Haiton, William, English priest, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 148, 222, 224
Hall, English historian, quoted, for the delivery of Orleans, 66, 299
Harcourt, Christophe d', Bishop of Castres, confessor of Charles VII., 71
Henry II. of England, 26
Henry III. of England, his death at Chinon, 25
Henry V. of England, his position in France in 1420, 1, 39
Henry VI. of England, 100, 137
Herrings, the battle of the, 44
Hilaire, John, burgher of Orleans, 273
Hire, La, 40; persuaded to break off swearing by Joan of Arc, 46; assists in the attack on the Tournelles, 62; leads the van at the battle of Patay, 80; accompanies Charles VII. to Rheims, 85
Holinshed, English writer, 299
Hordal, John, descendant of the Arc family, 291
Houppeville, Nicolas de, doctor of theology, 278
Hue, Peter, burgher of Orleans, 273
Illiers, Florent d', 53
Ingres, his picture of Joan of Arc, 92
Inquisition, the, resolve to prosecute Joan of Arc as a sorceress and idolatress, 130
Jacquard, playmate of Joan of Arc, 259
Jacquier, native of Domremy, 261
Jacquier, Guillot, 262
Joan of Arc, her birth and parentage, 3; her amiable character, 5; devotion to religious duties, 6; first visions, 7; her belief in their reality, 8; interviews with Baudricourt, 11, 14; visits Duke Charles of Lorraine, 17; her popularity at Vaucouleurs, 18; her equipment, 19; sets out for Chinon, 20; opposed by La Tremoille, 24; arrival at Chinon, 25; interview with the King, 26; favourably impresses him, 29; trains herself in military exercises, 30; examined at Poitiers before the French Parliament, 32; her mission sanctioned, 36; prepares her standard, 37; arrives at Blois, 46; despatches a letter to the Duke of Bedford, 47; her interview with Dunois before Orleans, 51; enthusiastic entry into the city, 52; summons the English to surrender, 53; meets Dunois with the relieving forces, 55; her first engagement, 57; carries the Bastille des Augustins, 59; prophesies she will be wounded, 60; leads the attack on the Tournelles, 62; wounded, 63; rallies the wavering French, 64; compels the English to raise the siege, 65; returns to Chinon, 69; urges Charles VII. to go to Rheims, 70; leads the expedition on the Loire, 73; storms and takes Jargeau, 75; gains the battle of Patay, 80; sets out for Rheims with Charles, 84; the enforced halt before Troyes, 85; expresses her fear of treachery, 89; at the King's coronation in Rheims cathedral, 91; her military talents, 94; her humane conduct in war, 96; ennobled by Charles, 98; advises the latter to march on Paris, 101; writes to the Duke of Burgundy for assistance, 102; resolves to attempt to take Paris, 107; her impetuous onslaught, 109; again wounded, 110; deposits her armour and arms in the fane of Saint Denis, 113; assaults and captures the fortress of Saint Pierre-le-Moutier, 115; fails to take La Charite, 117; her simplicity and freedom from egotism, ib.; captures an English freebooter and his band at Lagny, 120; received with joy in Compiegne, 122; attacks the Burgundians at Margny, 124; driven back from Clairvoix, 124; taken prisoner, 125; removed to the castle of Beaulieu, in Picardy, 129; handed over to Peter Cauchon, 133; attempts to escape, 135, 136; delivered to the English, 138; taken to Rouen, 141; barbarously treated, 142; demands that her judges should be equally divided in nationality, 153; her answers to Cauchon and Beaupere, 154 sq.; secretly interrogated in prison, 188; continued maltreatment, 196; the twelve articles on which her condemnation was founded, 207; falls ill in prison, 214; again interrogated by Cauchon, 215; threatened with torture, 221; condemned by the University of Paris, 225; her abjuration, 228 sq.; discards her male attire, 236; roughly treated by her guard, ib.; her forgiving nature, 239; is apprised of her fate, 243; upbraids Cauchon, ib.; confesses and receives the sacrament, 244; pardons Loiseleur, 246; handed over to the secular powers, 248; implores pardon for her enemies, ib.; her martyrdom, 250; the trial for her rehabilitation, 253 sq.
Jocab, Dominic, curate, 261
Jolivet, Abbot of St. Michel's Mount, Normandy, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 148
Jollois, historian, 297
Jonqualt, Peter, burgher at Orleans, 273
Jonson, Ben, cited for the authorship of the First Part of King Henry VI., 304
Jouvenel des Ursins, John, Archbishop of Rheims, appointed commissioner for the rehabilitation of Joan of Arc, 255
Joyart, Mengette, friend of Joan of Arc, 258
Labbe, Abbot of Saint George de Bocherville, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 148
Laclopsse, Bertrand, thatcher, 261
Ladvenu, Martin, Dominican priest, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 149; cited for her brutal treatment in prison, 238; sent to apprise her of her fate, 243; receives her confession and administers the sacrament, 244; attends her to execution, 245; at the trial for her rehabilitation, 280
La Fontaine, biographer of Joan of Arc, 299
Laiguise, John, Bishop of Troyes, offers to capitulate Troyes to King Charles VII., 88
Lamartine, 299
Landor, Walter Savage, 300
Langart, John de, godfather of Joan of Arc, 258
Laval, Count Guy de, cited, 73; accompanies the King to Rheims, 85
Laxart, Durand, cousin of Joan of Arc, 11; at the trial for rehabilitation, 261
Lebourg, William, prior, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 148
Le Cuin, playmate of Joan of Arc, 259
Ledoux, canon, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 148, 224
Le France, Martin, French poet, 300
Le Fevre, Jean, bishop, at the trial for rehabilitation, 276
Lemaitre, Husson, coppersmith, 275
Lemaitre, John, Dominican prior, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 143, 157, 188, 224
Lenozoles, John de, priest, 282
Lepage, Bastien, his picture of Joan of Arc, 12
Leroux, abbot of Jumieges, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 148
Leroy, canon, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 148
Lessarmentrer, Mauger, chief torturer of Rouen, at the trial for rehabilitation, 282
Ligny, John de, 128; transfers Joan of Arc to his castle of Beaurevoir, 135; delivers her into the hands of the Duke of Burgundy, 137; taunts her in prison, 142
Lisle, Lancelot de, at the siege of Orleans, 43
Loheac, Seigneur de, accompanies Charles VII. to Rheims, 85
Lohier, John, threatened by Cauchon for his sympathy with Joan of Arc, 199
Loiseleur, Nicolas, canon of Rouen, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 146; his infamous conduct, ib., 197; his remorse, 199; intent on torture, 222, 224; seeks to effect her abjuration, 227, 232, 235; asks pardon of her, 246
Lombard, Jean, professor of theology, 33
Longueil, Richard de, Bishop of Coutances, appointed a commissioner for the rehabilitation of Joan of Arc, 255
Luce, Simeon, cited, 14, 299
Luillier, John, at the trial for rehabilitation, 272
Luxembourg, John of, 106
Luxembourg, Louis of, Bishop of Therouanne, in command of the English soldiers in Paris, 107; consents to the sale of Joan of Arc to the English, 133; an assessor at the trial of the Maid, 144
Machot, Gerard, Bishop of Castres, 32
Mackintosh, Sir James, 300
Macon, Robert de, 71
Macquelonne, the Bishop of, 32
Macy, historian, cited, 142
Macy, Aimonde de, soldier, 283
Mahon, Lord, 300
Mailly, John de, Bishop of Noyon, assessor at trial of Joan of Arc, 144; at the trial for rehabilitation, 276
Manchon, William, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 144, 151, 157, 209; cited for the brutal treatment of her guard, 237, 238; at the trial for rehabilitation, 279
Mansier, canon, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 148
Marcel, John, 284
'Margette,' the, 24
Marguerie, canon at Rouen, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 148, 222, 224, 282
Marie, Thomas, priest, 282
Marin, Captain, cited, 112, 127
Martigny, Louis de, 216
Martin, Henry, historian, 298
Martyn, English writer, 300
Masle, Du, Abbot of Saint Ouen, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 148
Masnier, playmate of Joan of Arc, 259
Massieu, John, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 144, 151, 153; grants her permission to kneel at the prison chapel door, 197, 222; urges her to abjure, 232; cited for the brutal treatment of her guard, 237, 249; at the trial for rehabilitation, 280
Maurice, Peter, 243
Metz, Jean de, becomes acquainted with Joan of Arc, 14; escorts her to Chinon, 19; at the trial for rehabilitation, 261
Mezarie, historian, 291
Michelet, cited, 3, 82, 121, 131, 187, 199, 236, 238, 291; his Life of Joan of Arc, 297
Midi, Nicolas, D.D., assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 146; his sermon on the eve of Joan's death, 246
Migiet, Peter, Prior of Longueville, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 148; at trial for rehabilitation, 277
Milet, Peter, 274
Moen, John, of Domremy, 261
Monsteschere, John de, master gunner at the siege of Orleans, 43
Monstrelet, Enguerrand de, cited, 46, 129; the most eminent writer against Joan of Arc, 289
Montaigne, cited, 12
Montgomery, commands the English forces before Compiegne, 123
Montjeu, Philibert de, Bishop of Coutances, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 145
Moreaux, John, burgher of Rouen, 284
Morel, Aubert, canon, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 148, 222, 224
Morel, John, village companion of Joan of Arc, 89
Morel de Greux, John, godfather of Joan of Arc, 258
Morellet, canon, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 148
Moret, Abbot of Preaux, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 148
Morice, Peter, canon at Rouen, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 146, 226
Mystery play, the French, on Joan of Arc, 301
Nicolas V., Pope, opposed to the rehabilitation of Joan of Arc, 254
Orleans, the siege of, begun by the English, 13; enthusiasm of the people of, for Joan of Arc, 36; its defences, 39; horrors of the siege, 45; the siege raised, 66, 68
Ourche, Albert d', knight, 261
Paris, Martial de, French poet, 301
Paris, University of. See University
Parliament, French, at Poitiers, 31; examine Joan of Arc, 32; sanction her mission, 36
Pasquerel, Jean, cited, 27, 37; at the trial for rehabilitation, 268
Pasquier, Stephen, French jurisconsult, 290
Patay, the battle of, 80
Perrin le Drassier, bell-ringer of Domremy, 260
Petitot, 291, 292
Pierre, Isambard de la, Dominican priest, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 149, 151; his sympathy for her, 195, 224, 235; cited for the brutal treatment of her guard, 238; attends her last moments, 245, 249, 251; at the trial for rehabilitation, 280
Pinchon, canon, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 148
Pisan, Christine de, poetess, 301
Poitiers, the Great Hall of, 31; the Bishop of, 32
Pole, John de la, at the siege of Orleans, 43
Pole, William de la. See Suffolk
Postel, William, French writer, 290
Postian, William, burgher of Orleans, 273
Pougoulat, 292
Poulangy, Bertrand de, 11; escorts Joan of Arc on her journey to Chinon, 19; at the trial for rehabilitation, 261
Prevosteau, advocate, at the trial for rehabilitation, 256
Quicherat, historian, cited, 24, 55, 291; his literary labours, 292
Quincey, De, 300
Rabelais, connection with Chinon, 25
Rabuteau, Maitre Jean, Parliamentary Advocate-General, 32
Radley, English officer, 107
Raimond, page of Joan, 37
Rainguesson, John, godfather of Joan of Arc, 258
Rais, Seigneur de, 47, 75; accompanies Charles VII. to Rheims, 85
Regnault, William, captures the Earl of Suffolk at Jargeau, 77
Rheims, coronation of Charles VII. at, 91
Rheims, the Archbishop of. See Chartres, Regnault de
Richard, Father, his interview with Joan of Arc, 86
Richarville, Guillaume de, 274
Richemont, Constable de, joins the army of the Loire, 78
Richer, Edmond, doctor of theology, 291
Rochelle, Catherine de la, her deceit exposed by Joan of Arc, 118
Roger, Denis, burgher of Orleans, 273
Roquier, John, priest, 282
Rotslaer, Sire de, cited, 60
Rouillart, William, burgher of Orleans, 272
Roussel, 224
Rouvray, the Battle of the Herrings near, 44
Royer, Henry and Joan le, 261
Sainte-Beuve, cited, 2; on Wallon's biography of Joan of Arc, 298
Saint-Mesmin, Aignan de, burgher of Orleans, 273
Saint-Prix, Berriat, historian, 293; his itinerary of the last three years of the life of Joan of Arc, ib.
Saint-Severe, Marshal. See Boussac.
Salisbury, commands the English forces before Orleans, 40; mortally wounded, 42
Saulx, canon, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 148
Savoy, Duke of, 106
Scales, Lord, at siege of Orleans, 42
Schiller, his Jungfrau von Orleans, 307
Sequier, Dominican monk, 32; questions Joan, 33; at the trial for rehabilitation, 263
Shakespeare and the character of Joan of Arc, 301, 309
Sionne, Etienne de, curate, 260
Sismondi, historian, 296
Solera, 309
Sorel, Agnes, 52
Soumet, dramatic poet, 308
Southey, cited, 306; his heroic poem on Joan of Arc, 307
Stafford, Lord, visits Joan of Arc in prison, 142
Sterling, John, 300
Stern, Daniel, French authoress, 308
Stow, historian, 299
Stuart, John, Constable of Scotland, killed at the battle of the Herrings, 45
Stuart, William, brother of the Constable of Scotland, killed at the battle of the Herrings, 45
Suffolk, William de la Pole, Earl of, commands the English forces before Orleans, 43; confronts the French at Jargeau, 75; defeated and captured, 77
Talbot, Lord, at the siege of Orleans, 42; withdraws his forces, 67; joins hands with Fastolfe, 78; defeated and taken prisoner, 80
Talbot, William, attendant on Joan of Arc, 149, 157
Taquel, Nicolas, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 144; at the trial for rehabilitation, 280
Thepelin de Viteau, Jeannette, god-mother of Joan of Arc, 258
Theroude, Abbot of Mortemer, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 148
Thevenin le Royer, of Domremy, 261
Theverien, Jeannette, godmother of Joan of Arc, 258
Thibault, Gobert, 32, 264
Thierry, Reginald, court physician, 274
Thou, James de, burgher of Orleans, 273
Tilloy, Jamet de, French knight, 36
Tiphanie, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 149, 278
Touraine, James de, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 146
Toutmouille, John, apprises Joan of Arc of her fate, 243; at the trial for rehabilitation, 281
Tremoille, George de la, minister of Charles VII., 23; tries to thwart Joan of Arc in her mission, 24, 30, 55, 112; alarmed at her ever-growing popularity, 83; accompanies the King to Rheims, 85, 128
Troyes, the treaty of (1420), 1
Troyes, John de, senior of the Faculty of Theology in the University of Paris, 224
University of Paris, aid in the prosecution of Joan of Arc, 130; constitution of the, 134; recommend the removal of Joan to Paris, 140; their decision regarding her guilt, 224
Vaillant, Peter, burgher of Orleans, 273
Vaux, Pasquier de, canon, one of the tribunal on the trial of Joan of Arc, 148
Venderes, Nicolas de, canon of Rouen, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 147, 222, 225
Vendome, Comte de, Chamberlain to Charles VII., 27, 75; accompanies the King to Rheims, 85
Verdi, 307
Vernon, Raoul Roussel de, reporter at the trial of Joan of Arc, 147
Versailles, Pierre de, 35
Veuillot, on Wallon's Life of Joan of Arc, 298
Viennne, Colet de, escorts Joan of Arc to Chinon, 19
Villars, French knight, 36
Villaume, biographer of Joan of Arc, 299
Villon, Francois, his lines on Joan of Arc, 302, 308
Viole, Aignan, advocate, 274
Virey, his tragedy on Joan of Arc, 306
Virgile, Polydore, French writer, 290
Viriville, Vallet de, 291
Volant, John, burgher of Orleans, 272
Voltaire, cited, 285; his Pucelle, 306, 309
Wallon, historian, cited, 46, 126, 210, 211, 227, 297
Wandome, the Bastard of, 128
Warwick, Earl of, visits Joan of Arc in prison, 142; threatens Isambard de la Pierre for his sympathy with her, 196; demands that she should be saved from a natural death, 214; enraged at the prospect of her release, 235
Waterin, playmate of Joan of Arc, 259
Waverin, English officer, cited for the English loss at the battle of Patay, 80
Winchester, Henry Beaufort, Bishop of, arrives in Paris with his army, 101; retains Peter Cauchon to prosecute Joan of Arc, 132; his scheme for this purpose, 137; at the abjuration of Joan, 229; weeps over her fate, 248
Xaintrailles, 40, 47; accompanies Charles VII. to Rheims, 85; taken prisoner, 125
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