13th, Friday. It blew a stiff topsail breeze. We had 17 and 18 fathoms of water, which looked quite white, and made me think we were near the White Water, another bank so named on which there is 17 and 16 fathoms. We sailed south-southwest. We waited for a herring-buss coming towards us, and spoke to her. She was from Rotterdam, had been at sea a long time, and had seen no land. They told us they were between Wells and the White Water, nearer the latter, and that South Foreland was south-southwest of us. They could tell us nothing more. We wished we were in the buss, for then we might have been in the Maes that evening, as she had a good wind. The latitude was 52 deg. 50'. We sailed southwest in 23 fathoms of water, with a bottom of fine sand a little reddish and mixed with black. In sailing towards the shore we had 18 fathoms; when about three, or half past three o'clock in the afternoon they cried out, Land! and proceeding further on, we saw the grove near Yarmouth, and shortly afterwards Yarmouth steeple, southwest by west and west-southwest from us. We sailed more southerly and discovered the whole coast. We came to anchor about seven o'clock in 16 fathoms.
14th, Saturday. It had been good weather through the night, and we had rested well. We saw when the sun rose, which shone against the coast and was entirely clear, how the coast ran. The land is not so high as it is west of the Thames to Land's End. There are many villages. Yarmouth looked like a pleasant little place, as it lay north-northwest of us. We saw many ships sailing one way and the other. Having waited for the ebb to run out we got under sail about eight o'clock. We sailed by Sowls,[454] and came to anchor again about three o'clock in the afternoon. The passengers had everything ready to go ashore, and so overland to London. There was a signal made with the flag from our ship, and a shot fired for a pilot or some one else to come on board. Towards evening a small boat came with five men, but no pilot. The flood making about nine or ten o'clock in the evening, and running along the whole Scottish and English coast, from the Orkneys to the Thames, we sailed on again until we came to another village where our passengers went ashore. It was about midnight. The weather was fine and the moon shone bright; we fired five or six guns. The minister was sad and complained that it was Sunday, or Saturday evening, and he dared not go ashore, lest he should break the Sabbath; but finally he let his wishes override his scruples, and went off with the passengers. We obtained a pilot and some refreshments, and then sailed on till we came before Dunwich,[455] the oldest place in England, and once the mightiest in commerce. We came again to anchor in order to wait for the tide. The wind continued west-southwest.
[Footnote 454: Southwold, on the Suffolk coast.]
[Footnote 455: Dunwich, now mostly under the waters of the North Sea, was once an important place, and one of considerable antiquity. The bishopric of the East Saxons was established there in A.D. 630; indeed, the town dates from Roman times (Sitomagus).]
15th, Sunday. The wind mostly as before. We were under sail about ten o'clock, with the flood tide, and tacked along the land in seven fathoms of water to the point of Aldborough,[456] to reach which we made five or six short tacks. Running close to the shore, we came among a fleet of, I think, full 200 coal ships, all beating up the river, which made it difficult to avoid each other. We passed through the King's Channel. I have never seen so many sunken ships as there were in the mouth of the Thames, full eight or ten in different places, from various causes. The tide being spent we came to anchor before a village called St. Peter.
[Footnote 456: Still on the Suffolk coast. The King's Channel, mentioned below, was the chief entrance into the estuary of the Thames from the northeast.]
16th, Monday. The wind being mostly north, the weather was cold and piercing. The whole fleet was under sail, with the flood tide, and we along with them. They had talked loudly in Boston of the sailing qualities of our ship, but almost the whole coal fleet sailed ahead of us.
18th, Wednesday. The wind remained still, with mist. We saw it would be some days yet before the ship would reach the city, and therefore determined to go up in a wherry, that is a row-boat, from Gravesend. As soon as one came alongside we went aboard, and passed by Gravesend and other villages. It was nine o'clock in the evening when we landed at St. Catharines,[457] and went to a tavern called the Dutch Smack, but they would not receive us. We then went to the Inlander, the landlord of which was a Fleming, and a Papist, but not the worst one. We paid for the boat three English shillings in all. We three, namely, Vorsman, Jan Owins, the surgeon of our ship, a Rotterdammer, and myself, supped together; this was the first time we had slept in a bed in a long time.
[Footnote 457: Just east of the Tower of London, where now are the St. Katharine Docks.]
19th, Thursday. We went through the city, the newly built portion[458] as well as the other, but we found it very different from what we had imagined. We went to the Exchange and conversed with our captain and the other passengers. We endeavored to find the first vessel going to Holland. They told us there were two smacks or galiots lying ready, and would leave on Monday, for which we prepared ourselves.
[Footnote 458: Meaning the part newly built since the Great Fire of 1666.]
20th, Friday. We went to Withal [Whitehall], where the king resides, and where we supposed we should see something special in the buildings, but in this we were mistaken. There are better places in London; the best house there was the banqueting house, which does not surpass some merchants' houses in Amsterdam. We strolled into St. James's Park, which is nothing but a large inclosed meadow, with some canals and ditches dug through it, in one portion of which are ducks swimming, and willow trees planted. The guard on horseback coming ahead, we heard the king[459] was in the park. We went in, but did not see him; but walking through we saw his curiosities of birds which he kept there in cages slightly enough closed, such as eagles, cranes, a very large owl, a toucan, birds which we call hoontjen in Friesland, virviteaus, doves, starlings, and others of little importance. He had received from the Indies, by the last ships, two ostriches or cassowaries which were shut up and much prized, though they are very common in Holland. We came to his horse stable; there was only one horse in it, and that was so lean it shamed every one, as also did the small size of the stable, which stood near that of the Duke of Monmouth, where there were six tolerable good Frisic horses, with a saddle horse or two. Our stables[460] look more kingly than these. We were about leaving the place when we heard them cry out, "To arms! to arms!" to a troop of soldiers standing there, and looking around, we saw at a distance the king coming, accompanied by six or eight noblemen, from whom you could distinguish him only from his having his hat on his head, while they had theirs off. He saluted all who saluted him, as he passed along, which he also did to us. I will not speak of his person as he has been sufficiently described by pen and burin. Nor will I speak of the condition of London. The long and short of it is, that city is larger than Amsterdam, but does not approach it, or any other city in Holland, either in neatness or in the regularity of the buildings, even those erected since the great fire. What are worthy of mention is a certain column, very high and well constructed, erected on the spot where the great fire broke out in 1666, and the Tower, not prettily built, but very old, constructed by the Romans in the time of Julius Caesar.[461] Whitehall and Westminster, and all within them, are not worth going to see.
[Footnote 459: Charles II.]
[Footnote 460: At Wieuwert.]
[Footnote 461: The Tower of London has no such antiquity. The oldest part dates from William the Conqueror. The monument commemorating the Great Fire, erected by Sir Christopher Wren, still stands in Fish Street Hill, near London Bridge.]
21st, Saturday. Our ship having arrived before the city yesterday, we went on board to bring away our goods, as also did the surgeon. We took leave of the captain, mate, and carpenter, who was a young man and a Norwegian, stupid, but not the most evilly disposed. He had our love, and I had occasionally conversed with him when we were on the watch together at night, and sometimes made an impression upon him. He lived at Flushing, and wished, he said, that he could go and live with me even for nothing. He desired me not to forget him. I must also say this of the captain, that he was well known in London, and in all Boston, as a pious, good, and discreet man; but I was astonished when I saw and heard the following circumstance. A poor servant, who had served his time out in New England, came to him in Boston and asked if he could go over with him; he would do his best in working like any other sailor for his passage, as he well understood shipwork. The captain told him he might go with him. When we were at sea, this person was sick several days, and when he recovered did as well as he could, but, it is true, he did not do all that an experienced sailor could have done. When we arrived in the North Sea the captain made a memorandum by which this poor fellow promised to pay half the passage money, that is, thirty guilders, when he arrived in London. He called him, and read it to him, and told him, because he could not work like a good sailor, he must sign that writing, and if he did not do so, he would sell him again when he reached London, which he assured him would be done. The man began to complain and cry, saying he had not so promised, but he would work like any other, and do as well as he could. But notwithstanding his crying and objecting he had to sign the paper, or be sold. In this appeared the piety and sense of justice of our captain, though perhaps the other was not entirely without blame, though he had had blows enough. It seems he had some friends in London who paid the amount.
I must here mention another word about Boston, which is, that I have never been in a place where more was said about witchcraft and witches. From time to time persons had been put in prison, and executed; and a woman was in prison and condemned to die, when we left there.[462] Very strange things were told of her, but I will not repeat them here.
[Footnote 462: On May 20, 1680, Elizabeth Morse, wife of William Morse, of Newbury, was indicted and tried in Boston, for practising witchcraft upon her own husband. She was convicted and sentenced to be hanged; and was in prison at Boston, at the time our journalist was there, awaiting her execution. It is, undoubtedly, her case to which he refers. She was, however, released in 1681.]
22d, Sunday. I went into the Dutch church, where a young man who was a Cocceian preached.[463] In the afternoon we went to the French church, and in going there passed by a large gate, through which many people were entering into a great hall. We looked in, and when we saw they were Quakers, walked quickly away, and went into the French church, whose congregation is much larger, and its church much smaller than the Dutch church—so small indeed, that they could not all get in. When therefore the Lord's Supper was administered, they used the Dutch church, and the Dutch preached then in the French church, as they are not far apart. But as the French church was especially for the French, we went out, my comrade for the purpose of inquiring after Mr. Owins, and I to go to the Dutch church again, where another Cocceian preached well enough. I saw there the envoy from Holland, a Zeelander, whom I knew, with his family;[464] but he did not know me.
[Footnote 463: In 1550 Edward VI. gave the church of the Augustinians (Austin Friars) to the Dutch Protestants in London, and the neighboring church of St. Anthony's Hospital in Threadneedle Street to the Walloons. Both were destroyed in the Great Fire, but had now been rebuilt. The Dutch church had two ministers. The habit of interchange between the two churches, mentioned below, prevailed in Pepys's time, and was still maintained as late as 1775.]
[Footnote 464: Dirk van Leiden van Leeuwen (1618-1682), burgomaster of Leyden, but born at Briel, in Zeeland.]
23d, Monday. It was said we were to leave to-day, but we saw it would not be the case. The captain, with whom we were to go, was one Douwe Hobbes of Makkum, who brings birds over from Friesland every year for the king. There was a boat lying there ready to leave for Rotterdam, but it seems they intended to go in company.
24th, Tuesday. No departure to-day either. While we were at the Exchange, there was a great crowd of people in the street. We saw and heard two trumpeters, followed by a company of cavalry dressed in red, then a chariot drawn by six horses, in which was the Duke of York. Then came some chariots of the nobility, and the Prince Palatine,[465] with several chariots, and two trumpeters in the rear.
[Footnote 465: This was the electoral prince Karl (1651-1685), afterward (August, 1680-1685) the elector Karl II., son of Karl Ludwig, grandson of Frederick V. and Elizabeth, and great-grandson of James I. of England. He had been sent to England by his father in a vain endeavor to persuade the latter's cousin, Charles II., to relieve the Palatinate by taking action against Louis XIV. An entertaining account, by his tutor, of their visit in 1670 to his aunt at Herford and to the Labadists, may be found in Miss Una Birch's Anna Maria van Schurman (London, 1909), pp. 168 et seq.]
25th, Wednesday. Could not sail yet, but the Rotterdammer sailed with thirty passengers, with little or no freight. In going down she broke the bowsprit of our ship. Mr. Ouwen left us in her, after we had taken leave of him.
26th, Thursday. Heard early this morning our ship was going down the river, for she lay opposite our room; we immediately hurried ourselves. It was very uncivil in the mate, for the captain was still in the city, and would go to Gravesend. We took a wherry and went after her, as she had not gone far in consequence of the mist and lightness of the wind. We drifted to-day scarcely outside of the ships.
27th, Friday. It was misty and calm. We therefore did not go as far as the current would have carried us. We had to come to anchor in consequence of the mist, in order not to drift against the ships, or upon the shoal.
28th, Saturday. We drifted and clawed along until we came to anchor before Gravesend, as the Rotterdammer did an hour or two afterwards. Owins, who was not very well accommodated, called out to us as we passed, and asked if we would not go ashore with him. We declined, for we could not have wished to have been better accommodated, as we two had a large, fine cabin to ourselves.
29th, Sunday. When we took our goods out of the ship at London, we let our trunks be examined, but there was nothing inspected. We gave the inspectors a penny and they were satisfied. Our skipper arrived now at Gravesend in the night, and had everything made ready for the inspectors. We had ourselves ready for their arrival. They came on board about eight o'clock, but they looked once only in the hatches without asking anything, and went away again. We went ashore in the forenoon and dined there. We had been to London, and the captain said we should eat the ship's ordinary fare, which seemed now to us princely fare. However, as he was most of the time drunk when on shore, he had given it no consideration. We went through Gravesend to look at it, but it does not signify much—it is more foul and dirty in name than in fact. We also went out into the country a little, which pleased us best. I have never seen anywhere so many blackberries, which were now ripe. The ebb tide having come, we got under sail yet before evening, the wind being good, but it did not continue so long. Opposite Gravesend there is a strong castle well fortified, and another one of less importance on the lower side. Whenever ships pass up or down, they must strike [the flag] here in going between the two fortifications.[466] We arrived at evening before the river of Chatham, where we anchored.
[Footnote 466: Tilbury Fort on the north side of the Thames, opposite Gravesend, and probably Shorne Battery on the south side. The "river of Chatham" is of course the Medway, where Admiral de Ruyter in 1660 had burned King Charles's ships.]
30th, Monday. The wind was easterly and light. We scratched along as far as to get in the King's Channel, as also did the Rotterdammer, which sailed down with us.
OCTOBER 1st, Tuesday. The wind as before; we therefore tacked with the tide before the Naze,[467] intending to run into Harwich, both for the purpose of waiting for a good wind, and to buy a store of provision which the skipper through his drunkenness had forgotten. The Rotterdammer, which had not kept along the shore with us, but had continued through the King's Channel, finding no good harbor there, returned again to Chatham, in order, as the wind continued south southeast, to go out along the south shore, and thus we separated.
[Footnote 467: The easternmost point of the Essex coast, just south of Harwich.]
2d, Wednesday. The wind still easterly. We therefore made several tacks, and ran into Harwich; a miserably poor little fort stands on the east point of the bay, yet you must strike your flag as you sail by it. The bay is large and suitable to harbor a great number of ships. The town is on the west side, passing which, a small river runs up into the land. We anchored about ten o'clock in the morning. We went ashore and dined, and I then, in company with some others, walked out of town; but my comrade returned, having concluded to cross over in the packet boat, and went to inquire about it. When I returned he told me it would leave that evening, and would save much time. He spoke to our skipper, who was not willing to release us without our paying him the whole passage money, namely two ducatoons apiece. Many words passed and hard enough they were on both sides, in which the skipper was very impertinent, yet not altogether in the wrong. We went aboard, and his passion having subsided, we satisfied him with two ducats,[468] and took our goods to the packet boat. We went ashore to enter our names, according to the custom; my comrade giving his acknowledged name, I was compelled to do the same. We paid twelve shillings and sixpence each. We went into another room to take fresh leave of our captain and mate, when there came a scoundrel to take down our names and examine our goods, as he said, and we were compelled to give the same names again, in order that they might agree with those given before; but he was a swindler and obtained from each of us another shilling, for he did not go on board to examine, although he could perhaps do so; we went quickly on board to look after our property. It was about nine o'clock at night when we started; but as it was so calm we came outside without casting anchor, having a full moon and delightful weather. A sand reef stretches out into the sea from the before-mentioned little fort, inside of which the water is the deepest, being three and four fathoms at low water. It is shallowest in the middle, and level towards the west shore, having two fathoms of water or less. There are two lights in the town, which you bring in range, in order to sail in or out. The highest light stands most inside, and when that comes west of the lowest you are west of the gate or channel; and when it is east, you are east of the channel, and are on, or east of the reef.
[Footnote 468: Say four dollars instead of five.]
3d, Thursday. The wind east-southeast, and we therefore sailed along the shore past Orfordness[469] into the sea. The course thence to the Maes is east by south, but we sailed for the most part east, and sometimes east by north. I thought our Friesland smack was at sea before evening, for the wind was better for her than for us, as the course from Orfordness to the Texel is east-northeast, which was a due side wind. It was also better for the Rotterdammer.
[Footnote 469: A point on the Suffolk coast, some dozen miles northeast of Harwich.]
4th, Friday. The wind east-southeast and east by south, but still. We continued our course easterly, and sometimes a little more northerly. We threw the deep lead and had 18 fathoms of water. The latitude at noon was 52 deg. 25'. I warned them that we were too low, and would come before Schevelingh.[470] This packet was so full of fleas that it was impossible for me to sleep. Every passenger who desired a berth had to pay five shillings for it, but we did not. There was such a hard rain in the night, accompanied by thunder and lightning, that we could not keep dry in the vessel below, for it leaked there as if it were open, or not much better. We had an English minister on board, who had been called to the English church at Rotterdam. He lay and prayed, and groaned, as hard and loud as if he would die of fear.[471] The wind shifting to the southwest we held it close.
[Footnote 470: Now Scheveningen, a famous watering-place near the Hague.]
[Footnote 471: The Rev. John Spademan, of Swayton, in Lincolnshire, was called to the English Presbyterian church at Rotterdam, as successor to Mr. Maden, who died in June, 1680.]
5th, Saturday. When day came, and it had cleared up somewhat, we saw at nine o'clock the tower of Schevelingh directly east, or in front of us, and half an hour afterwards that of Gravesend[472] to the leeward, whereupon we were compelled to beat, in order to bring into the Maes, which we continued to do the whole day till midnight, before we reached Briel. Coming to the pier there, most of the passengers left for Maassluis, so as not to wait, but we could not do so on account of our goods.
[Footnote 472: Gravesande lay some distance to the north of the mouth of the Maas, Briel at the south side of its main mouth, Maasluis a few miles up the river, on its northern bank.]
6th, Sunday. As soon as it was day we put our goods on board the Rotterdam ferry-boat, which was to leave about nine o'clock. In the meanwhile we went to look about the place, and in the church, where a Cocceian preaches. After breakfast we went on board, but it was ten o'clock before we got off. We had to beat as far as Schiedam, where some royal yachts were lying, which had sailed with us from Gravesend, and had brought over the Prince Palatine, who had gone on to the Hague.[473] We were delayed somewhat here, in consequence of transferring some persons into another boat. We reached Rotterdam about two o'clock, and were informed that no boat carrying goods left for Amsterdam on Sundays; but that one left Delft at six o'clock, and we had time enough to go there. We left our goods on board the canal-boat for Delft, and started at three o'clock for that city, where we arrived at five, and learned that we had been misinformed, and that the boat from Delft to Amsterdam left daily at four o'clock. We had to go and lodge in a tavern for twenty-four hours. We went to church.
[Footnote 473: See p. 291, note 2.]
7th, Monday. In order not to be all day at Delft, we walked on to the Hague, and passed by the house of Sister d'Owerk.[474] I asked my comrade whether I should not inquire after our friends, and if perchance any of them were at the Hague; but he would not consent. We returned to Delft at two o'clock, and after dinner left at four for Amsterdam.
[Footnote 474: Mr. Murphy says, "my sister d'Owerk." But the French phrase here used, "ma seur d'Owerk," means sister in the religious sense. The lady designated is one of whom Penn speaks in his account of his tour in Germany and Holland in 1677. Reaching the Hague, "The first thing we did there, was to enquire out the Lady Overkirk, a Person of a Retired and Religious Character, separated from the publick worship of that Country" ... "Sister of the Somerdykes." Works (ed. 1726), I. 108, 107. By birth she was Isabella van Sommelsdyk. Her husband, Hendrik van Nassau, lord of Ouwerkerk, was captain of the body-guard of William III., later in England his master of the horse, and for thirty years his faithful follower and intimate.]
8th, Tuesday. Having passed through the night as best we could, we arrived at five o'clock in the morning before the gate of Amsterdam, which was opened at six, and we were admitted. We went close by the house of M. Bardewits,[475] where I was again inclined to go in, but my comrade not approving of it at the Hague, I abandoned the idea. We put up at the inn where we lodged before our departure, and had our goods brought there, paying five shillings freight for our goods alone. We separated in order to do our business as speedily as possible. I went to deliver all the letters, and my comrade to sell the amber. We met on the Exchange at noon. When I had delivered my letters, I went to the boat for Sneek,[476] to inquire how it was at the House,[477] and when she would sail. They would leave on Thursday evening; and all went well at the House as far as they knew. My comrade, who had also made inquiries, brought the same word. He told me also how he had succeeded with the amber; that it was all spurious, and was worth nothing. He therefore had determined to send it back again just as we had received it. We went in the afternoon to perform some errands for the woman with whom we had lodged at New York, delivering two beaver skins to her husband's daughter.[478] And with this we consumed the day.
[Footnote 475: See p. 7, note 3.]
[Footnote 476: In Friesland, near Wieuwerd.]
[Footnote 477: The house of the Labadists at Wieuwerd.]
[Footnote 478: See p. 190, for this daughter of Jacob Hellekers by his first wife.]
9th, Wednesday. This was a day of public prayer. We had nothing more to do except to buy a large Bible for Mr. Ephraim Hermans, according to our promise, with his spermaceti, which we did. It cost us twenty-eight guilders, because it was the last one of Ravesteyn's edition.[479] There was a new edition in press at the Fish Market, at the place where we bought this one, upon the point of the gate as you go to the Post Office. We put it on board of the ship of which Jan Gorter was captain and which would leave in a month's time, and addressed it to Mr. Arnout de la Grange, to whom we also sent the amber with directions what to do with them. My comrade wrote to Ephraim, and also to Annetie Versluis.
[Footnote 479: The heirs of Paulus van Ravesteyn of Amsterdam had published in 1670 an octavo edition of the States-General ("authorized") Dutch version of the Bible. In 1680 another, Remonstrant, version was published in the same city.]
10th, Thursday. We had our goods in good time in the boat. My comrade had also a basket with distilling glasses (retorts) in it, which he had bought. I went to Joannis van Ceulen, mathematician, who had made a new sea-atlas, a copy of which he had sent to the king of England, and also to the king of France.[480] It is a beautiful work; but he was surprised, after having corrected it so much as he had, that I should point out to him several errors. I endeavored to obtain a chart of Maryland, from Augustine Herman's draught, but could not find it here; nor could I in England.[481] At four o'clock we went on board of the boat. The wind was light and contrary, so we only drifted along. It was good weather. Our hearts gave thanks to God when we reflected through what ways He had conducted us, and how fatherly He had preserved us, and brought us here. There sprang up a breeze in the night, so that,
11th, Friday, in the morning, we passed by Urck,[482] and arrived at the Lemmer, where our goods were examined; but we had nothing to pay, and went on. It was so calm, with the wind contrary, that it was midnight before we arrived at Sneek. It was very dark and rainy, and we were fearful we could not find the way, else we should have gone to the House in the night.
[Footnote 480: Grand Nouvel Atlas de la Mer (Amsterdam, 1680), by Johannes van Keulen.]
[Footnote 481: See p. 114, note 2.]
[Footnote 482: A small island in the Zuyder Zee. Lemmer is a village on the Friesland shore, from which one would go up by canal to Sneek, and so on to Wieuwerd.]
12th, Saturday. Having given directions to our skipper, how he should send our goods after us, and having paid him, we went to speak to the boatman, who was to take the goods. It was about seven or half-past seven o'clock when we left Sneek on foot. After going some distance on our way, we passed through Bosum; and about ten o'clock reached our house, where all arms and hearts were open to receive us, which they did with affection and tenderness, in the love of the Lord, who had been with those who had remained at home, and us who had travelled, all now brought together, and united by His mercy. To Him be the power, and wisdom, and honor, and glory to all eternity. Amen.
Aarsen, Francis, lord of Sommelsdyk, see Sommelsdyk, Cornelis van.
Abram, boatswain, 39.
Achter Kol, 91 n., 92, 93, 149, 160, 172, 178; proclamation against, 182; discharge of, 224; Gov. Carteret escorted to, 239, 243; authority over, 241.
Adams, Richard, 117, 117 n., 122; visit with, 123.
Africa, corsairs from, 38 n.
Albany, 169, 171; proposed visit to, 185, 188; arrival at, 198, 212; described, 216-217; beer of, 221; river navigable to, 225. See also Fort Orange.
Album Studiosorum Academiae Lugduno-Batavae, 168 n.
Aldborough, 287.
Alkmaar, 17, 17 n.
Alrichs, Peter, 104, 110, 144; information concerning, 104 n., 146-147; passport given by, 116; inquiry made by, 142; plantation of, 148, 148 n., 150.
Altona, in Holstein, 7, 97; Labadists at, xxiii, 7 n., 97 n.
Amazon River, 37.
Amboy, 162.
Amsterdam, packet, 4; arrival at, 5, 296; rule concerning pilots of ships of, 16, 295; ships from, 21.
Andersson, Mans, 116, 116 n.
Andros, Gov. Sir Edmund, 45 n.; recommendation of, 58 n.; appointment by, 106 n.; visits with, 167, 185, 187-188, 230-231; proclamation by, 182, 182 n.; leave taken of, 238; relations with Carteret, 239-244, 244 n.; government of, 248-249.
Ann, Cape, 258.
Antonis Neus (Anthony's Nose), headland, 225.
Apoquemene, 127, 130.
Appoquinimink, Creek 110, 110 n.
Aquackanonck (Passaic), 85 n., 86, 169, 170, 171; description of, 175; falls of, 176.
Arensius, Rev. Bernhardus, Lutheran minister, 217 n.
Armuyden, 45.
Arundell, Lord, defence under, 24 n.
Arundell of Trerice, Richard, Lord, governor of Pendennis castle, 29 n.
Autein, Loureins, Labadists' printer, 268 n.
Azores, islands, 38.
Bahamas, channel of, 37.
Baltimore, Lord (Cecilius Calvert, second lord), 132 n.; negotiations with, xix.
Baltimore, Lord (Charles Calvert, third lord), 132 n.
Baltimore, Lord (George Calvert), grant to, 132, 132 n.
Baltimore County Land Records, xx n.
Barbadoes, 28; run from, 52; oysters for, 54; ribbons for, 62; ship from, 231; trade with, 244-246; ship for, 253.
Bardewisch, or Bardowitz, merchant, conventicle of, 7, 7 n., 296.
Barents, or Barn, Islands, 64, 64 n.
Barkelo, Herrman van, description by, 113 n.
Barro, island, 278, 278 n., 279.
Bayard, Petrus, conveyance to, xx, 141 n.; convert to Labadism, xxiv; naturalization of, xxviii; visit from, 237; biographical information, 237 n.
Bayard, Thomas F., xx.
Beachy Head, 20.
Beacon Hill, 259.
Beaver, ship, 169, 169 n., 171, 190.
Beeren, or Barren Island, 51, 51 n.
Beerent, a guide, 149, 161, 162.
Bergen, 82, 82 n., 84, 84 n., 85, 165.
Berkeley, John, Lord, 66 n.; grant to, 154, 154 n.
Berkeley, Sir William, recall and death of, 132 n.-133 n.
Berkum, H. van, De Labadie en de Labadisten, xxiii n.
Bermuda Islands, 37, 38, 38 n.
Berry, Capt. John, plantation of, 173, 173 n.
Bevesier, see Beachy Head.
Bible, the Indian, 263, 263 n., 264, 264 n.-265 n.
Billop, Christopher, 73 n.
Binckes, Jacob, 82 n.
Birch, Miss Una, Anna Maria van Schurman, 291 n.
Blackstone, Mr., plantation of, 116.
Block, Adrian, 257 n.
Block Island, 257, 257 n.
Blom, Barent, 64 n.
Boehme, Jacob, 12, 12 n.
Boeyer, Jan, 140, 140 n., 141, 142.
Bohemia Manor, xix, 112 n.-113 n., 131, 233; Mallary's Ancient Families of, xvii; Labadists' colony on, xix, xx, 49 n., 134 n., 141 n.; an Account of the life of the Labadists on, xxiv n.; Copies of some Records and Depositions Relating to, 113 n.
Bohemia River, 116, 127, 130.
Bolsward, arrival at, 4.
Bon, Capt. Andre, 46.
Boston, 188; preparations for journey to, 222, 230, 233, 234, 237, 238; trade, 245, 246; republic of, 247, 247 n.; the journey to, 252-255; Labadists' experiences in and around, 255-256, 259-272; fire of, 269, 269 n.; sham-fight in, 271, 271 n.; description of, 275, 275 n.; Labadists leave for home, 276; witches and witchcraft in, 290, 290 n.
Bosum, 297.
Boterberg (Butter Hill), 226.
Bourignon, Antoinette, allusion to, 7; work of, 7 n.
Bourne, Prof. Edward G., reprint issued by, 76 n.
Bowery, 65, 65 n.
Bowman, Mr., 61, 80.
Bownas, Samuel, Account by, xxiv n.
Bradstreet, Gov. Simon, visit with, 259; biographical information, 259 n.
Brakel, Rev. Theodorus a, book by, 63, 63 n.
Brakel, Rev. Willem a, letters to, xii, 168 n., 236 n.-237 n.; Trouwhertige Waerschouwinge, xiii n., xxx n.
Brandywine Creek, 109.
Bread and Cheese Island, 139, 139 n.
Bree Sand, 16 n.
Breukelen, see Brooklyn.
Briel, 295, 295 n.
British Museum, maps in, xii, xix n., 114 n.; books in, xxvii n.
Broadway, 46, 65.
Brooklyn, 52, 62, 90; church in 52, 52 n.; Stiles's History of, 58 n.; journey through, 172.
Brown, Rev. John, 63 n.
Bruges, 18.
Brugh, Helena van, marriage of, 234 n., 262 n.
Brugh, Johannes van, 145, 165, 165 n.
Brugh, Madame van (Katrina Roelofs, later van Rodenburg), 94, 94 n.
Buiksloot, 6, 6 n.
Burgh, 9, 15.
Burlington, 97, 98, 99, 103, 149, 150, 151; court at, 144; journey to, 147-148.
Burnt Mill, 235.
Buss Island, 277, 277 n.
Byllynge, Edward, proprietor of West New Jersey, 154, 154 n.
Cadiz, ship bound for, 21.
Calais, cape of, 19.
Cambridge, visit to, 266-268.
Canada, priests of, 137; intercourse with, 226-227.
Captahem, Indian sachem, 85 n.
Carolina, Indians of, 181.
Carteret, Sir George, 66, 66 n.; grant to, 154, 154 n., 164.
Carteret, Capt. James, 66; information concerning, 66 n.
Carteret, Gov. Philip, 66, 94; information concerning, 66 n.; government of, 164, 164 n.; visit with, 238; escorted to Achter Kol, 239, 243; relations with governor of New York, 239-244, 244 n.
Catholics, Roman, 10, 17, 73, 137, 250.
Catrix, see Carteret.
Catskill Mountains, 219, 225.
Cecil County, Md., Sluyter's will in court-house of, xiii; Herman's property in, xix; first court-house of, 116 n.
Chamber of Amsterdam, 281, 281 n.
Champlain Lake, 226 n.
Charles, ship, 3, 5, 32 n., 263.
Charles II, grant from, 154 n.; reference to, 288.
Charlestown, 266, 268, 275.
Chaudronnier, Le, 74, 162.
Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, 128 n.
Chesapeake Bay, 115, 116, 122, 127, 128, 132.
Chicheley, Sir Henry, lieutenant-governor of Virginia, 133 n.
Child of Luxury, see Clauw, Frans Pieterse.
Christina Kill, 103, 108, 109, 137, 138, 139, 142, 153, 171.
Christison, Wenlock, 104 n.
Claesen, Frans, 83 n.
Claessen, Valentine, visit with, 67-68; information concerning, 67 n.
Clauw, Frans Pieterse, 217, 217 n., 218.
Claver Rack (Clover Reach), 218, 226.
Cocceius, Johannes, religious doctrine of, 6, 6 n.; followers of, 45, 59, 181, 290, 291, 295.
Cod, Cape, 37, 41, 254, 255, 258, 273.
Cohoes Falls, 199-200, 199 n., 200 n., 213, 227.
Commegys, Cornelius, and family, 119, 119 n., 120; information concerning, 121, 121 n.
Communipaw (Gamoenepaen), 81, 81 n., 82 n., 84, 86, 165.
Coney Island, 51; sketch of, 58, 59, 59 n., 69; description of, 183-184.
Constable's Hook, or Point, 84, 172.
Copley, Gov. Lionel, xxx, xxxi.
Corlaer's Hook, 235, 256.
Corneliszen, Arie or Adrian, 47 n., 190, 192.
Corsairs, 38, 38 n.
Cortelyou, Jacques, visit to, 57, 58, 61, 62, 89, 90-91, 229-230; information concerning, 57 n.; land of, 85, 85 n., 86, 173 n., 175; at Najack, 170; at Gowanus, 172.
Court of Friesland, inn, 8.
Covenanters, rising of, 19, 19 n.
Coxsackie, 226, 226 n.
Cresson, Jacques, 232, 232 n.
Cresson, Pierre, 74, 74 n., 75, 232, 232 n.
Cresson, Susanna, 232 n.
Culpeper, Thomas, Lord, governor of Virginia, 132 n.
Danckaerts, Jasper, sketches by, xi, xvi, 58-59, 59 n., 88 n., 101, 110, 177, 219; correct form of name, xii; original manuscript of, xv-xvii; conveyance to, xx, 141 n.; biographical information concerning, xxvii-xxix, 168, 168 n.; translation of Psalms by, xxviii-xxix; manuscript notes by, xxix, 206 n., 265 n.; voyage to New Netherland, 3-42; travels in New Netherland, 43-91; at Surinam, 61 n.; journey to the southward, 91-165; in New York, 166-251; translations by, 170, 171; letter concerning religious beliefs of, 236 n.-237 n.; journey to Boston, 252-272; his voyage home, 273-298.
Danskamer (Dancing Chamber), cove, 226.
Davis Strait, 37.
Deadman's Head (Dodman Point), 22, 23; description of, 24.
Delaware Falls, 80, 95, 96.
Delaware Historical Society, xvii.
Delaware River, maps of, xi-xii, xvi, xvii, 165, 166; mentioned, 45, 80 n., 85, 95; departure of La Grange for, 50, 57; Ephraim Herrman's visit to, 80, 86; proposed journey of Labadists to, 89; falls of, 95, 96; Johnson's Swedish Settlements on the Delaware, 109 n.; trade, 127, 128; observations concerning, 150-151, 224, 228; arrival of Fenwick at, 155; condition in grants of lands on, 156; letters from, 170; Dutch in, 179; duties on goods imported into, 246.
Delft, 295, 296.
Denys, Peter, 190, 190 n.
Descartes, Rene, 57 n.; followers of, 57, 59.
Deutel Bay, 166, 166 n., 171.
Dirck, of Claverack, 219.
Dirx, Immetie, 83, 83 n.
Dittelbach, Verval en Val der Labadisten, 134 n.
Dogger Bank, the, 284, 284 n., 285.
Dolphin, ship, 260, 277 n.
Donderbergh (Thunder Hill), 225.
Dover, 19.
D'Owerk, Sister, see Sommelsdyk, Isabella van.
Dulignon, Domine, xxx.
Dunham, Jonathan, will of, 93, 93 n.
Dunwich, 287, 287 n.
Durlston Head, 21.
Dutch, ships, 31, 281, 282, 283, 285; conquest of Fort Christina, 109, 109 n.; settlements, 132, 273; relations with English, 136, 136 n., 153, 155; relations with Swedes, 152-153, 153 n.; in South River, 179.
Dutch East India Company, 273.
Dutch Smack, tavern, 288.
Dutch West India Company, grant from, 57 n., 153 n.; slaves of, 65; property of, 145; rule and authority of, 152; first ship sent to New Netherland by, 236 n.
Duyckinck, Evert, mate, 18, 22, 28, 28 n., 39, 81, 181, 221, 236.
Duyckinck, Evert, the elder, 181, 181 n.
Duyckinck, Gerrit, 181, 181 n., 220.
Duyn, Gerrit Evertsen van, visits with, 36, 43, 47; biographical information concerning, 36 n.; brings home his goods, 49; mentioned, 52, 67, 91, 169, 228; visits Indians, 55, 56; in New Harlem, 65; is shaved by Danckaerts, 68; goes to Sapokan, 69-86; journey with, 171; marriage of, 190, 190 n.
Dyer, Capt. William, 187, 187 n., 240, 244.
Eames, Wilberforce, bibliography by, 264 n.
East New Jersey, Scot's Model of the Government of, 84 n.; historical information concerning, 154 n.
East River, 46, 51, 64, 65, 224; description of, 256-257.
Ecclesiastical Records of New York, 44 n.-45 n., 181 n., 202 n.
Ecke, D. van, 45.
Eddystone, 22 n.
Elbertsen, Elbert, see Stoothoff, Elbert Elbertsen.
Eliot, Benjamin, 270 n.
Eliot, Rev. John, visit to, 263-266, 270-271; biographical information, 263 n.; reference to, 270.
Elizabeth, Princess, xxii, xxii n.
Elizabeth, Queen, 132.
Elizabeth, widow, 105, 106.
Elizabeth Creek, 92, 224.
Elizabeth Islands, 253, 258.
Elizabethtown, 66, 75, 84, 162.
Elizabethtown Creek, 74 n., 163.
Eltie, see Illetie.
Enckhuysen, 4, 4 n., 7.
England, ships, 8, 11, 20, 41, 48, 140, 276; coast of, 19; corsairs near, 38 n.; brandy from, 123; relations with the Dutch, 136, 136 n., 153, 155; date of Christmas in, 140, 140 n.; in New Netherland, 190.
English Ship, The, inn, 26.
Ephraim, see Herrman, Ephraim.
Episcopalians, 26, 29, 85.
Esopus, or Hysopus, 181, 181 n., 185, 197, 198, 213, 220; war, 221, 221 n., described, 221; river navigable to, 225.
Evert, mate, see Duyckinck, Evert.
Evertsen, Cornelis, 81, 82 n.
Fairhill, 280, 280 n., 282.
Falmouth, England, 11, 22, 23, 24, 24 n., 25, 26, 30, 80.
Falo, or Foula, island, 280, 280 n.
Fayal, island of, 261.
Fenwick, John, Salem founded by, 143 n.; proprietor of West New Jersey, 154, 154 n., 155.
Fierens, Jacques, printer, 81, 81 n.
Filipse, Margaret, see Philipse, Margaret.
Finns, 100, 142.
Fisher's Island, 253.
Flanders, coast of, 19, 20.
Flatbush, 51, 60, 60 n., 62, 90.
Flatlands, 59, 59 n.
Florida, coast of, 37.
Flushing, bay of, 257.
Fonteyn, Cornelia, wife of Arnoldus de la Grange, 49 n.
Fort Albany, see Fort Orange.
Fort Amsterdam, 45-46.
Fort Christina, 109, 109 n.
Fort Nassau, on the Delaware, 143.
Fort Orange, 44, 46, 167, 179, 181. See also Albany.
Fort Wadsworth, 71 n.
Fox, George, meeting held by, 116 n.
Foy, Capt. John, 260, 260 n., 268.
Fransen, Claes, 83, 86, 88, 169.
Fresh Kill, 74.
Fresh (Connecticut) River, 247, 273.
Friends, Society of, relations with Labadists, xxii, xxiv.
Friesland, 3 n.; adoption of calendar in, 4 n.; government of, 188 n.
Frisby, Capt. James, 116; information concerning, 116 n.; plantation of, 126, 127.
Furs, 169, 182, 186, 189, 231.
Gaasbeeck, Rev. Laurentius van, 45, 45 n.; death of, 181; information concerning, 181 n.
Galloper, or Galper, sandbank, 20, 20 n.
Gamoenepaen, see Communipaw.
Gardiner's Island, 257.
Gardinier, Pierre le, see Cresson, Pierre.
Gary, Alice, formerly Alice Ambrose, 104 n.
George's (Castle) Island, 259.
Geresolveert, see Waldron, Resolved.
Gerrit, see Duyn, Gerrit Evertsen van.
Gheele Hoeck (Yellow Point), 172.
Ghysen, Hendrick, Psalms translated by, xxix.
Gibraltar, ship for Straits of, 20.
Godfrey, Miss Elizabeth, A Sister of Prince Rupert, xxii n.
Godyn, Samuel, 150 n.
Golden Fleece, The, inn, 29, 31.
Goodwin Sands, 20, 20 n.
Goos, Peter, atlas published by, 282, 282 n.
Gorter, Capt. Jan, 297.
Gouanes, or Gowanus, 52, 52 n., 53, 69, 123, 169, 172, 179, 230.
Gouanes (Gowanus) Bay, 178.
Goutstar, see Start Point.
Goyn, see Goodwin Sands.
Governor's Island, 46, 179, 179 n., 256.
Grange, Arnoldus de la, conveyance to, xx, 141 n.; naturalization of, xxviii n.; visits with, 49-50, 57, 62-63, 165, 170, 186, 230, 235; biographical sketch of, 49 n., 236 n.; mentioned, 89, 100; suit of mother of, 102, 102 n.; property rights of, 103, 104; suit of, 104 n.; map by, 166; boat chartered by, 171; sale of goods to, 187, 189, 231; letter of, 199; instructions to, 238; letters to, 262, 297.
Grange, Madame de la, 171.
Grants and Concessions, Leaming and Spicer, 244 n.
Gravesend, in England, 287, 288, 291, 292.
Gravesend, in Holland, 295.
Gravesend, on Long Island, 59, 59 n., 61.
Great Bay, 225, 227. See also Chesapeake Bay.
Gregory XIII., promulgation of calendar by, 4 n.
Greenland, Dr. Henry, 94, 94 n., 160.
Groningen, government of, 188 n.
Guhrauer, article by, xxii n.
Guiana, coast of, 37; Dutch, see Surinam.
Hackenberg, Paul, letter of, xiii n.; visit of, xxx; relations with Sluyter, 168 n.
Hackensack, 76, 84, 84 n., 92.
Hackensack River, 83, 92, 173, 224.
Hague, the, 295, 296.
Hans, Indian guide, bargain with, 172-173; conversations with, 174-175, 178-179.
Hardenbroek, Adolf, daughter of, 5 n.
Hart, Simon Aertsen de, visit with, 53-54, 69, 169, 230; information concerning, 53 n.; dealings with the Indians, 179-180.
Hartford, Conn., 187.
Hartman, Fytje, 82, 82 n., 88.
Harvard College, visit to, 266-268, 267 n.
Harwich, 285, 293.
Haverford College, copy of Labadists' Declaration at, 265 n.
Haverstraw, 84, 84 n.
Helder, the, 7 n., 10, 13, 16.
Hellekers, Jacob Swarts, biographical sketch, 36 n., 43, 43 n., 190 n.; his daughter, Jacomina, 36 n., 296; his step-daughter, Rebecca, 47 n., 190; at New Utrecht, 229 n.
Hellekers, Willem, 190, 190 n., 221.
Hellgate, 64, 252, 256.
Helmont, Jean Baptiste van, writings of, 99, 99 n.
Hendrickson, Hendrick, 116 n.; plantation of, 117.
Hendrix, Jacob, 98.
Hennepin, Description de la Louisiane, 199 n.
Henrietta Maria, Queen, 114, 114 n., 132 n.
Henry Kasimir II., Count, 188 n.
Herman, ship carpenter, 28.
Herrman, Anna Margareta, 109, 109 n., 111, 146.
Herrman, Augustine, map by, xii, xix, 114, 114 n., 117 n., 297; estates of, xvii, xix, 112 n.-113 n.; Wilson's paper on, xvii; biographical information concerning, xix, 114 n.; naturalization of, xix; Journal of the Dutch Embassy to Maryland, xix n.; conveyance by, xx, xxv, 141, 141 n.; land purchased from, 49 n.; mission to Maryland, 66 n.; visit with, 114, 115; Labadists lose road to, 127; illness of, 131, 140.
Herrman, Ephraim, meets Labadists, xviii, 80; directs Labadists into Maryland, xix, 91-113; separates from his wife, xxiv; trustees appointed for estate of, xxv, 141 n.; information concerning, 80 n., 145; visits of Labadists to, 86, 89, 137, 237, 239; minor references to, 88, 140, 144; appointed clerk of the courts, 106; reminiscences of, 113 n.; letters from, 115, 115 n., 165, 170, 186, 271; passport given by, 116; goes with Labadists to Christina Kill, 138-139; hears of father's illness, 140; returns to Maryland, 140; is made heir, 141, 141 n.; goods for, 185; arrives with family in New York, 233; takes leave of Labadists, 250; Bible bought for, 296-297; letter to, 297.
Herrman, Kasparus, 110, 127; information concerning, 110 n., 111; at house of, 112, 130, 131; meeting with, 113-114.
Heylige Decades, Labadie, 170, 171.
Highlands, 197, 222, 225, 231.
Historisches Taschenbuch, xxii n.
Hobbes, Capt. Douwe, 291.
Hoere-kill, attack on, 136, 136 n.; climate of, 152; settlement at, 152, 152 n.
Holland, chronology, 4 n., 140 n.; currency, 30, 30 n., 32, 32 n., 41, 49, 49 n., 52, 54, 83, 103, 149, 162, 169, 230, 246. See also Dutch.
Hoofden, 35, 35 n., 36, 51.
Hoogh, 15.
Hooghboom, Bartholomaeus, skipper, 189, 213, 232.
Hoorn, 10, 15.
Hopkins, Mr., plantation of, 117.
Hosier, Henry, 118, 119, 121, 121 n.
Howell, Mr., 116, 117.
Hoyberg (Hay Hill), 226.
Huguenots, settlement, 271 n.
Huyberts, Susanna, wife of Casparus Herrman, 233 n.
Idenszen, Theunis, 190, 190 n.; misfortunes and conversion of, 190-196; mentioned, 197; visits with, 223, 238, 250; incident of the stolen cow and, 229-230.
Ij, river, 6, 6 n., 51.
Illetie (Aletta), Indian woman, story of, 201-205, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211.
Independents, 253, 262, 273, 274, 277.
Indians, observations upon, xvi; on board the Charles, 35, 36; on Long Island, 52; visits with, 76-79, 88, 139-140, 159, 177-178, 200; dealings with, 79-80, 84-85, 222; dwellings of, 94, 172; in Maryland, 115; Jesuits among, 137; as guides, 149, 172; murder by, 152; relations with Quakers, 155-156; religious beliefs of, 174-175; land purchased from, 175; dinner with, 176; drinking carousal at Gowanus, 179; canticoy of, 180; epidemic among, 181; conversion of, 202; trading operations at Albany, 217; fish caught by, 220; Esopus war with, 221; Bible, 263, 263 n., 264, 264 n.-265 n. See also Manhattan Indians; Mohawks; Najack Indians.
Jacob, Capt., 116, 165, 190, 240.
Jacobs, Mr., 30, 31.
Jacobs, Marritie, 67 n.
Jamaica, governor of, 45, 45 n.
James, Rev. B.B., The Labadist Colony in Maryland, xvii.
Jan, a passenger on board the Charles, 10, 11, 11 n., 28, 41, 49; conduct at, 12, 14, 23, 30, 31, 40.
Jaquet, Jean Paul, 109, 109 n.
Jasper, an Indian, visit from, 76-79, 80; religious beliefs of, 175.
Jean, Maitre, landlord, 26.
Jeffreys, Herbert, lieutenant-governor of Virginia, 133 n.
Jesuits, 137, 249, 269.
Jochemsen, Capt. David, 48.
Johns Hopkins University Studies, xvii, 112 n.
Johnson, Dr. Amandus, Swedish Settlements on the Delaware, 109 n.
Joris, David, followers of, 250, 250 n.
Kaaterskill Falls, 198, 198 n.
Karl, electoral prince, visits England, 291, 291 n.; returns to the Hague, 295.
Kekebel, or Kieckebuls, Thomas Davidtse, 197 n.
Keulen, Joannes van, atlas published by, 297, 297 n.
Key, Capt. Theunis de, 262 n., 263, 268.
Kieft, Willem, director-general of New Netherland, 46, 46 n.
Killigrew, Sir Robert, church built by, 26 n.
Kill van Kull, 50, 58, 59, 59 n., 69, 74, 84, 92 n.
Kinderhook, 198, 216, 217, 226.
King Philip's War, reference to, 137, 137 n.
King's Channel, 287, 287 n., 292, 293.
Klief, Cornelis van, 186, 189; letter of, 199; arrangements made at house of, 234.
Koch, Otto Ernst, 103, 103 n.
Kock Achie, see Coxsackie.
Koelman, Rev. Jacobus, book by, 63; information concerning, 63 n.
Kok, J., Vaderlandsche Woordenbock, xxviii n.
Labadie, Jean de, biography of, xxi-xxii; death of, xxiii; Declaration of, xxv, 265, 265 n., 266; writings of, 88, 88 n., 170, 170 n., 171, 171 n., 232, 232 n., 272, 272 n.
Labadists, colony of, in Maryland, xvii, xviii, xix-xx; James's Labadist Colony in Maryland, xvii; rise and decline of, xxii-xxiii; teachings of, xxiii-xxiv; in Surinam, xxviii, xxviii n., 61 n.; house purchased by, 113 n.; conveyance to, 141 n.; printing-press of, 268 n.
La Motte, M., 101.
Lands Diep, 13, 13 n.
Langevelt, or Longfield, Cornelis van, 160, 160 n.
Lawrence, Thomas, baker in New York, 160, 160 n.
Leaming and Spicer, Grants and Concessions, 244 n.
Leete, Gov. William, 187 n.
Leeuwarden, 3 n.
Leiden van Leeuwen, Dirk van, 291, 291 n.
Leisler, 48 n.
Leman Bank, 286, 286 n.
Lemmer, 297, 297 n.
Leyden, University of, xii, 168, 168 n.
Liege, resident of Long Island from, 53.
Lighthouse at entrance of Boston Harbor, 259, 259 n.
Little Bay, 225, 256.
Little Bohemia, manor, xix, 112 n.-113 n.
Lizard, point, 23, 23 n., 257.
London, ships from, 20, 231; mail ships for, 27, 46, 140; Labadists in and around, 288-293; Great Fire of, 288 n., 289, 289 n., 290 n.
Long Island, 33, 35, 90; description of, 50-51; Indians on, 52; fruit, 52, 59, 67; fish, 53, 54, 90; sketch of, 59 n.; grain, 60; Quakers, 85; the Labadists' visit to, 171, 228.
Long Island Historical Society, manuscripts in possession of, xi, xv, 59 n.
Lorphelin, Peter, case of, 269 n.
Love, Fast and Thanksgiving Days of New England, 261 n.
Lucas, Capt., 262.
Lucas, Mr., custom-house officer, 31, 32.
Maasluis, 295, 295 n.
Maas River, 18, 294, 295.
MacCormac, E.I., White Servitude in Maryland, 112 n.
Main Creek, 73 n.
Maine, hostilities along coast of, 137 n.
Mallary, Rev. Charles P., Ancient Families of Bohemia Manor, xvii.
Manhattan Indians, 224.
Manhattan Island, 35, 50, 51; described, 64.
Manhattan River, see North River.
Mann, Abraham, plantation of, 139; information concerning, 139 n.
Maquaas Kill, see Mohawk River.
Margaret, ship, 252.
Martha's Vineyard, 253, 253 n., 254, 257, 258.
Maryland, map of, xii, xix; Labadists in, xvii, xviii, xix-xx; James's, Labadist Colony in, xvii; Herrman's Journal of the Dutch Embassy to, xix n.; effect of Labadists' teachings in, xxiv; MacCormac's White Servitude in, 112 n.; Danckaerts and Sluyter arrive in, 114; boundary of, 114, 114 n., 115; fish, 115; Indians, 115; oysters, 123; trade, 127, 128; roads, 129; early history of, 132, 132 n.; government of, 133; tobacco raising in, 133, 135; slavery in, 133, 134, 134 n.; grain, 134; vegetables, 134; lives of planters in, 135; taxation in, 136-137; religion of, 137; climate, 151-152.
Maryland Archives, xix n., xxviii n., xxxi n., 236 n.
Maryland Historical Society, publication by, xvii; manuscript of, 141 n.
Massachusetts Historical Society, Proceedings, 265 n., 267 n., 271 n.
Matinnaconk Island, 97, 97 n., 98, 100, 101.
Maurice, carpenter, 129.
Maurits River, see North River.
May, Isle of, 28.
Medway, or Chatham River, 292, 292 n.
Meeuwsteen, 22, 22 n.
Mennonite sect, 9, 9 n., 17.
Mexico, Gulf of, 37.
Middelburg, death of Danckaerts at, xxviii.
Milford (Newark), 173, 253.
Milk-ditch, 255, 255 n., 275.
Mill Creek, 74, 74 n.
Miller, Mr., plantation of, 118, 121; letter from, 120.
Miller, Rev. John, Description of New York, 198 n., 213 n.
Mills, 8, 93, 96, 96 n., 108 n., 139, 150, 178, 198, 214, 215, 218, 246.
Millstone River, 94, 95, 156, 157, 158, 160, 161, 224.
Mohawk River, 199, 213, 226.
Mohawks, 201, 203, 211.
Moll, John, conveyance to, xx, 141 n.; visit with, 110, 111-112; passport given by, 116; relations with, 119, 233; visit to plantation of, 137, 138, 139; leaves for Maryland, 140; witness, 141; mentioned, 144; information concerning, 144; wife of, 144-145; letters from, 170, 271; book sent to, 171.
Monmouth, Duke of, 288.
Montague River, see North River.
Montanus, Nieuwe en Onbekende Weereld, xii.
Moor's Head, inn, 8.
Morse, Elizabeth, tried for witchcraft 290 n.
Mouns, see Andersson, Mans.
Muller, of Amsterdam, documents sold by, 48 n.
Murphy, Henry C., translation by, xi, xv, 53 n., 59 n.; Anthology of New Netherland, xii n., 237 n.
Nagtglas, F., Levensberichten van Zeeuwen, xxvii n., xxviii n.
Najack, or Nyack, 54, 54 n., 60, 69, 169, 170, 180, 229.
Najack Indians, 54-57.
Nantucket, 254, 258.
Narratives of Early Maryland, xxi n., 66 n., 114 n.
Narratives of Early Pennsylvania, West New Jersey, and Delaware, xii, 67 n., 109 n., 152 n., 153 n., 154 n.
Narratives of New Netherland, 109 n., 153.
Narrows, 182, 197, 225.
Nassau, Hendrik van, 296 n.
Nassau, a village on the Raritan, 161, 161 n.
Naylor, James, 105, 105 n.
Naze, 293, 293 n.
Negroes, 65, 111.
Nevesinck, 50, 69, 95, 162, 180, 182.
Nevesinck Creek, 224.
New Brunswick, 94 n.
Newcastle, Del., court of, 106; mentioned, 109, 139, 150; minister at, 110; Labadists' visit to, 122, 131, 137, 140, 180; journey to Christina Kill from, 138; Robert Wade at, 142; description of, 143, 144; settlement at, 152.
Newcastle County, Delaware, Herrman property in, xix.
New Dorp, 72, 72 n.
New England, Love's Fast and Thanksgiving Days of, 261 n.; settlement of, 273, 273 n.; description of, 273-275.
Newfoundland, 37, 38, 132.
New Harlem, 64, 65, 68.
New Jersey, 69; woods, 95; government, 182, 182 n.
New Jersey Archives, 182 n.
New Jersey Historical Society, xvii.
New Netherland, Murphy's Anthology of, xii n., 237 n.; coast of, 37; Labadists' travels in, 43-91; fruit, 44, 47; governor of, 45, 45 n.; first child born in, 47, 47 n., 236 n.; roads, 129; settlement of, 132; conquered by England, 190, 190 n.; first ship sent to, 236 n.; distilling in, 245; journal of voyage from, 252-298.
New Sweden, origin of, 152 n.; conquest of, 153, 153 n.
New Utrecht, 57 n., 58, 59, 90, 91.
New York, Ecclesiastical Records of, 44 n.-45 n., 181 n., 202 n.; Wolley's A Two Years Journal in, 76 n.; O'Callaghan's Documentary History of, 197 n., 229 n., 236 n., 262 n.; Miller's Description of, 198 n., 213 n. See also New Netherland.
New York City, sketches of, xi, xii, xvi; Labadists arrive at, 43; Labadists return to, 222; militia of, 239; trade, 246, 247.
New York Historical Society, Collections, 90 n.
New York Public Library, books in, xxvii n., 265 n.
Niagara Falls, 199 n.
Nicholson, Gov. Sir Francis, xxi.
Nicolls, Capt. Matthias, secretary of New Jersey, 244; letters of, 84 n., 115 n.
Nicolls, Gov. Richard, code of, 90 n.
Nieuwe Diep, 13, 13 n.
Nieuwendam, 6, 6 n.
Nieuwenhuysen, Rev. Wilhelmus van, 45, 45 n.; preaching of, 46, 47, 59, 86, 166, 239; relations with Theunis, 223; relations with Marie Renard, 231; illness of, 234, 237.
Nissensen, Mr. S. G., aid acknowledged to, xi.
Noorman's Kil, 198.
North Kil, see Hackensack River.
North River, 46, 64, 66, 67, 68, 81, 84, 108, 150, 151, 152, 197; described, 223-225, 224 n.; falls on, 227; fish of, 227; climate, 228; jurisdiction over, 240.
North Sea, 19-20, 278, 284.
Northwest Kill (Passaic River), 85, 92, 173, 175, 224, 227.
Noten Hoeck (Nut Point), 226.
Noten, or Nut, Island, see Governor's Island.
Nottingham, Earl of (Daniel Finch), secretary of state, xxx.
Noy, Abraham de la, 48, 48 n., 63, 63 n.
Noy, Peter de la, 48 n.
Nya Goeteborg, or New Gothenburg, 100 n., 101.
Oakes, Rev. Urian, acting president of Harvard, 267 n.
O'Callaghan, Dr. E.B., reprint issued by, 76 n.; Documentary History of New York, 197 n., 229 n., 236 n., 262 n.
Ogilby, America, xii.
Oosterend, in Friesland, 3, 3 n.
Oosterend, on Texel, 9, 10, 15.
Orange, Prince of, 74, 188, 188 n.
Orfordness, 294, 294 n.
Orkney Islands, 280, 282.
Otto, a resident of Wicacoa, 148.
Otto, Justice, 104, 104 n.
Oude Dorp, 71, 72.
Oude Schilt, 8, 9, 13, 15.
Owins, Johan, surgeon, 261, 288, 291, 292.
Padechal, captain of the Boston packet, see Pattishall, Richard.
Palisades, 67.
Papegoia, Johan, 100 n., 101, 101 n.
Papegoia, Madame, 101, 102, 103; residence of, 107.
Pascal, Blaise, Pensees, 91, 91 n., 230.
Pattishall, Richard, 234, 234 n., 251, 252; lodging with, 256; visit to Gov. Bradstreet with, 259; is paid for passage, 260.
Pauw, Michael, 84 n.
Pavonia, 84, 84 n.
Peconic Bay (Cromme Gouwe), 257.
Pemaquid, Me., 45, 45 n., 167, 188.
Pendennis castle, 24 n., 28, 29.
Penn, William, visit with Labadists, xxx; Works, xxx n., 296 n.; Charter to, 90 n.; house of, 105 n.; tour made in Germany and Holland, 295 n.-296 n.
Pennsylvania, first Quakers in, 105 n.; first assembly of, 105 n.
Penryn, 26, 29; custom house transferred from, 25 n.; post office at, 27; market of, 30.
Peveril Point, see Durlston Head.
Philipse, Margaret, ship-owner, 3, 3 n., 28, 80, 83, 183; Labadists' relations with, 5, 6, 41, 49; biographical sketch of, 5 n.; arrives on board, 12; suggestion of, 14; conversation with, 21, 39; goes ashore at Falmouth, 25; conduct of, 40, 41.
Philipse, Frederick, 12 n.; biographical sketch of, 5 n.; visit with, 166-167; ship of, 238, 252; leave taken of, 238; shipping interests of, 244.
Phillips, Mr. P. Lee, facsimile of map published by, xxi, 114 n.
Pieters, Frederick, 201, 201 n.
Pilots, law concerning, 16-17.
Piscataway, N.J., 91, 91 n., 94, 150, 160, 164, 164 n.
Pisgeon, or Pigon, John, merchant of Boston, 234, 260.
Pleine, Nicolas de la, 232, 232 n.
Plum Island, 257.
Pompey Stone, 215 n.
Popish Plot, reference to, 137.
Poppe, Jan, 61.
Portland, 21, 22.
Potlepels (Polopels) Island, 226, 226 n.
Presbyterians, 29.
Prince Palatine, see Karl, electoral prince.
Printz, Armegot, 100 n.
Printz, Johan, Swedish governor, 100 n., 101 n.
Pynchon, John, of Springfield, 235 n.
Quakers, 28, 66, 85, 92, 93, 96, 96 n., 98, 99, 100, 104, 128, 250; first in Pennsylvania, 105 n.; relations with Indians, 155-156; of West Jersey, 247, 247 n.; in London, 290.
Randall's Island, see Barents Islands.
Randolph, Edward, royal agent, 240 n., 274 n.
Raritan, the, 69, 89, 94 n., 149, 160, 161, 224.
Ravesteyn, Paulus van, Bible published by heirs of, 296, 296 n.
Records of the Court of Assistants, 269 n.
Reformed religion, followers of, 17; ministers, 44 n.-45 n., 45, 63 n.
Reinderman, Kasparus, 171-172, 233.
Renard, Marie, story of, 231-232.
Rensselaer, Jeremias van, 214 n.
Rensselaer, Johannes, 214 n.
Rensselaer, Kiliaen van, 214, 214 n.
Rensselaer, Maria van, visit with, 214; mill erected by, 246.
Rensselaer, Richard van, 214, 214 n.
Rensselaer's Hook, 33, 69, 34; sketch of, 58, 59, 59 n.; proposed visit to, 180.
Rensselaerswyck, pastor at, 44 n., 215 n.; mentioned, 185; patroonship of, 214, 214 n.; colony of, 226, 248.
Rhode Island, 258, 273.
Richmond Creek, 73 n.
Ritschl, Geschichte des Pietismus, xxiii n.
Robert, English mate, 28, 39.
Rockall, 277, 277 n., 278, 284.
Rodenburg, Elizabeth, 80 n., 143; information concerning, 145, 146; book translated for, 170; half-sister of, 262 n., 263.
Rodenburgh, Johan van, 145.
Rodenburgh, Lucas, vice-director of Curacao, 145 n.
Rogers, Bryan, 25, 25 n., 30, 31, 32.
Rombouts, Francis, mayor of New York, 167 n.; interview with, 167-169.
Ross, William, silversmith, 260.
Rotterdam, fishing vessel from, 286; ship for, 291; ferry-boat, 295.
Roxbury, visit to John Eliot at, 263-266, 270-271; isthmus connecting, 275, 275 n.
Royalists, defence by, 24 n.
St. Augustine Manor, xix, 110, 112, 112 n.-113 n.
St. Catharine's, 288.
St. Christopher, 66, 66 n.
St. James's Park, 288.
St. Kilda, island, 278, 278 n.
St. Lawrence River, 37, 226.
St. Mawes, castle, 24 n.
St. Peter, village in England, 287.
Salem, N.J., court at, 143.
Salsberry, Mr., plantation of, 117.
Salters, Anna, 105, 105 n., 106, 107.
Sanders, Robert, relations with Labadists, 199, 201, 202, 216, 218; information concerning, 199 n.; relations with Indians, 200, 206, 212.
Sandford, Capt. William, plantation of, 173 n.
Sandhook, see Newcastle.
Sandy Hook, 33, 34, 35, 51, 183.
Santford, 173.
Sappokanikke (Greenwich), 68, 69, 86, 190, 192, 194, 197, 225.
Sassafras River, 116, 124, 130; ducks on, 126; view of, 127.
Scanian War, 102, 102 n.
Schaets, Rev. Gideon, 44, 45, 205 n., 215; biographical sketch, 44 n., 215 n.; son-in-law of, 197, 197 n.
Schaets, Reynier, 210, 210 n.
Schelling, island, 16 n.
Schenectady, 185, 201; records of Dutch church at, 204 n.; described, 213.
Schevelingh, or Scheveningen, 294, 294 n., 295.
Schiedam, 295.
Schilders, I.J., see Danckaerts, Jasper.
Schotel, Anna Maria van Schurman, xiii n., xxix n.
Schurman, Anna Maria van, Schotel's book on, xiii n., xxix n.; relations with Labadie, xxii, xxviii, xxx; reference to, xxix n.; mentioned, 265; biographical information concerning, 265 n.
Schutters, or Shooter's, Island, 75, 75 n., 92, 173.
Schuyler, Philip Pieterse, 201 n.
Scot, George, The Model of the Government of East New Jersey, 84 n.
Seelt, 9, 15.
Selyns, Rev. Henricus, letters of, xii, 168 n., 236 n.-237 n.
Servants, 111-112, 112 n., 118.
Shelpot, or Schiltpads Kill, 108, 108 n.
Shetland Islands, 279, 284.
Shorne Battery, 292 n.
Silver Poort-Klock (Silver Gate-Bell), book, 38 n.
Simons, Menno, followers of, 9 n.
Sinclair, Robert, 29, 29 n., 36, 39, 41, 80, 81.
Singleton, Thomas, ship-master, 3, 39, 238; wife of, 39.
Slangenbergh, see Snakes' Hill.
Slavery, 133, 134, 134 n.
Sluis, in Zeeland, 18, 171, 171 n.
Sluys, Annetje, 251, 297.
Sluyter, Hendrik, xxix, xxx.
Sluyter, Peter, correct form of name, xii-xiii; book translated by, xiii, xiii n.; conveyance to, xx, 141 n.; death of, xx; mercenary instincts of, xxiv; naturalization of, xxviii n.; biographical information, xxix-xxxi, 168, 168 n.; illness of, 8, 62, 201, 211; references to, in Danckaerts' Journal, 11, 26, 27, 44, 46, 50, 59, 60, 85, 89, 122, 122 n., 125, 126, 138, 158, 169, 170, 175, 181, 184, 191, 194, 210, 251, 260, 266, 267, 270, 272, 288, 296; goes to Najack, 148; as physician, 202 n., 221; letter concerning religious beliefs of, 236 n.-237 n.; letter of, 297.
Smith's Flats, 48-49, 49 n.
Smoker's Hook, 93, 163.
Snake Hill, 82, 92, 173, 224.
Sneek, in Friesland, 296, 297.
Sommelsdyk, Cornelis van, governor of, Surinam, xxviii; Labadists and the daughters of, xxiii, xxx.
Sommelsdyk, Isabella van, 295 n.-296 n.
South River, see Delaware River.
Southwold, 286, 286 n.
Sow and Pigs, rocks, 258.
Spademan, Rev. John, 294 n.
Spaniards, in New Netherland, 215, 215 n.
Spaniard's Channel, 13, 13 n.
Spykershof, Susanna, wife of Danckaerts, xxvii-xxviii.
Spyten Duyvel Creek, 64, 65, 67.
Stabley, Mr., plantation of, 124.
Stacey, Mahlon, mill owner, 96 n.
Start Point, 22.
Staten Island, 35, 50, 92; description of, 69-70; game, 73; fish, 73; visit to, 162.
Steenwijk, 123, 123 n.
Stiles, History of Brooklyn, 58 n.
Stoothoff, Elbert Elbertsen, 59 n., 61, 228.
Stuyvesant, Gov. Petrus, appointment by, xix; farm of, 65 n.; conquest of New Sweden under, 109, 109 n., 114, 153, 153 n.; disagreement with Augustine Herrman, 114.
Surinam, 261, 261 n.; Labadist colony in, xxviii, xxviii n., 61 n.
Swadel Rack (Swath Reach), 225.
Swanendael, founding of, 152 n.
Swart, Jacob, see Hellekers, Jacob Swarts.
Swaving, Mr. W.O., aid acknowledged, xxviii.
Swedes, at Tacony, 100; houses built by, 101; in New Sweden, 109, 152-153; dealings with, 142.
Sybrey, Capt. Nathan, 117, 117 n.
Tacony, 100, 148, 150, 151.
Tapoesie, a Swede, 108.
Taylor, or Teller, John, 259-260, 260 n.; visits with, 268-270, 271; leave taken of, 272.
Tesschenmaker, Rev. Petrus, biographical information, 44 n., 138 n.; ministry of, 45, 70, 83, 86, 89, 110, 138, 142, 181, 205 n., 234.
Teunissen van Dykhuis, Jan, 30, 30 n., 52, 59, 60, 61, 62, 170.
Texel, island of, 7, 7 n., 8.; description of, 15-16; inhabitants of, 17; fish, 17.
Texelsdiep, 10, 15, 16.
Thames River, 286, 287.
Thetinga, Labadists at, xxiii, 3 n., 198 n.
Theunis, see Idenszen, Theunis.
Theunis, Theuntje, wife of Jacob Hellekers, 190 n.
Theunissen, Jacob, or Jan, a baker, 170 n., 228.
Three Bohemia Sisters, estate, xix, 112 n.-113 n.
Thyssen, Jannetje, wife of Theunis Idenszen, 190 n.
Tilbury Fort, 292 n.
Tinicum Island, 100, 100 n., 101, 105, 148, 150.
Titus, third mate, 24, 28.
Toedteberg, Miss Emma J., aid acknowledged, xi.
Tower of London, 289, 289 n.
Trenton, 94 n.
Trico, Catalina, 236; biographical sketch of, 236 n.
Turks, danger from, 31.
Upland, 100, 104, 105, 106, 147, 150; court at, 143.
Urck, 297, 297 n.
Vanderheyden, Matthias, 109 n.
Vander Vin, Hendrick, clerk, 66 n.
Verheffinge des Geestes, Labadie, 170, 171, 233.
Versluis, Annetie, see Sluis, Annetje.
Vianen, in South Holland, 121, 121 n.
Vigne, Jean, 47, 47 n., 49, 236 n.
Vineyard Haven, 258 n.
Virginia, maps of, xii, xix; coast of, 37; servants in, 111-112; boundaries of, 114, 114 n., 115; difficulties in reaching, 120; oysters, 123; early history of, 132, 132 n.-133 n.; tobacco raising in, 133; lives of planters in, 135; climate, 151; ship for, 276.
Visscher, N.J., map by, xii.
Vlacke Bos, see Flatbush.
Vlie, 16, 16 n.
Vlieland, island, 16 n.
Vlieter, 8, 8 n.
Vlissingen, 43.
Voetius, Gysbertus, religious doctrine of, 6, 6 n.; followers of, 44, 45.
Vorstman, Peter, see Sluyter, Peter.
Vries, David de, settlement of, 152 n.
Vries, Pieter Rudolph de, widow of, 5 n.
Vrooman, Adam, 201, 201 n.
Wade, Robert, 105, 105 n., 106, 107, 142, 143, 147, 148.
Waert, Mr. van, see Ward, Capt. Henry.
Walcheren, 18.
Waldron, Resolved, xix, 66, 66 n., 68.
Walebocht (Wallabout), 235, 235 n., 256.
Walloons, 70.
Waltha House, see Thetinza.
Wappinger's Creek, 231, 231 n.
Ward, Capt. Henry, 116, 116 n.
Ward's Island, see Barents Islands.
Webley, Walter, 68.
Well Bank, 285, 285 n., 286.
Werckhoven, Cornelis van, grant to, 57 n.
West End, 15, 16.
West Friesland, 17, 17 n.
West Indies, 187.
Westminster, 289.
West New Jersey, settlement of, 96 n.; historical information concerning, 154 n.; Quakers of, 247, 247 n.
Westphalia, 97, 97 n.
White Dolphin, inn, 27.
White Water, 286, 286 n.
Whitehall, London, 288, 289.
Whitestone, 253.
Whiting, sandbank, 20, 20 n.
Wicacoa, Swedish village, 148, 148 n., 150, 151.
Wieuwerd, Labadists at, xxiii, 3 n., 296; Danckaerts at, xxviii.
Wight, Isle of, 20, 21.
Wilson, Gen. James Grant, papers by, xvii.
Wolley, Rev. Charles, services held by, 75-76; information concerning, 76, 76 n.
Woodbridge, Rev. John, 164 n.
Woodbridge, N.J., 93, 93 n., 164, 164 n.
Woodbridge Creek, 162, 224.
Workum, in Friesland, arrival at, 4, 4 n.
Wouter, Mohawk Indian, story of, 205-212; relations with, 234-235, 260.
Wren, Sir Christopher, monument erected by, 289 n.
Wytingh, see Whiting.
Y, river, see Ij.
Yarmouth, 285, 286.
York, James, Duke of, patent of, 45 n., 154, 154 n., 244 n.; arms of, 46; ship of, 66; in New York, 82 n.; is seen by Labadists, 291.
Ypeij and Dermout, Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche Hervormde, xxiii n.
Yvon, Pierre, xxiii, xxix; description of Danckaerts' family life by, xxvii-xxviii.
Zeeland Academy of Sciences, manuscript in, xxviii; Indian Bible in, 265 n.
Zuider Zee, canal route to the, 3 n.
Zuuren, Rev. Casparus, 45 n.; visit from, 228-229; biographical information concerning, 228 n.
Zwolle, 43, 190, 190 n.