- - - - No Name. Where Where Kept. Date. Remarks. Produced. - - - - 1 Syriac Zagba, in Laur. Lib., c. 586 Shows Byzantine Gospels Mesopotamia Florence influence. 2 Gospel-book Byzantium Brit. Mus., 6th cent. Lettering, etc., on (f.) Add. 5111 gold ground. 3 Menologium " Vat. Lib., 9th cent. A typical Byzantine Gr. 1613 MS. 4 Gregory of Byzantium Nat. Lib., 9th cent. Fine antique design Nazianzum Paris, Gr. and composition. 510 5 " " Nat. Lib., " Good small figures. Paris, Gr. 543 6 " " Nat. Lib., " Good small figures Paris, Gr. and headings. 550 7 Evangeliary ...... Brit. Mus., " Arund. 547 8 " ...... Brit. Mus., " Burney 19, 20. 9 Lectionary ...... Brit. Mus., 10th Fine initials. Harl. 5598 cent., end 10 Chrysostom ...... Nat. Lib., 10th Remarkable initials. Paris, Gr. cent. 654 11 Simeon ...... Brit. Mus., 11th Fine ornaments. Metaphrastes Add. 11870 cent. 12 Evangeliary ...... Brit. Mus., " Beautiful headings. Add. 11838 13 Psalter ...... Brit. Mus., 12th Executed for Add. Egert. cent. Melisenda, daughter 1139 of King of Jerusalem.
+ -+ + -+ - No Name. Where Where Kept. Date. Remarks. Produced. + -+ + -+ -+ - 1 Gospels of ...... Trin. Coll., 7th cent. St. Columba Dublin 2 Gospels of St. Arnoul's Nuremberg " St. Arnoul, Abbey, Metz Museum of Metz 3 Book of St. ...... Roy. Lib., " Columbanus Naples 4 Bible of St. ...... Cath. Lib., 8th cent. Curious Crucifixion. Kilian Wurzburg 5 Gospels of Monastery of Pub. Lib., " Signed "Thomas "Thomas" Hanow Trves scribsit." 6 Psalter ...... Brit. Mus., " Anglo-Irish, with Cott. Vesp. arched frame-border. a. 1 7 Gospels of ...... Bodl. Lib., 9th cent. See Westwood, MacRegol Oxford Palographia Sacra Pict., pl. 16. 8 Book of ...... Roy. Irish " P. 103. Remarkable. Armagh Acad., Dublin 9 St. Chad's ...... Lichfield " Fine Anglo-Irish. Gospels Cath. Lib. 10 Lindisfarne Lindisfarne Brit. Mus., 7th cent. Anglo-Celtic a very Gospels Monastery Cott, Nero D. fine example. 4
+ -+ + -+ - No Name. Where Where Kept. Date. Remarks. Produced. + -+ + -+ -+ - 1 Sacramentary Abbey of Nat. Lib., c. 750 Symbolism. Given by Gellone Paris, MS. Ct. William of Lat. 12048 Toulouse. 2 Ada-Codex Abbey of St. Municip. c. 775 Written for Ada, Mesmin, of Lib., Trves sister of Trves Charlemagne, Abbess of St. Mesmin. 3 Psalter of ..... Imp. Lib., c. 780 Written for Queen Dagolfus Vienna Theol. Hildegardis, wife of Lat. 1861 Charlemagne. 4 Evangeliarium Abbey of St. Nat. Lib., " Written for of Godescale Sernin, of Paris, nouv. Charlemagne and Toulouse acq. 1203 Hildegardis. Has gold and silver letters on purple vellum. 5 Sacramentary Abbey of St. Abb. St. " Franco-Saxon. of Gelasius Gall Gall, No. 348 6 Evangeliarium Abbey of St. Town Lib., c. 793 On purple vellum. of St. Riquier Abbeville Angilbert 7 Alcuin Bible Abbey of Brit. Mus., c. 800 Coronation gift to Tours Add. 10546 Charlemagne. Very fine example. 8 Bible Tours Cantonal " Like 7. Lib., Zurich 9 " " Bamberg Roy. " Said to be an exact Lib copy of 7. 10 Gospels of " Imp. Lib., " Found by Emperor Otho Charles the Vienna III. in tomb of Great Charlemagne. (Charlemagne) 11 Sacramentary Abbey of Nat. Lib. c. 814 The gift of of Drogo, Metz, or Paris, Theol. Charlemagne to his Abp. of Metz Tours Lat. 9428 natural son Drogo. 12 Golden ...... Brit. Mus., c. 835 A splendid example. Gospels of Harl. 2788 Athelstan 13 Golden ...... Roy. Lib., c. 850 Ditto, written in Gospels of Munich gold letters. Charles the Bald 14 Evangeliary Abbey of St. Nat. Lib., " Remarkably beautiful. of Lothaire Martin's, Paris, Theol. Tours Lat. 266 15 Golden Abbey of St. Nat. Lib., " One of most beautiful Gospels Mdard, of Paris, Theol. Carol. MSS. known. Soissons Lat 8850 16 Bible of Abbey of St. Nat. Lib., " Presented to Charles Count Vivien Martin, of Paris, Theol. the Bald in 850. Tours Lat 1 Miniature of presentation. 17 Bible of St. ...... Monastery of c. 860 Written for Charles Paul's St. Calixtus, the Bald by Ingobert. Rome 18 Prayer-book ...... Nat Lib., c. 866 Written by Ingobert (or Hours) of Paris and presented to Charles the Charles the Bald in Bald 866. 19 Golden Abbey of St. Lib. at St. c. 870 Written for Abbot Gospels of Gall Gall, No. 22 Grimwold, or Hartmut. St. Gall 20 Psalter of " Lib. at St. " Written for Abbot Folchard Gall, No. 23 Hartmut. Gold and silver initials. 21 Evangeliarium St. Gall Lib., St. c. 920 Written by Sintramn Longum Gall of the "Wondrous Hand." Profile 22 Evangeliary ...... Roy. Lib., c. 925 foliages in gold and Brussels, No. silver. 16383 23 " ...... Nat. Lib., c. 940 Large 4, written Paris entirely in gold letters; 5 miniatures and 12 porticoes. 24 Psalter ...... Brit. Mus., c. 995 Transition to the Harl. 2904 style of the Benedictionals.
+ -+ + -+ - No Name. Where Where Kept. Date. Remarks. Produced. + -+ + -+ -+ - 1 King Edgar's Hyde Abbey, Brit. Mus., 966 Style of the Charter Winchester Cott. Vesp. Benedictionals of A. 8 thelwold and Robert. 2 Breviarium Monte Mazarine ...... Tendency to same Cassinense Cassino? Lib., Paris, style colouring as in 759 school of Metz. 3 thelwold's Hyde Abbey, Lib. of Duke c. 970 Best example known. Benedictional Winchester of Devonshire 4 Benedictional " Pub. Lib., c. 980 Drawing bold, but of Abp. Rouen colouring unequal to Robert 3. 5 Gospels ...... Trin. Coll., c. 900 Borders like Camb Winchester work. 6 Psalter ...... Brit. Mus., ...... Fol. frames similar. Harl. 2904 7 " ...... Brit. Mus., c. 1000 Init. D on f. 115. Tib. C. 7 8 " Winchester Brit. Mus., " Arund. 60 9 " " Brit. Mus., " Arund. 155 10 Cnut's " Brit. Mus., c. 1017 Fine example. Gospels Roy. 1 D. 9 11 Leofric ...... Bodl. Lib., 10th Byzantine influence. Missal Oxford No. cent. 579
+ -+ + -+ - No Name. Where Where Kept. Date. Remarks. Produced. + -+ + -+ -+ - 1 Weissobrun Weissobrun Roy. Lib., c. 814 Netherlandish. Prayer-book Munich 2 Gospels ...... Nat. Lib., c. 975 Medallions of Paris, 8851 Emperors Henry I. and Otho I and II. 3 Egbert Codex Reichenau Pub. Lib. 977-93 Beautiful initials. Trves, No. 24 4 Gospels Echternach Gotha Museum c. 990 Portrait of Otho III. and Theophanu. Jewelled covers. 5 Otho Codex ...... Roy. Lib., c. 998 See p. 91. Munich Cimel. 58 6 Gospels ...... Brit. Mus., 10th Branch-work initials. Egert. 608 cent. 7 Bernward's Hildesheim Cath. Lib., 993-1022 Gospels Hildesheim 8 Ellinger's Tegernsee Roy. Lib., c. 1056 Gospels Munich No. 31 9 Hortus Landsberg Formerly at c. Burnt in 1670. Deliciarum Strassburg 1175-80 10 Life of Tegernsee Roy. Lib., 1173-1200 Written, etc., for Virgin Berlin the Emperor Frederick I. by Werinher. 11 Plenarium Quedlinburg Town Lib., 1184-1203 Written for Abbess Quedlinburg Agnes. 12 Passionale Arnstein, Brit. Mus., c. 1194 near Trves Harl. 2800-2 13 Bible " Brit. Mus., c. 1190 Harl. 2803 14 " Floreffe Brit. Mus., c. 1253 Chronological tables Add. 17737-8 in coloured inks. 15 Missal St. Bavon of Brit. Mus., 1150-1175 Ghent Add. 16949 16 Chronicle of ...... Roy. Lib., ...... Fine miniatures Jerusalem Brussels, No. costumes. 11142 17 Psalter ...... Brit. Mus., 12th Transition from Arund. 157 cent. Winchester to Othonian. 18 " ...... Brit. Mus., " Lansd. 420 19 " ...... Brit. Mus., " Lansd. 431 20 " ...... Brit. Mus., " Roy. I D.X. 21 Bible St. Brit. Mus., " Typical 12th cent. Nicholas, of Harl. 2798 MS. Arnstein 22 Vauclere ...... Pub. Lib., ...... A perfect type of Psalter Laon, No. 29 12th cent. illumination. 23 Mater Scheyern Roy. Lib., ...... By Conrad of Verborum Munich Scheyern, with all manner of diagrams, etc.
+ -+ + -+ - No Name. Where Where Kept. Date. Remarks. Produced. + -+ + -+ -+ - 1 Psalter of ..... Muse Cond, 1193-1236 27 large miniatures Queen Ghantilly Transitional to Ingeburga Gothic 2 Psalter of ..... Arsenal Lib., c. 1220 Hieratic, and Queen Paris, Theol. transitional to Blanche, Lat. 165 B. Gothic. mother of Louis IX. 3 Psalter of ..... Nat. Lib., c. 1250 Transitional to St. Louis Paris, No. Gothic. 78 delicate (IX.) 10525 miniatures. 4 Joinville's ..... Nat. Lib., 1287 Gothic portrait of Credo Paris St. Louis. 5 Alfonso Blackfriar's Brit. Mus., c. 1284 See article in Fine Psalter London Add. 24686 Arts Qu. Rev., i. (Tenison) 77, and Bibliographica, pt. 4. 6 Bible ..... Brit. Mus., 1225-52 Richly illuminated. Burney 3 7 Somme le Roy ..... Brit. Mus., c. 1300 9 large Add. 28162 illuminations. 8 Life of St. ..... Nat. Lib., 1316-22 Contains view of Denis Paris, fds. Paris, and portrait fr. 2090-2 of Philip V. Drolleries, coloured shading of draperies. 9 Bible ..... Brit. Mus., c. Typical work, Roy. 1 D. 1 1310-15 English. 10 Ormsby Norwich Bodl. Lib., c. 1295 English work. Psalter Oxford, Douce 366 11 Bible ..... Brit. Mus, Late 13th A typical MS. Add. 17341 cent. 12 Psalter ..... Brit. Mus., Early Drolleries and Roy. 2 B. 7 14th interesting scenes. cent. 13 Miroir ..... Arsen. Lib., c. 1356 Large folio richly Historiale Paris illuminated. 14 Louterell ..... Lulworth c. 1340 Fine diapered Psalter Castle backgrounds. 15 Missal ..... Westreenen 1366 "Gouache" painting in Mus., The miniatures. Hague 16 Chronicle of ..... Nat. Lib., 1375-80 Miniature in gold and St. Denis Paris, 8395 grey. 17 Hours of ..... Roy. Lib., Finished Illuminated by Andr John, Duke of Brussels, 1380 Beauneveu and Berry 11060 Jacquemart de Hesdin. 18 Epistle to Paris Brit. Mus., 1370-80 Fine ivy-branch Richard II. Roy. 20 B. 6 style. 19 Offices ..... Brit. Mus., ..... Prayer-book of B.M.V. Harl. 2897 Margaret of Bavaria. A typical MS. 20 Little Hours ..... Nat. Lib., c. 1400 113 beautiful of Berry Paris, 18014 miniatures. 21 Psalter of Paris Nat. Lib., 1401 Contains 24 fine the Duke of Paris, No. miniatures by Andr Berry 13091 Beauneveu. 22 Grandes " Nat. Lib., 1409 By Jacquemart de Heures de Paris, fds. Hesdin, Andr Berry Lat. 919 Beauneveu, and Pol de Limbourg. 23 Heures de " Muse Dond, 1410 Considered the finest Berry Chantilly example known. 24 Poems of ...... Brit. Mus., 1400-6 Fine miniatures Christine de Harl. 4431 costumes and Pisan portraits. 25 Talbot ...... Brit. Mus., 1400 Curious miniatures, Romances Roy. 15 E. 6 portraits of Henry VI., etc. 26 Bedford ...... Brit. Mus., c. 1435 Richly illuminated. Offices Add. 18850 Contains French, English, and Netherlandish work. 27 Bedford ...... Nat. Lib., c. 1430 Contains English and Breviary Paris, fds. French work. Lat. 17294 28 Pontifical ...... Brit. Mus., c. 1450 Fine borders. Add. 16610 29 Valerius ...... Brit. Mus., " Northern French and Maximus Harl. 4375 Netherlandish. 30 Girart de ...... Nat. Lib., c. 1470 Netherlandish Nevers Paris, fds. costumes, etc. fr. 4092
+ -+ + -+ - No Name. Where Where Kept. Date. Remarks. Produced. + -+ + -+ -+ - 1 Minnelieder ...... Nat. Lib., c. 1300 Hunting scenes, Paris, fds. costumes. fr. 7266 2 Wilhelm von ...... Pub. Lib., 1334 Written for Henry Oranse Cassel Landgrave of Hesse. French influence. 3 Picture Bible ...... Lib. of c. 1300 Prince Lobkowitz, Prag 4 Passionale of Prag Univ. Lib., 1312 Transparent Abbess Prag, xiv. A. water-colour. No Cunigunda 17 French influence. 5 Weltchronik ...... Roy. Lib., c. 1350 Old Cologne school. of Rudolf v. Stuttgart Hohen-Ems 6 Liber Prag Bohem. Mus., c. 1360 Written for John v. Viaticus Prag Neumarkt, Bishop of Leitomischl. 7 Mariale " Bohem. Mus., c. 1345 Written for Arnestus Prag v. Pardubitz, Archbishop of Prag (1344-64). Bohemian school. 8 Orationale " Bohem. Mus., c. 1345 Written for same Prag prelate, in French Gothic style. 9 Bible of " Imp. Lib., ...... Executed by order of Emperor Vienna, No. Martin Rotlw for Wenzel 2759 presentation to the Emperor. 10 Gospels of " Imp. Lib., 1368 Beautiful penmanship John of Vienna and ornaments. Oppavia 11 Wilhelm von " Ambras 1387 Fine diapered Oranse Museum, backgrounds, Vienna, No. 7 costumes, and armour. 12 Salzburg ...... Roy. Lib., c. 1350 In 5 fol. vols. Missal Munich, Lat. Splendid colouring. 15710 13 Weltchronik ...... 15710 Pub. c. 1383 Large folio. of Rudolf v. Lib., Westphalian school. Hohen-Ems Stuttgart 14 Durandus ...... Imp. Lib., 1384 Written for Albert Vienna, No. III., Duke of 2765 Austria. Illuminated in later Bohemian. 15 Golden Bull Prag Imp. Lib., c. 1399 Rich soft-leaved of Charles Vienna, jus. foliages. Ornament IV. c. 338 superior to miniatures. 16 Wurzburg ...... Brit. Mus., After Large foliages, fine Bible Arund. 106 1400 initials, bright colours. 17 Missal of ...... Imp. Lib., 1448 German work. Emperor Vienna Frederick III. 18 Gospels ...... Pub. Lib., 1498 43 miniatures and Nuremberg splendid borders, etc., by Conrad Frankendorfer. 19 Choir-book of Abbey of St. Lib., 1489 Written by L. Wagner, SS. Ulrich Ulrich, Augsburg and illuminated by G. and Afra, Augsburg Beck. Augsburg 20 Miniature of Augsburg Vict. and c. 1489 Taken from 19. presentation Alb. Mus., of 19 South Kensington 21 Offices Upper Brit. Mus., 1513 B.M.V. Carinthia Add. 15711 22 Prayer-book Nuremberg Aschaffenburg 1524 Illuminated by A. of Albert of Castle Glockendon. Brandenburg Library 23 Prayer-book " Imp. Lib., 1535 Illuminated by Albert of William Vienna, No. Glockendon. IV. of 1880 Bavaria 24 Prayer-book " Brit. Mus., 1584 School of Glockendon. Add. 17525 25 Splendor ...... Harl. 3469 Late 16th Astrological Solis cent. diagrams, etc., scenes. 26 Penitential Munich Roy. Lib., 1570 Painted by Hans Psalms Munich, Mielich. Cimel. Saal 27 Hor ...... Brit. Mus., Late 16th Fine foliages and Egert. 1146 cent. initials. 28 Prayer-book Strassburg Nat. Lib., 1647 2 vols., 8. of William of Paris, Nos. Renaissance by Baden 10567-8 Frederic Brentel.
+ -+ + -+ - No Name. Where Where Kept. Date. Remarks. Produced. + -+ + -+ -+ - 1 De arte Palermo Vat. Lib., c. 1225 Composed by Emperor venandi cum Rome, palat. Frederick II. avibus 1071 (1212-50). Paintings of birds and hunting scenes. 2 Offices, Gubbio Acad. Lib., ...... Attributed to "ordo offic. Siena Oderigi. Senensis" 3 Legends Florence? Canon. Lib., c. Attributed to Giotto. 1327-43 4 Vergil Florence? Rome Ambros. c. 1310 Attributed to Simone Lib., Milan Martini. 5 Durandus Siena? Brit. Mus., c. 1330 Fine work. Add. 31032 6 Aristotle Bologna? Brit. Mus., c. 1335 Like the "Avignon" Harl. 6331 Decretals. 7 Stefaneschi Rome? Canon. Lib., 1327-43 In same vol. with 3, Missal Rome and attributed to Giotto. 8 Poems of Naples? Brit. Mus., 1309-43 Bold "gouache" Convenevole Roy. 6 E. 9 painting. Executed da Prato[66] for King Robert of Naples. 9 Breviarium Florence? Brit. Mus., c. 1400 Fine initials. Romanum Harl. 2903 10 Concordanti Bologna? Nat. Mus., c. 1350 Allegorical figures Canonic Naples and "gouache" painting. 11 Statuts de Naples Nat. Lib., c. 1354 Executed for Louis l'Ordre do Paris, fds. I., of House of St. Esprit fr. 4274 Anjou, King of Sicily and Jerusalem. 12 Romance of Avignon? Brit. Mus., c. 1355 Executed for Louis Meliadus Add. 12228 II. of Naples. 13 Triumphs of ...... Brit. Mus., c. 1370 Small miniatures and Fr. Petrarch Harl. 3109 initials in older style. 14 " ...... Nat. Lib., ...... Miniatures of Paris triumphs. 15 Joannes ...... Abp. of St. c. 1370 Fine Bolognese Andreae, Lib. Florian miniatures. VI. Decretalium 16 Glossa Bologna? Laon, No. 382 c. Very finely Joannis 1330-43 illuminated. Andreae in Clementinas 17 Rubrics on " Laon, No. 357 1332 Many grotesque the Decretals figures. 18 Decretum " Brit. Mus., c. 1375 Exquisitely Gratiani Add. 15274, illuminated. 15275 19 Missale " Roy. Lib., c. 1374 By Nicolaus de Romanum Munich, Lat. Bononia. 10072 20 " " St. Mark's, c. 1370 " Venice, cl. iii. xcvii. 21 " Florence? Brit. Mus., c. Fine pen work diapers Add. 21973 1380-1400 and initials. 22 Latin Bible Bologna? Brit. Mus., c. Sweet colouring and Add. 18720 1375-1400 fine foliages. 23 Hymnarium Sienese? Brit. Mus., c. 1400 Fine initials. Heremitarum Add. 30014 24 Questions on Naples Brit. Mus., c. Written by Hippolytus 4 Books of Add. 15270-3 1458-94 Lunensis for Sentences by Ferdinand I., King of Job. Scot, Naples, and finely Franciscan illuminated. 25 Platonis " Brit. Mus., c. 1470 Written for Ferdinand Opera Harl. 3481 I., King of Naples. Finely illuminated. 26 Csar Brit. Mus., 1462 White stem-work. Add. 16982 27 " Rome? Brit. Mus., c. 1460 Executed for Pius II. Harl. 2683 Roman Renaissance (1458-64). 28 Petrarch ...... Brit. Mus., c. 1465 White stem-work. Sonnets, etc. Harl. 3411 Written by J. And. Mussolini. 29 Offices Milan? Brit. Mus., c. 1475 A pretty little Add. 19417 volume of Milanese work. 30 Missale ...... Brit. Mus., " Like MSS. executed Romanum Add. 15260 for the Dukes of Ferrara. Very fine. 31 " ...... Brit. Mus., c. 1480 Of Florentine type. Harl. 2875 32 Officium Florence Brit. Mus., c. 1475 A small volume, but B.M.V. Add. 15528 rich initials. 33 Missale Bologna Brit. Mus., c. 1495 Like 32, but finer. Romanum Add. 15814 Written by Jo. de Lyvonia for one of the Visconti. 34 Josephus Rome Brit. Mus., c. 1490 Roman Renaissance. Harl. 3699 35 Herodean Florence Brit. Mus., 1487 Written by Alexander Add. 23773 Verazzanus. 36 Scrapbook of Rome and Brit. Mus., 1480-1500 A very interesting cutting's Florence Add. 21412 collection. Roman and Florentine. 37 Grant of Milan Brit. Mus., 1494 Illuminated by Ludovico Add. 21413 Antonio da Monza. Sforza (il Moro) 38 Offices Naples Brit. Mus., 1500 Written and Add. 21591 illuminated for Frederick of Aragon, King of Naples. 39 Prayer-book " Brit. Mus., c. 1455 Finest Neapolitan of Alfonso I. Add. 28962 work. Portraits (1416-58). 40 Orations of " Imp. Lib., c. 1490 Executed for Cicero Vienna Ferdinand I., King of Naples (1458-94). Very fine.
[66] Petrarch's tutor.
+ -+ + -+ - No Name. Where Where Kept. Date. Remarks. Produced. + -+ + -+ -+ - 1 Life of Florence Brit. Mus., 1506 Neat in execution. Manetti Add. 9770 2 Life of St. " Brit. Mus., c. 1505 Very fine Francis Harl. 3229 illumination. 3 Eusebius " Brit. Mus., c. 1515 Harl. 3308 4 Life of " Brit. Mus., c. 1525 Manetti Lansd. 842 5 Eusebius Milan Brit. Mus., " Roy 6 Missale Venice Brit. Mus., c. 1530 Attributed to Add. 15813 Benedetto Bordone. 7 Ethics of Naples or Imp. Lib., c. Fine Renaissance Aristotle Calabria Vienna 1490-1510 work. Elaborately designed frames, and fine miniatures painted in a strong "gouache," by Rinaldo Piramo, for And. Matt. Acquavira, 8th Duke of Atri. 8 St. Jerome on Florence Imp. Lib., c. Illuminated by Ezechiel Vienna, No. 1490-1520 Attavante for Matt. 654 Corvinus, King of Hungary (1443-90). 9 Philostratus " Imp. Lib., " Illuminated probably (Latin) Vienna, No. by Attavante for 25 Matt. Corvinus. 10 Missale " Roy. Lib., " Illuminated by Romanum of Brussels Attavante for Corvinus Corvinus. Used for admission oaths of Governors of Netherlands. 11 Augustine: " Imp. Lib., c. 1495 Illuminated by Epistles Vienna Attavante for Matt. Corvinus. Signed "Attavantes pinsit." 12 Martianus " Lib. St. c. 1500 Illuminated by Capella Mark's, Attavante for Matt. Venice Corvinus. Signed. Written by Al, Verazzanus 13 Psalter " Ducal Lib., " Illuminated by Wolfenbttel Attavante. 14 Diurnale " Laurent. " Illuminated by Lib., Attavante or Florence Gherardo. 15 Missal of Bp. " Pub. Lib., " Illuminated by of Dle Lyons Attavante. 16 St. Gregory " Estense Lib., " Illuminated by on Ezechiel Modena Attavante. Signed. 17 Dionysii Opp. " Pub. Lib., " " Besanon 18 "Gran" " Nat. Lib., " Probably illuminated Breviary Paris, MS. by Boccardino il Lat. 8879 Vecchio, though attributed to Attavante. 19 Hieronymi " Nat. Lib., 1488-1500 Written for Matt. Breviar. in Paris, MS. Corvinus by Anton psalmos Lat. 16839 Sinibaldi, and illuminated by Attavante. 20 Poems of Rome Imp. Lib., c. 1536 Illuminated by Giulio Eurialo Vienna Clovio (1498-1578). d'Ascoli 21 "Rothesay" " Brit. Mus., c. 1546 Illuminated by Offices Add. 20927 Clovio. 22 Commentary on " Soane Mus., c. 1536 Executed for Cardinal St. Paul's London Grimani by Clovio. Epistles 23 Psalter of " Nat. Lib., c. 1542 Illuminated by Paul III. Paris, MS. Vincenzio Raimondi. Lat. 702. 24 Papal " Lenox Lib., c. 1546 By Clovio and his Lectionary New York assistants. (Towneley Clovio) 25 Dante " Vat. Lib., c. 1555 Illuminated in part No. 365 by Clovio. 26 Investiture " Brit. Mus., c. 1560 Very fine ornament. from Duke of Add. 22660 Urbino 27 Triumphs of " Lib. of Capt. c. 1550 Fine miniatures. Petrarch Holford, London 28 Missal of " Rylands Lib., c. 1520 Fine miniatures. Card. Colonna Manchester Attributed, but without authority, to Raffaelle. 29 Prayer-book Rome, or Barberini c. 1500 Many fine miniatures. Florence Lib., Rome, No. 324 30 Missal of Rome Chigi Lib., c. Executed for Pius II. Pius II. Rome 1460-70 31 Missal of " Corsini Lib., c. 1530 Fine framed Card. Corsini Rome, No. miniatures. 1015 32 Missal of " Minerva Lib., c. 1520 Fine miniatures. Card. Cornaro Rome 33 "Pavia" Milan Brera Lib., 1530-80 By several artists, Graduals Milan especially G. Berretta. Enormous folios. 34 Prayer-book ...... Roy. Lib., c. 1574 Finest Roman of Albert IV. Munich, Cim. Renaissance, but of Bavaria Saal. 42 written by Hans Lenker, of Munich (not a Clovio). 35 Apologia di Rome Brit. Mus., c. 1510 Executed for Henry Colenuccio Roy. 12, c. VIII. of England. viii. 36 Prayer-book Milan Roy. Lib., c. 1450 Illuminated by Bianca Maria Munich, No. Giovanni da Como. of Milan 99A Contains Visconti and Sforza arms. 37 Hours of Bona " Brit Mus., c. 1490 Finest Milanese Sforza of Add. 34294 Renaissance, with Milan some Flemish additions.
+ -+ + -+ - No Name. Where Where Kept. Date. Remarks. Produced. + -+ + -+ -+ - 1 The Tours Nat. Lib., ...... Attributed to Jehan "Versailles" Paris, 6907 Fouquet of Tours. Livy 2 The " Nat. Lib., ...... Attributed to Jehan "Sorbonne" Paris, fds. Fouquet of Tours. Livy Sorb. 297 3 Antiquities " Nat. Lib., ...... Fouquet's of the Jews Paris, Resew. masterpiece. 6891 4 Boccacio " Roy. Lib., ...... Executed for Etienne Munich Chevalier. 5 Trsor des " Brit. Mus., c. 1490 Fine arial Histoires Cott. Aug. v. perspective and landscape. 6 Valerius Paris Brit. Mus., " A very fine MS. Maximus Harl. 4374-5 7 Hours of Anne " Nat. Lib., c. 1508 A magnificent of Brittany Paris example, eclectic in style, with natural flowers and insects in borders, and fine figure-painting. 8 Hours of " Vicomte de c. 1550 Attributed to Jean Claude Janz Cousin. Influence of Gouffier glass-painting. 9 Offices " Brit. Mus., c. 1530 Probably executed for Add. 18853 Francis I. of France. Excellent work, eclectic in style. 9a Hours of " Libr. of 1549 Same style as 8 and Montmorency Count of 9, and probably by J. Haussonville Cousin, 10 Offices Tours? Brit. Mus., c. 1525 Architectural details Add. 18854 of School of Tours. Written for Fr. de Dinteville, Bp. of Auxerre. 11 " " Brit. Mus., " Architectural frames Add. 18855 to miniatures as in 12 " Paris Nat. Lib., 1531 10, but larger and Paris, Lat. more fanciful 10563 details, somewhat like 7 in portions. 13 Epistres ...... Nat. Lib., c. 1500 Executed for Louise d'Ovide Paris, fds. de Savoie, mother of fr. 875 Francis I. 14 Boece Paris Nat. Lib., " Fine miniatures with Paris, u. Renaissance fds. Lat. architectural 6643 details. 15 Epistres " Nat. Lib., " Translated by Paris, 6877 Octavien de d'Ovide St. Gelay. Beautiful miniatures. 16 Petrarch's ...... Nat. Lib., c. 1520 Very fine miniatures Triumphs Paris, f. fr. of triumphs. Italian 7079 influence. 17 Chants royaux ...... Nat. Lib., " Fine miniatures. Paris, 6987 18 Chants Royaux Paris Nat. Lib., " Magnificent Paris, f. fr. miniatures under 379 Italian influence of Andrea del Sarto. 19 Petrarch " Nat. Lib., c. 1503 Miniature of Paris, f. fr. presentation to Louis 225 XII. Many full-page miniatures. 20 Fleur des " Nat. Lib., c. 1505 Executed for Cardinal Histoires Paris, f. fr. d'Amboise. 54 21 Chron. de " Nat. Lib., " Three large folio Monstrelet Paris, vols. Vol. i. 20360-2 contains five equestrian portraits of Louis XII. 22 Les Echecs " Nat. Lib., c. 1500 Executed for use of amoreux Paris, f. fr. Francis, d. of 143 Angoulme, and his sister Marguerite. 23 Boccace de " Nat. Lib., " By same illuminator claris et Paris, f. fr. as 22. Executed for nobilibus 599 Louise de Savoie. mulieribus 24 Reception de " Brit. Mus., c. 1514 "Avec belles Marie Vesp. B. 2 peintures." d'Angleterre Paris 25 Chants Royaux " Nat. Lib., 1515 Presented in 1515 to Paris, f. fr. Louise de Savoie by 145 the City of Amiens. The miniatures painted in grisaille by J. Plastel, and coloured by J. Pinchon. Contains portrait of Louise. 26 Commentaires " Brit. Mus. c. 1519 Attributed to de Csar, Geoffroy Tory. Part Vol. i. grisaille. Written in Roman text. See Dict. Miniat. iii. 312. Commentaires " Nat. Lib., " " de Csar, Paris, 13429 Vol. ii. Commentaires " Lib. of Duc " " de Csar, d'Aumale Vol. iii. 27 Dutillet, ...... Nat. Lib., ...... Presented to Charles French Kings, Paris, 2848 IX. etc. 28 Hours of ...... Nat. Lib., c. 1595 Peculiar style and Henry IV. Paris, Lat. colouring. 1171 29 Gospel of St. Boisleduc Brit. Mus., ...... Finely written, but John Roy., E. 5 not illuminated by Pet. Meghen. 30 "Sol " Brit. Mus., c. 1682 Painted by Pierre Gallicus" Add. 23745 Mignard. 31 Psalter London Brit. Mus., 1565 Written by Petrucco Roy. 2 B. 9 Ubaldini, a Florentine. 32 Book of English? Brit. Mus., c. 1600 Very elegant borders. Sentences for London? Roy. 17 A. 23 Lady Sumley
+ -+ + -+ - No Name. Where Where Kept. Date. Remarks. Produced. + -+ + -+ -+ - 1 Offices and Westminster Brit. Mus., 1240 Imitation of stained Prayers Roy. 2 A. 22 glass. Typical MS. 2 Bible in Canterbury Brit. Mus., 1245 Latin Burney 3 3 " Salisbury Brit. Mus., 1254 Written by Will de Roy. 1 B. 12 Hales. 4 Tenison London Brit. Mus., 1294 Written and Psalter Add. 24686 illuminated by order of Edward I. 5 Bible in ...... Brit. Mus., 13th Written by Will of Latin Roy. 1 D 1 cent. Devon. 6 Apocalypse in ...... Brit. Mus., c. 1330 See Bibliographica, French Roy. 19 B. 15 pt. v. pl. 1. 7 Arundel ...... Brit. Mus., " See Bibliographica, Psalter Arund. 83 pt. v. pl. 2 8 Psalter of ...... Brit. Mus., 1380 Transition from Joan of Kent Roy. 2 B. 8 French Gothic to Lancastrian. 9 Pontifical ...... Brit. Mus., c. 1400 Early Lancastrian. Lansd. 451 10 Bible in ...... Brit. Mus., " Large folio. See Latin Roy. 1 E. ix. Bibliographica, pt. v. pl. 4. 11 Breviary ...... Brit. Mus., " Something like 7. Harl. 2975 12 Offices ...... Brit. Mus., c. Add. 16968 1390-1400 13 " ...... Brit. Mus., c. 1410 Executed for Anne Add. 16998 Mauleverer. 14 Liber Albus London Guildhall " Bracket borders. Lib., London 15 Liber de Hyda Winchester Shirburn " Richly illuminated Castle Lib. borders, some unfinished. See Rolls Series. 1866. 16 Offices ...... Brit. Mus., c. Early Lancastrian. Roy. 2 B. 1 1400-1410 17 Grandison ...... Brit. Mus., c. 1410 Fine initials with Offices Roy. 2 A. 18 Lancastrian brackets. See Bibliographica, v. pl. 5. 18 Occleve de ...... Brit. Mus., c. 1415 Traceried backgrounds Regim. Ar. 38 in Bohemian manner. Principum Cf. Will. v. Orange MS. 19 Ormonde ...... Brit. Mus., c. 1420 Similar to 17. Called Offices Roy. 2 B. 15 by Humphreys (Books of Middle Ages) Queen Mary's Breviary. 20 Gower's ...... Brit. Mus., " Lancastrian style. Confessio Harl. 3490 Amantis 21 Psalter of St. Alban's Brit. Mus., 1460 Fine English work. Queen Mary Roy. 2 B. 7 Presented in 1553 to Queen Mary 22 Hor ...... Brit. Mus., c. 1460 Many mediocre Harl. 2884 illuminations. 23 Gospels and London Brit. Mus., c. 1508 Given by Stephen and Epistles, Roy. 2 B. 12, Margaret Jenyns to etc. 13 the church at Aldermanbury, London. 24 Bourchier " Brit. Mus., c. 1458 Contains Bourchier Psalter Roy. 2 B. 14 obituaries. 25 Psalter and ...... Brit. Mus., c. 1470 Good text and many Canticles, Harl. 1719 illuminated letters etc. and borders.
+ -+ + -+ - No Name. Where Where Kept. Date. Remarks. Produced. + -+ + -+ -+ - 1 Hours, etc., ...... Brit. Mus., ...... Netherlandish Lat. and Add. 18193 influence. Catalan. 2 Offices ...... Brit. Mus., ...... Italian influence. B.M.V. Add. 28271 3 Hidalguia ...... Brit. Mus., 1604 In Genoese manner. Add. 12214 4 Diploma of ...... Brit. Mus., 17th " Philip III. Roy. Claud. cent. B. x. 5 Patent to ...... Brit. Mus., 1797 Allegorical designs. Princ. de la Add. 1706 Paz 6 Ordo Miss. ...... Brit. Mus., 17th Roman text, good Pontificales Add. 30857 cent. initials. 7 Portuguese ...... Brit. Mus., ...... Written for John Missal Stowe 597 III., King of Portugal. 8 Hidalguia de Spain Brit. Mus., 1578 Granted by Philip Gonsalo de Add. 22143 II., with his Castro Cepeda portrait.
Abrahams, N.C.L. Description des MSS. franaises du Moyen Age de la Bibliothque Royale de Copenhague. 4to. Copenhagen. 1844.
Alt, H. Die Heiligenbilder oder die bildende Kunst u. die Theologie. 8vo. Berlin, 1845.
Astle, Thomas. The Origin and Progress of Writing. 4to. London, 1784, 1803.
Barrois, J. Bibliothque Protypographique ou librairies du roi Jean. 4to, Paris, 1830. 6 plates.
Bastard, Aug. Librairie de Jean de France duc de Berry...illustre des plus belles miniatures de ses MSS., etc. Folio. Paris, 1834. 32 plates.
Beissel, Stephan. Des heiligen Bernward Evangelienbuch im Dome zu Hildesheim. Mit Hdschr. des 10. und 11. Jahrh., etc. Third edition. 26 photo-lithographs (12 x 9). Hildesheim, 1894.
Beissel, Stephan. Vaticanische Miniaturen. Folio. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1893. Many lithographed plates.
Birch, W. de G. History, Art, and Palography of the MS. commonly styled the Utrecht Psalter. 8vo. 3 facsimile plates in autotype. B, Quaritch, London, 1876.
Birch, W. de G., and Jenner, H. Early Drawings and Illuminations (in MSS., chiefly in the British Museum). 12mo. London, 1879.
Biscionii, A.M. Catal. bibl. Medico-Laurentiana. Folio. Florentine, 1752-7. (Valuable plates of facsimiles, etc.)
Bradley, J.W. Life and Works of G.G. Clovio, Miniaturist, etc. 8vo. London, 1891. 18 plates.
Bradley, J.W. Dictionary of Miniaturists, Calligraphers, etc. 8vo. 3 vols. Quaritch, London, 1887-90.
Bradley, J.W. Venetian Ducali, in Bibliographica, II. 257. 4 phototypes.
Bucher, B. Geschichte des Technischen Knste, etc., vol. i. Miniatur, etc. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1875.
Cahier and Martin. Nouveaux Mlanges d'Archologie, etc. Large 4to. Paris, 1874-77, etc. Many fine plates of miniatures, etc., mostly without colour.
Campori, G. Gli artisti Italiani, etc., nelle Stati Estensi. 8vo. Modena, 1855.
Campori, G. Racconti artistici italiani. 8vo. Firenze, 1858.
Caravita, A. I codici e le Arti a Monte Cassino. 8vo. Montec., 1869-71.
Carta, F. Codici, corali e libri a stampa miniati della Biblioteca nazionale di Milano. Folio. Roma, 1895. With 25 phototype facsimiles.
Chassant, Alph. Palographie des chartes et des MSS. du 11e au 17e Sicle. 8vo. Paris, 1867, and companion vols.
Curmer, L. Les Evangiles des Dimanches et Ftes. Large 8vo. Paris, 1864. Many facsimiles in gold and colours from illuminated MSS.
Delisle, L. Mm. sur l'cole calligraphique de Tours au IXe Sicle. Paris, 1885. 5 heliograv.
Delisle, L. L'vangliaire d'Arras et la Calligraphie Franco-Saxonne du neuvime Sicle. 4to. Paris, 1888. Large heliogravure facsimiles.
Delaunay (l'Abb H.). Le livre d'Heures de la reine Anne de Bretagne. With facsimile of the whole MS. Large 8vo. Paris, 1861.
Delia Valle, G. Lettere Senese, Sopra le Belle Arti. 3 vols. 8vo. Venezia, 1782-86. (Relating to Sienese miniaturists.)
Delisle, L. Le cabinet des manuscrits de la bibliothque impriale (in Hist. gn. de Paris). 4to. Paris, 1868.
Denis, Ferd. Histoire de l'ornementation des manuscrits. 8vo. Paris, 1858. (143 pp., with illustrations.)
Deshaines, C. Histoire de l'Art dans la Flandre, d'Artois, et le Hainaut. 8vo. Lille, 1886.
Dibdin, T.F. The Bibliographical Decameron. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1817.
Didron (edit.). Annales Archologiques. Periodical 4to. 1844, etc. (P.P. 1931, d. a. Brit. Mus.)
Derange, A. Cat. descr. et raisonn des manuscr. de la bibl. de Tours. 4to. Tours, 1875.
Durieux, A. Les Artistes Cambrsiens du IXe a XIXe Sicle, etc. 8vo. Cambray, 1874. (With plates in folio.)
Durieux, A. Miniatures des manuscr. de la bibl. de Cambrai. 8vo. Cambrai, 1861. 18 plates.
Du Sommerard, Andr. Les Arts du Moyen-ge. 6 vols. Folio. Paris, 1838-46.
Fleury, E. Les MSS. miniatures de la bibliothque de Soissons. 4to. Paris, 1865. Lithograph facsimiles.
Fleury, E. Les manuscrits miniatures de la bibl. de Laon. 4to. Laon, 1863. 50 plates (good).
Gabelentz, H. von der. Zur Geschichte der oberdeutschen Miniaturmalerei im 16ten Jahrhundert. Large 8vo. Strassburg, 1899. 12 phototypes.
Gamier, J. Catalogue descriptif et raisonn des MSS. de la bibl. de la ville d'Amiens. 8vo. Amiens, 1843.
Girardot, B. de. Cat. des manuscrits de la bibl. de Bourges. Folio. Paris, 1859.
Gualandi, M.A. Memorie originate Italiane risguardante le Belle Arti. 8vo. Bologna, 1840-45.
Hardy, Sir Thomas D. The Athanasian Creed in Connection with the Utrecht Psalter: being a Report, etc. With autotype facsimiles. Folio. Spottiswoode and Co., 1872.
Hendrie, R. Encyclopdia of the Arts of the Middle Ages by the monk Theophilus. Translated, with notes. 8vo. London, 1847. One of the best collections of medival methods and recipes relating to illumination.
Humphreys, H. Noel. The Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages. Folio. London, 1849. 39 plates.
Husenbeth, F.C. Emblems of Saints by which they are Distinguished in Works of Art. 8vo. London, 1850. Second edition, 1860. Third edition, 1882.
Jck, J.J. Viele Alphabete und ganze Schriftmuster vom 8, bis zum 16, Jahrh. aus den Handschr. der ffentl. Bibl. zu Bamberg. Folio. Bamberg, 1833-35.
James, M.R. Descriptive Catalogue of the Illuminated MSS. in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. (Fine phototype facsimiles, and an excellent text.) Large 8vo. Cambridge University Press, 1895.
Jorand, J.B.J. Grammatographie du neuvime sicle. 4to. Paris, 1837. 65 plates, folio.
Kirchoff, Albr. Handschriftenhndler des Mittelalters. Second edition. 8vo. Leipzig, 1853.
Kondakov. Hist. de l'Art Byzantin considerr...dans les miniatures. 2 vols. Small folio. Paris, 1891. Plates and woodcuts.
Kugler. Kleine Schriften. 3 vols. 8vo. Stuttgart. 1853-54. (German illumination.)
Labarte, Jules. Historie des Arts industriels au Moyen-ge. (Vol. iii.) 8vo. Paris, 1865.
Laborde, L. La renaissance des arts la cour de France. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1855-56.
Lacroix, P. Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages. 8vo. London, 1874.
Lacroix, P. The Arts of the Middle Ages. 4to. London, 1870.
Lacroix, P. Manners, Customs, and Dress during the Middle Ages. 4to. London, 1874.
Lacroix, Paul, and Sr Ferd. Le Moyen-ge et la Renaissance. 5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1848-52, 1874.
Lacroix, P., Fournier, Ed., and Sr, F. Livre d'or des mtiers. 8vo. Paris, 1852.
Lambecius, P. Commentar. de Bibliotheca Csarea Vindobonensi. Folio. Vindobona (Vienna). 1670. Plates.
Langlois, E.H. Mmoire sur la calligraphic les MSS. du Moyen-ge. 8vo. Paris, 1841. 17 plates.
Le Arti. Various Articles on Illuminated MSS., by Frizzoni, Venturi, etc. (Italian Periodical. Roma, v. 7. From 1898.)
Lecoy de la Marche, A. Les MSS. et la Miniature. 12mo. Paris, 1884. Woodcuts.
Leitschuh, F.F. Geschichte der Karolingischen Malerei, etc. Berlin, 1894. Many prototype facsimiles.
Libri, Gul. Monumens indits. Folio. London, 1864. 65 plates.
Madden, Sir Fred. Universal Palography. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1850.
Marchal, J. Cat. des MSS. de la bibl. royale des dues de Bourgogne. 3 vols. 4to. Brussels, 1842.
Middleton, J.H. Illuminated MSS. in Classical and Medival Times: their Art and their Technique. Large 8vo. Cambridge University Press, 1892.
Milanesi, G. Documenti per la Storia dell' arte Senese, etc. 8vo. Siena, 1854-56.
Molinier, A. Les MSS. et les Miniatures. 12mo. Paris, 1892. Woodcuts.
Monte Cassino. Paleografia artistica. Monte Cassino, 1877. Folio. Facsimiles in gold and colours, etc., from Gothic and Lombardic MSS.
Montfaucon. Palographia Grca. Small folio. Parisiis, 1708.
Mugnier, Fr. Les MSS. miniatures de la Maison de Savoie, etc. 8vo. Moutiers-Tarantaise, 1894. 17 phototypes.
Ottley, W.Y. History of Engraving. 4to. London, 1816.
Peignot, Gabr. Essai sur l'histoire du parchemin et du vlin. 8vo. Paris, 1812.
Pinchart, A. Miniaturistes, Enlumineurs, et Calligraphes Employs par Philippe le Bon, etc. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1865.
Publications of the Palographical Society of London. Folio. Vol. vii., etc. Very useful.
Quaritch, B. Examples of the Art of Book-illumination during the Middle Ages. 4to. London, 1899. Fine facsimiles in gold and colours.
Raczynski, A. (Cte.). Les arts en Portugal. 8vo. Paris, 1846.
Rahn, J.R. Das Psalterium Aureum v. Sanct Gallen. Folio. St. Gallen, 1878. u chromolithogr. in colours and gold. 7 lithogr. and many woodcuts. (A capital account of Carolingian and Irish MSS.)
Sacken, Ed. Frh. von. Die Ambraser Sammlung. 8vo. Wien, 1855.
Sakcinski, J.K. Leben des Giulio Clovio. 8vo. Agram, 1852.
Sakcinski, J.K. Slovnik umjetnah Jugoslavenskih. (Biographical Dict. of South Slavonic Artists.) 8vo. Uzagreba, 1858.
Sanftl, K. Dissertatio in aureum ac pervetustum SS. Evangelior. Codicem MS. Monast. S. Emmerani. 410. Ratisbon, 1786. Gives a large folding plate of the Gospel-book cover, and facsimiles of illumination and writing.
Schnemann. 100 Merkwrdigkeiten des Herzoglichen Biblioth. zu Wolfenbttel. 8vo. Hannover, 1849.
Schultz, A. Deutsches Leben in 14ten und 15ten Jahrh. 2 vols. Large 8vo. Wien, 1892. (Contains many facsimiles in gold and colours, from German and Bohemian MSS.)
Serapeum, Zeitschrift fr Bibliothekens Wissenschaft. 8vo. Leipzig. Vol. vii.
Seroux D'Agincourt, J. Historie de l'Art par les Monuments. Folio. 3 vols. Paris, 1823. London, 1847. Engravings.
Shaw, H. The Art of Illuminating as Practised in the Middle Ages. Second edition. 4to. London, 1845. Plates.
Shaw, H. Alphabets, Numerals, and Devices of the Middle Ages. Folio. London, W. Pickering, 1845. Many plates, some in gold and colours.
Silvestre, J.B. Palographie universelle. 4 vols. Folio. Paris, 1841. 600 plates. (Plates very good.)
Smet, J.J. de. Quelques recherches sur nos anciens enlumineurs, etc. In Bulletin de l'Acadmie de Belgique, t. xiv., pt. 2, p. 78, and Bullet. du Bibliophile Belge, t. iii., p. 376, t. iv., p. 176.
Stokes, M. Early Christian Art in Ireland. 12mo. London, 1887. Woodcuts. (Victoria and Albert M. Handbook.)
Swarzenski, G. Die Regensburger Buchmalerei des X. und XI. Jahrhunderts. Large 8vo. Leipzig, 1901. 35 phototypes.
Tambroni, G. Cennino Cennini: Trattato della Pittura. 8vo. Roma, 1821. Later edition (Milanesi), Firenze, 1859. (Contains many practical directions and recipes.)
Thompson, Sir Edward M. English Illuminated MSS. In Bibliographica, vol. i. pp. 129, 385, etc. Large 8vo. London, 1895.
Venturi, Ad. La miniatura ferrarese nel secolo XV., etc. Folio. Roma, 1899. 4 chromolithographs and 7 phototypes. In Le Gallerie Nazionale Italiane. Vol. iv., 187.
Viel-Castel, Cte. Horace de. Statuts de l'Ordre du Saint-Esprit, etc. MS. du 14e Sicle avec une notice sur la peinture des MSS. Large folio. Paris, 1853. 17 very fine facsimiles in gold and colours.
Vogelsang, W. Hollndische Miniaturen des spteren Mittelalters. Large 8vo. Strassburg, 1899. Many phototype facsimiles.
Wailly, J.N. de. lmens de Palographie. 2 thick vols. 4to. Paris, 1838. Many plates of writing, seals, etc.
Wallther, J.L. Lexicon diplomaticum. Folio. 1751. Many examples of writings.
Waagen, G.F. On the Importance of MSS. with Miniatures in the History of Art. 8vo. Philobiblon Society. Vol. i. London, 1854.
Waagen, G.F. Die Vornehmsten Knstler in Wien. 8vo. Wien, 1866. (MSS. in Imperial Library, etc., in Vienna.)
Warner, G.F. Miniatures and Borders from the Hours of Bona Sforza, Duchess of Milan. Small 4to. London, 1894. 65 sepia facsimiles.
Warner, G.F. Illuminated MSS. in the British Museum. 4to. London, 1899, etc. Many coloured facsimiles.
Wattenbach, W. Das Schriftwesen im Mittelalter. 8vo. Leipzig, 1871.
Westwood, J.O. Palographia Sacra Pictoria. 4to. London, 1845. 50 facsimile plates, mostly in colours and gold.
Westwood, J.O. Miniatures and Ornaments of Anglo-Saxon and Irish MSS. Folio. Oxford, 1868. Many fine facsimiles in colours.
Wyatt, M.D., and Tymms. The Art of Illuminating. Large 8vo. London, 1860. Many facsimiles in gold and colours.