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GARDENER, P. Origins of Myth (Oxford, 1896).
TIELE, C. P. De Oorsprong van myth en godsdienst, Theologisch Tijdschrift, iv (Amsterdam and Leiden); Elements of the Science of Religion, Index, s.vv. Mythology, Myths (Edinburgh and London, 1897-1899).
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SCHULTZ, H. Old Testament Theology, Introduction (Eng. tr. of 4th Germ. ed., Edinburgh, 1892).
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TAYLOR, R. New Zealand (London, 1870).
BUeLOW, W. Die samoansche Schoepfungssaga, Internationales Archiv fuer Ethnologie xii (Leiden).
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TURNER, G. Samoa (London, 1884).
BRINTON, D. G. American Hero-Myths (Philadelphia, 1882); Myths of the New World (New York, 1896).
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CASTREN, M. A. Finnische Mythologie (Germ. tr., St. Petersburg, 1853).
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MEYER, E. H. Germanische Mythologie (Berlin, 1891).
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MUIR, JOHN. Original Sanskrit Texts (London and Edinburgh, 1858-1870).
HOPKINS, E. W. Religions of India (Boston and London, 1895).
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FARNELL, L. R. Cults of the Greek States (Oxford, 1896-1909).
GRIMM, J. Deutsche Mythologie (4th ed., Berlin, 1875-1878); Eng. tr., Teutonic Mythology (London, 1888).
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CAMPBELL, J. F. The Celtic Dragon-Myth (Edinburgh, 1911).
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COLLIGNON, M. Manual of Mythology in Relation to Greek Art (translated and enlarged by Jane E. Harrison) (London, 1899).
Article "Female Principle" in Hastings's Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics.
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TYLOR, E. B. Primitive Culture, Index, s.vv. Stock-and Stone-Worship, Mountain, River-Worship (London, 1891).
COOKE, S. A. Article "Tree-Worship" (in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th ed.).
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JASTROW, M., JR. Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, pp. 662 f., 688 f. (Boston, 1898).
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HOPKINS, E. W. Mythological Aspects of Trees and Mountains in the Great Epic, Journal of the American Oriental Society (September, 1910); The Sacred Rivers of India (in Studies presented to C. H. Toy) (New York, 1912).
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FERGUSSON, JAMES. Tree- and Serpent-Worship (2d ed., London, 1873).
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MANNHARDT, W. Baumkultus der Germanen und ihrer Nachbarstaemme (Berlin, 1875).
FRAZER, J. G. Golden Bough, Index, s.v. Tree-Worship (London, 1907); Adonis Attis Osiris, Index, s.vv. Animals, Water, and p. 158 (London, 1907).
Articles "Asherah" and "Pillar" in Hastings's Dictionary of the Bible.
Articles "Asherah" and "Massebah" in Encyclopaedia Biblica.
TRUMBULL, H. C. Threshold Covenant, p. 228 (New York, 1896).
HARTLAND, E. S. Primitive Paternity, Index, s.v. Trees (London, 1910).
PHILPOT, MRS. J. H. The Sacred Tree, or the Tree in Religion and Myth (London, 1897).
PLUTARCH, Isis and Osiris.
RAWLINSON, G. History of Ancient Egypt (London and New York, 1881).
TIELE, C. P. History of the Egyptian Religion (Eng. tr., Boston, 1882).
LE PAGE RENOUF, P. Religion of Ancient Egypt (London, 1884).
BRUGSCH, H. Religion und Mythologie der alten Aegypter (1884).
MEYER, ED. Geschichte des alten Aegyptens (Berlin, 1887).
MASPERO, G. Etudes de mythologie et d'archeologie egyptiennes (Paris, 1893); The Dawn of Civilization (Eng. tr., London, 1896).
MUeLLER, W. MAX. Asien und Europa (Leipzig, 1893); Article "Egypt" (in Encyclopaedia Biblica).
WIEDEMANN, K. A. Religion of the Ancient Egyptians (London, 1897); Egyptian Doctrine of Immortality (London, 1895); Religion of Egypt (in Hastings's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. v) (1904).
PETRIE, W. M. F. Religion and Conscience in Ancient Egypt (London, 1898); Article "Egyptian Religion" (in Hastings's Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics).
STEINDORFF, G. Religion of the Ancient Egyptians (New York and London, 1905).
ERMAN, A. Aegypten und aegyptisches Leben im Altertum (1887); Eng. tr., Life in Ancient Egypt (London, 1894); Handbook of Egyptian Religion (Eng. tr., London, 1907).
BREASTED, J. H. History of Egypt from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest (New York, 1905); Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt (New York, 1912).
CUMONT, F. The Religion of Egypt (Eng. tr., in The Open Court, Chicago, September, 1910).
REITZENSTEIN, R. Poimandres (Leipzig, 1904).
FOUCART, G. Article "Dualism (Egyptian)" (in Hastings's Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics).
General Semitic
BAUDISSIN, W. W. Studien zur semitischen Religionsgeschichte (Leipzig, 1876-1878).
HALEVY, J. Melanges de critique et d'histoire relatifs aux peuples semitiques (Paris, 1883).
BAETHGEN, FR. Beitraege zur semitichen Religionsgeschichte (Berlin, 1888).
NOeLDEKE, TH. Sketches from Eastern History (Eng. tr., London and Edinburgh, 1892).
MUeLLER, W. MAX. Asien und Europa (Leipzig, 1893).
SMITH, W. R. Religion of the Semites (2d ed., London, 1894); Kinship and Marriage in Early Arabia (2d ed., London, 1903).
BARTON, G. A. A Sketch of Semitic Origins (New York and London, 1902).
CURTISS, S. I. Primitive Semitic Religion To-day (London, 1902).
LAGRANGE, M. J. Etudes sur les religions semitiques (2d ed., Paris, 1905).
SALE, G. Preliminary Discourse to Translation of the Koran (1734; new ed., London, 1857) (and in Wherry's Commentary on the Quran, London, 1882).
SPRENGER, A. Das Leben und die Lehre des Mohammeds (Berlin, 1861-1865).
SYED, AHMED. Essays on the Life of Mohammed and Subjects Subsidiary thereto (London, 1870).
AMEER, ALI. Life and Teachings of Mohammed, or the Spirit of Islam (London, 1873); Islam (London, 1897).
TASSY, GARCIN DE. L'Islamisme d'apres le Coran (Paris, 1874).
KREMER, A. VON. Kulturgeschichte des Orients unter den Chalifen (Vienna, 1875-1877).
SMITH, R. B. Mohammed and Mohammedanism (New York, 1875).
GOLDZIHER, I. Muhammedanische Studien (Halle, 1889-1890).
MUIR, SIR WILLIAM. Mahomet and Islam (London, Religious Tract Society; New York, ca. 1894).
CASTRIES, LE COMTE HENRY DE. L'Islam (Paris, 1896).
WELLHAUSEN, J. Reste arabischen Heidentumes (Berlin, 1897).
SMITH, H. P. The Bible and Islam (New York, 1897).
KLEIN, F. A. The Religion of Islam (London, 1906).
LEONARD, A. G. Islam, her Moral and Spiritual Value (London, 1909).
MACDONALD, D. B. Religious Attitude and Life in Islam (Chicago, 1909); Aspects of Islam (New York, 1911).
MARGOLIOUTH, D. S. Article "Mahomet" (in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th ed.).
THATCHER, G. W. Article "Mahommedan Religion," ibid.
NOeLDEKE, TH. Article "Arabs (Ancient)" in Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics.
REES, J. D. The Muhammadans (in Epochs of Indian History) (London and New York, 1894).
LANE, E. W. Notes to his Thousand and One Nights (ed E. S. Poole, London, 1883).
HARTMANN, M. Article "Islam in China" (announced to appear in Encyclopaedia of Islam).
MEYER, EDOUARD. Der Ursprung des Islams und die ersten Offenbarungen Mohammeds (excursus in his Ursprung und Geschichte der Mormonen, p. 62 ff.) (Halle a. S., 1912).
TOY, C. H. Mohammed and the Islam of the Koran, Harvard Theological Review (Cambridge, Mass., 1912).
GARNETT, LUCY M. J. Mysticism and Magic in Turkey (London, 1912).
JENSEN, P. Die Kosmologie der Babylonier (Strassburg, 1890).
TIELE, C. P. Babylonisch-assyrische Geschichte (Gotha, 1886); Die Religion in Babylonien und Assyrien (in his Geschichte der Religion im Alterthum) (new ed., Gotha, 1896-1903).
JEREMIAS, FRIEDR. Die Babylonier und Assyrier (in Saussaye's Lehrbuch der Religionsgeschichte) (2d ed., Freiburg, 1897).
KING, L. W. Babylonian Religion and Mythology (London, 1899).
JEREMIAS, ALFRED. Die babylonisch-assyrischen Vorstellungen vom Leben nach dem Tode (Leipzig, 1897); Das Alte Testament im Lichte des alten Orients (2d ed., Leipzig, 1906; Eng. tr., London and New York, 1911).
JASTROW, M., JR. Religion of Babylonia and Assyria (Boston, 1898; Germ. ed., Giessen, 1904- ); Religion of Babylonia and Assyria (in Hastings's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. v) (Edinburgh and New York, 1904); Aspects of Religious Belief and Practice in Babylonia and Assyria (New York and London, 1911).
HARPER, R. F. Assyrian and Babylonian Literature (New York, 1901).
DELITZSCH, FRIEDR. Babel und Bibel (Leipzig, 1902; and Stuttgart, 1903; new ed., Stuttgart, 1905); Eng. tr., ed. C. H. W. Johns (London, 1903); Eng. tr. by McCormack and Carruth [with German criticisms and the author's replies] (Chicago, 1903).
ROGERS, R. W. Religion of Babylonia and Assyria, especially in its Relations to Israel (New York, 1908).
DHORME, P. La religion assyro-babylonienne (Paris, 1910).
ZIMMERN, H. Article "Babylonians and Assyrians" (in Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics).
LANGDON, S. H. Sumerian and Babylonian Psalms (New York and Paris, 1909); Babylonian Eschatology (in Essays offered to C. A. Briggs, New York, 1911).
TOY, C. H. Panbabylonianism, Harvard Theological Review (Cambridge, Mass., 1910).
Articles on Marduk, Nebo, Oannes, etc., in Roscher's Lexikon.
NOeLDEKE, TH. Mandaeische Grammatik, Einleitung (Halle, 1875).
BRANDT, A. J. H. W. Die mandaeische Religion (Leipzig, 1889).
KESSLER, K. Article "Mandaeer" (in Herzog-Hauck's Real-Encyklopaedie).
GOTTHEIL, R. J. H. Article "Mandaeans" (in Johnson's Universal Cyclopaedia).
IBN HALLIKAN. Wafayat al-Ayan (Biographical Dictionary) (ed. F. Wuestenfeld, Goettingen, 1835-1840); Eng. tr. by MacGuckin de Slane (Paris and London, 1842-1871).
LAYARD, SIR A. H. Nineveh and its Remains (2d ed., London, 1849; new ed., New York, 1853); Discoveries among the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon (London, 1853).
BADGER, G. P. Nestorians and their Rituals (London, 1852).
SIOUFFI, N. In Journal asiatique (Paris, 1882 and 1885).
MENANT, J. Les Yezidiz, Annales du Musee Guimet (Paris, 1892).
PARRY, O. H. Six Months in a Syrian Monastery (London, 1895).
HUART, CLEMENT. History of Arabic Literature, p. 272 f. (London and New York, 1903).
JACKSON, A. V. W. In Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. xxv, p. 178 ff. (1904); Sketch in his Persia, Past and Present (New York, 1906).
Article "Yesidis" in New International Encyclopaedia (New York, 1905).
LIDZBARSKI, M. In Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlaendischen Gesellschaft, vol. li (Leipzig).
JOSEPH, ISYA. Yezidi Texts (reprinted from American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures) (Chicago, 1909).
Hebrew, Edomite, Phoenician, Aramean, etc.
KUENEN, A. Religion of Israel to the Fall of the Jewish State (Leipzig, 1873-1874; Eng. tr., London, 1874); The Prophets and Prophecy in Israel (Eng. tr., London, 1877).
SCHULTZ, H. Old Testament Theology (Eng. tr. of 4th Germ. ed., Edinburgh, 1892).
SCHWALLY, F. Das Leben nach dem Tode nach den Vorstellungen des alten Israel und Judentums (Giessen, 1892).
MONTEFIORE, C. G. Religion of the Ancient Hebrews (London, 1892).
DILLON, E. J. The Sceptics of the Old Testament (London, 1895).
GUNKEL, H. Schoepfung und Chaos in Urzeit und Endzeit (Goettingen, 1895).
MARTI, K. Geschichte der israelitischen Religion (3d ed., Strassburg, 1897); Religion des Alten Testaments (Tuebingen, 1906; Eng. tr., London, 1907).
CHEYNE, T. K. Jewish Religious Life after the Exile (New York and London, 1898).
BUDDE, K. Religion of Israel to the Exile (New York and London, 1899).
SMEND, R. Alttestamentliche Religionsgeschichte (Leipzig, 1899).
KAUTZSCH, E. Religion of Israel (in Hastings's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. v) (Edinburgh and New York, 1904).
KENT, C. F. History of the Hebrew People (New York, 1896-1899).
MANN, NEWTON. The Evolution of a Great Literature (2d ed., Boston, 1906).
ADDIS, W. E. Hebrew Religion to the Establishment of Judaism under Ezra (London and New York, 1906).
WELLHAUSEN, J. Israelitisch-juedische Religion (in Kultur der Gegenwart) (Berlin and Leipzig, 1909).
LOISY, A. La religion d'Israel (2d ed., revised and enlarged, Ceffonds, chez l'auteur, 1908); Eng. tr., The Religion of Israel (London and New York, 190?).
WALLIS, LOUIS. The Sociological Study of the Bible (Chicago, 1912).
MITCHELL, H. G. Ethics of the Old Testament (Chicago, 1912).
BENZIGER, I. Hebraeische Archaeologie (2d ed., Tuebingen, 1907).
NOWACK, W. Lehrbuch der hebraeischen Archaeologie (Leipzig, 1894).
WACE, W. The Apocrypha (Eng. tr., in Speaker's Commentary) (London, 1888).
SCHUeRER, E. Geschichte des juedischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi (3d and 4th edd., Leipzig, 1898-1907); Eng. tr. of 2d. ed., History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ (New York, 1891).
BUeCHLER, A. Die Priester und der Cultus im letzten Jahrzehnt des jerusalemischen Tempels (Vienna, 1895).
BOUSSET, W. Die Religion des Judentums im neutestamentlichen Zeitalter (Berlin, 1903).
RIGGS, J. S. History of the Jewish People during the Maccabean and Roman Periods (New York, 1910).
HOLLMANN, G. The Jewish Religion in the Time of Jesus (Eng. tr., London, 1909).
GRAETZ, H. History of the Jews (Eng. tr., Philadelphia, 1891-1895).
GROSSMAN, L. Judaism and the Science of Religion (New York and London, 1889).
SUFFRIN, A. E. Article "Dualism (Jewish)" (in Hastings's Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics).
WEBER, F. Juedische Theologie (2d. ed., Leipzig, 1897).
LAZARUS, M. Ethics of Judaism (Eng. tr., Philadelphia, 1900- ).
PHILIPSON, D. The Reform Movement in Judaism (New York and London, 1907).
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BLISS, F. J. The Religions of Modern Syria and Palestine (New York, 1912).
JOSEPH, M. Judaism as Creed and Life (London and New York, 1910).
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CORY, I. P. Ancient Fragments of the Phoenician ... and Other Writers (London, 1876).
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ALEXANDRE, CHARLES. Oracula Sibyllina (Greek text with Latin tr.) (Paris, 1841, new ed., 1869).
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RZACH, A. Oracula Sibyllina (critical Greek text) (Vienna, 1891).
TERRY, M. S. The Sibylline Oracles (translated from the Greek) (New York, 1890).
Asia Minor
MEYER, EDOUARD. Geschichte des Altertums, vol. i, part ii (2d ed., Stuttgart and Berlin, 1909).
PERROT AND CHIPIEZ. History of Art in Sardinia ... and Asia Minor (Eng. tr., 1890).
MESSERSCHMIDT, L. Corpus Inscriptionum Hettiticarum, Mitteilungen der vorderasiatischen Gesellschaft (Leipzig, 1900); The Ancient Hittites, Smithsonian Institution, Annual Reports (1893, 1894).
RAMSAY, SIR WILLIAM. Historical Geography of Asia Minor (in supplementary papers of the Royal Geographical Society, iv) (London, 1890); articles in Journal of Royal Asiatic Society, xv.
WINCKLER, H. In Mitteilungen der deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft (Berlin, 1907).
HOGARTH, D. G. Article "Hittites" (in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th ed.).
GARSTANG, J. Land of the Hittites (London, 1910).
WARD, W. H. The Greek and the Hittite Gods (in Essays presented to C. A. Briggs, New York, 1911); Asianic Influence in Greek Mythology (in Studies presented to C. H. Toy, New York, 1912).
ROSCHER. Lexikon, article "Kybele."
CUMONT FRANZ. Textes et monuments figures relatifs aux mysteres de Mithra (Brussels, 1899); Mysteres de Mithra (2d ed., Paris, 1902; Eng. tr., Chicago, 1903); Astrology and Religion among the Greeks and Romans (New York and London, 1912); article "Mithras" in Roscher's Lexikon.
Indian (Vedic, Brahmanic, Modern)
WARD, W. A. View of the History, Literature and Mythology of the Hindoos (London, 1822).
WILSON, H. H. Sketch of the Religious Sects of the Hindus (in Asiatic Researches, 1828-1832) (republished, London, 1861).
MACPHERSON, S. C. Religious Opinions and Observances of the Khonds, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (London, 1842 and 1852).
BURNOUF, EMILE. Essais sur le Veda (Paris, 1863).
COLEBROOKE, H. T. Essays (new ed., London, 1873).
BERGAIGNE, A. La religion vedique (Paris, 1878-1883).
MUeLLER, F. MAX. Religions of India (London, 1878).
ZIMMER, H. Altindisches Leben (Berlin, 1879).
LEFMANN, S. Geschichte des alten Indiens (Berlin, 1880).
BARTH, A. Religions of India (Eng. tr., London, 1882).
DEUSSEN, P. Das System des Vedanta (Leipzig, 1883); Eng. tr., The system of the Vedanta (Chicago, 1912).
WILKINS, W. J. Modern Hinduism (London, 1887).
LE BON, G. Les civilisations de l'Inde (Paris, 1887).
LANMAN, C. R. Beginnings of Hindu Pantheism (Cambridge, Mass., 1890).
MONIER-WILLIAMS, SIR MONIER. Hinduism (London, 1890); Brahmanism and Hinduism (4th ed., London, 1891); Indian Wisdom (London, 1893).
GARBE, R. Die Samkhya Philosophie (Cambridge, Mass., and Boston, 1895); Beitraege zur indischen Kulturgeschichte (Berlin, 1903); Akbar, Emperor of India, The Monist, (Chicago, April, 1909).
OLDENBERG, H. Religion des Veda (Berlin, 1894).
MACDONELL, A. A. Vedic Mythology (Strassburg, 1897).
HILLEBRANDT, A. Vedische Mythologie (Breslau, 1891-1902).
BLOOMFIELD, M. Religion of the Veda (New York and London, 1908).
HOPKINS, E. W. Religions of India (Boston, 1895); The Great Epic of India (New York, 1901); India Old and New (New York, 1901).
DUBOIS, J. A. Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies (tr. from the author's later French manuscript, by H. K. Beauchamp) (Oxford, 1897).
DUTT, R. C. Civilization of India (London, 1900).
EGGELING, H. J. Article "Hinduism" (in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th ed.) (London).
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(The Arabic figures refer to paragraphs)
Ablutions, sacred, 197
Abnegation, offering as, 1040
Abraham, abrogation of human sacrifice ascribed to, 847
Abstractions, gods of, 695 ff.
Abydos, chief seat of worship of Osiris, 728
Acts, ritual, magical power in, 1019
Adam Kadmon, 735
AEschines as mystagogue, 1099 n. 1
Aesculapius, shrine of, incubation at, 922
Aeshma, prominent position of, 738
Africa, clan deities in, 645; food restrictions in, 457; myths of clan origins in, 450
Africa, Central, Islam in, 1146
Africa, West, polypsychism in, 39
Agdistis, birth of, 288 n. 2; cult of, 413
Age, mythopoeic, 821
[Greek: agios], sense of, 626 n. 9
Agnosticism, Chinese, 1006
Agriculture, sacrifices in, 1035
Ahura Mazda, relation of, to Varuna, 742
Ainu, the, bear-cult of, 257; gods of, 661, 672
Alexander, deification of, 340, 347
Alexandrian canon, 1130
Ali, deification of, 355
Allah, cultic significance of, 766
Al-Lat, local nature of, 764
Allegory, science of, 863
Altar, origin of, 297, 1081; religious purification of, 195
Al-Uzza, local nature of, 764
Amenhotep IV, reform of, 727
America, examination of dead in, 76; gods of, 662-665; guardian spirits in, 504; polypsychism in, 39; power of priests in, 532; social organizations in, 499; tribal badges in, 446; trickster heroes in, 633
America, North, food restrictions in, 458
America, Northwest, religiously inferior to the Eastern tribes, 527
Amesha-spentas, the, 320, 703, 738
Amon-Ra, supremacy of, 727
Amulets, phallos and yoni as, 405, 406 n. 3
Anahita, 739
Ancestor-worship, 360 ff.; moral power of, 380; origin of totemism sought in, 544, 549
Anchor, worship offered to, 891
Androgynous deities, 407 ff.
Angels, guardian, 673; as rain-givers, 315 n. 6; originators of arts, 843
Angro Mainyu, 976
Animals, abodes of souls, 25, 31; connection of, with phallic deities, 419; cult of, 241-261; domestication of, ascribed to totemism, 564-569; morning prayers to, 573; whether religious sense in, 12 n. 2
Anthesteria, the, apotropaic element in, 374; prohibition of work in, 602
Aphrodite, history of, 793 f.; represented by a stone, 292
Apocrypha, the, recognition of, 1131
Apollo, development of, 770; Delphian hymn to, 1088
Apostle, Jewish title, 1110 n. 2
Apotheosis, Roman, 353
Apuleius, his conception of Isis, 1114
Arabia, supposed abstract gods in, 698 ff.; worship of morning star in, 717
Aramea, deities of, 764
Areoi, the, church-form of, 1096; future privileges of, 74; tyranny of, 531
Ares, history of, 775
Ark, the Israelite, 291
Arrows, Arab divination by, 918
Arta, Vedic, 688
Artemis, functions of, 788; Ephesian, image of, 300 n. 1
Arval Brothers, the, 800
Asha, Avestan, 688
Ashanti, gods of, 660
Ashera, Hebrew, origin of, 272
Ashtar, relation of, to Ishtar, 763
Ashtart, shem Baal, meaning of, 409
Ashur, god, nature of, 759
Ashurbanipal, dreams of, 922
Assyria, influence of priests in, 1068
Astrology, development of, 850, 914 f.
Asylums, graves as, 369; temples as, 1085
Atargatis, origin and cult of, 399
Aten, as sole ruler, 989
Atharva-Veda, magic in, 902
Athene, history of, 791 f.
Athtar, relation of, to Ishtar, 763
Atonement, Hebrew annual ceremony of, 142
Attis, origin and cult of, 271, 413, 1066; death of, 283
Augustus, religious reconstruction by, 353; temples consecrated to, 347
Australia, absence of sacrifice in, 10; ceremonies of, blood in, 10; creators in, 639; food restrictions in, 452; rain clan in, 136; rites, economic, in, 460; totemism in, 468 ff.
Australia, North, prohibition of eating totem in, 470
Authority, religious, absolute, claim to, 1140
Azazel, head of fallen angels, 692; lord of wilderness and receiver of Jewish national sins, 142
Baal-shamem, meaning of, 409
Baalzebub, meaning of, 671; oracle of, 927
Bab, the, function of, 1120
Babe, as child of God, 188
Babylonia, influence of priests in, 1068; local gods in, 650; omens in, 912; Semitic mythopoeic center, 868; unlucky days in, 611
Badges, function of, 501-503; supposed origin of totems, 555
Baetulus, etymology of, 294
Baganda, the, totemistic usages among, 457, 511
Bahaism, success of, 1120
Bahau'llah, founder of a church, and claimed to be incarnation of God, 1120
Baiame, clan god, 644
Bakuana, the, food restrictions among, 457
Banana, incarnation of dead chief, 479
Baptism, infant, result of its introduction, 1110; proselyte, 198; quasi-magical power attributed to, 198 n. 3
Bards, Australian, 106
Bathing, removal of taboo by, 616
Bau, goddess of fertility, 761
Bear, as messenger, 1024
Beasts, pantheon of, 248
Beelzebul, origin of, 671
Beings, savage, whether regarded as eternal, 984 f.; two supernatural, opposed to each other, 969
Bene-Israel, the, persistence of Jewish customs among, 224 n. 3
Bengal, oracles in, 927
Bethel, Hebrew, meaning of, 294
Bible, the, results of study of, 1135
Bird, the, symbol of soul, 25
Birth, supposed cause of, 34
Blood, connection of, with life, 23; expiatory power of, 1026; inoculation with, in marriages, 178; kinship of, totemic, 441
Body, the, as seat of life, 26; regarded as by nature nonsacred, 205
Boedromia, the, 845
Bombay, Parsiism in, 1145
Bones, animal, not to be broken, 127; divination by, 920
Borneo, harvest taboos in, 599; oracles in, 927
Bo-tree, the, worship under, 281
Boundaries, gods of, 704
Bowels, the, as seat of emotion, 27
Brahma, impersonal, 730; meaning of, 703
Brain, the, relation of, to thought, 28; Arabic conception of, 28
Brides, taboos on, 179
Brotherhood, blood-, 169
Buddhism, agnosticism of, 1007; canons of, 1129; diffusion of, 1142, 1147
Bull, the, worship of, 258
Bunjil, Australian, nature of, 644
Burma, Buddhism in, 1142
Bush, burning, god in, 279
Bushmen, cult of mantis by, 257
Byblos, sacred prostitution at, 1066
Cadmus, culture-hero, 843
Caelus, 722
Caesar, Julius, deified, 353
Cainites, the, 693
Cakti, cult of, 734
Caktism, cultic significance of, 406
Calendars, savage, 210 f.
Calif Omar, embassy of, to Persia, 916
California, cosmogony in, 829; ghost dance in, 108
Caligula, divine honors accorded to, 347
Canaan, sun-cult in, 753
Canons, religious, 1128 ff.
Caoshyanc, the, prophetic function of, 348
Caracalla, enrollment of, among the heroes, 353 n. 2
Carthage, cult of Tanit in, 410
Ceremonies, marriage-, whether essentially religious, 178-183; religious, merrymaking in, 1057; religious, later interpretation of, 103
Ceres, origin of, 803
Ceylon, Buddhism in, 1142
Chaldeans, astrological science of, 914 f.; charlatanry of, 927
Chaos, philosophical conception of, 685
Charms, animal and vegetable, 229; attitude of men toward, 239
Chastity, origin of demand for, 594
Chiefs, relief from taboo by, 615; sacredness of, 595
Child, death of, ceremonies at, 191 n. 4; name of, how chosen, 187; newborn, purification of, by water, 197; perils of, 589; prenatal influence on, 481
Childbirth, future of women dying in, 75
Children, first-born, sacrifice of, 134; savage training of, 146
China, Buddhism in, 1142; conception of kinship with the dead in, 193; divinization of emperor in, 345; expulsion of spirits in, 140; no priestly class in national religion of, 1074; official religion of, 748; polypsychism in, 39; sky and earth as progenitors in, 992; stress on earthly life in, 992; supremacy of Heaven in, 992; tutelary gods in, 672
Christendom, development of ritual in, 1060
Christian canon, formation of, 1131
Christian monachism, 1126
Christian writers, early, interpretation of myths by, 873
Christianity, diffusion of, 1144, 1147; dualism of, 977
Chunder Sen, church-founder, 1119
Church, Buddhistic, 1106; pre-Christian idea of, 1101
Churches, origin and function of, 1095 ff.; influence of, 1137 ff.; temptations of, 1139
Cicero, on cerebrum as seat of mind, 28; on origin of the soul, 36
Circumambulation, object of, 112
Circumcision, 153-168
Civa, 733
Civilization, mythical origin of, 843
Clan, rain-, Australian, 136; relation of, to marriage customs, 423; supposed deliberate choice of totem by, 554
Clans, mythical origin of, 450; non-exogamous totemic, 436
Clanship, totemic, religious side of, 571
Climate, effect of, on totemic usages, 470; Iranian, 976 n. 3
Clothing, origin of, 114
Code, moral, regarded as will of God, 1166
Codes, good and bad, accepted by religion, 1162 f.
Conceptional theory of the origin of totemism, 548
Conceptions, mythical, historical development of, 871
Conduct, association of, with religion, 1161
Confucianism not ecclesiastical, 1103
Confucius, deified, 354; teaching of, 1103
Congo, death of souls held in, 48
Conscience, religious development of, 1170
Consecration by sacrifice, 1033
Constitution, savage social, composite character of, 620
Control, supernatural, common to all religions, 1149
Corpse, savage attitude toward, 590
Corruption, monachistic, 1127
Cosmogonies, civilized, 829 ff.; savage, 255, 829
Cosmogony, Babylonian, 316; Hebrew, 830 n. 5
Courtesans, temple-, in West Africa and India, 1066
Couvade, the, 589; origin of, 185
Coyote, the, malicious, 634; place of soul of, 31 n. 4
Creation, Iranian, out of nothing, 830 n. 3; myths of, 828-833
Creatianism, 37
Creators, American, 678; mutually antagonistic, 831
Creeds, value of elasticity in, 1136
Crests, relation of, to totem, 502
Criminals, detection of, by divination, 918
Cult, synagogal, national character of, 1108
Cults, alien, adoption of, 1148 n. 1; collocation of, 279; individuality of, how obscured, 1153; orgiastic, derived from Asia Minor, 1101; popular, polytheistic, 986
Culture, as basis of classification of religions, 1150
Culture-heroes, 637 ff.
Curse, conditional, 926
Curses and blessings, relation of, to worship, 1090
Customs, mythical origin of, 844 f.
Cyprus, supposed bisexual deity in, 411
Dahomi, cult of indwelling spirit in, 43 n. 2; ghost as family protector in, 533; gods of, 660
Daimonia, Greek, as demons, 890
Dance, Green Corn, Cherokee, 490; Snake, economic, 461 n. 1
Dances, cultic role of, 106 ff.; symbolic, 1032
Danger, magical, origin of, 586
Daniel, book of, resurrection in, 90
Daramulun, origin of, 644
Dead, the, as advocates, 94; as underground deities, 372; Babylonian prayer to, 371; Brahmanic ceremonies for, 96; charms for, 95 n. 5; cult of, 350 ff.; dependent on the living, 361; magical coercion of, 1021
Death, infection of air by, 591; origin of, 834; savage view of, 38
Deconsecration by sacrifice, 1033
Dedication, Jewish feast of, 1089
Deities, female, minor Roman, 803; immoralities of, 1013; nature of, defined by science, 1157; need of caution in approaching, 196; Roman, primitive, 797
Delphi, sacred fire at, 321
Demeter, origin of, 784
Demigods, dedivinization of, 358
Demiurge, Gnostic, 13
Demons, dwelling in plants, 266; exorcism of, 139; future torture by, 75; relation of, to gods, 694; religious utility of, 690
Depravity, total, religious view of, 1172
Devil, the, grandmother of, 643 n. 1; in New Testament, 977
Diana, nature of, 806
Dido, self-immolation of, 1048
Dies Irae, the, 940
Dionysiac cult, partly Hellenized, 1099
Dionysus, history of, 776 ff.
Divination, definition of, 905; organization of, 906
Diviner, the, civil and social recognition of, 908; ecstatic state of, 907
Divinity, tutelary, tenderness for, 653
Doctrines, religious, tried by moral standards, 1164
Dodona, history of oak of, 279
Dog, name of male sacred prostitutes, 1066
Dogmas, religious, philosophical character of, 880
Domestication of animals and plants, relation of, to totemism, 523, 564 ff.
Dough, images of, eaten in Mexico, 222
Dreams, as presages, 921 f.
Dualism, 968 ff.; alleged, of Iroquois, 970; of mind and matter, 1004, 1007; Manichaean, 1115; monachistic, 1121; Persian, 976; savage, 683 ff.
Dukduk, the, police role of, 531
Dupuis, stellar theory of, 864, 866
Durga, reverence for, 693
Dusares, origin of, 764
Dyaks, Sea-, deities of, 659
Dyaus, role of, 734
Dylan, Celtic deity, 974
Dynasties, divine, 721 ff.
Ea, origin and growth of, 756
Eating, whether sacramental in Australia, 128
Eclipses, mythical cause of, 849
Economic questions, relation of religion to, 1163
Ecstasy as condition of revelation, 906 f.
Eden, magical trees of, 275; story of, 959
Effects, magical, how set aside, 886
Egbo, the, police role of, 531
Egypt, abstract gods of, 701; divine animals slain in, 888; kings of, deified after death, 352; phallicism in, 397; power of priests in, 1067; Ptolemaic monks in, 1123; specialized gods in, 666; sun-cult of, 712; tree-worship in, 281; unlucky days in, 611
El, meaning of, 766
Elder, Jewish title, 1110 n. 2
Elegba, phallic character of, 393
Elohim, use of, in Old Testament, 766
Endor, the woman of, 895
Enlil, nature of, 757
Enoch, book of, Azazel in, 692; resurrection in, 90; satans in, 689; Sheol in, 85
Entrails, divination by, 919
Epicurus, atomic theory of, 1008; practical atheism of, 1006
Equinoxes, calendars fixed by, 211, 215 f.; Peruvian ceremonies at, 216
Eremites, Brahmanic, 1122
Erinyes, the, function of, 974
Erythrae, Sibyl of, 937
Eshmun, character of, 764
Eskimo, the animals revered by, 505; destruction of the soul held by, 46
Essenes, the, 1125
Eternal, a term not found in savage thought, 985
Ethics, relation of, to religion, 1161 ff.
Euhemerism, 359, 382
Europe, Islam in, 1146
Evil, moral, existence of, how treated by religion, 1171
Exogamy, origin of, 429 ff.
Expiation by sacrifice, 1033
Eye, the, palpitation of, omen, 916
Ezekiel, taboos in ritual of, 597
Family, the, Polynesian social unit, 485
Fasting, religious, 204-208
Fate, in Homer and Hesiod, 998
Fates, the, 687
Father, the, perils of, 589
Fathers, the, Hindu and Persian, worship paid to, 371
Feasts, communal, economical function of, 1023; funeral, origin of, 190 n. 3, 364; Mithraic, 1043, 1046
Ferryman, souls conducted by, 65
Festivals, licentious, nonreligious, 387; Priapic, 402; religious, influence of, 1089
Fetish, definition of, 230 n. 2; African, cult of, 540
Figures, divine, composite, 725, 861
Fiji, examination of dead in, 78, 81; extinction of soul held in, 48; future punishment in, 72; polypsychism in, 39; village deities in, 482
Fire, sacredness of, 318 ff.; theft of, 318 n. 1
Flood, great, stories of, 832
Folk-lore, material of, 859
Folk-tales, scurrilous feature in, 247
Food, sacramental sharing of, 1023
Force, personal, moral, religious conception of, 1158
Form, literary, of myths, 856
Forms, liturgical, symbolical interpretation of, 1061
Fortune, personalized as deity, 702
Fortunes, human, determined on new year's day, 214
Founders, shrines to, 357; the three great, 1151
Fravashis, the, as guardians, 673
Frazer, J. G., on the death of the god, 1047
Fuegians, fear anger of a supernatural being, 1161
Funerals, buffoonery at, 364 n. 5
Fung-Shui, nature of, 926
Fusion, social, basis of religious unity, 1147
Gad, deity, whether abstract, 699
Gehenna, New Testament conception of, 85
Genealogies, savage and civilized, 840 f.
Genesia, the Greek, 1089
Genesis, book of, accounts of creation in, 830 n. 5; table of nations in, 841
Genius, the, 672; resemblance of, to mana, 233; not a separate personality, 43
Ghosts, Australian belief in, 18; difference of, from gods, 635; fear of, 139, 366; occupations of, 61; police function of, 379; prayers addressed to, 367
Giants, Greek and Teutonic, 686
Gifts, to gods, material of, 1022; utilized by worshipers, 1023
Gilgamesh, adventures of, 853; consultation of, 927; myth of, 959
Girls, marriage of, to trees, 274
God, the, definition of, 635, 643; genesis of, 636
God, Sons of, in Old Testament, 343; transcendence of, 1004
Goddesses, Babylonian and Assyrian, 760 ff.; Egyptian, 729; Greek, 781 ff.; Hindu, 784; maiden, 785; Roman, 803 ff.
Gods, abstract, 695 ff.; ancient, universal, 958; antagonism of, to men, 958; capture of, 290 n. 1; complicated functions of, 708; conflicts between, meaning of, 858; connection of, with planets, 715, 915; death of, 50 n. 5; departmental, development of, 656; identification of, with animals, 577; otiose, Epicurean, 1006; process of growth of, 720; rain, local deities as, 314; relation of their humanization to polytheism and monotheism, 964; separation of, from phenomena, 720; stones entered by, 298; supremacy of, how determined, 724; whether developed out of totems, 577
Golden Rule, the, formulations of, 1162
Goodwin Sands, origin of, 891 n. 8
Grandfather, divine title, 643; chameleon as, 449
Great Hare, the, 856
Great Mother, Ephesian, 789; Phrygian, Roman cult of, 938
Greece, abstract gods of, 702; consultation of dead in, 927; functions of priests in, 1072; omens in, 912; specialized gods in, 667; taboo days in, 603; theistic scheme of, 795
Greek Church, canon of, 1131
Greenland, repair of souls in, 30
Groves, as places of worship, 268
Growth, social, religious, 1015
Guardians, animal, 496; plant, 267
Guinea, New, hunting-charms in, 129; tribal badges in, 445
Hades, god, moral significance of, 780
Hades, place, Greek and Roman gods of, 682; organization of, 69; submarine, 67
Hadith, value of, 1133
Hadrian, address of, to soul, 25 n. 3
Half-sister, marriage with, 428
Hammurabi, code of, ordeal in, 925
Hannibal, oath of, 308
Hanuman, monkey-god, not totemic, 577 n. 3
Haoma, deification of, 270
Haram, Arabian, sanctity of, 1082
Haruspex, function of, 931
Hawaii, death of souls held in, 48; fishery taboos in, 599; despotism of taboo in, 621; overthrow of taboo in, 629
Hearth, sacredness of, 236
Heaven, feeble Semitic recognition of, 753; of Indra, 731
Heaven and Earth, Hindu, 734; Maori, 678; marriage-embrace of, 329
Heavenly bodies, cult of, 328 ff.; sex of, 331
Hebrews, ordeal in law of, 925; taboo days of, 603; tree-cult of, 272
Hekate, function of, 790
Hera, origin of, 782 f.
Heracles, labors of, 853
Heraclitus, sayings of, 1004
Hemaphroditos, 415 f.
Hermes, development of, 772
Herodotus, phallic cults mentioned by, 397
Heroes, cult of, in Greece, 373; in Torres Straits islands, 475; identification of, with animals, 577
Hesiod, division of universe by, 779; half-gods of, 652; unlucky days mentioned by, 611
Hestia, significance of, 787
Hiawatha, how made into a god, 358 n. 5
Hierapolis, phallic cult at, 399
Histories, tribal, in stones, 302
Holocaust, expiation by, 1045
Homage, offering as expression of, 1040
Home, the, as center of religious development, 654
Homer, meaning of dios in, 347
Homilies, Clementine, annihilation in, 52
Honover, the Mazdean, magical use of, 900
Horseshoes, witches restrained by, 145
Horus, conflict of, with Set, 726; kings identified with, 339; original character of, 726; victory of, not absolute, 186
Hubert and Mauss, their theory of sacrifice, 1049 f.
Humanism, 1158
Hymns, Egyptian, Babylonian and Assyrian, Hebrew, Hindu, Avestan, Greek, 1087 f.
Idolatry, role of, 1091 ff.
Images, eaten by Mexicans, 1047; formal development of, 1091; ithyphallic, 389, 402 ff.; symbolical interpretation of, 1093
Immersion, symbolic significance of, 198
Imru'l-Kais, treatment of oracle by, 927
Inca, the, ecclesiastical power of, 1117
Incarnation, Ismailic and Babist, 344
Incense, food of deity, 1025
Incest, cause of horror of, 435
Indecency, savage, 107
India, abstract gods of, 703; birthplace of monachism, 1122; bisexual cult in, 416; harmful Powers not organized in, 975; heaven and hell in, 82; ordeals in, 925; power of priests in, 1070; Sankhya philosophy of, 1007; sun-cult of, 713; theistic bodies in, 1119 n. 3
Individualism, fostered by churches, 1138
Indra, development of, 731, 830
Infibulation, 162
Infinite, the, sense of, 9
Interpretations of sacred books, 1136
Intervention, divine, rejected by science, 1010
Intoxication, inspiration by, 899
Introcision, Australian, 162
Isaiah, book of, supposed mention of phallus in, 398; secret cults described in, 1100 n. 2
Ishtar, origin and development of, 762 f.; descent of, to Hades, 283; myth of, 959
Isis, origin of, 729; late cult of, ceremonies in, 1059; organization of the cult, 1114
Isis, as magician, 729; as model wife and mother, 729
Islam, canon of, 1133; conquests of, 1146 f.; no priesthood in, 1080; not a church, 1116
Ismailic movement, the, 1116
Israel, organization of priesthood in, 1069
Jacob, anointment of stone by, 294
Jainism, a nontheistic church, 1107
Jamnia, synod of, 1130
Janus, nature of, 799
Japan, divinization of emperor in, 346; phallicism in, 395
Jensen, mythical theory of, 870
Jephthah, daughter of, ceremony of mourning for, 845, 1100
Jesus, object of his teaching, 1110; not an Essene, 1125; resurrection of, 1011 n.
Jews, formation of canon of, 1130; genius of, for organization of public religion, 1108
Jubilee, Hebrew, object of, 223
Judaism, diffusion of, 1143; failure of, to create a church, 1108
Juno, nature of, 804
Juno, the, not a separate personality, 43; representative of woman's personality, 804
Jupiter, origin and development of, 798; represented by a stone, 292
Kaaba, the, black stone of, 295
Kafirs, effigies erected by, 370
Kalevala, the, mythology of, 856, 955
Kami, Shinto, meaning of, 645
Karens, the, Christianization of, 1144
Karma, Buddhistic, 1007
Ker, the, as form of soul, 25 n. 3
Khonds, the, deities of, 659
Khuen-Aten, reform of, 989
Kindness to fellows, universal, 1162
Kings, Babylonian, whether worshiped, 341
Koran, the, relation of, to Moslem science, 1135; prayer against witches in, 895
Kore, the, origin of, 786
Korea, Buddhism in, 1142
Krishna, ethical significance of, 733
Kronids, the, governmental role of, 779
Kronos, 768 n. 3
Kteis, the, veneration of, 406
Kybele, cult of, 413
Lamas, Grand, ascription of divinity to, 348
Language, origin of, no myths of, 642
Lao-tsze, system of, 749
Lapis manalis, function of, 289
Lapps, the, primacy of, in magic, 902
Law, civil, relation of, to taboo, 614; idea of, in charms, 1020; natural, germinal conception of, 7; natural, domination of, 1158
League, Iroquois, 489
Legend, connection of, with myth, 859
Lemuria, the, apotropaic element in, 374; prohibition of work in, 602
Leto, Titaness, 788 n. 1
License, in festivals, 135, 219; sexual, adopted by religion, 1163
Life, annihilation of, 46, 51; identified with breath, 21; mysteriousness of, 385; nobility given to, by religion, 1166, 1173; relation of blood to, 23; unitary character of, 14
Light, as symbol, 857; significance of, in myths, 858
Linga, the, worship of, in India, 394
Liver, the, as seat of life, 27; divination by, 919
Living, the, cult of, 336 ff.
Llew, Celtic deity, 974
Loki, not independent creator of evil, 974; tricksy traits in, 638 n. 4
Lot, wife of, 288
Lots, divinatory use of, 918
Love, toward the deity, 5; as a divine personality, 704
Luck, relation of, to magic, 238
Lunation, the, divisions of, 606
Lupercalia, the, purification in, 201
Maccabees, Second, resurrection in, 90
Macrobiotes, 835
Macrobius, on a bisexual cult, 411
Magi, the, Mazdean, 897
Magic, in religion, 1090; methods of, 886; no worship in, 888; relation of, to taboo, 618 f.; to totemism, 574; use of, for procuring food, 129 ff.; when under the ban, 891; white, 901
Magician, office of, preparation for, 894
Magicians, sometimes political rulers, 898 n. 4
Magna Mater of Pessinus, 291
Maia, conjecture as to origin of, 845
Mamertius, expulsion of, 143
Man, early, logicalness of, 246; medicine, 493; prehistoric, whether religious, 12
Mana, definition of, 231-236; producer of sympathy between all things, 886; relation of, to taboo, 586; synonyms of, 231 n. 1
Manichaeism, as a church, 1115; causes of its success, 978
Mantis, Bushman cult of, 257
Mantis, Greek, function of, 931
Marduk, cult of, 758, 990
Marriage, restrictions on, 177 n. 2, 439
Mars, development of, 800; shield of, 845
Martyr, spirit of, where shown, 1167
Masai, the, two chief gods of, 660
Mashalists, Hebrew, 862 n. 1
Massebas, Canaanite, 293
Masters and servants, exchange of places between, 219
Masturbation, savage practice of, 163 n. 1
Materialism, deistic, 1008
Matter, eternity of, 1005, 1007
Maui, Polynesian, role of, 678
Mazdaism, origin and nature of, 740, 745; canon of, 1132
Meal, communal, reconciliation of deity by, 1043; communion in, between human participants, 1044; eucharistic, in "Teaching of the Twelve Apostles," 1046
Medicine man, the, 892
Melanesia, animal incarnations in, 676; cult of divinized men in, 647; descent from totem in, 449; food restrictions in, 454; power of chiefs in, 538; protection of property by taboo in, 600; specialization of divine functions in, 658
Meleager, life of, dependent on a piece of wood, 274
Men, race of, preceding the present, 833
Mendes, goat-god of, 774 n. 6
Meni, god, whether abstract, 699
Mercurius, Roman development of, not traceable, 802
Merneptah, dream of, 922
Mexico, gods of, 664; prominence of priests in, 1075; sun-cult of, 711
Minerva, development of, 807
Miracles, belief in, periods of, 1156 ff.; grounds of objection to, 1011; when not demanded, 1159
Mithra, birth of, 288 n. 2; organisation of cult of, 1113
Mithraism, mysteries of, 1059
Mitra, association of, with Varuna, 730
Mohads, the, organization of, 1116
Monachism, 1121 ff.
Monasteries, functions of, 1127
Monolatry, Hebrew, influence of, 994 f.
Monotheism, alleged savage, 985; development of, 987 ff.
Moon, the, cultic history of, 714
Morabits, the, organization of, 1116
Morality, conflict of, with taboo, 632
Mother, the, magical perils of, 589
Mother, the Great, 1066
Mother-in-law, the, taboos on, 593
Motifs, mythical, tabulation of, 879
Mountains as abodes of souls, 65
Mourning-usages, savage, 363
Mozoomdar, theistic reformation of, 1119
Mueller, F. Max, solar theory of, 865, 876
Mueller, K. O., treatment of myths by, 875
Murder, purification after, 195
Music, temple-, 1088
Mylitta, temple of, prostitution at, 1066
Mysteries, Eleusinian, 845; failure of, 1097 f.; Greek, ceremonies of, 1059; survival of effects of, 1101 |