Camphor.—Some scraped camphor was left for a day in a bottle with distilled water, and then filtered. A solution thus made is said to contain 1/1000 of its weight of camphor; it smelt and tasted of this substance. Ten leaves were immersed in this solution; after 15 m. five of them were well inflected, two showing a first trace of movement in 11 m. and 12 m.; the sixth leaf did not begin to move until 15 m. had elapsed, but was fairly well inflected in 17 m. and quite closed in 24 m.; the seventh began to move in 17 m., and was completely shut in 26 m. The eighth, ninth, and tenth leaves were old and of a very dark red colour, and these were not inflected after an immersion of 24 hrs.; so that in making experiments with camphor it is necessary to avoid such leaves. Some of these leaves, on being left in the solution for 4 hrs., became of a rather dingy pink colour, and secreted much mucus; although their tentacles were closely inflected, the protoplasm within the cells was not at all aggregated. On another occasion, however, after a longer immersion of 24 hrs., there was well marked aggregation. A solution made by adding two drops of camphorated spirits to an ounce of water did not act on one leaf; whereas thirty minims added to an ounce of water acted on two leaves immersed together.
M. Vogel has shown* that the flowers of various plants do not wither so soon when their stems are placed in a solution of camphor as when in water; and that if already slightly withered, they recover more quickly. The germination of certain seeds is also accelerated by the solution. So that camphor acts as a stimulant, and it is the only known stimulant for plants. I
* 'Gardener's Chronicle,' 1874, p. 671. Nearly similar observations were made in 1798 by B. S. Barton. [page 210]
wished, therefore, to ascertain whether camphor would render the leaves of Drosera more sensitive to mechanical irritation than they naturally are. Six leaves were left in distilled water for 5 m. or 6 m., and then gently brushed twice or thrice, whilst still under water, with a soft camel-hair brush; but no movement ensued. Nine leaves, which had been immersed in the above solution of camphor for the times stated in the following table, were next brushed only once with the same brush and in the same manner as before; the results are given in the table. My first trials were made by brushing the leaves whilst still immersed in the solution; but it occurred to me that the viscid secretion round the glands would thus be removed, and the camphor might act more effectually on them. In all the following trials, therefore, each leaf was taken out of the solution, waved for about 15 s. in water, then placed in fresh water and brushed, so that the brushing would not allow the freer access of the camphor; but this treatment made no difference in the results.
Column 1 : Number of Leaves. Column 2 : Length of Immersion in the Solution of Camphor. Column 3 : Length of Time between the Act of Brushing and the Inflection of the Tentacles. Column 4 : Length of Time between the Immersion of the Leaves in the Solution and the First Sign of the Inflection of the Tentacles.
1 : 5 m. : 3 m. considerable inflection; 4 m. all the tentacles except 3 or 4 inflected. : 8 m.
2 : 5 m. : 6 m. first sign of inflection. : 11 m.
3 : 5 m. : 6 m. 30 s. slight inflection; 7 m. 30 s. plain inflection. : 11 m. 30 s.
4 : 4 m. 30 s. : 2 m. 30 s. a trace of inflection; 3 m. plain; 4 m. strongly marked. : 7 m.
5 : 4 m. : 2 m. 30 s. a trace of inflection; 3 m. plain inflection. : 6 m. 30 s.
6 : 4 m. : 2 m. 30 s. decided inflection; 3 m. 30 s. strongly marked. : 6 m. 30 s.
7 : 4 m. : 2 m. 30 s. slight inflection; 3 m. plain; 4 m. well marked. : 6 m. 30 s.
8 : 3 m. : 2 m. trace of inflection; 3 m. considerable, 6 m. strong inflection. : 5 m.
9 : 3 m. : 2 m. trace of inflection; 3 m. considerable, 6 m. strong inflection. : 5 m.
Other leaves were left in the solution without being brushed; one of these first showed a trace of inflection after 11 m.; a second after 12 m.; five were not inflected until 15 m. had [page 211] elapsed, and two not until a few minutes later. On the other hand, it will be seen in the right-hand column of the table that most of the leaves subjected to the solution, and which were brushed, became inflected in a much shorter time. The movement of the tentacles of some of these leaves was so rapid that it could be plainly seen through a very weak lens.
Two or three other experiments are worth giving. A large old leaf, after being immersed for 10 m. in the solution, did not appear likely to be soon inflected; so I brushed it, and in 2 m. it began to move, and in 3 m. was completely shut. Another leaf, after an immersion of 15 m., showed no signs of inflection, so was brushed, and in 4 m. was grandly inflected. A third leaf, after an immersion of 17 m., likewise showed no signs of inflection; it was then brushed, but did not move for 1 hr.; so that here was a failure. It was again brushed, and now in 9 m. a few tentacles became inflected; the failure therefore was not complete.
We may conclude that a small dose of camphor in solution is a powerful stimulant to Drosera. It not only soon excites the tentacles to bend, but apparently renders the glands sensitive to a touch, which by itself does not cause any movement. Or it may be that a slight mechanical irritation not enough to cause any inflection yet gives some tendency to movement, and thus reinforces the action of the camphor. This latter view would have appeared to me the more probable one, had it not been shown by M. Vogel that camphor is a stimulant in other ways to various plants and seeds.
Two plants bearing four or five leaves, and with their roots in a little cup of water, were exposed to the vapour of some bits of camphor (about as large as a filbert-nut), under a vessel holding ten fluid oz. After 10 hrs. no inflection ensued; but the glands appeared to be secreting more copiously. The leaves were in a narcotised condition, for on bits of meat being placed on two of them, there was no inflection in 3 hrs. 15 m., and even after 13 hrs. 15 m. only a few of the outer tentacles were slightly inflected; but this degree of movement shows that the leaves had not been killed by an exposure during 10 hrs. to the vapour of camphor.
Oil of Caraway.—Water is said to dissolve about a thousandth part of its weight of this oil. A drop was added to an ounce of water and the bottle occasionally shaken during a day; but many minute globules remained undissolved. Five leaves were immersed in this mixture; in from 4 m. to 5 m. there was some inflection, which became moderately pronounced in two or [page 212] three additional minutes. After 14 m. all five leaves were well, and some of them closely, inflected. After 6 hrs. the glands were white, and much mucus had been secreted. The leaves were now flaccid, of a peculiar dull-red colour, and evidently dead. One of the leaves, after an immersion of 4 m., was brushed, like the leaves in the camphor, but this produced no effect. A plant with its roots in water was exposed under a 10-oz. vessel to the vapour of this oil, and in 1 hr. 20 m. one leaf showed a trace of inflection. After 5 hrs. 20 m. the cover was taken off and the leaves examined; one had all its tentacles closely inflected, the second about half in the same state; and the third all sub-inflected. The plant was left in the open air for 42 hrs., but not a single tentacle expanded; all the glands appeared dead, except here and there one, which was still secreting. It is evident that this oil is highly exciting and poisonous to Drosera.
Oil of Cloves.—A mixture was made in the same manner as in the last case, and three leaves were immersed in it. After 30 m. there was only a trace of inflection which never increased. After 1 hr. 30 m. the glands were pale, and after 6 hrs. white. No doubt the leaves were much injured or killed.
Turpentine.—Small drops placed on the discs of some leaves killed them, as did likewise drops of creosote. A plant was left for 15 m. under a 12-oz. vessel, with its inner surface wetted with twelve drops of turpentine; but no movement of the tentacles ensued. After 24 hrs. the plant was dead.
Glycerine.—Half-minims were placed on the discs of three leaves: in 2 hrs. some of the outer tentacles were irregularly inflected; and in 19 hrs. the leaves were flaccid and apparently dead; the glands which had touched the glycerine were colourless. Minute drops (about 1/20 of a minim) were applied to the glands of several tentacles, and in a few minutes these moved and soon reached the centre. Similar drops of a mixture of four dropped drops to 1 oz. of water were likewise applied to several glands; but only a few of the tentacles moved, and these very slowly and slightly. Half-minims of this same mixture placed on the discs of some leaves caused, to my surprise, no inflection in the course of 48 hrs. Bits of meat were then given them, and next day they were well inflected; notwithstanding that some of the discal glands had been rendered almost colourless. Two leaves were immersed in the same mixture, but only for 4 hrs.; they were not inflected, and on being afterwards left for 2 hrs. 30 m. in a solution (1 gr. to 1 oz.) of carbonate of ammonia, their glands were blackened, their tentacles inflected, and the protoplasm within their cells aggregated. It appears [page 213] from these facts that a mixture of four drops of glycerine to an ounce of water is not poisonous, and excites very little inflection; but that pure glycerine is poisonous, and if applied in very minute quantities to the glands of the outer tentacles causes their inflection.
The Effects of Immersion in Water and in various Solutions on the subsequent Action of Phosphate and Carbonate of Ammonia.—We have seen in the third and seventh chapters that immersion in distilled water causes after a time some degree of aggregation of the protoplasm, and a moderate amount of inflection, especially in the case of plants which have been kept at a rather high temperature. Water does not excite a copious secretion of mucus. We have here to consider the effects of immersion in various fluids on the subsequent action of salts of ammonia and other stimulants. Four leaves which had been left for 24 hrs. in water were given bits of meat, but did not clasp them. Ten leaves, after a similar immersion, were left for 24 hrs. in a powerful solution (1 gr. to 20 oz.) of phosphate of ammonia, and only one showed even a trace of inflection. Three of these leaves, on being left for an additional day in the solution, still remained quite unaffected. When, however, some of these leaves, which had been first immersed in water for 24 hrs., and then in the phosphate for 24 hrs. were placed in a solution of carbonate of ammonia (one part to 218 of water), the protoplasm in the cells of the tentacles became in a few hours strongly aggregated, showing that this salt had been absorbed and taken effect.
A short immersion in water for 20 m. did not retard the subsequent action of the phosphate, or of splinters of glass placed on the glands; but in two instances an immersion for 50 m. prevented any effect from a solution of camphor. Several leaves which had been left for 20 m. in a solution of one part of white sugar to 218 of water were placed in the phosphate solution, the action of which was delayed; whereas a mixed solution of sugar and the phosphate did not in the least interfere with the effects of the latter. Three leaves, after being immersed for 20 m. in the sugar solution, were placed in a solution of carbonate of ammonia (one part to 218 of water); in 2 m. or 3 m. the glands were blackened, and after 7 m. the tentacles were considerably inflected, so that the solution of sugar, though it delayed the action of the phosphate, did not delay that of the carbonate. Immersion in a similar solution of gum arabic for 20 m. had no retarding action on the phosphate. Three leaves were left for 20 m. in a mixture of one part of alcohol to seven parts of water, [page 214] and then placed in the phosphate solution: in 2 hrs. 15 m. there was a trace of inflection in one leaf, and in 5 hrs. 30 m. a second was slightly affected; the inflection subsequently increased, though slowly. Hence diluted alcohol, which, as we shall see, is hardly at all poisonous, plainly retards the subsequent action of the phosphate.
It was shown in the last chapter that leaves which did not become inflected by nearly a day's immersion in solutions of various salts and acids behaved very differently from one another when subsequently placed in the phosphate solution. I here give a table summing up the results.
Column 1 : Name of the Salts and Acids in Solution. Column 2 : Period of Immersion of the Leaves in Solutions of one part to 437 of water. Column 3 : Effects produced on the Leaves by their subsequent Immersion for stated periods in a Solution of one part of phosphate of ammonia to 8750 of water, or 1 gr. to 20 oz.
Rubidium chloride. : 22 hrs. : After 30 m. strong inflection of the tentacles.
Potassium carbonate : 20 m. : Scarcely any inflection until 5 hrs. had elapsed.
Calcium acetate. : 24 hrs. : After 24 hrs. very slight inflection.
Calcium nitrate. : 24 hrs. : Do. do.
Magnesium acetate. : 22 hrs. : Some slight inflection, which became well pronounced in 24 hrs.
Magnesium nitrate. : 22 hrs. : After 4 hrs. 30 m. a fair amount of inflection, which never increased.
Magnesium chloride : 22 hrs. : After a few minutes great inflection; after 4 hrs. all four leaves with almost every tentacle closely inflected.
Barium acetate. : 22 hrs. : After 24 hrs. two leaves out of four slightly inflected.
Barium nitrate. : 22 hrs. : After 30 m. one leaf greatly, and two others moderately, inflected; they remained thus for 24 hrs.
Strontium acetate. : 22 hrs. : After 25 m. two leaves greatly inflected; after 8 hrs. a third leaf moderately, and the fourth very slightly, inflected. All four thus remained for 24 hrs.
Strontium nitrate. : 22 hrs. : After 8 hrs. three leaves out of five moderately inflected; after 24 hrs. all five in this state; but not one closely inflected.
Aluminium chloride : 24 hrs. : Three leaves which had either been slightly or not at all affected by the chloride became after 7 hrs. 30 m. rather closely inflected. [page 215]
Column 1 : Name of the Salts and Acids in Solution. Column 2 : Period of Immersion of the Leaves in Solutions of one part to 437 of water. Column 3 : Effects produced on the Leaves by their subsequent Immersion for stated periods in a Solution of one part of phosphate of ammonia to 8750 of water, or 1 gr. to 20 oz.
Aluminium nitrate. : 24 hrs. : After 25 hrs. slight and doubtful effect.
Lead chloride. : 23 hrs. : After 24 hrs. two leaves somewhat inflected, the third very little; and thus remained.
Manganese chloride : 22 hrs. : After 48 hrs. not the least inflection.
Lactic acid. : 48 hrs. : After 24 hrs. a trace of inflection in a few tentacles, the glands of which had not been killed by the acid.
Tannic acid. : 24 hrs. : After 24 hrs. no inflection.
Tartaric acid. : 24 hrs. : Do. do.
Citric acid. : 24 hrs. : After 50 m. tentacles decidedly inflected, and after 5 hrs. strongly inflected; so remained for the next 24 hrs.
Formic acid. : 22 hrs. : Not observed until 24 hrs. had elapsed; tentacles considerably inflected, and protoplasm aggregated.
In a large majority of these twenty cases, a varying degree of inflection was slowly caused by the phosphate. In four cases, however, the inflection was rapid, occurring in less than half an hour or at most in 50 m. In three cases the phosphate did not produce the least effect. Now what are we to infer from these facts? We know from ten trials that immersion in distilled water for 24 hrs. prevents the subsequent action of the phosphate solution. It would, therefore, appear as if the solutions of chloride of manganese, tannic and tartaric acids, which are not poisonous, acted exactly like water, for the phosphate produced no effect on the leaves which had been previously immersed in these three solutions. The majority of the other solutions behaved to a certain extent like water, for the phosphate produced, after a considerable interval of time, only a slight effect. On the other hand, the leaves which had been immersed in the solutions of the chloride of rubidium and magnesium, of acetate of strontium, nitrate of barium, and citric acid, were quickly acted on by the phosphate. Now was water absorbed from these five weak solutions, and yet, owing to the presence of the salts, did not prevent the subsequent action of the phosphate? Or [page 216] may we not suppose* that the interstices of the walls of the glands were blocked up with the molecules of these five substances, so that they were rendered impermeable to water; for had water entered, we know from the ten trials that the phosphate would not afterwards have produced any effect? It further appears that the molecules of the carbonate of ammonia can quickly pass into glands which, from having been immersed for 20 m. in a weak solution of sugar, either absorb the phosphate very slowly or are acted on by it very slowly. On the other hand, glands, however they may have been treated, seem easily to permit the subsequent entrance of the molecules of carbonate of ammonia. Thus leaves which had been immersed in a solution (of one part to 437 of water) of nitrate of potassium for 48 hrs.—of sulphate of potassium for 24 hrs.—and of the chloride of potassium for 25 hrs.—on being placed in a solution of one part of carbonate of ammonia to 218 of water, had their glands immediately blackened, and after 1 hr. their tentacles somewhat inflected, and the protoplasm aggregated. But it would be an endless task to endeavour to ascertain the wonderfully diversified effects of various solutions on Drosera.
Alcohol (one part to seven of water).—It has already been shown that half-minims of this strength placed on the discs of leaves do not cause any inflection; and that when two days afterwards the leaves were given bits of meat, they became strongly inflected. Four leaves were immersed in this mixture, and two of them after 30 m. were brushed with a camel-hair brush, like the leaves in the solution of camphor, but this produced no effect.
* See Dr. M. Traube's curious experiments on the production of artificial cells, and on their permeability to various salts, described in his papers: "Experimente zur Theorie der Zellenbildung und Endosmose," Breslau, 1866; and "Experimente zur physicalischen Erklrung der Bildung der Zellhaut, ihres Wachsthums durch Intussusception," Breslau, 1874. These researches perhaps explain my results. Dr. Traube commonly employed as a membrane the precipitate formed when tannic acid comes into contact with a solution of gelatine. By allowing a precipitation of sulphate of barium to take place at the same time, the membrane becomes "infiltrated" with this salt; and in consequence of the intercalation of molecules of sulphate of barium among those of the gelatine precipitate, the molecular interstices in the membrane are made smaller. In this altered condition, the membrane no longer allows the passage through it of either sulphate of ammonia or nitrate of barium, though it retains its permeability for water and chloride of ammonia. [page 217]
Nor did these four leaves, on being left for 24 hrs. in the diluted alcohol, undergo any inflection. They were then removed; one being placed in an infusion of raw meat, and bits of meat on the discs of the other three, with their stalks in water. Next day one seemed a little injured, whilst two others showed merely a trace of inflection. We must, however, bear in mind that immersion for 24 hrs. in water prevents leaves from clasping meat. Hence alcohol of the above strength is not poisonous, nor does it stimulate the leaves like camphor does.
The vapour of alcohol acts differently. A plant having three good leaves was left for 25 m. under a receiver holding 19 oz. with sixty minims of alcohol in a watch-glass. No movement ensued, but some few of the glands were blackened and shrivelled, whilst many became quite pale. These were scattered over all the leaves in the most irregular manner, reminding me of the manner in which the glands were affected by the vapour of carbonate of ammonia. Immediately on the removal of the receiver particles of raw meat were placed on many of the glands, those which retained their proper colour being chiefly selected. But not a single tentacle was inflected during the next 4 hrs. After the first 2 hrs. the glands on all the tentacles began to dry; and next morning, after 22 hrs., all three leaves appeared almost dead, with their glands dry; the tentacles on one leaf alone being partially inflected.
A second plant was left for only 5 m. with some alcohol in a watch-glass, under a 12-oz. receiver, and particles of meat were then placed on the glands of several tentacles. After 10 m. some of them began to curve inwards, and after 55 m. nearly all were considerably inflected; but a few did not move. Some anaesthetic effect is here probable, but by no means certain. A third plant was also left for 5 m. under the same small vessel, with its whole inner surface wetted with about a dozen drops of alcohol. Particles of meat were now placed on the glands of several tentacles, some of which first began to move in 25 m.; after 40 m. most of them were somewhat inflected, and after 1 hr. 10 m. almost all were considerably inflected. From their slow rate of movement there can be no doubt that the glands of these tentacles had been rendered insensible for a time by exposure during 5 m. to the vapour of alcohol.
Vapour of Chloroform.—The action of this vapour on Drosera is very variable, depending, I suppose, on the constitution or age of the plant, or on some unknown condition. It sometimes causes the tentacles to move with extraordinary rapidity, and sometimes produces no such effect. The glands are sometimes [page 218] rendered for a time insensible to the action of raw meat, but sometimes are not thus affected, or in a very slight degree. A plant recovers from a small dose, but is easily killed by a larger one.
A plant was left for 30 m. under a bell-glass holding 19 fluid oz. (539.6 ml.) with eight drops of chloroform, and before the cover was removed, most of the tentacles became much inflected, though they did not reach the centre. After the cover was removed, bits of meat were placed on the glands of several of the somewhat incurved tentacles; these glands were found much blackened after 6 hrs. 30 m., but no further movement ensued. After 24 hrs. the leaves appeared almost dead.
A smaller bell-glass, holding 12 fluid oz. (340.8 ml.), was now employed, and a plant was left for 90 s. under it, with only two drops of chloroform. Immediately on the removal of the glass all the tentacles curved inwards so as to stand perpendicularly up; and some of them could actually be seen moving with extraordinary quickness by little starts, and therefore in an unnatural manner; but they never reached the centre. After 22 hrs. they fully re-expanded, and on meat being placed on their glands, or when roughly touched by a needle, they promptly became inflected; so that these leaves had not been in the least injured.
Another plant was placed under the same small bell-glass with three drops of chloroform, and before two minutes had elapsed, the tentacles began to curl inwards with rapid little jerks. The glass was then removed, and in the course of two or three additional minutes almost every tentacle reached the centre. On several other occasions the vapour did not excite any movement of this kind.
There seems also to be great variability in the degree and manner in which chloroform renders the glands insensible to the subsequent action of meat. In the plant last referred to, which had been exposed for 2 m. to three drops of chloroform, some few tentacles curved up only to a perpendicular position, and particles of meat were placed on their glands; this caused them in 5 m. to begin moving, but they moved so slowly that they did not reach the centre until 1 hr. 30 m. had elapsed. Another plant was similarly exposed, that is, for 2 m. to three drops of chloroform, and on particles of meat being placed on the glands of several tentacles, which had curved up into a perpendicular position, one of these began to bend in 8 m., but afterwards moved very slowly; whilst none of the other tentacles [page 219] moved for the next 40 m. Nevertheless, in 1 hr. 45 m. from the time when the bits of meat had been given, all the tentacles reached the centre. In this case some slight anaesthetic effect apparently had been produced. On the following day the plant had perfectly recovered.
Another plant bearing two leaves was exposed for 2 m. under the 19-oz. vessel to two drops of chloroform; it was then taken out and examined; again exposed for 2 m. to two drops; taken out, and re-exposed for 3 m. to three drops; so that altogether it was exposed alternately to the air and during 7 m. to the vapour of seven drops of chloroform. Bits of meat were now placed on thirteen glands on the two leaves. On one of these leaves, a single tentacle first began moving in 40 m., and two others in 54 m. On the second leaf some tentacles first moved in 1 hr. 11 m. After 2 hrs. many tentacles on both leaves were inflected; but none had reached the centre within this time. In this case there could not be the least doubt that the chloroform had exerted an anaesthetic influence on the leaves.
On the other hand, another plant was exposed under the same vessel for a much longer time, viz. 20 m., to twice as much chloroform. Bits of meat were then placed on the glands of many tentacles, and all of them, with a single exception, reached the centre in from 13 m. to 14 m. In this case, little or no anaesthetic effect had been produced; and how to reconcile these discordant results, I know not.
Vapour of Sulphuric Ether.—A plant was exposed for 30 m. to thirty minims of this ether in a vessel holding 19 oz.; and bits of raw meat were afterwards placed on many glands which had become pale-coloured; but none of the tentacles moved. After 6 hrs. 30 m. the leaves appeared sickly, and the discal glands were almost dry. By the next morning many of the tentacles were dead, as were all those on which meat had been placed; showing that matter had been absorbed from the meat which had increased the evil effects of the vapour. After four days the plant itself died. Another plant was exposed in the same vessel for 15 m. to forty minims. One young, small, and tender leaf had all its tentacles inflected, and seemed much injured. Bits of raw meat were placed on several glands on two other and older leaves. These glands became dry after 6 hrs.; and seemed injured; the tentacles never moved, excepting one which was ultimately a little inflected. The glands of the other tentacles continued to secrete, and appeared uninjured, but the whole plant after three days became very sickly. [page 220]
In the two foregoing experiments the doses were evidently too large and poisonous. With weaker doses, the anaesthetic effect was variable, as in the case of chloroform. A plant was exposed for 5 m. to ten drops under a 12-oz. vessel, and bits of meat were then placed on many glands. None of the tentacles thus treated began to move in a decided manner until 40 m. had elapsed; but then some of them moved very quickly, so that two reached the centre after an additional interval of only 10 m. In 2 hrs. 12 m. from the time when the meat was given, all the tentacles reached the centre. Another plant, with two leaves, was exposed in the same vessel for 5 m. to a rather larger dose of ether, and bits of meat were placed on several glands. In this case one tentacle on each leaf began to bend in 5 m.; and after 12 m. two tentacles on one leaf, and one on the second leaf, reached the centre. In 30 m. after the meat had been given, all the tentacles, both those with and without meat, were closely inflected; so that the ether apparently had stimulated these leaves, causing all the tentacles to bend.
Vapour of Nitric Ether.—This vapour seems more injurious than that of sulphuric ether. A plant was exposed for 5 m. in a 12-oz. vessel to eight drops in a watch-glass, and I distinctly saw a few tentacles curling inwards before the glass was removed. Immediately afterwards bits of meat were placed on three glands, but no movement ensued in the course of 18 m. The same plant was placed again under the same vessel for 16 m. with ten drops of the ether. None of the tentacles moved, and next morning those with the meat were still in the same position. After 48 hrs. one leaf seemed healthy, but the others were much injured.
Another plant, having two good leaves, was exposed for 6 m. under a 19-oz. vessel to the vapour from ten minims of the ether, and bits of meat were then placed on the glands of many tentacles on both leaves. After 36 m. several of them on one leaf became inflected, and after 1 hr. almost all the tentacles, those with and without meat, nearly reached the centre. On the other leaf the glands began to dry in 1 hr. 40 m., and after several hours not a single tentacle was inflected; but by the next morning, after 21 hrs., many were inflected, though they seemed much injured. In this and the previous experiment, it is doubtful, owing to the injury which the leaves had suffered, whether any anaesthetic effect had been produced.
A third plant, having two good leaves, was exposed for only 4 m. in the 19-oz. vessel to the vapour from six drops. Bits of meat were then placed on the glands of seven tentacles on the [page 221] same leaf. A single tentacle moved after 1 hr. 23 m.; after 2 hrs. 3 m. several were inflected; and after 3 hrs. 3 m. all the seven tentacles with meat were well inflected. From the slowness of these movements it is clear that this leaf had been rendered insensible for a time to the action of the meat. A second leaf was rather differently affected; bits of meat were placed on the glands of five tentacles, three of which were slightly inflected in 28 m.; after 1 hr. 21 m. one reached the centre, but the other two were still only slightly inflected; after 3 hrs. they were much more inflected; but even after 5 hrs. 16 m. all five had not reached the centre. Although some of the tentacles began to move moderately soon, they afterwards moved with extreme slowness. By next morning, after 20 hrs., most of the tentacles on both leaves were closely inflected, but not quite regularly. After 48 hrs. neither leaf appeared injured, though the tentacles were still inflected; after 72 hrs. one was almost dead, whilst the other was re-expanding and recovering.
Carbonic Acid.—A plant was placed under a 122-oz. bell-glass filled with this gas and standing over water; but I did not make sufficient allowance for the absorption of the gas by the water, so that towards the latter part of the experiment some air was drawn in. After an exposure of 2 hrs. the plant was removed, and bits of raw meat placed on the glands of three leaves. One of these leaves hung a little down, and was at first partly and soon afterwards completely covered by the water, which rose within the vessel as the gas was absorbed. On this latter leaf the tentacles, to which meat had been given, became well inflected in 2 m. 30 s., that is, at about the normal rate; so that until I remembered that the leaf had been protected from the gas, and might perhaps have absorbed oxygen from the water which was continually drawn inwards, I falsely concluded that the carbonic acid had produced no effect. On the other two leaves, the tentacles with meat behaved very differently from those on the first leaf; two of them first began to move slightly in 1 hr. 50 m., always reckoning from the time when the meat was placed on the glands—were plainly inflected in 2 hrs. 22 m.—and in 3 hrs 22 m. reached the centre. Three other tentacles did not begin to move until 2 hrs. 20 m. had elapsed, but reached the centre at about the same time with the others, viz. in 3 hrs. 22 m.
This experiment was repeated several times with nearly the same results, excepting that the interval before the tentacles began to move varied a little. I will give only one other case. [page 222] A plant was exposed in the same vessel to the gas for 45 m., and bits of meat were then placed on four glands. But the tentacles did not move for 1 hr. 40 m.; after 2 hrs. 30 m. all four were well inflected, and after 3 hrs. reached the centre.
The following singular phenomenon sometimes, but by no means always, occurred. A plant was immersed for 2 hrs., and bits of meat were then placed on several glands. In the course of 13 m. all the submarginal tentacles on one leaf became considerably inflected; those with the meat not in the least degree more than the others. On a second leaf, which was rather old, the tentacles with meat, as well as a few others, were moderately inflected. On a third leaf all the tentacles were closely inflected, though meat had not been placed on any of the glands. This movement, I presume, may be attributed to excitement from the absorption of oxygen. The last-mentioned leaf, to which no meat had been given, was fully re-expanded after 24 hrs.; whereas the two other leaves had all their tentacles closely inflected over the bits of meat which by this time had been carried to their centres. Thus these three leaves had perfectly recovered from the effects of the gas in the course of 24 hrs.
On another occasion some fine plants, after having been left for 2 hrs. in the gas, were immediately given bits of meat in the usual manner, and on their exposure to the air most of their tentacles became in 12 m. curved into a vertical or sub-vertical position, but in an extremely irregular manner; some only on one side of the leaf and some on the other. They remained in this position for some time; the tentacles with the bits of meat not having at first moved more quickly or farther inwards than the others without meat. But after 2 hrs. 20 m. the former began to move, and steadily went on bending until they reached the centre. Next morning, after 22 hrs., all the tentacles on these leaves were closely clasped over the meat which had been carried to their centres; whilst the vertical and sub-vertical tentacles on the other leaves to which no meat had been given had fully re-expanded. Judging, however, from the subsequent action of a weak solution of carbonate of ammonia on one of these latter leaves, it had not perfectly recovered its excitability and power of movement in 22 hrs.; but another leaf, after an additional 24 hrs., had completely recovered, judging from the manner in which it clasped a fly placed on its disc.
I will give only one other experiment. After the exposure of a plant for 2 hrs. to the gas, one of its leaves was immersed in a rather strong solution of carbonate of ammonia, together with [page 223] a fresh leaf from another plant. The latter had most of its tentacles strongly inflected within 30 m.; whereas the leaf which had been exposed to the carbonic acid remained for 24 hrs. in the solution without undergoing any inflection, with the exception of two tentacles. This leaf had been almost completely paralysed, and was not able to recover its sensibility whilst still in the solution, which from having been made with distilled water probably contained little oxygen.]
Concluding Remarks on the Effects of the foregoing Agents.—As the glands, when excited, transmit some influence to the surrounding tentacles, causing them to bend and their glands to pour forth an increased amount of modified secretion, I was anxious to ascertain whether the leaves included any element having the nature of nerve-tissue, which, though not continuous, served as the channel of transmission. This led me to try the several alkaloids and other substances which are known to exert a powerful influence on the nervous system of animals; I was at first encouraged in my trials by finding that strychnine, digitaline, and nicotine, which all act on the nervous system, were poisonous to Drosera, and caused a certain amount of inflection. Hydrocyanic acid, again, which is so deadly a poison to animals, caused rapid movement of the tentacles. But as several innocuous acids, though much diluted, such as benzoic, acetic, &c., as well as some essential oils, are extremely poisonous to Drosera, and quickly cause strong inflection, it seems probable that strychnine, nicotine, digitaline, and hydrocyanic acid, excite inflection by acting on elements in no way analogous to the nerve-cells of animals. If elements of this latter nature had been present in the leaves, it might have been expected that morphia, hyoscyamus, atropine, veratrine, colchicine, curare, and diluted alcohol would have produced some marked effect; whereas [page 224] these substances are not poisonous and have no power, or only a very slight one, of inducing inflection. It should, however, be observed that curare, colchicine, and veratrine are muscle-poisons—that is, act on nerves having some special relation with the muscles, and, therefore, could not be expected to act on Drosera. The poison of the cobra is most deadly to animals, by paralysing their nerve-centres,* yet is not in the least so to Drosera, though quickly causing strong inflection.
Notwithstanding the foregoing facts, which show how widely different is the effect of certain substances on the health or life of animals and of Drosera, yet there exists a certain degree of parallelism in the action of certain other substances. We have seen that this holds good in a striking manner with the salts of sodium and potassium. Again, various metallic salts and acids, namely those of silver, mercury, gold, tin, arsenic, chromium, copper, and platina, most or all of which are highly poisonous to animals, are equally so to Drosera. But it is a singular fact that the chloride of lead and two salts of barium were not poisonous to this plant. It is an equally strange fact, that, though acetic and propionic acids are highly poisonous, their ally, formic acid, is not so; and that, whilst certain vegetable acids, namely oxalic, benzoic, &c., are poisonous in a high degree, gallic, tannic, tartaric, and malic (all diluted to an equal degree) are not so. Malic acid induces inflection, whilst the three other just named vegetable acids have no such power. But a pharmacopoeia would be requisite to describe the diversified effects of various substances on Drosera.
* Dr. Fayrer, 'The Thanatophidia of India,' 1872, p. 4.
Seeing that acetic, hydrocyanic, and chromic acids, acetate of strychnine, and vapour of ether, are poisonous to Drosera, [[page 225]] it is remarkable that Dr. Ransom (' Philosoph. Transact.' 1867, p. 480), who used much stronger solutions of these substances than I did, states "that the rhythmic contractility of the yolk (of the ova of the pike) is not materially influenced by any of the poisons used, which did not act chemically, with the exception of chloroform and carbonic acid." I find it stated by several writers that curare has no influence on sarcode or protoplasm, and we have seen that, though curare excites some degree of inflection, it causes very little aggregation of the protoplasm.) [page 225]
Of the alkaloids and their salts which were tried, several had not the least power of inducing inflection; others, which were certainly absorbed, as shown by the changed colour of the glands, had but a very moderate power of this kind; others, again, such as the acetate of quinine and digitaline, caused strong inflection.
The several substances mentioned in this chapter affect the colour of the glands very differently. These often become dark at first, and then very pale or white, as was conspicuously the case with glands subjected to the poison of the cobra and citrate of strychnine. In other cases they are from the first rendered white, as with leaves placed in hot water and several acids; and this, I presume, is the result of the coagulation of the albumen. On the same leaf some glands become white and others dark-coloured, as occurred with leaves in a solution of the sulphate of quinine, and in the vapour of alcohol. Prolonged immersion in nicotine, curare, and even water, blackens the glands; and this, I believe, is due to the aggregation of the protoplasm within their cells. Yet curare caused very little aggregation in the cells of the tentacles, whereas nicotine and sulphate of quinine induced strongly marked aggregation down their bases. The aggregated masses in leaves which had been immersed for 3 hrs. 15 m. in a saturated solution of sulphate of quinine exhibited incessant [page 226] changes of form, but after 24 hrs. were motionless; the leaf being flaccid and apparently dead. On the other hand, with leaves subjected for 48 hrs. to a strong solution of the poison of the cobra, the protoplasmic masses were unusually active, whilst with the higher animals the vibratile cilia and white corpuscles of the blood seem to be quickly paralysed by this substance.
With the salts of alkalies and earths, the nature of the base, and not that of the acid, determines their physiological action on Drosera, as is likewise the case with animals; but this rule hardly applies to the salts of quinine and strychnine, for the acetate of quinine causes much more inflection than the sulphate, and both are poisonous, whereas the nitrate of quinine is not poisonous, and induces inflection at a much slower rate than the acetate. The action of the citrate of strychnine is also somewhat different from that of the sulphate.
Leaves which have been immersed for 24 hrs. in water, and for only 20 m. in diluted alcohol, or in a weak solution of sugar, are afterwards acted on very slowly, or not at all, by the phosphate of ammonia, though they are quickly acted on by the carbonate. Immersion for 20 m. in a solution of gum arabic has no such inhibitory power. The solutions of certain salts and acids affect the leaves, with respect to the subsequent action of the phosphate, exactly like water, whilst others allow the phosphate afterwards to act quickly and energetically. In this latter case, the interstices of the cell-walls may have been blocked up by the molecules of the salts first given in solution, so that water could not afterwards enter, though the molecules of the phosphate could do so, and those of the carbonate still more easily. [page 227]
The action of camphor dissolved in water is remarkable, for it not only soon induces inflection, but apparently renders the glands extremely sensitive to mechanical irritation; for if they are brushed with a soft brush, after being immersed in the solution for a short time, the tentacles begin to bend in about 2 m. It may, however, be that the brushing, though not a sufficient stimulus by itself, tends to excite movement merely by reinforcing the direct action of the camphor. The vapour of camphor, on the other hand, serves as a narcotic.
Some essential oils, both in solution and in vapour, cause rapid inflection, others have no such power; those which I tried were all poisonous.
Diluted alcohol (one part to seven of water) is not poisonous, does not induce inflection, nor increase the sensitiveness of the glands to mechanical irritation. The vapour acts as a narcotic or anaesthetic, and long exposure to it kills the leaves.
The vapours of chloroform, sulphuric and nitric ether, act in a singularly variable manner on different leaves, and on the several tentacles of the same leaf. This, I suppose, is owing to differences in the age or constitution of the leaves, and to whether certain tentacles have lately been in action. That these vapours are absorbed by the glands is shown by their changed colour; but as other plants not furnished with glands are affected by these vapours, it is probable that they are likewise absorbed by the stomata of Drosera. They sometimes excite extraordinarily rapid inflection, but this is not an invariable result. If allowed to act for even a moderately long time, they kill the leaves; whilst a small dose acting for only a short time serves as a narcotic or anaesthetic. In this case the tentacles, whether or not they have [page 228] become inflected, are not excited to further movement by bits of meat placed on the glands, until some considerable time has elapsed. It is generally believed that with animals and plants these vapours act by arresting oxidation.
Exposure to carbonic acid for 2 hrs., and in one case for only 45 m., likewise rendered the glands insensible for a time to the powerful stimulus of raw meat. The leaves, however, recovered their full powers, and did not seem in the least injured, on being left in the air for 24 or 48 hrs. We have seen in the third chapter that the process of aggregation in leaves subjected for two hours to this gas and then immersed in a solution of the carbonate of ammonia is much retarded, so that a considerable time elapses before the protoplasm in the lower cells of the tentacles becomes aggregated. In some cases, soon after the leaves were removed from the gas and brought into the air, the tentacles moved spontaneously; this being due, I presume, to the excitement from the access of oxygen. These inflected tentacles, however, could not be excited for some time afterwards to any further movement by their glands being stimulated. With other irritable plants it is known* that the exclusion of oxygen prevents their moving, and arrests the movements of the protoplasm within their cells, but this arrest is a different phenomenon from the retardation of the process of aggregation just alluded to. Whether this latter fact ought to be attributed to the direct action of the carbonic acid, or to the exclusion of oxygen, I know not.
* Sachs, 'Trait de Bot.' 1874, pp. 846, 1037. [page 229]
Glands and summits of the tentacles alone sensitive—Transmission of the motor impulse down the pedicels of the tentacles, and across the blade of the leaf—Aggregation of the protoplasm, a reflex action—First discharge of the motor impulse sudden—Direction of the movements of the tentacles—Motor impulse transmitted through the cellular tissue— Mechanism of the movements—Nature of the motor impulse—Re-expansion of the tentacles.
WE have seen in the previous chapters that many widely different stimulants, mechanical and chemical, excite the movement of the tentacles, as well as of the blade of the leaf; and we must now consider, firstly, what are the points which are irritable or sensitive, and secondly how the motor impulse is transmitted from one point to another. The glands are almost exclusively the seat of irritability, yet this irritability must extend for a very short distance below them; for when they were cut off with a sharp pair of scissors without being themselves touched, the tentacles often became inflected. These headless tentacles frequently re-expanded; and when afterwards drops of the two most powerful known stimulants were placed on the cut-off ends, no effect was produced. Nevertheless these headless tentacles are capable of subsequent inflection if excited by an impulse sent from the disc. I succeeded on several occasions in crushing glands between fine pincers, but this did not excite any movement; nor did raw meat and salts of ammonia, when placed on such crushed glands. [page 230] It is probable that they were killed so instantly that they were not able to transmit any motor impulse; for in six observed cases (in two of which however the gland was quite pinched off) the protoplasm within the cells of the tentacles did not become aggregated; whereas in some adjoining tentacles, which were inflected from having been roughly touched by the pincers, it was well aggregated. In like manner the protoplasm does not become aggregated when a leaf is instantly killed by being dipped into boiling water. On the other hand, in several cases in which tentacles became inflected after their glands had been cut off with sharp scissors, a distinct though moderate degree of aggregation supervened.
The pedicels of the tentacles were roughly and repeatedly rubbed; raw meat or other exciting substances were placed on them, both on the upper surface near the base and elsewhere, but no distinct movement ensued. Some bits of meat, after being left for a considerable time on the pedicels, were pushed upwards, so as just to touch the glands, and in a minute the tentacles began to bend. I believe that the blade of the leaf is not sensitive to any stimulant. I drove the point of a lancet through the blades of several leaves, and a needle three or four times through nineteen leaves: in the former case no movement ensued; but about a dozen of the leaves which were repeatedly pricked had a few tentacles irregularly inflected. As, however, their backs had to be supported during the operation, some of the outer glands, as well as those on the disc, may have been touched; and this perhaps sufficed to cause the slight degree of movement observed. Nitschke*says
* 'Bot. Zeitung,' 1860, p. 234. [page 231]
that cutting and pricking the leaf does not excite movement. The petiole of the leaf is quite insensible.
The backs of the leaves bear numerous minute papillae, which do not secrete, but have the power of absorption. These papillae are, I believe, rudiments of formerly existing tentacles together with their glands. Many experiments were made to ascertain whether the backs of the leaves could be irritated in any way, thirty-seven leaves being thus tried. Some were rubbed for a long time with a blunt needle, and drops of milk and other exciting fluids, raw meat, crushed flies, and various substances, placed on others. These substances were apt soon to become dry, showing that no secretion had been excited. Hence I moistened them with saliva, solutions of ammonia, weak hydrochloric acid, and frequently with the secretion from the glands of other leaves. I also kept some leaves, on the backs of which exciting objects had been placed, under a damp bell-glass; but with all my care I never saw any true movement. I was led to make so many trials because, contrary to my previous experience, Nitschke states* that, after affixing objects to the backs of leaves by the aid of the viscid secretion, he repeatedly saw the tentacles (and in one instance the blade) become reflexed. This movement, if a true one, would be most anomalous; for it implies that the tentacles receive a motor impulse from an unnatural source, and have the power of bending in a direction exactly the reverse of that which is habitual to them; this power not being of the least use to the plant, as insects cannot adhere to the smooth backs of the leaves.
I have said that no effect was produced in the above
* 'Bot. Zeitung.' 1860, p. 437. [page 232]
cases; but this is not strictly true, for in three instances a little syrup was added to the bits of raw meat on the backs of leaves, in order to keep them damp for a time; and after 36 hrs. there was a trace of reflexion in the tentacles of one leaf, and certainly in the blade of another. After twelve additional hours, the glands began to dry, and all three leaves seemed much injured. Four leaves were then placed under a bell-glass, with their footstalks in water, with drops of syrup on their backs, but without any meat. Two of these leaves, after a day, had a few tentacles reflexed. The drops had now increased considerably in size, from having imbibed moisture, so as to trickle down the backs of the tentacles and footstalks. On the second day, one leaf had its blade much reflexed; on the third day the tentacles of two were much reflexed, as well as the blades of all four to a greater or less degree. The upper side of one leaf, instead of being, as at first, slightly concave, now presented a strong convexity upwards. Even on the fifth day the leaves did not appear dead. Now, as sugar does not in the least excite Drosera, we may safely attribute the reflexion of the blades and tentacles of the above leaves to exosmose from the cells which were in contact with the syrup, and their consequent contraction. When drops of syrup are placed on the leaves of plants with their roots still in damp earth, no inflection ensues, for the roots, no doubt, pump up water as quickly as it is lost by exosmose. But if cut-off leaves are immersed in syrup, or in any dense fluid, the tentacles are greatly, though irregularly, inflected, some of them assuming the shape of corkscrews; and the leaves soon become flaccid. If they are now immersed in a fluid of low specific gravity, the tentacles re-expand. From these [page 233] facts we may conclude that drops of syrup placed on the backs of leaves do not act by exciting a motor impulse which is transmitted to the tentacles; but that they cause reflexion by inducing exosmose. Dr. Nitschke used the secretion for sticking insects to the backs of the leaves; and I suppose that he used a large quantity, which from being dense probably caused exosmose. Perhaps he experimented on cut-off leaves, or on plants with their roots not supplied with enough water.
As far, therefore, as our present knowledge serves, we may conclude that the glands, together with the immediately underlying cells of the tentacles, are the exclusive seats of that irritability or sensitiveness with which the leaves are endowed. The degree to which a gland is excited can be measured only by the number of the surrounding tentacles which are inflected, and by the amount and rate of their movement. Equally vigorous leaves, exposed to the same temperature (and this is an important condition), are excited in different degrees under the following circumstances. A minute quantity of a weak solution produces no effect; add more, or give a rather stronger solution, and the tentacles bend. Touch a gland once or twice, and no movement follows; touch it three or four times, and the tentacle becomes inflected. But the nature of the substance which is given is a very important element: if equal-sized particles of glass (which acts only mechanically), of gelatine, and raw meat, are placed on the discs of several leaves, the meat causes far more rapid, energetic, and widely extended movement than the two former substances. The number of glands which are excited also makes a great difference in the result: place a bit of meat on one or two of the discal [page 234] glands, and only a few of the immediately surrounding short tentacles are inflected; place it on several glands, and many more are acted on; place it on thirty or forty, and all the tentacles, including the extreme marginal ones, become closely inflected. We thus see that the impulses proceeding from a number of glands strengthen one another, spread farther, and act on a larger number of tentacles, than the impulse from any single gland.
Transmission of the Motor Impulse.—In every case the impulse from a gland has to travel for at least a short distance to the basal part of the tentacle, the upper part and the gland itself being merely carried by the inflection of the lower part. The impulse is thus always transmitted down nearly the whole length of the pedicel. When the central glands are stimulated, and the extreme marginal tentacles become inflected, the impulse is transmitted across half the diameter of the disc; and when the glands on one side of the disc are stimulated, the impulse is transmitted across nearly the whole width of the disc. A gland transmits its motor impulse far more easily and quickly down its own tentacle to the bending place than across the disc to neighbouring tentacles. Thus a minute dose of a very weak solution of ammonia, if given to one of the glands of the exterior tentacles, causes it to bend and reach the centre; whereas a large drop of the same solution, given to a score of glands on the disc, will not cause through their combined influence the least inflection of the exterior tentacles. Again, when a bit of meat is placed on the gland of an exterior tentacle, I have seen movement in ten seconds, and repeatedly within a minute; but a much larger bit placed on several glands on the disc does not cause [page 235] the exterior tentacles to bend until half an hour or even several hours have elapsed.
The motor impulse spreads gradually on all sides from one or more excited glands, so that the tentacles which stand nearest are always first affected. Hence, when the glands in the centre of the disc are excited, the extreme marginal tentacles are the last inflected. But the glands on different parts of the leaf transmit their motor power in a somewhat different manner. If a bit of meat be placed on the long-headed gland of a marginal tentacle, it quickly transmits an impulse to its own bending portion; but never, as far as I have observed, to the adjoining tentacles; for these are not affected until the meat has been carried to the central glands, which then radiate forth their conjoint impulse on all sides. On four occasions leaves were prepared by removing some days previously all the glands from the centre, so that these could not be excited by the bits of meat brought to them by the inflection of the marginal tentacles; and now these marginal tentacles re-expanded after a time without any other tentacle being affected. Other leaves were similarly prepared, and bits of meat were placed on the glands of two tentacles in the third row from the outside, and on the glands of two tentacles in the fifth row. In these four cases the impulse was sent in the first place laterally, that is, in the same concentric row of tentacles, and then towards the centre; but not centrifugally, or towards the exterior tentacles. In one of these cases only a single tentacle on each side of the one with meat was affected. In the three other cases, from half a dozen to a dozen tentacles, both laterally and towards the centre, were well inflected or sub-inflected. Lastly, in [page 236] ten other experiments, minute bits of meat were placed on a single gland or on two glands in the centre of the disc. In order that no other glands should touch the meat, through the inflection of the closely adjoining short tentacles, about half a dozen glands had been previously removed round the selected ones. On eight of these leaves from sixteen to twenty-five of the short surrounding tentacles were inflected in the course of one or two days; so that the motor impulse radiating from one or two of the discal glands is able to produce this much effect. The tentacles which had been removed are included in the above numbers; for, from standing so close, they would certainly have been affected. On the two remaining leaves, almost all the short tentacles on the disc were inflected. With a more powerful stimulus than meat, namely a little phosphate of lime moistened with saliva, I have seen the inflection spread still farther from a single gland thus treated; but even in this case the three or four outer rows of tentacles were not affected. From these experiments it appears that the impulse from a single gland on the disc acts on a greater number of tentacles than that from a gland of one of the exterior elongated tentacles; and this probably follows, at least in part, from the impulse having to travel a very short distance down the pedicels of the central tentacles, so that it is able to spread to a considerable distance all round.
Whilst examining these leaves, I was struck with the fact that in six, perhaps seven, of them the tentacles were much more inflected at the distal and proximal ends of the leaf (i.e. towards the apex and base) than on either side; and yet the tentacles on the sides stood as near to the gland where the bit of meat lay as did those at the two ends. It thus appeared as [page 237] if the motor impulse was transmitted from the centre across the disc more readily in a longitudinal than in a transverse direction; and as this appeared a new and interesting fact in the physiology of plants, thirty-five fresh experiments were made to test its truth. Minute bits of meat were placed on a single gland or on a few glands, on the right or left side of the discs of eighteen leaves; other bits of the same size being placed on the distal or proximal ends of seventeen other leaves. Now if the motor impulse were transmitted with equal force or at an equal rate through the blade in all directions, a bit of meat placed at one side or at one end of the disc ought to affect equally all the tentacles situated at an equal distance from it; but this certainly is not the case. Before giving the general results, it may be well to describe three or four rather unusual cases.
[(1) A minute fragment of a fly was placed on one side of the disc, and after 32 m. seven of the outer tentacles near the fragment were inflected; after 10 hrs. several more became so, and after 23 hrs. a still greater number; and now the blade of the leaf on this side was bent inwards so as to stand up at right angles to the other side. Neither the blade of the leaf nor a single tentacle on the opposite side was affected; the line of separation between the two halves extending from the footstalk to the apex. The leaf remained in this state for three days, and on the fourth day began to re-expand; not a single tentacle having been inflected on the opposite side.
(2) I will here give a case not included in the above thirty-five experiments. A small fly was found adhering by its feet to the left side of the disc. The tentacles on this side soon closed in and killed the fly; and owing probably to its struggle whilst alive, the leaf was so much excited that in about 24 hrs. all the tentacles on the opposite side became inflected; but as they found no prey, for their glands did not reach the fly, they re-expanded in the course of 15 hrs.; the tentacles on the left side remaining clasped for several days.
(3) A bit of meat, rather larger than those commonly used, [page 238] was placed in a medial line at the basal end of the disc, near the footstalk; after 2 hrs. 30 m. some neighbouring tentacles were inflected; after 6 hrs. the tentacles on both sides of the footstalk, and some way up both sides, were moderately inflected; after 8 hrs. the tentacles at the further or distal end were more inflected than those on either side; after 23 hrs. the meat was well clasped by all the tentacles, excepting by the exterior ones on the two sides.
(4) Another bit of meat was placed at the opposite or distal end of another leaf, with exactly the same relative results.
(5) A minute bit of meat was placed on one side of the disc; next day the neighbouring short tentacles were inflected, as well as in a slight degree three or four on the opposite side near the footstalk. On the second day these latter tentacles showed signs of re-expanding, so I added a fresh bit of meat at nearly the same spot, and after two days some of the short tentacles on the opposite side of the disc were inflected. As soon as these began to re-expand, I added another bit of meat, and next day all the tentacles on the opposite side of the disc were inflected towards the meat; whereas we have seen that those on the same side were affected by the first bit of meat which was given.]
Now for the general results. Of the eighteen leaves on which bits of meat were placed on the right or left sides of the disc, eight had a vast number of tentacles inflected on the same side, and in four of them the blade itself on this side was likewise inflected; whereas not a single tentacle nor the blade was affected on the opposite side. These leaves presented a very curious appearance, as if only the inflected side was active, and the other paralysed. In the remaining ten cases, a few tentacles became inflected beyond the medial line, on the side opposite to that where the meat lay; but, in some of these cases, only at the proximal or distal ends of the leaves. The inflection on the opposite side always occurred considerably after that on the same side, and in one instance not until the fourth day. We have also seen [page 239] with No. 5 that bits of meat had to be added thrice before all the short tentacles on the opposite side of the disc were inflected.
The result was widely different when bits of meat were placed in a medial line at the distal or proximal ends of the disc. In three of the seventeen experiments thus made, owing either to the state of the leaf or to the smallness of the bit of meat, only the immediately adjoining tentacles were affected; but in the other fourteen cases the tentacles at the opposite end of the leaf were inflected, though these were as distant from where the meat lay as were those on one side of the disc from the meat on the opposite side. In some of the present cases the tentacles on the sides were not at all affected, or in a less degree, or after a longer interval of time, than those at the opposite end. One set of experiments is worth giving in fuller detail. Cubes of meat, not quite so small as those usually employed, were placed on one side of the discs of four leaves, and cubes of the same size at the proximal or distal end of four other leaves. Now, when these two sets of leaves were compared after an interval of 24 hrs., they presented a striking difference. Those having the cubes on one side were very slightly affected on the opposite side; whereas those with the cubes at either end had almost every tentacle at the opposite end, even the marginal ones, closely inflected. After 48 hrs. the contrast in the state of the two sets was still great; yet those with the meat on one side now had their discal and submarginal tentacles on the opposite side somewhat inflected, this being due to the large size of the cubes. Finally we may conclude from these thirty-five experiments, not to mention the six or seven previous ones, that the motor impulse is transmitted from any single gland [page 240] or small group of glands through the blade to the other tentacles more readily and effectually in a longitudinal than in a transverse direction.
As long as the glands remain excited, and this may last for many days, even for eleven, as when in contact with phosphate of lime, they continue to transmit a motor impulse to the basal and bending parts of their own pedicels, for otherwise they would re-expand. The great difference in the length of time during which tentacles remain inflected over inorganic objects, and over objects of the same size containing soluble nitrogenous matter, proves the same fact. But the intensity of the impulse transmitted from an excited gland, which has begun to pour forth its acid secretion and is at the same time absorbing, seems to be very small compared with that which it transmits when first excited. Thus, when moderately large bits of meat were placed on one side of the disc, and the discal and sub-marginal tentacles on the opposite side became inflected, so that their glands at last touched the meat and absorbed matter from it, they did not transmit any motor influence to the exterior rows of tentacles on the same side, for these never became inflected. If, however, meat had been placed on the glands of these same tentacles before they had begun to secrete copiously and to absorb, they undoubtedly would have affected the exterior rows. Nevertheless, when I gave some phosphate of lime, which is a most powerful stimulant, to several submarginal tentacles already considerably inflected, but not yet in contact with some phosphate previously placed on two glands in the centre of the disc, the exterior tentacles on the same side were acted on.
When a gland is first excited, the motor impulse is discharged within a few seconds, as we know from the [page 241] bending of the tentacle; and it appears to be discharged at first with much greater force than afterwards. Thus, in the case above given of a small fly naturally caught by a few glands on one side of a leaf, an impulse was slowly transmitted from them across the whole breadth of the leaf, causing the opposite tentacles to be temporarily inflected, but the glands which remained in contact with the insect, though they continued for several days to send an impulse down their own pedicels to the bending place, did not prevent the tentacles on the opposite side from quickly re-expanding; so that the motor discharge must at first have been more powerful than afterwards.
When an object of any kind is placed on the disc, and the surrounding tentacles are inflected, their glands secrete more copiously and the secretion becomes acid, so that some influence is sent to them from the discal glands. This change in the nature and amount of the secretion cannot depend on the bending of the tentacles, as the glands of the short central tentacles secrete acid when an object is placed on them, though they do not themselves bend. Therefore I inferred that the glands of the disc sent some influence up the surrounding tentacles to their glands, and that these reflected back a motor impulse to their basal parts; but this view was soon proved erroneous. It was found by many trials that tentacles with their glands closely cut off by sharp scissors often become inflected and again re-expand, still appearing healthy. One which was observed continued healthy for ten days after the operation. I therefore cut the glands off twenty-five tentacles, at different times and on different leaves, and seventeen of these soon became inflected, and afterwards re-expanded. The re-expansion commenced in about [page 242] 8 hrs. or 9 hrs., and was completed in from 22 hrs. to 30 hrs. from the time of inflection. After an interval of a day or two, raw meat with saliva was placed on the discs of these seventeen leaves, and when observed next day, seven of the headless tentacles were inflected over the meat as closely as the uninjured ones on the same leaves; and an eighth headless tentacle became inflected after three additional days. The meat was removed from one of these leaves, and the surface washed with a little stream of water, and after three days the headless tentacle re-expanded for the second time. These tentacles without glands were, however, in a different state from those provided with glands and which had absorbed matter from the meat, for the protoplasm within the cells of the former had undergone far less aggregation. From these experiments with headless tentacles it is certain that the glands do not, as far as the motor impulse is concerned, act in a reflex manner like the nerve-ganglia of animals.
But there is another action, namely that of aggregation, which in certain cases may be called reflex, and it is the only known instance in the vegetable kingdom. We should bear in mind that the process does not depend on the previous bending of the tentacles, as we clearly see when leaves are immersed in certain strong solutions. Nor does it depend on increased secretion from the glands, and this is shown by several facts, more especially by the papillae, which do not secrete, yet undergoing aggregation, if given carbonate of ammonia or an infusion of raw meat. When a gland is directly stimulated in any way, as by the pressure of a minute particle of glass, the protoplasm within the cells of the gland first becomes aggregated, then that in the cells immediately beneath the gland, and so lower and lower down the tentacles to their bases;— [page 243] that is, if the stimulus has been sufficient and not injurious. Now, when the glands of the disc are excited, the exterior tentacles are affected in exactly the same manner: the aggregation always commences in their glands, though these have not been directly excited, but have only received some influence from the disc, as shown by their increased acid secretion. The protoplasm within the cells immediately beneath the glands are next affected, and so downwards from cell to cell to the bases of the tentacles. This process apparently deserves to be called a reflex action, in the same manner as when a sensory nerve is irritated, and carries an impression to a ganglion which sends back some influence to a muscle or gland, causing movement or increased secretion; but the action in the two cases is probably of a widely different nature. After the protoplasm in a tentacle has been aggregated, its redissolution always begins in the lower part, and slowly travels up the pedicel to the gland, so that the protoplasm last aggregated is first redissolved. This probably depends merely on the protoplasm being less and less aggregated, lower and lower down in the tentacles, as can be seen plainly when the excitement has been slight. As soon, therefore, as the aggregating action altogether ceases, redissolution naturally commences in the less strongly aggregated matter in the lowest part of the tentacle, and is there first completed.
Direction of the Inflected Tentacles.—When a particle of any kind is placed on the gland of one of the outer tentacles, this invariably moves towards the centre of the leaf; and so it is with all the tentacles of a leaf immersed in any exciting fluid. The glands of the exterior tentacles then form a ring round the middle part of the disc, as shown in a previous figure (fig. 4, [page 244] p. 10). The short tentacles within this ring still retain their vertical position, as they likewise do when a large object is placed on their glands, or when an insect is caught by them. In this latter case we can see that the inflection of the short central tentacles would be useless, as their glands are already in contact with their prey.
FIG. 10. (Drosera rotundifolia.) Leaf (enlarged) with the tentacles inflected over a bit of meat placed on one side of the disc.
The result is very different when a single gland on one side of the disc is excited, or a few in a group. These send an impulse to the surrounding tentacles, which do not now bend towards the centre of the leaf, but to the point of excitement. We owe this capital observation to Nitschke,* and since reading his paper a few years ago, I have repeatedly verified it. If a minute bit of meat be placed by the aid of a needle on a single gland, or on three or four together, halfway between the centre and the circumference of the disc, the directed movement of the surrounding tentacles is well exhibited. An accurate drawing of a leaf with meat in this position is here reproduced (fig. 10), and we see the tentacles, including some of the exterior ones, accurately directed to the point where the meat lay. But a much better
* 'Bot. Zeitung,' 1860, p. 240. [page 245]
plan is to place a particle of the phosphate of lime moistened with saliva on a single gland on one side of the disc of a large leaf, and another particle on a single gland on the opposite side. In four such trials the excitement was not sufficient to affect the outer tentacles, but all those near the two points were directed to them, so that two wheels were formed on the disc of the same leaf; the pedicels of the tentacles forming the spokes, and the glands united in a mass over the phosphate representing the axles. The precision with which each tentacle pointed to the particle was wonderful; so that in some cases I could detect no deviation from perfect accuracy. Thus, although the short tentacles in the middle of the disc do not bend when their glands are excited in a direct manner, yet if they receive a motor impulse from a point on one side, they direct themselves to the point equally well with the tentacles on the borders of the disc.
In these experiments, some of the short tentacles on the disc, which would have been directed to the centre, had the leaf been immersed in an exciting fluid, were now inflected in an exactly opposite direction, viz. towards the circumference. These tentacles, therefore, had deviated as much as 180o from the direction which they would have assumed if their own glands had been stimulated, and which may be considered as the normal one. Between this, the greatest possible and no deviation from the normal direction, every degree could be observed in the tentacles on these several leaves. Notwithstanding the precision with which the tentacles generally were directed, those near the circumference of one leaf were not accurately directed towards some phosphate of lime at a rather distant point on the opposite side of the disc. It appeared as if the motor [page 246] impulse in passing transversely across nearly the whole width of the disc had departed somewhat from a true course. This accords with what we have already seen of the impulse travelling less readily in a transverse than in a longitudinal direction. In some other cases, the exterior tentacles did not seem capable of such accurate movement as the shorter and more central ones.
Nothing could be more striking than the appearance of the above four leaves, each with their tentacles pointing truly to the two little masses of the phosphate on their discs. We might imagine that we were looking at a lowly organised animal seizing prey with its arms. In the case of Drosera the explanation of this accurate power of movement, no doubt, lies in the motor impulse radiating in all directions, and whichever side of a tentacle it first strikes, that side contracts, and the tentacle consequently bends towards the point of excitement. The pedicels of the tentacles are flattened, or elliptic in section. Near the bases of the short central tentacles, the flattened or broad face is formed of about five longitudinal rows of cells; in the outer tentacles of the disc it consists of about six or seven rows; and in the extreme marginal tentacles of above a dozen rows. As the flattened bases are thus formed of only a few rows of cells, the precision of the movements of the tentacles is the more remarkable; for when the motor impulse strikes the base of a tentacle in a very oblique direction relatively to its broad face, scarcely more than one or two cells towards one end can be affected at first, and the contraction of these cells must draw the whole tentacle into the proper direction. It is, perhaps, owing to the exterior pedicels being much flattened that they do not bend quite so accurately to the point of excitement as the [page 247] more central ones. The properly directed movement of the tentacles is not an unique case in the vegetable kingdom, for the tendrils of many plants curve towards the side which is touched; but the case of Drosera is far more interesting, as here the tentacles are not directly excited, but receive an impulse from a distant point; nevertheless, they bend accurately towards this point.
FIG. 11. (Drosera rotundifolia.) Diagram showing the distribution of the vascular tissue in a small leaf.
On the Nature of the Tissues through which the Motor Impulse is Transmitted.—It will be necessary first to describe briefly the course of the main fibro-vascular bundles. These are shown in the accompanying sketch (fig. 11) of a small leaf. Little vessels from the neighbouring bundles enter all the many tentacles with which the surface is studded; but these are not here represented. The central trunk, which runs up the footstalk, bifurcates near the centre of the leaf, each branch bifurcating again and again according to the size of the leaf. This central trunk sends off, low down on each side, a delicate branch, which may be called the sublateral branch. There is also, on each side, a main lateral branch or bundle, which bifurcates in the same manner as the others. Bifurcation does not imply that any single vessel divides, but that a bundle [page 248] divides into two. By looking to either side of the leaf, it will be seen that a branch from the great central bifurcation inosculates with a branch from the lateral bundle, and that there is a smaller inosculation between the two chief branches of the lateral bundle. The course of the vessels is very complex at the larger inosculation; and here vessels, retaining the same diameter, are often formed by the union of the bluntly pointed ends of two vessels, but whether these points open into each other by their attached surfaces, I do not know. By means of the two inosculations all the vessels on the same side of the leaf are brought into some sort of connection. Near the circumference of the larger leaves the bifurcating branches also come into close union, and then separate again, forming a continuous zigzag line of vessels round the whole circumference. But the union of the vessels in this zigzag line seems to be much less intimate than at the main inosculation. It should be added that the course of the vessels differs somewhat in different leaves, and even on opposite sides of the same leaf, but the main inosculation is always present.
Now in my first experiments with bits of meat placed on one side of the disc, it so happened that not a single tentacle was inflected on the opposite side; and when I saw that the vessels on the same side were all connected together by the two inosculations, whilst not a vessel passed over to the opposite side, it seemed probable that the motor impulse was conducted exclusively along them.
In order to test this view, I divided transversely with the point of a lancet the central trunks of four leaves, just beneath the main bifurcation; and two days afterwards placed rather large bits of raw meat [page 249] (a most powerful stimulant) near the centre of the disc above the incision—that is, a little towards the apex—with the following results:—
[(1) This leaf proved rather torpid: after 4 hrs. 40 m. (in all cases reckoning from the time when the meat was given) the tentacles at the distal end were a little inflected, but nowhere else; they remained so for three days, and re-expanded on the fourth day. The leaf was then dissected, and the trunk, as well as the two sublateral branches, were found divided.
(2) After 4 hrs. 30 m. many of the tentacles at the distal end were well inflected. Next day the blade and all the tentacles at this end were strongly inflected, and were separated by a distinct transverse line from the basal half of the leaf, which was not in the least affected. On the third day, however, some of the short tentacles on the disc near the base were very slightly inflected. The incision was found on dissection to extend across the leaf as in the last case.
(3) After 4 hrs. 30 m. strong inflection of the tentacles at the distal end, which during the next two days never extended in the least to the basal end. The incision as before.
(4) This leaf was not observed until 15 hrs. had elapsed, and then all the tentacles, except the extreme marginal ones, were found equally well inflected all round the leaf. On careful examination the spiral vessels of the central trunk were certainly divided; but the incision on one side had not passed through the fibrous tissue surrounding these vessels, though it had passed through the tissue on the other side.*]
The appearance presented by the leaves (2) and (3) was very curious, and might be aptly compared with that of a man with his backbone broken and lower extremities paralysed. Excepting that the line between the two halves was here transverse instead of longitudinal, these leaves were in the same state as some of those in the former experiments, with bits of meat placed on one side of the disc. The case of leaf (4)
* M. Ziegler made similar experiments by cutting the spiral vessels of Drosera intermedia('Comptes rendus,' 1874, p. 1417), but arrived at conclusions widely different from mine. [page 250]
proves that the spiral vessels of the central trunk may be divided, and yet the motor impulse be transmitted from the distal to the basal end; and this led me at first to suppose that the motor force was sent through the closely surrounding fibrous tissue; and that if one half of this tissue was left undivided, it sufficed for complete transmission. But opposed to this conclusion is the fact that no vessels pass directly from one side of the leaf to the other, and yet, as we have seen, if a rather large bit of meat is placed on one side, the motor impulse is sent, though slowly and imperfectly, in a transverse direction across the whole breadth of the leaf. Nor can this latter fact be accounted for by supposing that the transmission is effected through the two inosculations, or through the circumferential zigzag line of union, for had this been the case, the exterior tentacles on the opposite side of the disc would have been affected before the more central ones, which never occurred. We have also seen that the extreme marginal tentacles appear to have no power to transmit an impulse to the adjoining tentacles; yet the little bundle of vessels which enters each marginal tentacle sends off a minute branch to those on both sides, and this I have not observed in any other tentacles; so that the marginal ones are more closely connected together by spiral vessels than are the others, and yet have much less power of communicating a motor impulse to one another.
But besides these several facts and arguments we have conclusive evidence that the motor impulse is not sent, at least exclusively, through the spiral vessels, or through the tissue immediately surrounding them. We know that if a bit of meat is placed on a gland (the immediately adjoining ones having been removed) on any part of the disc, all the short sur- [page 251] rounding tentacles bend almost simultaneously with great precision towards it. Now there are tentacles on the disc, for instance near the extremities of the sublateral bundles (fig. 11), which are supplied with vessels that do not come into contact with the branches that enter the surrounding tentacles, except by a very long and extremely circuitous course. Nevertheless, if a bit of meat is placed on the gland of a tentacle of this kind, all the surrounding ones are inflected towards it with great precision. It is, of course, possible that an impulse might be sent through a long and circuitous course, but it is obviously impossible that the direction of the movement could be thus communicated, so that all the surrounding tentacles should bend precisely to the point of excitement. The impulse no doubt is transmitted in straight radiating lines from the excited gland to the surrounding tentacles; it cannot, therefore, be sent along the fibro-vascular bundles. The effect of cutting the central vessels, in the above cases, in preventing the transmission of the motor impulse from the distal to the basal end of a leaf, may be attributed to a considerable space of the cellular tissue having been divided. We shall hereafter see, when we treat of Dionaea, that this same conclusion, namely that the motor impulse is not transmitted by the fibro-vascular bundles, is plainly confirmed; and Prof. Cohn has come to the same conclusion with respect to Aldrovanda—both members of the Droseraceae.
As the motor impulse is not transmitted along the vessels, there remains for its passage only the cellular tissue; and the structure of this tissue explains to a certain extent how it travels so quickly down the long exterior tentacles, and much more slowly across the blade of the leaf. We shall also see why it crosses [page 252] the blade more quickly in a longitudinal than in a transverse direction; though with time it can pass in any direction. We know that the same stimulus causes movement of the tentacles and aggregation of the protoplasm, and that both influences originate in and proceed from the glands within the same brief space of time. It seems therefore probable that the motor impulse consists of the first commencement of a molecular change in the protoplasm, which, when well developed, is plainly visible, and has been designated aggregation; but to this subject I shall return. We further know that in the transmission of the aggregating process the chief delay is caused by the passage of the transverse cell-walls; for as the aggregation travels down the tentacles, the contents of each successive cell seem almost to flash into a cloudy mass. We may therefore infer that the motor impulse is in like manner delayed chiefly by passing through the cell-walls.
The greater celerity with which the impulse is transmitted down the long exterior tentacles than across the disc may be largely attributed to its being closely confined within the narrow pedicel, instead of radiating forth on all sides as on the disc. But besides this confinement, the exterior cells of the tentacles are fully twice as long as those of the disc; so that only half the number of transverse partitions have to be traversed in a given length of a tentacle, compared with an equal space on the disc; and there would be in the same proportion less retardation of the impulse. Moreover, in sections of the exterior tentacles given by Dr. Warming,* the parenchymatous
* 'Videnskabelige Meddelelser de la Soc. d'Hist. nat. de Copenhague,' Nos. 10-12, 1872, woodcuts iv. and v. [page 253]
cells are shown to be still more elongated; and these would form the most direct line of communication from the gland to the bending place of the tentacle. If the impulse travels down the exterior cells, it would have to cross from between twenty to thirty transverse partitions; but rather fewer if down the inner parenchymatous tissue. In either case it is remarkable that the impulse is able to pass through so many partitions down nearly the whole length of the pedicel, and to act on the bending place, in ten seconds. Why the impulse, after having passed so quickly down one of the extreme marginal tentacles (about 1/20 of an inch in length), should never, as far as I have seen, affect the adjoining tentacles, I do not understand. It may be in part accounted for by much energy being expended in the rapidity of the transmission.
Most of the cells of the disc, both the superficial ones and the larger cells which form the five or six underlying layers, are about four times as long as broad. They are arranged almost longitudinally, radiating from the footstalk. The motor impulse, therefore, when transmitted across the disc, has to cross nearly four times as many cell-walls as when transmitted in a longitudinal direction, and would consequently be much delayed in the former case. The cells of the disc converge towards the bases of the tentacles, and are thus fitted to convey the motor impulse to them from all sides. On the whole, the arrangement and shape of the cells, both those of the disc and tentacles, throw much light on the rate and manner of diffusion of the motor impulse. But why the impulse proceeding from the glands of the exterior rows of tentacles tends to travel laterally and towards the centre of the leaf, but not centrifugally, is by no means clear. [page 254] |