[11] The same story is told by Miss Busk, "The Booby," p. 371, and is in the Pent. I. 4. It is probably founded on the well-known fable of Aesop, "Homo fractor simulacri" (ed. Furia, No. 21), which seems very widely spread. A Russian version, from Afanasieff, is in De Gub., Zool. Myth. I. p. 176. See also Benfey, Pant. I. p. 478; and Koehler to Gonz., No. 37.
[12] In Gonz., No. 37, Giufa takes the cloth, and on his way to the dyer's sits down to rest on a heap of stones in a field. A lizard creeps out from the stones, and Giufa, taking it for the dyer, leaves the cloth on the stones and returns home. His mother, of course, sends him immediately back for the cloth, but it has disappeared, as well as the lizard. Giufa cries: "Dyer, if you don't give me back my cloth I will tear down your house." Then he begins to pull down the heap of stones, and finds a pot of money which had been hidden there. He takes it home to his mother, who gives him his supper and sends him to bed, and then buries the money under the stairs. Then she fills her apron with figs and raisins, climbs upon the roof, and throws figs and raisins down the chimney into Giufa's mouth as he lies in his bed. Giufa is well pleased with this, and eats his fill. The next morning he tells his mother that the Christ child has thrown him figs and raisins from heaven the night before. Giufa cannot keep the pot of money a secret, but tells every one about it, and finally is accused before the judge. The officers of justice go to Giufa's mother and say: "Your son has everywhere told that you have kept a pot of money which he found. Do you not know that money that is found must be delivered up to the court?" The mother protests that she knows nothing about the money, and that Giufa is always telling stupid stories. "But mother," said Giufa, "don't you remember when I brought you home the pot, and in the night the Christ child rained figs and raisins from heaven into my mouth?" "There, you see how stupid he is," says the mother, "and that he does not know what he says." The officers of justice go away thinking, "Giufa is too stupid!"
Koehler, in his Notes to Gonz., No. 37, cites as parallels to the above, Pent. I. 4, and Thousand and One Nights, Breslau trans. XI.
144. For the rain of figs and raisins he refers to Jahrb. VIII. 266 and 268; and to Campbell, II. 385, for a shower of milk porridge. See Note 16 of this chapter, and Indian Fairy Tales, p. 257.
[13] See Max Mueller's Chips, II. p. 229, and Benfey, Pant. I. p. 293.
[14] See Imbriani, Nov. fior. p. 545; Papanti, Nov. pop. livor. No. 3; and Bernoni, Punt. III. p. 83.
[15] See Robert, Fables inedites, II. p. 136. The Italian literary versions are: Morlini, XXI., Straparola, XIII. 4; and two stories mentioned by Imbriani in his Nov. fior. pp. 545, 546.
[16] This episode is in Strap. XIII. 4; Pitre, IV. p. 291, gives a version from the Albanian colony of Piana de' Greci, sixteen miles from Palermo. In the same vol., p. 444, he gives a variant from Erice in which, after Giufa has killed the "canta-la-notti," his mother climbs a fig-tree and rains down figs into the mouth of Giufa, who is standing under. In this way she saves herself from the accusation of having thrown a murdered man into the well. See Note 12. For another Sicilian version of this episode see Gonz., No. 37 (I. p. 252).
[17] Papanti, p. 65. Copious references will be found in Papanti, pp. 72-81; Oesterley to Pauli, Schimpf und Ernst, No. 416; and Kirchof, Wendunmuth, I. 122; and Koehler's notes to Sercambi's Novels in Jahrb. XII. p. 351.
[18] Koehler, in his notes to Gonz., No. 37 (II. p. 228), cites for this story: Thousand and One Days, V. 119; Pent. I. 4; Grimm, II. 382; Morlini, No. 49; Zingerle, I. 255; Bebelius, Facetiae, I. 21; Blade, Contes et Proverbes, Paris, 1867, p. 21; and Bertoldino (Florence, Salani), p. 31, "Bertoldino entra nella cesta dell' oca a covare in cambio di lei." In the story in the Fiabe Mant. No. 44, "Il Pazzo" ("The Fool"), the booby kills his own mother by feeding her too much macaroni when she is ill.
[19] See Pitre, No. 190, var. 9; Jahrb. V. 18; Simrock, Deutsche Maerchen, No. 18 (Orient und Occident, III. p. 373); Hahn, No. 34; Jahrb. VIII. 267; Melusine, p. 89; Nov. fior. p. 601; Romania, VI. p. 551; Busk, pp. 369, 374; and Fiabe Mant. No. 44.
In the Sicilian stories Giufa simply takes the door off its hinges and carries it to his mother, who is in church. In the other Italian versions the booby takes the door with him, and at night carries it up into a tree. Robbers come and make a division of their booty under the tree, and the booby lets the door fall, frightens them away, and takes their money himself.
[20] See Koehler's notes to Gonz., II. p. 228. To these may be added, for the story of Giufa planting the ears and tails of the swine in the marsh: Ortoli, p. 208; Melusine, p. 474; and Romania, VII. p. 556, where copious references to parallels from all of Europe may be found. In the story in Ortoli, cited above, the priest's mother is killed, as in text.
[21] For the literal throwing of eyes, see: Jahrb. V. p. 19; Grimm, No. 32 (I. p. 382); Nov. fior. p. 595; Webster, Basque Legends, p. 69; Orient und Occident, II. 684 (Koehler to Campbell, No. 45).
[22] See Gonz., Nos. 70, 71, and Koehler's notes, II. p. 247. Other Italian versions are: De Gub., Sto. Stefano, No. 30; Widter-Wolf, No. 18, and Koehler's notes (Jahrb. VII. 282); Strap., I. 3: Nov. fior. p. 604; Fiabe Mant. No. 13. To these may be added: Romania, V. p. 357; VI. p. 539; and VIII. p. 570.
[23] See Pitre's notes, IV. pp. 124, 412; and F. Liebrecht in the Academy, vol. IV. p. 421.
[24] See Pitre's notes, IV. pp. 140, 448; Wright's Latin Stories, pp. 49, 226.
[25] Pitre, No. 290. See Papanti, op. cit. p. 197, where other versions are cited. To these may be added the story in Marcolf, see Guerrini, Vita di G. C. Croce, p. 215; and Marcolphus, Hoc est Disputationis, etc., in Epistolae obscuror, virorum, Frankf. a. M., 1643, p. 593.
There is another story in Pitre (No. 200) which is also attributed to Dante. It is called:—
Once upon a time Peter Fullone, the stone-cutter, was working at the cemetery, near the church of Santo Spirito; a man passed by and said: "Peter, what is the best mouthful?" Fullone answered: "An egg;" and stopped.
A year later Fullone was working in the same place, sitting on the ground and breaking stones. The man who had questioned him the year before passed by again and said: "Peter, with what?" meaning: what is good to eat with an egg. "With salt," answered Peter Fullone. He had such a wise head that after a year he remembered a thing that a passer-by had said.
* * * * *
The cemetery alluded to, Pitre says, is beyond the gate of St. Agatha, near the ancient church of Sto. Spirito, where the Sicilian Vespers began. An interesting article on Peter Fullone may be found in Pitre, Studi di Poesia popolare, p. 109, "Pietro Fullone e le Sfide popolari siciliane."
The sight-seer in Florence has noticed, on the east side of the square in which the cathedral stands, a block of stone built into the wall of a house, and bearing the inscription, "Sasso di Dante." The guide-books inform the traveller that this is the stone on which the great poet was wont to sit on summer evenings. Tradition says that an unknown person once accosted Dante seated in his favorite place, and asked: "What is the best mouthful?" Dante answered: "An egg." A year after, the same man, whom Dante had not seen meanwhile, approached and asked: "With what?" Dante immediately replied: "With salt."
A poet, Carlo Gabrielli, put this incident into rhyme, and drew from it the following moral (senso):—
"L'acuto ingegno grande apporta gloria; Maggior, se v'e congiunta alta memoria."
See Papanti, op. cit. pp. 183, 205.
[26] This story is told in almost the same words in Pitre, No. 297, "The Peasant and the King." There are several Italian literary versions, the best known being in the Cento nov. ant. ed. Borghini, Nov. VI.: see D'Ancona's notes to this novel in the Romania, III. p. 185, "Le Fonti del Novellino." It is also found in the Gesta Romanorum, cap. 57, see notes in Oesterley's edition; and in Simrock's Deutsche Maerchen, No. 8, see Liebrecht's notes in Orient und Occident, III. p. 372. To the above may, finally, be added Koehler's notes to Gonz., No. 50 (II. p. 234).
[27] Comparetti, No. 43, "La Ragazza astuta" (Barga). The first part of the story, dividing the fowl, and sending the presents, which are partly eaten on the way, is found in Gonz., No. 1, "Die Kluge Bauerntochter" ("The Peasant's Clever Daughter"). See Koehler's notes to Gonz., No. 1 (II. 205); and to Nasr-eddin's Schwaenke in Orient und Occident, I. p. 444. Grimm, No. 94, "The Peasant's Wise Daughter," contains all the episodes of the Italian story except the division of the fowl. An Italian version in the Fiabe Mant. No. 36, "La giovane accorta," contains the episode of the mortar. The king sends word to the clever daughter that she must procure for him some ahime (sneeze) salad. She sent him some ordinary salad with some garlic sprinkled over it, and when he touched it he sneezed (and formed the sound represented by the word ahime). The rest of the story contains the episode lacking in the other popular Italian versions, but found in Grimm, and technically known as "halb geritten." For this episode see Gesta Romanorum, ed. Oesterley, cap. 124, and Pauli, 423.
Another Italian version from Bergamo may be found in Corazzini, p. 482, "La Storia del Pestu d' or" ("The Story of the Gold Pestle"), which is like the version in the text from the episode of the mortar on. In the story from Bergamo it is a gold pestle, and not a mortar, that is found, and the story of "halb geritten" is retained. The episode of the foal is changed into a sharp answer made (at the queen's suggestion) by the king's herdsman to his master, who had failed to pay him for his services. A version from Montale, Nerucci, p. 18, "Il Mortajo d'oro" ("The Golden Mortar"), contains all the episodes of the story in the text (including "halb geritten") except the division of the fowl. The first part of the story is found in a tale from Cyprus, in the Jahrb. XI. p. 360.
A parallel to the story in our text may also be found in Ralston's R. F. T. p. 30. The literature of the story of "The Clever Girl" may be found in Child's English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Part I. p. 6, "The Elfin Knight."
[28] Fiabe Mantovane, No. 41, "Gambara." The Italian for crab is gambero. There is a Tuscan story (Nov. pop. tosc. p. 8), "Il Medico grillo" ("Doctor Cricket"), with reference perhaps to the other meaning of grillo, whim, fancy, which reminds one of the story in the text. The pretended doctor cures a king's daughter by making her laugh so hard that she dislodges a fish-bone that had stuck in her throat. Doctor Cricket becomes so popular that the other doctors starve, and finally ask the king to kill him. The king refuses, but sets him a difficult task to do, namely, to cure all the patients in the hospital; failing to accomplish this, he is to be killed or dismissed. Doctor Cricket has a huge cauldron of water heated, and then goes into the wards and tells the patients that when the water is hot they are all to be put into it, but if any one wishes to depart he can go away then. Of course they all run away in haste, and when the king comes the hospital is empty. The doctor is then richly rewarded, and returns to his home.
For parallels to our story see Pitre's notes, vol. IV. p. 442, and to the Tuscan story above-mentioned.
Another Tuscan version has recently been published in Nov. tosc. No. 60. See also Grimm, No. 98; Asbjornsen, Ny Sam. No. 82 [Dasent, Tales from the Fjeld, p. 139, "The Charcoal Burner"]; Caballero, Cuentos, p. 68; Orient und Occident, I. 374; and Benfey, Pant. I. 374. There is a story in Straparola (XIII. 6) that recalls the story in our text. A mother sends her stupid son to find "good day" (il buon di). The youth stretched himself in the road near the city gate where he could observe all those who entered or left the town. Now it happened that three citizens had gone out into the fields to take possession of a treasure that they had discovered. On their return they greeted the youth in the road with "good day." The youth said, when the first one saluted him: "I have one of them," meaning one of the good days, and so on with the other two. The citizens who had found the treasure, believing that they were discovered, and that the youth would inform the magistrates of the find, shared the treasure with him.
(For works relating directly to Italian Popular Tales, see Bibliography.)
Asbjornsen: Norske Folke-Eventyr fortalte af P. Chr. Asbjornsen. Ny Samling. Christiania, 1871. 8^o. [English version in Tales from the Fjeld. A second series of Popular Tales from the Norse of P. Chr. Asbjornsen. By G. W. Dasent, London, 1874.]
Asbjornsen and Moe: Norse Folke-Eventyr fortalte af P. Chr. Asbjornsen og Jorgen Moe. 5^{te} Udgave. Christiania, 1874. 8^o. [Partly translated by G. W. Dasent in Popular Tales from the Norse. 2d ed. Edinburgh, 1859. New York, 1859.]
Basque Legends: collected, chiefly in the Labourd, by the Rev. Wentworth Webster. London, 2d ed. 1879. 8^o.
Benfey, Pantschatantra: Fuenf Buecher indischer Fabeln, Maerchen und Erzaehlungen. Aus dem Sanskrit uebersetzt mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen von Theodor Benfey. Erster Theil, Einleitung. Leipzig, 1859. 8^o.
Blade: Contes populaires recueillis en Agenais par M. Jean-Francois Blade suivis de notes comparatives par M. Reinhold Koehler. Paris, 1874. 8^o.
Brueyre: Contes populaires de la Grande-Bretagne par Loys Brueyre. Paris, 1875. 8^o.
Cosquin, Emmanuel: Contes populaires lorrains recueillis dans un village du Barrois, a Montiers-sur-Baulx (Meuse), Romania, V. 83, 133; VI. 212, 529; VII. 527; VIII. 545; IX. 377; X. 117, 543.
Cox: The Mythology of the Aryan Nations. By G. W. Cox. 2 vols. London, 1870. 8^o.
Dunlop-Liebrecht: Geschichte der Prosadichtung. Aus dem englischen von F. Liebrecht. Berlin, 1851. 8^o.
Folk-Lore Record, London, 1879-1882. 5 vols. 8^o.
Gesammtabenteuer. Von F. H. von der Hagen. 3 vols. Stuttgart und Tuebingen, 1850. 8^o.
Gesta Romanorum von Herm. Oesterley. Berlin, 1872. 8^o.
Graesse, J. G. T.: Die grossen Sagenkreise des Mittelalters. Dresden und Leipzig, 1842. 8^o.
Grimm, The Brothers: Grimm's Household Tales. With the Author's Notes translated from the German and edited by M. Hunt. With an Introduction by A. Lang, M. A. In two volumes. London: G. Bell & Sons. 1884. (Bohn's Standard Library.) [This excellent version contains all the stories and notes of the third edition of the original text, Goettingen, 1856, the third volume of which, containing the notes, is rather scarce. The numbers of the stories correspond in the German and English editions, and the latter will be cited for the convenience of the reader.]
Grundtwig: Danske Folkeminder, Viser, Sagn og Eventyr. Udgivne af Svend Grundtwig. Kjobenhavn, 1861. 1^{ste}-3^{die} Samling. 8^o.
Hahn: Griechische und Albanesische Maerchen. Gesammelt, uebersetzt und erlaeutert von J. G. von Hahn. Leipzig, 1864. 2 vols. 8^o.
Halliwell, J. O.: Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales. London, 1849. 12^o.
Kreutzwald: Ehstnische Maerchen. Aufgezeichnet von Friedrich Kreutzwald. Halle, 1869. 8^o.
Luzel: Contes bretons recueillis et traduits par F. M. Luzel. Quimperle, 1870. 8^o.
Melusine: Revue de Mythologie, Litt. pop., Traditions et usages, dirigee par MM. H. Gaidoz et E. Rolland. Paris, 1877, 1884. 4^o.
Nisard, Ch.: Histoire des Livres populaires. Paris, 1854. 2 vols. 8^o.
Novelle Ant. Biagi: Le Novelle Antiche dei codici Panciatichiano-Palatino 138 e Laurenziano-Gaddiano 193, con una introduzione etc per Guido Biagi. Florence, 1880. 8^o.
Novelle Ant. Borg: Le Cento Novelle Antiche secondo l'edizione del MDXXV. corrette ed illustrate con note. Milano, 1825. 8^o.
Novelle Ant. Gualt.: Cento Novelle Antiche. Libro di Novelle e di Bel parlar gentile (Gualteruzzi da Fano). Florence (Naples), 1727. 8^o.
Novelle Ant. Papanti. Romania, vol. III. p. 189.
Old Deccan Days, or Hindoo Fairy Legends. Collected by M. Frere. Philadelphia: Lippincott & Co. 1868.
Orient und Occident insbes. in ihren gegenwaertigen Beziehungen. Forschungen und Mittheilungen. Eine Vierteljahrschrift herausgegeben von Theodor Benfey. Vols I.-III. Goettingen, 1860-1864. 8^o.
Ralston: Russian Folk-Tales. By W. R. S. Ralston. London, 1873. 8^o. [There is an American reprint, without date.]
Robert: Fables inedites des XII^e, XIII^e, XIV^e Siecles et Fables de La Fontaine. Par A. C. M. Robert. 2 vols. Paris, 1825. 8^o.
Romania: Recueil Trimestriel consacre a l'etude des langues et des litteratures romanes. Publie par P. Meyer et G. Paris. Paris, 1872, still in course of publication.
Rondallayre, lo: Quentos populars catalans coleccionats per F. Maspons y Labros. Barcelona, 1871. 18^o.
Schiefner, F. Anton von: Tibetan Tales, done into English from the German, with an Introduction by W. R. S. Ralston, M. A. London, 1882 (Truebner's Oriental Series).
Stokes, Maive: Indian Fairy Tales. With notes by Mary Stokes, and an Introduction by W. R. S. Ralston, M. A. London, 1880.
Sacre Rappresentazioni dei Secoli XIV., XV., XVI. Raccolte e illustrate per cura di Alessandro D'Ancona. Florence, 1872. 3 vols. 16^o.
Schimpf und Ernst: J. Pauli. Herausgegeben von Herm. Oesterley. Bibliothek des Litt. Vereins in Stuttgart. Bd. LXXXV. Stuttgart, 1866. 8^o.
Tausend und Eine Nacht. Arabische Erzaehlungen. Deutsch von M. Habicht, von der Hagen und C. Schall. Breslau, 1836. 15 vols. 8^o.
Wendunmuth: Hans Wilhelm Kirchhof, Wendunmuth. Herausgegeben von Herm. Oesterley. Bibliothek des Litt. Vereins in Stuttgart. Bd. XCV.-XCIX. 5 vols. 8^o. Tuebingen, 1869.
Admonitions, the Three, story of, 157.
Andromeda, or Princess freed from Dragon, 335.
Angiola, the Fair, story of, 26.
Animal brothers-in-law, 60; animal children, 324; animals, dispute of, settled by hero, 31.
Ant and the Mouse, story of the, 376.
Apple, unequally divided, indicates true friend, 204
Ass, story of the, 190.
Ass that lays Money, story of the, 123.
Baker's Apprentice, story of the, 212.
Barber, story of the, 241.
Basile, Giambattista, xi.
Bastianelo, story of, 279.
Beauty and the Beast, 7.
Beppo Pipetta, story of, 222.
Bierde, story of, 68.
Bird, magic, bestowing gifts, 43; bird, transformation into, 2, 13.
Blood of children restores uncle to life, 87.
Bluebeard, 77.
Bone of hero as musical instrument discovering murderers, 41; human bone to be eaten, 81.
Bonhomme Misere, 215, 222, 367.
Boots, magic, faster than wind, 143.
Bottles, seven, filled with tears, 322.
Bride, the Forgotten, 58, 71.
Bride, the True, 57, 71, 102.
Brother Giovannone, story of, 217.
Brothers, three, born from mother eating magic fish, 30.
Buchettino, story of, 265.
Bucket, story of the, 100.
Buddha, parable of, 294.
Buttadeu, story of, 197.
Capon divided in peculiar manner, 311.
Cat and the Mouse, story of the, 257.
Catherine and her Fate, story of, 105.
Cento Novelle Antiche, 154, 188.
Chess, winning at, disposes of princess's hand, 123.
Chick-Pea, Little, story of, 242.
Children born from chick-peas, 243; from fish, 30, 335; apple-peel, 344; Children promised to witches, 25; to Devil, 136.
Christmas, story of, 283.
Cinderella, story of, 42.
Cistern, story of the, 36.
Clever Girl, story of the, 311.
Clever Peasant, story of the, 309.
Cloak that renders invisible, 123, 1.
Cloud, story of the, 30.
Cobbler, the, story of, 94.
Cock, story of the, 270.
Cock and the Mouse, story of the, 252.
Cock that wished to become Pope, story of the, 272.
Constantine's leprosy healed by St. Silvester, 202.
Cook, story of the, 275.
Crab, story of, 314.
Crivoliu, story of, 198.
Cross protects child against Devil, 137.
Crumb in the Beard, story of the, 110.
Crystal Casket, story of the, 326.
Cukasaptati, Oriental collection of tales, 167, 359.
Cupid and Psyche, 1, 77.
Cure by laughing, 119, 347.
Curse of the Seven Children, story of the, 54.
Cymbal, prince concealed in, 64.
Danae, 336.
Dante, 309, 381.
Daughters, two, good and bad, 100.
Der Kaiser und der Abt, Buerger's poem of, 275.
Devil, how the, married Three Sisters, story of, 78.
Disciplina Clericalis of Petrus Alphonsi, 154, 157, 352, 355.
Doctor's Apprentice, story of the, 287.
Dog's face, by witch's imprecation, 29; dogs substituted for queen's children, 19.
Doll which moves, sees, and dresses itself, 114; king's son in love with, 117, 180.
Don Firiulieddu, story of, 241.
Don Joseph Pear, story of, 127.
Don Juan, 235.
Don Quixote, 155.
Doves recall forgotten bride, 75; indicate future Pope, 200.
Eagle carries hero up from cave, 40.
Eat, My Clothes! story of, 296.
Egg which kills fairy, 32.
Eyes, diseased, cured by feather of griffin, 40.
Fables of Oriental origin, 150, 353.
Fabliaux, French, 149, 352.
Fair Brow, story of, 131.
Fairies' gifts, 19, 99, 100, 102.
Fate personified, 105.
Feast Day, a, story of, 261.
Figs producing horns, 121.
Fiorita, the Fair, story of, 61.
Firrazzanu, stories of, 289, 290; Firrazzanu's Wife and the Queen, 288.
Flesh of hero given to eagle, 40.
Flight of lovers and pursuit by witch, 28, 74, 335.
Fool, story of the, 302.
Forbidden chamber, 77, 79.
Fountain of wine and oil, 72.
Fox as Puss in Boots, 127.
Gentleman who kicked a Skull, story of the, 236.
Gesta Romanorum, 183.
Giant with no heart in his body, 32, 335, 355; giant outwitted by men, 89, 94, 95.
Giufa's Exploits, story of, 297.
Giufa and the Judge, story of, 293.
Giufa and the Plaster Statue, story of, 291.
Goat and the Fox, story of the, 375.
Goat, the Iron, 256.
Godfather and Godmother of St. John who made love, story of, 228.
Godfather Misery, story of, 221.
Godmother Fox, 254.
Gold, magician's body turned to, 333.
Gossips of St. John, story of the, 369.
Gregory on the Stone, 198, 363.
Griffin, story of the, 40.
Grimm's Tales cited in text: Allerleirauh, 42; Brother Lustig, 215; Clever Alice, 279; Clever People, 279; Doctor Knowall, 314; Faithful John, 85; Feather Bird [Fitcher's Bird], 77; Golden Goose, 261; Goose-Girl, 57; Handless Maiden, 25; King Thrushbeard, 109; Little Mouse, Little Bird, and the Sausage, 260; Master Thief, 215; Robber Bridegroom, 77; Spider and the Flea, 256; White and the Black Bride, 58; Wood-cutter's Child [Our Lady's Child], 77.
Groomsman, story of the, 231.
Hair, tresses used as ladder, 3, 27, 72, 83, 335.
Hands, clasped, prevent child's birth, 6.
Heart of saint eaten by maiden produces child, 208.
Hermit as adviser, 7, 14, 20.
Horn that blows out soldiers, 123.
House that Jack built, 247.
Humpbacks, the Two, story of, 103.
Hump removed by fairies, 103; added to humpback, 104.
In this World one weeps and another laughs, story of, 190.
Ingrates, story of the, 150.
Joseph and his Brethren, 211.
Journey of our Saviour on Earth, 189.
Judas, story of, 195.
Just Man, story of the, 226.
King Bean, story of, 12.
King, Crystal, story of the, 6.
King John and the Abbot of Canterbury, Percy's poem of, 275.
King Lear, 333.
King of Love, story of the, 1.
King who wanted a Beautiful Wife, story of the, 97.
Kiss of mother makes hero forget bride, 71, 74, 343.
La Fontaine, fables of, cited, 149, 294.
Language of Animals, story of the, 161.
Leprosy healed by human blood, 207.
Life-giving ointment or leaves, 326.
Lionbruno, story of, 136.
Long May, 284.
Lord, St. Peter, and the Apostles, story of the, 186.
Lord, St. Peter, and the Blacksmith, story of the, 188.
Lord's Will, 192.
Love of the Three Oranges, story of the, 338.
Malchus at the Column, story of, 197.
Malchus, Desperate, story of, 196.
Man, the Serpent, and the Fox, story of the, 354.
Maria Wood, Fair, story of, 48.
Mason and his Son, story of the, 163.
Massariol, domestic spirit of the Venetians, 237.
Medusa, 336.
Melusina, 1.
Mother-in-law ill-treats son's wife, 56; killed by boiling oil, 57.
Mr. Attentive, story of, 240.
Nala, story of, in an Italian popular tale, 360
Nero, 308.
Occasion, story of, 215.
Old Deccan Days, stories from, cited, 85.
Omelet, Little, story of the, 294.
Oraggio and Bianchinetta, story of, 58.
Oriental elements in Italian popular tales, 149, 352.
Orlanda, the Fairy, story of, 114.
Pandora's box, 5.
Pantschatantra, Italian versions of, 351.
Parish Priest of San Marcuola, story of, 234.
Parnell's Hermit, 210, 365.
Parrot, story of the, first version, 168; second version, 169; third version, 173.
Peasant and the Master, story of the, 150.
Penance, Knight's, 227.
Pentamerone, xi.
Pepper-Corn, story of, 375.
Perrault, Charles, xii.
Persecution of innocent wife, 326.
Peter Fullone and the Egg, story of, 381.
Physician, wife disguised as, 15; princess disguised as, 170.
Pier delle Vigne, 159.
Pig, little, that would not go over the stile, 247.
Pilate, story of, 194.
Pitidda, story of, 248.
Polyphemus, myth of, 89.
Pot that cooks without any fire, 305.
Proverbial sayings, 308, 309.
Purse always full of money, 19, 120, 143.
Puss in Boots, story of, 348.
Rabbit that carries things, 304.
Rain of figs and raisins, 380.
Rampsinitus, treasure house of, 163.
Riddle, bride won by solving, 66; proposed by suitor, 68; in general, 343.
Ring, as means of recognition, 51; turns red and stops steamer at owner's forgetfulness, 114; ring which causes sneezing, 119.
Rose discovers concealed princess, 65.
Ruby, magic, does all that owner asks, 138.
Saddaedda, story of, 238.
St. James of Galicia, story of, 202.
St. Oniria or Neria, 208.
St. Peter and the Robbers, 185.
St. Peter's Mamma, 192.
St. Peter and his Sisters, story of, 193.
Sanctuary, privilege of, 38.
Sarnelli, Pompeo, Bishop of Bisceglie, xii.
Scissors they were, story of, 285.
Sepher Haggadah, Jewish hymn in, 375.
Seven Wise Masters, the, 159, 160, 161, 167, 168; Italian versions of, 351; in general, 358; Magyar version, 359.
Sexton's Nose, story of the, 250.
Shepherd, story of the, 156.
Shepherd who made the King's Daughter laugh, story of the, 119.
Shoes, iron, worn out in search of husband, 7, 322; in search of wife, 142.
Sick prince and secret remedy, 325.
Silence of princess disenchants brothers, 55.
Sir Fiorante, Magician, story of, 322.
Sisters' envy, 7, 17.
Sisters, Two, 58, 338.
Skein of silk outweighs king's treasures, 108.
Sleep, magic, 82.
Slipper, lost by Cinderella, 46.
Snake, youngest daughter marries, 322.
Snow-White-Fire-Red, story of, 72.
Star on daughter's brow, 18, 101.
Statue, in love with, story of, 85.
Statue, transformation into, 22, 34, 86.
Stepmother, story of the, 331.
Stepmother persecutes daughter-in-law, 326, 331.
Stick, magic, beats thief, 125.
Straparola, Giovan Francesco, x.
Sultan's daughter, 132.
Swan-maidens, 76.
Sympathetic objects: ring, 11, 19; fish-bone, 30; in general, 326.
Tablecloth, magic, producing food, 120, 125.
Tasks, 5, 7, 30; set suitor by father-in law, 65.
Thankful Dead, episode of, 131, 350, 364.
Thirteenth, story of, 90.
Thoughtless Abbot, story of the, 276.
Thousand and One Nights, stories from in Italian popular tales, 151; Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp, 152; Forty Thieves, 152; Third Calendar, 153; Two Envious Sisters, 153; The Hunchback, 153; The Ass, the Ox, and the Peasant, 153; Prince Ahmed and the Fairy Peribanu, 153; Sindbad's Fourth Voyage, 153; The Second Royal Mendicant, 153.
Three Brothers, story of the, 263.
Three Goslings, story of the, 267.
Tobit, 211.
Tokens, magic: apple, pomegranate, crown, 36.
Tom Thumb, 242, 372.
Torches, nuptial, 6.
Transformation of hero into bird, 2, 13; eagle, 32; ant, 32; lion, 33. See Statue.
Treasure, story of the, 156.
Treasure stories, 238.
True and Untrue, 325.
Truthful Joseph, story of, 184.
Turk, in Sicilian tales, 1, 2, 178.
Turkish corsairs, 132.
Tuti-Nameh, 167, 359.
Uncle Capriano, story of, 303.
Vineyard I was and Vineyard I am, story of, 159.
Wager, story of the, 284.
Wandering Jew, 197, 363.
Water and Salt, story of, 332.
Water, Dancing, the Singing Apple, and the Speaking Bird, story of the, 17.
Water of life, 53.
Whistle that brings dead to life, 306; whistle which makes people dance, 120.
Whittington and his Cat, 365.
Witches' council under tree, 14; imprecation, 338.
Wooden dress, disguise of heroine, 48.
Zelinda and the Monster, story of, 7.