Home Life in Germany
by Mrs. Alfred Sidgwick
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Empress Friedrich, 21, 71

Family life, 61, 65, 128

Flachsmann als Erzieher, 17

Flats, 103, 123, 130, 304

Food— Family meals, 154 Fish, 161 Free food, 31, 50 Goose, 162 Meat, 160 Mehlspeisen, 164, 231 Nudeln, 159 Ochsenfleisch, 155 Recipes, 159-165 Rothe Gruetze, 164 Supper, 158, 203 Tea, 158 Vegetables, 163

Freiburg Market, 173

Fuel, 106, 187

Furniture, 123-126

"Garden houses," 304

Gardens, 104

"German Home Life," 8, 93

Gipsies, 276

Goethe, 116, 260

Gymnasium, 15-19

Gymnastics, 31, 34, 220

Hamburg— Life, 105, 155, 232 Lodgings, 242 Markets, 174 Servants' dress, 138 Sports, 219

Heidelberg, 51-53

Hof, the, 104, 108

Home-workers, 289-291

Hospitality, 43, 196 ff., 210

Hospitals, 295

Housekeeping budgets, 187-194, 283

House-porter, 108, 303

Idealistin, Memoiren einer, 78, 125, 131, 139, 180, 212-214

Illegitimate children, 93, 294

Incomes, 48, 177; and see Economy

Inns and Innkeepers, 227-232

Jews, 50, 80, 289, 319-321

Joseph im Schnee, 278-281

Kaffee Klatsch, 90, 200-202

Kindergarten, 12-14

Kirchweih, 273

Kitchens, 34, 107, 132-134, 146

Kneipe, 54-56, 64, 128

Kommers, 56

Ladies' clubs, 75-77

Landes tax, 109

Lange, Frl. Helene, 22-27

Laundry work, 136

Leipziger Messe, 175

Lette-Verein, 71-75

Linen, 135-137

Lodgings, 237 ff.

Loeper-Housselle, Marie, 23

Luggage on railways, 261

Lyceum Club, 76

Lyceum, Victoria, 21

Marketing, 133-228

Markets, 173-176, 306

Marriage— Arranged, 68, 80-82 Ceremony, 94 ff. Proposal, 84 Revolt against, 66, 83

Muenchhausen, Frau K., 167

Music, 31, 206, 303, 316

Newspapers, 307-312

Novels, 315

Nurseries, 9-11

Oberhof, 257

Opera, 209

Outdoor life, 222

Peasants' costume, 268 Dances, 272-274 Weddings, 269-272

Pensions, old age, 30, 150

Pestalozzi Froebel Haus, 12

Philanthropy, 293-296

Police regulations, 108, 151, 169, 245-249

Polterabend, 92

Professors' salaries, 48

Prussia— Cost of schools, 17 Free schools, 31 Taxes, 109

Railway travelling, 260-263

Religious teaching, 19

Religious belief, 211-216

Rents, 103

Restaurants, 233-235

Reuter, Gabrielle, 82

Riehl on women, 57 ff.

Ruegen, 257

Salamander, 56

Saxony, 108

Scenery, 250 ff.

Schadchan, 80

Schlegel, Caroline, 95

Schmidt, Auguste, 23

Schools— Cost of, 17 Elementary, 29-31 Forest, 32-35 Kinds of, 16, 20, 22 Lessons, 18 Medical inspection, 31, 34 Music in, 31 Religious teaching in, 19

Servants— Bedrooms, 151 Costumes, 10, 138, 183 Dances, 148 Gratuities, 145, 149 Meals, 147 Pensions, 150 Wages, 140, 145

Shadwell, Dr., 287

Shakespeare, 314

Shops— Cellar, 170 In Berlin, 167-170 In Black Forest, 171

Silesian village, 282-285

Skittles, 222

Sofa, 126

Sports, winter, 220

State tax, 109

Steckkissen, 7

Stifte, 27, 69-71, 76

Stoves, 106-108

Students, 47 ff.

Stuetze der Hausfrau, 73, 151

Summer resorts, 250 ff.

Sundays, 205 ff.

"Sweating," 289-291

Swimming-baths, 219

Tafel-Lieder, 97-99

Taine, M., 117, 149

Taxes, 108

Teachers' seminaries, 21

Theatres, 208-210, 312-314

Thuringia, 229, 276

Tidiness, 37, 128-130, 135, 306

Titles, 126

Toys, 11

Trousseaux, 89, 123, 140

Universities, 47 ff.

Verein, 221

Victoria Lyceum, 21

Viebig, Klara, 141, 170, 316

Village fires, 274-276

Visits, 196-200

Volkskueche, 291

Walking tours, organised, 253

Weddings, 92 ff., 268-272

Weibliche Angestellte, 292

Wertheim, 167-170

Wickelkinder, 8

Windows, 105

Winter sports, 220

Women— Dress, 154, 195 Legal position, 101 Modern, 66, 82-84 Riehl on, 57 ff. Single, 60-62, 75, 81 Treatment of, 60, 63, 65, 117-122 Working, 287 ff.

* * * * *

- Typographical errors corrected in text: Page 23: Allegemeine replaced with Allgemeine Page 71: '400,000 odd women' replaced with '400,000-odd women' Page 94: bridgroom replaced with bridegroom Page 127: 'It it not easy' replaced with 'It is not easy' Page 141: knowledgable replaced with knowledgeable Page 164: Rothe Gruetze replaced with Rote Gruetze Page 184: extremly replaced with extremely Page 191: 'fairly comfortably income' replaced with 'fairly comfortable income' Page 223: Brauehaus replaced with Braeuhaus Page 253: preceptions replaced with perceptions Page 277: amazment replaced with amazement Page 301: 'it is an autocracy or are public' replaced with 'it is an autocracy or a republic' Page 318: anti-Semit replaced with anti-Semite Page 327: Burgerliches replaced with Buergerliches Page 330: Braunkolen replaced with Braunkohlen Page 330: gahacktes replaced with gehacktes Page 331: Delicatessenhandlung replaced with Page 334: Dyrenfurth replaced with Dyhrenfurth Page 336: 'Stueze der Hausfrau' replaced with 'Stuetze der Hausfrau' Page 336: Ruegen replaced with Ruegen Page 336: Vereine replaced with Verein Page 336: Weibliche Angestelle replaced with Weibliche Angestellte -


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