7 [Here we receive repeated seals Of Jesus' dying love: Hard is the wretch that never feels One soft affection move.]
8 Here let our hearts begin to melt, While we his death record, And with our joy for pardon'd guilt Mourn that we pierc'd the Lord.
Hymn 3:5. Christ the bread of life, John 6. 31 35 39.
1 Let us adore th' eternal Word, 'Tis he our souls hath fed; Thou art our living stream, O Lord, And thou th' immortal bread.
2 [The manna came from lower skies, But Jesus from above, Where the fresh springs of pleasure rise And rivers flow with love.
3 The Jews the fathers dy'd at last, Who ate that heavenly bread; But these provisions which we taste Can raise us from the dead.]
4 Bless'd be the Lord that gives his flesh To nourish dying men; And often spreads his table fresh, Lest we should faint again.
5 Our souls shall draw their heavenly breath While Jesus finds supplies; Nor shall our graces sink to death, For Jesus never dies.
6 [Daily our mortal flesh decays, But Christ our life shall come; His unresisted power shall raise Our bodies from the tomb.]
Hymn 3:6. The memorial of our absent Lord, John 16. 16. Luke 22. 19. John 14. 3.
1 Jesus is gone above the skies, Where our weak senses reach him not And carnal objects court our eyes To thrust our Saviour from our thought.
2 He knows what wandering hearts we have, Apt to forget his lovely face; And to refresh our minds he gave These kind memorials of his grace.
3 The Lord of life this table spread With his own flesh and dying blood; We on the rich provision feed, And taste the wine, and bless the God.
4 Let sinful sweets be all forgot, And earth grow less in our esteem; Christ and his love fill every thought, And faith and hope be fix'd on him.
5 While he is absent from our sight 'Tis to prepare our souls a place, That we may dwell in heavenly light, And live for ever near his face.
6 Our eyes look upwards to the hills Whence our returning Lord shall come; We wait thy chariot's awful wheels To fetch our longing spirits home.]
Hymn 3:7. Crucifixion to the world by the cross of Christ, Gal. 6. 14.
1 When I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of Glory dy'd, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride.
2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ my God; All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to his blood.
3 See from his head, his hands, his feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet? Or thorns compose so rich a crown?
4 [His dying crimson like a robe Spreads o'er his body on the tree; Then am I dead to all the globe, And all the globe is dead to me.]
5 Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a present far too small; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all.
Hymn 3:8. The tree of life.
1 Come let us join a joyful tune To our exalted Lord, Ye saints on high around his throne, And we around his board.
2 While once upon this lower ground Weary and faint ye stood, What dear refreshments here ye found From this immortal food!
3 The tree of life that near the throne In heaven's high garden grows, Laden with grace, bends gently down Its ever-smiling boughs.
4 [Hovering amongst the leaves there stands The sweet celestial Dove, And Jesus on the branches hangs The banner of his love.]
5 ['Tis a young heaven of strange delight While in his shade we sit; His fruit is pleasing to the sight, And to the taste as sweet.
6 New life it spreads thro' dying hearts, And cheers the drooping mind; Vigour and joy the juice imparts Without a sting behind.]
7 Now let the flaming weapon stand And guard all Eden's trees; There's ne'er a plant in all that land That bears such fruits as these.
8 Infinite grace our souls adore, Whose wondrous hand has made This living branch of sovereign power To raise and heal the dead.
Hymn 3:9. The Spirit, the water, and the blood, John 5. 6.
1 [Let all our tongues be one To praise our God on high, Who from his bosom sent his Son To fetch us strangers nigh.
2 Nor let our voices cease To sing the Saviour's Name; Jesus th' ambassador of peace, How cheerfully he came!
3 It cost him cries and tears To bring us near to God; Great was our debt, and he appears To make the payment good.]
4 [My Saviour's pierced side, Pour'd out a double flood; By water we are purify'd And pardon'd by the blood.
5 Infinite was our guilt, But he our Priest atones; On the cold ground his life was spilt, And offer'd with his groans.]
6 Look up, my soul, to him Whose death was thy desert, And humbly view the living stream Flow from his breaking heart.
7 There on the cursed tree In dying pangs he lies, Fulfils his Father's great decree, And all our wants supplies.
8 Thus the Redeemer came By water and by blood; And when the Spirit speaks the same We feel his witness good.
9 While the eternal Three Bear their record above, Here I believe he dy'd for me, And seal my Saviour's love.
10 [Lord, cleanse my soul from sin, Nor let thy grace depart; Great Comforter, abide within, And witness to my heart.]
Hymn 3:10. Christ crucified; the wisdom and power of God.
1 Nature with open volume stands To spread her Maker's praise abroad; And every labour of his hands Shews something worthy of a God.
2 But in the grace that rescu'd man His brightest form of glory shines; Here on the cross 'tis fairest drawn In precious blood and crimson lines.
3 [Here his whole name appears complete; Nor wit can guess, nor reason prove Which of the letters best is writ, The power, the wisdom, or the love.]
4 Here I behold his inmost heart Where grace and vengeance strangely join, Piercing his Son with sharpest smart To make the purchas'd pleasure mine.
5 O the sweet wonders of that cross Where God the Saviour lov'd and dy'd! Her noblest life my spirit draws From his dear wounds and bleeding side.
6 I would for ever speak his Name In sounds to mortal ears unknown, With angels join to praise the Lamb, And worship at his Father's throne.
Hymn 3:11. Pardon brought in our senses.
1 Lord, how divine thy comforts are! How heavenly is the place Where Jesus spreads the sacred feast Of his redeeming grace!
2 There the rich bounties of our God, And sweetest glories shine; There Jesus says, that "I am his, "And my Beloved's mine."
3 "Here," (says the kind redeeming Lord, And shews his wounded side) "See here the spring of all your joys, "That open'd when I dy'd."
4 [He smiles and cheers my mournful heart And tells of all his pain, "All this," says he, "I bore for thee;" And then he smiles again.]
5 What shall we pay our heavenly King For grace so vast as this? He brings our pardon to our eyes, And seals it with a kiss.
6 [Let such amazing loves as these Be sounded all abroad, Such favours are beyond degrees, And worthy of a God.]
7 [To him that wash'd us in his blood Be everlasting praise, Salvation, honour, glory, power, Eternal as his days.]
Hymn 3:12. The gospel feast, Luke 14. 16 &c.
1 [How rich are thy provisions Lord! Thy table furnish'd from above, The fruits of life o'erspread the board, The cup o'erflows with heavenly love.
2 Thine ancient family the Jews, Were first invited to the feast; We humbly take what they refuse, And Gentiles thy salvation taste.
3 We are the poor, the blind, the lame, And help was far, and death was nigh, But at the gospel call we came And every want receiv'd supply.
4 From the highway that leads to hell, From paths of darkness and despair, Lord, we are come with thee to dwell, Glad to enjoy thy presence here.]
5 [What shall we pay th' eternal Son, That left the heaven of his abode, And to this wretched earth came down To bring us wanderers back to God?
6 It cost him death to save our lives, To buy our souls it cost his own; And all the unknown joys he gives, Were bought with agonies unknown.
7 Our everlasting love is due To him that ransom'd sinners lost; And pity'd rebels when he knew The vast expense his love would cost.]
Hymn 3:13. Divine love making a feast, and calling in the guests, Luke 14. 17 22 23.
1 How sweet and awful is the place With Christ within the doors, While everlasting love displays The choicest of her stores!
2 Here every bowel of our God With soft compassion rolls Here peace and pardon bought with blood Is food for dying souls.
3 [While all our hearts and all our songs Join to admire the feast, Each of us cry with thankful tongues, "Lord, why was I a guest?
4 "Why was I made to hear thy voice, "And enter while there's room? "When thousands make a wretched choice, "And rather starve than come."]
5 'Twas the same love that spread the feast, That sweetly forc'd us in, Else we had still refus'd to taste, And perish'd in our sin.
6 [Pity the nations, O our God, Constrain the earth to come; Send thy victorious word abroad, And bring the strangers home.
7 We long to see thy churches full, That all the chosen race May with one voice and heart and soul, Sing thy redeeming grace.]
Hymn 3:14. The song of Simeon, Luke 2. 28; or, A sight of Christ makes death easy.
1 Now have our hearts embrac'd our God, We would forget all earthly charms, And wish to die as Simeon would, With his young Saviour in his arms.
2 Our lips should learn that joyful song, Were but our hearts prepar'd like his; Our souls still willing to be gone, And at thy word depart in peace.
3 Here we have seen thy face, O Lord, And view'd salvation with our eyes, Tasted and felt the living word, The bread descending from the skies.
4 Thou hast prepar'd this dying Lamb, Hast set his blood before our face, To teach the terrors of thy Name, And show the wonders of thy grace.
5 He is our light; our morning star Shall shine on nations yet unknown; The glory of thine Israel here, And joy of spirits near the throne.
Hymn 3:15. Our Lord Jesus at his own table.
1 [The memory of our dying Lord Awakes a thankful tongue: How rich he spread his royal board, And blest the food, and sung.
2 Happy the men that eat this bread, But double bless'd was he That gently bow'd his loving head, And lean'd it, Lord, on thee.
3 By faith the same delights we taste As that great favourite did, And sit and lean on Jesus' breast, And take the heavenly bread.]
4 Down from the palace of the skies, Hither the King descends; "Come my beloved, eat, (he cries) "And drink salvation, friends.
5 "[My flesh is food and physic too, "A balm for all your pains; "And the red streams of pardon flow "From these my pierced veins."]
6 Hosanna to his bounteous love For such a taste below! And yet he feeds his saints above With nobler blessings too.
7 [Come the dear day, the glorious hour That brings our souls to rest! Then we shall need these types no more, But dwell at th' heavenly feast.]
Hymn 3:16. The agonies of Christ.
1 Now let our pains be all forgot, Our hearts no more repine, Our sufferings are not worth a thought, When, Lord, compar'd with thine.
2 In lively figures here we see The bleeding Prince of love; Each of us hope he dy'd for me, And then our griefs remove.
3 [Our humble faith here takes her rise, While sitting round his board; And back to Calvary she flies, To view her groaning Lord.
4 His soul, what agonies it felt When his own God withdrew! And the large load of all our guilt Lay heavy on him too.
5 But the divinity within Supported him to bear: Dying he conquer'd hell and sin, And made his triumph there.]
6 Grace, wisdom, justice join'd and wrought The wonders of that day: No mortal tongue, nor mortal thought Can equal thanks repay.
7 Our hymns should sound like those above, Could we our voices raise; Yet, Lord, our hearts shall all be love, And all our lives be praise.
Hymn 3:17. Incomparable food; or, The flesh and blood of Christ.
1[We sing th' amazing deeds That grace divine performs; Th' eternal God comes down and bleeds To nourish dying worms.
2 This soul reviving wine, Dear Saviour, 'tis thy blood; We thank that sacred flesh of thine For this immortal food.]
3 The banquet that we eat Is made of heavenly things, Earth hath no dainties half so sweet As our Redeemer brings.
4 In vain had Adam sought And search'd his garden round, For there was no such blessed fruit In all the happy ground.
5 Th' angelic host above Can never taste this food, They feast upon their Maker's love, But not a Saviour's blood.
6 On us th' Almighty Lord Bestows this matchless grace, And meets us with some cheering word, With pleasure in his face.
7 Come, all ye drooping saints, And banquet with the King, This wine will drown your sad complaints, And tune your voice to sing.
8 Salvation to the Name Of our adored Christ: Thro' the wide earth his grace proclaim His glory in the high'st.
Hymn 3:18. The same.
1 Jesus, we bow before thy feet, Thy table is divinely stor'd: Thy sacred flesh our souls have eat, 'Tis living bread; we thank thee, Lord!
2 And here we drink our Saviour's blood, We thank thee, Lord, 'tis generous wine; Mingled with love the fountain flow'd From that dear bleeding heart of thine.
3 On earth is no such sweetness found, For the Lamb's flesh is heavenly food; In vain we search the globe around For bread so fine, or wine so good.
4 Carnal provisions can at best But cheer the heart, or warm the head, But the rich cordial that we taste Gives life eternal to the dead.
5 Joy to the Master of the feast, His name our souls for ever bless: To God the King, and God the Priest, A loud Hosanna round the place.
Hymn 3:19. Glory in the cross; or, Not ashamed of Christ crucified.
1 At thy command, our dearest Lord, Here we attend thy dying feast; Thy blood like wine adorns thy board, And thine own flesh feeds every guest.
2 Our faith adores thy bleeding love, And trusts for life in one that dy'd; We hope for heavenly crowns above From a Redeemer crucify'd.
3 Let the vain world pronounce it shame, And fling their scandals on thy cause; We come to boast our Saviour's Name, And make our triumphs in his cross.
4 With joy we tell the scoffing age He that was dead has left his tomb, He lives above their utmost rage, And we are waiting till he come.
Hymn 3:20. The provisions for the table of our Lord; or, The tree of life, and river of love.
1 Lord, we adore thy bounteous hand, And sing the solemn feast Where sweet celestial dainties stand For every willing guest.
2 [The tree of life adorns the board With rich immortal fruit, And ne'er an angry flaming sword To guard the passage to't.
3 The cup stands crown'd with living juice; The fountain flows above, And runs down streaming for our use In rivulets of love.]
4 The food's prepar'd by heavenly art, The pleasure's well refin'd, They spread new life thro' every heart, And cheer the drooping mind.
5 Shout and proclaim the Saviour's love, Ye saints that taste his wine, Join with your kindred saints above, In loud hosannas join.
6 A thousand glories to the God That gives such joy as this; Hosanna! let it sound abroad, And reach where Jesus is.
Hymn 3:21. The triumphal feast for Christ's victory over sin, and death, and hell.
1 [Come let us lift our voices high, High as our joys arise, And join the songs above the sky, Where pleasure never dies.
2 Jesus, the God that fought and bled, And conquer'd when he fell; That rose, and at his chariot-wheels Dragg'd all the powers of hell.]
3 [Jesus the God invites us here To this triumphal feast, And brings immortal blessings down For each redeemed guest.]
4 The Lord! how glorious is his face! How kind his smiles appear! And O what melting words he says To every humble ear!
5 "For you, the children of my love, "It was for you I dy'd; "Behold my hands, behold my feet, "And look into my side.
6 "These are the wounds for you I bore, "The tokens of my pains, "When I came down to free your souls "From misery and chains.
7 "Justice unsheath'd its fiery sword, And plung'd it in my heart; "Infinite pangs for you I bore, "And most tormenting smart.
8 "When hell and all its spiteful powers "Stood dreadful in my way, "To rescue those dear lives of yours "I gave my own away.
9 "But while I bled, and groan'd, and dy'd, "I ruin'd Satan's throne; "High on my cross I hung, and spy'd "The monster tumbling down.
10 "Now you must triumph at my feast, "And taste my flesh, my blood; "And live eternal ages bless'd, "For 'tis immortal food."
11 Victorious God! what can we pay For favours so divine? We would devote our hearts away To be for ever thine.
12 We give thee, Lord, our highest praise, The tribute of our tongues; But themes so infinite as these Exceed our noblest songs.
Hymn 3:22. The compassion of a dying Christ.
1 Our spirits join t' adore the Lamb; O that our feeble lips could move In strains immortal as his Name, And melting as his dying love.
2 Was ever equal pity found? The Prince of heaven resigns his breath, And pours his life out on the ground To ransom guilty worms from death.
3 [Rebels, we broke our Maker's laws; He from the threatening set us free, Bore the full vengeance on his cross, And nail'd the curses to the tree.]
4 [The law proclaims no terror now, And Sinai's thunder roars no more; From all his wounds new blessings flow, A sea of joy without a shore.
5 Here we have wash'd our deepest stains, And heal'd our wounds with heavenly blood: Bless'd fountain! springing from the veins Of Jesus, our incarnate God.]
6 In vain our mortal voices strive To speak compassion so divine; Had we a thousand lives to give, A thousand lives should all be thine.
Hymn 3:23. Grace and glory by the death of Christ.
1 [Sitting around our Father's board We raise our tuneful breath; Our faith beholds her dying Lord, And dooms our sins to death.]
2 We see the blood of Jesus shed, Whence all our pardons rise; The sinner views th' atonement made, And loves the sacrifice.
3 Thy cruel thorns, thy shameful cross Procure us heavenly crowns; Our highest gain springs from thy loss, Our healing from thy wounds.
4 O 'tis impossible that we, Who dwell in feeble clay, Should equal sufferings bear for thee, Or equal thanks repay.
Hymn 3:24. Pardon and strength from Christ.
1 Father, we wait to feel thy grace, To see thy glories shine; The Lord will his own table bless, And make the feast divine.
2 We touch, we taste the heavenly bread, We drink the sacred Cup; With outward forms our sense is fed, Our souls rejoice in hope.
3 We shall appear before the throne Of our forgiving God, Dress'd in the garments of his Son, And sprinkled with his blood.
4 We shall be strong to run the race, And climb the upper sky; Christ will provide our souls with grace, He bought a large supply.
5 [Let us indulge a cheerful frame, For joy becomes a feast; We love the memory of his Name, More than the wine we taste.]
Hymn 3:25. Divine glories, and our graces.
1 How are thy glories here display'd, Great God, how bright they shine, While at thy word we break the bread, And pour the flowing wine!
2 Here thy revenging justice stands And pleads its dreadful cause; Here saving mercy spreads her hands Like Jesus on the cross.
3 Thy saints attend with every grace On this great sacrifice; And love appears with cheerful face, And faith with fixed eyes.
4 Our hope in waiting posture sits, To heaven directs her sight; Here every warmer passion meets, And warmer powers unite.
5 Zeal and revenge perform their part, And rising sin destroy; Repentance comes with aching heart, Yet not forbids the joy.
6 Dear Saviour, change our faith to sight, Let sin for ever die; Then shall our souls be all delight, And every tear be dry.
I cannot persuade myself to put a full period to these Divine Hymns, till I have addressed a special song of glory to God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Though the Latin name of it, Gloria Patri, be retained in our nation from the Romish church; and thought there may be some excesses of superstitious honour paid to the words of it, which may have wrought some unhappy prejudices in weaker Christians, yet I believe it still to be one of the noblest parts of Christian worship. The subject of it is the doctrine of the Trinity, which is that peculiar glory of the Divine Nature, that our Lord Jesus Christ has so clearly revealed unto men, and is so necessary to true Christianity. The action is praise, which is one of the most complete and exalted parts of heavenly worship. I have cast the song into a variety of forms, and have fitted it to a plain version, or a larger paraphrase, to be sung either alone, or at the conclusion of another Hymn. I have added also a few hosannas, or ascriptions of salvation to Christ, in the same manner, and for the same end.
Hymn 3:26. 1st. L.M. A song of praise to the ever-blessed Trinity, God in Father, Son, and Spirit.
1 Bless'd be the Father and his love: To whose celestial source we owe Rivers of endless joy above, And rills of comfort here below.
2 Glory to thee, great Son of God, From whose dear wounded body rolls A precious stream of vital blood, Pardon and life for dying souls.
3 We give the sacred Spirit praise, Who in our hearts of sin and woe Makes living springs of grace arise, And into boundless glory flow.
4 Thus God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, we adore; That sea of life and love unknown, Without a bottom or a shore.
Hymn 3:27. 1st. C. M.
1 Glory to God the Father's Name, Who, from our sinful race, Chose out his favourites to proclaim The honours of his grace.
2 Glory to God the Son be paid, Who dwelt in humble clay, And, to redeem us from the dead, Gave his own life away.
3 Glory to God the Spirit give, From whose almighty power Our souls their heavenly birth derive, And bless the happy hour.
4 Glory to God that reigns above, Th' eternal Three and One, Who by the wonders of his love Has made his nature known.
Hymn 3:28. 1st. S. M.
1 Let God the Father live For ever on our tongues; Sinners from his first love derive The ground of all their songs.
2 Ye saints, employ your breath In honour to the Son, Who bought your souls from hell and death By offering up his own.
3 Give to the Spirit praise Of an immortal strain, Whose light and power and grace conveys Salvation down to men.
4 While God the Comforter Reveals our pardon'd sin, O may the blood and water bear The same record within.
5 To the great One and Three That seal this grace in heaven, The Father, Son, and Spirit, be Eternal glory given.
Hymn 3:29. 2d. L.M.
1 Glory to God the Trinity Whose name has mysteries unknown; In essence One, in person Three; A social nature, yet alone.
2 When all our noblest powers are join'd The honours of thy Name to raise, Thy glories over-match our mind, And angels faint beneath the praise.
Hymn 3:30. 2d. C. M
1 The God of mercy be ador'd, Who calls our souls from death, Who saves by his redeeming word, And new-creating breath.
2 To praise the Father and the Son And Spirit all divine, The One in Three, and Three in One, Let saints and angels join.
Hymn 3:31. 2d. S. M.
1 Let God the Maker's name Have honour, love and fear, To God the Saviour pay the same, And God the Comforter.
2 Father of lights above, Thy mercy we adore, The Son of thy eternal love And Spirit of thy power.
Hymn 3:32. 3d. L. M.
To God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One, Be honour, praise, and glory given, By all on earth, and all in heaven.
Hymn 3:33. Or thus:
All glory to thy wondrous Name, Father of mercy, God of love, Thus we exalt the Lord, the Lamb, And thus we praise the heavenly Dove.
Hymn 3:34. 3d. C. M.
Now let the Father and the Son And Spirit be ador'd, Where there are works to make him known, Or saints to love the Lord.
Hymn 3:35. Or thus:
Honour to thee, almighty Three, And everlasting One; All glory to the Father be, The Spirit, and the Son.
Hymn 3:36. 3d. S. M.
Ye angels round the throne And saints that dwell below, Worship the Father, love the Son, And bless the Spirit too.
Hymn 3:37. Or thus:
Give to the Father praise, Give glory to the Son, And to the Spirit of his grace Be equal honour done.
Hymn 3:38. A song of praise to the blessed Trinity.
The 1st, as the 148th Psalm.
1 I give immortal praise To God the Father's love For all my comforts here, And better hopes above; He sent his own Eternal Son, To die for sins That man had done.
2 To God the Son belongs Immortal glory too, Who bought us with his blood From everlasting woe; And now he lives, And now he reigns, And sees the fruit Of all his pains.
3 To God the Spirit's Name Immortal worship give, Whose new-creating power Makes the dead sinner live: His work completes The great design And fills the soul With joy divine.
4 Almighty God, to thee Be endless honours done, The undivided Three, And the mysterious one: Where reason fails With all her powers, There faith prevails, And love adores.
Hymn 3:39. The 2d, as the 148th Psalm.
1 To Him that chose us first Before the world began, To Him that bore the curse To save rebellious man, To Him that form'd Our hearts anew, Is endless praise And glory due.
2 The Father's love shall run Thro' our immortal songs, We bring to God the Son Hosannas on our tongues: Our lips address The Spirit's Name With equal praise, And zeal the same.
3 Let every saint above And angel round the throne, For ever bless and love The sacred Three in One: Thus heaven shall raise His honours high When earth and time Grow old and die.
Hymn 3:40. The 3d, as the 148th Psalm.
To God the Father's throne Perpetual honours raise; Glory to God the Son, To God the Spirit praise: And while our lips Their tribute bring, Our faith adores The name we sing.
Hymn 3:41. Or thus:
To our eternal God, The Father and the Son, And Spirit all divine, Three mysteries in one, Salvation, power, And praise be given By all on earth And all in heaven.
Hymn 3:42. L. M.
The Hosanna; or, Salvation ascribed to Christ.
1 Hosanna to King David's Son, Who reigns on a superior throne; We bless the Prince of heavenly birth Who brings salvation down to earth.
2 Let every nation, every age, In this delightful work engage; Old men and babes in Sion sing The growing glories of her King.
Hymn 3:43. C. M.
1 Hosanna to the Prince of Grace, Sion, behold her King; Proclaim the Son of David's race, And teach the babes to sing.
2 Hosanna to th' incarnate Word, Who from the Father came; Ascribe salvation to the Lord, With blessings on his Name.
Hymn 3:44. S. M.
Hosanna to the Son Of David and of God, Who brought the news of pardon down, And bought it with his blood,
2 To Christ th' anointed King Be endless blessings given, Let the whole earth his glory sing Who made our peace with heaven.
Hymn 3:45. As the 148th Psalm.
1 Hosanna to the King Of David's ancient blood; Behold he comes to bring Forgiving grace from God: Let old and young Attend his way, And at his feet Their honours lay.
2 Glory to God on high, Salvation to the Lamb; Let earth, and sea, and sky His wondrous love proclaim: Upon his head Shall honours rest, And every age Pronounce him blest.
End of the Third Book.
AN INDEX To find any Hymn by the Title or Contents of it.
Note, The letters, i ii iii, signify the first, second, end third book: The figures direct to the Hymn. (Transcriber's Note: In this electronic version modern numerals are used; for example, "2:108" refers to "Book 2, Hymn Number 108," and so on.) If you find not what hymn you seek under one word of the title, seek it under another, or by some word that is of the same signification, though perhaps not mentioned in the title of the hymn.
Aaron and Christ, 1:145; Moses and Joshua, 2:124. Abraham's blessing on the Gentiles, 1:60, 1:113, 1:114; 2:134; offering his son, 1:129. Absence and presence of God, 2:93, 2:94, 2:100; from God for ever intolerable, 2:107. Access to the throne by a Mediator, 2:108. Adam, his fall, 1:107; corrupt nature from him, 2:128; the first and second, 1:571, 1:124. Adoption, 1:64, 1:143; and election, 1:54. Advocate, see Christ's intercession. Affections inconstant, 2:20; unsanctified, 2:165. Afflicted, Christ's compassion to them, 1:125. Afflictions removed, 1:87; submitted to, 1:5, 1:129; 2:109; support and comfort under them, 2:50, 2:65; and death under providence, 1:83. Almost Christian, 2:158. Ambition, &c. 2:101. Angels sinning, 2:24; standing and falling, 2:27; praise ye the Lord, 2:27; punished, and man saved, 2:96, 2:97; their ministry to Christ and saints, 2:18, 2:112, 2:113. Anger of God, see Wrath, Vengeance, Hell. Answer to the church's prayers, 1:30. Antichrist, his ruin, 1:29, 1:56, 1:59; see Enemies. Apostate, 2:158. Apostles' commission, 1:128. Ascension and resurrection of Christ, 2:76. Assistance against temptations, 1:15, 1:32; 2:50, 2:65. Assurance of heaven, 1:27; 2:65; of the love of Christ, 1:14; 2:73; of faith, 1:103. Attributes, see God.
Babylon falling, 1:56, 1:59; see Enemies. Backslidings and returns, 2:20. Baptism, 1:52; preaching, and the Lord's supper, 2:141; and circumcision, 1:121; 2:127, 2:134; burial with Christ in, 1:122. Beatitudes, 1:102. Believe and be saved, 1:100. Believer baptized, 1:52, 1:122. Birth, first and second, 1:95, 1:99; of Christ, miracles at it, 2:136. Blessed are the dead in the Lord, 1:18; society in heaven, 2:33, 2:75. Blessedness and business of heaven, 1:40, 1:41; 2:86; only in God, 2:93, 2:94, 2:100. Blessing of Abraham on the Gentiles, 1:113, 1:114; 2:134. Blood and flesh of Christ is our food, 3:17, 3:18; the seal of the New Testament, 3:3; the Spirit and the water, 3:9. Boasting excluded, 1:96. Bodies frail, see Life, Health, Flesh. Book of God's decrees, 2:99. Bread of life is Christ, 3:5. Breathing towards heaven, 2:23. Britain's God praised, 2:1; for deliverance, 2:92. Burial, 2:63; with Christ in baptism, 1:122; and death of a saint, 2:3.
Canaan and heaven, 2:66, 2:124. Carnal joys parted with, 2:10, 2:11; reason humbled, 1:11, 1:12. Ceremonial, see Law, Types, Priest. Characters of the children of God, 1:143; of Christ, 1:146, 1:150; of blessedness, 1:102. Charity and uncharitableness, 1:126; and love, 1:130, 1:133. Children in the covenant of grace, 1:113, 1:114; devoted to God, 1:121; 2:127. Christ, see Lord; and Aaron, 1:145; and Adam, 1:124; his ascension, 2:76; beatific sight of him, 2:75; beloved described, 1:75; the bread of life, 3:5; his care of the young and feeble, 1:125, 1:138; and the church, seeking, finding, &c., see Church; coming to judge, 1:61; his commission, 2:103, 2:104; communion with him, 1:66, 1:71; and saints, 1:67, 1:76; 3:2; compared to inanimate things, 1:146; his coronation and espousals, 1:72; his cross not to be ashamed of, 3:19; crucified, God's wisdom and power, 2:10; David's Son, 1:16, 1:50; his death caused by sin, 2:81; grace and glory by it, 3:23; victory and kingdom, 2:114; his divine nature, 1:2, 1:13, 1:92; 2:51; dwells in heaven, visits the earth, 1:76; enjoyment of him, 2:15, 2:16; his eternity, 1:2, 1:92; example, 2:139; excellences, 1:75; 2:47; faith and knowledge of him, 1:103; his flesh and blood our food, 3:17, 3:18; found and brought to the church, 1:71; his glory in heaven, 2:91; God reconciled in him, 2:148; grace given us in him, 1:137; 2:40; High Priest and King, 1:61; his human and Divine nature, 1:2, 1:13, 1:16; humiliation and exaltation, 1:1, 1:63, 1:141, 1:142; 2:5, 2:43, 2:81, 2:83, 2:84; 3:10, 3:16; his incarnation, 1:1, 1:3, 1:13; intercession, 2:36, 2:37, 2:118; invitation to sinners, 1:127; the King at his table, 1:66; his kingdom among men, 1:3, 1:21; knowledge and faith in him, 1:103; the Lamb of God, 1:1, 1:25, 1:62, 1:63; his love to the church, 1:14, 1:77; under desertion, 2:50; shed abroad in the heart, 1:135; to men, 1:92; lifted up, 1:112; ministered to by angels, 2:112, 2:113; miracles at the birth of Christ, 2:136; miracles in his life, death, and resurrection, 2:137; and Moses, 1:49, 1:118; names and titles, 1:147, 1:148, 1:149; nativity, 1:3, 1:13; obeyed or resisted, 1:93; his offices, 1:149, 1:150; 2:132; pardon and strength from him, 3:24; our Passover, 2:155; his person glorious and gracious, 1:75; 2:47; our Physician, 1:112; his pity to the afflicted and tempted, 1:125; his priesthood, 1:145; 2:118; his presence, see Presence; prophecies and types of him, 2:135; Prophet, Priest, and King, 1:25; 2:132; our Prophet and Teacher, 1:93; redemption, see Redeem; rejected by the Jews, 1:141; resurrection, 2:72, 2:76; is our hope, 1:26; resurrection, life, and death miraculous, 2:137; revealed to men, 1:10; to babes, 1:11, 1:12; righteousness and strength in him, 1:15, 1:84, 1:85, 1:97; righteousness valuable, 1:109; his sacrifice, 2:142; and intercession, 2:118; salvation, righteousness, and strength in him, 1:15, 1:84, 1:85, 1:97, 1:98; our sanctification, 1:97, 1:98; Satan at enmity, 1:107; saints in his hand, 1:138; our Shepherd, 1:67, 1:142; the substance of the types, 2:12; sent by the Father, 1:100; 2:103, 2:104; and godly sorrow, 2:9, 2:106; and glory, 1:1, 1:62, 1:63; 2:43, 2:81, 2:83, 2:84; 3:10; his titles and kingdom, 1:13; triumph over our enemies, 1:28, 1:29; types and prophecies of him, 2:135; victory over Satan, 1:58, 2:89; death and hell, 3:21; unseen and beloved, 1:108; Wisdom of God, 1:92; our wisdom and Righteousness, 1:97, 1:98; worshipped by the creation, 1:62; Christian, see Saints, Spiritual, etc; Religion, its excellency, 2:131; almost, 2:158; virtues, 2:161. Church, see Worship, Saints, Spiritual. its enemies slain by Christ, 1:28, 1:29; conversing with Christ, namely, seeking, finding, calling, answering, 1:66-71; under God's care, 1:39; espousals with Christ, 1:72; beauty in the eyes of Christ, 1:73; the garden of Christ, 1:74. Circumcision abolished, 2:134; and baptism, 1:121; 2:127. Clothing, spiritual, 1:7, 1:40. Comfort in the covenant with Christ, 2:40; Restored, 2:73; see Pardon; in sorrows of mind and body, 2:50, 2:65. Communion With Christ and saints, 3:2; between Christ and the church, 1:66-71; 2:15, 2:16. Compassion of a dying Christ, 3:22; to the afflicted, 1:125. Complaint of a hard heart, 2:98; of desertion and temptations; of dulness, 2:34; of in-dwelling sin, 1:115; of ingratitude, 2:74; of sloth and negligence, 2:25, 2:32. Condemnation by the law, 1:94. Condescension to our worship, 2:45; Affairs, 2:46. Confession and pardon, 1:131. Conscience good, the pleasures of it, 2:57; secure and awakened, 1:115. Constancy in the gospel, 2:4. Contention and love, 1:130. Conversion, 1:104; 2:159; the difficulty of it, 2:161; delayed, 1:88-91; the joy of heaven, 1:101. Conviction of sin by the law, 1:94, 1:115; by the cross of Christ, 2:81, 2:95. Corrupt nature from Adam, 1:57, 107; 2:128, 2:159. Covenant of grace, 1:9; children therein, 1:113, 1:114; sealed and sworn, 1:139; 3:3; hope in it, 1:139; made with Christ, our comfort, 2:40; of works, see Law and Gospel. Covetousness, &c., 1:24; 2:56, 2:101. Courage and constancy, 1:14, 1:15, 1:48; 2:4, 2:65. Creation, 1:92; 2:71, 2:147; new, 2:130; preservation, &c., of this world, 2:13. Creatures praise the Lord, 2:71; love dangerous, 2:48; God above them, 1:82; their vanity, 2:146; Cross of Christ is our glory, 3:19; repentance flowing from it, 2:106; salvation in it, 2:4; crucifixion to the world by it, 3:7. Curse and promise, 1:107, Custom in sin, 2:160.
Dangers of our earthly pilgrimage, 2:53; of death and hell, 2:55; of love to the creatures, 2:48. Darkness Dispelled by Christ's presence, 2:54; of providence, 2:109. Day of grace and time of duty, 1:88; of judgment, 1:45, 1:61, 1:65, 1:89, 1:90. Dead In the Lord, their blessedness, 1:18; to sin by the cross of Christ, 1:106. Death, see Christ; And Afflictions under providence, 1:83; terrible to the unconverted, 1:91; made easy by the sight of Christ, 2:31; 3:14; by a sight of heaven, 2:66; God's presence in it, 2:49, 2:117; our fear of it, 2:31; desirable, 1:19; 2:61; overcome, 1:17; triumphed over, 1:6; 2:110; prepared for, 1:27; 2:63; of a sinner, 1:24; 2:2; and burial of a saint, 1:18; 2:3; and eternity, 2:28; and glory, 1:110; 2:61; and the resurrection, 2:3, 2:102, 2:110; of Moses at God's command, 2:49; dreadful and delightful, 2:52. Deceitfulness of sin, 2:150. Decrees of God, 1:11, 1:12, 1:96, 1:117; 2:99. Deity of Christ, 1:2, 1:13, 1:92; 2:51. Delay of conversion, 1:88-91; 2:25, 2:32. Delight in worship, 2:14; in God, 2:42; in converse with Christ, 2:15, 2:16. Deliverance from death and the grave, 2:3; see Enemies, Church; and submission, 1:129; from spiritual enemies, 1:47; 2:65, 2:82, 2:111. Dependence, see Faith. Desertion and temptations complained of, 2:163. Desire of Christ's presence, 2:100; see more in Heaven, Christ, Love, &c. Despair and presumption, 1:115; 2:156, 2:157. Devil vanquished, 1:58; see Victory. Devotion, fervent, desired, 2:34. Difficulty of conversion, 2:161. Disease, see Sickness. Dissolution of this world, 2:13, 2:164. Distemper, folly, and madness of sin, 2:153. Distinguishing love, 1:11, 1:12, 1:96, 1:117; 2:96, 2:97. Divine, see God, Deity, &c. Dominion Of God, and our deliverance, 2:111; eternal, 2:67; over the sea, 2:70. Doubts and fears suppressed, 2:73. Doxologies, 3:26-45. Dulness, spiritual, 2:25.
Earth, no rest on it, 2:146; and heaven, 2:10, 2:11, 2:53. Effusion of the Spirit, 2:144. Election excludes boasting, 1:96; free, 1:11, 1:12, 1:54, 1:117; see Decrees. End of the world, 2:164. Enemies of the church disappointed, 2:90, 2:92; salvation from them, 2:82, 2:88; triumphed over by Christ, 1:28, 1:29; see Church, Babylon, Michael. Enjoyment of Christ, 2:15, 2:16; see Worship. Enmity between Christ and Satan, 1:107. Envy and love, 1:130. Espousals of the church to Christ, 1:72. Establishment in grace, 2:82. Eternity of God, 2:17; of his dominion, 2:67; and death, 2:28; succeeding this life, 2:55; see Heaven, Death. Evening and morning hymns, 1:79, 1:80, 1:81; 2:6, 2:7, 2:8. Exaltation, see Christ, Glory, Sufferings, &c. Example of Christ, 2:139; of saints, 2:140. Excellency of the Christian religion, 2:131.
Faith in things unseen, 1:120, 2:129. and knowledge of Christ, 1:103; love and joy, 1:108; and unbelief, 2:125; living and dead, 1:140; assisted by sense, 2:141; its joy, 2:162; in Christ our sacrifice, 2:142; and salvation, 1:100; of assurance, 1:103; and sight, 1:110; 2:145; triumphing in Christ, 1:14; for pardon and sanctification, 2:90; faith and reason, 2:87, 2:109. Faithfulness of God's promises, 2:40, 2:60, 2:69. Fall of angels and men, 2:24; and recovery of man, 1:107. Fears and doubts suppressed, 2:73. Feast Of love, 1:68; of triumph, 3:21; of the gospel, 1:7; 3:12, 3:20; made, and guests invited, 3:13. Fellowship, see Communion. Fervency of devotion desired, 2:34. Few saved, 2:158. Flesh And blood of Christ the best food, 3:17, 3:18; our tabernacle, 1:110; and spirit, 2:143. Folly and madness of sin, 2:153. Food, spiritual, 1:7, 1:67, 1:68, 1:74; 2:15; see Feast. Forbearance, see Patience. Forgiveness, see Pardon. Formality in worship, 1:136. Frail, see Life, Health, Forgetfulness, 2:165. Frailty and folly, 2:32. Free, see Grace, Election. Freedom from sin and misery in heaven, 2:86. Funeral thought, 2:61, 2:63; see Death, Burial.
Garden of Christ is the church, 1:74. Garment of salvation, 1:7, 1:20. Gentiles, Christ revealed to them, 1:10, 1:13, 1:50; 3:13, 3:14; Abraham's blessing on them, 1:113, 114; 2:134. Glorified martyrs and saints, 1:40, 1:41; body, 2:110. Glory and death, 1:110; 2:61; see Heaven; of God above our reason, 2:87; of Christ in heaven, 2:91; see Christ, and grace by the death of Christ, 3:23; justification and sanctification, 1:3; to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, 3:26-41; of God in the gospel, 2:126; and grace in the person of Christ, 2:47; and sufferings of Christ, 2:43; see Sufferings. Glorying in the cross of Christ, 3:19. God all and in all, 2:93, 2:94; his absence, see Absence; his attributes, 2:51, 2:166, 2:169; glorified by Christ, 2:126; 3:10; the avenger of his saints, 2:115; care of his church, 1:39; condescension to human affairs, 2:46; to our worship, 2:45; the Creator and Redeemer, 2:35; our delight, 2:42; our defence, 1:47; dominion over the sea, 2:70; dominion, and our deliverance, 2:111; dwells with the humble, 1:87; eternity, 2:17; eternal dominion, 2:67; everlasting absence intolerable, 2:100, 2:107; far above his creatures, 1:82; the Father, Son, and Spirit, 3:26-41; his faithfulness to his promises, 2:60, 2:69; glory and defence of Sion, 2:64; his glory above our reason, 2:87; his goodness, 2:58, 2:80; his grace, see Grace; government from him, 2:149; holiness, justice, and sovereignty, 1:86; invisible, 2:26; incomprehensible, 2:87, 2:170; his kingdom supreme, 2:115; his love in sending his Son, 1:100; and our neighbour loved, 1:116; our portion or chief good, 2:93, 2:94; his power, 2:80; and goodness, 2:6, 2:7, 2:8; his praise, see Praise; presence in life and at death, 2:115; see Presence; preserver of our lives, 2:6, 2:7, 2:8, 2:19; promise and truth unchangeable, 1:139; sight of him weans us from earth, 2:41; sovereign, 2:170; terrible majesty, 2:22; and mercy, 2:80; his truth, 2:60, 2:69; vengeance, 2:44, 2:62; Unity and Trinity, 3:26-11; his word, 1:53; wrath and mercy, 1:42. Goodness of God, 2:58, 2:74; see Grace; and power of God, 1:42; 2:80. Gospel feast, 3:12; see Grace, Feast; invitation and provision, 1:7; 3:20; times, their blessedness, 1:10; see Scripture; glorifies God, 2:126; no liberty to sin, 1:106, 1:132, 1:140; not ashamed of it, 1:103; 3:19; and law, 1:94; 2:120, 2:121, 2:124; sinned against, 1:118; its different success, 1:119; 2:144; ministry, 1:10; attested by miracles, 1:128; 2:136, 2:137; its glorious effects, 2:138. Government from God, 2:149. Grace and glory by the death of Christ, 3:23; of the Spirit, 1:102; converting, 2:138, 2:159; in exercise, 3:25; justifies, 1:94; sanctifies and saves, 1:111; not conveyed by parents, 1:99; all-sufficient in duty and sufferings, 1:15, 1:32, 1:104; given in Christ, 1:137; covenant, 1:9; children in it, 1:113, 1:114; and holiness, 1:132; electing, 1:54; its freedom and sovereignty, 1:11, 1:12, 1:96, 1:117; 2:96, 2:97; and glory in the person of Christ, 2:47; adopting, 1:64; persevering, 1:51; promises, 1:7, 1:9; throne accessible by Christ, 2:36, 2:37, 2:108. Gratitude for Divine favours, 2:116 Great Britain's God praised, 2:1.
Happiness, see Blessed, Heaven. Hardness of heart, 2:98. Hatred and love, 1:130. Health Preserved, 2:6, 2:7, 2:8, 2:19; restored, 1:55. Heaven And earth, 2:10, 2:53; and hell, 1:45; invisible and holy, 1:105; meditation of it, 2:162; joy there for repenting sinners, 1:101; its blessedness and business, 1:40, 1:41; the hope of it our support, 2:65; its prospect makes death easy, 2:66; worship of it humble, 2:68; freedom from sin and misery there, 2:86; hoped for by Christ's resurrection, 1:26; insured and prepared for, 1:27; Christ's dwelling-place, 1:76; 2:91 sight of God and Christ there, 2:23; blessed society there, 2:33 desired, 2:68. Heavenly mindedness, 2:57; joy on earth, 2:15, 2:30, 2:59. Hell and death 2:2; and judgment, 1:45, 1:175; 2:62; or the vengeance of God, 2:22, 2:44; the holy fear of it, 2:107. Hezekiah's song, 1:55. Holiness, see Grace, Spiritual, Sanctification, and sovereignty of God, 1:82, 1:86; and grace, 1:132, 1:140; its characters, 1:102. Holy, see Spirit. Honour vain, 1:101; to magistrates, 2:149. Hope of the living, 1:88; gives light and strength, 2:129; in the covenant, 1:139; of heaven by Christ's resurrection, 1:26; of heaven our support under trials, 2:65; of the resurrection, 2:3, 2:110. Hosanna to Christ, 1.16; 2:42, &c. Human affairs condescended to by God, 2:46; nature of Christ, 1:2, 1:3, 1:13, 1:60. Humble, God's dwelling, 1:87; enlightened, 1:11, 1:12, 1:50; worship of heaven, 2:68. Humiliation, see Christ, Sufferings, &c. and prayer public, 1:30. Humility And pride, 1:127; and meekness, 1:102; in heaven, 2:68. Hypocrisy and sincerity, 1:136; hypocrite, or almost Christian, 2:158.
Ignorance enlightened, 1:11, 1:12; and unfruitfulness, 2:165. Impenitence, 2:125. Incarnation of Christ, 1:2, 1:3, 1:13, 1:60. Incomprehensible God, 2:87, 2:170; and invisible, 2:26. Inconstancy of our love, 2:20. Infants, see Children. Ingratitude complained of, 2:74. Inspiration and prophecy, 2:151. Institution of the Lord's supper, 3:1. Insufficiency of self-righteousness, 2:154. Intercession of Christ, 2:36, 2:37, 2:118. Invitation Of Christ answered, 1:70; of the gospel, 1:79, 1:127; 3:13, 3:20.
Jealousy of our love to Christ, 1:78. Jesus, see Lord, Christ. Jews, see Moses, Gospel, Christ, Gentiles. John the Baptist's message, 1:50. Joshua, Aaron, and Moses, 2:124. Joy, Faith and love, 1:108; of faith, 2:162; carnal, parted with, 2:10, 2:11; heavenly upon earth, 1:135; 2:30, 2:59; spiritual restored, 2:73; see more in Delight, Comfort. Judgment day, 1:45, 1:61, 1:65, 1:89, 1:90; and hell, 2:62; Christ coming to it, 1:61. Justice, &c. of God, 1:86. Justification, 1:14; see Pardon; by faith, not by works, 1:94, 1:109; sanctification, 1:7, 1:9, 1:20, 1:84, 1:85; 2:90; and glory, 1:3.
Kingdom And titles of Christ, 1:13; of Christ among men, 1:21, 1:65; of God eternal, 2:67; supreme, 2:115. Knowledge and faith in Christ, 1:103; saving, from God, 1:11. 1:12. 1:93.
Lamb that was slain, 1:1, 1:25, 1:62; see Christ. Law convinces of sin, 1:115; condemns, 1:94; and gospel, 2:120, 1:121, 1:124; and gospel sinned against, 1:118. Levitical priesthood fulfilled in Christ, 2:12. Life frail and succeeding eternity, 2:55; preserved, 2:6, 2:7, 2:8, 2:19; short, frail, miserable, 1:82; 2:39, 2:58; the day of grace and hope, 1:88. Light And salvation by Jesus Christ, 1:50; in darkness by the presence of God, 2:54; given to the blind, 1:11, 1:12. Long-sufferance, see Patience. Lord Jesus at his own table, 1:66; 3:15; supper, preaching, and baptism, 2:141; supper instituted, 3:1; day, 1:72; delightful, 2:14; table provided for, 3:20; see more in Christ. Love Of Christ unchangeable, 1:14. 1:39; shed abroad in the heart, 1:135; its banquet, 1:68; 3:13; of Christ in words and deeds, 1:77; of Christ its strength, 1:78; unseen, 1:108; to Christ, 2:100; to God pleasant and powerful 2:38; and hatred, 1:130; faith and joy, 1:108; and charity, 1:133; of God in sending his Son, 1:100; 2:103, 2:104; to God and our neighbour, 1:116; religion vain without it, 1:134; peace and meekness, 1:102; of Christ dying, 3:4, 3:22; to God inconstant, 2:20; to the creatures dangerous, 2:48; distinguishing, 1:11, 1:12; 2:96, 2:97.
Madness, folly, and distemper of sin, 2:153. Magistrates honoured, 2:149. Majesty of God terrible, 2:22, 2:62. Malice and love, 1:130. Man saved and angels punished, 2:96, 2:97; mortal and vain, 1:82; his fall and recovery, 1:107. Martyrdom, 1:14; 2:4. Martyrs glorified, 1:40, 1:41. Mary the virgin's song, 1:60. Mediator the way to the throne of grace, 2:108. Meditation of heaven, 2:162; and retirement, 2:122. Memorial of our absent Lord, 3:6. Memory, weak, 2:165. Mercies, national, 2:111; see Grace, Wrath, Thanks. Messiah born, 1:60; come, 2:12. Michael's war with the dragon, 1:58. Ministers' commission, 1:128. Ministry of angels, 2:18; of the gospel, 1:10. Misery And sin banished from heaven, 2:86; and shortness of life. 2:39; without God in the world, 2:56; of sinners, see Sinner, Death, Hell. Morning and evening songs, 1:79, 1:80, 1:81; 2:6, 2:7, 2:8. Mortality and vanity of man, 1:82. Mortification to the world by the sight of God, 2:41; by the cross of Christ, 2:106; 3:7. Moses And Christ, 1:49, 1:118; dying, 2:49; Aaron, and Joshua, 2:124. Mourning, see Complaint, Repentance. Mysteries revealed, 1:11, 1:12.
National mercies and thanks, 2:1, 2:111. Nativity of Christ, 1:2, 1:3, 1:13. Nature Corrupt from Adam, 1:57; corrupt from Adam, 1:57; 2:128, 2:159. Neighbour and God loved, 1:116. New Covenant sealed, 3:3; promises, 1:7; song, 1:1; creature, 1:9; testament in the blood of Christ, 3:3; creation, 1:95; 2:130; birth, 1:95. November 5th, a song of praise, 2:92.
Obedience evangelical, 1:140, 1:143. Old age and death of the unconverted, 1:91. Offence not to be given, 1:126. Offices and operations of the Holy Spirit, 2:133; and of Christ, 1:146-150; 2:132. Olive-tree, the wild and good, 1:114. Ordinances, see Worship, Lord's Supper. Original sin, 1:57; see Adam, Nature.
Pains, comfort under them, 2:50. Paradise on earth, 2:30, 2:59. Pardon, sufficiency of it, 2:85; and confession, 1:131; and strength from Christ, 3:24; bought at a dear price, 3:4; and sanctification by faith, 1:9; 2:90; brought to our senses, 3:11. Parents and children, 1:113, 1:114; convey not grace, 1:99. Passions, see Christ, Sufferings, Anger, Love. Passover, Christ is ours, 2:155. Patience under afflictions, 1:5. 1:129; 2:109; of God producing repentance, 2:74, 2:105. Peace Of conscience, 2:57; and contention, 1:130; see Comfort, Joy. Perfections of God, 2:166-169. Persecution, courage under it, 1:14. Persevering grace, 1:26, 1:32, 1:48, 1:51, 1:138. Person of Christ glorious and gracious, 1:75; 2:47. Pharisee and publican, 1:131. Pilgrimage of the saints, 2:53. Pleasures of a good conscience, 2:37; of religion, 2:30, 2:59; sinful forsaken, 2:10, 2:11; their vanity and danger, 2:101. Poverty of spirit, 1:102, 2:127. Power of God, 1:86; and wisdom in Christ crucified, 2:126; 3:10; and goodness of God awful, 1:42; 2:80. Praise imperfect on earth, 2:5; for daily protection and preservation, 2:6, 2:7, 2:8; from angels, 2:27; from the creation, 2:71; to the Redeemer, 2:5, 2:21, 2:29, 2:35, 2:78; to the Trinity, 3:26-41; for creation and redemption, 2:35. Prayer and praise, 1:1; for deliverance answered, 1:30. Preaching, baptism, and the Lord's supper, 2:141. Predestination, see Election. Preparation for death, 1:27; see Death. Presence of God in worship, 2:45; light in darkness. 2:54; in death, 1:19; 2:31, 2:49; 3:14; in life and death, 2:117; or absence of Christ, 2:50; of Christ in worship, 1:66; 2:15, 2:16; 3:15; of God our life, 2:93, 2:94, 2:100. Preservation of this world, 2:13; of our graces, 1:51; of our lives, 2:6, 2:7, 2:8, 2:19. Presumption and despair, 1:115; 2:156, 2:157. Pride and humility, 1:11, 1:12, 1:127. Priesthood, Levitical ending in Christ, 2:12; of Christ, 2:118. Prodigal repenting, 1:123. Profit and unprofitableness, 1:118; 2:165. Promised Messiah born, 1:60, 1:107. Promises of the covenant, 1:9, 1:39, 1:107; see scripture; and truth of God unchangeable, 1:139; our security, 2:40, 2:60, 2:69. Prophecies and types of Christ, 2:135; and inspiration, 2:151. Prosperity and adversity, 1:5; vain, 2:56, 2:101. Protection from spiritual enemies, 2:82; of the church, 1:8, 1:22, 1:23; see Church. Providence, 2:46; executed by Christ, 1:1; over afflictions and death, 1:83; its darkness, 2:109; prosperous and afflictive, 1:5. Provisions, see Gospel, Lord's Table. Public ordinances, see Worship. Publican and Pharisee, 1:131. Punishment for sin, see Hell, 1:100, 1:118.
Race, Christian, 1:48. Reason Feeble, 2:87; carnal, humbled, 1:11, 1:12. Reconciliation to God in Christ, 2:148. Recovery from sickness, 1:55. Redemption in Christ, 1:97, 1:98; and protection, 2:82; by price, 3:4; and by power, 2:29; see Christ. Regeneration, 1:95; 2:130; see Election, Adoption, Sanctification. Religion Neglected, 2:32; vain without love, 1:134; Christianity, the excellency of it, 2:131; revealed, see Gospel, Scripture. Remembrance of Christ, 3:6. Repentance from God's goodness and patience, 2:74, 2:105; and humiliation, 1:87; at the cross of Christ, 2:9, 2:106; and impenitence, 2:125; gives joy to heaven, 1:101. Repenting prodigal, 1:123. Resignation, see Submission. Resurrection, 1:6; 2:102, 110; see Death, Christ, heaven. Retirement and meditation, 2:122. Returns and backslidings, 2:20. Revelation of Christ, see Gentile, Gospel. Revenge and love, 1:130. Rich sinner dying, 1:24; 2:56. Riches, their vanity, 2:56, 2:101. Righteousness And strength in Christ, 1:84; 1:85, 1:97; 1:98; of Christ valuable, 1:109; our robe, 1:7, 2:20; and self-righteousness, 1:131; our own insufficient, 2:154.
Sabbath delightful, 2:14. Sacrament, see Baptism, Lord's Supper. Sacrifice of Christ, 2:142; and intercession, 2:118. Safety of the church, 1:8, 1:39; 2:64, 2:92. Saints, see Church, Spiritual; God their avenger, 2:115; and hypocrites, 1:136, 1:140; their example, 2:140; characters of them, 1:143; in the hands of Christ, 1:138; security, 2:64; beloved in Christ, 1:54; adopted, 1:64; death and burial, 2:3; in glory, 1:40, 1:41; communion, 3:2. Salvation, 2:88; of the worst sinners, 1:104; by grace, 1:111; in Christ, 1:137; see Christ, Cross, Grace, Heaven, Light, Redeem, Righteousness. Sanctification, Justification, and glory, 1:3; and pardon, 1:9; through faith, 2:90. Satan and Christ at enmity, 1:107; his various temptations, 2:156, 2:157; conquered by Christ, 2:89; see Devil. Scripture, 1:53; 2:119; see Gospel. Sea under the dominion of God, 2:70. Sealing and witnessing Spirit, 1:144. Secure and awakened sinner, 1:115. Security in the promises, 2:40, 2:60, 2:69. Seeking after Christ, 1:67, 1:71. Self-righteousness, 1:131; Insufficient, 2:154; Sense assisting our faith, 2:141. Sensual delights dangerous, 2:10, 2:11, 2:48. Serpent, brazen, 1:112. Shepherd, Christ and his pastures, 1:67. Shortness, frailty, and misery of life, 2:32, 2:39, 2:58. Sickness and recovery, 1:55. Sight of God mortifies us to the world, 2:41; of Christ beatific, 2:16, 2:75; and faith, 1:110, 1:120; 2:129, 2:145; of Christ makes death easy, 3:14. Simeon's song, 1:19; 3:14. Sin the cause of Christ's death, 2:81; and misery banished from heaven, 1:105; 2:86; original, 1:57; pardoned and subdued, 1:9, 1:104; 2:90; indwelling, 1:115; its power, 1:115; 2:86; the ruin of angels and men 2:24; custom in it, 2:160; folly, madness, and distemper of it, 2:153; conviction of it by the law, 1:115; against the law and gospel, 1:118; crucified, 1:106; deceitfulness of it, 2:150. Sinai and Sion, 2:152. Sincerity and hypocrisy, 1:136. Sinful pleasures forsaken, 2:10, 2:11. Sinner, the vilest saved, 1:104; and saint's death, 2:2, 2:3, 2:52; invited to Christ, 1:127; excluded heaven, 1:104, 1:105; his death terrible, 1:91; 2:2. Sinning and repenting, 2:20. Sloth, spiritual, complained of, 2:25. Society in heaven blessed, 2:53. Son equal with the Father, 2:51; see Christ. Song of angels, 1:3; of Simeon, 1:19; 3:14; of Zacharias, 1:50; of Moses and the Lamb, 1:49, 1:56; of Hezekiah, 1:55; of Solomon paraphrased, 1:66-78; of the Virgin Mary, 1:60; for November 5th, 2:92. Sons of God, 1:64, 1:143; elect and new-born, 1:54. Sorrow, see Repentance; comfort under it, 2:50, 2:69; for the dead, relieved, 2:3. Sovereignty, 1:86; see Grace, Election, God. Soul separate, see Death, Heaven, Hell. Spirit breathed after, 1:74; water and blood, 3:9; his offices, 2:133; witnessing and sealing, 1:144; its fruits, 1:102. Spiritual enemies, deliverance, 1:47; 2:65, 2:82; warfare, 2:77; pilgrimage, 2:53; apparel, 1:7, 1:20; race, 1:48; sloth and dulness, 2:25, 2:34; joy, 2:73, 2:75; meat, drink, and clothing, 1:7; food, see Feast. State of nature and grace, 1:104. Storm, see Thunder. Strength from heaven, 1:15, 1:32, 1:48; righteousness and pardon in Christ, 1:84, 1:85; 3:24; Submission and deliverance, 1:129; to afflictions, 1:5; 2:109. Success of the gospel, 1:11, 1:12, 1:119; 2:144. Sufferings for Christ, 1:102; see Christ; Supper of the Lord instituted, 3:1; baptism and preaching, 2:141. Support under trials, 2:50, 2:65. Sympathy of Christ, 1:125.
Table of the Lord, see Lord. Temptations, hope under them, 1:139; of the world, 2:101; of the devil, 2:65, 2:156, 2:157; and desertion complained of 2:163. Tempted, Christ's compassion to them, 1:125. Terrors of death to the unconverted, 1:91. Testament, new, in the blood of Christ, 3:3. Thanksgiving for victory, 2:111; for mercies, 2:116; national, 2:1. Throne of Grace, see Grace. Thunderer, God, 2:62. Time redeemed, 1:88; ours, and eternity God's, 2:67. Tree of life, 3:8; and river of love, 3:20; Trials on earth, and hope of heaven, 2:63. Trinity praised, 3:26-41. Triumph over death, 1:6; 2:110; of faith in Christ, 1:14; at a feast, 3:21; of Christ over our enemies, 1:82. Trust, see Faith. Truth and promises of God unchangeable, 1:139; 2:60, 2:69. Types, 2:12; and prophecies of Christ, 2:135.
Unbelief and faith, 1:100; punished, 1:118. Uncharitableness and charity, 1:126. Unconverted state, 2:159. death terrible to them, 1:91 Unfruitfulness, 2:165. Unsanctified affections, 2:165. Unseen things, faith in them, 1:120
Vain prosperity, 2:56, 2:101. Value of Christ and his righteousness, 1:109. Vanity and mortality of man, 1:82; of youth, 1:89, 1:90; of the creatures, 2:146. Victory, a thanksgiving for it, 2:111 over death, 1:17; sin and sorrow, 1:14; of Christ over Satan, 1:58; 2:89; see Enemies. Virtues, Christian, 2:161; see Holiness, Love, Saints, Spiritual.
Wandering affections, 2:20; thoughts in worship, 1:136. Warfare, Christian, 2:77. Water, the Spirit, and the blood, 3:9. Weak saints encouraged by Christ, 1:125; by the church, 1:126. Weakness our own, and Christ our strength, 1:15. Wisdom and power of God in Christ crucified, 3:10; carnal humbled, 1:11, 1:12. Witnessing and sealing Spirit, 1:144. Word of God, 1:53; preached, 1:10, 1:119; see Gospel, Scripture. World, crucifixion to it by the cross, 3:7; the temptations of it, 2:101; its ends, 2:164; mortification to it by the sight of God, 2:41; its creation, 2:147; and preservation, 2:13. Worship of heaven humble, 2:68; profitable, 2:123; condescended to by God, 2:45; Christ present at it, 1:66; 2:15, 2:16; 3:15; accepted through Christ, 2:36, 2:37; formality in it, 1:136; delightful, 2:14, 2:15, 2:16, 2:42. Wrath and mercy of God, 1:42; 2:80; see God, Hell.
Yoke of Christ easy, 1:127. Youth, its vanities, 1:89, 1:90; advised, 1:91.
Zacharia's song, and John's message, 1:50. Zeal in the Christian race, 1:48; 2:129; and love, 1:14; for the gospel, 1:103; 2:3; the want of it, 2:25; against sin, 2:106; for God, 2:116. Zion, her glory and defence, 2:64;
A TABLE of the Scriptures that are Turned into Verse.
In the First Book.
Genesis 3:1, 15, 17 - Hymn 1:107 17:1 - Hymn 1:113 17:7, 10 - Hymn 1:121 22:6 &c. - Hymn 1:129
Job 1:21 - Hymn 1:5 3:14, 15 - Hymn 1:94 4:17, 21 - Hymn 1:82 5:6, 7, 8 - Hymn 1:83 9:2, 10 - Hymn 1:86 14:4 - Hymn 1:57 29:25, 26, 27 - Hymn 1:6
Psalms 3:5, 6 - Hymn 1:80 4:8 - Hymn 1:80 19:5, 8 - Hymn 1:79 49:6, 9 - Hymn 1:24 51:5 - Hymn 1:57 73:24, 25 - Hymn 1:70 139:23, 24 - Hymn 1:136 143:8 - Hymn 1:80 147:19, 20 - Hymn 1:53
Proverbs 8:1, 22, 32 - Hymn 1:92 8:34, 36 - Hymn 1:93
Ecclesiastes 8:8 - Hymn 1:24 9:4, 5, 6, 10 - Hymn 1:88 9:9 - Hymns 1:89 and 1:90
Song of Solomon 1:2-5, 12, 17 - Hymn 1:66 1:7 - Hymn 1:67 2:1,2,3 &c. - Hymn 1:68 2:8, 9 &c. - Hymn 1:96 3:14, 16, 17 - Hymn 1:70 3:1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - Hymn 1:71 3:2 - Hymn 1:72 4:1, 7, 11 - Hymn 1:73 4:12, 14, 15 - Hymn 1:74 5:1 - Hymn 745:9-16 - Hymn 1:75 6:1, 2, 3, 12 - Hymn 1:76 7:5, 6, 9 12, 13 - Hymn 1:77 8:5, 8, 14 - Hymn 1:78
Isaiah 5:2, 7, 10 - Hymn 1:10 9:2, 6, 7 - Hymn 1:13 26L1, 2 &c. - Hymn 1:8 24:8, 20 - Hymn 1:30 38:9 &c. - Hymn 1:55 40:27, 28 &c. - Hymns 1:32 and 1:48 45:7 - Hymn 1:81 45:21, 25 - Hymns 1:84 and 1:85 49:13, 14 &c. - Hymn 1:39 53:1-5, 10-12 - Hymn 1:141 53:6, 9, 12 - Hymn 1:142 55:1, 2 &c. - Hymns 1:7 and 1:9 57:15, 16 - Hymn 1:87 61:10 - Hymn 1:20 63:1, 2, 3 &c. - Hymn 1:28 63:4, 5, 6, 7 - Hymn 1:29 65:20 - Hymn 1:91
Lamentations 3:23 - Hymn 1:81
Ezekiel 36:25 &c. - Hymn 1:9
Micah 7:19 - Hymn 1:9
Nahum 1:1, 2, 3 &c. - Hymn 1:24
Zechariah 13:1 - Hymn 1:9
Matthew 3:9 - Hymn 1:99 5:3, 12 - Hymn 1:102 11:28, 30 - Hymn 1:127 12:20 - Hymn 1:125 13:16, 17 - Hymn 1:10 21:9 - Hymn 1:16 22:37, 40 - Hymn 1:116 28:18, &c. - Hymn 1:128 28:19 - Hymn 1:52
Mark 10:14 - Hymn 1:113 16:15 &c. Hymn 1:128
Luke 1:30 &c. - Hymn 1:3 1:46 &c. - Hymn 1:60 1:68 - Hymn 1:50 2:10 &c. - Hymn 1:3 2:27 - Hymn 1:19 10:21, 22 - Hymns 1:11 and 1:12 15:7, 10 - Hymn 1:101 15:13 &c. - Hymn 1:123 18:10 &c. - Hymn 1:131 19:38, 40 - Hymn 1:16
John 1:1, 3, 14 - Hymn 1:42 1:13 - Hymn 1:95 1:17 - Hymn 1:118 1:29, 32 - Hymn 1:50 3:3 &c. - Hymn 1:95 3:14, 16 - Hymn 1:112 3:16, 17, 18 - Hymn 1:100 4:24 - Hymn 1:136 10:28, 29 - Hymn 1:107
Acts 2:38 - Hymn 1:52 16:14, 15, 33 - Hymn 1:121
Romans 3:19, 22 - Hymn 1:94 5:12 &c. - Hymns 1:57 and 1:124 6:1, 2 6 - Hymn 1:106 6:3, 4 &c. - Hymn 1:122 7:8, 9, 14, 24 - Hymn 1:115 8:14, 16 - Hymn 1:144 8:33 &c. - Hymn 1:14 9:21, 22 &c. - Hymn 1:117 11:16, 17 - Hymn 1:114 14:17, 19 - Hymn 1:126 15:8, 9, 12 - Hymn 1:113
1 Corinthians 1:23, 24 - Hymn 1:119 1:26, 3 - Hymn 1:96 1:39 - Hymns 1:97 and 1:98 2:9, 10 - Hymn 1:105 3:6, 7 - Hymn 1:119 6:10, 11 - Hymn 1:104 10:32 - Hymn 1:126 13:1, 2, 3 - Hymn 1:134 13:2, 3, 7, 13 - Hymn 1:183 15:55 &c. - Hymn 1:1
2 Corinthians 2:16 - Hymn 1:119 5:1, 5, 8 - Hymn 1:110 12:7, 9, 10 - Hymn 1:15
Galatians 4:4 - Hymn 1:107 4:6 - Hymn 1:64
Ephesians 1:3 &c. - Hymn 1:54 1:13, 14 - Hymn 1:144 3:9, 10 - Hymn 1:2 3:16 &c. - Hymn 1:135 4:30 &c. - Hymn 1:130
Philippians 2:2 - Hymn 1:130 3:7, 8, 9 - Hymn 1:109
Colossians 1:16 - Hymn 1:2 2:15 - Hymn 1:107
2 Timothy 1:9, 10 - Hymn 1:137 1:12 - Hymn 1:103 3:15, 16 - Hymn 1:53 4:6, 7, 8, 18 - Hymn 1:27
Titus 2:10, 13 - Hymn 1:132 3:3, 7 - Hymn 1:111
Hebrews 1:1 - Hymn 1:53 3:3, 5, 6 - Hymn 1:111 4:15, 16 - Hymn 1:125 5:7 - Hymn 125 6:17, 19 - Hymn 1:139 Chapter 7 - Hymn 1:145 Chapter 9 - Hymn 1:145 10:28, 29 - Hymn 1:118 11:1, 3, 8, 10 - Hymn 1:120
1 Peter 1:3, 4, 5 - Hymn 1:26 1:8 - Hymn 1:108
1 John 3:1 &c. - Hymn 1:64
Jude Verses 24 and 25 - Hymn 1:51
Revelation 1:5, 6, 7 - Hymn 1:61 5:6, 8, 12 - Hymns 1:1 and 1:25 5:11-13 - Hymns 1:62 and 1:63 7:13 &c. - Hymns 1:40 and 1:41 11.15 - Hymn 1:65 12:7 - Hymn 1:58 14:13 - Hymn 1:18 15:3 - Hymns 1:49 and 1:56 16:19 - Hymn 1:56 17:6 - Hymn 1:56 18:20, 21 - Hymn 1:59 21:1, 2, 3, 4 - Hymn 1:21 21:5, 6, 7, 8 - Hymn 1:45 21:27 - Hymn 1:105
In the Third Book.
Luke 2:28 - Hymn 3:14 14:16 - Hymn 3:12 14:17, 23 - Hymn 3:13 22:19 - Hymn 3:6
John 6:31, 35, 39 - Hymn 3:5 14:3 - Hymn 3:6 16:16 - Hymn 3:6
1 Corinthians 10:16, 17 - Hymn 3:2 11:23 &c. - Hymn 3:1
Galatians 4:14 - Hymn 3:7
1 John Verse 6 - Hymn 3:9