All orders, when properly checked, should be passed back to the book-keepers, who, having made the original entry and credited the cash when the order was first received and before goods were bought, may now refer to that order number, name and address again, and charge the customer with amount of goods sent, amount of postage paid, and cash returned, or remaining to be returned, thus balancing the account. A simple index system may be made use of for any debit or credit balances that may require to be kept. Orders pass on to heads of divisions, who examine all carefully, sorting out any that may be replied to by form cards or letters, seeing that all necessary explanations and enquiries have been submitted, made and signed by those authorized, and that they are satisfactory, and who dictates all necessary replies. All replies, when dictated and type-written, are handed back for examination, and, when correct, are signed and given to cashier, who encloses any balance to be returned, keeping a record of the same by number and amount, when the letters are sent to the mailing section, stamped and mailed, and orders sent to be filed with copy of reply attached.
The graphophone system of dictating and reproducing is largely made use of in place of shorthand where the business is large, and is found to greatly facilitate the handling of correspondence.
Personal representation of the customers by everyone associated with the different departments is especially encouraged. The buyer who visits the departments cannot be compelled to accept anything except what in her judgment is O. K. She represents the customers absolutely, stands in their place, and studies their interests at every turn, and this same personal interest is specially observed by every individual clerk in whatever relation they may bear to orders or goods passing through their hands.
The payment for goods purchased by the mail-order department is extremely simple. The duplicate checks made out by buyers and given to salespeople when selecting goods represent so much money, and are sent to the cash office immediately. They are collected here and sent to the check office or auditing department daily, where they are all audited. The total amount of these checks represents the total amount of goods bought that day, and the mail-order cashier thus hands over the exact amount required to pay for goods received. As these checks also show the different departments goods have been purchased from, they are all sorted out by departments, and each department, therefore, receives credit for its share of the money.
Likewise is it easy to know at all times just what percentage of cost the total mail-order expense is upon the business done. The mail order expense properly consists of its share of light, heat, power and rental, sundry expenses, such as stationery, office fixtures, furniture and wages paid. The wages list, properly divided, should show how much is paid for buying, book-keeping, type-writing, samples, checking, packing, etc., and if wages paid in each division week by week and the amount of business done are compared with any previous week's expenses and business, the department is promptly made aware of any unnecessary increased expense, just exactly where that unnecessary increase is, and the remedy may be applied at once. The catalogue expense may also be readily arrived at. The total issue costs a certain amount, and according to the number of pages each department occupies, so in this proportion may be estimated each one's share in the expense. Each department manager, knowing what his catalogue space may have cost for a certain issue, and what amount of business he may have done from that issue, can estimate exactly what percentage of cost his mail-order advertising is upon his sales, while the total catalogue expense for any one issue may be added to the other total mail-order expense for that time, and the exact percentage of cost may be arrived at upon the total amount of mail-order business done. Such a system may be adopted and made actual use of that will point out at once the exact condition of every part of this business, and provide a safety valve which will indicate at all times the true profit or loss, and through just what channel that loss or gain accrues.
Filing Correspondence.
Systems of filing differ, but where the business is large, one of two methods is largely adopted, that is filing either by number or place.
When filed by number, the original number stamped on the order is made use of for filing purposes.
Where the place file is used, suitable boxes or drawers are arranged in cases, each box being labelled on the outside indicating its contents. These drawers are provided with cards on which are printed or written the different post offices in each State or Province, and arranged for easy reference. Thus all correspondence coming from any one town is filed together next its town card, and where the mail from any one town is large it may be subdivided by an alphabetical index. Thus, to find Mr. B.'s order from Blank Town reference is first made to the drawer which contains Blank Town, and under this town, among the Bs, will be found Mr. B.'s orders. One set of drawers may be made use of for each month's filing, and, therefore, as many sets of drawers are provided as will correspond with the number of months letters may be preserved. Separate files may also be kept (usually alphabetical by name) for filing letters, such as those where customers have forgotten to give size, color, or measurements, where they have overlooked enclosing samples, or any omission or circumstance which may cause customers to be written to and their orders held for further information, or orders that may have any balance holding to credit, etc.
The filing must be very accurately done, as constant reference is made, and it is of the utmost importance that any correspondence required shall be found with the greatest despatch.
Special Orders.
A special effort should be made to have the system so arranged that it will enable the mail-order department, as well as every other department in connection with the house, to know how many orders are partly bought and holding for goods which have been ordered that are not in stock, or that require to be made. The buyer who finds anything asked for on an order which a department cannot supply at once (and no checks should be taken unless the order can be filled promptly) should give someone appointed by each department full particulars of what is required, the number of the order, name of customer, description, size, or measurements of goods to be made or procured. When everything is bought, with these exceptions, the order should be then handed to a special mail-order clerk, who should note what is lacking to complete the order, and in a set of special department files (space being provided for each department) should place the holding order. He should visit the different departments, ascertaining particulars concerning each order, find out what efforts are being made to fill the same, and crowd these orders to completion, where necessary, writing customers explaining any cause of delay. As each department secures the goods required, the mail order department should be notified immediately, when the order may be quickly produced from its department file, check made out and order completed. It is easy to ascertain at any time through such a system exactly what goods each department lacks, and direct such efforts as will provide for the least possible lack of stock and the least possible delay in executing orders.
Returned Goods, Exchanges, and Complaints.
A separate section should be devoted to returned goods or exchanges. As goods are received the packages should be examined as to identification, whom and where from, and entered up alphabetically under the date received, with all particulars required, and goods placed in suitable compartments. When letter of explanation is received, goods are easily located, and both should be given to special exchange clerks, who will secure the necessary exchange bills and make such new selections as customers may desire.
The cause of all goods returned should be thoroughly investigated in every instance, and where the fault lies with the house, the customer should be reimbursed for any extra expense incurred; and whatever department or individual is to blame should be made fully acquainted with their error, and such steps taken as will prevent a repetition of it.
Usually associated with this work is a special section, which should deal with all letters of complaint. The cause of all complaints should be fully enquired into and at once. There should be no delay whatever, but immediate answers insisted upon. Explanations should be complete and to the entire satisfaction of customers, and any loss through carelessness or errors made good without reserve. Each department and their help should be held strictly accountable for any claims which, upon investigation, show where the responsibility should rest. This feature of promptly adjusting all differences and satisfying every reasonable demand leads to continued and increased confidence, and should, therefore, be given very particular attention.
The preparation, selection and sending out of samples should receive the most careful attention. In some cases requests for samples are distributed among the different departments and are filled and sent to the sample department, but this method with progressive houses is considered slow, and for this reason alone unsatisfactory.
The improved method is to cut from the piece such lengths of goods as are required. These are sent to the sample department with width, price and full particulars, where suitable paper printed in squares, the size of sample to be sent, are attached. These are sewn by machines driven by electric power and afterwards cut in proper sizes by electric cutting knife, prices inserted and placed in partitioned spaces in drawers arranged in suitable cabinets. As requests for samples are received, they are filled direct from these drawers, and sent out by the next mail. Help is employed here who by long experience become familiar with all classes of sampleable goods, and who are under the direct management of one who thoroughly understands interpreting the customers' wants, and who bears no unimportant part to whatever measure of success may result from the sale of all goods by sample.
Keeping Employees' Time.
This position requires a man of considerable firmness, as he comes in contact with every employee, and is bound to enforce the discipline of the house as applied to absentees and lates, regardless of any partiality or favoritism. He has direct charge of the cloakrooms, and must see that they are kept neat and clean, and that each individual has a certain space allotted. He should be on duty early and late, and should see that every one registers their time in passing in and out. A record of all employees going out on passes should be kept, and none should be accepted unless signed by those authorized. He should keep a record of employees' names and addresses, and have the same checked up regularly. He should supply wages department and also heads of departments with a report of all who are absent. Where so many are under the charge of heads of departments, it is impossible for them to tell at once who may be absent. The time-keeper should notify them promptly every morning and noon, and they will thus be enabled to arrange immediately, so that the work done by absentees is provided for. He should not allow parcels of any kind to be carried in or out of the store, nor allow anyone to reenter the store after passing the time desk in going out, or return to the cloakrooms after passing the time desk going in.
As part of the store help must go to dinner at one hour and part at another, he should regulate it so that those who go out one hour are back in their departments before others are notified, thus preventing crowding on stairways and passages. Departments are usually notified by bells, and each is familiar with its particular signal. Doors should be closed sharp on the minute, and all lates excluded. No matter what system for registering time is used, it is easy to determine who is late or absent, as on coming in all keys or time cards hanging on the time board are on one side of the time clock, and when the time is registered they are hung on the opposite side. Those which have not been removed indicate at once who has not come in. Time cards of any absent, who have not sent in a reason for absence, should be removed from the time board and such employees should secure permission from those authorized before their time can be again marked. Lists of those going on holidays should be supplied time-keeper, and their cards should also be removed. The time-keeper should supply the wages department with correct time sheets, as desired. He should see that employees are orderly in passing in and out, and permit no loitering in the cloakrooms. A register is usually placed at the exit door, which should be signed by one appointed for each department or section of the store when leaving at night, certifying that all persons have left their department, and that all windows are secured, blinds down, etc.
Employing Help.
The hiring of help is largely centered in one individual for the entire store. Departments requiring additional help should notify the employment office, and give particulars of the kind of help required, which fact should be noted and filed for reference, a preference being given former employees seeking reengagement. The hours for engaging help are usually from 8 to 10 A. M., after which no applications are considered for that day. All applicants must be treated with courtesy. Even though no immediate help is required, applicants in many cases are permitted to fill out application, which should be placed on file for reference, and a satisfactory applicant may then be notified as soon as a position is open. All applications should contain, as far as possible, full particulars concerning applicant. It should show the date of engagement, name, address, whether married or single, nationality, church denomination, where previously employed, for how long, and reasons for leaving. References should be given, who may be communicated with, and whose replies should be attached to application. Application blank should show salary agreed upon and for what particular department employed. Space should be provided for percentage record, and for transfer from one department to another, for increased salary recommendations, which are usually signed by heads of departments and passed by those appointed. They should be at all times a complete and permanent record of each employee. All help is usually engaged upon the distinct understanding and agreement that they are privileged to leave any day, or their services may be dispensed with at any time. A new employee, when given a time card or key, and the time-keeper has explained the system of registering time, etc., and allotted cloakroom space, is conducted to the head of the department or assistant.
Paying Wages.
The system of registering time furnishes accurate information for estimating wages. The time sheets kept by the time-keeper are here made use of. The name of each employee under the respective department each one is attached to, with number, rate of wages per week, number of days worked, actual wages due, etc., should be entered on the wages sheet. The total amount of money required on any pay day is given wages office, each individual's pay is placed in a pay envelope, sealed, numbered and entered in signature book. Each head of a department, or one appointed, receives all wages for that department, signing for the same, and sees that they are distributed and signed for by each individual as received. The work is done accurately and with despatch, as thousands are by this method paid their weekly earnings in a very short time.
Watchmen should report at the store each night, and as soon as the store is closed examine the leaving register, to see that each department has signed for everything having been left in perfect order. They should examine at once all doors and windows, seeing that they are securely fastened; also all other entrances to building, and all places where anyone might be concealed. They should report in writing anything irregular occurring during the night, leaving the same at the office, and repeat the report until the irregularity has been attended to. A regular patrol should be made throughout the entire building. An ingenious system of clock registration is made use of in some cases, which indicates upon examination in the morning the different stations each watchman has passed and the exact time of each passing during the entire night. In the event of fire or any other accident occurring during the night, such special instructions should be followed as will meet with the ready response of whatever assistance may be required.
General Rules for Employees.
Rules for employees are in force in all large Department Stores. Different stores differ in detail of rules, but the application is the same, all serving to build up the system of government which directs and controls the entire management. Weekly examinations are held in some instances, and familiarity with the rules exacted, thus enforcing and maintaining system and discipline.
The hours for opening and closing business vary at different seasons of the year, of which due notice is given. The opening hour is usually 8 o'clock, at which time all employees are expected to be in their respective positions, all covers folded and put in proper places, stocks and counters dusted, and everything made ready for the day's business.
All employees must enter and leave the store by employees' entrance, leaving all wraps, hats, rubbers, lunches, etc., in the cloakroom, which is conveniently arranged for this purpose.
Upon entering the store in the morning and upon leaving and returning at noon, and on going out at night, each individual records his or her time. If for good reason an employee is necessarily delayed, a permission pass may be obtained to commence work; but if late without a good reason being given, they cannot commence work until noon, and thus lose a half day's work and a half day's pay. Attendance to business must be punctual and regular. Continued lateness and absence would merit discharge.
Employees who are absent for any cause must notify the house at once, either the head of their department or time-keeper, and satisfactory reasons given for being absent.
Whenever a change of address is made, employees must report same to time-keeper at once.
Employees must never leave the store during business hours (except for dinner) without a pass signed by the head of the department and countersigned by one authorized. Blank pass books are usually supplied heads of departments. These passes should give the names of employees, their numbers, what departments employed in, date and time of going out, and must be presented to the time-keeper, who will permit employees to go to the cloakroom for wraps and pass them out.
Employees must not leave their departments to go to any other part of the store without informing the head of the department, or assistant, and obtaining permission.
Employees desiring to purchase goods for themselves are expected to do so during the least busy hours, usually from 8 to 9 A. M. A pass to purchase must be obtained from the head of the department. This pass is exchanged for a purchasing card. All employees' purchases must be made on purchasing card and sent by the regular delivery. If for any reason a parcel cannot be sent by the regular delivery, and employee is to carry it home, these parcels must be O. K.'d by the proper party. A numbered check is given to the employee and a duplicate attached to the parcel. By presenting this check at the exit door, the package is delivered to the proper party. Parcels are not allowed to be carried into the store by employees. The wagons call upon request and deliver packages to the parcel office, where they may be obtained.
Employees are to avoid gossiping and not allow their time to be taken up with friends who desire to visit with them during business hours. Loud conversation to be avoided.
Business hours not to be occupied in reading books, papers, letter writing, needlework, etc. Loafing or wasting time away from departments not allowed.
Extravagance and display in dress to be avoided. The use of striking colors and patterns is objectionable. The costume should be modest and neat in appearance.
Employees are expected to be courteous to each other, using the same dignity, respect, and care in add dressing others that they feel they are entitled to themselves.
Should clerks be deserving of censure, it should be done in a gentlemanly manner, not before other employees or customers, thus retaining the respect of each other.
The use of gum or tobacco, eating nuts, fruits, candy, or lunches during business hours is strongly objected to. Loitering around the outside of the building, on the corners or at the entrances, expectorating on the walks and giving the premises an untidy appearance will not be permitted. Defacing the walls, counters or fixtures, or abusing the property in any way, means immediate dismissal.
All employees must learn to obey the orders of those whose authority is recognized, and be governed by the rules and regulations of the house; not only because they must, but for their own individual interests, and the interests of the house in general. Some rules may appear rigid, but they are deemed necessary, and, therefore, must be obeyed, and the living up to them is not intended to be a reflection on the self-respect of any one.
Mechanical Section.
Underneath the selling space in these large stores lies the network of machinery, all necessary for the prompt and careful adjustment of each day's work, furnishing the power for heating, lighting, elevator service, etc. Modern automatic sprinkler system always ready for an emergency, rendering the property and merchandise as nearly fireproof as possible, aided by a corps of properly-drilled firemen taken from the regular employees staff. Pneumatic cash system connecting with every part of the store selling space; not only utilized for carrying cash, but also providing the means of ventilation, by using up and discharging thousands of cubic feet of impure air regularly, and bringing fresh air into the building constantly. Complete staffs of engineers, carpenters, painters, etc., are almost constantly employed in looking after additions, alterations, and repairs, thus keeping the whole building in perfect condition. All are under the direct management of experts, whose mechanical skill is utilized to assist in rendering the store service complete, and whose services are recognised on an equality with those occupying the most responsible positions in connection with the business.
- Transcriber's Note: Typographical errors corrected in the text: Page 21 ever changed to every Page 48 call changed to called Page 85 wont changed to won't -