Dannhauser Road, 142, 143. Dartnell, Colonel J. G., C.M.G., 146. De Aar, 22, 39, 42, 43, 52, 207, 209-211, 276, 379, 386-387, 391, 421, 439. Dean, Lieut. F. W., R.N., 233, 236. De Beers Co., 44. De Beers Pass, 58, 158. De Jager, Field-Cornet, 162. De Jager's Drift, 123-127. Delagoa Bay, 50, 60, 116. De la Rey, General J. H., 50, 216, 220, 229, 234, 239, 243-244, 247, 305, 308. de Lisle, Captain H. de B., D.S.O., 395, 400, 405. Denton Grange, loss of the, 107. Depots, 421. Derbyshire regiment (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. De Villiers, General C. J., 153. Devonshire regiment (1st and 2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Dewaas, 147. Dewar, Captain E. J., 287, 292. Dewdrop, 157. De Wet, General Christian R., 151, 192, 386, 409, 435, 440. Dick, Captain D. H. A., 360. Dick-Cunyngham, Lieut.-Col. W. H., V.C., 167. Director-General of Ordnance. See BRACKENBURY. Dirksen, Commandant, 343. Divisions. See CAVALRY and INFANTRY DIVISIONS. Donald, Lieut.-Col. C. G., 369. Donegan, Major J. F., 147. Donkerpoort, 50. Doornberg, 123-124, 126-127, 137. Doornkop Spruit, 341, 345, 346, 348, 352-354, 357, 369-371. Doris, H.M.S., 117. Dordrecht, 287-288, 290, 408, 435. Douglas (Town, Cape Colony), 214, 386, 387, 439, 442. Douglas, Colonel C. W. H., 311, 312, 315. Douglas, Lieut. H. E. M., awarded the V.C., 327. Downing, Colonel C. M. H., 177-178, 180-181. Downman, Lieut.-Col. G. T. F., 326, 327. Dragoon Guards, 5th. See REGULAR UNITS. Dragoon Guards, 6th. See REGULAR UNITS. Dragoons, 1st (Royal). See REGULAR UNITS. Dragoons, 2nd (Royal Scots Greys). See REGULAR UNITS. Dragoons, 6th (Inniskilling). See REGULAR UNITS. Drakensberg Mountains, 37, 38, 40, 47, 54-67, 125, 157, 174, 335. Dublin Fusiliers, Royal (1st and 2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Duck, Vety.-Colonel F., C.B., 27. Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Duke of Edinburgh's Volunteer Rifles. See COLONIAL UNITS. Duncan, Captain S., 193-194. Dundee, 35, 44, 47, 49, 58, 125-141, 429; retreat from, 142-151. See also GLENCOE. Dundonald, Colonel the Earl of, C.B., M.V.O., 273, 332, 347, 352, 366-368, 373-374. Durban, 48, 57, 113, 117-121, 200, 209, 262; Boer raid contemplated on, 158, 206; locomotive works assist mounting Naval guns at, 119; protection at, from land attack, 197; scanty means of defence at, 117. Durban Light Infantry. See COLONIAL UNITS. Durham Light Infantry (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Du Toit, Acting-General, 425.
Eagar, Lieut-Col. H. A., 296, 298, 301. East and Central Africa, 95. Eastern Cape Colony, 62. East Kent regiment (The Buffs) (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. East Lancashire regiment (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. East London, 43, 52, 53, 57, 106, 113, 119, 120, 197, 200, 261, 286, 290, 378. East Surrey regiment (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Edenburg, 248. Edenburg commando. See COMMANDOS. Egypt, 2, 88-89, 92, 415, 443. Elandslaagte, 127, 144-145, 148, 151-152, 157-172, 182-183, 192. Elandslaagte road, 179, 182. Elliott, Major Sir H. G., K.C.M.G., 208, 288, 290, 385. Elliott, Mr. C. B., General Manager, Cape Government Railways, 424. Elswick battery, 414. Elton, Captain F. A., 361. Ely, Lieut. T. B., 356. Embarkation, dates of, for South Africa, 9, 101, 107; importance of Army being practised in, 112; numbers embarked from South Africa, 107; not delayed by mobilisation, 115; political situation greatly delays, 115; ports of, 100. Empire, British, 1, 13, 32, 87, 89, 380. Engineers, Royal. See REGULAR UNITS. Englebrecht, Commandant, 128. Enslin, 229-242, 247, 309, 386, 444. See also GRASPAN. Enteric fever, 64. Equipment and clothing, 30, 417; boots, 30; camp, 31; hospital, 26; in previous campaigns, 17; khaki drill, 30; serge clothing, 30. Erasmus, General, 124-127, 131, 148, 151, 170, 172, 341. Ermelo, 124. Ermelo commando. See COMMANDOS. Erskine, Captain W. C. C., 245. Escombe, The Right Hon. H., 14-15. Eshowe, 378. Essex regiment (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Estcourt, 44, 59, 197, 208, 261, 262, 268, 273, 378. Ethelston, Commander A. P., R.N., 120, 205, 238. Eustace, Lieut.-Col. F. J. W., 284, 390, 396, 397, 399. Ewart, Lieut.-Col. J. S., 317, 440.
Falkland Isles, 95. Fauresmith, 387, 388. Fauresmith commando. See COMMANDOS. Ferreira, Commandant, 274. Ferreira, General J. S., 409. Festing, Lieut. F. L., 223. Fetherstonhaugh, Maj.-Gen. R. S. R., 200, 203, 211, 215, 224, 248. Field artillery, Royal, 52, 332, 414, 417. See also REGULAR UNITS. Field Cornets, 75-76. Field hospitals, 25, 26, 31, 289, 290, 292, 421, 437, 438. See also ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Fiji, 94. Financial Secretary, 28-29. Fincham's farm, 216. Fingo tribe, 208. Fisher, Captain W. B., R.N., 116. Fisher, Lieut.-Col. R. B. W., 283, 391-396. Flag Hill, 176. Food supplies, 17, 209, 421. See also SUPPLIES. Forage: and horse-gear, 106; in freight ships, and in transports, 106; supplied from Government stores, 106, 421. Fordsburg commando. See COMMANDOS. Forestier-Walker, Lieut.-General Sir F. W. E. F., K.C.B., C.M.G., 2, 42, 43, 45, 53, 204, 207, 209, 279, 288, 377-379, 383, 409-411, 413, 417, 418, 424. Forestier-Walker, Capt. G. T., 254, 256. Forster, Major W. G., 366. Forte, H.M.S., 116, 120, 121, 263-265, 332, 333. Fort Molyneux, 264. Fort Napier, 263, 265. Fort Wylie, 264, 340, 342, 343, 351, 358-361, 365, 367. Foster's Farm, 292, 300. Fourie, Commandant P., 234. Fourteen Streams, 39, 50. Fourteen Streams Bridge, 36. Fox, Lieut. R. M. D., 254. Fraserburg Road, 53. Fraser's Drift, 439. Fraser's Farm, 255. Free State. See ORANGE FREE STATE. Freight ships: contracts for, nature of, 98; engaged by Colonial governments, 97; forage supplied by owners of, 106; for mules, 109; for troops, 109; full cargoes of, 109; hired by Remount Department, 98; stores from England carried in, 104. French, Lieut.-Gen. J. D. P., 159-171 (Elandslaagte), 172-174, 176, 181, 182, 183, 186, 200-203, 208-210, 215, 275-284 (Colesberg), 287, 332, 376, 378, 382, 389-407 (Colesberg), 408, 409, 411, 430, 432-436, 444. Frere, 121, 265, 267, 268, 273, 332, 333, 358, 410. Froneman, Commandant, 441. Frontiers of British South Africa, 36-41. Frontier Mounted Rifles. See COLONIAL UNITS. Fuse, time, 423. Fyffe, Captain B. O., 186, 193.
Gatacre, Lieut.-Gen. Sir W., K.C.B., D.S.O., 197, 199, 202, 203, 208-210, 285-303 (Stormberg), 332, 376, 378, 383, 408, 411, 429, 435. German Corps. See COMMANDOS. Germiston commando. See COMMANDOS. Giants Castle, 58, 59. Gibraltar, 89, 92. Girouard, Lieut.-Col. E. P. C., D.S.O., 385, 413, 424, 432, 433, 443. Glencoe, 38, 44, 46, 47, 58, 145, 159, 172. See also DUNDEE. Gloucestershire regiment (1st and 2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Godley, Captain H. C., 309. Goff, Lieut.-Colonel G. L. J., 319. Goldie, Captain A. H., 361. Gomba Spruit, 367, 373. Goodenough, Lieut.-Gen. Sir W. H., K.C.B., 35, 44. Goodwin, Mr. (later Major) C. A., 425. Gordon, Brig.-General J. R. P., 437. Gordon, Captain W. E., V.C., 327. Gordon Highlanders (1st and 2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Gore, Lieut.-Col. St. J. C., 163, 167-169, 171. Gosset, Lieut. F. J., 286. Gough, Col. B., 220, 221, 232, 240, 241. Gough, Captain H. de la P., 337. Graaf Reinet, 56. Graff, Mr. S. J., 106, 110. Grahamstown, 384. Grahamstown Volunteer Mounted Infantry. See COLONIAL UNITS. Granet, Major E. J., 258, 441. Grant Committee, 32. Grant, Major S. C. N., 14. Graspan, 63, 120, 216, 229-242, 243, 332, 432, 442, 444. See also ENSLIN. Grassy (later "Suffolk") Hill, 394, 396-399, 404, 406. Great Fish River, 56. Great Karroo, 55. Great Kei River, 56. Great Winterberg, 56. Green Hill, 368. Grenadier Guards (3rd). See REGULAR UNITS. Greytown, 147, 159, 261, 378. Grimshaw, Lieut. C. T. W., 128-131. Grimwood, Col. G. G., 174-176, 178-182, 184. Griqualand East, 36, 208, 288. Griqualand West, 52, 62, 207, 382. Griquatown, 214. Grobelaar, Commandant E. R., 50, 281, 282, 295, 299, 394, 409. Grobelaars Kloof, 59, 263, 340, 354. Grylls, Lieut. J. B., 366. Guards' Brigade. See INFANTRY BRIGADES. Guns, 6-in. Boer, 422; British, 422, 423; heavy, 433. Gun Hill (Belmont), 219-221, 223-238. Gun Hill (Ladysmith), 172, 174, 176, 180, 334. Gunning, Colonel R. H., 132, 136.
Hague Convention, 31. Haig, Major D., 276, 281. Haldane, Capt. J. A. L., D.S.O., 267, 268. Halifax, 139, 140. Hall, Lieut.-Col. F. H., 203, 211, 214, 217, 239, 258, 321. Hall, Lieut. H. C., 213. Halsey, Lieut. A., R.N., 121, 266. Hamilton, Colonel B. M., 346, 350. Hamilton, Lieut.-Col. E. O. F., 366, 371 Hamilton, Col. Ian S. M., C.B., D.S.O., 159, 163, 168-170, 172, 175-177, 183, 185. Hamilton, Major H. I. W., D.S.O., 433. Hammersley, Major F., 133. Hampshire regiment (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Hannah, Lieut. W. M. J., 143. Hannay, Colonel O. C., 437, 444. Hanover Road, 212, 277, 280, 390. Harding, Mr., 330. Harness, 19, 31; mule, 417. Harris, Rear-Admiral Sir R. H., K.C.M.G., Commander-in-Chief of Cape of Good Hope and West Coast of Africa Station, 53, 116-119, 121, 185, 205, 263, 422; in July, 1899, sees that Boers are only waiting for the grass to invade Natal, 116. Harrismith, 44, 58, 157. Harrismith commando. See COMMANDOS. Hart, Major-Gen. A. FitzRoy, C.B., 203, 204, 210, 333, 346, 348, 352-357, 362, 369-372. Hart's brigade. See INFANTRY BRIGADES. Hartley, Lieut.-Col. E. B., V.C., 215. Hartebeestfontein Farm, 280. Hatting, Commandant, 128. Hatting Spruit, 126-127. Hartzogsrand (mountain), 56. Headquarter Hill, 306, 310-312, 316, 321, 323, 326, 327. Hebron Farm, 404. Heidelberg commando. See COMMANDOS. Heilbron commando. See COMMANDOS. Helpmakaar, 261, 274, 334. Helpmakaar Road, 146-147, 150, 181. Hely-Hutchinson, The Honourable Sir W. F., G.C.M.G., 45, 123, 207, 261-262. Henderson, Colonel G. F. R., 15, 433. Henniker-Major, Lieut.-Col. the Hon. A. H., 324. Henshaw, Major C. G., 367, 374. Herbert, Captain G. F., 361, 362, 365. Herschel, 382. Her Majesty's Government. See CABINET. Higgins, Lieut. J. F. A., 184. High Commissioner. See MILNER, SIR ALFRED. Highland Brigade. See INFANTRY BRIGADES. Highland Light Infantry (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Highlands, 59, 269-270. High Veld, 62, 63, 66, 67. Hildyard, Maj.-Gen. H. J. T., C.B., 202, 204, 266, 269-273, 333, 346, 347, 363, 364, 371, 372. Hime, Lieut.-Col. the Hon. Sir Albert H., K.C.M.G., 144, 263. Hinde, Colonel J. H. E., 270, 353. His Majesty's Commissioners. See ROYAL COMMISSION ON SOUTH AFRICAN WAR. His Majesty's Government. See CABINET. Hlangwhane (mountain), 340, 341, 343-345, 347, 348, 358, 363, 367-369. Hlatikulu, 269. Hogg & Robinson, Messrs., 98. Hollander Corps. See COMMANDOS. Home, Colonel, 7. Honey Nest Kloof, 213, 231, 240, 245, 258, 310, 385, 386, 432; railway proposed from, to Jacobsdal, 385. Hong Kong, 89, 91; offers assistance, 34. Honourable Artillery Company of London, 93. Hoopstad commando. See COMMANDOS. Hopetown Road bridge, 52. See also ORANGE RIVER BRIDGE. Hore, Bt. Lieut.-Colonel C. O., 51. Horse Artillery Hill (Magersfontein), 306, 322, 324, 326, 327, 329, 331. Horses, 16, 434, 443, 444, 447; Argentina, 20; Australian, 21; embarking, 113; for infantry regiments, grant in 1897, 17; in South Africa, 21; Royal Commission's report on system of supply of, 23; supply of, in excess of demands, 23. Horse-shoes, deficiency of, 31. Hospitals, equipment of, 26, 31; general, 31; stationary, 31; stores for, 31; veterinary, 27. Hospital ships, 103. Household Cavalry. See REGULAR UNITS. Howard, Colonel F., C.B., C.M.G., 174. Howitzers, 9; 6.3-in. Cape Government, 422, 423; Boer, 422. Hughes, Captain M. L., 364. Hughes-Hallett, Lieut.-Col. J. W., 319, 327, 441. Humphery, Major S., 192. Hunt, Lieut.-Col. H. V., 203, 332, 351, 358-360. Hunter, Major-General Sir A., K.C.B., D.S.O., 123, 144, 171, 184, 197, 198. Hunter, Sir D., K.C.M.G., 424. Hunter-Weston, Major A. G., 400. Hussar Hill (Colenso), 368. Hussars (10th). See REGULAR UNITS. Hussars (13th). See REGULAR UNITS. Hussars (14th). See REGULAR UNITS. Hussars (18th). See REGULAR UNITS. Hussars (19th). See REGULAR UNITS. Hutchinson. See HELY-HUTCHINSON. Hyderabad contingent, 92.
Impati, 124, 126, 131, 137, 138, 140, 142-147. Imperial Commonwealth, 33. Imperial Light Horse. See COLONIAL UNITS. Imperial Light Infantry. See COLONIAL UNITS. Imperial Service troops, 92. Imperial Yeomanry, 10, 414, 415, 443. India, 31, 34, 41, 54, 89, 92, 443. Indian Government, 20. Indian Marine, Director of, 97. Indian Military Police, 93. Indian Volunteers, 93. Indumeni, 142-146. Indwe, 286, 287. Infantry Brigades:— 1st brigade (Guards) (Colvile), 200, 211, 212, 215, 219-228, 232, 235, 236, 242, 248-260, 311-315, 316-330, 438. 2nd brigade (Hildyard), 202, 204, 266, 272, 333, 346, 348, 357-373. 3rd brigade (Highland) (Wauchope, later MacDonald), 203, 207, 211, 215, 308, 310-315, 316-330, 415, 437, 439-442, 444. 4th brigade (Lyttelton), 202, 204, 333, 347, 348, 351-373. 5th brigade (Hart), 203, 204, 210, 333, 346, 348, 351-373. 6th brigade (Barton), 203, 269, 273, 333, 345, 347, 348, 351-373. 7th brigade (Ian Hamilton), 163-171, 172-195. 8th brigade (Yule, later Howard), 123-141, 142-151, 172-195. 9th brigade (Fetherstonhaugh, later Pole-Carew), 203, 211, 212, 215, 219-228, 229-242, 248-260, 311-315, 316-330, 438. 12th brigade (Clements), 404, 407, 430, 433, 435, 443. 13th brigade (C. E. Knox), 437. 14th brigade (Chermside), 437. 15th brigade (Wavell), 437. 18th brigade (Stephenson), 437, 444. 19th brigade (Smith-Dorrien), 438, 444. Infantry Divisions:— 1st division (Methuen), at Belmont, 218-228; at Graspan, 229-242; at Magersfontein, 316-331; at Modder river, 243-260; change in composition of, 202-203; detailed fresh composition of, 214-215; equipped with drill clothing, 30; final decision as to employment of, 200; Lord Roberts' instructions to G.O.C., 433; march of, from Orange river, 216; Naval brigade joins, 120; on Modder before Magersfontein, 304-315; retained on Modder as a screen, 385; Sir R. Buller's instructions to G.O.C., 201; Sir R. Buller's instructions, before leaving for Natal, to G.O.C., 209-213; to be employed in relief of Kimberley, 199; to disembark at Cape Town, 197. 2nd division (Clery), arrives in Natal, 266-267; at Colenso, 351-375; change in composition of, 203; equipped with drill clothing, 30; final decision as to employment of, 200; Sir R. Buller issues orders through Divisional staff of, 205; to be employed in relief of Kimberley, 199; to disembark at Port Elizabeth, 197. 3rd division (Gatacre), change in composition of, 203-204; destination changed to Natal, 199; equipped with drill clothing, 30; final decision as to employment of, 200; G.O.C. and staff arrive at East London, 285; instructions to G.O.C., 202; portion of, at Stormberg, 285-303; Sir R. Buller's instructions, before leaving for Natal, to G.O.C., 209-210; to disembark at East London, 197; to operate towards Jamestown, 435. 4th division, Naval brigade joins, 120, 185; troops under Sir G. White considered as, 9. 5th division (Warren), Buller informed that it is to be sent to South Africa, 201; Buller thinks division assigned to relief of Kimberley, 377; departure of, involves policy of bluff in Cape Colony, 381; due at Cape Town, 376; embarkation of, 9; lands in Natal, 409; ordered to Natal, 379; orders for mobilisation of, 9; proposal to support 1st division with, 378. 6th division (Kelly-Kenny), brought to Modder river, 444; Buller advised of embarkation of, 379, 380; composition of, 437; despatched to Naauwpoort, 433-435; embarkation of, 9; on point of embarkation, 376; orders for mobilisation of, 9. 7th division (Tucker) at Graspan and Enslin, 444; composition of, 437; embarkation of, 9; embarkation of, to begin on 4th January, 1900, 379, 380, 414, 417; mobilisation of, ordered, 376; orders for mobilisation of, 9. 8th division (Rundle), despatch of, advisable owing to failure at Spion Kop, 438; embarkation of, 10; embarkation of, if required, about 20th February, 1900, 415; Lord Roberts hopes division not necessary, 415; orders for mobilisation of, 9. 9th division (Colvile), assembled on the Riet and at Graspan, 444; composition of, 437, 438. Infantry, Mounted:— Mounted Brigades and Mounted Infantry Brigades:— Mounted brigade (Dundonald), 332, 351-375. 1st Mounted Infantry brigade (Hannay), 437, 444. 2nd Mounted Infantry brigade (Ridley), 437. Mounted infantry in Ladysmith. See APPENDIX 10, page 489. Ingagane, 38, 125. Ingogo, 58. Inniskilling Dragoons. See REGULAR UNITS. Inniskilling Fusiliers, Royal (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Inspector-General of Fortifications, 27, 28, 32. Inspector-General of Remounts, 20-23. Intelligence Department (British, Home), 7, 8, 13, 17, 40, 276, 292, 422, 429; (British, Field), 15, 47, 48, 157, 198, 213, 231, 263, 270, 276, 289, 291, 302, 330, 335, 337, 343, 388, 410; (Boer), 73, 216, 334. International law, 96. Intintanyoni, 152-156, 172, 173, 190. Intonganeni or Emtonjaneni, 36. Irish Corps. See COMMANDOS. Irish Fusiliers, Royal (1st and 2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Irish regiment, Royal (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Irish Rifles, Royal (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Irvine, Captain T., 256. Ismailia, 113. Ismore (transport), 107, 111, 119, 391.
Jacobsdal, 50, 63, 216, 241, 243, 245, 246, 248, 305, 309, 385, 387, 388. Jacobsdal commando. See COMMANDOS. Jacobsdal to Bloemfontein railway project, 410, 413. Jagersfontein, 63. Jamaica, 89, 92. James, Lieut. H. W., R.N., 120, 266, 360. Jameson raid, 3, 81. Jameson, Surg.-Gen. J., M.D., C.B., Q.H.S., 26. Jamestown, 435. Japanese disembarkations, 114. Jasfontein farm, 393, 404. Jeffreys, Lieut.-Col. H. B., 297, 299. Jeppe, Mr. C., 15. Johannesburg commando. See COMMANDOS. Johannesburg police, 394. Johannesburg, Uitlanders in, 38, 385. Johnstone, Capt. R., awarded the V.C., 170. Jones, Capt. E. P., R.N., 120, 121, 122, 332, 351, 359, 363, 365, 369, 371, 373. Jonono's Kop, 152, 161-163. Joubert, Commandant D., 269, 270. Joubert, Commandant J. J., 128, 344. Joubert, Field Cornet, 162. Joubert, Comt.-Gen. Piet, 49, 117, 124, 125, 148, 151-2, 185, 191, 202, 265, 267-270, 272, 273, 344, 409, 410, 425, 427, 434; circular memorandum of, 425-427. Joubert siding, 400. Jourdaan, Commandant, 214, 234. Junction Hill, 176.
Kaalspruit, 388. Kaffrarian Mounted Rifles. See COLONIAL UNITS. Kainguba height, 186-189, 191. Kankana mountain, 149. Karree Bergen, 56. Karroos, 55. Katberg Pass, 383. Keerom, 404, 405. Keith-Falconer, Lieut.-Col. C. E., 213. Kekewich, Colonel R. G., 44, 304. Kelham, Lieut.-Col. H. R., 320, 440. Kelly-Kenny, Lieut.-Gen. T., C.B., 432-435, 437, 444. Kenrick, Lieut. G. E. R., 142. Khama's country, 60. Kimberley, 5, 36-40, 42, 43, 44, 48, 50, 52, 53, 120, 197, 198-207, 209, 211, 212-216, 218, 229, 243, 244, 276, 304-5, 310, 334, 377-8, 382, 384, 388, 408, 409, 411-413, 428, 430, 431, 433, 435, 439, 442, 443. Kimberley Corps. See COLONIAL UNITS. Kincaid, Major C. S., 186. King's African Rifles, 95. King's (Liverpool regiment) (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. King's Own Scottish Borderers (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. King's Royal Rifle Corps (1st, 2nd, and 3rd). See REGULAR UNITS. King William's Town, 53, 384, 422. Kinloch, Major D. A., 223. Kissieberg, 289-292, 294-300, 302. Kitchener, Colonel F. W., 271-272. Kitchener of Khartoum, Major-Gen. The Lord, G.C.B., K.C.M.G., 420, 433, 436, 443, 448; (Sirdar of the Egyptian Army), appointed Chief of Staff, 381. Kitchener's Horse. See COLONIAL UNITS. Kleinfontein (near Ladysmith), 173. Kleinfontein farm (near Colesberg), 404, 405. Klip Valley, 341. Kloof camp, 394, 396, 399, 400, 405. Knight, Bombardier W., 366. Knox, Major-General C. E., 437. Knox, Lieut. C. S., 193. Knox, Major E. C., 138-141. Knox, Colonel W. G., C.B., 183, 185. Kock, General, 124-127, 159, 170. Koffyfontein, 63, 216, 387. Komati Poort, 50. Komgha Mounted Rifles: See COLONIAL UNITS. Koodoesberg, 387, 439-442. Koodoesberg Drift, 439. Kopjes, description of, 63, 64. Koranaberg, 59. Krijgsraad (council of war), 77, 229, 264, 285, 341, 343-344. Kroonstad commando. See COMMANDOS. Kruger, President S. J. P., ultimatum of, 1; commandeers his burghers, 34; designs of, 48; telegraphs to Botha to hold on to Hlangwhane, 343; to President Steyn to commandeer everyone in annexed districts, 382. Krugersdorp, 60. Krugersdorp commando. See COMMANDOS. Kuilfontein farm, 281, 282. Kuruman, 207, 382.
Ladybrand Commando. See COMMANDOS. Lady Grey, 208. Ladysmith, 9, 38, 44-47, 58, 118, 120, 123, 144, 146-147, 150-153, 157-202, 205-210, 262-265, 334-340, 377, 379, 380, 411, 415, 434, 443; arrival of Sir G. White at, 157; attack on, of 6th January, 1900, repulsed, 409; communication with Dundee cut, 127; invested, 197, 198, 262; Naval reinforcements for, 120. Ladysmith Naval Brigade. See NAVAL BRIGADES. Lagos, 33. Laing's Nek, 37, 44-46, 58, 124-125; action of, 1881, Australia offers help after, 33. Lake St. Lucia, 59. Lambton, Captain The Hon. H., R.N., 120, 185-186, 205. Lambton, Major The Hon. C., 224, 255. Lancers (5th). See REGULAR UNITS. Lancers (9th). See REGULAR UNITS. Lancers (12th). See REGULAR UNITS. Lancers (16th). See REGULAR UNITS. Lancer's Hill, 338. Landman's Drift road, 128, 139. Landrosts, 382. Langeberg farm, 305, 307, 309. Langewacht Spruit, 264, 340. Lansdowne, The Most Hon. the Marquis of, K.G., G.C.S.I., G.C.M.G., G.C.I.E., 4, 5, 11, 29, 32-34, 98, 110, 197, 199-201, 338, 377, 384, 414, 443. Lawrence, Captain the Hon. H. A., 276. Leckie, Lieut. H. S., R.N., 116. Leicestershire regiment (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Lennox Hill, 129-140. Leuchars, Major G., 274. Leverson, Major G. F., 259. Lichtenburg commando. See COMMANDOS. Liebenberg, Commandant, 439, 442. Limit Hill, 176, 177, 183-184, 186. Limpopo (river), 50, 56, 57, 59, 60. Limpus, Commander A. H., R.N., 111, 115, 120, 265. Lincolnshire regiment (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Lisaine, 422. Little, Major M. O., 246-247, 325, 440. Little Karroo, 55. Little Namaqualand, 62, 66. Liverpool regiment (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Lobombo Mountains, 59. Lombards Kop, 120, 150, 172-195, 196, 261. Long, Colonel C. J., 266, 351, 352, 358-365, 369, 372-374. Long Hill, 173-177, 180, 183-184. Lord Mayor of London, 414. Lourenco Marques, 116. Low Veld, 62-63. Loyal North Lancashire regiment (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Lubbe, Commandant, 234. Lydenburg, 59. Lydenburg commando. See COMMANDOS. Lyttelton, Major-Gen. the Hon. N. G., C.B., 202, 204, 333, 352, 357-373.
Macbean, Lieut.-Colonel F., 326, 327. McCracken, Major F. W. N., 281, 284, 391-393, 405. McCracken's Hill, 392, 393, 395. MacDonald, Major-General H. A., C.B., D.S.O., 437, at Koodoesberg, 439-442. Macfarlan, Captain W., 319. McGrigor, Major C. R. R., 355. Madocks, Captain W. R. N., 402, 403. Madura, loss of the, 107. Maeder's farm, 391, 394, 395. Mafeking, 38, 39, 42, 44, 48-53, 197, 207, 248, 382, 384, 408, 409, 412, 443. Mafeking Corps. See COLONIAL UNITS. Magaliesberg, 60. Magersfontein, 63, 245, 260, 283, 304-331, 339, 376, 385, 389, 413, 428. Magersfontein position, 304-331, 428, 436, 438, 439. Magicienne, H.M.S., 116. Malaboch, 81. Malay States, 33, 95. Malta, 2, 89, 92, 93, 443. Malungeni, 141. Maluti Mountains, 57. Manchester regiment (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Maps. See MILITARY MAPS. Marchant, Major A. E., 238, 252. Marico commando. See COMMANDOS. Marico valley, 60. Marine Artillery, Royal. See REGULAR UNITS. Marine Light Infantry, Royal. See REGULAR UNITS. Maritzburg, 46, 47, 120, 158, 175, 197, 199-200, 208, 261-266, 270, 288, 332; conference at, 123; scanty means of defence of, 117; threatened by Boer raid, 206; topographical environment of, 263. Maritz Drift, 336. Mark's Drift, 387. Martial law, 417. Martyr, Lieut.-Col. C. G., D.S.O., 272. Mashonaland, 60. Massy, Major H. H., 353. Massy-Dawson, Lieut. F. E., R.N., 116. Matabele, 70. Matoppo Hills, 60. Mauch Berg, 59. Mauritius, 2, 52, 59, 89, 92. Maybole farm, 128. Medical Staff Corps, Royal. See REGULAR UNITS. Meiklejohn, Captain M. F. M., awarded the V.C., 170. Memorandum, Mr. Stanhope's, of 1st June, 1888, 5, 12, 13, 89. Merwe, Commandant T. van der, 229, 241. Merwe, Commandant van der, 342. Methuen, Lt.-Gen. The Lord, K.C.V.O., C.B., C.M.G., 120, 197, 199-203, 205, 207, 209-220, 223, 231, 232, 235-237, 240-242, 252-255, 257-260, 276, 279, 286, 288, 332, 334-339, 376, 386-387, 410, 428-431; advance from Orange river, Belmont, Graspan, and Modder river, 211-260; at Magersfontein, 304-331; camp of, Lord Roberts arrives at, 443; division (1st), strength of, 214, 215, 308; ordered to throw reinforcements into Kimberley, 211-213; to attack Cronje again or fall back (order cancelled), 378, 385; ordered by Lord Roberts to remain on defensive, 433, 436, 438, 439. Meyer, General Lukas, 49, 124, 126-128, 134, 137, 148, 172-173. Meyricke, Lieut. R. E., 364. Middelburg commando. See COMMANDOS. Middleburg, 206, 210, 276. Milbanke, Lieut. Sir J. P., Bart., awarded the V.C., 396. Miles, Colonel H. S. G., M.V.O., 386. Military maps, 13-15. Military Secretary's department, 16. Militia (home), 10, 12, 93-95, 379-380, 414-415, 443, 444. For names of Militia units which landed up to 13th February, 1900, see APPENDIX 9, page 483. Milner, Captain A. E., 148. Milner, Sir A., G.C.M.G., K.C.B., High Commissioner for South Africa and Governor of Cape Colony, 17, 117, 196, 198, 200, 207, 263, 383, 384, 425. Milton, Major P. W. A. A., 233, 240, 241, 323, 324. Mobilisation, complete success of, 8; danger lest political considerations shall postpone, 115; date of, 6; development of scheme, 7, 8; details of later stages of, 9; extent of, limited by Mr. Stanhope's Memorandum, 5, 6; must be based on shipping available, 115; war establishments for, 418; section and sub-division, 8, 10. See also SHORT SERVICE and RESERVES. Mobilisation of burghers, 49. Mobility of Boers, 66, 336. "Modder position" (also called "Modder River camp" and "Lord Methuen's camp"), 229, 279, 304, 313, 385, 413, 428, 441, 443, 444. Modder river, 63, 211-214, 231, 243-260, 304-316, 325, 412, 421, 436, 439, 443, 444. Modder Spruit, 148, 151-153, 161-162, 172-173, 178-180. Mohawk, S.S., 209. Moeller, Lieut.-Col. B. D., 131, 138-140. Molteno, 39, 53, 210, 286, 288, 290-294, 300-301, 408. Money, Lieut.-Col. C. G. C., 52, 225, 232, 237, 239, 248. Monarch, H.M.S., 117. Mont Aux Sources, 36, 57. Mont Blanc, 218-228. Mooi river, 200, 208, 266, 269, 270, 273, 332. Moore, Major M. G., 356. Morgan, Sergeant, 292-293, 295. Mossamedes, 55. Moss Drift, 306, 307, 309, 322, 325, 328. Mounted infantry, 131, 138-140, 148, 157, 203, 214, 233, 240-241, 278, 280-283, 287, 291, 292, 310, 313, 316, 332, 391-392, 402, 405, 407, 415, 416, 437, 439, 444. See also INFANTRY, MOUNTED. Mount Hamilton, 58. Mount Hampden, 60. Mount Tintwa, 58. Mowatt Committee, 32. Mozambique current, 61. Mules, 18, 21-23, 155, 176, 416-422. Mule wagons and harness, 417, 418. Mueller's Pass, 58, 125, 158. Mullins, Captain C. H., awarded the V.C., 170. Munger's Drift, 336. Munster Fusiliers, Royal (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Murchison Range, 59. Murray, Major A.J., 142. Murray, Major D., 433. Murray, Lieut. F. D., 142. Murray, Brig.-Gen. J. Wolfe, 261-264, 266. Murray, the Hon. T. K., C.M.G., 266, 337.
Naauwpoort, 22, 39, 42, 43, 57, 198, 199, 201, 203, 207, 209, 210, 275, 276, 282, 287, 290, 332, 378, 390, 391, 430, 431, 433-435. Namaqualand, 55. Natal, 4-34, 36-94, 196-210, 261-274, 334, 351, 381, 384, 409, 411, 413, 417, 422, 429, 438, 443; strength of local forces in, 94; Natal Government Railway staff, 424. Natal Carbineers. See COLONIAL UNITS. Natal Field Artillery. See COLONIAL UNITS. Natal (South) Field Force, 350. Natal Mounted Rifles. See COLONIAL UNITS. Natal Naval Brigade. See NAVAL BRIGADES. Natal Naval Volunteers. See COLONIAL UNITS and NAVY. Natal Police. See COLONIAL UNITS. Natal Royal Rifles. See COLONIAL UNITS. Navy, Royal: assistance of, required, 116, 117; delay in preparation due to Cabinet's unwillingness to cause war throws exceptional responsibility on, 97; guns and improvised carriages, 116-121; Natal Naval Volunteers' connection with the, 121, 122; mutual aid between Army and, 97; necessity of special practice together of Army and, 114; number of troops, etc., carried by, 108; ready for landing, 116; Royal Commission, report on success of, 115; statistics of transport work of the, 106-109; stoppage of contraband by the, 115, 116; triumph of the Admiralty administration of sea transport, 111; votes, cost of sea transport not charged to the, 99; conditions of, and use of mercantile marine, by fixed Army organisation, 115. Naval brigades, 116-122, 185-186, 205, 214, 218-260, 266, 267, 304-375, 438. Naval Commander-in-Chief. See HARRIS. Naval Gun Hill, 357, 362, 363. Naval staffs, 106. Nel, Commandant, 154. Nesbitt's Corps. See COLONIAL UNITS. Newcastle, 44, 58, 123-126, 160, 170, 175. New South Wales, 93; offers help, 33, 34. New South Wales Lancers and Mounted Rifles. See COLONIAL UNITS. New Zealand, 94; offers help, 34. New Zealand Mounted Rifles. See COLONIAL UNITS. Nicholson's Nek, 9, 174, 186-195. See also LOMBARDS KOP. Nicholson, Major-General Sir W. G., K.C.B., 13, 420, 422, 433, 436. Nieuwveld Mountains, 55, 383. Nodashwana, 152-153, 155. Norfolk regiment (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Northamptonshire regiment (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Northcott, Lieut.-Col. H. P., C.B., 257. North Staffordshire regiment (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Northumberland Fusiliers (1st and 2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Nottingham Road, 208, 269. Norval's Pont, 50, 198, 202, 210, 275, 396, 399, 400, 405, 412, 413, 425, 428-431, 434, 435. Norwood, 2nd Lieut. J., awarded the V.C., 177. Nurse, Corporal G. E., 365; awarded the V.C., 366.
Observation Hill, 183. Ogilvy, Lieut. F. C. A., R.N., 351, 358-360, 365, 373. Oliphant river, 59. Olivier, Commandant, 50, 208, 285, 289, 295. Olivier's Hoek Pass, 49, 58, 157. Onderbrook, 159, 340. Onderbrook Spruit, 338-340. Orange Free State, 3-85, 157, 196, 229, 275, 276, 306, 335, 382, 388, 411-413, 421, 431-435; advance through, 196; armament of, 79, 85; frontier of, 36; railway staff of, 424; regular forces of, 85. Orange river, 37-40, 56, 60, 61, 197-198, 201, 203, 207, 211-218, 258, 259, 382, 383, 386-388, 409, 411-413, 421, 430, 431, 434, 436, 439, 443. Orange River station, 39, 42, 43, 50, 52, 203, 207, 211, 213, 231, 258, 387, 429, 434, 444. Ordnance department, 28-33; committee, 423. See also BRACKENBURY. Ordnance factories, administration of, 28, 29. Orr, Captain M. H., 402. Orpen's Corps. See COLONIAL UNITS. Outbreak of war, 35-53. Owen-Lewis, Lieut. F., 231. Oxfordshire Light Infantry (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Ox transport, 22, 416-422.
Paarl, District of, 383. Paget, Colonel A. H., 222, 249, 259. Painter's Drift, 441, 442. Palmietfontein farm, 400. Park, Major C. W., 165. Parsons, Lieut.-Col. L. W., 202, 333, 352, 357, 369, 371. Pearse, Major H. W., 372. Penhoek, 287, 289-291. Pepworth Hill, 161, 172-175, 177, 178, 182, 184-186, 191. Perceval, Major E., 299-300. Philippolis commando. See COMMANDOS. Philipstown, 39. Philomel, H.M.S., 120, 121, 263, 333. Pickwoad, Colonel E. H., 135, 177, 178. Pienaar, Field Cornet, 159, 162. Pietermaritzburg. See MARITZBURG. Pieters, 58, 173. Piet Retief commando. See COMMANDOS. Pilcher, Lieut.-Col. T. D., 386-388. Pitt, Captain F. J., R.N., 106, 110, 111. Plessis Poort, 400, 405, 406. Plumbe, Major J. H., 238. Plumer, Bt.-Lieut.-Col. H. C. O., C.B., 51, 409. Pohlmann, Lieut., 192. Pole-Carew, Major-General R., C.B., 248, 252-259, 311, 314-315, 326, 328, 329. Pom-poms (37-m/m Vickers-Maxim Q.F. guns), sent out from England, 267, 423. Pondo tribe, 208. Pongola river, 59. Pontoons, 27. Port Elizabeth, 43, 53, 57, 58, 106, 113, 119, 197, 278, 284, 378, 434. Port Elizabeth Volunteers. See COLONIAL UNITS. Porter, Colonel T. C., 280, 282, 283, 391, 393, 400, 404, 405, 436. Porter's Hill, 391, 393-396, 400, 405. Portuguese East Africa, 65. Potchefstroom commando. See COMMANDOS. Potfontein farm, 404. Potgieter, Field Cornet, 128, 159. Potgieters Drift, 334-339, 411. Potong (Mont Aux Sources), 57. Powerful, H.M.S., 52, 117, 118, 120, 121, 185. Preparation for war, 1-34. Pretoria, 1, 38, 40, 48, 60, 123, 413. Pretoria commando. See COMMANDOS. Pretorius, Captain, 342. Price, Mr. T. R., traffic manager, Cape Government railways, 424, 443. Prieska, 213, 386, 387, 439. Prince Alfred's Own Cape Field Artillery. See COLONIAL UNITS. Prince Alfred's Volunteer Guard. See COLONIAL UNITS. Princess of Wales. See HOSPITAL SHIPS. Prinsloo, Commandant-General J., 216, 220, 229, 234, 239, 247, 309. Prinsloo, General, 341. Protectorate regiment. See COLONIAL UNITS. Prothero, Captain R. C., R.N., 120, 205, 214, 232, 238. Pulteney, Bt.-Lieut.-Col. W. P., 222, 225, 249. Putterskraal, 287, 288, 290, 291.
Quartermaster-General, 16, 17, 19, 20, 24, 27, 99, 100, 111, 421. Quathlamba (mountain range), 56. Queen Alexandra, H.M., 103. Queen's (Royal West Surrey regiment) (The) (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Queensland, 93; offers assistance, 33; renews offer, 34. Queensland Mounted Infantry. See COLONIAL UNITS. Queenstown (Cape Colony), 22, 53, 120, 202, 210, 285-287, 332, 383. Queenstown Rifle Volunteers. See COLONIAL UNITS.
Railway Pioneer Regiment. See COLONIAL UNITS. Railways, 36, 37, 39, 56, 57, 61, 63, 390, 413, 428-436; Bloemfontein, 428, 429; cross from Naauwpoort, 430; essential condition of Lord Roberts' scheme, 430, 431; proposed to Jacobsdal, 385; railway troops (R.E.), 424; staff of, 421, 424; system of, 421, 424. Ramah, 61. Ramdam, 229, 235, 241, 245. Rands, 59. Ravenhill, Private C., awarded the V.C., 366. Rawson, Colonel C. C., 265. Razor Back Hill, 218, 225. Reade, Major R. N. R., 213, 330. Red Hill ("Vertnek"), 342. Reed, Captain H. L., 366, 369; awarded the V.C., 366. Reeves, Colonel H. S. E. (Army Service Corps), 18. Reeves, Lieut.-Col. J. (Royal Irish Fusiliers), 350, 358. REGULAR UNITS. Cavalry:— Household Cavalry, Composite regiment of, 394, 400, 404, 437, 441, 442. 5th (Princess Charlotte of Wales's) Dragoon Guards, 2, 161, 163, 164, 169, 171, 175, 177, 181, 186. 6th Dragoon Guards (Carabiniers), 210, 280, 283, 390, 393, 400, 404, 436, 444. 1st (Royal) Dragoons, 203, 332, 353, 354, 367, 373. 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys), 387, 436, 441. 5th (Royal Irish) Lancers, 46, 124, 149, 150, 153, 157, 159, 161, 163, 165, 167, 169, 171, 174, 180, 181. 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons, 281, 283, 391, 392, 395, 396, 400, 402, 405, 407, 436, 443. 9th (Queen's Royal) Lancers, 2, 52, 203, 211, 213, 214, 216, 220, 231, 233, 245, 246, 248, 251, 310, 313, 316, 322, 325, 437, 439, 440. 10th (Prince of Wales's Own Royal) Hussars, 210, 281, 283, 391, 392, 395, 396, 402, 405, 437, 441. 12th (Prince of Wales's Royal) Lancers, 203, 279, 308, 309, 311, 315, 316, 321-325, 437, 441. 13th Hussars, 203, 332, 365, 367, 368, 373. 14th (King's) Hussars, 436, 444. 16th (Queen's) Lancers, 437, 441. 18th Hussars, 46, 124, 126, 131, 138, 140, 143, 145, 148, 149, 175, 181. 19th (Princess of Wales's Own) Hussars, 124, 153, 157, 158, 174, 180, 181. Artillery:— Royal Horse Artillery, 9, 91, 210, 284, 390-393, 395, 396, 399, 400, 402, 405. G. battery, 308, 310, 313, 321-323, 327, 329, 330, 387, 437. J. battery, 407, 443. O. battery, 279, 407, 437, 441. P. battery, 308, 386, 437. Q. battery, 436. R. battery, 278, 281, 282, 407, 437, 441. T. battery, 436. U. battery, 436. Royal Field Artillery:— 4th battery, 394, 396, 401, 406, 407, 443. 7th battery, 203, 271, 332, 352, 366, 367, 369, 373, 374. 13th battery, 131, 133, 182-184. 14th battery, 203, 332, 351, 361. 18th battery, 203, 214, 217, 220, 225-227, 233, 235-239, 248, 251, 252, 254, 256-259, 310, 321, 327, 329, 437. 21st battery, 150, 163, 164, 173, 178, 182, 186. 37th (Howitzer) battery, 404, 407, 443. 42nd battery, 153-155, 161, 163, 164, 173, 178, 182. 53rd battery, 153, 154, 173, 177, 178, 182, 184. 62nd battery, 52, 203, 214, 258, 259, 309, 310, 321, 327, 330, 437, 439, 441. 63rd battery, 202, 210. 64th battery, 202, 210, 332, 357, 369. 65th (Howitzer) battery, 308, 310, 321, 329, 438. 66th battery, 203, 332, 351, 361, 366. 67th battery, 130, 131, 145, 148, 182. 69th battery, 130, 131, 133, 145, 148, 181, 182, 186. 73rd battery, 202, 210, 333, 357, 369, 371. 74th battery, 204, 289, 290, 292, 293, 297, 300. 75th battery, 52, 203, 214, 217, 220, 224, 233, 235-237, 251, 252, 259, 310, 321, 323, 327, 329, 437. 76th battery, 437. 77th battery, 204, 289, 290, 292, 293, 297, 299. 79th battery, 204. 81st battery, 437. 82nd battery, 438. Royal Garrison Artillery, 42, 91, 276, 284, 286, 287, 423, 433, 438; 10th Mountain battery, 153, 154, 174-177, 183, 186, 188. Ammunition columns, 315, 349, 361, 437, 438. Royal Marine Artillery, 214, 232, 238. Royal Malta Artillery, 91, 92. Engineers:— Royal Engineers, 42, 91, 183, 202, 211, 214, 215, 217, 232, 236, 237, 255, 257, 259, 279, 280, 284, 286, 289, 290, 292, 293, 301, 305, 311, 313, 314, 316, 326, 333, 336, 347, 349, 350, 353, 364, 373, 385, 400, 401, 404, 424, 425, 437-439, 440. Foot Guards:— Grenadier Guards (3rd), 215, 221-223, 225-228, 236, 249, 251, 323-325. Coldstream Guards (1st), 215, 221, 225, 226, 228, 236, 249-251, 323-325. Coldstream Guards (2nd), 215, 221, 225, 226, 228, 236, 249-252, 257, 259, 260, 323-325, 329. Scots Guards (1st), 215, 221-223, 225-227, 231, 232, 236, 249-251, 323, 326, 328-330. Infantry:— Royal Scots, Lothian (1st) [formerly 1st Foot], 203, 289, 291. The Queen's (Royal West Surrey) (2nd) [formerly 2nd Foot], 271, 333, 363, 364, 366, 371, 372. The Buffs (East Kent regiment) (2nd) [formerly 3rd], 437. Northumberland Fusiliers (1st) [formerly 5th], 2, 43, 52, 203, 214, 215, 223, 224, 225, 232, 233, 235, 237, 240, 252, 253, 255, 259, 311, 326. Northumberland Fusiliers (2nd) [formerly 5th], 203, 287, 290, 292, 296-298, 300, 301. Royal Warwickshire (2nd) [formerly 6th], 379. Royal Fusiliers (City of London regiment) (2nd) [formerly 7th], 333, 358, 367-369. The King's (Liverpool) (1st) [formerly 8th], 124, 153, 154, 157, 158, 173-175. Norfolk (2nd) [formerly 9th], 437. Lincolnshire (2nd) [formerly 10th], 437. Devonshire (1st) [formerly 11th], 124, 153, 154, 161, 163-168, 172, 175, 186. Devonshire (2nd) [formerly 11th], 333, 363, 364, 371, 372, 374. Suffolk (1st) [formerly 12th], 279, 281, 391, 394, 396-399, 408. The Prince Albert's (Somersetshire Light Infantry) (2nd) [formerly 13th], 333. Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire) (2nd) [formerly 14th], 266, 270, 271, 333, 364. Bedfordshire (2nd) [formerly 16th], 404, 407. Leicestershire (1st) [formerly 17th], 46, 131, 143, 144, 146, 151, 174-180, 185. Royal Irish (1st) [formerly 18th], 404, 407. Princess of Wales's Own Yorkshire (1st) [formerly 19th], 379, 394, 400, 402-405, 407, 437. Royal Scots Fusiliers (2nd) [formerly 21st], 333, 358, 360, 363, 364, 366, 372-374. Cheshire (2nd) [formerly 22nd], 437. Royal Welsh Fusiliers (1st) [formerly 23rd], 333, 357, 363. South Wales Borderers (2nd) [formerly 24th], 437. King's Own Scottish Borderers (1st) [formerly 25th], 437. The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) (2nd) [formerly 90th], 333, 351, 363, 372, 373. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers (1st) [formerly 27th], 333, 353, 356. Gloucestershire (1st) [formerly 28th], 153-155, 174-176, 186-194. Gloucestershire (2nd) [formerly 61st], 437. Worcestershire (2nd) [formerly 36th], 402, 404, 407. East Lancashire (1st) [formerly 30th], 437. East Surrey (2nd) [formerly 70th], 271, 333, 364, 372. Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry (2nd) [formerly 46th], 308, 386, 387, 438. Duke of Wellington's (West Riding) (1st) [formerly 33rd], 437. Border (1st) [formerly 34th], 2, 52, 204, 261, 264, 270, 271, 333, 353, 355, 356, 370. Hampshire (2nd) [formerly 67th], 437. Welsh (1st) [formerly 41st], 402, 407, 437. Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) (2nd) [formerly 73rd], 203, 276, 279, 308, 312, 317-319, 329, 437, 440, 441. Oxfordshire Light Infantry (1st) [formerly 43rd], 437. Essex (1st) [formerly 44th], 391, 394, 399, 401, 404, 405, 407, 437. Sherwood Foresters (Derbyshire) (1st) [formerly 45th], 376. Loyal North Lancashire (1st) [formerly 47th], 44, 203, 212, 214, 215, 223, 231-233, 235, 237-239, 242, 252-256, 259, 311, 326. Northamptonshire (2nd) [formerly 58th], 203, 215, 223, 224, 232, 233, 236-239, 247, 255, 309, 311, 326. Princess Charlotte of Wales's (Royal Berkshire) (2nd) [formerly 66th], 276, 281, 282, 284, 286, 291, 292, 391-393, 395, 396, 407. Royal Marine Light Infantry, 52, 99, 205, 214, 232, 238, 239, 242, 422. King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry) (2nd) [formerly 105th], 2, 52, 203, 214, 215, 223, 224, 226, 232, 233, 237-239, 252-256, 259, 310, 313, 321, 325, 328. King's (Shropshire Light Infantry) (2nd) [formerly 85th], 308, 438. King's Royal Rifle Corps (1st) [formerly 60th], 46, 127, 131-136, 138, 140, 143, 144, 147, 151, 174-176, 178, 179. King's Royal Rifle Corps (2nd) [formerly 60th], 153, 154, 158, 174-176, 179, 185, 367. King's Royal Rifle Corps (3rd) [formerly 60th], 333, 363, 364, 372. Duke of Edinburgh's (Wiltshire) (2nd) [formerly 99th], 404-407. Manchester (1st) [formerly 63rd], 46, 150, 160, 163-167, 171, 173, 175, 183, 186. Prince of Wales's (North Staffordshire) (2nd) [formerly 98th], 437. Durham Light Infantry (1st) [formerly 68th], 333, 363, 370, 372. Highland Light Infantry (1st) [formerly 71st], 215, 308, 312, 318-320, 327, 437, 440. Seaforth Highlanders (Ross-shire Buffs, The Duke of Albany's) (2nd) [formerly 78th], 308, 312, 316, 318, 319, 327, 438, 440, 441. Gordon Highlanders (1st) [formerly 75th], 308, 311, 315, 326, 327, 438. Gordon Highlanders (2nd) [formerly 92nd], 124, 150, 163-167, 169, 170, 173, 175, 176. Royal Irish Rifles (2nd) [formerly 86th], 10, 204, 286, 287, 290, 292, 296-298, 301. Princess Victoria's (Royal Irish Fusiliers) (1st) [formerly 87th], 2, 131-136, 142-144, 147, 149, 173, 174, 186-192, 195. Princess Victoria's (Royal Irish Fusiliers) (2nd) [formerly 89th], 333, 358, 360, 363, 364. Connaught Rangers (1st) [formerly 88th], 333, 353-356. Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders) (1st) [formerly 91st], 247, 252-256, 259, 308, 318, 319, 330, 438, 441. Royal Munster Fusiliers (1st) [formerly 101st], 43, 212, 215, 223, 226, 231, 232, 258, 308, 326, 386. Royal Dublin Fusiliers (1st) [formerly 102nd], 333. Royal Dublin Fusiliers (2nd) [formerly 103rd], 46, 123, 124, 127-129, 131, 132, 135, 139, 140, 143-145, 148, 149, 174, 175, 180, 262, 267, 268, 333, 353-356, 367. Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own) (1st), 333, 363, 370, 372. Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own) (2nd), 2, 175, 177. Army Service Corps:—8, 23-25, 91, 211, 289, 404, 417-421, 437, 438. Royal Army Medical Corps (includes Bearer companies, Field hospitals, etc.):—25, 91, 134, 147, 148, 211, 215, 228, 242, 284, 289, 290, 292, 313-315, 327, 330, 333, 347, 349, 364-366, 374, 421, 437, 438. Remount department, 19-23, 24, 27. Rensburg, 280, 390, 391, 395, 399, 400, 407, 443. Reserves: necessity of announcement in Parliament before summoning, 6; date of proclamation calling out, 6; numbers who obeyed the call and were fit, 8; value in the field of, 375; supply of, furnished during war, 10; inconvenience of Act requiring all classes A. B. C. to be exhausted before D. was summoned, 12; not numerous enough, 11; number in 1899, in British Islands, 90; great assistance rendered to army in field, 67, 11; a real reserve for war, not a mere substitution, 90; no delay caused by necessity for filling up ranks by, 115. Retreat from Dundee. See DUNDEE. Rhenoster farm, 404. Rhodes, The Right Hon. Cecil J., 17, 44. Rhodesia, 16, 36, 39, 94, 409. Rhodesian regiment. See COLONIAL UNITS. Ricardo, Lieut.-Col. P. R., 386. Richardson, Colonel W. D., C.B., 417, 420, 422. Richmond farm, 442. Richmond road, 276. Ridley, Colonel C. P., 433, 437. Rietfontein, 142, 151-156, 172. Riet River, 63, 243, 244, 246-248, 250, 251, 253, 256, 259, 260, 304, 378, 385, 387, 388, 430, 439, 441, 444. Rifle Brigade (1st and 2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Rimington, Major M. F., 220, 227, 246. Rimington's Guides. See COLONIAL UNITS. Roberts, Field Marshal the Right Hon. F. S. Lord, V.C., K.P., G.C.B., G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., Army Corps reconstituted, 436-438; appointed to command in South Africa, 376, 381, 386, 389; appoints his staff, 381; arrives at Cape Town, 408; Buller reports fresh attempt to relieve Ladysmith, 411; plan of campaign, 411-413, 428-436, 439; railways in Cape Colony, 425, 426; railways in Cape Colony, strategic value of, 430, 431; raises more local corps, 415, 416; reinforcements promised of troops, 414, 415; reinforcements promised of guns, 422-424; situation on his arrival, 408-411; transport reorganised, 416-421; telegram from Gibraltar, 385. Roberts, Lieut. the Hon. F. H. S., 365; awarded the V.C. (posthumous), 366. Roberts' Horse. See COLONIAL UNITS. Roberts', Mr. J., farm, 293-295. Robertson, Sergt.-Major W., awarded the V.C., 170. Robinson's Drift, 336. Robinson's farm, 340, 341, 352. Rogers, Major C. R., 360. Roggeveld mountains, 383. Rooi Kop, 289, 290, 291, 295. Rooilaagte, 216, 230. Rorke's Drift, 274. Rosmead, 244, 247-260. Rosmead Junction, 278, 378, 435. Rouxville commando. See COMMANDOS. Royal Army Medical Corps. See REGULAR UNITS. Royal Berkshire regiment (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Royal Canadian regiment. See COLONIAL UNITS. Royal Commissions, on South African hospitals, 26; on South African war, 13, 110, 411, 412. Royal Dragoons. See REGULAR UNITS. Royal Dublin Fusiliers (1st and 2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Royal Engineers. See REGULAR UNITS. Royal Field Artillery. See REGULAR UNITS. Royal Fusiliers (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Royal Garrison Artillery. See REGULAR UNITS. Royal Horse Artillery. See REGULAR UNITS. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Royal Irish Fusiliers (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Royal Irish regiment (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Royal Irish Rifles (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Royal Malta Artillery. See REGULAR UNITS. Royal Marine Artillery. See REGULAR UNITS. Royal Marine Light Infantry. See REGULAR UNITS. Royal Munster Fusiliers (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Royal Scots Fusiliers (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Royal Scots regiment (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Royal Warwickshire regiment (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Royal Welsh Fusiliers (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Royal West Surrey regiment (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Royston, Colonel W., 174. Ruggles-Brise, Captain H. G., 225. Rustenburg, 59, 60. Rustenburg commando. See COMMANDOS.
St. Helena, 92, 95. St. Vincent, 105. Salisbury (Rhodesia), 60. Salisbury plain, 2. Sand river, 140. Sand Spruit, 128, 129, 131, 133, 135, 138, 140. Sangars, 73. Scandinavian commando. See COMMANDOS. Schanzes, 71. Scheme, Lord Roberts', 428. Schietberg, 393. Schiel, Colonel, 125, 167. Schoeman, Commandant, 275, 276, 280, 281, 389, 390, 393-395, 400, 409, 443. Schofield, Captain H. N., 365; awarded the V.C., 366. Scholtz Nek, 245, 409, 426, 440. Schreiber, Lieut. C. B., 366. Schreiner, The Hon. Mr. W. P., C.M.G., Q.C. (Premier of Cape Colony), 206. Schultz' farm, 139, 140. Scots Greys, Royal. See REGULAR UNITS. Scots Guards (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Scott, Captain P., R.N., 117-121, 205, 265. Scottish Rifles (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Seacow river, 402. Seaforth Highlanders (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Secrecy, 414; essential to Lord Roberts' scheme, 431. Secretary of State for War. See respectively, LANSDOWNE, SMITH, STANHOPE. Senior, Captain G., R.M.A., 238. Seton, Major H. J., 298. Seymour, Mr. (later Major) L.I., 425. Shannon, Sergeant-Major J., 360. Sharpe, Lieut.-Col. J. B., 215, 217. Shaul, Corporal J., awarded the V.C., 327. Sheridan, General, 75. Shipping, necessary dependence of nature of effective British army organisation on, 115; patriotic conduct of owners of, 107; success of Admiralty administration of, 110, 111; small quantity of, available at given moment, 103, 104, 105; statistics of, 108, 109; time required for getting ready, 100, 101, 102, 104. See also ADMIRALTY and NAVY. Shooter's Hill, 347, 373. Short Service, the system as worked in the Boer War, 90; how it supplied fresh drafts during war, 90; comparison with other wars, 91; effect of, on strength in the field, 11; caused no delay, 115; See also RESERVES and MOBILISATION. Shropshire Light Infantry (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Shute, Major H. G. D., 225, 324. Sierra Leone, 91. Simon's Bay, 117, 119, 120. Simon's Town, 52, 118. Slade-Wallace tools, 250. Slingersfontein, 400, 402, 404, 405. Sluits, 61. Skiet's Drift, 334, 336, 337. Smith, Major Granville, R. F., 250. Smith, The Right Hon. W. H., 7. Smith, Major W. Apsley, 365. Smith-Dorrien, Colonel H. L., D.S.O., 438. 444. Smithfield commando. See COMMANDOS. Smith's farm, 129, 132, 135. Smith's Nek, 129, 133, 137. Sneeuw Bergen (mountain), 56. Snyman, General, 50, 409. Somaliland, 95. Somerset East, 206. Somersetshire Light Infantry (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. South Africa: absence of roads in, 18, 65; agriculture in, 62; as a theatre of war, 64; climatic influences on, 61; cool nights in, 65; dearth of bridges in, 61, 65; drifts of, 61; eminently healthy, 64; harbours of, 57, 65, 113; hill systems of, 55; nature of the country in, 18; physiological features of, 61; rainfall in, 66; rivers of, 60, 61, 65; scarcity of well-built towns in, 65; special clothing prescribed for, 30; tableland of, 54. South African Light Horse. See COLONIAL UNITS. South African Republic Police (Zarps), 49, 81, 84. South African War. See WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA. South Australia, 93; offers assistance, 34. South Australian Infantry. See COLONIAL UNITS. South Natal raid, 261-274. Southern Rhodesia. See RHODESIA. South Wales Borderers (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Spartan. See HOSPITAL SHIPS. Spion Kop (mountain), 58, 438. Spitz Kop, 400. Springfield, 338. Springfontein Junction, 411. Springs, 60. Spruits, 60. Spytfontein, 63, 245, 305, 310, 329. Standerton commando. See COMMANDOS. Stanhope, The Right Hon. E. (Secretary of State for War in 1888), his memorandum of June 1st, 1888, 5, 12, 13, 20, 89. Steenkamp, Commandant, 192, 195. Steinkamp, Commandant L. F., 439. Steinkamp, Commandant, 295, 299. Stellenbosch, 22, 43, 383. Stephenson, Brig.-General T. E., 405, 406, 437, 444. Sterkstroom, 53, 301, 408. Sterkstroom Junction, 287. Sterling, Captain J. T., 225. Steyn, President M. T., 48, 285, 295, 306, 382, 388; outwitted by Lord Roberts, 435. Steynsburg, 295. Steynsburg road, 292, 293, 299, 302. Stockenstroom, 383. Stopford, Colonel the Hon. F., C.B., 209, 357, 362. Stopford, Lieut.-Col. H. R., 225, 260. Stores, deficiency of, 31, 32; in freight ships, 104; tonnage of, 108, 109; those wanted first placed at bottom of ships, 113. Stormberg, 39, 42, 43, 52, 57, 66, 120, 198, 199, 205, 210, 283, 285-303, 339, 376, 389, 408, 409, 412, 435. Stormbergen, 56, 57. Straits Settlements, 89, 92. Strength of army in South Africa, at various dates, 1, 2, 443, and Appendices. Strength of Boers, estimated, 1, 2, 38, 265, 377, 409, 410, 459. Strength of regular army and armed forces of the British Empire, 89-95. Strength of various arms, average, 438. Suffolk Hill. See GRASSY HILL. Suffolk regiment (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Sugar Loaf Hill, 218, 225. Sunday's river, 59, 127, 149, 335. Sunday's River Passes, 58. Sunnyside, 387, 442. Supplies, 19, 43, 44, 67, 106, 108, 200, 206, 209, 210, 216, 310, 315, 418, 421, 443; supply department, 422. Surprise Hill, 188, 190, 334, 335. Survey department of Cape Colony, 14. Swaatbouys Kop (or Nodashwana), 152. Swanepoel, Commandant, 50, 295, 298, 301. Swaziland, 50, 65. Swaziland commando. See COMMANDOS. Swaziland Police, 49, 81, 84. Swinkpan, 227, 231, 232. Symons, Major-General Sir W. Penn. K.C.B., 45-47, 123-137, 160.
Taaiboschlaagte, 280. Taal language, 121. Tabanyama (mountain), 58, 335, 338. Tabanhlope, 269. Table Bay, 119, 206. Table Mountain (Cape Town), 48. Table Mountain (Belmont), 218-228. Tactics, Lord Roberts' instructions for, 445-450. Talana, 123-142. Tarkastad, 287. Tartar, H.M.S., 120, 263, 265, 332. Tasmania, 309; offers assistance, 34. Tasmanian Infantry. See COLONIAL UNITS. Taungs, 382. Telegraph, essential to Lord Roberts' scheme, 431. Tembu tribe, 208. Teneriffe, 105. Terrible, H.M.S., 117, 120, 205, 263, 265, 332. Thaba Bosigo, 72. Thackeray, Lieut.-Col. T. M. G., 353. Theatre of war, 54-67. Thetis, H.M.S., 120, 265. Thomas' farm, 216, 217. Thompson, Sir Ralph, K.C.B., 7. Thorneycroft, Major A. W., 206, 261, 368, 369, 373. Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry. See COLONIAL UNITS. Thornhill farm, 387. Thwaites, Captain W., 184. Tintwa Pass, 49, 58, 123, 157. Touw's river, 53. Town Guards. See COLONIAL UNITS. Townsend, Colonel E., M.D., C.B., 242. Towse, Captain E. B., awarded the V.C., 327. Transport (land), 413, 416-421; delay imposed by peace wishes, during time needed for getting, 19; difficulty because of, in having British army ready for war, 18; early attempts made by Sir Evelyn Wood, Lord Wolseley, and Sir A. Milner to provide, 16, 17; harness for, 19; impossibility of keeping British ready for war, 17; in previous campaigns, 17; mules for, purchased abroad, 20; mules in South Africa, 22; native drivers needed for, 24; necessary change of vehicles for South Africa for, 18; necessity for, 18; peculiarities of South African, 416, 417; reorganised by Lord Roberts, 416-421; respective advantages of ox and mule, 416, 417; successive demands for, 18; transport by rail, 424; transport companies, 421, 437; transport department, 422; transport, regimental, 418, 419; transport staff, 417; transport (sea). See NAVY; varied character of British, 17; vehicles for, 19. Transvaal, 3-85, 335. Transvaalers. See COMMANDOS. Transvaal Police. See SOUTH AFRICAN REPUBLIC POLICE. Transvaal Staats Artillerie, 49, 81-84. Trichardt, Commandant, 128, 140. Trichardt's Drift, 411. Trojan. See HOSPITAL SHIPS. Trueter's commando. See COMMANDOS. Tucker, Lieut.-Gen. C., C.B., 437. Tudway, Lieut.-Col. R. J., 278. Tugela Ferry, 274, 334. Tugela river, 14, 58, 208, 261, 263-265, 267, 273, 332-376, 410. Tulbagh district, 383. Tuli, 42. Tunnel Hill, 176. Tweedale siding (or station), 277, 281.
Uganda, 95. Uitenhage Rifles. See COLONIAL UNITS. Uitlanders, 38, 385. Ultimatum of October 9th, 1899, 1, 86. Umbulwana (or Bulwana), 150, 172, 176, 181, 182. Umvoti Mounted Rifles. See COLONIAL UNITS. Union Castle, S.S. Co., 100, 107. Urmston, Major E. B., 441. Utrecht, 124. Utrecht commando. See COMMANDOS.
Vaal Kop, 281, 282. Vaal river, 36, 37, 61, 387. Van Dam, 191, 192, 394. Van der Merwe's commando. See COMMANDOS. Van der Merwe, Commandant. See MERWE. Van Reenen's Pass, 37, 38, 44, 45, 49, 58, 125, 157, 158, 171, 173. Van Staaden, Commandant, 128. Van Tenders Pass, 147, 148. Vant's Drift, 128. Van Zyl, Lieut. See ZYL. Van Zyl's farm, 292-295, 300. Van Zyl Siding, 405. Venter, Comdt. H. van der, 234. Verner, Lieut.-Colonel W. W. C., 216, 245. Versamelberg (mountain), 59. Vertnek (Red Hill), 342. Veterinary Department. See ARMY VETERINARY DEPARTMENT. Viceroy of India, 1. Vickers-Maxim, 37 m/m Q.F. guns. See POM-POMS. Victoria, 94; offers assistance, 33, 34. Victorian Infantry, Mounted Infantry, and Mounted Rifles. See COLONIAL UNITS. Victualling of troops at sea, 99, 105. Vierkleur, 48. Viljoen, General Ben, 125, 127, 159, 342. Visser's homestead, 440. Voetpads Drift, 310, 314, 325. Volksrust, 124. Volunteers: Home, 10, 12, 93-95, 380, 414. See also COLONIAL UNITS. Vrede commando. See COMMANDOS. Vryburg, 382. Vryheid, 124. Vryheid commando. See COMMANDOS.
Wakkerstroom Commando. See COMMANDOS. Wakkerstroom Nek, 49. Walker, Lieut.-Gen. Sir F. Forestier-. See FORESTIER-WALKER. Walter, Major R. L., 367. Wapenschouws, 80. War Department of Pretoria, 38. "War Establishments," 418. War in South Africa: British preparations for, 1-34; outbreak of, 35-53; theatre of, 54-67. War Office, 6, 15, 22, 28, 35, 38, 44, 89, 100, 110, 111, 117, 199-201, 353, 379-381, 384, 410, 412-415, 418, 421, 422, 438, 443. Wardle, Midshipman T. F. J. L., R.N., 238. Warley Common, 269. Warren Lieut.-Gen. Sir C., G.C.M.G., K.C.B., 201, 377, 379. Warrenton, 39. Warwickshire regiment, Royal (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Waschbank, 58, 127. Waschbank bridge, 334. Waschbank river, 147-151. Water, story of, at Graspan, 432; carts, 421. Waterberg commando. See COMMANDOS. Watson, Lieut.-Colonel A. J., 281, 396-399. Wauchope, Major-Gen. A. G., C.B., C.M.G., 203, 207, 211, 212, 215, 276-279, 308, 311, 312, 316-319, 323, 324. Wavell, Major-General A. G., 437. Weenen, 269, 273. Weenen road, 336. Weil, Messrs., 16. Welman, Major H. L., 298. Welsh regiment (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Wessels, Commandant, 409. West Africa and various African protectorates, 91, 95. West Australia, 94; offers assistance, 34. West Australian Infantry. See COLONIAL UNITS. West Indies, 95. West Riding regiment (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. West Yorkshire (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. White, Lieut.-General Sir George S., V.C., G.C.B., G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., 9, 46-48, 51, 52, 123, 126, 127, 143, 144, 148, 149, 205, 208, 210, 261-264, 335, 377, 378, 410, 415, 422; arrived in Natal, 46; at Elandslaagte, 157-171; at Lombards Kop, 172-184; at Rietfontein, 151-156; his knowledge of Buller's plans, 338, 339; isolated, 200; suggests that Navy should be consulted, 117, 118, 120; unable to protect southern Natal, 196-198. White, Captain H. S., 371. Wickham, Major W. J. R., 146. Widgeon, H.M.S., 116. Wilford, Colonel E. P., 154, 155. Willcock, Captain S., 193. Willow Grange, 269, 270, 272. Willmott, Captain W. A., 298. Wilson, Lieutenant R. S., 319, 320. Wilson, Lieut.-Colonel A., 441. Wiltshire regiment (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Winburg commando. See COMMANDOS. Windmill camp, 395. Wing, Major F. D. V., 181. Winterberg mountains, 383. Wire fences, 71, 155, 166, 167, 221, 256, 320, 442. Witfontein Berg (mountain), 59. Witmoss, 53. Witteberg (mountain), 59. Wittekop, 245. Witteputs, 213, 216, 223, 386. Witwaters Rand, 60. Wodehouse district, 382. Wolmaranstad commando. See COMMANDOS. Wolseley, Field Marshal the Right Honourable G. J. Viscount, K.P., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., 7, 17, 39, 101, 197, 207. Wolseley-Jenkins, Brig.-Gen. C. B. H., 158, 159. Wolve Kop, 400. Wolvekraal farm, 388. Wood, Lieutenant C. C., 213. Wood, General Sir H. Evelyn, V.C., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., 16, 17. Wood, Major-General E., C.B., 386-388. Woodcote farm, 160, 161, 167. Wools Drift, 124. Worcester district, 383. Worcestershire regiment (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Wyk, 75.
Yeomanry, 12, 93, 379, 380. See also IMPERIAL YEOMANRY. Yorkshire Light Infantry (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Yorkshire regiment (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Yule, Major-Gen. J. H., 123, 131, 133, 137, 138, 142-156, 161, 172.
Zambesi, 48, 60. Zandspruit, 49, 124. Zarps. See SOUTH AFRICAN REPUBLIC POLICE. Zibenghla (transport), 203. Zoutpansberg commando. See COMMANDOS. Zoutpansberg Range, 59. Zoutpan's Drift, 387, 388. Zululand, 36, 65, 94, 158, 274. Zulus, 70. Zuurbergen (mountain), 56. Zwarte Bergen (mountain), 55. Zyl, Lieutenant Van, 272.
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