A very favourable example of the craze in England for classic design in furniture and decoration, is shown in the reproduction of a drawing by Thomas Hope, in 1807, a well-known architect of the time, in which it will be observed that the forms and fashions of some of the chairs and tables, described and illustrated in the chapter on "Ancient Furniture," have been taken as models.
There were several makers of first-class furniture, of whom the names of some still survive in the "style and title" of firms of the present day, who are their successors, while those of others have been forgotten, save by some of our older manufacturers and auctioneers, who, when requested by the writer, have been good enough to look up old records and revive the memories of fifty years ago. Of these the best known was Thomas Seddon, who came from Manchester and settled in Aldersgate Street. His two sons succeeded to the business, became cabinet makers to George IV., and furnished and decorated Windsor Castle. At the King's death their account was disputed, and L30,000 was struck off, a loss which necessitated an arrangement with their creditors. Shortly after this, however, they took the barracks of the London Light Horse Volunteers in the Gray's Inn Road (now the Hospital), and carried on there for a time a very extensive business. Seddon's work ranked with Gillow's, and they shared with that house the best orders for furniture.
Thomas Seddon, painter of Oriental subjects, who died in 1856, and P. Seddon, a well-known architect, were grandsons of the original founder of the firm. On the death of the elder brother, Thomas, the younger one then transferred his connection to the firm of Johnstone and Jeanes, in Bond Street, another old house which still carries on business as "Johnstone and Norman," and who some few years ago executed a very extravagant order for an American millionaire. This was a reproduction of Byzantine designs in furniture of cedar, ebony, ivory, and pearl, made from drawings by Mr. Alma Tadema, R.A.
Snell, of Albemarle Street, had been established early in the century, and obtained an excellent reputation; his specialite was well-made birch bedroom suites, but he also made furniture of a general description. The predecessor of the present firm of Howard and Son, who commenced business in Whitechapel as early as 1800, and the first Morant, may all be mentioned as manufacturers of the first quarter of the century.
Somewhat later, Trollopes, of Parliament Street; Holland, who had succeeded Dowbiggin (Gillow's apprentice), first in Great Pulteney Street, and subsequently at the firm's present address; Wilkinson, of Ludgate Hill, founder of the present firm of upholsterers in Bond Street; Aspinwall, of Grosvenor Street; the second Morant, of whom the great Duke of Wellington made a personal friend; and Grace, a prominent decorator of great taste, who carried out many of Pugin's Gothic designs, were all men of good reputation. Miles and Edwards, of Oxford Street, whom Hindleys succeeded, were also well known for good middle-class furniture. These are some of the best known manufacturers of the first half of the present century, and though until after the great Exhibition there was, as a rule, little in the designs to render their productions remarkable, the work of those named will be found sound in construction, and free from the faults which accompany the cheap and showy reproductions of more pretentious styles which mark so much of the furniture of the present day. With regard to this, more will be said in the next chapter.
There was then a very limited market for any but the most commonplace furniture. Our wealthy people bought the productions of French cabinet makers, either made in Paris or by Frenchmen who came over to England, and the middle classes were content with the most ordinary and useful articles. If they had possessed the means they certainly had neither the taste nor the education to furnish more ambitiously. The great extent of suburbs which now surround the Metropolis, and which include such numbers of expensive and extravagantly-fitted residences of merchants and tradesmen, did not then exist. The latter lived over their shops or warehouses, and the former only aspired to a dull house in Bloomsbury, or, like David Copperfield's father-in-law, Mr. Spenlow, a villa at Norwood, or perhaps a country residence at Hampstead or Highgate.
In 1808 a designer and maker of furniture, George Smith by name, who held the appointment of "Upholder extraordinary to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales," and carried on business at "Princess" Street, Cavendish Square, produced a book of designs, 158 in number, published by "Wm. Taylor," of Holborn. These include cornices, window drapery, bedsteads, tables, chairs, bookcases, commodes, and other furniture, the titles of some of which occur for about the first time in our vocabularies, having been adapted from the French. "Escritore, jardiniere, dejune tables, chiffoniers" (the spelling copied from Smith's book), all bear the impress of the pseudo-classic taste; and his designs, some of which are reproduced, shew the fashion of our so-called artistic furniture in England at the time of the Regency. Mr. Smith, in the "Preliminary Remarks" prefacing the illustrations, gives us an idea of the prevailing taste, which it is instructive to peruse, looking back now some three-quarters of a century:—
"The following practical observations on the various woods employed in cabinet work may be useful. Mahogany, when used in houses of consequence, should be confined to the parlour and the bedchamber floors. In furniture for these apartments the less inlay of other woods, the more chaste will be the style of work. If the wood be of a fine, compact, and bright quality, the ornaments may be carved clean in the mahogany. Where it may be requisite to make out panelling by an inlay of lines, let those lines be of brass or ebony. In drawing-rooms, boudoirs, ante-rooms, East and West India satin woods, rosewood, tulip wood, and the other varieties of woods brought from the East, may be used; with satin and light coloured woods the decorations may be of ebony or rosewood; with rosewood let the decorations be ormolu, and the inlay of brass. Bronze metal, though sometimes used with satin wood, has a cold and poor effect: it suits better on gilt work, and will answer well enough on mahogany."
Amongst the designs published by him are some few of a subdued Gothic character; these are generally carved in light oak, or painted light stone colour, and have, in some cases, heraldic shields, with crests and coats of arms picked out in colour. There are window seats painted to imitate marble, with the Roman or Greco-Roman ornaments painted green to represent bronze. The most unobjectionable are mahogany with bronze green ornaments.
Of the furniture of this period there are several pieces in the Mansion House, in the City of London, which apparently was partly refurnished about the commencement of the century.
In the Court Room of the Skinners' Company there are tables which are now used' with extensions, so as to form a horseshoe table for committee meetings. They are good examples of the heavy and solid carving in mahogany, early in the century before the fashion had gone out of representing the heads and feet of animals in the designs of furniture. These tables have massive legs, with lion's heads and claws, carved with great skill and shewing much spirit, the wood being of the best quality and rich in color.
Early Victorian.
In the work of the manufacturers just enumerated, may be traced the influence of the "Empire" style. With the restoration, however, of the Monarchy in France came the inevitable change in fashions, and "Le style de l'Empire" was condemned. In its place came a revival of the Louis Quinze scrolls and curves, but with less character and restraint, until the style we know as "baroque," [19] or debased "rococo," came in. Ornament of a florid and incongruous character was lavished on decorative furniture, indicative of a taste for display rather than for appropriate enrichment.
It had been our English custom for some long period to take our fashions from France, and, therefore, about the time of William IV. and during the early part of the present Queen's reign, the furniture for our best houses was designed and made in the French style. In the "Music" Room at Chatsworth are some chairs and footstools used at the time of the Coronation of William IV. and Queen Adelaide, which have quite the appearance of French furniture.
The old fashion of lining rooms with oak panelling, which has been noticed in an earlier chapter, had undergone a change which is worth recording. If the illustration of the Elizabethan oak panelling, as given in the English section of Chapter III., be referred to, it will be seen that the oak lining reaches from the floor to within about two or three feet of the cornice. Subsequently this panelling was divided into an upper and a lower part, the former commencing about the height of the back of an ordinary chair, a moulding or chair-rail forming a capping to the lower part. Then pictures came to be let into the panelling; and presently the upper part was discarded and the lower wainscoting remained, properly termed the Dado,[20] which we have seen revived both in wood and in various decorative materials of the present day. During the period we are now discussing, this arrangement lost favour in the eyes of our grandfathers, and the lowest member only was retained, which is now termed the "skirting board."
As we approach a period that our older contemporaries can remember, it is very interesting to turn over the leaves of the back numbers of such magazines and newspapers as treated of the Industrial Arts. The Art Union, which changed its title to the Art Journal in 1849, had then been in existence for about ten years, and had done good work in promoting the encouragement of Art and manufactures. The "Society of Arts" had been formed in London as long ago as 1756, and had given prizes for designs and methods of improving different processes of manufacture. Exhibitions of the specimens sent in for competition for the awards were, and are still, held at their house in Adelphi Buildings. Old volumes of "Transactions of the Society" are quaint works of reference with regard to these exhibitions.
About 1840, Mr., afterwards Sir, Charles Barry, R.A., had designed and commenced the present, or, as it was then called, the New Palace of Westminster, and, following the Gothic character of the building, the furniture and fittings were naturally of a design to harmonize with what was then quite a departure from the heavy architectural taste of the day. Mr. Barry was the first in this present century to leave the beaten track, although the Reform and Travellers' Clubs had already been designed by him on more classic lines. The Speaker's chair in the House of Commons is evidently designed after one of the fifteenth century "canopied seats," which have been noticed and illustrated in the second chapter; and the "linen scroll pattern" panels can be counted by the thousand in the Houses of Parliament and the different official residences which form part of the Palace. The character of the work is subdued and not flamboyant, is excellent in design and workmanship, and is highly creditable, when we take into consideration the very low state of Art in England fifty years ago.
This want of taste was very much discussed in the periodicals of the day, and, yielding to expressed public opinion, Government had in 1840-1 appointed a Select Committee to take into consideration the promotion of the fine Arts in the country, Mr. Charles Barry, Mr. Eastlake, and Sir Martin Shee, R.A., being amongst the witnesses examined. The report of this Committee, in 1841, contained the opinion "That such an important and National work as the erection of the two Houses of Parliament affords an opportunity which ought not to be neglected of encouraging, not only the higher, but every subordinate branch of fine Art in this country."
Mr. Augustus Welby Pugin was a well-known designer of the Gothic style of furniture of this time. Born in 1811, he had published in 1835 his "Designs for Gothic Furniture," and later his "Glossary of Ecclesiastical Ornament and Costume"; and by skilful application of his knowledge to the decorations of the different ecclesiastical buildings he designed, his reputation became established. One of his designs is here reproduced. Pugin's work and reputation have survived, notwithstanding the furious opposition he met with at the time. In a review of one of his books, in the Art Union of 1839, the following sentence completes the criticism:—"As it is a common occurrence in life to find genius mistaken for madness, so does it sometimes happen that a madman is mistaken for a genius. Mr. Welby Pugin has oftentimes appeared to us to be a case in point."
At this time furniture design and manufacture, as an Industrial Art in England, seems to have attracted no attention whatever. There are but few allusions to the design of decorative woodwork in the periodicals of the day; and the auctioneers' advertisements—with a few notable exceptions, like that of the Strawberry Hill Collection of Horace Walpole, gave no descriptions; no particular interest in the subject appears to have been manifested, save by a very limited number of the dilettanti, who, like Walpole, collected the curios and cabinets of two or three hundred years ago.
York House was redecorated and furnished about this time, and as it is described as "Excelling any other dwelling of its own class in regal magnificence and vieing with the Royal Palaces of Europe," we may take note of an account of its re-equipment, written in 1841 for the Art Journal. This notice speaks little for the taste of the period, and less for the knowledge and grasp of the subject by the writer of an Art critique of the day:—"The furniture generally is of no particular style, but, on the whole, there is to be found a mingling of everything, in the best manner of the best epochs of taste." Writing further on of the ottoman couches, "causeuses," etc., the critic goes on to tell of an alteration in fashion which had evidently just taken place:—"Some of them, in place of plain or carved rosewood or mahogany, are ornamented in white enamel, with classic subjects in bas-relief of perfect execution."
Towards the close of the period embraced by the limits of this chapter, the eminent firm of Jackson and Graham were making headway, a French designer named Prignot being of considerable assistance in establishing their reputation for taste; and in the Exhibition which was soon to take place, this firm took a very prominent position. Collinson and Lock, who have recently acquired this firm's premises and business, were both brought up in the house as young men, and left some thirty odd years ago for Herrings, of Fleet Street, whom they succeeded about 1870.
Another well-known decorator who designed and manufactured furniture of good quality was Leonard William Collmann, first of Bouverie Street and later of George Street, Portman Square. He was a pupil of Sydney Smirke, R.A. (who designed and built the Carlton and the Conservative Clubs), and was himself an excellent draughtsman, and carried out the decoration and furnishing of many public buildings, London clubs, and mansions of the nobility and gentry. His son is at present Director of Decorations to Her Majesty at Windsor Castle. Collmann's designs were occasionally Gothic, but generally classic.
There is evidence of the want of interest in the subject of furniture in the auctioneers' catalogues of the day. By the courtesy of Messrs. Christie and Manson, the writer has had access to the records of this old firm, and two or three instances of sales of furniture may be given. While the catalogues of the Picture sales of 1830-40 were printed on paper of quarto size, and the subjects described at length, those of "Furniture" are of the old-fashioned small octavo size, resembling the catalogue of a small country auctioneer of the present day, and the printed descriptions rarely exceed a single line. The prices very rarely amount to more than L10; the whole proceeds of a day's sale were often less than L100, and sometimes did not reach L50. At the sale of "Rosslyn House," Hampstead, in 1830, a mansion of considerable importance, the highest-priced article was "A capital maghogany pedestal sideboard, with hot closet, cellaret, 2 plate drawers, and fluted legs," which brought L32. At the sale of the property of "A man of Fashion," "a marqueterie cabinet, inlaid with trophies, the panels of Sevres china, mounted in ormolu," sold for twenty-five guineas; and a "Reisener (sic) table, beautifully inlaid with flowers, and drawers," which appears to have been reserved at nine guineas, was bought in at eight-and-a-half guineas. Frequenters of Christie's of the present day who have seen such furniture realize as many pounds as the shillings included in such sums, will appreciate the enormously increased value of really good old French furniture.
Perhaps the most noticeable comparison between the present day and that of half-a-century ago may be made in reading through the prices of the great sale at Stowe House, in 1848, when the financial difficulties of the Duke of Buckingham caused the sale by auction which lasted thirty-seven days, and realised upwards of L71,000, the proceeds of the furniture amounting to L27,152. We have seen in the notice of French furniture that armoires by Boule have, during the past few years, brought from L4,000 to L6,000 each under the hammer, and the want of appreciation of this work, probably the most artistic ever produced by designer and craftsman, is sufficiently exemplified by the statement that at the Stowe sale two of Boule's famous armoires, of similar proportions to those in the Hamilton Palace and Jones Collections, were sold for L21 and L19 8s. 6d. respectively.
We are accustomed now to see the bids at Christie's advance by guineas, by fives and by tens; and it is amusing to read in these old catalogues of marqueterie tables, satin wood cabinets, rosewood pier tables, and other articles of "ornamental furniture," as it was termed, being knocked down to Town and Emanuel, Webb, Morant, Hitchcock, Raldock, Forrest, Redfearn, Litchfield (the writer's father), and others who were the buyers and regular attendants at "Christie's" (afterwards Christie and Manson) of 1830 to 1845, for such sums as 6s., 15s., and occasionally L10 or L15.
A single quotation is given, but many such are to be found:—Sale on February 25th and 26th, 1841. Lot 31. "A small oval table, with a piece of Sevres porcelain painted with flowers. 6s."
It is pleasant to remember, as some exception to this general want of interest in the subject, that in 1843 there was held at Gore House, Kensington, then the fashionable residence of Lady Blessington, an exhibition of old furniture; and a series of lectures, illustrated by the contributions, was given by Mr., now Sir, J.C. Robinson. The Venetian State chair, illustrated on p. 57, was amongst the examples lent by the Queen on that occasion. Specimens of Boule's work and some good pieces of Italian Renaissance were also exhibited.
A great many of the older Club houses of London were built and furnished between 1813 and 1851, the Guards' being of the earlier date, and the Army and Navy of the latter; and during the intervening thirty odd years the United Service, Travellers', Union, United University, Athenaeum, Oriental, Wyndham, Oxford and Cambridge, Reform, Carlton, Garrick, Conservative, and some others were erected and fitted up. Many of these still retain much of the furniture of Gillows, Seddons, and some of the other manufacturers of the time whose work has been alluded to, and these are favourable examples of the best kind of cabinet work done in England during the reign of George IV., William IV., and that of the early part of Queen Victoria. It is worth recording, too, that during this period, steam power, which had been first applied to machinery about 1815, came into more general use in the manufacture of furniture, and with its adoption there seems to have been a gradual abandonment of the apprenticeship system in the factories and workshops of our country; and the present "piece work" arrangement, which had obtained more or less since the English cabinet makers had brought out their "Book of Prices" some years previously, became generally the custom of the trade, in place of the older "day work" of a former generation.
In France the success of national exhibitions had become assured, the exhibitors having increased from only 110 when the first experiment was tried in 1798, by leaps and bounds, until at the eleventh exhibition, in 1849, there were 4,494 entries. The Art Journal of that year gives us a good illustrated notice of some of the exhibits, and devotes an article to pointing out the advantages to be gained by something of the kind taking place in England.
From 1827 onwards we had established local exhibitions in Dublin, Leeds, and Manchester. The first time a special building was devoted to exhibition of manufactures was at Birmingham in 1849; and from the illustrated review of this in the Art Journal one can see there was a desire on the part of our designers and manufacturers to strike out in new directions and make progress.
We are able to reproduce some of the designs of furniture of this period; and in the cradle, designed and carved in Turkey-boxwood, for the Queen, by Mr. Harry Rogers, we have a fine piece of work, which would not have disgraced the latter period of the Renaissance. Indeed, Mr. Rogers was a very notable designer and carver of this time; he had introduced his famous boxwood carvings about seven years previously.
The cradle was also, by the Queen's command, sent to the Exhibition, and it may be worth while quoting the artist's description of the carving:—"In making the design for the cradle it was my intention that the entire object should symbolize the union of the Royal Houses of England with that of Saxe-Coburg and Gothe, and, with this view, I arranged that one end should exhibit the Arms and national motto of England, and the other those of H.R.H. Prince Albert. The inscription, 'Anno, 1850,' was placed between the dolphins by Her Majesty's special command."
In a criticism of this excellent specimen of work, the Art Journal of the time said:—"We believe the cradle to be one of the most important examples of the art of wood carving ever executed in this country."
Rogers was also a writer of considerable ability on the styles of ornament; and there are several contributions from his pen to the periodicals of the day, besides designs which were published in the Art Journal under the heading of "Original Designs for Manufacturers." These articles appeared occasionally, and contained many excellent suggestions for manufacturers and carvers, amongst others, the drawings of H. Fitzcook, one of whose designs for a work table we are able to reproduce. Other more or less constant contributors of original designs for furniture were J. Strudwick and W. Holmes, a design from the pencil of each of whom is given.
But though here and there in England good designers came to the front, as a general rule the art of design in furniture and decorative woodwork was at a very low ebb about this time.
In furniture, straight lines and simple curves may be plain and uninteresting, but they are by no means so objectionable as the over ornamentation of the debased rococo style, which obtained in this country about forty years ago; and if the scrolls and flowers, the shells and rockwork, which ornamented mirror frames, sideboard backs, sofas, and chairs, were debased in style, even when carefully carved in wood, the effect was infinitely worse when, for the sake of economy, as was the case with the houses of the middle classes, this elaborate and laboured enrichment was executed in the fashionable stucco of the day.
Large mirrors, with gilt frames of this material, held the places of honour on the marble chimney piece, and on the console, or pier table, which was also of gilt stucco, with a marble slab. The cheffonier, with its shelves having scroll supports like an elaborate S, and a mirror at the back, with a scrolled frame, was a favourite article of furniture.
Carpets were badly designed, and loud and vulgar in colouring; chairs, on account of the shape and ornament in vogue, were unfitted for their purpose, on account of the wood being cut across the grain; the fire-screen, in a carved rosewood frame, contained the caricature, in needlework, of a spaniel, or a family group of the time, ugly enough to be in keeping with its surroundings.
The dining room was sombre and heavy. The pedestal sideboard, with a large mirror in a scrolled frame at the back, had come in; the chairs were massive and ugly survivals of the earlier reproductions of the Greek patterns, and, though solid and substantial, the effect was neither cheering nor refining.
In the bedrooms were winged wardrobes and chests of drawers; dressing tables and washstands, with scrolled legs, nearly always in mahogany; the old four-poster had given way to the Arabian or French bedstead, and this was being gradually replaced by the iron or brass bedsteads, which came in after the Exhibition had shewn people the advantages of the lightness and cleanliness of these materials.
In a word, from the early part of the present century, until the impetus given to Art by the great Exhibition had had time to take effect, the general taste in furnishing houses of all but a very few persons, was at about its worst.
In other countries the rococo taste had also taken hold. France sustained a higher standard than England, and such figure work as was introduced into furniture was better executed, though her joinery was inferior. In Italy old models of the Renaissance still served as examples for reproduction, but the ornament became more carelessly carved and the decoration less considered. Ivory inlaying was largely executed in Milan and Venice; mosaics of marble were specialites of Rome and of Florence, and were much applied to the decoration of cabinets; Venice was busy manufacturing carved walnutwood furniture in buffets, cabinets, Negro page boys, elaborately painted and gilt, and carved mirror frames, the chief ornaments of which were cupids and foliage.
Italian carving has always been free and spirited, the figures have never been wanting in grace, and, though by comparison with the time of the Renaissance there is a great falling off, still, the work executed in Italy during the present century has been of considerable merit as regards ornament, though this has been overdone. In construction and joinery, however, the Italian work has been very inferior. Cabinets of great pretension and elaborate ornament, inlaid perhaps with ivory, lapislazuli, or marbles, are so imperfectly made that one would think ornament, and certainly not durability, had been the object of the producer.
In Antwerp, Brussels, Liege, and other Flemish Art centres, the School of Wood Carving, which came in with the Renaissance, appears to have been maintained with more or less excellence. With the increased quality of the carved woodwork manufactured, there was a proportion of ill-finished and over-ornamented work produced; and although, as has been before observed, the manufacture of cheap marqueterie in Amsterdam and other Dutch cities was bringing the name of Dutch furniture into ill-repute—still, so far as the writer's observations have gone, the Flemish wood-carver appears to have been, at the time now under consideration, ahead of his fellow craftsmen in Europe; and when in the ensuing chapter we come to notice some of the representative exhibits in the great International Competition of 1851, it will be seen that the Antwerp designer and carver was certainly in the foremost rank.
In Austria, too, some good cabinet work was being carried out, M. Leistler, of Vienna, having at the time a high reputation.
In Paris the house of Fourdinois was making a name which, in subsequent exhibitions, we shall see took a leading place amongst the designers and manufacturers of decorative furniture.
England, it has been observed, was suffering from languor in Art industry. The excellent designs of the Adams and their school, which obtained early in the century, had been supplanted, and a meaningless rococo style succeeded the heavy imitations of French pseudo-classic furniture. Instead of, as in the earlier and more tasteful periods, when architects had designed woodwork and furniture to accord with the style of their buildings, they appear to have then, as a general rule, abandoned the control of the decoration of interiors, and the result was one which—when we examine our National furniture of half a century ago—has not left us much to be proud of, as an artistic and industrious people.
Some notice has been taken of the appreciation of this unsatisfactory state of things by the Government of the time, and by the Press; and, as with a knowledge of our deficiency, came the desire and the energy to bring about its remedy, we shall see that, with the Exhibition of 1851, and the intercourse and the desire to improve, which naturally followed that great and successful effort, our designers and craftsmen profited by the great stimulus which Art and Industry then received.
Chapter IX.
From 1851 to the Present Time.
THE GREAT EXHIBITION: Exhibitors and contemporary Cabinet Makers—Exhibition of 1862, London; 1867, Paris; and subsequently—Description of Illustrations—Fourdinois, Wright, and Mansfield—The South Kensington Museum—Revival of Marquetry—Comparison of Present Day with that of a Hundred Years ago—AEstheticism—Traditions—Trades-Unionism—The Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society—Independence of Furniture—Present Fashions—Writers on Design—Modern Furniture in other Countries—Concluding Remarks.
In the previous chapter attention has been called to the success of the National Exhibition in Paris of 1849; in the same year the competition of our manufacturers at Birmingham gave an impetus to Industrial Art in England, and there was about this time a general forward movement, with a desire for an International Exhibition on a grand scale. Articles advocating such a step appeared in newspapers and periodicals of the time, and, after much difficulty, and many delays, a committee for the promotion of this object was formed. This resulted in the appointment of a Royal Commission, and the Prince Consort, as President of this Commission, took the greatest personal interest in every arrangement for this great enterprise. Indeed, there can be no doubt, that the success which crowned the work was, in a great measure, due to his taste, patience, and excellent business capacity. It is no part of our task to record all the details of an undertaking which, at the time, was a burning question of the day, but as we cannot but look upon this Exhibition of 1851 as one of the landmarks in the history of furniture, it is worth while to recall some particulars of its genesis and accomplishment.
The idea of the Exhibition of 1851 is said to have been originally due to Mr. F. Whishaw, Secretary of the Society of Arts, as early as 1844, but no active steps were taken until 1849, when the Prince Consort, who was President of the Society, took the matter up very warmly. His speech at one of the meetings contained the following sentence:—
"Now is the time to prepare for a great Exhibition—an Exhibition worthy of the greatness of this country, not merely national in its scope and benefits, but comprehensive of the whole world; and I offer myself to the public as their leader, if they are willing to assist in the undertaking."
To Mr. (afterwards Sir) Joseph Paxton, then head gardener to the Duke of Devonshire, the general idea of the famous glass and iron building is due. An enterprising firm of contractors. Messrs. Fox and Henderson, were entrusted with the work; a guarantee fund of some L230,000 was raised by public subscriptions; and the great Exhibition was opened by Her Majesty on the 1st of May, 1851. At a civic banquet in honour of the event, the Prince Consort very aptly described the object of the great experiment:—"The Exhibition of 1851 would afford a true test of the point of development at which the whole of mankind had arrived in this great task, and a new starting point from which all nations would be able to direct their further exertions."
The number of exhibitors was some 17,000, of whom over 3,000 received prize and council medals; and the official catalogue, compiled by Mr. Scott Russell, the secretary, contains a great many particulars which are instructive reading, when we compare the work of many of the firms of manufacturers, whose exhibits are therein described, with their work of the present day.
The Art Journal published a special volume, entitled "The Art Journal Illustrated Catalogue," with woodcuts of the more important exhibits, and, by the courtesy of the proprietors, a small selection is reproduced, which will give the reader an idea of the design of furniture, both in England and the chief Continental industrial centres at that time.
With regard to the exhibits of English firms, of which these illustrations include examples, little requires to be said, in addition to the remarks already made in the preceding chapter, of their work previous to the Exhibition. One of the illustrations, however, may be further alluded to, since the changes in form and character of the Pianoforte is of some importance in the consideration of the design of furniture. Messrs. Broadwood's Grand Pianoforte (illustrated) was a rich example of decorative woodwork in ebony and gold, and may be compared with the illustration on p. 172 of a harpsichord, which the Piano had replaced about 1767, and which at and since the time of the 1851 Exhibition supplies evidence of the increased attention devoted to decorative furniture. In the Appendix will be found a short notice of the different phases through which the ever-present piano has passed, from the virginal, or spinette—of which an illustration will be found in "A Sixteenth Century Room," in Chapter III.—down to the latest development of the decoration of the case of the instrument by leading artists of the present day. Mr. Rose, of Messrs. Broadwood, whose firm was established at this present address in 1732, has been good enough to supply the author with the particulars for this notice.
Other illustrations, taken from the exhibits of foreign cabinet makers, as well as those of our English manufacturers, have been selected, being fairly representative of the work of the time, rather than on account of their own intrinsic excellence.
It will be seen from these illustrations that, so far as figure carving and composition are concerned, our foreign rivals, the Italians, Belgians, Austrians, and French, were far ahead of us. In mere construction and excellence of work we have ever been able to hold our own, and, so long as our designers have kept to beaten tracks, the effect is satisfactory. It is only when an attempt has been made to soar above the conventional, that the effort is not so successful.
In looking over the list of exhibits, one finds evidence of the fickleness of fashion. The manufacture of decorative articles of furniture of papier-mache was then very extensive, and there are several specimens of this class of work, both by French and English firms. The drawing-room of 1850 to 1860 was apparently incomplete without occasional chairs, a screen with painted panel, a work table, or some small cabinet or casket of this decorative but somewhat flimsy material.
The design and execution of mountings of cabinets in metal work, particularly of the highly-chased and gilt bronzes for the enrichment of meubles de luxe, was then, as it still to a great extent remains, the specialite of the Parisian craftsman, and almost the only English exhibits of such work were those of foreigners who had settled amongst us.
Amongst the latter was Monbro, a Frenchman, who established himself in Berners Street, London, and made furniture of an ornamental character in the style of his countrymen, reproducing the older designs of "Boule" and Marqueterie furniture. The present house of Mellier and Cie. are his successors, Mellier having been in his employ. The late Samson Wertheimer, then in Greek Street, Soho, was steadily making a reputation by the excellence of the metal mountings of his own design and workmanship, which he applied to caskets of French style. Furniture of a decorative character and of excellent quality was also made some forty years ago by Town and Emanuel, of Bond Street, and many of this firm's "Old French" tables and cabinets were so carefully finished with regard to style and detail, that, with the "tone" acquired by time since their production, it is not always easy to distinguish them from the models from which they were taken. Toms was assistant to Town and Emanuel, and afterwards purchased and carried on the business of "Toms and Luscombe," a firm well-known as manufacturers of excellent and expensive "French" furniture, until their retirement from business some ten years ago.
Webb, of Old Bond Street, succeeded by Annoot, and subsequently by Radley, was a manufacturer of this class of furniture; he employed a considerable number of workmen, and carried on a very successful business.
The name of "Blake," too, is one that will be remembered by some of our older readers who were interested in marqueterie furniture of forty years ago. He made an inlaid centre table for the late Duke of Northumberland, from a design by Mr. C. P. Slocornbe, of South Kensington Museum; he also made excellent copies of Louis XIV. furniture.
The next International Exhibition held in London was in the year 1862, and, though its success was somewhat impaired by the great calamity this country sustained in the death of the Prince Consort on 14th December, 1861, and also by the breaking out of the Civil War in the United States of America, the exhibitors had increased from 17,000 in '51 to some 29,000 in '62, the foreign entries being 16,456, as against 6,566.
Exhibitions of a National and International character had also been held in many of the Continental capitals. There was in 1855 a successful one in Paris, which was followed by one still greater in 1867, and, as every one knows, they have been lately of almost annual occurrence in various countries, affording the enterprising manufacturer better and more frequent opportunities of placing his productions before the public, and of teaching both producer and consumer to appreciate and profit by every improvement in taste, and by the greater demand for artistic objects.
The few illustrations from these more recent Exhibitions of 1862 and 1867 deserve a passing notice. The cabinet of carved ebony with enrichments of carnelian and other richly-colored minerals (illustrated on previous page), received a good deal of notice, and was purchased by William, third Earl of Craven, a well-known virtuoso of thirty years ago.
The work of Fourdinois, of Paris, has already been alluded to, and in the 1867 Exhibition his furniture acquired a still higher reputation for good taste and attention to detail. The full page illustration of a cabinet of ebony, with carvings of boxwood, is a remarkably rich piece of work of its kind; the effect is produced by carving the box-wood figures and ornamental scroll work in separate pieces, and then inserting these bodily into the ebony. By this means the more intricate work is able to be more carefully executed, and the close grain and rich tint of Turkey boxwood (perhaps next to ivory the best medium for rendering fine carving) tells out in relief against the ebony of which the body of the cabinet is constructed. This excellent example of modern cabinet work by Fourdinois, was purchased for the South Kensington Museum for L1,200, and no one who has a knowledge of the cost of executing minute carved work in boxwood and ebony will consider the price a very high one.
The house of Fourdinois no longer exists; the names of the foremost makers of French meubles de luxe, in Paris, are Buerdeley, Dasson, Roux, Sormani, Durand, and Zwiener. Some mention has already been made of Zwiener, as the maker of a famous bureau in the Hertford collection, and a sideboard exhibited by Durand in the '51 Exhibition is amongst the illustrations selected as representative of cabinet work at that time.
The illustration of Wright and Mansfield's satin-wood cabinet, with Wedgewood plaques inserted, and with wreaths and swags of marqueteric inlaid, is in the Adams' style, a class of design of which this firm made a specialite. Both Wright and Mansfield had been assistants at Jackson and Graham's, and after a short term in Great Portland Street, they removed to Bond Street, and carried on a successful business of a high class and somewhat exclusive character, until their retirement from business a few years since. This cabinet was exhibited in Paris in 1867, and was purchased by our South Kensington authorities. Perhaps it is not generally known that a grant is made to the Department for the purchase of suitable specimens of furniture and woodwork for the Museum. This expenditure is made with great care and discrimination. It may be observed here that the South Kensington Museum, which was founded in 1851, was at this time playing an important part in the Art education of the country. The literature of the day also contributed many useful works of instruction and reference for the designer of furniture and woodwork.[21]
One noticeable feature of modern design in furniture is the revival of marquetry. Like all mosaic work, to which branch of Industrial Art it properly belongs, this kind of decoration should be quite subordinate to the general design; but with the rage for novelty which seized public attention some forty years ago, it developed into the production of all kinds of fantastic patterns in different veneers. A kind of minute mosaic work in wood, which was called "Tunbridge Wells work," became fashionable for small articles. Within the last ten or fifteen years the reproductions of what is termed "Chippendale," and also Adam and Sheraton designs in marqueterie furniture, have been manufactured to an enormous extent. Partly on account of the difficulty in obtaining the richly-marked and figured old mahogany and satin-wood of a hundred years ago, which needed little or no inlay as ornament, and partly to meet the public fancy by covering up bad construction with veneers of marquetry decoration, a great deal more inlay has been given to these reproductions than ever appeared in the original work of the eighteenth century cabinet makers. Simplicity was sacrificed, and veneers, thus used and abused, came to be a term of contempt, implying sham or superficial ornament. Dickens, in one of his novels, has introduced the "Veneer" family, thus stamping the term more strongly on the popular imagination.
The method now practised in using marquetry to decorate furniture is very similar to the one explained in the description of "Boule" furniture given in Chapter VI., except that, instead of shell, the marquetry cutter uses the veneer, which he intends to be the groundwork of his design, and as in some cases these veneers are cut to the thickness of 1/16 of an inch, several layers can be sawn through at once. Sometimes, instead of using so many different kinds of wood, when a very polychromatic effect is required, holly wood and sycamore are stained different colours, and the marquetry thus prepared, is glued on to the body of the furniture, and subsequently prepared, engraved, and polished.
This kind of work is done to a great extent in England, but still more extensively and elaborately in France and Italy, where ivory and brass, marble, and other materials are also used to enrich the effect. This effect is either satisfactory or the reverse according as the work is well or ill-considered and executed.
It must be obvious, too, that in the production of marquetry the processes are attainable by machinery, which saves labour and cheapens productions of the commoner kinds; this tends to produce a decorative effect which is often inappropriate and superabundant.
Perhaps it is allowable to add here that marquetry, or marqueterie, its French equivalent, is the more modern survival of "Tarsia" work to which allusion has been made in previous chapters. Webster defines the word as "Work inlaid with pieces of wood, shells, ivory, and the like," derived from the French word marqueter to checker and marque (a sign), of German origin. It is distinguished from parquetry (which is derived from "pare," an enclosure, of which it is a diminutive), and signifies a kind of joinery in geometrical patterns, generally used for flooring. When, however, the marquetry assumes geometrical patterns (frequently a number of cubes shaded in perspective) the design is often termed in Art catalogues a "parquetry" design.
In considering the design and manufacture of furniture of the present day, as compared with that of, say, a hundred years ago, there are two or three main factors to be taken into account. Of these the most important is the enormously increased demand, by the multiplication of purchasers, for some classes of furniture, which formerly had but a limited sale. This enables machinery to be used to advantage in economising labour, and therefore one finds in the so-called "Queen Anne" and "Jacobean" cabinet work of the well furnished house of the present time, rather too prominent evidence of the lathe and the steam plane. Mouldings are machined by the length, then cut into cornices, mitred round panels, or affixed to the edge of a plain slab of wood, giving it the effect of carving. The everlasting spindle, turned rapidly by the lathe, is introduced with wearisome redundance, to ornament the stretcher and the edge of a shelf; the busy fret or band-saw produces fanciful patterns which form a cheap enrichment when applied to a drawer-front, a panel, or a frieze, and carving machines can copy any design which a century ago were the careful and painstaking result of a practised craftsman's skill.
Again, as the manufacture of furniture is now chiefly carried on in large factories, both in England and on the Continent, the sub-division of labour causes the article to pass through different hands in successive stages, and the wholesale manufacture of furniture by steam has taken the place of the personal supervision by the master's eye of the task of a few men who were in the old days the occupants of his workshop. As a writer on the subject has well said, "the chisel and the knife are no longer in such cases controlled by the sensitive touch of the human hand." In connection with this we are reminded of Ruskin's precept that "the first condition of a work of Art is that it should be conceived and carried out by one person."
Instead of the carved ornament being the outcome of the artist's educated taste, which places on the article a stamp of individuality—instead of the furniture being, as it was in the seventeenth century in England, and some hundred years earlier in Italy and in France, the craftsman's pride—it is now the result of the rapid multiplication of some pattern which has caught the popular fancy, generally a design in which there is a good deal of decorative effect for a comparatively small price.
The difficulty of altering this unsatisfactory state of things is evident. On the one side, the manufacturers or the large furnishing firms have a strong case in their contention that the public will go to the market it considers the best: and when decoration is pitted against simplicity, though the construction which accompanies the former be ever so faulty, the more pretentious article will be selected. When a successful pattern has been produced, and arrangements and sub-contracts have been made for its repetition in large quantities, any considerable variation made in the details (even if it be the suppression of ornament) will cause an addition to the cost which those only who understand something of a manufacturer's business can appreciate.
During the present generation an Art movement has sprung up called AEstheticism, which has been defined as the "Science of the Beautiful and the Philosophy of the Fine Arts," and aims at carrying a love of the beautiful into all the relations of life. The fantastical developments which accompanied the movement brought its devotees into much ridicule about ten years ago, and the pages of Punch of that time will be found to happily travesty its more amusing and extravagant aspects. The great success of Gilbert and Sullivan's operetta, "Patience," produced in 1881, was also to some extent due to the humorous allusions to the extravagances of the "Aesthetetes." In support of what may be termed a higher AEstheticism, Mr. Ruskin has written much to give expression to his ideas and principles for rendering our surroundings more beautiful. Sir Frederic Leighton and Mr. Alma Tadema are conspicuous amongst those who have in their houses carried such principles into effect, and amongst other artists who have been and are, more or less, associated with this movement, may be named Rossetti, Burne Jones, and Holman Hunt. As a writer on AEstheticism has observed:—"When the extravagances attending the movement have been purged away, there may be still left an educating influence, which will impress the lofty and undying principles of Art upon the minds of the people."
For a time, in-spite of ridicule, this so-called AEstheticism was the vogue, and considerably affected the design and decoration of furniture of the time. Woodwork was painted olive green; the panels of cabinets, painted in sombre colors, had pictures of sad-looking maidens, and there was an attempt at a "dim religious" effect in our rooms quite inappropriate to such a climate as that of England. The reaction, however, from the garish and ill-considered colourings of a previous decade or two has left behind it much good, and with the catholicity of taste which marks the furnishing of the present day, people see some merit in every style, and are endeavouring to select that which is desirable without running to the extreme of eccentricity.
Perhaps the advantage thus gained is counterbalanced by the loss of our old "traditions," for amongst the wilderness of reproductions of French furniture, more or less frivolous—of Chippendale, as that master is generally understood—of what is termed "Jacobean" and "Queen Anne"—to say nothing of a quantity of so-called "antique furniture," we are bewildered in attempting to identify this latter end of the nineteenth century with any particular style of furniture. By "tradition" it is intended to allude to the old-fashioned manner of handing down from father to son, or master to apprentice, for successive generations, the skill to produce any particular class of object of Art or manufacture. Surely Ruskin had something of this in his mind when he said, "Now, when the powers of fancy, stimulated by this triumphant precision of manual dexterity, descend from generation to generation, you have at last what is not so much a trained artist, as a new species of animal, with whose instinctive gifts you have no chance of contending."
Tradition may be said to still survive in the country cartwright, who produces the farmer's wagon in accordance with custom and tradition, modifying the method of construction somewhat perhaps to meet altered conditions of circumstances, and then ornamenting his work by no particular set design or rule, but partly from inherited aptitude and partly from playfulness or fancy. In the house-carpenter attached to some of our old English family estates, there will also be found, here and there, surviving representatives of the traditional "joyner" of the seventeenth century, and in Eastern countries, particularly in Japan, we find the dexterous joiner or carver of to-day is the descendant of a long line of more or less excellent mechanics.
It must be obvious, too, that "Trades Unionism" of the present day cannot but be, in many of its effects, prejudicial to the Industrial Arts. A movement which aims at reducing men of different intelligence and ability, to a common standard, and which controls the amount of work done, and the price paid for it, whatever are its social or economical advantages, must have a deleterious influence upon the Art products of our time.
Writers on Art and manufactures, of varying eminence and opinion, are unanimous in pointing out the serious drawbacks to progress which will exist, so long as there is a demand for cheap and meretricious imitations of old furniture, as opposed to more simply made articles, designed in accordance with the purposes for which they are intended. Within the past few years a great many well directed endeavours have been made in England to improve design in furniture, and to revive something of the feeling of pride and ambition in his craft, which, in the old days of the Trade Guilds, animated our Jacobean joiner. One of the best directed of these enterprises is that of the "Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society," of which Mr. Walter Crane, A.R.W.S., is president, and which numbers, amongst its committee and supporters, a great many influential names. As suggested in the design of the cover of their Exhibition Catalogue, drawn by the President, one chief aim of the society is to link arm in arm "Design and Handicraft," by exhibiting only such articles as bear the names of individuals who (1) drew the design and (2) carried it out: each craftsman thus has the credit and responsibility of his own part of the work, instead of the whole appearing as the production of Messrs. A.B. or C.D., who may have known nothing personally of the matter, beyond generally directing the affairs of a large manufacturing or furnishing business.
In the catalogue published by this Society there are several short and useful essays in which furniture is treated, generally and specifically, by capable writers, amongst whom are Mr. Walter Crane, Mr. Edward Prior, Mr. Halsey Ricardo, Mr. Reginald T. Blomfield, Mr. W.R. Letharby, Mr. J.H. Pollen, Mr. Stephen Webb, and Mr. T.G. Jackson, A.R.A., the order of names being that in which the several essays are arranged. This small but valuable contribution to the subject of design and manufacture of furniture is full of interest, and points out the defects of our present system. Amongst other regrets, one of the writers (Mr. Halsey Ricardo) complains, that the "transient tenure that most of us have in our dwellings, and the absorbing nature of the struggle that most of us have to make to win the necessary provisions of life, prevent our encouraging the manufacture of well wrought furniture. We mean to outgrow our houses—our lease expires after so many years, and then we shall want an entirely different class of furniture—consequently we purchase articles that have only sufficient life in them to last the brief period of our occupation, and are content to abide by the want of appropriateness or beauty, in the clear intention of some day surrounding ourselves with objects that shall be joys to us for the remainder of our life."
Many other societies, guilds, and art schools have been established with more or less success, with the view of improving the design and manufacture of furniture, and providing suitable models for our young wood carvers to copy. The Ellesmere Cabinet (illustrated) was one of the productions of the "Home Arts and Industries Association," founded by the late Lady Marian Alford in 1883, a well known connoisseur and Art patron. It will be seen that this is virtually a Jacobean design.
In the earlier chapters of this book, it has been observed that as Architecture became a settled Art or Science, it was accompanied by a corresponding development in the design of the room and its furniture, under, as it were, one impulse of design, and this appropriate concord may be said to have obtained in England until nearly the middle of the present century, when, after the artificial Greek style in furniture and woodwork which had been attempted by Wilkins, Soane, and other contemporary architects, had fallen into disfavour, there was first a reaction, and then an interregnum, as has been noticed in the previous chapter. The Great Exhibition marked a fresh departure, and quickened, as we have seen, industrial enterprise in this country; and though, upon the whole, good results have been produced by the impetus given by these international competitions, they have not been exempt from unfavorable accompaniments. One of these was the eager desire for novelty, without the necessary judgment to discriminate between good and bad. For a time, nothing satisfied the purchaser of so-called "artistic" products, whether of decorative furniture, carpets, curtains or merely ornamental articles, unless the design was "new." The natural result was the production either of heavy and ugly, or flimsy and inappropriate furniture, which has been condemned by every writer on the subject. In some of the designs selected from the exhibits of '51 this desire to leave the beaten track of conventionality will be evident: and for a considerable time after the exhibition there is to be seen in our designs, the result of too many opportunities for imitation, acting upon minds insufficiently trained to exercise careful judgment and selection.
The custom of appropriate and harmonious treatment of interior decorations and suitable furniture, seems to have been in a great measure abandoned during the present century, owing perhaps to the indifference of architects of the time to this subsidiary but necessary portion of their work, or perhaps to a desire for economy, which preferred the cheapness of painted and artificially grained pine-wood, with decorative effects produced by wall papers, to the more solid but expensive though less showy wood-panelling, architectural mouldings, well-made panelled doors and chimney pieces, which one finds, down to quite the end of the last century, even in houses of moderate rentals. Furniture therefore became independent and "beginning to account herself an Art, transgressed her limits" ... and "grew to the conceit that it could stand by itself, and, as well as its betters, went a way of its own." [22] The interiors, handed over from the builder, as it were, in blank, are filled up from the upholsterer's store, the curiosity shop, and the auction room, while a large contribution from the conservatory or the nearest florist gives the finishing touch to a mixture, which characterizes the present taste for furnishing a boudoir or a drawing room.
There is, of course, in very many cases an individuality gained by the "omnium gatherum" of such a mode of furnishing. The cabinet which reminds its owner of a tour in Italy, the quaint stool from Tangier, and the embroidered piano cover from Spain, are to those who travel, pleasant souvenirs; as are also the presents from friends (when they have taste and judgment), the screens and flower-stands, and the photographs, which are reminiscences of the forms and faces separated from us by distance or death. The test of the whole question of such an arrangement of furniture in our living rooms, is the amount of judgment and discretion displayed. Two favorable examples of the present fashion, representing the interior of the Saloon and Drawing Room at Sandringham House, are here reproduced.
There is at the present time an ambition on the part of many well-to-do persons to imitate the effect produced in houses of old families where, for generations, valuable and memorable articles of decorative furniture have been accumulated, just as pictures, plate and china have been preserved; and failing the inheritance of such household gods, it is the practice to acquire, or as the modern term goes, "to collect," old furniture of different styles and periods, until the room becomes incongruous and overcrowded, an evidence of the wealth, rather than of the taste, of the owner. As it frequently happens that such collections are made very hastily, and in the brief intervals of a busy commercial or political life, the selections are not the best or most suitable; and where so much is required in a short space of time, it becomes impossible to devote a sufficient sum of money to procure a really valuable specimen of the kind desired; in its place an effective and low priced reproduction of an old pattern (with all the faults inseparable from such conditions) is added to the conglomeration of articles requiring attention, and taking up space. The limited accommodation of houses built on ground which is too valuable to allow spacious halls and large apartments, makes this want of discretion and judgment the more objectionable. There can be no doubt that want of care and restraint in the selection of furniture, by the purchasing public, affects its character, both as to design and workmanship.
These are some of the faults in the modern style of furnishing, which have been pointed out by recent writers and lecturers on the subject. In "Hints on Household Taste," [23] Mr. Eastlake has scolded us severely for running after novelties and fashions, instead of cultivating suitability and simplicity, in the selection and ordering of our furniture; and he has contrasted descriptions and drawings of well designed and constructed pieces of furniture of the Jacobean period with those of this century's productions. Col. Robert Edis, in "Decoration and Furniture of Town Houses," has published designs which are both simple and economical, with regard to space and money, while suitable to the specified purpose of the furniture or "fitment."
This revival in taste, which has been not inappropriately termed "The New Renaissance," has produced many excellent results, and several well-known architects and designers in the foremost rank of art, amongst whom the late Mr. Street, R.A.; Messrs. Norman Shaw, R.A.; Waterhouse, R.A.; Alma Tadema, R.A.; T. G. Jackson, A.R.A.; W. Burgess, Thomas Cutler, E. W. Godwin, S. Webb, and many others, have devoted a considerable amount of attention to the design of furniture.
The ruling principle in the majority of these designs has been to avoid over ornamentation, and pretension to display, and to produce good solid work, in hard, durable, and (on account of the increased labour) expensive woods, or, when economy is required, in light soft woods, painted or enamelled. Some manufacturing firms, whom it would be invidious to name, and whose high reputation renders them independent of any recommendation, have adopted this principle, and, as a result, there is now no difficulty in obtaining well designed and soundly constructed furniture, which is simple, unpretentious, and worth the price charged for it. Unfortunately for the complete success of the new teaching, useful and appropriate furniture meets with a fierce competition from more showy and ornate productions, made to sell rather than to last: furniture which seems to have upon it the stamp of our "three years' agreement," or "seven years' lease." Of this it may be said, speaking not only from an artistic, but from a moral and humane standpoint, it is made so cheaply, that it seems a pity it is made at all.
The disadvantages, inseparable from our present state of society, which we have noticed as prejudicial to English design and workmanship, and which check the production of really satisfactory furniture, are also to be observed in other countries; and as the English, and English-speaking people, are probably the largest purchasers of foreign manufacturers, these disadvantages act and re-act on the furniture of different nations.
In France, the cabinet maker has ever excelled in the production of ornamental furniture; and by constant reference to older specimens in the Museums and Palaces of his country, he is far better acquainted with what may be called the traditions of his craft than his English brother. With him the styles of Francois Premier, of Henri Deux, and the "three Louis" are classic, and in the beautiful chasing and finishing of the mounts which ornament the best meubles de luxe, it is almost impossible to surpass his best efforts, provided the requisite price be paid; but this amounts in many cases to such considerable sums of money as would seem incredible to those who have but little knowledge of the subject. As a simple instance, the "copy" of the "Bureau du Louvre" (described in Chapter vi.) in the Hertford House collection, cost the late Sir Richard Wallace a sum of L4,000.
As, however, in France, and in countries which import French furniture, there are many who desire to have the effect of this beautiful but expensive furniture, but cannot afford to spend several thousand pounds in the decoration of a single room, the industrious and ingenious Frenchman manufactures, to meet this demand, vast quantities of furniture which affects, without attaining, the merits of the better made and more highly finished articles.
In Holland, Belgium, and in Germany, as has already been pointed out, the manufacture of ornamental oak furniture, on the lines of the Renaissance models, still prevails, and such furniture is largely imported into this country.
Italian carved furniture of modern times has been already noticed; and in the selections made from the 1851 Exhibition, some productions of different countries have been illustrated, which tend to shew that, speaking generally, the furniture most suitable for display is produced abroad, while none can excel English cabinet makers in the production of useful furniture and woodwork, when it is the result of design and handicraft, unfettered by the detrimental, but too popular, condition that the article when finished shall appear to be more costly really than it is.
The illustration of a carved frame in the rococo style of Chippendale, with a Chinaman in a canopy, represents an important school of wood carving which has been developed in Munich; and in the "Kuenst Gewerberein," or "Workman's Exhibition," in that city, the Bavarians have a very similar arrangement to that of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society of this country, of which mention has already been made. Each article is labelled with the name of the designer and maker.
In conclusion, it seems evident that, with all the faults and shortcomings of this latter part of the nineteenth century—and no doubt they are many, both of commission and omission—still, speaking generally, there is no lack of men with ability to design, and no want of well trained patient craftsmen to produce, furniture which shall equal the finest examples of the Renaissance and Jacobean periods. With the improved means of inter-communication between England and her Colonies, and with the chief industrial centres of Europe united for the purposes of commerce, the whole civilized world is, as it were, one kingdom: merchants and manufacturers can select the best and most suitable materials, can obtain photographs or drawings of the most distant examples, or copies of the most expensive designs, while the public Art Libraries of London, and Paris, contain valuable works of reference, which are easily accessible to the student or to the workman. It is very pleasant to bear testimony to the courtesy and assistance which the student or workman invariably receives from those who are in charge of our public reference libraries.
There needs, however, an important condition to be taken into account. Good work, requiring educated thought to design, and skilled labour to produce, must be paid for at a very different rate to the furniture of machined mouldings, stamped ornament, and other numerous and inexpensive substitutes for handwork, which our present civilization has enabled our manufacturers to produce, and which, for the present, seems to find favour with the multitude. It has been well said that, "Decorated or sumptuous furniture is not merely furniture that is expensive to buy, but that which has been elaborated with much thought, knowledge, and skill. Such furniture cannot be cheap certainly, but the real cost is sometimes borne by the artist who produces, rather than by the man who may happen to buy it." [24] It is often forgotten that the price paid is that of the lives and sustenance of the workers and their families.
A point has now been reached at which our task must be brought to its natural conclusion; for although many collectors, and others interested in the subject, have invited the writer's attention to numerous descriptions and examples, from an examination of which much information could, without doubt, be obtained, still, the exigencies of a busy life, and the limits of a single volume of moderate dimensions, forbid the attempt to add to a story which, it is feared, may perhaps have already overtaxed the reader's patience.
As has already been stated in the preface, this book is not intended to be a guide to "collecting," or "furnishing"; nevertheless, it is possible that, in the course of recording some of the changes which have taken place in designs and fashions, and of bringing into notice, here and there, the opinions of those who have thought and written upon the subject, some indirect assistance may have been given in both these directions. If this should be the case, and if an increased interest has been thereby excited in the surroundings of the Home, or in some of those Art collections—the work of bye-gone years—which form part of our National property, the writer's aim and object will have been attained, and his humble efforts amply rewarded.
NOTE.—The Names of several Designers and Makers, omitted from the Index, will be found in the List in the Appendix, with references.
Academy (French) of the Arts founded Adam, Robert and James AEstheticism Ahashuerus, Palace of Alcock, Sir Rutherford, collection of Angelo, Michael Anglo-Saxon Furniture Arabesque Ornament, origin of Arabian Woodwork Ark, reference to the Armoires, mention of Art Journal, The Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society Aspinwall, of Grosvenor Street Assyrian Furniture Aubusson Tapestry Audley End Austrian Work
Barbers' Company, Hall of the Baroque, The style Barry, Sir Charles, R.A. Beauvais Tapestry Bedroom Furniture Bedstead of Jeanne d'Albret Bedstead in the Cluny Museum Bellows, Italian Benjamin, Mr., referred to Berain, Charles, French artist Bethnal Green Museum Biblical references Birch, Dr., reference to Birdwood, Sir George, referred to Black, Mr. Adam, reference to Blomfield, Mr. Reginald T. Boards and Trestles Boleyn, Anna, chair of Bombay Furniture Bonnaffe, referred to Boucher, artist Boudoir Boule, Andre Charles Brackets, Wall British Museum, references to specimens in the Brittany Furniture Broadwood, Messrs Bronze Mountings Bruges, Chimney-piece at Bryan, Michael, referred to Buffet, The Bureau du Roi Burgess, Mr. W Burleigh Byzantine-Gothic, discarded Byzantine style
Caffieri, work of Cairo Woodwork Canopied Seats Canterbury Cathedral Carpenters' Company Cashmere Work Cauner, French carver Cellaret, The Cellini, B. Chambers, Sir William, R.A. Chair of Dagobert Chairs of St. Peter Chardin, reference to Charlemagne, reference to Charles I. reference to Charles II. reference to Charlton, Little Charterhouse, The Chaucer quoted Chippendale's Work Chippendale's "Gentleman and Cabinetmakers' Director" Christianity influence of Christie, Manson, & Wood, Messrs reference to old catalogues of Cicero's Tables Cipriani Clapton, Dr. Edward, reference to Club Houses of London Cluny Museum, reference to Colbert, Finance Minister Coliards' predecessors Collinson & Lock Collman, L.W., work of Constantinople, capture of Coronation Chair, The Correggio Grace, work of Crane, Mr. Walter Cromwell referred to Crusades, influence of the Cutler, Mr. T Cypselus of Corinth, Chest of
Dado, the, described Dagobert Chair Dalburgia or Blackwood Damascus, Room from a house in Davillier, Baron "Dining Room," the, various definitions Divan, derivation of Dowbiggin (Gillow's apprentice) Dryden quoted Duerer, A., referred to D'Urbino Bramante Du Sommerard referred to Dutch Furniture
Eastlake, Mr. C., reference to Edinburgh, H.R.H. the Duke of, Art Collection Edis, Col. Robert, referred to, Elgin and Kincardine, Earl of, Collection of Elizabethan Work Empire Furniture English Work Evelyn's Diary Exhibiton, The Colonial The Great (1851) Inventions Exhibitions, Local
Falke, Dr., reference to Faydherbe, Lucas Fitzcook, H., designer Flaxman's Work Flemish Renaissance Flemish Work Florentine Mosaic Work Folding Stool Fontainebleau, Chateau of Fourdinois, Work of Fragonard, French artist, reference to Frames for pictures and mirrors Franks, Mr. A.W. Fretwork Ornament
Gavard's, C., Work on Versailles German Work Gesso Work Ghiberti, L Gibbon, Dr., story of Gilding, methods of Gillow, Richard, extending table patented work of Gillow's Records Gillow's Work Glastonbury Chair Gobelins Tapestry Godwin, Mr. G., referred to Godwin, Mr. E.W. Goodrich Court Gore House, Exhibition at Gothic Architecture Gothic Work French German Chippendale's Gough, Viscount, collection of Gouthiere, Pierre Gray's Inn Hall Greek Furniture Greuze, reference to
Hamilton Palace Collection Hampton Court Palace Hardwick Hall Harpsichord, the Harrison quoted Hatfield House Hebrew Furniture Henri II. time of Henri IV. style of Art in France Henry VIII Hepplewhite, work of Herculaneum and Pompeii discovery of Herbert's "Antiquities" Hertford House Collection Holbein Holland House Holland & Sons Holmes, W., designer Home Arts and Industries Association Hope, Thomas, design by Hopkinson's Pianos Hotel de Boheme Howard & Sons, firm of, founded
Ince W., contemporary of Chippendale Indian Furniture Indian Museum, The Indo-Portuguese Furniture Intarsia Work, or Tarsia Inventories, old Italian Carved Furniture Italian Renaissance
Jackson, Mr. T.G., A.R.A., referred to Jackson & Graham Jacobean Furniture Jacquemart, M., reference to Japan, the Revolution in Japanese Joiner, the Japanned Furniture Jeanne d'Albret, Bedstead of Jones, Inigo Jones Collection, The
Kauffmann, Angelica Kensington, South, Museum, foundation of Kensington, South, Museum, reference to specimens in the Khorsabad, reference to Kirkman's exhibit Knife cases Knole
Lacquer Work, Chinese and Japanese Indian Persian Lacroix, Paul, reference to Lancret, artist Layard, Sir Austen, reference to Lebrun, artist Leighton, Sir F., referred to Leo X., Pope Letharby, Mr. W.R. Litchfield & Radclyffe Livery cupboards Longford Castle Collection Longman & Broderip Longleat Louis XIII. Furniture Louis XIV death of Louis XV death of Louis XVI Louvre, The
Macaulay, Lord, quoted Machine-made Furniture Madrid, French Furniture in Mahogany, introduction of Mansion House, Furniture of the Marie Antionette Marie Louise, Cabinet designed for Marqueterie Maskell, Mr., reference to Mayhew, J., contemporary of Chippendale Medicis Family, influence of the Meyrick, S. Middle Temple Hall Miles and Edwards Milton quoted Mirror, Mosaic Mirrors, introduction of "Mobilier National," the collection of Modern fashion of Furnishing Mogul Empire, The Monbro Morant's Furniture Mounting of Furniture Munich, Work and Exhibition of
Napoleon alluded to Nilson, French carver Norman civilization, influence of North Holland, Furniture of Notes and Queries Nineveh, Discoveries in
Oak Panelling Oriental Conservatism Ottoman, derivation of
Panelling (oak) Papier-mache Work Passe, C. de Paxton, Sir Joseph Penshurst Place Pergolesi Perkins, Mr. C. translator of "Kunst im Hause" Persian Designs Pianoforte, the Picau, French carver Pietra-dura introduced Pinder, Sir Paul, house of Pollen, Mr. J. Hungerford, references to Portuguese Work Prie Dieu Chair, the Prignot, Designs of Prior, Mr. Edward, essay on Furniture Pugin, Mr. A.W., work of
Queen Anne Furniture Queen's Collection, The
Racinet's Work, "Le Costume Historique" Radspieler of Munich (manufacturer) Raffaele, referred to Raleigh, Sir W. Regency, Period of the, in France Renaissance Renaissance in England France Germany Italy The Netherlands Spain Revolution, The French Revival of Art in France Ricardo, Mr. Halsey Richardson's "Studies" Riesener, Court Ebeniste Robinson, Mr. G.T., quoted Rococo Style, the Rogers, Harry, work of Roman Furniture Ruskin, Mr., quoted Russian Woodwork
St. Augustine's Chair St. Giles', Bloomsbury St. Peter's Chairs St. Peter's Church St. Saviour's Chapel Sallust, House of Salting, Mr., collection of Salzburg, Bishop's Palace at Sandringham House, referred to Saracenic Art Sarto, Andrea del Satinwood, introduction of Scandinavian Woodwork Science and Art Department, The Scott, Sir Walter, reference to Screens, Louis XV. period Secret Drawers, etc., in Furniture Sedan Chair, the Seddon, Thomas, and his Sons, Work of Serilly. Marquise de, Boudoir of Sevres Porcelain, introduction of Shakespeare's Chair Shakespeare, quoted Shaw, Mr. Norman, R.A. Shaw's "Ancient Furniture" Sheraton, Thomas, Work of Shisham Wood Sideboard, reference to the Skinners' Company, The Smith, Major General Murdoch, reference to Smith, Mr. George, explorer, reference to Smith, George, manufacturer Snell, Work of Soane Museum, The Society of Arts, The Society of Upholsterers and Cabinet Makers Sofa, derivation of South Kensington. See Kensington Spanish Furniture Speke Hall, Liverpool Spoon Cases Stationers' Hall Steam power applied to manufactures Stephens, Mr., referred to Stockton House Stone, Mr. Marcus Strawberry Hill Sale Street, Mr., R.A. Strudwick, J., designer Sydney, Sir Philip
Tabernacle, The Table, "Dormant" "Drawings" Extending Folding Framed Kneehole Pier Side Joined Standing Wine Tables and Trestles Tadema, Mr. Alma, R.A., design by Tarsia Work, or Intarsia Tea Caddies Thackeray, quoted Theebaw, King, Bedstead of Thyine Wood "Times" Newspaper, The, quoted Titian Toms & Luscombe Town & Emanuel Trades Unionism Traditions, loss of old Transition period Trianon, The Trollopes founded
Ulm, Cathedral of Urn Stands, the
Veeners Venice, importance of Venice, referred to Verbruggens, the Vernis Martin Versailles, Palace of Victorian (early) Furniture Vinci, L. da Viollet-le-Duc Vriesse, V. de
Wales, H.R.H. Prince of, Art Collection of Wallace, Sir Richard, Collection of Walpole, Horace Ware, Great Bed of Waterhouse, Mr., R.A. Watteau Webb, Mr. Stephen Wedgwood, Josiah Wertheimer, S. Westminster Abbey Wilkinson, of Ludgate Hill Williamson (Mobilier National) Wine Tables Woods used for Furniture Wootton, Sir Henry, quoted Wren, Sir Christopher, referred to Wright, Mr., F.S.A, referred to Wyatt, Sir Digby, paper read by
York House, described in the "Art Journal" York Minster, Chair in
List of Subscribers.
ABERCROMBY, RT. HON. LORD. ABERDEEN PUBLIC LIBRARY. AGNEW, SIR ANDREW NOEL, BART. AFFLECK, LADY. ALLEN, E.G., 28, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. AMHERST, W. AMHURST TYSSEN, M.P., Didlington Hall, Norfolk. ANDERSON, W. & SONS, Newcastle. ANDREWS & Co., Durham. ANGST, H., H.B.M. Consul, Zurich. ASHBURNHAM, RT. HON. EARL OF. ASHWORTH, A., Manchester.
BAGOTT, HENRY PEARMAN, Dudley, Worcester. BAILEY, THOMAS J., A.R.I.B.A., School Board of London, Victoria Embankment, Westminster. BALFOUR, CHARLES B., J.P., Balgonie, Fife. BALFOUR, GEORGE W., M.D., LL.D., 17, Walker Street, Edinburgh. BALFOUR, CAPTAIN J. E. H., 3, Berkeley Square, London. BAHR, WILLIAM, 119, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, London. BALL, NORRIS & HADLEY, 5, Argyll Place, London. BARBER, W., Swinden, Halifax. BARNES, J.W., F.S.A., Durham. BARRATT, THOMAS. BARTLETT, GEORGE A., 1, Wolverton Gardens, London. BATTERSEA PUBLIC LIBRARY. BATTISCOMBE & HARRIS, 49 and 50, Great Marylebone Street, London. BAXTER & Co., Colegate Street, Norwich. BAZLEY, SIR THOMAS S., BART. BELOE, EDWARD MILLIGEN, F.S.A., Paradise, King's Lynn. BENNETT-POE, J.T., Ashley Place, S.W. BERESFORD-PEIRSE, SIR HENRY, BART. BEVAN, REV. PHILIP CHARLES, March Baldon Rectory, Near Oxford. BIBBY, JAMES J. BIRCH, CHARLES E., 19, Bloomsbury Street, London. BIRDWOOD, SIR GEORGE, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., M.D. BLACKBURNE & JOHNSTON, Wells Street, Oxford Street, London. BLOMFIELD, SIR ARTHUR W., M.A., A.R.A. BONHAM, F.J., 65, Oxford Street, London. BOOLS, W.E., 7, Cornhill, London. BORRADAILE, CHARLES, Brighton. BOUCNEAU, A. J. H., 349, Euston Rd., London. BOYS & SPURGE, 79, Great Eastern Street, London. BRADSHAW, CHRISTOPHER, Manchester. BRADY & SON, 74, High Street, Perth. BRERETON, PROFESSOR W.W., Galway. BRETT, DR., 63, Shepherd's Bush Road, London. BRIGGS, R.A., F.R.I.B.A., 2, Devonshire Square, London. BROOKE, HENRY, 20, Holland Park Villas, London. BROWN BROTHERS, 114a, George Street, Edinburgh. BRUCE, ISAAC, 4, Maitland Street, Edinburgh. BULKELEY-OWEN, Rev. T.M., Tedsmore Hall, Oswystry. BURD, J.S., Compton Gifford, Plymouth. BURNARD, ROBERT, 3. Hillsborough, Plymouth. BUTTS, CAPTAIN, The Salterns, Parkstone, Dorset.
CAINE, H.J., Deanwood, Newbury. CAMPBELL, SIR ARCHIBALD, S. J. (of Succoth), Bart. CAMPBELL, SIR GUY. CARLIUAN & BEAUMETZ, Rue Beaurepaire, Paris. CARMICHAEL, SIR T.D., Gibson, Bart. CARRINGTON, HOWARD, 39, High Street, Stockport. CASTLE, REUBEN, F.R.I.B.A., Westgate, Cleckheaton. CHAMBERLAIN, RT. HON. JOSEPH, M.P. CHAMBERLAIN, KING & JONES, 27, Union Street, Birmingham. CHAPMAN, H., Windsor Hall, Windsor Street, Brighton. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, King Street, St. James' Square, London. CIVIL SERVICE SUPPLY ASSOCIATION, Bedford Street, Strand, London. CLAPPERTON, W.R. & Co., 59, Princes Street, Edinburgh. CLAPTON, EDWARD, Esq., M.D., F.L.S., 22, St. Thomas Street, London. CLARK, WILLIAM, Oxford Street, London. CLIFFORD, SAMUEL, 14, Goldsmith Street, Nottingham. CLOWES, J.E., Quay, Great Yarmouth. COATES, MAJOR EDWARD F., Tayles Hill, Ewell, Surrey. COCHRAN, ALEX, 22, Blythewood Square, Glasgow. COHEN & SONS, B., 1, Curtain Road, London. COLT, E.W., M.A., Hagley Hall, Rugeley. CONRATH & SONS, South Audley Street, London. COOK, J., & SON, 80, Market Street, Edinburgh. COMBE, R.H., D.L., J.P., Surrey. COOPER, REV. CANON W.H., F.R.G.S., 19, Delahay Street, Westminster. COOPER, JOSEPH, Granville Terrace, Lytham. CORNFORD, L. COPE, A.R.I.B.A., Norfolk Road, Brighton. COUNT, F.W., Market Place, East Dereham. CORNISH BROS., 37, New Street, Birmingham. CORNISH & SON, J., Liverpool. CORNISH, J.E., 16, St. Ann's Square, Manchester. COUNT, F.W., Market Place, East Dereham. COWIE, ROBERT, 39b, Queensferry Street, Edinburgh. CRAIGIE, E.W., 8, Fopstone Road, London. CRANBROOK, RT. HON. VISCOUNT, G.C.S.I. CRANFORD, R., Dartmouth. CRANSTON & ELLIOT, 47, North Bridge, Edinburgh. CREIGHTON, DAVID H., Museum R.S.A.I, Kilkenny, Ireland. CRISP, H.B., Saxmundham. CROFT, ARTHUR, South Park, Wadhurst, Surrey. CROSS, F. RICHARDSON, M.B., F.R.C.S. CROWLEY, REGINALD A., A.R.I.B.A., 96, George Street, Croydon. CUNNINGHAM, GENERAL SIR A. CUTLER, THOMAS, F.R.I.B.A, 5, Queen's Square, London.
DALRYMPLE, Hon. H.E.W., Bargany, Girvan, Ayrshire. DARMSTAEDTER, DR., Berlin. DAVENPORT, HENRY, C.C., Woodcroft, Leek. DAVIES, REV. GERALD S., Charterhouse, Godalming. DAVIS, COLONEL JOHN, Sifrons, Farnboro', Hants. DAVIS, JAMES W., F.S.A., Chevinedge, Halifax. DE BATHE, GENERAL SIR HENRY, BART. DE L'ISLE & DUDLEY, RT. HON. LORD, Penshurst Place, Tonbridge. DE TRAFFORD, HUMPHREY F., 36, Charles Street, Berkeley Square, London. DE SAUMAREZ, RT. HON. LORD. DEBENHAM & FREEBODY, Wigmore Street, London. DERBY, RT, HON. EARL OF., K.G. DORMER, ROLAND, Ministry of Finance, Cairo. DOUGLAS, GRENVILLE. DOWNING, WILLIAM, Afonwan, Acock's Green, Birmingham. DOVESTON'S, Manchester. DREY, A.S., Munich. DRUCE & Co., Baker Street, London. DRURY-LAVIN, MRS. DULAU & Co., 37, Soho Square, London. DUNDEE FREE LIBRARY. DURHAM, RT. HON. EARL OF. DUVEEN, J.J., Oxford Street, London.
EASTER, GEORGE, Free Library, Norwich, EDIS, COLONEL, F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A., 14, Fitzroy Square, London. EDWARDS & ROBERTS, Wardour Street, London. EGGINTON, JOHN, Milverton Erleigh, Reading. ELLIOT, ANDREW, 17, Princes Street, Edinburgh. ELLIOTT, HORACE, 18, Queen's Road, Bayswater, London. ELWES, H. T., Fir Bank, East Grimstead. EMPSON, C. W., Palace Court, Bayswater, London. EVANS, COLONEL JOHN, Horsham.
FANE, W. D., Melbourne Hall, Derby. FENWICK, J. G., Moorlands, Newcastle-on-Tyne. FERRIER, GEORGE STRATON, R.S.W., 41, Heriot Row, Edinburgh. FFOOLKES, His HONOUR JUDGE WYNNE, Old Northgate House, Chester. FIRBANK, J. T., D.L., J.P., Coopers, Chislehurst. FISHER, EDWARD, F.S.A. Scot., Abbotsbury, Newton-Abbot. FISHER, SAMUEL T., The Grove, Streatham. FLEMING, MRS. ROBERT, Walden, Chislehurst. FLETCHER, W., Tottenham Court Road, London. FORD, ONSLOW, A.R.A., 62, Acacia Road, Regent's Park, N.W. FORRESTER, ROBERT, Glasgow. FOSTER, CAPTAIN, J.P., D.L., Apley Park, Bridgnorth. FOSTER, J. COLLIE, 44a, Gutter Lane, London. FOX & JACOBS, 69, Wigmore Street, London. FRAEUR, FREDERICK, Greek Street, Soho, London. FRAIN, WILLIAM, Dundee. FRANCIS, JOHN H., 17, Regent Place, Birmingham. FRANKAU, Mrs., Weymouth Street, Portland Place, London. FRASER & Co., A., 7, Union Street, Inverness. FRITH, MISS LOUISE, 18, Fulham Road, London. FULLER, B. FRANKLIN, 16, Great Eastern Street, London. FUZZEY, J. & A. J., Penzance.
GRAINER, J. W., M.B. Edin., Belmont House, Thrapstone, Northampton. GALLOWAY, JOHN, Aberdeen. GARDNER, GEORGE, 209, Brompton Road, London. GARNETT, ROBERT, J. P., Warrington. GARROD, TURNER & SON, Ipswich. GIBBONS, DR., 29, Cadogan Place, London. GIBSON, ROBERT, Pitt Street, Portobello. GILBERT, GEORGE RALPH, Dunolly, Torquay. GILLILAN, WM., 6, Palace Gate, Bayswater, London. GILLOW & Co., Lancaster. GILLOWS, Messrs., 406, Oxford Street, London. GODFREE, A. H., 18, Holland Villas Road, Bayswater, London. GOOCH, SIR ALFRED SHERLOCK. GOODALL, E. & Co., Limited, Manchester. GOLDSMID, SIR JULIAN, BART., M.P. GOSFORD, RIGHT HON. EARL OF, K.P., GOW, JAMES M., 66, George Street, Edinburgh. GRAND HOTEL, Northumberland Avenue, London. GREEN, J. L., 64, King's Road, Camden Road, London. GREENALL, LADY, Walton Hall, Warrington. GREENWOOD & SONS, Stonegate, York. GREGORY & Co., Regent Street, London. GUILD, The Decorative Arts, Limd., 2, Hanover-Square, London. GURNEY, RICHARD, Northrepps Hall, Norwich. GUTHRIE, D. C.
HALL, MRS. DICKINSON, Whatton Manor, Nottingham. HAMBURGER BROS., Utrecht. HAMER, WILLIAM, Mayfield, Knutsford. HAMILTON, THOMAS, Manchester. HAMPTON & SONS, Pall Mall East, London. HANNAY, A. A., 80, Coleman Street, London. HANSELL, P. E., Wroxharn House, Norwich. HARDING, GEORGE, Charing Cross Road, London. HARDY, E. MEREDITH, 9, Sinclair Gardens, Kensington. HARRISON, H.E.B., Devonshire Road, Liverpool. HARVEY, REV. CANON, Vicar's Court, Lincoln. HAWES, G. E., Duke's Palace Joinery Works, Norwich. HAWKINS, A. P., New York. HAWKINS, THOMAS, Bridge House, Newbury. HAWSELL, P. E., Wroxham, Norfolk. HAYNE, CHARLES SEALE, M.P., 6, Upper Belgrave Street, London HAYWARD, MRS., Mossley Hill, Liverpool. HEADFORT, THE MOST NOBLE MARCHIONESS OF. HEMS, HARRY, Exeter. HERRING, DR. HERBERT T., 50, Harley Street, London. HESSE, Miss, The Lodge, Haslemere, Surrey. HEWITSON, MILNER & THEXTON, Tottenham Court Road, London. HILLHOUSE, JAMES, 50, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C. HIND, JOHN, Manchester. HOBSON, RICHARD, J. P., D.L, etc., The Marfords, Bromborough, Cheshire. HOCKLIFFE, T. H., High Street, Bedford. HODGES, W.D., 249, Brompton Road, London. HODGES, Figgis & Co. 104, Grafton Street, Dublin. HODGKINS, E. M., King Street, St. James's Square, London. HOGG & COUTTS, 61, North Frederick Street, Edinburgh HOLMES, W. & R., Dunlop Street, Glasgow. HOPWOOD, W., Scarborough. HORLOCK, REV. GEORGE, St. Olave's Vicarage, Hanbury Street, London. HORNBY, ADMIRAL SIR G. PHIPPS. HOTEL METROPOLIS, London. HOUGHTON, CEDRIC, 17, Ribblesdale Place, Preston. HOZIER, SIR WILLIAM W., Bart. HUMBERT, SON & FLINT, Watford and Lincoln's Inn. HUNT, WILLIAM, 5, York Buildings, Adelphi. HUNTER, REV. CHARLES, Helperby, Yorks. HUNTER, FREDERICK, 75, Portland Place, London. HUNTER, R. W., 19, George IV. Bridge, Edinburgh
IVEAGIE, Rt. Hon. Lord.
JACKSON, W. L., M.P., Chief Secretary for Ireland. JACOB, W. HEATON, 29, Sinclair Gardens, London. JARROLD & SONS, Norwich. JENKINS, JOHN J., The Grange, Swansea. JEROME, JEROME K., Alpha Place, St. John's Wood. JOICEY, MRS. E., Haltwhistle. JOHNSTON, WILLIAM, 43, Cambridge Road, Hove. JONES, YARRELL & CO., 8, Bury Street, Jermyn Street, London. JOSEPH, EDWARD, 25, Dover Street, Piccadilly, London. JOSEPH, FELIX, Eastbourne. Jowers, Alfred, A.R.I.B.A., 7, Gray's Inn Square, London.
KEATES, DR. W. COOPER, 2, Tredegar Villas, East Dulwich Road, London. KELVIN, RT. HON. LORD. KEMP-WELCH, CHARLES DURANT, Brooklands, Ascot. KENDAL, MILNE & CO., Manchester. KENNETT, W. B., 89, High Street, Sandgate. KENT, A. T. KENYON, GEORGE, 35, New Bond Street, London. KING, ALFRED, Kensington Court Mansions, London. Knight, J. W., 33, Hyde Park Square, London, KNOX, JAMES, 31, Upper Kensington Lane, London.
LAINSON, TH., & Son, 170, North Street, Brighton. LANGFORD, RT. HON. LORD. LANDSBERG, H. & SON, 1, Gordon Place, London. LARKINS-WALKER, LT. COLONEL, 201, Cromwell Road, London. LAURIE, THOMAS & SON, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. LAW, CHARLES A., 53, Highgate Hill, London. LEE, A. G., Alexander House, Solent Road, W. Hampstead. LEIGH, MRS., Tabley House, Knutsford. LEIGHTON, Sir Frederic P.R.A. LEIGHTON, Captain F., Parsons Green, Fulham, London. LENNOX, D., M. D., 144, Nethergate, Dundee. LETHBRIDGE, CAPTAIN E., 20, St. Peter Street, Winchester. LEWIS, MISS WYNDHAM, 33, Hans Place, London. LITCHFIELD, SAMUEL, The Lordship, Cheshunt. LITCHFIELD, T. G., Bruton Street, London. LINDSAY-CARNEGIE, J. P., D.L., Co. Forfar. LODER, R. B., 47, Grosvenor Square, London. LONG, NATHANIEL, Tuckey Street, Cork. LORD & CO., W. TURNER, 120, Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, London. LONGDEN, H., London and Sheffield. LOWE, J. W., Ridge Hall, Chapel-En-Le-Frith. LUCAS, SEYMOUR, A.R.A., Woodchurch Road, West Hampstead. LYNAM, C., F.R.I.B.A., Stoke-On-Trent.
MCANDREW, JOHN. MACDONALD, A. R., 10, Chester Street, S.W. MACDONALD, DUDLEY WARD, 15, Earls' Terrace, Kensington, W. MACK, THOMAS, Manchester. MCKIE, MISS, Dumfries, N.B MACKINTOSH, J. R., St. Giles Street, Edinburgh. MANCHESTER FREE LIBRARY. MANN, J. P., Adamson Road, N.W. MANNERING, E. H., Hillside, Arkwright Road, Hampstead. MANT, Rev. Newton, The Vicarage, Hendon, N.W. MAPLE, J. Blundell, M.P. MARKS, H. Stacy, R.A.
MARSHALL, ARTHUR, A.R.I.B.A., Cauldon Place, Long Row, Nottingham. MARSHAM, MAJOR G. A., J.P., Thetford. MART, ALFRED, 22, Carleton Road, Tufnell Park, London. MARTIN, SIR THEODORE, K.C.B. MELVILLE, RT. HON. VISCOUNT. MENZIES, JOHN & Co., 12, Hanover Street, Edinburgh. MIALL, G. C., Bouverie Street, London. MILFORD, THE LADY. MILLER, ALFRED, Queen's Road, Weybridge. MILLAR, DAVID, 8, Fitzroy Street, London. MILLS, R. MASON, Bourne, Lincolnshire. MILNE, ROBERT O., Oakfield, Leamington. MILNER, JOHN, 180, Great Portland Street, London. MITCHELL LIBRARY, Miller Street, Glasgow. MITCHELL, SYDNEY & WILSON, 13, Young Street, Edinburgh. MORGAN & SONS, Hanway Street, W. MORRISON, H., Public Library, Edinburgh. MORTON, THOMAS H., M.D., C.M., Don House, Brightside, Sheffield. MOUNTSTEPHEN, THE LADY. MURRAY, WILLIAM, F.S.I., 81, Wood Green Shepherds Bush, London. MURPHY, JOHN, 215, Brompton Road, London.
NELSON, RT. HON. EARL. NETTLEFOLD, HUGH, Hallfield, Edgbaston, Birmingham. NEVILL, CHARLES H., Bramall Hall, Cheshire. NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE PUBLIC LIBRARIES. NICOL, ROBERT E., 94, Morningside Road, Edinburgh. NIND, P. H., Lashlake House, Thame, Oxon. NORMAN, JAMES T., 57, Great Eastern Street, London. NOTTINGHAM MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. NUTTALL, JOHN R., Market Place, Lancaster. NYBURG & Co., 17, Hanway Street, W.
OAKELEY, REV. W. BAGNALL, Newland, Coleford, Gloucester. OAKLEY, FRANK P., Hanging Bridge Chambers, Cathedral Yard, Manchester. OLIVER & LEESON, Bank Chambers, Mosley Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. OSBORNE, WILLIAM, 30, Reform Street, Beith, N.B. OVEY, RICHARD, J.P., Badgemore, Henley-on-Thames.
PALMER, THE REV. FRANCIS, 17, New-Cavendish-Street, W. PARLANE, JAMES, Rusholme, Manchester. PARR, T. KNOWLES, Isthmian Club, S.W. PATERSON, SMITH & INNES, 77, South Bridge, Edinburgh. PATTERSON, W. G., 54, George Street, Edinburgh. PATTISON, ROBERT P., Seacliffe, Trinity. PAUL, ALFRED S. H., Tetbury. PEARCE, S. S., 4, Victoria Parade, Ramsgate. PEARSE, H., Rochdale. PEARSON, JOHN L., R.A., 13, Mansfield Street, London. PECKITT, LIEUT.-COLONEL R. WM., Thornton-le-Moor, Northallerton. PENNEY, J. CAMPBELL, 15, Gloucester Place, Edinburgh. PENTY, WALTER, G., F.R.I.B.A., Clifford Chambers, York. PHILIP, G. STANLEY, 32, Fleet Street, London. PHILLIPS, F. W., The Manor House, Hitchin. PHILLIPS, MORO, West Street House, Chichester. PIGGOT, REVD. ALEXANDER, Leven, Fife. PITT-RIVERS, GENERAL, F.S.A., 4, Grosvenor Gardens, S.W. POLLARD, JOSEPH, Nicholas Street, Truro. POLLEN, J. HUNGERFORD, South Kensington Museum. PONSONBY, HON. GERALD, 57, Green Street, London. PORTAL, MELVILLE, J.P., Micheldever, Hants. POTT, HARRY KERBY, The Cedars, Sunninghill, Ascot. POWEL, H. PENRY, Castle Madoc, Brecknock. POWELL & POWELL, 18, Old Bond Street, Bath. POWELL & SONS, JAMES, 31, Osborn Street, Hull. POWIS, RIGHT HON. EARL OF. PROPERT, J. LUMSDEN, 112, Gloucester Terrace, London. PRUYN, MRS. JOHN V.L., Albany, New York. |