Journal of An American Prisoner At Fort Malden and Quebec in the War of 1812
Edited by
G. M. Fairchild, jr.
Author of
"From My Quebec Scrap Book," "Gleanings from Quebec," "A Ridiculous Courting," "A Winter Carnival," etc.
Privately Printed by Frank Carrel, Limited, Quebec 1909
200 Copies Privately Printed. Copy No. 71
Registered by G. M. FAIRCHILD, JR., in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture in conformity with the Law passed by the Parliament of Canada, in the year 1906.
Quebec, 1909:—The Daily Telegraph Printing Co.
Explanatory Note
The book containing this journal is an ordinary pocket memorandum or account book measuring 6 x 4 1/4 inches and covered with split calf. The journal opens the day of the author's capture, and closes on the day he receives orders at Quebec to prepare to leave for Boston. The author's name is nowhere to be found in the book, and several pages at the beginning have been cut out, evidently by the original owner. The journal was found among the papers of the late J. Gradden, a benevolent merchant of Quebec who rendered considerable aid to the American prisoners of war confined there on prison ships. The journal was no doubt presented to Mr. Gradden by its author as a return for kindnesses. Mr. Gradden's son, the late Chas. Gradden of Kilmarnock, gave it to Sir James M. LeMoine, the venerable Historian of Quebec, who in turn presented it to me with the understanding that I would edit and print it.
Although the author's name is not attached to the journal it bears unmistakable evidence of having been written by Surgeon's Mate James Reynolds who was deputed by Surgeon General Edwards of Gen. Hull's army to the charge of the sick on the two vessels that were dispatched from Maumee to Detroit, but which were captured at Fort Malden (Amherstburg) by the British. Lossing, in his "Pictorial Field Book of the war of 1812" says that the schooner conveying the sick in charge of Reynolds escaped and reached Detroit, and that the Dr. Reynolds of this expedition was killed at the attack on Detroit by a cannon ball. There is a mistake somewhere as the author of this journal says that HE was in charge of the Cuyahoga conveying the sick, and that the accompanying schooner carried the stores, and that both vessels were captured at Malden. Could it be that there were two Reynolds, one the Surgeon's Mate and the other the Dr. Reynolds that Lossing refers to as having been killed, and hence the confusion? I am inclined to this view in the absence of convincing proof to the contrary. The journal itself is strongly corroborative of my contention as the weight of evidence is with the writer whose story is everywhere the simple straightforward one of the daily chronicler of the events that came under his observation. It is a very human document and not without historical value. It will take its place in the Archives of the war of 1812 on the Frontiers.
G. M. FAIRCHILD, JR., Editor.
NOTE.—On a blank page in the book I find written in pencil in the author's handwriting, Sergt. Ord. Reed, Dougherty, Jowlen, Madison, Printiss, Button, Noble—Emetic (The author had evidently dosed them all).
Historical Note
Anticipating the formal declaration of war President Madison of the United States during the winter of 1811-12 commissioned Gov. Wm. Hull of the Territory of Michigan as a Brigadier General to command the Ohio and Michigan troops at Detroit, with the understanding that immediately upon the announcement of war he was to invade all that part of Canada contiguous to Detroit. On June 24th, 1812, Gen. Hull with several thousand troops had arrived at Fort Findlay. Here he received despatches from Washington to hasten his forces to Detroit and there await further orders. When the troops arrived at the navigable waters on the Maumee (or Miami) Hull determined to relieve his tired men of as much baggage as possible by dispatching it by water. Accordingly a considerable portion of the stores and intrenching tools, Hull's and his staff's personal baggage, and the trunk containing Hull's instructions and the muster rolls of the army together with other valuable papers—also three officers' wives, Lt. Goodwin, Lieut. Dent with thirty soldiers were transferred to the Cuyahoga packet and an auxiliary schooner. Both reached Maumee Bay where Toledo now stands on the evening of July 1st. On the morning of the 2nd of July the Cuyahoga and the schooner entered the Detroit River and while sailing past Fort Malden (Amherstburg) the British armed vessel Hunter went alongside of the Cuyahoga, and vessel and cargo became a prize, while the crew, troops and passengers were declared prisoners of war. Lossing says that the auxiliary schooner bearing the invalids, being behind the Cuyahoga, escaped and reached Detroit next day. The author of the journal says that this auxiliary vessel which contained only the stores was also captured later in the day and brought in under the guns of Fort Malden. Col. St. George, the commander at Fort Malden, had received the news of the declaration of war on the 30th of June, while Gen. Hull only received it on the 2nd of July when he immediately despatched an officer to the mouth of the Raisen to intercept the two vessels, but he arrived too late. In the capture of these two vessels valuable stores and yet more valuable information fell into the hands of the British. The journal of the Surgeon's Mate begins July 1st and some of the events that lead to the final surrender of Detroit and the forces under Gen. Hull's command are recorded in the journal from such observations as were possible to a prisoner on a vessel, and from stray information. The journey from Malden to Quebec is recounted and the subsequent imprisonment there on a ship in the harbor until he with others were sent to Boston for exchange.
Journal of an American Prisoner
at Fort Malden and Quebec in the War of 1812
July 1st (1812).—After a long and tedious march I with the sick, went on board the Caryaorgo[1] packet at Maume, a little town on the Maume River[2]. Doctor Edwards Surgeon General of the North Wertern Army gave me charge of the Hospital stores and sick to go by water to Detroit. We sailed about 4 p.m. and had a gentle breeze the afternoon. At sunset the wind died away and we ancored for the night[3] and about 4 o'clock in the morning the wind rose and we weighed ancor and with a fair wind entered Lake Erie all in to good spirits to think we should be at Detroit by 3 o'clock in the afternoon. To our surprise just as we were about to enter Detroit River we saw a boat that hailed us and ordered the Captain to lower his sails[4]. Our arms were all in the hole (hold) and the men sick. I thought it improper to make any resistance as I had not been informed that war was declared[5] and had not had orders from the Genl. to make any resistence. Lt. Goodwin and 2nd Master Beatt and Mr. Dent paymaster to the 3rd Regt. Ohio Vlts. and three ladies and two soldiers wifes making in the whole forty-five in number and not more than six well persons among them it must have been imprudent in the highest degree to have attempted to resisted a boat of eight well armed men and a Capt., and another of 5 men who demanded us as prisoners of war and we were nearly under the cover of the guns at Ft. Malden, soever we gave ourselves up and was taken into Malden and our property was all stored in the hole (hold) and hatches nailed immediately and we were taken alongside a prison ship. The next morning about X o'clock our Schooner was[6] taken and all our effects even to a blanket. The Doctor came on board to see some of the sick and I asked him for knapsacks and blankets for the men which were returned immediately and the cloths of the officers and men on board.
3rd.—The day past with Mallone holey (wholly) the men sick and despond, nothing pleasing appeard.
4th.—We were surrounded with Savages singing and dancing their war dances through the town[7]. O heavens what a glory Sun for independence can any person discribe the feeling of a free born subject to see the Savages dancing their war dance and hooting about the town and to be confined when we knew they were preparing (to) murder our fellow creatures and not only the soldiers but the helpless women and children. These horrible and dispicable seens closed the day and Sol returned to his rest.
5th.—Some gentlemen[8] from our (side) came from Detroit with a flag of truce and brought news that our army had arrived their safe and that the men were in tolerable health and spirits but we could not see them without a British being present. We sent some papers to Detroit after having them examined (by) an officer (of) the Part we would expect for prisoners[9].
6th.—We were provided with tolerable rations, and nothing happened through the day.
7th.—Nothing especial happened through the day, but all the (men) were making preparations for war.
9th.—Know news for prisoners.
X.—Nothing extra happened in the course of the day.
10th.—We were moved below town. Dr. Davis attends on our sick daily. The weather verry warm and the men suffer much from the heat.
11th.—We had a very warm day in the afternoon. The officers and Indians were verry busy, however we heard nothing[10]
12th.—Sunday. The American troops crossed the river into Sandwich and divested the people of their arms and sent them to their farms.
13th.—Monday. Pleasant and cool. Nothing extra happened.
14th.—Tuesday. Nothing worthy of notice.
15th.—Wensday, healthy weather. People was moving very much in town and considerable blustor.
16th.—Thursday. Pleasant and cool. Capt. Brown[11] came to town with a flag of truce on and (what) express news we knew not, but could judge by the movements. Two topsail vessels were sent out of the river and the people were moving out of the town at night.
17th.—Friday. The Indians[12] were flocking into town all the morning armed and painted black. A lousifer with their arms and the town was in an uproar. It appeared by ten o'clock that almost every person had left the town. About five o'clock the Savages began to return into town hollowing and barekin and firing all around our vessell, and to crown the whole they had one of our men's scalp stretched on a pole as they past by us to aggrevate us in a helpless state and wound the feelings of prisoners. These Indians[13] were headed by a british subject. Is it possible that their can be so much corruption in the British Government. They are void of feelings and in fact are as bad as the savages themselves for they carry on their intrigues under the pretence that they cannot govern the Indians, and in fact they themselves are personally at their head and give them their instructions. God deliver me from monarch's gag laws and all their subjects[14] for free I was born and free I'll die or by the sword shall we live like bruts and worse, glory in each other's fall and more than that confine our fellow creatures and tantalize them by the blood of our fellow mortals. What will man do when left to himself. But thanks be to God this (is) about the last act of bravery you can show you are on your last legs. The crown will loose another jewil and savage yell dispersed and harmony fill the land. The eagle here shall build her nest and every subject shall be at peice[15].
18th.—Pleasant. All things peceable through (the) day. About X o'clock in the evening their was an alarm[16] and the prisoners, sick and well, were all ordered in to the hole (hold) together and what a disagreeable (night) it was to have forty men half sick all stowed together and some had to stand all night.
19th.—Sunday. Warm and muggy weather. Their was considerable movement, the Indians again past armed and about 2 p.m. we heard firing towards Sandwich[17]. The Savages returned about dark in not so good spirits as usual and this led us to suppose their success had not been so good as they could wish. About 8 in the evening their came a party (of) Savages by and fired several times near us and struck up their war hoop.
20th.—Monday. To day the Indians past by armed as usual, they returned about sunset some verry much fatigued. We were informed that the Indians and some of the militia had a Scirmish with some of our troops yesterday.
21st.—Tuesday. Cloudy and rain. Nothing extra occurred.
22nd.—Wednesday. Everything still. Nothing extra occurred.
23rd.—Thursday. Cold for the season and some rain.
24th.—Friday[18]. Cold and pleasant for the season. I was ordered to the King's Stores in order to give information about the hospital stores. Everything peciable.
25th.—Saterday. Pleasant. Nothing worth mentioning through the day. The Indians went out as usual and returned in the evening and are now partickular morn (ful).
26th.—Sunday. Nothing extraordinary.
27th.—Monday. We had three prisoners brought on board our vessel one of which was from our army. We rec'd him with joy, and he thought the army would be down in a week.
28th.—Tuesday. Pleasant. Nothing happened extra through the day. All past peceable.
29th.—Wensday. The Indians killed a man and his servants and took a boat loaded with goods and two bbls whiskey, got drunk and raised the divil all knight.
30th.—Thursday. Pleasant. Nothing extra.
31st.—Friday. Cloudy and rainy. The officers[19] were ordered on board the Lady Provost to go to Niagary. Nothing further happened through the day.
August 1st.—Saterday. Pleasant. Nothing worth recording.
2nd.—Sunday. Cloudy. Nothing extra, the Indians commence (to cross to) Brownstown with Britishs and officers.
3rd.—Monday[20]. Pleasant. The soldiers and Indians crossed to Brown's town twelves boats loaded. I should judge about 400 in numbers. I cannot tell their business.
4th.—Tuesday. Pleasant. The troops and Indians crossed the river as yestirday and returned about eight o'clock in the evening.
5th.—Wensday[21]. Plesent. The Indians crossed the river about 11 o'clock and the people appeared very much allarmed. A party of them returned about sunset but the boats had few in them. Their was six guns fired about 11 o'clock at Browns Town.
6th.—Thursday. Pleasant. Nothing in particular.
7th.—Friday. Pleasant. Capt. Olds and Ensign Elison came on board and informed us that two hundred militia ran from forty Indians and several of our men was taken. God save the ignorant for they cannot take care of themselves.
8th.—Saterday. Pleasant. The Schooner or brig R1^o from Fort Erie with about fifty or sixty[22]. Nothing further worth recording.
No news from the army.
9th.—Sunday[23]. The little brig. Hunter ret'd this morning from Fort Erie. The people seemed to be in considerable motion about tewlve o'clock and we heard about sunset that their was an engagement on the other side of the river. Considerable motion in the evening.
10th.—Monday. Rainy in the morning. We herd in the morning that they had a hard battle at Browns Town and the Americans mentained their ground. Several killed and wounded on both sides. We were likewise informed that they intended to have another battle this day[24].
11th.—Continued showers of rain. About 5 o'clock we herd a continual firing near Browns Town which continued about one hour and a half and from the nois the American army drove the Indians and British[25]. The Schooner Chipoway came from Lk. Erie with one company of red coats.
12th.—Monday. No rain. A little cloudy. The British moved their army—moved from B (Browns) Town and it appeared that the Indians had all come to this town and left Browns Town.
13th.—Thursday[26]. Pleasant. The people had all left the town. Not much moving until evening. The Indians began their war dance and commenced firing about daily daun and a bot (boat) entered the river about fifty in number and the D. dis't. C. A. ball that evening herd both by the Indians and white people.
14th.—Friday[27]. Pleasant. After (noon) made the detail for the 13th. Their was five boats came up loaded with soldiers, and five more this morning loaded with from 12 to 20 men in each making in the whole about 170 men. Another boat arrived about eleven o'clock—20 men in it, and the new soldiers all appeared to leave the town about sunset.
15th.—Saterday. Foggy. The drums beat to arms about sunrise and the troops were all in motion or at least all that were left. The citizens all entered boats for Detroit, as I am told. The Indians went by in boats. By land about 300. About sunset the Cannon began to roar at Sandwich[28].
16th.—Sunday. Pleasant weather but unpleasant news we herd about noon that Hull had given up Detroit and the whole Territory Mitchigan. The Indians began to return about sunset well mounted and some with horses and chais. Who can express the feelings of a person who knows that Hull had men enough to have this place three times and gave up his post. Shame to him, shame to his country, shame to the world. When Hull first came to Detroit the 4th U. S. Regt. would have taken Malden and he with his great generalship has lost about 200 men and his Territory[29].
Can he be forgiven when he had command of an army of about 2500 men besides the Regulars and Militia of his Territory and given up to about 400 regular troops and Militia and about 700 Indians.
17th.—Monday. Clouday. The news of yesterday was confirmed. The Indians were riding our horses and hollowing and shouting the whole day.
18th.—The Provo Marshal[30] came on board and wanted a list of the Regular Troops, and told us that the Regular Troops[31] were prisoners of war and the militia had liberty to go home. We were taken from the Schooner Thames and put into a little Schooner but every attention paid us that was possible. In the evening we were ordered on board the Elinor. Their was a detachment of prisoners joined us.
19th.—Wensday. Pleasant. I got provisions and medicines on board. The other vessels came from Detroit. Nothing extraordinary through the day.
20th.—Thursday. Rainy. Unpleasant on board. The militia left the river.
21st.—Friday. We drifted out of the river into the Lake. Capt. Brown and Ensign Phillips came on board.
22nd.—Saterday. Clouday but no rain. We sailed to the Three Sisters and lay to for the Sharlott[32], and about 12 o'clock we came to ancor.
23rd.—Sunday. Pleasant and warm. No wind. Several sick on bord but none dangerous. The wounded are in a good way. About sunset the wind rose and we weighed ancor.
24th.—Monday. Pleasant. Fair wind. We made good headway. Nothing extra.
25th.—Tuesday. Pleasant. Good wind.
26th.—Wensday. Pleasant. We arrived at Fort Niagary[33] and was put on shore where we found wagons ready for the transportation of our baggage and about 12 o'clock we proceeded on our way to Chippawa where we stayed the night.
27th.—Thursday. Pleasant. We proceeded on our march from Chippawa to Fort George[34]. We pased through Queenstown and opposite to the town was two or three hundred American Troops was stationed. We past by Niagary Falls. We arrived at Fort George about 5 o'clock p.m. and stayed in the river all night and we are very much crowded.
28th.—Friday. Pleasant. We had a fair wind for King's Town (Kingston) which was our next place of destination. We weighed ancor about 2 o'clock and had pleasant sail through the day and night.
29th.—Saterday.—Pleasant. We hove in sight of King's Town (Kingston) about 7 o'clock a.m. Cast ancor about 9 o'clock and was landed on an Island near Kingston. About 5 p.m. I was ordered to take charge of the sick and wounded.
30th.—Sunday. Pleasant but cool for the season. The sick were visited by the Doctor about eleven o'clock. Three of the sick were taken to Kingston hospital, the other 40 sick and wounded were left in my charge.
31st.—Monday. Pleasant. A detachment of 400 men arrived here from Montreal for Detroit. 2 men deserted last evening. The sick are better. The officers treat us very kindly and we are well provided for for people in our situation.
Sept. 1st.—Tuesday. Pleasant. We left Kingston[35] about 4 o'clock p.m. for Montreal. We went 18 miles in the evening.
2nd.—Wensday. Pleasant. We started nearly with the sun and past the Thousand Islands and our first stop Elizabeth Town on the St. Lawrence opposite. After staying about half an hour we proceeded down the river. Very good wind and past several handsome towns on each side of the river. The Sun above an hour high we past about five hundred of our troops stationed on the bank of the river at Sagrota and stopped at Johns Town.
3rd.—Thursday. Pleasant. We started nearly with the sun and stopped about 9 o'clock about half an hour. Proceeded to Cornwall where we stayed through the knight. We past several fine towns on both sides of the river. Hamleton is a fine town on the American side.
4th.—Friday. Clouday and cold—east wind. We stayed at Cornwall[36] all this day as we had a head wind. The men remained in the gaol yard and fought several times and in fact played hell all day.
5th.—Saturday. Pleasant, head wind, however we proceeded on our journey and have about thirty sick. We stayed at Point Burdet.
6th.—Sunday. Pleasant. We started about 6 o'clcok and stopped at Lachein and the well men were marched to Montreal by land. The sick went in boats by water where we arrived about 7 in the evening and was marched to the Garrison[37].
7th.—Monday. Pleasant. We stayed at the Garrison through the day and four of the sick sent to the King's Hospital which reduced my number to about 30.
8th.—Tuesday. Pleasant. We left Montreal[38] about 10 A.M. and descended the St. Lawrence. We had a pleasant prospect on both sides of the river handsome meadows and fine farms and several handsome towns. We stopped at Sorril (Sorel) and were marched from the boats to a room where we were all put into a room together and locked up and not a man allowed to get a drink of water nor allowed to leave the room on any occasion. The men were obliged to comply with natures requests in the room where we all lay, and we suffered verry much all knight.
9th.—Pleasant. The British officers that came with us when informed of our treatment was very much offended and told the officers of the 100th. regiment. We started about 9 o'clock A.M. with a fair wind and arrived late at St. Francis and stopped at Three Rivers about two hours and then went about two miles down the river and camped for the knight.
10th.—Thursday. Pleasant. Head winds we started the sun about one hour high. and spent the day pretty much in parading the boats. We stopped at the Three Sisters for the night.
11th.—Friday[39]. Pleasant. We stayed for the tide to come in. Started about ten o'clock and descended the river rapidly with the tide and arrlved at Quebec about sunset and was put on bord one of the transports for the night.
12th.—Saturday. Cloudy and rainy in the afternoon. All in confusion, the prisoners very troublesome, however I hope this is not for life.
13th.—Sunday. Clouday. The proceedings verry much as yesterday, our officers in town and do not visit us, the reason why I know not why. We are guarded this day. Parroled prisoners from the States. Nothing extra.
14th.—Monday. Clouday. Our rations were bread that would crawl with worms, in fact our fare is hard and unwholesome, half the men sick with the diarrie. No news of any better times.
15th.—Tuesday. Pleasant. I gave five men emetic and 3 carthartic. Our provisions better than yesterday. No news, the men are something better.
16th.—Wensday. Pleasant. Our sick were taken from our vessel. We had several good things for our vituals, rice, oatmeal and this plenty. This is called banyan day. The surgeon came on board our vessel and ordered men and me on bord the brig 160 transport.
17th.—Thursday. Pleasant. I proceeded to give the men medicine and gave them gruel and they appeared verry much better at night. We had twelve women on board and some worse than the devil—they quarreled like cats and dogs and in fact I had to make use of rash (harsh) means in order for to live.
18th.—Friday. Pleasant. The men generally better with one or two exceptions. The women in better nature than yesterday. Nothing extra happened through the day.
19th.—Saterday. Pleasant, nothing particular through the day.
20th.—Sunday. Cold and windy. The men not so well.
21st.—Monday. Pleasant. The men no better and no Doct. to see them and no medicine, no phisition attended us, the time dubious and the men down hearted—not verry good accommodation.
22nd.—Tuesday. Clouday and some rain in the morning. Many of the men verry low, but verry little refreshment for the sick. Thirteen more sick came on board which augmented the sick to 54.
23rd.—Wensday. Pleasant. The men that came on board yesterday are better after being phisiced. Nothing new.
24th.—Thursday. Clouday. The men generally better 17 men were sent from our ship to those where the main Regt. lay. Nothing further worth attention.
25th.—Friday. Pleasant. Two sick men sent on board our ship which made our number 40. James Duffer died at 4 o'clock p.m. with Hectic fever. Many of the men are very low. Bellew and Collins were sent to our ship which augments our number to 42 men.
26th.—Saterday. Clouday. McDuff[40] was buried at ten o'clock. Sergt. Traig and Corp. Wentworth, McIntosh went on shore to attend the funeril. He was decently intered. The English people here are decent, friendlay and humane
27th.—Sunday. Pleasant. The men are something better. Nothing happened through the day.
28th.—Monday.[41] Pleasant but cold for the season. The men better, the women cross etc. The Surgeon came on bord.
29th.—-Tuesday. Nothing worth recording.
30th.—Wensday. Pleasant. The Doct. came on bord. Nothing other worth recording. Good weather but cold for the season.
Oct. 1st.—Thursday. Pleasant. Sergt. Maj. Huggins and two men all sick came on bord our vessel and I sent (away) three well men in their room (place). The three men that came on bord were verry sick.
2nd.—Friday. Clouday. The men something better. The Surgeon did not call to see us.
3rd.—Saturday. Clouday and rainy. Corp. Perries child died this morning about day brake and was buried (at) 4 o'clock p.m. Mrs. Andrews has been in travail ever since early this morning.
4th.—Sunday. Rainy. Mrs. Andrews was delivered of a fine boy after 24 hours labor. The men not much better.
5th.—Monday. Clouday. I visited all the prison ships in the harbor and took 4 men on bord our vessel. The sick verry low
6th.—Tuesday. Cold. Sergt. Stoner's child died this morning. The men verry low, many of them. For the first time I had to lay violent hands on Mrs. Critchet and the first time I ever saw her made to hold her tongue. Women deprived of decency are the damdest creatures that ever were borned.
7th.—Wensday. Could and squalws of snow. The guard came to bury Sergt. Stoner's child. I visited all the prison ships in the Harbor and gave medicine to the sick. We had some sugar, rice, and barley sent for the sick and some other refreshments was sent on bord.
8th.—Thursday. Cold and rain. They brought 7 men sick from 4 to 6 (o'clock) and we returned five. About nothing further.
9th.—Friday. Cold for the season. Corp. Berries child died about three o'clock this morning. The men are something better. I visited all the prison ships in the harbor. Corp. Perries child was buried this afternoon. Three men came from No. 85—three returned to No. 85 and three to 406. (Transports and prison ships).
10th.—Saterday. Clouday. Three men that was sent to No. 406 came on bord this morning and we returned them immediately. We drawed fresh bread for the first time. Nothing further.
11th.—Sunday. Clouday and cold. I visited all the prison ships in the harbor. The women were all ordered from our ship, accordingly they all went, but four who had sick children and one lately layed in (confined). We had snow this evening and rain. We had a fresh surply of stores.
12th.—Monday. Clouday and cold. The sail covered with snow. Joseph Quil's child died at 12 o'clock this morning and Saml. Lewis died at half past 12 o'clock. The Surgeon came on bord at 9 o'clock. The men something better. I took from Morgan his scrotum and left the testicles entirely naked.
13th.—Violent storm of snow but not cold. The people on bord better except Ingalls and McMaster. We had 3 men from 406 and returned two.
14th.—Wensday. The storm continues. Wires child died at — o'clock. Four men received and 6 discharged. Ingals child died at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The times are serious and the lessons striking.
15th.—Thursday. Clouday and warm. John McMaster died at half past three o'clock this morning. Henry Pluck died at half past 10 o'clock this evening.
16th.—Friday. Cold and clouday. A Surgeon came on bord. A Mister (minister) of the Church of England came on board and baptised Ingalls.
17th.—Saterday. Clouday. We have five sick men from No. 406. Discharged two, one from 35, and one sent to 35. Two women sent to 71. Pluck buried this forenoon.
18th.—Sunday. Clouday. I received hospital bedding and cloths (clothes) the men in genl. better except Ingals.
19th.—Monday. Pleasant. Amos Ingals died at 5 o'clock this morning. 6 men came from 406 and 4 returned. The men verry sick many of them, 44 in our number of sick. I had a reprimand from one of the B. (British) Os. (Officers).
20th.—Tuesday. Pleasant. Ingals buried. I gave the men some cloths (clothes) and they appear better generally.
21st.—Wensday. Pleasant. Nothing particular happened through the day. The Surgeon did not visit us.
22nd.—Thursday. Pleasant and cold. Dennis Hagerman died at 2 o'clock this morning. The Surgeon came on bord at 10 o'clock. We rec'd five sick men—none discharged.
23rd.—Friday. Clouday. We this day herd that we were destined for Boston—the men very much revived.
24th.—Saturday. Clouday. The Surgeon came on bord, and Capt. Baker of our service gave me an order to make a minute of what would be necessary for the sick on our passage to Boston.
25th.—Sunday. Clouday. I and the sick were ordered on bord the 406. The men paid——Here the diary abruptly ends.
* * * * *
The "Quebec Mercury" of 29th Oct. 1812 contains the following:
"The prisoners taken at Detroit and brought down to Quebec are on the point of embarking for Boston for the purpose of being exchanged. Five cannon are now lying in the Chateau Court taken at Detroit."
[1] Cuyahoga. Cayahogo according to Kingsford.
[2] Maumee or Miami River of the Lakes to distinguish it from two others of the same name.
[3] Maumee Bay where Toledo now stands.
[4] Lossing says that Reynolds and his party of sick sailed from the Maumee in an accompanying sloop and that the latter reached Detroit in safety. This is evidently a mistake. The sloop, or as Reynolds calls it schooner was also captured and it was this schooner that contained the stores.
[5] News of the declaration of war had been received by Col. St. George in command at Fort Malden as early as June 30th, 1812.
[6] This schooner contained Gen. Hull's despatch box and a great quantity of stores for his army. The despatches put the English in possession of valuable information as to Hull's forces, etc.
[7] Amherstburg near which stood Fort Malden.
[8] On the morning of the 6th Col. Cass was sent to Malden with a flag of truce to demand the baggage and prisoners taken from the schooner. The demand was unheeded and he returned to camp with Capt. Burbanks of the British Army. M'AFEE.
[9] Mr. Reynolds wrote by this means and this may have led to the belief that he and his party of invalid soldiers had reached Detroit in safety on the schooner.
[10] On the 12th Hull crossed his army to Sandwich of which he took possession. The few British troops stationed here retired to Fort Malden. Col. Miller of the American army in a letter to his wife says: "As we were crossing the river we saw two British officers ride up very fast opposite where we intended landing, but they went back faster than they came. They were Col. St. George, commanding officer at Malden, and one of his Captains."
[11] Probably sent by Gen. Hull to announce to Col. St. George of his (Gen. Hull's) intention to attack Fort Malden and to advise the removal from the town of the non-combatants.
[12] There were frequent and small engagements between the American outposts and the Indians on the British side. Scalping the dead was practised by both Indian and the frontiers men on both sides.
[13] The Indians were almost invariably commanded or led by their own chiefs, but oft'times under the direction of an English officer.
[14] On the 16th Col. Cass of the American Army with a force of about 280 men pushed forward to the Ta-ron-tee or Riviere aux Canards about four miles above Malden and engaged the British outpost guarding the bridge across the river. The British and Indians fled and were pursued by the Americans. Night put an end to the engagement and the Americans returned to the bridge. Hull however retired the force to Sandwich as he said the position was untenable with so small a force.
[15] The author somewhat mixes himself in his rhapsody.
[16] On the 18th Capt. Snelling of the American Army and a small detachment left Sandwich on a reconnoitring expedition towards Malden.
[17] On the 18th July Gen. Hull issued an order for a general movement on Fort Malden. Col. McArthur with a detachment of his regiment joined Capt. Snelling on the 19th at Petite Cote about a mile above the Aux Canards Bridge. A general skirmish ensued with the Indians under command of Tecumseh and McArthur was compelled to fall back. He sent for reinforcements and Col. Cass hastened to his aid with a six pounder, but after another short engagement with the Indians and the English supports that had been hastened to their assistance the American forces returned to Sandwich.
[18] For some reason or other Reynolds makes no mention here of the engagement of the 24th, when Major Denny and a considerable force of Americans were engaged with some Indians and retreated in considerable confusion pursued by the Indians. Denny lost six killed and two wounded. This was the first blood shed in the war.
[19] The captive American officers are probably meant.
[20] Col. Proctor who now commanded at Amherstburg or Malden detached the Indians under Tecumseh across the Detroit River to intercept a convoy that Major VanHorne and a force of Americans had been sent to safely conduct within the American lines.
[21] On this day the Indians under Tecumseh badly defeated Major VanHorne's force of Americans near Brownstown and the latter retreated in great disorder. The mail fell into the hands of the British and revealed the mutinous spirit in Hull's army. In this engagement seventeen of the Americans were killed and eight wounded.
[22] Reinforcements of the 41st Regt. under Lt. Bullock.
[23] The battle of Maguaga where Col. Miller in command of a force of Americans defeated the British and Indians and drove them to their boats whence they returned to Malden. The advantages of this victory were not followed up for the relief of Brush on his way to Detroit with a convoy of supplies for Hull's army.
[24] Skirmishing occurred for several days after the main engagement of the 10th.
[25] Major Muir and his subaltern Sutherland of the British forces were both wounded. The losses and casualties on the American side were very heavy.
[26] Gen. Brock joined Col. Proctor at Malden (Amherstburg) on the night of the 13th with three hundred militia and a few regulars.
[27] Gen. Brock marched that day with the forces under his command and took possession of Sandwich which had been abandoned by the Americans.
[28] About 4 o'clock on the afternoon of the 15th, a general cannonading began between the British at Sandwich and the Americans at Detroit. Considerable damage was done by the British artillery and several American officers were killed. Two guns on the British side were silenced by the American artillerists.
[29] During the night the British forces crossed to the Detroit side of the river and prepared for an assault on the town. The guns at Sandwich opening a heavy cannonading and their range was so accurate that many Americans were slain. Dr. Reynolds who it is supposed accompanied Hull's invalids from the Maumee to Detroit was instantly killed. Gen. Hull early decided to capitulate.
[30] By the terms of the surrender the American Militia were paroled and allowed to return to their homes, but the regulars were declared to be prisoners of war and were sent on board the prison ships.
[31] Mostly the 4th Regt. of Regulars.
[32] The Queen Charlotte and Hunter were also detailed to convey some of the prisoners of war including Gen. Hull and other officers, to Fort Erie opposite Buffalo.
[33] The writer evidently means Fort Erie at the entrance to the Niagara River.
[34] Fort George directly opposite Fort Niagara which was on American territory and garrisoned by American troops.
[35] The British escort from Kingston was commanded by Major Heathcote of the Nova Scotia Regt.
[36] From Cornwall to Lachine the British escort was in command of Captain Gray of the Quarter Master General's Dept. From Lachine to Montreal Captains Richardson and Ogilvie with three militia companies, and a company of the 8th Regt. commanded by Capt. Blackmore formed an escort.
[37] The line of march in Montreal was as follows:
1st. The 8th Regt. Band. 2nd. The first escort division. 3rd. Gen. Hull and Capt. Gray in a carriage. 4th. The American Officers. 5th. The non-coms. and soldiers. 6th. The second escort division.
[38] Gen. Hull was paroled at Montreal with 8 other officers and left the city for the United States.
[39] The Officers and regular troops of the American Army taken at Detroit and which have no permission to return on their parole arrived at Anse des Meres Friday afternoon escorted by a detachment of the Regt. of Glengary of Three Rivers. The prisoners, with the exception of the officers were immediately embarked in boats for the transports. The officers were lodged in the city for the night and the following day were conducted to Charlesbourg where they will be domiciled on parole.—QUEBEC GAZETTE
The Quebec Mercury of Sept. 15th says: The commissioned officers were liberated on their parole. They passed Saturday morning at the Union Hotel where they were the gazing stock of the multitude, whilst they in no way abashed presented a bold front to the public stare, puffed the smoke of their cigars into the faces of such as approached too near. About 2 o'clock they set off by stage with four horses for Charlesbourg the destined place of their residence.
[40] The man previously referred to as Duffer.
Commisary General's Office. Quebec 28 Sept. 1812.
Wanted for the American prisoners of war comfortable warm clothing consisting of the following articles viz: Jackets, shirts, trousers, stockings mockessons or shoes—also 2000 lbs of soap. They will require to be delivered immediately.
* * * * *
Transcriber's Notes:
The spelling and punctuation errors in the journal pieces were retained. This includes such words as Wertern for Western, ancor for anchor, "high. and spent", etc.
Page 2, "FAIRCHIDD" changed to "FAIRCHILD" (G. M. FAIRCHILD, JR.)
Page 4, "Reynold's" changed to "Reynolds" (Dr. Reynolds of this)
Page 4, "Cugahoga" changed to "Cuyahoga" (Cuyahoga conveying the sick)
Page 5, "Cugahoga" changed to "Cuyahoga" (the Cuyahoga packet)
Page 11, Footnote 11, "combattants" changed to "combatants" (town of the non-combatants)
Page 14, Footnote 18, "pusrued" changed to "pursued" (confusion pursued by)
Page 16, Original text read R1 with a degree symbol after the 1. For this ascii version this has been rendered R1^o. As the footnote attached to that paragraph references reinforcements, it is presumed that this is some type of error for "RI'd", or perhaps "Rt'd" for "returned".
Page 19, Footnote 30, "allowen" changed to "allowed" (allowed to return)
Page 24, Footnote marker 38 presumed as none was present in the original text.
Page 28, Footnote marker 41 presumed as none was present in the original text.
Page 32, "Herve" changed to "Here" (_Here the diary)