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122. LAMPROGASTER MARGINIFERA, n. s. Foem. Testacea; capite maculis duabus fasciaque nigro-aeneis; thoracis disco nigro-aeneo, vittis tribus testaceis, vittis duabus lateralibus albidis, scutelli margine testaceo; abdominis dorso nigro-aeneo; alis limpidis, fasciis plurimis fuscis.
Female. Testaceous. Head with two blackish aeneous spots on the vertex, and with a blackish aeneous band in front; mouth and antennae tawny; disk of the thorax blackish aeneous, with three testaceous stripes which are united in front, the middle one slender, the lateral pair united on the border of the scutellum, a whitish stripe on each side; abdomen blackish aeneous above; wings limpid, with eight or nine irregular brown bands; veins black, testaceous along the costa; discal transverse vein parted by much less than its length from the border, and by about its length from the praebrachial transverse. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 9 lines.
123. LAMPROGASTER DELECTANS, n. s. Foem. Ferruginea; capite testaceo, postice albido, vertice luteo fasciis duabus nigris, vittis quatuor anticis antennisque nigris; thorace vittis septem et metathoracis fascia albidis; abdomine cyaneo-viridi, basi discoque fulvis; pedibus nigricantibus, femoribus testaceis apice nigris; alis sublimpidis, costa, striga obliqua subcostali guttaque marginali nigricantibus.
Female. Ferruginous. Head testaceous, whitish behind; vertex luteous, blackish in front and behind; fore part with four blackish stripes; antennae blackish; thorax with seven whitish stripes, the middle one broad, the inner pair very slender, the second pair broad, the third pair lateral; abdomen bluish green, slightly varied with purple, base and fore part of the disk tawny; legs blackish; femora testaceous, with black tips; wings nearly limpid, with a slight lurid tinge in the discal areolet, blackish along the costa, and with a blackish oblique streak which extends from the costa along the praebrachial transverse vein; a blackish dot on the hind end of the discal transverse vein; veins black, discal transverse vein parted by about one-fourth of its length from the border, and by a little more than its length from the praebrachial transverse which is very oblique; alulae white; halteres testaceous, with black knobs. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 9 lines.
124. LAMPROGASTER SCUTELLARIS, n. s. Mas. Subcinereo-nigra; oculis albido submarginatis; thorace vittis tribus cinereis, vittis duabus lateralibus, scutelli subquadrati margine, tibiis intermediis tarsisque albidis; alis nigricantibus, fasciis duabus integris duabusque macularibus incompletis albidis.
Male. Black, with a slight cinereous tinge; eyes partly bordered with whitish; third joint of the antennae elongate-conical; arista plumose, the bristles few; thorax with three indistinct cinereous stripes, and with two whitish lateral stripes; scutellum nearly quadrate, with a whitish border; middle tibiae, knees and tarsi whitish, the latter with black tips; wings blackish, whitish at the base, and with four whitish bands, first and third bands entire, second and fourth macular, very irregular and incomplete; veins black; discal transverse vein straight, parted by about one-fourth of its length from the border, and by hardly more than its length from the praebrachial transverse. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 4 lines.
This species has some resemblance to the genus Platystoma, and differs rather from the characters of Lamprogaster; it and the two following species, which are still more aberrant, will probably be considered as three new genera.
125. LAMPROGASTER CELYPHOIDES, n. s. Mas et Foem. Atra, nitens, brevis, lata; capite, antennis pedibusque testaceis; abdomine nigro-cyaneo; alis limpidis, strigis transversis subcostalibus fuscescentibus.
Male and Female. Deep black, shining, short, broad. Head testaceous, face transverse; antennae testaceous, third joint elongate-conical; arista bare; abdomen blackish blue, second segment very large, third and following not visible; legs testaceous; wings limpid, with four transverse pale brown subcostal streaks; discal transverse vein parted by less than half its length from the border, and by less than its length from the flexure of the praebrachial; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 2—2-1/2 lines; of the wings 4-1/2 lines.
126. LAMPROGASTER TETYROIDES, n. s. Mas. Atra, nitens, brevissima, latissima; capite transverso, subruguloso; thorace scitissime punctato; abdomine cyaneo; tarsis flavis; alis nigris albido punctatis apud marginem posticum obscure cinereis.
Male. Deep black, shining, very short and broad. Head transverse, slightly rugulose; third joint of the antennae conical; arista thinly plumose; thorax very finely punctured; scutellum almost semicircular; abdomen blue, smooth; tarsi yellow; wings black, dark grey towards the hind border, with whitish points towards the costa; discal transverse vein parted by about its length from the border and by more than its length from the praebrachial transverse. Length of the body 2-1/2 lines; of the wings 5 lines.
127. PLATYSTOMA FUSIFACIES, n. s. Mas et Foem. Cinerea; capite postice et apud oculos albo; vertice pallide luteo (mas) aut rufo (foem.); facie plana, fusiformi, subargentea; antennis piceis; thoracis vittis tribus pectoreque canis; abdomine conico punctis albis; alis limpidis, guttis transversis interioribus fasciisque exterioribus nigricantibus.
Male and Female. Cinereous. Head white hindward and about the eyes, black and shining towards the mouth; vertex pale luteous in the male, red in the female; face flat, fusiform, somewhat silvery; antennae piceous, third joint long, slender, linear, arista plumose; thorax with three hoary stripes, the middle one much broader than the lateral pair; pectus hoary; abdomen conical, with numerous white points; wings limpid, with blackish dots towards the base, and with four exterior blackish bands, two of which are dilated towards the costa, and there contain some limpid dots; veins black, discal transverse vein straight, parted by about one-fourth of its length from the border, and by more than its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres whitish. Length of the body 3-1/2-5 lines; of the wings 8-10 lines.
128. PLATYSTOMA MULTIVITTA, n. s. Mas. Cinerea; capite postice et apud oculos albo, vertice luteo, facie et antennis fulvis; thoracis vittis octo pectoreque canis; abdominis segmentis cano fasciatis; ventre ferrugineo; pedibus nigris; alis limpidis, fasciis quatuor strigisque interioribus nigricantibus.
Male. Cinereous. Head white behind and about the eyes, vertex luteous; face and antennae tawny, third joint of the latter long, slender, linear; arista very slightly plumose; thorax with eight hoary stripes; pectus hoary; abdomen with a hoary band on the fore border of each segment; legs black; wings limpid, with four blackish bands, and with some blackish marks nearer the base; two blackish streaks between the first and second bands; veins black; discal transverse vein straight, parted by one-fourth of its length from the border, and by very much more than its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres black. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 8 lines.
Gen. DACUS, Fabr.
129. DACUS EXPANDENS, n. s. Foem. Fulvus, latiusculus; antennarum articulo tertio piceo angusto lineari longissimo; abdomine vitta tenui nigricante; alis limpidis, costa vittaque postica fuscescentibus.
Female. Tawny, rather broad, very slightly covered with hoary tomentum, which forms stripes on the thorax and indistinct bands on the abdomen; third joint of the antennae piceous, slender, linear, very long; arista bare; abdomen with a slender blackish stripe; wings limpid, brownish along the costa, and with a short oblique brownish stripe extending from the base to the interior border; veins black, discal transverse vein oblique, parted by full one-fourth of its length from the border, and by more than its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 8 lines.
130. DACUS PECTORALIS, n. s. Foem. Cinereo-niger; capite fulvo, facie guttis duabus nigris; antennarum articulo tertio piceo angusto lineari longissimo; callis duabus humeralibus, fasciis duabus obliquis pectoralibus lateralibus, scutello tarsisque testaceis; thoracis vittis tribus abdominisque una canis; pedibus fulvis piceo cinctis; alis limpidis, costa vittaque postica fuscescentibus.
Female. Black, slightly covered with cinereous tomentum. Head tawny, with two small black dots on the face; third joint of the antennae piceous, slender, linear, very long, arista bare; thorax with three indistinct hoary stripes; humeral calli, an oblique band on each side of the pectus, scutellum and tarsi, testaceous; abdomen with one hoary stripe; legs tawny, with diffuse piceous bands; wings limpid, brownish along the costa, and with a short oblique brownish stripe, extending from the base to the interior border; veins black; discal transverse vein parted by less than one-fourth of its length from the border, and by a little more than its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 3-3/4 lines; of the wings 7-1/2 lines.
131. DACUS LATIFASCIA, n. s. Foem. Niger; capite postice et apud oculos albido; antennarum articulo tertio vix longo; thoracis fascia, metathorace pectorisque fasciis duabus obliquis canis; abdomine cyaneo; femoribus albidis apice nigris; alis albo-limpidis, costa atra, fasciis duabus latissimis nigris; halteribus testaceis.
Female. Black. Head whitish behind and about the eyes; third joint of the antennae linear, round at the tip, hardly long, arista plumose; thorax with a band on the hind border of the scutum; metathorax and an oblique band on each side of the pectus hoary; abdomen blue; coxae and femora whitish, the latter with black tips; wings limpid white, deep black along the costa, and with two very broad black bands; veins black; discal transverse vein very oblique, parted by about one-sixth of its length from the border, and by little more than half its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 8 lines.
132. DACUS MUTILLOIDES, n. s. Foem. Rufescens; capite nigro, postice et apud oculos albo; antennarum articulo tertio angusto lineari longissimo; thoracis vittis tribus, pectoris fasciis duabus obliquis lateralibus abdominisque fasciis duabus (secunda interrupta) albis, abdominis dimidio postico nigro-aeneo; pedibus piceis; alis sublimpidis, costae apice venisque transversis nigro nebulosis; halteribus albidis.
Female. Reddish. Head black, white behind and about the eyes and on the grooves of the face; antennae black, reddish at the base, third joint slender, linear, very long, arista bare, rather stout; thorax with three whitish stripes; pectus with a more distinct oblique white band on each side; metathorax whitish; abdomen aeneous, pubescent, finely punctured, reddish and slightly contracted towards the base, with two white bands, the second widely interrupted; oviduct long, lanceolate; legs piceous; wings nearly limpid, clouded with black at the tip of the costa and on the praebrachial transverse vein, hardly clouded on the discal transverse vein; veins black; discal transverse vein straight, parted by about one-fourth of its length from the border, and by much more than its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres whitish. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 8 lines.
133. DACUS LONGIVITTA, n. s. Mas. AEneo-viridis, subpubescens, subtilissime punctatus; capite nigro apud oculos albido, epistomate ferrugineo, antennarum articulo tertio longo lineari; thorace subvittato; pedibus nigris, femoribus ferrugineis; alis subcinereis, costa vittaque apud venam praebrachialem nigris; halteribus piceis.
Male. AEneous green, with slight hoary tomentum, very finely punctured. Head black, whitish about the eyes; epistoma ferruginous, prominent; antennae black, ferruginous at the base, third joint long, linear, conical at the tip; arista bare; thorax with an indistinct broad hoary stripe; abdomen compressed, nearly linear; legs black; femora ferruginous; wings slightly greyish, black along the costa and with a black stripe which extends along the praebrachial vein to the discal transverse vein; veins black; discal transverse vein straight, oblique, parted by a little more than half its length from the border, and by very much more than its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres piceous. Length of the body 4-6 lines; of the wings 5-7 lines.
134. DACUS LATIVENTRIS, n. s. Foem. Nigro-viridis, subtilissime punctatus; capite piceo apud oculos albido; antennis fulvis, articulo tertio sublanceolato; abdomine brevi, lato; pedibus nigris, femoribus anticis fulvis; alis subcinereis, costa vittaque apud venam praebrachialem nigris, vena discali transversa nigricante nebulosa; halteribus albidis.
Female. Blackish green, very minutely punctured. Head piceous, whitish about the eyes; epistoma ferruginous, slightly prominent; antennae tawny, third joint rather long, somewhat lanceolate, arista bare; abdomen nearly round, broader than the thorax; legs black, fore femora tawny; wings very slightly greyish, black along the costa to the tip of the praebrachial vein, with a black stripe along the praebrachial vein to the discal transverse vein, and with a blackish tinge about the discal transverse vein and along the adjoining part of the hind border; veins black, discal transverse straight, vein parted by less than half its length from the border, and by very much more than its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres whitish. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 4 lines.
135. DACUS OBTRUDENS, n. s. Mas. Nigro-viridis, subtilissime punctatus; capite nigro apud oculos albido; antennis piceis basi rufescentibus, articulo tertio lineari longissimo; abdomine lineari maculis duabus lateralibus testaceis; pedibus nigris, femoribus apice tarsisque posticis basi fulvis; alis subcinereis, costa, apice maculaque apud venam transversam discalem nigricantibus; halteribus albis.
Male. Dark green, very minutely punctured. Head black, whitish about the eyes, ferruginous towards the epistoma; antennae piceous, reddish towards the base; third joint linear, very long, arista bare; abdomen linear, compressed, with a testaceous spot on each side before the middle; legs black, femora tawny towards the tips, hind tarsi tawny at the base; wings slightly greyish, blackish along the costa and at the tips, and about the transverse veins; veins black, tawny at the base; discal transverse vein straight, oblique, parted by about half its length from the border, and by a little more than its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres white. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 7 lines.
136. DACUS POMPILOIDES, n. s. Mas. Niger; capite albido, epistomate ferrugineo; antennis piceis basi rufis, articulo tertio longo lineari; abdomine nigro-cyaneo; pedibus piceis; alis subcinereis, striga costali basali, fascia tenui postice abbreviata et triente apicali strigam subcineream includente nigricantibus; halteribus albis.
Male. Black. Head with whitish tomentum, epistoma ferruginous, prominent; antennae piceous, red at the base, third joint long, linear, arista bare; abdomen linear, blackish blue, longer than the thorax; legs piceous; wings slightly greyish, with a blackish costal streak extending from the base, with a slender blackish band which is abbreviated hindward, and with more than one-third of the apical part blackish and including a slightly greyish streak; veins black, discal transverse vein straight, oblique, parted by a little less than its length from the border and by about its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres white. Length of the body 3-1/2 lines; of the wings 6 lines.
Gen. BREA, n. g.
Platystomae affinis. Facies lata. Antennae breves; articulus tertius longiconicus; arista nuda. Femora intermedia incrassata, denticulata.
Allied to Platystoma. Face broad; antennae short, third joint elongate-conical; arista bare; middle femora incrassated, denticulated beneath.
137. BREA DISCALIS, n. s. Mas. Nigra; capite testaceo apud oculos albido, fronte ochracea; antennis piceis basi rufescentibus; thorace vitta lata cana; abdomine fulvo, disco nigro cupreo; pedibus fulvis, femoribus anticis apice tibiisque anticis basi nigris; alis sublimpidis, fascia media lata postice abbreviata guttam limpidam subcostalem includente lineaque transversa exteriore nigricantibus; halteribus testaceis.
Male. Black. Head testaceous, whitish about the eyes, front ochraceous; antennae piceous, reddish at the base; thorax with a broad hoary stripe; abdomen tawny, with a blackish cupreous disk; legs tawny, fore femora at the tips and fore tibiae at the base black; wings nearly limpid, with a broad middle blackish band, which is abbreviated hindward and includes a limpid dot by the costa, and has beyond it a blackish transverse line; veins black, testaceous towards the base; discal transverse vein straight, upright, parted by half its length from the border, and by much more than its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 4 lines; of the wings 7 lines.
138. BREA CONTRARIA, n. s. Mas et Foem. Nigra; capite fulvo apud oculos albido, fronte ochracea; antennis rufescentibus; thorace vitta cana; abdomine purpureo apice cyaneo; pedibus nigris, femoribus anticis tarsisque testaceis; alis sublimpidis, fascia lata media postice abbreviata, guttis interioribus lineaque transversa exteriore nigricantibus.
Male and Female. Black. Head tawny, whitish about the eyes; antennae reddish; thorax with a hoary stripe; sides and pectus also hoary; abdomen purple, blue towards the tip; legs black; tarsi and fore femora testaceous; wings nearly limpid, with a broad blackish middle band which is abbreviated hindward, with some interior blackish dots, and with an exterior transverse blackish line; veins black; discal transverse vein straight, parted by less than half its length from the border, and by less than its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres black. Length of the body 3—3-1/2 lines; of the wings 6-7 lines.
Gen. ADRAMA, n. g.
Mas. Corpus longiusculum. Caput thorace vix latius, setis duabus posticis erectis. Antennae sat longae; articulus tertius linearis, apice conicus; arista pubescens. Abdomen sublineare, thorace longius et angustius. Pedes mediocres; femora posteriora spinis minutis armata. Alae sat longae.
Male. Body rather long. Head transverse, hardly broader than the thorax, with two erect setae on the hind part of the vertex; face vertical; epistoma slightly prominent. Antennae nearly reaching the epistoma; third joint long, linear, conical at the tip; arista pubescent. Abdomen almost linear, longer and narrower than the thorax. Legs moderately long and slender; posterior femora with minute spines beneath. Wings rather long; discal transverse vein straight, upright, parted by hardly half its length from the border, and by rather more than its length from the praebrachial transverse.
139. ADRAMA SELECTA, n. s. Mas. Testacea; capite guttis tribus nigris; thorace disco antico vittisque duabus posterioribus nigris; tibiis tarsisque anticis piceis, tibiis posticis subpiceis; alis subfuscescentibus, fascia lata limpida nigricante marginata postice abbreviata.
Male. Testaceous. Head with a black dot above the antennae and one on each side of the epistoma; thorax with the fore part of the disk black, and with two hindward black stripes; fore tibiae and fore tarsi piceous; hind tibiae somewhat piceous; wings slightly brownish, with two blackish bands, the first on the praebrachial transverse vein, abbreviated hindward, the second on the discal transverse vein, abbreviated in front, intermediate space limpid, veins testaceous, black towards the tips; halteres pale testaceous. Length of the body 4-1/2 lines; of the wings 8 lines.
Gen. ORTALIS, Fallen.
140. ORTALIS PROMPTA, n. s. Foem. Nigro-viridis; capite piceo apud oculos albido; antennis rufescentibus; thorace vitta abdomineque fasciis cinereis; pedibus nigris; alis limpidis, vittis tribus nigris, prima postice abbreviata, secunda tertiaque latis; halteribus albidis.
Female. Blackish green. Head piceous, whitish about the eyes; epistoma somewhat prominent; antennae reddish, third joint somewhat lanceolate, piceous towards the tip; arista bare; thorax with a cinereous stripe; sides and pectus also cinereous; abdomen with two cinereous bands; legs black; wings limpid white, slightly cinereous towards the base, with three black bands, the first abbreviated hindward, the second and third very broad; veins black, discal transverse vein curved inward, parted by much less than its length from the border and by a little less than its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres whitish. Length of the body 3-1/2 lines; of the wings 6 lines.
141. ORTALIS COMPLENS, n. s. Mas et Foem. Nigro-viridis; capite antennisque testaceis, articulo tertio brevi, arista plumosa; abdomine atro; pedibus testaceis, femoribus nigris; alis albo limpidis, strigis duabus apiceque nigro-cinereis, fasciis tribus satis nigricantibus; halteribus albis. Mas. Vertice luteo postice nigro, femoribus apice testaceis, alarum fasciis subconnexis. Foem. Vertice nigro, tibiis nigris, posticis basi testaceis.
Male and Female. Blackish green. Head testaceous; antennae testaceous, third joint short, conical; arista plumose; abdomen deep black; legs testaceous; femora black; wings limpid white, with three broad blackish stripes, the second emitting a branch from its outer side to the costa, a streak connected with the outer side of the third band, and the tips blackish cinereous; discal transverse vein straight, parted by much less than its length from the border, and by a little more than its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres white. Male. Vertex luteous, black hindward; femora with testaceous tips; bands of the wings partly connected. Female. Vertex black; tibiae black, the hind pair testaceous towards the base. Length of the body 1-1/2—2 lines; of the wings 3-4 lines.
Gen. TRYPETA, Meigen.
142. TRYPETA MULTISTRIGA, n. s. Foem. Testacea; thorace pectoreque nigro-strigatis; abdomine maculis quatuor lateralibus anterioribus fascia lata apiceque nigris; femoribus posterioribus nigro vittatis; alis nigricantibus basi marginali maculis guttisque albis.
Female. Testaceous. Third joint of the antennae short, conical; arista plumose; thorax with black bristles on each side, with eight black streaks, four in front, of which the middle pair are very short, four hindward, the middle pair short, the outer pair connected in front of the scutellum, two lateral black streaks; pectus with a black interrupted streak on each side; disk also black; abdomen with two transverse black spots on each side towards the base, and with a broad black band; oviduct black, flat, lanceolate, obtuse at the tip; posterior femora striped with black; wings blackish, limpid for a space from the base along the costa and along the hind border, and with twelve white marks of various size, four discal, eight marginal; discal transverse vein nearly straight, parted by one-fourth of its length from the border, and by about its length from the praebrachial transverse. Length of the body 3-1/2 lines; of the wings 6 lines.
143. TRYPETA DORSIGUTTA, n. s. Mas. Atra; capite piceo vitta testacea, subtus albo; antennis testaceis; thorace cinereo punctis lateralibus albis, pectore albido; abdominis segmentis testaceo marginatis; tibiis albido fasciatis, tarsis albidis; alis albo-limpidis, strigis basalibus fasciisque duabus latis nigricantibus, prima antice furcata; halteribus albis.
Male. Deep black. Head piceous, with cinereous tomentum, white behind and beneath, a testaceous stripe on the vertex; antennae testaceous, black at the base, third joint conical, white at the base, arista plumose; thorax with cinereous tomentum, white points along each side; pectus whitish; hind borders of the abdominal segments testaceous with cinereous tomentum; tibiae with a dingy whitish band; tarsi dingy whitish; wings limpid white, with several blackish marks towards the base and with two broad blackish bands, the first forked in front; discal transverse vein nearly straight, parted by less than its length from the border, and by more than twice its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres white. Length of the body 2-1/2 lines; of the wings 4 lines.
144. TRYPETA BASALIS, n. s. Mas. Nigra, nitens; capite antennisque fulvis, vertice maculis duabus piceis; abdomine basi pedibusque testaceis; alis limpidis, striga basali, fasciis tribus costaque apicali nigricantibus; halteribus testaceis.
Male. Black, slender, shining. Head tawny, with two elongated piceous spots on the vertex; antennae tawny, third joint linear, rather long, arista bare; abdomen nearly fusiform, testaceous at the base; legs testaceous; wings limpid, with a blackish oblique streak extending from the base, with three blackish bands, and with a blackish costal streak extending round the tip, first and third bands slender, second broad, abbreviated like the first hindward; discal transverse vein straight, parted by about one-fourth of its length from the border, and by less than its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 1-1/2 line; of the wings 3 lines.
145. TRYPETA IMPLETA, n. s. Foem. Cinerea; capite albido; antennarum articulo tertio albido apice nigro; thorace vitta fusca, scutello albido, abdomine nigro; pedibus albidis nigro fasciatis; alis albis, maculis plurimis nigricantibus ex parte confluentibus; halteribus albidis.
Female. Cinereous. Head whitish; third joint of the antennae short, conical, whitish, blackish at the tip, arista plumose; thorax with a brown stripe; scutellum whitish; abdomen black; legs whitish, with black bands; wings white, with many blackish spots, some of them confluent; discal transverse vein straight, parted by much less than its length from the border, and by a little less than its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres whitish. Length of the body 1-1/2 line; of the wings 3 lines.
146. TRYPETA SUBOCELLIFERA, n. s. Mas. Cana; antennis albidis; thorace guttis fuscis, scutelli margine albido; abdomine fusco apicem versus cano maculis fuscis; pedibus albidis fusco fasciatis; alis limpidis, maculis nigricantibus pallido signatis ex parte confluentibus.
Male. Hoary. Antennae whitish, third joint short, conical, arista plumose; thorax with some slight brown dots; scutellum brown, hind borders of the scutellum white; abdomen brown, hind borders of the segments and apical part cinereous, the latter with brown dots; legs whitish, with brown bands; wings limpid, with several blackish dots containing pale marks, some of them confluent and forming a middle band; discal transverse vein straight, enclosed in a pale streak, parted by much less than its length from the border and by much more than its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres whitish. Length of the body 1-1/2 line; of the wings 3 lines.
Subfam. ACHIIDES, Walk.
Gen. ACHIAS, Fabr.
147. ACHIAS LONGIVIDENS, n. s. Mas et Foem. Viridi-cinerea; capite testaceo fasciis duabus vittisque tribus anticis nigris; antennis nigris; thorace vittis quatuor purpureo-nigris, pectore ferrugineo; abdomine viridi-fulvo; pedibus piceis; alis limpidis, costa lurido-nigricante, vena transversa discali fusco nebulosa; halteribus testaceis apice nigris. Mas. Oculis longissime petiolatis, scutello viridi, femoribus basi fulvis. Foem. Oculis subpetiolatis, scutello nigro-purpureo.
Male and Female. Greenish cinereous. Head with two black bands on the vertex and with four black stripes in front; antennae black, third joint linear, very long, arista plumose; thorax with four purplish black stripes, middle pair abbreviated hindward and having behind them a spot of the same hue, lateral pair interrupted; pectus ferruginous; abdomen tawny, with bright green reflections, testaceous beneath; legs piceous; wings limpid, blackish, and with a lurid tinge along the costa, whence a short oblique blackish streak proceeds by the praebrachial transverse vein; discal transverse vein clouded with brown, hardly curved, parted by less than one-third of its length from the border, and by much more than its length from the praebrachial transverse, which is very oblique; halteres testaceous, with black tips. Male. Head with the fore black band interrupted; eyes with very long petioles, the latter about three-fourths of the length of the body; scutellum green; femora tawny towards the base. Female. Eyes with short petioles, extending a little beyond the sides of the thorax; scutellum blackish purple. Length of the body 5-6 lines; of the wings 12-13 lines.
148. ACHIAS LATIVIDENS, n. s. Foem. Viridi-cinerea; capite testaceo, vittis tribus anticis nigris, oculis subpetiolatis; antennis nigris; thorace vittisquatuor purpureo-nigris, scutello cyaneo basi viridi, pectore fulvo; abdomine viridi-fulvo; pedibus nigris, femoribus basi luteis, tibiis luteo fasciatis; alis subcinereis, vitta costali nigricante interrupta lurida strigata, vena transversa discali fusco nebulosa; halteribus testaceis apice nigris.
Female. Greenish cinereous. Head testaceous, with three black stripes on the face; eyes very slightly petiolated; antennae black; thorax with four purplish black stripes; scutellum blue, green at the base; pectus tawny; abdomen tawny, with bright green reflections; legs black; femora luteous towards the base; tibiae with indistinct luteous bands; wings slightly greenish, with a blackish interrupted costal stripe containing luteous streaks; discal transverse vein clouded with brown; veins in structure like those of the preceding species; halteres testaceous, with black tips. Length of the body 6 lines; of the 13 lines.
This species at first sight seems like a variety of the preceding one, but the petioles of the eyes are shorter and thicker, the costal stripes of the wings are interrupted, and the shade on the discal transverse vein is more diffuse.
149. ACHIAS AMPLIVIDENS, n. s. Foem. Fulva, subtus testacea; oculis extantibus non petiolatis; thorace submetallico, vittis quinque cinereis; abdomine purpureo basi testaceo, tibiis tarsisque nigris; alis subcinereis, costa nigro-fusca, venis transversis nigro-fusco nebulosis.
Female. Tawny, testaceous beneath. Head testaceous; eyes very prominent, but hardly petiolated; antennae tawny; thorax slightly metallic, with five cinereous stripes, which are abbreviated hindward, the inner pair slender; abdomen purple, testaceous at the base; legs black; coxae and femora testaceous, the latter with black tips; wings slightly greyish, costal stripe brown, blackish towards the tip; praebrachial transverse vein clouded with blackish, discal transverse vein clouded with a much paler hue than that of the praebrachial transverse vein, in structure like those of the two preceding species; halteres testaceous, with black tips. Length of the body 4-1/2 lines; of the wings 9 lines.
Gen. POLYARA, n. g.
Mas. Corpus longiusculum. Caput transversum; facies lata, plana, non obliqua. Palpi lati. Antennae parvae; articulus tertius longiconicus; arista plumosa. Thorax oblongo-subquadratus. Abdomen sublineare, thorace multo longinus et angustius. Pedes breves, tenues. Alae latiusculae; venae optime determinatae; venae duae transversae inter venas radialem et cubitalem; vena praebrachialis apicem versus valde flexa.
Male. Body rather long. Head transverse, a little broader than the thorax; face broad, flat, vertical. Palpi broad. Antennae small; third joint elongate-conical, not extending more than half the length to the epistoma; arista plumose. Thorax oblong-subquadrate. Abdomen nearly linear, much longer and more slender than the thorax. Legs short, rather slender; fore femora somewhat setose beneath. Wings rather broad, flat in repose; veins very strongly marked; a transverse vein between the cubital and mediastinal veins; two transverse veins between the radial and cubital veins; cubital vein slightly angular between the praebrachial transverse vein and the tip of the wing; praebrachial vein much curved towards its tip.
The structure of the wing veins in this genus is very peculiar, and it does not agree well with any of the established subfamilies of Muscidae.
150. POLYARA INSOLITA, n. s. Mas. Testacea; faciei sulcis albidis; abdomine lutescente fulvo; alis subcinereis, nigricante-fusco submarginatis et subfasciatis.
Male. Testaceous, paler beneath. Facial grooves for the antennae whitish; thorax with some almost obsolete stripes, the middle pair approximate, slender, somewhat more distinct than the others; abdomen somewhat lutescent-tawny; wings slightly greyish, irregularly blackish-brown along the costa, brown at the tips, and with a brown band which is indistinct in front but much darker on the discal transverse vein; praebrachial vein largely bordered with brown; veins black, testaceous towards the base, discal transverse vein straight, parted by about one-sixth of its length from the border, and by rather less than half its length from the praebrachial transverse; alulae very small. Length of the body 5-1/2 lines; of the wings 10 lines.
Subfam. SEPSIDES, Walk.
Gen. ANGITULA, n. g.
Foem. Corpus convexum, glaberrimum, nitidissimum. Caput subrotundum; epistoma valde prominens. Antennae epistoma non attingentes; articulus tertius longiusculus, linearis, apice conicus; arista subpubescens. Thorax anticus valde productus et attenuatus; scutellum bispinosum; metathorax magnus, declivis. Abdomen longi-subfusiforme; segmentum primum gibbosum. Pedes longi, graciles; coxae anticae longissimae. Alae longae, angustae; alulae obsoletae.
Female. Body convex, very smooth and shining. Head nearly round; front subquadrate; face short; epistoma very prominent. Mouth short. Antennae not reaching the epistoma; third joint linear, rather long, conical at the tip; arista somewhat pubescent. Thorax much produced and attenuated in front; scutellum armed with two spines; metathorax slanting, well developed. Abdomen elongate-subfusiform, longer and much more slender than the thorax; first segment gibbous above. Legs long, slender, without bristles; fore coxae very long. Wings long, narrow; discal transverse vein straight, upright, parted by less than half its length from the border, and by nearly twice its length from the praebrachial transverse.
151. ANGITULA LONGICOLLIS, n. s. Foem. Nigro-aenea; capite subtus albido, frontis disco rufescente, fascia albida; antennis piceis basi rufis; pedibus nigris, femoribus basi coxisque anticis albidis; alis limpidis, costa nigra.
Female. AEneous black. Head whitish beneath, front with a reddish disk, face whitish. Antennae piceous, first and second joints red; legs black, bare; femora towards the base and fore coxae whitish; wings limpid, with a black costal line extending to the tip of the praebrachial vein; veins and halteres black. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 8 lines.
Gen. SEPSIS, Fallen.
152. SEPSIS BASIFERA, n. s. Mas et Foem. Nigra; thorace nigro-aeneo; tarsis, femoribus basi pedibusque anticis testaceis; alis limpidis, costa basi nigra. Mas. Metatarsis intermediis dilatatis, alis apice vix nigricantibus. Foem. Alis apice nigris.
Male and Female. Black, shining. Thorax aeneous black; pectus cinereous; tarsi, femora at the base, and fore legs, pale testaceous; wings limpid; costa at the base and veins black. Male. Basal joint of the intermediate tarsi dilated; wings hardly blackish at the tips. Female. Wings black at the tips. Length of the body 2—2-1/2 lines; of the wings 3—3-1/2 lines.
Gen. CALOBATA, Fabr.
153. Calobata albitarsis, Wied. Auss. Zweifl. 71. 544. 22. Inhabits also Java and Australia.
154. Calobata indica, Desv. Ess. Myod. 737. 4. (Nerius). Inhabits also Hindostan.
155. Calobata Abana, Walk. Cat. Dipt. pt. 4. 1054.
156. CALOBATA SEPSOIDES, n. s. Foem. Nigra; antennis ferrugineis, articulo tertio conico brevi, arista nuda; pedibus testaceis nigricante subnotatis, femoribus anticis nigris basi testaceis, tibiis anticis nigris, tarsis anticis niveis, posticis albidis; alis subcinereis, fasciis duabus indistinctis fuscescentibus.
Female. Black, shining. Antennae ferruginous, third joint short, conical, arista bare; pectus slightly covered with cinereous tomentum; legs testaceous, with a few very indistinct blackish marks; fore femora black, testaceous towards the base; fore tibiae black; fore tarsi snow-white, black at the base; hind tarsi whitish; wings greyish, with two almost obsolete brownish bands; discal transverse vein parted by less than its length from the border and by about four times its length from the praebrachial transverse. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 7 lines.
157. CARDIACEPHALA DEBILIS, n. s. Foem. Testacea, gracilis; thorace linea transversa interrupta nigra; pedibus anticis parvis, posterioribus longis, tarsis albis brevissimis, tibiis anterioribus piceis; alis limpidis apice cinereis, fascia lata pallide lutea.
Female. Testaceous, slender. Vertex somewhat luteous; third joint of the antennae conical, very short, arista bare; thorax attenuated in front, with a transverse interrupted black line hindward; abdomen longer than the thorax, lanceolate hindward; fore legs short, posterior legs long; tarsi white, very short; anterior tibiae piceous; middle femora rather thicker than the hind pair; wings limpid, grey towards the tips, with a pale luteous middle band; veins testaceous, cubital and praebrachial converging towards the tips of the wings, discal transverse vein straight, parted by less than its length from the border and by about thrice its length from the praebrachial transverse. Length of the body 3-1/2 lines; of the wings 5 lines.
Subfam. PSILIDES, Walk.
Gen. LISSA, Meigen.
158. LISSA CYLINDRICA, n. s. Mas. Cyanea, gracilis, cylindrica; antennis piceis basi albidis, arista plumosa; abdomine piceo basi apiceque cyaneis; pedibus albidis, femoribus posterioribus nigris apice albidis, femoribus posticis subtus spinosis, tibiis posticis nigris; alis subcinereis apice subfuscis; halteribus albidis apice nigris.
Male. Blue, slender, cylindrical. Head broader than the thorax; antennae whitish, third joint piceous, arista plumose; abdomen piceous, slightly increasing in breadth to the tip, blue at the base and at the tip, hind borders of the first and second segments whitish; legs whitish, posterior femora black, whitish at the base and towards the tips, hind femora spinose beneath, hind tibiae black; wings slightly greyish, brownish towards the tips; veins black, praebrachial and perbrachial very near together for more than half their length, discal transverse vein straight, parted by more than its length, and by about four times its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres whitish, with black tips. Length of the body 3-1/2 lines; of the wings 5 lines.
Gen. NERIUS, Fabr.
159. Nerius duplicatus, Wied. Auss. Zweifl. 11. 553. 8. Inhabits also Java.
Subfam. OSCINIDES, Haliday.
Gen. OSCINIS, Fabr.
160. OSCINIS LINEIPLENA, n. s. Mas. Fusca; capite subtus testaceo apud oculos albo, vitta frontali alba; thorace pectoreque lineis sex albidis; abdomine sordide testaceo, pedibus albidis, tibiis tarsisque apice femoribusque anticis nigris; alis subcinereis, halteribus albidis.
Male. Brown. Head testaceous in front and beneath, white about the eyes, with a white stripe on the front; thorax and pectus with six whitish stripes on each, thorax with an indistinct middle testaceous stripe; abdomen dull testaceous; legs whitish; tibiae and tarsi at the tips and fore femora black; wings greyish; veins black, discal transverse vein oblique, parted by more than its length from the border, and by full twice its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres whitish. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 3 lines.
161. OSCINIS NOCTILUX, n. s. Mas. Atra; capite pallide flavo subtus albo; antennis luteis, arista nuda; scutello, maculis duabus pectoralibus abdominisque apice albis; tibiis tarsisque intermediis testaceis; alis nigricantibus postice cinereis, halteribus niveis.
Male. Black. Head pale yellow, black hindward, white beneath; antennae pale luteous, third joint very short, arista bare; scutellum white; pectus with a white spot on each side; abdomen white at the tip; middle legs with testaceous tibiae and tarsi; hind wings blackish, cinereous hindward; halteres snow-white. Length of the body 3/4 line; of the wings 1-1/2 line.
Subfam. GEOMYZIDES, Fallen.
Gen. DROSOPHILA, Fallen.
162. DROSOPHILA? FINIGUTTA, n. s. Mas. Fulva; capite antice testaceo, antennis testaceis, articulo tertio conico; abdomine maculis quatuor apicalibus nigris, tarsis nigris; alis cinereis venis nigris.
Male. Tawny. Head testaceous in front; antennae testaceous, third joint conical; abdomen with two black spots on each side at the tip; legs testaceous; tarsi black; wings grey; veins black, discal transverse vein straight, parted by full half its length from the border and by full twice its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 1-1/2 line; of the wings 3 lines.
163. DROSOPHILA? MELANOSPILA. Foem. Testacea; antennarum articulo tertio conico, arista plumosa; thoracis disco abdominisque guttis duabus apicalibus atris; tarsis piceis; alis subcinereis.
Female. Testaceous. Vertex luteous; third joint of the antennae conical; arista plumose; disk of the thorax and a dot on each side of the tip of the abdomen deep black; tarsi piceous; wings slightly greyish; veins black, discal transverse vein straight, parted by about half its length from the border and by twice its length from the praebrachial transverse. Length of the body 1 line; of the wings 2 lines.
164. DROSOPHILA? IMPARATA. Foem. Pallide testacea; pedibus pallidioribus; alis subcinereis, venis pallidis.
Female. Pale testaceous, with a few bristles. Legs paler than the body; wings slightly greyish; veins pale, discal transverse vein straight, parted by about twice its length from the border and by more than twice its length from the praebrachial transverse. Length of the body 3/4 line; of the wings 1-1/2 line.
Subfam. HYDROMYZIDES, Haliday.
Gen. EPHYDRA, Fallen.
165. EPHYDRA? TACITURNA, n. s. Foem. Atra, nitens, antennis nigris, arista plumosa, abdomine nigro-cupreo, pedibus nigro-piceis, alis nigricantibus, venis nigris.
Female. Deep black, shining. Antennae black, third joint linear, rather long, arista plumose; legs blackish-piceous; wings blackish; veins black, discal transverse vein straight, parted by a little more than its length from the border. Length of the body 1-1/2 line; of the wings 2-1/2 lines.
Fam. PHORIDAE, Haliday.
Gen. PALLURA, n. g.
Mas. Corpus latiusculum, pubescens. Os retractum. Oculi pubescentes. Antennae brevissimae; arista longissima. Scutellum magnum, conicum. Abdomen subellipticum, thorace non longius. Pedes latiusculi, pubescentes, non setosi. Alae amplae, venis aequalibus.
Male. Body rather broad, pubescent. Proboscis small, withdrawn; eyes pubescent; antennae very short, arista very long; scutellum large, conical, very prominent, extending beyond the base of the abdomen; abdomen nearly elliptical, not longer than the thorax; legs rather broad, pubescent, without bristles; wings rather long and broad; veins of equal size, costal vein ending at rather before half the length of the wing, radial ending at somewhat in front of the tip of the wing, cubital ending at hardly in front of the tip, praebrachial ending at a little behind the tip, pobrachial ending on the hind border at half the length of the wing, discal transverse vein straight, parted by more than twice its length from the border and from the praebrachial transverse.
166. PALLURA INVARIA. Mas. Lutea, immaculata, alis cinereis basi luteis, apice nigricantibus, venis nigris robustis.
Male. Luteous, of one colour. Wings grey, luteous at the base, blackish towards the tips; veins black, robust. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 6 lines.
167. Ornithomyia parva?, Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. 11. 2. 279. 3.
Fam. ASILIDAE, Leach.
Subfam. LAPHRITES, Walk.
Gen. LAPHRIA, Fabr.
1. LAPHRIA PARADISIACA, n. s. Mas. Cuprea, aureo pilosa, capite pectoreque argenteis albo pilosis, mystace subaurato setis nonnullis nigris, abdomine apice purpureo subtus albido piloso, pedibus cyaneo-purpureis albido pilosis, femoribus cyaneo-viridibus, alis nigricantibus basi cinereis, halteribus albidis nigro notatis.
Male. Cupreous, with gilded hairs. Head and pectus silvery, with white hairs; mystax slightly gilded, with a few long black bristles; antennae and mouth black; abdomen purple at the tip, underside clothed with long whitish hairs, silvery white at the base, the following segments bordered with silvery white; legs blue and purple, thickly clothed with long whitish hairs, femora bluish-green, fore tibiae with pale gilded down beneath, hind tibiae with a black bristly apical tuft beneath; wings blackish, grey towards the base; halteres whitish, marked with black. Length of the body 11 lines; of the wings 20 lines.
2. LAPHRIA PLACENS, n. s. Mas. Cyanea, capite aurato, mystace setis paucis longis nigris; antennis nigris, articulo tertio fusiformi; pectore albido, abdomine angusto, femoribus intus tibiisque purpureis; alis nigricantibus basi cinereis, halteribus piceis.
Male. Blue. Head gilded in front, whitish behind; mystax with a few long black bristles; proboscis and antennae black, third joint of the latter fusiform; pectus whitish; abdomen cylindrical, much narrower than the thorax, and about twice its length; femora on the inner side and tibiae purple, tarsi black; wings blackish, cinereous towards the base; halteres piceous. Length of the body 4-1/2 lines; of the wings 8 lines.
Subfam. ASILITES, Walk.
Gen. ASILUS, Linn.
3. ASILUS SUPERVENIENS, n. s. Mas. Cinereous, capite subaurato, mystace aurato setis paucis nigris, thorace vittis tribus latissimis nigris, abdomine fulvescenti-cinereo, pedibus rufescentibus, femoribus nigro vittatis, tarsis nigris, alis cinereis apice nigricantibus, halteribus testaceis.
Male. Cinereous. Head slightly gilded, pale cinereous, and clothed with pale hairs behind; mystax composed of gilded bristles, above which there are a few shorter black bristles; antennae black, third joint elongate-fusiform, arista much longer than the third joint; thorax with three very broad hardly divided black stripes; abdomen with a slight fawn-coloured tinge, tip black, sexualia very small; legs reddish, femora striped above with black, tarsi black, reddish at the base; wings cinereous, blackish towards the tips; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 8 lines; of the wings 14 lines.
Gen. OMMATIUS, Illiger.
4. Ommatius noctifer, Walk. See page 88.
Fam. EMPIDAE, Leach.
Gen. HYBOS, Fabr.
5. HYBOS DEFICIENS, n. s. Mas. Niger, thorace fulvo globoso macula dorsali nigra, abdomine basi fulvo, pedibus anterioribus testaceis, femoribus posticis subtus spinosis, alis cinereis apice obscurioribus, stigmate venisque nigris, halteribus testaceis, apice piceis.
Male. Black. Thorax and pectus tawny, the former globose, with a black dorsal spot; abdomen tawny at the base; anterior legs testaceous, hind femora spinose beneath; wings grey, darker at the tips; stigma and veins black; halteres testaceous, with piceous tips. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 4 lines.
Fam. SYRPHIDAE, Leach.
6. Eristalis resolutus, Walk. See p. 95.
Gen. BACCHA, Fabr.
7. BACCHA PURPURICOLA, n. s. Foem. Purpureo-fulva; capite chalybeo; antennis rufis; pedibus fulvis; tibiis posticis apice tarsisque posticis basi piceis; alis nigricantibus, apud costam obscurioribus, spatio apicali subcostali cinereo; halteribus testaceis.
Female. Tawny, tinged with purple. Head chalybeous; antennae red; legs tawny, hind tibiae piceous towards the tips, hind tarsi piceous towards the base; wings blackish, darker along the costa, cinereous towards the tips with the exception of the costa; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 5-1/2 lines; of the wings 9 lines.
Fam. MUSCIDAE, Latr.
Gen. SARCOPHAGA, Meigen.
8. SARCOPHAGA BASALIS, n. s. Mas. Nigra, subaureo tomentosa; capite aurato; thorace vittis tribus nigris; abdomine albido tessellato; alis cinereis; venis lurido marginatis; alulis testaceis.
Male. Black, with slightly gilded tomentum. Head gilded; frontalia deep black, hardly widening in front; thorax with three black stripes, an indistinct blackish line on each side of the middle stripe; abdomen tessellated with white; wings grey; veins bordered with a lurid hue, especially towards the costa; praebrachial vein forming a slightly acute angle at its flexure, near which it is much curved inward, and is thence straight to its tip; discal transverse vein slightly curved inward near its hind end, parted by a little more than half its length from the border and from the praebrachial transverse; alulae testaceous. Length of the body 5-1/2 lines; of the wings 9 lines.
Subfam. MUSCIDES, Walk.
Gen. IDIA, Meigen.
9. Idia xanthogaster, Wied. Auss. Zweifl. 11. 349. 2. Inhabits also Hindostan and Java.
10. Idia testacea, Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. 77. 246. 3. Inhabits also Mauritius.
Gen. MUSCA, Linn.
11. Musca obtrusa, Walk. See p. 105.
Subfam. ANTHOMYIDES, Walk.
Gen. ARICIA, Macq.
12. ARICIA VICARIA, n. s. Foem. Fulva, subtus testacea; capite nigro, apud oculos albo; antennis testaceis; alis cinereis, apud costam luridis.
Female. Tawny, testaceous beneath. Head black, white about the eyes; antennae testaceous; abdomen clothed with short black bristles; legs testaceous, tarsi piceous; wings grey, with a lurid tinge towards the costa; veins black, discal transverse vein nearly straight, parted by about its length from the border, and by a little more than its length from the praebrachial transverse; alulae slightly testaceous; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 3-1/2 lines; of the wings 6 lines.
13. ARICIA SQUALENS, n. s. Foem. Nigra, cinereo tomentosa; facie argentea; antennis testaceis; thorace vittis nigris vittisque duabus lateralibus latis testaceis; abdomine obscure testaceo; pedibus piceis; femoribus nigris; tibiis anticis testaceis; alis cinereis; apud costam subluridis; venis halteribusque testaceis.
Female. Black, with cinereous tomentum. Face silvery white; antennae pale testaceous, third joint long, linear, extending to the epistoma; thorax with black stripes, and on each side with a broad testaceous stripe; abdomen dull testaceous; legs piceous; femora black, fore tibiae testaceous; wings grey, with a lurid tinge towards the costa; veins testaceous, discal transverse vein very slightly curved inward, parted by much less than its length from the border, and by a little more than its length from the praebrachial transverse; alulae whitish; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 3 lines; of the wings 6 lines.
Subfam. ORTALIDES, Haliday.
14. LAMPROGASTER VENTRALIS, n. s. Foem. Testaceo-cinerea; capite apud oculos albo, vertice luteo, facie pallide fulva; thorace lineis septem indistinctis nigricantibus; abdomine fusco maculis dorsalibus canis, subtus cavo lateribus ferrugineis; pedibus nigris, tibiis ferrugineo fasciatis; alis limpidis basi subtestaceis, fasciis incompletis guttisque fuscis apud costam nigricantibus.
Female. Cinereous, with a testaceous tinge. Head white about the eyes, vertex luteous; face pale tawny, with white grooves for the antennae; antennae tawny, small; arista slightly plumose at the base; thorax with seven indistinct blackish lines; abdomen brown, with dorsal hoary nearly triangular spots, under side marsupial-like or with a pouch, ferruginous on each side; legs black, each tibia with a ferruginous band; wings limpid, slightly testaceous at the base, with brown dots and bands, the latter abbreviated hindward, blackish towards the costa; veins black, testaceous towards the base; discal transverse vein straight, parted by about one-third of its length from the border and by much more than its length from the praebrachial transverse; alulae cinereous; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 5 lines; of the wings 10 lines.
Gen. TRYPETA, Meigen.
15. TRYPETA RORIPENNIS, n. s. Foem. Fusca; capite nigro, facie alba; antennis nigris rufo-fasciatis; thorace vittis quatuor canis; abdominis segmentis testaceo marginatis; pedibus nigris, tarsis halteribusque testaceis; alis nigris, punctis plurimis albis.
Female. Brown. Head black; face white; antennae black, third joint red, linear, rather long, black towards the tip; arista plumose; thorax with four hoary stripes; abdominal segments with testaceous hind borders; legs black, tarsi testaceous; wings black, with very numerous white points, a few of which are rather larger than the others; discal transverse vein straight, parted by less than its length from the border, and by more than twice its length from the praebrachial transverse; halteres testaceous. Length of the body 2 lines; of the wings 4 lines.
Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects collected by Mr. A. R. WALLACE at the Islands of Aru and Key. By FREDERICK SMITH, Esq., Assistant in the Zoological Department, British Museum. Communicated by W. W. SAUNDERS, Esq., F.R.S., V.P.L.S.
[Read December 3rd, 1858.]
This Collection of Hymenoptera is the most important contribution which has been made to the Aculeata through the exertions of Mr. Wallace; in point of geographical distribution, it adds much to our knowledge. In the Aru, Key, and neighbouring islands, we meet with the extreme range of the Australian insect-fauna; and as might be expected, it is found amongst the Vespidious Group, and in one or two instances in the Formicidae. The latter, being frequently conveyed from one island to another, can perhaps scarcely be considered indicative of natural geographical distribution. Of the forty-six species of the Formicidous Group, only six were previously known to science. Of the genus Podomyrma here established, one species only, from Adelaide, was previously known; it is one of the most distinct and remarkable genera in the family. The Pompilidae are species of great beauty, some closely resembling those of Australia in the banding and maculation of their wings; amongst the Vespidae will be found some of the most elegant and beautiful forms in the whole of that protean family of Hymenoptera.
1. PROSOPIS MALACHISIS. P. nigro-caeruleo-viridis, nitida et delicatule punctata; alis hyalinis.
Female. Length 4-1/2 lines. Deep blue-green, with tints of purple in certain lights, particularly on the head, the clypeus with a central longitudinal ridge, its anterior margin slightly emarginate; the flagellum rufo-piceous beneath, the ocelli white. Thorax: the wings hyaline and brilliantly iridescent; the legs dark rufo-piceous with a bright purple tinge. Abdomen delicately punctured, the head and thorax more strongly so; the latter with a semicircular enclosed space at its base, which is smooth and shining.
Hab. Key Island.
1. NOMIA CINCTA. N. nigra, capite thoraceque punctatis, pedibus ferrugineis; segmentis abdominis apice fulvo-testaceo late fasciatis.
Female. Length 5 lines. Black: the two basal joints of the flagellum, the apical margin of the clypeus, the labrum, mandibles, and legs ferruginous; the wings fulvo-hyaline, the nervures ferruginous, the tegulae more or less rufo-testaceous; the sides of the metathorax with tufts of pale fulvous pubescence and the floccus on the posterior femora of the same colour, the tibiae and tarsi with short ferruginous pubescence. Abdomen shining, the apical margins of the segments broadly fulvo-testaceous, very bright, having a golden lustre.
Hab. Key Island.
2. NOMIA LONGICORNIS. N. nigra, lucida et delicatule punctata, facie pube brevi grisea tecta, femorum posticorum flocco pallido, tibiis externe fusco-pubescentibus; maris antennis, capite thoraceque longioribus.
Male. Length 4 lines. Brassy, with tints of green on the clypeus, metathorax, and thorax beneath; the head and thorax very closely and finely punctured; the clypeus produced and highly polished; the mandibles rufo-testaceous, the antennae as long as the head and thorax. Thorax: the wings hyaline and splendidly iridescent, the tegulae and the tarsi rufo-testaceous. Abdomen closely punctured, the apical margins of the segments smooth and shining; the head and thorax above with a pale fulvous pubescence, that on the sides of the metathorax and legs pale and glittering; the abdomen has a pale scattered glittering pubescence.
Hab. Aru.
3. NOMIA DENTATA. N. nigra et punctata, facie metathoracisque lateribus cinereo-pubescentibus, postscutello medio unidentato. Mas. antennis filiformibus longitudine thoracis.
Female. Length 5 lines. Black; head and thorax rather finely punctured; the face covered with short cinereous pubescence; the clypeus naked and much produced, the anterior margin and the tips of the mandibles ferruginous; the cheek with long whitish pubescence. Thorax: the sides of the metathorax, the floccus on the posterior femora and the postscutellum with whitish pubescence, the latter produced in the middle into a blunt tooth; the legs fusco-ferruginous, with the anterior tibiae and apical joints of the tarsi brighter; wings hyaline and iridescent. Abdomen shining and punctured, the apical margins of the two basal segments broadly depressed, and more finely and closely punctured than the rest; the apical margins of the second, third, and fourth segments pale testaceous; the apical margins of the two basal segments narrowly fringed with white pubescence, usually more or less interrupted in the middle.
Male. Resembles the female very closely, but has the face much more pubescent; the antennae filiform and longer than the head and thorax; the scutellum armed at its posterior lateral angles with an acute tooth; the metathorax truncate and slightly concave, its base with short longitudinal grooves, the lateral margins fringed with long pubescence.
Hab. Aru.
1. MEGACHILE LATERITIA. M. nigra, abdomine pube ferruginea vestito, alis fuscis.
Female. Length 8 lines. Black; head and thorax very closely and finely punctured; the mandibles with a single blunt tooth at their apex; the anterior margin of the clypeus transverse. Thorax: the wings brown, the posterior pair palest, their base subhyaline. Abdomen clothed with bright brick-red pubescence above and beneath; the basal segment with bright yellow pubescence above.
Hab. Aru.
2. MEGACHILE SCABROSA. M. nigra, metathorace antice rude scabrato, abdomine subtus nigro-pubescente.
Female. Length 5-1/2 lines. Black; the clypeus, mesothorax anteriorly, and the posterior tibiae outside coarsely rugose, the roughness on the thorax consisting of transverse little elevated points; the face with a thin griseous pubescence; the anterior margin of the clypeus fringed with fulvous hairs; the cheeks have a long pale fulvous pubescence. Thorax: the wings hyaline, the nervures black. Abdomen smooth and shining, with black pubescence beneath; beneath, the apical margins of the segments with a fringe of very short white pubescence.
Hab. Aru.
3. MEGACHILE INSULARIS. M. nigra, nitida, delicatule punctata, facie pube pallide fulva vestita, abdomine subtus pube laete ferruginea vestito, alis hyalinis.
Female. Length 5-1/2 lines. Black; the head and thorax finely and closely punctured, the abdomen delicately so; the face clothed with pale fulvous pubescence, the mandibles with two blunt teeth at their apex; the clypeus shining and strongly punctured. Thorax: the wings subhyaline with a slight cloud at their apex; the basal joint of the posterior tarsi with a dense dark ferruginous pubescence within. Abdomen: the four basal segments with transverse impressed lines in the middle; beneath, clothed with bright ferruginous pubescence; the abdomen has an obscure aeneous tinge above.
Hab. Aru.
Gen. CROCISA, Jurine.
1. Crocisa nitidula, Fabr. Syst. Piez. p. 386. 2.
Hab. Aru; Key Island; Australia; Amboyna.
Gen. ALLODAPE, St.-Farg.
1. ALLODAPE NITIDA. A. nitida nigra, clypeo flavo, alis hyalinis, abdomine ad apicem punctato.
Female. Length 3 lines. Black and shining; the clypeus yellow, produced in front; the sides of the face depressed; the ocelli prominent and reddish. Thorax very smooth and shining; the wings colourless and iridescent, their extreme base yellowish, the nervures and stigma brown, the tegulae pale testaceous-yellow; the posterior tibiae with a scopa of glittering white hairs, the tarsi ferruginous and with glittering hairs. Abdomen, from the third segment to the apex, gradually more and more strongly and closely punctured.
Hab. Aru.
Gen. XYLOCOPA, Latr.
1. Xylocopa aestuans, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 961. 53 [Symbol: female]; St.-Farg. Hym. ii. p. 193. 36 [Symbol: male] [Symbol: female].
Hab. Aru; India; Singapore; Celebes.
Gen. SAROPODA, Latr.
1. Saropoda bombiformis, Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins. p. 2. p. 318. 6.
Hab. Aru; Australia (Richmond River).
1. Anthophora zonata, Linn. Syst. Nat.
Hab. Aru Island; Celebes; Ceylon; India; Borneo; Hong-Kong; Shanghai; Philippine Islands.
2. ANTHOPHORA ELEGANS. A. nigra, pube capitis thoracisque nigra, abdomine fasciis quatuor laete caeruleis ornato; tibiis posticis ferrugineo-pubescentibus.
Female. Length 6 lines. Black; the labrum, a narrow line down the middle and another on each side of the clypeus, a minute spot above it, and the scape in front testaceous yellow, the base of the mandibles of a paler colour; the flagellum fulvous beneath. Thorax: the pubescence black; wings subhyaline, the nervures dark rufo-fuscous, tegulae obscurely testaceous. Abdomen with four fasciae of brilliant blue, which is changeable, with pearly tints in different lights; the posterior tibiae densely clothed outside with fulvo-ferruginous pubescence; the pubescence inside is black.
Hab. Key Island.
Gen. TRIGONA, Jurine.
1. Trigona laeviceps, Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins., Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc. ii. p. 51. 8.
Hab. Aru; Singapore; India.
1. Formica virescens, Fabr. Ent. Syst. ii. p. 355. 23 [Symbol: male] [Symbol: female] [Symbol: Mercury].—Lasius virescens, Fabr. Syst. Piez. p. 417. 8.
2. Formica gracilipes, Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins., Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc. ii. p. 55. 13 [Symbol: Mercury].
3. FORMICA FRAGILIS. F. pallide testacea, elongata et gracilis, capite postice angustato; thorace medio compresso, pedibus elongatis; squama incrassata triangulata.
Worker. Length 3-1/2 lines. Pale rufo-testaceous, smooth and slightly shining; antennae elongate, longer than the body, the flagellum slender and filiform, the scape nearly as long as the head and thorax; head oblong, narrowed behind the eyes into a kind of neck, the sides parallel before the eyes, which are black and round, the clypeus slightly emarginate anteriorly, the mandibles finely serrated on their inner margin and terminating in a bent acute tooth. Thorax elongate, narrowest in the middle, the prothorax forming a neck anteriorly; legs elongate and very slender. Abdomen ovate, the node of the petiole incrassate, and viewed sideways is triangular or wedge-shaped.
Hab. Aru.
This is one of those remarkable forms which recede so greatly from the normal type of Formica as apparently to indicate a generic distinction; but in those exotic species of which we have obtained all the forms, we find many which approach closely to the present insect, which is probably only the small worker of some already described species. No one would venture, without the authority of the personal observation of some competent naturalist, to unite all the forms of any exotic species of Formica.
4. FORMICA FLAVITARSUS. F. nigra, elongata et gracilis; thorace postice compresso, pedibus elongatis, tarsis flavis.
Worker. Length 4 lines. Black and subopake; head elongate, narrowed behind, the clypeus truncate anteriorly, the mandibles pale ferruginous; antennae elongate and slender, the flagellum filiform and pale rufo-testaceous; the thorax and legs elongate, the latter slender with their tarsi pale rufo-testaceous. Abdomen ovate, the scale of the petiole incrassate and slightly notched above.
Hab. Aru.
5. FORMICA COXALIS. F. nigra, nitida; flagello, coxis et abdomine subtus pallide testaceis.
Worker major. Length 5 lines. Black and very delicately roughened with a fine transverse waved striation only perceptible under a good magnifying power. Head large, much wider than the thorax, oblong-ovate with a deep emargination behind; the clypeus slightly produced and truncate anteriorly, the angles of the truncation rounded, and with a central shining carina; the flagellum, except the tarsal joint, pale rufo-testaceous. Thorax elongate, compressed behind, the coxae pale rufo-testaceous. Abdomen ovate, the scale of the petiole incrassate, somewhat wedge-shaped when viewed sideways, the abdomen sparingly sprinkled with long pale hairs.
6. FORMICA CORDATA. F. pallide rufa; abdomine fusco, capite cordato.
Worker. Length 2 lines. Pale rufo-testaceous; the head heart-shaped; the eyes black, the flagellum fusco-ferruginous with the basal joints pale; the mandibles ferruginous. Thorax narrow, deeply strangulated at the base of the metathorax. Abdomen more or less fuscous, the node of the petiole narrow and pointed above; the entire insect is smooth and shining.
Hab. Aru.
The worker minor is rather smaller and has the abdomen darker, in all the specimens received, but in other respects agrees with the above.
7. FORMICA OCULATA. F. pallide ferruginea; capite oblongo, oculis magnis, thorace compresso.
Worker. Length 2-1/2 lines. Pale ferruginous, with the vertex and apex of the abdomen black; the head oblong, the sides nearly parallel, with the anterior margin truncate; the mandibles with fine acute teeth on their inner margin; the antennae inserted wide apart about the middle of the head; the eyes very large and ovate, placed backwards on the sides of the head, reaching to the posterior margin of the vertex, forming as it were its posterior lateral angles. The thorax narrow and compressed behind; abdomen ovate, entirely smooth and shining.
Hab. Aru.
8. FORMICA MUTILATA. F. nigra; capite oblongo, truncato antice et sanguineo, antennis tarsisque rufo-testaceis.
Worker. Length 2-3/4 lines. Black and shining; the head truncate anteriorly, the antennae inserted wide apart, about the middle, the face blood-red before their insertion and deeply striated longitudinally, behind the antennae the head is black, smooth, and shining; the eyes ovate and placed backwards on the sides of the head. Thorax rounded in front and strangulated between the meso- and metathorax, the latter obliquely truncate; legs rather short and stout, the femora compressed, the anterior pair broadly dilated, the base and apex of the femora, the tibiae, and tarsi rufo-testaceous, the tibiae with a darker stain behind. Abdomen oblong-ovate, the apical margins of the segments narrowly pale testaceous; the scale of the petiole compressed, with its superior margin rounded.
Hab. Aru.
This is a very singular insect in many respects, and closely resembles in form the Formica truncata of Spinola.
9. FORMICA QUADRICEPS. F. nigra, nitida; capite antice oblique truncato, thorace postice compresso.
Worker. Length 3-1/2 lines. Shining black; head oblong-quadrate, slightly narrowed anteriorly, with the sides nearly straight, the posterior angles rounded, and very slightly emarginate behind; the head obliquely truncate from the base of the clypeus; the truncation as well as the mandibles obscurely ferruginous; the apex of the flagellum and the apical joints of the tarsi pale rufo-testaceous. Thorax rounded anteriorly, compressed behind, with the metathorax abruptly truncate. The scale of the petiole narrow, incrassate, its anterior margin slightly curved, its posterior margin straight; the abdomen ovate.
Worker minor. About 3 lines long, very like the larger worker, the head being truncate in front; but it is, in proportion to the thorax, narrower; the latter is compressed and abruptly truncate; in other respects it agrees with the worker major.
Hab. Aru.
10. FORMICA LAEVISSIMA. F. nigra nitida laevissima, sparse pilosa; squama oblonga subdepressa.
Worker. Length 4 lines. Jet-black, very smooth and shining; head wider than the thorax, slightly emarginate behind, the sides slightly rounded; the anterior margin of the clypeus rounded, the mandibles striated and obscurely ferruginous; the scape with a few glittering silvery-white hairs. Thorax not quite so wide as the head anteriorly, narrowed behind, with the disk somewhat flattened, slightly convex, a deep strangulation between the meso- and metathorax, the latter obliquely rounded; the legs and abdomen sprinkled with glittering white hairs. The node of the petiole incrassate, very slightly elevated; viewed sideways, broadly wedge-shaped; the abdomen ovate.
Hab. Aru.
11. FORMICA NITIDA. F. capite abdomineque nigris, antennis thoraceque pedibusque rufo-testaceis laevissimis et lucidis.
Worker. Length 4 lines. Head and abdomen shining black; the flagellum, thorax, legs, and scale of the petiole rufo-testaceous; the legs palest; the scape fuscous, with its base pale; the head large, wider than the abdomen, and emarginate behind; the clypeus and mandibles obscurely ferruginous. Thorax compressed, not strangulated in the middle. The scale of the petiole narrow, with its margin rounded above; abdomen ovate, and sprinkled with a few erect pale hairs.
Hab. Aru.
12. FORMICA SCRUTATOR. F. nigerrima, mandibulis tarsorumque articulo apicali pallide ferrugineis, thorace medio profunde coarctato.
Worker. Length 1-1/2—2 lines. Shining black; the mandibles pale, ferruginous, with their inner margins finely denticulate; the eyes placed rather forwards on the sides of the head, the latter emarginate behind. Thorax deeply strangulated in the middle; the metathorax elevated and obliquely truncate behind. Abdomen ovate; the scale of the petiole sub-incrassate, with its margin rounded above; the insect very thinly covered with a fine cinereous pile.
Hab. Aru.
13. FORMICA ANGULATA. F. nigra nitida; flagello capite antice pedibusque obscure ferrugineis, metathorace angulato.
Worker. Length 3 lines. Shining black; head of moderate size; the clypeus and mandibles obscure ferruginous; the flagellum fusco-ferruginous, with the tip pale testaceous. Thorax rounded anteriorly and compressed behind; the scutellum prominent, forming a small tubercle; the metathorax obliquely truncate, the margin of the truncation elevated, so that when viewed sideways the metathorax forms an obtuse angular shape. Abdomen ovate, the node of the peduncle elevated, incrassate, rounded anteriorly, and flat behind.
Hab. Aru.
1. Formica sericata, Guer. Voy. Coq. Zool. ii. 203; Atlas Ins. pl. 8. f. 2, 2 a, b, c, d, [Symbol: Mercury]. (Polyrhachis sericata, Smith, Append. Cat. Form. p. 200.)
Hab. Aru; New Hebrides.
2. Formica sexspinosa, Latr. Hist. Nat. Fourm. p. 126, pl. iv. f. 21 [Symbol: Mercury]. (Polyrhachis sexspinosa, Smith, Cat. Form. p. 56. 3.)
Hab. Aru; India; Philippine Islands.
3. POLYRHACHIS MARGINATUS. P. niger; antennis, palpis pedibusque ferrugineis; thoracis marginibus recurvis, metathorace petiolique squamula bidentatis.
Worker. Length 2-1/2 lines. Black; the antennae and legs ferruginous; the head and thorax rugose; the prothorax transverse, its anterior margin slightly curved, with the lateral angles produced forwards and very acute; the thorax narrowed to the metathorax, which is armed with two divergent acute spines. Abdomen velvety black and globose; the scale of the petiole produced laterally into long, bent, acute spines, which curve backwards to the shape of the abdomen.
Hab. Aru.
4. POLYRHACHIS HOSTILIS. P. niger, longitudinaliter striatus, thoracis marginibus expansis, metathorace squamulaque petioli spinis duabus crassis acutis curvatis.
Worker. Length 3 lines. Black; the head and thorax longitudinally striated, the abdomen very finely and evenly so; the prothorax transverse, wider than the head, the anterior and lateral margins recurved, the latter acute at their anterior angles, and rounded at the posterior ones; the lateral margins of the mesothorax recurved, a deep notch between the meso- and metathorax; the latter with a long, stout, curved, acute spine on each side. The scale of the petiole produced above on each side, into a long, curved, stout, acute spine, which curves backwards round the sides of the abdomen.
Hab. Aru.
5. POLYRHACHIS LONGIPES. P. niger; flagelli dimidio apicali tibiisque anticis pallide ferrugineis, prothorace petiolique squamula bidentatis.
Worker. Length 3 lines. Black; the head and thorax finely rugose; the antennae elongate, longer than the insect; the apical half of the flagellum pale ferruginous. Thorax rounded above, the sides not margined; two spines on the thorax anteriorly, two on the metathorax, and two on the scale of the petiole; the legs elongate, with the anterior tibiae ferruginous. Abdomen globose, sometimes rufo-fuscous, or the base obscurely rufous.
Hab. Aru.
6. POLYRHACHIS SERRATUS. P. niger; capite thoraceque rugosis, abdomine dense punctato, squama petioli transversa, margine superno serrata.
Worker. Length 2 lines. Black, with the antennae and legs ferruginous. Thorax oblong-quadrate or very slightly narrowed towards the metathorax, slightly convex above, not margined at the sides, the divisions not perceptible; the head and thorax rugose and pubescent. Abdomen globose, shining, and closely punctured; the scale of the petiole transverse above, produced into an acute spine on each side, the upper margin finely serrated, the lateral margins narrowed to their base, and having two or three small sharp spines.
Hab. Aru.
7. POLYRHACHIS SCUTULATUS. P. niger, fortiter politus et lucidus, metathorace petiolique squamula dente longo curvato acuto in latere utroque, pedibus nigro-ferrugineis.
Worker. Length 2-3/4 lines. Black and very smooth and shining; the legs dark ferruginous. Thorax: the disk expanded, slightly convex above, with the margins acute and curving upwards; the anterior margin transverse, rather wider than the head, with the lateral angles slightly curved forwards, and very acute; the lateral margins of the prothorax curved backwards and inwards; the margins of the mesothorax are rounded; the pro- and mesothorax highly polished above, forming an escutcheon-shaped disk; the metathorax opake, and sprinkled with a few short glittering hairs, armed posteriorly with two long very acute spines, divergent and directed backwards. Abdomen globose; the scale of the petiole with two long curved acute spines, directed backwards to the curve of the abdomen.
Hab. Aru.
8. POLYRHACHIS MUCRONATUS. P. laevis, nitidus, niger; thorace spinis duabus crassis compressis acutis postice armato.
Worker. Length 2-1/2 lines. Black, smooth, and shining, very delicately and indistinctly aciculate; the antennae beneath and the tibiae and femora obscurely ferruginous, the anterior and intermediate tibiae brightest; the apex of the mandibles ferruginous. Thorax transverse in front, or very slightly curved, with the lateral angles acute; the thorax is rounded above, and not margined at the sides; the metathorax armed with two long, stout, acute compressed spines; the spines divergent, as well as two on the scale of the petiole, which are long and very acute. Abdomen globose.
Hab. Aru.
9. POLYRHACHIS GEOMETRICUS. P. niger; antennarum apice, tibiis tarsorumque apice ferrugineis, thorace circulariter striato.
Worker. Length 2 lines. Black; the apical joints of the flagellum, the anterior legs, the anterior and intermediate tibiae, and the apical joints of the tarsi pale ferruginous; the extreme base of the anterior tarsi black. Thorax rounded above, not margined, gradually narrowed posteriorly; the prothorax of the same width as the head, its lateral angles toothed; the disk with a circular striation. Abdomen globose and pubescent; the scale of the petiole compressed, its superior margin rounded, and with four minute teeth.
Hab. Aru.
10. POLYRHACHIS IRRITABILIS. P. niger, pube pallide aurea vestitus; thorace quadridentato, petioli squamula bidentata.
Female. Length 6-1/2 lines. Black, and densely clothed with short pale golden pubescence; all parts of the insect sprinkled with erect cinereous hairs; the mandibles shining black, the palpi pale testaceous; the head elongate, the eyes placed high on the sides of the head, ferruginous and very prominent. Thorax elongate-ovate; the prothorax with a short, stout, acute tooth on each side, slightly curved and directed forwards; the metathorax with a similar tooth on each side directed backwards; the wings subhyaline, the nervures fuscous; the legs fusco-ferruginous, the femora and coxae brightest. Abdomen ovate; the scale incrassate, armed above with two stout acute teeth.
Hab. Aru.
This is probably the female of P. sexspinosus.
11. POLYRHACHIS LAEVISSIMUS. P. niger, laevis nitidusque; metathorace bispinoso, petioli squamula quadrispinosa, pedibus ferrugineis.
Worker. Length 2-3/4 lines. Black, very smooth and shining; the legs ferruginous, with the coxae, articulations, and the tarsi black. The thorax not flattened above, or margined at the sides; the division between the pro- and mesothorax distinct, that between the meso- and metathorax not discernible, the latter with two erect acute spines; the scale of the petiole with four short acute spines. Abdomen globose.
Hab. Aru.
This species is very like P. mucronatus; on close examination, however, it is seen to be very distinct: it may be at once distinguished by its larger head, which is wider than the thorax, rounded behind the eyes, and widely emarginate behind.
12. POLYRHACHIS BELLICOSUS. P. capite abdomineque nigris, thorace femoribusque rufis, thorace quadrispinoso, petioli squamula bihamata.
Worker. Length 3-1/2 lines. Black, with the scale of the petiole, thorax, coxae, and femora blood-red. Thorax: the lateral margins raised above, with two slightly curved divergent spines in front, and two stout, acute, long curved spines in the middle, directed backwards; the scale of the petiole forming a long erect pedestal, which terminates above in two much bent acute hooks, directed backwards, and being as high as the basal segment of the abdomen; the spines and hooks black at the apex. Abdomen ovate.
Hab. Aru.
13. POLYRHACHIS HECTOR. P. niger et vestitus pube pallide aurea; prothorace petiolique squamula bispinosis, pedibus ferrugineis.
Worker. Length 3 lines. Black; the apex of the scape and the legs ferruginous; the extreme base of the tibiae and the tarsi black; a stout acute spine on each side of the prothorax, directed forwards; the thorax flattened above, its lateral margins raised; the divisions of the segments very distinctly impressed; the pale golden pubescence on the abdomen thinner than on the head and thorax. The scale of the petiole angled at the sides towards its summit, the angles dentate, the upper margin straight, and at each lateral angle an acute spine, directed backwards, and curved to the shape of the abdomen; the spines parallel.
Hab. Aru.
14. POLYRHACHIS RUFOFEMORATUS. P. niger, laevis, nitidus; femoribus abdominisque squamula ferrugineis.
Worker. Length 3-1/2 lines. Black; head oblong; the eyes placed high at the sides near the vertex, the front very prominent, with two elevated carinae in the middle, at the outside of which the antennae are inserted. Thorax: the divisions strongly marked, flattened above with the sides elevated; the prothorax with an acute spine on each side anteriorly; the coxae and femora ferruginous, with the apex of the latter more or less fuscous. Abdomen: the base and the scale ferruginous, the latter angled at the sides and emarginate above.
Hab. Aru.
Gen. PONERA, Latr.
1. Ponera rugosa, Smith, Cat. Hym. Ins. Proc. Linn. Soc. ii. 66. 5.
Hab. Aru. Borneo.
2. PONERA SCULPTURATA. P. nitida nigra; capite, thorace abdominisque segmentis primo et secundo profunde striatis, nodo spinis duabus acutis armato; pedibus abdomineque apice ferrugineis.
Worker. Length 5 lines. Black and shiny, the legs obscurely ferruginous as well as the mandibles; the head strongly and evenly striated longitudinally. The prothorax with a circular striation above; behind, the thorax is compressed, the sides being obliquely striated, the striae uniting and crossing the central ridge of the thorax. The node of the petiole and basal segment of the abdomen with a curved striation, the second segment longitudinally striated and depressed at its base, which is smooth and shining; the basal half of the third segment is longitudinally striated.
Hab. Aru.
This species is at first sight very like the P. geometrica from Singapore; but the striation of the abdomen alone will serve to distinguish it.
3. PONERA PARALLELA. P. nigra, opaca; antennis, mandibulis, pedibus abdominisque apice ferrugineis.
Worker. Length 3-1/4 lines. Opake black; the antennae thick and scarcely as long as the thorax, their apex and the mandibles bright ferruginous; the legs somewhat obscure ferruginous, with the articulations much brighter; the head a little wider than the thorax and subovate; the thorax, node of the petiole, and the abdomen of nearly equal width, the abdomen being slightly the widest; the node of the petiole nearly quadrate; the apical margin of the first segment and base of the second slightly depressed.
Hab. Aru.
4. PONERA QUADRIDENTATA. P. atro-fusca; antennis, facie antice, antennis, mandibulis, tibiis tarsisque ferrugineis; alis subhyalinis.
Female. Length 3-1/2 lines. Nigro-fuscous; the antennae with a carina between their base, the face anteriorly, the mandibles, the legs, and the abdomen at its apex and beneath, ferruginous; the femora and coxae above, fuscous; the head subquadrate with the angles rounded; the eyes small and placed forwards on the sides of the head towards the base of the mandibles, the latter with four strong teeth on their inner margin. Thorax oblong-ovate with the metathorax truncate; the wings fusco-hyaline, the stigma large and black. Abdomen: the second segment slightly narrowed at its base, the node of the petiole incrassate and compressed, its upper margin rounded. The insect entirely covered with a short downy cinereous pile, the abdomen having also a number of scattered erect glittering hairs.
Hab. Aru.
Gen. ECTATOMMA, Smith.
1. ECTATOMMA RUGOSA. E. fusco-brunnea; capite, thorace, nodoque rugosis; abdomine delicatule aciculato.
Worker. Length 4 lines. Obscure fusco-ferruginous, the antennae and legs bright ferruginous; the head, thorax, and node of the petiole coarsely rugose; the eyes very prominent and glassy; the mandibles longitudinally but very delicately striated, their inner margin edentate; the thorax slightly narrowed behind. Abdomen very delicately aciculate.
Male. Length 3-1/2 lines. Of the same colour, and sculptured like the worker; the head rounded behind the eyes and narrowed before them; the eyes very large, prominent and ovate; the ocelli very bright and prominent; antennae elongate and slender, the scape short, not longer than the second joint of the flagellum. Thorax: the scutellum prominent, forming a rounded tubercle, the metathorax elongate and oblique. Abdomen aciculate as in the worker, but much more deeply strangulated between the first and second segments; the petiole rugose and clavate.
Hab. Aru.
1. Odontomachus simillimus, Smith, Cat. Form. p. 80. 11 [Symbol: female].
Hab. Aru. Ceylon.
2. ODONTOMACHUS TYRANNICUS. O. capite thoraceque nigris, antennis abdomineque ferrugineis, margine interno mandibulorum serratulo.
Worker. Length 7 lines. Head oblong, narrowed behind, posteriorly deeply emarginate; the mandibles rufo-piceous, brightest at their apex, which is armed with two long teeth which are bent abruptly inwards, their tips black; the anterior portion of the head striated obliquely from the centre; the head, behind the anterior sulcation, very smooth and shining and having a deep longitudinal central depression. Thorax transversely striated, the articulations of the legs and the tarsi ferruginous. Abdomen smooth, shining, and ferruginous; the node of the petiole incrassate, cylindric, and tapering upwards into a very acute spine. |
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