"I first, as you know, prepared my cajack to carry two persons; and then, with a heart full of hope and trust, left you and the yacht, and, with Pounce seated before me, made for the open sea. For several hours I paddled steadily on, till, the wind freshening, I thought it advisable to keep in nearer shore; that, should a regular storm arise, I might find some sheltered bay in which to weather it.
"It was well I did so; for, scarcely had I reached a quiet cove which promised to afford me the protection I desired, when the sea appeared one mass of foam: great surging waves arose; and even in the comparative calm of the bay I felt that I was in some danger.
"I passed the night in my cajack; and next morning, after a frugal meal of pemmican, [Footnote: Pemmican is meat cut into thin slices dried in the sun, pounded to a powder, and then compressed into cakes.] and a draught of water from my flask, once more ventured forth. The wind had subsided, and the sea was tolerably smooth; and, keeping my eyes busily employed in seeking in every direction to detect, if possible, the slightest trace of smoke, or other sign of human life, I paddled on till noon.
"The aspect of the coast now began to change: the shores were sandy, while further inland lay dense forests, from whose gloomy depths I could ever and anon hear the fierce roar of beasts of prey, the yell of apes, the fiendish laugh of the hyena, or the despairing death cry of a hapless deer. Seldom have I experienced a greater feeling of solitude than while listening to these strange sounds, and knowing that I, in this frail canoe, was the only human being near. Giving myself up to contemplation, I rested my paddle, and allowed my cajack to drift slowly on.
"For some hours I paddled quickly on, sometimes passing the mouth of a stream, sometimes that of a broad river. Had I been merely on an exploring expedition, I should have been tempted, doubtless, to cruise a little way up one of these pathways into the forest; but now such an idea did not enter my head. On, on, on, I felt I must go, until I should reach the goal of my voyage.
"The shades of night at length drew on, and, finding a sheltered cove, I moored my cajack, and stepped on shore. You may imagine how pleasant it was to stretch my legs, after sitting for so long in the cramped position which my cajack enforces. It would not do, however, to sleep on shore; so after preparing and enjoying my supper, I returned on board, and there spent the night.
"My thoughts on awakening were gloomy. I felt that I could no longer continue the voyage. The albatross, I thought, may have flown hundreds of miles before it reached me. This stranger may be on different shores from these entirely; every stroke of my paddle may be carrying me further from the blazing signal: who knows?
"This feeling of discouragement was not, however, to be of long duration; for in a moment more a sight presented itself, which banished all my doubts and fears, and raised me to the highest pitch of excitement.
"A high point of land lay before me. I rounded it, and beyond found a calm and pleasant bay, from whose curved and thickly wooded shores ran out a reef of rocks. From the point of this reef rose a column of smoke, steadily and clearly curling upward in the calm air, I could scarcely believe my senses, but stopped gazing at it, as though I were in a dream; then, with throbbing pulse and giddy brain, I seized my paddle, and strained every nerve to reach it.
"A few strokes seemed to carry me across the bay, and, securing my canoe, I leaped upon the rock, on which the beacon was blazing, but not a sign of a human being could I see. I was about to shout, for as the fire had evidently been recently piled up, I knew the stranger could not be far off; but, before I could do so, I saw a slight figure passing along the chain of rocks toward the spot on which I stood. You may imagine my sensations.
"I advanced a few paces; and then mastering my emotion as best I could, I said in English:
"'Welcome, fair stranger! God, in his mercy, has heard your call, and has sent me to your aid!'
"Miss Montrose came quickly forward—"
"Who? What?" shouted the boys, interrupting the narrative; "who came forward?" and amid a general hubbub, Ernest, rising and advancing to his brother, said in his quiet way:
"I did not like to make any remark till you actually let out the secret, Fritz, but we need no longer pretend not to see through the disguise of Edward Montrose."
Fritz, though much disconcerted by the discovery of the secret, recovered his self-possession; and, after bearing with perfect equanimity the jokes with which his brothers assailed him, joined in three cheers for their new sister, and when the confusion and laughter which ensued had subsided, continued his story:
"Miss Montrose grasped my hands warmly, and guessing from my pronunciation, I am afraid, that I was not in the habit of speaking English every day of my life, said in French:
"'Long, long, have I waited since the bird returned with your message. Thank God, you have come at last!'
"Then, with tears of joy and gratitude, she led me to the shore, where she had built a hut and a safe sleeping place, like Falconhurst on a small scale, among the branches of a tree. I was delighted with all she showed me, for indeed her hut and its fittings evinced no ordinary skill and ingenuity. Round the walls hung bows, arrows, lances, and bird snares; while on her worktable, in boxes and cases, carved skilfully with a knife, were fishhooks of mother-of-pearl, needles made from fish bones, and bodkins from the beaks of birds, fishing lines of all sorts, and knives and other tools. These latter she told me were, with a chest of wearing apparel, almost the only things washed ashore after the wreck, when three years ago she was cast alone upon this desolate coast. I marveled more and more at the wonderful way in which this girl had surmounted obstacles, the quarter of which would completely have appalled the generality of her sex. The hut itself was a marvel of skill; stout posts had been driven into the ground, with cross pieces of bamboo, to form a framework; the walls had been woven with reeds, the roof thatched with palm leaves, and the whole plastered smoothly with clay, an open space being left in the center of the roof for a chimney to carry off the smoke of the fire.
"As we entered, a cormorant, with a cry of anger, flew from under the table toward me, and was about to attack me fiercely. Miss Montrose called it off, and she then told me she had captured and tamed the bird soon after first landing, and since that time had contrived to train it to assist her in every conceivable way; it now not only was a pleasant companion, but brought her food of every description, fish, flesh and fowl, for whether it dived into the waters, according to its natural habit, struck down birds upon the wing, or seized rabbits and other small animals upon the land, it laid all its booty at her feet.
"Before darkness closed in, all the curiosities and ingenious contrivances of the place had been displayed—the kitchen stove, cooking utensils, skin bottles, shell plates and spoons, the fishing raft and numberless other things—and then, as I sat with my fair hostess at a most appetizing meal she gave me a short account of her life.
"Jenny Montrose was the daughter of a British officer, who had served for many years in India, where she herself was born. At the early age of three years she lost her mother.
"After the death of his wife, all the colonel's love and care was centered upon his only child; under his eye she was instructed in all the accomplishments suited to her sex; and from him she imbibed an ardent love for field sports. By the time she was seventeen, she was as much at home upon her horse in the field as in her father's drawing-room. Colonel Montrose now received orders to return home with his regiment, and as for certain reasons he did not wish her to accompany him in the ship with the troops, he obtained a passage for her on board a vessel which was about to sail at the same time.
"The separation was extremely painful to both the old soldier and his daughter, but there was no alternative. They parted, and Miss Montrose sailed in the Dorcas for England. A week after she had left Calcutta, a storm arose and drove the vessel far out of her course; more bad weather ensued; and at length, leaks having been sprung in all directions, the crew was obliged to take to the boats. Jenny obtained a place in one of the largest of these. After enduring the perils of the sea for many days, land was sighted; and, the other boats having disappeared, an attempt was made to land. The boat was capsized, and Miss Montrose alone reached the shore. For a long time she lay upon the sand almost inanimate; but, reviving sufficiently to move, she at length obtained some shellfish, and by degrees recovered her strength. From that time forth until I appeared she never set eyes upon a human being. To attract any passing vessel, and obtain assistance, however, she kept a beacon continually blazing at the end of the reef; and, with the same purpose in view, attached missives to the feet of any birds she could take alive in her snares. The albatross, she told me, she had kept for some time, and partially tamed; but, as it was in the habit of making long excursions on its own account, she conceived the idea of sending it also with a message, that, should it by chance be seen and taken alive, it might return with an answer.
"Our supper was over, and, at length, both wearied out with the anxieties and excitement of the day, we retired to rest, she to her leafy bower, and I to sleep in the hut below.
"Next morning, having packed her belongings in the cajack, we both went on board; and bidding adieu to her well-known bay she took her seat before me, and I made for home.
"We should have reached Rockburg this evening had not an accident occurred to our skiff and compelled us to put in at this island. The boat was scarcely repaired when I heard your first shots. I instantly disguised myself; and, never doubting that Malay pirates were near, came forth to reconnoiter. Glad indeed was I to find my fears ungrounded."
Next morning, as we assembled for breakfast, I took the opportunity of begging Miss Montrose no longer to attempt to continue her disguise, but to allow us to address her in her real character.
Jenny smiled; for she had noticed, as the young men met her when she came from the cabin, a great alteration in their manner, and had at once seen that her secret was guessed.
"After all," she said, "I need not be ashamed of this attire; it has been my only costume for the last three years, and in any other I should have been unable to manage all the work which during that time has been necessary."
All was now bustle and activity; and breakfast over, we went aboard the yacht. Fritz and Jack stepped into the canoe; and we soon left Fair Isle and Pearl Bay far behind.
The morning was delightful. The sea, excepting for the slight ripple raised by the gentle breeze wafting us homeward, was perfectly calm. Slowly and contentedly we glided on through the wonders of the splendid archway, threaded our passage among the rocks and shoals, and passed out to the open sea. So slowly did we make our way, that the occupants of the cajack announced that they could not wait for us when they had once piloted us out from among the shoals and reefs, and plied their paddles to such good purpose that they were soon out of sight. Nautilus Bay and Cape Pug-Nose were in due time passed, however, and Shark Island hove in sight.
With great astonishment Jenny gazed at our watchtower, with its guardhouse, the fierce-looking guns, and the waving flag upon the heights. We landed, that she might visit the fortification; when we displayed all our arrangements with great pride. When they and the herd of lovely gazelles had been sufficiently admired, we again embarked, and steered toward Deliverance Bay. On reaching the entrance, a grand salute of twelve shots welcomed us and our fair guest to Rockburg. Not pleased with the even number, however, Ernest insisted upon replying with thirteen guns, an odd number being, he declared, absolutely necessary for form's sake.
As we neared the quay, Fritz and Jack stood ready to receive us, and with true politeness handed their mother and Jenny ashore. They turned and led the way to the house through the gardens, orchards, and shrubberies which lay on the rising ground that sloped gently upward to our dwelling.
Jenny's surprise was changed to wonder as she neared the villa itself —its broad, shady balcony, its fountains sparkling in the sun, the dovecots, the pigeons wheeling above, and the bright, fresh creepers, twined round the columns, delighted her. She could scarcely believe that she was still far from any civilized nation, and that she was among a family wrecked like herself upon a lonely coast.
My amazement, however, fully equaled that of my little daughter when, beneath the shade of the veranda, I saw a table laid out with a delicious luncheon. All our china, silver, and glass had been called into requisition, and was arranged upon the spotless damask cloth.
Wine sparkled in the decanters, splendid pineapples, oranges, guavas, apples, and pears resting on cool green leaves, lay heaped in pyramids upon the porcelain dishes. A haunch of venison, cold fowl, ham, and tongues occupied the ends and sides of the table, while in the center rose a vase of gay flowers, surrounded by bowls of milk and great jugs of mead. It was, indeed, a perfect feast, and the heartiness of the welcome brought tears of joy into the lovely eyes of the fair girl in whose honor it had been devised.
All were soon ready to sit down; and Jenny, looking prettier than ever in the dress for which she had exchanged her sailor's suit, took the place of honor between the mother and me. Ernest and Franz also seated themselves; but nothing would induce Fritz and Jack to follow their example. They considered themselves our entertainers, and waited upon us most attentively, carving the joints, filling our glasses, and changing the plates; for, as Jack declared to Miss Montrose, the servants had all run away in our absence, and, for the next day or two, perhaps we should be obliged to wait upon ourselves.
When the banquet was over, and the waiters had satisfied their appetites, they joined their brothers, and with them displayed all the wonders of Rockburg to their new sister. To the house, cave, stables, gardens, fields and boathouses, to one after the other did they lead her.
Not a corner would they have left unnoticed, had not the mother, fearing they would tire the poor girl out, come to the rescue, and led her back to the house.
On the following day, after an early breakfast, we started, while it was yet cool, for Falconhurst; and as I knew that repairs and arrangements for the coming winter would be necessary, and would detain us for several days, we took with us a supply of tools, as well as baskets of provisions, and other things essential to our comfort.
The whole of our stud, excepting the ostrich, were in their paddocks near the tree; but Jack, saying that his mother and Jenny really must not walk the whole way, to the great amusement of the latter, leaped on Hurry, and fled away in front of us. Before we had accomplished one-quarter of the distance, we heard the thundering tread of many feet galloping down the avenue, and presently espied our motley troop of steeds being driven furiously toward us. Storm, Lightfoot, Swift, Grumble, Stentor, Arrow and Dart were there, with Jack, on his fleet two-legged courser, at their heels. At his saddle-bow hung a cluster of saddles and bridles, the bits all jangling and clanking, adding to the din and confusion, and urging on the excited animals, who thoroughly entered into the fun, and with tails in the air, ears back, and heels ever and anon thrown playfully out, seemed about to overwhelm us. We stepped aside to shelter ourselves behind the trees from the furious onset; but a shout from Fritz brought the whole herd to a sudden halt, and Jack spurred toward us. "Which of the cattle shall we saddle for you, Jenny?" he shouted; "they're all as gentle as lambs, and as active as cats. Every one has been ridden by mother, and knows what a side-saddle means, so you can't go wrong."
To his great delight, Jenny quickly showed her appreciation of the merits of the steeds by picking out Dart, the fleetest and most spirited in the whole stud.
The ostrich was then relieved of his unusual burden, the animals were speedily equipped, and Lightfoot bearing the baskets and hampers, the whole party mounted and trotted forward. Jenny was delighted with her palfry, and henceforward he was reserved for her special use.
The work at Falconhurst, as I had expected, occupied us for some time, and it was a week before we could again return to Rockburg. Yet the time passed pleasantly; for though the young men were busy from morning to night, the presence of their new companion, her lively spirits and gay conversation, kept them in constant good humor.
When the repairs were all finished, we remained yet a day or two longer, that we might make excursions in various directions to bring in poultry from Woodlands, stores of acorns for the pigs, and grass, willows, and canes, to be manufactured during the winter into mats, baskets, hurdles, and hen-coops.
Many a shower wetted us through during these days, and we had scarcely time to hurry back to Rockburg and house our cattle and possessions before the annual deluge began.
Never before had this dreary season seemed so short and pleasant; with Jenny among us, the usual feeling of weariness and discontent never appeared; the English language was quickly acquired by all hands, Fritz, in particular, speaking it so well that Jenny declared she could scarcely believe he was not an Englishman. She herself already spoke French, and therefore easily learned our native language and spoke it fluently before we were released from our captivity.
Many wondrous tales were told or read in turn by the boys and Jenny during the long evenings as we sat drawing, weaving and plaiting in our cozy study. In fact, this winter was a truly happy time, and when at length the rain ceased and the bright sun again smiled upon the face of nature, we could scarcely believe, as we stepped forth and once more felt the balmy breath of spring, that, for so many weeks, we had been prisoners within our rocky walls.
All was once more activity and life; the duties in field, garden, and orchard called forth the energy of the lads, while their mother and sister found abundant occupation in the poultry yard and house. Our various settlements and stations required attention. Falconhurst, Woodlands, Prospect Hill, Shark and Whale Islands were in turn visited and set in order. The duty of attending to the island battery fell to Jack and Franz.
They had been busy all day repairing the flagstaff, rehoisting the flag, and cleaning and putting into working order the two guns.
Evening was drawing on and our day's work was over; the rest of us were strolling up and down upon the beach, enjoying the cool sea breeze. They loaded and ran out their guns, and paddling off with an empty tub in the cajack, placed it out at sea as a mark for practice. They returned and fired, and the barrel flew in pieces, and then, with a shout of triumph, they cleaned the guns and ran them in.
Scarcely had they done so when, as though in answer to their shots, came the sound of three guns booming across the water from the westward.
We stopped speechless. Was it fancy? Had we really heard guns from a strange ship? Or had the boys again fired? No! there were the lads leaping into their canoe, and paddling in hot haste toward us. They, too, had heard the sound.
A tumult of feelings rushed over us—anxiety, joy, hope, doubt, each in turn took possession of our minds. Was it a European vessel close upon our shores, and were we about to be linked once more to civilized life? Or did those sounds proceed from a Malay pirate, who would rob and murder us? What was to be the result of meeting with our fellow beings; were they to be friends who would help us, enemies who would attack us, or would they prove unfortunate creatures in need of our assistance? Who could tell?
Before we could express these thoughts in words the cajack had touched the shore, and Jack and Franz were among us.
"Did you hear them? Did you hear them?" they gasped. "What shall we do? Where shall we go?"
"O Fritz," continued my youngest son, "it must be a European ship. We shall find her. We shall see our Fatherland once more," and in an emotion of joy he grasped his brother's hands.
Till then I knew not what a craving for civilized life had been aroused in the two young men by the appearance of their European sister.
All eyes were turned toward me. What would I advise?
"At present," I said, "we can do nothing, for night is drawing on. We must make what preparations we can, and pray for guidance."
In the greatest excitement we returned to the house, all talking eagerly, and till late no one could be persuaded to retire to rest.
Few slept that night. The boys and I took it in turn to keep watch from the veranda, lest more signals might be fired, or a hostile visit might be paid us. But about midnight the wind began to rise, and before we reassembled to discuss our plans a fearful storm was raging; so terrific was the sea that I knew no boat could live, and had a broadside been fired at the entrance of the bay we should not have heard it through the howling of the blast. For two days and two nights the hurricane continued, but on the third day the sun again appeared, and the wind lulling, the sea went rapidly down. Full of anxiety, I readily complied with the boys' desire to put off to Shark Island and discharge the guns; for who could tell what had been the result of the gale; perhaps the vessel had been driven upon the rocky shore, or, fearing such a fate, she had left the coast and weathered the storm out at sea; if so, she might never return.
With these thoughts I accompanied Jack and Franz to the fort. One— two—we fired the guns and waited.
For some minutes there was no reply, and then an answering report rolled in the distance. There was no longer room for doubt; the strangers were still in the vicinity, and were aware of our presence. We waved the flag as a signal to those on shore that all was well, and quickly returned. We found the whole family in a state of the greatest excitement, and I felt it necessary to calm them down as much as possible, for I could neither answer the questions with which I was besieged, nor conceal the fact that the visit of the vessel might not prove so advantageous as they expected.
Fritz and I at once prepared to make a reconnaissance; we armed ourselves with our guns, pistols, and cutlasses, took a spyglass, seated ourselves in the cajack, and with a parting entreaty from the mother to be cautious, paddled out of the bay and round the high cliffs on our left. For nearly an hour we advanced in the direction from which the reports of the guns seemed to proceed. Nothing could we see, however, but the frowning rocks and cliffs, and the waves beating restlessly at their base. Cape Pug-Nose was reached, and we began to round the bluff old point. In a moment all our doubts were dispelled, and joy and gratitude to the Great Giver of all good filled our hearts. There, in the little sheltered cove beyond the cape, her sails furled, her anchor dropped, lay a brig of war with the English colors at her masthead.
With the glass I could discern figures upon the deck, and upon the shore beyond several tents pitched under the shelter of the trees, and the smoke of fires rising among them. As I handed the glass to Fritz, I felt a sudden misgiving. "What," said I to myself, "can this English vessel be doing thus far from the usual track of ships?" and I called to mind tales of mutinous crews who have risen against their officers, have chosen some such sheltered retreat as this, have disguised the vessel, and then sailed forth to rob and plunder upon the high seas.
Fritz then exclaimed: "I can see the captain, father; he is speaking to one of the officers, and I can see his face quite well; he is English, I am certain he is English, and the flag speaks the truth!" and he put the glass again in my hand that I might see for myself.
Still keeping under the shelter of the cliff, I carefully surveyed the vessel. There was no doubt that Fritz was right, and my fears were once more dispelled; all was neatness and regularity on board; the spotless decks, the burnished steel and brass, and the air of perfect order which pervaded both ship and camp, betokened that authority and discipline there reigned. For some minutes longer we continued our examination of the scene, and then, satisfied by the appearance of the camp on shore that there was no chance of the brig quitting the coast for several days, we resolved to return without betraying our presence, for I was unwilling to appear before these strangers until we could do so in better form, and in a manner more in accordance with our actual resources.
We again landed at Rockburg, where our family awaited our arrival in eager expectation, and as fully as possible we told them of all we had seen. They thoroughly approved of our caution, and even Jenny, whose hopes had been excited to the highest pitch by our description of the English vessel, and who longed to meet her countrymen once more, agreed to postpone the visit until the following day, when, having put our yacht into good order, we might pay our respects to the captain, not as poor shipwrecked creatures begging assistance, but as lords and masters of the land, seeking to know for what purpose strangers were visiting the coast.
The rest of the day was occupied in making our preparations. Our dainty little craft was made to look her very best; her decks were scrubbed, her brass guns burnished, all lumber removed and put ashore, and the flag of England hoisted to her peak. The mother overhauled our wardrobes, and the neatest uniforms were put ready for the boys and me, for though neither my wife nor Jenny had ever dreamed of appearing otherwise than they would have done had they been at home among civilized people in Europe, yet we, accustomed daily to rough and often even dirty work, had adopted just that costume which best suited our comfort and inclination. We should indeed have surprised the smart man-o'-war's men, had we appeared in our great, shapeless, wide- brimmed hats, our linen coats and trousers, our broad leathern belts and hairy buskins; so we next day readily donned the more becoming costumes.
At the break of that eventful morn, when we were destined once more to set our eyes upon our fellow-men, and to hear news of the outer world, from which for so many years we had been exiled, we assembled in our little breakfast room. The meal was eaten hurriedly and almost in silence, for our hearts were too full, and our minds too busily occupied, to allow of any outward display of excitement. Fritz and Jack then slipped quietly out, and presently returned from the garden with baskets of the choicest fruits in fresh and fragrant profusion, and with these, as presents for the strangers, we went on board our yacht.
The anchor was weighed, the sails set, and with the canoe in tow the little vessel, as though partaking of our hopes and joyous expectation, bounded merrily over the waters of Safety Bay, gave a wide berth to the Reef, against whose frowning rocks the sea still lashed itself to foam, and kept away for the cove, where the English ship unconsciously awaited us. The Pug-Nosed Cape was reached, and, to the surprise and utter amazement of the strangers, we rounded the point and brought up within hail. Every eye on board and on shore was turned toward us, every glass was produced and fixed upon our motions; for of all the strange sights which the gallant crew may have looked for, such an anomaly as a pleasure yacht, manned by such a party as ours, and cruising upon this strange and inhospitable shore, was the furthest from their thoughts.
Fritz and I stepped into our boat and pulled for the brig. In another minute we were upon her deck. The captain, with the simple frankness of a British seaman, welcomed us cordially, and having led us into his cabin, begged us to explain to what good fortune he owed a visit from residents upon a coast generally deemed uninhabited, or the abode of the fiercest savages.
I gave him an outline of the history of the wreck, and of our sojourn upon these shores, and spoke to him, too, of Miss Montrose, and of the providential way in which we had been the means of rescuing her from her lonely position.
"Then," said the gallant officer, rising and grasping Fritz by the hand, "let me heartily thank you in my own name, and in that of Colonel Montrose; for it was the hope of finding some trace of that brave girl that led me to these shores. The disappearance of the Dorcas has been a terrible blow to the colonel, and yet, though for three years no word of her or any of those who sailed in her has reached England, he has never entirely abandoned all hope of again hearing of his daughter. I knew this, and a few weeks ago, when I was about to leave Sydney for the Cape, I found three men who declared themselves survivors of the Dorcas and said that their boat, of four which left the wreck, was the only one which, to their knowledge, reached land in safety. From them I learned all particulars, and applying for permission to cruise in these latitudes, I sailed in hopes of finding further traces of the unfortunate crew. My efforts have been rewarded by unlooked-for success."
Fritz replied most modestly to the praises which he received, and then the captain begged to be introduced to my wife and Miss Montrose.
"And," he continued, "if it be not contrary to your rules of discipline for the whole ship's company to be absent at once, I will now send a boat for the remainder of your party."
One of the officers was accordingly dispatched to the yacht with a polite message, and the mother, Jenny, and the boys were presently on board.
Our kind host greeted them most warmly, and he and his officers vied with one another in doing us honor. They proved, indeed, most pleasant entertainers, and the time passed rapidly away. At luncheon the captain told us that there had sailed with him from Sydney an invalid gentleman, Mr. Wolston, his wife, and two daughters; but that, though the sea voyage had been recommended on account of his health, it had not done Mr. Wolston so much good as had been anticipated, and he had suffered so greatly from the effects of the storm, which had driven the Unicorn into the bay for repairs, that he had been eager to rest for a short time on land.
We were anxious to meet the family, and in the afternoon it was decided that we should pay them a visit. Tents had been pitched for their accommodation under the shady trees, and when we landed we found Mr. Wolston seated by one of them, enjoying the cool sea breeze. He and his family were delighted to see us, and so much did we enjoy their society, that evening found us still upon the shore. It was too late then to return to Rockburg, and the captain kindly offered tents for the accommodation of those who could not find room in the yacht. The boys spent the night on land.
That night I had a long and serious consultation with my wife, as to whether or not we really had any well-grounded reason for wishing to return to Europe. It would be childish to undertake a voyage thither simply because an opportunity offered for doing so.
Neither knew to what decision the feelings of the other inclined; each was afraid of expressing what might run counter to those feelings; but gradually it began to appear that neither entertained any strong wish to leave the peaceful island; and finally we discovered that the real wish which lay at the bottom of both our hearts was to adopt New Switzerland as thenceforward our home.
What can be more delightful than to find harmony of opinion in those we love, when a great and momentous decision has to be taken?
My dear wife assured me that she desired nothing more earnestly than to spend the rest of her days in a place to which she had become so much attached, provided I, and at least two of her sons, also wished to remain.
From the other two she would willingly part, if they chose to return to Europe, with the understanding that they must endeavor to send out emigrants of a good class to join us, and form a prosperous colony, adding that she thought the island ought to continue to bear the name of our native country, even if inhabited in future time by colonists from England, as well as from Switzerland.
I heartily approved of this excellent idea, and on consultation with my sons I found that Fritz, whose interest in Jenny was most apparent, and Franz, who longed for school life, earnestly desired to return to Europe, while Ernest and Jack were more than willing to remain. Mr. Wolston, with his wife and elder daughter, decided to make New Switzerland their future home, and thus my wife and I were left far from solitary when our two sons parted from us.
I asked of Echo, t'other day, (Whose words are few and often funny,) What to a novice she could say Of courtship, love and matrimony? Quoth Echo, plainly,—"Matter-o'-money!"
Whom should I marry?—should it be A dashing damsel, gay and pert, A pattern of inconstancy; Or selfish, mercenary flirt? Quoth Echo, sharply,—"Nary flirt!"
What if, aweary of the strife That long has lured the dear deceiver, She promise to amend her life, And sin no more; can I believe her? Quoth Echo, very promptly,—"Leave her!"
But if some maiden with a heart On me should venture to bestow it, Pray should I act the wiser part To take the treasure, or forego it? Quoth Echo, with decision,—"Go it!"
But what if, seemingly afraid To bind her fate in Hymen's fetter, She vow she means to die a maid, In answer to my loving letter? Quoth Echo, rather coolly,—"Let her!"
What if, in spite of her disdain, I find my heart intwined about With Cupid's dear delicious chain So closely that I can't get out? Quoth Echo, laughingly,—"Get out!"
But if some maid with beauty blest, As pure and fair as Heaven can make her. Will share my labor and my rest Till envious Death shall overtake her? Quoth Echo (sotto voce),—"Take her!"
NOTE.—The Arabian Nights' Entertainment, from which Aladdin and Sinbad the Sailor are taken, is a celebrated collection of Eastern tales. It is supposed that the Arabians got them from the people of India, who in their turn are supposed to have received them from Persia. They were introduced into Europe in a French translation about the beginning of the eighteenth century, and have always been very popular, not only on account of the interest of the stories, but because they give excellent pictures of life and customs in the East. In certain Mohammedan lands to-day people tell and believe stories of genii which are quite as extraordinary as some of those contained in the Arabian Nights.
The tales, although they are separate stories, are fancifully connected as follows:
A certain sultan, Schahriar, having found that his wife was unfaithful to him, had her put to death and vowed that each day thereafter he would marry a new wife, who should be put to death on the following morning. At length Scheherazade, a daughter of the vizier, determined to try by a clever device to stop the sultan's cruelty. By her own request she became the wife of the sultan, but in the morning, before he had a chance to order her beheaded, she began to tell him a most interesting story. In the middle of this tale she broke off, and the sultan was so curious as to what was to follow, that he declared she should live until the following day. Each day the sultaness practiced the same device, and each day the sultan's curiosity got the better of his cruelty, so that he allowed her to live on. For a thousand and one nights she kept up her story telling, and by the end of that time, the sultan had fallen so in love with his wife that he declared she should live. Thus by her heroism and her accomplishments she prevented the death of many girls, who might have become victims of the sultan's cruel vow.
In one of the great, rich cities of China, there once lived a poor tailor named Mustapha. Although his family consisted only of his wife and a son, he could scarcely by the hardest labor support them.
Aladdin, the son, was an idle fellow, careless and disobedient. Every morning early he would go out into the streets, and there he would stay all day, playing in the public places with other shiftless children of his own age.
When he was old enough to learn a trade, his father took him into his own shop and taught him how to use a needle, but no sooner was the father's back turned than Aladdin was gone for the day. Mustapha punished him again and again, but everything failed to keep Aladdin off the street, and finally his father was compelled to abandon him to his evil ways. The poor old tailor felt his son's disobedience so keenly that he fell sick, and in a few months died of sorrow.
Aladdin, no longer restrained by the fear of his father, was never out of the streets by day, and gave himself up wholly to idleness and play till he was fifteen years old.
At about that time, as he was one day playing with some rough boys in the street, a stranger who was passing stopped and eyed the boy keenly. Though the stranger looked like any other man, he was in reality an African magician, who had but recently arrived in the Chinese city. Aladdin was an attractive boy, and because of his habits the sorcerer felt that the boy was well suited to his purposes. Accordingly, after talking with the other boys and learning Aladdin's history, he called the youngster away from his playmates.
"Child," he asked, "was not your father called Mustapha the tailor?"
"Yes, sir," said the boy, "but he has been dead for some time."
At these words the magician threw his arms about Aladdin's neck, and, with tears in his eyes, kissed the boy several times, saying, "I am your uncle; your father was my own brother. I knew you as soon as I saw you, you are so much like him. Go, my son," he continued, handing the boy some money, "to your mother! Give her my love and tell her that I will visit her to-morrow."
Overjoyed with the money his uncle had given him, Aladdin ran to his home.
"O mother," he cried, "have I an uncle?"
"No, my son," she replied, "you have no uncle either on your father's side or on mine."
"I am just now come," said Aladdin, "from a man who says he is my uncle and my father's brother. He cried and kissed me when I told him my father was dead, and gave me money, sending his love to you, and promising to come and pay you a visit, that he may see the house my father lived and died in."
"Indeed, child," replied the mother, "your father had no brother, nor have you an uncle."
The next day the magician found Aladdin playing in another part of the town, and embracing him as before, put two pieces of gold into his hand, and said to him, "Carry this, child, to your mother; tell her that I will come and see her to-night, and bid her get us something for supper; but first show me the house where you live." Aladdin showed the African magician the house, and carried the two pieces of gold to his mother, who went out and bought provisions.
She spent the whole day in preparing the supper; and at night, when it was ready, said to her son, "Perhaps the stranger knows not how to find our house; go and bring him, if you meet with him."
Aladdin was just ready to go, when the magician knocked at the door, and came in loaded with wine and all sorts of fruits, which he brought for a dessert. After he had given what he brought into Aladdin's hands, he saluted his mother, and desired to show him the place where his brother Mustapha used to sit on the sofa; and when she had done so, he fell down, and kissed it several times, crying out, with tears in his eyes, "My poor brother! how unhappy am I, not to have come soon enough to give you one last embrace!"
Aladdin's mother desired him to sit down in the same place, but he declined.
"No," said he, "I shall not do that; but give me leave to sit opposite it, that although I see not the master of a family so dear to me, I may at least behold the place where he used to sit."
When the magician had comfortably seated himself, he began to talk with Aladdin's mother.
"My good sister," said he, "do not be surprised that you have never seen me in all the time you were married to my brother Mustapha, blessed be his memory. I have been forty years traveling in India, Persia, Arabia, Syria and Egypt. In Africa I lived for many years, but at last I wished to see my native country again, and to embrace my dear brother. Nothing ever afflicted me so much as hearing of my brother's death. But God be praised for all things! It is a comfort for me to find in my nephew one who has my brother's most remarkable features."
The widow wept so sorrowfully at these kind allusions to her husband, that the sorcerer changed the conversation.
"What business do you follow, my nephew," he asked; "have you any trade?"
The youth hung down his head and could make no answer, but his mother began to complain. "Aladdin is an idle fellow. When his father was alive, he tried to teach the boy his trade, but without success. Now I can do nothing with the boy, who forgets that he is no longer a child. He idles away his time in the streets till I have resolved one of these days to turn him out to provide for himself."
"This is not well, my nephew; you must think about helping yourself. There are many trades, and if you do not like your father's, I will try to help you. If you wish, I will hire a shop for you and furnish it with linens and fine cloths, and with them you can make money with which to buy new goods, and thus support yourself in an honorable way."
This plan just suited the lazy Aladdin. He told the magician that he felt more inclined to be a business man than to engage in any trade.
"Very well, then," said the pretended uncle, "I will take you with me to-morrow to the best merchants in the city, clothe you properly, and set you up in a shop."
The widow could no longer doubt that the magician was her husband's brother, and after exhorting Aladdin to be worthy of his uncle's kindness, served the supper, and the three chatted on various subjects until the time came for the magician to take his leave.
The next day he came as he had promised, and taking Aladdin with him, purchased a fine suit of clothing, just such as the boy wished.
After this the sorcerer took Aladdin through the city, showed him the fine buildings, took him into the rich stores, and finally introduced him to many of the prominent merchants with whom the young storekeeper would have to deal.
When night came, the sorcerer conducted Aladdin to his home, where his mother, seeing him so richly clothed, bestowed a thousand blessings upon the head of the magician. The second day the magician took Aladdin into the country, saying that on the third day he would purchase the shop. They went out at one of the gates of the city and visited a number of beautiful palaces, at every one of which the sorcerer would ask Aladdin if he did not think it fine, and then mention some palace farther on that was even more magnificent. By such device he led the youth far into the country, and in the heat of the day sat down with him on the edge of a fountain of clear water that discharged itself by the mouth of a bronze lion.
"Come, nephew," he said, "let us rest ourselves, and we shall be better able to pursue our walk." The magician drew from his pocket some cakes and fruit, and as they lunched he urged Aladdin to change his habits, become industrious, and seek the companionship of the wise and learned.
After resting a time, the magician by various devices led Aladdin still farther into the country, until they came between two mountains of nearly equal size, divided by a narrow valley.
"Now," said the magician, who had come all the way from Africa to China for this very purpose, "we will go no farther. I will show you here some wonderful things, for which you will thank me. But while I strike a light, gather up all the loose, dry sticks you can find, so that we can build a fire."
As soon as they had a good fire burning, the magician threw upon it some incense, pronouncing at the same time several magical words which Aladdin could not understand.
Scarcely were the words uttered, when the earth in front of the magician opened and disclosed a stone with a brass ring in it. Aladdin was so frightened by the noise and commotion, that he started to run away. But the magician seized him by the collar and gave him such a box on the ear that he fell to the ground.
"What have I done, uncle," said the boy, trembling with fear, "to be treated in such a manner?"
"I am your uncle," said the magician, "and I am in place of your father. It is not your place to question me. But my child," he said, softening his voice, "do not be afraid, for if you obey me punctually you will reap the great advantages I intend for you. Under this stone is hidden a treasure which shall be yours, and which will make you richer than the greatest monarch in the world. No one but yourself can lift the stone, and no one but yourself can enter the cave."
Aladdin, more and more amazed at what he said, forgot his fear and anger, and rising, said, "Command me, uncle! I am ready to obey."
"That is right, my boy," said the magician embracing him. "Take hold of the ring and lift the stone."
"But I am not strong enough," said Aladdin; "you must help me."
"If I help you, you can do nothing. Take hold of the ring and lift the stone; it will come easily."
Aladdin, obeying, raised the stone with ease and laid it to one side. Beneath it appeared a staircase leading to a door.
"Descend, my son," said the magician, "and open the door. It will lead you into a wonderful palace, having three great halls. In each of these you will see four large brass chests, full of gold and silver; but take care you do not meddle with them. Before you enter the first hall, be sure to tuck up your robe, wrap it about you, and then pass through the second into the third without stopping. Above all things, have a care that you do not touch the walls so much as with your clothes; for if you do, you will die instantly. At the end of the third hall, you will find a door which opens into a garden, planted with fine trees loaded with fruit. Walk directly across the garden to a terrace, where you will see a niche before you, and in that niche a lighted lamp. Take the lamp down and put it out. When you have thrown away the wick and poured out the liquor, put it in your waistband and bring it to me. Do not be afraid that the liquor will spoil your clothes, for it is not oil, and the lamp will be dry as soon as it is thrown out."
After these words the magician drew a ring off his finger, and put it on one of Aladdin's, saying, "This is a talisman against all evil, so long as you obey me. Go, therefore, boldly, and we shall both be rich all our lives."
Aladdin descended the steps, and, opening the door, found the three halls just as the African magician had described. He went through them with all the precaution the fear of death could inspire, crossed the garden without stopping, took down the lamp from the niche, threw out the wick and the liquor, and, as the magician had desired, put it in his waistband. But as he came down from the terrace, seeing it was perfectly dry, he stopped in the garden to observe the trees, which were loaded with extraordinary fruit of different colors. Some bore fruit entirely white, and some clear and transparent as crystal; some pale red, and others deeper; some green, blue and purple, and others yellow; in short, there was fruit of all colors. The white were pearls; the clear and transparent, diamonds; the red, rubies; the green, emeralds; the blue, turquoises; the purple, amethysts; and the yellow, sapphires, Aladdin, ignorant of their value, would have preferred figs, or grapes, or pomegranates; but as he had his uncle's permission, he resolved to gather some of every sort. Having filled the two new purses his uncle had bought for him with his clothes, he wrapped some up in the skirts of his vest, and crammed his bosom as full as it could hold.
Aladdin, having thus loaded himself with riches of which he knew not the value, returned cautiously through the three halls and arrived at the mouth of the cave.
As soon as Aladdin saw the magician he cried, "Lend me your hand to help me out."
"Give me the lamp first," replied the magician impatiently, "it will be troublesome to you."
"Indeed, uncle," answered Aladdin, "I cannot, I will give it to you as soon as I am up."
The African magician was determined to have the lamp before he would help Aladdin out, and the latter, who had covered the lamp with the fruits he had picked in the garden, could not well get at it till he was out of the cave.
Provoked beyond reason by the boy's obstinacy, the magician flew into a passion, threw a little of his incense into the fire, and pronounced two magical words. Instantly the stone, which had closed the opening to the staircase, moved into its place, and the earth covered it over as smoothly as when the two companions had discovered it.
The truth was that the magician had learned of the existence of a wonderful lamp, which he was not permitted to take himself, but which he could use if it were given to him freely by some other person. Accordingly, he had tried by a mixture of authority and persuasion to get the lamp through Aladdin. When he saw that his attempt had failed, he hurriedly left the country without returning to the town.
Aladdin, suddenly enveloped in darkness and deserted, knew that the magician could not be his uncle, but must be some one who had evil designs against him. Again and again he cried out that he was willing to give up the lamp. All his cries were unavailing, and at last, discouraged, he descended to the bottom of the steps, thinking to go back into the palace. Now, however, he found the door closed, and without hope of again seeing the light, he sat down on the bottom step weeping in despair.
Finally his good teachings came to his aid, and he thought, "There is help and power and strength in the High God; I will pray to him." So he knelt and joined his hands in supplication.
In doing so, he happened to rub the ring which the magician had put upon his finger, and immediately a genie of frightful aspect appeared.
"What wouldst thou?" said the genie. "I and the other slaves of the ring serve him who wears it. I am ready to obey!"
At any other time, so hideous a figure as that of the genie would have frightened Aladdin, but the danger was so great that he cried out to the spirit, "Whoever thou art, deliver me from this place."
As soon as the words were uttered, Aladdin found himself on the very spot where the magician had last left him, and no sign remained of cave or opening.
After returning thanks to God for his deliverance, he hurried home, and as soon as he had recovered from his weariness, he told his mother what had happened.
Aladdin slept late the next morning, and when he wakened his first words were a request for something to eat.
"Alas! child," said his mother, "I have no bread to give you. Everything was eaten up yesterday. I have nothing but a little cotton which I might sell."
"Keep your cotton, mother, till another time," said Aladdin. "I will take the lamp which I got in the cave yesterday and try to sell it. The money will buy us our dinner and perhaps our supper."
Aladdin's mother looked at the lamp and saw that it was very dirty. "Perhaps it would bring more," she said, "if I should clean it." Taking some water and sand, she began to rub the lamp, when in an instant a genie of gigantic size and hideous appearance stood before her and called out in a voice of thunder:
"What wouldst thou have? I and the other slaves of the lamp that is in your hands are ready to obey thee."
Terrified at the sight of the genie, Aladdin's mother fainted, but Aladdin, who had seen such an apparition before in the cave, snatched the lamp from her hands and cried out, "I am hungry; bring me something to eat."
The genie disappeared, but in a moment returned with a large silver tray on which were twelve silver dishes, each containing the most delicious viands; six large white cakes lay on two silver plates; two silver flagons of wine, and two silver cups rested on the tray. All this was placed upon the carpet before Aladdin, and then the genie disappeared.
Aladdin's mother did not recover until he had sprinkled some water in her face. As she returned to consciousness he said, "Be not afraid, mother; arise and eat! Here is something to put you in heart, and at the same time satisfy my hunger."
"Child," said the mother, as she looked upon the silver dishes and smelled the savory odor from the food, "who has given us these wonderful things? Has the sultan remembered us?"
"Never mind that," said Aladdin. "Let us sit down and eat. When we have done, I will tell you."
As they ate, both looked at the dishes, but neither knew their value. They were attracted more by the novelty than by the fact that they were silver. They lingered long over their food, and after they had eaten all they could, they found that enough was left for the whole of the next day.
"Now," said the mother after she had put away the dishes and the remnants of the feast, "tell me what happened while I was in the swoon."
What her son told her amazed her as much as the appearance of the genie.
"What have we to do with genii?" said the mother, "and how came that vile one to speak to me instead of to you, whom he had seen in the cave?"
"Mother," answered Aladdin, "the genie I saw in the cave was another, the slave of the ring. The one you saw was a slave of the lamp."
"What!" cried his mother, "was it the lamp that caused that horrible genie to speak to me instead of to you? Take the lamp out of my sight and do with it what you please. If you take my advice, you will part with the lamp and the ring too, and have nothing to do with genii, who, as our Prophet has told us, are only devils."
"With your leave, mother," replied Aladdin, "I shall take care how I sell a lamp which will be so serviceable to us. That stranger would never have come to us for any reason but to get this lamp, and as we came honestly by it, let us use it without making any great show and exciting the envy and jealousy of our neighbors. However, since the genie frightened you, I will hide the lamp where I can find it in case I need it. The ring I will never part with, for without it I never would have seen you again. Let me keep it, therefore, and wear it on my finger."
Aladdin's mother consented, but declared she would have no more to do with genii, and would never mention the matter again. When their food was all gone, Aladdin took one of the silver plates and sold it to an old Jew, who gave him about a sixtieth of what it was worth. But even then they were able to live upon the money for several days, and by selling the other dishes, even at the same low figure, they were able to live a long time.
When all the money was spent, Aladdin again took the lamp, found the place where his mother had scrubbed it with sand, and rubbed it once more.
"What wouldst thou have?" said the genie, who came immediately, as before. "I and the other slaves of the lamp that is in your hands are ready to obey thee."
"I am hungry," replied Aladdin; "bring me something to eat."
Then for the second time the genie brought a tray and dishes of silver loaded with appetizing food, all as fine and valuable as those of the first gift. After the provisions were eaten, Aladdin started again to the Jew with one of the plates. As he was passing a goldsmith's shop, the latter said to him, "My lad, you must have something to sell to the Jew, whom I have seen you visit so often. Now he is the greatest of rogues. Let me see what you have, and I will give you all it is worth, or I will direct you to other merchants who will not cheat you."
Aladdin pulled the plate from under his vest and showed it to the goldsmith.
"What does the Jew give you for such a plate?" said the goldsmith.
"I have sold him twelve such for a piece of gold each," replied Aladdin.
"What a villain!" said the goldsmith. "Let me show you how much the Jew has cheated you."
The goldsmith weighed the plate and said, "This should bring you sixty pieces of silver, and I am willing to pay you that for it now." Aladdin thanked him for his fair dealing, and never again went to any other person.
With such a thing as the lamp in their possession, you may well believe that neither Aladdin nor his mother suffered for food or clothing, but they were wise in the use of their treasure and lived with as great frugality as before the lamp was found.
Aladdin, too, improved in his conduct, and spent the most of his time among the merchants who sold gold, silver and fine clothing. Here at one time he learned that the fruits that he had gathered in the garden were not glass as he had supposed, but were precious jewels of inestimable value. He took care, however, not to mention this fact to any one, even his mother.
One day, as Aladdin was walking through the town, he heard a proclamation that commanded the people to shut up their shops and houses and stay within doors while the sultan's daughter, the Princess Buddir al Buddoor, passed through the streets. Aladdin was instantly inspired with curiosity to see the princess's face, and determined to gratify his wish by concealing himself behind a door. As it happened, the princess actually took off her veil just as she passed Aladdin, and he was able to see her face clearly. She was indeed a noted beauty. Her eyes were large, lively and sparkling; her smile bewitching; her nose faultless; her mouth small; her lips vermilion. It is not surprising, then, that Aladdin, who had never before seen any one so beautiful, was both dazzled and enchanted.
After the princess had passed, he hurried home and told his mother his adventure, concluding, "I love the princess more than I can express, and am resolved to ask her in marriage of the sultan."
"Alas, child," said the mother. "What are you thinking of? You must be mad to dream of such a thing."
"Far from it," replied Aladdin. "I am not mad, but in my right senses. I knew you would reproach me, but I must tell you once more that I am resolved to ask the princess in marriage, and I do not despair of success. With the slaves of the ring and of the lamp to help me, how can I fail? Moreover, I have another secret for you; those pieces of glass which I took from the trees in that underground garden are jewels of inestimable value, and fit for the greatest of monarchs. There is nothing to be compared with mine for size or beauty. I am sure that they will secure me the favor of the sultan. You have a large porcelain dish fit to hold them; let us see how they will look when we have arranged them by colors."
Aladdin's mother brought the dish, and Aladdin placed the jewels in it according to his fancy. Their brightness and luster and great variety of colors dazzled the eyes of both mother and son, who had never before seen them thus together.
Aladdin's mother, fearing that he might be guilty of even greater extravagance, promised to do as he wished, and early the next morning she took the china dish in which the jewels had been arranged the day before, wrapped it in two fine napkins, and set forth to the sultan's palace, where the grand vizier, the other viziers, and the most distinguished lords of the court were gathered. Despite the fact that the crowd was great, she got into the divan, a spacious hall with a magnificent entrance, and placed herself before the sultan and the great lords who sat with him in council. After several causes had been called, pleaded and adjudged according to their order, the divan broke up, and the sultan, rising, returned to his apartment, accompanied by all the high officials.
Aladdin's mother, thinking rightly that the sultan would not appear again that day, hurried back to her home, where she said to Aladdin with much simplicity, "Son, I have seen the sultan, and am very well persuaded he has seen me, too, for I placed myself just before him; but he was so much taken up with those who attended on all sides of him that I pitied him, and wondered at his patience. At last I believe he was heartily tired, for he rose up suddenly, and would not hear a great many who were ready prepared to speak to him, but went away, at which I was well pleased, for indeed I began to lose all patience, and was extremely fatigued with staying so long. But there is no harm done; I will go again; perhaps the sultan may not be so busy."
She went six times afterward on the days appointed, and placed herself always directly before the sultan, but with as little success as the first morning.
On the sixth day, however, after the divan was broken up, when the sultan returned to his own apartment, he said to his grand vizier: "I have for some time observed a certain woman, who attends constantly every day that I give audience, with something wrapped up in a napkin; she always stands from the beginning to the breaking up of the audience, and affects to place herself just before me. If this woman comes to our next audience, do not fail to call her, that I may hear what she has to say." The grand vizier made answer by lowering his hand, and then lifting it up above his head, signifying his willingness to lose it if he failed.
On the next audience day, when Aladdin's mother went to the divan, and placed herself in front of the sultan as usual, the grand vizier immediately called the chief of the mace-bearers, and pointing to her bade him bring her before the sultan. The old woman at once followed the mace-bearer, and when she reached the sultan bowed her head down to the carpet which covered the platform, of the throne, and remained in that posture until he bade her rise, which she had no sooner done, than he said to her, "Good woman, I have observed you to stand many days from the beginning to the rising of the divan; what business brings you here?"
After these words, Aladdin's mother prostrated herself a second time; and when she arose, said, "Monarch of monarchs, I beg of you to pardon the boldness of my petition, and to assure me of your pardon and forgiveness."
"Well," replied the sultan, "I will forgive you, be it what it may, and no hurt shall come to you; speak boldly."
Then Aladdin's mother told the sultan faithfully the errand on which her son had sent her.
The sultan hearkened to her discourse without showing any anger; but before he answered her, he asked her what she had brought tied in the napkin. Thereupon she uncovered the china dish and presented it to the sultan. His amazement and surprise were inexpressible, and for some time he remained lost in admiration. At last, however, he took the present from the hand of Aladdin's mother, saying, "How rich! how beautiful!"
Having handled all the jewels, one after another, he turned to the grand vizier and said, "Behold, admire, wonder! and confess that your eyes never beheld jewels so rich and beautiful before." The vizier was charmed, and the sultan continued, "What sayest thou to such a present? Is it not worthy of the princess, my daughter? And ought I not to be willing to give her to one who values her at so great a price?"
"I cannot but own," replied the vizier, "that the present is worthy the princess, but I beg your majesty to grant me three months before you decide. I hope before that time that my son, whom you have looked upon with favor heretofore, will be able to make you a nobler present than this of the stranger, Aladdin."
"Good woman," said the sultan, turning to Aladdin's mother, "go home and tell your son that I agree to the proposal you made, but I cannot marry the princess, my daughter, for three months. At the expiration of that time come again."
Aladdin thought himself the most happy of men when he heard this news, and began to count every week, day, and even hour that passed, so great was his impatience. One evening, when two of the three months had gone, his mother went out to buy some oil, and found a general festival—the houses dressed with foliage, silks and carpeting, and every one joining in a great rejoicing. The officers, in showy uniforms, on richly caparisoned horses, galloped about the streets.
"What is the meaning of all this preparation for public festivity?" said Aladdin's mother to the oil merchant.
"Where have you been, good woman," answered he, "that you do not know that the son of the grand vizier is to marry the Princess Buddir al Buddoor to-night? These officers are to assist at the palace, where the ceremony is to be solemnized."
Hearing this news, Aladdin's mother ran home very quickly. "Child," she cried, "you are undone. The sultan's fine promises have come to nought. This night the grand vizier's son is to marry the Princess Buddir al Buddoor."
For a moment Aladdin was thunderstruck, but then he bethought himself of the lamp and summoned the genie, resolved if possible to prevent the marriage.
"What wouldst thou have?" said the genie. "I and the other slaves of the lamp that is in thy hands are ready to obey thee."
"Hear me," said Aladdin. "You have hitherto obeyed me; this is a harder task. The sultan's daughter, who was promised me as my bride, is this night married to the son of the grand vizier. Bring them both hither to me as soon as they have retired to their chamber."
"Master," replied the genie, "I obey thee."
Aladdin supped with his mother as usual and then went to his own apartment to await the return of the genie.
In the meantime the festivities in honor of the princess's marriage were conducted at the sultan's palace with great magnificence. When the ceremonies were concluded, the princess and her husband retired to the chamber prepared for them. But no sooner had they lain down than the genie, the faithful slave of the lamp, to the great amazement and alarm of both the bride and the groom, took up the bed and in an instant transported them all to the chamber of Aladdin.
"Remove the bridegroom," said Aladdin to the genie, "and keep him a prisoner till to-morrow morning; then return with him here."
When Aladdin was left alone with the princess, he tried to quiet her fears and to explain to her the treachery practiced upon him by the sultan. Then, drawing his scimitar, he laid it down between them to show her that he would treat her with the utmost possible respect, and secure her safety.
At break of day, the genie appeared bringing back the bridegroom, whom he had entranced and left motionless outside the door of Aladdin's chamber during the night. By Aladdin's command the couch with the bride and groom was transported into the sultan's palace. A moment after the genie had set the couch down in the chamber of the palace, the sultan came to the door to offer his good wishes to his daughter. The grand vizier's son, who had almost perished from cold by standing in his thin undergarment all night, hurried to the robing chamber and dressed himself.
Having opened the door, the sultan went to the bedside, kissed the princess on the forehead, and was greatly surprised to find her apparently in the greatest affliction. He left the room in a few moments and hurried to the apartments of the sultaness, whom he told of the princess's melancholy.
"Sire," said the sultaness, "I will go and see her; she will not receive me in the same manner."
Nevertheless, the princess received the sultaness with sighs and tears, but after some persuasion she told her mother all that had happened during the night. The sultaness urged her to say nothing about it, as no one would believe so strange a tale. Naturally the grand vizier's son, proud of being the sultan's son-in-law, was more than willing to keep silence.
The next night everything happened precisely as it had on the preceding night, but the second morning the princess told the sultan everything she had told her mother. On hearing this strange piece of news he summoned the grand vizier and declared the marriage canceled, for he feared even worse treatment from the invisible agency which had troubled the young couple.
Everybody was astonished at the sultan's change of mind, but no one except Aladdin knew the cause, and he kept profound silence.
On the very day that the three months expired, Aladdin's mother went again to the divan and stood in the same place. The sultan knew her and directed her to be brought before him.
Having prostrated herself before him, she said, "Sire, I come at the end of three months to ask of you the fulfilment of the promise you have made to my son."
The sultan had not thought that the request of Aladdin's mother was made seriously, so he consulted with the vizier, who suggested that the sultan should not refuse Aladdin's request, but should attach such conditions to the marriage as would be impossible for Aladdin to fulfill.
"Good woman," said the sultan after he had made his decision, "sultans ought to abide by their word, and I will keep mine by making your son happy in marriage with the princess, my daughter. But I cannot marry her without some further proof that your son is able to support her in royal state. Tell him then that I will fulfill my promise when he sends me forty trays of massy gold filled with jewels such as those he has given me already, each tray borne by a black slave, who shall be led by a young and handsome white slave, all dressed magnificently. Go and tell your son what I say. I will wait for his answer."
"Where," said she on her way home, "can Aladdin get so many large gold trays and such precious stones to fill them? He will not be much pleased with my errand this time."
When she came home, she told Aladdin the whole story and added, laughing, "The sultan expects your answer immediately. I believe he will have to wait long enough."
"Not so long, mother, as you imagine," replied Aladdin. "This demand is a mere trifle. I will prepare at once to satisfy his request."
In a very short time after Aladdin had retired to his apartment and conversed again with the genie of the lamp, a train of forty black slaves led by the same number of white slaves appeared opposite the house in which Aladdin lived. Each black slave carried on his head a basin of massy gold, full of pearls, diamonds, rubies, and emeralds.
"Mother," said Aladdin, "pray lose no time; before the sultan and his divan rise, be there with this present as the dowry demanded for the princess, so that he may know how diligent and exact I am, and how sincere I am in wishing the honor of this alliance." As soon as this magnificent procession, with Aladdin's mother at its head, had begun to march from Aladdin's house, the whole city was filled with the crowds of people desirous to see so grand a sight. The graceful bearing, elegant form, and wonderful likeness of the slaves; their grave walk at an equal distance from each other, the luster of their jeweled girdles, and the brilliancy of the aigrettes of precious stones in their turbans, excited the greatest admiration in the spectators. As they had to pass through several streets to the palace, the whole length of the way was lined with files of spectators. Nothing, indeed, was ever seen so beautiful and brilliant in the sultan's palace, and the richest robes of the emirs of his court were not to be compared to the costly dresses of these slaves, whom they supposed to be kings.
As the sultan, who had been informed of their approach, had given orders for them to be admitted, they met with no obstacle, but went into the divan in regular order, one part turning to the right and the other to the left. After they were all entered, and had formed a semicircle before the sultan's throne, the black slaves laid the golden trays on the carpet, prostrated themselves, touching the carpet with their foreheads, and at the same time the white slaves did likewise. When they rose, the black slaves uncovered the trays, and then all stood with their arms crossed over their breasts.
In the meantime, Aladdin's mother advanced to the foot of the throne, and having prostrated herself, said to the sultan, "Sire, my son knows this present is much below the notice of Princess Buddir al Buddoor; but hopes, nevertheless, that your majesty will accept of it, and make it agreeable to the princess, and with the greater confidence since he has endeavored to conform to the conditions you were pleased to impose."
The sultan, overpowered at the sight of such more than royal magnificence, replied without hesitation to the words of Aladdin's mother: "Go and tell your son that I wait with open arms to embrace him; and the more haste he makes to come and receive the princess my daughter from my hands, the greater pleasure he will do me."
As soon as Aladdin's mother had retired, the sultan put an end to the audience; and rising from his throne ordered that the princess's attendants should come and carry the trays into their mistress's apartment, whither he went himself to examine them with her at his leisure. The fourscore slaves were conducted into the palace; and the sultan, telling the princess of their magnificent apparel, ordered them to be brought before her apartment, that she might see through the lattices he had not exaggerated in his account of them.
In the meantime Aladdin's mother reached home, and showed in her air and countenance the good news she brought to her son.
"My son," said she, "you may rejoice, for you are arrived at the height of your desires. The sultan has declared that you shall marry the Princess Buddir al Buddoor. He waits for you with impatience."
Aladdin, delighted with this news, said little, but hurried into his chamber. Here he rubbed his lamp, and the obedient genie appeared.
"Genie," said Aladdin, "convey me at once to a bath, and supply me with the richest and most magnificent robe ever worn by a monarch."
No sooner were the words out of his mouth than the genie, making Aladdin as well as himself invisible, took the latter into an elegant marble bath, where the youth was well rubbed and washed with scented waters. When he came out from the bath, his skin was as clear as that of a child, and his body lightsome and free.
When the bath was finished, Aladdin found before him a robe, the magnificence of which astonished him. By the genie's aid he put on the robe, and was returned to his chamber.
"Have you any further command?" asked the genie.
"Yes," answered Aladdin, "bring me a charger that surpasses in goodness and beauty the best in the sultan's stable. Give him a rich saddle and bridle, and other caparisons to correspond with his value. Furnish me with twenty slaves, as richly clothed as those who carried the present to the sultan, to walk by my side and to follow me, and twenty more to go before me in two ranks. Bring my mother six women slaves to attend her, all dressed as richly as any slave of the Princess Buddir al Buddoor, each slave carrying a complete dress fit for any sultaness. I want also ten thousand pieces of gold in ten purses; go, and make haste."
The genie executed all these difficult commands in a moment. Then Aladdin, taking the women slaves, each carrying on her head a beautiful dress wrapped in a piece of silver tissue, presented them to his mother, saying that the dresses were brought for her use. Of the ten purses, Aladdin gave his mother four. The other six he left in the hands of the slaves who brought them, telling them to throw the money by handfuls among the people as the procession went to the sultan's palace.
When Aladdin had thus prepared himself for his first interview with the sultan, he dismissed the genie, and immediately mounting his charger, began his march, and though he never had been on horseback before, appeared with a grace the most experienced horseman might envy. The innumerable concourse of people through whom he passed made the air echo with their acclamations, especially every time the six slaves who carried the purses threw handfuls of gold among the populace.
On Aladdin's arrival at the palace, the sultan was surprised to find him more richly and magnificently robed than he had ever been himself, and was impressed with his good looks and dignity of manner, which were so different from what he expected in the son of one so humble as Aladdin's mother. He embraced him with demonstrations of joy, and when Aladdin would have fallen at his feet, held him by the hand, and made him sit near his throne. He shortly after led him, amidst the sounds of trumpets, haut-boys, and all kinds of music, to a magnificent entertainment, at which the sultan and Aladdin ate by themselves, and the great lords of the court, according to their rank and dignity, sat at different tables.
After the feast, the sultan sent for the chief cadi, and commanded him to draw up a contract of marriage between the Princess Buddir al Buddoor and Aladdin. When the contract had been drawn, the sultan asked Aladdin if he would stay in the palace and complete the ceremonies of the marriage that day.
"Sire," said Aladdin, "though great is my impatience to enter on the honor granted me by your majesty, yet I beg you to permit me first to build a palace worthy to receive the princess your daughter. I pray you to grant me sufficient ground near your palace, and I will have it completed with the utmost expedition." The sultan granted Aladdin his request, and again embraced him. After which Aladdin took his leave with as much politeness as if he had been bred up and had always lived at court.
Aladdin returned home in the order he had come, amidst the acclamations of the people, who wished him all happiness and prosperity. When Aladdin entered his room, he took down the lamp, rubbed it, and when the genie appeared as usual, said, "Genie, build me a palace fit to receive the Princess Buddir al Buddoor. Let it be made of nothing less than porphyry, jasper, agate, lapis lazuli, and the finest marble. Let its walls be massive gold and silver brick laid alternately. Let each front contain six windows, and let the lattices of these, excepting one, which must be left unfinished, all sparkle with diamonds, rubies and emeralds. Let there be an inner and an outer court in front of the palace, and a spacious garden; provide a safe treasure-house, and fill it with gold and silver. Let there be also kitchens and storehouses, stables full of the finest horses, with their equerries and grooms, and hunting equipage, officer, attendants, and slaves, both men and women, for the princess and myself. Go and execute my wishes."
As Aladdin gave these commands to the genie, the sun was setting. It was morning when the genie returned and transported Aladdin in a moment to the palace he had made. The genie led Aladdin through all the apartments, where were officers and slaves, clothed according to their rank. The treasury was opened by a treasurer, and there Aladdin saw large vases of different sizes ranged around the chambers, and all filled to the top with money. In the stables were some of the finest horses in the world, and the grooms were busy dressing them. In the storehouses was everything necessary, both for food and ornament.
Aladdin examined every portion of the palace, and particularly the hall with the four and twenty windows, which far exceeded his fond expectations.
"Genie," he said, "everything is as I wished. Only one thing now is lacking. Lay immediately a fine carpet for the princess to walk upon from the sultan's palace to mine."
In an instant the carpet was laid, and the genie disappeared.
When the sultan's porters came to open the gates the next morning, they were amazed to find what had been an unoccupied garden filled with a magnificent palace. They ran with the strange tidings to the grand vizier, who hastened to the sultan.
"It must be the palace," said the sultan, "which I gave Aladdin permission to build for my daughter. He has wished to let us see what wonders can be done in a single night."
In the meantime Aladdin had sent his mother to the Princess Buddir al Buddoor to tell her that the palace would be ready for her reception in the evening. While the mother, attended by her women slaves, was in the apartments of the princess, the sultan himself came in and was surprised to find the woman whom he had seen in such humble guise at his divan, now more richly appareled than his own daughter. Aladdin, too, rose in the opinion of the monarch, because the young man had shared his wealth and honors with his mother.
Shortly after his mother's departure, Aladdin mounted his horse, and attended by his magnificent retinue, left the paternal home forever. With him he took, you may be sure, the wonderful lamp to which he owed all his good fortune, and the ring which had been given him as a talisman.
That night the sultan entertained Aladdin with the greatest magnificence, and at the conclusion of the marriage ceremony the princess took leave of her father. Bands of music, followed by a hundred stately ushers and a hundred black mutes in two files, with their officers at their head, led the procession. Four hundred of the sultan's young pages carried torches on each side, which together with the illumination of the two palaces made the night as light as day.
Thus the princess, accompanied also by Aladdin's mother, walked along the carpet which was spread to the palace of her husband. There Aladdin was ready to receive her, and to lead her into a large hall lighted with an infinite number of wax candles.
A feast consisting of the most delicate viands was then served upon dishes of massy gold. Plates, basins, goblets, were all of the most exquisite workmanship.
The princess, dazzled by such brilliancy, said to Aladdin, "I thought, prince, that nothing in the world was so beautiful as my father's palace; but the sight of this hall shows me how much I was deceived." |