Once in a while you may find clinging in a low bush a pretty little green snake. It will readily submit to being handled and is perfectly harmless. We have found these snakes useful in the house to kill flies. The harmless snakes are the brown snake, the common banded moccasin, the black mountain snake, the green snake. The garter and ring-necked snakes wear Eve's wedding-ring as a collar. They cannot hurt and they eat up quantities of insects, but beware of the yellow and brown rattlesnakes, especially after rainy weather, for it is said that after wet weather they cannot make any noise with their rattles and therefore you are not warned of their presence. The most deadly snake, the moccasin, is brownish with a flat head.
The green lizards, too, will almost rid a house of flies if left to wander about at will. The fence lizard, a scaly alligator looking chap, is just as useful but never gets tame.
Try petting a toad some time. He will get to be quite at home in a garden and pay well, for he will eat all kinds of destructive insects. Some gardeners buy toads, paying as high as a quarter apiece, for they know how much good they can do. A toad digs his hole backwards. Watch him and see the fun. In the spring if there is water near he may be induced to sing to you. If you think he is slow and clumsy you have only to see how quick he can catch a fly.
Provisioning a Camp
This should be a matter of mature consideration. Unless there is some place near by where deficiencies can be supplied your camp may be a misery instead of a pleasure. Have lists made out of the things each is to bring, if it is to be a cooperative affair. It may be best to have a committee, even if it is a committee of one, to do all the buying. But even in this case individual tastes must be consulted. A full list should be made out and strictly adhered to. At one camp where each brought what she thought best there were six cans of soup, four pounds of sugar, and no tea or coffee.
Canned goods are all very well if you do not have to carry them too far. So too are potatoes. For lightness on long trips, dried fruits and meal or grits are a wise selection. Oatmeal is light and easy to cook. Prepared batter-cake flour is a pure joy to the camp cook. Once when camping in the mountains we had unexpected difficulties. We were at such an elevation that water boiled at too low a temperature to cook many things "done," so the frying-pan there reigned supreme. As to that same frying-pan be sure to select the "long handled kind." If not you will have to splice out the handle with a long stick. Never pack up your "unwetables" in paper bags. At any time a shower or even a heavy dew at night may make you run short on salt, sugar, or flour. Covered tin cans are too cheap to make it necessary to run any such risks. Have a lantern and oil of course. Candles blow out too easily to be of much use. For sudden calls for a light the pocket electric affair is very good and cheap. Keep it standing up. The batteries waste quite fast if it is left down on the side.
The quantity of provisions to be taken depends on the length of stay. Consult any good military or naval ration list and a very good guess can be made. They all seem to lay stress on beans which certainly are very good if you have the "Boston" appetite.
Keep your camp clean. Keep it in order. Let your motto be, "Tidy as you go." It is as bad to have to hunt for a thing you want in camp as it is at home and particularly exasperating if, when you have found it, you must wash it before using. "A place for everything and that place anywhere" is a bad camp rule, though it does sound as if it was a real easy way of disposing of the matter. Dig a hole to throw slops in and do not let them "fly" on the ground. You may want to sit down right there. Whatever the birds will eat should be put aside for them. All other scraps and things that may become offensive must be buried. Don't start to breed flies or fever. When near the water some part of this rule may be dispensed with in favor of the fish and crabs. They may be judiciously baited up, but if you are going to fish for them see that they are not overfed.
There are times and seasons when wild fruits and berries are a most welcome addition to the camp fare, but unless you are perfectly sure of the supply do not reckon on them too much in making up your provision list. Better let them be a sort of joyful surprise. So too of fish and game. "Don't count your chickens before they are hatched." Fresh smilax shoots can scarcely be told from asparagus. Palmetto cabbage well cooked is fine; poorly prepared it is vile. Let some one that knows about these things "do" them for you.
The "gipsy kettle" is picturesque and only picturesque. Drive a stout crotched stake on each side of the fire and put a stout stick across them. Use strong wire hooks—S-shaped on which to hang pots over the fire. If hung through the handle on the stick they are apt to boil over and put out the fire before you know it. They may be quickly lifted from the wire hooks as soon as they begin to look dangerous. Even the coffee-pot may be rigged with a wire handle by which to be hung. Wire and string are our special hobbies in camp. Fan a fire instead of blowing it. Your breath has lost most of its combustible gas. A tin or wooden plate makes a good fan. Put away dry kindling every night. You don't know what sort of weather it will be tomorrow.
Use all precaution against your fire spreading. This is particularly necessary where there are tents. A dry tent will almost "whisk" up in smoke if the fire catches it. Rake dry leaves well away from about the fire. It may be best sometimes to make "a burn" round the camp. Do this a little at a time beating out all traces of the fire in the part burnt over. Be in no hurry about this but be thorough. Leave no smouldering embers or chunks of rotten wood smoking behind you. Burn clean as you go.
Camp Oven
The camp kitchen or camp oven is made with two lines of soda bricks, stones, or thick logs flattened at the top, about six feet long, slightly splayed from each other, being four inches apart at one end and eight inches at the other. The big end should be towards the wind, so that a sort of tunnel is formed in the big end at windward. Start your fire and the draught will carry the heat along the tunnel.
Daily Routine in Camp
Have a set of general orders posted every morning. There should be one officer of the day and one orderly. These will be appointed in turn. The general order should be read before breakfast and include all duties and so far as possible the excursions and games for the day. In appointing cooks and details for the various duties be sure not to work the "willing horse" too hard but let all share as much alike as possible. Some will always want to volunteer too often and some will try to avoid certain duties distasteful to themselves or "swap" with others. This should not be allowed but helping must never be barred completely. Inspect camp personally at least once a day and call attention to shortcomings kindly without chiding. You can help your girls to help themselves. A "driver" in camp is sure to breed hard feelings and cause discontent. The camp is a hard school for the instructor. One of the necessary laws in a camp is that after lights are out at night, no one must speak. Silence should reign.
* * * * *
In some places mosquitoes are very troublesome. Oil of citronella will drive them away for a time but a "smudge" may be necessary. They won't stay in smoke or wind, so hunt the breeze. There are some other flies just as bad to which the same treatment may be applied. "Black-flies" of the northern woods are about the worst insect pest in America, though the mosquitoes in some parts of the South, are nearly as bad. In some of the coast regions, too, there is a species of "sand-fly" or midge that is exceedingly annoying, but all of these are readily controlled by the "smudge." This is a steady smoke not necessarily of an ill-smelling nature. One of the very best materials for a "smudge" is green cedar branches. They need some pretty hot coals to keep them smouldering but are very effective.
Very few accidents need happen in camp. But still it may be a wise precaution to go over with each patrol, before the camping trip, some simple exercise in bandaging and other "First Aid" exercises. In a book of the scope of this one it is not possible to give a full course of instruction in such matters, so it seems best to make only casual mention and leave details to the judgment of the patrol leaders and captains.
If any boating is to be a part of the program they should inform themselves carefully which of their patrol can swim and just how expert they are. Also instruct in methods of throwing things to a drowning person or one who has just met with some mishap in a boat—such for instance as losing an oar. A board or a plank should not be thrown toward a person in the water but launched toward them. When adrift in an unmanageable boat cast anchor and wait for assistance. Never rock a boat for fun. A Scout who so far forgets herself as to do such a foolhardy act should be forbidden to go into a boat again for some time as a punishment. Most drowning accidents are from some such fun. It is sin—not fun.
When bathing obey strictly all orders regarding distance to be ventured and other rules. You may think they are mere summary restrictions but you are probably not the best judge.
Last summer a party of boys were bathing. Contrary to orders they scattered apart instead of keeping close together. While the Captain's back was turned looking after the smaller boys, some of the big boys began to dare each other to go farther and farther out. When the Captain blew the whistle for them some still persisted in swimming away from the beach and one of them was drowned. And to make it still worse he drowned in shallow water where, if he had only known or had kept his wits about him, he could have waded ashore.
Camp Orders
In going into camp it is essential to have a few "Standing Orders" published, which may be added to from time to time, if necessary. These should be carefully explained to patrol leaders, who should then be held fully responsible for their Scouts carrying them out exactly.
Such orders might point out that each patrol will camp separately from the others, and that there will be a comparison between the respective camps as to cleanliness and good order of tents and surrounding ground.
Patrol leaders to report on the good or indifferent work of their Scouts, which will be recorded in the Captain's book of marks.
Bathing should be under strict supervision to prevent non-swimmers getting into dangerous water. No girl must bathe when not well.
Bathing picket of two good swimmers will be on duty while bathing is going on, and ready to help any girl in distress. This picket will be in the boat with bathing costume and overcoat on. They may bathe only when the general bathing is over and the last of the bathers has left the water. If bathing in the surf, a stake should be driven into the sand on the beach and a rope securely fastened to the stake so that non-swimmers can hold on to the rope in the water.
Orders as to what is to be done in case of fire alarm.
Orders as to boundaries, grounds to be worked over, damages to fences, property, good drinking water, etc.
No Scout allowed out of bounds without leave.
No lads allowed inside bounds without leave.
Camping Equipment Necessary for One Week or Longer
1 Transport wagon. 2 Tents for girls. 1 Tent for officer. 3 Mallets and sufficient tent-pegs. 2 Blankets for each Scout. 2 Blankets for officer. 1 Kit bag each (2 ft. by 1 ft. or bigger). 8 Waterproof ground sheets. 3 Buckets. 3 Hurricane lamps. 2 Balls of twine (medium). 1 Spade. 1 Hatchet.
Kitchen Equipment
Bowls. 2 Saucepans. 1 Large frying pan. Kettle. Gridiron. Butcher knife. Kitchen fork. Spoons, ladles, and tea strainer. Six tea cloths. Cleaning rags. Chopping board and knife. Kitchen soap and scouring powder. 1 Dish pan.
Clothing and Equipment for Each Scout
1 Set of underwear, cotton flannel nightgown, and lisle or cotton stockings for each week. Do not take silk stockings. 1 Dress besides Scout uniform. 1 Pair heavy shoes. 1 Pair rubbers. 3 Handkerchiefs. 1 Apron. 1 Sweater or coat. Hairbrush and comb and tooth-brush. 3 Towels. Haversack. 2 Pillow-cases. Soap and wash rag or sponge. Bathing suit. 1 Plate. 1 Cup and saucer. "Hussif" fitted with needles, thread, scissors. Paper pad and envelopes and pencil. Knife and fork. Teaspoon and large spoon. 2 Woolen blankets.
Useful Knots
Everyone should be able to tie knots. A knowledge of knots is useful in every trade or calling, and forms an important part of a Girl Scout's training.
As it may happen some day that a life may depend on a knot being properly tied you ought to know the proper way.
THE BOWLINE is a loop that will not slip after the first grip. First make a loop, then pass the end up through it, round the back of the standing part, and down through the loop again. It is often used as a halter for horses.
THE RUNNING BOWLINE. This is the nautical slip knot. First make the loop as in the ordinary bowline but allow a good length of end (A). Pass it round the standing part and up through the loop, and continue as in the ordinary bowline.
THE REEF KNOT. It is used to join two dry ropes of the same thickness. It will not slip, and can be easily untied when wanted. Do not confuse it with the "Granny" knot. It is the only knot used in First Aid work.
THE CLOVE HITCH is made with two half-hitches. When fastened to a pole and pulled tight it can slip neither up nor down. Greatly used in pioneering work.
THE HALF-HITCH. Pass the end round a pole, then round the standing part, then through below itself again.
THE FISHERMAN'S KNOT. Make this knot by tying a simple knot on rope B with the end of rope A, then tie a similar knot on rope A with the end of rope B. Pull the standing parts and the knots will remain fast.
ROUND TURN AND TWO HALF-HITCHES. It is used for making fast a rope so that the strain will not jamb hitches.
THE SHEET BEND. Used for uniting two dry ropes of different thicknesses. First form a loop, then pass the end of the other rope up through the loop, round the back of the end and standing part of loop, and through below itself.
THE SHEEP-SHANK. A Scout should never cut rope unless absolutely necessary. To shorten a guy rope on tent or marquee, gather the rope in the form of two long loops and pass a half-hitch over each loop. It remains firm under a good strain and can be easily undone when required.
MIDDLEMAN'S KNOT. Somewhat similar to the fisherman's knot but in this case only one rope is used. Can safely be used as a halter.
THE SLIP KNOT. You sometimes want to release a knot quickly so this knot is used. It is simply the reef knot with one of the ends (A) pushed through one of the loops. To release, pull end A.
OVERHAND LOOP KNOT. When pulling a rope you may wish to gain more purchase on it or you may wish to insert a short stick to pull with. Use the loop knot shown in our diagram.
IMPORTANT. Many of the knots shown on these pages are open so that you may more easily see their working, but when in use they should always be drawn taut.
The Mariner's Compass
Boxing the compass consists in enumerating the points beginning with north and working around the circle as follows:
North North by East North, Northeast Northeast by North Northeast Northeast by East East, Northeast East by North East East by South East, Southeast Southeast by East Southeast Southeast by South South, Southeast South by East South South by West South, Southwest Southwest by South Southwest Southwest by West West, Southwest West by South West West by North West, Northwest Northwest by West Northwest Northwest by North North, Northwest North by West North
How to Read a Map
Conventional Signs & Lettering Used in Field Sketching
Conventional Signs enable you to give information on a sketch or map in a simple manner which is easily understood. In addition to the sign it is often necessary to give an additional description, e. g., whether a railway is double or single, the width of roads, the nature of woods (oak, pine, etc.), etc.
Whatever lettering is used should be legible and not interfere with the detail of the sketch. All lettering should be horizontal, except the names of roads, railways, rivers, and canals, which should be written along them.
Remember to fill in the North point on your sketch, as it is useless without it. Leave a margin of about an inch all round your sketch and state the scale that you have made your sketch, e. g., two inches to the mile.
Used on Submarine Cables, Wireless and in Foreign Countries
A .- B -... C -.-. D -.. E . F ..-. G —. H .... I .. J .—- K -.- L .-.. M — N -. O —- P .—. Q —.- R .-. S ... T - U ..- V ...- W .— X -..- Y -.— Z —..
1 .—— 2 ..—- 3 ...— 4 ....- 5 ..... 6 -.... 7 —... 8 —-.. 9 ——. 0 ——-
Period ...... Comma .-.-.- Interrogation ..—.. Colon —-... Semi-colon -.-.-. Quotation Marks .-..-.
The letter A is used for the word "Error" " " K " " " " " "Negative" " " L " " " " " "Preparatory" " " N " " " " " "Annulling" " " O " " " " " "Interrogatory" " " P " " " " " "Affirmative" " " R " " " " " "Acknowledgment"
The Morse Code of Signals is not hard to learn but it requires much practice to "receive" even when the message is sent slowly. The old-fashioned instruments were fitted with a ribbon on which the dots and dashes were recorded, but all modern operators depend on the ear.
The code is as follows:
A .- B -... C ... D -.. E . F .-. G —. H .... I .. J -.-. K -.- L - M — N -. O . . P ..... Q ..-. R ... S ... T - U ..- V ...- W .— X .-.. Y .. .. Z ... . & . ... $ ... .-..
1.—. 2..-.. 3...-. 4....- 5 —- 6...... 7 —.. 8 -.... 9 -..- 0 — [1 long dash, not 2 regular dashes]
Comma, . —. — Semi-colon, Si Colon, Ko Period, .. — —.. Interrogation, —.. —. Quotation, Qn Paragraph, — — — — Exclamation, — — — Parenthesis, Pn Brackets, Bn Dollar mark, Sx Dash, Dx Hyphen, Hx Underline, Ux
4. Start me. 5. Have you anything for me? 9. Train order (or important military message)—give away. 13. Do you understand?
All sorts of changes may be made when the signals are committed to memory. Flags—up for a dot and side for a dash is one of the commonest and easiest for the beginner; or whistles—long and short blasts. Even the hand or a hat may be substituted; coughing, stamping, and scratching with the foot or a bit of stick. In fact endless changes may be invented for use with this Code.
For the use of the Girl Scouts the following list of words of command and whistle signals has been compiled.
"Fall in" (in line). "Alert" (stand up smartly). "Easy" (stand at ease). "Sit easy" (sit or lie in ranks). "Dismiss" (break off). "Right" or "Left" (turn accordingly). "Patrol right or patrol left" (patrol in line wheels). "Quick march" (step off with the left foot first). "Double" (run with arms down). "Scouts' pace" (walk fifty paces and run fifty paces alternately).
Whistle Signals
1. One long blast means "Silence," "Alert," "Listen for next signal."
2. A succession of long slow blasts means "Go out," "Get farther away," or "Advance," "Extend," "Scatter."
3. A succession of quick short blasts means "Rally," "Close in," "Come together," "Fall in."
4. Alternate short and long blasts mean "Alarm," "Look out," "Be ready," "Man your alarm posts."
5. Three short blasts followed by one long one from the Captain calls up the patrol leaders.
Any whistle signal must be instantly obeyed at the double as fast as you can run, regardless of anything you may be doing.
By previous agreement many other signals may be arranged. It all depends on the exigencies to be met or the special order or information to be conveyed. But these few important signals should be strictly adhered to in all drills and exercises of Scouts. The compiler of the present volume thinks it unwise to print the secret words so they are left for the patrol leaders and Captain to communicate verbally.
Hand Signals
"ADVANCE"} Swing the arm from rear to front, below the shoulder. "FORWARD"}
"RETIRE" Circle the arm above the head.
"HALT" Raise the arm to full extension above head.
"DOUBLE" The closed fist moved up and down between your shoulder and thigh.
"QUICK TIME" To change from the "Double" to the "Quick Time," raise the hand to the shoulder.
"REINFORCE" Swing the arm from the rear to the front above the shoulder.
"LIE DOWN" With the open hand make two or three slight movements towards the ground.
"WHEEL" Extend your arm in line with your shoulder and make a circular movement in the direction required.
"INCLINE" Extend your arm in line with your shoulder and make a turn with your body in the direction required.
Indian Signs
Burnt sticks are placed at the last camp-fire to tell the direction the Indians have gone from this spot. Two of them always make a V point and if the third is laid at the point of the V it means north. Across the open end of the V it means south. At one side V it means east and V would mean west. Now the above mark as made to indicate south would really mean southwest, if the stick which indicates direction were a little way to the west side V-. Northwest would be V_.
V North V South V East V West V- Southwest V_ Northwest
Scout Signs.
- Sign Secret Meaning. Patrol or Troop Sign. - [symbol] Road to be followed. [symbol] Letter hidden 3 paces from here in direction of arrow. [symbol] This path not to be followed. [symbol] "I have gone home." [symbol] War or trouble about. [symbol] Peace. [symbol] We camped here because one of us was sick. [symbol] A long way to good water, go in direction of arrow. [symbol] Good water not far, in this direction. [symbol] This is good water. [symbol] Signature of Scout No. 4 of the Fox Patrol, 21st Glasgow. -
Shaking a blanket: I want to talk to you.
Hold up a tree-branch: I want to make peace.
Hold up a weapon (axe) means war: I am ready to fight.
Hold up a pole horizontally, with hands on it: I have found something.
All Scouts should know how to shoot. By this we do not mean that you should go all day behind some big dog and try to kill the birds he finds for you, for that is the most useless form of shooting, all things considered, that can be devised. What we mean is that Scouts should know how to load and fire a gun or other firearm so as not to be at a loss for a means of defense should an emergency arise. It is one of the best means to "be prepared." Our preference for practice of this kind is a small rifle as it is less dangerous than any form of pistol and it affords excellent training for hand and eye. Avoid, however, the very high power modern firearms—that kind that "shoot today and kill next week," as there is too much danger of reaching some one that is out of sight. The same may be said of the automatic pistol which fills too large a circle with missiles of sudden death.
The bows and arrows of our ancestors are not to be despised as a means of training hand and eye. Archery is excellent practice for the eye, and good exercise for the muscles. It makes no noise, does not disturb game or warn the enemy. Scouts should know how to shoot with bows and arrows, and they can make them for themselves. The arrow, twenty-six inches long, must be as "straight as an arrow" and tipped with a heavy head, with wings to keep it level. Ash wood is the best. The bow should be unstrung when not in use, or it will get bent. It is usually made your own height. Old gloves should be worn.
How to Find the Time by the Stars
Fig. 1 shows the stars around the northern pole of the heavens (Pole Star), and the Pointers of the Great Bear, which direct us to the Pole Star.
Since all stars appear to rise in the East and set in the West (which is really due to our earth turning round under them), the Pointers revolve once around the Pole Star in the opposite direction to the hands of a clock, once in twenty-four hours, or they swing through a quarter of a circle once in six hours; it is thus a simple matter after a little practice to judge what part of the imaginary circle they will pass through in an hour or less.
Assuming that all the stars rise four minutes earlier each night, and that the Pointers of the Plough are vertically above the Pole at midnight at the end of February, we may calculate the position of the Pointers for any hour of the night.
The First Twenty Stars in Order of Brightness
Date of rising at 9 P.M. in the East.
1. Sirius, the Dog-star Dec. 4 2. (Canopus, of the Ship) 3. (Alpha, of the Centaur) 4. Vega, of the Lyre April 1 5. Capella, of the Charioteer Aug. 21 6. Arcturus, of the Herdsman Feb. 20 7. Rigel, of Orion Nov. 4 8. Procyon, the Little Dog-star Nov. 27 9. (Achernar, of Eridanus) 10. (Beta, of the Centaur) 11. Altair, of the Eagle May 26 12. Betelgeux, of Orion's right shoulder Oct. 30 13. (Alpha, of the Southern Cross) 14. Aldebaran, of the Bull's right eye Oct. 2 15. Pollux, of the Twins Nov. 4 16. Spica, of the Virgin Mar. 1 17. Antares, of the Scorpion May 9 18. Fomalhaut, of the Southern Fish Aug. 27 19. Deneb, of the Swan Apr. 22 20. Regulus, of the Lion Jan. 1
Then there is another set of stars representing a man wearing a sword and a belt, named "Orion." It is easily recognized by the three stars in line, which are the belt, and three smaller stars in another line, close by, which are the sword. Then two stars to right and left below the sword are his feet, while two more above the belt are his shoulders, and a group of three small stars between them make his head.
Now the great point about Orion is that by him you can always tell which way the North or Pole Star lies, and which way the South, as you can see him whether you are in the South or the North part of the world. The Great Bear can be seen only when you are in the North, and the Southern Cross when you are in the South.
If you draw a line by holding up your staff against the sky, from the center star of Orion's belt through the center of his head, and carry that line on through two big stars till it comes to a third, that third one is the North or Pole Star.
Then if you draw a line the other way, beginning again with the center star of the belt, and passing through the center star of the sword, your line goes through another group of stars shaped like the letter L. And if you go about as far again past L, you come to the South Pole, which unfortunately is not marked by any star. Roughly Orion's sword, the three small stars, points North and South.
East and West. Orion sets due west, and rises due east, so that, if you can catch him rising or setting, you know where the points of the compass are. Constellations, such as Orion, or the Bull, rise in the east, four minutes earlier each succeeding night—that is about half an hour earlier every Saturday.
Read The Song of the Fifty Stars by Arthur A. Carey, and try to find each star on a chart and then in the Heavens.
The Song of the Fifty Stars
Alpherat, Caph, and Algenib—three leading stars— Move in front of all the host, Turning from East to West, Over the rounded dome; And, near the head of the line, the Star of the North, Polaris, turns his round and marks the hub of the wheel.
From Alpherat, North and East, Andromeda shoots, Like a branch, with Mirach and Almach; while, far in the South, Achernar shines, a beacon-light, at the "End of the River."
From Almach pass to Algol, of the changing face, Called by the Arabs the Demon— The Medusa of the Greeks.
But, not so fast! lest we forget the little changing star Whose place is West of Algol, farther South— Mira, "the Wonderful," in Cetus or the Whale.
Algol leads to Mirfach, the brightest star of Perseus, Who saved the captive Andromeda, daughter of Cepheus, "the Monarch," And royal Cassiopeia.
Then comes, surrounded by her sisters, gentle Alcyone, The peaceful, daughter of the King who rules the tempestuous winds; And, running in pursuit of these—the happy Pleiades— Aldebaran, "the Follower," shines from the eye of the Bull.
Next comes Capella—the Mother Goat—watching her three Kids; Her yellow light the color of our Sun.
Capella and Rigel move in line, and afterwards comes Nath, Who marks the horn of the butting Bull.
Orion, the Hunter, on the Equator—the Giant of the Arabs— Shines glorious North and South; Bellatrix his left shoulder; Mintaka marks his belt.
After Mintaka comes Betelgeux, right shoulder of Orion; While, between them in order, though farther North, Is Zeta of Taurus, the Bull, who marks the other horn.
The next is Menkalinan, the shoulder of the Charioteer; And, two degrees to the Eastward, the Circle of the Solstice passes by. While, far down in the South, Canopus gleams from the stern of Argo, the Ship.
Sirius, Star of the Greater Dog, brightest of all in the heavens, Is followed by Castor, one of the Twins. While Procyon—"Dog-in-advance"—the bright "forerunner" of Sirius, Is followed by Pollux, the greater of the Twins.
Next Regulus comes in the Lion's heart, Denebola, the tip of his tail; While, between them in order, Merak and Dubhe, the pointers, Point to their aim in the North.
Two brilliant stars in the Southern Cross are Alpha and Beta Crucis, The former a glorious double Sun, with a third star in attendance; To see them ourselves we must travel far, But we know that the glory is great in the South, Although from us it is hidden.
Next, in the hand of the Virgin, the pointed Ear of Wheat— Spica of the Romans— Not far from the Autumn Equinox.
Now, back to the North we go, and look for Mizar and Alcor— The Indian Squaw with the little papoose on her back, And the tip of the tail of the Greater Bear Where Benetnasch commands.
Now, again to the South, where the forefeet of the Centaur Are marked by Beta and Alpha;—the former is known as Hadar—"the Ground";— The latter sun is nearest to ours And famous as Serk-t, toward whom the ancient Egyptians Turned their temples in homage—
And, between them in order, the great and distant Arcturus Shines out warm in the North.
Pulcherrima—most beautiful—must be sought by those who love her; For she is modest and shy in the presence of the Great One.
Nearby is Gemma, the Bud, In the beautiful Northern Crown.
Near the point where the "roof-tree" crosses the Zodiac Ring Is a warm, red star in Scorpio. This is Antares; while, in the North, Etanin marks the Dragon's head.
Mu Sagitarii—closer still to the Solstice and Ecliptic— Marks the northern part of the heavenly Archer's bow.
On summer evenings, high above our heads, Vega shines with cool and brilliant light; While, to the South and East, is Altair of the Eagle.
Nearby is the Northern Cross, or Cygnus, Whom we call "the Swan," With Deneb Adige marking her outspread tail.
The nose of Pegasus, the soaring horse, Shines out in the star Enif, or Epsilon of Pegasus—a triple star— While Fomalhaut gleams in the South, Guarding the Fish's Mouth.
Now Scheat and Markab, hand in hand, watch for the stragglers— Bringing up the rear of all the Fifty Stars that have passed by.
The Sun Clock
When you have been able to find the North Star it will be very easy to set up a sun-dial. This device is not so valuable now as standard time is universally used. If you know the difference between "sun time" and standard time, the sun-dial can be referred to with a fair amount of accuracy and many people regard it as a curiosity.
Select a place where the sun shines all day and the ground is level. Set up a post or stake perpendicular and firm. At night go and "sight" a straight stick at the North Star and fasten it securely. This stick will now be parallel to the axis of the earth and its shadow will fall at the same line on any given hour no matter what season of the year it may be. At noon by the sun the shadows of the slanting stick and the upright one will coincide. This gives you the "sun noon" and the time by a standard watch or clock will tell you what correction to apply to your dial to convert its time into standard. Having once established the noon, or "no hour" mark the I, II, III, IV, V, and VI with stakes. Then calculate the correct sun time of VI A.M. by your standard watch and stake out the morning hours. Halves and even quarters can be marked between if you wish.
A flower dial can be made by having your upright post a pretty tall one, say ten or even twenty feet, and planting rows of flowers like spokes of a wheel along the hour lines. It may be possible even to select such as are likely to open at or near the indicated hour. The entire semicircle of pegs will also make a pretty finish with tall ornamental foliage plants or shrubs.
Make a sun-dial on the ground, mark the hours with stones or sticks, and see if it shows the time every day.
Scouts must be able to find their way by night, but unless they practise it they are very apt to lose themselves. At night distances seem much greater, and land-marks are hard to see.
When patrolling in dark places, keep closer together, and in the dark or in the woods or caves keep in touch with each other by catching hold of the end of the next Scout's staff.
The staff is also useful for feeling the way.
WINTER EVENINGS.—Cut out a quantity of little stars from stamp edging. Take an old umbrella, open, and stick the stars inside it, in the patterns of the chief constellations, then hold it overhead, and turn it once round for twenty-four hours, making the stars rise in the east.
The sun and the moon appear almost the same size as a rule. When we are a little nearer the sun, in winter, he looks a trifle larger than the moon.
To study the constellations, go out when the stars are bright, armed with a star map and a bicycle lamp to read it by, and spread a rug on the ground to lie on, or have a deck-chair, or hammock. Watch for meteors in August and November.
Let each girl try to draw a sketch map of a given constellation, from memory.
Now what about the gardens, for it goes without saying that Girl Scouts must have gardens. Getting right down and smelling the fresh soil is good for any one. It is mother earth's own breath. Watching the growth of our seeds is a veritable joy of joys. But what had we better plant? Why not let every one plant at least one tree? Never mind what kind of a tree. We will talk about that in a minute but decide at the outset that you will have at least one tree growing this year. Your trees will be a legacy to posterity, a gift from the Girl Scouts to their country. For in this United States of ours we have cut down too many trees and our forests are fast following the buffalo. Nay, the bare face of the land has already begun to prove less attractive to the gentle rains of heaven and offers far too open a path to the raw blasts of winter. In many sections of our country the climate is drier and colder than it was before so much of the forest was destroyed. We are just waking up to this sad fact which it will take many years to rectify. So let us plant trees.
A tree is a tree anyway be it large or small. Some are useful food producers while others are of value for ornament or timber. All are good. There are no bad trees. So if you plant and raise a tree there can be no mistake. Whatever kind you select you will have done well. Fruit and nut trees will of course appeal most strongly to the young, especially to those with good healthy appetites. Many very young trees can be made to return some fruit in a comparatively short time by being budded or grafted. Scouts should learn how to bud and graft. It is not hard. Pears, plums, figs, and peaches all do well in the South as do also some apples and grapes. Peach trees though are in the main short-lived. But trees of different kinds can be grown all over the country. Apples and pears are at their best in the North and many kinds are very long-lived trees. There are apple trees known to be a hundred years old still bearing. Sugar maple does well where there are long winters, and a wood of them—locally called a "sugar bush"—is a paying piece of property. Most fruit trees are best bought from dealers or obtained from your friends. They do not come "true," as it is called, from the seed. A Baldwin apple-seed will not produce a Baldwin apple. But as all the varieties are got by selecting from seedlings we can experiment if we wish. We are already saving apple-seeds for next year, and it will certainly be grand if we can get a new kind of apple and name it the Girl Scout.
We shall not make many suggestions about flowers. Any and all kinds of flowers will do in your gardens but do not neglect our own wild ones. Take the goldenrod for instance. The finest we have ever seen is grown in a city garden. Many other of our wild flowers will bear cultivating and some well repay the care necessary to "tame" them. The atamasco lily seems to be perfectly at home in the garden and so does the bloodroot. Violets of course would be favorites if our native species were not with one exception scentless. As any gardener's book will tell you all about our "tame" flowers it is not necessary to say much about them.
Part IV
Girl Scouts should do everything in their power to make and keep their homes healthy as well as happy.
Most of you cannot choose your own dwelling, but whether you live in a house, a cottage, a flat, in rooms, or even in one room of a house, you can do a very great deal to keep it healthy and pure.
Fresh air is your great friend; it will help you to fight disease better than anything else. Open all your windows as often as you can, so that the air may get into every nook and corner. Never keep an unused room shut up. You know what a stagnant pool is like—no fresh water runs through it, it is green and slimy, and full of insects and dead things; you would not care to bathe in it. Well, still and stuffy air in a house is very much worse, only, unluckily, its dangers cannot be seen, but they are there lying in ambush for the ignorant person. Disease germs, poisonous gases, mildew, insects, dust, and dirt have it all their own way in stale, used-up air.
You do not like to wash in water other people have used, but it is far worse to breathe air other people have breathed. Air does not flow in and flow out of the same opening at the same time any more than water does, so you want two openings in a room—an open window to let the good air in, and a fireplace and chimney to let the stale air out, or, where there is no fireplace, a window open both at top and bottom. The night air in large towns is purer than the day air, and both in town and country you should sleep with your window open if you want to be healthy. Draughts are not good, as they carry away the heat from your body too fast; so if your bed is too near the window, put up a shelter between it and the open window, and cover yourself more. At least one window on a staircase or landing should always be kept open, and also the larder and the closet windows.
Motto: "TIDY AS YOU GO."
Half your time will be saved if little things are kept tidy. Have a place for everything, and have everything in its place. If you are not sure which is the right place for a thing, think "Where, if I wanted it, should I go to look for it?" That place is the right one. Get into the habit of always making hanks of any string you get, and keep them.
War must be waged against rats and mice, or they will multiply and loot everything. If you have no mouse-traps, put a newspaper over a pail of water, break a hole slightly in the center in the form of a star, and place a bit of herring or cheese on the center tips of star to entice the mouse. Let the paper reach to the floor, not too upright, for the mouse to climb up. Try putting broken camphor into their holes; they dislike the smell. Fly and wasp traps are made by tying paper over a tumbler half-filled with water and beer or treacle. Break a hole in the paper, and fit in a tube of rolled paper about one inch long and one inch across.
Try to keep yourself neat, and see that the house you live in is clean, sweet, and pleasant.
Contributed by Dr. Thomas D. Wood.
1. Remember Fresh Air and Sunlight Are The Best Medicines.
Ventilate, therefore, every room you occupy. Germs cannot live more than a few minutes in sunlight. Breathe deeply, sleep out, if you can. Work and play as much as possible out-of-doors.
2. Be Not the Slave of Unhygienic Fashions.
Be proud to have efficient feet. Wear light, loose and porous, but sufficient clothing.
3. Eat Slowly.
Do not eat between meals. Chew food thoroughly. Do not overeat. Remember a Girl Scout is always cheerful and helpful. She eats what is provided and is thankful for it. (She does not complain about her food.) If there are any suggestions she can make, she reserves them until mother or the (camp) cook is preparing the menu or the meal. Eat some hard, some bulky and some raw foods.
4. Drink Pure Water at Frequent Intervals.
Remember that not all water that looks pure is free from disease germs. Boil the water if the Scout leader (or older person) is doubtful about it. The few minutes spent in boiling and cooling water is time well spent. Do not drink water when there is food in the mouth.
5. Be Mistress of Your Time—Be Regular in Your Habits of Life.
Go to bed early enough to get sufficient sleep. Be in bed 10-1/2 to 10 hours each night. Get up in the morning promptly. Do not doze after it is time to get up. If you have not had enough sleep go to bed earlier the next night.
Be sure your bowels move regularly, at least once a day. If outside engagements are so pressing as to conflict with your personal health, remember you have an important "previous engagement" with yourself for sufficient time for meals, sleep, out-of-door exercise and, if necessary, rest.
6. Avoid Infection and Do Not Spread It.
Wash your hands always before eating. Use your handkerchief to cover a sneeze or cough and try to avoid coughing, sneezing or blowing the nose in front of others, or at the table. Do not use a common towel or drinking cup, or other appliance which may contain disease germs.
7. Keep Clean.
The smell of flowers has been said to be their soul. Try to keep your body as fresh as possible with the sweetness of cleanliness, not perfumery. Take a sponge bath, shower or quick tub bath daily.
8. Play Hard and Fair.
Be loyal to your team mates and generous to your opponents.
Study hard—and in work, study or play, do your best.
9. Remember Dentist's Bills are Largely Your Own Fault.
Get the habit of cleaning your teeth and rinsing your mouth after each meal. It is more than worth the habit.
10. Remember Silence Is Golden.
In solitudes poets and philosophers have touched the heights of life. It is valuable for everyone to take account of stock occasionally with oneself.
Exercises and their Object
The best results of exercise are to be had outdoors from the activity of vigorous games. Some of us are so placed that we cannot have daily recreation outdoors and it becomes necessary to give our bodies some type of activity to keep them normal. More than half the weight of the body is made up of muscular tissue. If this muscle is not used the health of the whole body is affected. Exercise is a necessary condition of health, just as food and sleep are. The body is very responsive to the demands made upon it. In fact, each one of us can mold her own body, very much as a sculptor fashions a statue. This is done by giving the body proper care and the right forms of activity. A weak, infirm physique is nothing less than a crime. It is the duty of each one of us, both for our own sakes, and for the benefit of future generations, to perfect our physical frame. It is a duty to be strong and beautiful in body as well as in mind and spirit.
The Nose
Always breathe through the nose. Fifty years ago Mr. Catlin wrote a book called Shut your Mouth and Save your Life, and he showed how the Red Indians for a long time had adopted that method with their children to the extent of a cruel habit of tying up their jaws at night, to ensure breathing through the nostrils.
Breathing through the nose prevents germs of disease getting from the air into the throat and stomach; it also prevents a growth in the back of the throat called "adenoids," which reduce the breathing capacity of the nostrils, and also cause deafness.
By keeping the mouth shut you prevent yourself from getting thirsty when you are doing hard work. The habit of breathing through the nose prevents snoring. Therefore practice keeping your mouth shut and breathing through your nose.
A Scout must be able to hear well. The ears are very delicate, and once damaged are apt to become incurably deaf. No sharp or hard instrument should be used in cleaning the ear. The drum of the ear is a very delicate, tightly stretched skin which is easily damaged. Very many children have had the drums of their ears permanently injured by getting a box on the ear.
A Scout, of course, must have particularly good eye-sight; she must be able to see anything very quickly, and to see it a long way off. By practicing your eyes in looking at things at a great distance they will grow stronger. While you are young you should save your eyes as much as possible, or they will not be strong when you get older; therefore avoid reading by lamplight or in the dusk, and also sit with your back or side to the light when doing any work during the day; if you sit facing the light it strains your eyes.
The strain of the eyes is a very common failure with growing girls, although very often they do not know it, and headaches come most frequently from the eyes being strained; frowning on the part of a girl is very generally a sign that her eyes are being strained. Reading in bed brings headaches.
Bad teeth are troublesome, and are often the cause of neuralgia, indigestion, abscesses, and sleepless nights. Good teeth depend greatly on how you look after them when you are young. Attention to the first set of teeth keeps the mouth healthy for the second teeth, which begin to come when a child is seven and these will last you to the end of your life, if you keep them in order.
If one tooth is allowed to decay, it will spread decay in all the others, and this arises from scraps of food remaining between the teeth and decaying there.
A thorough Scout always brushes her teeth inside and outside and between all, just the last thing at night as well as other times, so that no food remains about them to decay. Scouts in camps or in the wilds of the jungle cannot always buy tooth-brushes, but should a tiger or a crocodile have borrowed yours, you can make your teeth just as bright and white as his are by means of a frayed-out-dry, clean stick.
Learn how to make camp tooth-brushes out of sticks. Slippery elm or "dragonroot" sticks for cleaning teeth can be got at chemists' shops as samples.
It is of paramount importance to teach the young citizen to assume responsibility for her own development and health.
Physical drill is all very well as a disciplinary means of development, but it does not give the girl any responsibility in the matter.
It is therefore deemed preferable to tell each girl, according to her age, what ought to be her height, weight, and various measurements (such as chest, waist, arm, leg, etc.). She is then measured, and learns in which points she fails to come up to the standard. She can then be shown which exercises to practice for herself in order to develop those particular points. Encouragement must afterwards be given by periodical measurements, say every three months or so.
Cards can be obtained from the "Girl Scouts" Office, which, besides giving the standard measurements for the various ages, give columns to be filled in periodically, showing the girl's remeasurements and progress in development. If each girl has her card it is a great incentive to her to develop herself at odd times when she has a few minutes to spare.
My Physical Development
- - - Date. Weight. Height. Chest Expanded. Neck. Forearm. Biceps. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fill in this page quarterly, the progress shown should be a useful incentive.
Games to Develop Strength
Skipping, rowing, fencing, swimming, tennis, and handball are all valuable aids to developing strength.
Use also:—
Staff exercises, to music if possible. Maze and spiral; follow-my-leader, done at a jog-trot in the open air. A musical accompaniment when possible. If done indoors, all the windows in the room must be kept open top and bottom. Sing the tune.
FLAGS.—Choose sides; each player lays down a flag or a handkerchief at her own goal, and each side tries to capture the flags of the other; once she touches the opponent's flag she cannot be taken prisoner, but goes back with the flag to her side.
Players can rescue a prisoner by touching her in prison. Players should keep moving as much as possible all the time, and try to evade being captured.
PRACTICE throwing at a mark. Put a pebble on the top of a staff and stand at a certain line so many paces off.
Morris dances (old English country dances) and the folk-songs.
Have you not often heard of accidents on the ice? In the winter of 1895 some schoolgirls were sliding on a frozen canal, when one girl twelve years old ventured into the middle. Then there was an ominous cracking, and in a moment she was struggling in water many feet deep.
Miss Alice White, a teacher, happened to witness the accident. Notwithstanding the warnings of several persons standing on the towing-path, who assured her it was most dangerous, she at once went on the ice and approached as close to the hole as she dared with safety. She then lay down at full length, so as to more equally distribute her weight, and tried to seize the struggling child. But under her weight the ice broke, and the brave girl was precipitated into the cold water. The bystanders shouted to her to forsake the child, and at least save her own life, but she did nothing of the kind. She held on to her precious burden, and literally fought her way out. Piece after piece of the ice broke off, but she at length reached the bank in a state of great exhaustion. Her hands were cut in many places by the sharp ice, but they were wounds of which any one might well have been proud. Miss White was only sixteen years old, and it was the second time she had saved a life.
Laying a pole or a branch across the hole is a good plan.
An Easy Way to Grow Strong
It is possible for any girl, even though she may be small and weak, to make herself into a strong and healthy woman if she takes the trouble to do a few body exercises every day. They take only about ten minutes, and do not require any kind of apparatus.
This should be practiced every morning, the first thing on getting up, and every evening before going to bed. A girl of ten years should weigh at least fifty pounds, the average height at that age being forty-nine inches. The value of this exercise is much increased if you think of the object of each move while you are doing it, and if you are very particular to breathe the air in through your nose. A great many people who are pale and ill are made so by living in rooms where the windows are seldom opened and the air is full of poisonous gases or germs. Open your windows, especially at the top, every day to let the foul air out.
Do not exercise immediately after eating; let your meal be digested.
Girls who have not done these exercises before should begin them gradually with care, bit by bit, doing more every day. Brush your hair, clean your teeth, wash out your mouth and nose, drink a cup of cold water, and then go on with the following exercises.
It is best to carry these out with as few clothes on as possible, either in the open air or close to an open window. The movements should be executed vigorously.
First Series
Stand erect, hands at side.
Count 1. Bend knees deeply with trunk held vertical.
Count 2. Straighten knees and return to an erect position.
Count 3. Let the body fall directly forward until it reaches an angle of 45 degrees, advancing the left foot a long stride to catch the weight of the body, and bringing the closed hands to shoulders, palms forward, elbows close at side, shoulders drawn back and chest out.
Count 4. Bend at the waist without moving the legs and touch the floor with both hands.
Count 5. Return to the third position.
Count 6. Stand erect.
Repeat ten times, using first one foot, then the other. At the end of one week use this exercise fifteen times. Continue to increase the repetitions by fives each week until you can do thirty.
Take five deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling, filling the lower part of the chest, and at the end of the breath expelling all the air you can.
Second Series
Run in place, that is go through the movements of running without gaining ground, twenty steps, rest a minute and do fifty counts.
Lying on the back, hands at side, raise the body and touch the toes with both hands, ten times.
Count 1. Charge sideways, raising the arms sideways to a vertical position.
Count 2. Bend and twist to the left, touching the floor with both hands on the left side of the foot.
Counts 3 and 4. Make the return movements.
Repeat ten times in each direction.
Deep breathing eight times.
Third Series
Bend knees deeply, fifteen times.
Lying face downward, hands at side, raise the head and chest from the floor as far as possible.
Lying face downward, head resting on the folded arms, raise each leg upward and backward from the hip with straight knee, ten times.
Lying on the back, hands under head, raise both legs with straight knees to a vertical position, toes pointed upward, ten times.
Charge obliquely forward left, arms in line with the body and rear leg; touch the floor and return, making it a four-count exercise.
Repeat ten times in each direction.
Run in place for one minute, rest and repeat.
Take ten deep breaths.
Every Girl Scout is as much a "hussif" as she is a girl. She is sure to have to "keep house" some day, and whatever house she finds herself in, it is certain that that place is the better for her being there.
Too many odds and ends and draperies about a room are only dust-traps, and rugs or carpet squares, which can be taken up easily, are better than nailed down carpets. Keep all the furniture clean and bright. Fresh air, soap, and water are the good housewife's best allies. Bars of soap should be cut up in squares, and kept for six weeks before being used. This hardens it, and makes it last longer.
In scrubbing boarded floors, the secret is not to deluge the floor; change the water in the pail frequently.
In the work of cleaning, think out your plan beforehand, so as not to dirty what has been cleaned. Plan certain times for each kind of work, and have your regular days for doing each thing.
PASTE-BOARDS AND DEAL TABLES.—Scrub hard the way of the grain. Hot water makes boards and tables yellow. Rinse in cold water, and dry well.
SAUCEPANS.—New saucepans must not be used till they have first been filled with cold water and a little soda, and boiled for an hour or so, and must be well scoured. After basins or saucepans have been used fill them at once with cold water to the brim; this will prevent anything hardening on the saucepan, and will make cleaning easier.
"A stitch in time saves nine." We cannot agree with this favorite saying, because it saves so many more than nine, besides saving time and preventing untidiness.
Tailors, who are such neat workers, will say that they never pin their work first. If you are not a tailor, it is much better to place your work, before you begin, with plenty of pins. You will never get straight lines or smooth corners if you do not plan and place it all first, just as it has got to be, and tack it there.
Have you noticed that thread is very fond of tying itself into a bow; but this can be prevented by threading the cotton into the needle before you cut it off the reel, making your knot at the end you cut.
In rough measures, one inch is equivalent to the distance across a twenty-five-cent piece, and a yard is from nose to thumb, as far as you can reach. Needlework is good for all of us; it rests and calms the mind. You can think peacefully over all the worries of Europe whilst you are stitching. Sewing generally solves all the toughest problems, chiefly other peoples'.
Pillow lace needs a little more attention, but is a lovely art which girls can easily master. The writer was taught to make the flowers of Honiton lace by a little Irish girl, and the variations you can invent are endless. You would find a good sale for insertion lace of the Torchon patterns. Make your own pillow, and buy some cheap bobbins to begin learning with, and do not try fine work at first. Learn to spin wool and thread; a spinster can earn money in this way.
The Girl Scouts' Patch
We don't know whether you ever did such a thing as burn a hole in your dress, but we have, and if it is in the front, oh, dear! what will mother say. Now, there is a very good way that Girl Scouts have of making it all right and serviceable; they put in a piece and darn it in all round. If possible, get a piece of the same stuff, then it will not fade a different tint, and will wear the same as the rest. You may undo the hem and cut out a bit, or perhaps you may have some scraps left over from cutting out your dress.
The piece must be cut three or four inches larger than the hole, and frayed out on all four sides. Trim the hole with your scissors neatly all round quite square with the thread. Then lay your piece over the hole—of course on the back or "wrong side"—and tack it there with cotton. Now take a darning needle, and thread each thread in turn, and darn each one into the stuff. If the ends of stuff are very short, it is best to run your needle in and out where you are going to darn, and then, before pulling it through, thread it with the wool. This patching is excellent for table-linen.
We once had an aunt who was a thorough old Scout, and was rather proud of her mending. She always said that she didn't mind what colored cotton you gave her to sew with, because her stitches hardly ever showed, they were so small, and also she put them inside the stuff. If she was putting on a patch to blue stuff, she could do it with red cotton, and you would never have noticed it on the right side; her stitches were all under the edge. Or else she sewed it at the back, on the wrong side, so that it looked perfectly neat.
If you are not able to match the wool for a darn, it is a good plan to use the ravelings of the stuff itself. Sometimes, away in the country, you can't go to a shop and you have nothing like the piece you want to mend. A Scout would turn it inside out and undo a little of the hem, and ravel out the edge. Suppose you were to cut a hole in the front of your blue serge skirt; if you darn it with the ravelings of the turnings of the seam or the hem, that will be exactly the same color and the same thickness as your dress. No wool you could buy would match as well. Or if you want to mend a jersey or knitted gloves, you never could buy such a good match—the same sized wool and the tints.
Damask table-cloths should be darned to match the pattern, following the flowers of the design, and large holes may be mended like the "Scouts' Patch" just described. To sew on buttons properly, leave them loose enough for the iron to push. On washing articles have your threads long enough to make a little stalk to the button, which is wound round before finishing. Your needle should be sloped out to all sides, so as to take up fresh stuff farther out than the holes in the button.
Scouts may make many useful presents in their spare time, such as cretonne covered blotters or frames, mittens, warm felt slippers (for which woolly soles can be bought), pen-wipers, pin-cushions, and needle-books. They could also make articles for their hospitals, such as night-clothing, soft caps, handkerchiefs, pillow-cases, and dusters.
There is a legend in Turkey that when a rich man is engaged to marry a lady he can break it off if she is not able to cook him a dish of dates in a different way every day for a whole month. A friend of ours did somewhat the same in trying a new cook; he always tested them with nothing but cutlets for a fortnight. The real test of a good cook is to see how little food she wastes. She uses up all the scraps, and old bits of bread are baked for making puddings and for frying crumbs; she sees that nothing goes bad, and she also buys cleverly. Those who do not understand cookery waste money.
Perfect cleanliness and neatness should be insisted on, or your food will be bad and unwholesome.
Is an egg lighter or heavier when cooked? An experienced cook is experienced in eggs. There are "new laid" eggs which are fresh and "fresh" eggs which are not; there are "cooking" eggs which are liable to squeak. Eggs are safe in their shells, and think you don't know whether they are fresh or not, or whether they are raw. Any egg can be thrown out of a first-floor window on to the lawn without the shell breaking; it falls like a cat, right end upwards, and this is not a boiled egg, either! You can tell that because it will not spin on the table, so it must have been a raw egg. A cooked egg would spin.
To tell a stale egg, you will see it is more transparent at the thick end when held up to the light.
Fresh eggs are more transparent in the middle. Very bad eggs will float in a pan of water.
Poached Eggs
Break each egg separately into a cup. When your water is boiling fast, drop in an egg sharply. Use a large deep pan, with salt and vinegar in the water. Lift the egg very carefully in a ladle before it is set too hard. Place the eggs all round a soup plate, pour over them a nice sauce made with flour and butter, a little milk, and some grated cheese and salt.
STOCK POT.—Keep a pot going all day, into which you can put any broken-up bones or scraps left over, to make nourishing broth. Clean turnips, carrots, and onions improve it. Before using let it get cold, so as to skim off the fat.
Contributed by Dr. Thomas D. Wood.
1. Dust (carries germs and bacteria)—
a. Must be kept out of the house by
1. Being careful not to bring it in on shoes or clothing.
2. By really removing the dust when cleaning, not just brushing it from place to place with dry brushes and dust cloths.
b. Tools needed—
1. Vacuum cleaner (if possible).
2. Brooms and brushes of different kinds.
3. Mops.
4. Dust cloths of cotton, outing flannel and wool.
5. Soft paper.
c. Methods of cleaning—
1. Cleansing and putting away all small movable articles first.
2. Wiping walls, pictures, floor, furniture, woodwork, etc., using damp cloths and brushes, if possible, so that no dust can fly, and gathering all dust on a dustpan that has a damp paper on it to collect dust.
3. Airing and sunning each room while cleaning.
4. Wiping window shades at least once a week.
5. Cleaning hangings often and laundering table and cushion covers.
6. Keeping every corner, drawer, and closet aired, cleansed, sunned and in order at all times to prevent accumulation of dust, germs and household pests.
7. Keeping all bathroom furnishings spotless and sweet, always drying after cleansing.
8. Scalding all cleaning tools and drying in sunshine, if possible, before putting away.
2. Care of the Bedroom—
Hygiene of the Bedroom—
1. Substances that tend to make the bedroom unhealthy are—
a. Excretions from lungs, skin, kidneys.
b. Street dust that has settled on clothing in day.
2. Relation of personal habits to healthfulness of the bedroom—
a. Leave outside wraps outside bedroom, if at all possible, at least until they have been well dusted.
b. Never put into the closet clothing that has been next to the skin during the day. Such articles should be aired by an open window during the night.
c. A bath each day at some time and a thorough cleansing of face, hands and feet before going to bed will prevent much dust and body excretions from accumulating on bed clothing.
3. Preparation for the Night—
a. Remove counterpane and fold carefully.
b. Protect blanket by covering with a sheet or other light covering.
c. Open windows from top and bottom.
d. Hang used clothing to air.
4. Care of Room on Rising—
a. Remove bed clothing and hang by open window in the sun.
b. Air night clothing before hanging away.
c. If a washstand is used, empty all bowls and jars, soap dishes, etc., wash and dry them before leaving the room for breakfast.
d. When thoroughly aired, make the bed and put the room in order.
5. Making the Bed Properly—
a. Mattress must have been turned. There should be a covering for the mattress under the first sheet.
b. Put on the under sheet, tucking it securely under mattress at top, bottom and sides.
c. Put on upper sheet and blankets, tucking in at bottom only.
d. Turn upper sheet down over blankets.
e. Cover with counterpane and place on well-beaten pillows.
6. Weekly Cleaning—
a. Mattress, rugs, and unwashable hangings should be removed to some place in outdoor air and sunshine, beaten and dusted.
b. Closets must be cleaned and dusted first, then used to store all small articles from room after they have been thoroughly cleaned.
c. Clean walls, pictures, woodwork, floors, windows and shades.
d. Put room in order.
e. Such care of the rooms of a house make regular "housecleaning" spells unnecessary.
3. Kitchen Sanitation—
a. Do not wash—
1. Iron (range).
2. Brass and copper.
3. Tin.
4. Zinc.
5. Aluminum, nickel, silver.
To clean metals of grease, use kerosene, gasoline, benzine, naphtha, chloroform, soap suds.
b. Care of Sink—
1. Pour dishwater through a sieve.
2. Greasy water must be changed into a soap or dissolved before being poured down to drain.
3. Flush sink drain three times a week with boiling sal soda solution, one pint sal soda to three gallons of water. Use at least two quarts.
c. Kitchen needs same treatment for general cleanliness, removal of dust, etc., as other rooms and walls. Woodwork—floor should be often washed thoroughly in hot soapsuds, rinsed and dried to be sure no germs develop where food is being prepared.
d. Care of Ice Chest—
1. Should be emptied and thoroughly washed and dried at least twice a week to make it a wholesome place for food.
4. Cellar—
1. Must be kept as free of dust and rubbish as the kitchen.
2. No decaying vegetables or fruit must be found in it.
5. Door-Yard and Out-Building—
1. Grass and growing things, especially if sprayed with water daily, will help keep dust out of houses.
2. Rubbish of any kind should be burned, for it is in such places that flies and mosquitoes breed.
3. Grass should be kept cut and lawns raked to keep mosquitoes from breeding.
4. No manure from domestic animals should be allowed to be exposed on the premises, for in such material the typhoid fly lays its eggs.
5. Barns and out-houses should be screened.
6. To Clean Fruits and Vegetables—
1. Garden soil is the home of a multitude of small forms of life, many quite harmless, but some organisms causing disease. For instance, germs of tetanus are found in dust and soil.
2. Top-dressing or fertilizer used to enrich the soil may contain such disease germs.
3. If fruits or vegetables come from the market instead of the garden they are quite as likely to have dust and bacteria clinging to them.
4. It is necessary, therefore, to wash all vegetables and fruits thoroughly before using.
7. How to Wash Fruit and Vegetables—
1. Put berries and small fruits in a colander, a few at a time, and dip lightly down and up in a basin of water, being careful not to crush the fruit.
2. Wash strawberries with hulls on.
3. Firm fruits, as grapes, cherries, etc., can be washed by standing the colander under the cold water faucet for some time.
4. Lettuce is best washed under the cold water faucet and celery needs scrubbing with a brush.
5. Apples from exposed fruit stands should be soaked for some time and carefully dried.
8. Fresh Foods Are Best—
1. Celery, cabbage, apples, pumpkins, beets, squash, white and sweet potatoes, etc., can be kept fresh for out of season use if carefully cleansed and stored away in a dry, cool, dark place.
9. Methods of Preserving Foods—
1. Salting.
2. Pickling.
3. Refrigeration.
4. Canning.
5. Preserving.
6. Drying or evaporation.
10. Method of Preserving Eggs—
1. Packing in coarse salt.
2. Cover with water-glass in large stone jars, set in cool place.
11. Care of Milk—
1. Use certified milk or inspected milk.
2. Wash bottle top before removing cover.
3. Pour milk in pans that have been scalded and drained dry in the sun or, in damp weather, by the stove.
4. As soon as cool enough put in refrigerator or in coolest place possible, as milk spoils very quickly unless kept cold.
12. Care of Meat—
1. Wash thoroughly as soon as it arrives.
2. Place on clean pan of aluminum, porcelain or some such ware.
3. Place in refrigerator until ready to cook.
13. General Rules For Care of Food—
1. Keep food clean—(personal cleanliness, washing food).
2. Keep food dry.
3. Keep food cool.
4. Care for food left from each meal. If carefully put away it can be used and not wasted.
Inspected Milk—
1. Comes from sanitary farms where cows, cases and bottles are reasonably clean; the rules are much less strict than for certified milk.
2. Cannot by law contain more than 500,000 germs in each teaspoonful, while certified milk contains not more than 50,000 germs.
Pasteurized Milk—
1. Method recommended by Department of Health of Chicago. In a small tin pail place a saucer.
On the saucer stand the bottle of milk (leaving the cap on the bottle). Now put sufficient hot water (not so hot as to break the bottle) into the pail to fill same to within three or four inches of the top of the bottle, and then stand the pail and its contents on the top of the stove. The instant the water begins to boil remove the bottle of milk from the pail and cool it as rapidly as possible. Keep the bottle of milk in the ice box and keep the cap on the bottle when not in use. When you remove the cap do so with a clean prong, and be careful that the milk side of the cap does not come in contact with anything dirty. None but inspected or certified milk should be used.
Milk should be kept covered with clean cheese cloth to prevent dust getting in.
1. Water will carry germs of typhoid fever, cholera, etc.
2. Boiling and cooling all water that might be suspected.
Unprotected and Exposed Food—
a. Prevention—
1. Be sure of a pure water supply (inspection of Board of Health).
2. Cleanse all foods properly before eating.
House Fly—
a. Why it is a Disease Carrier—
1. Breeds in filth where disease germs are found.
2. Construction of feet, legs, body, wings, etc., favorable for catching and holding great numbers of filth and disease germs.
b. How to Fight the Fly—
1. Catch all flies that get in the house.
2. Keep food covered.
3. Trap flies out of doors.
4. Screen all windows of houses, barns or out-buildings.
1. Carries germs of malaria and yellow fever.
2. Turn over every pail or tub that may hold water.
3. Pick up old tin cans and bottles and put them where rain cannot fill them.
4. Screen rain barrels and cisterns so mosquitoes cannot get to the water and lay eggs.
5. Screen the wash water if it is left standing over night.
6. Change water every day in drinking pans for birds and animals.
Get rid of them by trapping and killing.
Rub down with Kerosene oil outside and inside.
THREE PRIMARY COLORS are, Red, Blue and Yellow.
One quart of turpentine to one quarter (1/4) pound of beeswax. Warm, taking care not to let any fire reach the turpentine. Rub in the floor with flannel and polish with hard brush. A little powdered burnt umber mixed in gives a nice brown stain.
First thoroughly air and beat them, then wrap up with cedar chips, refuse tobacco, or camphor, and wrap in newspapers, being careful to close every outlet to keep out moths.
Babcock Test
The Babcock test is a test for determining the butter fat in milk.
Bottles are devised which are known as Babcock milk bottles, and are registered to show the per cent. of fat in milk. A certain amount of milk is mixed with a certain amount of Commercial Sulphuric acid of a specific gravity 1.83 which is added by degrees and thoroughly shaken up with the milk. Enough distilled water is added to fill the bottle. The mixture is then centrifuged in a Babcock Centrifuge, and the centrifuged fat read in per cent. on the neck of the bottle.
The Official Travelers' Babcock Test can be purchased from the Creamery Package Manufactory Co., Chicago Ill., and costs between $5.00 and $6.00.
All utensils used in dairy work should be sterilized by steaming or boiling for five minutes.
How to Cure Hams
Rub one tablespoonful of Saltpetre into the face of each ham; let it remain one day. Literally cover the ham with salt and pack it in a closed box. Leave it in box as many days as there are pounds to the ham.
Take it out, wash in warm water; cover the face of the ham with black pepper, and smoke it ten days with green hickory or red-oak chips.
Care of Children
Mrs. Benson writes: "There is no way in which a girl can help her country better than by fitting herself to undertake the care of children. She should learn all she can about them, and take every opportunity of helping to look after these small Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts of the future."
An infant cannot tell you its wants, but a Scout with a knowledge of the needs of children, what to feed them on, and the rules for good health, may save many a baby, for she never knows how soon the precious gift of some child's life may be placed in her hands.
Baby does not know that fire will burn, or that water will drown one, so you need to guard him. Baby requires the proper food to build up a healthy body. He prefers milk for the first months of his life, and even up till three years old he takes mostly milk; and as a baby cannot digest flour, bread, corn-flour, and such things are so much poison to him. They may injure a little baby's health for life. As has been said to older children, let him keep quiet after eating. Even up to three years old, Baby's food must be chiefly milk—biscuits, puddings, and fruit being gradually added. He is very particular about his milk being fresh and good. Baby is extremely punctual. He feels it keenly if you do not feed him at the fixed hour, and will very likely let you know it, and woe betide you if he finds out that you have not properly scalded out his bottle before and after each meal.
When his digestion is not right, his appetite will not be so good. Digestion means that the food you eat is turned into muscle and brain and bone.
We eat onions to make bone, and oats to make brain, but Baby must not be allowed such food till he is older. What is indigestion? It means not only uncomfortable pains in the middle of the night, but also that you have not used up the food you ate, and that food is going bad inside you, and making bad blood. Eat only the foods that you know you can digest comfortably. Do not give Baby too much at a time, or he will not be able to digest it, and keep him to plain food.
Sun and air are life-giving. Put a pale withering plant or human being into the sun, and each will recover health. Give a baby plenty of fresh air, out of doors if you can, but avoid draughty places. Air the rooms well. You know, too, that the air inside the bed-clothes is impure, so do not let Baby sleep with his head under the sheet; tuck it in under his chin. You remember what air did in curing illness in the case of the expressman's children. He had two boys and three little girls all beginning to have consumption, and constantly requiring a doctor at great expense. He got the happy idea of putting them all into his cart when he started out very early on his work, and he drove them about every morning till school time. Every one of them soon got well, and became strong and healthy.
No one can be healthy unless she is extremely clean. Baby will want his bath daily, with soap and warmish water. He likes to kick the water and splash, as long as you support his head. Before starting on this swimming expedition, you should have all his clothes, warm, by you, and all that you will want must be within reach, and he expects a warm flannel on your knees to lie on. You must carefully dry all the creases in his fat body for him, with a soft towel.
What will you do when you suddenly find that baby is ill. Call in the doctor? Yes—that is, if there is one. But when there is no doctor! You will at once think of all the First Aid you have learnt, and what you know of nursing.
Drugs are bad things. You may ruin a child by giving it soothing drugs and advertised medicines. They sometimes produce constipation. Never neglect the bowels if they become stopped, or you may bring on inflammation. Children's illnesses often are brought on by damp floors; you can trace them to the evening that the boards were washed. A flood of water could not dry without damping the room and the children.
Bowed legs come from walking too soon. It does baby good to lie down and kick about, for crawling and climbing exercise his muscles.
The best remedy, if you find a child suffering from convulsions, is to place it in a warm bath, as hot as your bare elbow can endure.
Childhood is the time to form the body; it cannot be altered when you are grown up.
Children's clothes should be warm but light, and the feet and legs should be kept warm and dry. To put on their stockings, turn the toe in a little way, and poke the toes into the end, then pull over a little at a time, instead of putting the foot in at the knee of the stocking. Put the left stocking on the right foot next day, so as to change them every day.
Flannelette is made of cotton, so it is not warm like wool, and it catches fire easily, as cotton-wool does.
Rubber is most unhealthful, and causes paralysis. Don't sit on rubber or on oilcloth unless covered, and never put rubber next to the skin.
To convert a given number of degrees Fahrenheit into Centigrade, deduct 32, multiply by 5, and divide by 9. To convert into Reaumur, deduct 32, multiply by 4, and divide by 9. To convert degrees Centigrade into Fahrenheit, multiply by 9, divide by 5, and add 32. To convert Reaumur into Fahrenheit, multiply by 9, divide by 4, and add 32.
The diagram shows corresponding degrees.
Beat of Pulse per minute
Pulse beat for normal person:
Infant before age of one year, 130 to 115 beats per minute.
Infant up to two years of age, 115 to 130 beats per minute.
Adult, 70 to 80 beats per minute. Adult in old age, 70 to 60 in normal health.
Part V
The National Red Cross Society award certificates in First Aid to girls over sixteen years old only, but any Girl Scout can win the Girl Scout Ambulance badge by passing an examination on the first three chapters of the Woman's Edition of the Red Cross Abridged Text-Book on First Aid.
This training of the Girl Scouts awakens taste for hospital work. The scope of this book is insufficient for a complete course of instruction in hospital work, so it is best for the leaders to have lectures, lessons, and demonstrations. There is danger in a "little knowledge" of such an important subject. So we shall only say that the one important Scout precept of obeying orders is in a hospital of paramount importance. Disobedience is certainly a crime.
Slight nosebleed does not require treatment; no harm results from it. When severe nosebleed occurs, loosen the collar (do not blow the nose), apply cold to the back of the neck by means of a key or a cloth wrung out in cold water; a roll of paper under the upper lip between it and the gum will help; when bleeding still continues shove a cotton or a gauze plug into the nostrils leaving it there until the bleeding stops.
Dust, flies, or cinder in the eye. Get the person's head well back, seize the upper eyelash and pull the upper lid well forward over the lower, press it against the latter as it slips back into place, and if the fly is beneath the upper lid it will be left on the lower lid. If this fails, place a match on the upper eyelid, catch the eyelashes and turn the lid over the match, and if you can see the cause of the trouble remove it with the corner of a handkerchief or use a camel's-hair brush. A drop of castor-oil in the eye soothes it afterwards. For lime in the eye use a weak solution of vinegar and water.
Fire constitutes a danger, especially if there is a panic where the fire starts. Never throw away a lighted match, it may fall on inflammable material and start fire. Reading in bed is dangerous, as if you go to sleep the bed-clothes may catch fire. If you must dry your clothes by a fire watch them carefully.
Cut away all dry grass around a fire in camp.
Never carry a light into a room that smells strongly of escaped gas; never handle gunpowder with matches in your pocket.
How to Put out Fire
If your clothing catches fire don't run for help, that will fan the flames; lie down, roll up in an overcoat or rug. If nothing can be found to roll about you, roll over slowly beating out the flames with your hands. If another person is on fire throw him on the ground and smother the fire with a rug away from the face.
What to Do in Case of Fire
Show coolness and presence of mind; throw water (a few bucketfuls will often put out the fire), or blankets, woolen clothing, sand, ashes, dirt, or even flour on fire.
If you discover a fire sound the alarm on the street fire-alarm post, or telephone to the Fire Department. The doors of a house or a room that is on fire should be closed to prevent draughts spreading the flames.
While searching a burning house tie a wet handkerchief over the nose and mouth. Remember that within six inches of the floor there is no smoke; when you have difficulty in breathing, crawl along the floor with the head low, dragging any one you have rescued behind you. Tie the insensible person's hands together and put them over your head. You can then crawl along the floor dragging the rescued person with you.
Never jump from the window unless the flames are so close that it is your only means of escape. If outside a burning building put mattresses and bedding piled high to break the jumper's fall and get a strong rug to hold, to catch the jumper, and let many people hold the rug. In country districts organize a bucket brigade; two lines of girls from water to fire—pass buckets, jugs, tumblers, or anything that will hold water from girl to girl and throw water on the fire, passing buckets back by another line of girls.
Rescue from Drowning
There are four practical methods of bringing a drowning person to land.
1. If quiet, turn him on his back, and grip him by the head so that the palms of the hands cover the ears, and swim on the back. Keep his face above water (Fig. 1).
2. In case of struggling, turn him on his back. Then grip his arms just above the elbows and raise them until they are at right angles to his body, and swim on the back (Fig. 2).
3. If the arms are difficult to grasp, push your arms under those of the subject, bend them upwards, and place your hands, with the fingers separated, flat on his chest, the thumbs resting on his shoulder joints. Swim on the back (Fig. 3).
4. In rescuing a swimmer with cramp or exhausted, or a drowning person who is obedient and remains quiet, the person assisted must place his hands on the rescuer's shoulders close to the neck at arm's length, turn on his back, and lie perfectly still with the head well back. Here the rescuer is uppermost; and, having his arms and legs free, swims with the breast stroke. This is the easiest method, and enables the rescuer to carry the person a longer distance without much exertion (Fig. 4).
A drowning person will sometimes grip his would-be rescuer in such a manner as to render it impossible to tow him to land. The three following methods are recommended for releasing oneself when clutched by a drowning person.
1. When the rescuer is grasped by the wrists: Extend the arms straightforward, bring them down until they are in a line with the hips, and then jerk the wrists against the thumbs of the subject. This will break the hold (Figs. 5 and 6).
2. When the rescuer is clasped round the neck: Take a deep breath and lean well over the drowning person. At the same time, place the left hand in the small of his back. Then pinch the nostrils close between the fingers of the right, while resting the palm on his chin, and push away with all possible force (Fig. 7).
3. When the rescuer is clasped round the body: Take a deep breath and lean well over as before. Place the left hand on the subject's right shoulder and the right palm on his chin. At the same time bring the right knee against the lower part of his chest. Then by means of a strong and sudden push, stretch your arms and leap straight out, throwing the whole weight of your body backwards (Fig. 8).
Artificial Respiration
When a person is brought to land in an apparently drowned condition lose no time in attempting restoration. Delay may prove fatal. Act at once and work with caution, continuous energy, and perseverance. Life has, in many cases, been restored after long hours of unceasing work. In all cases send for a doctor as soon as possible. Meanwhile proceed at once to clear the water out of the patient's lungs. The following method is the simplest and is called the Schaefer system, after the inventor. Incline the patient face downwards and the head downwards, so that the water may run out of his mouth, and pull his tongue forward. After running the water out of the patient, place him on his side with his body slightly hanging down, and keep the tongue hanging out. If he is breathing let him rest; if he is not breathing, you must at once endeavor to restore breathing artificially. Here are Professor Schaefer's own instructions:
1. Lay the patient face downwards with arms extended and the face turned to the side.
2. Don't put a cushion or any support under the chest. Kneel or squat alongside or astride of the patient facing towards his head.
3. Place your hands on the small of the patient's back, one on each side, with thumbs parallel and nearly touching.
4. Bend forward with the arms straight, so as to allow the weight of your body to fall on your wrists, and then make a firm, steady downward pressure on the loins of the patient, while you count slowly, "one—two—three." |