[Tablenote 1: Wardha returned to Durban damaged and the squadron was transferred to Nevassa.]
[Tablenote 2: Includes seven machine.]
[Tablenote 3: Subsequently went to Natal.]
[Tablenote 4: Includes seven machines.]
The distribution of British forces under arms in Cape Colony on 11th October, 1899.
{ Detachments 14th and 23rd cos., R.G.A. CAPE PENINSULA { Headquarters 8th coy., R.E. { Two cos., 1st battn. Royal Munster Fusiliers. { 9th coy., Army Service Corps.
STELLENBOSCH { Two cos., 1st battn. Royal Munster Fusiliers. { 15th coy., Army Service Corps.
{ One section, 7th coy., R.E. { One section, 29th coy., R.E. DE AAR { 1st battn. Northumberland Fusiliers. { Four cos., 2nd battn. King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. { M.I. coy., 1st battn. Northumberland Fusiliers.
{ One section, R.G.A. { One section, 7th coy., R.E. { Four cos., 1st battn. Loyal North Lancashire { regt. ORANGE RIVER STATION { Four cos., 1st battn. Royal Munster Fusiliers. { M.I. coy., 1st battn. Loyal North Lancashire regt., less detachment at Kimberley. { M.I. coy., 1st battn. Royal Munster Fusiliers.
{ One section, 7th coy., R.E. { 23rd coy., R.G.A. { Diamond Fields artillery (six guns). { Diamond Fields Horse. KIMBERLEY { Four cos., 1st battn. Loyal North Lancashire { regt. { Kimberley regt. { Town Guard. { Detachment M.I. coy., 1st battn. Loyal North Lancashire regt.
FOURTEEN STREAMS Detachment Cape Police.
TAUNGS Detachment Cape Police.
VRYBURG { Detachment Cape Police. { Vryburg Mounted Rifles (one coy.)
{ Bechuanaland Rifles. { Protectorate regiment. MAFEKING { Detachment Cape Police. { Detachment British South African Police. { Town Guard.
TULI { Rhodesian regiment (en route from Buluwayo). { Detachment British South African Police.
{ One section, (two guns) R.G.A. { One section, 29th coy., R.E. NAAUWPOORT { Four cos., 2nd battn. Royal Berkshire regt. { M.I. coy., 2nd battn. King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry.
{ One section, (two guns) R.G.A. STORMBERG { One section, 29th coy., R.E. { Four cos., 2nd battn. Royal Berkshire regt. { M.I. coy., 2nd battn. Royal Berkshire regt.
The distribution of British forces under arms in Natal on 11th October, 1899.
{ 18th Hussars. { One sqdn., Natal Carbineers. { M.I. coy., 1st battn. Leicestershire regiment. { M.I. coy., 1st battn. King's Royal Rifle Corps. DUNDEE[5] { M.I. coy., 2nd battn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers. { Detachment Natal Police. { 13th, 67th, and 69th batteries, R.F.A. { 1st battn. Leicestershire regt. { 1st battn. King's Royal Rifle Corps. { 2nd battn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers.
{ 5th Lancers. { 19th Hussars. { 21st, 42nd, and 53rd batteries, R.F.A. { 10th mountain battery, R.G.A. { 23rd coy., R.E. { 1st battn. Liverpool regt. and M.I. coy. { 1st battn. Devonshire regt. LADYSMITH { 1st battn. Manchester regt. { 2nd battn. Gordon Highlanders. { Natal Mounted Rifles. { Natal Carbineers. { Border Mounted Rifles. { Natal Field artillery. { Detachment Natal Police. { Natal Naval Volunteers. { Natal Corps of Guides.
{ Durban Light Infantry. COLENSO { Detachment Natal Naval Volunteers. { One sqdn., Natal Carbineers.
ESTCOURT { Natal Royal Rifles.
PIETERMARITZBURG { 2nd battn. King's Royal Rifle Corps. { Imperial Light Horse.
HELPMAKAAR { Umvoti Mounted Rifles.
ESHOWE { One mounted coy., 1st battn. King's Royal Rifle { Corps.
DURBAN { One sqdn., 5th Dragoon Guards.
[Tablenote 5: The 1st battn. Royal Irish Fusiliers, and one section, 23rd coy., R.E., arrived at Dundee during 15th and 16th October.]
- - - District. Present on Subsequent Increase. Mobilisation. - - - Bethel 700 } Bloemhof 800 } Carolina 506 } Ermelo 800 } Fordsburg 900 } Germiston and Boksburg 1,050 } Heidelberg 1,685 } Jeppestown 400 } Johannesburg[6] 1,000 } Krugersdorp 800 } Lichtenburg 850 } Lydenburg 1,230 } Marico 1,050 } Middelburg 1,317 } 14,779[8] Piet Retief 230 } Potchefstroom 3,000 } Pretoria 2,540 } Rustenburg 1,500 } Springs 60 } Standerton 1,100 } Swaziland[6] 290 } Utrecht 900 } Vryheid 944 } Waterberg 732 } Wakkerstroom 800 } Wolmaranstad 400 } Zoutpansberg 1,287 } - - - 26,871[7] 14,779 -/
Total Transvaal Burghers in the field 41,650
[Tablenote 6: Exclusive of police.]
[Tablenote 7: Boer evidence.]
[Tablenote 8: Intelligence statistics on conclusion of peace.]
- District. Present on Subsequent Increase. Mobilisation. - Bethlehem 1,605 } Bethulie 385 } Bloemfontein 2,824 } Boshof 1,030 } Ficksburg 633 } Fauresmith 1,560 } Heilbron 1,671 } Harrismith 915 } Hoopstad 799 } 6,264[10] Jacobsdal 250 } Kroonstad 2,561 } Ladybrand 1,113 } Philippolis 402 } Rouxville 1,109 } Smithfield 797 } Vrede 1,006 } Winburg 2,114 } Wepener 571 } - 21,345[9] 6,264 /
Total O.F.S. Burghers in the field 27,609
State Artillery S.A.R 800 State Artillery O.F.S 375 South African Republic Police (whites only) 1,209 Swaziland Police (whites only) 302 ——- 2,686 =====
Hollanders 320 Italian 75 Scandinavian 100 Irish 500 German 200 French 50 Russian 25 American 50 Foreigners serving with Commandos 800 ——- 2,120 =====
[Tablenote 9: Boer evidence.]
[Tablenote 10: Intelligence statistics on conclusion of peace.]
Rebels 13,000 Small bands[11] 300 ——— 13,300 ======
Burghers of S.A.R. 41,650 Burghers of O.F.S. 27,609 Regular Forces 2,686 Foreign Corps 2,120 Rebels, etc. 13,300 ——— 87,365 ======
[Tablenote 11: E.g., those under S. Eloff, W. Mears, J. Hindon, etc.]
List of H.M. ships and vessels serving on the Cape station October 11th, 1899, to June 1st, 1902, showing the approximate dates when they were so engaged.
Those that were present on the station at the beginning of the war are shown with an asterisk.
Name of Dates between Commanded by Remarks. vessel. which so serving. from to
BARRACOUTA* 10/99 6/02 Comder. R.H. Peirse Comder. H. Cotesworth Comder. S. H. B. Ash
BARROSA* 10/99 3/01 Comder. W. F. Tunnard
BEAGLE 7/01 6/02 Comder. H. V. W. Elliott
BLANCHE 1/01 6/02 Comder. M. T. Parks
DORIS* 10/99 4/01 Capt. R. C. Prothero, C.B. Flagship of Rear Admrl. Sir R. H. Harris, K.C.B. K.C.M.G. DWARF* 11/99 6/02 Lieut. H. F. Shakespear Lieut. W. N. England
FEARLESS 12/99 8/00 Comder. H. R. P. Floyd Detached from Mediterranean station.
FORTE* 10/99 6/02 Capt. E. P. Jones C.B. Comder. C. H. Dundas Capt. R. C. Sparkes, C.M.G. Capt. P. Hoskyns, C.M.G., M.V.O.
GIBRALTAR 4/01 6/02 Capt. A. H. Limpus Flagship of Rear Admiral Arthur W. Moore, C.B., C.M.G.
MAGICIENNE* 10/99 11/00 Capt. W. B. Fisher, C.B.
MAGPIE 11/00 5/02 Lieut. J. K. Laird
MONARCH* 10/99 6/02 Capt. R. D. B. Bruce Capt. C. H. Bayly Capt. W. L. Grant
NAIAD 4/01 11/01 Capt. the Hon. A. E. Detached from Bethell Mediterranean station.
NIOBE 11/99 8/00 Capt. A. L. Winsloe Detached from Channel Squdrn.
PARTRIDGE* 10/99 6/02 Lieut. A. T. Hunt Lieut. E. La T. Leatham
PEARL 4/02 6/02 Capt. E. P. Ashe
PELORUS 12/99 6/00 Capt. H. C. B. Hulbert Detached from Channel Squdrn.
PHILOMEL* 10/99 1/02 Capt. J. E. Bearcroft, C.B.
POWERFUL 10/99 3/00 Capt. the Hon. Hedworth On way home Lambton, C.B. from China.
RACOON 1/00 7/00 Comder. G. H. Hewett Detached from Comder. A. E. A. Grant East Indies stn.
RAMBLER 11/99 6/00 Comder. H. E. P. Cust Surveying Service.
RATTLER 9/01 6/02 Lieut. C. Tibbits
REDBREAST 2/01 4/01 Lieut. M. R. Hill Detached from East Indies.
SAPPHO 2/01 7/01 Capt. C. Burney Dtchd. from S.E. Coast America.
SYBILLE 1/01 2/01 Capt. H. P. Williams Wrecked near Lambert's Bay.
TARTAR* 10/99 7/01 Comder. F. R. W. Morgan Comder. R. H. Travers
TERRIBLE 10/99 3/00 Capt. P. M. Scott, C.B. On her way out to China station.
TERPSICHORE 3/01 3/02 Capt. C. H. Coke Replaced the Sybille.
THETIS 11/99 4/01 Capt. W. Stokes Rees, C.B. Detached from Mediterranean station.
THRUSH* 10/99 6/02 Lieut. W. H. D'Oyly
WIDGEON* 10/99 6/01 Lieut. A. F. Gurney Lieut. W. Forbes
Warrant Horses Guns Arms. Officers N.C.O.s (Riding and and men. Draught). Field. Machine.
Cavalry (includes detachment Natal Carbineers.) 21 497 485 — 1 Royal Artillery 17 454 428 18 — Infantry and details (includes mounted infantry companies) 89 3,285 655 — 4
Total 127 4,236 1,568 18 5
Ranks. Killed. Wounded. Missing Total (Prisoners). Casualties.
Officers 11 23 9 43 N.C.O.s and men 40 180 237 457
APPROXIMATE BOER LOSSES:—Killed, 30; wounded, 100; prisoners, 12 = 142.
Description of Weapons. 15-pr. Field Guns. .303 L.M. rifles.
Number of rounds 1,237 82,000
Warrant Horses Guns Arms. Officers N.C.O.s (Riding and and men. Draught). Field. Machine.
Cavalry (includes Natal 110 1,842 2,024 — 6 Mounted Volunteers.) Royal Artillery 16 479 553 18 — Infantry 92 2,782 400 — 4
Total 218 5,103 2,977 18 10
Ranks. Killed. Wounded. Missing Total (Prisoners). Casualties.
Officers 1 6 — 7 N.C.O.s and men 13 92 2 107 —— 114
APPROXIMATE BOER LOSSES:—Killed, 13; wounded, 31—44.
Description of Weapons. 15-pr. 2.5-in. .303 L.M. Field Guns. Mountain Guns. rifles.
Number of rounds 680 125 52,951
Warrant Horses Guns Arms. Officers N.C.O.s (Riding and and men. Draught). Field. Machine.
Cavalry (includes Imperial Light Horse and 17 1,297 1,319 — 3 Natal Carbineers)
Royal Artillery (includes Natal Field Artillery) 20 532 481 18 — Infantry 47 1,583 322 — 3
Total 84 3,412 2,122 18 6
Ranks. Killed. Wounded. Missing Total (Prisoners). Casualties.
Officers 4 31 — 35 N.C.O.s and men 46 182 — 228
Total 263
APPROXIMATE BOER LOSSES:—Killed, 67; wounded, 108; prisoners, 188 = 363.
Description of Weapons 15-pr. Field 2.5-in. Natal .303 L.M. Pistol. Guns. F.A. rifles.
Number of rounds 423 74 61,212 241
Arms. Officers. Warrant, Horses Guns N.C.O.s (Riding and and men. Draught). 4.7-in. 12-pr. 15-pr. Machine. Naval. 2.5-in. Cavalry (includes Imperial Light Horse 160 2,946 3,121 — — — — 7 and Natal Mounted Volunteers)
Royal Artillery (includes Naval 74 1,677 1,230 2 4 50 6 6 Brigade and Natal Volunteer Artillery)
Royal Engineers 10 224 95 — — — — —
Infantry 212 7,150 1,397 — — — — 10
Total 456 11,997 5,843 2 4 50 6 23
Ranks. Killed. Wounded. Missing Total (Prisoners). Casualties.
Officers 6 10 37 53 N.C.O.s and men 63 239 917 1,219
Total 1,272
Description of Weapons. 15-pr. Field 2.5-in. Naval .303 Guns. 12-pr. 12-cwt. L.M. rifles.
Number of Rounds 2,359 330 25 433,247
Arms. Officers. Warrant, Horses Guns N.C.O.s (Riding and and men. Draught). Naval Field Machine. 12-pr. 15-pr. Cavalry (includes Imperial Light Horse) 160 2,946 3,121 — — —
The Naval Brigade 18 384 10 4 — — 1st Division Staff 12 55 46 — — — Mounted troops 48 920 999 — — 3 Royal Artillery 19 546 514 — 12 — Royal Engineers 13 333 71 — — — Infantry(2 brigades) 216 7,010 347 — — 7
Army Service Corps and Royal Army 20 418 312 — — — Medical Corps
Total 346 9,666 2,299 4 12 10
Ranks. Killed. Wounded. Missing. Total.
Officers 3 23 — 26 Other ranks 51 220 — 271
Note.—The force engaged at Graspan was the same as at Belmont, less casualties, &c., of the 23rd November.
Ranks. Killed. Wounded. Missing. Total.
Officers 3 6 — 9 Other ranks 15 137 7 159
Arms. Officers. Warrant, Horses Guns N.C.O.s (Riding and and men. Draught). Naval Field Machine. 12-pr. 15-pr.
The Naval Brigade 16 238 10 4 — — 1st Division Staff 12 55 46 — — — Mounted troops 47 866 895 — — 3 Royal Artillery 23 656 704 — 16 — Royal Engineers 13 333 71 — — — Infantry 211 7,500 379 — — 8 Armed Service Corps and Royal Army 20 418 312 — — — Medical Corps
Total 342 10,066 2,417 4 16 11
Ranks. Killed. Wounded. Missing. Total.
Officers 4 19 — 23 Other ranks 67 370 18 455
Arms. Officers. Warrant, Horses Guns N.C.O.s (Riding and and men. Draught). Field Machine.
Divisional Staff 7 14 7 — — Mounted Troops (includes detachment Cape Police) 17 436 453 — 2 Royal Artillery 19 466 514 12 — Royal Engineers 7 200 63 — — Infantry 50 1,710 84 — 2 Armed Service Corps, Royal Army Medical 8 101 88 — — Corps, &c.
Total 108 2,927 1,209 12 4
Ranks. Killed. Wounded. Missing. Total Casualties.
Officers — 8 13 21 N.C.O.s and men 25 102 548 675
Description of Guns, &c. 15-pr. Machine. Lee-Metford .303.
Number of rounds 569[12] 1,146 137,382[13]
[Tablenote 12: Includes 67 rounds captured by the enemy.]
[Tablenote 13: Includes 37,400 rounds lost in ammunition carts, and 86,560 rounds in the pouches of the killed and prisoners.]
Arms. Officers. Warrant, Horses Guns N.C.O.s (Riding and Naval. Field. Machine. and men. Draught). 4.7-in. 12-pr. Howitzer. 15-pr. 12-pr.
The Naval Brigade 18 294 10 1 4 — — — — 1st Division Staff 10 53 44 — — — — — — 1st Cavalry Brigade 77 1,627 1,686 — — — — 6 4 Royal Artillery 29 918 931 — — 4 18 — — Royal Engineers 12 325 70 — — — — — — Infantry (3 brigades) 297 10,672 551 — — — — — 12 Armed Service Corps and Royal Army 32 600 431 — — — — — — Medical Corps
Total 475 14,489 3,723 1 4 4 18 6 16
Ranks. Killed. Wounded. Missing. Total.
Officers 22 46 1 69 Other ranks 188 629 62 879 948
Description of Guns, &c. Howitzers. Field Guns. Machine. Lee-Metford .303. Rounds 402 4,189 18,487 321,782
Guns. Arms. Officers. Other Horses Naval. Field Machine. Ranks. (Riding 15-pr. and 4.7in. 12-pr. Draught).
The Naval Brigade 31 279 6 2 12 — — Natal Army Staff 34 137 123 — — — — Mounted troops 126 2,561 2,700 — — — 2 Royal Artillery 39 1,074 869 — — 30 — Royal Engineers 14 419 255 — — — — Infantry (4 brigades) 416 13,521 716 — — — 16 Army Service Corps 16 217 550 — — — — Royal Army Medical Corps 30 464 336 — — — —
Total 706 18,672 5,555 2 12 30 18
Ranks. Killed. Wounded. Missing. Total.
Officers 7 47 20 74 Other ranks 136 709 220 1,065 1,139
NAVAL AMMUNITION EXPENDED. Rounds. 4.7-inch 160 12-pr. 12-cwt. 900
STRENGTH Officers Other Ranks Horses - Guns Ship in which embarked. - Date of leaving England. Date of Arrical at Cape Town. Place of disembarkation. - Date of disembarkation. UNIT. - Army Corps 36 119 29 {Dunottar 14.10.99 31.10.99 Cape 31.10.99 Staff { Castle Town {Caspian 17.10.99 18.11.99 Cape 18.11.99 { Town {Carisbrook 28.10.99 14.11.99 Cape 14.11.99 { Castle Town Corps Troops: 13th Hussars 25 558 499 1{Montfort 13.11.99 8.12.99 Durban 13.12.99 {Templemore10.11.99 2.12.99 Durban 5.12.99 Corps Artillery 4 15 16 Pindari 30.10.99 25.11.99 Cape 25.11.99 Staff Town G. battery, 5 178 196 6 Pindari 30.10.99 25.11.99 Cape 25.11.99 R.H.A. Town P. battery, 5 179 196 6 Pindari 30.10.99 25.11.99 Cape 25.11.99 R.H.A. Town 7th brigade Division 4 13 14 Algeria 7.11.99 4.12.99 Cape 5.12.99 Staff, Town R.F.A. 4th battery, 5 170 137 6 Sicilian 15.11.99 10.12.99 Cape 10.12.99 R.F.A. Town 38th battery, 5 173 137 6 Algeria 7.11.99 4.12.99 Cape 5.12.99 R.F.A. Town 78th battery, 5 171 137 6 Sicilian 15.11.99 10.12.99 East 12.12.99 R.F.A. London [14] 8th brigade Division 4 14 10 Antillian 17.11.99 9.12.99 Cape 10.12.99 Staff, Town R.F.A. 37th battery, 5 194 161 6 Antillian 17.11.99 9.12.99 Cape 10.12.99 R.F.A. Town R.F.A. {British 16.11.99 6.12.99 East 11.12.99 61st battery, { Princess London R.F.A. 5 194 152 6{ [14] {Montfort 13.11.99 8.12.99 East 11.12.99 { London { [14] 65th battery, 5 194 162 6 Canning 12.11.99 4.12.99 Cape 4.12.99 R.F.A. Town {British 16.11.99 6.12.99 Cape 6.12.99 { Princess Town Ammunition { Park 17 269 260 {Canning 12.11.99 4.12.99 Cape 4.12.99 { Town {Sicilian 15.11.99 10.12.99 Cape 10.12.99 { Town Royal 10 245 Kildonan 4.11.99 22.11.99{Durban 27.11.99 Engineers Castle {Cape 22.11.99 { Town 1st battn. the Royal 27 1,014 2 1 Dictator 6.11.99 1.12.99 East 4.12.99 Scots London Army Service {Braemar 6.10.99 27.10.99 Cape 27.10.99 Corps 19 326 { Castle Town {Moor 21.10.99 9.11.99 Cape 9.11.99 { Town {Pindari 30.10.99 25.11.99 Cape 26.11.99 { Town {Englishman 6.11.99 30.11.99 East 4.12.99 { London Royal Army {Dictator 6.11.99 1.12.99 East 4.12.99 Medical 4 35 { London Corps {Ranee 5.11.99 5.12.99 Cape 5.12.99 { Town {Arawa 7.11.99 1.12.99 Cape 2.12.99 { Town Army Service 21 482 Braemar 6.10.99 27.10.99 Cape 27.10.99 Corps Castle Town Cavalry Division: Cavalry Division 4 16 17 City of 22.10.99 16.11.99 Cape 16.11.99 Staff Vienna Town Field troop, 4 116 88 Rapidan 13.11.99 9.12.99 Cape 9.12.99 R.E. Town 1st cavalry brigade: 1st cavalry 3 13 4 City of 22.10.99 16.11.99 Cape 16.11.99 brigade Vienna Town Staff 6th 25 563 499 1{Chicago 8.11.99 1.12.99 Cape 2.12.99 Dragoon { Town Guards {Wakool 4.11.99 27.11.99 Cape 28.11.99 { Town 10th 26 565 502 1{Ismore 4.11.99 Wrecked. Columbine 3.12.99 Hussars { Pnt.[15] {Columbian 6.11.99 2.12.99 Cape 3.12.99 { Town 12th 26 559 500 1{Mohawk 22.10.99 16.11.99 Cape 16.11.99 { Town Lancers {City of 22.10.99 16.11.99 Cape 16.11.99 { Vienna Town Southern, 25 575 4{Malta 22.10.99 16.11.99 Cape 16.11.99 Aldershot, { Town South-Eastern {Aurania 23.10.99 11.11.99 Cape 11.11.99 and { Town Cork M.I. R. battery, 6 180 198 6 America 24.10.99 18.11.99 Cape 19.11.99 R.H.A. Town Ammunition 3 83 75 America 24.10.99 18.11.99 Cape 19.11.99 column Town No. 11 4 57 Ismore 4.11.99 Wrecked. Columbine 3.12.99 Bearer Pnt.[15] company No. 11 5 35 Mohawk 22.10.99 16.11.99 Cape 16.11.99 Field Town Hospital 2nd cavalry brigade: 2nd cavalry 3 13 4 Carisbrook 28.10.99 14.11.99 Cape 14.11.99 brigade Castle Town Staff 1st Royal 27 562 520 1 Manchester 30.10.99 22.11.99 Durban 27.11.99 Dragoons Port {Antillian 17.11.99 9.12.99 Cape 10.12.99 2nd { Town Dragoons 25 548 498 1{British 16.11.99 6.12.99 Cape 7.12.99 { Princess Town {Ranee 9.11.99 5.12.99 Cape 5.12.99 { Town {Jamaican 23.10.99 18.11.99 Cape 18.11.99 { Town 6th {[16]Persia28.10.99 11.12.99 Cape 11.12.99 Dragoons 25 557 498 1{ Town {Siberian 24.10.99 19.11.99 Cape 20.11.99 { Town O. battery, 6 180 198 6 Glengyle 27.10.99 20.11.99 Cape 21.11.99 R.H.A. Town Ammunition 3 86 61 Glengyle 27.10.99 20.11.99 Cape 21.11.99 column Town Northern, Western, 24 581 4{Orient 22.10.99 12.11.99 Cape 13.11.99 Eastern { Town and {Cephalonia24.10.99 18.11.99 Cape 18.11.99 Dublin { Town M.I. 2nd cavalry 2 55 Idaho 3.11.99 26.11.99 Cape 26.11.99 brigade Town Bearer company No. 6 Field 5 35 Cephalonia24.10.99 18.11.99 Cape 18.11.99 Hospital Town 1st Infantry Division: 1st Division 10 4 Moor 21.10.99 9.11.99 Cape 9.11.99 Staff Town Divisional Troops: "A." squadron, 8 186 191 Maplemore 29.11.99 25.12.99 Cape 25.12.99 1st Life Town Guards Brigade Division 9 183 152 6 Armenian 24.10.99 13.11.99 Durban 17.11.99 Staff and 7th battery, R.F.A. 14th battery, 5 172 137 6 Armenian 24.10.99 13.11.99 Durban 17.11.99 R.F.A. 66th battery, 5 170 136 6 Armenian 24.10.99 13.11.99 Durban 17.11.99 R.F.A. Ammunition 5 129 94 Armenian 24.10.99 13.11.99 Durban 17.11.99 column Royal 8 208 Goorkha 21.10.99 15.11.99{Durban 21.11.99 Engineers {Cape 15.11.99 Town No. 7 Field 5 35 Gascon 21.10.99 12.11.99 Cape 12.11.99 Hospital Town 1st infantry brigade: 1st brigade 2 16 3 Goorkha 21.10.99 15.11.99 [17]Cape 15.11.99 Staff Town 3rd battn. Grenadier 32 1,083 6 1 Goorkha 21.10.99 15.11.99 [17]Cape 15.11.99 Guards Town 1st battn. 31 1,090 5 1 Malta 22.10.99 16.11.99 [17]Cape 16.11.99 Coldstream Town Guards 2nd battn. 31 1,082 3 1 Gascon 21.10.99 12.11.99 Cape 12.11.99 Coldstream Town Guards 1st battn. 30 1,089 3 1 Nubia 21.10.99 13.11.99 Cape 14.11.99 Scots Town Guards No. 1 3 58 Gascon 21.10.99 12.11.99 Cape 12.11.99 bearer Town company No. 1 4 35 Nubia 21.10.99 13.11.99 Cape 13.11.99 Field Town Hospital 2nd infantry brigade: 2nd 3 18 3 Roslin 20.10.99 8.11.99 Durban 12.11.99 brigade Castle staff 2nd battn. Royal 26 1,064 3 1 Yorkshire 20.10.99 11.11.99 Durban 14.11.99 West Surrey regiment 2nd battn. 24 1,041 3 1 Manila 20.10.99 15.11.99 Durban 19.11.99 Devonshire regiment 2nd battn. West 27 936 3 1 Roslin 20.10.99 9.11.99 Durban 12.11.99 Yorkshire Castle regiment 2nd battn. 26 1,082 3 1{Harlech 20.10.99 15.11.99 Durban 20.11.99 East { Castle Surrey {Lismore 20.10.99 11.11.99 Durban 14.11.99 regiment { Castle No. 4 bearer 3 58 Roslin 20.10.99 9.11.99 Durban 15.11.99 company Castle No. 3 Field 4 35 Roslin 20.10.99 9.11.99 Durban 15.11.99 Hospital Castle 2nd Infantry Division: Divisional Troops: 2nd infantry 11 8 4 Moor 21.10.99 9.11.99 Durban 14.11.99 division Staff "B." squadron, 9 191 199 {Maplemore 29.11.99 24.12.99 Cape 25.12.99 Royal { Town Horse {Pinemore 4.12.99 29.12.99 Cape 29.12.99 Guards { Town 5th brigade 4 12 16 Urmston 1.11.99 27.11.99 Durban 2.12.99 division, Grange R.F.A. 63rd battery, 5 170 137 6 Ismore 4.11.99 Wrecked Durban 27.12.99 R.F.A. [18] 64th battery, 5 170 137 6 Urmston 1.11.99 27.11.99 Durban 2.12.99 R.F.A. Grange 73rd battery, 5 170 139 6 Idaho 3.11.99 26.11.99 Durban 1.12.99 R.F.A. Ammunition 5 123 93 Idaho 3.11.99 26.11.99 Durban 1.12.99 column Royal 9 208 Aurania 23.10.99 11.11.99 Cape 11.11.99 Engineers Town 2nd divisional Field 5 35 Cephalonia24.10.99 18.11.99 Durban 23.11.99 Hospital 3rd infantry brigade: 3rd infantry 2 18 1 Aurania 23.10.99 11.11.99 Cape 11.11.99 brigade Town Staff 2nd battn. Royal 29 1,014 3 1 Orient 24.10.99 14.11.99 Cape 14.11.99 Highlanders Town 1st battn. Highland 26 1,087 1 Aurania 23.10.99 11.11.99 Cape 11.11.99 Light Town Infantry 2nd battn. Seaforth 27 927 3 1 Mongolian 21.10.99 18.11.99 Cape 18.11.99 Highlanders Town 1st battn. Argyll 30 1,081 3 1{Servia 4.11.99 24.11.99 Cape 24.11.99 and { Town Sutherland {Orcana 27.10.99 17.11.99 Cape 17.11.99 Highlanders { Town No. 3 Bearer 3 58 Aurania 23.10.99 11.11.99 Cape 11.11.99 company Town No. 10 Field 5 35 Mongolian 21.10.99 18.11.99 Cape 18.11.99 Hospital Town 4th infantry brigade: 4th infantry brigade 3 22 3 Cephalonia24.10.99 18.11.99 Durban 23.11.99 Staff 2nd battn. Scottish 26 939 3 1 City of 23.10.99 16.11.99 Durban 22.11.99 Rifles Cambridge 3rd battn. King's 29 1,074 3 1 Servia 4.11.99 24.11.99 Durban 28.11.99 Royal Rifle corps 1st battn. Durham 28 921 3 1 Cephalonia24.10.99 18.11.99 Durban 23.11.99 Light Infantry 1st battn. Rifle 29 1,082 3 1 German 28.10.99 21.11.99 Durban 25.11.99 brigade No. 9 Bearer 2 54 Servia 4.11.99 24.11.99 Durban 29.11.99 company No. 9 Field 6 38 Servia 4.11.99 24.11.99 Durban 29.11.99 hospital 3rd Infantry Division: Divisional Troops: 3rd infantry division 11 8 4 Moor 21.10.99 9.11.99 East 16.11.99 Staff London "C." squadron, 2nd Life 9 186 193 Pinemore 4.12.99 29.12.99 Cape 29.12.99 Guards Town 6th brigade 4 13 5 Englishman 6.11.99 30.11.99 East 4.12.99 division, London R.F.A. 74th battery, 5 170 138 6 Englishman 6.11.99 30.11.99 East 4.12.99 R.F.A. London 77th battery, 5 170 137 6 Englishman 6.11.99 30.11.99 East 4.12.99 R.F.A. London 79th battery, 5 173 141 6 Montfort 13.11.99 8.12.99 East 11.12.99 R.F.A. London Ammunition 5 128 94 Englishman 6.11.99 30.11.99 East 4.12.99 column London Royal 9 220 Bavarian 10.11.99 28.11.99 Cape 28.11.99 Engineers Town No. 16 Field 4 35 Cheshire 9.11.99 29.11.99 East 5.12.99 Hospital London 5th infantry brigade: 5th infantry brigade 3 21 3 Catalonia 5.11.99 30.11.99 Durban 5.12.99 Staff 1st battn. Royal 29 969 3 1 Catalonia 5.11.99 30.11.99 Durban 5.12.99 Inniskilling Fusiliers 2nd battn. Royal 25 875 3 1 Britannic 26.10.99 14.11.99 East 16.11.99 Irish Rifles London 1st battn. Connaught 28 855 3 1 Bavarian 10.11.99 28.11.99 Durban 1.12.99 Rangers 1st battn. Royal 28 923 1 Bavarian 10.11.99 28.11.99 Durban 1.12.99 Dublin Fusiliers No. 8 Bearer 3 57 Bavarian 10.11.99 28.11.99 Durban 1.12.99 company No. 15 Field 5 35 Bavarian 10.11.99 28.11.99 Durban 1.12.99 Hospital 6th infantry brigade: 6th infantry brigade 3 21 3 Oriental 23.10.99 13.11.99 Durban 17.11.99 Staff 2nd battn. Royal 25 769 3 1 Pavonia 22.10.99 18.11.99 Durban 23.11.99 Fusiliers 2nd battn. Royal 29 870 2 1{Oriental 23.10.99 13.11.99 Durban 17.11.99 Scots {Pavonia 22.10.99 18.11.99 Durban 23.11.99 Fusiliers 1st battn. Royal 27 1,074 3 1 Oriental 23.10.99 13.11.99 Durban 17.11.99 Welsh Fusiliers 2nd battn. Royal 29 946 3 1 Hawarden 23.10.99 12.11.99 Durban 16.11.99 Irish Castle Fusiliers No. 12 Bearer 3 58 Catalonia 5.11.99 30.11.99 Durban 5.12.99 company No. 17 Field 5 35 Oriental 23.10.99 13.11.99 Durban 17.11.99 Hospital Lines of Communication: 2nd 29 977 3 1 Kildonan 4.11.99 22.11.99 East 26.11.99 Northumberland Castle London Fusiliers 2nd Somerset 29 875 3 1 Briton 4.11.99 20.11.99 Durban 24.11.99 Light [19] Infantry 2nd Duke of Cornwall's 29 920 3 1 Formosa 5.11.99 29.11.99 Cape 29.11.99 Light Town Infantry 1st Welsh 28 823 3 1 Kildonan 4.11.99 22.11.99 Port 26.11.99 regiment Castle Elizabeth 2nd 28 990 3 1{Harlech 20.10.99 14.11.99 Cape 14.11.99 Northamptonshire { Castle Town regiment {Nubia 21.10.99 13.11.99 Cape 13.11.99 { Town 2nd Shropshire Light 29 905 3 1 Arawa 8.11.99 1.12.99 Cape 1.12.99 Infantry Town 1st Gordon 29 855 4 1 Cheshire 9.11.99 29.11.99 Cape 29.11.99 Highlanders Town
[Tablenote 14: Battery subsequently went to Natal.]
[Tablenote 15: Arrived Cape Town, 6.12.99.]
[Tablenote 16: Persia broke down at St. Vincent.]
[Tablenote 17: Started from Gibraltar.]
[Tablenote 18: Guns lost.]
[Tablenote 19: The battalion transhipped to S.S. Orcana, which arrived at Durban 24.11.99.]
The composition and distribution of British troops in southern Natal, 23rd November, 1899, the morning of the fight at Willow Grange.
ESTCOURT. { 2nd brigade Staff. { Naval detachment with two 12-pr. 12-cwt. guns. { 7th battery, R.F.A. { Natal Field artillery. MAJOR-GENERAL H. J. T. { 2nd battn. The Queen's (Royal West Surrey HILDYARD { regiment), five companies. { 2nd battn. West Yorkshire regiment. { 2nd " East Surrey regiment. { 1st " The Border regiment. { 2nd " Royal Dublin Fusiliers. { Mounted infantry company of 2nd battn. King's { Royal Rifle Corps. { 16th company, Army Service Corps. { Natal Royal Rifles. { Durban Light Infantry. { Natal Carbineers (one squadron). { Imperial Light Horse (one squadron). { Bethune's mounted infantry. { Natal Police.
MOOI RIVER. { 6th brigade Staff. { 14th battery, R.F.A. MAJOR-GENERAL G. { 2nd battn. The Queen's (Royal West Surrey BARTON. { regiment), three companies. { 2nd battn. Devonshire regiment. { 2nd " Royal Scots Fusiliers (one company). { 1st " Royal Welsh Fusiliers. { 2nd " Royal Irish Fusiliers. { 24th company, Army Service Corps. { Thorneycroft's mounted infantry.
NOTTINGHAM ROAD. { 66th battery, R.F.A. (two guns). { 2nd battn. Scottish Rifles.
PIETERMARITZBURG. { Divisional Staff of 2nd division. { Headquarters line of communication. { Naval contingent with four 12-pr. 12-cwt. Naval { guns.[20] { 66th battery, R.F.A. (four guns). LT.-GENERAL SIR C. F. { Divisional ammunition column. CLERY. { General depot. { Natal Naval Volunteers. { Imperial Light Infantry. { Pietermaritzburg Rifle association. { Home Guard. { Reserve Rifle association. { Railway Rifle association.
GREYTOWN. { MAJOR G. LEUCHARS. { Umvoti Mounted Rifles.
DURBAN. { Naval contingent, two 6-in. guns, two 4.7-in. { guns, 12 Naval 12-pr. 12-cwt. and two Naval { 12-pr. 8-cwt. guns. CAPT. PERCY SCOTT, R.N. { [21]2nd battn. Royal Fusiliers. { [21]2nd " Royal Scots Fusiliers (seven { companies). { [21]1st " Durham Light Infantry.
[Tablenote 20: Two of these guns were en route to Mooi River.]
[Tablenote 21: En route to Pietermaritzburg.]
STRENGTH Officers Other Ranks Horses - Guns Ship in which embarked. - Place of Embarkation. - Date of Embarkation. Place of Disembarkation. Date of Disembarkation. UNIT. -
No. 4. Mountain 6 276 18 6 Narrung Royal 16.11.99 Durban 12.12.99 battery, Albert R.G.A. Dock 1st battn. Suffolk 22 1,081 3 1 Scott Southampton 11.11.99 Cape Town 28.11.99 regiment 1st battn. Essex 23 912 3 1 Greek Southampton 11.11.99 Cape Town 3.12.99 regiment 1st battn. Derbyshire 29 1,091 5 1 Dunera Malta 21.11.99 East 15.12.99 regiment London
Divisional Staff 11 29 7 Norham Southampton 25.11.99 Cape Town 13.12.99 Castle 14th Hussars 25 599 497 1 {Victorian Southampton 13.12.99 Durban 6.1.00 {Cestrian Southampton 21.12.99 Cape Town 10.1.00 Brigade division 4 13 13 Atlantian Queenstown 5.12.99 Durban 1.1.00 Staff 19th battery, 5 170 133 6 Atlantian Liverpool 3.12.99 Durban 1.1.00 R.F.A. 20th battery, 5 170 137 6 Victorian Southampton 13.12.99 Cape Town 1.1.00 R.F.A. 28th battery, 5 170 137 6 Atlantian Queenstown 5.12.99 Durban 1.1.00 R.F.A. Ammunition 5 128 93 Atlantian Queenstown 5.12.99 Durban 1.1.00 column 37th Field 7 207 Canada Liverpool 30.11.99 Durban 23.12.99 company, R.E. 10th Infantry [22]1 17 2 Gaul Southampton 24.11.99 Cape Town 16.12.99 brigade Staff 2nd battn. Royal 25 1,078 3 1 Gaul Southampton 24.11.99 Cape Town 16.12.99 Warwickshire regiment 1st battn. 22 956 4 1 Doune Southampton 24.11.99 Cape Town 15.12.99 Yorkshire Castle regiment 2nd battn. Dorset 22 944 3 1 Simla Southampton 24.11.99 Durban 21.12.99 regiment 2nd battn. Middlesex 25 1,023 4 1 Avondale Southampton 2.12.99 Cape 26.12.99 regiment Castle Town[23] 11th infantry brigade 3 12 3 Canada Liverpool 30.11.99 Durban 23.12.99 Staff 2nd battn. Royal 25 1,049 3 1 Dilwara Southampton 2.12.99 Durban 30.12.99 Lancaster regiment 2nd battn. Lancashire 21 1,082 3 1 Norman Southampton 2.12.99 Cape 19.12.99 Fusiliers Town[24] 1st battn. South 22 1,049 3 1 Canada Liverpool 30.11.99 Durban 23.12.99 Lancashire regiment 1st battn. York and 24 838 4 1 Majestic Liverpool 13.12.99 Durban 2.1.00 Lancaster regiment Army Service Corps, No. 27 coy. 2 47 Canada Liverpool 30.11.99 Durban 23.12.99 Army Service Corps, No. 32 coy. 2 60 Gaul Southampton 24.11.99 Cape Town 16.12.99 Army Service Corps, No. 25 coy. 2 60 1 Canada Liverpool 30.11.99 Durban 23.12.99 Royal Army 15 153 {Canada Liverpool 30.11.99 Durban 23.12.99 Medical {Simla Southampton 24.11.99 Durban 21.12.99 Corps {Dilwara Southampton 2.12.99 Durban 30.12.99
Brigade division 4 16 18 Cestrian Southampton 21.12.99 Cape Town 10.1.00 Staff, R.H.A. Q. battery, 4 174 194 6{ManchesterSouthampton 19.12.99 Cape Town { 25.1.00 R.H.A. {Corporation { [25] T. battery, 5 170 196 6{ManchesterSouthampton 19.12.99 Cape Town 25.1.00 R.H.A. {Corporation U. battery, 3 178 196 6 Cestrian Southampton 21.12.99 Cape Town 10.1.00 R.H.A. Ammunition column 5 107 93 Cestrian Southampton 21.12.99 Cape Town 10.1.00 Army Ordnance 2 80 Guelph Southampton 18.11.99 Cape Town 10.12.99 Corps
Divisional 10 40 8 Dunottar Southampton 23.12.99 Port 15.1.00 Staff Castle Elizabeth Brigade division 4 13 16 Cymric Liverpool 1.1.00 Cape Town 21.1.00 Staff 76th battery, 5 170 137 6 Cymric Liverpool 1.1.00 Cape Town 21.1.00 R.F.A. 81st battery, 5 170 137 6 Cymric Liverpool 1.1.00 Cape Town 21.1.00 R.F.A. 82nd battery, 5 170 138 6 Cymric Liverpool 1.1.00 Cape Town 21.1.00 R.F.A. Ammunition 4 123 96 America Royal 5.1.00 Cape Town 31.1.00 column Albert Dock Royal 10 208 10 Tintagel Southampton 17.12.99 Cape Town 8.1.00 Engineers Castle 12th infantry brigade 3 21 Gascon Southampton 16.12.99 Port 12.1.00 Staff Elizabeth 2nd battn. 22 903 2 1 Sumatra Royal 16.12.99 Port 13.1.00 Bedfordshire Albert Elizabeth regt. Dock 1st battn. Royal Irish 18 843 18 1 Gascon Southampton 16.12.99 Port 12.1.00 regt. [26] Elizabeth 2nd battn. 27 1,055 117 1 Tintagel Southampton 17.12.99 Cape 8.1.00 Worcestershire [27] Castle Town regt. 2nd battn. 8 823 3 1 Gascon Southampton 16.12.99 Port 12.1.00 Wiltshire Elizabeth regt. 13th infantry brigade 3 21 3 Gaika Southampton 22.12.99 Cape Town 14.1.00 Staff 2nd battn. East Kent 21 934 120 1 Gaika Southampton 22.12.99 Cape Town 14.1.00 regt. [28] 2nd battn. 26 930 119 1 Cymric Liverpool 1.1.00 Cape Town 21.1.00 Gloucestershire [29] regt. 1st battn. 27 981 109 1 Orient Southampton 29.12.99 Cape Town 19.1.00 West Riding [30] regt. 1st battn. 26 768 87 1 Gaika Southampton 22.12.99 Cape Town 14.1.00 Oxfordshire [31] Light Infantry Army Service 2 60 Tintagel Southampton 17.12.99 Cape Town 8.1.00 Corps, No. 10 Castle company Army Service 2 60 Sumatra Royal 16.12.99 Port 13.1.00 Corps, No. 7 Albert Elizabeth company Dock Army Service 3 46 Tintagel Southampton 17.12.99 Cape Town 8.1.00 Corps, No. 23 Castle company Royal Army Medical Corps 20 221 {Tintagel Southampton 17.12.99 Cape Town 8.1.00 { Castle {Gaika Southampton 22.12.99 Cape Town 14.1.00 {America Royal 5.1.00 Cape Town 31.1.00 { Albert { Dock { Cymric Liverpool 1.1.00 Cape Town 21.1.00
Divisional 18 48 31 {Kildonan Southampton 3.1.00 Cape Town 20.1.00 Staff { Castle {Dwarka Bombay 4.1.00 Cape Town 18.1.00 Brigade division 4 12 14 Manchester Tilbury 18.1.00 Cape Town 11.2.00 Staff, R.F.A. Port 83rd battery, 5 170 134 6 Manchester Tilbury 18.1.00 Cape Town 11.2.00 R.F.A. Port 84th battery, 5 170 135 6 Manchester Tilbury 18.1.00 Cape Town 11.2.00 R.F.A. Port 85th battery, 5 170 137 6 Manchester Tilbury 18.1.00 Cape Town 11.2.00 R.F.A. Port Ammunition 3 126 93 Glengyle S.W. India 10.1.00 Cape Town 4.2.00 column Dock Royal 7 213 Goorkha Southampton 4.1.00 Cape Town 25.1.00 Engineers 14th infantry brigade 2 20 3 Goorkha Southampton 4.1.00 Cape Town 25.1.00 Staff 2nd battn. 26 984 5 1 Assaye Southampton 4.1.00 Cape Town 23.1.00 Norfolk regt. 2nd battn. 25 971 5 1 Goorkha Southampton 4.1.00 Cape Town 25.1.00 Lincolnshire regt. 1st battn. King's Own 28 1,067 3 1 Braemar Southampton 4.1.00 Cape Town 26.1.00 Scottish Castle Borderers 2nd battn. 22 838 3 1 Assaye Southampton 4.1.00 Cape Town 23.1.00 Hampshire regt. 15th infantry 3 21 1 Briton Southampton 13.1.00 Cape Town 29.1.00 brigade Staff 2nd battn. 27 963 3 1 Britannic Southampton 7.1.00 Cape Town 27.1.00 Cheshire regt. 1st battn. East 27 948 3 1 Bavarian Southampton 13.1.00 Cape Town 3.2.00 Lancashire regt. 2nd battn. 29 1,064 3 1 Bavarian Southampton 13.1.00 Cape Town 3.2.00 South Wales Borderers 2nd battn. North 27 998 3 1 Aurania Southampton 15.1.00 Cape Town 3.2.00 Staffordshire regt. Army Service Corps, 2 41 Braemar Southampton 4.1.00 Cape Town 26.1.00 No. 12 Castle company Army Service Corps, 2 37 Braemar Southampton 4.1.00 Cape Town 26.1.00 No. 17 Castle company Army Service Corps, 2 42 Braemar Southampton 4.1.00 Cape Town 26.1.00 No. 34 Castle company Royal Army Medical 16 164 {Braemar Southampton 4.1.00 Cape Town 27.1.00 Corps { Castle {Britannic Southampton 7.1.00 Cape Town 27.1.00 {Goorkha Southampton 4.1.00 Cape Town 25.1.00 {Bavarian Southampton 13.1.00 Cape Town 3.2.00
[Tablenote 22: Maj.-Gen. Talbot Coke embarked at Mauritius, 1.12.99.]
[Tablenote 23: The battalion was transhipped to Mongolian, which arrived at Durban on 1.1.00.]
[Tablenote 24: The battalion was transhipped to Roslin Castle, which arrived at Durban on 23.12.99.]
[Tablenote 25: Accident to propeller twice during voyage.]
[Tablenote 26: Strength includes mounted infantry company in America.]
[Tablenote 27: Strength includes mounted infantry company in British Prince.]
[Tablenote 28: Strength includes mounted infantry company in British Prince.]
[Tablenote 29: Strength includes mounted infantry company in British Prince.]
[Tablenote 30: Strength includes mounted infantry company in Pindari.]
[Tablenote 31: Strength includes mounted infantry company in Pindari.]
- Date of Date of Company. Embarkation. Arrival at Cape Town. - No. 15 company, Southern Division, R.G.A. 9th December, 26th December, No. 15 company, Western Division, R.G.A. 1899. 1899. - No. 16 company, Southern Division, R.G.A. 22nd December, 18th January, No. 36 company, Southern Division, R.G.A. 1899. 1900. - No. 2 company, Southern Division, R.G.A. 22nd January, 13th February, No. 5 company, Eastern Division, R.G.A. 1900. 1900. - No. 14 company, Southern Division, R.G.A. No. 17 company, Southern Division, R.G.A. No. 10 company, Eastern Division, R.G.A. 2nd & 3rd Feb. 24th to 27th No. 2 company, Western Division, R.G.A. 1900. Feb. 1900. No. 6 company, Western Division, R.G.A. No. 10 company, Western Division, R.G.A. -
These companies arrived in various ships.
STRENGTH Officers Other Ranks Horses - Guns Ship in which embarked. - Place of Embarkation. - Date of Embarkation. Place of Disembarkation. Date of Disembarkation. UNIT. -
Militia: 4th battn. Royal 25 658 2 Nile Southampton 13.1.00 Cape Town 1.2.00 Lancaster regiment 6th battn. 25 687 4 Umbria Southampton 11.1.00 Cape Town 29.1.00 Royal Warwick regiment 3rd battn. 24 735 4 City of Liverpool 16.1.00 Cape Town 13.2.00 S. Lancashire Rome regiment 4th battn. Derbyshire 31 651 4 Umbria Southampton 11.1.00 Pt. 2.2.00 regiment Elizabeth 3rd battn. 29 703 4 Umbria Southampton 11.1.00 East London 3.2.00 Durham Light Infantry 4th battn. Argyll & 28 772 5 City of Queenstown 18.1.00 Cape Town 13.2.00 Sutherland Rome Highlanders 9th battn. 24 672 2 Nile Queenstown 13.1.00 Cape Town 1.2.00 King's Royal Rifle Corps Imperial 4 5 Kinfauns Southampton 20.1.00 Cape Town 5.2.00 Yeomanry Castle Staff City of 28 812 {Garth Southampton 13.1.00 Cape Town 4.2.00 London { Castle Imperial {Briton Southampton 13.1.00 Cape Town 29.1.00 Volunteers {Gaul Southampton 20.1.00 Cape Town 12.2.00 {Kinfauns Southampton 20.1.00 Cape Town 5.2.00 { Castle
16th Lancers 23 551 540 1{Lindula Bombay 6.1.00 Pt. 23.1.00 { Elizabeth {Fazilka Bombay 6.1.00 Pt. 21.1.00 { Elizabeth {Nairung Bombay 6.1.00 Pt. 23.1.00 { Elizabeth A. battery, 3 174 206 6 Urlana Bombay 8.1.00 Durban 22.1.00 R.H.A. J. battery, 5 179 208 6 Ujina Bombay 11.1.00 Pt. 28.1.00 R.H.A. Elizabeth Burma mounted infantry 18 308 340 PalamcottaRangoon 24.1.00 Cape Town 13.2.00
New South 2 68 Nineveh London 10.10.99 Cape Town 2.11.99 Wales Lancers New Zealand 15 205 251 Waiwera Wellington 20.10.99 Cape Town 23.11.99 mounted rifles Victorian 5 120 9 Medic Melbourne 28.10.99 Cape Town 27.11.99 Rifles Tasmanian 4 76 4 Medic Melbourne 28.10.99 Cape Town 26.11.99 infantry Victorian 8 118 157 Medic Melbourne 27.10.99 Cape Town 27.11.99 mounted rifles South 6 121 3 Medic Adelaide 31.10.99 Cape Town 26.11.99 Australian infantry West 5 125 17 2 Medic Albany 5.11.99 Cape Town 26.11.99 Australian infantry New South Wales Lancers 5 33 130 } }Kent Sydney 28.10.99 Cape Town 1.12.99 New South 6 85 50 } Wales Army } Medical Corps } 2nd battn. Royal 43 997 6 2 Sardinian Quebec 30.10.99 Cape Town 30.11.99 Canadian regiment Queensland 14 248 285 1 Cornwall Brisbane 1.11.99 Cape Town 14.12.99 mounted infantry New South Wales 3 73 35 Aberdeen Sydney 3.11.99 Cape Town 7.12.99 mounted rifles New South 4 121 9 Aberdeen Sydney 3.11.99 Cape Town 6.12.99 Wales infantry 1st Australian Horse 2 32 37 } }Langton {Newcastle }14.11.99 Cape Town 19.12.99 New South 1 26 69 } Grange { N.S.W. } Wales mounted rifles A. battery, 6 170 140 6 Warrigal Sydney 30.12.99 Cape Town 7.2.00 New South Wales Artillery 2nd contingent Victorian 14 249 305 Euryalus Melbourne 13.1.00 Cape Town 7.2.00 mounted rifles
Distribution of troops in South Africa on 11th February, 1900, when the march from Ramdam began.
Commander-in-Chief's Bodyguard.
Cavalry division. Lt.-Genl. J. D. P. French.
1st Cavalry brigade (Brig.-Genl. T. C. Porter). 6th Dragoon guards (Carabiniers). 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys). 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons (one squadron). 14th Hussars (one squadron). New South Wales Lancers. Q.T. and U. batteries, Royal Horse Artillery.
2nd Cavalry brigade (Brig.-Genl. R. G. Broadwood). Composite regiment of Household cavalry. 10th Hussars. 12th Lancers. G. and P. batteries, Royal Horse artillery.
3rd Cavalry brigade (Brig.-Genl. J. R. P. Gordon). 9th Lancers. 16th Lancers. O. and R. batteries, Royal Horse artillery.
Divisional troops. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th regiments of mounted infantry. Roberts' Horse. Kitchener's Horse. Rimington's Guides. New Zealand mounted rifles. Queensland mounted infantry. New South Wales mounted rifles. Nesbitt's Horse. Ammunition Column. Field Troop, R.E. Det. A.S.C. Bearer Companies. Field Hospitals.
6th infantry division. Lieut.-General T. Kelly-Kenny.
13th brigade (Maj.-Genl. C. E. Knox). 2nd battn. East Kent regiment. 2nd " Gloucestershire regiment. 1st " West Riding regiment. 1st " Oxfordshire Light Infantry. Det. A.S.C. Bearer coy. Field Hospital.
18th brigade (Brig.-Genl. T. E. Stephenson). 1st battn. Yorkshire regiment. 1st " Welsh regiment. 1st " Essex regiment. Det. A.S.C. Bearer coy. Field Hospital.
Divisional troops. Two 12-pr. 12-cwt. Naval guns. 76th battery, R.F.A. 81st battery, R.F.A. Ammunition column. 38th Field company, R.E. Det. A.S.C. Field Hospital.
7th infantry division. Lieut.-General C. Tucker.
14th brigade (Maj.-Genl. H. Chermside). 2nd battn. Norfolk regiment. 2nd " Lincoln regiment. 1st " King's Own Scottish Borderers. 2nd " Hampshire regiment. Det. A.S.C. Bearer Coy. Field Hospital.
15th brigade (Maj.-Genl. A. G. Wavell). 2nd battn. Cheshire regiment. 2nd " South Wales Borderers. 1st " East Lancashire regiment. 2nd " North Staffordshire regiment. Det. A.S.C. Bearer Coy. Field Hospital.
Divisional Troops. 18th battery, R.F.A. 62nd battery, R.F.A. 75th battery, R.F.A. Ammunition Column. 9th Field company, R.E. Det. A.S.C. Field Hospital.
9th infantry division. Lieut.-Genl. Sir H. Colvile
3rd brigade (Maj.-Genl. H. A. MacDonald). 2nd battn. Black Watch. 1st " Highland Light Infantry. 2nd " Seaforth Highlanders. 1st " Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Det. A.S.C. Bearer Coy. Field Hospital.
19th brigade (Maj.-Genl. H. L. Smith-Dorrien). 2nd battn. Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. 2nd " Shropshire Light Infantry. 1st " Gordon Highlanders. 2nd " Royal Canadian regiment. Det. A.S.C. Bearer Coy. Field Hospital.
Divisional Troops. Two 4.7-in. Naval guns. 65th (Howitzer) battery, R.F.A. 82nd battery, R.F.A. Ammunition column. 7th Field company, R.E. Det. A.S.C. Field Hospital. City of London Imperial Volunteers mounted infantry. Grahamstown Volunteers mounted infantry.
1st brigade (Maj.-Genl. R. Pole-Carew). 3rd battn. Grenadier Guards. 1st " Coldstream Guards. 2nd " Coldstream Guards. 1st " Scots Guards. Det. A.S.C. Bearer Coy. Field Hospital.
9th brigade (Maj.-Genl. C. W. H. Douglas). 1st battn. Northumberland Fusiliers. 1st " Loyal North Lancashire regiment (four companies). 2nd " Northamptonshire regiment. 2nd " King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. Det. A.S.C. Bearer Coy. Field Hospital.
Divisional Troops. Two 4.7-in. and two 12-pr. 12-cwt. Naval guns. 20th battery, R.F.A. 37th (Howitzer) battery, R.F.A. (four Howitzers). 38th battery, R.F.A. Detachment 14th company, Southern Division, R.G.A. Ammunition Column. Field company, R.E. Balloon section, R.E. Det. A.S.C. Field Hospital.
83rd battery, R.F.A. 84th battery, R.F.A. 85th battery, R.F.A. A. battery, New South Wales artillery. Detachment 14th coy., Southern Division, R.G.A. 15th coy., Southern Division, R.G.A. 15th coy., Western Division, R.G.A. Two 5-in. guns 16th coy., Southern Division, R.G.A. 2nd battn. Royal Warwickshire regiment. 1st " Suffolk regiment. 1st " Royal Munster Fusiliers. 4th " Royal Lancaster regiment. 6th " Royal Warwickshire regiment. 3rd " South Lancashire regiment. 9th " King's Royal Rifle Corps. 4th " Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. City of London Imperial Volunteers. Railway Pioneer regiment.
6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons (two squadrons). J. battery, R.H.A. 37th (Howitzer) battery, R.F.A. (two Howitzers). 4th battery, R.F.A. 2nd battn. Bedfordshire regiment. 1st " Royal Irish regiment. 2nd " Worcestershire regiment. 2nd " Royal Berkshire regiment (four companies). 2nd " Wiltshire regiment. 4th " Derbyshire regiment. Detachment 14th coy., Southern Division, R.G.A.
Two 12-pr. 12-cwt. Naval guns. 74th battery, R.F.A. 77th battery, R.F.A. 79th battery, R.F.A. Detachment, R.G.A. (two 9-pr. guns). 1st battn. The Royal Scots. 2nd " Northumberland Fusiliers. 1st " Derbyshire regiment. 2nd " Berkshire regiment (four companies). 2nd " Royal Irish Rifles. 3rd " Durham Light Infantry. Two companies of mounted infantry. Cape Mounted Rifles. Brabant's Horse. Kaffrarian Rifles. De Montmorency's Scouts. Queenstown Mounted Volunteers.
23rd company, Western Division, R.G.A. 7th Field company, R.E. (one section). 1st battn. Loyal North Lancashire regiment (four companies). Diamond Fields artillery. Kimberley regiment. Diamond Fields Horse. Kimberley Light Horse. Cape Police. Town Guard.
Protectorate regiment. Bechuanaland Rifles. British South Africa Police. Cape Police. Town Guard.
Rhodesia regiment. British South Africa Police. Buluwayo Volunteers. Buluwayo Town Guard.
Naval brigade, with two 4.7-in, and four 12-pr. 12-cwt. Naval guns. Natal Naval Volunteers.
Cavalry brigade (Maj.-Genl. J. F. Brocklehurst). 5th Dragoon Guards. 5th Lancers. 18th Hussars. 19th Hussars. Imperial Light Horse.
Mounted brigade (Colonel W. Royston). Natal Carbineers. Natal Mounted Rifles. Border Mounted Rifles. Natal Police. —— 13th battery, R.F.A. 67th battery, R.F.A. 69th battery, R.F.A. 21st battery, R.F.A. 42nd battery, R.F.A. 53rd battery, R.F.A. No. 10, Mountain battery, R.G.A. (two guns). Two 6.3-in. Howitzers.
7th brigade (Colonel I. S. M. Hamilton). 1st battn. Manchester regiment. 2nd " Gordon Highlanders. 1st " Royal Irish Fusiliers (two companies). 2nd " Rifle Brigade (seven companies).
8th brigade (Colonel F. Howard). 1st battn. Leicestershire regiment. 2nd " King's Royal Rifle Corps. 1st " Liverpool regiment (four companies). 2nd " Rifle Brigade (one company).
Divisional Troops (Colonel W. G. Knox). 23rd Field coy., R.E. Telegraph section, R.E. Balloon section, R.E. 1st battn. Liverpool regiment (four companies). 1st " Devonshire regiment. 1st " King's Royal Rifle Corps. 1st " Gloucestershire regiment. Town Guard.
Naval Brigade (Captain E. P. Jones, R.N.). One 6-in. gun. Five 4.7-in. guns. Eight 12-pr. 12-cwt. guns.
Corps Troops. 19th battery, R.F.A. 61st (Howitzer) battery, R.F.A. Two 5-in. guns, 16th company, Southern Division, R.G.A. No. 4, Mountain battery, R.G.A. Ammunition Column. Telegraph Detachment, R.E. "A." Pontoon Troop, R.E. Balloon section, R.E.
2nd Mounted brigade (Colonel the Earl of Dundonald). Composite regiment of mounted infantry. South African Light Horse. Thorneycroft's mounted infantry.
2nd infantry division. Major-Genl. the Hon. N. G. Lyttelton.
2nd brigade (Maj. Genl. H. J. T. Hildyard). 2nd battn. Queen's regiment. 2nd " Devon regiment. 2nd " West Yorkshire regiment. 2nd " East Surrey regiment. 4th brigade (Colonel C. H. B. Norcott). 2nd battn. Scottish Rifles. 3rd " King's Royal Rifle Corps. 1st " Durham Light Infantry. 1st " Rifle brigade. Divisional Troops. One troop, 13th Hussars. 7th battery, R.F.A. 63rd battery, R.F.A. 64th battery, R.F.A. 17th Field company, R.E.
5th infantry division Lieut.-Genl. Sir C. Warren. 10th brigade (Maj.-Genl. J. Talbot Coke). 2nd battn. Somerset Light Infantry. 2nd " Dorset regiment. 2nd " Middlesex regiment. 11th brigade (Maj.-Genl. A. S. Wynne). 1st battn. Royal Lancaster regiment. 1st " South Lancashire regiment. Rifle Reserve battalion. Divisional Troops. One troop Royal Dragoons. Colonial Scouts. 28th battery, R.F.A. 73rd battery, R.F.A. 78th battery, R.F.A. Ammunition Column. 37th company, R.E.
6th brigade (temporarily attached to 5th division). (Major-Genl. G. Barton). 2nd battn. Royal Fusiliers. 2nd " Royal Scots Fusiliers. 1st " Royal Welsh Fusiliers. 2nd " Royal Irish Fusiliers.
5th brigade (unattached). (Major-Genl. A. F. Hart). 1st battn. Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. 1st " Border regiment. 1st " Connaught Rangers. 2nd " Royal Dublin Fusiliers.
1st Cavalry brigade (Colonel J. F. Burn-Murdoch). 1st Royal Dragoons. 13th Hussars. 14th Hussars (two squadrons). A. battery, R.H.A. Two Naval 12-prs. 1st battn. York and Lancaster regiment. Imperial Light Infantry.
Colonel E. C. Bethune, 16th Lancers. Bethune's mounted infantry. Natal Police. Umvoti Mounted Rifles. Two 7-pr. Field guns, Natal Field artillery. Two Naval 12-pr. 8-cwt. guns. Detachment mounted infantry.
2nd battn. Lancashire Fusiliers. 1st " Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Natal Royal Rifles. Colonial Scouts. Durban Light Infantry. Natal Field artillery.
BAD A spring, bath.
BERG A mountain.
BILTONG Dried meat.
BOER Literally farmer; often used as generic term for a Dutchman of South Africa.
BRANDWACHT An outpost, or picket; literally beacon or camp fire.
BULT A ridge in a rolling down country; literally a hump.
BURG A town; literally a borough.
BURGHER A male inhabitant of one of the Boer Republics who possessed full political rights.
BUSH Country covered in a varying degree with trees and undergrowth.
BUSHVELD Generally used in the Transvaal in reference to the low veld, in contrast to the high veld of the south and east and the bushveld of the north-east and north.
COMMANDANT Senior officer of a commando; a commander.
COMMANDEER To requisition for military service.
COMMANDO A Boer military force of any size, usually the fighting force of one district.
CORPORAL Assistant to a Veld-Cornet (q.v.).
DONGA A cutting made on the surface of the ground by the action of water—sometimes filled with water, often dry.
DOPPER A sect, religious, and to some extent political, among the Boers.
DORP A village.
DRIFT A ford.
FONTEIN A spring; literally a fountain.
HOEK A re-entrant in a range of hills; literally corner; also used for pass and ravine.
HOOFD An adjective signifying head or chief.
HOUT Wood.
IMPI A Zulu army.
INDABA Native council.
INDUNA Zulu, or Kaffir, chief.
INSPAN To attach transport animals of any kind to their vehicles—to get ready to march—to harness-up.
KLOOF Ravine, a gorge; literally a cleft.
KOP A hill; literally head.
KOPJE A small hill.
KRAAL Native village, or collection of huts; an enclosure for cattle.
KRIJGSRAAD War council.
LAAGER Camp, bivouac.
LANDDROST Boer magistrate.
MORGEN A land measurement, roughly equal to two acres.
NEK A pass between two hills of any height.
PAN A pond, full or empty; a saucer-like depression, usually dry in winter.
PLAATS House or farm. The term is equivalent to "an estate," large or small.
PONT A ferry-boat or pontoon, worked by ropes or chains.
POORT A gap, breaking a range of hills; literally gate.
RAND Ridge or edge—i.e., the edge of a plateau.
ROER An old-fashioned gun or rifle.
SANGAR Anglo-Indian term for a stone breastwork.
SCHANZ Stone entrenchment or breastwork.
SLOOT or SLUIT Open watercourse; an artificial ditch or gutter.
SPAN A team of animals.
SPRUIT A watercourse, sometimes dry.
STAD Town.
STOEP A masonry platform in front of a house; a verandah.
TREK To travel—march.
UITSPAN To detach transport of any kind from their vehicles—to halt—to unharness. Used as a substantive to denote the public places on main roads set aside for watering cattle and encamping.
VALLEI Valley.
VECHT-GENERAL Fighting General as opposed to the Administrative General.
VELD The country as opposed to the town; the open country.
VELD-CORNET The senior officer of a ward or sub-district.
VLEI A small lake, usually formed by the widening of a stream.
VOLKSRAAD Parliament; People's Council.
WAPENSCHOUW Rifle meeting.
WARD Sub-district.
WIJK Ward, constituency.
WINKEL Shop or store.
ZARP A member of the Transvaal Police (Zuid-Afrikaansche-Republiek-Politie).
Abdy, Major A. J., 184. Abon's Dam, 246, 309. Achtertang, 275, 400, 404. Acton Homes, 157, 158. Adelaide Farm, 140, 181. Aden, 91. Adjutant-General's Department, 8, 10, 16. Admiralty, 6, 16, 97-122; acts as agent for War Office for shipping army, 98, 107; assistance on shore ordered by, 117; conference between War Office and, 110; contracts, 105; control of transport service, 99; conveyance of mules by, 23; early measures taken by the, 100; embarkation arrangements between War Office and, 111; Messrs. Hogg & Robinson, shipping agents of the, 98; office accommodation, additions to, 101; Royal Commission, as to the success of the, 110; statement that stock of horse-fittings and water-tanks was inadequate, 110; Transport Department, 98; transports engaged by the, 109; transport work carried out by the, 97, 98. See also NAVY. Advance Hill, 367, 368. Adye, Major W., 186, 188, 194, 195. Afrikanders, the, 68. Airlie, Lieut.-Col. the Earl of, 323. Albert (district), 275, 285, 382. Albrecht, Major, 234, 256, 308. Aldershot, brigades direct from, 204. Alderson, Lieut.-Col. E. A. H., 387, 439. Aliwal (district), 275. Aliwal North, 48, 50, 208, 285, 382. Allenby, Major E. H. H., 402. Aller Park, 183. Amajuba, or Majuba, 72, 426. America, 443. Ammunition (British):— rifle, 31; gun, 31; reserves of, 32. Ammunition columns, 437, 438. Anderton, Lieut. T., 121. Animals purchased abroad, 20. Annexed districts, 382. Ardagh, Sir J. C., K.C.I.E., C.B., 14, 422. See also INTELLIGENCE DEPARTMENT (BRITISH, HOME). Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Armed forces of the British Empire, 92-95. Army, British. See BRITISH ARMY. Army Board, 26. Army Corps, 26, 110. Army Medical Department, 26, 30. See also ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Army Orders, 12, 414, 420. Army remounts. See REMOUNT DEPARTMENT. Army reserves. See RESERVES. Army Service Corps. See REGULAR UNITS. Army Veterinary Department, 27. Artillery. See REGULAR and COLONIAL UNITS. Artillery equipment, 422. Arundel, 277-284, 389, 391. Atlantic Transport Co., 103. Australia, 34, 443. See also the various Australian Colonies. Australian Mounted Infantry. See COLONIAL UNITS. Auxiliary troops of the United Kingdom, 93.
Babington, Maj.-Gen. J. M., 321, 322, 327, 387, 441, 442. Babtie, Major W., C.M.G., M.B., 365; awarded the V.C., 366. Baden-Powell, Colonel R. S. S., 2, 39, 42, 44, 48-49, 197, 207, 409; influence of, on the Boer dispositions, 50. Bailward, Major A. C., 360, 361. Bamboosberg Spruit, 294, 299. Bannatine-Allason, Major R., 322, 323, 330, 331. Barbados, 89, 91. Barkly East, 53, 208, 275, 285, 287, 288, 382. Barkly West, 214, 382. Barrett, Lieut. N., 121. Barter, Lieut.-Col. C. St. L., 224, 254, 255, 325. Barton, Major.-Gen. G., C.B., 203, 269, 273, 333, 345, 347, 357-373. Bastard's Nek, 400, 405. Basutoland, 36, 37, 48, 56-59, 61, 64, 94, 197, 306. Basutos, 40. Batteries. See ROYAL ARTILLERY and NAVAL BATTERIES. Bates, Captain A., 382. Battalions, average strength of, in February, 1900, 438. Bayley's Corps. See COLONIAL UNITS. Beacon Hill, 271, 272. Bearcroft, Captain J. E., R.N., 120, 308, 321, 438. Bearer companies. See ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Beaufort West, 53, 210. Bechuanaland, 52, 65, 95, 207, 417. Bedfordshire regiment (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Beith, 147, 148. Belfort, 422. Bell, Captain F. J. H., 298. Bell Spruit, 173, 177, 183, 186, 188-191. Belmont, 52, 63, 212, 213, 215-217, 218-228, 229, 231, 232, 241, 258, 308, 310, 332, 386, 432. Benson, Major G. E., 309, 317. Berkshire regiment, Royal (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Bermuda, 89, 91. Besters station, 158, 171. Bethel commando. See COMMANDOS. Bethlehem commando. See COMMANDOS. Bethulie commando. See COMMANDOS. Bethulie, 40, 50, 275, 411-413, 431. Bethulie bridge, 39, 48, 50, 198, 202, 210, 413, 425, 435. Bethulie road, 404. Bethune, Lieut.-Col. E. C., 206, 262. Bethune's Mounted Infantry. See COLONIAL UNITS. Bevan, Lieut. F., 213. Bewicke-Copley, Major R. C. A. B., 372. Bezuidenhout's Pass, 49, 58, 157. Biggarsberg Range, 37, 38, 58, 59, 125, 147, 159, 335. Black Watch (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. "Black week," the, 380. Blesboklaagte, 147. Bloemfontein, 5, 48, 85, 197, 202, 210, 290, 385, 388, 410-413, 428, 429, 431, 435. Bloemfontein commando. See COMMANDOS. Bloemhof commando. See COMMANDOS. Blue Mountains, 81. Board of Trade, 101, 105. Boers: advance on Colesberg, 275; advance on Kimberley, 50, 52; advance on Mafeking, 49, 50, 52; advance into Northern Natal, 124; advance into Southern Natal, 265; advance on Stormberg, 285; annexations by, 382; armament of, 79-85; enterprise of, in use of heavy guns, 422; initial numerical superiority of, 2, 35, 49, 50; leaders of, deceived by Lord Roberts' movements and secrecy, 435; methods of warfare of, 69-75, 402; military system of, 75-79; proclamations by, 52, 275; strength of, 1, 49, 334, 335, 409, 410. Boer commandos: assembly of, behind the Drakensberg, 47; preliminary distribution of, at beginning of war, 49, 50; waiting in July, 1899, till grass fit to invade Colonies, 116. See also COMMANDOS. Boer Intelligence Department. See INTELLIGENCE DEPARTMENT. Boksburg commando. See COMMANDOS. Boomplaats, 70. Border Horse. See COLONIAL UNITS. Border Mounted Rifles. See COLONIAL UNITS. Border regiment (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Boshof commando. See COMMANDOS. Bosman's Drift, 244, 247. Botha, Commandant Christian, 342. Botha, General Louis, 264, 265, 332-375, 389. Botha, Commandant (Mafeking), 409. Botha's Drift, 405. Botha's Pass, 49, 58, 124. Bottomley, Captain H., 272. Brabant, Brig.-General E. Y., C.M.G., 415, 435; raises mounted corps, 206, 286. Brabant's Horse. See COLONIAL UNITS. Brabazon, Major-General J. P., C.B., 282, 394, 405, 406. Brackenbury, Lieut.-General Sir H., K.C.B., K.C.S.I., 7, 16, 18, 19, 26, 28, 29, 32, 33. Brakfontein Nek, 335. Brett, Captain C. A. H., 398. Bridge, Colonel C. H., C.B., 416, 417. Bridle Drift (Colenso), 310, 314, 341, 342, 346, 348, 352-354, 356. Bridle Drift (Magersfontein). See VOETPAD'S DRIFT. Brigades. See CAVALRY and INFANTRY BRIGADES. British Agent at Pretoria, 1; leaves, 123. British Army, 87-95; distribution of the, previous to the war, 89; composition of the, 91; effective strength of the armed land forces of the Empire, 92-95; number of troops in South Africa when war began, 1, 2, 89; regiments of the, see REGULAR UNITS; short service system in the, see SHORT SERVICE SYSTEM and RESERVES; organisation of, as affected by conditions of shipping, 115. British Government. See CABINET. British Intelligence Department. See INTELLIGENCE DEPARTMENT. British Kaffraria, 385. British Navy, duties of the, 96. See also ADMIRALTY and NAVY. British Regular Army (European), effective strength of the, 92; (Colonial), 92; (India), 92. British Regular Units. See REGULAR UNITS. British South Africa Police. See COLONIAL UNITS. Broadwood, Brig.-General R. G., 437, 442. Brocklehurst, Major-General J. F., M.V.O., 181. Brooke, Colonel L. G., 353. Brown's Drift, 246, 308, 309, 322. Brynbella Hill, 271-273. Buchanan-Riddell, Lieut.-Col. R. G., 372. Buffalo River (Cape Colony), 57. Buffalo River (Natal), 38, 59, 124, 137, 140, 335. Bulfin, Captain E. S., 253, 254. Buller, The Right Hon. Sir Redvers H., V.C., G.C.B., G.C.M.G., 17, 18, 42, 43, 120, 262, 415, 416, 419, 425, 426, 434, 438; appointed to command army for South Africa, 2; arrival at Cape Town, 196; arrival at Durban, 332; arrival at Maritzburg, 332; arrival at Frere, 332; Colenso, battle of, 351-375; decision to go to Natal, 200, 209; decision to relieve Ladysmith via Potgieters Drift, 338; decision to make direct attack on Colenso, 339; informs General White of his intention to attack Colenso, 339; informed that Lord Roberts is appointed Commander-in-Chief in South Africa, 381; Lord Roberts gives him "free hand" to try Potgieters or Trickhardts Drifts, 411; measures on arrival at Cape Town, 200-207; memorandum of his views awaits Lord Roberts at Cape Town, 410; message after Colenso, to Secretary of State for War, 377; message after Colenso to General White, 378; orders to generals in Cape Colony, 207-210, 277, 288; orders for battle of Colenso, 345-350; receives news of Stormberg and Magersfontein, 339; reports he is about to renew attempt to relieve Ladysmith, via Potgieters or Trickhardts Drifts, 411; Secretary of State for War replies to telegram announcing result of Colenso, 379; situation in South Africa on arrival of, 197-200; Spion Kop, failure at, 438. Bullock, Lieut.-Col. G. M., 364, 371, 374. Buluwayo, 36. Bulwana, or Umbulwana, 150, 176, 181, 182. Bulwer bridge, 340, 346. Burger, General Schalk, 50, 343. Burghers, mobilisation of, 49; number of, under arms at outbreak of war, 50. Burghersdorp, 39, 208-210, 281, 282, 285, 287. Burghersdorp commando. See COMMANDOS. Burma, 87. Burnett, Captain C. K., 142. Burn-Murdoch, Lieut.-Col. J. F., 354. Burrell, Major W. S., 364, 371. Bushman Land, 66. Bushman's Hoek, 287, 288, 290, 291, 301. Bushman's river, 273. Bush veld, 62. Butcher, Major E. E. A., mounts two 15-prs. on Coles Kop, 401, 402. Butler, Lieut.-Gen. Sir W. F., K.C.B., 35, 37-39, 42, 45, 46. Byng, Lieut.-Col. the Hon. J. H. G., 367.
Cabinet: date of choice of plan of campaign by, 5; dates of successive sanctions of expenditure and of mobilisation by, 6; date of decision by, appointing Lord Roberts, 380, 389; decision by, as to this history, 1; decision by, not to employ coloured troops, 89; effect of wish of, not to provoke war, in delaying preparation, 3, 6, 16-19, 207; effect of wish of, in postponing plan of campaign, 4; misunderstanding of decision of, in re 5th division, 377; reply by, to Sir R. Buller in re Ladysmith, 379; selects Sir R. Buller as Commander-in-Chief, 2. Caesar's camp (Ladysmith), 335. Caledon commando. See COMMANDOS. Campbell, 2nd Lieut. A. N., 337. Campbell (Town, Cape Colony), 214. Canada, 31, 88, 89, 91, 93; offers assistance, 34. Canadian regiment, Royal. See COLONIAL UNITS. Cape Colony, 2, 14, 22, 36, 94, 197, 199, 206, 262, and appendices; distribution of British troops in, at the outbreak of war, 44; President Steyn orders invasion of N.E. of, 285. Cape Garrison artillery. See COLONIAL UNITS. Cape Government, 14; howitzers of, 422; railways of, 424, 425. Cape Medical Staff Corps. See COLONIAL UNITS. Cape Police. See COLONIAL UNITS. Cape Mounted Rifles. See COLONIAL UNITS. Cape Town, 43, 52, 53, 57, 106, 111, 113, 197, 206, 211, 276, 406, 408, 436, 442, 443. Cape Town Highlanders. See COLONIAL UNITS. Cape Volunteer forces. See COLONIAL UNITS. Capper, Lieut.-Col. J. E., 425. Carbineers, See REGULAR UNITS. Carbineers, Natal. See COLONIAL UNITS. Carinthea (freight ship), loss of the, 107. Carleton, Lieut.-Col. F. R. C., 132, 149, 174-177, 183, 186-195. Carolina commando. See COMMANDOS. Carter, Lieut. A. J., 238. Cathcart, 53, 286. Cathkin Castle, 58, 59. Cattle ships, 111. Cavalry Brigades:— 1st Cavalry brigade (Porter), 283, 396-398, 436. 2nd Cavalry brigade (Fisher, later Broadwood), composition of, at Arundel, 283; composition of, at Modder river, 437. 3rd Cavalry brigade (Gordon), formation of, 437. 4th Cavalry brigade, despatch of, advisable owing to failure at Spion Kop, 438; embarkation of, 9; orders for mobilisation of, 9; to be sent out as soon as ships ready, 379. Cavalry Division:— Assembly of, at Orange river, 444; bearer companies and Field hospitals of, 25; composition of, at Arundel, 283-284; composition of, at Modder river, 436-437; to form part of expeditionary force, 6, 90; to go to South Africa, 43; to take the field by middle of December, 51; war equipment complete for, 29. Cavalry in Ladysmith. See APPENDIX 10, page 489. Ceres, 383. Ceylon, 91; offers assistance, 34. Champagne Castle, 58, 59. Channel Isles militia, 93. Chapman, Mr. (guide at Willow Grange), 271. Charlestown, 36. Chermside, Major-Gen. Sir H. C., G.C.M.G., C.B., 437. Chesham, Lieut.-Col. Lord, 414. Cheshire regiment (2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Chiazzari, Lieut. N., 121. Chichester, Captain Sir E., Bart., R.N., C.M.G., 106. Chieveley, 267, 338, 340, 343, 345, 347, 378, 411. China, 89, 91. Chisholme, Colonel J. J. Scott, 163, 164. Churchill, Mr. W. L. S., 268. Churchward, Major P. R. S., 235. City of London Imperial Volunteers, 414, 437. Clark, Rear-Admiral Bouverie F., R.N., 106. Clarke, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Charles M., Bart., K.C.B., 111. See also QUARTER-MASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Clements, Major-Gen. R. A. P., D.S.O., 404, 405, 407, 430, 433-436, 439, 443. Clements' brigade. See INFANTRY BRIGADES. Clery, Lieut.-General Sir C. F., K.C.B., 197, 199, 200, 202, 205, 208, 266, 270, 334, 347, 357, 364, 365, 373. Climate of South Africa, 61. Clothing, changes made in, for South African campaign, 30. Coal, consumption of, by high speed vessels, 105. Coaling of transports, etc., 105. Codrington, Lieut.-Col. A. E., 225, 249, 250. Coldstream Guards (1st and 2nd). See REGULAR UNITS. Colenso, 44, 122, 159, 197, 200, 216-263, 265, 267, 273, 332-375, 389, 410. Colenso bridge, 200; Colonial troops hold, 261. Coleridge, Major H. F., 254, 256. Colesberg, 39, 48, 209, 275-284, 376, 382, 389-409, 412, 429, 430, 431-436. Colesberg road bridge, 48, 283, 391, 392, 396, 402. Colesberg Junction, 275. Coles Kop, 390, 392, 395, 397, 401, 404, 405. Colley, Major-General Sir George P., K.C.B., 426. Colonial corps, work of, 375. Colonial forces, 414. Colonial troops in previous campaigns, 33. Colonial Units:— Australian Mounted Infantry, 407. Baden-Powell's contingent, 50. Bayley's Corps, 415. Bethune's M.I., 206, 269, 332, 367, 373. Border Horse, 415. Border Mounted Rifles, 34. Brabant's Horse, 206, 286, 288, 291, 383, 415. British South Africa Police, 94. Cape Garrison artillery, 53. Cape Medical Staff Corps, 53, 215. Cape Police, 42, 94, 276, 286-288, 290-292, 382. Cape Mounted Rifles, 208, 286, 288, 290, 291, 415. Cape Town Highlanders, 53. Colonial division, 435. Colonial Scouts, 491. Duke of Edinburgh's Volunteer Rifles, 53. Durban Light Infantry, 34, 262, 267, 268, 271, 333. Frontier Mounted Rifles, 53, 286. Grahamstown Volunteer M.I., 437. Hore's regiment, 51. Imperial Light Horse, 155, 158-160, 163, 165, 167, 169, 170, 175, 183, 184, 262, 272, 332, 367. Imperial Light Infantry, 159, 175, 183, 265, 333. Kaffrarian Mounted Rifles, 53, 286, 287, 415. Kimberley Corps, 53. Kitchener's Horse, 415, 437. Komgha Mounted Rifles, 53. Mafeking Corps, 53. Murray's Scouts, 266, 337. Natal Carbineers, 34, 157-159, 180, 262, 332, 367. Natal Field Artillery, 34, 160, 171, 175, 262, 264, 269, 333. Natal Mounted Rifles, 34, 124, 153, 155, 159, 164, 171. Natal Naval Volunteers, 34, 121, 262, 264, 266, 332. Natal Police, 44, 45, 94, 124, 262, 267, 332, 367. Natal Royal Rifles, 34, 262, 333. Nesbitt's Horse, 415, 437. New South Wales Lancers, 34, 214, 233, 276-283, 316, 400, 404, 436. New South Wales Mounted Rifles, 437. New Zealand Mounted Rifles, 279, 280, 282, 284, 390, 393, 402-404, 437. Orpen's Corps, 415. Pioneer Corps of Artisans, 265. Plumer's regiment, 51. Port Elizabeth Volunteers, 278, 280. Prince Alfred's Own Cape Field Artillery, 52, 53. Prince Alfred's Volunteer Guard, 53, 278. Protectorate regiment, 94. Queensland Mounted Infantry, 386, 387, 437. Queenstown Rifle Volunteers, 286, 415. Railway Pioneer regiment, 384, 425. Rhodesian regiment, 94. Rimington's Guides, 200, 212-214, 220, 227, 233, 241, 246, 248, 255, 311, 314, 391, 393, 404, 438. Roberts' Horse, 415, 437. Royal Canadian Regiment, 308, 386, 387, 438. South African Light Horse, 206, 332, 367, 368, 373, 383. South Australian Infantry, 309. Tasmanian Infantry, 309. Thorneycroft's M.I., 206, 261, 269, 273, 332, 367-369, 373. Town Guards, 51, 266. Uitenhage Rifles, 53. Umvoti Mounted Rifles, 34, 261, 274. Victorian Infantry, 309. Victorian Mounted Infantry, 407. Victorian Mounted Rifles, 308. West Australian Infantry, 309. Colonies, offers of assistance from the, also in previous campaigns, 33, 34; strength of armed forces in the, 93-95. Colvile, Major-General Sir H. E., K.C.M.G., C.B., 211, 215, 218-225, 232, 236, 248-257, 259, 311-330, 437. Commandeering, impossible in Cape Colony, 417. Commander-in-Chief. See under respective heads: BULLER, HARRIS, ROBERTS, WOLSELEY. Commandos:— Bethel, 49, 126, 128, 274. Bethlehem, 49, 152, 156, 158, 306, 344. Bethulie, 50, 275, 295. Bloemfontein, 50, 220, 234. Bloemhof, 50, 306, 307. Boksburg, 49, 124, 343. Boshof, 50, 220, 307. Burghersdorp, 299. Caledon, 50. Carolina, 49, 50. De la Rey's, 216, 234. Edenburg, 275. Ermelo, 49, 124, 128, 172-3, 342-344. Fauresmith, 50, 220, 234, 307. Fordsburg, 50. German Corps, 49, 125, 159, 162, 167. Germiston, 49. Grobelaar's, 281, 394. Harrismith, 49, 152, 155, 158. Heidelberg, 49, 124, 343, 435. Heilbron, 49, 152, 156, 158, 306, 334. Hollander Corps, 49, 125, 166. Hoopstad, 50, 220, 234, 307. Irish Corps, 49, 370, 371. Jacobsdal, 50, 220, 234, 308, 325. Johannesburg, 49, 125, 162, 191, 342. Joubert's, 269. Jourdaan's, 214. Kock's, 124. Kroonstad, 49, 152-155, 158, 220, 306, 307, 334. Krugersdorp, 49, 126, 128, 343, 361. Ladybrand, 50, 307, 441. Lichtenburg, 49, 308. Liebenberg's, 442. Lydenburg, 49, 50. Marico, 49. Middelburg, 49, 124, 128, 342-344, 370. Orange Free Staters, 158-159, 161, 171, 173, 191-192, 207, 229, 247, 306, 370, 390, 413. Philippolis, 50, 275. Piet Retief, 49, 128, 274. Potchefstroom, 49, 307, 329. Pretoria, 49, 124, 191. Rouxville, 50, 295. Rustenburg, 49, 50. Scandinavian Corps, 50, 307, 319, 320. Smithfield, 295. Standerton, 49, 124, 343, 344, 355. Swaziland, 49, 342. Transvaalers, 174, 234, 247-248, 390. Trueter's, 125. Utrecht, 49, 128. Van der Merwe's, 241. Vrede, 49, 152, 155, 156, 158, 162. Vryheid, 49, 128, 343. Wakkerstroom, 49, 124, 128, 343, 344. Waterberg, 50. Winburg, 49, 152, 155, 158, 214, 220, 234, 342, 370. Wolmaranstad, 49, 306-307. Zoutpansberg, 50, 342, 344. Compass Peak, 56. Composite regiment, 332, 367. Composite regiment (Household Cavalry). See REGULAR UNITS. Concentration stations for animals, 22, 25. Congreve, Captain W. N., 365; awarded the V.C., 366. Connaught Rangers (1st). See REGULAR UNITS. Conner, Captain R., 194. Cookhouse, 53. Cooper, Colonel C. D., 262-264, 353. Cooper, Major F. C., 357, 366. Cove Redoubt, 177. Cox, Lieut. E., 319. Cox, Major-General G., 44-45. Coxhead, Lieut.-Colonel J. A., 149-151, 161, 166, 172, 177-178, 184. Crabbe, Lieut.-Colonel E. M. S., 222. Cradock, 206, 278, 280, 287-380. Crete, 2, 91. Creusot guns, 49, 82-83, 128, 146, 177, 179, 185, 272, 422. Crimea, 380. Crocodile river (Limpopo), 60. Cromer, Major the Right Hon. Viscount, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., K.C.S.I., C.I.E., 415. Cronje, General A. P., 153, 172, 308. Cronje, General P., 50, 248, 305-310, 320, 378, 385-389, 409-412, 429-431, 434, 438-442, 444. Cundycleugh Pass, 58. Cypher Gat, 301, 408. Cyprus, 91, 93. |