Racial policies, and social change in the armed forces, 21-22, 39, 227, 229, 232, 317, 610, 612; and Congress, 379-80, 389-90, 550-51.
Randolph, A. Philip and civil rights movement, 478; and Executive Order 9981, 311, 316; and integration of the armed forces, 15-16, 66-67, 124, 267, 390; and proposed draft bill, 300, 302-06, 616.
Randolph Field, Tex., 275, 286.
Ray, (Lt. Col.) Marcus H., 133, 163, 211, 319, 558n; and EUCOM education program, 216, 219; and postwar manpower needs, 177-78, 184; and postwar racial reforms, 223-24, 279, 330; and survey of black soldiers in Europe, 212-15.
Recreational facilities, 37-38, 45-46, 411, 511-12.
Recruitment. See Enlistment practices.
Red Cross, 36.
Reddick, L. D., 163, 300.
Reeb, James, 589.
Reenlistment. See Enlistment practices.
Reese Air Force Base, Tex., 493.
Reeves, Frank D., 508.
Regimental Combat Team, 25th, 135, 189, 216.
Reid, Thomas R., 344-48, 358-60.
Render, Frank W., II, 559n.
Reserve Officers' Training Corps, 221, 570-71.
Reserves, Army, integration of, 519-20.
Reuther, Walter P., 187, 478.
Reynolds, Grant, 300, 306, 390.
Reynolds, Hobson, E., 302n.
Ribicoff, Abraham, 596.
Richardson, Elliot, C., 496.
Ridgway, General Matthew B., 439, 442-48, 617.
Riley, Capt. Herbert D., 330.
Rivers, L. Mendel, 550, 605.
Robinson, Brig. Gen. Ray A., 260, 266, 268.
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 8, 20, 74, 75n, 103.
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 59, 235; and civil rights, 8; and integration in the Army, 15-16, 18-19; and integration in the Navy, 60-65, 69-73, 87, 97, 101, 609.
Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr., 295n.
Roosevelt, James, 479.
Rosenberg, Anna M., 392-93, 436, 443-44, 483, 488-89, 619.
Rowan, Carl T., 80n.
Royall, Kenneth C., 188, 212, 232; and enlistment standards, 324; and Executive Order 9981, 311-13; and the Fahy Committee, 347-48, 351; and further integration in the Army, 322-24; and integration experiments, 326-29; and integration of reserve components, 320-21; and shortage of black officers, 221-22.
Rudder, 2d Lt. John E., 266-67.
Runge, Carlisle P. and the National Guard, 518-19; and off-base discrimination, 502, 506n, 532, 534-35; and racial reform directives, 511-13, 515.
Rusk, Dean, 184, 387.
Russell, Ens. Harvey C., 122.
Russell, Richard B., 308, 389-90, 456-57.
Sabath, Adolph J., 391.
St. Julien's Creek, Va., 75.
Saipan, 254-55, 258.
Saltonstall, Leverett, 390.
Samoa, 111.
Samuels, Lt. (jg.) Clarence, 121.
San Antonio, Tex., 277.
Sargent, Lt. Comdr. Christopher S., 76, 242.
Schmidt, Maj. Gen. Harry, 104-05.
Schneider, J. Thomas, 383.
Schools, Army, and quotas, 198-202.
Schools, dependents' and impact aid legislation, 487-89; off-base, 476, 496-98, 596-99, 621; on-post, 489.
Schuyler, George S., 9, 300.
Scotia, N. Y., 265.
Scott, Emmett, J., 19, 558.
Sea Cloud, 119-22.
Secretary of the Air Force. See Finletter, Thomas K.; Symington, W. Stuart.
Secretary of the Army. See Gray, Gordon; Pace, Frank, Jr.; Royall, Kenneth C.; Stevens, Robert T.
Secretary of Defense. See Clifford, Clark M.; Forrestal, James V.; Johnson, Louis A.; Lovett, Robert A.; McNamara, Robert S.; Marshall, General George C.; Wilson, Charles E.
Secretary of the Navy. See Anderson, Robert B.; Forrestal, James V.; Kimball Dan A.; Knox, Frank; Matthews, Francis P.; Sullivan, John L.
Secretary of War. See Patterson, Robert P.; Royall, Kenneth C.; Stimson, Henry L.
Segregation. See Discrimination, racial.
Selective Service Act of 1940, 10-13, 32, 70, 612, 614.
Selective Service Act of 1948, 299-300, 303-04, 308, 315, 612.
Selective Service System, 69, 435; and quotas, 25-26, 182; and racial designations, 381, 383-84.
Selfridge Field, Mich., 128.
Selma, Ala., 503, 588-89.
Sengstacke, John H., 314, 537.
"Services and Their Relations with the Community, The," 507.
Sexton, Vice Adm. Walton R., 114-15.
Shaw, Bernard, 338.
Shaw Air Force Base, S. C., 281.
Sherrill, Henry Knox, 295n.
Shipyards, naval, integration of, 483-87.
Shishkin, Boris, 295n.
Shulman, Stephen N., 559n, 570-72.
Signal Construction Detachment, 449th, 210.
Skinner, Lt. Comdr. Carlton, 118-21.
Smedberg, Vice Adm. William R., 508.
Smith, Lt. Gen. Oliver P., 462, 464.
Smith, Lt. Gen. Walter Bedell, 52.
Smith College, Mass., 87.
Smothers, Curtis R., 559n.
Snyder, Rear Adm. Charles P., 63-64.
Sollat, Ralph P., 393.
Somervell, General Brehon B., 54-55.
Sommers, Lt. Col. Davidson, 142.
South Boston, Mass., 77.
Southern Christian Leadership Council, 478.
Spaatz, General Carl and assignments, 195-96, 285; and postwar quotas, 176, 180-81.
SPARS, 74, 122.
Special Training and Enlistment Program (STEP), 568.
Spencer, 121.
Spencer, Comdr. Lyndon, 114.
Sprague, Rear Adm. Thomas L., 414-15, 419-20.
Stanley, Frank L., 302n.
State, Department of, 386-87, 389.
Stennis, John, 550-51.
Stevens, Robert T., 490.
Stevenson, Adlai E., 59, 80-81.
Stevenson, William E., 314.
Steward's Branch Coast Guard, 113, 116-17; Marine Corps, 107-08, 255-57, 259-61, 460, 468-71; Navy, 58, 145, 151, 236, 238-43, 332-33, 418-25.
Stewart, Tenn., 498.
Stickney, Capt. Fred, 359.
Stimson, Henry L., 20-21, 32-34, 38, 43, 49, 69, 128, 131, 135.
Strategic Air Command, 284.
Strength ratios, Air Force, 276, 280n, 397, 405.
Strength ratios, armed forces, 1962-1968, 568.
Strength ratios, Army, 24, 33; 1946-1948, 181-82, 185-86, 326; in Korean War, 430, 450, 457-58; postwar overseas, 208.
Strength ratios, Coast Guard, 116-17, 122.
Strength ratios, Marine Corps postwar, 256, 326, 336, 472; in World War II, 102-03, 111.
Strength ratios, Navy in 1941, 58; 1945-1948, 98, 236, 238, 250, 326, 332; 1949-1960, 412, 415-16.
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 478.
Sullivan, John L., 237, 242, 311, 335, 352.
Surveys on Army segregation (1942-1943), 40; and enlisted opinion on segregation, 229-30; and Harris on open housing, 590; and Hodes on overhead spaces, 196-98; on integration of platoons, 54-55; by U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 521-22; of Washington, D. C. housing, 601.
Sweetgum, 122.
Swing, Lt. Gen. Joseph M., 453.
Symington, W. Stuart, 286-87, 311, 320, 329, 387; and Executive Order 9981, 338-39, 341; and the Fahy Committee, 347, 352; and integration plan of 1949, 397-98, 407, 409, 615.
Tactical Air Command, 275, 277, 280-84.
Taft, Robert A., 308.
Talbott, Harold E., 480, 493.
"Talented tenth," 75, 123.
Talmadge, Herman E., 550.
Tank battalions 64th, 445; 509th and 510th, 454.
Taylor, Maj. Gen. Maxwell D., 432, 441, 443.
Thomas, Charles S., 486.
Thomas, Lt. Gen. Gerald C., 172-74, 254-55, 258-59, 268, 466.
Thompson, Pfc. William, 440.
Thurmond, Strom, 310.
Tiana Beach, N.Y., 116.
Tilly, Dorothy, 295n.
Tobias, Channing H., 295, 300, 302n.
Townsend, Willard, 302n.
Training in the Air Force, 274-76, 278-79, 403; in the armed forces, 572-74; in the Army, 25, 28-30, 47-52, 434-36; in the Coast Guard, 114-15; in the Marine Corps, 102, 108-09; in the Navy, 67-68, 73, 77, 82, 87-88, 91, 243.
Training camps, postwar location of, 223-24.
Transportation, Chief of, 222.
Transportation facilities, 38, 45, 148.
Trieste, 387.
Trinidad Base Command, 38, 190.
Troop Carrier Command, I, 273.
Truman, Harry S. and civil rights, 124, 130, 291-96, 308-09, 483n, 488; and Executive Order 9981, 291, 310-12, 315, 317, 473, 609, 612; and the Fahy Committee, 365-66, 369, 374-76, 379; and segregation in the services, 304, 308.
Truscott, Lt. Gen. Lucian K., Jr., 134.
Turkey, 388.
Tuskegee, Ala., 28-30, 271-73, 275.
United Services Organization, 539-40.
Units, attached v. assigned, 190-93.
Universal military training, 142.
U.S. Coast Guard Academy, 508.
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, 477, 502, 507, 511, 514, 518; and Civil Rights Act of 1964, 587, 599; and study of racial discrimination (1963), 521-22, 538, 541, 566.
U.S. Commissioner of Education, 489-90, 492.
U.S. Congress and the armed forces, 142, 379-80, 389-94, 398, 456-57, 550-52, 568, 579, 582, 600; and civil rights legislation, 477, 554, 586-90, 595; and Senate Special Investigations Committee, 211-12.
U.S. Military Academy, 221.
U.S. Office of Education, 487-88.
U.S. Supreme Court, 6, 292, 323, 475-77, 586, 605.
Utilization of Negro Manpower in the Army, 371.
V-12 program, 80-81, 243, 247.
Vance, Cyrus R., 513, 536n, 565, 595, 601-04.
Vandegrift, General Alexander, 171, 173-74, 255, 259, 265-66.
Vandenberg, General Hoyt S., 283, 340, 399, 401, 405, 409.
VanNess, Lt. Comdr. Donald O., 76.
VanVoorst, Col. M., 429n.
Venereal disease rates, 208-09, 219.
Vinson, Carl, 339, 398, 551.
Voluntary compliance programs, 581-86, 592-93, 602-03, 608, 621.
Votes, black, 8, 475; and 1948 election, 307, 309, 316, 379; legislation for, 475, 588-89.
Voting Rights Act of 1965, 475.
WAAC's, 33, 51, 434.
Waesche, Rear Adm. Russell R., 114, 119.
Wagner, Robert F., 11.
Walker, Addison, 61-63.
Walker, Lt. Gen. Walton H., 437.
Wallace, Henry A., 307, 309.
War Department Circular No. 105, 177.
War Department Circular No. 124; and Gillem Board Report, 162, 206, 215, 223, 233, 322; and provisions of, 189, 192, 220-21, 231.
War Department Pamphlet No. 20-6, 45.
War Manpower Commission, 69.
Warnock, Brig. Gen. Aln D., 154.
Washington, Booker T., 13.
Washington, D. C., and off-base housing, 601-04, 606.
Washington Post, 304, 367.
Watson, Col. Edwin M., 14.
Watts, Calif., 589.
WAVES, 72, 74, 86-88, 247-48, 332.
Weaver, George L. P., 302n.
Webb, James E., 386.
Wesley, Carter, 302n.
White, Lee C., 537-38, 552, 565, 574.
White, Walter F., 224, 384, 393; and civil rights movement, 294, 302n, 375, 484-85, 492; and EUCOM's training program, 217n; and integration of the armed forces, 9, 14-15, 31, 49, 93, 124, 300, 311, 439, 471.
Whiting, Capt. Kenneth, 64.
Wilkins, Roy, 16, 247, 302n, 315, 590.
Willkie, Wendell L., 19, 66.
Wilson, Charles E. (Secretary of Defense), 480, 490-91, 496, 499-500.
Wilson, Charles E., 295, 313.
Wilson, Maj. Gen. Winston P., 554.
Winstead, Arthur A., 390, 398, 492.
Wofford, Harris L., 506-08, 529, 587, 599-600.
Women, black in the Marine Corps Women's Reserve, 74, 267; in the Nurse Corps, U.S. Navy, 72, 74-75, 96, 247-48; in the WAAC's, 33, 51, 434; in the WAVES, 72, 74, 86-88, 247-48, 332-33.
Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC). See WAAC's.
Women's Army Corps (WAC). See WAAC's.
Women's Reserve, U.S. Marine Corps, 74, 267.
Wood, Capt. Hunter, Jr., 167.
Woodard, Sgt. Issac, Jr., 129.
Woods, Col. Samuel A., Jr., 101.
Woodward, C. Vann, 474-76.
Wright Field, Ohio, 279.
Yarmolinsky, Adam and civil rights, 424, 506n, 508, 510, 512; and Gesell Committee, 535-36, 613, 620-21; and need for a new DOD racial policy, 531, 534-35.
Yokohama Base Command, 190.
Young, P. B., Jr., 302n.
Young, Thomas W., 302n.
Young, Whitney M., Jr., 537, 541, 554.
Youngdahl, Luther W., 320.
Zuckert, Eugene M., 285, 290, 386; and Air Force integration plans, 338-41, 398, 401-02, 406; and civilian communities, 479, 531; and the Fahy Committee, 345, 350, 352; and local commanders, 534, 563.
Zundel, Brig. Gen. Edwin A., 437.