Introduction to the History of Religions - Handbooks on the History of Religions, Volume IV
by Crawford Howell Toy
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Mystery, New Testament use of the term, 1101

Mythology, relation of, to culture, 951 ff.

Myths, borrowing of, 823 ff.; educational value of, 862; Indo-European, character of, 960 ff.; persistence of, 881; purification of, 1157; savage origin of, 822

Nabonidus, centralizing effort of, 751

Nagual, meaning of, 672

Names, demonic, 691; divine, magical power of, 899; divine, Persian, 743; proper, of gods, 646

Nana, goddess, nature of, 761; carried off, 888

Nandi, the, grain of, blessed by the god, 220; months how named by, 213

Natchez, the, sun-cult of, 710

Naturalism, 1158

Navahos, the, creative beings of, 639, 645

Nazirite, the, restrictions on, 597

Ndengei, other-world god, 680

Necessity, Plato's conception of, 1001

Necromancy, Hebrew, 377

Neith, inscription in temple of, 729

Nemi, priest of, 274

Neptunus, 802

New Testament, Satan in, 689

Nicknames, supposed origin of totemism, 557

Nightmare, as ghost, 61 n. 4

Nikkal, Panjab god, 337

Niobe, relation of, to stone-cult, 288

Nose, the, boring through septum of, 151

Obelisks, Egyptian, function of, 299

Odin, humanization of, 358; self-immolation of, 1048

Offerings, cannibal, 1027; unbloody, placatory virtue of, 1038

Officer, French, worshiped after death, 351

Ogboni, the, police role of, 531

Old Testament, the, conception of sacrifice in, 1037; kings in, not deified, 343; stars and planets in, 716

Olympus, as council-house, 305

On, seat of worship of Ra, 727

Ophites, the, 693

Optimism, religious, ethical value of, 1173

Oracles, 927 ff.; Sibylline, Jewish, 939 f.

Ordeals, 308, 924 f.

Order, Chinese stress on, 747

Organization, churchly, Hindu approach to, 1118; nontotemic, 526; religious, Jewish capacity for, 995; social, of animals, 242; theistic, Greek, 997

Osiris, death of, 283; myth of, 958; mythical biography of, 728

Paintings, totemic, 117

Palmistry, 917

Pan, development of, 773 f.

Panbabylonianism, 866 f.

Pantheism, ethical, difficulties of, 1005; Hindu, 705

Pantheon, Greek, 767; Roman, 796; Yoruban, 678

Paradise, earthly, 835

Parentalia, the, 374

Patriarch, the, jealousy of, 432

Patron, divine, of individual, 550

Pausanias, local cults described by, 651

Pele, nature of, 890

Pelews, the, theistic material of, 484

Persecution, religious, 1163

Persia, abstract gods of, 763; Babism in, at the present day, 1120

Peru, cult of, compared with Chinese, 993; functions of priests in, 1075; gods of, 665; negation of religious freedom in, 1117; sun-cult of, 711

Pesah, Hebrew ceremony of, 144

Peter, Apocalypse of, future punishment in, 86

Phallicism, 388 ff.

Pharmakos, the, expulsion of, 143

Philo, allegorical interpretation of, 863; combination of Platonism and Judaism by, 1104; description of the Therapeutae by, 1124

Philosophers, Greek, attitude of, toward divination, 941 n. 1; theistic views of, 1000 f.

Philosophy, Greek, not ecclesiastical, 1104

Phimosis, supposed prevention of, 157

Phoenicia, deities of, 764

Photographs, suspicion of, 22 n. 2

Phratry, the, origin of, 423 f.

Phrygia, cults of, 414

Piaculum, the, origin and nature of, 1045 f.

Pig as divine messenger, 1024

Pillar, Hermes-, as waymark, 296

Planets, connection of, with gods, 715

Plants, history of domestication of, 564 ff.

Plato, description of Tartarus by, 84, 87; divination highly esteemed by, 931; function of brain, how regarded by, 28

Platonopolis, a, proposed, 1104

Pleiades, the, Arab cult of, 717; savage observation of, 216

Plouton, function of, 780

Poets, Greek, theistic views of, 999

Poles, house-, crests carved on, 445

Polygamy, recognition of, by religion, 1163

Polynesia, antitotemic governments of, 538; family the social unit in, 485; sacredness of chiefs in, 336; specialization of divine functions in, 658

Porphyry, his conception of sacrifice, 1037

Poseidon, power of, 771

Powers, divine, coercion of, 3

Prajapati, primacy of, 730

Prayer, animals approached by, 125; unifying influence of, 880

Prayers, difference of, from charms, 1020

Pregnancy, mysterious nature of, 588

Prepuce, magical power of, 166

Priest, relation of, to magician, 893

Priest, term, use of in Christian churches, 1080

Priestesses, functions of, 1064

Priests, as diviners, 929 f.; as interpreters of dreams, 923; moral influence of, 1077 f.; quasi-divine authority of, 203

Prithivi, 734

Prohibitions, civil, difference of, from magical, 584

Prometheus, victory of, over a god, 888

Promiscuity, early, 430; whether primitive, 180

Prophet, the, excited by dance, 110; relation of, to magician, 893

Proselytes, Jewish, influence of, 1108

Prostitution, sacred, 1065 ff.

Psalter, the Old Testament, moral and religious tone of, 1087

Puberty, mysteriousness of, 146

Purge, purificatory power of, 205

Purim, feast of, 1089

Puskita (busk), the Creek, religious significance of, 201

Pythagoreanism, traces of, in Essenism, 1125; South Italian, 1098

Pythia, the, moral influence of, 927

Qat, role of, 640, 677

Quetzalcoatl, myths of, 847 n. 1

Rainbow, the, no cult of, 718

Ramadan, fast of, moral effects of, 208

Rammohun Roy, 1119

Raven, the, myths of, 640 n. 2

Raymi, feast of, 321

Reason, basis of religious belief, 1155

Redemption, element of, in sacrifice, 1048; senses of, 1151

Reform Judaism, racial character of, 1143

Reincarnation, 55 ff.; moral value of, 89; of ancestor in child, 186; supposed relation of, to immortality, 59

Relationship, in blood, 426; basis of classification, 425

Religion, definition of, 1; adoption of taboo by, 633; codes adopted by, 1162 f.; coeval with science, 1; communal character of, 103; decoration used in, 120 f.; impersonal cult in, 2; influence of, on ethics, 1165; influence of priesthood in, 1076; alliance of, with the state, 1117, 1140; isolation of, 1137; pre-animistic, 2 n. 2; primitive form of, whether monotheistic, 982; relation of, to magic; relation of, to totemism, 570 ff.; utilitarian point of view in, 5

Religions, classifications of, 1148; higher, culture-myths in, 641; national, differences among, 810; never nonethical, 1013; of single founders, 1151; redemptive, organization in, 1059

"Republic," the, mendicant prophets mentioned in, 1099 n. 1

Revelation, supposed primitive, 982

Rewards and punishments, as motives, 1165

Rhapsodists, Greek, 862 n. 1

Rice, soul of, 265 n. 1

Right-doing, egoistic element in, 1170

Ritual, development of, 1055; magical, 1057; origin of, 15; relation of, to myth, 846

Roman Church, canon of, 1131

Rome, abstract gods of, 702; influence of priests in, 1073; omens in, 912; specialized gods in, 668 ff.; taboo days in, 603; unlucky days in, 611

Romulus, divinized founder, 357

Rules, ethical, origin of, 582

Sabbath, Hebrew, relation of, to full moon, 608

Sacer, sense of, 626 n. 9

Sacra gentilicia, 1043

Sacred books, study induced by, 1135

Sacred flesh, reconciliation by sharing, 1042

Sacred places, connection of, with myths, 848

Sacrifice, animal, movement against, 1053; as gift to a deity, 1040; human, 1029 ff.; individual, 1034; in marriage ceremonies, 181 n. 2; occasions of, 1033 ff.; purificatory power of, 200; removal of taboo by, 616; Vedic, as embassy, 1024

Saint, the, function of, 1168

Saints, as patrons of fertility, 420; as rechristened old gods, 301

Sallustius, philosopher, faith of, 1152 n. 2

Salvation, physical and moral, 1149

Sama, Fijian god, 48

Samoa, divination in, 911; taboo on potato fields in, 599

Samson, solar interpretation of, 853

Sanctions, supernatural, how far effective, 1165

Sanctity, Brahmanic, 1122

Sancus, Roman development of, obscure, 802

Sankhya philosophy, 1007

Satan, development of, 689

Saturn, history of, 801

Saturnalia, the, 801

Saturnia regna, 801

Saul, consultation of Samuel by, 927

Savages, beliefs not formulated by, 20; cultic discrimination of, 227; ethical codes of, 76; isolated groups of, 103

Scandinavia, storm-myths of, 851

Science, primitive, 1, 1156; relation of, to religion, 1154 ff.

Scriptures, sacred, influence of, 1134 ff.

Seasons, agricultural, solemn, 135

Secretions, human, potency of, 156

Self, the, doubles of, 22, 24

Sen, reformer, worshiped as god, 348

Sentiment, religious, alliances of, 15

Senussi, the, organization of, 1116 n. 2

Sequence, savage theory of, 883 ff.

Serpent, cult of, 250, 257; divine, in Genesis, 275

Servius, on bisexual cult, 411

Set, conflict of, with Horus, 726

Sexes, the, animal patrons of, 472; early separation of, 182

Shades, powers of, 91

Shaman, the, wherein different from the priest, 1062

Shamanism, 661

Shedu, the, character of, 890

Shinto, term, meaning of, 750

Shrines, oracular, 927

Siam, Buddhism in, 1142

Siberia, Big Grandfather of, 640

Sibyls, 933 ff.; the Cumaean, 277

Signs manual, crests as, 445

Sikhs, the, churchly form of, 1118

Simplification, religious, process of, 944

Siren, form of soul, 25 n. 3

Skulls, oracular responses by, 192, 369

Sky, the, abode of departed souls, 64

Slavery, recognized by religion, 1163

Slaves, slaughter of, as offering, 1028

Smith, W. R., his theory of sacrifice, 1045 f.

Sneezing, ominous significance of, 916

Societies, secret, savage, 174, 1096; voluntary, antitotemic, 529

Society, magical, supposed origin of totemism, 546

Socrates, his belief in divination, 931

Soil, fertilization of, by blood, 133

Solidarity, tribal, religious significance of, 1041

Solomon, as magician, 902 n. 4

Solstices, fixing of calendars by, 211, 215 f.

Soma, deification of, 270

Songs, savage, 106

Sortes vergilianae, 918

Soul, the, function of, in dreams, 921; as god, 62; hidden, 31; terms for, 21 n. 1

Souls, number of, how determined, 42; transmigration of, 243

Space, Endless, personalized, 703

Spirit, definition of, 100; guardian, adoption of, by individual, 533; lying, sent by Yahweh, 922 second n. 1; relation of, to soul, 43

Spirits, corporeal nature of, 140; how different from gods, 635; guardian, function of, 504

Sponsors, savage, 174 n. 2

Stability, offerings for, 1028

Statius, gods produced by fear, 6 n. 3

Stigmata, 118 n. 6

Stonehenge, 296

Stones, supposed to be phalli, 400

Stucken, astral theory of, 866

Styx, the, oath by, 308

Substitution, sacrificial, 1054

Suffering, as expiatory, 1041

Suicide, a, body of, why feared, 590

Suicide, effect of, on future state, 75

Sun, the, as old man, 849; deification of, 709 ff.

Sun-gods, 726 f., 730, 753, 797, 972

Swan-maiden, the, 243

Swoon, produced by withdrawal of soul, 29

Systems, philosophical, not churches, 1102; religious, groups of, 944

Taboo, conflict of, with morality, 632; infection of, 586

Taboos, priestly, 1063; rearrangement of, 149

Tales, fairy, 881

Tamē, Hebrew, significance of, 626

Tammuz, cult of, not a mystery, 1100; mourning for, 959 n. 5; relation of, to Adonis, 271; to Ishtar, 1066

Tanit, 410, 764

Tao, meaning of, 749

Taoism, how made a religion, 1103

Tari, Khond, as opponent of sun-god, 972

Tarsus, seat of Mithraic worship, 1101

Tartarus, punishments in, 84

Tattoo, religious significance of, 116, 72

Taylor, Jeremy, his view of prayer, 120 n. 3

Teknonymy, origin of, 187

Telugus, the, Christianization of, 1144

Temenos, sanctity of, 1082

Temple, the, development of, 1083 ff.

Temples, called mountains, 305 n. 1; fire-, Persian, 320

Teraphim, nature of, 1092

Terrors, supernatural, devised by clan-leaders, 150

Testament, New, resurrection in, 90

Thanksgiving, by sacrifice, 1033

Theism, Semitic and Indo-European, 810 ff.

Thesmophoria, the, sadness in, 221

Things, nonhuman, future existence of, 97

Thousand and One Nights, magicians in, 902

Thrace, orgiastic cults derived from, 1101

Threshold, sacredness of, 236

Thugs, the, piety of, 693

Thumos, the, character of, in Homer, 43

Thunder-bird, the, 334

Tiamat, conquest of, 686; cosmogonic function of, 316

Tibet, Buddhism in, 1142

Tiele, C. P., his theory of sacrifice, 1051 f.

Tierra del Fuego, social and religious organization in, 13

Time, divinization of, 698, 703 n. 6; Endless, 703

Tistrya, divine character of, 718

Titans, the, war of, against Zeus, 974

Tobacco, food offered to gods, 1025

Todas, the, buffalo-ritual of, 1056; dairy fire of, 321; dairymen of, 337; diviners of, 929; taboo days of, 604

Tooth, knocking out of, 151

Totem, the, not a god, 559; sacramental eating of, 579

Totemism, beginnings of, 561 f.; coalescence of, with tree-worship, 273; definition of, 463, 520 f.

Totems, artificial, origin of, 463 n. 2

Traducianism, 37

Triad, Babylonian, 757

Trinity, the, doctrine of, 1002

Turtle, the, cult of, 257; use of, as messenger, 1024

Twins, presage of misfortune, 913

Tylor, E. B., mythical theory of, 877

Unclean, meaning of, in Old Testament, 38

Underworld, the, ethical conceptions of, 80; gods of, 680 ff.; Plato's construction of, 87; separation in, between good and bad, 81 f.

Union with God, idea of, moral influence of, 1054

Unitary view of divine control, 1149

Unity, religious, basis of, 1147; savage and civilized, 1152

Universality, religious, test of, 1141

Universe, perfectness of, how held to be implied, 1173

Upanishads, the, produced no devotional organization, 1103

Urim and thummim, nature of, 918

Uzza, Al-, not star-god, 717

Vampire, the, 88

Varro, abode assigned the dead by, 85 n. 6

Varuna, comparison of, with Iranian Ahura, 991; nature of, 730

Vastoshpati, 672

Veda, the, local deities in, 651; tree-spirits in, 278

Veddas, the, social and religious organization of, 13

Vegetation, as source of myths, 55; Osiris as deity of, 728

Venus, development of, 808 f.; the bearded, 408

Vesta, origin of, 805

Vestalia, the, sadness in, 221

Vetala, original character of, 645

Victory as god, origin of, 696

Vishnu, history of, 733

Volcanus, origin of, obscure, 802

Voltaire, the "Candide" of, 1173 n.

Wakes, Irish, origin of, 364

War, future of those killed in, 75; sacrifices in, 1035

Water, substitutes for, in purificatory ceremonies, 199

Waters, sacred, 306 ff.

Week, the seven-day, 607, 610

Werwolf, the, 243

Wicked, the, annihilation of, 52

Winds, whether divinized, 326 f.

Wisdom of Solomon, the Devil in, 689

Witches, Thessalian, 895

Wives, slaughter of, as offering, 1028

Wollunqua, the, unique kind of totem, 576

Woman, magical dread of, 592

Women, alleged early scarcity of, 430; devotion of, to cult of linga, 394; exclusion of, from ceremonies, 592; favored by Therapeutae, 1124; honor shown to, after death, 370; magical power of, 895 f.; of Baganda, economic function of, 461

Word "church," larger sense of, 1112

World, the, future destruction of, 836; relation of, to God, 1159; savage conception of unity of, 885 f.

Worship, forms of, 1081 ff.; phallic, whether connected with circumcision, 158; practically universal, 1017

Xanthus, the, river or god in the Iliad, 312

Yacna xvii, conception of worship in, 320

Yahweh, development of, 765; dreams sent by, 922; early cult of, 649; pillars of temple of, 299

Yama, history of, 735 ff.

Year, sabbatic, Hebrew, 622

Yeast, prohibition of, 265 n. 1

Yezidis, the, attitude of, toward Satan, 693

Yggdrasil, nature of, 276

Yima, 735

Yoni, the, veneration of, 406

Yoruba, gods of, 660; rebellion in, against old custom, 628

Zealand, New, cosmology of, 670 n. 4; despotism of taboo in, 621; planting-taboos in, 599

Zeus, 768 f.; dream sent by, 922

Zikkurat (Ziggurat), the, Babylonian and Assyrian, 1086

Zodiac, signs of, cult of, 716

Zoroaster, 745; verses ascribed to, 1132

Zoroastrianism, pre-Sassanian, 1109

Zuni, the, economic ceremonies of, 497


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