368.) Cinderella: I, 224. (Character Study—I, 238.) (Complete Study—X, 150.) Cloud, The: VII, 257. (Study—X, 301.) Country Squire, The: VI, 474. Cubes of Truth, The: VII, 406. Cupid and Psyche: III, 365. Daffodils, The: VII, 1. David Crockett in the Creek War: VIII, 37. (Study—X, 244.) Death of Caesar, The: IX, 143. (Study—X, 253.) Definition of a Gentleman: IV, 170. (Study in Close Reading—X, 234) Descent into the Maelstrom, A: VIII, 95. Dog and His Shadow, The: I, 63. (Study on Scene—X, 164.) Down Tumbled Wheelbarrow: I, 46. (Study of Picture—X, 58.) Dream Children: A Revery: VIII, 335. Drummer, The: I, 303. (Complete Study—X, 193.) Exciting Canoe Race, An: VII, 79. (Study in Forms of Expression—X, 376.) Expense, Of: IX, 397. Fairies, The: I, 405. Fairies of Caldon-Low, The: II, 395. (Story Told—X, 68.) Faithless Sally Brown: III, 92. (Study in Close Reading—X, 232.) Fate of the Indians, The: IX, 466. Fir Tree, The: II, 68. (Study of Picture, The Swallow and the Stork Came—X, 55.) (Study in The Lesson and the Author's Purpose—X, 173.) First Snowfall, The: II, 403. (Study in Figures—X, 270.) (Complete Study—X, 281.) Forsaken Merman, The: VII, 180. (Study—X, 295.) Fox and the Crow, The: I, 64. (Complete Study—X, 187.) Fox and the Stork, The: I, 73. (Study on Scene—X, 166.) Frithiof the Bold: III, 394. Geraint and Enid: V, 148. (Study of Picture, Geraint Hears Enid Singing—X, 60.) Gettysburg Address, The: IX, 321. Gold-Bug, The: IX, 232. (Study—IX, 283.) Golden Touch, The: II, 43. Gulliver's Travels: V, 6. (Study in Close Reading on Adventures in Lilliput—X, 235.) Hardy Tin Soldier, The: I, 148. (Character Study—X, 158.) Hare and the Tortoise, The: I, 71. (Complete Study—X, 185.) Heart of Bruce, The: V, 316. (Study in Close Reading—X, 238.) Herve Riel: VIII, 168. (Story Told—X, 78.) Holger Danske: II, 377. How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix: V, 335. Impeachment of Warren Hastings, The: IX, 32. (Study—X, 248.) In Time's Swing: II, 481. Incident of the French Camp: IV, 174. Industry and Sloth: I, 300. (Study in Close Reading—X, 229.) Jack and The Beanstalk: I, 156. (Study of Picture—X, 52.) Keepsake Mill: I, 349. King of The Golden River, The: II, 405. (Study—II, 441.) (Study in Description—X, 366.) (Complete Study—X, 393.) Land of Counterpane: I, 144. Lead, Kindly Light: V, 110. (Study—X, 98.) Little Blue Pigeon: I, 133. Little Giffin of Tennessee: IV, 461. (Story Told—X, 71.) Lochinvar: III, 432. Lost Child, The: VII, 409. (Study in Close Reading—X, 243.) Milkmaid, The: II, 374. My Bed is My Boat: I, 126. (Study of Picture—X, 52.) My Mother's Picture: VII, 331. (Study in Description—X, 367.) Ode on a Grecian Urn: IX, 462. Ode to a Skylark: VII, 275. (Study in Figures—X, 268.) (Study in Reading Poetry—X, 306.) Old Gaelic Lullaby: I, 203. Old Oaken Bucket: VII, 11. Origin of the Opal: II, 480. (Study—X, 285.) Passing of Arthur, The: V, 237. (Complete Study—X, 214.) Petrified Fern, The: VII, 77. (Study—X, 291.) Phaethon, the Story of: II, 206. Picture Books in Winter: II, 87. Pippa Passes: IX, 293. (Study—IX, 316.) Pond in Winter, The: VII, 280. (Nature Study—X, 384.) Poor Richard's Almanac: VI, 407. (Study in Character Building—X, 101.) Potato, The: II, 467. (Study—X, 285.) Queen of The Underworld, The: II, 468. Rab and His Friends: VI, 99. (Study in Emotional Power—X, 177.) (Study in Close Reading—X, 225.) Reading History: V, 394. Reading Shakespeare: VIII, 346. Reaper and the Flowers, The: I, 410. (Study—X, 272.) Reapers Dream, The: VII, 345. Recessional, The: VII, 164. Recovery of the Hispaniola, The: VII, 352. Reminiscences of a Pioneer: V, 340. (Study—X, 119.) Robert of Lincoln: IX, 444. Robin Hood and the Stranger: III, 444. (Study in Narration—X, 363.) Robinson Crusoe: III, 45. (Nature Study—X, 382.) Rock-a-By Lady, The: I, 94. Seven Times One: II, 119. (Study—X, 278.) Shuffle-Shoon and Amber-Locks: II, 121. (Study of Picture—X, 54.) Snow Queen, The: II, 124. (Study on Plot—II, 169.) Some Children's Books of the Past: V, 101. "Something": I, 395. Sweet and Low: VI, 122. Swiss Family Robinson: III, 99. (Nature Study—X, 382.) Tempest, The: VIII, 364. (Studies for The Tempest—VIII, 468.) To H. W. L.: IV, 84. To My Infant Son: VI, 478. Tom, the Water Baby: II, 215. (Study of Picture, Tom and the Dragon Fly—X, 55.) (Study of Story—X, 198.) (Nature Study Lesson—X, 381.) Tom and Maggie Tulliver: VII, 186. Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, The: I, 199. Trees and Ants that Help Each Other: VII, 306. (Study—X, 385.) Twin Brothers, The: I, 264. Ugly Duckling, The: I, 414. Village Blacksmith, The: IV, 86. Vision of Mirza, The: IX, 285. (Study in Notes.) Visit from St. Nicholas, A: II, 202. (Study in Figures—X, 270.) Who Stole the Bird's Nest?: II, 399. (Character Study—X, 95.) Why the Sea Is Salt: II, 484. (Study in Close Reading—X, 231.) Wind and the Sun, The: I, 95. (Lesson in Language—X, 357.) Winter Animals: VII, 293. (Study—X, 384.) Wynken, Blynken, and Nod: I, 262. (Study of Picture—X, 53.)
Studies for The Tempest: VIII, 468.
Study, or Close Reading: X, 224.
Style and Method of the Author, in Fiction: X, 174.
Sunken Treasure, The: IV, 199.
Sun's Travels, The: I, 68.
Sweet and Low: VI, 122.
SWIFT, JONATHAN. Biography: V, 1. Selection: Gulliver's Travels: V, 6.
Swing, The: I, 67.
Swiss Family Robinson, The: III, 99.
Synecdoche: X, 265.
System: I, 111.
TAYLOR, JEFFREYS. Selection: The Milkmaid: II, 374.
Telling Stories: X, 63.
Tempest, The (A Tale from Shakespeare): VIII, 348.
Tempest, The: VIII, 364. Studies for: VIII, 468.
TENNYSON, ALFRED. Selections: Bugle Song, The: VI, 133. Charge of the Light Brigade, The: VII, 147. Geraint and Enid: V, 148. Home They Brought Her Warrior Dead: VI, 231. Little Birdie: I, 142. Passing of Arthur, The: V, 237. Song of the Brook: IV, 60. Sweet and Low: VI, 122.
THOREAU, HENRY DAVID. Selections: Brute Neighbors: VII, 260. Pond in Winter, The: VII, 280. Winter Animals: VII, 293.
Those Evening Bells: VII, 340.
Thought, A: I, 66.
Three Fishers, The: VII, 343.
Three Little Pigs, The: I, 136.
Three Sundays in a Week: VI, 453.
Three Tasks, The: I, 247.
Time to Rise: I, 340.
To a Mountain Daisy: VII, 8.
To a Mouse: VII, 5.
To a Waterfowl: VII, 395.
To H. W. L.: IV, 84.
Tom and Maggie Tulliver: VII, 186.
Tom Brown at Rugby: V, 469.
Tom, the Water Baby: II, 215.
Tom Thumb: I, 84.
To My Infant Son: VI, 478.
To The Fringed Gentian: VII, 4.
Tournament, The: VI, 38.
Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, The: I, 199.
Travels of Sir John Mandeville, The: IX, 207.
Tree, The: I, 301.
Trees and Ants That Help Each Other: VII, 306.
Twin Brothers, The: I, 264.
Two Travelers, The: I, 109.
Two Travelers and the Oyster, The: I, 111.
TYNDALL, JOHN. Selection: Ascent of the Jungfrau: IX, 1.
Ugly Duckling, The: I, 414.
Ulysses: IV, 398.
Universal Prayer, The: IV, 172.
VERGIL. Selection: The Wooden Horse: IV, 383.
VICTORIA, QUEEN. Biography: VII, 152.
Village Blacksmith, The: IV, 86.
VILLENEUVE, MADAME. Beauty and the Beast (Adapted): I, 318.
Vision of Belshazzar, The: VI, 153.
Vision of Mirza, The: IX, 285.
Visit from Saint Nicholas, A: II, 202.
Walrus and the Carpenter, The: III, 36.
WEIR, HARRISON. Selection: The English Robin: II, 214.
We Plan a River Trip: V, 443.
What the Old Man Does Is Always Right: II, 387.
Where Go the Boats?: I, 256.
WHITE, GILBERT. Selection: Owls: IX, 229.
WHITTIER, JOHN GREENLEAF. Biography: VII, 381. Selections: Barbara Frietchie: III, 347. Barefoot Boy, The: IV, 3.
Whittington and His Cat: I, 442.
Whole Duty of Children: I, 301.
Who Stole the Bird's Nest?: II, 399.
Why the Sea Is Salt: II, 484.
Widow Machree: VI, 464.
Wind, The: I, 440.
Wind and the Sun, The: I, 95.
Windy Nights: II, 123.
Winter Animals: VII, 293.
WISEMAN, CARDINAL. Selection: Pancratius: IV, 245.
WIT AND HUMOR. Time to Rise: I, 340. The Cow: I, 106. System: I, 111. Rain: I, 110. Seein' Things: I, 240. Whole Duty of Children: I, 301. The Owl and the Pussy-Cat: I, 339. The Duel: I, 384. The Potato: II, 467. The Milkmaid: II, 374. John's Pumpkin: III, 1. Faithless Sally Brown: III, 92. Echo: III, 286. Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog: IV, 57. The Yarn of the "Nancy Bell": IV, 466. Katey's Letter: IV, 470. Baron Munchausen: V, 403. The Fiddling Parson: V, 440. We Plan a River Trip: V, 443. On Comic Songs: V, 455. The Modern Belle: VI, 463. Widow Machree: VI, 464. Limestone Broth: VI, 467. The Knock-Out: VI, 471. The Country Squire: VI, 474. To My Infant Son: VI, 478. The Knickerbocker History of New York: VIII, 224.
Wolf and the Crane, The: I, 96.
Wolf and the Lamb, The: I, 455.
Wonderful, Gifts, The: I, 368.
Wooden Horse, The: IV, 383.
WOODWORTH, SAMUEL. Selection: the Old Oaken Bucket: VII, 11.
WORDSWORTH, WILLIAM. Selection: My Heart Leaps Up: IV, 2. The Daffodils: VII, 1.
Wreck of the Hesperus, The: IV, 89.
Wynken, Blynken, and Nod: I, 262.
WYSS, JOHANN RUDOLPH. Selection: The Swiss Family Robinson: III, 99.
Yarn of the "Nancy Bell," The: IV, 466.
Young Night Thought: I, 302.
YRIARTE, THOMAS. Selection: The Country Squire: VI, 474.
* * * * *
Transcriber's Note
The following corrections have been made:
60 made clear? changed to made clear?) 61 After the childen changed to After the children 75 long been forgotton changed to long been forgotten 94 Something, Volume, I changed to Something, Volume I 105 Pride breakfasted changed to "Pride breakfasted 121 Pere Marquette changed to Pere Marquette 126 you select changed to you to select 145 2. Reading Stories changed to 2. Reading Stories 239 hundred years ago. changed to hundred years ago.) 239 What causes it? changed to What causes it?) 242 forty-sixth stanza. changed to forty-sixth stanza? 294 poet when he changed to poet when she 303 are the genii" changed to are the "genii" 303 mean: Wherever changed to mean: "Wherever 313 person can forciby changed to person can forcibly 356 Pere Marquette changed to Pere Marquette 363 are easily modifed changed to are easily modified 363 rough and-tumble changed to rough-and-tumble 386 a. Nursery rhymes: changed to a. Nursery rhymes: 390 Fox, The Wolf changed to Fox, the Wolf 405 Pere Marquette changed to Pere Marquette 434 of his death. changed to of his death.) 452 to subject-matter, changed to to subject-matter. 473 Fennimore changed to Fenimore 479 The Forsken changed to The Forsaken 481 Psyche. changed to Psyche: 483 MYTHS AND LEGENDARY changed to MYTHS and LEGENDARY 485 Pere Marquette changed to Pere Marquette 489 SELECTIONS (under Macaulay) changed to Selections 491 a Grecian Urn, changed to a Grecian Urn: (twice) 491 Illustrative Study of "A Call to Arms," as a type of changed to Illustrative Study of "A Call to Arms," as a type of 492 DRAMA: changed to DRAMA; 493 Queen Victoria. changed to QUEEN VICTORIA. 494 of the Past. changed to of the Past:
The following words were inconsistently spelled or hyphenated:
AEsop / Aesop archway / arch-way Caesar / Caesar clearcut / clear-cut Cortes / Cortez De la Ramee / de la Ramee highborn / high-born lifelike / life-like mediaeval / medieval Nowadays / Now-a-days retelling / re-telling rewritten / re-written Rock-a-by Lady / Rock-a-By Lady / Rock-a-By-Lady Rumpelstiltzkin / Rumpelstiltzken subtitles / sub-titles Thermopylae / Thermopylae today / to-day