Abjuration, oath of, 51. Absentees, 65, 138, 139. Acton, Lord, 37. Adrian, Pope, 13. Agrarian outrages, 152, 196-202, 210-215. Agriculture, Department of, 161, 163. Alexander, Pope, 14. Alfred the Great, 9. American War of Independence, 63, 72, 73, 83. Anglican Church in Ireland, 27, 28, 60, 143, 144, 236. Anne, Queen, 63. Arkins, P., 210, 211. Arklow, battle of, 109. Armagh, Bishop of, 7. Ashbourne Act, 159. Ashtown, Lord, 203, 204. Asquith, Rt. Hon. H.H., 129, 207. Athenry founded by Normans, 17.
Balfour, Rt. Hon. Arthur J., 156, 160, 164. Balfour, Rt. Hon. Gerald, 168. Baltimore, Lord, 38. Bandon, Lord, 238. Bannatyne, Mr., 214. Barcelona, Church at, 243, 244. Belfast, growth of, 239; meeting at, 245; persons employed by Corporation of, 174, 175; University, 176, 193, 205. Berkeley, Bishop, 120. Biggar, J.G., 145. Birrell, Rt. Hon. Augustine, Chief Secretary, 160, 167, 173, 174, 197, 198, 200-205, 211, 216, 236. Bismarck, Prince, 248. Blake, W., 198. "Board of Erin," 184. Boers, Nationalist sympathy with, 170. Borromeo, San Carlo, 54. Bossuet, 54. Bounties granted by Irish Parliament, 80. Boy Scouts, 193. Boycotting, 86, 148, 149, 153. Boyne, battle of the, 48. Brady, J., 145, 146. Brian Boroo, 8, 9, 19. Bright, John, 154, 159. Brook, 57. Browne estate, 168. Bruce, Edward, invasion by, 19, 26, 91. Bruce, King Robert, 17, 19, 26. Bryce, Rt. Hon. James, Chief Secretary, 194, 195, 197. Bulls, Papal, 13-15. Burke, Mr., Under Secretary, murder of, 146, 153. Busby, Mr., 157. Butt, Isaac, advocates Home Rule, 145.
Carey, James, 145. Carlow, rebellion in, 109. "Carrion Crows," 202. Castlebar, capture of by the French, 112. Castledawson outrage, 216, 217. Castlereagh, Lord, 126, 128. Catholic University Medical School, 176. Cattle driving, 167, 195-202. Cavan, raid by septs of, 7. Cavendish, murder of Lord F., 146, 153. Celts, 5-14, 20, 23, 24, 31. Charlemont, Lord, 93. Charles I, 40-42. Charles II, 44. Chicago Convention, 155. Childers, Erskine, 222. Church, Celtic. See Celts of Ireland. See Anglican Church. Churchill, Rt. Hon. Winston, 209. Clan-na-gael, 147, 185. Clare, state of, in 1912, 210-214. Clare, Lord, 81, 84, 85, 111. Clerkenwell explosion, 143. Clontarf, battle of, 9. "Coalition Ministry," 208. "Coigne and livery," 11. College of Surgeons, Dublin, 176. Condon, O'Meagher, 96, 184, 185. Confiscations, 30, 42, 43, 57, 150. Congested Districts Board, 164-168. Connaught, Celtic raids into, 7; lands in, given to rebels, 42; rebellion in, 112. Conolly, Mr., 215. Convention in Dublin in 1909, 206, 207, 240. Cooke, Mr., Under Secretary, 111. Co-operative Credit Banks, 162, 163. Co-operative Farming Societies, 161-163. Cork, Medical School at, 176; persons employed by County Council of, 175. Corn Laws, repeal of the, 136. Cornwallis, Lord, 123, 129. County Councils, 168-178, 191, 193. Covenant, Ulster. See Ulster Covenant. Cowper Commission, 149. Crewe, Lord, 201. Crimes Act of 1887, 157, 158, 194. Crimes Prevention Act, 153, 157. Croke, Archbishop, 144, 156. Cromwell and Cromwellians, 38, 42, 44, 57, 66, 67, 106. Crosbie, Mr., 216. Curley, D., 145, 146.
Daily News, 200. Daly, J., 195. Danes, 8, 9, 13. Davies, Sir, J., 5. Davitt, Michael, 145, 167, 238. Declaratory Act of George I, 74, 229. Defenders, 87. Department of Agriculture, 161, 163. Derry, siege of, 47. Desmond rebellion, 34. Devlin, J., 96, 146, 182. Devoy, J., 94, 146. Dicey, Professor A.V., 228. Dillon, John, 97, 156, 184, 234. Dillon estate, 165. Disestablishment of the Irish Church, 143, 144, 236. Dispensary doctors, appointment of, 176, 177. District Councils, 161, 168, 178. Down, Celtic raid into, 7. Dublin, founded by Danes, 8, 9; Bishopric of, 8, 9; Henry II at, 16; Simnel crowned at, 22; rebellion in neighbourhood of, 104, 109; Convention at, in 1909, 206, 207, 240. Dudley, Lord, 166. "Dynamite Party," 147.
Edward III, 20. Edward VI, 29, 31. Eighty Club, 162. Elizabeth, Queen, 4, 27, 28, 33, 48, 91. Emancipation, Roman Catholic, 134. Emigration, 139, 140. Emmett, R., 95, 132, 182. Endowment of R.C. Church proposed, 134. Ersefied Normans, 18, 20. Esmonde, Dr., 105. Exchequers, amalgamation of, 135.
"Fair rents," 150. Famine. See Potato famine. Fenianism, 142, 144, 145, 147. Feudal system, 14, 26. Firbolgs, 5. FitzGerald rebellion, 25, 27, 31. FitzGibbon, J., 167, 171. Fitzpatrick, case of Mrs., 210, 211. Fiudir, 11. Flax. See Linen. "Flight of the Earls," 36. Ford, Patrick, 146, 152, 154, 155. Forster, Rt. Hon. W.E., Chief Secretary, 148. Foster, Speaker, 126. France, persecution in, 30, 37, 38, 45-48; war with, 72, 73; religious thought in, 76; revolution in, 87, 101, 236; invasions by, 91, 92, 111, 112. Franklin, Benjamin, 73. Fraser, Mrs. Hugh, 244. Freeman's Journal, 170, 241. Frontier Sentinel, 2.
Gaelic League, 186-193. Galway, founded by Normans, 17; Medical School at, 176; persons employed by County Council of, 175; state of, in 1912, 215. Games, English, forbidden, 193. Gaughran, Bishop, 4. Gavelkind, 11, 12. General Council of County Councils, 172, 173, 186. George III, 68. Germany, persecution in, 37, 38; Nationalist hopes of aid from, 93, 98, 99. Ginnell, L., 196, 245. Gladstone, Rt. Hon. W.E., 6, 95, 143, 148, 150, 152-155, 179. Grand juries, 178. Grattan, 74-77, 93, 100, 120, 126. "Grievances from Ireland," 203. Gwynn, Stephen, 174.
Habeus Corpus, suppression of, 69. Henry II, 14, 15, 20, 36. Henry VII, 22. Henry VIII, 24, 26, 28, 29. Hibernians, Ancient Order of, 184, 216. Hobhouse, Rt. Hon. C.E., 208. Hobson, B., 98. Holland, intended invasion from, 101, 102. Home Rule, 145, 155. Home Rule Bill, of 1886, 154; of 1893, 179, 221; of 1912, 208, 218-231, 245. Huguenots, 30, 45, 47, 55. Hyde, Dr. Douglas, 97.
Incumbered Estates Act, 138, 150. Independence of Ireland real object of Nationalists, 173,181, 182, 185, 186, 241, 242, 246-248. And see Republic. Ingram, Dr. Dunbar on the Union, 118-129. Insurance Act, 1911, 185. "Invincibles," the, 147. Irish Agricultural Organization Society, 161, 162. Irish brigade in France, 92. Irish Freedom, 94. Irish Independent, 243. Irish language, 186-193. Irish Review, 188. Irish Revolutionary Brotherhood, 145, 147. "Irish services," 227.
Jacobinism, 87, 89, 101, 236. James I, 38, 40. James II, 43, 44, 47, 49-51. Jews, persecution of the, 58.
Kabyles, 55. Kenny, Mr. Justice, 197. Kettle, A.J., 183. Kettle, T.M., 97. Kickham, 95. Kildare, church burnt at, 7; rebellion in, 105. Kilkenny, founded by Normans, 17; statutes of, 20; rebellion in, 109. Killala, French landing at, 111. Killaloe, R.C. Bishop of, 212-214. Kiltimagh case, 177. King, title of, taken by Henry VIII, 27. Kings, Celtic, of Ireland, 10. King's County, plantation of, 29, 30; persons employed by County Council of, 175.
Labourer's Cottages Act, 160, 161. Lalor, J.F., 141, 142, 153, 172. Land Acts from 1870 to 1887, 140, 150-152, 159. Land Court, 150, 197. Land League, 147, 148, 152, 181, 182. Land Purchase Acts, 158, 159. Land tenure, tribal, 6; primogeniture, 11, 12; gavelkind, 11, 12; in the 18th century, 65, 66. Laws of England, attempted introduction of, 18; made binding in Ireland, 22. Lecky, Dr. W.E.H., 41, 44, 110, 117, 130, 247. Leinster Leader, 95, 249. Leitrim, raid by septs of, 7. Leo XIII, Pope, 242. Light Railways Act, 160. Limerick, founded by Danes, 8; Scotch invasion of, 19; church windows broken at, 216. Linen industry, 62, 63, 238, 239. Local Government Act, 1898, 168-178, 180, 240. Loise, persecution in the, 28. Louis XIV, 43, 45-48, 53. Louis XVI, 101, 102.
MacAlpine, Kennett, 9. McBride, Major, 98, 99. MacDonnell, Lord, 166. McKenna, Thomas, 79, 126. McNicholas, Rev. J.T., 85. MacSeamus, T., 188. Magdeburg, sacking of, 42. Magistrates, appointment of, 179, 180. Magnus, Sir P., 205. Mahan, Admiral, 248. "Manchester Martyrs," 96-98, 144, 145, 192. Maori customary claims, 39. Marriage, law of R.C. Church as to, 85. Maryborough, 30. Maryland, 38. Mayo County Council, 170. Maunsell, R., 214. Maynooth, foundation of, 88, 204. Metropolitan Police Act, 157. "Middlemen," 65. Midland Tribune, 234. Mitchell, J., 95, 97, 142. "Molly Maguires," 184. Morley, Rt. Hon. John, Chief Secretary, 165, 179. Mountcashel, Lord, 53. Munster, raid by men of, 7. Murphy, Father Michael, 109. Mutiny Act, 74.
Nantes, revocation of Edict of, 30, 38, 45-48. Napoleon, 91. "Nation," meaning of word, 222. National University, 191, 192, 205, 206. Nationalists, real objects of, 3, 93-99, 248. And see Independence; Republic. Netherlands, persecution in the, 4, 33, 34. New Zealand, 39, 157, 218-220, 241. Nolan, Professor, 242. "No Rent" proclamation, 153, 156. Normans, character of, 17; adoption of Celtic customs by, 18; rebellions by, 23-25, 33, 34, 36.
Oakboys, 69. O'Brien, Smith, 96, 140. O'Brien, William, 95. O'Connell, Daniel, misstatements by, as to the Union, 116; leads agitation for emancipation, 134; and for repeal, 140. O'Connor, T.P., 146. O'Donnell, Bishop, 165. O'Hara, Rev. D., 165. O'Mahony, Mr., 41. O'Mara, Mrs., 213. O'Neill, Shan, 33, 34, 39. Orange Society, foundation of, 90, 91. Outrages, Agrarian. See Agrarian outrages.
Pale, the English, 20-22, 24, 25, 31. Parliament, Irish, 21-24, 35, 63-65, 69-71; becomes independent, 74, 77-79; disqualification of votes for, abolished, 84; religious test for, not abolished, 84, 87; proposed reform of, 87, 88; criticized, 130, 131. See also Regency question. Parnell, C.S., 95, 96, 145, 156, 232. Parnell Commission, 147. Paul III, Pope, 26. Peel, Sir Robert, 122, 205. "Peep of Day Boys," 87, 90. Penal Laws, the, 49-58, 63, 70, 72, 79, 82, 83. Persecution, 4, 23, 32, 37, 38, 40, 43, 45-48, 52-54, 242. Philip and Mary, 29, 39. Philip II of Spain, 28, 32, 33, 91. Philipstown, 30. "Physical Force Party," the, 147. Pitt, William, commercial treaty proposed by, 78; views of, on the Union, 122. Pius V, Pope, 37. "Plan of Campaign," the, 155. "Plantations," 30, 31, 33, 38. Plowden, F., 126. Plunket, Lord, 132. Plunkett, Rt. Hon. Sir Horace, 161. Portugal, persecution in, 37, 48, 53. Potato famine, 136, 137, 139. Poyning's Act, 22, 74, 229. Pretender, the, 50, 51. Primogeniture, 11, 12. Prosperous, attack on the, 105. "Protestant ascendancy," 59, 101. Protestant Home Rulers, 233, 234. Puritans, 40, 42.
Queen's County, plantation of, 29, 30. Queen's University, 205. Quakers, emigration aided by, 139.
Raffeisen system, 162. Rebellion of 1641, 40-42. Rebellions of 1715 and 1745, 52. Rebellion of 1798, rise of, in Ulster, 86, 102; becomes religious, 103, 105; in Leinster, 104, 105; in Wexford, 105-108, 110; in Kilkenny, Carlow and Wicklow, 109; in Connaught, 112; amnesty after, 109; effects of, 114. Rebellion of 1805, 132. Redmond, John, 95, 146, 162, 169, 171, 174, 175, 199, 201, 207-209, 215. Redmond, William, 107, 108. Reformation, 26-28. Regency question, 80-82. Registration of Titles Act, 1891, 160. Rent, agitation against, 148, 153, 154. Repeal Association, statement by, as to Rebellion, 108. "Reserved Services," 227. Republic, rebels of 1798 sought to establish, 93; object of Nationalists, 94-99, 147, 248. And see Independence. Richard II, 20. Richey, Professor, 12, 13, 21, 24. Rosary, The, 242. Rosen, Conrade de, 47. Ross, Mr. Justice, 168, 197. Rossa, O'Donovan, 146. Royal University, 205. Russell, Rt. Hon. T.W., 163.
Saffron dress, 19, 192. St. Vincent, Cape, 102. Savoy, persecution in, 37, 45, 48, 54. Salisbury, Lord, 154. Scholarships, 191, 192. Scotland, Norman kingdom of, 17; invasion of Ireland from, 19, 33; Union of, with England, 63, 119, 120. Scott, Sir Walter, 237. Scullabogue barn, massacre at, 110. Scully, Mr., 204. Settlement, Act of, 43-45. Separation. See Independence; Republic. Sevigne, Madame de, 46, 47. Simnel, Lambert, 22, 82. Sinn Fein, 185, 186. Slave trade, 58. Smith, Adam, 120. Societies, secret, 68, 69, 181. Spain, 27, 28, 30, 32, 34, 37, 40, 48, 53, 55, 72, 76, 101. Spenser, Edmund, 35. "Steelboys," 69. Sullivan, A.M., 136, 137, 140. Swayne, Captain, 105. Sweetman, J., 186.
Tithes, 68, 69, 134, 135. Tone, Wolfe, 89, 91-97, 101, 102, 111, 112, 121, 182, 193, 218, 249-258. Trade, restrictions on Irish, 63, 64; abolition of, 74, Tribal tenure of land, 6. Trinity College, Dublin, 70, 176. Tyrconnell, flight of Earl of, 36. Tyrone, raid by men of, 7. Tyrone, flight of Earl of, 36. Tyrrell, Father, 5.
Ulster Covenant, 1, 235. Ulster, Scotch invasion of, 19, 33; plantation of, 39; rebellion of 1641 in, 41; volunteer movement in, 72, 102, 237; rebellion of 1798 in, 86, 102. Union, suggested in time of Queen Anne, 63; necessity of, seen by Pitt, 78; became probable in 1797, 100; rebellion made inevitable, 115; mis-statements as to, 116; feelings of people as to, 117, 118; previous efforts towards, 119; really caused by Parliament becoming independent, 120-123; proposed, 123; discussed, 124; approved by R.C. Church, 125; carried, 126; charges of bribery concerning, 127-129; cannot now be reversed, 130; prosperity of Ireland after, 133. United Irish League, 163, 166, 167, 171, 180-183, 203, 235, 245. United Irish Society, 87, 88, 91. Universities. See Trinity College, Dublin; Queen's University; Royal University; Belfast University; National University. University College, Cork, 205; Galway, 205.
Victoria, Queen, 39. Vinegar Hill, massacre at, 105-107. Volunteer movement, 72, 102, 237.
Waitangi, Treaty of, 39. Waldenses, persecution of, 43, 53. Walsh, T., 195. Waterford, founded by Danes, 8; Henry II lands at, 16. Waterford Corporation and Mr. Scully, 204. Westmeath, persons employed by County Council of, 175. Wexford, raid by men of, 7; landing of Spaniards at, 34; rebellion in, 105-107, 110; monuments of rebels in, 108. White, P., 195. Whiteboys, 69. William III, 47. Wolfe, memorial to General, 243, 244. Wolseley, letter from Lord, 246. Wright, Mr. Justice, 182. Wyndham Act, 159.
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