Journals Of Two Expeditions Of Discovery In North-West And Western Australia, Vol. 1 (of 2)
by George Grey
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To advance with half our stores to a convenient place for encamping at, and then, on the succeeding day, to send back some of the party with the ponies for the remaining portion of the provisions; whilst, accompanied by two men, I marked off the road by which we were to move on the following day. This mode of proceeding would not very much delay our movements; for the country we were at present in was of so intricate a nature that it was impossible to move loaded horses without previously marking a road for them; and by its adoption I trusted to be able to establish a depot of provisions at some point distant from the coast and whence we could yet make a good start in a southerly direction.


In pursuance of this plan Mr. Lushington returned this day to our last camp to bring up the provisions we had abandoned; whilst I went off with two men to endeavour to pick out a route by which the ponies could travel. A more toilsome day's work than we had could not be imagined. For eleven hours I was incessantly walking, exposed during the greater part of the time to the burning rays of a tropical sun; and we found nothing but rocky, almost impassable sandstone ranges and precipitous ravines. I however at last succeeded in discovering a path along which it was just possible we might be able, by using great care, to lead loaded horses; and on my return to the camp I found that all the remaining stores had been brought up.


February 6.

We began our descent this morning from the tableland into a deep valley, following the track we had yesterday marked off, which was still however so rugged and rocky as to be very difficult to get along. Heavy rains set in, and these were always so cold that the large drops falling upon us Occasioned quite a painful sensation. The valleys being all flooded there was no feed in them for the horses and sheep; I therefore was obliged to send them back under charge of Mr. Lushington to the camp, which we had this morning quitted.

I retained three men with me; and after the remainder of the party had moved off I left two of them in charge of the stores, and started with Corporal Coles, again to explore the country in front of us.


About half a mile to the south there was a deep ravine, bounded on each side by lofty cliffs. This ravine resembled in many respects the one we had first encamped in, but it was larger; and it was now impossible to travel either up or down in it on account of the great body of water which occupied its bed. Just opposite to where we were this ravine separated into three smaller ones, running up into the sandstone ranges along which I had previously sought for a route whereby to turn and travel round their heads; but I had found the country so rocky, so impracticable, and devoid of forage that I felt sure it was useless to attempt to traverse it.

My next object was to find a passage out of the main ravine, between the points where the subsidiary ravines ran into it, and where it joined the sea. If I could succeed in doing this our difficulties would, in a great measure, have terminated, for no other main ravine lay between us and the fertile plains which I had seen to the southward; and I knew that we should find no difficulty in traversing the intervening sandstone range, which consisted of a series of elevated plains or terraces, rising one behind the other.

With this view Coles and myself searched until after sunset, but without success. We found the ravine bounded throughout its southern side by inaccessible cliffs. Occasionally little branch ravines ran into it; but on penetrating for some distance up these they invariably terminated in precipitous cascades. A great portion of this afternoon was spent up to our middles in water as we waded about the flooded valley; and the only thing we had to compensate us for the fatigue and suffering we underwent was the wild beauty of the scenery, which was as lovely and picturesque as impetuous torrents, foaming cascades, lofty rocks, and a rich tropical vegetation could render it.


On our return homewards, wearied and disappointed, we came close upon a large party of natives before they were aware of our presence. Coles had followed me up the northern bank of the ravine, and we thus occupied a good position; the natives had, I suppose, wished to avoid us, for we saw no more of them, but merely heard the sound of their retiring voices as they moved up the centre of the valley. We now returned to the men we had left in charge of the stores, and reached the tent soon after dark.


February 7.

This day was passed in constructing the pathway which was to lead us down into the deep ravine in our front. Whilst the men were thus engaged I traversed the country I had yesterday visited in the hope that I might yet find some outlet into the good country which would take us clear of the others; but my searches were in vain. Only one man accompanied me, and I completely knocked him up ere the evening closed in upon us. We then were obliged to retrace our steps to the camp, and I now found myself perfectly worn out by the fatigue consequent on such continued and violent walking exercise under a tropical sun.

It was however cheering to me to see how constantly some of the men had laboured at forming the road down the valleys which led into the ravine. The horses had been brought down thus far; but three more of them had died, so that our twenty-six ponies were reduced to nineteen, many of whom were in wretched condition.


February 8.

We again resumed our journey towards the interior; but the pathway, which ran through the valleys leading to the summit of the ravine, was still so broken and difficult that the ponies could only carry half loads along it; and the descent down the clifTs was so steep that they were obliged to be unladen and led into the ravine without their burdens, which were carried down upon the men's shoulders. Men could not have behaved better than they all did on this occasion, particularly Corporal Auger who, possessing the power of carrying on his back very heavy burdens, took every occasion of exercising it in such a way as to stimulate the others, and very much to accelerate our movements.

But even when we had with so much labour got ponies, stores, etc. to the bottom of the ravine, our troubles had, as it were, only commenced, for we now had to get out of it on the other side. In the course of the afternoon however a path had been made, and most of the stores were safely stowed upon an elevated tableland where we had pitched the tents. The place I had chosen for our camp was a pretty spot; a sweet, short herbage had been raised by the heavy rains from the sandy soil, and amongst this the beauteous flowers, for which Australia is deservedly celebrated, were so scattered and intermixed that they gave the country an enamelled appearance. A lofty species of Casuarina was intermingled with trees of a denser foliage, and on each side we looked down into two deep ravines; through the dense dark foliage of which could be seen the white foaming waters brawling on their way far below.

The next day was occupied in bringing up the remainder of the stores from the ravine and repairing the damages which had resulted from the bursting of bags and other mischief in their transit over such rough ground. Early in the morning we all had a good bathe, and only those who have been so constantly engaged under a burning sun, and for upwards of a week without regularly washing or undressing, can at all estimate the pleasure with which I plunged into the clear and rapid stream.


After thus performing our ablutions we breakfasted, and then, whilst the stores were being conveyed to the tableland, I started, accompanied by one man, to explore a route for our line of march next day. After continuing on the tableland for about a mile I traced a good route both into and out of another ravine; the stream which occupied the bed of this was so swollen that I had some difficulty in finding a ford across it; but after a few rather ludicrous plunges and falls upon the green slippery rocks I succeeded in detecting a tolerably good one. Our line of route now lay across some elevated open plains, clothed with spinifex, and thinly wooded with a large species of Eucalyptus. We saw here numerous signs of the natives, who had been cutting steps in the trees for the purpose of hunting opossums. These open plains extended for about two miles, and we then reached another small ravine, with a rapid stream running through it. A very good route brought us across this slight descent and stream; and from this point no further impediment of any consequence appeared to lie in our way. The direction in which I now wished to travel presented a series of rocky, sandy plains, thinly wooded, and affording a scanty sufficiency of food for the ponies.


During the time I was searching for this route the rain had fallen in torrents, and the quantity of ground I had walked over was so considerable that I was exhausted; riding was quite impossible in these excursions as, in many places where the ground was covered with loose rocks overgrown with a vegetation which concealed treacherous cavities, it was necessary to pass across it two or three times before I could determine whether a horse could move over it or not. Today I found myself completely knocked up, and felt certain that I could not for many days longer bear up against such continued fatigues. On my return to the camp I found all prepared for a start tomorrow; but many of the horses were so ill as to be incapable of carrying more than half a load.

February 10.

We moved off at daybreak and, having reached the ravine, set to work to form a pathway down the descent, and up the ascent on the other side, under the additional disadvantage of heavy rain. The sudden transition from the rays of a burning sun to this cold bath made my teeth chatter as if I had a tertian ague. When half our work was completed we breakfasted in the beautiful ravine amidst the dark luxuriant vegetation of the tropics, formed by the pandanus, bamboo, and palm.

After breakfast the men recommenced their labour on the road. About two P.M. it was completed, and we then loaded the ponies and set out. The poor animals were however so weak that it was almost impossible to get them to move; they stumbled and fell repeatedly, and thus thereby not only injured themselves but so delayed our movements that we only made three miles and a half during the day, and then halted for the night on very elevated land, and in a good position, for we were on a little sandy rise, along the base of which ran a stream, distant about one hundred yards.


Having thus gained the elevated plains I laid down to sleep, satisfied that the worst of our labours were over; yet I could not but recollect that it had taken us ten days to reach a spot which by the proper route was only a short day's journey from the valley we were first encamped in, and that in our march through the country we had been compelled to traverse we had lost seven ponies, and injured many of those remaining; all these difficulties arose from our departure having been delayed so long that the rains had set in and so flooded the country that we could not proceed by the proper route.



February 11.

The stores we had left behind yesterday were so necessary to us that I was fearful they might be injured or destroyed if left exposed in the bush beyond today, and therefore despatched a party under Mr. Lushington for them.

Some time after they were gone I started from the encampment on foot, with the intention of choosing a track for our route next day, as well as of endeavouring to fall in with my former track in this direction; for by so doing I should be enabled to get the party on the good land without further impediment, and at the same time to complete my map of this part of the country.


I was accompanied by Corporal Coles and a fine-looking young man about twenty years of age, from the Cape of Good Hope, leaving three men at the camp. Soon after my departure these men heard the voices of natives in the woods, and presently they appeared themselves in numbers which rapidly increased until there were collected together about two hundred men, women, and children. The party at the tents instantly got under arms, and posted themselves on the brow of the hill on which our tents stood; whilst at some distance from its base, and on the opposite side of the stream, the natives were assembled.

The advance of a large armed body from the woods seemed now to indicate that a hostile movement was about to be made; one of my party therefore shouted out to them in a threatening tone, motioning to them at the same time to go away. The natives immediately answered the shout, then halted, and, after apparently consulting together for some time, retired a little. The party at the tents simultaneously took counsel together and, agreeing that it would be imprudent in their small number to hold intercourse, under the existing circumstances, with so large a body of natives, it was resolved not to allow them to approach beyond a certain point, and, in the event of any armed portion passing the stream towards the tents in disregard of their signals, then to fire on them one by one.


In the meantime the women and little children moved round the hill, examining everything with the most intense delight: a pony which was in front of the camp more particularly excited their attention; the little children laughed loudly at it, and appeared also to laugh at the party themselves, regarding them much the same way that little boys do a stranger in foreign costume when he appears in the streets of a country village in England. The native men regarded the pony more seriously; they walked round and round, examining it carefully, and when the little stallion, becoming playful from these marks of attention, neighed, put down his head, and prepared to fight and kick vigorously, they all beat a precipitate retreat.

The party at the tents overlooked all their movements and heard every word that was uttered. They describe the language this people spoke as clear, distinct, and agreeable to the ear; the men they observed to be a fine race, tall and athletic: two were remarked in particular, one of whom was very tall, and had his forehead and face painted with white (their sign of mourning, and that there is a death to avenge) whilst the other was of a far lighter shade of colour than the rest, and these two appeared to direct the general movements.

After some time distant shouts were heard from other natives in the direction in which my party had seen me go; and a large body of the native men instantly hurried off in that quarter, headed by the tall man and the light-coloured one I have just mentioned. Then ensued a pause of about two hours, during which the native women and children wandered about in the distance, conversing in groups: suddenly was heard shouts, as of distress, from the same quarter, which were answered by the natives in front of the camp, when all moved off in a hurried manner and were seen there no more. But in the interim another scene connected with this had been passing at a distance.


On quitting the camp in the morning I and my two companions traversed for some time portions of the elevated sandstone plains which I had passed on a former occasion; and, after an hour's walking through the gloomy stringy-bark forest which covered them, we reached a stream of water running in a shallow valley; and as there was a bad route down to this I halted to make a road which the ponies could traverse. There was plenty of water and forage hereabouts, and a fine level country for our proceedings, so that we were all in high hopes and spirits, and, as I then believed, our principal difficulties were at an end.

Whilst at work at the road we all thought that we heard a native call, and that others answered him; having listened for a repetition of these sounds we again heard them, but they were so indistinct in character that none of us this time agreed as to what they were. I imagined that it was the call of a bird and, when I again heard the same sound very faintly in the distance, I felt convinced it was not a human voice, and proceeded on my way perfectly at ease.

My attention was soon occupied by other objects. I saw from a hill I ascended some remarkable blue peaks to the south: this gave us fresh hopes; and nothing occurred till about three-quarters of an hour after we had first heard the native call, when we arrived at a short descent covered with rocks, from which started a large kangaroo; I got a fair shot at, and knocked it over, but it sprang up again and hopped away; we then tried to track it but soon lost its footsteps in the scrubby vegetation of the gloomy forest,

It was the duty of the Cape man who accompanied me to mark a tree every here and there by chipping the bark, so that the party might the next day easily recognise the route which they had to pursue; upon looking back I now perceived that he had neglected a very remarkable tree about twenty or thirty yards behind us, and which stood close to the spot where I had fired at the kangaroo. I desired him to go back and chip it, and then to rejoin us; in the meantime I stood musing as to the best means of avoiding the little rocky ravine in our front.


Finding that the man remained absent longer than I had expected I called loudly to him, but received no answer, and therefore passed round some rocks which hid the tree from my view to look after him. Suddenly I saw him close to me breathless and speechless with terror, and a native with his spear fixed in a throwing-stick in full pursuit of him; immediately numbers of other natives burst upon my sight; each tree, each rock, seemed to give forth its black denizen, as if by enchantment.

A moment before, the most solemn silence pervaded these woods. We deemed that not a human being moved within miles of us, and now they rang with savage and ferocious yells, and fierce armed men crowded round us on every side, bent on our destruction.


There was something very terrible in so complete and sudden a surprise. Certain death appeared to stare us in the face: and, from the determined and resolute air of our opponents, I immediately guessed that the man who had first seen them, instead of boldly standing his ground, and calling to Coles and myself for assistance, had at once, like a coward, run away; thus giving the natives confidence in themselves, and a contempt for us: and this conjecture I afterwards ascertained was perfectly true.

We were now fairly engaged for our lives; escape was impossible, and surrender to such enemies out of the question.

As soon as I saw the natives around me I fired one barrel of my gun over the head of him who was pursuing my dismayed attendant, hoping the report would have checked his further career. He proved to be the tall man seen at the camp, painted with white. My shot stopped him not: he still closed on us and his spear whistled by my head; but, whilst he was fixing another in his throwing stick, a ball from my second barrel struck him in the arm and it fell powerless by his side. He now retired behind a rock, but the others still pressed on.


I now made the two men retire behind some neighbouring rocks, which formed a kind of protecting parapet along our front and right flank, whilst I took post on the left. Both my barrels were now exhausted; and I desired the other two to fire separately, whilst I was reloading; but to my horror, Coles, who was armed with my rifle, reported hurriedly that the cloth case with which he had covered it for protection against rain had become entangled. His services were thus lost at a most critical moment whilst trying to tear off the lock cover; and the other man was so paralysed with fear that he could do nothing but cry out, "Oh, God! Sir, look at them; look at them!"

In the meantime our opponents pressed more closely round; their spears kept whistling by us, and our fate seemed inevitable. The light coloured man, spoken of at the camp, now appeared to direct their movements. He sprang forward to a rock not more than thirty yards from us and, posting himself behind it, threw a spear with such deadly force and aim that, had I not drawn myself forward by a sudden jerk, it must have gone through my body, and as it was it touched my back in flying by. Another well-directed spear, from a different hand, would have pierced me in the breast, but, in the motion I made to avoid it, it struck upon the stock of my gun, of which it carried away a portion by its force.

All this took place in a few seconds of time, and no shot had been fired but by me. I now recognized in the light-coloured man an old enemy who had led on the former attack against me on the 22nd of December. By his cries and gestures he now appeared to be urging the others to surround and press on us, which they were rapidly doing.


I saw now that but one thing could be done to save our lives, so I gave Coles my gun to complete the reloading, and took the rifle which he had not yet disengaged from the cover. I tore it off and, stepping out from behind our parapet, advanced to the rock which covered my light-coloured opponent. I had not made two steps in advance when three spears struck me nearly at the same moment, one of which was thrown by him. I felt severely wounded in the hip, but knew not exactly where the others had struck me. The force of all knocked me down, and made me very giddy and faint, but as I fell I heard the savage yells of the natives' delight and triumph; these recalled me to myself, and, roused by momentary rage and indignation, I made a strong effort, rallied, and in a moment was on my legs; the spear was wrenched from my wound, and my haversack drawn closely over it, that neither my own party nor the natives might see it, and I advanced again steadily to the rock. The man became alarmed and threatened me with his club, yelling most furiously; but as I neared the rock behind which all but his head and arm was covered he fled towards an adjoining one, dodging dexterously, according to the native manner of confusing an assailant and avoiding the cast of his spear; but he was scarcely uncovered in his flight when my rifle ball pierced him through the back between the shoulders, and he fell heavily on his face with a deep groan.


The effect was electrical. The tumult of the combat had ceased: not another spear was thrown, not another yell was uttered. Native after native dropped away and noiselessly disappeared. I stood alone with the wretched savage dying before me, and my two men close to me behind the rocks, in the attitude of deep attention; and as I looked round upon the dark rocks and forests, now suddenly silent and lifeless but for the sight of the unhappy being who lay on the ground before me, I could have thought that the whole affair had been a horrid dream.

For a second or two I gazed on the scene and then returned to my former position. I took my gun from Coles, which he had not yet finished loading, and gave him the rifle. I then went up to the other man, and gave him two balls to hold, but when I placed them in his hands they rolled upon the earth—he could not hold them, for he was completely paralysed with terror, and they fell through his fingers; the perspiration streamed from every pore; he was ghastly pale and trembled from head to foot; his limbs refused their functions; his eyes were so fixed in the direction in which the natives had disappeared that I could draw his attention to nothing else; and he still continued repeating, "Good God, sir! look at them, look at them."

The natives had all now concealed themselves, but they were not far off. Presently the wounded man made an effort to raise himself slowly from the ground: some of them instantly came from behind the rocks and trees, without their spears, crowding round him with the greatest tenderness and solicitude; two passed their arms round him, his head drooped senselessly upon his chest, and with hurried steps the whole party wound their way through the forest, their black forms being scarcely distinguishable from the charred trunks of the trees as they receded in the distance.

To have fired upon the other natives when they returned for the wounded man would, in my belief, have been an unnecessary piece of barbarity. I already felt deeply the death of him I had been compelled to shoot: and I believe that when a fellow-creature falls by one's hand, even in a single combat rendered unavoidable in self-defence, it is impossible not sincerely to regret the force of so cruel a necessity.


I had now time to attend to my own state and that of my men, and found that they were uninjured. I had been severely wounded in the hip; another spear had just cut my right arm, and a third had deeply indented my powder-flask, whilst lying in a haversack, immediately over my stomach. The men were not, up to this moment, aware of my being wounded, as I had thought it better to conceal this circumstance from them as long as I could. The natives had gone off in the direction of the tents; and as I felt doubtful whether they might seize upon a favourable opportunity to surprise the party there, and thus revenge their defeat, I was anxious to reach the encampment as soon as possible. We therefore bound up my wound as well as we could, picked up the spear which I had drawn out from my hip, and started homewards.

We did not take with us any of the other spears or native weapons which were lying about in abundance; for I still wished to show this people that I was actuated by no ill will towards them. They did not however deal so generously with us; for Coles unfortunately forgot a notebook which he was carrying for me, containing many observations of great value; and I sent back a party to look for it, but the natives had returned to the place and carried off all their own spears, and other weapons, and my notebook likewise.

The first part of our march homewards was managed tolerably well. We saw the tracks of the natives, as if they were still retiring in the direction of the tents; and at one place, close to a group of detached rocks, were several tame native dogs, near which I have no doubt a party of men or women were concealed, as these animals seldom wander far from their masters. We did not however see any natives, and continued our route unmolested.

My wound began by degrees to get very stiff and painful, and I was moreover excessively weak and faint from loss of blood; indeed I grew so dizzy that I could scarcely see, and neither of the others were capable of leading the party back to the tents; yet I was afraid to halt and rest for I imagined that if I allowed my wound to grow cold and benumbed I should then be unable to move; leaning therefore on Coles's arm, I walked on as rapidly as I could, directing the men which way to go.


Unfortunately however we lost our track and, after walking for nearly two hours, I found that we were far from the encampment, whilst my sight and strength were momentarily failing. Under these circumstances I told Coles to walk in a direction which I gave him, and which led directly across the beaten track of the party; having reached which he could easily make out the encampment, and, leaning on his arm more heavily than before, we again moved on.


Having reached the track of the party and turned southward to follow it I still pushed on until we were within two miles of the tent, when, as I tried to cross a stream, I strained my wounded hip severely, just reached the opposite shore, and fell utterly unable to rise again. Coles, with his usual courage and devotion to me, volunteered to go on alone to the party and send assistance; the other man was to remain with me and keep a lookout for the natives, and, had they again attacked us, I should still have had strength enough to have shot two of them, and thus have sold my life dearly. I desired Coles to say that a tent, stores, the surgeon, and two men were to be sent to me, for that I was not well enough to be moved.


The water of the stream revived me considerably. My wound however was very painful, and the interim between Corporal Coles leaving me, and assistance arriving from the tent was spent in meditations, arising naturally from my present circumstances. I sat upon the rocky edge of a cool clear brook, supported by a small tree. The sun shone out brightly, the dark forest was alive with birds and insects. On such scenery I had loved to meditate when a boy, but now how changed I was; wounded, fatigued, and wandering in an unknown land. In momentary expectation of being attacked my finger was on the trigger, my gun ready to be raised, my eyes and ears busily engaged in detecting the slightest sounds, that I might defend a life which I at that moment believed was ebbing with my blood away; the loveliness of nature was around me, the sun rejoicing in his cloudless career, the birds were filling the woods with their songs, and my friends far away and unapprehensive of my condition, whilst I felt that I was dying there.

And in this way very many explorers yearly die. One poor youth (Mr. Frederick Smith) my own friend and companion, has thus fallen since the circumstances above described took place; others have, to my knowledge, lately perished in a similar way. A strange sun shines upon their lonely graves; the foot of the wild man yet roams over them: but let us hope when civilization has spread so far that their graves will be sacred spots that the future settlers will sometimes shed a tear over the remains of the first explorer, and tell their children how much they are indebted to the enthusiasm, perseverance, and courage of him who lies buried there.

Mr. Walker was by my side within an hour after the time that Coles had left me; he had come on alone ahead of the others, not knowing but that I might be in immediate danger, and therefore running a risk on my account that I can never forget.

He dressed my wound and told me that assistance was at hand to convey me to the tents. Mr. Lushington soon arrived with a pony. It was now growing very late in the day. I therefore did not like to remonstrate against being moved on horseback although, from the position of my wound, I feared that it was an injudicious mode of conveyance in my state. I was placed upon the pony and, supported by my comrades, moved onwards to the tent.


I cared but little for the want of comforts I must now be subject to. Therein I only shared the lot of many a worthy soldier; but one thing made the night very wretched, for then through the woods came the piercing shrieks of wailing women and the mournful cries of native men, sorrowing over him who had that day fallen by my hand. These cries rang on my ears all night, startling me at every moment from my feverish and fitful slumbers.

Early next morning the natives moved off in a westerly direction without having again attempted in any way whatever to molest us. My wound was not today so painful as I had anticipated. Mr. Walker, at my request, attempted to heal it by union by the first intention, as I hoped to be thus only compelled to delay the party for a few days.

My pain and suffering were, after the first day, so great, owing to an abscess having formed in my hip, that I was unable to keep a regular journal, and will therefore give a short narrative of the events which occurred, recommencing my journal on the 27th of February, the day on which I was sufficiently recovered to enable me to proceed with the party.


Two or three days after I had been wounded the man from the Cape, who had been with me at the time, came to request that he might be allowed to leave the party and return to the vessel. He stated very fairly that his horror and dread of the natives were so great he should never be able to face them; that he had never been before placed in circumstances of danger; and felt himself quite unable to cope with them; that if his own father had been with him when they attacked us he could not have helped him; and that he was sure he should die of fright if ever he saw them again.

I thought it would be cruel to compel him to remain with the party, and it was moreover impossible to tell what evil effect his cowardice might produce upon the others; when already he had, by running away from the natives, induced them to attack us. The only account he gave of this transaction was that he saw a native sitting on a rock with a spear and, feeling alarmed, immediately ran away. No one after this could feel in the least surprised at the consequences. The peculiar characteristic of this savage race appears to be that they in all cases act upon first impulses and impressions. I have repeatedly remarked this trait in their character; and undoubtedly when they found an unknown being in their native wilds, who fled from them in evident fear, it was to be expected that they would, in the first instance, feel very much inclined to run after, and throw a spear at him.

On the 21st of February I sent a party under Mr. Walker back to the schooner for the purpose of escorting this man, as well as to direct the Captain to delay her departure from the bay until the 2nd day of May; which delay would allow time for us to complete the exploration of this part of the country, and I could then decide upon what course I had better adopt.


Mr. Walker returned on the 22nd, having executed both these commissions; and his party brought back for me a little sugar, arrowroot, and wine. All of these were articles of which, in my present state, I stood much in need.

My recovery was a good deal delayed by the circumstances in which I was placed. The heat in the store-tent, a portion of which I occupied, was sometimes as high as 136 degrees of Fahrenheit, and until the return of Mr. Walker I had been able to obtain nothing to eat or drink but damper and tea without sugar; I also reclined upon the ground, until sores broke out from lying on so hard a surface in one position. Corporal Auger latterly however made a sort of low stretcher, which gave me a little more ease. Added to these bodily ills were many mental ones—but I will not dwell longer on times so replete with painful recollections.


During the time I was lying in my tent, in great pain and very low spirits, I was attended with every care and kindness by Ruston, the sailor I had brought from the Cape, who occasionally suggested such odd topics of comfort as his philosophy could supply; and one day, either from some expressions I had dropped, or other circumstance, he conceived that the death of the native I had shot was preying most upon my mind; under this impression he came into the tent, seated himself on a flour-bag near me, and made his usual inquiries as to my wants and desires; then, glancing at recent events, proceeded to say: "Well, Sir, I'm sure if I were you, I shouldn't think nothing at all of having shot that there black fellow; why, Sir, they're very thick and plentiful up the country." I did not exactly see the consolation to be derived from this argument of Ruston's, but I could not forbear smiling at its quaintness, and feeling grateful for the kindness with which it was intended.


During my illness Mr. Lushington explored a track to the westward of the one I had formerly taken, and of which he reported so favourably that I determined to pursue it. According to his account, by following it for seven or eight miles, we should get altogether clear of the sandstone ranges, and enter a tract of country of great fertility. On the 26th Mr. Walker reported me to be so much better that he thought I might with safety move on the next day on horseback, and preparations were accordingly made for a start.

A very serious change had taken place in our resources in one respect, for only fourteen ponies now remained alive out of twenty-six, and many of these were so weak and in such bad condition as to be almost useless. On opening one of those which had died about a hat-full of sand was found in its inside, and it therefore appeared very probable that the ponies, having been landed in the first instance on loose sandy soil producing only a short and scanty vegetation, had taken up so much sand with their food as to interfere with the functions of the stomach, and hence had arisen their gradual wasting away and ultimate death. I indeed entertain no doubt that the great loss of ponies we sustained arose from this cause.


This reduction in the number of our beasts of burden prevented me from entertaining further hope of being able to proceed for any great distance parallel to the coast in a southerly direction. I therefore formed a depot at our present encampment, burying all such stores as the remaining ponies were unable to carry on. My intentions being merely to proceed as far as the supply of provisions we could carry with us would last, then to return to our position, and from thence to the schooner.


On the morning of the 27th of February I was, in pursuance of this plan of operations, lifted on my horse, and we moved on in a south-west direction, across sandy plains covered with scrub and a species of stringy-bark; but on travelling for about a mile and a half the character of the country became more rocky and difficult. After moving down a slight descent, we came to a rapid stream, the same one on the banks of which I had heard the natives' calls on the day I was wounded; the banks afforded good food for the horses and trees which offered some shelter to the men from the burning heat of the sun. I determined therefore to halt here for breakfast; indeed the horses were so completely knocked up that they were incapable of travelling any further. We had already been compelled to abandon one of them in a dying state since we had started in the morning.

We halted for about an hour and a half and then recommenced our journey, but were unfortunate enough to miss the marked trees, and therefore wandered a good deal in our attempts to find the right track. Whilst thus roaming in the wood we passed two spots about one hundred yards distant from each other, which I imagined to be native burying-places: they consisted of piles of small loose stones so heaped together as to form a large mound; these mounds were placed on flat bare rocks, one of them, the smaller, had been recently made, the other was larger and much older, for it was partly overgrown with plants.


About 2 P.M. we reached the extremity of the sandstone ridges and a magnificent view burst upon us. From the summit of the hills on which we stood an almost precipitous descent led into a fertile plain below; and from this part, away to the southward, for thirty to forty miles, stretched a low luxuriant country, broken by conical peaks and rounded hills which were richly grassed to their very summits. The plains and hills were both thinly wooded, and curving lines of shady trees marked out the courses of numerous streams. Since I have visited this spot I have traversed large portions of Australia but have seen no land, no scenery to equal it. We were upon the confines of a great volcanic district, clothed with tropical vegetation, to which the Isle of France bears a greater resemblance than any other portion of the world which I am acquainted with. The rocks in both places are identical; many of the trees are also the same; and there are several other close and striking points of similarity.


The descent into the lowlands, being very difficult, occupied us nearly two hours; we then gained the bed of a ravine, in which ran a clear stream: the ravine gradually widening out as we reached the plains. I proceeded directly down it in the direction of a lofty peaked hill which bore to the westward of south; and, having gained a shoulder of this hill, we halted for the night.

Immediately above us a perfectly conical peak raised its head to the height of at least five hundred feet;* this hill was covered with rich grass, and there could be no doubt that it was of volcanic origin, for the rock of which it was composed was a vitrified lava resembling that of Ascension. It is from this lava that the natives form their most deadly spears, for which purpose it answers well, as it fractures easily, and the fracture resembles that of the coarse green glass of England; indeed a lump of this rock might readily be taken for a part of a glass bottle.

(*Footnote. This hill may be easily recognized by a precipitous cavity near the summit on its southern side, which may be seen at some distance.)

The horses and sheep revelled in the luxuriant pasture. The hill we had encamped on formed a sort of plateau; behind us stood dark mountains, and in our front lay fertile plains, from which green hills rose one behind the other until they were lost in the distance, without any perceptible change in the character of the country. To the eastward the prospect was similar, as well as to the westward, except that in this direction the hills were more lofty, and behind these the tropical sun was hurrying down with a rapidity of movement never witnessed by those who live in the gloomy climes of the north. The men all looked healthy and full of hope; the cool sea-breeze refreshed my feverish frame: I painted in fancy the rapid progress that this country would ere long make in commerce and civilization, and my weakness and fatigues were all forgotten.


February 28.

At dawn this morning the sheep could not be found; tempted by the goodness of the feed they had broken out from the little enclosure we had made for them and had wandered off. The stock-keeper and two of the men, having ascended the conical hill behind us to try if they could see them from it, reported on their return that they could descry a large lake or expanse of water, which bore about south by west from us.


Whilst the search for the sheep was continued I sent another party up the hill to observe more particularly this sheet of water, who returned with a report similar to that of the stock-keeper, and I therefore determined, as soon as everything had been prepared for starting, to move off in the direction pointed out; unfortunately the sheep were not found till near noon but, as I was afraid we should consequently lose a whole day, I started directly after they were brought in. We had not proceeded more than half a mile ere I had cause to repent this measure, for two or three of the men suffered severely from exposure to the sun, and one of them became so unwell that I was obliged to halt the party.

The spot I chose was the bank of a stream, shaded over by dense trees and, if anything could have atoned for the mortification of being compelled to halt when so anxious to get on, the cool beauty of this spot would have done so.

When the sun began to fall we again moved on, following the course of the stream, which ran through a fertile valley about two miles wide and bounded on either side by gently sloping hills, extending through a country thinly wooded. We did not halt until after sunset.

March 1.

This morning we resumed our route along the banks of the stream, which continued gradually to increase in size. The marshy ground now extended further from its banks and, in order to free ourselves from this, I ascended some rising ground to the eastward, along which we pursued our route until we fell in with another rapid stream running from the eastward, and were again involved in marshy land, which delayed us for some time ere we found a point where loaded ponies could pass. At length however, having succeeded in getting clear of these obstructions, we continued our southerly course till we came to a deep stream running from south-south-east; but, not being able to cross it there, we travelled along its banks until a ford was found; and as soon as we had passed over I halted for breakfast.


We had traversed a most beautiful country this morning, composed of basaltic rocks and fine alluvial soil, whilst, from the size and number of the streams, it must be as well watered as any region in the world. Before we had completed our breakfast violent tropical rains set in; these were so cold that some of the men got into the stream, the waters of which were comparatively warm, and they thus saved themselves from the painful feeling caused by very cold water falling on the pores, which had been previously opened by profuse perspiration. The heavy rains continued without intermission for the remainder of the day and night, and two of the men were, on this occasion, attacked with dysentery, caused, I believe, by cold and exposure.


March 2.

We started at dawn, crossing a series of low ridges which ran out from a chain of hills to the eastward of us, and increased in elevation as we proceeded to the south. We passed numerous streams, and the country generally continued of a very rich and fertile character: at last, from the top of one of these ridges, there burst upon the sight a noble river, running through a beautiful country, and, where we saw it, at least three or four miles across, and studded with numerous verdant islands. I have since seen many Australian rivers, but none to equal this either in magnitude or beauty.

I at once named it the Glenelg in compliment to the Right Honourable Lord Glenelg, to whom we were all under great obligations.


My anxiety to reach this stream was too great to allow me to pass much time in looking at it, so, after I had taken a few bearings to the most remarkable points in the neighbourhood, we wound down the steep descent in front, and continued our advance towards the river, but were still at least five miles from it when we became involved in low marshy ground, traversed by deep sluggish streams, the banks of which were encumbered by a dense vegetation. Such a country, though admirably adapted both for commerce and agriculture, offered almost insurmountable difficulties to first explorers, at least to such as were compelled to move rapidly. We at last became so completely entangled in a marsh that further progress was hopeless, and we halted to prepare breakfast whilst a party searched for a path by which we might be enabled to proceed.

My wound was still open and my sufferings from it were great; whenever we moved on I was lifted on the pony, and when we halted I was lifted off again and laid on the ground, where weakness compelled me to remain during the whole period of our halt; and on occasions like the present, when most anxious myself to search for a route, I was obliged to lie still like a helpless child. My mind was as active and as ready for exertion as ever, yet the weak frame, of which it felt perfectly independent, was incapable of seconding my most moderate wishes; and the annoyance I experienced at finding myself in this state long retarded my recovery and rendered me weaker every day.

At length a route was found, and until sunset we continued our journey over a very difficult but fertile country, and then halted for the night on a small elevation, embosomed amidst conical hills which rose from verdant meadows, watered by several streams. The country was thinly timbered.

The spot we had halted at was so thickly tenanted with mosquitoes that it was impossible to sleep. I therefore laid awake, listening to the cries of the sea-birds and watching the brilliant fire-flies moving about in the dark foliage of the trees.


March 3.

Before the first dawn I called some of the party and we started off to visit the banks of the river. The first part of our journey lay across rich grassy flats, thinly wooded with large shady trees, or over gently rising grounds, on which grew an abundance of young grass which appeared to be a species of oat. These rising grounds were thinly wooded with a small sort of gum tree, called in the Isle of France the Bois noir.

We soon reached low marshy land intersected with large dry mud flats and, as it was impossible, from the nature of the country, to get the pony further, I tethered it, and we tried to make the river on foot. The position which we had selected was however so unfavourable that we did not succeed in reaching the river, and my wound became so painful that I was scarcely able to crawl back to the pony.

We then returned to the tents, which we reached in the afternoon, and I sent another party out to examine the country and to see if they could find a more favourable position for the tent where we might be less exposed to the mosquitoes. The remainder of the men were employed in repairing the packsaddles and in mending our shoes, which were in a very dilapidated condition. The detached party, on their return, reported that they could not find a more favourable position for the tents; and that we appeared to be on a low marshy tongue of land which the river nearly flowed round. We this day saw the tracks of an emu, and of several large dogs, and kangaroos.


March 4.

By sunrise I had gained the foot of the highest hill near our encampment. It is a very remarkable rocky eminence; in height above the immediate base it was only 250 feet, but it rose by a regular steep slope from the river, which was distant about four miles. I do not think therefore that its height above the level of the sea was less than 800 feet. I was unable to ride up this hill, from the rocky nature of the ground, which was composed of a basalt resembling that of the Isle of France; its sides were slightly wooded and clothed with a fine grass nearly as high as myself. From the heaviness of the dew, walking through a river would have been about as agreeable as walking through this grass; but when I had reached the summit the view amply repaid me for the trouble of the ascent.


The river flowed through a rich and fertile country at the base of the hill, having in some places hereabouts a triple channel formed by large and apparently fertile islands, and its width must have been at least three or four miles; it however ran away so much to the north-eastward that I began to fear it might be a great salt-water inlet, communicating in some manner with Prince Regent's River, and that we might thus find ourselves upon a large island. I had a good view of the valley for 10 or 12 miles in an easterly direction over a country still very fertile, but all that I saw tended to make me believe that the river had some communication with the sea, somewhere towards the north-east.

We reached the camp before breakfast; and, as this was Sunday and our ponies were rapidly improving from the goodness of their feed, I determined to halt here for a day or two whilst a detachment examined the country to ascertain, if possible, whether we were on an island or not, and whether it was possible to cross the river near our present position.

March 5.

This morning accordingly an exploring party started; and, as it was necessary that they should traverse the country on foot so as to be able to cross the low marshy grounds near the river, I was, on account of my wound, unable to accompany them, and therefore occupied myself in making a set of magnetic observations.

March 6.

This afternoon Mr. Lushington and the party returned, having found the northern bank of the river to consist of low marshy ground covered with a luxuriant vegetation, and in some places with such forests of mangrove trees that it was impossible to approach the stream. They however succeeded in reaching one of the channels of the river, which was upwards of 400 yards wide; the rise and fall of tide was here about twenty feet, and the current, of course, extremely rapid. They reported the river as being, to all appearance, navigable, and that the tide only set in from the westward.


As the southern bank of the river was bordered by high rocky hills they saw nothing of the country in that direction. Their report was on the whole satisfactory, for it appeared that the good country still extended along the northern bank, and that we were upon the mainland.


A good idea may be formed of the size of the river where the party made it from the circumstance of their seeing a large shoal of porpoises.


March 7.

This morning we started early in a north-easterly direction and travelled all day through a very fertile and picturesque country. On our left lay hills covered with grass, and on our right extensive plains, through which ran the Glenelg. The vegetation in these was so luxuriant that it choked the fresh water up; and whole plains were sometimes thus inundated ankle deep. The country was thinly timbered, but in general the trees were of a very great size: one particularly took my fancy, having very large leaves about the colour of those of the horse-chestnut, and which cast more shade around them than any other which I have seen in Australia.

In the afternoon, as we were passing through a densely vegetated bottom, we saw a very large iguana run up a tree. This brute was of a beautiful green colour and five or six feet long; it sat on the tree, making a noise somewhat like a snake, and was the largest and ugliest of the lizard tribe which I have ever seen on land. As we could make no use of it I thought it would be wanton to kill it; so, after examining it as well as we could, we moved on, leaving it undisturbed.

The black flies on this day changed their character, and became much smaller than those I had hitherto seen.

March 8.

We made but little progress today on account of the denseness of the vegetation, which was so luxuriant that we found great difficulty in forcing our way through it; in several instances indeed it was wholly impassable; and, after making an attempt to penetrate through a jungle, we were obliged to turn about and coast round it. The numerous streams we met with were also a serious impediment, for many of these were so muddy and deep that we had great difficulty in finding a place where we could cross.


We halted for breakfast near a stream of this kind, under the shade of a large group of the pandanus. This was evidently a favourite haunt of the natives, who had been feeding upon the almonds which this tree contains in its large complex fruit, and to give a relish to their repast had mingled with it roasted unios, or fresh-water mussels, which the stream produced in abundance. The remains of some old spears were also lying about, but the natives themselves were not visible.

Immediately after breakfast I ascended a hill to see if we could in any way get clear of the deep stream on the banks of which we had breakfasted. The Glenelg was distant about three miles to the south, and I found that, in order to disengage ourselves from the waters which almost encompassed us, we must turn off to the north-west, and thus almost double back on our former track, as there was no other resource. I returned at once to the party, and we spent the rest of the day in crossing two deep streams, and then proceeded about a mile to the eastward, where we halted for the night on the bank of a rocky watercourse, but not containing a drop of water. The timber today was larger than I had yet seen it, affording many new kinds, and one in particular, resembling in appearance and quality the English ash.

March 9.

We moved through a low country, densely vegetated, and still abounding in deep sluggish streams, almost unapproachable, on account of a dwarf bamboo and other tropical plants which clothed their margins. Some of these streams were twenty feet deep and upwards, and looked more like canals than natural watercourses.


The point where we halted for the night was not very distant from the river, for its roaring, as it forced itself over a rapid, could be distinctly heard. As it was important to ascertain if it ceased to be navigable at this point, as well as whether it could be here forded or not, I ordered a party to proceed at daylight and examine it, and in the interim we laid down to enjoy such repose as myriads of mosquitoes would allow us.

March 10.

The party started at dawn and did not return until the afternoon. They arrived at low-water at a point where the river formed a series of rapids and was apparently broken into several channels; the one which they reached was not more than fifty or sixty yards wide, the tide at low water being full seven or eight feet below the level of the rocks which formed the rapids, but at high-water it rose, judging from the marks on the rocks, as many feet above them. This channel would therefore cease to be navigable for vessels at this point, but large boats could proceed up it at high-water. There was no apparent possibility of our being able to pass it hereabouts on account of the great rapidity of the current. The river continued fresh below the rapids, and their account of the character of the country they saw was most satisfactory.


Almost immediately after they had entered the camp the rain began to fall in such torrents that it was impossible for us to move; this was unfortunate for where we were halted was unfit for a day's resting-place, and we should consequently be compelled to move on Sunday morning instead of making it a day of perfect rest. The point where the party made the river today was about south latitude 15 degrees 41 minutes; east longitude 124 degrees 53 minutes.



March 11.

The country we traversed this morning was still marshy, and intersected by deep streams. The party had yesterday fixed upon a point for us to encamp at; but, a sudden inundation having taken place, we could not cross a stream which lay between us and the spot selected, so that we were compelled about noon to halt at a position very ill adapted for our purpose.


Close to our camp was a large mass of basaltic rocks, on which the natives had lately been, and had left behind them a few old spears: some drawings were also scratched upon the rocks, representing heads, hands, and other parts of the human frame: they were however indifferently executed.

Another branch of industry which had engaged their attention was the manufacture of stone spearheads, the chips and remnants of which were lying about on every side. As this looked very like a preparation to give us a warm reception I kept upon the alert. From constantly sleeping on the wet ground, and the exposure I was obliged to undergo, such an attack of rheumatism had been produced in my left hip and knee that I was not only crippled but suffered such dreadful agony from my wounded limb that I was able to pay but little attention to passing events.

I crept about however as well as I could, and found that we were in a very populous neighbourhood. At one place a large party of natives appeared to have lived for some time, twelve bark beds having been left in a circle round a fire. In this respect they differ in custom from the natives of the southern parts of Australia, who generally sleep all of a heap, or, at least, four or five persons together, whereas each individual here appeared to occupy his own little bark bed. In the course of the morning's march we had passed a very neat native oven, or fireplace, much more carefully constructed than anything of the kind I have since seen; it consisted of a hole sunk eight inches deep in the earth, which was quite circular, three feet in diameter, and very neatly paved and lined with flat stones; the last article cooked here had been a large quantity of turtles' eggs, the remnants of which were lying scattered all around. This is a dish by no means to be despised; and the discovery was rather interesting to me as it proved that turtle came so far up the river. It rained hard during the greater part of the day.

March 12.

As we were preparing to start this morning one of the ponies was found to be so knocked up as to be unable to proceed; I therefore abandoned it, though, I fear, in a state too far gone to recover; but if perfect rest and abundance of good feed and water could effect a restoration it had still a fair chance.


A ford over the stream had yesterday been found between the Glenelg and our encampment, which we now succeeded in getting the ponies over, and, in order to avoid another stream, which had been seen to the eastward, we turned north-east, but in about three miles were again at fault, on the banks of a deep brook. I now turned due north and, after tracing the stream for about a mile, discovered a ford across which, after a due proportion of sticking in the mud and falling with their loads in the deep water, we led all the ponies, and found ourselves happily established in a jungle on the other side of it. The vegetation here consisted of grass and reeds which rose so high and thick that I could see nothing over them, although there was rising land within a mile of us.

We first endeavoured to push through this jungle in an easterly direction; but, after having very resolutely made our way onwards for about an hour, I saw some very high land to the south-east of us, distant four or five miles, and therefore changed the direction of our march to make for these hills; as soon as we had gained a clear place in the jungle I halted for breakfast, and, after resting for an hour, we continued, notwithstanding the dreadful heat of the day, to move on, but soon again came to a deep, sluggish stream which obliged us to turn off to the north-east; and it was not until near nightfall that we found a place where we could cross it.


Having traversed the stream we proceeded to the foot of a very lofty peak, the most remarkable hill in this part of the country, and which I named Mount Lyell, after C. Lyell, Esquire. We here pitched the tents, and scarcely was this operation performed ere the rain fell in such torrents that the water stood even under them to the depth of two or three inches, and yet the tents were fixed in the best position that could be found. The night was dark and stormy so that, even had a better place offered, it would now have been useless to move; we therefore resigned ourselves to our fate and lay down on our watery beds, which possessed at least one merit, that they were free from mosquitoes.

March 13.

Before the mists of morning had cleared away from the lofty hills to the north-east of our encampment I had commenced their ascent with a party of three men. To my great vexation, on taking out the barometer at the bottom of the hill, it was broken, and I could therefore no longer hope to be able to obtain the height of remarkable elevations. I managed to ride the pony up the hill for some time, but the broken and rocky nature of the ground obliged me at last to walk, and I left the animal tethered in rich grass higher than itself.


When we gained the summit of the hill I found that in the mists of the morning we had ascended the wrong peak. The one we stood on was composed of basalt and at least twelve hundred feet high; but Mount Lyell, another peak springing from the same range, and not more than a mile to the eastward, must have been four or five hundred feet higher. It was moreover distinguished by a very remarkable feature, namely, a regular circle, as it were, drawn round the peak, some two hundred feet below the summit, and above this ring no trees grew; the conical peak which reared its head above the region of trees being only clothed with the greenest grass, whilst that on which I stood and all the others I could see were thinly wooded to their very summits.

The peak we had ascended afforded us a very beautiful view: to the north lay Prince Regent's River, and the good country we were now upon extended as far as the inlets which communicated with this great navigable stream; to the south and south-westward ran the Glenelg, meandering through as verdant and fertile a district as the eye of man ever rested on. The luxuriance of tropical vegetation was now seen to the greatest advantage, in the height of the rainy season. The smoke of native fires rose in various directions from the country, which lay like a map at our feet; and when I recollected that all these natural riches of soil and climate lay between two navigable rivers, and that its sea-coast frontage, not much exceeding fifty miles in latitude, contained three of the finest harbours in the world, in each of which the tide rose and fell thirty-seven and a half feet, I could not but feel we were in a land singularly favoured by nature.


I remained for some time on the summit of this hill, enjoying the prospect, and taking bearings. When this operation was completed we returned to the camp and prepared once more to proceed upon our route; but, to our misfortune, had not made more than two or three miles through a fertile country when the rain again fell in such torrents that we were compelled to halt. Indeed none but those who have been in tropical countries can at all conceive with what suddenness and force these storms burst upon us.

March 14.

We this morning made an attempt to get clear of the marshes by following a south-easterly course, and were thus forced up into a range of lofty basaltic mountains, the slopes of which were of the richest description. Had our ponies been provided with shoes we could have travelled here with great speed and facility, but the higher land was invariably covered with sharp pebbles over which the unshod ponies could only move with pain and difficulty. When however we had gained the summit of the range the view from it was similar to that which I have just described. Mount Wellington and Mount Trafalgar formed splendid objects, rearing their bold rocky heads over St. George's Basin, which now bore the appearance of being a vast lake. The pleasure of the prospect was however in my eyes somewhat diminished from seeing on the other side of the range so considerable a stream that I anticipated great difficulty in crossing it; I therefore steered a course somewhat more southerly than our former route and, having reached the extremity of the range, we once more descended into the fertile lowlands.


Along these our course continued through an uninterrupted succession of rich flats, thinly wooded but luxuriantly grassed, until near sunset, when, as we were about descending the brow of a low hill, I found that the Glenelg, having made a sudden turn, was close to us, whilst in our front, and completely blocking up our passage, there was a very large tributary which joined the river from the north-east; I therefore halted the party here for the night, and at once proceeded down to the river.

It was quite fresh and running at the rate of more than five knots an hour; the bed was composed of fine white sand, and even close to the margin it was 2 1/2 fathoms in depth. The trees which bordered it were of a gigantic height and size, I think the largest that I have seen in Australia; whilst it was almost impossible to get down to the stream, from the denseness of the vegetation on its banks. Before we reached the main channel of the river we had several smaller ones to cross, but of very insignificant depth.

I stood for some time watching this dark turbid stream sweeping rapidly along, and could not but wonder where so great a body of water could have its source. I had then seen no other Australian rivers, but judging from description this differed widely from them all.

I have since visited many of the most noted Australian streams and found this distinguished by many peculiar characteristics; nor would I hesitate to say that, with exception perhaps of the Murray, it will be found the most important on that continent; and, taking into consideration its geographical position, the fertility of the country on its banks, as far as it is yet known, and the rise and fall of tide, it may perhaps not yield in consideration even to the Murray.


I now examined the tributary stream which here joined the Glenelg, and to my chagrin found that it was so much swollen by the late rains as to be utterly impassable. To attempt to construct a bridge over it would have been useless for the adjacent ground was now so swampy the horses were bogged before we got them near it. I wandered up its banks as far as I could before nightfall, but could not succeed in finding any place in our vicinity at which we might hope to effect our passage. Just as it got dark the rain again began to pour in torrents; thus, if possible, rendering our position worse than before, and I returned late to the tents much dispirited at the unfavourable weather we had encountered.


On going down to the Glenelg the next morning I found it so swollen by the heavy rain of the preceding night as to render it impossible to get near the main bed. The river was now far beyond its banks, and in the forks of the trees above our heads we saw driftwood, reeds, dead grass, etc., lodged at least fifteen feet higher than the present level; and which could only have been left there during some great flood. Whether these had frequently recurred we had of course no means of judging, but during such floods the whole of the very low country which we here saw to the south-west of us must be inundated. I need scarcely add that in a tropical country no ground could be conceived better adapted to the growth of rice than the extensive levels which border the Glenelg.

A detached party now went of to search for a route by which we could proceed. The stock-keeper came and reported that the sheep were suffering greatly from the continued rain and exposure to wet, several of them having died during the night; only five were thus left alive out of the number we started with, and, one of these being in a drooping state, I had it killed that we might not lose the advantage of it altogether.


Immediately on the other side of the tributary stream which lay to the south of us there rose a high precipitous sandy range, similar to those we had fallen in with on first landing. This range completely overlooked our encampment from a distance, and on it a party of natives had posted themselves. We saw the smoke of their fires and heard their own cries and the yelling of their dogs; and with the help of my telescope I once distinguished their dusky forms moving about in the bush.


A large flight of cockatoos which lay between us and them were kept in a constant state of screaming anxiety from the movements of one or the other party, and at last found their position so unpleasant that they evacuated it and flew off to some more quiet roosting-place. Their departure however was a serious loss to us, as they played somewhat the same part that the geese once did in the Capitol; for whenever our sable neighbours made the slightest movement the watchful sentinels of the cockatoos instantly detected it and, by stretching out their crests, screaming, standing on their toes on the highest trees, with their wings spread abroad to support them, and peering eagerly in the direction where the movement was made, they gave us faithful intimation of every motion.

When therefore this advanced guard took unto themselves wings and flew away I was obliged to keep all hands on the alert to prevent a surprise. Whilst we were thus occupied our detachment returned and reported the country to be utterly impracticable. I determined however to examine it myself the next morning in order to be quite satisfied upon so important a point.

March 16.

I moved off at dawn this morning with a party, but after following the direction of the stream for several miles I found that the whole of the land between it and the foot of the hills had been rendered by the heavy rains a marsh quite impassable for horses, which was rendered the more annoying as the swamp was not more than a mile in width, so that this slight space alone prevented us from pursuing our desired route. Nothing however was now left us but to turn once more to the north-west, and thus to endeavour to head the marsh.


Just as we had prepared to return home the cries of the natives arose close to us; their fire was about half a mile away, and their calls had already several times been heard. Now that they were so near us I thought it better to load my second barrel with ball, for I did not like their hanging about us in the way they had done for several days. On putting my hand into my haversack in order to prepare some ammunition I found, to my great dismay, that I had taken in mistake one which belonged to another man and which contained no ammunition; nor was there a ball in possession of any person with me which would fit my gun and, as I knew that the aim of those with me was not much to be depended on, even under the coolest and most favourable circumstances, I thought that in the moment of a desperate attack it might be still less sure; this, added to the want of confidence incident on finding oneself unarmed and dependent on the protection of others, made me feel very uncomfortable until we once more reached the tents.


During the early part of the day the rain fell in torrents; but, as it cleared off a little soon after our arrival, we started in a north-westerly direction. Such violent storms of thunder, lightning, and rain set in when we had made about two or three miles that I was again obliged to halt; and as it continued to rain heavily throughout the night, our situation, which was already bad, might now be said to be hourly growing worse; and it can readily be conceived that, between rheumatism in my wounded limb, lying in water, and vexation at the constant difficulties we experienced, I was too much harassed to be able to sleep.


The continued rain during the night had necessarily rendered the marsh far more impracticable than before; but, as no other route to the southward could be found on account of the river which lay upon either hand, I was compelled to wait until the ground again in some measure dried. But it would have been equally as impossible to beat a retreat as it was to get forward, for we were in a manner surrounded by swampy land, and when the loads were placed upon the ponies they sank nearly up to the shoulders in a bog in whichever direction we attempted to move; but as our present position would have been unsafe in the event of an extensive inundation taking place I judged it necessary at all events to reach a somewhat elevated outlying hill of sandstone which was distant about two miles. This point we succeeded at last in gaining, although not without severely injuring and straining some of the ponies in effecting it. This rising ground was however well situated for our camp under present circumstances: it was composed of porous sandstone, which in these climates dries almost immediately after rain. There was plenty of dead wood upon it and it was surrounded by richly-grassed flats, whilst from the base gushed forth a clear spring, which then murmured along a purling brook, traversing the flat on which the ponies were tethered.


Close to this spot the attention of Mr. Lushington was drawn to a curious misshapen mass which came advancing from some bushes with a novel and uncouth motion. He fired and it fell, and on going up to it he found that it was a small kangaroo enveloped in the folds of a large snake, a species of Boa. The kangaroo was now quite dead, and flattened from the pressure of the folds of the snake which, being surprised at the disturbance it met with, was beginning to uncoil itself, when Mr. Lushington drew out a pistol and shot it through the head. It was of a brownish yellow colour and eight feet six inches long. The kangaroo we found very good eating; and Mr. Walker, who ate a portion of the snake, considered it to be as great a delicacy as an eel, but rather tougher.

There fortunately was an elevated pinnacle of rocks on the rising ground upon which we were encamped; and from the top of these I was able in the course of the day to get bearings and angles to many important objects; I could also see many fixed points in my survey, so that the day could not be considered as altogether a lost one.


March 18.

Throughout the whole of this day the rain poured in torrents so that the ponies, notwithstanding the goodness of the feed, began again to suffer from cold and exposure to the weather. They were so wild that we could not venture to let them run loose, and, as it was impossible to tether all of them under trees, the majority were left exposed to the pitiless pelting of the storms; and they certainly made a very wretched appearance as they stood with their sterns presented to the blast, and the water pouring from their sides in perfect streams. I do not know whether this was a very extraordinary season, but it is certain that if all rainy periods in North-West Australia resemble it, to attempt to explore the country at this time of the year would be fruitless. Such a good supply of rain is a great advantage to an occupied country through which regular lines of communication exist; as it then raises but slight impediments to travellers; but the case is very different to first explorers who have to find a ford over every stream and a passage across every swamp, and who constantly run the risk of involving themselves in a perfectly impassable region.


March 19.

This morning was also ushered in with torrents of rain, chequered by occasional intervals of fine weather of perhaps half an hour's duration. Another sheep died and several of the ponies were very unwell. The men who had been shifting the tethers of the horses at noon returned with the intelligence that, during the period of their absence from the encampment, a party of natives must have been close to us, watching our movements, for that when they went out there were no traces of them near the camp, which were now discernible in nearly every direction around us.

I selected the best bushman of my party and went off to see whether anything was to be apprehended from these natives, but I soon found that the report was in some degree exaggerated. Some natives had crept up to within about a hundred yards of us, probably with the intention of making a reconnaissance, and of then framing their future plans; they had however been disturbed by the return of the men from the horses, and then made off. It appears that they had approached us by walking up a stream of water so as to conceal their trail, and then turned out of the stream up its right bank; and although they had carefully trod in one another's foot-marks, so as to conceal their number, we could make out the traces of at least six or seven different men, which we followed to the spot where, whilst creeping about to watch us, they had been disturbed. From this point these children of the bush had disappeared, as it were by magic: not a twig was broken, not a stone was turned, and we could not perceive that the heavy drops of rain had been shaken from a single blade of grass. We made wide casts in different directions but, not being able to hit on their trail, I returned to the tents, more than ever convinced of the necessity of being constantly on the watch against beings who were often near us when we least dreamt of their presence, and, in an unguarded moment, might so easily surprise and spear some of the party.


The rain continued to fall throughout the 20th, rendering our condition every hour worse. Towards noon however the weather cleared a little, and in a fine interval I mounted a high range of basaltic hills which lay about a mile and a half to the westward. These hills were the highest which I had yet ascended; and from them I gained a very extensive view. The farthest extremity of the sandstone range which lay to the southward and eastward did not appear to be more than ten or twelve miles distant. Behind this barren range there again rose the conical tops of basaltic hills, clothed in the greenest grass; and beyond these, in the far south-east, I made out with the telescope a range of very lofty hills, which, stretching their heads high into the clouds, left me without means of forming any idea of their elevation: but even the portion of them which met my view must have had a very considerable altitude. I took a set of angles from this point but the mistiness of the day rendered it very unfit for my purpose. Whilst I was thus occupied, we heard the cries and calls of a party of natives between us and the tents. From the loudness and proximity of these I augured badly and therefore hurried my return; but we neither saw the natives themselves nor their tracks, and were quite in ignorance as to what had been their intentions. Soon after sunset the weather cleared up a little, and the stars, which came peeping out, promised well for the next day.


March 21.

Although it had rained during the night and the sun this morning rose bright and clear the country was still impassable owing to the late continued torrents. I therefore went out with a detachment for the purpose of exploring a route by which we could proceed the next day, as well as to define some more points in the country we were about to enter. In the course of our walk we crossed the track of the natives we had heard yesterday. Their party must have been large, for they approached to within about three hundred yards of the tents, leaving a trail as broad and large as was made by our ponies and party together. I did not much like their hanging about us for so many days as I rather mistrusted their intentions; their object however appeared to have been to examine the ponies, for they had only come as far as the tethering ground and, after wandering about there a little, had again retired. We were unfortunate in our search for a good line of country by which to proceed, but I made some important additions to my map.


March 22.

As fine weather had apparently set in again we this morning resumed our journey. The poor ponies looked very weak and wretched when they were brought up to start, and we were all ragged, dirty, and worn out from the constant exposure to wind and rain; indeed our appearance was altogether very miserable on moving off, and our progress, too, very slow and fatiguing, both to ourselves and the horses, on account of the swampy nature of the ground; but we strenuously persevered until near noon, when I halted for breakfast at the foot of some lofty hills, at the base of which ran the stream which was giving us so much trouble. As soon as we had despatched our scanty breakfast I tried with a party to find a passage across the marsh, but our search was in vain and, on examining the sandstone range on the other side of the stream, I found it so precipitous that our weak ponies could not possibly have clambered up it.


Whilst on our return we found a native bridge, formed of a fallen tree, which rested against two others and was secured in its position by forked boughs.


I was thus obliged to continue to travel in a north-east direction for the remainder of the afternoon, when we found, at last, a passage over the marsh, but made vain attempts to cross the sandstone range in no less than four different places; the ponies were so weak and the route so precipitous that each time we were obliged to return. At length we reached the watershed, from one side of which the streams ran down to Prince Regent's River, and from the other to the Glenelg; the rocks on the south side were ancient sandstone resting on basalt, and on the opposite the basalt crept out, forming elevated hills. This position was remarkable both in a geological and geographical point of view; and, the sandstone range over against us looking rather more accessible than it had previously done, I determined to halt here for the night and examine the country; but my resolution was scarcely formed ere such heavy storms of rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning, came on as totally to prevent me from seeing to any distance or taking any bearings.

On entering the old red sandstone district again the parakeets became once more common, and the green ants reappeared. These last seem to be solely confined to the sandstone, for I did not see one without its limits.


March 23.

This morning we made a more fortunate effort to ascend the sandstone range which had yesterday so baffled our efforts; and having commenced the ascent at 6 A.M. reached the summit at 10, but the poor little ponies were dreadfully exhausted. Having now established ourselves upon this narrow elevated tableland the next thing was to descend on the other side. The prospect to the southward and eastward was not very cheering, for before we could make any further progress in either of those directions we had a perfect precipice to get down, at the foot of which lay a beautiful and verdant valley about three miles wide, diversified with wood and water; whilst a large cascade which could be seen falling in a dark forest on the other side added much to the scenery. Beyond the valley rose again rocky sandstone ranges, but I knew that the width of these was inconsiderable.


After a very tedious search we discovered a sort of pass leading diagonally down the face of the precipice; but before attempting to take the ponies over this it was necessary to move many large rocks and stones, to cut down trees, and otherwise make it practicable for them. All hands however set cheerfully to work, and by 1 P.M. the whole party had safely reached the bottom of the precipice. The valley that we were in was very fertile but, from the incessant rain which had lately fallen, the centre part of it had become an impassable swamp, and we were thus once more obliged to turn to the northward in order to travel round it: but as rest and food were necessary both for horses and men we halted at the foot of the sandstone range for breakfast.


As we were pursuing our route in the afternoon we fell in with a specimen of the remarkable frilled lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii); this animal measures about twenty-four inches from the tip of the nose to the point of its tail, and lives principally in trees, although it can run very swiftly along the ground: when not provoked or disturbed it moves quietly about, with its frill lying back in plaits upon the body: but it is very irascible and, directly it is frightened, elevates the frill or ruff and makes for a tree; where if overtaken it throws itself upon its stern, raising its head and chest as high as it can upon the forelegs, then doubling its tail underneath the body and displaying a very formidable set of teeth. From the concavity of its large frill it boldly faces any opponent, biting fiercely whatever is presented to it, and even venturing so far in its rage as to fairly make a fierce charge at its enemy. We repeatedly tried the courage of this lizard, and it certainly fought bravely whenever attacked. From the animal making so much use of this frill as a covering and means of defence for its body this is most probably one of the uses to which nature intended the appendage should be applied.

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