Haeltzuk, habitat 129, 130 principal tribes 131 population 131 Haida, divisions of 120 population 121 language, related to Koluschan 120 method of land tenure 40 Hailtzuk, population 105 Hale, Horatio, linguistic literature 14, 25 discovery of branches of Athapascan family in Oregon by 52 on the affinity of Cheroki to Iroquois 77 on the derivation of "Iroquois" 77 on the "Kaus or Kwokwoos" 89 on the Talatui 92 on the Palaihnihan 97 on certain Pujunan tribes 99, 100 Salishan researches 104 on the Sastean family 106 Tutelo researches 114 classification and habitat of Waiilatpuan tribes 127 on the Yakonan family 134 Hamilton manuscript cited 54 Hanega, population 87 Hano pueblo, Tusayan 123 population 123 Hare tribe, population 55 Harrison, on early Tutelo habitat 114 Haumonte, J. D., on the Taensa 96 Havasupai habitat and population 138 Hayden, Ferdinand V., linguistic literature 20 Haynarger vocabulary cited 54 Henshaw, H. W., Chumashan researches of 68 Costanoan researches of 70 Esselenian investigations of 76 Moquelumnan researches of 93 Salinan researches of 101 on Salinan population 102 on population of Cayuse 128 acknowledgments to 142 synonomy of tribes by 142 Heshotatsína, a Zuni village 139 Hewitt, J. N.B., on the derivation of "Iroquois" 77 Hidatsa population 118 Hoh, population and habitat 63 Holm, G., Greenland Eskimo 72 on East Greenland Eskimo population 75 Hoodsunu, population 87 Hoquiam, population 105 Hospitality of American Indians, source of 34 Howe, George, on early habitat of the Cherokee 78 Hudson Bay, Eskimo of 73 Humptulip, population 105 Hunah, population 87 Hunting claims 42, 43 Hupa, population of 56
Iakon, see Yakwina 134 Improvidence of Indians 34, 37 Indian languages, principles of classification of 8-12 literature relating to classification of 12-25 at time of European discovery 44 Indian linguistic families, paper by J. W. Powell on 1-142 work on classification of 25, 26 Industry of Indians 36 Innuit population 75 Iowa, habitat and population 116, 118 Iroquoian family 76-81 Isleta, New Mexico, population 123 Isleta, Texas, population 123 Ives, J. C., on the habitat of the Chemehuevi 110
Jargon, establishment of, between tribes 7 Jemez, population of 123 Jewett's Wakash vocabulary referred to 129 Jicarilla Apache, population 56 Johnson, Sir William, treaty with Cherokees 78 Johnston, A. R., visit of, to the Pima 98 Joutel on the location of certain Quapaw villages 113
Kaigani, divisions of the 121 Kaiowe, habitat 109 Kaiowe. See Kiowan family. Kai Pomo, habitat 88 Kai-yuh-kho-tána, etc., population 56 Kalapooian family 81-82 Kane, Paul, linguistic literature 19 Kansa or Kaw tribe 113 population 118 Karankawan family 82-83 Kaskaskias, early habitat 113 Kastel Pomo, habitat 88 Kat-la-wot-sett bands 134 Kato Pomo, habitat 88 Kaus or Kwokwoos tribe of Hale 89 Kaw, habitat 116 Kaw. See Kansa. Keane, Augustus H., linguistic literature 23 on the "Tegua or Taywaugh" 122 Kek, population 87 Kenesti, habitat 54 Keresan family 83 K'iapkwainakwin, a Zuni village 139 Kichai habitat and population 61, 62 Kickapoo, population 49 Kinai language asserted to bear analogies to the Mexican 86 Kiowan family 84 Kitunahan family 85 Kiwomi, a Keresan dialect 83 Klamath, habitat and population 90 Klanoh-Klatklam tribe 85 Klikitat, population 107 K'nai-khotana tribe of Cook's Inlet 53 K'naia-khotána, population 56 Koasáti, population 95 Koluschan family 85-87 Ku-itc villages, location of 134 Kulanapan and Chimarikan verbal correspondences 63 Kulanapan family 87-89 Kusan family 89 Kutchin, population 56 Kutenay. See Kitunahan family. Kwaiantikwoket, habitat 110 Kwakiutl tribe 129
Labrador, Eskimo of 73 Labrador, Eskimo population 75 Laguna, population 83 La Harpe cited 61 Lake tribe, Washington, population 105 Lákmiut population 82 Lamanon on the Eeclemachs 75, 76 Land, Indian ownership of 40 amount devoted to Indian agriculture 42 Lane, William C., linguistic literature 17 on Pueblo languages 122 Languages, cognate 11, 12 Latham, R. G., linguistic literature 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20 cited on Beothukan language 57 Chumashan researches 67 proposes name for Copehan family 69 Costanoan researches 70 Salinas family of 75 mention of the Kaus tribe 89 on the Tonika language 125 on the Weitspekan language 132 Wishoskan researches 133 on the Sayúsklan language 134 Yuman researches 137 Pueblo researches 139 classification of the Mariposan family 90 on the Moquelumnan family 92 on the Piman family 98 on the Pujunan family 99 on the Ehnik family of 100 on the Salinan family 102 Lawson, John, on Tutelo migration in 1671 114 Lewis and Clarke cited on improvidence of Indians of the Northwest 37 on Pacific coast tribes 53 on Arikari habitat 60 authorities on Chinookan habitat 65 on the habitat of Kalapooian tribes 82 on the Kusan tribe 89 Salishan tribes met by 104 on habit of Shoshonean tribes 109 on Crow habitat 114 on the Yakwina 134 Lexical elements considered in classification of Indian languages 11, 141 Linguistic classification, rules for 8-12 Linguistic families of North America, paper by J. W. Powell on 1-142 nomenclature of 7-12 work on classification of 25, 26 number of 45 Linguistic "family" defined 11 Linguistic map, preparation of 142 notes concerning 25, 45 Lipan, habitat 54 population 56 Literature relating to classification of Indian languages 12-25 Loucheux classed as Athapascan 52 Lower California, native population of, unknown 138 Lower Spokane, population 105 Lower Umpqua villages, location of 134 Lummi, population 105 Lutuamian family 89-90
Madison tribe, population 105 Mahican, population 51 Makah tribe 129 habitat 130 population 130 Mallery, Garrick, cited on early Indian population 33 acknowledgments to 142 Malthusian law, not applicable to American Indians 33-34 Mandan habitat 116 population 118 Map showing Indian linguistic families, explanation of 26, 45 Marchand on the Tshinkitani 86 Margry on early habitat of the Biloxi 114 Maricopa population 138 Mariposan family 90-91 Marquette's map, location of the Quapaw on 113 Marriage among Indians 35 Marys River tribe, population 82 Maskegon, population 49 Mdewakantonwan, population 116 Medicine Creek treaty 84 Medicine practice of the Indians, evils of 39 Meherrin, joined by the Tutelo 114 Mendewahkantoan, habitat 111 Menominee, population 49 Mescalero Apache, population 56 Mexican language, Kinai bears analogies to the 86 Miami, population 49 Micmac, population 49 western Newfoundland colonized by 58 Migration of Siouan tribes westward 112 Migration, effect of, upon language 141 Milhau on the derivation of "Coos" 89 Misisauga, population 49 Missouri tribe, habitat 116 Miwok division of Moqueluman family, tribes of 93 "Mobilian trade Jargon" 96 Modoc, habitat and population 90 Módokni, or Modoc 90 Mohave, population 138 Mohawk, population 80 Moki. See Tusayan. Molále, habitat and population 127, 128 Monsoni, population 49 Montagnais, population 49 Monterey, Cal., natives of 71 Montesano, population 105 Montigny, M. de, on the Na'htchi and Taensa 96, 97 Mooney, James, acknowledgments to 142 Moquelumnan family 92-93 Muekleshoot, population 105 Murdoch, John, Eskimo researches of 73 Muskhogean family 94-95
Nahanie, population 56 Na'htchi, Taensa and Chitimacha, supposed by Du Pratz to be kindred tribes 65-66 Na'htchi, habitat and population 96-97 Nahuatl, Pima a branch of the 99 Shoshonean regarded by Buschmann as a branch of 109 Na-isha Apache, population 56 Nambé, population 123 Names, population 56 Nascapee, population 49 Nascapi joined by the Beothuk 58 Natchesan family 95 Navajo, habitat 54 Nelson, E. W., cited on Athapascan habitat 53 Eskimo researches of 73 Nespilem, population 105 Nestucca, habitat 104 Newfoundland, aborigines of 57 New Metlakahtla, a Chimmesyan settlement 65 Nisqually language distinct from Chimakum 62 Nisqually, population 105 Noje. See Nozi. 135 Nomenclature of linguistic families, paper by J. W. Powell on 1-142 Nootka-Columbian family of Scouler 129, 130 Northwestern Innuit population 75 Notaway tribe 79 Notaway joined by the Tutelo 114 Nozi tribe 135
Ojibwa, population 50 Okinagan, population 105 Olamentke dialect of Kostromitonov 92 Olamentke division of Moquelumnan family, tribes of 93 Omaha, habitat 115 population 117 Oneida, population 80 Onondaga, population 80 Orozco y Berra, Manuel, linguistic literature 20 cited 54 on the Coahuiltecan family 68 Osage, early occupancy ot Arkansas by the 113 Osage, habitat and population 116, 118 Oto and Missouri, population 118 Otoe, habitat 116 Ottawa, population 50 Oyhut, population 105
Packard, A. S., on Labrador Eskimo population 75 Pai Ute, population 110 Pakawá tribe, habitat 68 Palaihnihan family 97, 98 Paloos, population 107 Papago, a division of the Piman family 98 population 99 Pareja, Padre, Timuquana vocabulary of 123 Parisot, J., et al., on the Taensa language 96 Parry, C. C., Pima vocabulary of 98 Patriotism of the Indian 36 Paviotso, population 110 Pawnee, divisions of, and habitat 60, 61, 113 population 62 Peoria, population of the 50 Petroff, Ivan, Eskimo researches of 73 on population of the Koluschan tribes 87 Picuris, population 123 Pike, Z., on the Kiowa language 84 on the habitat of the Comanche 106 Pilling, James C., work of XXX, XXXI, XXXVI, 142 acknowledgments to 142 Pit River dialects 97 Pima alta, a division of the Piman family 98 Piman family 98 Pima, population 99 Pimentel, Francisco, linguistic literature 21 on the Yuman language 137 Pinto tribe, habitat 68 Point Barrow Eskimo, habitat 73 Pojoaque, population 123 Ponca, habitat 113, 115 population 117 Pope on the Kiowa habitat 84 Population of Indian tribes discussed 33-40 Pottawatomie, population of the 50 Powell, J. W., paper of, on Indian linguistic families 1-142 linguistic literature 22, 23, 24 Mutsun researches 70 Wishoskan researches 133 Noje vocabulary of 135 separates the Yuki language 136 Powers, Stephen, linguistic literature 22 cited on artificial boundaries of Indian hunting and fishing claims 42 cited on Pacific coast tribes 54 on the Chimarikan family 63 on the Meewok name of the Moquelumne River 92 on the Pit River dialects 97 Cahroc, tribe of 100 Pujunan researches 100 on Shoshonean of California 110 Washoan vocabularies of 131 on habitat of Weitspekan tribes 132 on the Nozi tribe 135 Pownall map, location of Totteroy River on 114 Prairie du Chien, treaty of 112 Prichard, James C., linguistic literature 14 Priestly, Thomas, on Chinook population 66 Pueblo languages, see Keresan, Tanoan, Zunian. Pujunan family 99, 100 Pujuni tribe 99 Purísima, inhabitants of 67 Puyallup, population 105
Quaitso, population 105 Quapaw, a southern Siouan tribe 113 early habitat 113 present habitat 116 population 118 Quarrelers classed as Athapascan 52 "Queen Charlotte's Islands," language of, Gallatin 119 Queniut, population 105 Quile-ute, population and habitat 63 Quinaielt, population 105 Quoratean family 100, 101
Ramsey, J. G. M., on Cherokee habitat 78 Rechahecrian. See Rickohockan. Rickohockan Indians of Virginia 79 Riggs, A. L., on Crow habitat 114 Riggs, S. R., Salishan researches 104 Rink, H. J., on population of Labrador Eskimo 75 Rogue River Indians 121 population 56 Ross, Alexander, cited on improvidence of Indians of Northwest 38 Ross, Sir John, acknowledgments to 73 Royce, Charles C., map of, cited on Cherokee lands 78 Runsien nation of Galiano 75 Ruslen language of Mofras 102
Sac and Fox, population of the 50 Sacramento tribes, Sutter and Dana on the division of 99 Saiaz, habitat 54 Saidyuka, population 110 Saint Regis, population 81 Salinan family 101 Salishan family 102-105 Salish, population 105 Salish of Puget Sound 130 San Antonio language 75 San Antonio Mission, Cal. 101, 102 San Buenaventura Indians 67, 68 San Carlos Apache population 56 Sandia, population 123 San Felipe, population 83 San Ildefonso, population 123 San Juan, population 123 San Luis Obispo, natives of 67 San Luis Rey Mission, Cal. 138 San Miguel language 75 San Miguel Mission, Cal. 101, 102 Sans Puell, population 105 Santa Ana, population 83 Santa Barbara applied as family name 67 Santa Barbara language, Cal. 101 Santa Clara, Cal., language 92 Santa Clara, population 123 Santa Cruz Islands, natives of 67 Santa Cruz, Cal., natives of 71 Santa Inez Indians 67 Santa Rosa Islanders 67 Santee population 116 Santiam, population 83 Santo Domingo, population 83 Sastean family 105 Satsup, population 105 Say, Dr., vocabularies of Kiowa by 84 Say's vocabulary of Shoshoni referred to 109 Sayúsklan language 134 Schermerhorn, cited on Kädo hadatco 61 on the Kiowa habitat 84 Schoolcraft, H. R., on the Cherokee bounds in Virginia 79 on the Tuolumne dialect 92 on the Cushna tribe 99 Scouler, John, linguistic literature 13-14 on the Kalapooian family 81 Skittagetan researches 119 Shahaptan family of 107 "Nootka-Columbian," family of 139 Secumne tribe 99 Sedentary tribes 30-33 Seminole, population 95 Seneca, population 80 Senecú, population 123 Shahaptian family 106 Shasta, habitat 106 Shateras, supposed to be Tutelos 114 Shawnee, population 50 habitat 79 Shea, J. G., on early habitat of the Kaskaskias 113 Sheepeaters. See Tukuarika. Shiwokugmiut Eskimo, population 75 Shoshonean family 108-110 regarded by Buschmann as identical with Nahuatlan 140 Shoshoni, population 110 Sia, population 83 Sibley, John, cited on language of Adaizan family of Indians 46-47 Attacapan researches 57 cited on Caddo habitat 61 on the habitat of the Karankawa 82 states distinctness of Tonika language 125 Siksika, population 50 Simpson, James H., Zuni vocabulary 139 Siouan family 111-118 Sioux, use of the term 112 Sisitoans, habitat 111 Sisseton, population 116 Sitka tribe, population 87 Siuslaw tribe 134 Six Nations joined by the Tutelo 114 Skittagetan family 118 Skokomish, population 105 Slave, and other tribes, population 56 Smith, Buckingham, on the Timuquana language 123 Snohomish, population 105 Sobaipuri, a division of the Piman family 98 Soke tribe occupying Sooke Inlet 130 Soledad language of Mofras 102 Sorcery, a common cause of death among Indians 39 Southern Caddoan group 113 Southern Killamuks. See Yakwina 134 Sproat, G. M., suggests Aht as name of Wakashan family 130 Squaxon, population 105 Stahkin, population 87 Stevens, I. I., on the habitat of the Bannock 109 "Stock," linguistic, defined 11 Stockbridge, population 51 Stoney, Lieut., investigations of Athapascan habitat 53 Superstition the most common source of death among Indians 39 Sutter, Capt., on the divisions of the Sacramento tribes 99 Swinomish, population 105
Taensa, regarded by Du Pratz as kindred to the Na'htchi 66 tribe and language 96 habitat 97 Tâiakwin, a Zuni village 139 Takilman family 121 Takilma, habitat and population 121 Taku, population 87 Tanoan stock, one Tusayan pueblo belonging to 110 Tanoan family 121-123 Taos language shows Shoshonean affinities 122 population 123 Taylor, Alexander S., on the Esselen vocabulary 75, 76 Taywaugh language of Lane 122 Teaching among Indians 35 Tegua or Taywaugh language 122 Tenaino, population 107 Tenán Kutchin, population 56 Tesuque, population 123 Teton, habitat 111 population 117 Tiburon Island occupied by Yuman tribes 138 Tillamook, habitat 104 population 105 Timuquanan tribes, probable early habitat of 95 family 123-125 Tobacco Plains Cootenai 85 Tobikhar, population 110 Tolmie, W. F., Chimmesyan vocabulary cited 64 Salishan researches 104 Shahaptian vocabularies of 107 Tolmie and Dawson, linguistic literature 25 map cited 53, 64 on boundaries of the Haeltzuk 130 Tongas, population 87 Tonikan family 125 Tonkawan family 125-126 Tonkawe vocabulary collected by Gatschet 82 Tonti, cited 61 Toteros. See Tutelo 114 Totteroy River, location of, by Pownall 114 Towakarehu, population 62 Treaties, difficulties, and defects in, regarding definition of tribal boundaries 43-44 Treaty of Prairie du Chien 112 Tribal land classified 40 Trumbull, J. H., on the derivation of Caddo 59 on the derivation of "Sioux" 111 Tsamak tribe 99 Tshinkitani or Koluschan tribe 86 Tukuarika, habitat 109 population 110 Turner, William W., linguistic literature 18 discovery of branches of Athapascan family in Oregon by 52 Eskimo researches of 73 on the Keresan language 83 on the Kiowan family 84 on the Piman family 98 Yuman researches 137 Zunian researches 138 Tusayan, habitat and population 110 Tewan pueblo of 122 a Shoshonean tongue 139 Tuscarora, an Iroquoian tribe 79 population 81 Tuski of Asia 74 Tutelo, a Siouan tribe 112 habitat in 1671 114 present habitat 116 population 118 Tyigh, population 107
Uchean family 126-127 Umatilla, population 107 Umpqua, population 56 Scouler on the 81 Unungun, population 75 Upper Creek join the Na'htchi 96 Upper Spokane, population 105 Upper Umpqua villages, location of 134 Uta, population 110 Ute, habitat of the 109
Valle de los Tulares language 92 Villages of Indians 40
Waco, population 62 Wahkpakotoan, habitat 111 Waiilatpuan family 127-128 Wailakki, habitat 54 relationship of to Kulanapan tribes 88 Wakashan family 128-131 Wakash, habitat 129 Walapai, population 138 Walla Walla, population 107 Wars, effect of, in reducing Indian population 38 Wasco, population 66 Washaki, habitat 109 Washoan family 131 Wateree, habitat and probable linguistic connection 114 Watlala, population 66 Wayne, Maumee valley settlements described by 41 Weitspekan family 131 Western Innuit population 75 Whipple, A. W., Kiowan researches 84 Pima vocabulary of 98 on the derivation of "Yuma" 137 Zuni vocabulary 139 White Mountain Apache population 56 Wichita, population 62 Winnebago, former habitat 111, 112 Winnebago, present habitat 116 Winnebago, population 118 Wishoskan family 132-133 Witchcraft beliefs among Indians 39 Woccon, an extinct Siouan tribe 112, 116 Woccon, former habitat 114 Wyandot, former habitat 78 population 81
Yaketahnoklatakmakanay tribe 85 Yakonan family 133 Yakutat population 87 Yakut or Mariposan family 90 Yakwina tribe 134 Yamasi, believed to be extinct 95 habitat 95 Yámil, population 82 Yamkallie, Scouler on 81 Yanan family 135 Yanktoanans, habitat 111 Yankton, habitat 111 population 116 Yanktonnais, population 117 Yonkalla, population 82 Youikcones or Youkone of Lewis and Clarke 134 Youkiousme, a Moquelumnan dialect 92 Ysleta, Texas, population 123 Yuchi, habitat and population 126, 127 Yuchi. See Uchean family. Yuit Eskimo of Asia 74 Yukian family 135-136 Yuman family 136-138 Yurok, Karok name for the Weitspekan tribes 132
Zunian family 138-139
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Errors and Anomalies:
"Lewis and Clarke" [this spelling is standard throughout the text] "Zuni") [always written with tilde]
("obvious typographical error") ("evident misprint") [this and similar notations are from original text]
Table of Contents:
Chimmesyan family / Principal tribes or villages [main text has "Principal Tribes" only] Tonkawan family / Geographic distribution 126 [125] Waiilatpuan family [unchanged] [main text has "Waiilatpuan" only] Weitspekan family / Tribes [main text has "Principal Tribes"]
slight differences have been [heen] ... kinship system, with mother-right as its chief factor [mother-rite] that passes by Bayau Pierre [spelling unchanged] "more in the interior, towards the sources of the Willamat River." ['w' invisible] (includes Kootenais (Flatbows or Skalzi)). [one ) missing] There were 769 Klamath and Modoc on the Klamath Reservation [Klamaht Reservation] Hawhaw's band of Aplaches [spelling unchanged: may be right] Vallee de los Tulares [spelling unchanged] Tshokoyem vocabulary [vobabulary] especially in that of the Ruslen." [close quote invisible] = A-cho-mâ[']-wi, Powell ... (vocabs. [open parenthesis missing] A corruption of the Algonkin word "nadowe-ssi-wag," [close quote missing] Waukash, waukash, is the Nootka word "good" "good." [both repetitions in original] Humboldt Bay as far south as Arcata [text unchanged: Arcata is at the extreme north end of Humboldt Bay] a change in the semantic content or meaning of words [sematic]
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