start, quiver, be startled, vibrate, shiver; (of the flesh) to creep.
estremecido, -a, adj. pp. of estremecer, shaken, trembling, quivering.
estremecimiento, m., trembling, start, shiver.
estrepito, m., noise, clamor.
estrepitoso, -a, noisy, boisterous.
estribo, m., stirrup.
estridente, strident, shrill, harsh.
estruendo, m., noise, rumor.
estruendoso, -a, noisy, clamorous.
estrujar, to press, clasp.
estudiante, m., student.
estudiar, to study.
estupendo, -a, wonderful, stupendous, marvelous.
esthpido, -a, stupid, dull, dazed.
estupor, m., stupor, torpor, amazement.
eter, m., ether.
eternamente, eternally.
eternidad, f., eternity.
eterno, -a, eternal, everlasting, endless.
Evangelio, m., Gospel; pl., Gospels; buenos —s, some holy sayings; some of the Holy Scriptures.
evaporarse, to evaporate, vanish.
evasivo, -a, evasive.
evitar, to avoid, escape.
evolucion, f., evolution, change.
exabrupto, m., outburst, excess, violence, abruptness, abrupt (or unexpected) remark.
exagerar, to exaggerate.
exaltacion, f., exaltation, sublimity; exaggeration, fanaticism, imagination, mere fancy.
examinar, to examine.
exasperar, to exasperate.
exceder, to exceed, surpass.
excepto, except.
exclamacion, f., exclamation.
exclamar, to exclaim.
exclusive, -a, exclusive.
excursion, f., expedition, incursion, raid.
excusar, to excuse, exempt, release, spare.
exhalacion, f., exhalation; (here) flash of lightning.
exhalar, to exhale.
existencia, f., existence.
existir, to exist, live.
expedicion, f., expedition, journey.
experimentar, to experience, feel.
expiacion, f., expiation.
expiar, to expiate, atone.
expirar, to expire, vanish, die away.
explicacion, f., explanation, explanatory remark.
explicar, to explain; refl., to express oneself.
explosion, f., explosion, burst.
exponerse, to expose oneself, be exposed, run the risk.
expresar, to express.
expresion, f., expression; pl., regards.
exquisito, -a, exquisite, extreme, perfect, supreme.
extasis, m., ecstasy.
extender, to stretch out, extend, lengthen; refl., to spread.
extenso, -a, vast.
extrano, -a, strange.
extraordinario, -a, extraordinary.
extravagancia, f., extravagance, madness.
extravagante, wild, extravagant, odd, strange.
extraviado, -a, adj. pp. of extraviar, distracted, bewildered, wild, wandering, roving.
extravio, m., disorder, irregularity.
extremidad, f., extremity.
extremo,m., end, extremity, limit, corner, angle.
fabula, f., rumor, story, fable, fiction, idle tale; composition, plot.
fabuloso, -a, fabulous.
facciones,f. pl., features.
faceta, f., facet, surface.
facil, easy.
faja, f., band, sash, belt.
falda,f., slope; skirt, lap.
falta, f., fault, lack, want.
faltar, to fail, lack, need, be lacking (or wanting); — por hacer, to remain to be done.
falto, -a, lacking; — de sentido, unconscious.
fama, f., report, rumor.
familia,f., family.
familiar, m., servant, attendant; pl., retinue, suite.
familiarizado, -a, adj. pp. of familiarizar, familiarized, familiar, acquainted, accustomed.
famoso, -a, famous, celebrated, notorious.
fango, m., mire.
fantasia, f., fancy, imagination.
fantasma, m., phantom; f., scarecrow.
fantasmagoria, f., phantasmagoria.
fantastico, -a, fantastic.
farol, m., lantern.
farolillo, m., small lantern.
farsante, m., claimant, pretender.
fascinador, fascinating.
fascinar, to fascinate, charm.
fastidiarse, to be bored.
fatiga, f., fatigue, toil, labor, hardship.
fatigado, -a, adj. pp. of fatigar, tired, fatigued.
fatigar, to tire, weary, fatigue.
fatigoso, -a, exhausting.
fatuos: fuegos —, ignis fatuus; will-o'-the-wisp.
fauces, f. pl., jaws.
fausto, m., splendor, pomp, luxury.
favor, m., favor, kindness; en — de, in behalf of; to favor.
favorecido, -a, adj. pp. of favorecer, favored, in favor.
favorite, -a, favorite.
faz, f., face.
fe, f., faith, belief; a — de quien soy, on my honor; on the word of a gentleman; a — a — que, upon my word; I give you my word; in truth; por mi —, on my word; auto de —, public burning by the Inquisition; (hence) great fire, bonfire, fire.
febril, feverish.
fecundo, -a, fertile.
fechorla, f., act, deed, evil deed.
felicidad, f., felicity, bliss.
feliz, happy, blissful.
fenomeno, m., phenomenon, manifestation.
feretro, m., bier, coffin.
feria, f., fair.
Fernando, m., Ferdinand.
ferocidad, f., ferocity; pl., ferocity.
feroz, ferocious.
ferrar, to garnish with points of iron; to strengthen with iron plates.
ferreo, -a, iron, of (or pertaining to) iron.
festin, m., feast, banquet, festival.
feston, m., festoon, garland.
feudal, feudal.
feudo, m., fief, feud.
fibra, f., fiber.
fiebre, f., fever.
fiel, faithful, loyal.
fieltro, m., felt; hat.
fiera, f., wild beast.
fiesta, f., feast, festival, fete, festivity.
figura, f., figure, form.
figurar, to imagine; refl., to imagine, fancy; to appear in fancy; se me figuran, appear to my fancy.
fijamente, fixedly.
fijar, to fix, fasten; refl., to be fixed; to look fixedly.
fijo, -a, fixed.
fila, f., file, rank, line, row.
filigrana, f., filigree.
filo, m., edge; alla al — de la media noche, just about midnight.
fin, m., end; al —, finally; a — de, in order to; dar —, to die, perish; en —, in fine, finally, in short, after all, anyhow, well; por —, finally.
final, m., end, conclusion.
fingir, to feign, pretend, simulate, counterfeit, take the form of, affect, assume, imitate, seem to be.
finura, f., charm, finesse. firme, firm; de —, firmly, forcibly, lustily.
fisico, -a, physical; subst. m., physique, physical organization (being or make-up)
flamencote, m., big Fleming.
flanquear, to flank, flag, falter, grow feeble.
flexible, flexible, supple, soft.
flor, f., flower; dar en la —, to take into one's head; to fall into the habit.
floral, floral.
florido, -a, elegant, select.
flotante, floating, waving.
flotar, to float, wave, hover.
fluido, m., fluid.
foco, m., focus; center.
fogata, f., blaze, fire.
fogoso, -a, fiery, spirited.
follaje, m., foliage. fondo, m., back, rear, background, depth, heart, recess, bottom.
forcejear, to struggle, writhe.
forma, f., form, figure, shape, host; pl., form, figure; Sagrada Forma, Consecrated Host.
formar, to form.
formidable, formidable, dreadful.
formula, f., formula, charm, recipe.
formular, to formulate, speak.
fornido, -a, robust, lusty, stout.
forraje, m., forage, hay, grass.
fortaleza, f., fortress, stronghold.
fortuna, f., fortune; por —, fortunately.
fosa, f., ditch, grave.
fosforico, -a, phosphorescent.
foso, m., ditch, moat.
fragmento, m., fragment, piece, bowlder.
fragoso, -a, craggy, rough, uneven.
fraguarse, to break; to be forged (invented or gotten up).
fraile, m., friar.
francamente, frankly.
franqueza, f., frankness.
frase, f., phrase, speech, word, words; —s enamoradas, tender (loving or lovesick) phrases (or words).
fratricida, fratricidal.
frecuente, frequent.
fregona, f., kitchen-maid, scrubbing-girl.
freir, to fry; refl., to fry.
freno, m., restraint, bounds.
frente, f., brow, forehead, face, head; — a, facing; in front of.
fresco, -a, fresh, cool.
frescura, f., freshness.
frio, -a, cold; subst. m., cold; hacer —, to be cold.
friolera, f., trifle, mere trifle; i—! nonsense!
fronda, f., frond, leaf.
frondoso, -a, leafy, covered with leaves, luxuriant, shady.
frontera, f., frontier.
frugal, frugal.
frustrar, to frustrate.
fruta, f., fruit.
fuego, m., fire; poner —, to set fire (to); —s fatuos, ignis fatuus; will-o'-the-wisp.
fuelles, m. pl., bellows (of an organ); para darle a los —, to pump the bellows.
fuente, f., fountain, source.
fuer, a — de, as, like, being, by dint of being, since you are (or were).
fuera, out; — de, outside of, beyond, beside; — de si, beside oneself.
fuerte, strong, mighty, violent.
fuertemente, strongly, firmly.
fuerza, f., force, power, might; body of troops; a — de, by dint of; — le sera, he will have to; he will be forced.
fugaz, fleeting, fugitive.
fugitivo, -a, fleeting, fugitive.
fulgor, m., gleam, glow, flash, brilliancy, effulgence.
funcion, m., ceremony, solemnity.
fundado, -a, adj. pp. of fundar, grounded in the belief; taking (it) for granted; believing.
fundar, to found, ground.
fundir, to melt.
funesto, -a, baleful, fatal.
furia, f., fury; estar hecho una —, to be in a rage.
furioso, -a, furious.
furtivo, -a, furtive, clandestine, fleeting; cazadores —s, poachers.
futuro, -a, future.
gabinete, m., cabinet; correo de —, state (or king's) messenger.
gaita, f., bagpipe.
gala, f., ostentation, display, grace, adornment; full (or court) dress; pl., regalia, finery, paraphernalia.
galan. m., gallant, lover, suitor, wooer.
galante, gallant; of (or pertaining to) lovers.
galanteria, f., gallantry, courteousness, courtliness.
galanura, f., grace, gracefulness, elegance (in language or style), style, repartee.
Galatea, f., Galatea.
galeon, m., galleon.
galeria, f., gallery.
galonear, to adorn (or deck) with lace.
gallardia, f., gallantry.
gallo, m., cock, rooster; Misa del Gallo, midnight mass on Christmas eve.
gamo, m., buck.
gana, f., appetite, desire, wish, inclination; tener —s, to have a mind (de, to).
ganado, m., flock, herd.
ganar, to gain.
ganga, f., (coll.) fortune, luck, anything valuable acquired with little labor.
Garces, m., (Span.} Garcts.
garganta, f., throat.
garra, f., claw.
garrotazo, m., blow with a staff (or cudgel).
garrote, m., cudgel, stick, staff.
gasa, f., gauze.
gastar, to spend; to display; como las gasta, how he acts; how he comports himself; what his tricks are.
gato, m., cat.
gavilanes, m. pl., cross-bars of the guard of a sword; guard (of a sword-hilt).
gavilla, f., band, gang.
gay saber, m., poetry, art of poetry.
gemido, m., sigh, groan, moan, moaning, sighing.
gemir, to moan, sigh, groan; to creak.
general, general; subst. m., general.
genero, m., kind, species, quality, nature.
generoso, -a, generous.
genial, m., disposition, nature.
genio, m., genius, spirit.
gente, f., people, crowd, servants; pl., servants; — menuda, servants, domestics, dependents; — del pueblo, common people.
Gerardo, m., Gerard.
gerifalte, m., falcon, gyrfalcon.
germinar, to germinate, bud.
gigante, gigantic, grand.
gigantesco, -a, gigantic, vast.
girar, to turn, revolve, dart about; to creak.
giron, m., piece, tatter, banner, pennant, flag.
gitana, f., gypsy.
glacial, glacial, icy.
globo, m., globe, sphere, ball.
gloria, f., glory; el dia de —, the day of glory, Holy Saturday.
goce, m., enjoyment, pleasure.
gola, f., gorget, neck-plate.
golondrina, f., swallow.
golpe, m., stroke, blow, clang, clank; a —s, by (or with) blows.
golpear, to strike, beat; subst. m., clattering.
gordo, -a, large, big, great, coarse.
gorguera, f, ruff; — de canutos, fluted ruff.
gorjear, to warble.
gota, f., drop; — a —, drop by drop.
gotear, to drop, drip, fall drop by drop.
gotico, -a, Gothic.
gozar, to enjoy; — de, to enjoy.
gozne, m., hinge.
gozo, m., joy, pleasure, satisfaction.
grabar, to engrave.
gracia, f., grace, favor, charm; pl., thanks; dar las —s, to express one's thanks.
gracioso, -a, funny, comical.
grada, f., step, stair, gradine; pl., perron, staircase.
grado, m., grade, rank, degree.
gradualmente, gradually.
grama, f., dog-grass, dog-wheat.
gran. See grande.
grana, f., scarlet; (fine) scarlet cloth; de —, scarlet.
grande, great, grand, large, tall, long; a —s voces, in a loud voice, loudly.
granito, m., granite.
granjear, to obtain, gain, win.
grano, m., gram.
grave, serious, dignified, grave.
gravedad, f., gravity, seriousness.
graznido, m., croaking, cawing.
grena, f., tangled (or matted) hair.
griego, -a, Greek.
grifo, m., griffin, a fabulous monster, half lion, half eagle.
gris, gray.
gritar, to cry (out).
grito, m., cry; — de vela, watch-cry.
groseramente, roughly, rudely, coarsely.
grotesco, -a, grotesque.
grueso, -a, thick, large, big, bulky; subst. m., large body, main body.
grupa, f., croup; volver —s; to turn back (or around).
grupo, m., group.
guante, m., glove; echar el —, to arrest.
guantelete, m., gauntlet.
guarda, m., guard.
guardar, to retain, keep, possess, have, guard; to stow away.
guardia, f., guard; en —, on guard.
guardian, m., keeper, warden.
guarecerse, to take refuge, find shelter, escape.
guarida, f., cave, cavern, den, lair.
guedeja, f., lock (of hair).
guerra, f., war.
guerrero, m., warrior, soldier.
guia, m., guide.
guiar, to guide.
guijarro, m., pebble.
guion, m., bell-wether, bell-sheep.
guisa, f., manner, guise; a — de, by way of.
gusano, m., worm, maggot.
gustar, to like, please.
gusto, m., taste, pleasure, ease, leisure; dar —, to gratify.
guzla, f., guzla, fiddle with a single string.
ha, contraction of hace. See hacer.
haber, to have; — de, to have to, be obliged to; must, should, would, ought; to be to, be able to; can; he de, I must; habia de, I was to; I had to; no se ha de decir, it cannot be said; que se ha de comer la tierra, which the earth shall (one day) swallow up; ?y por que no has de vivir? and why can you not (or should you not) live? — (impers.), to be; hay, there is (or are); habia, there was (or were); habra, there will be; — que, to be necessary; me lo habian de asegurar ... y no lo creeria, even if I were assured by ... I wouldn't believe it; que habreis visto, which you probably have seen; ?que hay? what is it? what is the matter? si no hay mas que, one needs only to; no hay para que decir que se fastidiaban, it is needless to say were bored; no haya cuidado, don't worry, never fear, let there be no fear; que no haya mas que oir, that nothing else can be heard; he aqui, here is (or are); behold, lo.
habilitar, to provide, equip, furnish.
habitacion, f., hall, room.
habitador, m., inhabitant, tenant.
habitar, to live, dwell, inhabit, reside.
habito, m., habit, custom; dress; pl., cassock, clothes.
habitual, habitual.
hablar, to speak; en hablando del ruin de Roma, catale aqui que asoma, speak of the devil and he will appear.
hablilla, f., rumor, report, babbling.
hacer, to make, do, cause, bring about, work, cast, be, become, be turned into; —(impers.), to be (of the weather and of time); hace, ago; hace mucho tiempo, a long time ago; no hace (or ha) mucho, not long ago; hace muchos anos, many years ago; hace rato, quite a while ago; hara cosa de tres o cuatro dias, about three or four days ago; haria cosa de unas dos horas, it must have been about two hours; — justicia, to execute; — mal de ojo, to cast the evil eye; — memoria de, to remember; — monos, to play tricks; — pedazos, to break to pieces; — platillo de, to converse about; — una pregunta, to ask a question, make a request; — presente, to lay before, present, state; dar que —, to give trouble; estar hecbo una furia, to be in a rage; refl., to be, become; — se de tripas corazon, to pluck up courage.
hacia, towards; — adelante, forward.
hacha, f., torch.
hada, f., fairy; enchanted nymph.
halagar, to flatter, caress.
halagueeno, -a, attractive, alluring.
halcon, m., falcon.
hallar, to find, meet; refl., to be, be found, meet.
hambre, f., hunger.
harapo, m., tatter, rag, fringe.
haraposo, -a, ragged.
hasta, as far as, up to, until, to, towards, also, besides, even, even to; — entonces, till then; i— la noche! (good-by) till tonight; no ... —, only; not before; — que (no), until; — tonto que, until; — unos cien, (up to) about a hundred.
haz, m., bundle; el — de armas, panoply.
haz, f., face, surface.
haza, f., field, cultivated field.
he: — aquf, here is (or are); behold; hete aqui, hare is (or are); behold.
hechicera, f., witch, hag.
hechizar, to bewitch.
hechizo, m., enchantment, charm.
hecho, -a, pp. of hacer, made, turn (formed or turned) into; like; subst. m., fact, deed, act, event.
hediondo, -a, fetid, fould.
helado, -a, adj. pp. of helar, frozen, icy, glacial.
helar, to freeze.
henchir(se), to swell.
hendidura, f., fissure, crack, crevice.
heredad, f., country place, farm.
heredar, to inherit.
herencia, f., inheritance.
herida, f., wound.
herido, -a, adj. pp. of herir, wounded; a voz herida, in clanging tones.
herir, to strike, wound, shine upon, light up; — de muerte, to strike dead.
hermana, f., sister.
hermano, m., brother.
hermoso, -a, lovely, beautiful, fine.
hermosote, very fine (or handsome).
hermosure, f., beauty.
heroe, m., hero.
hervir, to boil, blaze, seethe; to crowd, swarm.
hete. See he.
hiedra, f., ivy.
hielo, m., ice, frost.
hierba, f., grass, herb; pl., grass.
hierro, m., iron; pl., irons, fetters; arms; hundir una cuarta de —, to bury the spurs; to spur deeply.
higado, m., liver; hasta echar los —s, with all (your) might.
hija, f., doughter, girl, child, offspring.
hijo, m., son; pl., children.
hilo, m., thread, ray.
hilvanar, to prepare; to plan.
himno, m., hymn.
hinchado, -a, adj. pp. of hinchar, swollen.
hinojo, m., knee; de —s, kneeling; on one's knees.
hipocriton, very hypocritical; subst. m., great hypocrite.
hirviente, boiling, glowing, blazing.
hisopo, m., aspergill, brush used to sprinkle holy water.
historia f., story, incident.
historico, -a, historic, historical.
hito, m., mark; mirar de — en —, to look at (or over) closely, view with attention, fix one's eyes upon.
hogar, m., hearth, home, fireplace.
hoguera, f., fire, bonfire, blaze.
hoja, f., leaf, fold, blade; pl., double doors, folding doors.
hojarasca, f., foliage; (here) carved foliage.
ihola! halloo! look! well! what!
hollar, to tread upon, trample.
hombre, m., man.
hombro, m., shoulder; en —s, on (their) shoulders.
homenaje,m.., homage; prestar —, to pay homage, profess fealty; torre del —, tower of homage; homage tower; tower in a castle in which the governor or warden took the oath of fidelity.
honda, f., sling; tiro de—, slingshot.
hondo, -a, profound, deep.
hondura, f., depth, cavity, basin, deep valley.
honor, m., honor.
honra, f., honor.
honrado, -a, honest, honorable.
hora, f., hour; o'clock; a —, at an hour; a la media —, within half an hour; y esta es la — en que todavia no le hemos visto, and we haven't seen him since; al punto y — de, on the stroke of, at exactly.
horca, f., gallows.
horizonte, m., horizon.
hornacina, f., vaulted niche, niche.
horrible, horrible, fearful.
horror, m., horror, dread; santo —, awe, reverential fear.
horroroso, -a, horrid, hideous.
hostia, f., host.
hoy, to-day.
hucco, -a, hollow, cavernous; subst. m., hollow, hole, niche, cavity, grave.
huella, f., impression, trace, track, print, footprint.
hueso, m., bone; pl., bones, remains; de carne y —, of flesh and blood.
huesoso, -a, bony.
huesped, m., guest.
hueste, f., host, army.
huesudo, -a, bony.
huida, f., flight, escape.
huir, to flee, flee from, escape.
humanidad, f., humanity.
humano, -a, human, mortal.
humear, to smoke, smolder, steam.
humedecer, to moisten, dampen, steep.
humedo, -a, wet, moist, damp, humid.
humildad, f., humility.
humilde, humble.
humillar, to humble; refl., to humble oneself; to bow down.
humo, m., smoke, vapor, steam, fumes.
humor, m., humor; buen —, good humor, merriment; de buen —, good-natured, jolly.
hundir, to sink, bury; — una cuarta de hierro, to bury the spurs; to spur deeply.
huracan, m., hurricane, storm.
husar, m., hussar.
idea, f., idea, thought, plan, fancy, imagination.
identico, -a, identical.
idioma, m., language, idiom.
ido, -a, pp. of ir, gone; absent.
iglesia, f., church.
igneo, -a, of (or pertaining to) fire.
ignorancia, f., ignorance.
ignoranton, m., great fool.
ignorar, to be ignorant of; not to know; refl., to be unknown.
ignoto, -a, unknown.
igual, equal, like, steady, even, uniform; the same; subst. m., peer.
ijar, m., flank.
iluminar, to illuminate, light up; to enlighten.
ilusion, f., illusion.
ilustre, illustrious.
imagen, f., statue, figure, form, image; vision.
imaginacion, f., imagination, fancy.
imaginario, -a, imaginary.
imaginarse, to imagine.
imbecil, m., imbecile, fool.
imitar, to imitate.
impaciencia, f., impatience; con —, impatiently.
impaciente, impatient; adv., impatiently.
impasible, impassible, unmoved, motionless.
impavido, -a, dauntless, intrepid.
impedir, to hinder.
impeler, to impel, urge.
impenetrable, impenetrable.
imperceptible, imperceptible.
imperial, imperial.
impetuoso, -a, impetuous.
impiedad, f., impiety, irreligion.
impio, -a, impious.
implorar, to implore.
imponente, imposing, impressive.
imponer, to impose.
importancia, f., importance.
importante, important.
importar, to be of importance; no
importa, no matter.
importe, m., value, cost.
importuno, -a, importunate.
imposible, impossible.
impotencia, f., impotence; amenazas de —, impotent threats.
impracticable, impracticable.
imprecacion, f., imprecation, curse.
impregnar, to impregnate, saturate, imbue.
impresion, f., impression.
impreso, -a, adj. pp. (irr.) of imprimir, imprinted, stamped.
improvisar, to improvise, extemporize.
improviso, -a, unexpected; de —, suddenly, unexpectedly.
impulsar, to impel.
impulso, m., impulse, power, force, motion, gust; a —s de, moved by, overcome by.
inagotable, inexhaustible
inanimado, -a, inanimate, lifeless. incansable, indefatigable, tireless, unwearied; adv., tirelessly.
incendiar, to set on fire.
incertidumbre,f., uncertainty, hesitation.
incesante, incessant.
incidente, m., incident, event, episode.
incienso, m., incense.
incierto, -a, uncertain, wandering, restless.
incitar, to incite; to inspire.
inclinar, to incline, bend over; refl., to bend down, bow, lean.
incognito, m., disguise, incognito.
incolume, safe, unharmed, in safety.
incomodar, to bother, disturb.
incomodidad,f., inconvenience.
incomodo, -a, comfortless, wretched; mas vale — que ninguno, better comfortless quarters than none at all.
incomparable, incomparable.
incomprensible, incomprehensible.
inconcebible, inconceivable.
incontestable, irresistible.
inconveniente, m., objection, inconvenience, impropriety; no tener —, not to consider improper; to have no objection.
incorporarse, to rise, get up, straighten up; a medias, to sit up.
incorporeo, -a, incorporeal.
incorregible, incorrigible.
incredulidad, f., incredulity.
incredulo, -a, incredulous.
increible, incredible.
indecible, unspeakable, ineffable.
indeciso, -a, uncertain, indefinite.
indefinable, indefinable.
indescriptible, indescribable.
indicar, to indicate.
indiferente, indifferent.
indignacion, f., indignation.
indiscrecion, f., indiscretion.
indudablemente, indubitably, unquestionably.
inefable, ineffable, unspeakable.
inerte, inert, motionless, lifeless.
Ines, f., Agnes, Inez.
inesperado, -a, unexpected.
inexplicable, inexplicable.
inextinguible, inextinguishable, perpetual.
infecto, -a, infected, stagnant.
infeliz, unhappy, unfortunate, wretched; weak-minded; subst., poor wretch, poor fellow.
infernal, infernal.
infiel, infidel; subst. m. pl., infidels, Moors, Saracens.
infiernos, m. pl., infernal regions; hell.
infinito, -a, infinite.
inflamarse, to catch fire, become inflamed.
influencia, f., influence.
influjo, m., influence.
informe, shapeless, formless.
infundir, to infuse, inspire, instill.
ingenio, m., ingenuity, cleverness, wit, mind.
ingenioso, -a, ingenious, clever.
ininteligible, unintelligible.
inmediato, -a, immediate, next, adjacent, very near.
inmensidad, f., immensity.
inmenso, -a, immense.
inmortal, immortal.
inmovil, motionless.
iumovilidad, f., immobility.
inocencia, f., innocence.
inocentada, f., (coll.) foolishness, foolish speech (or action).
inocente, innocent, simple.
inquietar, to trouble, disquiet, make anxious, disturb.
inquieto, -a, restless, shifting, anxious, disquieting.
inquietud, f., restlessness, anxiety.
inquirir, to inquire.
inscripcion, f., inscription.
insecto, m., insect.
inseguro, -a, unsteady.
insepulto, -a, unburied.
insignificante, insignificant.
insistencia, f., urgency, insistence.
insistir, to urge, persist, insist.
insolente, insolent.
insolito, -a, unusual, unaccustomed.
insomnio, m., insomnia.
insoportable, insufferable.
insostenible, indefensible, intolerable, unbearable.
inspiracion, f., inspiration.
inspirar, to inspire.
instancia, f., entreaty.
instantaneamente, instantly.
instante, m., moment, instant; por—s, for some moments.
instintivamente, instinctively.
instruccion, f., instruction, direction.
instrumento, m., instrument, tool.
insufrible, intolerable, insufferable.
insulso, -a, insipid, dull, flat.
insulto, m., insult.
intangible, intangible.
inteligencia, f., intelligence, comprehension.
inteligente, skillful; subst. m, clever man.
intemperie, f., inclemency (of the. weather).
intencion, f., intention, meaning, allusion; con —, on purpose; purposely, designedly.
intensidad, f., intensity.
intenso, -a, intense.
intentar, to try, attempt, intend, mean, be about to.
interes, m., interest, concern.
interesar, to interest; — se con, to be interested in.
interior, m, interior.
interiormente, inwardly, to oneself.
interlocutor, m., questioner, interlocutor.
interminable, interminable, endless.
internarse, to enter, penetrate.
interno, -a, internal.
interpelado, subst. m., man (or one) interrogated (or questioned).
interpretar, to interpret, explain.
interrogacion, f., question, interrogation.
interrumpir, to interrupt, break.
intersticio, m., interstice, crack.
intervalo, m., interval.
intimamente, intimately.
intimidar, to intimidate.
intranquilo, -a, restless, moving, shifting.
intrincado, -a, intricate, obscure.
introduccion, f, introduction.
introito, m., (eccl.) introit, a psalm or anthem sung immediately before the communion or mass.
intruso, m, intruder.
inundar, to inundate.
inutil, useless, needless, unnecessary.
inutilmente, uselessly, in vain.
invadir, to invade.
invencible, invincible, irresistible, unconquerable.
invierno, m., winter.
invisible, invisible.
invitacion, f., invitation.
invocar, to invoke.
involuntariamente, involuntarily.
involuntario, -a, involuntary.
inyectar, to inject, fill.
Inigo, m., Ignatius.
ir, to go; to be; -aproximando, to approach; —subiendo de, to increase, keep increasing; vamos, let us go; come, well, indeed; ivaya! well! come! indeed! nonsense! refl., to go away, go off, escape.
ira, f., wrath, rage.
iris, m., iris; arco—, rainbow.
ironia, f., irony.
irrealizable, impossible (of realization).
irrecusable, irrefutable.
irresolute, -a, irresolute, undecided, wavering.
irritar, to irritate.
izquierdo, -a, left.
ija! ha!
jabali, m., wild boar.
jacinto, m., hyacinth.
jadeante, panting, out of breath.
jambs, never, ever.
jaramago, m., hedge-mustard.
jarana, f., scuffle, contest.
jardin, m., garden.
jauria, f., hounds, pack of dogs.
jazmin, m., jasmine.
jefe, m., chief, leader.
jerarquia, f., hierarchy.
Jesucristo, m., Jesus Christ.
Jesus, m., Jesus; i—! Lord! goodness!
jifero, m., butcher.
jilguero, m., linnet.
jinete, m., rider, horseman; used as adj., mounted (de, on), astride.
jiron, m., tatter, bit, scrap; flag, pennant.
jornada, f., day's march (or journey); journey; act.
Jose, m., Joseph.
joven, young; subst, m. and f., young man, young woman, boy, girl, youth.
joya, f., jewel, brooch, small ornament (usually worn about the neck).
jubilo, m., joy, rejoicing.
jubon, m., doublet.
juego, m., play, game, amusement, sport, trick.
juez, m., judge.
jugar, to play.
juglar, m., juggler, minstrel, conjurer.
juguete, m., toy, sport.
juguetear, to trifle, sport, dally, frolic.
jugueton, playful, sportive.
juicio, m., judgment, sense, trial.
junco, m., reed, rush.
juntar, to join, clasp, unite.
junto, -a, united, together, joined, (pl.) side by side; prep., —a, near, near to, close, at the side of, beside.
juramento, m., oath.
jurar, to swear, vow.
justicia, f., justice; hacer—, to execute.
justillo, m., jacket, jerkin, doublet.
justo, -a, just, exact, holy, righteous.
juventud, f., youth.
juzgar, to judge, think, consider, believe.
la, the.
la, her, to her; that, that one; pl., them, those; (one's) tricks; (one's) doings (or deeds); como las gasta, how he acts; how he comports himself; what his tricks are; las relataban, would tell of his deeds.
laberinto, m., labyrinth.
labio, m., lip.
labrador, m., farmer.
labrar, to till, cultivate.
ladera, f., declivity.
lado, m., side, direction; por su—, on one's own account; for one-self; as far as he (or she) is (or was) concerned; por todos —s, in all directions; al—tuyo, at your side.
ladrar, to bark.
ladrido, m., bark, barking.
lago, m., lake.
lagrima, f., tear.
lagrimon, m., large tear.
lamentacion, f., lamentation.
lamento, m., lament, moaning, plaint, complaint.
lamer, to lap.
lampara, f., lamp, light.
lance, m., case, incident, occurrence, critical moment.
languidez, f., languor, torpor.
languido, -a, languid.
lanza, f., lance.
lanzar, to hurl, cast, emit, dart; re f., to rush forth, dart out, be cast (or hurled); to jump, spring, swing oneself.
largo, -a, long, prolonged, large, broad; a lo—de, along, the length of; adv., long.
larva, f., larva, hobgoblin, sprite.
lastima, f., pity, compassion; i ! what a pity! it's a pity; too bad! es (una)—, it is a pity.
lastimero, -a, piteous, sad, doleful, mournful.
latido, m., palpitation, beat.
latin, m., Latin.
latir, to beat, palpitate; to bark, yelp; subst. m., bark(s), barking.
laudable, laudable, praiseworthy.
lava, f., lava.
lavar, to wash, lave.
Lazaro, m., Lazarus.
lazo, m., tie, bond, fetter.
le, him, to him, to her, you, to you, it.
lebrel, m., greyhound.
leccion, f., lesson.
lector, m., reader.
leche, f, milk.
lecho, m., bed, couch.
leer, to read.
legamo, m., mud, slime.
legion, f., legion.
legua, f., league, about four miles.
lejano, -a, distant, remote.
legos, far, afar, far off; a lo —, at a distance, afar, far off; in the distance; desde —, from a distance.
lengua, f., tongue, language.
lenguaje, m., language, speech.
lentamente, slowly.
lentisco, m., lentiscus, mastic, a low, shrubby tree, growing upon the islands and coasts of the Mediterranean.
lentitud, f., slowness; con —, slowly.
lento, -a, slow.
letra, f., letter; pl., letters, words.
levadizo, -a, raisable; puente —, drawbridge.
levantar, to raise; — el vuelo, to rise in flight, refl., to arise, raise oneself, rise, get up.
leve, light, slight, trifling, gay.
ley, f., law; cartas leyes, summons.
leyenda, f., legend; inscription.
liar, to tie, bind; refl., to entwine about, to bind oneself.
libacion, f., libation.
libelula, f., libellula, dragon-fly.
libertad, f., liberty, freedom.
libertar, to free, liberate, protect.
librar, to deliver, preserve.
libre, free.
libro, m., book.
licencioso, -a, licentious.
licor, m., liquor, wine.
lienzo, m., linen, linen cloth (or veil); curtain.
ligar, to render impotent by charms or spells.
ligeramente, lightly, slightly.
ligereza, f., lightness, agility.
ligerfsimo, -a, abs. super. of ligero, very (or extremely) light (trifling or insignificant).
ligero, -a, light, slight, thin, quick, swift, fleeting.
lima, f., file.
limbo, m., border.
limitar, to limit, confine.
limite, m., limit, confines, bounds, boundary.
limosnero, -a, charitable.
limpiar, to wipe.
limpidez, f., limpidity.
limpido, -a, limpid, clear, pure.
lindo, -a, handsome, pretty, nice.
linea, f., line; — divisoria, boundary.
lino, m., canvas, linen.
linterna, f., lantern.
lira, f., lyre.
lirio, m., iris, lily.
lisonjero, -a, flattering.
lista, f., shred, patch.
litera, f., litter.
literario, -a, literary.
lo, the.
lo, it, him.
lo, that; — que, that which, what, whatever; —s que, those who (or which).
lobo, m., wolf.
lobrego, -a, dark, obscure, gloomy.
local, m., place, site.
loco, -a, wild, hilarious, mad, foolish, subst. m. and f., madman, mad woman (or girl); cada — con su tema, everybody (lit. every fool) has his hobby.
locuela, f., madcap.
locura, f., madness.
lograr, to bring about, succeed.
loma, f., hill, hillock.
lomo, m., back; pl., back; a —s de, on the back of.
longanimidad, f., longanimity, long-suffering, long-sufferance.
lonjista, m., grocer, shopkeeper.
lontananza, f., distance; en —, in the distance; afar (off).
loor, m., (poet.) praise.
Lope, m., (Span.) Lope (from Lupus).
losa, f., flag, flagstone; slab.
lobrico, -a, lewd, vile.
lucido, -a, adj. pp. of lucir, brilliant, magnificent.
luciernaga, f., glow-worm, firefly.
Lucifer, m., Lucifer, Satan.
lucir, to shine, be (or become) bright; to display, wear.
lucha, f., strife, struggle, contest, battle.
luchar, to strive, struggle.
luego, then, presently, immediately, now, at once; desde —, at once, straightway, thereupon, immediately.
luengo, -a, long.
lugar, m., place, town, village, spot, region, area; time, opportunity; dar —, to give rise, give place; dejar —, to give place; tener —, to happen, take place.
lugubre, mournful, lugubrious.
lujo, m., luxury.
lujosisimo, -a, abs. super. of lujoso, very (or most) luxurious.
lujoso, -a, luxurious, lavish.
lumbre, f., fire.
luminoso, -a, luminous, of light, with a halo of light.
luna, f., moon; noche de—, moonlight night.
luto, m., mourning.
luz, f., light; dar a la—, to give birth to; dos dedos de—, a thin streak of light.
llama, f., flame.
llamar, to call, beckon, knock; — a la puerta, to knock (at the door); — la atencion, to attract the attention; refl., to be called, be named.
llamear, to flame, gleam, shine.
llano, m., plain; por montes y -s, over hill and dale.
llanto, m., cry; flood of tears; tears.
llanura, f., plain.
llave, f., key.
llegada, f, arrival.
llegar, to arrive, come, come to a (certain) point, go so far as, go, reach; — a, to reach, arrive at, succeed in, go so far as to; llegue a tener miedo, I finally became afraid; — y besar el santo, to succeed in a brief space of time; to find good fortune quickly.
llenar, to fill; refl., to be filled.
lleno, -a, full, covered (with).
llevar, to take, bear, support, get, carry, place, put, raise, bring, lead, take away, draw on, attract; to wear; — a cabo, to execute, carry out, bring to a successful conclusion, terminate successfully; — del diestro, to lead (by the halter or bridle); — a termino, to succeed, carry out, perform.
llorar, to cry, weep, weep for, mourn, grieve; nos amanecia llorando, dawn found us weeping lloron, tearful, whimpering, lachrymose, given to weeping, apt to shed tears.
llover, to rain.
lluvia,f, rain, shower.
macizo, -a, massive.
machon, m., buttress, counter-fort.
madera. f., wood, woodwork.
madre, f., mother.
madreselva, f, honeysuckle.
maese, m. (obsolete) , master.
maestro, m., master, teacher; de capilla, choir-master, one who composes and directs church music.
magnate, m., magnate.
magnifico, -a, magnificent.
majaderfa, f, absurd (or foolish) speech; nonsense.
majestad, f, majesty.
majestuoso, -a, majestic.
mal, adj. See malo; adv., badly, poorly; subst. m., evil, ill, spell, evil act (or speech); hacer — de ojo, to cast the evil eye; quien (en) — anda, (en) — acaba, a bad beginning makes a bad ending.
maldad,f., wickedness, wicked act.
maldecir, to revile, curse.
maldicion, f., malediction, curse.
maldito, -a, adj. pp. (irr.) of maldecir, accursed.
maleficio, m., enchantment.
malestar, m., uneasiness.
maleza, f., thicket, brake; underbrush malhechor, m., malefactor, criminal.
maliciar, to suspect.
malicioso, -a, mischievous, sly, roguish, malicious, evil-minded.
maligno, -a, malignant, evil.
malo, -a, bad, poor, ill, evil, worthless, wicked.
malla, f., (coat of) mail.
manada, f., herd, flock, pack.
mancebo, m., boy, youth, young man.
mancha, f., spot.
manchar, to stain.
mandar, to order, command, send orders; to send; — comparecer, to summon (to appear) mandoble, m., two-handed sword, broadsword.
manejar, to handle, wield.
manera, f., manner, way; de todas —s, at all events, at any rate.
manga, f., sleeve; —s perdidas, loose hanging sleeves.
mango, m., handle.
manjar, m., dish, tidbit; pl., food.
mano, f., hand; de —s a. boca, all of a sudden; unexpectedly; echar — de, to lay hands upon, take possession of; entre sus —s, in his hands; tomar — en ello, to take it in hand (or a hand in it).
manojo, m., bundle, bunch, bouquet.
mansedumbre, f., meekness, humility.
manso, -a, meek, soft, gentle, mild.
mantener, to maintain, keep; refl., to remain, continue, stay, be.
manto, m., cloak.
mafia, f., pains, care, skill; evil custom, evil way.
manana, f., morning; de la noche a la —, all of a sudden, when (you) least expected (it); adv., to-morrow.
maquinalmente, mechanically.
mar, m. or f., sea.
maravilla, f., marvel, wonder, miracle.
maravillar, to astonish, be astonished, wonder, marvel.
maravilloso, -a, marvelous.
marcar, to mark, designate, stain.
marcial, martial, warlike.
marchar, to march, walk, go, advance; marchando de sorpresa en sorpresa, ever more and more surprised; refl., to get off (or away); to escape.
marchito, -a, withered, faded.
marfil, m., ivory.
margarita f., daisy.
margen, f., margin, bank, border, edge.
Maria, f., Mary.
marido, m., husband.
mariposa, f., butterfly.
marmol, m., marble; pl. marble, marbles.
marmoreo, -a, marble, of marble.
marques, m., marquis.
martillo, m., hammer.
martir, m., martyr.
martirio, m., martyrdom; pl., martyrdom.
mas, but, however.
mas, adv., more, most; — bien, rather; a — andar, at full speed; a — de, besides; a — y mejor, the best they could; the most possible; vying with one another; mientras —...—, the more .., the more; en lo — minimo, in the least; lo — posible, as much as possible; — que, more than, other than, except, but; no — que, no more than, no other than; only; no — (for no — que), only; por — que, however much; especially since; although; que no haya — que oir, that nothing else can be heard; — que de prisa (lit., more than rapidly), as rapidly as possible; sobre — o menos, more or less; approximately, nearly, about.
masa, f., mass.
mascara, f., mask.
mata, f., shrub, bush, underbrush; apinadas —s, tangled (or dense) shrubbery (or underbrush).
matar, to kill.
material, material, corporeal, physical.
matizar, to color, adorn, tint, paint.
matojo, m., bush.
matorral, m., field of brambles; thicket; pl., brambles, briers, thicket.
matrimonio, m., marriage, matrimony.
Mayo, m., May.
mayor, greater, older, elder, better, best, greatest; main, chief, principal; subst. m. pl., elders; ancestors.
me, me, to me.
mecer, to rock, swing, sway; refl., to balance oneself; to swing, sway, hover, stir, shake.
mediante, by means of; in consideration of; for.
mediar, to be (or come) between; to intervene.
medico, m., doctor.
medida, f., measure, proportion; a —— que, in proportion as.
medio, -a, half, mid, middle; a — abrir, half open; a la media hora, within half an hour; a media voz, in a low tone; a medias, half; media noche, midnight; adv., half, partially; subst. m., middle, means, way, midst, medium, intermediary; de — a —, completely; en — de, in the midst of; between; por en — de, through the midst of; through.
medir, to measure; to compare; -se con los ojos, to scan each other.
meditar, to meditate.
medroso, -a, fearful, frightful.
medula. f., marrow.
mejilla, f., cheek.
mejor, comp. of bueno, better, best; adv., better, best; por — decir, in other words; o — dicho, or rather; rather; a mas y —, best they could; the most possible; vying with one another.
melancolia, f., melancholy.
melancolico, -a, melancholy, gloomy, sad.
melodia, f., melody.
memoria, f., memory, memorial; de —, by heart; hacer — de, to remember; traer a la —, to bring to the memory; to remind.
menor, minor, lesser; el —, the least.
menos, adv., less, least; except, with the exception of; a lo —, at least; al —, at least; la cosa no era para —, nothing less could be expected; no poder (por) — de, not to be able to help; sobre mas o —, more or less; approximately, nearly, about; vuelven — de los que van, fewer return than go.
mente, f., mind.
mentecato, -a, silly, foolish, stupid; subst. m., fool.
mentira, f., lie.
menudo, -a, slight, common, small, light, gentle, slender, short; gente menuda, servants, domestics, dependants.
merced, f., grace, gift, favor, thanks; — a, thanks to.
merecer, to merit, deserve; to obtain.
merito, m., merit, worth.
mes, m., month.
mesa, f., table.
mesar, to pluck (out); to tear.
meseta, f., landing; table-land, plateau.
metal, m., metal.
metalico, -a, metallic.
meteoro, m., meteor.
mezcla, f., mixture.
mezclar, to mix, mingle; refl., to be mingled; to meddle.
mezquino, -a, poor, little, trifling, mean, wretched.
miedo, m., fear; tener—, to be afraid.
miembro, m., limb, member.
mientras, while, whilst, when, as long as; —que, while, whereas; —mas... mas, the more... the more.
mies, f., wheat; pl., harvests, crops.
mi, my.
mi, me.
mil, thousand, a thousand, one thousand, ten hundred.
milagro, m., miracle.
milagroso, -a, marvelous, miraculous.
milicias, _f._pl._, militia; army, host(s).
militar, m., soldier.
millar, m., thousand.
millon, m., million.
minimo, -a, least; en lo mas—, in the least.
ministril, m., apparitor, beadle; petty officer.
ministro, m., minister.
minucioso, -a, minute, detailed.
minuto, m., minute; a los cinco —s, within five minutes; a los pocos —s, in (or within) a few minutes.
mio, -a, mine, my; el—, la mia, mine.
mirada, f., glance, look; tender una—, to take a look; to look; to glance.
mirador, m., mirador, belvedere, oriel, lookout, observatory.
mirar, to look, look at, gaze at; to see; —se entre si, to look at each other (or one another).
misa, f., mass; Misa del Gallo, midnight mass on Christmas eve.
miseria, f., poverty, penury; worthlessness, destitution.
misericordia, f., mercy.
mismo, -a, same, self, very; de un — rey, of (one and) the same king.
misterio, m., mystery, secret.
misterioso, -a, mysterious.
misticismo, m., mysticism.
mistico, -a, mystic.
mitad, f., middle, midst; half.
mitra, f., miter.
modesto, -a, modest.
modo, m., manner, way; de este—, in this manner; as follows; de—que, so that; de tal—, in such a way; so well; de todos—s, at all events, at any rate, however.
mofa, f., mockery, scorn.
mofarse, to scoff, mock, make fun of.
molestar, to disturb, molest.
molesto, -a, disagreeable, vexing, vexatious.
molido, -a, adj. pp. of moler, tired, fatigued.
momentaneo, -a, momentary.
momento, m., moment; consequence; —s antes..., a few moments before..
monarca, m., monarch, king.
monasterio, m., monastery.
monja, f., nun.
monje, m., monk.
mono, m., monkey, ape; hacer —s, to play tricks, do wonderful (or amusing) feats.
monotono, -a, monotonous.
monserga, f., gabble, gibberish, confused language.
monstruo, m., monster.
monstruoso, -a, monstrous.
montante, PT.., broadsword.
montana, f., mountain.
montar, to mount, go up, get on; — nuevamente, to remount.
monte, m., mountain; cuchillo de —, hunting-knife, hunter's cutlass; por —s y llanos, over hill and dale.
montero, m., hunter, huntsman.
montura, f, saddle.
morado, -a, violet, mauve-colored.
morador, m., inhabitant.
moral, m., morale, moral condition (state or organization).
morar, to dwell, reside.
morbido, -a, soft, mellow, rich, subdued, delicate.
morder, to bite, eat into, cut, abrade, prick, gnaw.
moreno, -a, dark.
moribundo, -a, dying, faint, fainting.
morir, to die, expire, die out; refl., to die, die away, pass away.
morisco, -a, Moorish, of (or pertaining to) the Moors.
moro, m., Moor.
mortal, mortal, fatal; s&t. m., mortal.
mortuorio, mortuary.
mosca, f., fly.
moscardon, m., large fly, horse-fly, gadfly.
mostrar, to show; refl., to show oneself, appear, be.
mote, m., motto, heading.
motete, m., motet, a sacred musical composition.
mover, to move; — guerra, to make war; refl., to move.
movimiento, m., movement, motion, commotion; — de cabeza, nod (of the head).
mozo, m., boy, youth, lad, young man.
muchacha, f., girl.
muchacho, m., boy, lad.
muchedumbre, f., crowd, multitude.
mucho, -a, much; pl., many; por —s que, however many; adv., much, very, greatly.
mudable, changeable, fickle.
mudo, -a, mute, silent, speechless, dumb.
muerte, f., death; a —, to the death; herir de —, to strike dead.
muerto, -a, adj. pp. of morir, died, dead; los —s, the dead; imuerto esta! he is a dead boar!
muestra, f., proof, demonstration, mark, sign.
mugir, to roar, rumble.
mujer, f., woman, wife.
mula, f., mule.
mulo, m., mule.
multiplicarse, to multiply, be multiplied, increase.
multitud, f., multitude, crowd, great number.
mundano, -a, mundane, worldly.
mundo, m., world; crowd, multitude; society; por el —, in society; out; por esos —s, into the world at large; todo el —, everybody; todo un —, a whole world; a great multitude.
muralla, f., rampart, wall.
murir, to die.
murmullo, m., murmur.
murmuracion, f., murmur, rumor; slander, gossip.
murmurador, murmuring.
murmurar, to murmur; refl., to be murmured (rumored or reported).
muro, m., wall.
musculo, m., muscle.
musgo, m., moss.
musgoso, -a, mossy, covered with moss, moss-covered.
musica, f., music; pl., music, musical notes (or sounds).
mustio, -a, sad, sorrowful.
mutuamente, mutually; each other.
mutuo, -a, mutual.
muy, very, very much, quite.
nacar, m., nacre, pearl, mother-of-pearl.
nacer, to be born.
naciente, rising, on-coming, falling.
nacimiento, m., birth, rise.
nacion, f., nation.
nada, nothing; i—! not at all; by no means; no indeed; never mind; it makes no difference; i—, —! (an exclamation of denial or refusal), nothing else will do; no ... —, nothing; not anything; en —, in any respect; at all; — menos, nothing less; para —, in any respect; at all; pues —, but no; not so.
nadar, to swim, float.
nadie, no one, nobody; some one, somebody.
nariz, f., nose, nostrils; reirse en la —, to laugh in one's face.
narracion, f., narration, story.
narrador, m., narrator.
narrar, to relate, tell.
natural, natural; native.
naturaleza, f., nature.
naturalmente, naturally, by nature.
navaja, f., knife, clasp-knife.
nave, f., nave; pl., nave and aisles.
nebuloso, -a, misty, cloudy.
necedad, f., stupidity, folly.
necesitado, -a, adj. pp. of necesitar, needed; needing, needy, in need (de, of).
necesitar, to need, be in need of, want, lack, be necessary.
negro, -a, black, dark.
nervioso, -a, nervous.
ni, neither, nor, not even, nor even; even, or; — aun, not even; — ... tampoco, nor .. either; no ... —, not ... even; — ... —, neither ... nor; — tan siquiera, not even, not so much as.
nicho. m., niche, hole, grave.
nido, m., nest.
niebla, f., mist, fog, cloud.
nieto, m., grandchild.
nieve, f., snow: pl, snow.
ninguno (or ninghn), -a, no, none; any, any one; either; — (de los dos), neither (of us); no ... —, none, not any.
nina, f., child, girl.
ninez, f., childhood.
nino, m., child, boy; muy desde—since (or from) early boyhood.
no, not, no; — mas (for — mas que), only; — poder (por) menos de, not to be able to help; — que, while, whilst; como — sea, unless it be; — sea que, lest, for fear; — ... ya (or ya ... —), no longer.
noble, noble; subst. m., noble, lord.
nobleza, f., nobility.
nocturno, -a, nocturnal.
noche, f., night, evening; en la alta—, in the dead of night; late at night; Noche-Buena, Christmas eve; mass of Christmas eve; de — y dia, night and day; esta — pasada, last night; la — habia cerrado, the night had come (or fallen); night had closed in (around him); ihasta la —! (good-by) till to-night; goodby; — de luna, moonlight night; de la — a la manana, all of a sudden, when (you) least expected (it); media —, midnight; por las —s, in the night; at night; una — y otra, night after night.
nombre, m., name; sin —, nameless; boundless, indescribable.
noria, f., sakieh, a kind of machine for raising water from wells etc., consisting of two wheels, one horizontal and one vertical, and of an endless chain armed with cups (or buckets).
nos, we, us, ourselves, each other, one another; to us, to ourselves.
nosotros,-as, we, us.
nota, f., note, tone, tune. notable, remarkable.
notar, to note, notice, observe; refl., to be noticed (or noticeable).
noticia, f., notice, news, information; tener — de, to be informed of.
notificar, to notify.
novedad, f., novelty, news, fad, innovation.
novia, f., bride, newly married wife.
novicia, f., novice.
nube, f., cloud, film, crowd; — de sangre, bloody film.
nublar (for anublar), to cloud, darken.
nuestro, -a, our, ours; el —, la nuestra, ours.
nueva, f., news.
nuevamente, anew, again; montar —, to remount.
nueve, nine.
nuevo, -a, new, recently arrived, unacquainted; de —, again, anew.
numero, m., number.
numeroso, -a, numerous.
nunca, never, ever; no ... —, never; not at all, by no means.
o, or, either; — bien, or, or else; bien ... —, whether ... or; either ... or.
obedecer, to obey, yield to.
obediente, obedient.
obispo, m., bishop.
objetar, to object, oppose.
objeto, m., object, purpose.
obligacion, f., obligation.
obligado, -a, adj. pp. of obligar, obliged; necessary, unavoidable, indispensable, natural.
obra, f., work; matter; — de, at (or of) about, about; como — de, a matter of; about; poner por —, to carry out, execute.
obscurecer, to obscure, blind, darken, grow dark; refl., to grow dark, be (or become) dark; to go out.
obscuridad, f., obscurity, gloom.
obscuro, -a, dark, obscure.
observar, to observe.
obstaculo, m., obstacle.
obstante: no —, nevertheless, notwithstanding.
obstinado, -a, adj. pp. of obstinarse, obstinate, obdurate.
obtener, to obtain, secure, bring about.
ocasion, f., occasion, opportunity, juncture.
ocaso, m., west.
occidente, m., west.
oceano, m., ocean, sea.
ocio, m., leisure.
ocioso, -a, idle, unoccupied, bored.
octava, f., octave, eight-day celebration of a religious festival.
ocultar, to hide, conceal.
oculto, -a, hidden, concealed, secret.
ocupacion, f., occupation.
ocupar, to fill, occupy, take possession of, busy; refl., to busy oneself, be busy.
ocurrencia, f., sally, flash of wit.
ocurrir, to happen, occur.
ofender, to offend.
ofertorio, m., offertory.
oficial, m., official, officer.
oficiar, to officiate.
oficio, m., trade, business, occupation, service, office, craft, profession.
oficioso, -a, officious.
ofrecer, to offer, present; refl., to present itself, appear.
ofrenda, f., offering.
ioh!, oh!
oido, m., hearing, ear; prestar el —, to pay attention; to listen (carefully).
oir, to hear; — a, to hear from; estuve oyendo, I kept hearing; que no haya mas que —, that nothing else can be heard; refl., to be heard, be audible.
ojeada, f., glance, look.
ojeo, m., battue, beating for game; que hacian senales de —, which were blowing to start up the game.
ojiva, f., Gothic (or pointed) window.
ojival, ogival, characterized by the pointed arch.
ojo, m., eye; darse de —, to conspire, have a secret understanding; en un abrir y cerrar de —s, in the twinkling of an eye; in an instant; hacer mal de —, to cast the evil eye; medirse con los —s, to scan each other.
ola, f., wave.
olmo, m., elm.
olor, m., odor; tener en — de santidad, to hold (or consider) as a saint.
olvidar, to forget.
olvido, m., oblivion, forgetfulness.
omnipotencia, f., omnipotence.
onda, f., wave.
ondina, f., undine, water-sprite.
ondulante, rolling.
ondular, to undulate.
operacion, f., operation, act.
oponerse, to oppose.
oprimir, to oppress, press, clasp.
opuesto, -a, opposite.
opulento, -a, rich, opulent.
ora, now; — ... —, now ... now (or again).
oracion, f., prayer, orison, adoration; a la —, to prayers.
orden, m., order, regularity, decorum; f., order, command, insignia.
ordenar, to order, command, lay upon; to organize.
oreja, f., auricle, ear.
organista, m., organist.
organo, m., organ.
orgia, f., orgy, revelry, revel.
orgullo, m., pride.
orgulloso, -a, proud, haughty.
origen, m., origin, cause, birth, descent.
original, original; subst. m., original.
orilla, f., bank, shore.
orin, m., rust.
orla, f., border, fringe, edge.
orlar, to border.
ornar, to adorn.
oro, m., gold.
os, you, to you.
osar, to dare.
oscilar, to oscillate, hover, sway.
ostracismo, m., ostracism.
otono, m., autumn.
otro, -a, other, another, else, next; alguno que —, here and there one; a very few; some; el — dia, the next day; un dia y —, day after day; constantly; en —s dias, in other (or former) days; once, formerly; una noche y —, night after night; (el) uno y (el) —, both; otras tantas (veces), as many (times); otra vez, again; una vez y otra, again and again.
ovalado, -a, adj. pp. of ovalar, oval.
oveja, f., sheep, ewe.
pabellon, m., tent (or canopy); bower
pabulo, m., food, support, aid.
pacer, to graze, pasture.
paciencia, f., patience.
paciente, patient.
pacifico, -a, peaceful, pacific.
padecer, to be afflicted.
padre, m., father; pl., parents; ancestors.
pagar, to pay, pay for, repay.
pagina, f., page.
pago, m., payment, recompense.
pais, m., country.
paja, f., straw.'
pajaro, m., bird, sparrow; pl., birds.
paje, m., page.
palabra, f., word; dirigir la — , to address, speak; tomar la —, to speak.
palacio, palacio, m., palace.
palafren, m., palfrey.
palafrenero, m., groom.
palidez, f., pallor, paleness.
palido, -a, pale.
palma, f., palm; batir las —s, to clap the hands.
palmera, f., palm.
palmo, m., span; cuatro —s, a small space.
palo, m., stick, wood; dar de —s, to beat, give a beating; to cudgel.
paloma, f., pigeon, dove.
palpar, to feel, touch.
palpitar, to palpitate, quiver.
pan, m., bread, loaf of bread. |