The history of Irish legislation on all these points has been one of belated concession to demands repeatedly made, at first scouted and finally surrendered. And withal, English statesmen have not killed Home Rule with kindness. "Twenty years of resolute government" were confidently expected to give Irish Nationalism its quietus. E pur si muove.
[1] L. Paul-Dubois. L'Irlande Contemporaine, p. 174.
[2] "Life of Lord Randolph Churchill," Vol. II., p. 455.
[3] L'Irlande Contemporaine, p. 232.
[4] Hansard, August 1, 1881.
[5] Ibid., September 3, 1886.
[6] Ibid., August 19, 1886.
[7] Ibid., March 22, 1887.
[8] Ibid., April 22, 1887.
[9] Ibid., February 14, 1907.
[10] The statement in the text, written shortly after the prorogation of Parliament, unexpectedly demands modification. Almost all the planters on the Clanricarde estate have expressed their readiness to clear out of the evicted lands and to accept re-settlement elsewhere. The Lords' amendments will in consequence not prove the obstacle which it was feared they would to the exercise of powers of compulsion by the Estates Commissioners against the owner.
[11] "Greville Memoirs," Series I., Vol. III., p. 269.
[12] Ibid., Series II., p. 217, December, 1843.
[13] Ibid., Series II., Vol. II., March, 1846.
[14] Hansard, February, 1848.
[15] United Irishman, May 14, 1904.
[16] "Life of Lord Randolph Churchill," Vol. II., p. 4, October 14, 1885.
[17] Hansard, May 20, 1884.
[18] "Life of Lord Randolph Churchill," Vol. II., p. 456, 1892.
[19] "Greville," Series I., Vol. II., p. 76, November, 1830.
[20] "Life of Whately," Vol. II., p. 246, 1852.
[21] "Life of Lord Randolph Churchill," Vol. II., p. 28, December, 1885.
[22] Morley's "Life of Gladstone," Vol. II., Bk. IX., Cap. 4, p. 524.
[23] Hansard, March 6, 1905.
[24] Times, January 10, 1906.
[25] Mrs. John Richard Green, Independent Review, June, 1905.
[26] "Ireland and the Empire," p. 275.
[27] Hansard, May 7, 1907.
[28] Morley's "Life of Gladstone," Vol. II., Bk. IX., Cap. 1, p. 481.
PAGE 51.—A Bill introduced last session by Mr. William Redmond which passed through both Houses of Parliament without opposition or debate, will, when at an early date it comes into force, repeal the Tobacco Cultivation Act, 1831, which forbade the growth of tobacco in Ireland. Under the new Act there will be no obstacle in the way of its cultivation, provided the excise conditions which will be imposed are complied with.
Among the places in which experiments in tobacco growing have been made in the last few years are Randalstown in Meath, Tagoat in Wexford, and Tullamore in King's County, and in addition Lord Dunraven and Col. Hon. Otway Cuffe have shown the success with which this crop may be cultivated in other parts of Ireland.
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