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* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Smithsonian Institution—Bureau Of Ethnology.
of the
Collections Obtained from the Pueblos
Zui, New Mexico, and Wolpi, Arizona, in 1881.
Page. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 517 INTRODUCTORY 519 Collections from Zui, N. Mexico 521 Articles of stone 521 Axes 521 Metates 521 Mortars 522 Mullers 524 Miscellaneous objects 525 Hunting and war amulets 527 Articles of clay 531 Water jars 531 Water bottles 533 Canteens and water jugs 538 Pitchers 543 Drinking cups and cup-shaped vessels 545 Bowls and baskets 546 Cooking pots 564 Dippers, ladles, and spoons 566 Condiment vessels 569 Paint pots 570 Paint jars 573 Effigies and figures 574 Vegetal substances 575 Eating spoons and ladles 575 Basketry 576 Loom implements 580 Implements of war and the chase 581 Gambling implements 581 Dance implements 582 Miscellaneous objects 582 Animal substances 586 Miscellaneous objects 586 Collections from Wolpi, Arizona 587 Articles of stone 587 Articles of clay 587 Vegetal substances 588 Basketry 588 Gourds, bows, rattles, &c. 589 Head dresses, dance ornaments, images, &c. 590 Implements for weaving 593 Animal substances 593 Horn and bone 593 Feathers 593 Woven fabrics 594 Skin or leather 594
ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. Plate XL.—Polishing pottery 526 XLI.—Zui vases and canteen 538 XLII.—Drilling turquoises 582 XLIII.—Moki method of dressing hair 583 XLIV.—Moki method of spinning 590
Washington, D.C., August 28, 1882.
SIR: I have the honor to present herewith an illustrated catalogue of archaeologic and ethnologic collections, made under your direction in Arizona and New Mexico, during the field season of 1881.
In connection with these collections, I am indebted to Mr. Frank H. Cushing for the preparation of the field catalogue for the collection from Zui. His thorough knowledge of the Zui language enabled him to obtain the Indian name of most of the articles procured, which names are given in this catalogue. I have also to thank him for valuable assistance in making the collection. I also take pleasure in expressing thanks to Mr. Victor Mindeleff for his aid in making the collection, in which labor he rendered faithful assistance.
Col. L. P. Bradley, commandant of Fort Wingate, extended us many courtesies and material aid, for which I am pleased to extend thanks.
Hoping the collections of the season form a contribution equally valuable with those previously procured from the southwest,
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Prof. J. W. POWELL, Director Bureau of Ethnology.
By James Stevenson.
The following catalogue contains a descriptive enumeration of the archaeologic and ethnologic specimens collected in Arizona and New Mexico during the season of 1881. These collections were all obtained from the pueblo of Zui in Northwestern New Mexico, and the pueblos comprising the province of Tusayan, in Northeastern Arizona. The entire collection contains about four thousand nine hundred specimens.
The articles of stone consist of axes, in various conditions of preservation. Some are quite perfect, while many are more or less impaired by modern uses, for which they were not originally intended. In nearly all instances they are grooved, and a few are provided with double splitting or cutting edges; but as a rule these axes were made with one end blunt for pounding or hammering, while the opposite end is provided with an edge. The large pestles and mortars were designed for crushing grain and food, the small ones for grinding and mixing mineral pigments for ceramic or decorative purposes.
Among the articles of stone are about one hundred and fifty hunting and war amulets. These objects present the most interesting features of the collection, and were among the most difficult articles to obtain. The Indians prize them very highly as keepsakes, which they employ in war, the chase, and sacred ceremonies. Each specimen is specifically referred to in the catalogue, accompanied with some wood-cut illustrations of such specimens as possess the greatest significance.
Mr. Frank H. Cushing has presented a full account of the history, traditions, and uses of these images or gods, in a paper entitled "Zui Fetiches," in the Second Annual Report of the Bureau for 1882, to which the reader is referred.
In these collections, as in those of the two previous seasons, articles of clay predominate. They consist of Tinajas, or large, decorated, vase-shaped water-vessels. These vary in capacity from one to six gallons, and are the principal vessels used for holding and storing water for domestic purposes. These vases do not vary greatly in form, yet the colored designs with which they are ornamented present as many variations as there are specimens. The causes for these variations, both in size and ceramic characters, as well as the method of manufacturing them, are quite fully explained in the notes accompanying my catalogue of collections from these same localities in the Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology for 1880-'81.
The collection also contains a large number of jug-shaped canteens, varying in capacity from one pint to three gallons. These vessels, like an ordinary jug, are provided with a small nozzle, and are used to carry water and to drink from. They vary in their decorative designs, but are seldom as elaborate or beautiful as the vases.
In the collection are also clay spoons, ladles, and dippers of two or three kinds of ware, such as red, white, and black, of various sizes. Many of these are fancifully decorated. Also pitchers, mugs, and cups of different patterns, forms, and sizes, variously ornamented in red, black, and white. A very fine collection of meal or sacred pottery baskets was obtained. These are also of varied forms or types, some with handles, terraced and fluted edges or rims, usually decorated with figures of the tadpole and horned frog, and occasionally with the representation of the road runner, and frequently with the sacred butterfly.
The condiment vessels form no small part of the collection. The forms and styles of these vessels can only be appreciated by reference to the specific descriptions and illustrations in the catalogue.
A large number of cooking bowls and pots were obtained, but these are of less interest, as they are in all cases plain black vessels without ornamentation of any kind. They generally resemble the old-fashioned cast-iron cooking pot used by Europeans. Occasionally one is found which is provided with legs, in imitation probably of the skillet or pots used by the Mexicans of that country.
The vegetal substances comprise utensils and implements of all kinds. Among these are baskets, trays, water-jugs, corn-planters, bows, arrows, sieves, gaming-blocks, &c. The basketry is worthy of inspection for the ingenuity and skill displayed in the manufacture of such articles. These consist of fine meal baskets or trays of all sizes, many of which are curiously ornamented in bright colors. The coarser baskets, which are constructed and shaped to suit the service for which they are employed, are used as sieves and for conveying corn and fruit from the farms. In addition to the objects above referred to, hundreds that are not mentioned will be found described or illustrated in their proper places in the catalogue.
Most of the plates presented in this Catalogue are designed to show the manner in which the Zui and Moki Indians use certain implements in some of their arts and industries, such as the polishing stone; rotary, stone-pointed drill; the manner of combing and dressing the hair; the spindle whorl, showing the mode of preparing the woof for weaving.
65890. Stone axe, small, double-grooved. O-la k'-le, kwl -kwi-ai-e.
65891, 65892, 65893, 65894, 65895, 65896, 65897, 65898. Ditto, single-grooved.
65868, 65855. Ditto, large.
65854. Ditto, large and broad.
65876. Ditto, very broad.
65869. Ditto, very large, and showing use as pecking-stone.
65856, 65870, 65877, 65857, 65871, 65858, 65878, 65879. Ditto, large.
65872. Ditto, very thin-bladed.
65859. Ditto, flat.
65860, 65880. Ditto, showing use as maul.
65861. Ditto, double-grooved. Kwil -kwi-ai-e.
65862. Ditto, double-grooved, handsomely finished.
66045. Ditto, double-grooved, handsomely finished. K' k'ithl-thl-nai-e.
66882, 65874. Very large ungrooved ancient stone axes or celts. O-la-k'-thlana, kwa-ak-wam-me.
65853, 65851. Axe, grooved and highly finished. O-la k' k'ith-thl-na y-n-shi.
65852. Ditto, very large.
65883, 65884, 65885, 65886, 65911, 65912, 65899, 65863, 65864, 65900, 65887, 65901, 65902, 65903, 65875, 65865, 65904, 65905, 65906, 65907, 65908, 65866, 65909, 65910, 65889. Ditto, very crude. No. 65886 is distinguished by raised square at butt to facilitate hafting. N-pu-li-e.
65867. Ditto, made in imitation, for barter.
66306. Ditto, unfinished. O-la k'l -a-le.
65913. Ditto, small.
65922, 65923, 65921, 65914, 65919, 65917, 65924, 65925, 65920, 65915, 65916. Stone axes with handles, some made in imitation, others preserved as heir-looms from ancient times. O-la k'-thl-shi-we.
65918. Small, grooved, stone axe. O-la k' tsa-na.
66324. Metate for reducing coarse corn-meal to flour. -tsa-k'ia-na-kia—k'e.
66320, 66313. Ditto, for grinding paint for decorating pottery. T-tsi-na-k'ia he-lin n-a-k'ia.
66316, 66318, 66319, 26317. Ditto, for reducing cracked corn to meal. Tch-ok-na-k'ia -k'i.
66325. Ditto, a coarse, unfinished metate. A-k'e, kwa-y nam-o-na.
66312. Ditto, ancient, very rude. -no-to-na -k'e.
66311. Modern paint metate. He-lin -na-kia.
66322, 66315, 66321, 66314 Modern metates for reducing corn and other cereals. Ok-na-k'ia -k'e-we.
1935. Mortar made of a concretion. Mu-to-pa al-a-k'e.
1964. Ditto, made from muller.
1966. Ditto, small. T-lin-ne.
2119. Ditto, of fine-grained stone, used as a paint-mill for preparing sacred decoration colors. Tethl-na h-lin o-na-kia -shok-ton-ne.
2141, 2142, 2144. Ditto, very small. -tsa-na.
1961. Ditto, round. K'i-mo-li-na.
66196, 66233. Rude paint mortars. He-lin on-a kia -shok-to -tsa-na.
66203. Ditto, chipped. Sho-k'ws-na-k'ia.
66166, 66180. Ditto, pecked. Tok-nai-e.
66175. Ditto, ground.
66197. Ditto, large, worn and ground. Tn-nai-e.
66226. Ditto, square and handsomely polished. N-k'ithl-o-na.
66204. Ditto, split. Sh-k'wish-nai-e.
66178. Ditto, pecked, small.
66158, 66245, 66172. Ditto, pecked, slag. -k'win.
66154. Ditto, small, pecked.
66198. Ditto, with round depression, ground. Pi-tsu-li-a w shokt-ai-e.
66168. Ditto, square, pecked.
66228. Ditto, with groove around the edge. I-tu-thlan-ah-nai-e.
66205, 66227, 66131, 66132. Ditto, small, pecked, and ground.
66111, 66206. Ditto, cup-shaped. A-shok-ton-ak-tsa-na.
66207. Ditto, with elongated cavity. A-k'i tsh-sha-na.
66135. Ditto, pecked and ground.
66251. Ditto or trough of the malpais for grinding chili and preparing a sauce called K'ithl-k'o-se = K'ol h-a-kia -shok-ton-ne.
66234. Ditto, crude.
66159. Ditto, small.
66246. Ditto, large and thick.
66244. Ditto, well pecked.
66236, 66190. Ditto, much worn.
66235. Ditto. Rectangular.
66157. Ditto, very small.
66177, 66250. Ditto, of finished sandstone.
66186. Ditto, very deep.
66252. Ditto, very large.
66208. Grinding-stone for colors used in decoration of vessels, in form of mortar. Te tsi-na-k'ia -shok-ton-ne.
66254. Ditto, with double concavity for red and black colors. Thlup-tsi-na k'win -p-tchi-e.
66160, 66163. Ditto or paint-mill for preparing colors for decoration of the sacred dances. K-k-a-wa he-lin o-na-kia -shok-ton-ne.
66179. Ditto, long, pecked.
66184, 66165, 66187, 66188. Ditto, finished by pecking.
66219, 66229. Ditto, square.
66191, 66192. Ditto, pecked and chipped.
66176. Ditto, beautifully finished, long.
66171. Ditto, rectangular, beautifully finished, and long.
66209. Ditto, polished irregularly, rectangular.
66170. Ditto, handsomely finished by pecking and grinding.
66121. Ditto, crude, small.
66213, 66153. Ditto, made of a concretion. Mu-to-pa l-a-k'i.
66115, 66220, 66127. Ditto, slag.
66128, 66202, 66182. Ditto, round.
66181. Ditto, round and thick. K'i-mo-li-a.
66193. Ditto, round.
66194. Ditto, rude.
66130, 66162, 66122, 66222. Ditto, hammer-stone form.
66114. Ditto, polished.
65939, 66230, 66125. Ditto, rectangular.
66210, 66231, 66195, 66212. Ditto, finished by grinding.
66121, 66152. Ditto, finished.
66189, 66211, 66185. Ditto, round. K'i-mo-li-a.
66232. Ditto, with small muller. Tu-lin -hi-kia.
66248, 66214. Paint mortars for reducing the paint for masks and pottery. He-lin -na-k'ia -shok-to-we.
66237, 66215, 66240, 66241, 66238, 66243, 66242. Mortar, of slag, used in making the sauce described above, and reducing chili. K'ithl-k'o-se k'i-na-kia -shok-ton-ne.
66201. Ditto, for children. -tsan -wa.
66223. Ditto, for reducing paint used in decorating pottery. Na-he-lin o-na-kia a-shok-ton-ne.
66216. Ditto, square.
66183. Ditto, very deep and finished by pecking.
66249, 66253. Ditto, shallow.
66255. Ditto, unfinished.
66161. Ditto, very rude and small.
66224. Ditto, larger.
66225. Ditto, with small round concavity; hammer-stone form.
66137, 66155, 56139, 66140, 66141, 66174, 66164, 66167, 66144, 66120, 66123, 66147, 66138, 66173, 66145, 66117, 66151, 66143, 66136, 66149. Paint-mills of fine-grained stone for preparing sacred decoration colors. Tethl-na he-lin o-na-kia -shok to-we.
66113, 66129, 66112, 66148, 66118, 66142, 66146, 66119. Ditto, very small. -tsa-na.
66116. Ditto, for common uses. Kwam-as-tin-k'ia-ni.
66247. Ditto or unfinished mortar of the malpais for grinding chili and other ingredients for sauce. K'ol k-na-k'ia -shok-ton-ne.
66134, 66231, 66124, 66133. Ditto, finished by pecking.
65946. Muller made from a small piece of hematite, used as source at once and muller of pottery paint. T-tsi-na-kia -k'win -a-le.
66007. Ditto, slag, originally a maul.
66036. Ditto, of true form, originally a maul. Tchsh-na-k'ia -pi-tsu-li-a.
66015. Ditto, originally a maul.
66037. Ditto, of true form.
66200. Ditto, for grinding sauce of onion, chili, coriander, salt, and water. K'ol h-a-k'ia -mu-luk-ton-ne.
66043. Ditto, handsomely finished in the form of a pestle.
66009. Ditto, regular form.
66156. Ditto, hammer-stone form.
66042. Ditto, crusher form.
65984. Ditto, for polishing, &c. -k'i-thl-k'i-na-k'ia -a-le.
66091, 66029, 66030, 66038, 66031, 66039, 65987, 65986, 65976, 65977, 65978, 65979, 65980. Ditto, used for preparing sauce.
66071, 66085, 66014, 66103, 66025, 66086, 66006, 66012, 66001, 66011, 66019, 66023, 66041, 66025, 66008, 66016, 66017, 66021, 67005, 66070, 66004. Ditto, mauls and mullers of slag for grinding chili and other ingredients of the sauce known as kithl-k'o-se. H-a-kia -mu-lok-to-we.
66088. Ditto, granite.
66024. Ditto, of granite, for preparing ingredients to form paste for pottery. Sa-to k-na-k'ia-na-kia -k'i-mo-li-an-ne.
66102, 66094, 66101, 66071, 66089, 66013, 66096, 66107, 66090, 66087, 66091, 66106, 66003, 66092, 66095, 65873. Mullers, grooved maul form. Ok-na-k'ia o-la k'i ki-mo li-a-we.
65881. Ditto, round.
66054. Ditto, for reducing paint used in pottery decoration, and for polishing. K'i-thl-na-k'ia -a-le.
66027. Ditto, in the form of a paint mortar. He-lin on-ak'ia -tsa-na, kwl-li-mk-te h-k'o-pa.
66150. Ditto, with rounded bottom, enlarged middle and small concavity on apex. He-k'o ythl-ti-e.
66109, 65952. Ditto, regular form.
65953, 65954, 65955, 65981, 65956, 65957, 65958, 65991, 65959, 65960, 65961, 65962, 65963. Small paint stones or mullers. He-lin o-na-kia -k'i-mo-li-a-we.
66032, 66033, 66035, 66034, 65994, 66026, 65995, 66049, 65996. Mullers for polishing or smoothing cooking stones, &c. -k'i-thl-k'ia na-k'ia—we (plu.)
66256, 66257, 66276, 66285, 66266, 62258, 66273, 66263, 66264, 66274, 66286, 66271, 66272, 66259, 66261, 66270, 66267, 66293, 66288, 66287, 66290, 66289, 66291. Ditto, or rubbing-stones, used in connection with fine metals for grinding corn and meal. Tch-ok-na-k'ia yl-li-we.
62298. Ditto, very large.
66275. Ditto, broken.
66269, 66294, 64299, 66300. Ditto, very broad and flat. Tch-ok-na-k'ia. Yal-li k'i-pa-we.
66297, 66295, 66301, 66303, 66304, 66302, 67305. Ditto, ancient. I-no-to-na-a-wa yl-li-we.
66284. Ditto, modern, for making coarse meal.
66307. Ditto, large, for grinding chili. K'ithl-he-a-kia -thla-na.
66296. Ditto, very broad, flat, and ancient, for grinding flour. I-no-te-kwe a-wen yl-lin-ne.
1982. Muller for reducing pottery colors.
1986. Ditto, maul form.
2154, 2163. Mauls and mullers of slag for grinding chili and other ingredients of the sauce known as kithl-k'o-se = Kithl-he-a-kia -mu-luk-ton-ne.
2159, 2168, 2171, 2173. Small paint stones or mullers. He-lin o-na-k'ia a-k'i-mo-li-a-we.
2167. Muller, very large.
2267. Ditto, or rubbing-stone, used in connection with fine metates for for grinding corn meal. Tch-ok-na-kia yl-lin-ne.
2275. Ditto, unfinished. Kwa-y-nam-o-na.
2338. Small chili muller.
2356. Polishing muller.
1998. Muller, used for preparing sauce.
65940, 65941. Small stones used in polishing pottery. T-k'i thl-k'ia-na-kia -we.
65998, 65942. Polishing stones used for grinding sacred paint.
65988, 65998, 65943, 65974, 63944, 66010. Ditto, large.
65947, 65948, 65985. Small stones used in polishing pottery. Te-kia-thl-kia-na-kia—we.
65967, 65946, 65975, 65997, 65973, 65950, 65981, 65965, 65966, 65951. Small stones used in polishing unburned vessels. T-k'ia-pi na-k'i-thl-k'ia-na-k'ia -we.
65983. Large stone for polishing baking slabs. -k'i-thl-k'ia-na-k'ia -a-le.
65982, 66000. Polishers. K'i-thl-na-k'ia a-we.
65964. Small polishing stone. A-k'i-thl-kia-na-k'ia -tsa-na.
65993. Ditto, larger.
66048, 66047. Ditto, flat.
66050. Ditto, large, flat.
65972. Small polisher for glazing and smoothing pottery. T-k'i-thl-kia-na-k'ia -tsa-na, for use of which see pl. xl.
66053, 65969. Ditto, rude.
65949. Small stone used in polishing unburned vessels. Te-k'ia-pi-na k'i-thl-k'ia-na-k'ia—a-le.
66014, 66028, 66108, 66020. Pecking stones. -tok-na-k'ia a-we.
66067, 66066, 66065. Ornamented ancient pestles. I-no-to-na a-wa k'-lu-lu-na-kia -tesh-kwi-we.
66218. Ornamented small paint pestle. H-a-k'ia t-lin-ne.
66260, 66277, 66278, 66279, 66268, 66280, 66265, 66281, 66282, 66283. Rubbing stones used with a coarse metate for shucking and cracking corn. Tch-thlt-sa-k'ia-na-k'ia yl-li-we.
65936. Ancient stone knife used in the ceremonial dance called the Hom-ah-tchi, or war dance of the K-k. Hom-ah-tchi a-wen -tchi-en-ne.
65934, 65933, 66310, 65937, 65931, 65932. Ancient war knives preserved for modern ceremonials.
3 Of the variety known as the "H-mi-li-li t-mush," or petrified wood-lance (archaic). 3 "Ti-mush sh-k'ia-na," or the black lance.
65929. Ditto, ground.
65930. Ancient rude stone knife. Ti-mush -tchi-n tsa-na.
66056. Thunder ball or stone used in the sacred ceremonial game of the priests. Ku-lu-lu-na-k'ia -a-le.
66064, 66063, 66060, 66058. Small stone balls used in the sacred game of the Hidden ball. -n-k'o-lo -li-we.
66057. Small thunder ball used in the ceremonial game of the Hidden ball. Ku-lu-lu-na-k'ia -k'i-mo-li-a tsa-na.
66061, 66059. Thunder ball, plain, small.
66055. Ditto, large, used as a weight in the dye-pot.
65970. Ditto, large, rude, or irregular.
66323, 66326, 66327. Stones for baking tortillas and corn griddle-cakes. H-p-tchish-na-kia a-we.
66328. Ditto, for baking guyave or paper-bread. Hel-sh-na-k'ia a-a-le.
66329. Ditto, small.
66044. Paint stone used as weight in dyeing. Thli-an-a-kia p-u-li-k'ia -a-le.
66068, 65928. Stones used as weights in the dye-pot. Thli-an -k'ia pa wo-lu-k'ia -we.
66079, 66099, 66098, 66100, 66076, 66078. Sacred, ancient idol stones, concretions. A-thl-shi -yl-up-na-we.
66080. Ancient stone idol found near the celebrated ruins in Eastern Tusayan, known as -wat—, or Tala-ho-g'an. I-no-to-na- tahl-shi, h-i n-te-li-ah-nai-e.
66074, 66075, 66073. Small, disc-shaped stone quoits. Tan-ka-la-k'ia-na-k'ia -we.
66052. Ditto, large.
65972. Stone for producing black paint of pottery, hematite. T-tsi-na-k'ia -k'win-ne.
66069. "Ancient stone." -thl-shi.
66051, 66084. Tufas for tanning skins. -sho-a -we.
69270. Concretion of sacred significance, or "old stone." -thl-shi.
65935. Flat stone used as cover to cooking pot. Wo-le-a -k'os-kwi-k'ia.
66308, 66309, Pair of arrow-shaft raspers or grinders of sandstone. Sh tchish-ni-k'ia -wi-p-tchin-ne.
66081, 66082, 66083. Mauls for pounding raw-hide. -k'ithl-thli tk-na-kia -we.
2190. Very fine polishing stone for finishing baking-stones. Wa-lo-loa-k'ia-na-k'ia -mu-luk-ton-ne.
2191. Ditto, flat.
2314. Small polishing stone. K'i-thl-k'ia-na-k'ia -a-le.
2315. Small paint pestle. H-a-kia t-lin-ne.
2350. Stone axe with handle. O-la k' thla-shi.
2321. Thunder ball with sacred head inlaid to secure good fortune, ancient. K'u-lu-lu-na-kia ha-lo-a-ti-na thle-a-k'ia-ni -k'i-mo-li-an-ne, -no-to-na.
2841. Concretion of sacred significance or "old stone." -thl-shi.
2842. Ditto, red. Sh-lo-a.
2843. Ditto, black. Sh-k'ia-na.
1981. Knob of mineral (bitumen) used in polishing the inside of parching vessels, or glazing black during great heat. Wo-li-a-k'ia-t-thle-mon an t-hu-lin w-pa-thlai-a-k'ia h k'wi-nan-n.
2845. Small thunder stone ball used in the ceremonial game of Hidden ball. K'-lu-lu-na-kia l-u-lin-ne.
2844. The "house of the hornets of creation". Tchm-m-k'ia-na-kia -hap k'i-kwi-we.
2838. Lumps of yellow paint. H thlup-tsi-kwa m-we (for pottery).
Composed of arrow points, stone knives, and carvings to represent the great animals of prey—we-ma-we—&c. These specimens have been retained by the Bureau of Ethnology for purposes of study, and consequently have no National Museum numbers. The numbers given them here pertain to the field catalogue.
1. Large stone figure of mountain lion, distinguished by a long tail curved lengthwise over the back; observe blood on black coating and turquoise eyes. Hk-ti-tsh-a-na wm-me. Hunter God of the North.
2. Amulet, of white spar, with arrow head "above heart." Nicely carved, with ears and with small pieces of turquoise inserted for eyes; designated by Mr. Cushing as Prey God of the Hunt. S-ni-a-k'ia-kwe a-wen hk-ti-tsh-a-na wm-me.
3. Ditto, of sandstone, without inlaid eyes. Stone arrow-head attached on right side.
4. Ditto, of alabaster, without flint.
5. Ditto, with flint at back, and showing traces of blood.
6. Ditto, of alabaster; very small.
7. Ditto, with traces of carbonate of copper, or the sacred blue medicine stone of the Zuis.
8. Ditto, of banded spar, used in the ceremonial of paint-making in connection with the prayers for increase of animals, -sho-maia-k'ia.
9. Ditto, with arrow-point, coral (-la-ho), white, shell disk (k'o-hakwa) and abalone (sho-to-thl n) ornaments bound about the region of the heart.
10. Representation of the great Hunting God of the West, the Coyote, in plain alabaster.
11. Ditto, in sandstone, inlaid with patches of green stone.
12. Ditto, in fine brown sandstone, inlaid with turquoise eyes.
13. Ditto, in alabaster.
14. Ditto, in alabaster, with flint chip at back.
15. Ditto, showing blood coating.
16. Ditto, in alabaster.
17. Ditto, ditto (small).
18. Ditto, in semi-translucent spar.
19. Ditto, in alabaster (small).
20. Ditto, in carbonate of copper.
20a. Ditto, ditto.
20b. Ditto, in banded spar, and used as No. 8.
21. Representation in pottery, with conventional decoration, of the Great Hunting God of the South, the Wild Cat, or Te-pi-wm. Very ancient.
22, 23, 24. Ditto, of soft chalky substance, short black tail and black ear-tips.
25. Ditto, in yellowish soft stone.
26, 27. Ditto, in alabaster (small).
28. Ditto, ditto (with hole for suspension).
29. Ditto, ditto (without hole).
30. Ditto, ditto (with flint chip at back).
31. Ditto, ditto (with arrow at side).
32, 33. Ditto, ditto (with flint chip).
34. Ditto, ditto (with white bead necklace and arrow point at back).
35. Ditto, with arrow point and carbonate of copper at back.
36. Representation of Great Hunting God of the South, the Wild Cat, fine soft sandstone, showing ornaments and arrow point and traces of blood, and inclosed in buckskin bag worn in the chase.
37. Ditto, in alabaster, very large, showing black snout, feet, tail, and ears.
38. Ditto, in dark sandstone, very large, with white shell, coral, and arrow point bound to back and sides.
39. Ditto, with arrow, arrow-point, and carbonate of copper at back.
40. Ditto, in sandstone, plain.
41. Ditto, ditto, eyes inlaid with turquoise.
42. Ditto, with white shell and arrow-point bound to side.
43. Wolf Fetich of the Chase, or Hunter God of the East, plain sandstone.
44. Ditto, alabaster, plain.
45. Ditto (ditto), small.
46, 47. Ditto, ditto, with arrow flake.
48. Ditto, of sacred bluestone.
49. ————.
50. Ditto, of banded spar, and used as remarked under No. 8.
51. Ditto, ditto.
52. Concretion representing the Great Hunting God of the lower regions; the Mole (K'i-lu-tsi-wm), with white shell disks bound about neck and arrow point to the back.
53. Ditto, very small.
54. Piece of slag, slightly ground, to represent the Great Prey God of the upper regions, the Eagle, or K'ia-k'ial-i wm.
55. Great pray God, in yellow rock material, rudely shaped and provided with necklace of arrow-point, white shell beads, &c.
56. Ditto, very rude, of sandstone, without appurtenances.
57. Ditto, conventionally carved, with aperture at back for suspension; fine-grained red stone.
58. Ditto, in blood-stained alabaster, inlaid at back, breast, and eyes with turquoise.
59. Ditto, in alabaster, with carbonate of copper inlaid as eyes, and arrow-point placed at back.
60. Ditto, carved quite elaborately.
61. Ditto (very small).
62. Ditto, in sandstone, very small, and with necklace.
63. Ditto, very elaborately carved, and represented sitting on the ancient knife used in war expeditions to insure successful elusion of enemies.
64. Representing a quadruped with straight tail, ears, mouth, and feet tipped with black; turquoise eyes set in.
65. Wild-cat.
66. Ditto.
67. Coyote.
68. Ditto.
69. Represents an animal with short tail, large arrow-head attached to right side; carved from hard gypsum.
70. Small quadruped, carved from gypsum, short tail, ears projecting forward.
71. Wild-cat.
72. Ditto, in alabaster.
73. Representing an animal with a long body, with a small shell ornament attached to its back; carved from gray soapstone.
74. Wolf-cat.
75. Long-bodied animal, with shell ornament attached to back.
76. Ditto, without ornament.
77. Represents a wolf carved from wood, with rude arrow-head attached to back.
78. Wolf.
79. Horse with saddle; white quartz; used in prayers to promote reproduction of herds. (Of Navajo importation.)
80. Animal with four outspreading limbs. Cut from small flat stone.
81. Coyote.
82. Wolf with arrow-head on back.
83. Quadruped with short thick body of fine-grained sandstone.
84. Similar to 83, with flint flake attached to body.
85. Probably designed for a wolf; flint flake on back.
86. Wild-cat.
87. Ditto.
88. Coyote.
89. Armlet of quartz crystal used in the formation of the medicine water of secret orders. Sai-a-ko-ma -tsh-kwin-ne.
90. Ditto, in calcareous spar.
91. Ditto, in the form of a small cat, for use before the altar during the same ceremonial. Sai-a-ko-ma -tsh-kwin-te-pi wm.
92. Ditto, in spar in the form of a pestle.
93. Ditto, in fine-ground, dark sandstone, in the form of a pestle.
94, 95. Small-banded spar pendants, used in the ceremonial described under No. 8.
96. Ditto, long, with a depression or groove about the middle.
97. One of the sacred ancient medicine stones. A-'thl-shi (a small fossil ammonite).
98. Ditto, a fossil univalve.
99. Ditto, concretion in form of human testicles and of phallic significance. Mo-ha a-thl-shi.
100. Ditto, slag, used as in No. 97.
101. Ditto, ditto, stalagmitic.
102. Ditto, chalcedony concretion, ditto.
103. Stone knife of obsidian, with string for suspension, used in ceremonial scalp taking—one of which is carried on journeys by each member of the Priesthood of the Bow, or Order of the Knife. M-tsi-k'wash-na kia t-mush.
104 to 125. Ancient flint knives preserved as amulets and relics of ancestors among the Zuis.
125 to 150. Arrow points, &c., preserved by modern Zuis as relics of ancestors, and amulets used in various ceremonials, &c.
Miscellaneous objects not numbered in catalogue:
Three bow-guards for children. Km pas si-kwi-we. Two small rattles for children. A-tsa-na a-wen chm-mo-we. Three awls, used in the weaving of blankets and baskets. S-si-mo-we. Four sets of small flat sticks used in the game of t-sho-li-we.
67548. Ancient water-jar, with the road of the clouds represented on the front. I-no-to-na t-mui-a m-he-ton-ne.
67745. Very old water-jar in representation of an owl. Mu-hu-kwi m-he-t thl-shi.
67757, 67752. Water-jars representing owls, small, new.
67758. Ditto, representing a duck. -a m-he-t.
67760. Ditto, smaller, having representation of butterfly.
67534. Small toy water-jar. I-k'osh-na-k'ia k'ia-wih-n-k'ia t-tsa-na.
67313. Small girl's water-jar, or olla. -tsa-na a k'i-wih-n-k'ia t-tsa-na.
66496. Small toy water-jar of red ware. I-k'osh-na-k'ia k'ia-wih-n-k'ia t-shi-loa t'sa-na.
66451. Large olla, or water-jar, decorated with floral patterns. K'ia-wih na-k'ia t-le.
66401, 66349, 66366, 66442. Ditto, ancient terrace and rattlesnake decoration.
66432. Ditto, curve and bird pattern.
66549, 66369, 66460, 66374. Ditto, curve pattern.
66391, 66352. Ditto, with floral and bird pattern.
66422. Ditto, primitive sacred terrace and rattlesnake pattern.
66333. Ditto, with decoration representative of lightning and milkyway.
66468. Ditto, with rainbow and lightning pattern.
66472. Ditto, with rosette, curve and deer patterns, and sacred birds reversed.
66364. Ditto, floral rosette, and deer patterns, with central band containing the conventional bird.
66417. Ditto, deer and floral patterns.
66539. Ditto, rosette, plant, bird, and deer patterns.
66545, 66331. Ditto, rosette, deer (po-ye) patterns.
66343. Ditto, rosette, bird, and curve pattern.
66385. Ditto, curve, star rosette, and bird pattern.
66346, 66454. Ditto, small, deer and bird decoration.
66537. Ditto, with star flower rosette, deer, and terrace conception of the sky.
66341. Ditto, with deer (Na-tsi-na) and Quail (or P-yi) decoration.
66439. Ditto, with deer and floral decoration.
66388. Ditto, with deer, rabbit, and star-flower rosette.
66420. Ditto, with deer and star-flower rosette decoration.
66353. Ditto, small, with young deer.
66526. Ditto, with arabesque terrace and rattlesnake pattern.
66548. Ditto, with curve and po-ye pattern.
66418. Ditto, with primitive terrace pattern.
66351. Ditto, with curve and star rosette decoration.
66336. Ditto, with curve and P-yi decoration.
66469. Ditto, with curve decoration.
66462. Ditto, with zigzag and floral patterns.
66477. Ditto, very small sky pattern.
66521. Small toy water jar (modern). I-k'osh-na-k'ia t-tsa-na.
66443. Elegantly ornamented toy water jar, in primitive style of decoration. -k'osh-na-k'ia t-tsa-na, -no-to-na ik-na ts-na-pa.
66482. Ancient water jar of red ware. I-no-to-na k'i-wih-na-k'ia t-thla-na.
66440. Small girl's water jar, decorated with floral designs in red and black. -tsa-na an k'i-wih-na-kia t-tsa-na.
66543. Ditto, of red ware in imitation of ancient.
66491. Ditto, ancient, with bird decoration.
66480. Ditto, ancient, with conventional design.
66342. Ancient water jar from the ruins of K'i-k'i-me (Home of the eagles), an ancient Zui pueblo near the base of the mesa of T-ai-yl-lon-ne.
66486. Ancient small water jar, beautifully decorated with red and black designs on a cream body, from the ruins of W-mai-a, one of the ancient Zui pueblos on the north side of the valley of Zui, the birth-place of the grandparents of a living aged Zui named "-pe-kwi-na."
67310. Small water jar of red ware. -tsa-na an t-shi lo a.
66444. Water jar, or olla, with star and flower decoration. Kia-wih-na-k'ia t-le.
66394. Ditto, with ancient terrace and arrow decoration.
66547. Ditto, with deer and quail decoration.
66361. Ditto, with curve decoration.
66416. Large jar decorated with ancient figures, and used as receptacle for sacred plumes. L-po-kia t-le.
66357. Very ancient rattlesnake and sacred terrace water-jar. I-no-to-na k'ia-wih-na-kia t-li, a-wi-thluia-po-na, tchi-to-la, ta y-to kia p-tchi-pa.
66379. Ditto, modified.
67482. Small toy water jar, paint pot.
66533. Ditto, bird and deer decoration.
66338. Ditto, bird and rosette decoration.
66445. Ditto, rosette and small red wing decoration.
66467. Ditto, with chevron of lightning and milkyway.
66431. Ditto, small rosette and star decoration.
66479. Very large, small-mouthed plume jar. La-po-k'ia t-thlana.
66483. Ditto, very large and very ancient.
66485. Ditto, for water used by inhabitants of large mesas.
66449. Ditto, ancient terrace and rattlesnake decoration.
66475. Ditto, primitive terrace and arrow decoration.
67550. Large, bird-shaped ancient jar with handle. E-a t-mu-to-pa (-no-to-na). See fig. 2, pl. xli.
66424. Jar made in imitation of treasure jar, found in ruins of W-mai a. Thl-wo-pu-k'ia t-tsa-na -no-to-na n-te-li-ah-na y-k'oa.
66350. Small broken jar with representation of Maximillian's jay. K'ia wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na mai-a w-pa-no-pa.
66356, 66344, 66406. Ditto, with antelope design.
66484. Ditto, ground-sparrow decoration.
67342. Small, double-lobed water bottle. M wi-k'i-lk-ton -ythl tsh-sha-na.
66376. Very large water bottle with elaborate ancient fret design, for purposes described under 66485, with holes to facilitate handling and pegs for suspension. This remarkable specimen has been handed down from generation to generation since the time of the habitation of T ai yl lon ne.
68546. Ornamented water bottle of basket work. H-i-tm tsi-na-pa.
67316. Small red water jar for child. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na thlp-tsi-na.
(66506.) Water jar for making yeast, of yellow ware. Mo-tse pi-k'iana-k'ia t-thlup-tsi-na.
66507. Yeast-water-making jar of yellow ware. Mo-tse k'ia-nan o-na-kia t-thlup-tsi-na.
66474. Small water jar for children. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na.
66461. Kia-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na.
67536. Yeast-water-making jar of yellow ware. Mo-tse k'ia-nan o-na-kia t-thlup-tsi-na.
67558. Large vase in representation of knit moccasin, used as a toy. We-po-tcha t-tsa-na -k'osh-na-kia.
66392. Large water jar or olla. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-thla-na.
66541. Large water jar or olla. Ki-wih-na-kia t-le.
66371. Small water jar for children. K'ia-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na.
——-. Yeast-water jar of red ware. Mo-tse k'ia-nan o-na-k'ia t-shi-lo-a.
67330. Water jar with representations of deer, etc. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-na-pa-na-pa.
66436. Water jar. K'ia-wih-na-k'ia t-le.
66404. Large water jar, with ancient zigzag decoration, referring to the four wombs of earth and the darts with which they were broken open for the liberation and birth of mankind. K'i-wih na-k'ia t-le, a-wi-ten t-huthl-na, a-wi-thlui-a-po-na ts-na-pa.
66398. Small water jar. K'ia-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na.
66518. Small toy water jar or olla of red ware. K'ia-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na shi-lo-a, -tsa-na a-wa.
66368. Small child's water jar or olla. Tsan-'an ki-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na.
66389. Large water jar or olla. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-thla-na.
66359. Small water jar or olla. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na.
66465. Small toy water jar or olla. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na -k'osh-na-k'ia.
66473. Large white olla or water jar. K'ia-wih-na-k'ia t-k'o-ha-na.
——-. Small sacred water jar with terraced rim. K'i-pu-kia a-wi-thlui-a-po-na t-tsa-na.
66476. Small olla or decorated water jar, ancient. I-no-te k'i-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na.
——-. Jar or olla decorated in ancient emblematic style, and used as a receptacle for sacred plumes. L-po-k'ia t-le.
66446. Small decorated water jar or olla for children. K'ia-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na.
66420. Small decorated water jar or olla for children. -tsa-na a-wa k'i-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na.
67347. Large double salt-jar. Ma-po-k'ia t-thla-na.
66377. Small water jar or decorated olla. K'ia-wih-ni-k'ia t-tsa-na.
66544. Water jar or decorated olla. K'ia-wih-na-k'ia t-le.
——-. Small red jar for mixture of h k'i or batter. H-k'i w-li-ki s-tsa-na.
67517-67516. Small jars for black plume-stick paint. Ha-k'win h-li-po-k'ia t-tsa-na.
67532. Small toy olla or water jar of red ware. -k'osh-na-kia k'i-wih-na-k'ia-t-tsa-na.
——-. Water jar or old olla, decorated with figures of antelope and sacred birds. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-thl-shi-na, n-pa-no-pa, w-tsa-na w-pa-no-pa.
67321. Small yellow water jar or olla. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na thlp-tsi-na.
66373. Decorated water jar or olla. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-le, h-pa-k'i w-pa-na-pa.
66453. Small decorated water jar or olla. K'ia-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na.
66351-66410. Large decorated ollas or water jars. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-we, -thla-na.
66423. Small decorated water jar or olla. K'ia-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na.
66450. Small toy olla or decorated water jar. -k'osh-na-kia t-tsa-na.
66520. Red ware salt jar with castellated and corrugated edges and rim. M-po-k'ia te-shi-lo-a m-to-pa.
——-. Small decorated olla or water jar. K'ia-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na.
66399. Child's small water jar or decorated olla. K'ia-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na a-tsa-na wa.
——-. Small decorated water-jar or child's olla. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na a-tsa-na wa.
66413. Water jar or olla on which the emblematic terraces of the four wombs of earth and the magic knife with which they were opened are conspicuous decorations. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-le, -wi-ten t-huthl-na, -wi-thlui-a pa push-kwai-na p-tchi-pa.
66387. Small decorated water jar or olla, with figures of deer. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na, sh-ho-i-ta p-tchi-pa.
66428. Small decorated water jar or olla. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na n-pa-na-pa.
——-. Large double salt and pepper jar. M-po-kia t-wi-pa-tchi-na.
66354. Water jar, large, decorated. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-le.
66466. Water jar or olla decorated with ancient design of the rattlesnake gens. K'ia-wih-na-k'ia te-le, -no-to-na Tch-to-la-kwe a-wa ts-nan ts-na-pa.
66334. Water jar or decorated olla. K'ia-wih-na-k'ia te-le.
66463. Olla or decorated water jar with figures of sacred birds and rosette. K'ia-wih-na-k'ia te-le, w-tsa-na ta h-pa-k'i w-pa-no-pa.
66337. Olla or water jar decorated with figures of sacred blue birds. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-le, k'i-she-ma-mai-a w-pa-no-pa.
66457. Olla or decorated water jar. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-le.
——-. Olla or water jar decorated with figures of deer, growing plants, and the gentile quail of chaparral cock. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-le, n-pa-no-pa, p-yi ta kwan-hai-ap-tchi-pa.
66405. Olla or decorated water jar. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-le.
66345. Small water jar or decorated olla, ancient design. K'i-wih-na-kia t-tsa-na, i-no-to-na ts-na-pa.
66492. Small, line decorated red earthen water jar. K'ia-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na, shi-lo-a ts-na-pa.
——-. Small sacred water jar in form of mud hen. H-lu-k'ia m-he-t tsa-na.
66414. Olla or water jar decorated with emblems of the gentile rattlesnake. K'i-wih-na-kia te-le, Tch-to-la-kwe a-wen ts-nan p-tchi-pa.
66407. Olla or decorated water jar figured with deer and antelope. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-le n-pa-o-pa.
66427. Small olla or water jar decorated with figures of antelope. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na, n-pa-no-pa.
66497. Small red ware water jar. K'ia-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na, sh-lo-a.
76437. Small olla or water jar decorated with figures of antelope. K'i-wih-na-k'ia te-le, n-pa-no-pa.
66470. Large olla or decorated water jar, with figures of sacred birds. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-thla-na w-tsa-na w-pa-no-pa.
66472. Large olla or water jar decorated with the designs of the rattlesnakes. K'ia-wih-na-k'ia t-thla-na, Tchi-to-la-kwe a-wa tsi-na ts-na-pa.
66403. Small water jar or olla decorated with figures of antelope and black birds. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na, na-pa-no-pa, k'-tchu w-pa-no-pa.
66384. Small decorated water jar or olla. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na.
66546. Small decorated water jar or olla. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na.
——-. Child's water jar or olla decorated with figures of antelope and a kind of sparrow. A-tsa-na a-wa k'i-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na n-pa-no-pa, ta k'ip-tchu-pa w-pa-no-pa.
67318. Small, yellow ware water jar for children. -k'osh-na-k'ia k'ia-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na thlp-tsi-ni.
——-. Small, decorated water jar or olla. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na.
66520. Small toy olla or water jar with representation of sacred tail plumes. -k'osh-na-k'ia k'i-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na, k'i-ti t-hi-a w-pa-no-pa.
66381. Small olla or water jar, decorated. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na.
66471. Small olla or decorated water jar, white ground, with representation of sacred terraces and road. K'ia-wih-na-k'ia t-k'o-ha na, a-wi-thlui-a tsa-na tsin-u-lap-nai-e.
66386. Ditto, large, with curve decoration and representation of Clark's jay. K'ia-wih-na-k'ia t-thla-na, n-tsi-k'ia ta ma-a-wo-pa-na-pa.
66464. Ditto, small, with representations of deer running. Na-pa-no-pa-ythl-yel-ai-e.
——-. Ditto, with deer represented on body, and rosette on opposite side. Na-pa-na-pa, h-pa-k'i w-pa-no-pa.
66340. Ditto, decorated with quail and deer. N-pa-na-pa, ta po-yi w-pa-na-pa.
66365. Olla, very large, decorated with rosettes and cloud scrolls. Hsh thla-na, he-pa-k'i ta l-te-po-a ts-na-pa.
66372. Ditto, white. K'-ha na.
66535. Ditto, with rosette and quail decorations. He-pa-k'i ta po-yi-w-tsa-na w-pa-na-pa.
56340. Ditto, smaller, decorated with flowered star. Mo-ya-tchun—te-a-pa p-tchi-e.
66433. Ditto, with representation of deer and growing plants. Sho-ho-i-ta ta hai-a w-pa-na-pa.
66408. Ditto, with ancient representation of the sky, terrace, falling clouds, and the great rattlesnake. A-wih-thlui-a, lo-pa-ni-le ta tch-to-la, wo-pa-na-pa.
66397. Ditto, with scroll and quail decoration. Wo-tsa-na w-pa-no-pa, ta ni-tsi-k'ia tsi-na-pa.
66527. Ditto, with representation of antelope. N-pa-no-pa.
66528. Ditto, with addition of rude bird decorations. N-pa-no-pa ta-w-tsa-na w-pa-no-pa.
66380. Ditto, small antelopes. N-tsa-na-n-pa-no-pa.
66459. Ditto, with terrace or sacred zigzag, flowers and birds represented. A-wi-thlui-a, u-te-a-pa ta wo-tsa-na-w-pa-no-pa -tsi-nai-e.
66412. Ditto, same as small.
66390 }. Ditto, small antelope. N-tsa-na w-pa-no-pa. 66456 }
66395. Large water jar or olla, decorated with sacred rosette and birds (sparrows). K'ia-wih-na-k'ia t-thla-na he-pa-k'i ta w-tsa-na-w-pa-no-pa.
66339, 66533, 66534. Ditto, with figures of deer. N-pa-no-pa.
66445. Ditto, with ancient terrace and rattlesnake decorations.
66447. Ditto, with ancient design. K'-sho-kwn ts-nai-e.
66543. Ditto, with scroll decoration. N-tsi-k'ia wo-pa-no-pa.
66402. Ditto, smaller. Ts-na.
66382. Ditto, with young deer decoration. Na-tsi-k'o w-pa-no-pa.
——-. Ditto, bird decoration (gentile quail, p-yi).
66419. Ditto, ornate design. -sho-na-k'ia ts-na-pa.
66355. Ditto, with rosette and bird decoration.
66367. Ditto, with star and plant decoration. Mo-y-tchun ta kwan-hai-a w-pa-no-pa.
66512. Small red treasure jar for suspension, ancient. I-no-to-na thl-wo-pu-k'ia t-tsa-na.
66425. Small toy water-jar decorated with figures of antelope. K'ia-wih-na-kia t-tsa-na, a-tsan wa.
66393. Small water jar for young children. K'i-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na a-tsan, -wa.
66370, 66410. Small decorated water jars or ollas. Kia-wih-na-kia t-we -tsa-na.
66426, 66429. Ollas, large.
66438. Olla or water jar decorated with ancient terrace and rattlesnake's form. K'ia-wih-na-k'ia t-thla-na.
66435. Ditto, with same decoration.
66538. Ditto, with curve decoration.
66332. Ditto, with animal decoration.
66532. Ditto, with primitive "-wi-thlui-a po-na" and cloud decoration.
66536. Ditto, animal decoration.
66550, 66501, 66502, 66503, 66504. Jars of red ware used for souring yeast. Mo-tse -pi-k'ia-na-k'ia t-pi-tsu-li-a.
66505. Ditto, white.
66508. Ditto, white with red band about neck. Shi-lo-a thl-yet-i-.
67311. Ditto, curved decoration.
66529. Ditto, decorated with ancient terrace and rattlesnake.
66363, 66448, 66430. Ditto, curved decoration.
67531. Ditto, deer and bird decoration.
——-. Ditto, curved and animal decoration.
——-. Ditto, primitive terrace decoration with deer.
66360. Ditto, curved and scroll decoration.
66383, 66441. Ditto, animal and curve decoration.
66434. Ditto, small animal decoration.
66399, 66475, 66409. Small child's water jar or olla. -k'osh-na-k'ia k'i-wih-na-k'ia t-tsa-na.
——-. Small, very old water jar with primitive decorations. K'i-wih-na-kia t-tsa-na ts-thl-shi-n-shi.
67777. Canteen, large figure of spotted pig. P-tsi-wi-tsi-s-pa-no-pa m-he-t.
67542. Small cylindrical canteen with representation of mamm. M-wi-k'i-lik-ton tsa-na k'w-k'ia-k'ia-pa.
67539, 67538. Ditto, small double ball shaped.
67784, 67815, 67800. Small decorated canteens. Me-he-t ts-na-pa.
68201. Small canteen remarkable for its conception and decoration, representing in form the reproductiveness of water (the phallic frog), and in decoration, water its inhabitants, and a star reflection. Ta-k'ia -sho-ha m-wi-se-ton-ne, -k'i-na ta k'i-shi-t p-tchun m-ya-tchun -le. See fig. 3, pl. xli.
68207. Red ware canteen. M-he-t sh-lo-a.
68209. Yellow ware bottle-shaped canteen. T-me-he-t.
67798. Long-necked gourd-shaped canteen, of red ware. T-me-he-t tsh-sha na, sh-lo-a.
67750. Canteen in representation of chaparral cock. Po-yi m-he-t.
66767. Small canteen in form of hawk or falcon. Pi-pi m-he-t.
67778. Broken canteen (toy) in form of hog. -k'osh-na-kia p-tsi-wi-ti m-he-t.
68427. Small red ware canteen, with white decoration at back. M-he-t ts na.
68184. Canteen, red ware.
67807, 68213. Ditto, yellow ware.
68208, 69864. Ditto, red ware, large.
68187. Ditto, white ware.
68218. Ditto, red ware, smaller.
68182. Ditto, large, yellow ware.
67815. Ditto, very small and crude.
68221. Ditto, large, white ware.
68216. Ditto, with white back and red belly.
68181. Ditto, red ware, repaired with pitch.
68183. Ditto, decorated ware with "Cachina" decoration.
68192. Ditto, decorated with carved leaf pattern.
68175. Ditto, small, decorated.
68170. Ditto, very large, white ware, ornamented with rosette decoration.
67876. Ditto, ditto, more elaborate.
68222. Ancient canteen, in form of young bird, found in a cutting of the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad on the eastern slope of Mt. San Francisco, Arizona, by W. R. Smith, and presented by him to F. H. Cushing for the U.S. National Museum.
67771. Small canteen representing an owl. Mu-hu-kwi m-he-t-tsa-na.
67549. Double, long-necked canteen, connected by two tubes. M-wi-k'i-lik-ton -tsh-sha w-po-no-pa.
67547. Ditto, smaller.
68151. Small canteen of red ware. Me-he-t tsa-na, sh-lo-a.
67812. Large yellow canteen. Me-he-t thlup-tsi-na.
68223. Ordinary yellow canteen; same Indian name as preceding.
67754. Small canteen in the form of an owl. Mu-hu-kwi m-he-ton-ne.
68193. Child's small canteen. Me-he-t, tsan n.
67791. Large, yellow ware canteen. Me-het-thla-na thlp-tsi-na.
67787. Small canteen for children. Me-he-t-ts-na.
67811. Yellow ware canteen decorated with the sun vine. Me-he-t thlup-tsi-na ts-na-pa.
67785. Child's small canteen of red ware. Me-he-t tsa-na sh-lo-a.
67790. Red ware canteen. This specimen is plain red; they are frequently decorated in bands and figures of white.
——-. A small canteen for sacred water, representing an owl. M-hu-kwi k'i-pu-k'ia m-he-t tsa-na.
67814. Large canteen representing the moon, of red ware. Me-he-t shi-lo-a. Y-tchn, nte-li-ah-nai-.
67808. Small double canteen. Me-wi-se-t tsa-na.
67792. Small canteen with emblematic decorations of sacred hooks. Me-he-t, ne-tsi-ko-pa.
68194. Yellow ware canteen. Me-he-t thlup-tsi-na.
68204. Small yellow canteen.
68212. Large yellow canteen. Me-he-t thlup-tsi-na thl-na.
——-. Sacred, decorated canteen.
68206. Small decorated canteen.
67824. Large, yellow ware canteen.
67759. Small canteen for holding sacred water, in form of an owl. K'i-pu-kia mu-hu-kwi m-he-t.
67796. Small red canteen with etchings of phallic significance. M-he-t shi-lo-a -shoh-na ts-no-na.(?)
68189. Small yellow ware canteen.
67789. Small decorated canteen. Me-he-t ts-na-pa.
67813. Small yellow ware canteen.
68156. Large yellow ware canteen, with winding white band decoration. Me-he-t thlup-tsi-na, tsin-u-lap-nai-.
68205. Small yellow ware canteen, decorated with rosette. Me-he-t thlp-tsi-na, h-pa-kin p-tchi-e.
68199. Small toy canteen. -k'osh-na-k'ia m-he-t tsa-na.
68157. Canteen of red ware. Me-he-t, sh-lo-a.
67795. Medium-sized canteen, decorated with figures of quail or road runner; the latter bird is quite abundant in Arizona, but not in the Zui country. This canteen is of a cream white color, the decorations being in black. Me-he-t, p-yi w-pa-no-pa.
67545. Barrel-shaped canteen with knob like ends, and representations of mamm near the mouth, for milk or sweet drinks. M-wi-k'i-lik-ton-ne, kw-k'ia-pa.
67816. Decorated canteen. Me-he-t thla-na-ts-na-pa.
68168. Small red ware canteen.
67805. Small red earthenware canteen, with representation of a burning star at apex. M-he-t thlup-tsi-na tsa-na, mo-y-tchu-thla-na p-tchi ts-nai e.
68163. Large red ware canteen with winding bands, in representation of serpent. M-he-t, tsn-u-lap-nai-.
68162. Small red canteen.
69863. Red ware canteen.
69865. Large water bottle canteen. M-he-t, tm tsh-sha-na.
68159. Small red ware canteen, without decoration.
67475. Small toy canteen of special significance, which can only be derived from a translation of the Indian name given it. Ku-ne-a -k'osh-na-kia m-he-t-tsa-na, -se-to-na. "Clay for playing with which, canteen little, carrying itself," etc.
68220. Small canteen decorated with figure of lily. Me-he-t, u-te-a -to-pa-na p-tchi-e.
68176. Large red ware canteen.
69861. Large yellow ware canteen, with figure of the morning star. M-he-t thla-na thlp-tsi-na, m-y-tchun-thl-no-na p-tchi-e.
68173. Small red ware canteen with cone like apex.
67810. Small decorated canteen.
68179. Medium sized canteen, decorated on upper part with star cross. Me-he-t m-se-wek-sin ts-nai-e.
——-. Small canteen of red ware.
67797. Small canteen of red ware.
68169. Small decorated canteen, with rosette on the apex. -k'osh-na ka me-he-t tsa-na h-pa-k'i tsn-ythl-ti-.
69875. Canteen, medium size, of red ware.
67801. Similar to the preceding, but of cream white ware. Me-he-t i k'o-ha-na.
68166. Same as preceding, of yellow ware, with representation, on cream-white ground, of sacred-feathered, cross-bows. P-thla-p-tchi l-kwai ts-nai-e.
67806. Ditto, ditto, red sh-lo-a.
68217. Ditto, white, with representation of rattlesnake. K'o-ha-na, tch-to-la p-tchi-e.
69862. Ditto, red, with representation of cloud on apex. (L-te-po-ai-e.)
67540. Small toy canteen, with small neck.
——-. Owl-shaped canteen.
67755. Same as preceding in form, but differing somewhat in the details of ornamentation.
68155. Small double canteen, or "child carrier," with representation of wreath of flowers. Me-he-t tsa-n tcha-se-t, -te-a -lap-na-ai-e.
68214. Ditto, larger, with representation of sacred star rosette. H-pa-k'i-w-pa-nan, mo-y-tchu pn-ni-na-k'ia -le.
68158. Large canteen of red ware with rattlesnake emblems on white ground. Me-he-t tsi-na sh-lo-a, tch-to-la w-to-pa-no-pa.
67788. Ditto, red. Sh-lo-a.
67823. Ditto, white, with depression on lower side. K'o-ha-na, h-k'i-.
67794. Ditto, gray, with conical back. Lo-kia-na, k'i-mst'i-.
68195. Ditto, small, with representation of flower at back and string for suspension. Tsa-na ta -te-a w-pa-no-pa; p k'ai-a-pa.
68210. Ditto, large red ware.
68153. Similar to preceding.
68215. Ditto, with cord for suspension.
68219. Ditto, without cord.
69867. Ditto, large.
67804. Ditto, small.
——-. Ditto.
68160. Ditto, yellow.
——-. Ditto, with sunflower rosette at apex. -ma-tsa-pa—te-a ythl-ti-e.
67820. Ditto, white.
——-. Ditto, white back and black base.
68191. Very large canteen of the cream-white ware, with red belly. K-ha-na, ta ts-shi-lo-a.
68180. Ditto, plain, with rosette. H-pa-k'in p-tchi-e.
68188. Ditto, with the ring, or star-pointed flower, on apex; red base, above which are the figures of the sacred butterflies represented in an arch. N-tse-k'o-an-te -te-a thluai-a-pa, p-la-k'ia-thlu-ai-y-mk-nai-.
68152. Ditto, with rattlesnake. Tchi-to-la tsm-u-lup-nai-e.
67802. Ditto, smaller. Tsa-n-shi.
67821. Ditto, very small yellow ware. Hish-ts-na, shi-lo-a ts-na-e.
68171. Ditto, red. Sh-lo-a.
67793. Ditto, larger, with cord of Spanish bayonet. Thlp-tsi-na, h, pi-k'ai-a-pa.
68167. Ditto, very large.
68161. Ditto, white, with sunflower, surrounded with speckled leaves and with smaller lobe at apex. -ma-tsa-pa -te-a, su-pa-no-pa hai-a-we -lap-nai-e; tch-set ti-e.
67799. Ditto, plain red, with flower and butterfly decoration. Shi-lo-a, p-la-kia kwin-ne, ta -te-a p-tchi-pa.
67817. Ditto, small, with representation of corn stalk surrounded by deer, crows, and black birds. M-t-an, sh-ho-i-ta, k'w-la-shi ta tsu-ya p-tchi-pa.
——-. Ditto, with rosette at apex. He-pa-k'i p-tchi-pa.
68178. Ditto, plain. Tsa-na, -ho-na.
68164. Ditto, red, large, and flat backed. Shi-lo-a, ki'a-pa ythl-ti-e.
68154. Ditto, large, white, of ordinary form.
——-. Ditto, with flower decoration at back. K'ia-mus-ti-ye, -te-a-pa.
68105. Ditto, small and flat, tsa-na, ythl-k'i-tchun.
——-. Ditto, red belly, with deer and sky figures on white ground. K'o-ha-na ythl-t, -po-ya tsi-na, ta n-po-a-pa.
67813. Ditto, plain black. Kwin-ne.
68202. Ditto, yellow, with rosette decoration. Thlp-tsi-na, h-pa-k'in p-tchi e.
——-. Ditto, very small, with white back. Tsa-na, k'-han-ythl-ti-e.
67818. Ditto, large, yellow. Thlup-tsi-na.
——-. Ditto, red and white, with terraced road. Tsa-na, a-wi-thlui-a-p-na-pa.
68226. Ditto, large, with rosette decoration.
67544. Small, double lobed canteen. Me-wi-k'i-lik-ton ki-mo-li-an tsa-na.
67541. Ditto, of smaller size.
67543. Ditto, small.
——-. Owl-shaped canteen. M-hu-kwi m-he-ton-ne.
67744. Ditto, small, with holes through the wings for suspension. E-p-se -a'-pa.
67742. Ditto, large, red ware. M-hu-kwi m-he-t shi-lo-a.
67748. Ditto, large, ornamented in representation of the plumage of a bird.
——-. Ditto, small.
——-. Small barrel-shaped canteen, with round ends, showing emblems of mammaries. M-wi-k'i-lik-ton, kw-k'ia-pa ki mo-lin a-p-tsi-na-.
68177. Canteen, of earthen ware, decorated. Me-he-t ts-na-pa.
67822. Ditto, small. Ts-na.
68174. Ditto, of white ware. K'-ha-na.
68197. Ditto, of red ware. Sh-lo-a.
68203. Ditto.
68190. Canteen of red ware. Sh-lo-a.
68196. Ditto.
68200. Toy canteen, with rosette decoration. -k'osh-na-k'ia m-he-t-tsa-na, h-pa-k'i ts-na-pa.
68185. Ditto, red. Sh-lo-a.
67809. Ditto, with two small lobes at back. -ythl-ti-e.
67825. Small, double gourd-shaped water bottle of earthenware. M-wi-k'il-ik-ton shi-lo-a tsa-na.
67819. Large, bottle-shaped canteen. M-he-t k'i-mo-li-a mu-a-pa.
——-. Small, decorated canteen. M-he-t.
——-. Ditto, red ware, large.
——-. Ditto, large, yellow.
——-. Ditto, large, yellow ware with painted back.
——-. Ditto, red ware, small.
67110, 67113. Pitchers, small, plain, with handle, -mush-to-we -thla na, -mui-a-pa.
67439. Small pitcher vase, for suspension. -mush-ton t-tsa-na m-to-pa.
67135. Small milking pitcher. -k'wi-k'ish-na-k'ia -mush-ton tsa-na.
67101. Small, ancient pitcher. -no-to-na -mush-ton tsa-na.
67103. Ancient pitcher, large.
66522. Ditto, of red ware.
67104. Ornamented pitcher, with representation of mountain lion for handle (broken). I-no-to-na -mush-ton tsa-na, Hk-ti-tsh-sha-na mu-ai-e.
67102. Ditto, rude.
67105. Ditto, large, decorated.
67116. Ditto, of red ware, decorated with black, long necked.
67141. Small, modern pitcher, of red ware, in ancient style. I-no-to-na n-te-li-ah-no-nai-e.
67319. Ditto, large, with handle.
67119. Ditto, with handle, made in imitation of ancient jar, dug up from ruins of W-mai-a.
——-. Small milk pitcher. -k'wi-k'ish-na-k'ia, -mush-ton thlp-tsi-na.
67551. Small milk pitcher in the form of a shoe or moccasin. K'wi-k'ish-na-kia we-po-tchi t-tsa-na.
68384. Small pitcher of black earthen ware for heating water. K'ia-k'thl-k'ia-na-k'ia -mush-ton-ne.
67137. Ditto, small, yellow ware.
67136. Small milking pitcher of yellow ware.
——-. Milk pitcher, with handle, of decorated yellow ware. -k'wi-k'ish-na-k'ia -mush-ton-ne.
68365. Small, black ware pitcher. T-kwin tsa-na mui-ai-e.
67114. Small, decorated milk pitcher. -mush-ton ne.
67089. Milk pitcher, plain.
67336. Ditto, large, with corrugated rim. -mush-ton thl-na.
67485. Ditto, with serpent or curved decoration. (N-tsi-k'on-ne.)
67127. Large, red milk pitcher. -k'wi-k'ish-na-k'ia -mush-to thla-na, sh-lo-a.
67140. Ditto, undecorated.
67128. Ditto, plain.
68382. Ditto, for cooking. W-li-a-k'ia -mush-ton thla-na.
68386. Ditto, small, ts-na.
68383. Ditto.
68378. Ditto.
68385. Ditto, showing mud or clay used in sealing the mouth of the vessel while cooking sweet fermented meal or h-pa-lo-kia.
68380. Ditto, plain.
68359. Ditto.
67106. Milk pitcher of ancient form. A-k'wi-k'ish-na-k'ia -mush-ton, -no-to-na.
67108. Ditto, with flaring rim and flower decoration. Sl-athl-k'ia-pan-ne.
67094. Ditto, plain.
67087. Ditto, for white paint. He-tehl-h-lin on-a-kia, sal-thl-k'ia-pan ne.
67124. Ditto, small, yellow ware.
67115. Ditto, with narrow opening, and flower decoration.
67139. Ditto, red ware.
67111. Ditto, decorated.
67117. Ditto, with scalloped rim.
67107. Ditto, tall, and vase-shaped, with flaring rim.
67339. Ditto, with contracted neck, and animal decoration, handle representing an antelope.
68356. Small pitcher for heating water.
68376. Large pitcher for cooking or heating water. Wo-li-a-k'ia -mush-ton-ne.
——-. Large pitcher with animal-shaped handle. -mush-ton thla-na-w—le k-na mu-ai-e.
67091, 67337, 67076. Handled drinking cups with flaring rim, decorated. T-tu-na-kia s-mui-a-pa.
67326, 67109, 67095. Ditto, large.
67086, 67083, 67112. Ditto, small.
67082, 67077. Ditto, with representation of bear for handle.
67122, 67118. Ditto, large, yellow ware.
67131. Small, red ware drinking cup with handle. T-tu-na-k'ia s-mui-a tsn-an-ne.
67098. Drinking cup with flaring rim. S-mui-a s-tsa-na.
——-. Bowl and pot shaped cooking vessels, plain and ornamented, with ears and small conical projections to facilitate handling while hot; among these are also enumerated paint pots, &c. Sa-we -mui-a-pa.
67469, 67425. Small, toy, cooking vessels with row of ears. I-k'osh-na-k'ia s-mui—tsa-na.
67329. Large, handled cup. S-mui-an-ne.
68243. Small, handled cup. S-mui-a t-tsa-na.
68387. Water-holding cup. K'ia-pa-ti-k'ia t-tsa-na.
67322. Small handled cup of yellow ware. S-mui-a t-tsa-na thlp-tsi-na.
67138. Handled cup of yellow ware. S-mui-a t-thlup-tsi-na.
67079. Small, handled cup for water. K'ial-i-k'ia s-mui-an-ne.
67078. Small handled water cup. K'ial-i-k'ia s-mui-an-ne.
——-. Handled cup with decoration of the sacred mantle. Sa-mui a h-k'wi-e-tchi ts-na-pa.
67133. Small, handled, yellow ware cup. S-mui-an thlp-tsi-na ts-na.
67093. Small, handled cup with representation of growing flowers. Sa-mui-an-tsa-na -te-a w-pa-no-pa.
68362. Small, knobbed cup for hot water. K'i-k'ithl-k'ian-a-k'ia s-mui-an ts-na.
67132. Small, handled yellow cups. S-mui-a tsa-na -thlup-tsi-na.
67081. Small flaring cup, with handle, with representations of stars and magic net-shield of war god. S-mui-an tsa-na sa-k'ia-pan-ne, m-y-tchu, ta k'i-al lan p-tchi-pa.
66911. Small flaring cup for children. S-k'ia-pa-nan tsa-na.
——-. Small red ware cups for children. S-tsa-na shi-lo-a.
67126. Small milking cup of yellow ware, with handle. K'wi-k'ish-na-k'ia s-mui-an tsa-na.
67335. Small cup, with handle and flaring rim, decorated with flowers. S-mui-an tsa-na, u-te-a athl-yel-lai-e.
67143. Small, handled cup. Sa-mui-a tsa-na sh-lo-a.
——-. Small milking cup for little girl. A-k'wi-k'iash-na-k'ia s-mui-an-tsa-na.
67090. Small, handled cup, with flaring rim for drinking. S-mui-a tsa-na sl-athl-k'ia-pan-ne.
67092. Small, deep, decorated, handled cup. Sa-tsa-na mi-ai-e.
67120. Large handled milking cup of decorated red ware. -k'wi-k'ish-na-k'ia s-shi-lo-a, mu-an ts-na-pa.
67084. Small, plain, handled cup. S-mui-an-tsa-na.
——-. Small water heating cup, with handle. K'ia-kithl-k'ia-na-k'ia sa-mui-an ts-na.
67332. Small drinking cup, with melon flower representation in center. K'i-li-k'ia s-tsa-na a-te-an e-ti-e.
67096. Small handled cup. S-mui-an tsa-na.
67328. Large decorated cup with handle. S-mui-an thla-na.
67099. Decorated cup, small.
67097. Ditto, large.
67338, Ditto, with animal shaped handle.
67184, 67153, 67182, 67185, 67189. Sacred terraced basket bowls for medicine flour or meal, carried by chief priests of sacred dancers. K'ia-wai-a wo-pu-k'ia -wi-thlui-a-po-na s-mu-te-a-pa.
67193. Ditto, with horned frog represented on outside, (Thl-tchu), and tadpoles and dragon fly inside, shu-me-ko-lo ta m-tu-li-k'ia-w-pa-no-pa.
67192. Ditto, with sacred rosette in center of bottom. H-pa-k'i tsin -t-i-e.
67172. Ditto, for sacred yellow flower paint. -te-a he-lin -na-kia.
67303. Small bowl for white paint, used in decoration of dancers. H-ko-hak' h-lin-o-na-kia s-tsa-na.
67055. Small white paint bowl. H-ko-hak' h-lin-o-na-kia s-tsa-na.
67255. Bread bowl, decorated. Mo-tse-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
67233. Ditto, larger.
67220, 67264. Bread bowls. Mo-tse-na-k'ia-s-we.
67267, 67227, 67242. Large bread bowls, with elaborate cloud decoration and figure of sky combined. Mo-tse-na-k'ia sa-we -thla-na, lo-po-ya tsi-na-pa.
67202. Very large bread bowl, decorated inside with lightning passing between clouds and on outer surface with lightning passing between black rain clouds. M-tse o-na-kia mo-tse-na-k'ia s-thla-na; w-lo-lo-a thli-t l-pi-kwai-nai-e wo-pa-no-pa; w-lo-lo-a, w-thlui-a-po-na -shi-k'ia-na ts-na-pa.
66604. Large bread bowl, decorated. M-tse-na-k'ia s-thla-na.
66935. Ditto, red ware, large.
67277, 67270. Elaborately decorated bread bowl. M-tse-na-k'ia s-thla-na.
67217. Decorated bread bowl. Mo-tse-na-k'ia s-thla-na.
66972. Small yellow ware eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-thlup-tsi-na.
67199, 66937. Ditto, for dance paint of cachnas. Shi-lo-a-h-lin o-na-k'ia sa-we.
66945, 66944. Ditto, for serving food, decorated.
67204. Ditto, large, with -wi-thluia-po-na ta thl-ton (cloud-terrace and rain) represented.
66642. Ditto, white decorated ware.
66582, 66603, 66644. Ditto, with flaring rim. (Sl-athl-k'ia-pan) deer decoration and sacred plume sticks.
66612. Ditto, with lozenge decoration in lozenge figure.
67209. Ditto, with highly emblematic decoration.
66574. Ditto, very shallow. -to-na-kia sal athl-k'ia-pan-ne.
67215, 66947. Small yellow ware eating bowls. I-to-na-k'ia s-thlup-tsi-na.
67066. Ditto, small.
66819. Small eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
66970, 66789, 66735, 66791. Ditto, used for paint.
66664. Eating bowl, larger.
66577, 67285, 66587, 67216. Ditto, large. Thl-na.
66983. Small yellow ware eating bowl. -to-na-kia s-thlup-tsi-na.
66938, 66941. Eating bowl, small, red ware. Sh-lo-a.
67206. Ditto, large.
66706, 66695. Ditto, of decorated ware.
65976. Ditto, for stone ash. (See above).
66956, 66916. Eating bowls, red ware white inside. I-to-na-kia s-shi-lo-a.
66600. Ditto, decorated ware showing use as paint bowl.
66832. Ditto, decorated ware, small.
66805. Ditto, decorated ware, showing use as dye bowl.
66798, 66784. Ditto, eating bowls.
67254, 66760, 66957, 66749. Ditto, burned in open fire. (K'ia-pi-na-n-shi, or l-ak-nai-e.)
56773. Ditto, deep.
66837. Ditto, small, burned in open fire. L-ak-nai-e.
67243. Ditto, showing traces of last h-pa-lo-k'ia feast.
66848. Ditto, showing po-ye decoration.
66718. Ditto, showing sunflower decoration.
66831. Ditto, showing lineal decoration, ancient design.
67241. Ditto, very old.
66971. Ditto, showing house, world, and growing-plant design.
66761. Ditto, showing much use.
66993. Ditto, showing figures of p-yi and gentile priests.
66739. Ditto, basin-shaped. Sl-athl-k'ia-pan-ne.
66908. Very small decorated toy eating bowl. I-k'osh-na-k'ia -to-na-kia-s-tsa-na.
67246. Small, decorated ware eating bowl.
66920, 67257. Ditto, new.
66830. Ditto, with elaborate star and plant design.
66783, 66765. Ditto, flower with four spear-like points in center. U-te-a-an k'i-tso-ta w-pa-no-pa.
67262. Ditto, burned in open fire. L-ak-nai-e.
66774. Ditto, with falling rain represented.
66727. Ditto, with flaring rim, deep.
66748, 66876, 66703. Small eating bowl of decorated ware. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
66588, 66810. Ditto, with elaborate but defined decoration.
66779, 66711, 67265, 66827, 67301, 67271. Ditto, with deer reversed and standing on twig.
66792, 66755. Ditto, showing use as vessel for white paint (used as whitewash). H-k'e-tchu o-na-k'ia s-we.
66776, 66918, 66781. Ditto, with flaring rim.
67203. Small eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
67278. Ditto, chaparral cock decoration.
67250. Ditto, burned on wood fire.
66741. Ditto, with river and tadpole represented.
66742. Ditto, ornamentation indistinct.
66632, 66551, 66553. Eating bowls of decorated ware, with flaring rim. -to-na-k'ia sl-athl-k'ia-pa-we.
66638, 66634. Ditto, large.
66636. Ditto, very large, with representation of female deer, ancient terrace house and "step" inclosed. H-wi-ms-sin -no-to-na, t-sh-ho-i-t'o-k'ia p-tchi-e.
67295. Ditto, large, with rain cloud, star, and plant decoration.
66697. Small eating bowl, with deer and cloud decoration. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
66569. Ditto, with representation of sky colors about rim.
66619, 66570. Ditto, with flower and plant decoration.
66926. Ditto, with house decoration.
67235. Ditto, flower decoration.
67231. Ditto, with flower and plant decoration.
66595. Ditto, with plant decoration.
66678. Ditto, with representation of sand burs.
66656, 66677. Ditto, with representation of antelopes.
66668. Ditto, with cloud pueblos and rainbow decoration.
66552. Ditto, cloud, star, floral, and deer decoration.
66594, 66685. Ditto, floral decoration.
67297. Ditto, with representation of world and steps to the skies.
66673. Ditto, with terrestrial cloud and doe decoration.
66593. Ditto, with cloud and curve decoration.
66679, 66726, 66601, 66684. Ditto, ditto, decoration indistinct.
66580. Ditto, red ware, with sacred corns represented.
67213, 66653, 66772, 66927, 66699. Ditto, flowers and falling rain.
66579. Ditto, terrace decoration.
66640. Ditto, flower decoration.
66648. Ditto, butterfly, cloud, and plant decoration.
67211. Ditto, deer, cloud, rain, and plant decoration.
67269. Ditto, plant and cloud decoration.
66573. Ditto, curve decoration.
66649, 67208. Ditto, flower, cloud, and arrow decoration.
66616. Ditto, with elaborate decoration.
66701, 66955, 66948. Red ware eating-bowls.
67205. Yellow ware eating-bowl.
66954. Ditto, the Great star.
66788, 66680. Small eating-bowls.
66670. Ditto, with floral, cloud, and star design elaborately worked up.
66662, 67222, 66554. Ditto, elaborate design.
66663, 66671, 66651, 66561. Ditto, with terrace form.
66609. Ditto, curve.
66637. Ditto, deer.
66652. Large eating bowl, with elaborate emblematic but indistinct decoration.
66672. Ditto, with rainbow decoration.
66811. Small eating-bowl of decorated ware.
66676. Eating-bowl of decorated ware.
67275. Small ancient eating-bowl of corrugated ware, decorated inside. -no-to-na n-tu-li-a -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
66992. Eating bowl of gray ware, very ancient. -no-to-na -to-na-kia s-tsa-na.
66690. Ditto, with representation of woods.
66936. Ditto, modern red ware.
66820, 67256, 66919, 66840, 66790, 66764, 67021, 66881, 66995. Small decorated eating bowls. -to-na-kia s-tsa-na ts-na-pa.
67019. Ditto, sacred design in terraces representing clouds and rain.
66836. Ditto, with sacred butterfly decoration.
67000, 67027, 67001, 67008, 66973. Small red bowls. S-shi-lo-a -tsa-na.
66962. Small basin-shaped bowl. Sal-athl-kia-pan-tsa-na.
67244. Small bowl, with additional rim. S-wi-ythl ton-ne.
66974. Small yellow-ware bowl used in making the stone ash as yeast, and coloring matter, of blue guyave. -lu-k'ia-lin h-thli-a-k'ian a-k'ia, s-thlup-tsi-na.
67058. Very small, rude toy bowl. -k'osh-na-k'ia s-tsa-na p-tcha.
67048. Ditto, of yellow ware.
67057. Very small, drinking cup of red ware.
67052. Bowl used for mixing mineral yeast and coloring matter of guyave and mush-bread. -lu-k'ia-li-k'ia s-tsa-na.
67317. Vase-shaped bowl of white ware. S-k'ia-pa te-l.
67180. Small scalloped-shaped medicine bowl. K'ia-lin-o-na-kia s-tsa-na n-te-po-a-pa.
67157, 67166. Ditto, with terraced rim. (-wi-thlui-a-po-na.)
68247. Small black-ware bowl for toasting corn.
67013. Small decorated red-ware bowl. S-tsa-na sh-lo-a.
67446. Small toy bowl, decorated. -k'osh-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
67284. Small ancient bowl. I-no-to-na s-tsa-na.
67309. Ditto, red ware, modern.
67183. Ditto, large, with tadpole and frog decoration.
67071. Small toy bowl. I-k'osh-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
——-. Small saucer bowl. Sal-athl-kia-pan tsa-na.
66495. Small-mouthed yeast souring bowl. Mo-tse -pi-k'ia-na-k'ia t-k'i-mo-li-a.
67343. Ancient bowl for the sacred medicine water belonging to the hereditary line of House Caciques of Zui (K'ia-kwi—mo-si) and sold by stealth to me by the youngest representative of that body of priests. Sh-wan an k'i-lin -na-k'ia s-a-wi-thlui-a-po-na. See fig. 1, pl. xli.
66828, 66835, 66872, 67240. Small drinking bowls. T-tu-tu-na-k'ia s-we -tsa-na.
66896. Small drinking bowl showing use as paint bowl. T-tu-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
66894. Ditto, showing elaborate phallic figure. sho-ha ts-na-pa.
66901. Ditto, showing emblematic figure of the life of rain.
67035, 66997, 66984. Small red bowls. S-tsa-na shi-lo-a.
67059. Ditto, toy.
66852. Small bowl for serving food, with flaring rim. -to-na-k'ia s-k'ia-pan tsa-na.
66826. Ditto, burned in open wood fire.
66708. Ditto, with house and sky decoration in center.
68306, 68285. Small black-ware cooking bowls. W-li-a-k'ia s-we—tsa-na.
68236. Cooking bowl, with ears. S-mui-an tsa-na.
68259, 68277. Ditto, small.
68311. Ditto, large.
68265. Small cooking bowl, with indented rungs for ornamentation and utility (see notes). W-li-a-k'ia s-tsa-na tsin -lap-nia-e.
68248, 68245, 68250, 67458. Small cooking bowls, with ears. W-li-a-k'ia s-mui-a-tsa-na sa-we -tsa-na.
68276. Ditto, in form of pot. W-li-a-k'ia t-tsa-na.
68246. Ditto, with ears. W-li-a-k'ia s-mui-an tsa-na.
68461. Ditto, same.
68293. Cooking bowl, large.
68373, 68303, 68372, 66905. Ditto, small.
67168, 67156. Small sacred terraced bowl.
66975. Small mush bowl of yellow ware. H-k'us-na wo-li-k'ia s-tsa-na.
66813. Small flaring eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na sl-thl-k'ia-pa-we.
66738. Small decorated eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
68267. Small bowl for heating water, with corrugated ears. K'ia-k'ithl-k'ia-na-k'ia = t-ni-tu-lup-tchithl-na-pa.
67151. Large handled and terraced basket bowl for sacred meal or water. -wi-thlui-a-po-na s-a-le he-po-a-ylthl-ti-e, k'o-lo-wis-si ta mu-ta-li-k'ia w-pa-no-pa. The figures of tadpoles rising from the water are emblematic of summer rains, etc.
66598. Medium-sized eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-a-le.
66782. Eating bowl, small sized. -to-na-k'ia s-a-le.
66953. Medium-sized eating bowl. -to-na-kia s-a-le, sh-lo-a.
66591. Medium-sized eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-a-le.
66643. Small-sized eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
66628. Ordinary eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-a-le.
67144. Medium small red bowl. S-tsa-na shi-lo-a.
66964. Ordinary-sized eating bowl of red ware. -to-na-k'ia s-shi-lo-a.
66682. Large eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-thla-na.
66801. Small decorated bowl. S-tsa-na tsi-na-pa.
66681. Ordinary eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-a-le.
66584. Small eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
66610. Ordinary eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-a-le.
66902. Small bowl. S-tsa-na.
67149. Small red bowl. S-tsa-na sh-lo-a.
67316. Ordinary eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-a-le.
66933. Small eating bowl with a-wi emblem. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na, -wi-thlui-a w-le.
67044. Small eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
66691. Eating bowl of red ware, with e-t-k'-ha-na or white emblem. -to-na-k'ia s-shi-lo-a k'-han—ti-e.
66977. Bowl for mixing the stone-ash used as a yeast-powder, -lu-k'i-li-k'ia s-tsa-na.
66566, 66630, 65629. Eating bowls. -to-na-k'ia s-a-le.
67260. Bread bowl. M-tse-na-k'ia s-a-le.
66942. Eating bowl of red ware. -to-na-k'ia s-shi-lo-a.
67302. Eating bowl, with flaring rim. -to-na-k'ia sl-athl-k'ia-pan-ne.
67188. Terraced basket bowl for sacred phallic flour. -wi-thlui a-po-na s-ni-te-po-a-pa.
67191. Terraced medicine bowl. Ak-wa -na-k'ia a-wi-thlui-a-po-na s-a-le.
66674. Eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-a-le.
67268. Small bowl. S-tsa-na.
67063, 66989. Small plain bowls. Sa-tsan -wa-ho-na.
67005. Small bowl of red ware, with decoration. Sa-tsa-na shi-lo-a ts-na-pa.
67150. Small, reddish-brown bowl. Sa-tsa n-ho-na.
66639. Eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-a-le.
67289. Bread bowl. Mo-tse-ni-k'ia s-a-le.
66716. Small bowl, with primitive decoration. T-a s-a-le. (Seed bowl.)
66558. Eating bowl, with decorations and emblems of the sacred butterfly. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na p-la-k'ia w-pa-no-pa.
66963. Eating bowl of yellow ware. -to-na-k'ia s-thlup-tsi-na.
66605. Eating bowl. -to-na-kia s-tsa-na.
67272. Eating bowl. -to-na-kia s-a-le.
66863. Small bowl, with flaring rim. Sa-tsa-na sal-ythl-k'ia-pan-a-kia s-mui-an-ne.
66900. Small bowl. S-tsa-na.
67292. Large flaring eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-k'ia-pa-nan thla-na.
66597. Eating bowl. I-to-na-kia s-a-le.
66965. Eating bowl of black ware. I-to-na-k'ia s-kwin-ne.
67165. Small sacred terraced bowl for medicine flour, with frog decoration. -wi-thlui-a s-tsa-na ta-k'ia w-pa-no-pa.
67028. Small red bowl. Sa-tsa-na sh-lo-a.
66693, 66705. Small eating bowls. I-to-na-kia s-tsa-na.
66959. Small eating bowl, with gourd and beaded plume stick decoration. -to-na-kia s-tsa-na t-po-a w-le.
67042. Small red ware bowl, with flaring rim. Sal-ythl-k'ia-pan tsa-na-sh-lo-a.
66922. Small bowl. S-tsa-na.
67070. Small bowl of red ware, made by child. A-tsa-na a-wa s-tsa-na sh-lo-a.
66903. Small bowl, made by young girl in learning. Sa-tsa-na -te-tchu-k'ia-no-na -wi-te-la-ma -wi-thlui-an an t-thl-shi-na -le.
66720. Small bowl. S-tsa-na—with the four sacred terraces and altar-pictured center.
66631. Small eating bowl, with emblematic gourd-figure in center. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na, w-to-pa-na ts-na-pa.
67224. Eating bowl, with figures of medicine flowers inside. I-to-na-k'ia-sa-a-le, ak-wa -te-a wo-pa-no-pa.
67155. Small sacred meal bowl, with representations of summer and winter emblems of water, the tadpoles and the frog. -wi-thlui-a-pa s-tsa-na, mu-tu-li-kia ta t-k'ia w-pa-no-pa.
67167. Small terraced sacred meal bowl, with figures of tadpole or emblems in summer. -wi-thlu-i-a-pa s-tsa-na; m-tu-li-k'ia w-pa-na-pa.
66635. Eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-a-le.
66884. Small bowl, with representation of the sacred cross-bows. S-tsa-na p-thla-pa-na-pa.
66874. Small decorated bowl. S-tsa-na.
66939. Small plain eating bowl. I-to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
66806. Small decorated bowl. S-tsa-na.
66949. Small yellow eating bowl, with representations of the sacred gourd. I-to-na-k'ia s-thlup-tsi-na w-to-pa-na sh-lo-a.
67198. Yellow eating bowl. I-to-na-k'ia s-thlup-tsi-na.
66898. Small plain toy eating bowl. A-tsa-na a-wen -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
67043, 67054. Small plain toy mush bowls. -k'osh-na-k'ia he-k'i wo-li-k'ia s-we.
67281. Small toy eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na -k'osh-na-kia.
66913. Small toy bowl. -kosh-nan-a-k'ia s-tsa-na.
67051. Small he ki bowl. He-k'i w-li-k'ia s-tsa-na.
67177. Small scalloped medicine water bowl. K'ial-in on-a-k'ia s-tsa-na n-te-po-a-pa.
67153. Small terraced bowl for mixing medicine flour. K'ia-wai-a o-na-k'ia, a-wi-thlui-a-po-na s-tsa-na.
66808. Small bowl used as receptacle for white paint in the dance. He-k'o-ha he-k'i wo-li-k'ia s-tsa-na.
66943. Small red ware eating bowl. I-to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na sh-lo-a.
66893. Small water bowl. K'i-li-k'ia s-tsa-na.
66698. Rude eating bowl, decorated with figures of birds. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na, w-tsa-na w-pa-no-pa.
66910. Small decorated water bowl. K'il-i-k'ia s-tsa-na ts-nai-e.
67146. Small decorated water bowl. K'il-i-k'ia s-tsa-na ts-na-pa.
67010. Small decorated red ware bowl. S-tsa-na sh-lo-a ts-na-pa.
66985. Small red ware eating bowl. I-to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na sh-lo-a.
67282. Small eating bowl, with cross lightning and star decoration on rim. -to-na-kia s-tsa-na, tsi-na-w-lo-lon, ta m-ya-tchu po-ai-ythl-yel-la.
66875. Small decorated plate. Sl-athl-k'ia-pan tsa-na.
66743. Small white eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na-k'-han-na.
66807. Small decorated eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
67007. Small red bowl, with flaring rim for water. K'il-i-k'ia s-tsa-na-shi-lo-a sl-ythl-k'ia-pan-ne.
66730. Small decorated mush bowl. H-k'us-na wo-li-k'ia s-tsa-na.
67047. Small bowl for mixture of yellow paint. Thlp-tsi-na h-lin-o-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
66750. Small decorated eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
66857. Small decorated eating bowl. -to-na-kia s-tsa-na.
67064. Small yellow drinking bowl. T-tu-na-k'ia s-tsa-na thlp-tsi-na.
66816. Small decorated eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
66736. Small decorated eating bowl with flaring rim. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na sl-thl-k'ia-pan-ne.
67259. Small decorated eating bowl. -to-na-kia s-tsa-na.
66731. Small eating bowl with emblems of star in center. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na m-y-tchun-thla-na -ti-e.
66823. Small eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
66793. Small eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
67045. Small water bowl. T-tu-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
66787. Ditto, flaring rim and representation of sacrificial plumes. Sal-ythl-k'ia pan tethl na w-pa-no-pa.
66794. Ditto, with representations of the rain clouds and falling rain at sunset. L-te-po-a-pa, ta y-ton-kwa-ton te-thli-t p-ni-le-a.
67247. Ditto, with the four rising terraces. -wi-thlui a -kwai-shon-nai-e.
67020. Ditto, marks indistinguishable. Tsi-na thl-sho.
67244. Ditto, with representations of horses. Tush -ti-e.
66606. Ditto, white. K'-ha-na.
66608. Water bowl, larger.
66669. Large bread bowl. M-tse-n kia s-thla-na.
66576. Ditto, with deer decoration, house in center, representations of man's abodes and sacred plumes. N-pa-no-pa, h-sho-ta ta thla-pan l-kwai-nai-.
66622. Eating bowl with flower decorations. -to-na-k'ia s-a-le, -te-a-wthl-e-ti-.
66728. Ditto, small. Ts-na.
66641. Ditto, large, with addition of sacred bird butterfly. W-tsa-na-p-la-k'ia.
66740. Ditto, with cloud lines.
66704. Ditto, with flaring rim and lightning terrace design. W-lo-lo-a ta -wi-thlui-a-po-na ts-na-pa.
66586. Ditto, with same decoration.
66611, 67294. Ditto, larger.
67291. Ditto, large, with cloud decoration.
67212. Large plain yellow ware eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-thla-na thlp-tsi-na.
67210. Ditto, for mixing bread. M-tse-n-k'ia.
67214. Ditto, very large with red rim.
66658, 66929, 66560. Decorated eating bowls. I-to-na-k'ia sa-thla-na ts-na-pa.
66626, 67223. Large decorated bread bowls. M-tse-n-k'ia s-we -thla-na.
66657. Ditto, with ornate representation, of sacred sky terraces and falling wind-driven rain in sunlight.
67229, 67230. Ditto, cloud and flower decoration.
66733. Small decorated eating bowl. -to-na-kia s-tsa-na.
66766. Ditto, with sky terrace inclosing clouds.
66753, 66734, 66710, 66686, 66696. Ditto, with star flower.
67290, 66795. Ditto, for mixing white-wash. K'-tchep o-na-kia.
66915, 66809. Ditto, with white cross decoration.
67006, 66883, 66880, 66850, 66800, 66785, 67225, 67148. Ditto, red ware.
67145, 66702. Ditto, yellow ware.
67011. Ditto, very small.
67296, 66887. Ditto, decorated.
67280, 66635, 67252. Large decorated bread bowls. M-tse-n-k'ia s-thla-na ts-na-pa.
67286, 67258. Small sized bread bowls. M-tse-n-k'ia s-tsa-na.
67248. Bread bowl of ordinary size. M-tse-n -k'ia sa-a-le.
67200. Scalloped medicine bowl. K'i-lin o-na-k'ia s-ni-te-po-a-pa.
67178. Terraced bowl for the manufacture of the "yellow flower medicine paint," used in the decoration of the dance costume, or K-k thl-a-pa. -we-thlui-a-po-na sa-a-le, u-te-a hel-in o-na-kia.
66498. Small red bowl. S-tsa-na.
66620. Small bowl. S-tsa-na.
66590. Bread bowl. M-tse-n-k'ia s-a-le.
66567, 66625, 67266. Eating bowls. -to-na-k'ia s-a-le.
66615. Eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-a-le.
68238. Large cooking bowl. W-le-a-k'ia s-thla-na.
66564. Eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-a-le.
66814. Small bowl. S-tsa-na.
66815. Small bowl.
66589. Eating bowl.
68314. Small cooking bowl with protuberances to facilitate removal from fire. W-le-a-k'ia s-mui-a-po-na.
67162. Small scalloped bowl. S-tsa-na n-te-po-a-pa.
66865. Small bowl. S-tsa-na.
66851, 66692, 66802. Small bowls.
66647. Large eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-thla-na.
67460. Small cooking bowl with protuberances to facilitate handling. S-mui-a-po-na tsa-na.
66821. Small bowl.
66946. Small red ware bowl for eating. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na sh-lo-a.
68230. Cooking bowl with protuberances to facilitate removal from fire. W-li-a kia s-mui-an-ne.
67187. Small terraced bowl for sacred medicine flour. -wi-thlui-a-po-na s-tsa-na.
66914. Very small bowl with emblem of morning star. S-tsa-na, mo-y-tchu-thla-na e-tai-e.
66795. Small eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
67433. Small obliquely corrugated bowl. Sa-tsa-na k'-te-kwi-s-sl-a-pa.
67300. Small bowl.
66557. Large eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-thla-na.
66560. Eating bowl.
67232, 67234. Large eating bowls.
67026. Small bowl for mixture of stone ash used as yeast. -lu-we s-tsa-na.
66715. Small bowl.
66719. Small eating bowl with flaring yellow rim. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na sa-kia-pa thlp-tsi-na.
67067, 67062, 67065. Small red ware bowls for children. S-tsa-na-we, -tsa-na -wa.
67142. Small scalloped rimmed bowl, red. S-tsa-na sh-lo-a n-te-po-a-ythl-yel-lai-e.
67306. Small red ware bowl. S-tsa-na sh-lo-a.
66778. Small decorated bowl. S-tsa-na ts-na-pa.
66614. Mush bowl. M-k'ia-pa w-li-k'ia s-a-le.
68348. Small cooking bowl with protuberances for handles. Wo-li-a-k'ia s-mui-an tsa-na.
68366. Small new cooking bowl with ears. W-li-a-k'ia s-mui-an tsa-na.
67201, 66862-66854. Small decorated bowls. S-tsa-na-we, -tsi-na-pa.
66990. Small red eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-shi-lo-a ts-na.
68305. Small cooking bowl with ears. W-li-a-k'ia s-mui-an-ne.
66627, 66580. Decorated eating bowls. -to-na-k'ia s-a-le.
66713. Small decorated eating bowls. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
66978. Small red bowl for mixture of he-k'i, a kind of white paint, also mush. He-k'i wo-li-k'ia s-tsa-na.
67164. Small terraced bowl for sacred meal. -wi-thlui-a-po-na s-tsa-na.
66860. Small decorated bowl. S-tsa-na.
67449. Small flaring toy bowl. I-k'osh-na-k'ia s-k'ia-pau-an tsa-na.
67476. Small rude earthenware bowl, made by child. -tsa-na a-wa s-tsa-na.
68292. Small cooking bowl of black ware, with ears. Wo-li-a-k'ia s-mui-an tsa-na.
67287. Small bowl. S-tsa-na.
66700. Small decorated eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
66633. Old decorated eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia sa-a-le.
66951. Red ware eating bowl. -to-na-k'ia s-shi-lo-a.
67331. Small white handled bowl. S-mui-a k'-ha-na tsa-na.
66818. Small bowl with conventional representations of lightnings and growing shrubs. S-tsa-na, w-lo-lo-a ta -hai-a p-tchi-pa.
66879. Small decorated eating bowl for children. -tsa-na a-wa -to-na-k'ia s-tsa-na.
68841, 66847. Small eating bowls with sacred dance decorations, etc. S-tsa-na, h-wi-e-tchi ts-na-pa.
66873. Small eating bowl. I-to-na-kia s-tsa-na.
67031. Small red water-bowl. K'ia-li-k'ia s-tsa-na sh-lo-a.
68251. Small black ware bowl for poaching. -le-kw-k'ia s-tsa-na.
68364. Small bowl for cooking medicine herbs. K'ia-he-k'ia k'ithl-k'ia-na-k'ia s-mui-an tsa-na.
67345. Double salt and chili bowl. Ma-pu-k'ia t-wi-pa-tchin, mu-ai-e.
68328. Small cooking vessel with ears. Ki-kithl-k'ia na-k'ia s-mui-an-tsa-na. |