In the Dictionary of Engineering[95] (London, 1873), the figures were redrawn and dozens of mechanisms were added to the repertory of mechanical motions; the result was a fair catalog of sound ideas. The ferryboat still tugged at its anchor cable, however.[96] Knight's American Mechanical Dictionary,[97] a classic of detailed pictorial information compiled by a U.S. patent examiner, contained well over 10,000 finely detailed figures of various kinds of mechanical contrivances. Knight did not have a separate section on mechanisms, but there was little need for one of the Hachette variety, because his whole dictionary was a huge and fascinating compendium of ideas to be filed away in the synthetic mind. One reason for the popularity and usefulness of the various pictorial works was the peculiar ability of a wood or steel engraving to convey precise mechanical information, an advantage not possessed by modern halftone processes.
[Footnote 95: E. F. and N. Spon, Dictionary of Engineering, London 1873, pp. 2421-2452.]
[Footnote 96: Ibid., p. 2447.]
[Footnote 97: Edward H. Knight, Knight's American Mechanical Dictionary, 3 vols., New York 1874-1876.]
Many patent journals and other mechanical periodicals concerned with mechanics were available in English from the beginning of the 19th century, but few of them found their way into the hands of American mechanicians until after 1820. Oliver Evans (1755-1819) had much to say about "the difficulties inventive mechanics labored under for want of published records of what had preceded them, and for works of reference to help the beginner."[98] In 1817 the North American Review also remarked upon the scarcity of engineering books in America.[99]
[Footnote 98: George Escol Sellers in American Machinist, July 12, 1884, vol. 7, p. 3.]
[Footnote 99: North-American Review and Miscellaneous Journal, 1819, new ser., vol. 8, pp. 13-15, 25.]
The Scientific American, which appeared in 1845 as a patent journal edited by the patent promoter Rufus Porter, carried almost from its beginning a column or so entitled "Mechanical Movements," in which one or two mechanisms—borrowed from an English work that had borrowed from a French work—were illustrated and explained. The American Artisan began a similar series in 1864, and in 1868 it published a compilation of the series as Five Hundred and Seven Mechanical Movements, "embracing all those which are most important in dynamics, hydraulics, hydrostatics, pneumatics, steam engines ... and miscellaneous machinery."[100] This collection went through many editions; it was last revived in 1943 under the title A Manual of Mechanical Movements. This 1943 edition included photographs of kinematic models.[101]
[Footnote 100: Henry T. Brown, ed., Five Hundred and Seven Mechanical Movements, New York, 1868.]
[Footnote 101: Will M. Clark, A Manual of Mechanical Movements, Garden City, New York, 1943.]
Many readers are already well acquainted with the three volumes of Ingenious Mechanisms for Designers and Inventors,[102] a work that resulted from a contest, announced by Machinery (vol. 33, p. 405) in 1927, in which seven prizes were offered for the seven best articles on unpublished ingenious mechanisms.
[Footnote 102: Ingenious Mechanisms for Designers and Inventors (vols. 1 and 2 edited by F. D. Jones, vol. 3 edited by H. L. Horton), New York, Industrial Press, 1930-1951.]
There was an interesting class of United States patents called "Mechanical Movements" that comprised scores of patents issued throughout the middle decades of the 19th century. A sampling of these patents shows that while some were for devices used in particular machines—such as a ratchet device for a numbering machine, a locking index for gunmaking machinery, and a few gear trains—the great majority were for converting reciprocating motion to rotary motion. Even a cursory examination of these patents reveals an appalling absence of sound mechanical sense, and many of them appear to be attempts at "perpetual motion," in spite of an occasional disclaimer of such intent.
Typical of many of these patented devices was a linkage for "multiplying" the motion of a flywheel, proposed in 1841 by Charles Johnson of Amity, Illinois (fig. 37). "It is not pretended that there is any actual gain of power," wrote Mr. Johnson; and probably he meant it. The avowed purpose of his linkage was to increase the speed of a flywheel and thus decrease its size.[103]
[Footnote 103: U.S. Patent 2295, October 11, 1841.]
An Englishman who a few years earlier had invented a "new Motion" had claimed that his device would supersede the "ordinary crank in steam engines," the beam, parallel motion, and "external flywheel," reduce friction, neutralize "all extra contending power," and leave nothing for the piston to do "but the work intended to be done."
A correspondent of the Repertory of Patent Inventions made short work of this device: "There is hardly one assertion that can be supported by proof," he wrote, "and most of them are palpable misstatements." The writer attacked "the 'beetle impetus wheel,' which he [the inventor] thinks us all so beetle-headed, as not to perceive to be a flywheel," and concluded with the statement: "In short the whole production evinces gross ignorance either of machinery, if the patentee really believed what he asserted, or of mankind, if he did not."[104]
[Footnote 104: Repertory of Patent Inventions, ser. 3, October 1828, vol. 7, pp. 196-200, and December 1828, vol. 7, pp. 357-361.]
Although many of the mechanisms for which patents were taken out were designed by persons who would make no use of the principles involved even if such principles could at that time have been clearly stated, it is a regrettable fact that worthless mechanisms often got as much space as sound ones in patent journals, and objections such as the one above were infrequent. The slanted information thus conveyed to the young mechanician, who was just accumulating his first kinematic repertory, was at times sadly misleading.
From even this sketchy outline of the literature on the subject, it should be fairly evident that there has been available to the mechanician an enormous quantity of information about mechanical linkages and other devices. Whatever one may think of the quality of the literature, it has undoubtedly had influence not only in supplying designers with information but in forming a tradition of how one ought to supply the background that will enable the mind to assemble and synthesize the necessary mechanism for a given purpose.[105]
[Footnote 105: Some additional catalogs of "mechanical movements" are listed in the selected references at the end of this paper.]
Some of the mechanisms that have been given names—such as the Watt straight-line linkage and the Geneva stop—have appeared in textbook after textbook. Their only excuse for being seems to be that the authors must include them or risk censure by colleagues. Such mechanisms are more interesting to a reader, certainly, when he has some idea of what the name has to do with the mechanism, and who originated it. One such mechanism is the drag link.
After I had learned of the drag link (as most American engineering students do), I wondered for awhile, and eventually despaired of making any sense out of the term. What, I wanted to know, was being dragged? Recently, in Nicholson's Operative Mechanic and British Machinist (1826), I ran across the sketch reproduced here as figure 38. This figure, explained Mr. Nicholson (in vol. 1, p. 32) "represents the coupling link used by Messrs. Boulton and Watt in their portable steam engines. A, a strong iron pin, projecting from one of the arms of the fly-wheel B; D, a crank connected with the shaft C; and E, a link to couple the pin A and the crank D together, so the motion may be communicated to the shaft C." So the drag link was actually a link of a coupling. Nothing could be more logical. A drag link mechanism now makes sense to me.
Directly related to the drag link coupling were the patents of John Oldham (1779-1840), an Irish engineer who is remembered mainly for the coupling that bears his name (fig. 39). His three patents, which were for various forms of steamboat feathering paddle wheels, involved linkages kinematically similar to the drag link coupling, although it is quite unlikely that Oldham recognized the similarity. However, for his well-known coupling, which employs an inversion of the elliptical trammel mechanism, I have found no evidence of a patent. Probably it was part of the machinery that he designed for the Bank of Ireland's printing house, of which Oldham was manager for many years. "Mr. Oldham and his beautiful system" were brought to the Bank of England in 1836, where Oldham remained until his death in 1840.[106]
[Footnote 106: Oldham's paddle-wheel patents were British Patents 4169 (October 10, 1817), 4429 (January 15, 1820), and 5445 (February 1, 1827). Robert Willis (op. cit. footnote 21, p. 167) noticed the existence of the coupling. Drawings or descriptions of the banknote machinery apparently have not been published though they probably still exist in the banks' archives. The quotation is from Frederick G. Hall, The Bank of Ireland 1783-1946, Dublin, 1949. John Francis in his History of the Bank of England (London, 1848, vol. 2, p. 232) wrote: "The new machinery for printing the notes, which was introduced by Mr. Oldham ... is well worthy of a visit, but would be uninteresting to delineate."]
The Geneva stop mechanism (fig. 40) was properly described by Willis as a device to permit less than a full revolution of the star wheel and thus to prevent overwinding of a watch spring. It was called Geneva stop because it was used in Geneva watches. The Geneva wheel mechanism, which permits full rotation of the star wheel and which is frequently used for intermittent drives, was improperly called a Geneva stop in a recent textbook probably because the logical origin of the term had been lost.
The name for the Scotch yoke seems to be of fairly recent origin, the linkage being called by a Scotsman in 1869 a "crank and slot-headed sliding rod" (fig. 41). I suppose that it is now known as a Scotch yoke because, in America at least, a "Scotch" was a slotted bar that was slipped under a collar on a string of well-drilling tools to support them while a section was being added (fig. 42).
It was surprising to me to find that the Ackermann steering linkage, used today on most automobiles, was patented in 1818 when Detroit was still a frontier town.[107] Furthermore, the man who took out the patent described himself as Rudolph Ackermann, publisher and printseller. I thought I had the necessary clue to the linkage's origin when I noticed that the first English translation of the Lanz and Betancourt treatise was published by Ackermann, but the connection finally proved to be more logical, if less direct. Ackermann (1764-1834), son of a Bavarian coach builder, had spent a number of years designing coaches for English gentlemen in London, where he made his home. One of his more notable commissions was for the design of Admiral Nelson's funeral car in 1805. The Ackermann steering linkage was not actually Ackermann's invention, although he took out the British patent in his name and promoted the introduction of the running gear of which the linkage was a part (fig. 43). The actual inventor was Ackermann's friend George Lankensperger of Munich, coachmaker to the King of Bavaria. The advantage of being able to turn a carriage around in a limited area without danger of oversetting was immediately obvious, and while there was considerable opposition by English coachmakers to an innovation for which a premium had to be paid, the invention soon "made its way from its own intrinsic merit," as Ackermann predicted it would.[108]
[Footnote 107: British Patent 4212, January 27, 1818.]
[Footnote 108: Rudolph Ackermann, Observations on Ackermann's Patent Moveable Axles, London, 1819. It was interesting to me to note an abstract of W. A. Wolfe's paper "Analytical Design of an Ackermann Steering Linkage" in Mechanical Engineering, September 1958, vol. 80, p. 92.]
The Whitworth quick-return mechanism (fig. 44) was first applied to a slotter, or vertical shaper, in 1849, and was exhibited in 1851 at the Great Exhibition in London.[109] Willis' comments on the mechanism are reproduced in figure 44. I hope that Sir Joseph Whitworth (1803-1887) will be remembered for sounder mechanical contrivances than this.
[Footnote 109: The quick-return mechanism (British Patent 12907, December 19, 1849) was perhaps first publicly described in Charles Tomlinson, ed., Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts and Manufactures, London, 1854, vol. 1, p. cxliv.]
Mechanisms in America, 1875-1955
Engineering colleges in the United States were occupied until the late 1940's with extending, refining, and sharpening the tools of analysis that had been suggested by Willis, Rankine, Reuleaux, Kennedy, and Smith. The actual practice of kinematic synthesis went on apace, but designers often declined such help as the analytical methods might give them and there was little exchange of ideas between scholars and practitioners.
The capability and precision of machine tools were greatly enhanced during this period, although, with the exception of the centerless grinder, no significant new types of tools appeared. The machines that were made with machine tools increased in complexity and, with the introduction of ideas that made mass production of complex mechanical products economically feasible, there was an accelerating increase in quantity. The adoption of standards for all sorts of component parts also had an important bearing upon the ability of a designer economically to produce mechanisms that operated very nearly as he hoped they would.
The study of kinematics has been considered for nearly 80 years as a necessary part of the mechanical engineer's training, as the dozens of textbooks that have been published over the years make amply clear. Until recently, however, one would look in vain for original work in America in the analysis or rational synthesis of mechanisms.
One of the very earliest American textbooks of kinematics was the 1883 work of Charles W. MacCord (1836-1915), who had been appointed professor of mechanical drawing at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken after serving John Ericsson, designer of the Monitor, as chief draftsman during the Civil War.[110] Based upon the findings of Willis and Rankine, MacCord's Kinematics came too early to be influenced by Kennedy's improvements upon Reuleaux's work.
[Footnote 110: A biographical notice and a bibliography of MacCord appears in Morton Memorial: A History of the Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, 1905, pp. 219-222.]
When the faculty at Washington University in St. Louis introduced in 1885 a curriculum in "dynamic engineering," reflecting a dissatisfaction with the traditional branches of engineering, kinematics was a senior subject and was taught from Rankine's Machinery and Millwork.[111]
[Footnote 111: Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1885-1886, vol. 7, p. 757.]
At Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Peter Schwamb, professor of machine design, put together in 1885 a set of printed notes on the kinematics of mechanisms, based on Reuleaux's and Rankine's works. Out of these notes grew one of the most durable of American textbooks, first published in 1904.[112] In the first edition of this work, acceleration was mentioned only once in passing (on p. 4). Velocities in linkages were determined by orthogonal components transferred from link to link. Instant centers were used only to determine velocities of various points on the same link. Angular velocity ratios were frequently noted. In the third edition, published in 1921, linear and angular accelerations were defined, but no acceleration analyses were made. Velocity analyses were altered without essential change. The fourth edition (1930) was essentially unchanged from the previous one. Treatment of velocity analysis was improved in the fifth edition (1938) and acceleration analysis was added. A sixth edition, further revised by Prof. V. L. Doughtie of the University of Texas, appeared in 1947.
[Footnote 112: Peter Schwamb and Allyne L. Merrill, Elements of Mechanism, New York, 1904. In addition to the work of Reuleaux and Rankine, the authors acknowledged their use of the publications of Charles MacCord, Stillman W. Robinson, Thomas W. Goodeve, and William C. Unwin. For complete titles see the list of selected references.]
Before 1900, several other books on mechanisms had been published, and all followed one or another of the patterns of their predecessors. Professors Woods and Stahl, at the Universities of Illinois and Purdue, respectively, who published their Elementary Mechanism in 1885, said in their preface what has been said by many other American authors and what should have been said by many more. "We make little claim to originality of the subject-matter," wrote Woods and Stahl, "free use having been made of all available matter on the subject.... Our claim to consideration is based almost entirely on the manner in which the subject has been presented." Not content with this disclaimer, they continued: "There is, in fact, very little room for such originality, the ground having been almost completely covered by previous writers."[113]
[Footnote 113: Arthur T. Woods and Albert W. Stahl, Elementary Mechanism, New York, 1885.]
The similarity and aridity of kinematics textbooks in this country from around 1910 are most striking. The generation of textbook writers following MacCord, Woods and Stahl, Barr of Cornell, Robinson of Ohio State, and Schwamb and Merrill managed to squeeze out any remaining juice in the subject, and the dessication and sterilization of textbooks was nearly complete when my generation used them in the 1930's. Kinematics was then, in more than one school, very nearly as it was characterized by an observer in 1942—"on an intellectual par with mechanical drafting."[114] I can recall my own naive belief that a textbook contained all that was known of the subject; and I was not disabused of my belief by my own textbook or by my teacher. I think I detect in several recent books a fresh, less final, and less tidy treatment of the kinematics of mechanisms, but I would yet recommend that anyone who thinks of writing a textbook take time to review, carefully and at first hand, not only the desk copies of books that he has accumulated but a score or more of earlier works, covering the last century at least. Such a study should result in a better appreciation of what constitutes a contribution to knowledge and what constitutes merely the ringing of another change.
[Footnote 114: Mechanical Engineering, October 1942, vol. 64, p. 745.]
The author of the contentious article that appeared in Mechanical Engineering in 1942 under the title "What is Wrong with Kinematics and Mechanisms?" made several pronouncements that were questioned by various readers, but his remarks on the meagerness of the college courses of kinematics and the "curious fact" that the textbooks "are all strangely similar in their incompleteness" went unchallenged and were, in fact, quite timely.[115]
[Footnote 115: De Jonge, op. cit. (footnote 78).]
It appears that in the early 1940's the general classroom treatment of accelerations was at a level well below the existing knowledge of the subject, for in a series of articles by two teachers at Purdue attention was called to the serious consequences of errors in acceleration analysis occasioned by omitting the Coriolis component.[116] These authors were reversing a trend that had been given impetus by an article written in 1920 by one of their predecessors, Henry N. Bonis. The earlier article, appearing in a practical-and-proud-of-it technical magazine, demonstrated how the acceleration of a point on a flywheel governor might be determined "without the use of the fictitious acceleration of Coriolis." The author's analysis was right enough, and he closed his article with the unimpeachable statement that "it is better psychologically for the student and practically for the engineer to understand the fundamentals thoroughly than to use a complex formula that may be misapplied." However, many readers undoubtedly read only the lead paragraph, sagely nodded their heads when they reached the word "fictitious," which confirmed their half-formed conviction that anything as abstruse as the Coriolis component could have no bearing upon a practical problem, and turned the page to the "practical kinks" section.[117]
[Footnote 116: A. S. Hall and E. S. Ault, "How Acceleration Analysis Can Be Improved," Machine Design, February 1943, vol. 15, pp. 100-102, 162, 164; and March 1943, vol. 15, pp. 90-92, 168, 170. See also A. S. Hall, "Teaching Coriolis' Law," Journal of Engineering Education, June 1948, vol. 38, pp. 757-765.]
[Footnote 117: Henry N. Bonis, "The Law of Coriolis," American Machinist, November 18, 1920, vol. 53, pp. 928-930. See also "Acceleration Determinations," American Machinist, November 25 and December 2, 1920, vol. 53, pp. 977-981 and 1027-1029.]
Less than 20 years ago one might have read in Mechanical Engineering that "Practical machinery does not originate in mathematical formulas nor in beautiful vector diagrams." While this remark was in a letter evoked by an article, and was not a reflection of editorial policy, it was nevertheless representative of an element in the American tradition of engineering. The unconscious arrogance that is displayed in this statement of the "practical" designer's creed is giving way to recognition of the value of scholarly work. Lest the scholar develop arrogance of another sort, however, it is well to hear the author of the statement out. "A drafting machine is a useful tool," he wrote. "It is not a substitute for a draftsman."[118]
[Footnote 118: Mechanical Engineering, October 1942, vol. 64, p. 746.]
The scholarly interest in a subject is fairly represented by the papers that are published in the transactions of professional societies and, more recently, by original papers that appear in specialized magazines. From 1900 to 1930 there were few papers on mechanisms, and most of those that did appear were concerned with descriptions of new "mechanical motions." In the 1930's the number of papers reported in Engineering Index increased sharply, but only because the editors had begun to include foreign-language listings.
There has been in Germany a thread of continuity in the kinematics of mechanisms since the time of Reuleaux. While most of the work has had to do with analysis, the teasing question of synthesis that Reuleaux raised in his work has never been ignored. The developments in Germany and elsewhere have been ably reviewed by others,[119] and it is only to be noted here that two of the German papers, published in 1939 in Maschinenbau, appear to have been the sparks for the conflagration that still is increasing in extent and intensity. According to summaries in Engineering Index, R. Kraus, writing on the synthesis of the double-crank mechanism, drew fire from the Russian Z. S. Bloch, who, in 1940, discussed critically Kraus's articles and proceeded to give the outline of the "correct analysis of the problem" and a general numerical solution for the synthesis of "any four-bar linkage."[120] Russian work in mechanisms, dating back to Chebyshev and following the "Chebyshev theory of synthesis" in which algebraic methods are used to determine paths of minimum deviation from a given curve, has also been reviewed elsewhere,[121] and I can add nothing of value.
[Footnote 119: Grodzinski, Bottema, De Jonge, and Hartenberg and Denavit. For complete titles see list of selected references.]
[Footnote 120: My source, as noted, is Engineering Index. Kraus's articles are reported in 1939 and Bloch's in 1940, both under the section heading "Mechanisms."]
[Footnote 121: A. E. Richard de Jonge, "Are the Russians Ahead in Mechanism Analysis?" Machine Design, September 1951, vol. 23, pp. 127, 200-208; O. Bottema, "Recent Work on Kinematics," Applied Mechanics Reviews, April 1953, vol. 6, pp. 169-170.]
When, after World War II, some of the possibilities of kinematic synthesis were recognized in the United States, a few perceptive teachers fanned the tinder into an open flame.
The first publication of note in this country on the synthesis of linkages was a practical one, but in conception and undertaking it was a bold enterprise. In a book by John A. Hrones and G. L. Nelson, Analysis of the Four Bar Linkage (1951), the four-bar crank-and-rocker mechanism was exhaustively analyzed mechanically and the results were presented graphically. This work was faintly praised by a Dutch scholar, O. Bottema, who observed that the "complicated analytical theory of the three-bar [sic] curve has undoubtedly kept the engineer from using it" and who went on to say that "we fully understand the publication of an atlas by Hrones and Nelson containing thousands of trajectories which must be very useful in many design problems."[122] Nevertheless, the authors furnished designers with a tool that could be readily, almost instantly, understood (fig. 45), and the atlas has enjoyed wide circulation.[123] The idea of a geometrical approach to synthesis has been exploited by others in more recent publications,[124] and it is likely that many more variations on this theme will appear.
[Footnote 122: Bottema, op. cit. (footnote 121).]
[Footnote 123: In 1851 Robert Willis had designed a coupler-point path-generating machine (fig. 46) that could have been used to produce a work similar to that of Hrones and Nelson.]
[Footnote 124: R. S. Hartenberg and J. Denavit, "Systematic Mechanism Design," Machine Design, September 1954, vol. 26, pp. 167-175, and October 1954, vol. 26, pp. 257-265; A. S. Hall, A. R. Holowenko, and H. G. Laughlin, "Four-Bar Lever Crank Mechanism," Design News, September 15, 1957, vol. 12, pp. 130-139, October 1, 1957, vol. 12, pp. 145-154, and October 15, 1957, vol. 12, pp. 132-141. For a nomographic approach, with particular application to computers, see Antonin Svoboda, Computing Mechanisms and Linkages, New York, 1948.]
Pursuit of solutions to the "complicated analytical theory" of linkages was stimulated by publication of Ferdinand Freudenstein's "Analytical Approach to the Design of Four-Link Mechanisms" in 1954,[125] and an increasing interest in the problem is indicated by the extensive literature that has appeared in the last five years.
[Footnote 125: Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1954, vol. 76, pp. 483-492. See also Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1955, vol. 77, pp. 853-861, and 1956, vol. 78, pp. 779-787.]
The proper role of rational methods in the synthesis of mechanisms is not yet clear. "While we may talk about kinematic synthesis," wrote two of today's leaders in the field, "we are really talking about a hope for the future rather than a great reality of the present."[126] When the mental equipment and the enthusiasm of scholars who are devoting their time to the problems of kinematic synthesis are considered, however, it is difficult to see how important new ideas can fail to be produced.
[Footnote 126: R. S. Hartenberg and J. Denavit, "Kinematic Synthesis," Machine Design, September 6, 1956, vol. 28, pp. 101-105.]
An annual Conference on Mechanisms, sponsored by Purdue University and Machine Design, was inaugurated in 1953 and has met with a lively response. Among other manifestations of current interest in mechanisms, the contributions of Americans to international conferences on mechanisms reflects the growing recognition of the value of scholarly investigation of the kind that can scarcely hope to yield immediately tangible results.
While we look to the future, one may ask how a lengthy view of the past can be justified. It seems to me that there is inherent in the almost feverish activity of the present the danger of becoming so preoccupied with operational theory that the goals may become clouded and the synthesis (let us put it less elegantly: the design) of mechanisms may never quite come into focus. If one knows nothing of the past, I wonder how he can with any confidence decide in what direction he must turn in order to face the future.
I am grateful to Professors Richard S. Hartenberg and Allen S. Hall, Jr., for reading the manuscript, making helpful comments, and suggesting material that I had not found. The errors, however, are mine.
Additional References
The following list of additional reference material on kinematics may be of help to readers who desire to do independent research. The material is listed according to the section headings in the text of the present article.
KEMPE, A. B. How to Draw a Straight Line. London, 1877.
Contains a useful bibliography. Reprinted in Squaring the Circle and Other Monographs, New York, Chelsea Publishing Company, 1953.
Much attention has been given to straight-line mechanisms since the time of Kempe; at least a half dozen articles have appeared in the United States since 1950, but I did not investigate the literature published after 1877.
BECK, THEODOR. Beitraege zur Geschichte des Maschinenbaues. Berlin, 1899.
Reviews of early works, such as those by Leonardo da Vinci, Biringuccio, Besson, Zonca, etc.
BORGNIS, GIUSEPPE ANTONIO. Traite complet de mecanique appliquee aux arts. Paris, 1818-1821, 9 vols.
Contains several hundred finely detailed plates of machines.
LABOULAYE, CHARLES. Traite de cinematique ou theorie des mecanismes. Paris, 1861 (ed. 2).
This work was quoted frequently by Laboulaye's contemporaries.
ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Catalogue of Scientific Papers, 1800-1900, Author Index. London, 1867-1902, and Cambridge, 1914-1925.
——. Catalogue of Scientific Papers, 1800-1900, Subject Index. London, 1909, vol. 2.
This subject index was started in 1908, and by 1914 three volumes (the third in two parts) had been published; however, this subject index was never completed. Volume 2, titled Mechanics, has some 200 entries under "Linkages." It is interesting to note that both of the Royal Society's monumental catalogs grew out of a suggestion made by Joseph Henry at a British Association meeting in Glasgow in 1855.
WEISBACH, JULIUS. The Mechanics of the Machinery of Transmission, vol. 3, pt. 1, sec. 2 of Mechanics of Engineering and Machinery, translated by J. F. Klein. New York, 1890 (ed. 2).
BARBER, THOMAS W. Engineer's Sketch-Book. London, 1890 (ed. 2).
HERKIMER, HERBERT. Engineer's Illustrated Thesaurus. New York, 1952.
PERIODICALS. Artizan, from 1843; Practical Mechanic and Engineer's Magazine, from 1841; Repertory of Arts and Manufactures, from 1794; Newton's London Journal of Arts and Science, from 1820. (The preceding periodicals have many plates of patent specification drawings.) The Engineer, November 10, 1933, vol. 156, p. 463, and Engineering, November 10, 1933, vol. 136, p. 525. (Recent English views questioning the utility of kinematics.)
TATE, THOMAS. Elements of Mechanism. London, 1851.
Contains figures from Lanz and Betancourt (1808).
WYLSON, JAMES. Mechanical Inventor's Guide. London, 1859.
Contains figures from Henry Adcock, Adcock's Engineers' Pocket-Book, 1858.
ALBERT, CALVIN D., AND ROGERS, F. D. Kinematics of Machinery. New York, 1931.
Contains a bibliography that includes works not mentioned in the present paper.
BARR, JOHN H. Kinematics of Machinery. New York, 1899.
An early textbook. The author taught at Cornell University.
BEGGS, JOSEPH S. Mechanism. New York, 1955.
Contains an extensive and useful bibliography.
BOTTEMA, O. "Recent Work on Kinematics," Applied Mechanics Reviews, April 1953, vol. 6, pp. 169-170.
This conference was sponsored by Purdue University and Machine Design. Transactions of the first two conferences appeared as special sections in Machine Design, December 1953, vol. 25, pp. 173-220, December 1954, vol. 26, pp. 187-236, and in collected reprints. Papers of the third and fourth conferences (May 1956 and October 1957) appeared in Machine Design over several months following each conference and in collected reprints. Papers of the fifth conference (October 1958) were collected and preprinted for conference participants; subsequently, all papers appeared in Machine Design. Collected reprints and preprints are available (May 1960) from Penton Publishing Company, Cleveland, Ohio.
DE JONGE, A. E. RICHARD. "Kinematic Synthesis of Mechanisms," Mechanical Engineering, July 1940, vol. 62, pp. 537-542.
——. "A Brief Account of Modern Kinematics," Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1943, vol. 65, pp. 663-683.
GOODEVE, THOMAS M. The Elements of Mechanism. London, 1903.
An early textbook.
GRODZINSKI, PAUL, AND MCEWEN, EWEN. "Link Mechanisms in Modern Kinematics," Journal and Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1954, vol. 168, pp. 877-896.
This article evoked interesting discussion. It is unfortunate that Grodzinski's periodical, Mechanism, An International Bibliography, which was published in London in 1956-1957 and which terminated shortly after his death, has not been revived. Grodzinski's incisive views and informative essays are valuable and interesting.
HARTENBERG, R. S. "Complex Numbers and Four-Bar Linkages," Machine Design, March 20, 1958, vol. 30, pp. 156-163.
This is an excellent primer. The author explains complex numbers in his usual lucid fashion.
HARTENBERG, R. S., AND DENAVIT, J. "Kinematic Synthesis," Machine Design, September 6, 1956, vol. 28, pp. 101-105.
MACCORD, CHARLES. Kinematics. New York, 1883.
An early textbook.
ROBINSON, STILLMAN W. Principles of Mechanism. New York, 1896.
An early textbook. The author taught at Ohio State University.
UNWIN, WILLIAM C. The Elements of Machine Design. New York, 1882 (ed. 4).
An early textbook. The author taught at Royal Indian Engineering College, in England.
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D. C.—Price 40 cents